@theHelm - Hoad Edition

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I was at St. John’s Kilmarnock School, and I was doing all kinds wonderful things I loved dowith Principal Hoad- of ing (radio talk shows, IB, Writers Reddick (so good that it’s in Residence). But all of the things I loved doing there couldbeen shared again!) n’t fit in that program, so I decided to come here to continue by Saejin to do what I loved.


Yoon (703) and Willow Norman (705) Q: What were your favourite

I have some wonderful class memories both in Senior School English and teaching grade 7/8 Middle School. But I think all the interactions with students over the years have been wonderful. Q: What’s the hardest thing about your job?

Something that has been hard is being distant from people I’m communicating with. I menEnglish, particularly creative tioned to parents before homewriting. When I was in grade 13, I coming that they would have to took three math courses, chem- introduce themselves because istry, and English. Computer sci- we had never actually met beence was a favourite as well. cause of the restrictions and masks! Q: What are some challenges you had to face during the pan- Q: When did you decide you demic? wanted to teach? school subjects growing up?

Q: When did you start working here at HSC? Did you have another job at HSC before being Middle School principal? Nine years ago, 2013. I started teaching senior school English, writing craft grade 11 and 12.

Q: What have you enjoyed the It was very frustrating to put limmost about being the principal? itations on people and keep them apart when they wanted to be together—even though we knew we had to keep them Supporting our students and teachers in creating a wonderful apart. learning community. Q: Has the pandemic had any positive impacts on your life? Q: How is being a principal compared to the other jobs you I think it has in that its allowed have done? me to continue to be principal and reach out using videos. On There's certainly a lot more presMarch 20, 2020, everyone went sure but knowing that I have a through their first online claswonderful leadership team has ses. That day, I said I was going helped. I miss being in class eveto make a video every week to ry day teaching students. reach out to the community. Q: Why did you decide you wanted to work at HSC?

Q: What's your fondest memory at HSC?

@theHelm ~ page 25

I decided I wanted to teach in my fourth year at the University of Toronto. I first applied to a library program, and after I didn’t get in, I decided to continue my love of writing and literature at HSC. Q: Do you have an interesting story you would like to share about your time at HSC? The first time I heard about the David Joy Tutty Fund at HSC, I was teaching English in

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