@theHelm November 2021

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Photo by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

Time Management:

The first question I asked was to find out what people do after school. The responses were not at all what I expected. Almost 70% of respondents said that they spent most of their by Willow Norman, 705 evening on homework. That was folHi Middle School! You might remem- lowed by time on devices, ber that I sent out a Google Form a sports/after-school activities, talking the other week, asking about how to friends, and then many, many peoyou manage your time. Thank you so ple who filled in the “other” opmuch for filling that out. I found the tion. Some honourable mentions responses really interesting, all 100 of from the “other” option included: them! I’ve put some of the inforreading, relaxing, practising instrumation that I gathered into this artiments, and watching TV. Now, what cle, including some recommendations do I think about these responses? from your classmates. I hope that this Well, we all know that homework is information will help you with your important, and we have to get our own time management skills in the work done, however, we probably future. shouldn’t be spending most of our

What we’re doing well and what needs improvement

by Clara Lam 702

From R.J. Palacio, 365 Days of Won-

der: Mr. Browne's Book of Precepts

Hillfield Strathallan College—Middle School Student Newspaper

time doing it. We all have those days where you just have so much to catch up on. Maybe you missed a day of school or have a big test coming up, so you spend a lot of time on homework, but not every day should be like that. I like to compare balancing time with balancing your diet. We’ve all learned about the food pyramid. The grains are at the bottom, meaning you have to eat them the most, then the fruits and vegetables, then dairy, meats and fish, and then, finally, the treats. Here’s a time management pyramid that I made. It can be used just like a

a couple at five, and very few at a one. If you’re one of the people who felt they weren’t as good at time management as they would like to be, don’t worry! Luckily, your classmates have some suggestions for you. A few great suggestions that I received included:

again, I asked you to rate yourself from 1-5, but this time on focus, and the responses to this one were pretty similar to when I asked about how well you manage your time. We had mainly fours, some fives, and some lower answers. I also asked for some suggestions on this as well.

“Create priorities. Always prioritize the most important things. However, allow yourself to have breaks or else things will get boring.” - Elizabeth Lerner

“I listen to music when I work so I can focus more. Don't have any phones or iPads near you because you would want to play with them.” - Emily Liu

“One strategy that I have for managing my time well is to really focus on the task at hand, and then go straight to the next one really intensely. I know it sounds weird, but it really does work for me.” - Jack Clifford

“I tend to turn off the ringer on all my electronics so I don’t get any notifications while I am working. I also enjoy listening to music as I work because I don’t find it distracting and it helps me block out other distracting things.” - Anonymous

“I’ve noticed I stay on task easier when I’m in a good mood and all of my needs are met (I’m not tired, not hungry, not “My strategy is hard thirsty etc.) That’s why I always take a to do at first, but nap when I come home from school once you keep doing and I drink lots of water.” it, it seems natu- Anonymous ral. It is to get all my Thank you all for responding to this homework or as form and thank you for the great sugmuch as I can before gestions. It seems like overall we are I go out with my doing well with our time managefriends or watch ment, but there are some areas for YouTube so when I improvement. I hope that this article food pyramid to see what you should am tired and out of energy, I can spend will help people who feel like they’re probably be prioritizing, and what you that time relaxing and watching Netstruggling with their time manageflix.” Avaani Bratch don’t need quite as much of. This ment skills. chart won’t not work in every single Next, I situation, but hopefully you can use it asked to help guide you. some quesThe next question asked you how tions confident you are in your time manabout agement skills (1-5), and it showed that we are relatively confident over- how all. The major- good you ity of rethink spondents you are said they at staywere at a four, which is ing focused. pretty good. We had Once @theHelm ~ page 2

Why is it bad to look at blue light before bed?

What does “mindfulness” mean to you?

Fast Facts by Nischal Amin, 703

“I think of mindfulness as something to do when you are stressed. We did games and learned how to come ourselves down when we are stressed out or when we are very mad.”

 Makes falling asleep harder  Try to avoid 1-2 hours before bed  Cool colours are way worse than warm colours  Eyes are less sensitive to warm colours which don’t destroy melatonin Definition: Melatonin is a hormone that makes us feel drowsy  Light keeps you awake and dark makes you fall asleep (circadian) Definition: Circadian is the rhythm between you being awake or asleep  All screens display a blue light  If you’ve ever had a hard time falling asleep, it’s

There’s an App For That! Why Headspace is the best mindfulness app by Maria Titov, 705

because of the lack of melatonin  Damages retina  Retina takes in information for your nerves and brain to process

- Eshan Bhalla, 502 (from the Mindfulness Club, Fall 2021)

 Bad for vision (at night)  Can make you have part-time short-term memory loss  Makes it unhealthy for your age  Macular degeneration in the retina blurs or gets rid of central vision  Blue light eye diseases are common over the age of 50 There are even audio sessions where the company’s co-creator leads listeners on a journey. A study has found if you use the Headspace app for 10 days, your stress will be reduced by 14 - 28 percent. The benefit of using Headspace is that it helps you

Headspace is a really good app for meditation, sleep, and mindfulness. It has guided meditations and podcasts for sleeping, which are helpful if you are stressed.

sleep better, improves your concentration, raises your energy levels, boosts your mood, reduces stress, and lowers anxiety. So, how do you use Headspace? Let me tell you: start early and try to meditate in the morning. If it’s possible for you, try to meditate for at least 30 minutes a day. Remember to create a positive mindset and try to focus on your breathing.

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The Walk for Wenjack by Clara Lam, 702 Chanie Wenjack was a boy who was taken far away from his family to a residential school with his other siblings when he was nine. He was taken to Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School in Kenora, Ontario. His hair was cut and his clothes taken, just as was the case for every other residential school student. After being at the residential school for three years, he tried to escape. He was not prepared for the harsh winter. The clothes he was supplied with at the residential

school gave him little warmth. The food was meagre. He walked 600 kilometers along a railway track. He probably died from cold and hunger trying to get home. Around a week later people found his dead body. His story was brought to the attention of the late singer, Gord Downie, who visited Chanie’s hometown and was inspired to help tell Chanie’s story with music. There were over 30,000 thousand children just like Chanie in the same no-win situation. At HSC on October 20, 2021 we all participated in the Walk for Wenjack. Everyone in Middle School walked 2.5 kilometres with signs of support for Chanie Wenjack and others who suffered because of the residential school system. All together with everyone walking 2.5 kilometres, we walked the distance that Chanie tried to walk to return home. He will always be remembered.


month. This distance will be a representation of the 60 men who commit suicide each hour, globally.

by Sophia Liu (804) and Zander Greco (805)

Around the world, men die five years earlier than women, on average, for reasons that are preventable. Stress levels are increasing for a variety of reasons, including financial stress. Globally, the average male suicide rate is twice as high as it is for women; men’s mental health needs to be a priority.

This November marks the 17th annual Movember. Movember encourages people to recognize and celebrate men’s health and wellbeing. On the Movember website, it states: “Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion.”

Movember is an important time to spread awareness about men’s mental and physical wellbeing. Hopefully, this Movember is an organization that month of devotes itself to the cause of male There are two main ways to support awaremental and physical health issues. this cause. The first option is growing ness The fundraiser was created in 1999 a moustache over the month of No- helps by a group of young men. Today, the make a vember; your face can raise awareorganization is known around the change in ness and funds for men’s mental world. health. Your second option is to walk the near or run 60km over the course of this future. @theHelm ~ page 4


Hello to all you mathematicians out there! We are going to showcase a piece of math wizardry each month and turn the challenges on you. If you try one of the challenges, send your answers to Mr. Cormican for the chance to win a prize!

Grade 7/8 October solutions

Grade 5/6 October solutions

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Kenneth Oppel, the award-winning author of The Bloom Trilogy, The Airborn Trilogy, and The Silverwing Saga, will be visiting HSC on Nov. 23! You can order his books at a discount: CLICK HERE for the order form.

Send your completed entry to Mr. HoadReddick. One entry will be selected to win a prize!

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by Juliet Finley, 705

Fun Facts by Nishal Amin and Cyrus Zare, 703

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Java also has different perks, including coding/Javascript, servers, and hardcore worlds. Hypixel is the most popular WHICH IS BETTER? Minecraft java server by a long by Anivit Sah (701), Nischal Amin and shot with over 200,000 people playing EVERY DAY! Hypixel Cyrus Zare (703) games include: Bedwars, SkyWe all know the games Fortnite and wars, Skyblock, Tnt games, Minecraft by now, and we all probably Murder Mystery, Housing, etc. If you know that there has been a debate haven’t checked out the server, you between these games for TWO probably won’t know any of the YEARS up to this day. The debate has games that we just listed, but if you mostly been driven by personal opinhave any questions about the games ions. or different Minecraft versions, you Minecraft can email Cyrus at 035292@hsc.on.ca. This game includes three versions: Java (which is the original), Bedrock/Pocket Fortnite Edition, and This is a classic combat game made in Education. 2017 in which a player lands on an isMinecraft java has been land after jumping off a bus floating with a hot air balloon. After the player the mostlands on the island, their job is to find played version with 131 decent weapons and eliminate other players until they are the only person million monthly play- left. It has placed second in the most popular games of all time, with 350 ers. million downloads currently. You can

Fortnite & Minecraft Debate

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

must head to Zora’s Domain, Goron City, Rito Village, and Gerudo City.

by Aaron Parasu, 703

If you’re speedrunning the game, I wouldn’t recommend doing the Divine Beasts because the Divine Beasts are only optional, and you can head to Hyrule Castle almost immediately. However, I highly recommend the Divine Beasts if you’re playing casually because you get very cool powers if you save the Divine Beasts.

Breath of the Wild is an open-world Zelda game where you’re put asleep for 100 years and woken up 100 years later where Hyrule is in mayhem and havoc. At Hyrule Castle, Ganon, the king of evil, awaits you after fighting Zelda with her magical powers. You meet an old man who happens to be the ghost of the King of Hyrule, and he tells you to get to Hyrule Castle as soon as possible. He also tells you that the Divine Beasts (animals made out of machines) are in trouble, and you

download it on Android, PS4 & PS5, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, PC, and Xbox Series X. By 2019, in Season 9-10, people decided to quit the game due to either the map, items, or different players. They changed many different weapons and locations. The seasons had a range of very big map changes like flooding the map, adding superheroes, adding aliens, and having huge explosions around people who think they are making the wrong decisions. If you have any questions about Fortnite you can also email 035292@hsc.on.ca.

Which one do you think is better: Fortnite or Minecraft? Google Form for Opinions HERE:

LINK FOR GOOGLE FORM! Beast Ganon. Honestly, this boss is very underwhelming, so you won’t have much trouble beating him.

There you have it: that is Breath of the Wild. Time for the review... Breath of the Wild is probably the best game I’ve played on the Switch. Trust me because I play a lot of games. I highly recommend this game for people who have a Switch and like open-world games. So if you have the money, or for your birthday, After saving the Divine Beasts, you or for Christmas, head to Hyrule Castle and face Calami- you should get ty Ganon. You beat him and you’ll be Breath of the met with Ganon’s true form, Dark Wild. @theHelm ~ page 8

Cyberbullying and Bullying by Zander Greco, 805 November 5th, 2021 marks the second annual “international day for bullying and other acts of violence in schools”. This day recognizes the fact that bullying and other forms of brutal social behaviour infringe upon students' right to education. The Covid-19 pandemic caused the world to rely on virtual learning to sustain its youth’s intelligence. An unintended side-effect of this transition has been a severe increase in cyberbullying. So, how severe is cyberbullying, anyway? UNESCO has voted to create a day to recognize the impact of bullying on children’s mental and physical

health. (UNESCO is a subsection of the United Nations.) UNESCO dedicates itself to bringing world peace through education, culture, and science.

also ignore damages to the victim’s mental health because of the anonymity.

People choose to cyberbully for a variety of reasons, but one is the false sense of security brought by having a digital username and a hidden face. Another reason bullies choose to go online is that cyberbullying decreases the chances of getting caught and being punished. They can

adult as soon as you can.

Bullying as a whole is a different problem. Nevertheless, what causes The increase bullying in the first place? The root in cyberbully- causes of bullying vary widely but the ing has been main causes include popularity very apparent among their peers, low self-esteem since our in their own academics or success, world went and trauma at home. digital. A study conducted by EuroBullying and cyberbullying are some pean Union suggests that 44 percent of the most harmful plagues to stuof children (between the ages of 11- dents’ mental health. If you see a 13) reported that cyberbullying had true case of bullying, don’t be a byrapidly increased during the COVID- stander. Be an upstander and report 19 pandemic. the incident to a teacher or trusted

out movies, because most people watch movies at least once a month on Netflix; it's pretty enjoyable, and a Opinion essay by Bryan Chen, 701 good way to entertain yourself. It may also make you more creative. Some people think that movies and Imagine when you work so hard after televisions have more negative a day and get back home at 5:00 pm, effects than positive effects, but and you have to make dinner again. some people disagree and say that You’re exhausted. Moreover, if you movies and television shows help don’t have a dishwasher, you’d also them relax after a day of work. I perhave to wash the dishes. You might sonally agree with the second statebe so tired and wouldn’t want to ment: there are more positive effects work anymore. Now, what's better than negative effects. than turning on your television and Firstly, television and movies can help watching a movie on Disney Plus? people relax. Some people say your That would be way better than doing life will be much less meaningful with- more work!

TV and Movies

Further Reading: 

Cyberbullying Increasing during Pandemic—Very Well Family online

Cyberbulling facts and statistics 2018-2021—Comparitech

to cool places from Africa to Nunavut. This can help you learn about geography, too. For example, my father watches the news every morning when we have breakfast and sometimes after dinner. That actually helps him learn a lot about what’s happening, like in Afghanistan, or the protests in Hong Kong. Watching television can have many benefits.

In conclusion, I do not think that movies and television have more negative effects on people than positive effects. Some people also think that watching TV might make your eyes bad, even short-sighted. However, if people keep their distance, Secondly, watching television might they’ll be fine. Watching movies for help you know more about what's entertainment and having your eyes happening out there in the world. For on a TV for news is much better than example, you might watch the news, not being entertained or informed at or YouTube about people travelling all. @theHelm ~ page 9

You will understand the characters better

Cons of Dub: 

Review by Adi Katoch and Kyle Ding (803)

What is One Piece?

Why You Should Watch it

The voice actors are not as good  Translation Issues  Not all episodes are dubbed and if you’re used to dub it might be annoying to switch You have to wait for episodes to be dubbed

At first, you may be put off by the goofy characters and outdated animation, but don’t worry it gets better quickly. You’ll get hooked quickly because of the outstanding story, the intriguing plots, and the loveable main characters. The world of One Piece is full of action, drama, mystery, and much more. Also, don’t worry about the end because it’s going to be a long journey!

One Piece is a Japanese series about an enthusiastic young pirate named Monkey D. Luffy who wants to assemble a crew to conquer the Grand Line and find the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, which was left behind by the late pirate king, Gold Roger. Along the way, Luffy meets many allies and foes, assembles his own crew Sub or Dub? called the Straw Hat Pirates and unIf you don’t know what sub or dub covers many mysteries along the mean, sub is subtitles and dub is way. dubbed voice (English voice). There is an ongoing debate about which is better and what version you should watch. We’re not really going to tell you which one is better, but we’ll list 1. Straw Hat Luffy the pros and cons of each.

The Straw Hat Pirates (In order of joining)

2. Pirate Hunter Zoro 3. Cat Burglar Nami 4. God Usopp 5. Vinsmoke Sanji 6. Cotton Candy Loving Chopper 7. Demon Child Robin 8. Cyborg Franky 9. Soul King Brook

Pros of Sub:   

Original voice actors More authentic experience More accurate

Cons of Sub:   

You may not understand the language You’ll spend a lot of time reading subtitles You can’t leave it on in the background if you don’t understand what is being said

Pros of Dub: 

You can do something else while watching @theHelm ~ page 10

Order of Arcs by episodes (no filler): Romance Dawn (1-3) Orange Town (4-8) Syrup Village (9-18) Baratie (19-30) Arlong Park (31-44) Loguetown (45-53) Reverse Mountain/Entering the Grand Line (62-63) Whiskey Peak (64-67) Little Garden (70-77) Drum Island (78-91) Alabasta (92-130) Jaya (144-152

Skypiea (153-195) Long Ring Long island (207-219) Water 7 (229-263) Enies Lobby (264-212) Post-Enies Lobby (313-325) Thriller Bark (337-381) Sabaody Archipelago (385-405) Amazon Lily (408-417) Impel Down (422-452) Marineford/Paramount war (457489) Post War (490-516) Return to Sabody (517-522) Fishman Island (523-574) Punk Hazard (579-625) Dressrosa (629-746) Zou (751-799) Whole Cake (783-877)

Levely (878-889) Wano Country (890-still continuing)

One Piece Trivia Did you know that One Piece is one of the top-selling comic book series in the world, only second to Superman? The popular cartoon The Simpsons actually referenced one piece as during one of the episodes Homer Simpson is seen cosplaying Zoro!

the TV series, Hilde is played by actress Brooklyn Prince. She is a by Brenna Bobko, 701 fearless nineyear-old girl For those of you who read my article who stands up in the February 2021 edition of for what she @TheHelm, you will be pleased to believes in, know that a new season of Home which doesn’t Before Dark is streaming now on Ap- always make ple TV. her very popular. This drama series is based on a reallife story of a girl named Hilde Lysko In Season 1, Hilde was trying to solve who started publishing her own the mysterious disappearance of newspaper online at the age of 8. In Richie Fife. She continues to gather clues about his disappearance in Season 2. Her research leads her to investigate a large company in Erie Harbour, which she suspects is polluting the water in town. Many of the town’s citizens have gotten sick, and Hilde writes about all of this in her newspaper (which eventually gets shut down). For those of you who are interested in environmental issues, Season 2 of Hilde Lisko is definitely for you!

One Piece was originally supposed to only last five years, however, now the series is going to be 22 years old and counting!

Home Before Dark: Season 2

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Home Before Dark Season 2 is filled with high energy, and heartwarming and inspiring moments, which make it a great drama series. Does Hilde end up winning the fight against the corporation who is trying to turn the town against her? I guess you will just have to watch and find out! Spoiler alert: There is a cliffhanger at the end of Season 2 that makes me think there will be a Season 3 in the near future! Home Before Dark can be found on Apple TV.

cle-wrenching journey I had ahead of me. Rocks barricaded my way and the being came closer. As I prepared to surrender, I felt something was missing from behind me. The rocks broke away to open up the clear plot Story by Sadie Avram, 801 of land ahead, ready to welcome me in during this escape. While running, I ran. I had to keep running. Each breath stinging my throat, down into I went into my head and wasn’t my stomach, giving me a little bit of aware of my body. My feet weren’t faith to just keep going. Don’t! Don’t hitting the ground, and none of the pain was really there. I just thought it look back, Kai. The trees just kept to be. I noticed my legs slowing growing, as if they were taking off down to take in the newfound infortowards the unknown. As I looked mation, but one look behind me told ahead, I saw it. But it wasn’t really me that that the thing was not slowthere. More of a presence in the room, not a figure. No matter which ing with me. I leapt to my feet as I form this being took, I wouldn’t let it continued to run, letting the thought of pain pour through my body once shove its words in my mouth. I again. turned faster than I should’ve, and all of a sudden, I felt dizzy. Then suddenly a sense of calm hit me as if the When the field ended, a forest greetworld was disappearing. There was a ed me, to my delight. I had gained space from the monster, giving me a soft ringing in my head, like it was trying to tell me something, but then small amount of time to make my it was gone. The world fell back into next move. I could always climb a place, to my distress. I pulled myself tree, but so could the monster. Then I saw a waterfall. I could jump into it together and got on with the mus-

From Dream to Reality

Podcast by Meera Ghelani (806) and Isuri Fernando (804) Hello everyone! We hope that you enjoyed our first ever episode of The Overbooked Podcast! Remember that this is not our actual book review and that that will be coming out next month. Stay tuned for the next @theHelm issue. Until then, stay safe and enjoy your book.

Podcast Episode 1

and hide? I could just think the pain away. Suddenly, I heard rustling in the nearby trees as the monster erupted from behind, noticeably bigger than before. This was my only chance. The three steps that followed were filled with adrenaline and the desire to end this all. On the fourth step, my stomach seemed to fall faster than my body as I positioned myself flat, preparing for impact. The hit never came. I jolted out of my bed, causing my cat to run off to a safer spot. “Slow down there, Kai,” my mother giggled. “I’m just here to get your laundry and tell you that you slept through your alarm.” “Oh...um ya thanks,” I stuttered. I threw on my school clothes and stomped into the kitchen. And there, at my spot at the table, it sat. Waiting.

Name of the game: “What Are The Chances?!?!?” (2-player game)

points or higher, your spins will count 2x as much so if you roll a blue you get 6 points. 3-Green = 1 Point 2-Red = 2 Points 1-Blue = 3 Points

Creators: Jedidiah Arimoro & How to win: First person to get to a total of 25 points wins Bennet Probst Rules: There are 3 colours: red, Materials:  2 Sheets of Paper blue, and green, but there are 3  Pencil green, 2 red, and 1 blue. The  Spinner (With this link: players will spin on their spinSpinner) or go to the webner. You keep repeating this site called the wheel of until someone gets 25 points. names and put in the colors BUT if a player gets the same red (twice) blue (once) and color 3 times in a row, that playgreen (thrice) er’s points get reset to zero. If the other player gets to 20

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Them Poem by Viann Whatley, 604

There are crosses everywhere There are doves in the air Poppies laying all around All the marks upon the ground We all wear poppies To represent them There were sounds But now all you can hear is the ground There was war But now peace and corpses So I hope you take in mind The treasure we were gifted For without them Would we be able to go home?

Drawing by Juliet Finley, 705

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Halloween Costume Ideas—for next year!! by Victoria Minetti, Oliver Wojciechowski, and Abdullah Tahir (601, 60_)

If you don’t want Halloween to end yet, I’m going to tell you a couple of Halloween costume ideas to think about for next. If you're looking for a costume that will give you the spooks, there is a costume of a zombie football player or a zombie chef, or maybe a zombie hotdog. But if you're looking for something funny, there is Edna from The Incredibles or maybe being a turkey head. Now I have said a lot of single-person costumes. Why don't I say group costumes since I know many of us go trick-or-treating with our friends. So let's get to it: if you're going as a trio, you should totally be the Powerpuff Girls. If you have never heard of them, they are these three little girls who have superpowers and save the world. If you don't like that idea, you could be the Minions. Well, those were a couple of costume ideas.

Happy Halloween!!

How to have the best decorated house on your block next Halloween!!! Have you ever wanted to have a better decorated house than your neighbour Bob? Well, you came to the right newspaper. I’ll be describing what you need to have for the best house on the block for next year.

theme at your doorstep. For an extra bonus, you can have spooky Halloween music and a gravestone.

1. LIGHTS ON For next Halloween, I really think you should have your porch lights on when you are serving candy. Trick or

treaters will know that you are home. 3. PUMPKINS You’ll have a lot of kids waiting at If you think that Halloween decorayour door. That’s when you are in tions are out of your budget, then business! carve a small pumpkin and light a candle. Trick or treaters will know you are 2. HAVE LOTS OF DECORATIONS home ready to give out candy. CarvNext Halloween you can have lots of ing a pumpkin is a fun activity for the decorations. That will attract lots of whole family. If you want more tips spooky ghosts and vampires. In the and tricks on how to beat Bob, then middle of your lawn you can have a keep reading “What to bake for Hal20-foot inflatable Spiderman, ghost, loween.” Happy Halloween to all. and a skeleton dragon. At your front “Sleep with one eye open.” Ha! Ha! door you can have a talking and mov- Ha! Ha! ing pumpkin-headed scarecrow welcoming all your guests. A skeleton head with a spider in its eye saying, “I would turn back if I were you”, will scare everyone to death. A fog machine will add some extra spooky @theHelm ~ page 14

ghosts from October 31st to November 1st. It was a festival among by James Li, 704 the Celtic people until the 18th century (1700Information Source: Link 1800) when the Pope Gregory III made it a When most people think of Octo- public holiday for it to ber, the main things to come to take place on Novemmind are fall, orange leaves, ber 1st to honor all Thanksgiving, and most imkinds of saints. Its name portantly Halloween. Halloween also transformed to is the celebration when people “Hallow-eve”, and with go trick -or-treating after sunset the modernization of the world, it on the last day of October. evolved into “Halloween”. Its traHalloween has an interesting his- ditions now involve making jacktory behind its origins. Halloween o-lanterns instead of campfires. It was an interesting progression of originated from the Celtic celebration of Samhain in which the an ancient celebration into the modern era. people would make campfires and wear costumes to scare off

Halloween History

What to bake next Halloween!

Halloween, as we know it today, involves dressing up with costumes, giving out candy, decorating the door with jack-o-lanterns, trick or treating, and festivals that everyone can enjoy. Halloween is always the highlight of fall.

See you next Halloween!

Have you already started planning what you’re going to be eating for Halloween next year? Well, you came to the right place! I’m going to talk about what to eat for Halloween. First of all, we love to head out around our blocks to go trick-or- scary Halloween movie and entreating. After that most people joy your roasted pumpkin seeds. love to make sugar cookies with zombies, mummies, and witches, etc. After that most of us carve pumpkins out for the seeds then roast them in the oven. After roasting them in the oven, take them out and sprinkle some salt and then you have a nice salty snack. Most likely you will go to your TV/projector to watch a movie and watch a really @theHelm ~ page 15

Mr. Hoad-Reddick and students, Halloween 2021

Halloween Door Decorating


Door gallery curated by Juliet Finley, Willow Norman (705), and Ms Gutauskas



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Great (Bad) Dad Jokes by Avery Rutledge (801), Sophia Liu (804), Kyle Ding (801), & Adi Katoch (803)

a musical, but it had too many I: What do you call a fake noodle? violins. An impasta. W: What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing. It just waved. J: How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Walking. J.K. X: Superman inherited x-ray Rowling. powers from his parents. He has parental super vision. K: A friend of mine used to install kitchen work surfaces, but he was arrested for counter fitY: I only know 25 letters in the ting. alphabet. I don’t know Y.

This month we feel it’s important L: How does a taco say grace? to take a step back and have a good laugh. Here we have provid- Lettuce pray. ed 28 great (bad) and, of course, funny “dad” jokes. We have one M: What do you call a snowman joke for each letter of the alphabet that throws a temper tantrum? A meltdown. and two special extras.

A: I hate it when people say age

Z: What side does a zebra have the most stripes on? The outside.

N: I’m Buzz Aldrin. Second man

to step on the moon. Neil before is only a number. Age is clearly a me. word. O: How much effort does it take B: What did the banana say to to make an octopus laugh? Ten the dog? Nothing. Bananas can’t tickles. talk. P: What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? “Where is POPC: My friend screamed, "You corn?” haven't listened to a single word I've said, have you?!" What a Q: Since we’re all in in quaranweird way to start a conversatine, I might have to make a lot tion... more inside jokes D: Why can’t dinosaurs talk? R: If a child refuses to nap, are Because they’re dead. they guilty of resisting a rest? E: Why do you tell actors to Extras S: Why did the M&M want to go break a leg? Every play has a to school? To become a Smartie. Why was twenty-nineteen afraid cast. of twenty-twenty? Because they F: Why can’t a nose be 12 inches T: Why couldn’t the bike stand had a fight and twenty twentylong? Because then it’d be a foot. up on their own? It was two one. tired. G: What’s green and has There are three types of people in U: Why do cow-milking stools wheels? Grass. We lied about the the world. Those who can do only have 3 legs? The cow’s got wheels. math, and those who can’t. the udder. H: What type of water can’t V: I was going to take my son to freeze? Hot water. @theHelm ~ page 18

Student Spotlight:

since he runs into crazy traffic!

my fun and crazy animal farm life!

About my cats: Right now, I own six cats—three by Avaani Bratch, 801 calico cats named Dash, Hello my name is Avaani. I am a Rio, and Aslan Grade 8 student at HSC who has live in my barn. I also have three grown up with a variety of animals cats in the house named Chia, all my life. I have had approximateSheira, and Loki. The snow minx is ly 30 cats, 40 cows, a pig, and five a total princess who always wants dogs. And now, I have a new addiyou to pet her. The second one is a tion to my animal family: I partfour-year-old own a thoroughbred jumping snow Bengal horse. named Chia who we adopted this summer. She is still scared of us since she lived in the same house for four years. The last cat we have is a five-week old charcoal About my chickens: I used to own Bengal kitten named Loki who was about 30 chickens, but at my bottle-fed for all of her life as her house, we have a lot of coyotes mom did not feed her. who have decided to eat the chickens for dinner. So, now we have 10 chickens left. About my dog: At the moment, I own a 5-year-old border collie dog named Cosmo. One of his favourite things to do is run away while he is untied. He likes to go all the way across the road to the train tracks, which is about a 45minute walk. He likes to risk his life. I am surprised he is still alive

on you and bite you, but he gets away with it because he is so cute. About my horse: I live down the street from a beautiful English horseback-riding barn. I part-board a horse named Andy. He is a 16year-old thoroughbred jumping horse that is 17 hands. He loves sticking his tough out, and his favourite snacks are pears and mint treats.

Thanks for reading my crazy story about my farm life. I hope you enjoyed hearing all about my animals.

And now I will tell you about my goats: I have three Nigerian dwarf goats that belong to me, my sisters, and my brothers. Their names are Nova, Maize, and Pippa. Nova is a chaotic goat who likes to jump @theHelm ~ page 19

Recipes by Esmé Vedelago, 703 @theHelm ~ page 20

Enjoying your food from Lawson Hall? Let the kitchen know!

You can send a letter of thanks or some feedback on a delicious meal to Narelle and Scott—they would love to hear from you! They also welcome suggestions for new food. Click here to share your own recipes!

“Please continue the feedback and also we are open to any new recipes as well.” - Narelle Smith, Manager of Food Services at HSC @theHelm ~ page 21

“Blissful bees” by Christian Leong, 803

“Rainbows of glass” by Emily Orovec, 703

Victoria Minetti, 602

“Sadie” by Emily Orovec, 703

“Rosie” by Oliver Wojciechowski, 601 @theHelm ~ page 22

“After School” | Photo series by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

@theHelm ~ page 23

“Peggy’s Cove” time lapse video by Emily Orovec, 703 (click the image for the link to the video)

“Kitty Murray Lane” Elly Chen, 803

Henry Tierney, 804

Marcus Chen, 702 @theHelm ~ page 24

@theHelm logos by Lamar Attar and Sabrina Kiung (703)

Maria Titov, 705

Rosiela Chen, 701

Marcus Chen, 702 @theHelm ~ page 25

Ayo Tiamiyu, 703

Jedidiah Aromiro, 806

Rosiela Chen, 701

Kennedy Buffet, 602

Grade 8 Artist of the Month Tereza Mattatall, 802 @theHelm ~ page 26

Michael MacKinnon, 503

Ahana Kulkarni, 604

Ahmad El-Sarraf, 803

Lamar Attar, 703 @theHelm ~ page 27

and has it tough—not tuff. This is by Esmé Vedelago, 703 one of my favourite SALT TO THE SEA books and the one I Book by: Ruta Sepetys suggest the Genre: Historical Fiction most. You're missSalt to the Sea is a story about the ing out if you don’t sinking of the Wilheln Gustloff, which sank in 1945. Although the read this book! Available in the characters are fictional, what they school library. endured and went through are true. Four different people from four different homelands cross RED QUEEN paths, all hoping for passage on the Wilhelm Gustloff, which prom- Book by: Victoria Aveyard ises freeGenre: Fiction dom and safety. Filled with In this world, there are two types of people. The Silver Bloods are sadness, secrets, and the high society, and Red Bloods loss, there are the slaves to the Silvers. Mare, is still a ray a lowly Red, possesses an extraordinary power, one that has never of light in this touch- been seen before. She can end the Silvers cruel reign and find ing story. others like her, who combine red

Book Reviews

THE OUTSIDERS Book by: S.E. Hinton Genre: Realistic Fiction Greasers and Socs are different. Greasers care about their hair, wear leather, and don’t live the best lives. Socs have it easy; they're rich and get away with many things. Ponyboy (yes, that's his real name) is a dreamer and a Greaser. He lives with his brothers

@theHelm ~ page 28

and silver. But someone wants to stop her. Can she save the people she loves before it’s too late? A great read for many fiction lovers and most people.

THE KING OF JAM SANDWICHES Book by: Eric Walters Genre: Realistic Fiction Robbie has a hard life. And nobody to tell it about. Until Harmony punches him in the face. Ya, you're reading right. Robbie and Harmony soon form an incredible friendship, a bond to last forever. I, personally, really liked this book. It’s sad and shows you how strong some friends can be.

Nov. 23, 2021 Dec. 10, 2021

@theHelm ~ page 29

Calling All Ghosts and Monsters! Have a talent for writing stories, biographies, or poetry? Then this is the contest for you! Each volume of @theHelm will feature this writing contest, with a different topic each month.

This Month’s Topic:

A Haunted Halloween

Your job is to write a poem about the haunted spirits of Halloween, a tale of a mysterious death, or a short story about a ghastly ghoul in the eye of a trick-or-treater. Make sure your work is short enough to fit in one page or two. Feeling shy? You can make sure to remain anonymous by leaving the “Name” slot blank or using a pen name.

Requirements for all pieces of writing are:  It must be relevant to the topic  It must be relatively short  When writing non-fiction (such as a biography), make sure to cite your sources  It must be original—you will be immediately disqualified if your work has been copied from somewhere else Starting soon, all winners will be featured on this page. Their writing will be included in separate sections of the newspaper, such as the poetry section.

Deadline is the end of each month. CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE @theHelm WRITING CHALLENGE

@theHelm is the HSC Middle School newspaper If you would like to be featured in the next issue, please submit original work via the Google Submission Form Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee @theHelm ~ page 30

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