Parent Handbook 2017-18

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FREQUENTLY USED NUMBERS MAIN SWITCHBOARD: 905-389-1367 ABSENCE, LATE/EARLY DISMISSALS, STUDENT MESSAGES Montessori School Matron, ext. 139 Junior School Assistant, ext. 168 Middle School Assistant, ext. 132 Senior School Assistant, ext. 196 APPOINTMENTS WITH FACULTY Montessori School Assistant, ext. 193 Junior School Assistant, ext. 168 Middle School Assistant, ext. 132 Senior School Assistant, ext. 196 TRANSPORTATION Transportation Supervisor, ext. 156 A.M. Dispatcher, ext. 190, P.M. Dispatcher, ext. 170 CAMPUS STORE: ext. 112 ADMISSIONS: ext. 160 FINANCE & BUSINESS OFFICE: ext. 188 ADVANCEMENT: ext. 161

Our College community provides an environment where each student can develop intellectually, socially, morally and physically. As in all communities, certain guidelines are necessary to ensure that the College operates effectively. Communication between the College and your home is important to us all. This handbook is intended as a guide to parents and students, and includes a wide range of general information and College policies. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all of the information contained within, including rules and regulations.

LEADERSHIP TEAM: Head of College, ext. 182 Deputy Head of College, ext. 167 Director of Advancement and Communications, ext. 162 Director of Finance, ext. 103 Director of Admissions, ext. 106 Director of Operations, ext. 133 Principal, Montessori School, ext. 138 Principal, Junior School, ext. 172 Principal, Middle School, ext. 183 Principal, Senior School, ext. 273 OTHER DIRECTORS Director of Athletics, ext. 179 Director of Arts, ext. 141 Director of Student Success, ext. 180 Senior Mistress, ext. 147 Camp Director (March & April), ext. 204 OTHER: HSC Website, HSC Online Resources, myHSC



• • • • • • • • • • • •

Curriculum and class content The latest College news School calendar School resource pages Faculty & Staff Directory Parents’ Guild information Lunch menus Transportation information College Handbook Health Services information Campus Store information Co-curricular team schedules

HSC’S Past and Present HSC Mission, Guiding Principles and Ideals History of the College Coat of Arms Academic Life Daily Routines Field Trips Assemblies and Chapel IT Services Communications Important Links General Information Homework Attendance Transportation Health Services Campus Store Student Life Uniforms Food Services Program Philanthropy at HSC Athletics Outdoor Education and E-Week Programs Arts at HSC College Life Code of Conduct Academic Honesty Bullying Substance Use and Abuse Policy Theft Withdrawal from College Services Respect at the College Privacy Statement Voicemail & E-Mail Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation

6 8 10 14 18 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 42 43 44 48 50 52 54 56 58 62 64 65 68 81 82 83 5


HSC MISSION, GUIDING PRINCIPLES & IDEALS MISSION Our core mission is to develop joyful, engaged students who are prepared to live with purpose. The best learning happens when students are happy to come to school, are encouraged, have opportunities to follow their passions, and can participate in deep learning experiences that truly challenge them. Joyful, engaged students develop strong relationships with their peers and with the many caring adults who spark and support their learning both inside the classroom and beyond. Their journey at HSC enables them to live with purpose—to understand their world, to inspire, lead and act, and to make a difference in their own unique, important and special ways. GUIDING PRINCIPLES WE LEARN • with an understanding of ourselves as learners • with each other, and from each other • with a blend of challenge and support • with an expectation, and the encouragement needed, to lead • with excellence honoured and demonstrated • through creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit • to think critically • with resiliency in mind and body • an awareness of, and engagement in, global, cultural, economic, social and environmental issues

INTEGRITY • we are honest not only with our peers and colleagues, but with ourselves • we stand up for what we believe in • we take responsibility for our actions • we are true to our word • we allow actions to speak louder than words RESPECT • we understand the importance of being humble • we think beyond ourselves through empathy and kindness • we are courteous and compassionate • we find a sense of worth and value in others and ourselves COMMUNITY • we build friendships through inclusivity and the celebration of individual differences • we foster positive relationships at HSC and beyond our gates DETERMINATION • we are committed and optimistic • we encourage individuals to strive for their own excellence • we persevere when faced with adversity • we learn from our missteps INDIVIDUALITY • we inspire individuals to express and pursue their own unique passions • we are creative • we are confident in who we are and who we will become

WE LIVE BY THESE IMPORTANT IDEALS: • Integrity • Respect • Community • Determination • Individuality 8



STRATHALLAN SCHOOL (1923) Meanwhile, Strathallan School was founded in 1923 by Miss Janet Virtue and Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, with Colonel the Honourable Mr. Justice Colin Gibson as Chairman. In 1948 the two founders of Strathallan School retired, and the newly formed Board of Directors decided to continue instruction as far as Grade 13. The school evolved over the ensuing years to recognize the changing roles of women in society, and under the strong leadership of Miss Hilda Pierce, the school continued to flourish through to the early 1960s. HILLFIELD COLLEGE (1959)

HIGHFIELD SCHOOL FOR BOYS (1901) The late John H. Collinson, with the support of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, founded Highfield School for Boys in 1901. The Chairman of the Board for 19 years was the late Colonel the Honourable Sir John S. Hendrie, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

In 1950 Lieutenant Colonel John P. Page was appointed Headmaster, and less than a decade later in 1959, the name of the boys’ school was changed to Hillfield College. Hillfield School had survived the Great Depression and WWII, and Colonel Page moved the school from preparatory to full College, and reintroduced the Cadet program in Grade 13. Under his leadership, both Vincent Massey and General Harry Crerar became Patrons of the College.

HILLCREST SCHOOL (1920) Fire destroyed Hghfield School in 1918. It was reestablished as Hillcrest School in 1920 by the late Reverend C.A. Heaven, the former Vice-Principal at Highfield. HILLFIELD SCHOOL (1929) Hillcrest rapidly outgrew its facilities, and after a decade of reorganization, the families supporting Highfield and Hillcrest combined under the generosity of Sir John Gibson to establish Hillfield School. The Governors acquired new premises on Main Street West on land donated by the Gibson family, and in 1929 opened Hillfield School under the headmastership of Mr. Arthur F. Killip, formerly of Upper Canada College. 10


STRATHALLAN COLLEGE (1961) In 1961, Strathallan School changed its name to Strathallan College, and the decision to amalgamate with Hillfield College was agreed upon.

In recognition of the College’s broad contribution to Canada over more than a century, HSC was granted Armorial Bearings by Rideau Hall in 2005. The official Coat of Arms and new HSC flag were unveiled for the first time on June 11, 2005 by Colonel The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

HILLFIELD STRATHALLAN COLLEGE (1962) In 1962, the two schools, Hillfield College and Strathallan College, amalgamated under one Board of Governors. They acquired a 50 acre campus from the Ontario Government and erected the present buildings on Fennell Avenue West on Hamilton Mountain. While the Boards were amalgamated, the schools remained coordinated but separate Colleges.

In 2010, Mr. Marc Ayotte joined Hillfield Strathallan College as Head of College. Four years later, the College officially opened the new Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Excellence. Students, athletes and the HSC community can now access facilities that are the best of their kind amongst independent schools in Canada.

In 1969, under the leadership of Mr. M.B. Wansbrough, Headmaster, the College was integrated into a single coeducational academic institution. The 15 acres of land located to the South of HSC’s current site was acquired in 1995 in conjunction with Mohawk College. In 1999, an addition to the Campus created the current Montessori School, the enlarged Virtue-Fitzgerald Centre for the Arts and new music facilities. HILLFIELD STRATHALLAN COLLEGE IN ITS 2ND CENTURY In 2001, HSC celebrated its Centenary year, with fundraising initiatives and plans that eventually resulted in the building of the magnificent new Centennial Gates on Fennell Avenue. Marking not only the brand new entranceway to the College, the Gateway also recognizes over 100 years of traditions and our celebration of a new vision for the next 100 years. Under the leadership of Headmaster, Dr. Tom Matthews (20032010), HSC assumed a leadership position in the education of the whole child, while preparing its students for a life of new challenges and opportunities.



COAT OF ARMS In June 2005, Rideau Hall granted Hillfield Strathallan College Armorial Bearings in recognition of its contribution to Canada over more than a century. The official Coat of Arms consists of several elements, each with a special significance. THE SHIELD OF ARMS Hillfield Elements: The colour green and the boar represent Hillfield. Strathallan Elements: The colour purple and the prairie crocus represent Strathallan. OTHER ELEMENTS The upside down “V” is a chevron symbolizing the Hamilton Mountain, as well as the pursuit of excellence. THE SCROLLS WITH LATIN MOTTOS From our two founding schools: Excelsior (Ever Higher) from Strathallan and Velle Est Posse (Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way) from Hillfield. THE LAUREL WREATH An ancient symbol of excellence and achievement. THE HELMET AND MANTLING Traditional elements incorporated into Coats of Arms. SCHOOL MOTTOS Velle Est Posse (Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way) Excelsior (Ever Higher) 14




Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do Thy will. Amen. Ignatius Loyola

Praise My Soul Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; To his feet thy tribute bring. Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like me his praise should sing? Praise him! Praise him! (x2) Praise the everlasting King. Praise him for his grace and favour To our fathers in distress; Praise him still the same for ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless. Praise him! Praise him! (x2) Glorious in his faithfulness. Father-like, he tends and spares us; Well our feeble frame he knows; In his hands he gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes. Praise him! Praise him! (x2) Widely as his mercy flows. Angels, help us to adore him; Ye behold him face to face; Sun and moon, bow down before him, Dwellers all in time and space. Praise him! Praise him! (x2) Praise with us the God of grace. Henry F. Lyte, 1834

NATIONAL ANTHEM O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. Car ton bras sait porter l’epée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brilliants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. COLLEGE SONG Velle est Posse Velle est Posse, Excelsior Ever Higher, Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Velle est Posse, Excelsior Ever Higher, Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Ever Higher, Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 16



DAILY ROUTINES The daily routines listed below can also be found on myHSC. Please check myHSC regularly for class, school and College information and updates. EARLY MORNING CARE PROGRAM Normal school hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Students in JK/M4 to Grade 6 may be brought to school as early as 7:30 a.m. Junior School students attend the program in Junior School and Montessori students attend in the Montessori School. Parents must walk their children into the classroom to be received by the early morning care teacher. *Please note that this program is offered at an additional fee. AFTER-SCHOOL CHILDCARE PROGRAM Montessori and Junior School Both early education schools offer an after-school childcare program* until 5:00 p.m. Students may take the late bus home at 5:00 p.m. or be picked up in the late duty classroom by 5:00 p.m. Co-curricular activities are available for M6–M9 and grades 1–4. *Please note that this program is offered at an additional fee. Emergency Use If you find a need to use the program when you have not planned to do so, please be assured that we will welcome your child. Please call the office before 3:00 p.m. on the day prior, if possible.


MONTESSORI & JUNIOR SCHOOL End-of-Day Routine Teachers accompany younger children to the buses for the 3:40 p.m. early bus run. Staff on duty accompany children to the 5:00 p.m. late bus run. CHANGES TO REGULAR END-OF-DAY ROUTINE Montessori must have a: • written note, or; • phone call prior to 3:00 p.m. at 905-389-1367, ext. 139. Junior School must have a: • written note, or; • phone call prior to 3:00 p.m. at 905-389-1367, ext. 168. In the absence of a note or phone message, schools will follow the previously established regular routine. PICK UP Montessori Children picked up at 3:30 p.m., and from the after-school childcare program, wait in our upper and lower piazza and/or late duty rooms located in the Montessori building. Junior School When picking up your children at 3:30 p.m., please wait outside the double doors at the end of the hallway to allow for the younger bus students to proceed safely down the hallway. Children picked up at 3:30 p.m. are picked up at the bench outside the office. Students in the after-school childcare program are picked up from the late duty classroom.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ROUTINE The school day begins at 8:40 a.m. The Middle School schedule operates on an eight-day cycle, combining homeform time, rotary classes and community time. SENIOR SCHOOL ROUTINE The Senior School day begins at 8:40 a.m. The College expects students to get to their lockers, get

organized and report to their first period class promptly at 8:45 a.m. The Senior School academic schedule operates on an eight-day cycle, with four classes occurring on each of the school days.

FIELD TRIPS Trips are listed on the electronic calendar on myHSC. Official trip forms with trip logistics, packing lists and other pertinent information are distributed to parents in advance of more significant trips. In some cases, trip planning is covered during fall curriculum nights or at special trip meetings. Students must wear uniforms (No.1 Dress in the Middle and Senior School) on all field trips unless otherwise specified. HSC provides and organizes transportation. There may be an additional minimal fee for buses for day trips, depending on the nature of the trip. HSC bills the cost of entrance fees or performances to students. Faculty chaperons and first aid–

trained guides accompany students on all trips. Service organizations contracted by HSC also provide primary support as appropriate. Health Services, along with the Head Chaperon and/or School Principal, meet prior to trips to discuss any health concerns. LUNCHES When students are off campus over lunch, they can choose to: • pack a lunch from home, or • take a bag lunch from Food Service (staff will organize the ordering of bag lunches, with advance notice). Students who leave campus, or travel to activities off campus, in private vehicles must follow the Student Driving Policy.

ASSEMBLIES & CHAPEL Senior, Middle, Early Education students and faculty participate in an inter-denominational Chapel service led by the Head of College and Student Prefect leaders on Friday mornings. The service reflects the

College’s traditions and includes the College Prayer, the National Anthem, student readings and performances. In addition to Chapel, each of the four schools holds regular assemblies. 21

IT SERVICES HSC uses a model of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for students in Grades 5–12 (Grade 4 is generally optional). HSC provides hardware and software resources for specialized programs such as communications technology and design technology in computer lab environments. IT Services supports students for BYOD for minor technical needs and connectivity issues on a daily basis from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. IT Services does not provide hardware or maintenance support for students; repairs must be addressed by the student due to warranty issues. Students in Grades M8–12 have login and password protection to access approved software

IMPORTANT LINKS applications and the internet, and to store school-related files and data. All learning spaces have complete wireless access. Users may access their HSC drive off campus using “the cloud” network at


Please visit myHSC to connect to the resource board, where you can find the following links:

Annually, parents and student users in Grades 3/M8–12 must sign the Acceptable User Agreement (AUA). Students who do not agree to the AUA may lose their access privileges, which will affect their academic experience. E-MAIL & MYHSC We expect Middle School and Senior School students to check their FirstClass e-mail daily. Parents may communicate with their child’s teachers via FirstClass.

COMMUNICATIONS Our secure portal, myHSC, allows students and parents to view school-specific events, announcements, course or class material, assignment requirements and due dates. All parents are offered a login and training on how to use myHSC. During the year, families may also receive special announcements, updates and event reminders via e-mail.

Enrolment Booklet: myHSC:







SCHOOL CALENDAR The HSC online calendar is accessible on myHSC. FACULTY & STAFF DIRECTORY The full Faculty & Staff Directory can be found under Resources on myHSC.









FEATURED CONTENT Check the myHSC homepage for the latest news and events.


GENERAL INFORMATION LOST AND FOUND Labeled items can be claimed from the Lost and Found by consulting with the Administrative Assistants of each school. Middle and Senior School students may access the Lost and Found between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Parents may access the Lost and Found beyond these hours by seeing the Receptionist in the Main Office.

Permit parking is restricted to staff and registered students in identified areas. HSC provides no formal supervision of the parking lot and accepts no responsibility for parked vehicles or their contents.

STUDENT MESSAGES To direct an important message to a student, speak with your child’s School Assistant. Messages must be received prior to 3:00 p.m.

SECURITY HSC provides a 24-hour security program which includes security cameras. During regular school hours, security is accessible through the Holton Receptionist at ext. 100, or the Facilities Supervisor at ext. 104. In the event of an emergency, after-hours/evening security is available at 905-961-4977.

LOCKERS Lockers are loaned to Middle and Senior School students for use during the year. Lockers remain the property of the College and are subject to inspection by College authorities. Students will receive a lock and be billed by the Campus Store. Combinations must be registered with the College, and are kept by Home Form Teachers and Tutorial Leaders. Early Education students are assigned cubbies without locks. TRAFFIC AND PARKING Please observe a 20 km/h speed limit while on HSC roadways and obey all posted signs. Visitor and parent parking for pick ups and drop offs is accommodated in the North Parking lot. Posted fire routes, handicapped parking, as well as idling by-laws, are mandated through the local municipality. 24

Students who leave campus, or travel to activities off campus, in private vehicles must follow the Student Driving Policy.

GENERAL ACCESS Building access for students and families is available between the hours of 8:20 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on regular school days. During holidays and summer break, access is available only during scheduled office hours through Reception or the Facilities Supervisor. No afterhours access is permitted unless pre-arranged. AFTER-HOURS SECURITY Regular School Days: 5:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Weekends, Closures, Holidays: 8:30 a.m.–9:45 p.m. Summer Break: 4:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m.

HOMEWORK MONTESSORI SCHOOL “Homework” for Elementary students (M6–M9) is reserved for activities that do not need the manipulatives but rely on other resources such as books, websites, and experiences (e.g. nature walks, museum visits), etc. Projects that require these resources are initiated by the student to be done at home, to extend the learning experience. JUNIOR SCHOOL Meaningful homework tasks provide opportunities for self-directed learning as an extension of classroom learning. The homework load is kept to a level that is age and stage appropriate. MIDDLE SCHOOL All students are expected to do some homework or home study each night. Homework can take the form of work not completed in class, individual assignments designed for reinforcement or enrichment, subject projects or self-directed study. There are two daily supervised homework study times from 2:30 to 3:10 p.m. and 3:40 to 4:40 p.m. Homework is listed on the myHSC course page “Bulletin Boards” each day. SENIOR SCHOOL It is the responsibility of the student to record homework assignments during individual classes or at the end of the academic day. Students should assume homework as a personal responsibility.

Support for Senior School students is available through subject teacher office hours, subject cluster TAs (teacher assistants), and peer tutoring. Information about how and when these supports may be accessed is shared at fall curriculum night and throughout the terms. MYHSC ASSIGNMENT CENTRE Students from Grades 5 through 12 should regularly consult the assignment centre tab in their myHSC accounts. This area provides them with the dates of upcoming assignment in each of their courses and is critical for assisting students with their long-range planning and study schedules. Parents also have full access to this information via their myHSC accounts and are encouraged to work with their children in the areas of time management and study planning.

LEARNING COMMONS (LC) The LC is open to parents, faculty and students Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. Staff work closely with faculty to design programs in support of all learning styles and levels. The LC promotes literacy by offering a Book Fair, numerous book talks, special displays, author visits, reading programs and student reading clubs. 25

ATTENDANCE SCHOOL HOURS Normal school hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. HSC, its staff and representatives will not be held responsible for the welfare of students on the campus before 8:00 a.m. for toddlers, 8:15 a.m. for Early Education students and 8:30 a.m. for Middle and Senior students and after 5:00 p.m. for all students if they are not participating in an HSC-approved or scheduled activity. The College accepts responsibility for students who are involved in preapproved programs beyond normal school hours. ABSENCES Absences due to non-medical, non-school-related functions must be approved by the Principal in advance. We do not encourage parents taking students out of school for extended periods. To ensure adequate academic support, communicate extended absences in advance to the Principal. EXTENDED ABSENCES Absences due to non-medical, non-school-related functions must seek permission from the Vice Principal a minimum of two weeks in advance. Students must complete the extended absence form prior to leaving: extendededabsence MONTESSORI/JUNIOR SCHOOL If your child will not attend school, please contact the Administrative Assistants before 9:00 a.m. They can be reached at extension 139 for 26

Montessori School and extension 168 for Junior School. MIDDLE SCHOOL Students who arrive late must sign in with the Middle School Assistant in the Middle School Office. Direct notes regarding student absences or planned departures go to your child’s Home Form teacher. For daily student absence information, parents are required to contact the Middle School Office by calling and leaving a message with the Middle School Assistant at ext. 132. Please notify HSC, by written note, e-mail, or by phone, if your child needs to leave the campus for an appointment. Students may not leave the campus unsupervised without parental authority. Middle School students leaving campus must provide a dated, explanatory note that is signed by their parent/guardian and submitted to their Form teacher. Students must sign in and out with the Middle School Assistant when leaving and returning. SENIOR SCHOOL Senior School students who arrive late must sign in with the Senior School Assistant in the Senior School Office. In the event that your child will not attend school, please e-mail or call the Senior School Assistant, at ext. 196, before 9:00 a.m. Sign Out/In Procedures: Senior School students leaving

campus during normal school hours (8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) MUST sign out with the Senior School Assistant. Students who wish to sign out for appointments must have either: (1) an explanatory note for leaving, dated and signed by a parent/ guardian; OR (2) verbal permission from a parent/guardian for the student to sign out (messages can be left with the Senior School Assistant at ext. 196). Students who wish to sign out and do not have written or verbal permission from a parent/guardian, must receive permission from the Senior School Principal. Students who wish to sign out due to illness MUST see the College Nurse. If the College Nurse is not available, see the Senior School Assistant. A

parent/guardian will be contacted before a student is permitted to leave school due to illness. Grade 11 and 12 Students Only Grade 11 students with strong academic standing may sign out during their spare period without a note from their parents, as long as they ensure that they are back on campus for their next required class and/or appointment. Grade 12 students may sign themselves out of school on their spare periods and during the lunch hour. Grade 12 students with a Period 1 spare are excused from being on campus at 8:40 a.m. They must arrive at school in time for their first academic time of the day and must sign in at the Senior School Office.

TRANSPORTATION Morning bus arrivals are expected daily between 8:20 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. subject to traffic flow. Evening departures are scheduled for 3:40 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. We expect students to board the bus five minutes prior to departure. If your stop is in front of your house, you must be outside waiting five minutes ahead of your scheduled time. We do not permit students in Grade 4 and under to be dropped off without an adult present. Students in Grades 5–8 may be dropped off without an adult present given written permission from a parent/

guardian in consultation with the Principal. For bus route, stop and service inquiries, please e-mail or call: • Transportation Supervisor, ext. 156 • A.M. Dispatcher, ext. 190 • P.M. Dispatcher, ext. 170 Generally, there is no late bus run on Fridays, or the Thursday prior to a long weekend. Please refer to the calendar on myHSC for scheduling. Procedures for inclement weather are circulated before the winter season.


HEALTH SERVICES HSC HEALTH FORMS Student Health Information/Consent forms are updated annually by parents/guardians in order for the College to be fully prepared in the case of emergency. Supplementary health plans will be designed in cooperation with the parent/guardian and/or physician(s) for those students identified with diabetes, anaphylactic allergies and seizures. These plans are to be completed prior to the first day of school or upon the onset of the condition. ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS If a student is absent due to illness, parents/guardians are asked to contact the School Assistant or Health and Wellness Services. If a student is home due to illness, they must remain there until they are fever free/symptom free for 24 hours. LICE It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians check their child for lice and/or nits regularly throughout the school year. All cases of head lice should be reported to Health and Wellness Services, the classroom teacher or the Principal. The child must be treated in a way that kills all live lice and removes the nits that are attached to the hair follicles. All active lice must be removed before the student returns to school.


MEDICATION Students using prescribed drugs must inform Health and Wellness Services. This also applies to any

medical condition the College should be aware of. By signing the HSC Heath Information/ Consent form, parents have authorized HSC Health and Wellness Services to administer over-the-counter medications to treat general symptoms such as pain, fever, upset stomach and allergic reactions. As appropriate, parents/guardians of Montessori, Junior and Middle Schools students are contacted to obtain permission for the administration of over-the-counter medications to their child unless explicitly noted in their Heath Information/Consent Form. ILLNESS OR INJURY AT THE COLLEGE Care is taken to ensure the well-being and safety of students. In case of accidents, parents/guardians are notified and the students are generally expected to be taken home by parents/ guardians or, if necessary, they are taken to an emergency department for medical attention. HSC employs a Registered Nurse, a Registered Practical Nurse, and an Athletic Therapist, and several staff members have St. John Ambulance Red Cross training. A student who becomes ill during school hours must report, in the case of a Senior School student, to the Health Office/ Registered Nurse. In the case of Junior and Middle School students, to the Registered Practical Nurse, and in the case of Montessori students to the Montessori Matron.

IMMUNIZATION (TETANUS) According to the Immunization of School Pupils Act, 1990, students under 18 years of age attending Ontario schools (independent or public) must provide proof of immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella (German Measles). This information must be submitted to Hamilton Public Health. The health unit can suspend students from school until the records are updated. HSC’s Student Health Information/ Consent form requires the parents or guardians to submit the date of the last tetanus vaccine. This is provided in order for Health and Wellness Services to mitigate everyday first aid response while on campus.

athletic teams and P.E.) once they have completed their Return to Learn component and have been medically cleared by their physician.

CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Health and Wellness Services will contact parents/guardians if their child receives a hit to the head. If a concussion is suspected, the student will be required to see a medical physician for same day assessment.

Families should take all due precaution in bringing food to school. Individual school administration and/ or Health and Wellness Services are to be consulted when bringing food from off campus. Any such food should not be openly shared between students, especially with those who have allergies.

If a concussion is not suspected, the parent/guardian is contacted. The child will be monitored at school and sent home with a concussion information package which outlines when a parent/guardian should seek medical care, if needed. Health and Wellness Services will follow-up with all students after the initial hit and until the child is medically cleared of concussion. Students with a diagnosed concussion will participate in HSC’s Return to Learn and Return to Play program. Concussed individuals may only return to full physical activity (HSC

COUNSELLING SERVICES As a part of Health and Wellness Services, the College Counsellor is on site Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The counsellor is available to see students and parents from the Montessori, Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. The counsellor provides services to students who are experiencing challenges which may include, but are not limited to, academic matters.

ALLERGY CONSCIOUS ENVIRONMENT Hillfield Strathallan College is not a nut-free environment. Such conditions are virtually impossible to enforce and create a false sense of security for allergic children. However, the College is ‘allergy conscious’ and will make every attempt to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all children. The College works in cooperation with the parents/ guardians to understand how to best meet the needs of their children with allergies and dietary restrictions.



Here are some of the many services available at HSC:


Counselling Services

Early Duty Care

Athletic Therapy

Every HSC student belongs to one of four Brother/Sister House combinations. The House combinations are: The Living Room

Private Music Lessons

(offered by exterior professionals at an additional cost)

IT Services


Student Success Centre

Late Duty Care

Speech & Language Therapy (offered by exterior professionals at an additional cost)

Occupational Therapy (offered by exterior professionals at an additional cost)

Dyslexia Resource Centre

Learning Services

(offered by exterior professionals at an additional cost)

GOAL Program

Food Services





HSC is a big place. Our house system connects students through common goals and a shared sense of identity. The House system is one of our oldest and most successful traditions that we use to bring our community together. It provides a continuum for the purpose of mentoring, special activities, service and competition. Each House combination boasts its own colour (red, blue, orange or yellow) and each is named for a Canadian tree or Scottish river—a nod to HSC’s founders. Family members are placed in the same House across generations. Each House is supervised by staff members and student House officials. New students are sorted into a House early in the school year. In the Middle School, the CoCaptains are voted into office by the other students in the House and by faculty. Students are awarded points for achievement in academics and activities. There are awards granted at various levels of point accumulation and several prizes awarded annually for the Houses contributing the most to the College.



The Campus Store is located in the lower level of the Strathallan Building and has many quality items for sale, including such necessities as school books, new and gently used uniforms, graduation rings, varsity wear and school supplies. Healthy snacks and beverages are also available for purchase.

Montessori, Junior and Middle School students must have a signed parent note and a permission slip signed by a teacher before purchasing items from the Campus Store.

Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard or debit card. Families may also use their HSC account to pay for items.

July and August 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Mondays to Thursdays, and from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Fridays.

Senior School students may purchase items on account.

The store is closed during the December break.

HOURS Regular Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.



UNIFORMS GENERAL We require students and parents to know, and abide by, HSC dress code rules. Uniforms are required during school hours, for special College occasions, and by team members representing HSC. Uniforms are not required at evening/weekend games. Please address concerns regarding the suitability of a clothing item with the Principal before the item is purchased. The College standard of acceptable dress is defined as follows: • Conform to College regulations. • Clean and in good repair. • Worn properly, as outlined by the Principal. Students wearing improper uniform variations require an explanatory note from a parent and their Principal’s approval before attending class. Dress infractions are addressed by the Principal. UNIFORM SEASONS The beginning/end of Winter Dress and Summer Dress are weather dependent. The decision is made and announced by the Head of College. SHOES & SOCKS Approved dark brown or black leather dress shoes that can be polished. Maximum 1" heel in all cases. Closed toe and heel only. Girls must wear either green knee socks or green leotards. Boys must wear black or grey dress socks.


TIES Only College, Prefect and House ties are acceptable. BLACK WATCH KILT To be worn no more than 5" above the knee joint. GREY PANTS Medium grey trousers. UNDERSHIRTS If visible at the neck, must be the same colour as the outer shirt. SHORTS Medium grey walking shorts for boys or Black Watch shorts for girls may be worn during Summer Dress times announced by Head of College. EXCEPTIONS Toddlers may wear running shoes and elasticated grey pants. BORROWING UNIFORM ITEMS Should the need arise due to a spill or unforeseen circumstance, students can sign out uniform items from the Campus Store for 24 hours.

HOUSE COMPETITION UNIFORMS House competition T-shirts can be purchased in the Campus Store. GYM KIT Each school requires a specific gym kit for Physical Education classes. Clothing must be sized to fit and must include: • College green shorts • College gym T-shirt • White gym socks • Running shoes (no soft black soles) • Optional warm-up/track suits must be HSC colours (plain or with HSC crest) SWEATSHIRTS All students may wear HSC sweatshirts on Wednesdays only. *Please contact the Campus Store with any uniform inquiries at ext. 112.

OR “FIRST DRESS” Every Friday and on special occasions, Middle and Senior School students are expected to wear No. 1 Dress at school. Middle and Senior School Girls’ No. 1 or “First Dress” • Green leotards or green kneehigh socks • Blazers • Grey dress pants or kilt • White dress shirt and tie *No jean-like, cargo, legging, cord pants or shorts. Middle and Senior School Boys’ No. 1 or “First Dress” • Black or grey dress socks • Blazers • Grey dress pants • White dress shirt and tie No jean-like, cargo, legging, cord pants or shorts. Optional (Boys and Girls): College sweater or vest with HSC crest may be worn under the blazer. No. 1 or “First Dress” is informally abbreviated as “NOD” in the College calendar.


RETURNING UNIFORMS If your child is not returning to HSC or has outgrown their uniform, or upon graduation, please consider returning the uniform to the Main Office as a donation to our Studentto-Student Uniform Program. Do not put uniforms in outside clothing donation boxes. Limited access to our school uniform helps ensure the safety of our students. 35



EARLY EDUCATION (Montessori & Junior School) GIRLS BOYS • • • • • • • • • • • •

grey pants Black Watch pants Black Watch shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) turtle neck (white or green) Black Watch tunic green leotard green knee-high socks black/brown dress shoes

MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

grey dress pants Black Watch pants Black Watch shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) Black Watch tunic or kilt green leotard green knee-high socks blazer with dress shirt & tie short- or long sleeve dress shirt & tie tie: College or House black/brown dress shoes

SENIOR SCHOOL GIRLS • • • • • • • • • • • • 36 • •


grey dress pants Black Watch pants Black Watch shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) Black Watch kilt green leotard green knee-high socks blazer with dress shirt & tie short- or long sleeve dress shirt & tie tie: College or House black/brown dress shoes

• • • • • • • • •

grey pants grey shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) turtle neck (white or green) black or grey socks black/brown dress shoes

Black Watch Pants

Grey Pants

Grey Shorts

Black Watch Shorts

Black Watch Tunic Black Watch Kilt Short-Sleeved Polo

Short-Sleeved Polo

BOYS • • • • • • • • • • • •

grey business casual pants grey dress pants grey shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) blazer with dress shirt and tie short- or long-sleeved dress shirt & tie tie: College or House black or grey dress socks black/brown dress shoes

BOYS • • • • • • • • • • •

grey dress pants grey shorts (summer dress) long- or short-sleeved polo (crested) pullover sweater (crested) cardigan (crested) sweater vest (crested) blazer with dress shirt & tie short- or long-sleeved dress shirt & tie tie: College or House black or grey dress socks black/brown dress shoes

Sweater Vest

Pullover Sweater

Long-Sleeved Polo

Long-Sleeved Polo



Short-Sleeved Dress Shirt

Long-Sleeved Dress Shirt

College Tie



Pine Yre


House Ties

Official HSC Crest

All tops must have the HSC crest. Dress shirts and blouses must be tucked in. Any changes to the uniform will be communicated with families in advance.

Girls’ black or brown leather dress shoes

Boys’ black or brown leather dress shoes



Early Ed

Number One Dress Middle/Senior

Number One Dress

Early Ed

Early Ed

Number One Dress



Early Ed


Number One Dress


GROOMING A general principle with respect to hairstyle, jewelry and uniform is that a student’s appearance should be subtle, and not extend to the point that attention is drawn towards the student’s physical presence. MIDDLE & SENIOR SCHOOL Hairstyles must be tidy, and an acceptable style and length. Boys of an appropriate age must be cleanly shaved with the exception of Senior School boys who may, as a privilege, have neatly kept facial hair. Students are not allowed on campus with hairstyles out of keeping with College policy. Elaborate and excessive jewelry for girls is not permitted. Boys may wear one small stud earring and girls are limited to two small earrings per ear. The Senior School permits one small stud to be worn as a nose piercing, but does not permit nose rings, chains, bars and all other facial and/ or body piercing. If parents/students require clarification regarding grooming, the Vice Principal and/or the Principal will make the final decision.



FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM The daily menu is nutritionally balanced in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide. The weekly menu is planned and posted online, providing a variety of main meals on a rotational schedule. Over the next five years, as outlined in HSC’s Strategic Plan—Towards 20/20—the College aims to reinforce our long-term commitment to student nutrition with a focus in three areas: a whole food approach, shortened ingredient lists, and improved supplier relationships. In the 2017–18 school year, HSC will be embracing a new and

exciting food service program in our dining hall. The food service program offers plenty of choice and variety, ensuring that every student will have a wide number of freshly made, healthy and delicious options to select from daily. It is our long-standing tradition of sitting together as a community in Lawson Hall that allows for a more relaxed time at lunch. For more information, please visit the Food Services Resource Board on myHSC.

PHILANTHROPY AT HSC Philanthropy plays a significant role in our school community. Here are just a few examples: PARENTS’ GUILD: The HSC Parents’ Guild is premised on a spirit of friendship and community. The PG proudly supports our vibrant school community, and provides opportunities to gather and enjoy time together. The PG plans and hosts events, including gently used uniform sales, as well as supporting College events. These events build school spirit, while raising funds that directly impact our children’s educational experience.

STUDENT FUNDRAISING: Each year, students devote time and energy to various charities and fundraisers. Along the way, they build strength as global citizens and caring community members. Our co-curricular activities and programs provide formal and informal opportunities for students to develop the knowledge and skills that enable them to engage in their communities. Each school offers activities that are age and stage appropriate. ADVANCEMENT DEPARTMENT: HSC is a registered charitable organization. Donations to HSC help create an enriched learning environment. Every gift to HSC is an investment in the potential of our incredible students, and we are grateful for the financial support of our donors, parents, alumni and partners. Together we are providing students at HSC with the tools and opportunities to build their futures. For more information, contact or visit



ATHLETICS ATHLETICS The HSC athletic extracurricular program involves over 50 teams playing 17 different sports, from under the U9 level through to the Senior School level. There are three levels of play: recreational/ developmental, competitive league teams, and an elite program for the Conference of Independent Schools Athletic Association (CISAA). For information, visit TRYOUT PROCESS Students in M8 and Grade 3 to Grade 12 may try out for a team. HSC posts tryout dates in the myHSC calendar and shares them with students and parents within each school. Due to the number of children trying out for teams, not everyone will make a particular team. At the Early Education level, all players participate either on the developmental or competitive level. COSTS OF NATIONAL, PROVINCIAL & INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS We notify parents at the beginning of the tryout process if their child is trying out for a team with an extra time commitment and an added financial commitment.

School students are on Mondays, Tuesdays during Community Time and Wednesdays. There are also Friday practices, if required. Practice days for Senior School students may vary depending on which day competitive games are scheduled. TRANSPORTATION Competitive teams travel by HSC buses and/or third-party charter services. If a team returns later than the 5:00 p.m. Late bus run, it is the responsibility of the athlete to notify their parents that they will need to be picked up at HSC at a predetermined time after 5:00 p.m.

TEAM UNIFORMS With some exceptions, HSC provides uniform tops for each team. Team shorts provided by HSC are purchased by the student for Rugby and Soccer. Students also purchase socks for Hockey, Rugby, Soccer and Field Hockey, which are billed to the student’s account. HSC tracksuits are also mandatory for all athletic team members who travel with competitive sports teams.

AGE RESTRICTIONS All teams have age restrictions. For example, when a team is referred to as ‘U13,’ all players must be under 13 years of age as of December 31st of the start of the school calendar year. Some teams also allow a grade requirement: Grade 7 is U13 or in Grade 7 and Grade 8 is U14 or in Grade 8.

TRAVEL Teams or other HSC-sponsored groups travel by school-chartered buses or taxis. With prior permission, members of teams or other HSC-sponsored groups may return from games or events by public transport. They must also absolve HSC from any responsibility for loss of equipment they do not personally return.

PRACTICES AND GAME DAYS Varsity sports practices are typically held between 3:45 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., although early morning practices and late practices may occur, especially in the Senior School. We try to schedule home and away games on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Practice days for Middle 44


Snapshot of Co-curricular Activities Community Leadership

Inter-school Athletics (CISAA & OFSAA)

School Leadership

Competitive Clubs

Quiz Club

Glen Eden Skiing

Badminton Badminton

Homework Club

Social Justice Club

Chess Club

Fitness Club

Spring Theatrical Production Media Club

Art Club


ew & Set D Cr

Vocal Ensemble

Colin B. Glassco Foundation


Alpine Skiing

Adelaide Hoodless School Partnership

Reach for the Top


glish Con En




ion rsat Circl ve

English Conversation Circle

Varsity Field Hockey

nited N lU


ons ati


Best Buddies

use I am a G ca

Boys’ Girls’ Boys’ &&Girls’ Hockey Hockey Rowing

Cooking Club


International Student Advisory Board

se Capta ou


e zin

Free the Children

Community Outreach

Grade R se



Fall Musical


Student Newspaper


Va rsi

ag a yM

Quills Literary Magazine

l En sem b


Lit er ar

Fall Musical Production


Voc a


Grade 9 Concert Band

Boys’ So ty

all ftb

Wind & Jazz Ensemble

irls’ Vo ll &G

ield ty F rsi Va


Girls’ S o



nc er t

ion Product

Student Council

s ep


& s’

ball ey


Stage Crew & Set Design

t en ud




Va rsi


Varsity Swimming

r cce

Gay/Straight Alliance

Indoor Rowing


College Prefects


Co-ed Recreational Games

Board Games


gn esi

Spanish Club


oduction Pr

T h e a tr i c a


Photography Club

Stag e

Wellness Club

irls’ Bas &G

tball ke

Boys ’

Boys’ & Girls’ Rugby

Vars i

Craft Club

Outdoor Education


Wall Climbing

Boys ’



Recreational Activities

Girls’ & Boys’ Wrestling

Track and Field

Track & Field


*Activities are subject to change each year and vary within schools. 46


OUTDOOR EDUCATION & E-WEEK PROGRAMS HSC shares full trip details with parents and students well in advance so that appropriate preparations may be made. E-WEEK Every fall, at the beginning of the school year, students participate in a unique experience that we have come to call “E-Week.” As this is an integral part of the College’s program, we consider it mandatory that all students participate in their respective E-Week trips/programs. M9 & GRADE 4 E-WEEK Students participate in a day trip to Canterbury Hills in the fall, as well as a three-day off-campus outdoor experience each spring. GRADE 5 E-WEEK Grade 5 students participate in a number of unique enrichment experiences (off-campus trips) each fall during a time known as “E-Week” at HSC. This experience aligns with our strategic plan, “Towards 20/20”, as the program activities are designed to develop students’ leadership skills and foster personal growth. The activities strive to provide students with opportunities which are well facilitated in an outdoor setting. The Grade 5 E-Week trips take place at Valens Conservation Area, Niagara Glen and White Water Walk and Canterbury Hills. GRADE 6 E-WEEK The Grade 6 E-Week Trip is a scientific immersion into the biodiversity of the world-class natural lands on our doorstep. Students investigate invasive species, hike the Bruce Trail, and learn about the impacts on our freshwater and our responsibility as watershed dwellers. Our students explore the marsh in canoes, sample aquatic invertebrates to compare diversity, they create works of art, and find writing inspiration in the biggest outdoor classroom in the Hamilton region. We camp out under the stars, owl prowl, and band migratory songbirds. GRADE 7 & 8 E-WEEK Students in Grades 7 & 8 attend Camp Timberlane together, and engage in separate rotations incorporating water activities, leadership and teambuilding experiences, as well as outdoor activities that connect to the school’s mathematics, science, English, French, social studies and arts curricula. Students solve escape room mysteries, perform French skits and explore personal narratives in journal writing, to name but a few of the activities that merge fun, challenge and school in one of Canada’s most beautiful camp settings. 48

GRADE 9 E-WEEK The Grade 9 E-Week trip takes place at Camp Onondaga in Minden, Ontario. Building upon the Grade 7 and 8 experiences, this program will serve as the beginning stage for helping students to better understand their individual leadership style. Students will be introduced to what personal strengths are and be given the opportunity to think about strengths that are unique to their own character. Due to the fact that Grade 9 tends to be an intake year, this exploration of strengths as a collective will allow the new students an opportunity to get to know their peers beyond a surface level. During the program, the students will have the opportunity to rotate through a number of outdoor activities. These may include: canoeing, kayaking, high and low ropes challenge courses, zip line, giant swing, climbing wall, water elements (floating trampoline, iceberg, etc.) and swimming, stand up paddle boarding, team building initiative activities, hiking, archery and archery tag, campfires, large group games, hiking along wilderness trails, going in tree forts, eco challenges, traditional sports and outdoor living skills such as fire and shelter building. GRADE 10 E-WEEK The main purpose of this Grade 10 E-week program is to introduce students to canoe tripping. While on this canoe trip, students will be introduced to the positive aspects of physical and mental challenge. They will learn that challenge, if dealt with properly, is instrumental to personal growth. Emphasis will be placed on exploring perseverance, GRIT and staying positive in the face of adversity. Finally, this program will facilitate an experience where students can deepen their connection and reverence for nature, free from technological distractions and discover hands-on ecology that isn’t possible in the classroom. The trip will launch from Camp Arowhon on Teepee Lake. While on outtrip the students will be paddling canoes in tandem (sometimes 3 to a boat if numbers warrant) through a network of flat water lakes, portaging (carrying) the boats and gear along potentially uneven terrain through the woods, cooking over fires and on stoves and learning and practicing a variety of outdoor living camp skills and “Leave No Trace” ethics. Students will be sleeping in a tent on different designated campsites within Algonquin Park. If students have their preliminary training, this trip will meet the Silver Duke of Ed requirements. GRADE 11 & 12 E-WEEK OPTIONS At the Grade 11 and 12 levels, the purpose of E-Week shifts slightly. Grade 11 and 12 E-Week options are designed to have the students accept more ownership for their program. E-Week programs can include modules in the arts, humanities, business, human and medical sciences, tours at various Ontario universities, as well as a Student Camp Leader opportunity. 49

ARTS AT HSC Creative writing, design, drama, music, photography, poetry, and visual arts are just a few of the many offerings available to students at HSC as they progress through the College. Students are afforded several opportunities, both with in the curriculum and co-curricular programs, to display their artistic talents within the College community and are encouraged to share their passion with communities outside the walls of HSC.

We nurture imagination and creativity early at HSC. Our arts program is taught by accomplished specialists. Students can get involved with our major theatrical productions, our award-winning choral groups and bands, or our visual arts committees. Offerings: • Dramatic Arts • Music • Technology Education • Visual Arts

*Please refer to the activities snapshot on pages 28–29 for co-curricular arts programs.

INSTRUMENT RENTAL HSC has rental arrangements with Long & McQuade Musical Instruments in Burlington that include rent-to-own and full school-year rental plans, and a $1 per month rental and insurance plan. It is the Music Program’s policy that all rentals should include this plan. Please contact the Director of Arts at 905-389-1367, ext. 141.




CODE OF CONDUCT The College is committed to fostering leadership, academic excellence and community involvement in an environment that prepares students for academic and personal success and active citizenship. The College believes that all students should enjoy our school equally and feel safe and accepted and that each student has the responsibility to contribute in a positive way to the broader learning community. School Life Coordinators in each school promote and develop a values education program that provides students with opportunities for community gatherings, service learning, leadership skill development, philanthropic experiences and outdoor education. At the core of the values program is an expectation that all members of the community will exhibit behaviours that support mutual respect. For more details on specific programs in each school, please refer to the Student Life section of the Handbook. HSC expects all students to be courteous and respectful to everyone in the College community at all times. Rudeness, such as excessive informality to any staff member, aggression, or general lack of consideration for others, is not acceptable. Consequences for infractions will be addressed appropriately in each school. Students are expected to treat all resources/equipment of the College with respect and consideration such that they are in good working order regularly for all users. The cost of lost resources or deliberate damage will be recovered by billing the account of those responsible. Students are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct on campus and while representing the College off campus at events such as co-curricular tournaments, E-Week trips, field trips etc. 54

PROCESS FOR ADDRESSING PARENTAL CONCERNS AND ISSUES It is our goal to maintain a positive partnership with the parents/ guardians of our students. To that end, if you have a concern involving a member of the faculty, please address your concern with the appropriate faculty member. If, after speaking with the faculty member, your concern remains unresolved, you have the option of speaking with the appropriate Principal. Parents and students must consult with the appropriate Principal about any specific problems which may affect the behaviour and/ or achievement of the student. The College recognizes its responsibility for reasonable supervision of its students, and for the provision of academic and social guidance and counselling. We cannot be responsible for erratic, willful or exceptionable behaviour. A student will not be allowed to place unreasonable supervision burdens on the College or staff, or, in the opinion of the staff, be repeatedly disruptive to classmates. Interviews with students and parents may be arranged by staff to discuss a plan to correct the behaviour of the student. There are age/stage appropriate consequences for students who do not adhere to the guidelines and expectations of the College and the individual schools. Specific guidelines and expectations are communicated throughout the school year to the students and parents in verbal and written form with each school, and in larger assemblies. In the interests of maintaining a positive and safe learning environment for all students, a serious breach or chronic breaches of the Code of Conduct, guidelines or rules with respect to manners, conduct and discipline will be fully investigated and may lead to suspension or expulsion from the College for that student.


ACADEMIC HONESTY Academic honesty requires students to acknowledge the efforts, thoughts or ideas of others which have been used to complete a task. At all levels where research is required, appropriate acknowledgment and documentation methods are taught so that students can clearly distinguish their own work from that of others.

• •

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY /PLAGIARISM Academic dishonesty/plagiarism is the failure to acknowledge this distinction by submitting any work representing that student’s effort and thought which was entirely or in part produced by some other person or means, including professional scholars, other students, parents, purchased services and electronic reproduction. The use of direct quotation or indirect paraphrase without appropriate citation and copyright infringement is also included in this definition. HSC subscribes to Turnitin software and requires Senior School students to submit their work to this site for some classes. PENALTIES

This letter will reside in the student’s discipline file until he or she graduates. Assignments that involve academic dishonesty will receive an automatic mark of zero (0). The student will need to redo the assignment on his or her own merits and to the satisfaction of the teacher. At the Principal’s discretion, this redone work may receive a credit of up to 50% of the original value of the assignment. Cheating in test and examination situations will not be tolerated and, following a review by the Principal, a grade of zero (0) may be assigned for that work. Parents are encouraged to work with their children for editing, clarification, organization and support. We urge parents not to do, or to arrange to have, the actual work done for their children.

APPEAL Every student suspected of academic dishonesty or plagiarism may appear before the individual teacher involved and, if necessary, an Academic Committee (comprised of the individual teacher, a Principal and Subject Coordinator and the parents or guardians and/ or their deputy, if necessary) at which time the student will have the opportunity to defend himself/herself.

In the Middle School: • Students will be corrected by the subject teacher. • Parents will be informed of the infraction by phone or in writing. • The student may have the chance to redo the assignment for an identified percentage of the full credit. In the Senior School: • All acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the VP of Academics by the subject teacher. • The VP of Academics will review the case, meet with the student/students involved, and document the incident through a letter to the student’s/students’ parents/guardians. 56


BULLYING Hillfield Strathallan College endeavours to foster a safe, respectful and nurturing environment for all of its students. Although social cruelty and teasing occur in all schools to some degree and are part of the growing up process, the College regards bullying as a serious matter that cannot be tolerated. The intention of this policy, therefore, is twofold: to define bullying, while putting into place a process through which suspected instances of bullying can be addressed. DEFINITION OF BULLYING Bullying is not mutual conflict, social rejection, dislike or single episode acts of nastiness or meanness. Typically, bullying is a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed toward an individual or individuals that is intended to cause fear and or distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Students, faculty and parents have a responsibility to ensure a safe, respectful and nurturing environment for all students. STUDENTS Students are encouraged to identify the various forms of bullying and report such incidents to their teachers. Additionally, students are encouraged to demonstrate assertive and positive response skills related to bullying. PARENTS Parents must recognize and address the warning signs that could possibly indicate bullying. They are also responsible for reporting suspected incidents to the College in a timely manner. We remind parents to recognize that the College may need time to investigate 58

the matter thoroughly. Working in partnership with the College will help to ensure a positive outcome. TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS HSC will continue to outline specific procedures and expectations for faculty with respect to the reporting of such incidents and the subsequent action plan. While always seeking a positive outcome, in the most serious instances, suspension and/or expulsion are possible consequences. BULLYING POLICY PROCESS INFORMAL ADVICE AND CONSULTATION Any member of the Hillfield Strathallan College community may seek assistance or advice from any teacher, Vice-Principal, Principal, Supervisor, Manager, the Director of College Initiatives, Human Resources or the Head of College. All information will remain confidential and no action will be taken unless the complainant is willing to be identified and have the complaint documented in writing, or unless otherwise required by law. In most cases, offending behaviour may cease if it is made clear to the harasser or bully that their actions are not welcome and that such conduct is forbidden by law and/or College policy. VIOLENT BEHAVIOUR Extremely violent behaviour, which includes fighting, kicking, punching, slapping, cuffing and pushing - in short, inappropriate behaviour of a violent (and/or sexual) nature directed toward another student - is a rare occurrence at HSC. It is taken extremely seriously and is not tolerated anywhere on campus, whether onsite, its transportation services, or other locations. In the event of such behaviour, HSC’s administration will fully investigate the issue and, based on such an investigation, reserves the right to suspend, and/or withdraw its services and expel any student(s) who has initiated, and/or participated in such activity.


As part of the investigative process, the administration reserves the right to suspend any and all participants from HSC until its investigation is complete. Likewise, HSC reserves the right to involve its police liaison and counselling services. FORMAL COMPLAINT PROCESS The complainant may choose to register a formal complaint, in which case, written documentation of the complaint must be provided. In the circumstances where a written complaint is made, it will be incumbent upon the advisor (individual to whom the complainant has brought the complaint) to report promptly the complaint to his or her Principal, Manager or the Head of College. The matter will be investigated in a timely manner within three business days of receiving the documentation by the Head of College or his delegate. The person against whom the complaint has been brought will be informed promptly, in writing, of such complaint. Dependent on the situation and the individuals involved, the Head of College may appoint representatives to assist in the resolution process. Arrangements will be made for the Head of College or his delegate to meet individually with the parties involved to discuss the particulars of the complaint. Where there is evidence of harassment or bullying, and the circumstances warrant, the Head of College will take the appropriate disciplinary action which may include termination or withdrawal of services (suspension or expulsion). EXTERNAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Hillfield Strathallan College and its representatives have a legal responsibility to report any and all violations of the Child and Family Services Act or other applicable legislation.




Parents of students found in breach of the rules on illegal drugs will be immediately notified and requested to pick up their child. A full report of the incident or incidents will be made in writing by the relevant staff and student(s).

ALCOHOL Alcohol is not an illegal substance, but under provincial law, its possession by individuals under the age of 19 is illegal. At HSC, students are forbidden to have alcoholic beverages on campus or to be under the influence at any time. The campus shall include any location or vehicle where a regular College program is being carried out under the super vision of the College, be that an ‘E’ week (long-term excursion), sports fixture, field trip, or any other College-related activity. During school days the campus is also considered to be any place off the campus for which the student has temporarily signed out, or left campus for any reason.

Moreover, should the HSC administration believe—and hold evidence of the fact—that a student is actively involved in promoting, selling or transporting illegal drugs of any kind, whether via an online format or in person, which the administration believes present a threat to the safety of HSC’s students, the community, and/or its reputation, the College, likewise, reserves the right to withdraw services from such student(s).

Parents of students found in breach of the rules on alcohol will be immediately notified and requested to pick up their child. A full report of the incident or incidents will be made in writing by the relevant staff and student.

Furthermore, the College reserves the right to inform its police liaison services of such activities, whether they occur “on campus,” which includes its transportation services, as well as gatherings of its students, which can take place off-site.

Subject to investigation, consequences may include withdrawal of services, ranging from suspension to expulsion.

The College administration also reserves the right at any time to search a student’s locker and/or his or her bags, should they hold a reasonable doubt that an individual is storing or carrying an illegal substance.

ILLEGAL DRUGS The use and possession of marijuana and a number of other illegal drugs is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. At HSC, students are forbidden to have such illegal drugs on campus or be under the influence at any time. The campus shall include any location or vehicle where a regular College program is being carried out under the super vision of the College, be that an ‘E’ week (long-term excursion), sports fixture, field trip, or any other College-related activity. During school days the campus is also considered to be any place off the campus for which the student has temporarily signed out, or left campus for any reason. 62

Subject to investigation, the likely consequence for a breach of the rules on illegal drugs will be a withdrawal of services and expulsion.

TOBACCO AND VAPORIZERS No one will smoke or use a vaporizer device anywhere on College property. At all times, students will adhere to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and Electronic Cigarettes Act, which bans smoking and the use of vaporizers on College property anywhere, by anyone, at any time. College property extends to all school buses, sporting events, e-week trips, field trips and any other school event.


THEFT The College provides lockers and/or safe keeping for legitimate valuables and other items students must have at the College. Students are required to keep their possessions with them, locked in their locker, or in safe- keeping where feasible. Locks may be purchased at the Campus Store and combinations should be kept secret at all times. The College assumes no responsibility for lost articles of any kind. However, it will pursue any instances of theft and will withdraw services from any student found having committed or participated in a theft. There is less opportunity for theft if every student is careful about his/her possessions. Students should not leave equipment (e.g. musical instruments, computers, electronic devices) on top of lockers or in hallways.


WITHDRAWAL FROM COLLEGE SERVICES (STUDENT EXPULSION) Certain circumstances may lead to the College withdrawing its services from a student, such as: • a breach of the Code of Conduct, guidelines, expectations or regulations outlined in the Handbook or communicated by the College to students from time to time • failed efforts, in the opinion of the College, in the process of counselling and/or other actions taken by the College to correct or direct the student’s choice of action or behaviour • repeated disruptions, after warning, to academic classes or activities • repeated failure, after warning, to prepare for lessons; missing lessons without permission; or behaving in a manner that prevents others from taking full advantage of their lessons • infractions involving the Acceptable User Agreement for Information Technology resources • a student found to have committed acts of theft, vandalism, bullying or harassment • insubordination towards those in authority at the College, or acts or conduct unbecoming a student of the College (whether such acts or conduct occurs on or off the campus) or an incident of such rudeness or damage to the College or its community members that the general morale of the College, in the opinion of the College through the Head of College, would be weakened by the continued presence of said student • delinquency of accounts’ payment to the College, or breaches of any enrolment or educational contracts


GOVERNANCE HSC is a not-for-profit organization with a governance model similar to other independent schools, in keeping with the guidelines and requirements set out by the Conference of Independent Schools (CIS) and the new national independent school organization Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS). At the Corporation’s Annual General Meeting in September, Corporation members, consisting of individuals who have contributed to the College in a substantial manner, appoint new Governors and Trustees and approve the Audited Financial Statements, along with any proposed bylaw changes. The Board of Governors appoints and monitors the performance of the Head of College, establishes College policies, and approves the annual fee increase, as well as other major initiatives such as the College’s strategic plan. The Board of Trustees is responsible for monitoring the investment of the HSC Endowment Fund.




The protected grounds of discrimination are:


• Race, colour, ancestry, citizenship, ethnic origin or place of origin • Creed, religion • Age • Sexual orientation • Family, marital (including same-sex partnership) status • Disability or perceived disability • A record of offenses for which a pardon has been granted under the Criminal Records Act (Canada) and has not been revoked, or an offence in respect of any provincial enactment

Hillfield Strathallan College is committed to providing and maintaining an environment that is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone at the College. It is our goal to provide a healthy and safe environment that is free from any form of harassment or violence. SCOPE This policy applies to all staff and students of the College and is applicable in any situation which occurs: • in the workplace/educational environment • during work- or School-related travel • at restaurants, hotels or meeting facilities that are being used for College purposes • in any College-owned or leased facilities • during telephone, e-mail or other communications • at any work-related/College-related social event, whether or not it is College sponsored This policy also applies to situations in which one is harassed or subjected to violence in the workplace/ educational environment from individuals who are not employees of the College, such as customers, visitors, parents contractors and suppliers, although available remedies may be constrained by the situation.

DEFINITIONS DISCRIMINATION Discrimination includes any distinction, exclusion or preference based on the protected grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code, which nullifies or impairs equality of opportunity in employment, or equality in the terms and conditions of employment. 68

SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment includes conduct or comments of a sexual nature that the recipient does not welcome or that offend him or her. It also includes negative or inappropriate conduct or comments that are not necessarily sexual in nature, but which are directed at an individual because of his or her gender. Both men and women can be victims of sexual harassment, and someone of the same or opposite sex can harass someone else. Some examples of sexual harassment are: • Sexual advances or demands that the recipient does not welcome or want • Threats, punishments or denial of a benefit for refusing sexual advance • Offering a benefit in exchange for a sexual favour • Leering (persistent sexual staring) • Displaying sexually offensive material such as posters, pictures, calendars, cartoons, screen savers, pornographic or erotic websites or other electronic material • Distributing sexually explicit e-mail messages or attachments such as pictures or video files • Sexually suggestive or obscene comments or gestures • Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos, propositions or 69

taunting about a person’s body, clothing or sex • Persistent, unwanted attention after a consensual relationship ends • Physical contact of a sexual nature, such as touching or caressing • Sexual assault

• Displaying offensive or sexual materials such as posters, pictures, calendars, websites or screen savers • Distributing offensive e-mail messages, or attachments such as pictures or video files • Practical jokes that embarrass or insult someone; • Jokes or insults that are offensive, racist or discriminatory in nature

BULLYING Bullying is not mutual conflict, social rejection, dislike or single episode acts of nastiness or meanness. Typically, bullying is a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed toward an individual or individuals that is intended to cause fear and/or distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. DISCRIMINATORY HARASSMENT Discriminatory harassment includes comments or conduct based on the protected grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code, which the recipient does not welcome or that offends him or her. Some examples of discriminatory harassment include: • Offensive comments, jokes or behaviour that disparage or ridicule a person’s membership in one of the protected grounds, such as race, religion or sexual orientation • Imitating a person’s accent, speech or mannerisms • Persistent or inappropriate questions about whether a person is pregnant, has children or plans to have children • Inappropriate comments or jokes about an individual’s age, sexual orientation, personal appearance or weight Harassing comments or conduct can poison someone’s working/ educational environment, making it a hostile or uncomfortable place to work or study, even if the person is not being directly targeted. This is commonly referred to as a ‘poisoned environment’ and is also a form of harassment. Some examples of actions that can create a poisoned work/educational environment include: 70

PARENTAL HARASSMENT Parental harassment is defined as the use by parents of confrontational tactics which attack a teacher or staff member, which have the consequences of reducing the teacher or staff member’s ability to conduct himself or herself effectively within the College, and which harm the teacher or staff member’s well-being or professional reputation. Some examples of parental harassment include: • • • • •

Unwanted comments Intimidating or aggressive behaviour Verbal or emotional abuse The application of force or physical assault “Bullying” which is an attempt to undermine an individual through cruel or humiliating behaviour • Badgering e-mails and phone calls HARASSMENT AND BULLYING Workplace harassment is a health and safety issue that is covered under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The Occupational Health and Safety Act defines workplace harassment as: “Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.” Workplace harassment may have some or all of the following components:


• It is generally repetitive, although a single serious incident may constitute workplace harassment if it undermines the recipient’s psychological or physical integrity and has a lasting harmful effect • It is hostile, abusive or inappropriate • It affects the person’s dignity or psychological integrity • It results in a poisoned work environment Some examples of workplace harassment are: • Verbally abusive behaviour such as yelling, insults, ridicule and name calling impeding an individual’s efforts at promotions or transfers for reasons that are not legitimate • Making false allegations about someone in memos or other work-related documents • Providing only demeaning or trivial tasks in place of normal job duties • Workplace pranks, vandalism and hazing • Gossiping and spreading malicious rumours • Undermining someone else’s efforts by setting impossible goals, with short deadlines and deliberately withholding information that would enable a person to do their job • Humiliating someone • Sabotaging someone else’s work WHAT IS NOT CONSIDERED HARASSMENT Workplace harassment should not be confused with legitimate management actions, including: • Measures to correct performance deficiencies, such as placing someone on a performance improvement plan • Imposing discipline for workplace infractions • Requesting medical documents in support of an absence from work It also does not include normal workplace conflict that may occur between individuals. 72

THE TEST OF HARASSMENT It does not matter whether you intended to offend someone. The test of harassment is whether you knew or should have known that the comments or conduct were unwelcome to the other person. For example, someone may make it clear through their conduct or body language that the behaviour is unwelcome, in which case you must immediately stop that behaviour. Although it is commonly the case, the harasser does not necessarily have to have power or authority over the victim. Harassment can occur from co-worker to co-worker, supervisor to employee and employee to supervisor. WORKPLACE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Workplace and domestic violence that may occur in the workplace are health and safety issues, which are covered under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE Workplace violence is defined under the Occupational Health and Safety Act as: • The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker • An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker • A statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker. Workplace violence includes: • Physically threatening behaviour such as shaking a fist at 73

someone, finger pointing, destroying property, throwing objects • Verbal or written threats to inflict physical harm • Stalking someone • Physically aggressive behaviours including hitting, shoving, standing excessively close to someone in an aggressive manner, pushing, kicking, physically restraining someone or any other form of physical or sexual assault Violence that occurs outside the normal workplace but which has an impact on the working environment, including working relationships, may also be considered violence in the workplace. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE If you are experiencing domestic violence that would likely expose you to physical injury that may occur in the workplace, we will take every precaution reasonable to protect you in the circumstances. This may include some or all of the following: • Creating a safety plan • Contacting the police • Establishing enhanced security measures such as a panic button, code words, and door and access security measures • Screening calls and blocking certain e-mail addresses • Setting up priority parking or providing escorts to your vehicle • Adjusting your working hours so that they are not predictable • Facilitating your access to counselling through the Employee Assistance Program or other community programs We appreciate the sensitivity of these issues and will do our best to assist you as discreetly as possible while maintaining your privacy. PREVENTING HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE It is our mutual responsibility to ensure that we create and maintain a harassment- and violence-free community. 74

Hillfield Strathallan College will do its part by not tolerating or condoning discrimination, harassment or violence at the College. This includes making everyone in our community aware of what behaviour is and is not appropriate, assessing the risk of violence, investigating complaints and imposing suitable corrective measures. DUTY OF SUPERVISORS/PRINCIPALS Faculty and staff are expected to assist in creating a harassmentfree environment and to immediately contact Human Resources or in student cases, their Principal, if they receive a complaint of harassment or violence or witness or are aware of harassing or violent behaviour. Supervisors/ Principals must also take every reasonable precaution to protect employees and students from violence. College Faculty and staff are required to report to the Principal, as soon as reasonably possible, if a student engaged in violent behaviour. Principals must also ensure that the parents of both the victim and offender are made aware of the situation. In certain circumstances, super visors may have a duty to provide information about a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behaviour if an employee can be expected to encounter that person during the course of his or her work, and the risk of workplace violence is likely to expose the employee to physical injury. Supervisors will only release as much personal information about the person with a history of violent behaviour as is reasonably necessary to protect the employee from physical injury. DUTY OF ALL EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS You must do your part by ensuring that your behaviour does not violate this policy and by fostering a work environment that is based on respect and is free of harassment.


You are also required to report to your super visor/ Principal, the existence of any workplace violence or threat of workplace violence. DUTY OF HUMAN RESOURCES It is the Duty of HSC Human Resources to assist you in understanding your rights and obligations under this policy. The role of HR is to: • Act as a resource and answer inquiries with respect to this policy • Discuss complaints on a confidential basis, unless it is required by law to release information, or where there is a risk of harm to you or another individual • Assist individuals who may be experiencing domestic violence that may expose them to a risk of physical injury in the workplace • Assist in the informal resolution of complaints through counselling • Engage in discussions with the respondent to see if the matter can be resolved informally HR is impartial and may provide assistance in resolving issues of harassment and discrimination to any employee. This can include facilitating a solution between two or more affected parties or assisting a complainant, respondent or witness during an investigation. HR may bring in a third party. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLVING AND INVESTIGATING COMPLAINTS


Some of the things you can say that might stop the behaviour include: • • • •

“I don’t want you to do that.” “Please stop doing or saying…” “It makes me uncomfortable when you…” “I don’t find it funny when you…”

If the harassment continues after you have confronted the individual, you may want to provide him or her with a written statement of the situation. Include specific details of the behaviours you consider to be harassing, your request to the harasser to stop and your expectations that he or she will stop. Provide details of the next steps you plan to take if the harassment does not stop (e.g., filing a formal complaint). Make sure you keep a copy of this statement for yourself. If you believe that someone who is not a member of our community, e.g., a customer, supplier, etc., has harassed or discriminated against you, please report the harassment to your super visor/ Principal or Human Resources. Although HSC has limited control over third parties, we will do our best to address the issues and prevent further problems from arising. It helps to keep a record of any incident(s) that you experience. This includes when the harassment started, what happened, whether there were any witnesses and what was your response. FORMAL PROCEDURE


Investigation Procedure

If you believe that you are being harassed, the first thing to do is to tell the person to stop. Do so as soon as you receive any unwelcome comments or conduct. Although this may be difficult to do, telling the person you don’t like his/her actions is often enough to stop the behaviour.

HR, or in the case of students, the Principal will commence an investigation as quickly as possible. The College may choose to use either an internal or external investigator, depending on the nature of the complaint. The investigation will include:


• interviewing the complainant and respondent to ascertain all of the facts and circumstances relevant to the complaint, including dates and locations • interviewing witnesses, if any • reviewing any related documentation • making detailed notes of the investigation • and maintaining them in a confidential file Once the investigation is complete, the investigator(s) will prepare a detailed report of the findings to the Head of College and/ or Human Resources if it is not the investigator. A summary of the findings will also be provided to the complainant and respondent. It is our goal to complete any investigation and communicate the results to the complainant and respondent within thirty days after we receive a complaint, where possible. If a finding of harassment is made, the College will take appropriate corrective measures, regardless of the respondent’s seniority or position. Corrective measures may include one or more of the following: • • • •

discipline, such as a verbal warning, written warning or suspension without pay termination with or without cause referral for counselling (sensitivity training), anger management training, supervisory skills training or attendance at educational programs on workplace respect • a demotion or denial of a promotion any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate under the circumstances If there is not enough evidence to substantiate the complaint, corrective measures will not be taken. If you make a complaint in good faith and without malice, regardless of the outcome of the investigation, you will not be subject to any form of discipline. The College will, however, discipline or terminate anyone who brings a false and malicious complaint. 78



Discrimination or Students Harassment Employees Violence or bullying

Students Employees

Investigation is conducted by: Principal or designate Supervisor and/or Human Resources Principal or designate Supervisor and/or Human Resources

Investigation Procedure The Head of College will determine what action should be taken as a result of the investigation. Human Resources will inform the complainant and respondent of the results of the investigation and whether corrective measures were taken, if any were necessary. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLVING AND INVESTIGATING WORKPLACE VIOLENCE WORKPLACE VIOLENCE You have the right to refuse work if workplace violence is likely to endanger you. In that instance please immediately contact your super visor, at which point appropriate measures will be taken to ensure your protection and to investigate the situation. You will be moved to a safe place as near as reasonably possible to your normal work station and will need to be available for the purposes of investigating the incident. In appropriate circumstances, we may contact the police to intervene or investigate workplace violence.




If you are experiencing domestic violence that would expose you to physical injury in the workplace or you are experiencing workplace violence or believe that workplace violence is likely to occur, you may seek immediate assistance by contacting your supervisor and/or HR. The College will assist in preventing and responding to the situation.

Hillfield Strathallan College is committed to protecting the privacy of our families, students, employees, alumni, donors, stakeholders and other individuals about or from whom we collect personal information. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that you choose to share with us. It also requires that our students also respect and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of personal information that may come to the attention or knowledge of students, directly or indirectly.

CONFIDENTIALITY OF COMPLAINTS AND INVESTIGATIONS We recognize the sensitive nature of harassment and violence complaints and we will keep all complaints confidential, to the extent that we are able to do so. We will only release as much information as is necessary to investigate and respond to the complaint or situation or if required to do so by law. Out of respect for the relevant individuals, it is essential that the complainant, respondent, witnesses and anyone else involved in the formal investigation of a complaint maintain confidentiality throughout the investigation and afterwards. PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION Hillfield Strathallan College will not tolerate retaliations, taunts or threats against anyone who complains about harassment or takes part in an investigation. Any person who taunts, retaliates against or threatens anyone in relation to a harassment or violence complaint may be disciplined or terminated. EXTERNAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Hillfield Strathallan College and its representatives have a legal responsibility to report any and all violations of the Child and Family Services Act or other applicable legislation.


Hillfield Strathallan College embraces the principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purpose for which it’s collected, and is disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required. During the course of our various projects and activities, we frequently gather and use personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or dealing with this information is subject to consent. Our privacy practices are designed to achieve this. To respect this policy and to protect the privacy of our families, students, employees, alumni, donors, stakeholders and other individuals, it is expected that any student who is involved with the collection of personal information on behalf of the College, or to whom personal information is disclosed, whether directly or indirectly, and even if such disclosures are made accidentally or inadvertently, will not disclose or communicate or use that personal information for any purpose that is not authorized by the College.


In the event that a student becomes aware of the unauthorized disclosure or use of personal information collected or maintained by the College, it is expected that the student will advise the College.


In keeping with our privacy policy, student disciplinary, academic and personal matters are kept in the utmost of confidence. These matters are disclosed only to (a) those parties who have the consent of the student to receive such information (where the student is of age),(b) parents (where the student is under age or where the parent is a contracting party to the enrollment contract at the College), (c) HSC personnel insofar as such matters are dealt with as part of their professional responsibilities and (d) those who are entitled or required to be advised by law (e.g. CAS, subpoena to witness etc).

The Canadian Anti-Spam legislation (known widely as “CASL”) prohibits the sending of commercial electronic messages unless the sender has the implied or express consent of recipients and sets out certain information in the message, together with an unsubscribe function. CASL addresses the following:

VOICEMAIL & E-MAIL All staff members can be contacted through either voicemail or e-mail. In addition, all students in Grade 3 and above have an e-mail account. The e-mail addresses for all members of the school community are accessible through our website at www. (click on Staff Directory). For ease of use, HSC’s e-mail format is structured as follows: (e.g. myHSC is our primary means of communication and is used to distribute information such as bulletins, information about field trips and special announcements. However, we may also periodically use e-mail to communicate important information. Please ensure that we have your current e-mail address on file. Parents who do not have access to e-mail will be able to obtain information from the Main Office at 905-389-1367.

• Installing unwanted computer programs (e.g. spyware and viruses) • Altering transmission data • Providing false or misleading information in a message • Harvesting addresses • Collecting personal information Messages that contain commercial content may constitute Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs) under the CASL. However, the legislation does not apply to messages solely related to HSC’s core activities, because these activities are not “commercial” in nature. CASL does not impact regular non-commercial electronic messages sent to families for informational purposes (e.g. notices regarding a student’s progress). These e-mails will continue to be sent without the need for prior consent from the recipient. It also does not apply to messages sent by College for the primary purpose of raising funds. Messages from the university can come from several different sources: the Office of the Head of College, the four schools, the Parents’ Guild and Alumni Relations, to name just a few. Parents/guardians of current students are interpreted to have supplied HSC with implied consent to receive CEMs from the College. All messages sent by the College that are deemed to be CEMs by HSC Administration will comply with CASLs consent and unsubscribe requirements.




If you choose not to opt-in, or if you later unselect specific notifications from the HSC you may not receive important information from the College including information on community events and news (i.e. Homecoming, concerts and plays, Carol Service, Summer Camps, etc.).

Fennell Avenue W. North

Garth Street

Should you wish to opt back in at a later date, simply log back in to your MyHSC account and update your e-communication preferences. Questions about the CASL may be directed to Zahra Valani, Director of Advancement and Communications, ext. 162 or by e-mail at

2 1 15


You’re Here




13 5

11 Talent Show

10 6


LEGEND 1. 1. Holton/Main Holton/MainOffice Office 2. 2. Strathallan StrathallanBuilding Building 3. Page Page Gym/LawsonHall Hall 3. Gym/Lawson 4. DeGroote DeGrooteGym Gym 4. 5. Young Young Building 5. Building 6. Heaven Heaven Building 6. Building 7. Killip Extension 7. Kilip Extension 84

8 7

LEGEND 8. Kilip Building 8. Killip Building 9. Montessori 9. MontessoriBuilding Building 10. Collinson Building 10. Collinson Building 11. Artsplex Building 11. Artsplex Building 12. Virtue-Fitzgerald Centre 12. Virtue-Fitzgerald Centre for Arts the Arts for the

13. Early EarlyEducation EducationLearning 13. Learning Commons Commons 14. 14. Athletic AthleticComplex Complexand and Community Centre Community Centre 15. 15. Michael MichaelG.G.DeGroote DeGroote Senior School Senior School


APPENDICES • 2017-18 Senior School Reporting Cycle • 2017-18 Senior School Timetable and Rotation • Student Driver and Passenger Policy


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