@theHelm October 2021

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Photo by Elly Chen, 803 EDITORIAL: Welcome to the October 2021 edition of @theHelm, the first issue of this academic year!

another was restricted to those in a single home form. No other clubs were offered last year, except Yes, this is the Middle School student newspaper, fa- remotely during HSC@home, so this digital paper was cilitated by teachers and designed with the help of an an especially engaging platform on which students excellent Creative Team. This term, 23 students from connected and shared. Grades 6-8 are working hard to generate ideas, deSubmissions to the monthly paper are ongoing. There sign logos, and create content for the paper. During will be a deadline for submissions for each issue, but our last meeting in the “press room”, one student ex- if you cannot meet the deadline, you can always keep claimed, “I feel like I’m working for the New York working on your piece and submit it the following Times!” Indeed, being on the Creative Team has its month! If you send your work regularly, you can earn perks (like House Points), so if you are still interested House Points, too! Google Form Submission Link in being involved, be sure to sign up for the winter We hope that as you browse through these pages, term of @theHelm during Community Time! you try to do some of the math challenges, writing This MS publication is in its third school season, but during the pandemic restrictions last year, it really took off! Many students wanted to share their ideas, creativity, and news during a time when seeing one

contests, puzzles, and riddles. We hope you enjoy all that HSC Middle School students have shared here.

Hillfield Strathallan College—Middle School Student Newspaper

Ms Gutauskas & Ms Kee

What are you going to be for Halloween? by Gabriela Fimognari, 601

If you are dressing up this year and you have no idea what you want to be here are some Halloween costume ideas for you!

Here are some single ideas: Mary Poppins, Cruella De Ville, Lola (from Space Jam), Cupid, Mime, Pirate

Here are some Group ideas: Wizard of Oz , ‘80s girls/boys, Ghostbusters, cheerleaders, M&M’s, crayons

Here are some duo ideas:

I hope you enjoyed these ideas. Thank you for reading!

Mario+Luigi, Angel+Demon, fifties girls/boys, Sun+Moon, Cher+Dionne (from the movie Clueless), Little Red Riding Hood+The big bad wolf, thing 1 + thing 2, Harley Quinn+the Joker

Thanksgiving 2021 A time to be thankful for the harvest

of the school year that everyone could take a break in. This year’s Thanksgiving also had a lot that we can be thankful for.

by James Li, 704

Thanking our parents This year we had a lot to thank our parents for as As the COVID pandemic enters fall again, the Thanks- they worked hard to prevail against the COVID pangiving holiday season arrives. This year the Thanksdemic and made everything possible. giving holiday took place on the 8th-11th of October at HSC, and it happened just like last year with the Thanking the HSC teachers and staff world entering another wave of the pandemic. The There was also a lot to thank teachers for, like the only difference was that this year we could reunite sacrifices of time and energy that have already gone with our families abroad with fewer restrictions as into making HSC on Campus, HSC@Home, afterthe vaccine was already available for ages 12 or school activities, and so much more possible for us. above (and entering the Thanking the health workers testing era We especially have to thank the health workers confor ages 5 to stantly fighting the pandemic since March of 2020. 11 as of Octo- For more than one and a half years now, they have ber 14!). It been trying their best to help the patients that was also the caught the virus. They also make the smooth recovfirst holiday ery of patients possible. after the start @theHelm ~ page 2

American Football Startup

Their defense has yet to be tested to its fullest for now. A prosperous offence has led to great plays and enjoyable games to watch.

by Zander Greco, 805

The Buccaneers are coming off one of the best seasons ever for a Tampa Bay fan. With one of the best quarterbacks the NFL has ever seen and some of the strongest wide receivers, they will be an offensive team to look out for! Some games to check out this season are the Saints vs. Seahawks on October 25, the Texans vs. Cardinals on October 24, and finally the Buccaneers vs. Saints on October 31.

The National Football League is starting up once again! Every team in both conferences is looking for a strong performance in pursuit of the Lombardi Trophy. But who has a shot at it, and who is just hoping to survive the onslaught? From the first week alone, a lot of teams have put a strong show on. Some teams who really stood out to me and Anivit (701) were the Arizona Cardinals, Green Bay Packers, Panthers, and Los Angeles Rams. The Arizona Cardinals have had a tough couple of seasons so far. In a division with the Seattle Seahawks, Rams, and San Francisco ‘49ers, it's either do or die.

have seen thus far and are a serious contender for the Super Bowl.

I personally believe that the AFC South is in a somewhat terrible position. The Jaguars are currently rebuilding their defense, the Titans have a strong offence but a In terms of diviless than stellar defense, while the sions, the NFC West rest of the division is also mediois looking the tough- cre. est so far. With a clinically defensive In summary, I believe that the Carteam and a great dinals, Rams, Packers, Buccaneers, offensive side, the Ravens, and Bills have a serious Rams are a force to shot at the Super Bowl, while the be reckoned with. Jaguars, Falcons, Colts, and Jets The Cardinals are are hoping for a top spot at next one of the most year's draft. brilliant teams I

October Album Review

poser who has produced over six albums over the last 11 years. This album features 11 songs, including the most popular, “White Dress”. Each and every song featured is wonderfully made, with meaningful lyrics and contemporary sounds.

by Jasmine Ghayoor, 805 If you are looking for an album that perfectly describes the effects of heartbreak and love, with moments of nostalgia, keep reading. Chemtrails Over the Country Club is the most recent album from the artist Lana Del Rey. She is a musician and com-

It is the perfect album to stream if you’re looking for music with an Americana/folk style.

@theHelm ~ page 3

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Orange Shirt Day is also now widely celebrated on September 30th. The orange shirt symbol comes from a woman named Phyllis Webstad who attended a residential school in British Columbia. She was denied the right to wear her orange shirt and forced to wear the traditional European school uniforms.

by Zander Greco, 805 Thursday September 30th, 2021, was the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. A nation was confronted by its own actions after the unmarked graves of 215 children were discovered at a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia; the public was outraged. On July 1, the anniversary of the birth of the Nation of Canada was not celebrated in large parts of the country. But what are “residential schools” and how have residential schools affected Canadian culture and Canada’s view of itself?

In conclusion, these “schools” have permanently stained the reputation of Canada globally. This year’s horrific discoveries increased public awareness and the desire to increase financial aid and further equality for First Nations peoples. We are all saddened by the basic human rights abuses at residential schools.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Our story starts in 1883. This is when Federal Residential Schools began. Although they officially began in 1883; schools to culturally assimilate the Indigenous North Americans have been traced back to the late 1830s. Additionally, under the “Indian Act” in 1920, it became mandatory for Indigenous children to attend residential schools. Words cannot convey the suffering of the tiny children forced to separate from their parents. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, detachment from parents can lead to severe mental dysfunction and trauma.

Student posters on Orange Shirt Day #everychildmatters @theHelm ~ page 4

Student posters on Orange Shirt Day (703, 705) #everychildmatters

Orange Shirt Day 2021 _______________ First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by @theHelm ~ page 5

Recess changes this fall: Cohorting by grade!

I asked some of the Grade 6s, and almost all of them said they loved being together with everyone at recess, rather than just their home form classmates.

by Gabriela Fimognari, 601 I think that being cohorted into grades is a change from last year’s recesses because we were only allowed to be with our classmates during recess.

Some answers I got were: “I love being with my friends in different classes” and “I really enjoy being with my other friends in different classes because I can communicate with different people than the same people everyday, I also love to be outside with my friends in other classes because we can play games together for example soccer.” Some people I asked didn’t love it so much, though. They thought it wasn’t safe enough for them, which is totally okay! Overall, I think the grade cohorting is a good thing that has happened to the Middle School, and I hope we can continue this next year!

Call for Photography! Did you know that you can submit your photos to @theHelm? Maybe a picture of your pet, of yourself involved in an activity, or of a favourite family vacation destination? We are interested in your snapshots! Send your photo for publication in the next issue with the: Google Submission Form

“Extractigated!” by Ms Gutauskas @theHelm ~ page 6

Photo by Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

by Juliet Finley, 705 @theHelm ~ page 7

THE MATH CORNER Hello to all you mathematicians out there! We are going to showcase a piece of math wizardry each month and turn the challenges on you. Send your answer to Mr. Cormican for the chance to win a prize!

@theHelm ~ page 8

@theHelm Quote of the Month by Clara Lam, 702 “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” -Paul Brandt Music Compositions by Meera Ghelani (806) and Isuri Fernando (804)

(Isuri) Lazy Mornings - Listen to this lofi-type beat when you feel like you’re having another one of those slow mornings. I know that certain days can make you feel unenergetic, and that’s completely okay. It’s just a gentle reminder from your body saying that it needs a little bit more of a recharge, a little bit more adventure xp! Just let your body reset, and enjoy the music.

(Isuri) Nocturnal - Listen to this piece when you feel like you have drifted away from something. Let it be your guide, leading you back into where you want to be. We are always evolving, improving, and refining in hopes of becoming the best version of ourselves. Take a minute to reflect upon all the obstacles you have overcome, and know that you can keep doing so.

(Meera) Change - Change isn’t always bad. Certain things in your life may need to remold themselves to give you more opportunities. Maybe adapting to the circumstances can seem confusing or even tough at times. This piece starts off with one mood but changes into a calmer beat. This shows just how much you can change within a matter of seconds. All you really need is an ounce of perseverance. Go for it!

(Meera) Rainy - This song is a simple tune about watching the rain from your window and zoning out. Sometimes we need to just take a moment for ourselves and watch the rain.

@theHelm ~ page 9

Movie Review: Free Guy by Oliver Wojciechowski, 601

Have you ever wondered what movie to see in 2021? Well, you came to the right newspaper! If you like video games, adventure, romance, and comedy, I suggest you see Free Guy. The movie takes place in a video game called Free City, where the main char-

acter Guy is unaware that he is a non player character. Guy thinks that he is in a normal city. Guy is stuck doing everything all over again every single day because that is what he is programmed to do. The city is called Free City because it is a game where players can do whatever they want. Players in the game can rob banks, have skins (clothes) and use different kinds of weapons. People can even have jetpacks. Guy falls in love with one of the players, and this jam

the whole computer program. If you want to see a pink bunny in a suit that thinks he is a rabbit, then this is the movie for you! With a pair of special glasses, in Guy’s world, there are no limits. Watch this movie if you want to see if Free City will be destroyed forever by the creator of the game!

10 Minecraft Tips and Tricks by Nischal Amin, 703

If you place a fence in front of a fence door, then you can enter/leave easily but your animals cannot. If you press F1 with a spyglass then you can get a wider view. If you put bonemeal in water, you can make seagrass. If you make a 2 by 2 by 1 hole with water you can make an infinite source of water. Lava can be used as fuel in a furnace.

If you take a snowman mining (with a lead) with you, it will make a trail back to your base @theHelm ~ page 10

and fight mobs for you. A trap door is a great fence because animals can come in but cannot come out If you place a block in front of a piece of TNT or a creeper, then it will do nine hearts less damage (with no armour). If you open a chest in the nether and are wearing gold, the piglins will still attack you. If you have Wet Sponges from a sea journey, you can easily dry them on the Nether Floor.

Pollution: What can YOU do? by Ahana Kulkarni, 604 Bolded words can be found in the glossary

What Is Pollution?

pollution, too, such as light pollution. If you leave bright lights on at night, this can confuse nocturnal animals and birds. This can lead to animals flying into windows, trying to cross crowded roads, and doing other dangerous things.

What Can YOU Do To Stop Pollution?

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. This can endanger many species of plants and animals alike. Pollutants can be natural, but they can also be man-made. Some examples of man-made pollutants include garbage, plastic, or chemicals. But pollution can also come in the form of light pollution, noise pollution ,or air pollution. These types of pollution are equally harmful.

Pollution is a very serious problem. Thankfully, there are a lot of things you can do to help. For one, do not litter! It may seem simple, but it makes a huge impact. Maybe you could volunteer to help others clean up nature in your community, or even raise money to donate to a local environmental charity. The possibilities are endless. Make sure to be aware of the impact you are having on the environment, and try to adjust your lifestyle to fit. For example, maybe driving How Does Pollution your car emits a lot of carbon dioxide, so you bike to some places inImpact the stead. Or maybe your plastic cutEnvironment? lery, straws, bags, and waPollution impacts the environment ter bottles in many ways. For example, Lake could be reErie experiences mass algal blooms placed with due to chemicals, waste, and sew- reusable ones. age flowing into it. This causes an excess of nutrients for algae to Stay green, feed off of. The algae spreads, and HSC! can alter the Ph of the water, the oxygen levels, and even the temperature. This can make the water unsuitable for aquatic life to live in, and thus, many fish, plants, and water animals die due to the algal blooms. There are other types of @theHelm ~ page 11

Glossary: pollutants - a foreign substance, usually from human activity which causes pollution. Lake Erie - a great lake in Canada Ph - the acidity of a certain liquid aquatic life - creatures and plants that live underwater reusable - something that can be used over and over again.

Send your completed entry to Mr. Hoad-Reddick. One entry will be selected to win a prize! @theHelm ~ page 12

Viann Whatley, 601

Mark Li, 704 @theHelm ~ page 13

Lamar Attar 703

Meleesa Hamzehian, 601

Jedidiah Aromiro, 806 @theHelm ~ page 14

Penelope Bryson-Tries 701

Mia Bhandal, 603

Photo by Elly Chen, 803 @theHelm ~ page 15

The Mindfulness Club by Mrs. Hubner

The Wellbeing Zone

Naming The Doubt - An Interesting Way To Cope With Anxiety by Ahana Kulkarni, 604 In the Pixar film “Luca”, one line in particular is said quite a bit: “Silencio, Bruno”. This refers to silencing the voice of doubt inside your head.

The Feelings Wheel:https://blog.calm.com/blog/thefeelings-wheel

It may seem silly, but it works. Giving your voice of doubt a name and telling it to be quiet makes it seem less intimidating. If you struggle with having a dream and being too shy to achieve it, this method makes you really question what you are afraid of, and overcome that fear. This trick also makes it seem like there is another voice telling you to stop doubting yourself. We all have confidence inside, but the key is tapping into that confidence when you need it. This simple method is genius because it reminds you that you are in control of your emotions, not the other way around, which is something that many of us fail to realize. Stay chill, HSC!

The Grade 8 Mindfulness club has really enjoyed our first two meetings of the school year! We have been learning more about ourselves and each other through various activities and discussions. This amazing group of students has been learning many different mindfulness strategies and individually identifying when to use them. They have also been reflecting on their many strengths and how they can apply their strengths to the challenges they face. In the coming weeks, we will learn more about self-compassion, how to effectively challenge our negative thoughts, how to manage our stress levels, and how to improve our emotional awareness using a feeling wheel.

The Student Success Club by Mrs. Piron The Student Success Club is a great group of grade 5 and 6 students who meet on Tuesdays during Community Time. We have had a lot of fun getting to know each other and connecting with some stress-busting activities. We are lucky to have Mrs. Ranger in our club as she always teaches us something new about ourselves and strategies we can use every day. In one meeting, we practiced some mindful techniques to engage each of our five senses. In another, we talked about mental health in honour of World Mental Health Day on October 10th and made stress balls. The Student Success Club is a fun way to learn useful things, connect with friends, and relax at the end of a busy school day. If you are interested in joining us, please let Mrs. Piron know!

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the opportunity to connect and celebrate this moment together had all the right feels last week.

Good News Story by Mrs. Espinola

House, Home, and Charity: House Cross-Country Gives Hope

Mrs. Cober is jumping for joy and tells us, “I am happy to be back at it!” Our Middle School students showed off their house colours last Thursday, October 7th, running the trails in Dundas Valley. A big thank you to everyone who has donated to the McMaster Children's Hospital. We have passed our goal of $15 000!

We have persevered through great adversity over the last year and a half. A homecoming of sorts, the house run filled us with hope for the days ahead and gratitude for how far we have travelled. It was amazing to be together in body and spirit. Thank you to Mrs. Setzkorn and our House Captains for always going the extra mile to keep us connected. We have all been left with the sense of victory following last week’s house cross-country event. We have been running a long and difficult race throughout the Pandemic and crossing the finish line last week marked a monumental moment for us all!

Having the opportunity to run as a community was a celebration of how far we have come. It’s been two years since we have been able to run at Dundas Valley. With the lessening of restrictions and the opportunity to participate in select sports and outdoor activities, we have achieved a huge milestone. Such events have been met with great exuberance and A big thank you to everyone who donated to the school spirit. The ability to celebrate our school McMaster Children's Hospital We exceeded our goal through sport and activity is a sign of great things to of $15 000! come. Our houses are at the heart of it all and having @theHelm ~ page 17

Growth Vs. Fixed Mindset by Ms Ferrell On Wednesday, October 13 the Middle School students participated in a lesson on growth and fixed mindsets. Each class shared their thoughts on the terms growth mindset and fixed mindset. You can see the students' thoughts as opportunities to learn and grow. (above/below/to the side). The stu- The student with the fixed mindset dents watched a short video that saw challenges and failure as a reacompared a student with a growth

but each day she read a little bit more, even when it was really hard. She persevered and after several weeks finished her book. When Elizabeth started her book she thought "I can't do this... YET". This is a motto that we hope all of the Middle School students will learn to say to themselves when things get tough. Just because you can't do something now doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in the future!

mindset to a student with a fixed mindset. The student with the fixed son to give up. Which student do mindset saw challenges and failures you identify with? The students also reflected on a time that they had a growth mindset. A few brave students shared on Zoom in front of the whole school. Elizabeth Lerner in 501 told us about a time that she took a very challenging book out of the library. She found the book difficult to read @theHelm ~ page 18


@theHelm ~ page 19

war poems by Alisha Hemani, 702

These poems are based on the Vietnam War. This collection of historical fiction poems tells a story about the life of a girl named Cara Le and her experience during the war. War Has Come The darkness sweeping through homes, Calling, wishing, but still war has arrived, We can only hope now, But maybe hope isn’t enough.

Grey Clouds, Grey days The grey clouds ahead, Cluttering above our lives, Are like the days we await, Unless we find A saviour.

Escaping Uncle Filip led us To the dock where A wooden boat with a salt lamp And a large mast, Waited for us. November. 16 1955

November. 2 1955

Ma says “ A boat and a life Saving us from now, Will soon come, But we have no money, And no money Is no future. November. 13 1955

Bye Bye Home Climbing aboard The large boat Acting as a temporary home, Gave me a sweep of sadness As big as one of the Waves the engine created, For we’d be leaving My childhood home… Forever! November. 16 1955

A Night of Sadness Kai has gotten, A fever, maybe incurable, But what's to tell of the future Even though there might not be one. November. 4 1955 Why? Why is the war here? Why has life changed? Why can't we Escape the massacre awaiting,? Why can’t my Parent’s decide the thing that Could change our lives, Change the future?

Gathering We gathered a supply Each getting food, Water, and also A special object Full of memories. We brought three Bowls of rice each, One ripe papaya each, Four cups of clean, Refreshing water.

Why can’t we leave? And I brought Why is life so unfair? November. 7 1955 A small and furry Wolf cub toy, Noticing Outside Even though it has been The birds shriek, Nibbled by a hungry mouse. Their menacing shriek. The clouds cry, Wolfy was my favourite toy Their heartfelt cry. Because of one key factor, The papaya tree spills His bravery to withstand Their seeds, The hairy rodent Like clusters of tears, Which had small ears and a scaly Wet and bulging. November. 10 1955 tail. November. 15 1955 @theHelm ~ page 20

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Finally, we arrived at the dock To our destination of The free haven Called Canada All the wooden planks, And sturdy posts, Signaling the end of our time On the boat causing seasickness. The moment everyone Had been waiting for Had finally come, A time to rejoice away From any wars arriving in Our homelands. December. 2 1955

Oxford Cat by Radha Maria VargasSaravanamuttu, 705 Once upon a time, a student named Kalaichelvi travelled across the ocean to Oxford University, to do research for a few years. She looked forward to seeing the magic and splendor of the city, with its magnificent facades and spires, and Kalaichelvi asked about the room being offered. The answer? There its gardens where the scent of was no room. And even when she spring would linger in the air. was eventually let in, she couldn’t Then she moved into an apartment understand what had gone on.

about her day, her work at the university. And George would meow back. Sometimes, George would sprawl in front of the radiator, taking up a large amount of space. Kalaichelvi worried he would get squished. Whenever Kalaichelvi went to the kitchen, George would zip over to her and forcefully demand cheese. Kalaichelvi had been warned not to feed the cat cheese. She fed him lots of cheese.

One day, Kalaichelvi found a dead mouse on the floor. She realised that George had momentarily deabove a makeup store. She arrived Finally, Kalaichelvi found a Victorian scended from his position of power on Valentine’s Day, and all of the to give her a gift. displays bedazzled in pink and red. house owned by a kind couple. It had a few rooms available. Things Eventually, her time at Oxford drew were arranged, and she moved in. “This is fine,” she thought. to a close, Kalaichelvi was sad to After she got settled, she would walk to the university every day. To leave it all behind. She would miss This arrangement was only for six do that, she had to walk through a the gardens where the scent of months, and when that time was spring would linger in the air. She up, she had to go looking for some- graveyard. And then she would have would miss the magnificent facades to walk back at night. And try to where else to stay. At first, the and spires of the buildings. And she search wasn’t very successful. One avoid it. would miss George the cat. day, she went to visit a house she had inquired about. She knocked at One day, Kalaichelvi’s landlords the door. There was no answer. She called her to the living room. There, As she left Oxford, George lay sprawled on the driveway, rolling tried again. There was nothing. She majestically seated upon the floor, around in the sun. stood there, all alone. And then the swishing his large, plumy tail, was a door softly creaked open, revealing cat. The Victorian house at Oxford was a lady peering out at Kalaichelvi. She Her landlords told her that they had where Kalaichelvi stayed. It was also found him alone at a pub with no looked small and frightened. owner in sight. They took the cat the home of a black and white cat in, and from that day forward, he named George. He was an interesting cat. A very interesting cat. became known as George. They wanted to know if Kalaichelvi would be okay with a cat. Of course she was. George considered Kalaichelvi his “pet” or his “servant”, someone made specifically to obey his command. They would have conversations together. Kalaichelvi would ask how George was doing, talk @theHelm ~ page 21

Have a talent for writing stories, biographies, or poetry? Then this is the contest for you! Each volume of @theHelm will feature this writing contest, with a different topic each month.

This Month’s Topic:

Truth and Reconciliation

Your job is to write a poem about residential schools, indigenous rights, a biography on an indigenous person, or a short story in first person about what it might be like to attend a residential school. Make sure your work is short enough to fit in one page or two. Feeling shy? You can make sure to remain anonymous by leaving the “Name” slot blank or using a pen (fake) name. Requirements for all pieces of writing are:  It must be relevant to the topic  It must be relatively short  When writing non-fiction (such as a biography) make sure to cite your sources  It must be original; this is significant. You will be immediately disqualified if your work has been copied from somewhere else All winners will be featured on this page. Their writing will be included in separate sections of the newspaper, such as the poetry section. Each month, the topic changes.

CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE @theHelm WRITING CHALLENGE Are you up for the challenge? @theHelm ~ page 22

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