Cambridge Investment Partnership

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Contents 1. Background 2. Programme and Objectives 3. Project Management and Decision Making 4. Completed Developments • Ironworks • Akeman Street • Campkin Road • Colville Road Phase 2 • Anstey Way • 5 Garage Sites • Ventress Close • Timber Works

5. Developments in Progress • The Meadows & Buchan Street • Orchard Park L2 • Colville Road Phase 3 • Aragon Close& Sackville Close • Passivhaus Pilot Project • Aylesborough Close

6. Forthcoming Developments • Fanshawe Road • Histon Road • Newbury Farm • East Barnwell

7. SoloHaus 8. Successes

Timber Works, Cambridge

Ironworks & Timber Works, Cambridge


1. Background

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Timber Works, Cambridge


1. Background Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) CIP was established in February 2017, to support Cambridge City Council to address its acute housing need by providing high-quality brand new council homes and private sale homes, along with commercial and community facilities. As part of the £70m Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Devolution Grant, CIP committed to start on site to build 500 new council homes by March 2022. This was reached a year early and six years on the partnership has completed 11 new developments and is now working to deliver a minimum of 1,700 new homes, with 1,000 being council homes within 10 years, including Cambridge City’s first Passivhaus accredited council homes in Cambridge. It is also delivering private sale homes which are generating income for the council to further invest in more affordable homes. This has been possible due to the joint decisionmaking approach of the investment

partnership and the access it provides to technical expertise and innovation. Building to Passivhaus standards will ensure far lower energy bills and warm, comfortable homes for residents. CIP now has a mixed portfolio of sites ranging from large city centre brownfield developments providing private sale and council homes at Mill Road and Cromwell Road, the transformation of existing council estates where residents have been rehoused, such as Anstey Way and Colville Road, and infill developments utilising surplus parcels of council-owned land to provide new homes.

“We are continuously looking at how we can do more and do things better.”

Embracing Community Togetherness at The Meadows Fun Day on Saturday 23rd September 2023 Over 250 local residents gathered for a day of festivities at The Meadows Community Centre, delivered by Cambridge Investment Partnership as part of The Meadows and Buchan Street development. Attendees enjoyed live music, entertainment, and complimentary food and drinks, while performances from local singing and Tai Chi groups added to the lively atmosphere, and participants even had the chance to refine their football skills with players from Cambridge United. The new community centre offers a range of modern amenities including a state-of-the-art double-height hall, a family centre, a youth wing, a café, a preschool and bookable meeting rooms.

Community engagement is integral to our success and consultation has ensured we have provided the right type of new homes. This includes building more sustainable homes and, as of 2020, all planned homes will be gas free, four years ahead of the Government’s targets. We are also delivering 21 Passivhaus councilrented homes in the city at our Fen Road, Ditton Fields and Borrowdale developments. In addition to providing highly sustainable new homes, we are investing in local community centres, open spaces and public art.


2. Programme and Objectives

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Ironworks, Cambridge


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2. Programme and Objectives Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP)

1640 844 new council homes consists1640 Currently our programme of: overall homes started on site in programme ● 11 developments or completed ●

844 affordable homes on site or completed

497 new homes in pipeline (with CIP Board approval)

New parks have been created at Ironworks and Timber Works and improvements made to Coleridge recreation grounds

Battery storage saving energy from Solar photovoltaic panels

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Targetting 5% of workforce from local community


£700,000 invested in public art commissions

Five new community centres across four different wards

4 hom

Six new commercial premises will also provide essential local amenities, such as shops, cafés, offices

The first 21 Passivhaus-accredited council homes in Cambridge started on site


CIP’s objectives are: ●

I nvest in the development of land to create successful new places Procure a financial return to the investment partners commensurate to their investment and the project risks eliver a mix of new affordable D and private sale homes, exceeding local affordable housing policies to address the shortage of housing in the city Improve the use of council assets and those of other public sector bodies both within and outside Cambridge I mprove existing estates in liaison with local communities Minimise CO2 emissions and residents’ energy bills in line with the council’s environmental and social objectives.

Callum and Kai, Ironworks:

“We feel fortunate to be living here. We love how modern it is and really like the community feel.” 11

3. Project Management and Decision Making Cambridge Investment Partnership

Campkin Road, Cambridge


3. Project Management and Decision Making CIP Board

Project Management

There is equal membership from Cambridge City Council and The Hill Group, with two representatives (Councillors and Directors) from each partner.

Working jointly is key to success. All projects being managed through CIP have both a Hill and a City Council Project Manager; this is to ensure representation from both parties. Effective resourcing has meant CIP has been able to deliver, and exceed, the council’s objectives including the number of homes with planning permission secured, the number built and the percentage off affordable dwellings achieved.

Investment Team The Investment Team leads on the day-today running of CIP as a standalone business. The current representatives are three council officers and three members from Hill. There is a separate Finance Sub-Group and a PR Group. The attendees are at least one member from council and one member from Hill.

CIP’s Structure


Council Board Members

Hill Board Members

Councillor Gerri Bird Councillor Simon Smith

Ernie Battey, Non Executive Director Neil Williams, Group Finance Director

CIP LLP INVESTMENT TEAM Manages business on instruction from CIP Board Three officers from council Three from Hill

SITE SPECIFIC PROJECT TEAMS To carry out technical and legal due diligence and secure planning permission

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Council involvement is essential to establish priorities as well as input from other council departments at key stages, such as liaison with Highways, Streets and Open Spaces teams on adopted areas.

Highlight reports are issued through the council’s project management system and the projects are overseen by the Housing Project Board with escalation to the Business Transformation Board.

Hill provides planning and development management expertise and resources, as well as funding. Hill leads the planning and development process, driving progress across multiple projects at pace through deploying proven processes and its extensive development management experience.

Quarterly progress reports are submitted to the Housing Scrutiny Committee and subsequently to the Combined Authority’s Housing Committee.

Larger sites have their own Project Teams, with smaller developments dealt with through our joint teams. ●

Effective communication, flexibility in roles and input as well as a shared commitment to learn and improve have been central to CIP’s success in the concurrent project management of developments.

Project Teams are selected carefully to bring the requisite and complementary skills and experience and deliver high-quality, tenure-blind developments with new facilities, e.g., community centres, generous open spaces and bio-diverse landscaping. Efficient delivery – We achieved the 500 Council Homes Programme funding deadline 18 months early due to efficient process for achieving planning approval and a smooth transition to start on site. Optimising value – maximising value throughout the design, planning and construction process as well as optimising land value for the council and profits for the partnership. hampioning sustainability – all developments exceed local plan policies and since C 2002 are gas free. For example, high density developments at The Meadows and Buchan Street will achieve biodiversity net gains of 60+%. Research findings from the current Passivhaus development trials will inform CIP’s commitment to continuous improvement in construction methods and standards. Community engagement – we undertake extensive community engagement by carrying out hoarding artwork projects, engaging both virtually and face to face with residents and stakeholders and by holding open air workshops such as at Orchard Park, Cambridge. CIP Affordable Home Standard has been developed in line with the council’s design and build specification, the Cambridge Sustainable Housing Design Guide and longterm maintenance requirements that CIP’s construction partners are expected to deliver. This aims to ensure that the long-term life cycle costs are reduced with more planned, rather than reactive, maintenance.


4. Completed Developments

Cambridge Investment Partnership


4. Completed Developments

Project Description A landmark mixed tenure development in the heart of Cambridge, Ironworks reflects the heritage of the area and reinforces the eclectic and creative community around Mill Road with thoughtful, tenure-blind design and the provision of a community centre, new public open space and a series of art installations.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Q3 2018 Start on site construction: Q1 2019 First new homes complete: Q2 2020 Community facility complete: Q3 2022 Build completion: Q3 2022 Affordable complete: Q3 2022

Public Art: £200,000 allocated towards four commissions: 1) Orientation and way finding 2) Community engagement / Temporary event 3) Site-specific series of artworks 4) Creative link between CIP sites Tom Pearman, PYE Radio Switches Tom has designed a series of inter-related artworks, taking inspiration from items like the switches that would have been used in radios and TVs, manufactured at the former Cambridge-based PYE factory

Site Address: Mill Road Depot, Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2AZ Affordable Housing: 50% council homes Affordable Homes: 118 Total New Homes: 236 Adapted Homes: 5 Architect: Allies & Morrison

...continued overleaf


4. Completed Developments

estment Partnership Successes Wider Benefits: ●


uch-needed housing, 24% of 500 M Council Homes Programme Highly sustainable new community centre

Landscaped public parks and children’s play areas ●

High quality and exceeding the council’s sustainability criteria Gatehouse restored to active use as

worth of S106 844 new 510 new council homes café/restaurant/office mmitted to local council homes now occupied by tenants million towards ks, sports centres, ● £3.5achieved planninglocal schools, parks, sports centres, the Chisholm he Chisholm Trail

844 new council homes started on site or completed

trail, NHS, open space adoption etc.

d new nursery msey and on well Road and d pre-school in o meet a critical cal need

The Chisholm Trail will have a route reopened for pedestrians and cyclists in the town centre, which has been closed to the public for over 100 years

Cambridge Investment Partnership

The Meadows' entire open New parks have been space is being replanted and created at Ironworks and landscaped, with existing Timber Works and recreation facilities improvements made to preserved and enhanced Coleridge recreation grounds Ironworks new bee and bug hotel Installation of bee and bug hotel in partnership with The Phoenix Trust

Sustainability Features: ●

MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) - highly efficient ventilation systems in all new council homes to reduce energy costs and improve air quality by using heat from the extracted air to heat fresh incoming air, thus reducing condensation within the home BREEAM Excellent Community Centre - performing to the top 10% of UK non-domestic buildings through highly efficient fabric and electric technologies Combined Heat and Power efficient heat distribution system for apartments that converts unused energy into electricity to reduce energy costs Fabric-First Build - reduced heat loss through thicker walls/floors and better insulation, exceeding the latest standards of construction hotovoltaic Solar Panels - on houses P and apartments to subsidise electric supply EV (Electric Vehicle) Charging Points and future-proofed with infrastructure for future connections Sustainable Urban Drainage rainwater gardens and attenuation features to infiltrate rainwater into soil within the development, reducing pressure on surrounding infrastructure and mitigating the risk of flooding


4. Completed Developments Akeman Street

Project Description The development replaces a tired and under-utilised space with new homes, shops and a community centre that offers level access, two rooms and a fully-equipped kitchen providing a valuable resource for the local neighbourhood. Site Address: Akeman Street, Cambridge CB4 3HG Affordable Housing: 100% council homes

Build Programme Demolition & re mediation: Q4 2019 Start on site construction: Q4 2019 First new homes complete: Q1 2021 Nursery/community complete: Q2 2021 Build completion: Q2 2021

Wider Benefits ●

Time capsule buried in the community centre grounds. Temporary community centre provided during construction period

Affordable Homes: 14 homes Total New Homes: 6 maisonettes, 8 apartments, 3 commercial units and 1 community centre. Architect: Mole

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Community Involvement Local children took part in a time capsule project, collecting items which they associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic

Campkin Road Build Programme:

Project Description At Campkin Road, CIP has replaced 32 post-war, ageing flats which were no longer fit for purpose with 75 new homes. 100% will be affordable, contributing to the council’s 500 Council Homes Programme. The council successfully rehoused residents during the Covid-19 pandemic to enable this project to start on site. Site Address: 67 - 97A Campkin Road, Cambridge CB4 2NP Total New Homes: 75 affordable including four houses and 71 apartments alongside landscaping and a new community centre. Adaptable Homes: 4

Demolition & re mediation: Q3 2020 Start on site construction: Q4 2021 First new homes complete: Q1 2023 Community centre complete: Q1 2023 Build completion: Q1 2023

Wider Benefits: ●

Architect: BPTW ●

Much-needed housing, replacing poor quality homes Highly sustainable development with gas-free housing and extensive green biodiverse roofs Additional landscaping and play equipment to retained public parks, communal garden for residents £50,000 towards local play areas, parks, sports centres £10,000 towards local health facilities Highly sustainable new community centre and associated garden area


4. Completed Developments Colville Road Phase 2

Project Description The development replaces two housing blocks containing 24 postwar, ageing council homes, garages and outbuildings with 67 brand new council homes and apartments. Landscaping will also be used to create areas of play, communal gardens and routes through the development with generous flower beds and tree planting to minimise the visual impact of car parking. Note: Further phase completion to follow. Colville Road Phase 3 – 48 homes, plus 3 commercial units. Start on site August 2022.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Site Address: Colville Road, Cambridge CB1 9EJ Affordable Housing: 100% council homes Affordable Homes: 67 Total New Homes: 67 Adapted homes: 4 Architect: BPTW

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Q3 2020 Start on site construction: Q4 2020 First new homes complete: Q2 2022 Build completion: Q4 2022

Public Art: £65,000 across Phase 2+3 (£40k Ph2 and £25k Ph3)

“With the cost of living crisis and ever rising energy costs, we are doing everything we can to provide homes to minimise residents’ overheads as much as possible.” Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member

Completion of Colville Road Phase 2: New sustainable council homes are handed over to local residents

Wider Benefits: ●

Much-needed affordable housing, replacing poor quality homes Highly sustainable development with gas-free housing and extensive green biodiverse roofs Sustainable Urban Drainage integrated into landscaping with soakaways and permeable paving Part of the 500 Council Homes Programme New car park will be provided for public use Assisted rehousing


4. Completed Developments Anstey Way

Project Description Anstey Way saw the replacement of 27 council homes and five leasehold properties with 56 new homes, including three adapted homes. 100% of the new homes are affordable. Located in Trumpington, CIP worked carefully with the architects and planners to ensure the development would be well integrated into the wider community through considered landscaping, including a courtyard and by commissioning unique artwork installed throughout the development. Site Address: Anstey Way, Cambridge CB2 9LS Affordable Housing: 100% Council homes Affordable Homes: 56 Total New Homes: 56 Adapted Homes: 3 Architect: Rock Townsend

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Build Programme:

Public Art:

Demolition & re mediation: Q4 2017

£30,000 allocated towards two commissions:

Start on site construction: Q3 2018

1) Site-specific series of artworks

First new homes complete: Q4 2019

2) Creative link between CIP sites (sculptured brick art)

Build completion: Q2 2020

The artworks Sarah Sabin has produced for Anstey Way have been inspired by the history of farming, the Plant Breeding Institute, and the ongoing horticulture in the community including the allotments and the community garden

Wider Benefits: ●

Much-needed housing, replacing poor quality homes New housing for vulnerable elderly tenants

Landscaped shared courtyard with new trees ●

First council homes to complete as part of the 500 Council Homes Programme £125,000 towards local play areas, parks, sports centres

Sustainability Features: ●

MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) - highly efficient ventilation systems in all new council homes to reduce energy costs and improve air quality by using heat from the extracted air to heat fresh incoming air, and reducing condensation within the home Fabric-First Build - reduced heat loss through thicker walls/floors and better insulation, exceeding the latest standards of construction hotovoltaic Solar Panels - generating P electricity to light communal areas and potentially to subsidise electric vehicle charging points Sustainable Urban Drainage - permeable paving to infiltrate rainwater into soil within the site, reducing pressure on surrounding infrastructure and designing out risk of flooding 27

4. Completed Developments Garage Sites

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Q2 2019 Start on site construction: Q3 2019 First new homes complete: Q2 2020 Build completion: Q3 2020

Wider Benefits: ●

Much-needed housing, contributing new council homes towards the 500 Council Homes Programme Delivered five small projects together for economies of scale over a one year period Making best use of poor quality garage sites

Sustainability Features: ●

Project Description Using one project team, CIP developed a number of underutilised land parcels within existing council estates to deliver 15 new council homes. Site Address: 5 sites: Queens Meadow; Markham Close; Gunhild Way; Colville Road garages; Wulfstan Way

Affordable Housing: 100% Council homes Affordable Homes: 15 Total New Homes: 15 Architect: Mole and Rock Townsend

Cambridge Investment Partnership

MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) - highly efficient ventilation systems in all new council homes to reduce energy costs and improve air quality by using heat from the extracted air to heat fresh incoming air, and reducing condensation within the home Fabric-First Build - reduced heat loss through thicker walls/ floors and better insulation, exceeding the latest standards of construction hotovoltaic Solar Panels P generating electricity to reduce heating and hot water costs to tenants

Ventress Close

Project Description Two ageing council maisonettes were replaced with 15 energy efficient new council homes consisting of three new houses and 12 apartments with designated parking. Site Address: Ventress Close, Cambridge CB1 8QX Affordable Housing: 100% Council homes Affordable Homes: 15 Total New Homes: 15 Architect: Rock Townsend

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Q3 2019 Start on site construction: Q4 2019 First new homes complete: Q1 2021 Build completion: Q1 2021

Sustainability Features: ●

Photovoltaic Solar Panels a green roof were included in the design of the apartments. A Bug Hotel - has also been incorporated into the project to provide shelter for insects, and 21 new trees and seeded wild flower meadows were planted.


4. Completed Developments

Project Description Our largest development to date sees the delivery of 118 new council homes and 177 market sale homes as well as a new nursery, landscaped central park, open spaces and basement car parking.

Site Address: Former Ridgeons, 75 Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3EG Affordable Housing: 40% Council homes Affordable Homes: 118 Total New Homes: 295 Adapted Homes: 6 Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Q1 2019 Start on site construction: Q3 2019 First new homes complete: Q2 2021 Build completion: Q4 2023 Affordable complete: Q1 2023

Public Art: 1. Public Art: £250,000 allocated towards three commissions. 2. Community engagement and ‘pop-up’ events. CIP commissioned visual artist Emma Smith to undertake an artist-in-residency programme for the development. A website and series of activities for the community to take part in was developed - The project is inspired by the allotments formerly on the site and those still operating locally. 3. Site-specific series of artwork: This is a single piece - a pavilion ‘Hood’, designed by artist Michael Pinsky, it draws attention to climate change and the environment. 4. Creative link between CIP Sites: Poet and sculptor Alec Finlay was commissioned to create a series of ‘living’ sculptures including bird boxes, beehives, finger posts, tree stakes and trellis with poetry located on them relating to Cambridge, the specific location and the planting.

N Family Club is open to pre-school children at Timber Works and from the local community

...continued overleaf


4. Completed Developments

Wider Benefits: ●

Much-needed affordable housing, 24% of 500 Council Homes Programme Highly sustainable new nursery to meet local demand

Large public park and courtyards with children’s play areas ●

High quality and exceeding council’s sustainability criteria £3.6 million towards local schools, parks, sports centres, the Chisholm trail, NHS, open space adoption etc.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Sustainability Features: ●

MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) - highly efficient ventilation systems in all new council homes to reduce energy costs and improve air quality by using heat from the extracted air to heat fresh incoming air, thus reducing condensation within the home BREEAM Very Good Nursery/Community Facility - performing to top 25% of UK non-domestic buildings through highly efficient fabric and electric technologies Combined Heat and Power - efficient heat distribution system for apartments that converts unused energy into electricity to reduce energy costs Fabric-first Build - reduced heat loss through thicker walls/floors and better insulation, exceeding the latest standards of construction Green Wild flower Roofs and PV panels - generating electricity to light communal areas and providing opportunities for local ecology EV (Electric Vehicle) Charging Points - for every house and 10% communal spaces, future-proof with infrastructure for future connections Sustainable Urban Drainage - rainwater gardens, swales and wetland to infiltrate rainwater into soil within the site, reducing pressure on surrounding infrastructure and designing out risk of flooding


5. Developments in Progress

Cambridge Investment Partnership


5. Developments in Progress The Meadows & Buchan Street

Project Description The Meadows development will provide 78 new one and two bedroom apartments for council rent and the Buchan Street site will see 28 one and two bedroom council homes built. Four of the flats at The Meadows and one at Buchan Street will be for wheelchair users. Two existing community facilities are being replaced with a modern, highly sustainable community hub, along with new open space, a public plaza, and the retention of a café and shop space. Site Address: 1 St Catherine’s Road, Arbury, Cambridge CB4 3XJ Affordable Housing: 100% Council homes Affordable Homes: 106 Total New Homes: 106 one and two bedroom apartments Adapted Homes: 5 Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Ground breaking ceremony at Buchan Street

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: Demolition of existing community centres Q3 2022 Start on site construction: Q4 2020 First new homes complete: Q3 2022 Nursery/community complete: Q3 2022 Build completion: Q2 2024

Wider Benefits: ●

● ●

New community hub with a family centre, youth wing and café. Car parking facilities Open space will include a new play area, improved Sports England pitch, woodland walk and a multi-use games and skate area. Phased build to assist decant of the community centre. Engagement with the local community and both Orchard Park Primary School and St Laurence Catholic School.

Family Fun Day held for local residents to celebrate the completion of the new community centre


5. Developments in Progress Orchard Park L2

Project Description 75 new homes consisting of a mix of social rent and affordable rent will be delivered through Cambridge Investment Partnership and a funding agreement from Homes England. 30 of the homes will be social rent homes while a further 45 available at 80% of the average private rental rate in Cambridge, with the City Council as landlord for all the properties.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

The highly sustainable development has been designed to feature two apartments blocks and a row of coach houses and will be ‘gas free’ with air source heat pumps, biodiverse green roofs, six electric vehicle (EV) charging spaces, one hybrid/electric car club vehicle and above policy cycle parking provision for 124 bike spaces. The land was purchased in open market and the team worked closely with the local community through public engagement. The development also includes improvements to the adjacent public open space.

Site Address: Orchard Park, Topper Street, Cambridge CB4 2WQ Affordable Housing: 40% council homes Affordable Homes: 30 homes Total New Homes: 75 homes (two apartment blocks, row of coach houses) Architect: Mole

Build Programme: Demolition & re mediation: None undertaken because the site was cleared before purchase Start on site construction: Q4 2021 First new homes complete: Q2 2023 Build completion: Q1 2024

Wider Benefits: ●

Six EV charging spaces

Provision for 124 cycle spaces.

A highly sustainable development with gasfree housing and biodiverse green roofs. Electric vehicle charging points


5. Developments in Progress Colville Road Phase 3

Project Description

Site Address: Colville Road, High Street Cambridge

Redevelopment of existing commercial units and 48 homes in the heart of Cherry Hinton across two sites. The development is being built to policy-exceeding sustainable standards, to help reduce fuel bills.

Affordable Housing: 100% council homes Total New Homes: 48 homes – 30 additional units – 3 commercial units Adapted Homes: 2 M43 units, the rest all M42 Architect: BPTW for planning and Fielden and Mawson for technical design

Build Programme: Start on site construction: Q3 2022 Build completion: Q1 2024

Wider Benefits: ●

Cambridge Investment Partnership

The redevelopment will be to much higher sustainability standards and provide a net gain of 30 units, as well as re provision and updating of village centre shops to BREEAM.

Aragon Close & Sackville Close

Project Description Site Address: Aragon Close & Sackville Close, Cambridge CB4 2SU

At Aragon Close and Sackville Close, we are replacing existing garages and hard standing at each development with seven new two bedroom, lowcarbon council homes, designed using Passivhaus principles.

Affordable Housing: 14 council homes Total New Homes: 14 homes Architect: Architecture PLB

Build Programme: Start on site construction: Q3 2023 Build completion: Q3 2024

Wider Benefits: ●

The developments will provide car parking, landscaping, and cycle storage. The homes will have very low energy use and heating costs, with thick, highlyinsulated walls and gas-free heating. 41

5. Developments in Progress Passivhaus Pilot Project

Project Description The pilot consists of three small housing developments where we will are building to certified Passivhaus standards. The developments are creating a net gain of 21 affordable homes and use locally-procured timber frame to meet the higher sustainability standard. This is the first time CIP is delivering to certified Passivhaus standards and will provide an opportunity to learn from the process to inform the future programme. Site Address: 71-73 Fen Road Cambridge Land at Ditton Walk Cambridge Former Garages Borrowdale Road, Cambridge Affordable Housing: 100% council homes Total New Homes: 21 new homes – net gain of 21 Adapted Homes: 2 M43 houses on Fen Road, all others M42 Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards for planning, Player Roberts Bell for Technical Design, Passivhaus Consultants - Qoda, Passivhaus Certifier – Warm.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Build Programme:

Passivhaus Principles Exhuast air

Start on site construction: Q2 2022

PV panels

Outdoor air

Build completion: Q4 2023

Fresh supply air Extract air

Wider Benefits: ●

Building to higher sustainable standards which will mean lower carbon and tenant savings on fuel costs.

Good solar orientation and compact form

Ventilation with >75% heat recovery Airtight thermal envelope

Fresh supply air

Extract air

Super insulation

High comfort levels

Low primary energy


5. Developments in Progress Aylesborough Close Project Description Aylesborough Close sees 36 ageing homes in a set of existing small flat blocks replaced with three blocks, that will comprise 70 lowcarbon, highly-sustainable council homes, designed to Passivhaus standards which will reduce running costs for residents.

Build Programme: Start on site construction: Q3 2023 Build completion: Q3 2024 Site Address: Aylesborough Close, Arbury, Cambridge, CB4 2HS

Wider Benefits: ●

Affordable Housing: 70 council homes Total New Homes: 70 homes Architect: Fielden and Mawson ●

Cambridge Investment Partnership

Existing green spaces will be enhanced along the edges of the site and good quality existing trees will be retained, with new landscaping features and additional trees planted. A community garden with some play equipment and seating for residents to enjoy.

6. Forthcoming Developments Fanshawe Road A total of 84 affordable new councilowned homes will replace the 33 existing dwellings and garages on the site at Fanshawe Road, with a minimum of 44 of the new homes to be made available for the council.

Histon Road ATS and former Murketts garage site, Histon Road is a brownfield site which was used as a car repair garage and showroom and is allocated in the current Greater Cambridge Local Plan for housing. CIP is purchasing the land and will be submitting a planning application to provide a mixture of private and affordable homes.

Newbury Farm Located in Worts Causeway, close to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus on the edge of the city, Newbury Farm is allocated within the Local Plan for development and subsequently granted outline approval for 230 houses. CIP is purchasing the land which is allocated for up to 150 of the homes, including affordable properties.

East Barnwell Sitting in the Abbey Ward of Cambridge, the project covers three land parcels which include 18 existing homes (10 tenants, 8 leaseholders/freeholders); commercial properties, community buildings and a range of leisure facilities. Our proposals provide a mixed use hub which include commercial, community facilities and residential homes.

Wider Benefits: ●

Enhanced open space and improvements to the existing community pavilion at the nearby Coleridge recreation ground, as well as better links between the Fanshawe Road housing and the park.

Wider Benefits: ●

All the homes will be highly sustainable and low energy, with gas-free heating and triple-glazed windows along with features included to manage overheating and reduce water consumption.

Wider Benefits: ●

The designs include a new local centre for the Queen Edith’s Ward that offers a focus on viable community activities surrounded by residential areas, along with a new play park and central green square.

Wider Benefits: ●

Range of commercial and community facilities. Sustainable new homes.


7. SoloHaus Projects

Caroline Hart Walk, Cambridge

Project Description These precision-engineered modern homes have been designed to provide stepping-stone housing to people who have been homeless or living in unstable accommodation. Cambridge City Council provided three sites from its land across the city in Abbey, East Chesterton and King’s Hedges. Jimmy’s now manages the SoloHaus homes as three move-on developments, working with the council to allocate residents who will benefit from a period of stability and independence.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

As part of the development process, we like to involve local stakeholders, including residents and schools, to give the community a sense of ownership of the project. For our Cambridge developments, we invited children from The Fields Nursery to look around the modular homes and help the team pot up a planter for each modular home terrace, along with herb plants for the kitchens.

Name of Developments: ●

Lil Speed Walk: 4 homes

Janet Jones Walk: 6 homes

Caroline Hart Walk: 6 homes

Residents have now moved in to all four Cambridge SoloHaus developments and are settling in well. ...continued overleaf


7. SoloHaus Projects

Hill has now donated four SoloHaus developments in and around Cambridge, working with both Jimmy’s and Emmaus with support from local authorities. Each are designed to provide a pleasant living environment, well integrated with their local neighbourhoods. Along with the new homes, generous communal space is provided along with plenty of storage for bikes. The SoloHaus is also designed to be accessible and safe for residents with mobility issues – they are all manufactured to M4(1) (wheelchair visit able) standards under the Building Regulations. Homes are provided fully furnished with electric hob, fridge, microwave and washing machine and are fully fitted with new furniture and equipped with plates, mugs cutlery and bedding for the residents. Jimmy’s and Emmaus have provided broadband service for residents’ use too.

Cambridge Investment Partnership

The SoloHaus homes are donated by the Hill Group Foundation as part of Andy Hill’s Foundation200 project. This project provides charities across the UK with the ground breaking resource of new SoloHaus homes free of charge. Hill works closely with local charities to ensure that each project integrates with and positively contributes to local efforts to increase affordable housing.


8. Successes Cambridge Investment Partnership

Cambridge Investment Partnership Successes

£8M 11 11 developments completed, 11 sites under construction

£8 million worth of S106 money committed to local schools, parks, sports centres, NHS and The Chisholm Trail

844 new council homes achieved planning

510 new council homes now occupied by tenants

844 new cou started or com

Bird and Bat boxes on every site

A brand new nursery in Romsey and on Cromwell Road and enhanced pre-school in Arbury to meet a critical local need

The Chisholm Trail will have a route reopened for pedestrians and cyclists in the town centre, which has been closed to the public for over 100 years

The Meadows' entire open space is being replanted and landscaped, with existing recreation facilities preserved and enhanced

New parks created at Iro Timber W improvemen Coleridge recre

Over 200 new trees planted

Electric vehicle charging points

Generous cycle storage

Solar photovoltaic panels fitted to supply power to communal areas and homes

Battery sto energy fr photovolt

Cambridge Investment Partnership


ouncil homes ed by tenants

ws' entire open g replanted and with existing on facilities and enhanced

otovoltaic ed to supply communal nd homes

1640 844 new council homes started on site or completed

1640 overall homes in programme

Targetting 5% of workforce from local community

17 gas-free developments in the programme

434 New parks have been created at Ironworks and Timber Works and improvements made to Coleridge recreation grounds

£700,000 invested in public art commissions

Five new community centres across four different wards

434 net new council homes already completed

493 Battery storage saving energy from Solar photovoltaic panels

Six new commercial premises will also provide essential local amenities, such as shops, cafés, offices

The first 21 Passivhaus-accredited council homes in Cambridge started on site

493 private sale homes being delivered


Head Office

The Power House Gunpowder Mill Powdermill Lane Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1BN 0208 527 1400

Hill Group UK


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