2 minute read


by Viann Whatley, 704

Here is this month's Poetry Prompt.

"The sky was a radiant blue, reflecting my past feelings and the moving sea, but now the sky is a serene black"

Please use this if you feel stumped or if you completely have writer's block I hope to see all your poems next month!

Poem by Valeria Caruana, 702

It's the New Year and people say, “ New Year, new me” I said “oh my gosh” to that idea and said will there be an entry fee?

Okay so new me… what shall I do to become a new person? New appearance? Better goals? A cooler version?

I don’t know about a cooler version of me I thought I was cool but now this got me overthinking, do you agree?

Maybe my appearance, should I dye my hair pink!?? Or blue? Or red? Or green and purple?? *Wink* *Wink*

Okay, that might not work out so let's tackle the idea of better goals

Wait, I’m a goalie so I don't know if that will work I’m bored I want some cinnamon rolls!

"The Faceless Dancer" by Anonymous

The stage is set

The lights are dim

The bells on my ankles sing softly to themselves

The silence is broken

Watch my heels strike the floor.

I claim it as my own

My arms bend and stretch and slice through the air. Now that’s all mine too

In the minutes I am allowed I can mold this room into Anything it needs to be.

As I leap I can Make pain into power And power into pain

If you want me to, I can pluck this moment from the sky And toss it to you

Watch it flutter in your hands

Now I’ll take it back- gently- and pin it to a page. It will be there ten years from now When you will not be the same But it will.

You say you don’t know me

I have no looks to recognize And no name to speak of I am the faceless dancer

You say don’t know me But I can prove you wrong If I could, I would hand you my eyes.

I have none- so you will just have to Watch Really look.

Can you see the way the light hits the walls?

Can you see the purple shadows Shift with my movements? Look closer.

Can you see the damp grass Where I first practiced my steps For an audience that often came and went?

When they stayed, it was for the breadcrumbs

Still, this place, lost to time, was better than nothing. Listen

Can you hear my waves?

How softly they rise? Watch them loom over you

What will they take?

What will they give?

Now they come crashing down

Perhaps the water rushing over your face Will be warm. Maybe some part of you, Locked away for months Will start to heal itself.

Or else it will be cold And salty- really salty

You don’t have to like it

But maybe someday You will gather your strength And fight it Take a breath

Fall back into yourself.

The lights are back on

The bells on my ankles hum a quieter song.

I am the faceless dancer And I have given you my eyes I want to know:

What can you remember?

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