PG Handbook 2023-2024

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Parents’ Guild Handbook



1 Parents Guild Principles

a) Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Model and Structure

b) Purpose - Mission, Vision and Goals

c) Guiding Principles - Core Values and Rules of Engagement

2 Parents’ Guild Constitution (updated 2023) | Appendix I

3 Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Participation

a) Code of Conduct for Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers at Hillfield Strathallan College | Appendix II

b) HSC Volunteer Program

4 Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Practices

a) Number of Meetings

b) Attendance Expectations

5 2023-2024 Executive Committee Directory | Appendix III

PG handbook 2023-2024


a) Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Model and Structure

The Hillfield Strathallan College Parents’ Guild (or the “PG”) is the formal parent organization of the College’s current parent body. All parents and guardians with children enrolled at HSC are automatically members of the HSC Parents’ Guild.

The PG elects a representative body from among its members, currently called the Parents’ Guild Executive. Quorum at meetings is defined as all those present. Each member of the Parents’ Guild is entitled to a single vote to be exercised at PG meetings on matters deemed to require a majority decision. Where possible, except in the election of the PG Executive, all efforts will be made to use consensus as a decision-making tool.

Currently, the PG Executive includes the Chair, Vice-Chair, Past Chair, and various subcommittee leads. Further details regarding these positions are contained in the Parents’ Guild Constitution.

The Past Chair, HSC Head of College, Director of Advancement, PG College Liaison, Alumni Relations Officer and/or any other College staff members approved by the PG Executive are ex officio members of the PG Executive and available to the Executive in an advisory capacity.

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM), scheduled for June of each year, the PG Executive recognizes and welcomes the newly elected PG Executive and sub-committee members. In addition, the Chair reports on the year’s activities along with the sub-committee leads presenting their annual updates on the PG accomplishments within their respective mandates.

PG handbook 2023-2024


b) Purpose - Mission, Vision and Goals

The Hillfield Strathallan College Parents’ Guild’s commitment to sustaining a lifelong relationship between the College and its parents ensure that the connections remain a core strength of the College, even after they transition into Parents of Alumni.

As partners in the HSC community, the Parents’ Guild is guided by the College’s values and traditions and strives to engage the parent community in the ongoing life of HSC in mutually beneficial ways.


The HSC Parents’ Guild (PG) proudly supports our vibrant school community and provides opportunities to gather and enjoy time together. We plan and host events that build school spirit while raising funds that directly impact our children’s educational experiences.


To be active members of the Parents’ Guild and work in partnership with the Head of College and the Advancement Office to facilitate a spirit of friendship and community at HSC and to assist in raising funds to enhance the HSC learning environment.


Our goal is to create a parent community who are ambassadors for the College and positively affect our ability to attract and maintain an engaged, inclusive, and active PG.

a) To foster and promote close interest and involvement of parents in the life of the college;

b) To support the College in all of its endeavours;

c) To support, celebrate, and recognize the accomplishments of our PG and HSC community;

d) To nurture and maintain College relationships;

e) To support the creation and maintenance of PG events

PG handbook 2023-2024


c) Guiding Principles - Core Values and Rules of Engagement

• Clear articulation and role modelling of the missions and vision of the College and the Parent’s Guild

• A strong commitment to participate in the work of the PG

• Willingness to contribute and participate in discussing issues presented to the PG

• Support a consensus-based decision-making process

• Demonstrate mutual respect and professionalism towards its members

PG handbook 2023-2024

HSC Parents’ Guild Constitution - Appendix I

A copy of the HSC Parents’ Guild Constitution (updated 2023) is attached as Appendix I Members of the Parents’ Guild are expected to review and be familiar with the Constitution.

Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Participation

a) Code of Conduct for Faculty, Staff and Volunteers at Hillfield Strathallan College - Appendix II

A copy of the Code of Conduct for Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers at Hillfield Strathallan College is attached as Appendix II. Members of the Parents’ Guild are expected to review and be familiar with the Code of Conduct.

b) HSC Volunteer Program

In the Fall of 2018, the College launched the HSC Volunteer Program. The aim of the program is to ensure that the College is providing the safest space for its students while being in line with our strategic plan and giving the College the information they need to track and say thank you to the hundreds of parents, alumni, parents of alumni, faculty and staff that volunteer each year.

As part of the program, HSC will require Vulnerable Sector Checks from all volunteers and identifying “Volunteer” t-shirts to be worn on campus for various events. HSC will cover the costs associated with the Vulnerable Sector Checks by providing a pre-paid link to individuals residing in the greater Hamilton area and a reference letter to those in surrounding areas.

To coordinate a Vulnerable Sector Check, individuals interested in volunteering at HSC are asked to please email HSC is grateful to its community and the valuable donation of time made by so many.

PG handbook 2023-2024

Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Practices

a) Number of Meetings

The PG will meet in the PG Room monthly in the Strathallan Building or at such times and places as may be determined in conjunction with the College. A minimum of six (6) meetings will be held each year, along with the Annual General Meeting, held in June.

b) Attendance Expectations

PG Executive Members are expected to attend all PG meetings, unless there are extenuating circumstances. If a member cannot attend, they must send their regrets to the PG College Liaison.

There are important HSC events each year in which Executive member representation is expected, including but not limited to the following:

a) First Day of School Welcome

b) Monster Mash or Winterfest

c) Remembrance Day

d) Carol Service

e) Staff Appreciation Breakfast

f) Builder’s Dinner (bi-annually)

g) Homecoming

h) Closing Ceremonies

Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Directory I Appendix III


PG handbook 2023-2024

Appendix I

HSC parents’ guild constitution

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Article 1 - Parents’ Guild 2 Article 2 - Mission, Vision and Goals 2.1 Mission 2.2 Vision 2.3 Goals 3 Article 3 - Parents’ Guild Membership 3.1 Membership 3.2 Membership Privileges 3.3 Revoking Membership 4 Article 4 - Parents’ Guild Executive Committee 4.1 Objectives of the Committee 4.2 Eligibility and Number of Committee Members 4.3 Elected Executive Positions 4.4 Elected Executive Duties 4.5 Ex Officio Committee Members 4.6 Dismissal of an Executive Committee Member 5 Article 5 - Executive and Committee Member Nominations, Elections and Vacancies 5.1 Nominations 5.2 Elections 5.3 Vacancies 6 Article 6 - Meetings 6.1 Annual General Meeting 6.2 Meetings 6.3 Voting - Committee Meetings 7 Article 7 - Fundraising 8 Article 8 - Amendment of the Constitution Glossary of Terms PG handbook Appedix 1

Article 1 - Parents’ Guild

The Hillfield Strathallan College Parents’ Guild (the “PG”) has been established by Hillfield Strathallan College (the “College” or “HSC”) and approved by the Board of Governors. The PG is overseen by the PG College Liaison through the Advancement Office, as set out herein.

Article 2 - Mission, Vision and Goals


The HSC Parents’ Guild (PG) proudly supports our vibrant school community and provides opportunities to gather and enjoy time together. We plan and host events that build school spirit while raising funds that directly impact our children’s educational experiences.


To be active members of the Parents’ Guild and work in partnership with the Head of College and the Advancement Office to facilitate a spirit of friendship and community at HSC, and to assist in raising funds to enhance the HSC learning environment.


Our goal is to create a parent community who are ambassadors for the College and who have a positive effect on our ability to attract and maintain an engaged, inclusive, and active PG.

a. to foster and promote close interest and involvement of parents in the life of the College;

b. to support the College in all of its endeavours;

c. to support, celebrate, and recognise the accomplishments of our PG and HSC community;

d. to nurture and maintain College relationships;

e. to support the creation and maintenance of PG events

Article 3 - Parents’ Guild Membership


The Parents’ Guild membership shall be comprised of:

any parents and guardians with children currently enrolled at HSC will automatically become members of the HSC Parents’ Guild; and

any parents and guardians with children who have graduated from HSC will automatically become members of the HSC Parents of Alumni


PG members shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote with respect to any matter to be determined at the monthly meetings and/or at the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”).

a. PG members shall be entitled to receive and participate in all College programming and communications relating to current parents

b. Parents of Alumni members shall be entitled to receive and participate in all College programming and communications relating to HSC community events


The College may revoke an individual’s membership at the discretion of the Head of College and Advancement Office.

Article 4 - Parents’ Guild Executive Committee


The PG will generally represent current HSC parents and the interests of the PG within the HSC community.

The PG will aim to:

a. provide communication links between active PG members and the College;

b. mobilise the talent, expertise, time and resources of the PG to achieve its objectives;

c. oversee an active volunteer program through the PG Executive,

d. develop and execute events that support the interests of the HSC community and the College; and

e. foster a spirit of inclusion, partnership, volunteerism, and camaraderie among members


a. The PG Executive will consist of no fewer than three (3) and not more than four (4) members

b. The PG sub-committee members will consist of no fewer than four (4) and not more than ten members (10)

c. All PG Executive and sub-committee members shall be current parents, with the exclusion of the Director of Advancement, PG College Liaison, and any ex officio committee members


The following members shall be appointed annually or as required, with terms as set forth below:

a. Past chair, one (1) year, one (1) position*

b. Chair, one (1) year, one (1) position*

c. Vice-Chair, one (1) year, one (1) position*

d. Used Uniform Sales Representative(s), one (1) year, up to two (2) positions

e. Staff Appreciation Breakfast Representative(s), one (1) year, up to two (2) positions

f. Parent and Social Connect Representative(s), one (1) year, up to two (2) positions

g. Monster Mash and/or Winterfest event lead(s), one (1) year, one (1) position with the support of a mentor lead * Please note that each role is one year, but it is an overall three-year committment from VP to Chair


Chair | The Chair shall:

i. acts to build a spirit of community across the four schools;

ii. works closely with the Advancement Office and the PG College Liaison to ensure activities of the PG are aligned closely to those of the College;

iii. participates with the Vice-Chair and Past-Chair in a discussion regarding fund allocation with the Director of Advancement and PG College Liaison;

iv. calls, sets agendas and presides at all PG meetings;

v. provides overall leadership and support to all activities of the PG through a broad committee of volunteer parents;

vi. share in the role of representing the HSC PG at NISPA meetings with the Vice-Chair;

vii. is an advisory member of the Board of Trustees;

viii. is an ex officio member of all sub-committees of the PG;

ix. leads the PG to assess progress against HSC Strategic Plan;

x. coordinates the impact of the Parents’ Guild friend and fundraising work through goal setting and performance review;

k. assists the Vice-Chair and Past-Chair as a leader within the PG to set goals and assess progress and performance;

xii. represent the PG at College events, as requested by the College;

xiii. mentors and supports the Vice-Chair, and sub-committee members; and

xiv. assumes the duties of Past-Chair after completing their term as Chair; and assists and mentors the ViceChair, sub-committee leads, and other PG members unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Vice-Chair | The Vice-Chair shall:

i. acts to build a spirit of community across the four schools;

ii. works closely with the Advancement Office and the PG College Liaison to ensure activities of the PG are aligned closely to those of the College;

iii. participates with the Chair and Past-Chair in a discussion regarding fund allocation with the Director of Advancement and PG College Liaison;

iv. coordinate friend and fundraising work of the PG with the Chair, Past-Chair and PG volunteers;

v. co-chairs an event and committee with the Past-Chair on an annual or bi-annual fall event; eg. Monster Mash or Winterfest;

vi. provides budgeting, organizational abilities, and year-end report to the PG;

vii. assist the Chair and Past-Chair as a leader within the PG to set goals and assess progress and performance;

viii. mentors sub-committee members and leads by listening, sharing and coaching, and welcomes new ideas and respects traditions;

ix. assists in the preparation of the year-end report on the PG activities;

x. attends the annual calendar meeting with the PG College Liaison to coordinate events for the next year and communicate space requirements to the College;

xi. in absence of the Chair, perform the Chair’s duties;

xii. perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be determined by the PG;

xiii. share in the role of representing the HSC PG at NISPA meetings with the Chair; and

xiv. assumes the duties of Chair after completing their term as Vice-Chair; and assists and mentors the incoming Vice-Chair, sub-committee leads, and other PG members unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Past-Chair | The Past-Chair shall:

acts to build spirit of community across the four schools;

i. works closely with the Advancement Office and PG College Liaison to ensure the activities of the PG are aligned closely to those of the College;

ii. participates with the Chair and Vice-Chair in a discussion regarding fund allocation with the Director of Advancement and PG College Liaison;

iii. co-chairs an event and committee with the Vice-Chair on an annual or bi-annual fall event; eg. Monster Mash or Winterfest;

iv. provides continuity and context between the recent work/events of the PG and upcoming plans/work;

v. shall assist and mentor the Chair, Vice-Chair, and other PG members unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Used Uniform Representative(s) | Used Uniform Representative(s) shall:

i. collects, organizes, and manages gently used uniforms donated by HSC families, including overseeing and maintaining the used uniform bin located outside of the Campus Store;

ii. coordinate a team of PG volunteers to assist as needed for sales and maintenance of collected items;

iii. communicates, advertises, and organizes Used Uniform Sales (the “UUS”) during the year including but not limited to monthly pop-up sales, full day sales during the HSC New Student Orientation Days, and sales as needed;

iv. works closely with the Campus Store to maintain their Used Uniform Sales area and ensure inventory needs are met throughout the academic year;

v. works with the Advancement Office and PG College Liaison to ensure accuracy of revenue and expenses reporting at the end of the term;

vi. coordinates with PG volunteers to keep the PG Used Uniform portable in a clean and tidy condition, with clothing ready for continuous sales events; and

vii. shall assist and mentor the incoming UUS representative(s) for the following year unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Staff Appreciation Breakfast Representative(s) | Staff Appreciation Breakfast Representative(s) shall:

i. support an event to express parent community gratitude for HSC Faculty and Staff;

ii. organize, plan, and oversee all aspects of the Staff Appreciation Breakfast (the “SAB”) in partnership with the Advancement Office and PG College Liaison;

iii. organize volunteers for the SAB;

iv. chairs a sub-committee of PG volunteers for the SAB;

v. oversee the budget, and provide updates and a final report to the PG Executive;

vi. collaborate with the PG Collge Liaison for College needs, including but not limited to reserving spaces, vendor payments and communications needs; and

vii. shall assist and mentor the incoming SAB representative(s) for the following year unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Parent and Social Connect Representative(s) | Parent and Social Connect Representative(s) shall:

i. support HSC throughout the school year by assisting the integration of new families into the College community;

ii. the candidate is an active PG member, having knowledge of how HSC functions and has at least two years of experience as a member of the HSC community;

iii. collaborates with the Advancement Office and PG College Liaison to ensure combined efforts are streamlined and complimentary;

iv. acts to ensure new families feel welcome, informed, and part of the HSC community, including those who join during the academic year;

v. may be assigned a certain number of new families for which they will be a point of contact during their first year at HSC;

vi. assist with the Used Uniform Sales in late August/early September during New Student Orientation Days;

vii. support Admissions at open houses to welcome prospective families;

viii. support Admissions in their welcome initiatives to incoming parents as needed throughout the year;

ix. organize, plan, and execute social events for active PG members;

x. offer a range of activities including but not limited to book clubs, hikes, paint nights, community coffee connections, and supporting local community events; and

xi. shall assist and mentor the incoming Parent and Social Connect Representative(s) for the following year unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College

Monster Mash and/or Winterfest Event Lead(s) | Monster Mash and/or Winterfest Event Lead(s) shall:

i. support an event aimed at our current HSC community members in order to build friends and fundraising relationships;

ii. organize, plan, and oversee all aspects of one of the bi-annual events; Monster Mash or Winterfest in partnership with the Advancement Office and PG College Liaison;

iii. chairs a sub-committee of PG volunteers for the event;

iv. collaborate with the PG Collge Liaison for College needs, including but not limited to reserving spaces, vendor payments and communications needs;

v. oversee the budget, organize and execute ticket sales, at minimum, cover the costs of the event, with any additional revenues going back to the PG in order to support student experiences at HSC through year-end fund allocations;

vi. and provide updates and a final report to the PG Executive; and

vii. shall assist and mentor the incoming event lead(s) for the event unless they are unavailable to serve or otherwise determined by the Head of College


a. Advisors

The HSC Head of College, Director of Advancement, PG College Liaison and/or any other College staff members approved by the PG Executive shall be considered committee advisors and shall thereby be invited to attend and participate at all committee meetings. Advisors shall be non-voting ex officio members of the committee.

b. Parent’s Guild College Liasion

The PG College Liaison, through the Advancement Office, will facilitate communications and exchanges of information between the Head of College and the Board of Governors. The PG College Liaison will be a non-voting ex officio member of the committee.


a. an Executive or Committee member may be dismissed from their duties upon the request of the Head of College.

b. Reasons for the Executive or Committee member's dismissal may include (without limitation): an inability to fulfil their duties or roles on the Executive or Committee; inappropriate behaviour that goes against the mission or vision of the Parents’ Guild or the College; and failure to participate within the expected parameters of the Executive and Committee meeting protocols.

Article 5 - Executive and Committee Member Nominations, Elections and Vacancies


a. the Chair shall, annually or as may be required, communicate with active PG members with a nominations form to fill vacant position(s);

b. the PG Executive will make every reasonable effort to ensure that there are a sufficient number of candidates nominated to the Committee

c. nominations will open for a period of no less than one month (historically in February), with submissions collected through an online form, overseen by the PG College Liaison; and

d. all nominees must be deemed PG members as outlined above in Article 3.1


a. the PG Executive will consider all nominations before a final decision is made by the Head of College, Advancement Office and PG College Liaison.


A vacancy on the Executive or Committee, however, caused, shall be filled in the case of:

a. The Chair by the Vice-Chair; and

b. The Vice-Chair or sub-committee members by another committee member as determined by the Executive and approved by the Head of College, Advancement Office and PG College Liaison.

Article 6 - Meetings


a. All PG Executives and active PG committee members (including ex officio embers) will be invited to the Parents’ Guild Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”).

b. Written notice of the AGM shall be delivered a minimum of fourteen (14) days in advance to all active PG members. Such notice will include the date, time, and place for the meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted in sufficient detail to permit the PG to form a reasoned judgment from it.

c. All business transacted at the AGM will pass with a majority vote of those in attendance unless otherwise provided herein.


a. The PG will meet in the PG Room monthly in the Strathallan Building or at such times and places as may be determined in conjunction with the College. A minimum of six (6) meetings will be held each year.


a. Unless otherwise specified herein, all questions raised or business transacted at a PG meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes cast by the PG members present.

b. A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum

c. In the case of an equality of votes at any PG meeting, the Chair of the meeting shall be entitled to cast the

deciding vote.

d. All votes at a PG meeting called by the Executive shall be taken by assent or dissent unless the Chair of the meeting determines that votes must be taken by ballot or poll.

Article 7 - Fundraising

a. All donated funds or funds secured through fundraising by PG activities are considered to be College funds and are, therefore, subject to monitoring by the Hillfield Strathallan College Board of Trustees.

b. The activities, business, and affairs of the PG Executive and Committee shall be carried on without gain or profit.

c. PG shall not be charged fees or membership dues to be members of the PG Executive or Committee

Article 8 - Amendment of the Constitution

The Parents’ Guild Consitution may be amended, repealed, or replaced by a majority vote of the Executive. Any such amendment, repeal, or replacement must also be approved by the HSC Board of Governors.

Glossary of Terms

Board of Governors: The board responsible for generally overseeing the affairs of Hillfield Strathallan College.

Board of Trustees: The residing body of volunteers at HSC oversees the Advancement Office's strategic direction and monitors all donated funds.

Parents’ Guild Executive: The three positions within the PG Committee that oversee the day-to-day affairs of the PG, which are comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Past-Chair.

Parents’ Guild Committee: The group of active current HSC parents including, but not limited to, sub-committee members, event leads and general support volunteers.

Parents of Alumni: HSC community members whose children have graduated from HSC but who continue to volunteer at or attend HSC community events. This includes but it not limited to the Parents of Alumni Representative on the Alumni Executive and the Theatre Production Costume Team.

Appendix iI

HSC parents’ guild constitution


1 Code of Conduct for Faculty, Staff and Volunteers at HSC



Duty & Responsibility


Conflict of Interest

Acceptance of Gifts Policy

Alcohol Policy for School Trips

Allegations of Wrongdoing

Code of Conduct

2 HSC Volunteer Program

Number of Meetings

Attendance Expectations

PG handbook Appedix 2

Code of Conduct for Faculty, Staff and Volunteers at Hillfield Strathallan College

The Code of Conduct establishes the minimum standards of behaviour expected of all College employees and volunteers. These standards are not intended to be exhaustive and are in addition to the Mission, Vision, Values and Guiding Educational Principles, as well as all expectations within the policies and procedures document and any statutory or common law duties and obligations.

1. Scope

The Code of Conduct applies to all employees and volunteers, including senior administration, faculty and staff members, members of the Alumni Association and Parents' Associations executives. These groups will be referred to throughout this document as faculty, staff and volunteers.

The Code of Conduct was developed and authorized by the Head of the College and may be updated or amended under the direction of the Head of the College.

2. Objectives

Collectively, we undertake to:

• Perform our duties and conduct our relationships with integrity and in an efficient, straightforward, honest and fair manner

• Foster an environment based on mutual trust and respect, and open communication

• Collaborate with colleagues, parents and other members of the HSC community to enhance the College and its reputation.

• Maintain a safe, nurturing and secure environment

• Support a culture in which ethical and professional conduct is recognized, valued and exemplified

• Take responsibility for our actions as individuals or as members of a team

• Ensure the environment is free from favouritism, conflict of interest, fear, coercion, discrimination, and/or harassment.

• Refrain from discussing matters of competence or behaviour of faculty, staff, parents, Board members, students and volunteers to other members of the HSC community and beyond

• Comply with applicable laws, regulations and College policies and procedures

• Report potential issues relating to the Code of Conduct, non-compliance with applicable laws, regulations or College policies or procedures and any other emergencies to the appropriate party.

3. Duty & Responsibility

Faculty, staff and volunteers should exercise the degree of skill and diligence reasonably expected from an ordinary person of his or her knowledge and experience.

They should conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times, keeping in mind the importance of providing students with appropriate role models. Their first priority should be the overall development of the students by example, direction, encouragement and engagement.

They must be open, collaborative, and respectful to colleagues and the broader HSC community.

When counselling students who have failed to live up to school expectations, it should be done with respect for the dignity of the student.

Faculty, staff and volunteers should not discuss competence or behaviour of another member of the HSC community in front of other colleagues, volunteers, students or parents in a way that is disrespectful. This includes spreading gossip and rumors as well as engaging in behaviour that creates discord and threatens harmony within the Community.

Faculty, staff and volunteers have the right to work in an environment free from harassment, violence or discrimination prohibited by human rights legislation. To this end, all persons subject to HSC's Code of Conduct will not engage in any form of harassment or discrimination contrary to human rights legislation.

Faculty, staff and volunteers have a duty to disclose to the Head of College or to their School Principal, manager or

supervisor any conflict of interest, relationship, benefit, opportunity, activity, or transaction that could lead to or result in a real or apparent conflict of interest. This includes the duty to disclose private interests in transactions in which the College is involved, or proposes to be involved. All employees and volunteers also must disclose any personal criminal involvement.

4. Confidentiality

Faculty, staff and volunteers may be privy to information of a confidential nature about parents, students, colleagues or other members of the HSC community. It may be helpful or even necessary to have access to this information; however, this information must never be shared in an inappropriate manner. Employees and volunteers should regard any information involving the legal, medical, professional, financial or academic status of a student, College family or colleague as confidential, unless it is public knowledge or unless specifically informed to the contrary. When there is doubt, the individual is responsible for clarifying the issue with those involved or with the Head of College or to their School Principal, manager or supervisor.

5. Conflict of Interest

Occasionally, in the course of the exercise of their responsibilities, faculty, staff and volunteers may develop commitments to persons or organizations other than the College and may perform services for others for which they are paid. It therefore is possible that situations may arise when an employees personal or financial interests are in conflict or appear to be in conflict with obligations to the College.

All faculty, staff and volunteers have an obligation to report and discuss with the person to whom they report all such conflicts that they believe, or an objective observer would believe, to be significant. If the person to whom the employee reports concludes that the activities constitute a conflict of interest the employee may not continue to engage in them.

6. Acceptance of Gifts Policy

In order to preserve the integrity of the College, the acceptance of gifts should be discouraged; however, the College recognizes that moderate hospitality is an accepted courtesy of a College relationship. Recipients should not allow themselves to reach a position whereby they might be deemed by others to have been influenced in making a decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. Exceptions to this are:

a. a. the normal exchange of gifts between friends;


b. tokens exchanged as part of protocol; or

c. c. other nominal gifts of a reasonable value

If clarification about what is reasonable is necessary or there is uncertainty about the acceptance of a gift, it should be discussed with their supervisor, manager, or Head.

7. Alcohol Policy for School Trips

The consumption or use of alcohol or non-prescription drugs is prohibited on HSC trips. This prohibition extends to all faculty, staff, volunteers or other chaperones who participate in any HSC trips involving students.

8. Allegations of Wrongdoing

In addition to the duty to disclose provided under paragraph 3 above, all faculty, staff and volunteers have a duty to report any activity which they believe represents a real or apparent conflict of interest or a breach of this Code; and, every faculty, staff and committee member has a duty to report to the person to whom they report, any activity which they believe:

• contravenes the law;

• represents a real or apparent conflict of interest or a breach of this Code;

• or represents a danger to public health, safety, or the environment.

These reports will be treated to the extent possible as confidential unless disclosure is required by law. No employee shall be subject to discipline or reprisals for bringing forward, in good faith, allegations of wrongdoing.

9. Code of Conduct

As a faculty member, staff member or volunteer at HSC, I understand that I must comply with the Code of Conduct as it may exist, and that a breach of the Code of Conduct by me may constitute just cause for termination from my position within the HSC community. Management will always endeavour to give fair warning to employees who are not complying with the code and endangering their employment and will attempt to use progressive discipline made up of warning discussions, warning letters, suspensions and terminations to deal with non compliance. Each case is different and management reserves it right to use its discretion to decide on the appropriate response in any given circumstance.

Signature of Understanding and Compliance

I certify that I have read and understand the attached Code of Conduct as an employee or volunteer of Hillfield Strathallan College.

I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the Code.

HSC Volunteer Program

In the Fall of 2018, the College launched the HSC Volunteer Program. The aim of the program is to ensure that the College is providing the safest space for its students while being in line with our strategic plan and giving the College the information they need to track and say thank you to the hundreds of parents, alumni, parents of alumni, faculty and staff that volunteer each year.

As part of the program, HSC will require Vulnerable Sector Checks from all volunteers and identifying “Volunteer” t-shirts to be worn on campus for various events. HSC will cover the costs associated with the Vulnerable Sector Checks by providing a pre-paid link to individuals residing in the greater Hamilton area and a reference letter to those in surrounding areas.

To coordinate a Vulnerable Sector Check, individuals interested in volunteering at HSC are asked to please email HSC is grateful to its community and the valuable donation of time made by so many.

Parents’ Guild Executive Committee Practices

a. Number of Meetings

The PG will meet in the PG Room monthly in the Strathallan Building or at such times and places as may be determined in conjunction with the College. A minimum of six (6) meetings will be held each year, along with the Annual General Meeting, held in June.

b. Attendance Expectations

PG Executive Members are expected to attend all PG meetings, unless there are extenuating circumstances. If a member cannot attend, they must send their regrets to the PG College Liaison.

There are important HSC events each year in which Executive member representation is expected, including but not limited to the following:

i. First Day of School Welcome

ii. Monster Mash or Winterfest

iii. Remembrance Day

iv. Carol Service

v. Staff Appreciation Breakfast

vi. Builder’s Dinner (bi-annually)

vii. Homecoming

viii. Closing Ceremony

Committee Directory

Appendix iIi 2023-2024 Executive

2023-2024 Executive Committee Directory


Jing Guo


Dawn Lovie


Daniela Roque

Used Uniform Representatives

Diana Jiang

Wendy Lam

NISPA Representative

Polin Sankar-Persad

Montessori School Representative

Brittney Holton ’04

Junior School Representative

Suzanne Scheider

Middle School Representative

Sadia Ansari

Senior School Representative

Andrea DeSantis

Staff Appreciation Representatives

Raman Gill

Jane Leong

Social Coordinator

Sherri Morris

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.