1 minute read

Principals Interview

by Catey

Mr. Birthelmer Mrs. Setzkorn Mrs. Kniaz


Mr. B - In high school I visited HSC and knew it was a great school I first got a job in the Junior school and then moved into the Middle school.

Mrs. Setzkorn - I had done a teaching placement here when I was in teacher's college and I loved it. My placement was with a Grade 8 History teacher named Mrs. Keith. She was a great mentor!

Mrs. Kniaz - I had worked at other independent schools and knew that this was a great school. HSC was also closer to my house and I loved teaching middle school students.


Mr. B - My favourite part of teaching is seeing kids grow and watching their journey through the Middle School. I love seeing kids have successes in their lives and trying their best.

Mrs. Setzkorn - The thing I enjoy most about teaching is the relationships with students and faculty.

Mrs. Kniaz - My favourite things are the students and staff: getting to know students as individuals and working with teachers to make sure they reach their teaching goals


Mr. B - I think grades 5-8 are a really important time for kids. At that time they're still eager to learn and impressionable. It's also a great age where you can kid around with them and have a good time.

Mrs. Setzkorn - I really love the middle school age. Students are very keen to learn and learn new things everyday!

Mrs. Kniaz - Originally I wanted to teach high schoolers, but after teaching grade 8 in Egypt, I realized that I liked teaching middle school kids.

Mr. B - I really want to keep progressing towards a respectful and inclusive environment. A change I think we might need is more transition time between periods

Mrs. Setzkorn - I would love to see the continuation of wellbeing Wednesdays during flex time

Mrs. Kniaz - I would like to change how we use home form time I would also like to see what change the principals council can make and see where we can take it


Mr. B - I originally wanted to be a lawyer. But after I taught a camps, I realized what a great impact my teachers had had on me and how much I liked helping people

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