4 minute read

Interview by Willow and Saejin


with Principal Hoad-

Reddick (so good that it’s been shared again!)

by Saejin Yoon (703) and Willow Norman (705)

Q: When did you start working here at HSC? Did you have another job at HSC before being Middle School principal?

I was at St. John’s Kilmarnock School, and I was doing all kinds of wonderful things I loved doing (radio talk shows, IB, Writers in Residence). But all of the things I loved doing there couldn’t fit in that program, so I decided to come here to continue to do what I loved.

Q: What were your favourite school subjects growing up?

English, particularly creative writing. When I was in grade 13, I took three math courses, chemistry, and English. Computer science was a favourite as well.

Nine years ago, 2013. I started teaching senior school English, writing craft grade 11 and 12.

Q: What are some challenges you had to face during the pandemic?

I have some wonderful class memories both in Senior School English and teaching grade 7/8 Middle School. But I think all the interactions with students over the years have been wonderful.

Q: What’s the hardest thing about your job?

Something that has been hard is being distant from people I’m communicating with. I mentioned to parents before homecoming that they would have to introduce themselves because we had never actually met because of the restrictions and masks!

Q: When did you decide you wanted to teach?

Q: What have you enjoyed the most about being the principal?

Supporting our students and teachers in creating a wonderful learning community.

Q: How is being a principal compared to the other jobs you have done?

There's certainly a lot more pressure but knowing that I have a wonderful leadership team has helped. I miss being in class every day teaching students. It was very frustrating to put limitations on people and keep them apart when they wanted to be together—even though we knew we had to keep them apart.

Q: Has the pandemic had any positive impacts on your life?

I think it has in that its allowed me to continue to be principal and reach out using videos. On March 20, 2020, everyone went through their first online classes. That day, I said I was going to make a video every week to reach out to the community.

Q: Why did you decide you wanted to work at HSC? Q: What's your fondest memory at HSC?

I decided I wanted to teach in my fourth year at the University of Toronto. I first applied to a library program, and after I didn’t get in, I decided to continue my love of writing and literature at HSC.

Q: Do you have an interesting story you would like to share about your time at HSC?

The first time I heard about the David Joy Tutty Fund at HSC, I was teaching English in

the Senior School. I stopped teaching right at that moment, and within two to three minutes, I had submitted three ideas to Mr. Ayotte.

Q: Do you prefer teaching younger or older children?

I love teaching kids grade 5+ and my absolute favourite grades have been 7/8 and then grades 11/12. When there was a grade 13, I loved that as well because they were so collected and mature.

Q: What would you probably be doing right now if you weren’t a principal at HSC?

I would be playing disc golf or walking my dog or sitting at my desk writing.

Q: When did you create @theHelm? How did you come up with the idea?

Q: What was your dream job when you were younger?

My dream job was to be an astronaut based on the moon landing going on when I was a child. But a writer/poet has always been my lifelong dream, which is part of why I’m retiring and devoting more time to that. I also once wanted to be a professional soccer player.

It started in the Senior School, because there was a program allowing students to publish online. This goes back to a program at a previous school: Aquiline. When I came to the Middle School at HSC, I wanted to continue the creative efforts, and it’s been great passing it along to Ms Gutauskas and Ms Kee.

Q: What are you looking forward to in retirement?

Walking my dog, playing as much disc golf as I can, and I will be going to the Canadian Disc Golf Championships in P.E.I in September.

Q: What is one final message you would give to HSC before you leave?

It has been my privilege and honour to make HSC my “capstone” to a wonderful 30+ year career. I hope to come back and visit and perhaps volunteer at the school.

Thank you, Mr. HoadReddick for being our Middle School Principal! We will miss you.

by Yupi Finley (504)

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