David Tutty Joy & Innovation Fund - Donor Report

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November, 2018

Thank you! For the last two years we have been inviting members of the HSC community to bring their ideas packed with innovation, creativity and leadership to the table. What I have witnessed firsthand is that our students, faculty and staff are thoughtful and inspired to do great things. They want to make a positive impact, not only on the College but also on their civic and global communities. Every submission that I have the pleasure of reviewing with our David Tutty Joy and Innovation Committee reinforces that we truly are a community where we are developing joyful and engaged students who strive to live lives of purpose. This fund is one of many elements that make me proud to be the Head of College for HSC. I thank each and every donor who supports this wonderful legacy for David Tutty, but I must also thank every applicant who, through the act of submission, keeps the memory of a great man thriving as they dream big and endeavour to make an impact in the world. Thank you for supporting the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund. Sincerely,

Marc Ayotte Head of College

Hillfield Strathallan College


The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund Overview In 2015 the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund was established in honour of David Tutty, a dedicated father and community member whose zest for life and love of learning inspired this opportunity to capture his very essence within HSC. The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund invites our students, faculty and staff to dream big by submitting proposals that will bring innovative ideas to life for the entire Hillfield Strathallan College community. Since the fund’s inception, over 28 projects have been realized and completed. More than $149,159 has been invested in giving our students new opportunities to explore their potential as innovative leaders.

28 Since the fund’s inception, more than 28 projects have been realized, giving our students new opportunities to invest in their potential as innovative leaders.

We experienced another successful year in 2017, with 14 applications submitted, representing all four schools: three independent student submissions and 11 faculty submissions in collaboration with our students of all ages. Every year the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund Committee meets to review all the applications, which include comprehensive budgets, resources and the means to measure impact. The committee ensures that the submissions are aligned with HSC’s strategic vision and our principles of “learning with joy and living with purpose.” This year we are committed to completing all of the approved submissions that were received. To date, the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund has raised over $200,578. We are so thankful to our donors, who have invested in keeping the spirt of David Tutty strong within our community while demonstrating their confidence in the creativity, innovation and problem-solving that our exceptional students share with us daily.

14 14 applications were submitted in 2017 representing all four schools: three independent student submissions and 11 faculty submissions in collaboration with our students of all ages.

$200,578 To date, the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund has raised over $200,578.


Hillfield Strathallan College

The David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund Impact The Impact of the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund to date: 2015 Wigwam Outdoor Classroom

$ 5,000

2016 HSC Wood Shop Club

$ 2,500

2015 Marimba

$ 5,800

2016 Young & Heaven Outdoor Learning Space


2016 Montessori Toddler Playground

$ 15,000

2016 Learning Beyond Imagination

$ 1,500

2016 Orange T- Shirt Campaign

$ 500

2015 Me to We Spirit to Issues Conference $


2015 Garden & Potting Shed

$ 2,500

2015 Designwerx

$ 20,000

2015 Launch Pad

$ 10,000

2015 Dyslexia Awareness

$ 1,000

2015 Solar Panels

$ 10,000

2015 Outdoor Score Board

$ 2,000

2015 Field of Dreams

$ 2,500

2015 Campus Naturalization

$ 4,000

2015 International Radio Network

$ 2,000

2016 Ping Pong Recreational Initiative $ 3,196 2016 Osmo Purchases

$ 3,000

2016 Worm Chalet

$ 783

2016 HSC Drone

$ 2,000

2016 Hummingbird Attraction

$ 1,050

2016 Launch Pad Curator

$ 15,000

2016 Naturalization Maintenance

$ 650

2016 Leave No Trace

$ 2,000


2016 HSC Original Table Renovation $ 150 2016 Have a Heart, Give Girls a Start $ 30 2017 Launch Pad Curator

$ 30,000

2017 Suits and Boots for Kindergarten: Muddy Buddy

$ 6,476

2017 Stitch by Stitch

$ 950

2017 World Issues Conference

$ 2,000

2017 Botany Alive – Montessori Club $ 3,408 2017 Math Design Project


2017 DeGroote & Page Sound System

$ 4,992

2017 Smile with Every Heart Beat

$ 387

2017 Finish Line Arch

$ 3,842

2017 HSC Laser Cutter

$ 15,000


Hillfield Strathallan College



Purchasing three grow-light systems for seeding, growing and observing plants before transplanting to HSC’s outdoor gardens.

Montessori lower elementary currently has a comprehensive botany curriculum. Last year, four Montessori faculty took the initiative to apply to the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund to further the experience for not only HSC’s Montessori students but for the entire college. The idea of the Growing the Montessori Botany Club provides college-wide involvement in developing and implementing a botany program that enriches the current program based on the project-based learning model. The plan is to have one three-tiered Sunlight Garden in the Transition Room, where the CASA students (ages three to five years) will learn how to grow food and where it comes from. These young students will take part in the practical experience through planting, harvesting and watering the seeds/plants. This experience will teach the students how to provide for themselves with the life cycle of food providing them with the opportunity to learn, be mentored and collaborate with lower elementary students and even Middle School students. The lower elementary students (ages six to nine years) currently learn about botany, however, adding two three-tiered sun lights into two of the three pods will bring their learning to life, once again, with project-based learning. The students will decide what they would like to grow, with the idea that they will eventually be providing snacks and vegetables to the school lunch experience in Lawson Hall. The students will also be exploring environmental aspects by undertaking sustainability. Ana Knapp, Montessori faculty member said “I love that this project will get the students outside and excited about creating a garden. We see the cross-college collaboration as a huge opportunity because it includes the entire community, including our parents. We are hoping parents who garden are going to be interested in joining us when it’s time to start planting.” The growth of the Montessori Botany Club will be fully aligned with curriculum, as it brings numeracy, graphing growth and blueprinting to all ages.


Hillfield Strathallan College

“This is so exciting for the little ones, as it will encourage them to try new foods and take a sense of pride in what they grow. We are so pleased with the opportunity to collaborate with John Hannah in the Middle School and his students. Thank you to the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund Committee for approving our project!� Xanthe Valentin, Montessori Faculty

Hillfield Strathallan College


Junior School Project 2017 MUDDY BUDDY PROGRAM

75 Rain Suits for children ages 16 months to five years old. To be maintained on a hook system that is accessible throughout the Junior School.

The Junior School at HSC is another exciting place for learning, exploring and understanding play. The Muddy Buddy Program was inspired by Sarah Walker and her colleagues, with a passion to get the students outside. As technology is woven into the lives of children more than ever before, it becomes critical that we also balance the learning experience for students by providing opportunities in natural settings that engage and activate all senses. Allowing children to explore and learn in the outdoors feeds their natural curiosities, engages the senses, promotes gross motor development, inquiry, communication, problem-solving and creative thinking. Until now, this type of play has been limited by the weather. The Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, Junior and Senior Kindergarten have begun to shift programming to incorporate open-ended exploration, inquiry and problem-solving through outdoor play. The greatest challenge, of course, has been the limitations imposed by unfavourable weather, and the subsequent implications this has on program planning. Students are not always equipped with the necessary clothing to go outdoors in the rain and mud. However, with the addition of the “Muddy Buddy” suits, every student from 16 months to six years of age will have access to the outdoors, rain or shine. With the Muddy Buddy Program, children will be able to jump in the puddles and dance in the rain. Their learning will not be limited by the walls of the classroom or the forecast of the weather…and we cannot wait to see their faces when we tell them, “Yes! You CAN play in that puddle!” This proposal was motivated by The Playground Project and HSC’s health and wellness commitment in the strategic plan. The Muddy Buddy Program will complement our new playgrounds and maximize their full potential by embracing our playgrounds as non-conventional learning space through natural play, demonstrating a paradigm shift in learning.


Hillfield Strathallan College

16 MTHS – 6 YRS With the addition of the Muddy Buddy Program, every student from 16 months to six years will have access to the outdoors, rain or shine.

“Thank you for making this type of authentic and important learning experience possible for our youngest students. Ultimately, our Earth belongs to them, and we need our children to love, care for, and advocate for our planet. When we can promote the success skills that this generation will need for the world that awaits them— like communication, creative thinking, problem-solving, cooperation—while inspiring a genuine love and appreciation for the outdoors, we are creating very powerful and vital learning opportunities for our students. Thank you for supporting this exciting, joy-filled initiative!” Sarah Walker, Senior Kindergarten Teacher

Hillfield Strathallan College


Middle School Project 2017 HELPING HANDS

A fundraising initiative to support the pediatric ward at Credit Valley Hospital.

Vinique (Vinnie) Wolski ’25, a Grade 5 student, worked hard on her application for the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund in hopes to be a successful candidate. Vinnie wants to be a doctor when she grows up and decided last year that she wanted to help children who are sick to be happy. Vinnie created a random act of kindness campaign, Helping Hearts, which took place within Middle School. The goal was to fundraise for the Credit Valley Hospital through Trillium Health Partners, but more importantly, Vinnie’s wish was to bring a smile to as many sick children as possible. Vinnie encouraged the entire Middle School to perform random acts of kindness and all classes in each grade took part, with the Grade 7 class, 701, as the winning class! Vinnie’s goal was to reward those with the most acts of kindness from every class with a special T-shirt while fundraising within each home room. T-shirts were distributed and Vinnie continued this initiative over the summer of 2018 and her goal to raise $1,000 was achieved. Vinnie enjoyed making a difference with her fellow students. Middle School hosted two weeks of random acts of kindness with great success this past June.


Hillfield Strathallan College

“Thank you for supporting me to help other children smile.” Vinique (Vinnie) Wolski ’25

Hillfield Strathallan College


Senior School and College-Wide Project 2017 HSC LASER CUTTING SYSTEM

A top-of-the-line CO2 laser cutting system is used for the highest-quality engraving and cutting of wood, acrylics, plastics, stone and much more.

The direction that HSC is taking towards project-based learning and the idea of STEAM as an entry point for guiding student inquiry, collaboration and experiential learning is one of the reasons why we have our Design Tech Studio in the Michael DeGroote Senior School and why the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund has provided funding for the HSC Makerspace and invested in our Launch Pad Curator over the last two years. Last year $15,000 from the David Tutty Joy and Innovation Fund was invested towards the purchase of a commercial-quality laser cutter that will be located in the Senior School next to the current Design Tech Studio and within close proximity to the woodshop, which will provide students and faculty with the space they require to assemble and work on their designs. Very few schools, including independent schools, have access to this type of technology. The addition of an HSC laser cutter will create a cross-College collaboration between schools, students and faculty. Not only will the skills be nurtured starting at a young age, where our younger students are learning to put ideas to paper and execute a final project, but the system will give senior students the opportunity to prepare fully for university-quality experiences and portfolio work at a (professional) commercial level. Having a tool like this in our school will give our students the opportunity to fully embrace Design Thinking that is not limited by resources. Working with the project-based learning theory, the instructor never knows ahead what idea may be presented but gives the student the support to dream bigger and bigger while learning to work with the resources to create the final product. The laser cutter will give the school a system for students to follow a concept through to the end. The current program support works with inexpensive wood, acrylics and cardboard, and now they have the opportunity to create anything and everything in-house, including architectural models, engraved awards, props for theatre, branded portfolio elements, customized project-based learning projects, toy designs‌the sky’s the limit!


Hillfield Strathallan College

“As the need for creative thinkers with multi-disciplined backgrounds continues to grow, giving students the confidence and skills to create with new technology will be a useful asset to acquire through their time at HSC. Starting with a great idea, students will now have a tool at their disposal that will enable them to build, modify and test their designs with precision and accuracy. It’s exciting, because the students no longer need to fit material into a project, but they can design the material based on the project.” Launch Pad Curator

Hillfield Strathallan College


Thank you to our Donors! Gino Alborino & Zahra Valani

B. Guyatt

Marnie & Larry Paikin

Stephen & Deborah Altmann

Hadfield Family

James Parsons & Dianne Parsons

Anonymous x8

Michael & Angela Hamilton

Amjad Parvez & Kausar Amjad

Sima & Mehran Anvari

Andrew Hammond ‘98 & Nora Nolan Hammond ‘98

The Pearson Family

Paul B. Ashenhurst ‘63 The Ayotte Family Ed Barnard & Paula Barnard Brianne Barton ‘03 & Bianca Barton ‘03 Jack Barton & Willow Barton Mitch Bauer & Sara Bauer Robert Bensen ‘99 & Lyndsay Bensen ‘99 Rosa & Alvi Beraldo Anne Bermingham ‘82 Nick & Stacy Bontis & Family Jeff Bradshaw ‘74 & Renata Bradshaw Browview Realty Joan Campbell Taya Cicchetti The Connelly Family Dan Corcoran & Susan Corcoran Greg Cote Sandro & Maria D’Ambrosi & Family The D’Hondt Family The Darcel Family Adrienne A. Davidson Dianne de Freitas David Di Paolo & Lori Di Paolo Sam & Brenda DiLoreto Gabriele & Ersilia Dinardo David & Penny Elton Myrna ‘56 & Jim Evel ‘55 The Faggion Family Erick Feltham & Pippa Lock Filice Family Dave Foxcroft & Carolyn Foxcroft ‘87 Jean Fraser Stevan Gacesa ‘92 & Sheila Singh ‘90 Green Thumbs Growing Kids Sylvia Griffin Alba Guarne Camila Gutierrez & Family


Hillfield Strathallan College

John Hannah The Heagle Family Marnie Helmy Richard Henderson & Kerry Henderson Lisa M. Higgins The Hill-Boutros Family Adrian Hoad-Reddick Danielle Hourigan ‘82 HSC Event

Lou Petrash & Linda Ullman-Petrash Elizabeth Pillon PJKJ Law Professional Corporation Ramu Popuri & Preeti Popuri The Priest Family David Richardson Donald Richardson & Angela Richardson Eva Riis-Culver Amanda Rogers

HSC Parents’ Guild

Brett F D Sampson Senior School Memorial Award

Frank Huck & Phyllis Braden-Huck

Derwyn J. Sangster ‘62

J.J. Huffman-Krisza

Adela D. Sepe


Charlie Sherman ‘03 & Alexandra Weaver ‘02

Jarrett Johnston & Sheriann Heath-Johnston

Gwynneth and David Simpson ‘73

The Kain Family

Hanan Sokar-Todd & Charles Todd

Claire, Tim, Jonathan & Emily Keeley

Iain Souter & Sherry Phillips

Stephen Kelly & Lorna Kelly

Shailau Spivak

La Cantina Ristorante


Karrie L. Leach

Peter G. Steel ‘75

Michelle Lee

Mike Summers & Sharon Summers

Laurie A. Lewis

David Szalay & Sandra DeTina

Aveda & Melissa Mancini

Jacqueline Teggart

Thomas Maradin & Suzanne Holick

Steve Tenai

Lisa & Paul Masliwec

Daniel Testa & Yvonne Testa

Mayer Brown LLP

The Thomas-Weir Family

Kaitlyn McLachlan & Mikkel Hansen

Geoff Tierney & Kris Tierney

Tammy & Jim McMillan

Timmer Family

Reg Meecham & Lisa Meecham

Nick Timms

Mr. Huadong Meng & Mrs. Yi Qu

Doug Tutty & Lisa Tutty

Family Miceski

Judith Tutty

April Moore

Jacob VanHelder

Rashid Moosajee & Femida Moosajee

The Ventresca Tutty Family

Nigel Munce & Emily Ching

Kim Webster ‘76

Myelin & Associates

The Welch Family

The Nemy Family

Penny Coyne Welch ‘39

The Paikin Family

XiaoGeng Xia & Wei Gao

Hillfield Strathallan College


Thank you Thank you so much for your consideration in making an impactful gift to our school. Of course, we are willing to discuss other project options that may be of special interest to you and your family. It is important to us that your gift is meaningful to you and we are delighted to assist you in facilitating this. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For additional information, please contact: Zahra Valani, CFRE Director of Advancement & Communications 905-389-1367, ext. 162 zahra.valani@hsc.on.ca Rebecca Llewellyn Associate Director, Advancement 905-389-1367, ext. 107 llewelre@hsc.on.ca HSC Advancement Office Hillfield Strathallan College 299 Fennell Avenue West Hamilton, ON L9C 1G3 www.hsc.on.ca

Charitable registration number: BN 11895 7810 RR0001

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