Hsc review fall 2014

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fall 2014

Ready, set, GO! Looking forward to 2020 with a new strategic plan, as we discover what it means to learn with joy and live with purpose.

what’s inside: Meet your 2014-15 Prefects Upping HSC’s Rugby Game Honouring the Fallen

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11/6/2014 5:30:56 PM

What’s Inside...




10 12 14 Message from the Head of College A new five-year journey. Leadership by Example Meet your 2014-15 Prefects. Best in Class The Athletic Therapist is in!

MARCH 9-13, 2015 HSC’s March Break Camp programs provide exciting and engaging full day, full week programs for boys and girls ages 3-10.

For more information, visit www.hsc.on.ca/march-break-camps.

EXPLORE! HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 2-3



Upping the Game Donation changes HSC rugby landscape. Learning from Within Alumni come home to teach.

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Excellence in Action Three inducted into Alumni Hall of Excellence. Honouring the Fallen Installation of memorial spaces. College Life The latest from HSC’s hallways. Our Lives and Lives Lived Updates from the HSC community. The Donor List Generous contributions acknowledged.

Publishing Details:

The HSC Review is published twice per year by Hillfield Strathallan College and the Office of College Advancement. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact Penny Elton at 905-389-1367, ext. 165 or penny.elton@hsc.on.ca, or visit our website at www.hsc.on.ca.

Editorial Direction:

Penny Elton, Manager of Communications and Constituency Relations; Maryann Kerr, Director of Advancement and Constituency Relations.

Creative Design:

Charlotte Miller, Marketing and Admissions Officer.


Eric Bosch, e bo pho to.


Laurie Lewis, Advancement Services Coordinator; Kristin Daku, Communications and Marketing Assistant.


Marc Ayotte, Head of College; Mike Branch ’99, President, HSC Alumni Association; Denise Cober, HSC Faculty; Lori Corneau, Parents’ Guild Volunteer; Kristin Daku, Communications and Marketing Assistant; Dianne de Freitas, Principal, Montessori School; Gillian Doucet Campbell, Alumni Relations Manager; Penny Elton, Manager, Communications and Constituency Relations; Marnie Helmy, Manager of Advancement; Adrian Hoad-Reddick, HSC Faculty; Danielle Hourigan ’82, Vice Principal, Montessori School; June Jenkins, Senior School Assistant; Maryann Kerr, Director, Advancement and Constituency Relations; Laurie Lewis, Advancement Services Coordinator; Charlotte Miller, Marketing and Admissions Officer; Carol Mulvey, Student Success Centre Administrator; Bob Neibert, Principal, Senior School; Sharon Neibert, HSC Faculty; Jennifer Somerville, HSC Athletic Therapist.

Student Contributors:

Gabrielle Lamy, Grade 11; Ruihan Wei, Grade 10

Cover Photo:

Rachel Webber, Grade 11, cheers on her house team at the fall Senior School House Games. Photo by e bo pho to (Eric Bosch).


Battlefield Graphics Inc.

11/6/2014 5:31:03 PM

Towards 20/20 Message from the Head of College, Marc Ayotte A Grade 12 student said, “School isn’t only about academic learning. It’s about taking opportunities, learning how to solve and overcome problems, making choices and sacrifices when you need to, and ultimately challenging yourself.” Another student in Grade 9 said, “The one thing that I think would enhance joy at the school is choice. Students like their freedom, and when we are given a choice, it makes us feel like we can control the outcome of the project or whatever is being discussed because we actually want to. Those are my thoughts, thanks for being open to hearing them!” Self-determination and engaged learning at its finest!

This fall, we made public our new strategic plan, Towards 20/20. Its official publication at hsc.on.ca/strategy marks the beginning of a new five-year journey for the entire HSC community. Towards 20/20 is a living and evolving document that records our aspirations as a community, and our promise to pursue our shared ideals and guiding principles. All members of the HSC community were invited to participate, however it is the student involvement that continues to have the most lasting impression on me. Students participated in record numbers across all four schools and talked about the ways that HSC has impacted their lives and the evolution they would like to see for the College in the days ahead. 4

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Students, parents, alumni, faculty and staff stepped outside their comfort zones to imagine the future HSC graduate and the result is a plan that embraces joy, purpose, and innovation. The commitments embodied in Towards 20/20 focus on personalized authentic learning, global and local connectedness, entrepreneurial spirit, resilience and wellness, community connection and engagement, and will prepare students exceptionally well for a future that is as unpredictable as it is exciting. The facilities and resources within the recently completed Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence position us to meet the goals of our ambitious new plan. In the spring of 2014, we opened our new Athletic Complex and Community Centre,

along with the heated walkway connecting the “old buildings” with the “new buildings”. This walkway will be the most popular part of the complex come February, I’m sure! With the walkway completed, the central Gary W. DeGroote and Family College Commons is now a popular gathering space for students. We are delighted to see students occupy this space as they read in the sunshine or play a quick game of touch football after lunch. Those of you who were able to join the HSC community on November 11, 2014 will know that we dedicated our new Memorial Garden, as part of our annual Remembrance Day Service. This garden features a monument to honour all 47 of the Fallen, the HSC Alumni who made the ultimate sacrifice in the World Wars, as well as contemplative benches and a flag array so that we never forget these men and their families. We look forward to the year ahead as we begin to implement our Strategic Plan, and reach out to even more of our community in meaningful ways. Be sure to visit hsc.on.ca/strategy on a regular basis for updates, information and reports on our progress. Best wishes and good luck with all your endeavours for the coming year. Read the new Strategic Plan now:

To all Alumni and Friends of HSC Mike Branch ’99, President, HSC Alumni Association A few weeks ago, we inducted three exceptional alumni into the HSC Alumni Hall of Excellence: Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83, John F. Evans ’55 and Christopher Thornborrow ’02. Although each of these remarkable alumni is from a different generation, what I love about HSC is that we are all part of a community that extends beyond our time here as a student. We all had our start in the same place, where we tried to sort out answers to the same questions as we grew through adolescence. Questions like: What do I have a passion for? What do I want to study at university? What mysterious food awaits me in Lawson Hall?

brand new facility – the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence. Please join fellow alumni and staff in this wonderful opportunity to kick-off the holiday season with the familiar songs that reverberated through the halls during your time at school.

It’s inspiring for me to see HSC alumni leading successful lives, fulfilling their passions, bringing their dreams to life and, through it all, bringing a bit of their past with them on their journey to success. This awards program not only allows us to honour some truly remarkable alumni, but it also affords us the opportunity to have them speak to the student body and help them imagine the possibilities that lie ahead in life.

2014-15 Alumni Executive

This opportunity to come back to HSC and have an impact isn’t just limited to those we’ve honoured—it extends to all of our alumni. As we head into the fall and winter, I invite you to take advantage of one of the many opportunities to visit HSC and leave your mark, with students and alumni alike. For the first time ever, we will celebrate Carol Service (one of my favourite HSC events) in our

Remember: The thread that connects me, to you, to all of our alumni, is that we all have roots here at HSC. We are all still part of this community, although we may have left the halls many years ago.

Shirley Thomas-Weir ’83 Erica Otaguro ’07 Vicky Cairns (Retired Faculty) David Simpson ’73 Gail Vedelago (Parent of Alumni) Charlie Sherman ’03 Mike Branch ’99 Herb Wodehouse ’71 Rob Alexander ’89 Brianne Barton ’03 Angus Gordon ’97 John Simpson ’75 Jonathan Skirving ’03 John Stewart ’79


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Leadership by Example The 2014-15 Prefect Installation Ceremony Every year, HSC challenges a team of student leaders to serve the College and their peers through community contributions in all areas, including student life, arts, academics, athletics and service. Prefects ensure students are engaged in College life and uphold the mission, guiding principles and ideals of the school. They represent the collective vision of the HSC community in their words and actions. On Friday, September 12 the College officially welcomed the 2014-15 Prefect team during the annual Prefect Installation Chapel Service—a formal ceremony that honours leadership and community service at HSC. Students gathered in the Page Gym to watch as 12 Senior students received their Prefect pins and ties. In his address to the new Prefects, Head of College Mr. Marc Ayotte spoke about the more elusive qualities of successful leaders – the ability to be vulnerable and ask others for help, and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone and embrace challenges and fears. Some students pursue a Prefect position to obtain formal leadership experience and hone skills like communication and team building. Many are also motivated by school pride and a desire to give back.


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“I thought that applying for a Prefect position would be a perfect way to be able to give back to the community that has taught me so much,” explains 2014-15 Head Girl Olivia Arski. “At HSC, I have been given so many opportunities; I could choose to do anything and excel in anything with the support of my teachers and coaches. I feel like my HSC experience has shaped me into the individual that I am today.” HSC Prefects spend the academic year connecting with and supporting their peers. They work to build community and to uphold College traditions. This year’s team is organized to allow for individual Prefects to pursue duties specific to their passions, talents and skills. Head Boy Benjamin Kornya is excited to make a positive impact on his fellow students. “I want to motivate others to take on roles of leadership, and to be a cohesive and engaged HSC community. I hope to encourage others to afford themselves the opportunities and experiences offered at the school.” Congratulations to our 2014-15 Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefects.

Top row, from left to right: Benjamin Kornya, Head Boy, Middle School Prefect; Naman Arora, Service Prefect; Joshua Altmann, Junior School Prefect; Benjamin Rudolph, Media and Public Relations Prefect; Michael Neibert, Male Athletic Prefect Bottom row, from left to right: Olivia Arski, Head Girl, Academic Prefect; Keiko Marshall, Montessori Prefect; Nicole Arski, Chapel Prefect; Diandra Cocco, Spirit Prefect; Laura Falco, Arts Prefect; Jessica Kain, Wellness Prefect; Anastasia Tolfa, Female Athletic Prefect


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College Athletic Therapist Jennifer Somerville, BHSC, BAHSC (AT), CAT(C), Candidate Osteopath DOMP

Best In Class New Athletic Therapy Clinic Opens at HSC On the heels of the unveiling of the completed athletic complex in the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence, was the opening of HSC’s new Athletic Therapy Clinic. Now students and athletes can access first-class athletics facilities along with a critical and complementary service that rivals that of any independent school in Canada. At the heart of the clinic is the school’s new Athletic Therapist, Jennifer Somerville. Jennifer’s expertise rests in the implementation of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and on field emergency care. Before joining HSC, she was a student therapist with Wilfrid Laurier University football and completed a placement with Appleby College Athletic Therapy. She then went on to become the Head Therapist for McMaster University Marauders football, where she worked in the David Braley Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation Centre. In 2011, Jennifer opened her own practice in west Hamilton, and as of September 2014, joined the HSC Health Services and Athletics team.

The orthopedic treatment of choice for most college, university, national, and professional athletes and teams, athletic therapy focuses on an active and holistic approach to sports medicine. The focus of HSC’s clinic is in supplying superior care to the students, offering a value-added student program. Central to that focus is injury prevention and thorough monitoring of injuries sustained, including IMPACT, the College’s stringent concussion management protocol.

The clinic takes advantage of multiple modalities including ultrasound, Interferential Current Therapy, TENS and muscle stimulation.

“We strive for pre-prevention, looking at the concerns of our athletes and students prior to competition, that may limit them in their abilities and predispose them to injuries,” explains Jennifer. “We also make sure they have thorough thermodynamic warm-up programs in place. We have education on pre, during and post competition hydration and nutrition as well as how to limit potential injuries from happening.”

Melissa Mancini teaches physical education in the Senior School and coaches Trojans wrestling, rugby and soccer. “We are absolutely thrilled to have Jennifer as an athletic therapist. As a physical education teacher and coach, I appreciate that she can provide athletic therapy during classes, as well as pre and post game support. To have those extra hands and professionals as a part of our team is amazing.”

Jennifer also provides on-field medical care and full-rehabilitation services, caring for students and athletes from their initial injury through to their rehab program.

Having an Athletic Therapist on staff equates to the highest standard of care for HSC’s active student body. Incorporating the new Athletic Therapy clinic into the College means students have continuous, thorough care from initial emergent care all the way through their rehabilitation.

To learn more about the scope of practice of an Athletic Therapist and licencing procedures visit athletictherapy.org.


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Senior Boys’ rugby players William Kelly and Evan Souter will enjoy their final season in Trojan uniforms playing between the College’s new rugby posts. The Kelly and Souter-Phillips families reflect on games of HSC rugby past, and raise a glass to the future of the sport at the College.

Upping the Game HSC scores new rugby posts, thanks to a generous donation from two HSC families. It’s hard to miss the latest addition to the HSC athletics landscape. Twelve metres high and gleaming white, the College’s new goal posts dominate the rugby pitch on the east end of the HSC campus. Erected at the beginning of October, the regulation sized rugby posts are the result of a generous donation by the Kelly and Souter-Phillips families. The posts will literally change HSC’s game. In past years, referees had to make difficult and potentially controversial calls on the success of penalties and conversions kicked over the undersized football posts. Rugby has flourished at HSC and the new posts add to the profile of the sport in the community. The College already has a reputation as 10

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a rugby powerhouse amongst independent schools. In 2014, the U14 and Senior Boys’ Rugby teams captured CISAA gold, and the Senior Girls brought home silver. The addition of regulation sized posts enhances the quality of the school’s practices and matches. The success of Trojans rugby is the result of the unrelenting pursuit of excellence demonstrated by HSC athletes and, in particular, coaches Martin Birthelmer, Amaris Langton, Melissa Mancini, Robert McGall, Bob Neibert and Marc Edgar. While all athletics programs at HSC are exceptional, rugby is revered for its values of discipline, respect and fellowship. It is these values that inspired the Kelly and Souter-Phillips families to make their gift.

“We’ve enjoyed many afternoons pitch side, watching exciting rugby games and participating in the camaraderie, rain or shine, that is an important part of the sport,” says Sherry Phillips. “Our family wanted to say thank you to the dedicated HSC rugby coaches and players; we’re proud of your many accomplishments and pleased that we could be there to witness them.” This sentiment is shared by the Kelly family. “It has been a great pleasure to watch the development of the HSC rugby programs to their present levels of excellence,” says Lorna Kelly, “and the new rugby posts highlight this transformation.” 11

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Learning from Within HSC alumni and Montessori teachers Patrick Chalkley ’03 and Erica Otaguro ’07 speak to what makes Montessori at HSC so special. Montessori School special is the caring and connected community the school fosters. “This is my third Montessori school and I can honestly say nothing compares to my experience here. None of the other schools have the culture and feel of HSC.” The school is more like a close-knit family, says HSC alumna Erica Otaguro ’07 who currently teaches M6 to M9. “The kids know all the teachers even if they have never been taught by them directly.”

The idea was radical: Education focused not on grades, approval and regimes, but on the learning needs of the individual child. It was 1906 and the world was a rigid place for educators. It was also a world that limited the scope of female education. Dr. Maria Montessori, Italy’s first female physician and a passionate educator, defied these norms and opened the first Montessori School, the Casa dei Bambino, or Children’s House, in Rome. Educators and parents alike embraced her philosophy, based on scientific research, and today Montessori schools exist worldwide. The Montessori School became an integral part of the HSC community in 1967. The school is Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators (CCMA) accredited, and upholds the highest standards of an authentic Montessori education. The goal is to develop the whole child and help 12

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students reach their full potential in all aspects of life. Children have space to explore their interests and experience the joy of learning. No surprise, then, that HSC’s new mission statement—“learn with joy, live with purpose”—resonates with the College’s Montessori faculty.

“Joy is built in everyday, into everything we do.” “Maria Montessori spoke a lot about the joy of learning,” explains Patrick Chalkley ’03, M5 Montessori teacher and HSC alumnus. “Joy is built in everyday, into everything we do. We can’t help but share that with the children just by being excited to be here ourselves.” He adds that what makes the HSC

The teachers and students truly get to know one another, and teachers across grades are aware of what is going on in each Montessori classroom. There is ample opportunity for collaboration, team professional development and social bonding amongst faculty. Montessori alumni carry with them this sense of community and continue to appreciate the joy in learning long after they’ve left. “It’s a comment on the program that so many of our alumni, once parents themselves, come back and enroll their own children,” says Erica. Most find there has been little change to the basic tenets that shaped their own educational experience. Montessori methods today emphasize independence, creativity, freedom, and emotional and social development. Classrooms feature mixed-age groups and three-hour blocks of uninterrupted work time. Patrick and Erica observe their students, but don’t interfere with learning unless a student asks for assistance.

to choose. We will guide them in a direction when we see where their interests lie,” says Patrick. “It’s a very individualized curriculum. No one is left behind and no one is bored.” Teachers perform daily assessments, write qualitative reports focused on feedback rather than grades and, when needed, intervene to redirect and provide choices and options. They employ their knowledge of individual learning styles and emphasize the whole process of learning. Through a prescribed range of options, students make discoveries independently and develop their executive functioning skills. At the same time, they learn self-discipline and resiliency, and how to self-reflect on their own learning journey. “Self-discovery is part of the joy in learning,” explains Erica. “Each child has an individualized program with

its foundation in the curriculum. Students work at their own developmental level so each new challenge and learning opportunity is geared towards their individual needs. This personal connection to learning engages the students. Students, they want to learn not because they want a grade,

“No one is left behind and no one is bored.” but because of the internal and intrinsic value of the learning experience.” Students learn from working with materials themselves and are taught to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. They also act as mentors to each other and to the younger students. They take responsibility not just for themselves and each other, but also for the world around

them. Social and moral responsibility is inherent in Montessori methods—clear recognition that today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders and innovators. “We are teaching them to be little citizens, children with self-confidence and a sense of their own accomplishments,” says Patrick. “They learn just how much they are capable of.” Erica appreciates that, as alumni, she and Patrick have a unique perspective on the HSC community and educational experience. “We had the opportunity to see first hand how important it is to connect at every level. We appreciate all the resources and the opportunities to grow.” She adds, “It’s not a 9 to 5 job.” Patrick agrees. “As an alum, I feel like it is my duty to share that sense of community. It’s not just a school and it’s not just a job. We are here because we love it.”

Erica Otaguro ’07 works with a Montessori student inside of her classroom. Montessori teachers Erica Otaguro ’07 and Patrick Chalkley ’03 breathe HSC culture into their Montessori classrooms. They have returned because of the strength of the HSC Montessori program and in an interest to give back to the HSC community.

“The children have the freedom 13

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Excellence in Action

John F. Evans, Q.C., LSM ’55 has practiced advocacy for over 45 years. He currently practices civil advocacy at the firm of Evans Sweeny Bordin. His work emphasizes: corporate commercial and shareholders disputes; professional liability with emphasis on defence of lawyers (LawPRO); representation of municipalities and institutions; estate and inter vivos disputes; tort including product liability; defamation; employment; and appellate advocacy.

Three inspiring alumni join the HSC Hall of Excellence. An artist, a lawyer and a health care executive: though their career paths are dramatically different, all three 2014 Hall of Fame inductees credit their HSC student experiences as critical to their success. On Friday, September 12, 2014, HSC honoured Christopher Thornborrow ’02, Shirley-Thomas Weir ’83 and John F. Evans Q.C., LSM ’55 with induction into the HSC Alumni Hall of Excellence. These three HSC graduates are exceptional individuals who have made extraordinary professional and community contributions. Hall of Excellence recognition continues an HSC tradition that inspires students and graduates through the legacy of alumni who have come before them.

John was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1980 and has been a Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation since 1988. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and is Past President of The Advocates’ Society, the Hamilton Law Association and the Hamilton Medical-Legal Society. He was the Founding Chair of the Sopinka Cup Society, Canada’s national trial advocacy law school competition, in tribute to the late Justice John Sopinka. John received the Ontario Bar Association Award for Distinguished Service in 2001; the Emilius Irving Award from the Hamilton Law Association in 1994; the Ontario Bar Association Award for Excellence in Insurance Law in 2008; the Law Society Medal in June 2008; the Edward Orzel Award for Distinction in Advocacy in 2011; and the Ontario Bar Association Award for Excellence in Civil Litigation in 2013. In 2011, the United Way established the John F. Evans Award of Community Distinction in recognition of John’s service to the United Way. John has chaired the Dundas Valley School of Arts; the Hamilton Region District Arts Council; the McMaster University President’s Club; and the United Way Legal Campaign. For his service to the University in 2005, John was named a McMaster University Honorary Alumni.

2014 Hall of Excellence inductee

In his speech at the 2014 Hall of Excellence induction ceremony, John reinforced the application of creativity in learning and its importance to future success. He encouraged students to keep creativity in their hearts, and to fill their lives with art and artists. “Know your own creativity,” he advised the students. “And enjoy the creative part of whatever it is you are doing.”


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There are many memories from her early HSC days, but a conversation with then Assistant Headmaster Mr. Loranger was a defining moment in Shirley Thomas Weir’s ’83 educational journey. It was the summer before her Grade 13 year, and she had met with Mr. Loranger to review the duties and responsibilities associated with her role as Head Girl. “He expected outcomes,” she recalls. “The list appeared daunting and I felt overwhelmed.” She told Mr. Loranger she didn’t know how she could accomplish everything set before her. He responded that her approach to leadership was wrong. It wouldn’t be her going out and doing all aspects of everything asked of her alone – she would need to surround herself with great people. “By immersing myself in the gifts, talents and expertise of other people, and bringing out the best in other people, we would work collectively to make differences.” Today Shirley is a role model for HSC students aspiring to leadership positions. She is fully engaged in her community, sitting on various boards throughout Hamilton and Niagara regions. As Chief Executive Officer of Thomas Health Care, Shirley has over 27 years of experience in Senior Care and Housing, providing operational, financial and strategic direction within retirement living and long term care. Shirley believes it is a privilege and responsibility to create possibilities and choice in safe environments for those whose care is entrusted to us. She also encourages and supports youth participation in sports, wellness and giving back to our communities.

2014 Hall of Excellence inductee

Shirley is active in all aspects of HSC life. She is a Past President of the College’s Alumni Association, a member of the HSC Board of Governors, and is the Board Ambassador to the HSC Parents’ Guild. She is also a current HSC Parent, and Parent of Alumni.

When he speaks about his HSC experience, Christopher Thornborrow ’02 always circles back to the relationships he forged as a student. “At HSC I surrounded myself with good people—people I had common interests with, people who challenged me and people who made me laugh. I don’t think I would be where I am today without those people.” Multiple award-winning composer of contemporary classical music, co-founder and artistic director of the music collective the Toy Piano Composers (toypianocomposers.com), short film composer, educator and arts advocate—Chris’ career is richly varied. Among his more intriguing future projects are sound design for a one act opera about cyber bullying at Sheridan College and the scoring of Andrew Cividino’s feature film Sleeping Giant. His music has been performed across North America by many acts, including TorQ Percussion, junctQín keyboard collective and Arraymusic. Chris advises HSC students to recognize the importance of relationships to success, to “make good art” and to diversify their interests. As a student, he says he took a variety of non-music related courses that informed the music he created years later. “That broad experience will add to whatever you decide to output.” As a member of the HSC Alumni Hall of Excellence, Chris joins an esteemed group of accomplished individuals. “It’s quite an honour to be recognized for work that doesn’t necessarily have mass appeal, especially from a school that played such a huge part in my development, education and creativity.”

2014 Hall of Excellence inductee

“I believe in the community of HSC. I am proud to be part of this family.”


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On Thursday, October 30, over 500 students, parents, faculty, staff and friends joined the HSC Parents’ Guild for a frighteningly good time at the “spook-tacular” Monster Mash event.

Help us honour and recognize alumni who make contributions that enrich our lives and our community.

Guests arrived in costumes and enjoyed pizza, treats and spooky activities run by our Middle School students. As a house challenge, the Middle School students decorated Halloween houses and asked guests to vote on their frightful favourites. Brother/sister houses Maple-Tay bewitched the crowds and won the points for their houses!

Call for NomiNatioNs alumNi award of distiNCtioN

HSC would like to thank the HSC Parents’ Guild and our Middle School students for making this Monster Mash the best one yet!

Nomination deadline: april 15, 2015 The HSC Alumni Award of Distinction program celebrates the achievements of distinguished alumni who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the community locally, nationally or globally. All recipients embody and promote the ideals of Hillfield Strathallan College. Through their efforts and accomplishments, they have bettered the world around them.


alumNi Hall of ExCEllENCE

Nomination deadline: april 15, 2015 Inductees in the HSC Alumni Hall of Excellence have demonstrated qualities of leadership, vision and creativity. By honouring this accomplished group of alumni, the College continues its tradition of inspiring others through the legacy of alumni who have come before them.

atHlEtiCs Hall of famE

Nomination deadline: february 1, 2015 In HSC’s 113-year history, a number of outstanding Athletes, teams, coaches, builders and contributors to sport have passed through the doors of the College. To honour these amazing community members, the College supports the HSC Athletics Hall of Fame.



For details on these awards, and information on how to submit a nomination, please visit hsc.on.ca/alumni-awards or contact Gillian Doucet Campbell, Manager of Alumni Relations at gillian.doucet.campbell@hsc.on.ca or 905.389.1367, ext. 117.

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It has never been easier to stay connected! To update your contact information online, learn more about events, register for the HSC Alumni Directory, find us on social media and much more, visit www.hsc.on.ca/alumni.

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Haunted Hall of Halloweens Past 5/23/2014 2:36:28 PM


11/6/2014 5:32:08 PM

rs are “Othe included.” always - Ajay

ble to “You’re a at you wish.” h pursue w - Somya

“Off to other support - Cam ers.” ero

“Particip ate in th e opportun ities that come to you.”


- Riana

Joy and Purpose in Grade 3 Examples of joy and purpose can be seen throughout the College and our weekly Chapel services are no exception. Each week, HSC staff, faculty and students are treated to performances from our amazingly talented students and this year, our students have certainly hit many high notes! We’ve seen soloists perform songs from their youth, choirs harmonizing beautifully together, master martial artists reenacting powerful scenes and special readings from students from across all schools.


Junior School students come together like a family. Open the door to learning.

You should always try your best.

Recently, our Junior School Grade 3 students took part in their own performance. Each took a letter from the words ‘joy’ and ‘purpose’, from our new mission statement, and came up with sayings that reflect how they feel HSC embodies joy and purpose. A few of their sayings are highlighted on this page.

“Proud to - Violet


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be at HSC

Watch th full video e on HSC’s YouTube Channel.


Put yourself into the work.

Understand that everyone has talent. Represent our school.

Proud to be at HSC.

Only success with effort. Success comes your way if you try.


Embrace your talents.

Carol Service Thursday, December 18, 2014, 4:00 p.m. Athletic Complex and Community Centre Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence Visit www.hsc.on.ca for details.

11/6/2014 5:33:56 PM

Moriyama & Teshima Architects provided the first glimpse of the Memorial Garden and Monument to the Fallen in these early renderings.

Honouring the Fallen The most solemn of occasions for the HSC community held special significance this year. On November 11, 2014, board members, trustees, alumni, faculty and staff, members of The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders regiment, and friends of HSC were invited to join the College for our annual Remembrance Day ceremony, and to witness the dedication of the Memorial Garden and Monument to the Fallen. The monument, which stands over five feet tall, commemorates and honours the 47 HSC alumni killed in the two World Wars. Their names and ranks are deeply etched into the elegant aluminum and stainless steel structure, which rests beneath the College’s flag array. The garden features benches for contemplation. The remembrance of our Fallen, and all those who served and who continue to serve in the protection of our country’s ideals, is a sacred tradition at HSC. The new garden and monument are the direct result of the passion, inspiration, and support of Mr. Bill Young ’35 and Mrs. Joyce Young ’43, who worked with the College to bring the project to fruition. Bill’s own service and passion for the remembrance of the sacrifice of all our soldiers was inspired by the service of his father, the late Major 22

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General James V. Young and the sacrifice of his brother, Major John Douglas (Doug) Young ’32 who was killed in action on D-Day. Mr. and Mrs. Young, and, from The Argyll and Sutherland Regiment, Honourary Colonel, Ron Foxcroft, and Honourary Lieutenant Colonel, Rick Kennedy all laid wreaths. Following the dedication, the College’s official Remembrance Day ceremony commenced in the new Athletic Complex in the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence. HSC alumnae Elise Naccarato ’11 performed a moving arrangement of “O Magnum Mysterium” by Morten Lauridsen. The community also observed a moment of silence in honour of the Fallen as well as Corporal Nathan Cirillo of The Argyll and Sutherland Regiment, who died tragically in Ottawa on October 22, 2014.


July 30, 2013

The Argyll Regimental Foundation and True Patriot Love Foundation (truepatriotlove.com) have created the Marcus Cirillo Trust for the son of Corporal Nathan Cirillo. Every dollar raised by the Argyll Regimental Foundation and by the Regiment goes directly to the Marcus Cirillo Trust. The TD Bank has set up a trust account for Marcus so that individuals may also make a direct contribution at their local bank (TD Bank, Transit # 2221, Account #6391935).



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Transporation staff members Bob Panter, Neil Clark, Zvonimir Di Gallo, Patti Denis, Susan Geer and Transportation Supervisor Sheila Land.

On the Road HSC drivers travel thousands of kilometres to safely deliver HSC students to school. They are the first face many students see at the beginning of the school day, and the last when they depart for home. Bus drivers, and the entire HSC transportation department, play a critical role in book-ending the HSC experience. Transportation at HSC is an epic undertaking, with more than 700 students busing to and from the College every day. Thirty drivers cover 26 individual routes, and the fleet includes two full-time charter buses for school trips, and two part-time spare drivers and two noon-hour runs. The entire HSC student body is offered service on an in-house— not chartered—bus system. As College employees, drivers are part of the HSC community, and the College’s culture of excellence is evident in the care they show their young passengers. “All of our drivers are certified through the Ministry of Transportation. They receive hours of training in how to manage student behaviour, safe loading and unloading of the buses, defensive driving and emergency medical and evacuation procedures,” says Transportation Supervisor Sheila Land. According to Transport Canada, school buses are 16 times safer than any other vehicle on the road. Drivers need intimate knowledge of traffic laws and regulations, must 24

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show good judgment and make quick decisions. The operation of a commercial vehicle like a school bus is no easy task, especially when you consider the precious cargo they carry. Every bus driver deals with unpredictable traffic and the occasional rowdy rider. Bad weather, however, poses the biggest challenge. In 45 years of driving a bus (11 at HSC), veteran driver Bob Panter has seen it all. “There is definitely some anxiety that comes with bad weather,” says Bob. “But over the years, the training and experience we have has prepared us for any kind of weather.” Fellow driver Neil Clark agrees. “When you have driven a route for years, you learn how to get around certain problems. But some areas, like the skyway, you just can’t avoid bottleneck.” To calm worried parents, and assist drivers, HSC dispatch utilizes an e-mail broadcast system to notify families of delays. Dispatch stays in constant communication with drivers to help them navigate obstacles and weather safely, and efficiently. Riding the bus is an opportunity for students to build resilience and independence. Drivers are trained to help new and younger riders adjust, but after a few days of taking the bus, most students fall into a

comfortable routine. “The kids are often better than the parents at adjusting,” laughs Patti Denis, HSC dispatcher. Parents understandably have anxiety, but drivers work to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone. Drivers transport students of all ages, and those who stay on the same route over the years will see many children grow up and eventually graduate. They get to know students, teachers and parents. HSC alumnus Michael Dean ’01, now an HSC Middle School teacher, was on the Stoney Creek bus run as a child, and remembers his drivers with fondness. “My brother and I were some of the first students to get on the bus and the last to get off. Our drivers always had time to talk to us, see how our day was going and what we were doing in school.” Whether they have been behind the wheel at HSC for two years or for 20, all bus drivers agree that their interaction with the younger generation is the most rewarding part of the job. “They are not your children,” says Bob, “but when you see them graduate and hear that they have gone on to be successful, it touches you. You are proud of them.” 25

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Researching for a Cure HSC alumna Dr. Sheila Singh ’90 hopes her research will one day improve the survival and quality of lives of children with brain cancer. Dr. Sheila Singh ’90 was in medical school when she met the two young boys who would inspire her for years to come. They had the same name, were the same age, and appeared to have the same debilitating brain tumour. When the boys had alarmingly different responses to identical treatments, Dr. Singh was faced with challenging questions that she has devoted her career to answering. “That was my epiphany – my huge moment where I discovered I wanted to be able to solve things like this,” says Dr. Singh. “It became my lifelong inspiration to discover why, [with the same treatment],

PhD at the University of Toronto that Dr. Singh, along with colleague Peter Dirks, had the ‘novel idea’ to try to discover the role of stem cells in brain tumours. “We found that there were cells exclusively driving the growth of the tumours,” says Dr. Singh. “We were the people who made that discovery.” The medical community took notice. Dr. Singh is the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including a Canada Research Chair in Human Cancer Stem Cell Biology, the Terry Fox Foundation’s New Investigator Award, and the Neurosurgical

“That was my epiphany – my huge moment where I discovered I wanted to be able to solve things like this.” one child lives and one child dies, and to discover a better outcome.”

Research and Education Foundation Young-Clinician Investigator Award.

Today Dr. Singh is on the leading edge of cancer research. A paediatric neurosurgeon, she is also an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Biochemistry and Paediatrics at McMaster University in Hamilton.

She continues her research at McMaster University with a lab team comprised of graduate students, Postdoctoral Fellows and research technicians. “Tumours are very heterogeneous,” she explains. “Stem cells are very primitive and we found that [when we treated them,] they

It was while pursuing her 26

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were escaping the therapies, just to surge up later to cause a relapse,” she says. “Their evasive nature makes them so intriguing.” Dr. Singh and her team are focused on three different projects: identification and characterization of brain metastasis-initiating cells from metastatic lung cancer, the role of developmental signaling pathways in medulloblastoma stem cells, and the role of Bmi1 in glioblastoma brain tumour initiating cell self-renewal and tumour maintenance. The ultimate goal of their work is to learn how to selectively target these tumour initiating cells with appropriately tailored drug and molecular therapies. Research like this takes patience, perseverance, determination and careful thoughtfulness, says Dr. Singh. “We are all looking for instant gratification in this world, but in science, you need to be patient and persistent. When you are putting something new into the world, you need to be meticulous about it.” The HSC Montessori school introduced these concepts to Dr. Singh at an early age. “HSC pushes delayed gratification,” she explains. “Sometimes you have to sacrifice something and suffer a bit to reap the

Dr. Sheila Singh ’90, a paediatric neurosurgeon and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Biochemistry and Paediatrics at McMaster University, is at the leading edge of cancer research.

rewards.” This is especially true in her line of work, where research can take years to produce results. As an HSC Lifer, Dr. Singh attended HSC from age three to 18. “Hillfield Strathallan provided me with a nurturing environment that allowed my talents to emerge,” she says. “Most important were the teachers. They were positive role models and supported me in learning to express my ideas.”

The ability to communicate in a compelling and elegant way was one of the most important skills she learned at HSC. “It’s great to have good ideas, but if you can’t express them, you won’t get them out to the world,” she explains. Dr. Singh draws on these skills regularly when writing grant applications and manuscripts.

creative to be successful in science and HSC really fostered creativity,” she says. Today she turns to her

Growing up, Dr. Singh expressed herself through HSC’s arts and music programs. “You need to be

husband—an architect— when she needs a creative boost. “Our careers may be opposites, but together,

we are complementary.” Her two children, HSC Middle School students

“Hillfield Strathallan provided me with a nurturing environment that allowed my talents to emerge.”

music programs,” she says, “and Rafael is pushing academic limits, pursuing scientific interests.” Dr. Singh appreciates that HSC instills a strong work ethic in its students, teaching them patience, independence and all the skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing future.

Alexander and Rafael, are following in their parent’s footsteps. “Alexander is thriving in the arts and 27

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The 18th Annual HSC Golf Classic The threat of rain did nothing to dull the spirits of golf and HSC enthusiasts. Presented every year by HSC’s Alumni Association, the HSC Golf Classic is a chance for alumni to reconnect with classmates and engage in community building, all in support of HSC scholarships and awards. Of course, it is also a fantastic way to build new friendships and have fun! The 18th annual tournament drew 100 participants to the Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club on June 17, 2014, including alumni, current parents, staff and faculty. In the true spirit of the game, the determined golfers stayed the course, despite rain and even a few peals of thunder. Thanks to their participation, the tournament generated revenue of over $18,000, all of which directly impacts the educational experience of HSC students. The HSC Alumni Executive Golf Committee extends a sincere thank you to all participants, volunteers, and of course, the many dedicated sponsors who ensure the tournament is a great success each year. It was wonderful to see many young alumni in attendance, with alums Brett Duncan ’08, Brandan Patterson ’09,

Boomer (Michael) Pearce ’08 and friend Dave Evans earning the overall best score. The 19th annual HSC Golf Classic takes place June 23, 2015 at the Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club. In recognition that some traditions are worth keeping, the HSC Golf Classic Cup and team medals are back on offer, along with all of the elements players have come to love about the tournament including a shotgun start, scramble format, and all of the fun and folly that comes with great friends coming together in support of an exceptional school. Register and pay by March 31, 2015 to take advantage of the discounted single player rate of $225, or the foursome rate of $875. In addition, there will be an early bird draw for some great prizes! For more information, please contact Gillian Doucet Campbell, Manager of Alumni Relations at 905-389-1367, ext. 117, or via e-mail at gillian.doucet.campbell@hsc.on.ca. View the brochure at hsc.on.ca/annual-golf-classic.


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Leading on the Path to Success

Snow Day, Snow Night

A wise man once told Michael Kehoe ’70 to become the local ‘sharpshooter’ and expand his business from there. And that’s just what he did.

On Friday, January 28, 1977, a powerful blizzard blew into Southern Ontario. The speed and strength of the storm was incredible, catching the community off-guard. The College closed early, but many children spent the night at HSC, waiting out the weather.

Michael Kehoe ’70 heeded the call to “go west, young man” and moved to Alberta in 1973. The plan was to take a position in the accounting department at the Banff Springs Hotel and spend the season skiing. Four decades later, he’s still in the province. Buoyed by Alberta’s burgeoning economy, Michael spent much of that time building a reputation as a leader in commercial real estate.

My car wouldn’t start that morning, so I was stuck at home when the call was made to close the school. It was a good thing in retrospect, as the College had only two phone lines back then. I was given a list of families to call from home—it took me forever, as every parent wanted to be reassured that their child was fine and safe without actually being able to speak to them. This was a good thing, for the tears would have come once the parent’s voice was heard (as often happens with young children).

“When I moved here, the province was on the leading edge of the oil boom. For the past 40 years, I have been able to watch the province expand and mature into an economic powerhouse,” Michael says. He founded Fairfield Commercial Real Estate in 1991 and credits much of his success to relationship-building, a skill he learned as a student at Hillfield Strathallan College. “‘Time is money’ is the wrong lesson to teach,” he says. “It’s about creating, managing and maintaining long term relationships. That’s really the secret to any business. I have clients who have been with me for 25 years, but I also devote time to developing new contacts.” Michael attended HSC in the mid-1960s. Although he didn’t graduate from the College, he shows that it doesn’t matter if you are 30

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The classroom drapes were taken down and used as blankets. As you could imagine many parents attempted to get to the school, only to be stuck themselves or turned back by the OPP.” Dianne de Freitas Principal, Montessori School Specializing in commercial real estate with a personal touch, Michael was recently named a 2014 Leader of Tomorrow by Calgary Business Magazine for his contributions to the Calgary business community and his volunteer work.

on campus for one year or 16; HSC provides an experience that lasts a lifetime. “The HSC experience made me a more rounded person. The sports, music and theatre gave me insights that are still benefitting me today.” he says. Michael applies his business expertise to community development projects in partnership with charitable organizations in Calgary, some of which are close to his heart.

“I volunteered for many years at a homeless shelter. Now the shelter is being incorporated into a new urban development. I am involved in that project but my roots are in the shelter.” Growing up in Burlington, he was the only child in his family who didn’t follow his father into a banking career. “I was too footloose and eager to get out in the world and work,” he says. Michael finds joy in assisting

other entrepreneurs in realizing their businessrelated dreams, as well as passing on his wisdom to others in the industry. “In Canada, we have a tremendous opportunity for greatness. I was lucky to have experienced that over the past 40 years,” he says. “I was fortunate to be able to go out into the world with the knowledge and experiences I had at Hillfield Strathallan College.”

“The snow really started coming down by the time we arrived at school that morning – we just did not know that a lot more was to come. At lunch, Mr. Wansbrough announced that any student at the school with a car could leave immediately after lunch to beat the worst of the storm. My older brother had my Dad’s old brown station wagon—the kind with the faux wood paneling— so (buoyed by the thought of an afternoon off from school) my brother, two sisters and I trudged through the apple orchard to get to the student parking lot. We never made it to the lot. The wind and snow were so bad we had to turn back and join the stranded. The school had a different ambiance that day... Senior students roamed the walkways without the structure of classes or activities. There was one TV in all of Senior School and it was on the “boys” floor of upper Strathallan – so the girls were stuck with the radio in Mme. Jeeves’ room.

We had the next day’s lunch for dinner and were served hot chocolate and cookies in the dining hall at 10:00 p.m. Any illusion held by staff that we would retire after our milk and cookies soon went astray. We filled our time with card games, designated talking rooms or joining the all night volleyball game in the DeGroote Gym. Rumours were rampant of those who had somehow made it home and reports of raiding parents’ freezers for steaks and lobster while we ate ham with pineapple sauce, circulated through Lawson Hall. As an HSC teacher now, my students never tire of the story that their teacher had to spend the night at school because of the big storm.” Danielle Hourigan ’82 Vice Principal, Montessori School

There is some debate in our community as to the date of the HSC snow day sleepover. Do you have information or a story to share? Let us know! E-mail Gillian Doucet Campbell, Alumni Manager at gillian.doucet.campbell@hsc.on.ca!

SNOW Snow is such a wonderful thing Sometimes it covers everything. Snow is pretty and so white, And makes everything nice and bright. It covers all the bushes and trees And covers all the pretty leaves. - Julie Rosenthal 4A, 1978 Julie Rosethal ’88 was in Grade 3 when the epic storm left her stranded at HSC. The students slept in their classroom on gym mats, covered with curtains for blankets. She recalls having breakfast in the dining hall the next morning, and how her friend’s father came in the night, on foot, to collect her. 31

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College Life 1. Montessori students celebrated culture and self-directed learning at their annual Caravan celebrations in June 2014. The festival is a culmination of the year’s studies in cultural diversity, respect and appreciation of others, and interdependence between all living and non-living things. 2. The annual HSC Spring Fashion Show, presented by the HSC Parents’ Guild, raised over $800 to support City Kidz Hamilton, in addition to the $7,500 raised for the College. 3. As part of the Junior School’s One School One Book event, families donated gently used children’s books to the Telling Tales Festival’s book swap and sales tents. At these locations, local children in need were able to select books to begin their own collections. 4. Senior Mistress Vicky Cairns retired at the end of the 2013-14 academic year and was recognized at a special reception on June 5, 2014. Fellow retiree, and former Senior Master, Mr. Anthony Hughes, painted the portrait of her that now hangs in Lawson Hall. 5. The 2014-15 academic year kicked off with plenty of smiles and excitement on September 4, 2014. 6. Students push their limits inside the new Fitness Studio. 7. A new group of adorable Montessori Toddler students get to know their new school. 8. New spaces in the Michael G. DeGroote Senior School, including state-of-the-art music rooms, saw their first classes on September 4, 2014. 9. Junior and Senior Kindergarten students enjoyed a trip to Lindley’s Farm as part of the College’s E-Week events.





11 3


12 5


10. Middle School students participated in E-Week activities throughout Southern Ontario. The Grade 5s visited the areas best waterfalls, while the Grade 6s took part in activities at the Royal Botanical Gardens and Camp Ki-Wa-Yi. The Grade 7s camped out at Camp Timberlane and the Grade 8s visited Camp Wenonah. 11. Senior School students made new friends, challenged their limits and prepared for a brand new school year as part of E-Week 2014. 12. In Middle School House Soccer action, Tay and Cedar topped the bantam pool while Tay and Birch bested the juniors in the first games of the year. 13. Early education students were put through their paces in HSC’s annual Turkey Trot and Purple Power Day. Mr. Kavit Puri ’96 transformed into Tommy the Turkey to build school spirit and raise money for Food 4 Kids. 14. The Junior Boys’ Cross Country team placed third at the CISAA Championship at Trinity College School on October, 21, 2014. Tom Campbell led the Trojan team with his 12th place finish in the Junior Boys’ 6km race in 21:00.90. 15. On Friday, September 27, two HSC faculty members were presented with the 2014 “Paying it Back Teacher’s Award” during the College’s weekly Chapel Service. Our recipients represent two schools—Mrs. Nancy Rocca (Middle School) and Mrs. Kate Miller (Senior School). Mr. Frank Nelson, founder of the “Paying It Back” Facebook group, presented the Award, which recognizes extraordinary commitment to educational excellence. 16. HSC students were all smiles as they dove into their new curriculum.

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17. The Grade 3s paired up with Junior Kindergarten students for the Reading Buddies Program. 18. Senior School students sported their best blues, reds, oranges and yellows for the Senior School Fall Games on October 9, 2014. 19. The Grade 4s presented their science investigations on October 15 and 16, 2014. The teachers were amazed at the variety of scientific concepts the students decided to investigate and present. 20. The early education students can’t believe the size of the brand new gyms they get to take physical education class in! 21. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, the entire College came together to support Neighbour2Neighbour through HSC’s annual food drive. The event was coordinated by the Senior School Student Council, but was only made possible because of the generous donations by HSC families. Together, the community brought in enough food to fill two HSC school buses and a cargo van! 22. Kindergarden students decorated the Junior School with flowers to represent how tall they were at the beginning of the school year. The entire HSC community looks forward to seeing how much the flowers will grow as the school year continues.

23. Montessori students got their hands dirty as they dug up the vegetables their classmates had planted earlier this year in the Montessori garden. 24. Grade 10 student Ruihan Wei published his first scientific article “On the Relationship Between Viscosity and Surface Tension” in the Journal of Emerging Investigators by Harvard University. He began his project in preparation for HSC’s Grade 9 Science Fair under the supervision of Dr. De Lazzari. He was eventually selected to represent HSC at the Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF) and won three awards: Excellence in Science in Technology Award, Mohawk College and Sheridan College Tuition Award, and a Silver Merit Award, helping HSC win the Herb Gildea Award for the school with the best performance at the fair. 25. On the first day of school, the entire Middle School participated in Write Across the College. Each grade received specific writing prompts, and then they spread out across campus to use the surrounding environment to inspire them. 26. Vampires, goblins and TWO Mr. Reiners lurked the hallways during HSC Halloween festivities on October 31, 2014.





18 25 Visit galleries.hsc.on.ca to see all of our photo galleries!

Check out our YouTube channel at youtube.com/officialhsc!


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11/6/2014 5:38:15 PM

One hundred and nineteen students crossed the stage on Friday, June 13, 2014, in the College’s very first Senior School graduation on campus in the new Athletic Complex and Community Centre.

Members Hillfield Strathallan College’s Class of 2014, and the Class of 2014 HSC Lifers.

Where the Grads Are UNIVERSITIES IN ONTARIO Brock University 3 Carleton University 2 Huron University College 1 Lakehead University 1 McMaster University 10 Queen’s University 15 Ryerson University 2 University of Guelph 5 University of Ottawa 3 University of Toronto 9 University of Waterloo 4

University of Windsor UOIT Western University Wilfrid Laurier University

COURSES OF STUDY Applied Arts Arts & Science Business Computer Science Concurrent Education Engineering Health Sciences Human Kinetics Humanities/Social Science Life Sciences Science Science/Nursing Travel and Tourism

Melanie Stewart Adam Struthers Hannah Tremblay Lauren Woodward

Returning to HSC Daniel Davies Zoological Training Cassandra Graham Employment William Robson Applied Arts Jonathan Kennedy Keaton Kwok Douglas Lazier Andrea Martino Derek Nicholson Jordan Poloniato Rebecca Serena Christian Sherk Oliver Smith 36

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13 2 21 4 4 9 1 5 40 3 12 1 1

1 1 27 7


Arts and Science Hannah Bauer Noah Spencer Business Trent Abraham Sabren Aldawi David Barrett Myles Cameron Isaac Cassim Thompson Qitong Deng Samuel Deverell Isaac Fisher-Jhirad Andrew Johnson Joseph Laferriere Madison LeBlanc Ty Logan Alexander MacLeod Jessi McKenzie Rose McParland Duncan McRae John Robertson Timothy Schiappa Brett Sykes Julie Wodehouse Payton Wood Computer Science Madeleine Bosch


Concordia University, QC Dalhousie University, NS McGill University, QC Quest University, BC Univ. of British Columbia Quest University, BC

1 6 6 1 3 1

University of Leeds, UK Zoological Training, USA

1 1

OTHER Employment Returning to HSC

1 1

UNIVERSITIES OUTSIDE OF CANADA Duke University, USA 1 Newcastle University, UK 1 The New School for Design, USA 1

Eric Gordon Jack Snopek Chris Zamroziewicz Concurrent Education Patrick Kwasniewski Joannah Luel Samantha Nicholls Emily Zimmerman Engineering Lauren Babington Michael Bain Rishi Goel Andrea Huck Michael Kondra Alim Ladha Angus Lee Haden Lee Scott Waters Health Sciences Sama Anvari Human Kinetics Inioluwa Dada Erika Gusenbauer Muyiwa Ifabiyi Christina Singh Janelle van Leeuwen Humanities/ Social Science

Henry Adlam-Kleeb Abigail Ardila Brittany Barton Julian Bostock Sydney Bradshaw Liam Campbell Matthew Carpenter Isaac Cohen Kieran Colonne Robertson Elyse Creamer William Cross-Bermingham Alexandra Dunlop Amy Emanuele Matthew Gledhill Sarah Gnocato Helen Hamilton Beatrice Hammond Connor Herring Megan Kamps Samantha Kennedy Nicolette Langer Sung Su Lim Kelly Martin Graham McDougall Corrina Mosca Margaret Nenniger Alexandra Nytschyk-DiBartolomeo Emily Parsons Austin Philp William Reeves Brooke Rintoul Tristan Ruse Alexander Smith

Julia Spicer Alexandra Steblaj Andre Szilvassy Saraya Szpytma-Dawson Clayton Wei Trevor White Jonathan Wong Life Sciences Mackenzie Hamilton Carter Rouleau Clarissa Skorupski Science Veronica Bot Alysha Cooper John Jarvis Mohamed Junaid Akshay Kapoor Ishaan Kapur Kevin Kecskemeti Hammaan Khan Yiquan Lok Cameron McMillan Akhila Rachakonda Madison Russell Science/Nursing Simi Malhotra Travel and Tourism Lara O’Connell 37

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Our Lives

be happy to hear from any one of you at any time.” mrhudsonstories.com Mark Hudson (HSC teacher from 1977; retired 2012)

test of time,” said Lieutenant Governor Donald S. Ethell, Chancellor of the Alberta Order of Excellence.

Maigen Bundy ’89 is a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) with Five Counties Children’s Treatment in Minden, ON. In her previous role as a SLP with the York Region Preschool Speech and Language Program, she was part of an innovative approach that uses technology to support families with their speech and language therapy needs. Her work included the implementation of the webinar series “Being the Bridge—Building Language While you Wait (Birth-30 Months)”, designed to educate parents and provide practical strategies to work with their child while they are waiting for an initial assessment. It also included the parent-friendly e-learning course entitled “Let’s Make Sounds” to meet the needs of families within the confines of a busy work week. The webinars are free and available for viewing on the Child Development Program’s website through Markham Stouffville Hospital. The links have been shared with all Preschool Speech and Language Programs across Ontario to ensure parents with concerns have access to these resources. The webinars are currently being reformatted into e-learning courses to further support adult learning styles and busy lifestyles in general. 38

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On November 14, 2014, several HSC community members were recognized with 2014 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) National Philanthropy Day Awards at the AFP’s 7th annual awards luncheon. The awards recognize individuals and organizations who dedicate their time, talent, and treasure to improve communities throughout the Golden Horseshoe. HSC congratulates Mr. Ron Foxcroft on his receipt of the 2014 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Golden Horseshoe Outstanding Volunteer Award, and the Chetcuti family (Current HSC Family) on First Canadian Title’s (FCT) receipt of the Outstanding Corporation Award. For information, and to view interviews with this year’s award recipients, visit afpgoldenhorseshoe.org. On October 15, 2014, Colin B. Glassco ’61 received the Alberta Order of Excellence. The Lieutenant Governor presided over the investiture ceremony in Edmonton, AB. “The Alberta Order of Excellence is about recognizing those who have made a difference, who have served Albertans with distinction, and whose contributions will stand the

Mr. Glassco was awarded the Inaugural HSC Alumni Award of Distinction in 2005. He is the chairman and founder of the Colin B. Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children, which assists children infected with trachoma in Zambia, one of the largest preventable causes of a painful blindness. Today the foundation helps fight trachoma by providing simple but essential tools: education, wells for clean water, medicine and LED lighting. Since 2001, the Foundation has developed a successful drilling program with the local government in Zambia. It has drilled over 180 wells and impacts the lives of over 20,000 people (glasscofoundation.org).

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunter (Parents of Alumni) of Burlington, Ontario are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Michelle Elizabeth Hunter ’03 to Roger Nicholas Harle, son of Robert and Pauline Harle of Brandon Village, County Durham, England.

Heather ’89 and Leonard Karmiol (Current HSC Parents) and their six sons (Current HSC Students) welcomed baby girl Gabriella Pearle Fela on July 1, 2014, weighing 7lbs. 8oz., born at home.

“Dear alumni the world over, Over the years, in the midst of extolling the beauty of quadratic functions and the wonders of factoring cubics, I have always had a secret itch to write. Since retiring I have taken up the keyboard and begun to compose stories about life in a co-ed independent school. I know the subject matter may come as a shock to you, but it is the only thing I felt competent to tackle. After all, there is endless scope for interesting situations interwoven with the fascinating people that create and live them. The school is Blackheath-on-the-Thames and the stories are told through the eyes of Conrad Cooper, a math teacher who begins his teaching journey as an academic orphan left on its front door step. The stories are fictional not factual, hypothetical not historical; there is no attempt at a ‘tell all’ account, though the numerous staff and students whose paths I crossed certainly laid out an immense table laden with delicious food for thought. If you choose to read, I hope you will do so with a light heart and a low sense of literary criticism. Comments or e-mails are most welcome; I would

On June 25, Stephen Kulakowsky ’03, an award-winning developer who encourages reinvestment in Hamilton’s downtown core, was presented with the NextGen Award by the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) during the 11th Annual Urban Leadership Awards: Inspiring the Urban Agenda. The NextGen award recognizes emerging leaders whose work helps to develop a healthy urban community and support the efforts of youth and young entrepreneurs.

the flower girl at Centenary United, Hamilton, in 1954 and brought a basket of flowers to the anniversary party. For many years, Beth’s father presented the F.R. Murgatroyd, QC Award for the top student in the lower and upper schools at Hillfield. Pat Newey ’67 submitted the photo below for the enjoyment of all HSC alumni: “This picture was taken back when every kid had a wagon or some sort of “crate” they had designed. This one was, along with Jonathan Waters ’66, our first foray into design. In the 1967 Boar it states, “Ambition: to design and build a car to drive in the LeMan’s 24 Hour Race and win.” Never got that far into the sport, although it was also said, “He and his Austin can be seen just about everywhere in Hamilton at any time of the day—weekends included.” Obviously I never went out in a flaming high speed, end-over-ender as was predicted by many!”

Kulakowsky is the co-founder of Core Urban Inc. which specializes in repurposing heritage and landmark buildings for residential and commercial use, with the goal of revitalizing the area through the creation of affordable, attractive housing options and providing high quality commercial office space. In 2013 the City of Hamilton named Core Urban Inc. Heritage Developer of the Year and in 2011 the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce selected Kulakowsky as Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Stephen is an Executive Board member of the Hamilton Community Foundation and volunteers with Hamilton Hive and YEP. Beth Lennard ’47 (née Murgatroyd) and husband, Gordon Lennard, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Calgary, AB on June 19, 2014. Friends and family came to celebrate including Lyn Beattie ‘68 (née Parry). Lyn was


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McMaster University chemistry professor Pippa Lock (Current HSC Parent) has been named to a prestigious national fellowship in recognition for her teaching excellence.

profitability of their businesses. Published in both PROFIT and Chatelaine magazines, it is Canada’s largest annual celebration of entrepreneurial achievement by women.

She was one of ten Canadians named to the 3M National Teaching Fellowship. The award is a partnership between the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) and 3M Canada, and embodies the highest ideals of teaching excellence and scholarship with a commitment to encourage and support the educational experience of every learner.

Steeped Tea’s founder and president, tea aficionado and HSC parent Tonia Jahshan is ranked #6 in the W100. Founded in 2006, the company is one of the fastest growing social selling companies in North America, and has reached #17 on the Profit 500 list of Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies (steepedtea.com).

Lock’s late father, Colin Lock (Parent of Alumni), taught chemistry at McMaster and her mother Helen Howard-Lock ’55 (Alumni and Parent of Alumni) taught chemical physics at McMaster and worked at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters (CCIW).

Alumnae Lois Lockwood ’75 is recognized at #33 on the list for her work as the president of Scout Communications in Calgary, AB. “It’s a great honour to be included in such a prestigious listing with other successful and prominent businesswomen,” said Lockwood. Scout is a group of specialized communications companies that represent clients in a wide range of verticals specializing in advocacy, brand development and research driven campaigns (scoutcommunications.com). Sitting at #81 on the W100 is current HSC Parent Kristen Wood. The Ten Spot Inc., The Ten Spot Franchising Inc. and GET NAILED are the result of her talent and entrepreneurial spirit. Since opening the doors of The Ten Spot in 2006 the business expanded to include three additional corporate stores and franchising opportunities (the10spot.com).


Lois Lockwood ’75, Tania Jahshan (Current HSC Parent) and Kristen Wood (Current HSC Parent) are ranked among Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs in this year’s PROFIT/ Chatelaine W100 listing. The Profit W100 ranks Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs on a composite score based on the size, growth rate and

HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 40-41

The HSC community sends a special happy birthday to Mrs. Alexia Newey, much beloved HSC teacher and an HSC Builder. On Friday, October 17 she celebrated her 90th birthday! Mrs. Newey still remembers, with great pride and pleasure, her 25 years as a teacher at Hillfield Primary School. A trained Montessori teacher, Mrs. Newey met Madam Montessori in the early 1940s. At that time, Madam Montessori was interned in

was joined by Larry’s sons Steve ’78 and Jeff Paikin ’80, Mayor Bob Bratina, police Chief Glenn De Caire, Ontario Deputy Premier Deb Matthews and Hamilton East Stoney Creek MPP Paul Miller. The project, spearheaded by Rothwell Centre founder Don MacVicar, is designed to improve literacy rates in the neighbourhood. In 2011, Larry was inducted into Hamilton’s Gallery of Distinction for his work with organizations such as the Hamilton Downtown Rotary Club and the Hamilton All-Star Jazz Band. Larry is a fervent supporter and advocate of the Eva Rothwell Resource Centre.

a convent in India due to WWII and her conflicting Italian nationality. Messages may be sent to: bja-sus@frisurf.no. On Sunday, October 29, 2014 Larry Paikin’s (Parent of Alumni) passion for reading took an innovative turn with the opening of the Larry Paikin Literacy Express near the Eva Rothwell Resource Centre on Wentworth Street North in Hamilton, ON. Ontario’s lieutenant governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell helped officially open the Literacy Express, a retrofitted 1954 CN passenger car painstakingly converted into a library. Dowdeswell

Mark Robbins ’06 is an Honours Graduate of the University of Ottawa. Through the university’s co-op program, he had opportunities to work in Parliament (the office of Wayne Marston) and also spend six months working on two outreach projects in New Delhi, India. At the same time, he also juggled part time work with the Federal Government (Canadian Transportation Agency) in Gatineau, QC. Most recently, Mark completed a course in Urban Design at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver as he continues his studies for a Master’s Degree in Political Economy at Carleton University in Ottawa. In the spring of 2014, Mark participated in a Cultural/Economic Delegation to China, and on June 15 he left for a three month internship with the United Nations in Bangkok, Thailand. The internship included work with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the Pacific (ESCAP). UN internships are highly competitive, with only about 80 positions available worldwide. On June 21, 2014, the Class of 2007 held a summer social in the Michael G. DeGroote Senior School Student

Commons. It was an afternoon of laughs and good times. For many of the Class of ’07, it was their first time back to HSC since the new facilities opened. Needless to say, they managed to find their way to the new gyms. Even Mr. Jeremy Johnston, beloved Senior School teacher, made an appearance. - Erica Otaguro ’07

Ashley Taylor ’02 is now married and has just returned from her honeymoon in Belize with her husband Chris Tickell. It was a perfect wedding day and celebration. The smile on her face when she was arriving with Chris is how her face remained for the whole day. It was beautiful. Jeremiah is in Australia and is in the US Navy Reserves as a Master of Arms. - (Bianca Taylor, Parent of Alumni)

Joanna Rosenbaum ’98 welcomed a baby boy, Drew Albert Archer Debassige, born in Little Current, Manitoulin Island on April 19, 2014 weighing 8lbs. 3 oz. Welcome Drew! Jason and Stacey Ciancone Smith ’94 joyfully announce the birth of their son Harrison Edward Percival Smith, born May 30, 2014, weighing 7 lbs. 5 ozs. Stella Smith, Susan Ciancone (Parent of Alumni), David Ciancone and Brenda Campbell are all thrilled about this new little guy in their lives, as is Great-Grandma Peppler. The late James Smith is remembered at this time. Harrison is also welcomed by many excited aunts and uncles, especially Robyn ’88 and Eric Miller and Liz and Justin Smith along with many cousins including Alexandra (Current HSC Student), Maxwell (Current HSC Student) and Sydney. “We are truly blessed with this beautiful baby boy!”

Stay Connected! We love hearing all your news and would like your friends to hear it as well. Contact us at alumni@hsc.on.ca or 905-389-1367, ext. 117.


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Lives Lived Bunting, Mary Trumbull ’60 (née Warren) Passed away in London, ON, on Friday, September 12, 2014, Mary Trumbull Bunting ’60 (1947-1954), devoted wife of G. Rapley Bunting, loving mother of Patricia Ann Goodman (Douglas) and Stephanie Warren Fellows (Fraser) and step-mother of Douglas Rapley Bunting (Karen) and Margaret Anne Bunting (Bruce Ryder). Survived by nine grandchildren; Gardiner Goodman, William Goodman, Graydon Goodman, Diana Crowley, Bridgette Crowley, Georgia Crowley, Kieran Bunting, Luka Bunting and Cassidy Bunting.

Ker, John Southam ’44 Passed away March 26, 2014 surrounded by family at Parkwood Hospital in London, ON at the age of 86. Beloved husband of Maggie Ker (née McKeown). Predeceased by his wife Bengie (née Ellis) (1983). Cherished father of Kate Ker (Paul), Sally Ker, Alex Ker (Tony), John F.R. Ker and Thomas Ker. Dear grandfather of Isaac and Bengie. Dear brother of Mary Earnshaw ’41 (late Eric) and Jean Watson ’45 (late Tom). Predeceased by brothers Frederick ’35 and David Ker ’37. Dear brother-in-law of Gail Ker (Parent of Alumni, HSC Builder, HSC Corporation Member).

Cole, Neil Baldwin ’63

penter Hospice in Burlington, ON, on Friday, September 19, 2014, at the age of 70. Loving husband of Patricia Ann (née Swarbrick) (Parent of Alumni) for 31 years. Dear father of Dana Ledgerwood ’91 (Jamie), Marc Thompson ’95 (Lianne) and William Ross (Lisa). Cherished Grandpa and Poppa to Hannah, Noah, Carter, Hunter, Alexandra, Vanessa and Halle. Andrews is survived by his mother Marjorie King ’34 (Parent of Alumni, Former Governor), as well as by his sisters Marjorie Rogers (Donald), Judith Craig ’67 (George) and Rebecca Ross. Andrews will be missed by his nieces and nephew and many cousins and friends. Predeceased by his father Samuel Foster (Parent of Alumni).

Lewis, Nelda ’39 (née Brown) Unexpectedly, after complications following surgery and a week in intensive care, Neil Cole, son of Roy Cole and Ruth Cole, died on April 23, 2014 at Toronto General Hospital. Gentle and fierce, elegant and fine, Neil deeply touched the lives of those he cared for. He died surrounded by love and light. Ferres, Peter Jordon ’44 Passed way on September 16, 2014 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Peter J. Ferres ’44 (Parent of Alumni) was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ferres (Parents of Alumni, Former Governor of Hillfield School). Survived by his wife of 64 years, Barbara (née Williams) (Parent of Alumni). Survived by children Deborah Jane Dickinson ’67, Victoria, Geoffrey and their families plus four grandchildren, all of England. Brother-in-law of Dr. Robert and Anne Wingfield of Burlington. Peter was a graduate of McMaster University, Class of 1949.

After 91 well-lived years, Nelda Lewis ’39 (née Brown) passed from this world. Predeceased by Cliff, her beloved husband with whom she shared over 50 years of laughter, good food, wine and travel. Theirs was a true and lively love, tarnished only by Cliff’s helpless impatience with Nelda’s pathological tardiness. While those who cherished her are glad she dallied seven years after he left us, a dear voice from the past has spoken one again, “Come on, Ned, you’re late!” She leaves behind two daughters, Barbara and Katherine (Braithwaite), six grandchildren (Martin and Nicolas Ouimet, Kalynda, Eric, Rhiannon and Alexandra Braithwaite) and was predeceased by a great-grandchild, little Zander Bonini. Those who knew her will miss her generous heart, easy laugh and warm smile.

HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 42-43

Passed peacefully at home, with his family by his side, on Monday, September 22, 2014 in his 56th year. Beloved husband of Judy (née Bosanac), and loving father of Tyler (Kathryn) and Michael (Kelsey). He is the loved brother of Eric, Mark ’81 (Jodie), Nicole (Donnie), and Peter ’85 (Jennifer) (Parent of Alumni) He will be missed by his father-in-law, Ned Bosanac, and his brothers-in-law Mike, Wayne, Ron and Gord Bosanac. Paul will be deeply missed by his best friend and fishing buddy Terry Coomber. Paul also leaves behind many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Predeceased by his parents, Simone and Henri Rotsaert (Parents of Alumni), and his mother-in-law, Joan Bosanac. McMurrich, Arthur Redpath “Ted”

Ross, Andrews Foster ’63 Andrews Foster Ross ’63 (Parent of Alumni) passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at The Car-


Rotsaert, Paul Edward ’77

Former Governor (Hillfield Governor 1959-61) one of the first Governors of the Hillfield Strathallan Amalgamated Corp 1960-70.

Passed away on February 28, 2014, in his 97th year. Survived by his wife Bridget Wendy (Crutchlow née Page) and by the four children of his first wife Carol Jean (née Roy, married 1941 and deceased 1967): Margot List (Michael), A.R. “Tim” ’65 (Jane Hampson), R.D.R. “Bob” ’68 (Board of Trustee member) (Graeme Crerar ’69), A.L. “Sandy” ’73 (Elizabeth Ramirez). Also survived by 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren, and by two stepdaughters, Deirdrie Weightman (Eric) and Alyson Crutchlow; two step-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren. An older brother Bob died in 1992 and a younger brother Norman died in 2007. Ted spent 42 years with Stelco Inc., retiring in 1982 as Vice-President, Marketing and Corporate Planning. He was devoted to his family and his faith. He cherished his summer home at De Grassi Point on Lake Simcoe. He loved a good joke, had an unwavering sense of duty, and was a man of strong principle and firm conviction. Ted had a keen interest in world affairs and all aspects of competitive sport—both as a participant and as a spectator.

Lives Lived at hsc.on.ca To respect and best honour the memory of those in our extended community who have passed away, full obituaries for HSC extended community and family members are now available online at hsc.on.ca/liveslived. The site is updated once a month, and visitors can search for loved ones and colleagues by name. Alumni obituaries will continue to be shared in the HSC Review, as well as online. 43

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To Our Community of Donors Hillfield Strathallan College gratefully acknowledges all donors whose generous and continued commitments demonstrate their support and loyalty to the College. The following individuals made financial contributions during the fiscal year 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014). Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If any errors or omissions have occurred, please accept our apologies, and advise the Office of Advancement & Constituency Relations so that corrections can be made. Governor’s Circle $100,000 - $499,999 Cooper Construction Limited, Mr. William P. Cooper ’57 The Doble Family

Mrs. Judith King-Siganski ’62 Mr. William H. Young ’35 & Mrs. Joyce Young ’43

Mr. Ron Joyce

Chair’s Table $25,000 - $99,999

JOIN THE CONVERSATION Follow, like, and subscribe to HSC on social media! HSC Twitter Feed: twitter.com/HillStrath HSC Trojans Twitter Feed: twitter.com/HSCTrojans HSC Instagram Page: instagram.com/HillStrath HSC YouTube Channel: youtube.com/officialHSC HSC Facebook Page: facebook.com/hillfieldstrathallancollege HSC LinkedIn Page: linkedin.com/company/hillfield-strathallan-college

The DiLoreto Family The Foxcroft Family The Kain Family Mr. David Kemper & Mrs. Kelly Kemper ’87

Mr. Jeffrey S. Paikin ’80 & Ms. Andrea Tkaczyk Spallacci & Sons Limited The Welch Family

Head of College’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Mitchell J. Bauer & Mrs. Sara J. Bauer Mr. Alvi P. Beraldo & Mrs. Rosa Beraldo Mr. Leslie M. Boris Gabriel & Franca DeSantis & Family The Hogarth Family Foundation Fund Mr. David Ippolito ’81 & Dr. Marilyn Gregus ’80 Losani Homes (1998) Ltd. Mr. Fred Losani & Mrs. Shelly Losani McKeil Marine Limited

Mrs. Margaret Morison ’47 The Pearson Family Mr. John C. Josling & Mrs. Karen Pollard-Josling The Priest Family Mr. Kirk Sabo & Mrs. Melanie Sabo The Ventresca Tutty Family Mr. Murray R. Weaver ’66 & Mrs. Barbara Weaver Mr. Brian Work & Mrs. Jackie Work ’81 45

HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 44-45

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Boar-Pibroch Club $5,000 - $9,999

Silver $500 - $999

9043-8284 Quebec Inc.

Dr. Helene Flageole

Mr. Dean Mosca

Mr. William Russell & Mrs. Catriona Russell

Dr. Mehran Anvari & Mrs. Sima Anvari

Mr. Morris Klid & Mrs. Marianne Klid

Mrs. Lori Mosca

Dr. Frederick Spencer & Dr. Marissa Slaven

Marc & Kim Ayotte

Mr. Jim Mahler & Mrs. Marisa Mahler

Mr. Robert Rosic & Mrs. Marica Rosic

Mr. A. Ben Young ’47

Platinum $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. Robb W. Webb ’74


Mr. Colin B. Glassco ’61

Mrs. Sheila Land

Mr. Mark Stirling & Ms. Joanne Lewis

Mrs. Lisa Balfour Bowen ’57

Mr. John Hannah

Dr. Stephen Lloyd & Dr. Anne Boyle

Ms. Evelina Stocco

Blue Hippo Marketing and Promotions

Mr. Ronald Harber & Dr. JoAnn Corey

The Lucas Family

Jacqueline Teggart

Dr. Rafik Bolis & Mrs. Mona Bolis

Ms. Danielle Hourigan ’82

Mr. John McKee & Ms. Lynn McLauchlin

Turkstra Lumber Co. Ltd.

Dr. Gregory Burton

Dr. Helen Howard-Lock ’55

Mr. Allan Mertin & Ms. Diane Teare

Mr. Jonathan S. M. Waters ’66

Mr. Richard Campbell & Mrs. Brenda Cavers

Mr. Blair Hubber ’94 & Mrs. Angela Hubber

Mr. Boge Miceski & Mrs. Sophia Miceski

Dave & Linda Watson

Dr. S. Brimble Medicine Professional Corporation

Heddle Marine Service - Mr. Richard Heddle & Mrs. Donna Heddle

Mr. David Slack & Ms. Deborah Kennedy

Ms. Andrea Caron

Into Interiors


Dr. Eva Werstiuk

Mr. Steve Constantin & Mrs. Jaynne Constantin

Mr. Tom Kornya & Mrs. Heather Kornya ’84

Mr. Frank Spallacci & Mrs. Louisa Spallacci

Mrs. Deborah M. Catto ’64

Mr. Laszlo Kecskemeti & Ms. Aniko Szollosi

Mr. Pat Naccarato & Mrs. Linda Martinus-Naccarato

Windsor Medical Aesthetics

Mr. Charles Daellenbach

Dr. Desmond C. Kwok & Mrs. Earla J. Kwok

Sterling Honda

Mr. Roderick M. Douglas ’62

Mr. Christopher Keith ’93 & Mrs. Alexandra Keith

Raymond James Ltd.

Mrs. Brenda Zwolak

Dr. Raffaele Filice & Mrs. Sonia Filice

Mr. George McCarter & Mrs. Bernadette McCarter

Vincero Capital Management

Mr. Robert Forbes & Ms. Mary Williams

The Kerr Family

Mr. Jonathan D. Skirving ’03

Alexanian Carpet & Flooring

Global Fuels Inc.

Mr. Daniel Michalchuk ’90

Mrs. Amanda Rogers


Mr. Nelson Goncalves & Mrs. Sandra Goncalves

Mohawk Car Wash Inc

Mr. Derwyn J. Sangster ’62

Mr. John Arapura

Mrs. Blanka Guyatt

Mrs. Karen Morris

Dr. Bert Schaefer & Dr. Gudrun Schaefer

Audcomp Group

Mr. Hugh D. Haney

Ms. Carol A. Morrison

Mr. David Simpson ’73 & Mrs. Gwynneth Simpson

Mr. Tudor Beattie ’63 & Mrs. Lyn (Parry) Beattie ’68

Hanley’s Shoe Shoppe of Ancaster

Dr. Girish M. Nair & Dr. Vidhya Nair

Mrs. Sheila Skinner

Bryan & Hedden Insurance Mr. John Hedden ’69

Doug and Lyn Heagle

Mr. Jordan M. Neysmith ’94

Mrs. L. Beverley Ward Kinnear ’64

Mr. Adam Carswell & Mrs. Sarah Carswell

Mr. Richard Henderson & Mrs. Kerry Henderson

Mr. William Peat

Dr. Robert Wardrope & Mrs. Diana Wardrope

Ms. Taya Cicchetti

Mr. Frank Huck & Mrs. Phyllis Braden-Huck

Dr. Sumithra A. Peeris

Waterdown Collision & Paint

Mr. Jeff Cober & Mrs. Denise M. Cober

Ms. Anna Johnston

Mr. Randev S. Purewal

Mr. Kris Zelinsky

Bronze $250 - $499

Gold $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Nalin Amin & Dr. Shilpa Amin

Mr. John S. Hedden ’69

Mr. Steven Lee & Ms. Lena Xu

Dr. Ramana Rachakonda & Mrs. Hema Nalini Choudur


Ms. Lisa Higgins

Dr. Kevin Lee & Dr. Audrey Liu

Dr. Don Richardson & Mrs. Angela Richardson

Mr. Marc Bader ’67 & Ms. Gayle Villeneuve

Mr. Peter T. Hogarth ’84 & Dr. Maggie Hogarth

Dr. Nicholas Leyland & Mrs. Carol Leyland

Mr. Glenn E. Rouleau & Mrs. Victoria Rouleau

Ms. Mary Balfour ’64

Mr. William E. Holton ’58 & Mrs. Marion Holton ’63

Mr. Bernard Lim & Mrs. Jamey Lim

On Behalf of The Rudolph Family

Bosch Family

Mr. Mark Hunter ’88, C.A., Partner of Brownlow Partners Chartered Accountants

Long & McQuade Ltd

The Ruse Family

Bristow Financial Group

Inovex Inc - Mr. T. Mike Branch ’99

Dr. Peter Lovrics & Ms. Jill McKenzie

Ms. Jill Scott & Ms. Michelle Whitefield

Mr. Ivan R. Cairns & Mrs. Bernice K. Cairns

Mr. C. Wallace Jacques ’48

Manulife Financial

Mr. John C. Simpson ’75 & Mrs. Toni Simpson

Dr. Kevin Calzonetti & Mrs. Laura DiSilvestro ’89

Mr. Pheroze Jeejeebhoy & Mrs. Kimberley Jeejeebhoy

Mr. Glenn Marshall & Ms. Lisa Knap

Mr. James W. Smith & Mrs. Beverly Edwards-Smith

Mr. Ashley Cameron & Mrs. Sarah Cameron

Mrs. Jean Jennings

Dr. John Marshall & Dr. Debbie Yamamura

Dr. Eugene St. Louis & Mrs. Tina St. Louis

Core Urban Inc

Mr. Jarrett Johnston & Mrs. Sheriann Heath-Johnston

Mr. Thomas Reeves & Mrs. Julie Reeves

Mr. James Zwolak ’99

Dr. Joe Cherian & Ms. Carla Hudecki

Mr. Tim Keeley & Mrs. Claire Keeley

Mr. Brian M. McParland & Mrs. Catherine A. McParland

Mr. Steven Stipsits & Mrs. Elizabeth Grant-Stipsits

Ms. Dianne de Freitas

Mr. James H. Langs ’64

Mr. Robert Reiner

Miss Zoe Zwolak ’01

Eric Bosch Consulting Inc.

Lazier Hickey LLP

Mrs. Lois Reynolds ’51

Mr. James Evel ’55 & Mrs. Myrna Evel ’56

Dr. James D. McMillan & Mrs. Tammy E. McMillan

Dr. Gail Robinson ’60

Fascination Flowers

Dr. Syamkumar Menon & Dr. Smitha Pathayappura

Mrs. Nancy Rocca

Creations Art Gallery

Dr. Stephen Kelly & Dr. Lorna Kelly

Dr. Amit Mehta & Mrs. Bhavna Mehta

Dr. Lewis P. Stolman ’59

Dr. Ian Darcel & Mrs. Deborah Boland

Dr. Mohamed Khaled & Mrs. Nina Karachi-Khaled

Mr. Rashid Moosajee & Mrs. Femida Moosajee

Mr. Russell Taylor & Mrs. Karen Taylor

Mr. John P. deBoer & Mrs. Patti deBoer

Geoff & Ana Knapp

Miss Ruth Moseley

The Tedesco Family

Mr. Michael Dunne & Mrs. Cynthia Dunne

Mr. Michael Korkut & Mrs. Cynthia Korkut

Ms. Liane L. Ormond ’78

Thomas-Weir Family

Dr. Lance Edwards & Dr. Lori Edwards

Mr. Michael H. Kovacs ’75

Dr. Joaquin Ortega & Dr. Alba Guarne

Mr. Geoff Tierney & Mrs. Kris Tierney

Supporter $100 - $249

Mr. George Fiotakis & Ms. Lorraine Engel

Mr. Christopher S. Kwiecien

The Honourable Coulter A. Osborne ’50 & Mrs. Barbara Osborne

Mr. Marco Visentini & Ms. Andrea DeSantis

Mrs. Jennifer Adams

Mr. Bruce B. Bates ’47

Mr. Tim Connelly & Dr. Ruth Connelly

Kristy & Marcus Faggion

Mr. J. Peter Foster ’42

Dr. Andre Lamy & Mrs. Linda Frenette Lamy

Mr. Craig Oster & Mrs. Melanie Oster

Webber Family


Mr. Aron Burch & Mrs. Amber Burch

Mr. Joseph Giacomodonato & Mrs. Bonnie Giacomodonato

The Larrazabal Family

Mr. Steven H. Paikin ’78

Mr. Herbert Wodehouse ’71 & Mrs. Margaret Wodehouse

Mr. William P. Dawson & Mrs. Irene Dawson

Mr. Stephen Fenton & Mrs. Kathryn Fenton

Mr. Paul B. Ashenhurst ’63

Mrs. Vicky Cairns

Dr. Lara De Lazzari

Mr. Kartik Ganatra ’88

Mr. Michael Hamilton & Mrs. Angela Hamilton

The Honourable Colin S. Lazier ’35 & Mrs. Lazier

Mr. James Parsons & Mrs. Dianne Parsons

Dr. Kevin Wong & Mrs. Jinny Yun-Wong

Dr. Nadeem Aslam

Mr. Renato Cercone & Mrs. Deborah Cercone

Mr. James Dean & Mrs. Lia Dean

Mrs. Kate Garzón

Mrs. Kathron E. Hann

Mr. Colin G. Lazier ’67 & Mrs. Barbara Lazier ’67

Performance Lexus Toyota

Mrs. Georgina Woods ’38

Ms. Carolyn C. M. Aylward- Viveros

Ms. Andrea K. Charlton ’92

Mrs. Cheryl Diefenbacher

Mr. J. Kerr Gibson ’41 & Mrs. Alison Gibson ’47

Dr. William Harper & Dr. Randi McCabe

Mr. Andre LeBlanc & Mrs. Frances LeBlanc

Dr. Dwight Prodger & Ms. Joyce Wilton

Mr. St. Clair Balfour Jr. ’59

Dr. Pamela Chinchilla

Mr. J. Edward Dillane ’55 & Mrs. Carol J. Dillane

Dr. Andrew Gomez & Mrs. Angela Vargas

Mr. Leonard C. Banfield †

Mrs. Kathy Chittley-Young

Mr. Cole Dolny & Mrs. Nancy Dolny

Mr. Keith Porter Gould & Mrs. Marjorie Gould

Dr. Ed Barnard & Ms. Paula Barnard

Mr. Neil Clark

Rosanna Faccio-Polimeni & Demetrio Polimeni

Mr. Luther J. Holton ’71 & Mrs. Lindsay K. Holton


HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 46-47


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Seth Houwer & Kate Boose

Mrs. Anne McDougall ’48

Mrs. Heather E. Palm ’85

Mr. John-Paul Strasler & Mrs. Zarrin Strasler

Mrs. Catherine J. Innes

Mrs. Carolyn I. McEwen

Mr. John S. Parry ’66

Mr. Albert Underhill & Mrs. Katharine Underhill

Irmisch Family

Mrs. Mary McKeon ’64

Patricia and David Rubin Family Trust

Dr. Tomas VanHelder & Mrs. Denise VanHelder

Jenren Charitable Fund

Mr. Robert D.R. McMurrich ’68 & Mrs. Graeme McMurrich ’69

Miss Jane Peacock ‘61

Mrs. Roberta L. Vaughan ’56

Ms. Wendy Jones

Mr. Arthur R. McMurrich, Jr. ’65

Mr. Sam Perez & Mrs. Susan Perez

Mr. Brandon Vedelago ’98

Mr. Leonard Karmiol & Mrs. Heather Karmiol ’89

Mr. James McRae & Mrs. Andrea McRae

Mr. Darren Pritchett & Mrs. Tracy Pritchett

Dr. Bruno Vedelago & Mrs. Gail Vedelago

Mr. Kazmer W. Kasperski & Mrs. M. Janet Kasperski

Mr. Mike Moore

Mr. Jeff Robinson & Mrs. Lori Robinson

Mr. Harry S. Walker & Mrs. Anne Walker

Mrs. Laure Kominar

Dr. Jaydeep K. Moro & Ms. Meeta Bhana

Mrs. Amanda Rogers

Mr. Darcy S. Wallace

Mrs. Sara Laidlaw ’77

Mr. Drew Nameth & Mrs. Susan Nameth

Mr. Bert Rufenach & Mrs. Mila Rufenach

Mrs. Deetra Whalen

Mrs. Ann Lang ’65

Mrs. Claudette Nash ’57

Mrs. Lynn Sharpe

Mrs. Daphne Whicher ’74

Mrs. Amaris Langton

Mr. Bob Neibert & Mrs. Sharon Neibert

Dr. Mickey Sole ’56

Mrs. Patricia White ’67

Mrs. Laurie A. Lewis

Mr. Bill Nethercott ’85 & Mrs. Monica Nethercott

Mrs. Shailau Spivak

Mr. Jeff Whittard

Mr. George MacCuish & Mrs. Julie MacCuish

Mrs. Elizabeth Newlands ’35 †


Dr. Gerald Wright ’58

Mr. Don MacLeod & Mrs. Mary J. MacLeod

Mr. Peter D. Noel ’72

Miss Carol Stanton

Mrs. Margot Martin Pick ’66

Mr. Dermot P. Nolan & Mrs. Tamara Paikin Nolan

Mr. Robert Stevenson & Mrs. Colleen Stevenson

Friend of HSC up to $99

Do you remember the first time you saw a shooting star? At HSC we work every day to inspire our students to reach for the stars and to truly believe that, with hard work, determination and an excellent education, anything is possible. And with your help, we’re doing it! Write a special dedication to your shooting star on the form below and send it shooting back to us with your special gift to HSC’s Excellence Campaign. Your star will hang on display to serve as a bright reminder to always keep reaching for those stars! With your support, we can continue to help our students reach for the stars, now and into the future. Thank you for helping our students reach for the stars! Sincerely, Marc Ayotte, Head of College

Here is my gift to help HSC students reach for the stars:

Asher and Carsten Abrams

Mr. George Down ’68 & Mrs. Trudi Down (Noel) ’68

Mr. Hershey Latner

Mrs. Sharon E. Ritchie ’67

Dr. Carrie Annable ’97

David & Penny Elton

Mrs. Karrie L. Leach

Mrs. Bev Smith


Dr. & Mrs. Richard H.D. Farmer ’43

Melissa Mancini & Roy Rodrigues

Mrs. Beverley Sobel

Mr. Scott Barton

Fraser Family

Mrs. Tracy Masters-Brown

Mr. Richard Stockdale & Mrs. Claudia Stockdale

Jean & John Beaver

Giftit Inc.

Mr. Stephen McDonald

Mrs. Ashley M. Tickell ’02

m I have enclosed a cheque made payable to Hillfield Strathallan College.

Dr. Robert Boose & Mrs. Celia Boose

Mr. Ethan Goldberg

Dr. Alan M. McPherson & Mrs. Maureen McPherson

Mr. Martin Ward-Doran & Ms. Catherine Minshull


Mr. Ian F. Brissett ’92

Mr. Rhett Grant & Mrs. Batula Grant

Mr. Mark W. Mitchell & Mrs. Lisa Mitchell

Mrs. Tammy J. West

Mr. Phelim S. Brucculeri

Mrs. Marnie Helmy

Mr. Larry Paikin & Mrs. Marnie Paikin

Ms. Jin Zang

Mrs. Daniella M. Ciapanna

Mr. Michael W. Johnston ’69

Ms. Samantha Peeris ’85

Mr. Istref Zeka & Mrs. Maria Zeka

Ms. Margarita De Antunano

Mr. James M. Ker ’73

Mrs. M. Poremba

† - Deceased Correction: In the 2012-2013 report listing, under “Friend of HSC”, Ms. Catherine Minshull’s name was missed. Our sincere apologies for the oversight.

thank you!


m$100 m$300 m$500 m I prefer to give $ _____

m I prefer to use my m Visa m Mastercard Card Number:

Security Code:


Name on Card:


My star is:

Learn with Joy. Live with Purpose.


HSC Review Fall 2014 FINAL.indd 48-49

11/6/2014 5:39:13 PM

Advanced Placement Program Excels

Mother, Entrepreneur, and Dedicated Parents’ Guild Volunteer

HSC students raise the bar for academic excellence. Students around the world pursue Advanced Placement (AP) courses for many reasons—to gain an edge in university preparation, to stand-out during the post-secondary admissions process and to broaden their intellectual horizons. With potential access to 38 university-level AP courses and exams in 19 disciplines, an AP education at HSC provides students with an enriched and globally recognized educational experience. The AP program results are in for the 2013-2014 academic year, and they demonstrate that HSC students continue to raise the bar for academic excellence. HSC students wrote 130 AP exams with 73% of participating students scoring 3 or higher on their AP exams this May. Subjects included history, english, the sciences, and various language and culture courses. Congratulations to all those students who worked so hard in this exceptional program, and to the faculty members who help their students realize success.

• Trent Abraham ’14, Qitong Deng ’14, and Kevin Kecskemeti ’14 qualified for the AP Scholar Award, completing three or more AP exams with scores of 3 or higher. • Rishi Goel ’14 and Alex Smith ’14 qualified for the AP Scholar with Honours Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of three or higher on four or more of these exams. • Sydney Bradshaw ’14 and Clarissa Skorupski ’14 qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award. Both students received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of three or higher on five or more of these exams. • Sama Anvari ’14 and Alim Ladha ’14 are HSC’s newest National AP Scholars, each earning an average score of at least four on all AP exams taken, and scores of four or higher on five or more of these exams.

Since 2005, HSC has produced: 53 AP Scholars, 19 AP Scholars with Honours, nine AP Scholars with Distinction, and 20 AP National Scholars—two of whom are also AP International Diploma recipients. Maturity and a commitment to academic excellence are cornerstones of the AP program. In addition to developing the study habits needed for university level work, AP students improve their writing skills and sharpen their problem-solving techniques. They also explore the world from a variety of perspectives, study subjects in greater depth and detail, and are expected to assume responsibility for reasoning, analyzing and understanding themselves. For more information on the AP program at HSC, visit hsc.on.ca.

“This is my second year as a member of the HSC Parents’ Guild (PG). My husband Mike and I operate a local Hamilton mountain Tim Horton’s restaurant. Our daughters Leah (Grade 8) and Taylor (Grade 6) have adjusted beautifully to life here at HSC—they have been inspired by great teachers, enjoyed new experiences and have made many new friends. I have always felt it important to be active in my children’s school lives, as they spend so much of their time at school. It has been such a blessing for our girls to be able to attend HSC, and our family is so thankful to the College for offering bursaries and support for families who need it. I love being an active member of the Parents’ Guild for many reasons. Being involved in planning events that the kids thoroughly enjoy is a blast, getting to know HSC faculty and staff on a more personal level has been important to me and, last but not least, meeting new friends! The parents I have had the privilege of getting to know over the last year have been such welcoming, caring, hard working people who all have the same goal—making the HSC experience the best it can be for our kids. My hope is that more HSC parents will consider getting involved. Whether you have an hour to give, or resources or skills to offer that might help with an event, your participation makes our school better. The PG is such an important part of HSC. This group works tirelessly to bring events together—the kinds of family experiences that are so memorable for us all. I look forward to seeing new faces come out and joining a great team on the PG.” To learn how you can get involved, visit hsc.on.ca/parents or join other parent volunteers at a monthly PG general meeting, held the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Michael G. DeGroote Senior School Boardroom.


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Social Events CALENDAR

College-wide Open House: December 3, 2014 Senior School Musical “Grease”: December 4-6, 2014 Carol Service: December 18, 2014 Middle & Senior School Science Fairs: January 31, 2015 College-wide Open House: February 4, 2015 Crescendo Concert “Cadence”: February 6, 2015 Middle School Musical “Annie”: February 26-28, 2015 Middle & Senior School Music Showcase: March 3, 2015 March Break Camps: March 9-13, 2015 College-wide Open House: April 1, 2015 Senior School Drama Production: April 25, 2015 Crescendo Concert Series “Martin Beaver ’86”: May 1, 2015 College-wide Open House: May 6, 2015 HSC Homecoming & Athletics Hall of Fame Ceremony: May 9, 2015 Montessori Caravan: June 12, 2015 HSC Golf Classic: June 23, 2015 To view a complete list of events, please visit calendar.hsc.on.ca.

Learn with Joy. Live with Purpose.

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