@theHelm - Hoad Edition

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Hillfield Strathallan College—Middle School Student Newspaper

@theHelm is HSC’s Middle School paper

CONTENTS @theHelm—Issue 8: June 2022

to Mr. Hoad-Reddick for bringing this paper to the Middle School in 2019.

The Hoad Edition Cover art: students of 604

SPECIAL FEATURES 03 Word Search by Saejin Yoon 04 Memories of Birding and Banding 06, 10 Hoad-tography in Elora 10 Playlist by Victoria Minetti 11 Cartoon by Queena; short story by Ella A. 12-13 Recipes by Seyda Halil 25-26 Interview by Willow and Saejin

Over the past three years, there have been hundreds of submissions by Middle School students and an enthusiastic reception from the school community. Middle School students will not forget the principal who saw them through extraordinary times and helped them find their voice!

Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee A note from Mrs. Setzkorn and Mr. Birthelmer Mr. Hoad,

From the Grade 5s 05-07 Letters and poetry

From the Grade 6s 08-09 Memories, letters, and farewells

From the Grade 7s 14-19 Hoad-Reads, thank yous and farewells

From the Grade 8s 20 Poem by 801 21 Jokes by 802, Farewells from 803 22 Crossword by 804 23 Letter from 805 24 Best wishes from 806

When you were a student and you thought about what you wanted your principal to be like, you probably wanted a fun, exciting and cool principal. This is what you’ve brought to the Middle School. The students in the Middle School have thoroughly enjoyed having you as their principal. Whether you’re dressed as Elton John, the Easter bunny, or in your spirit wear, you are always up for a fun time. The Middle School is going to miss you, Hoad! You are a kind, empathetic, and caring person, and we appreciate everything you’ve done for us! It’s not going to be the same around here without you, but you deserve this retirement. You’ve been an amazing contributor to education over the past 35 years, and I know you will continue to impact the lives of others for many years to come. From all of the students and faculty, we wish you a happy, healthy, and active retirement! Mrs. Setzkorn __________________________________________________________________________________

Hoad, I have appreciated your leadership, friendship, and our shared love of music. Thanks for bringing your passions of literature and disc golf to our students. Most importantly, thank you for encouraging and allowing me to grow as an educator and administrator during your time as principal of the Middle School. Enjoy your retirement and the many new adventures that are on the horizon. Stay gold, Hoad. Mr. B

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Photography by the talented Mr. Hoad-Reddick

Puzzle by Saejin Yoon (703)

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“Holding Flight in the Palm of Your Hand”

blow an alien wind on its belly to check for fat stores.

Poem by Mr. Hoad-Reddick

the hold is reverential, preventing injury to the legs thumb and forefinger free to secure the leg for banding

I: The Mist Net bisecting known aerial routes the mist net marks an ethereal and abrupt end to the flight path, inverting sky and ground; its captives tangled, dangling in netted pockets fitful frantic fluttering, arresting flight

Shared by Mr. Hannah

Dip the bird into its rubber tube to be weighed, take its head back in the grip at the other end Marvel at this flyer as you inspect for age and sex. III: Field Marks

II: The Bander’s Grip immediately establish the sure but not stifling grip; extract the small song-strangled bird from its head-rush-inverted hold in the mist net secure enough to subdue, preserve its strength exhaust the possibility of a flitting escape the hold like an ace’s split fingers on the fastball, white-breasted nuthatch (WBNU) held between distal knuckles of forefinger and middle finger, fingertips closed gently around its neck with just enough force; delicate miracle wings contained in the palm, thumb and remaining fingers cradling a frantic heartbeat.

Reciting the Bander’s Grip, 2017

Lift a thumb to measure the wing chord turn a palm upward, lift your thumb to free the belly

the eyering of a Rubycrowned Kinglet; the double breast band of a Killdeer black caps swept-back crests notched tail wingbar superciliary speculum color of the lore whisker mark IV: Field Notes 1. Be careful of the song sparrow, lying passively, kicking suddenly free. 2. Flickers are apt to scream a lot. 3. Never use the bander’s hold on the raptors, but rather use the ice cream cone grip, which works great on kingfishers, crows, jays and grackles and which looks exactly like you think it should! V: Release place our weary interlocutor in your open palm the release low to the ground listen for the brief indignant song wonder at how quickly…

Click photo to HEAR the poem

and when you had flight in the palm of your hand @theHelm ~ page 4

By Elizabeth Lerner (501)

Mr.Hoad-Reddick, Your retirement has made everyone value you even more because… It seems that this has been more than a job to you, For your passion and love of being a principal and encouraging others often shines through. We students have learned that it takes a big heart, To help shape young minds and begin from the start. You are not just retiring, You are leaving us with a precious legacy that will never get tiring. Happy Retirement. Elizabeth Lerner

Lily Bernstein (504)

Nanaki & Yupi (504) @theHelm ~ page 5

More incredible Hoad-tography

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From the students of 503

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Sad farewells are given to those people who are extremely prized and special. Dear Mr. Hoad-Reddick, You are one of the reasons school is so much fun. We will miss our past years with you. We hope you will miss us as much as we will miss you! Thank you for being such an awesome principal. For an awesome 38-year career, here are our 38 reasons why we love you!

13. You always have the best ties. - Olivia Matt

leader, motivator, accepting. Thank you. - Solomon. B

14. Thank you for pooping eggs and organizing Easter last year. - Oliver W

27. You always say hi to us a lunch. - Evangeline M

15. You are so sweet and accepts sug- 28. Thank you for inspiring us. gestions. - Alyssa L - Taylor L 29. Your funny voice effects on announce1. You are always happy and kind to 16. Always there to greet us at ments. - Olivia Matt others. - Isabella C. lunch. 30.He lights up the hall2. I love the way you dress in your fun - Meleesa H way with his fancy ties. He ties! - Annabelle S 17. I hope you makes every year so much get a suntan on fun! - Jackson G 3. You were great at being Sriracha your next vacasauce on Halloween. - Olivia Mac tion. 31. Great and innovative Olivia Mac ideas. - Solomon B 4. You are amazing at the Macarena! - Olivia Matt 18. I like Mr. 32. I loved your amazing Hoad because mustache. - Nick S 5. You are always kind, very funny and you are funny. have the best ties. - Meleesa H - Nicholas S 33. I am a new student this year and you made my first year great! 6. You are so understanding, you are 19. He is so generous and always puts - Annabelle S the best principal I’ve ever had. us first. - Taylor L - Gabby F 34. I like Mr. Hoad because he often 20. He makes fun activities and gives joins our recess activities. - Tab H 7. A magnificent principal, who was us candy. - Levi C always understanding and brought 35.He always comes in with a smile on joy to the Middle School. Taylor. L 21. All of the fun things you dress up his face. - Olivia Mac as on holidays. Olivia Matt 8. Always up for a crazy new PBL 36. You have done a great job being challenge! Mrs. W 22. Cya in Florida! - Meleesa H the principal of middle school. - Levi C 9. Open to any and all of our new book ideas. Mrs. W 10. I’m almost taller than you. Meleesa. H 11. Thank you for participating in the events. Evangeline. M 12. You are the best at doing the announcements. Isabella. C

23. Thank you for always being involved. - Alyssa L 24. Thank you for the eggs and also go to Hawaii it is way more cheap. - Oliver W 25. Always lookin’ sharp in your suit. - Levi C 26. Dear Mr. Hoad-Reddick, you are a @theHelm ~ page 8

37. Mr. Hoad was the best Easter bunny last year. I got so many good pics with him! - Gabby F We hope you enjoy this little gift from 601. Thank you for being such a great principal! Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy!! Love from

the 601 team!

From Mr. Cormican and the students of 602

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PLAYLIST for Mr. Hoad (by Victoria Minetti, 602) “My Way” - Frank Sinatra “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” - Judy Garland “I Gotta Feeling” Black Eyed Peas Thank y ou for b “Eye of the Tiger”- Survivor eing our the Mid principa dle Scho l for ol for al “Survivor” - Destiny's Child I've pick l these y ed these ears. songs b “When I'm Sixty-Four” - The Beatles are won e c a u se they derful, just like “Young at Heart” - Frank Sinatra you! “We are the Champions” - Queen

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by Queena Qian, 803

the criminal frog yelled. “I want to sing them on my TV “I said stop!” Super Hoad said as the show!” the frog said. frog ran away. “Stop that frog!” “What is your name,” Super Hoad Short story by Ella Adams, 501 asked. Super Hoad and the students chased “Kermit,” said the frog. Once upon a time in Hillfield Straththe frog outside onto the big toy, “What is the name of your show?” allan City (HSC) there was a . . . poet- through the Junior School into the Super Hoad asked. ry stealing frog! lunch hall and into the kitchens. “The Muppets,” Kermit said.

“Super Hoad”

One night when everyone was working, it came out from the shadows ready to take poetry, but when the frog had all the poetry, Super Hoad said, “Stop in the name of school rules!” “Ahhh! Help me! It’s Super Hoad!”

Super Hoad grabbed the frog and said, “Why were you stealing poetry?” “Because I want to turn them in to songs,” the frog sobbed. “Why do you want to turn them into songs?” Super Hoad asked. @theHelm ~ page 11

“Do you want some lunch?” Super Hoad asked. “Yes” Kermit said. Super Hoad and Kermit had a good lunch together. Super Hoad gave Kermit fifty different poems for him to turn into songs.

Shared by Seyda Halil, 803 “The brownies are fudgy, chocolatey, and sweet—everything a great brownie should be! For an extra surprise, you can add chocolate chunks with the chocolate chips so you get a different bite each time.”

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Shared by Seyda Halil, 803 “The rice pudding had the perfect taste and consistency as well as you can add more flavor to it by adding 1/2 a tsp more vanilla extract.” @theHelm ~ page 13

Hoad-reads by 704

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Hoad-reads by 704

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From the students of 701

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From the students of 702

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Dear Mr. Hoad-Reddick, Thank you for being an awesome and amazing principal over the past few years. You taught me how to be kind to others, and treat people the right way and you also taught me how to make very funny jokes. Here are some of my favourite things about you. You're always kind to others, you treat people with respect and you wear amazing suits every day that makes me want to wear one. You make people laugh, and you make me feel like I fit in. One more thing is that you’re always positive. One thing that I enjoyed this year so far is watching your weekly announcements because I get to know what's happening in Middle School and I get to see the different birthdays being celebrated. Here are a couple of books to try reading during your retirement. During your retirement, you can maybe write a poem or even go on a walk with your family. Have fun! Thank you for being a very special and fun principal. From Maria Titov (705)

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From the students of 705

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Page-turning Book Jokes! by Adi Katoch and Christian Leong from 803 I’m reading a book about antigravity. It’s impossible to put down! That book about Mt. Everest really had quite the cliffhanger!

I had plans to begin reading a book about sinkholes, but they fell through. When is a book not blue? When it’s read! Reading really sounds like a novel idea! Why was the library so tall? Because it had a lot of stories! What is a car's favourite genre? Auto-Biography!

Why are books so afraid of their sequels? Because they always come after them! Why did Shakespeare always write with a pen? Pencils were confusing to him. 2B or not 2B.

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by 804

ACROSS 2. fluffy mitten 4. bubblehead costume 7. drive to work 9. controls 10. party time 14. best wishes 17. face accessories 19. flying saucer 21. loves books 22. brief news 24. Premier team 26. language 27. what are you reading

DOWN 1. done work 3. weekly word 5. prose 6. every Friday 8. Hoad’s puppet 11. iambic pentameter 12. school lead 13. book stuff 15. hot sauce 16. wacky neck belt 18. at the front 20. upper office 23. best day of the week 25. Hoad’s town @theHelm ~ page 22

Use the clues to fill in the words above. Words can go across or down. Letters are shared when the words intersect.

by Meerab Nadeem (805)

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I was at St. John’s Kilmarnock School, and I was doing all kinds wonderful things I loved dowith Principal Hoad- of ing (radio talk shows, IB, Writers Reddick (so good that it’s in Residence). But all of the things I loved doing there couldbeen shared again!) n’t fit in that program, so I decided to come here to continue by Saejin to do what I loved.


Yoon (703) and Willow Norman (705) Q: What were your favourite

I have some wonderful class memories both in Senior School English and teaching grade 7/8 Middle School. But I think all the interactions with students over the years have been wonderful. Q: What’s the hardest thing about your job?

Something that has been hard is being distant from people I’m communicating with. I menEnglish, particularly creative tioned to parents before homewriting. When I was in grade 13, I coming that they would have to took three math courses, chem- introduce themselves because istry, and English. Computer sci- we had never actually met beence was a favourite as well. cause of the restrictions and masks! Q: What are some challenges you had to face during the pan- Q: When did you decide you demic? wanted to teach? school subjects growing up?

Q: When did you start working here at HSC? Did you have another job at HSC before being Middle School principal? Nine years ago, 2013. I started teaching senior school English, writing craft grade 11 and 12.

Q: What have you enjoyed the It was very frustrating to put limmost about being the principal? itations on people and keep them apart when they wanted to be together—even though we knew we had to keep them Supporting our students and teachers in creating a wonderful apart. learning community. Q: Has the pandemic had any positive impacts on your life? Q: How is being a principal compared to the other jobs you I think it has in that its allowed have done? me to continue to be principal and reach out using videos. On There's certainly a lot more presMarch 20, 2020, everyone went sure but knowing that I have a through their first online claswonderful leadership team has ses. That day, I said I was going helped. I miss being in class eveto make a video every week to ry day teaching students. reach out to the community. Q: Why did you decide you wanted to work at HSC?

Q: What's your fondest memory at HSC?

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I decided I wanted to teach in my fourth year at the University of Toronto. I first applied to a library program, and after I didn’t get in, I decided to continue my love of writing and literature at HSC. Q: Do you have an interesting story you would like to share about your time at HSC? The first time I heard about the David Joy Tutty Fund at HSC, I was teaching English in

the Senior School. I stopped teaching right at that moment, and within two to three minutes, I had submitted three ideas to Mr. Ayotte. Q: Do you prefer teaching younger or older children?

wanted to be a professional soc- Q: What are you looking forcer player. ward to in retirement? Q: What would you probably be Walking my dog, playing as much doing right now if you weren’t a disc golf as I can, and I will be goprincipal at HSC? ing to the Canadian Disc Golf Championships in P.E.I in September. I would be playing disc golf or

walking my dog or sitting at my I love teaching kids grade 5+ and desk writing. my absolute favourite grades have been 7/8 and then grades Q: When did you create 11/12. When there was a grade 13, @theHelm? How did you come I loved that as well because they up with the idea? were so collected and mature.

Q: What is one final message you would give to HSC before you leave? It has been my privilege and honour to make HSC my “capstone” to a wonderful 30+ year career. I hope to come back and visit and perhaps volunteer at the school.

It started in the Senior School, because there was a program allowing students to publish online. This goes back to a proMy dream job was to be an astro- gram at a previous school: AquiThank you, Mr. Hoadnaut based on the moon landing line. When I came to the Middle Reddick for being our Midgoing on when I was a child. But School at HSC, I wanted to condle School Principal! We a writer/poet has always been my tinue the creative efforts, and it’s will miss you. lifelong dream, which is part of been great passing it along to Ms why I’m retiring and devoting Gutauskas and Ms Kee. more time to that. I also once

by Yupi Finley (504)

Q: What was your dream job when you were younger?

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