December 2006 Hotwire

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Hillside Hotwire



For and by the students of Foothill High School since 1999

Volume 8 Issue 3

A New Solution?

Will single-sex classrooms truly eliminate distractions? Pages 10-11

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Back to Dr. Suess for leadership Student Council reads at elementary schools Emma Dewees Editor-in-Chief



Students can pull together The annual canned food drive sweeps through Foothill


Rachel Alger Assistant Editor

ringing a little Christmas spirit to it all, members of DECA and Student Council held their annual canned food drive November 13-16, collecting 1,200 pounds or about 600 cans of food for local homeless shelters. To urge students to donate, the class that brought the most cans in (Mr. Antila’s class collected about 300 cans) received a donut party and a day off from class to enjoy the party.

“We put it on every year for the Silver Star Award,” said student council president Lacie Saunders.

Hillside Highlights E

very year, choir goes to festival to compete for bragging rights. They compete against schools in the valley and have done well in the past. As the Christmas season nears, they are preparing for many upcoming gigs. “We have a concert at the

Valley View rec center every year for Christmas,” said junior Kelton Kesterson. “About five schools go, and we all sing the same songs. We also go around to classrooms and sing for students and teachers during December.”

New drill taking place for necessary precautions

“We also do it to complete our requirements for community service; plus it’s just a nice thing to do.” Student Council members were


tudents relocated to the football stands Nov. 10 and Dec. 5 for an evacuation drill to practice the proper procedure for an emergency such as a shooting or a bomb threat. The drill was proposed by the superintendent, and more drills are expected to

be carried out periodically as part of the new “school awareness” policy. FHS passed the Dec. 5 drill.

Student Counil’s Fox 5 tree decorating contest


tudent council took their Christmas spirit to the next level in a Christmas tree decorating competition. Each year, Fox 5 hosts a competition between high schools to see who can decorate the most spirited tree at the Valley Auto Mall on Gibson. Any high school can participate, and each is assigned a different dealership with a ten foot tree. This year, Emma DeWees and Kristin Little chaired the event. The team was given a $250 gift


Hillside Hotwire


required to either bring in $15 or 25 cans to chip in. As for DECA,this isn’t the first time this year that they have helped the less fortunate. In October, they held a book drive for local elementary schools, and every month they host Sandwiches in the Park where they make about 300 sandwiches for the homeless, usually having 30-45 students helping with the effort. “I think it is great that students participate in these events,” said DECA advisor Mr. Antila. “They’ve really shined this year

for the less fortunate.”

certificate to spend how they please for necessary decorations for their tree. “We had a really cool idea of having each class write what they loved about Foothill on a note card,” said Little. “We had some really good responses, so we laminated them and made them into ornaments. Then, our theme was ‘spirit spiraling out of control,’ so we had a lot of spiral ornaments.” The first place winner took home $3,000 with second place receiving $2,000, and $1,000 for third place. “Even though we didn’t place, we had a good time doing it,” said DeWees. “I hope to win next year, though, because that money could really help student council.”

Miracle minute is a huge success at Foothill

They’ve really shined this year for the less fortunate

lready, Student Coucil has visited three elementary schools to read stories to the young children. Each StuCo member purchased a book based on the grade level they were reading to and then donated it to the class after they read it. “I went to a second grade class,” said Nicole Hollister. “It was fun because they get all excited because we are in high school and taking time out of our day to read to them.” So far they visited Fay Galloway, Dooley and Newton. “It just goes to show how dedicated student council is,” said Kallie Wickel. “I mean, we have to go after school sometimes, and we still have so many volunteers.”

Choir upstages all of their competition


CANNED HELPERS (left) Tesha Kivi and Carlie Watson worked hard in student council to organize the cans that the school donated. Student Council spends a lot of time putting together events to help those in need. “I joined the class so I could volunteer to help with these kinds of activities,” said Watson ChristinaAtha/Peregrine CARDBOARD SUPPORT (right) Foothill staff and students donated so many cans that they had to be put in boxes in order to carry them all. ChristinaAtha/Peregrine


his year, student council took it upon themselves to have a miracle minute to support children in need during Christmas. On November 30, during third hour, students were given one minute to donate as much money as possible. As a school, FHS ended up making over $1,000. We were able to adopt ten children with one hundred dollars for each. “It was a good cause,” said Student Body President, Lacie Saunders. “There was no reward for the top class. They did it out of the kindness of their heart.”


The opinions expressed in the Hillside Hotwire are the author’s and do not represent the opinions of the administration, faculty, staff or students of Foothill High School. Letters to the editor should be signed and sent to: The Hillside HotARTS DIRECTOR: Sarah Reyburn wire, 800 College Drive, Henderson, NV 89015 COPY EDITORS: Amber Brisoe, CaitLetters may also be dropped off at the Hillside Hotwire office in room lyn Belcher 741. Home Delivery of the Hillside Hotwire is available at a prepaid STAFF REPORTERS: Brendt Hulsey, cost of $20 per year. Issues are mailed monthly upon publication. Tyler Holt, Gurtarpreet Kaur The staff reserves the right to reject any advertisement deemed ADVISER: Bill Tobler inappropriate. Letters to the editor may be edited for content and PRINCIPAL: Gretchen Crehan brevity.



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FHS campus security taped on NBC Easy-access campus probes for a locked door policy for better security


Amber Briscoe Copy Editor

chool protection has always been a big concern, but over the past 50 years, school awareness has raised abundantly.

While the student’s protection has always been a huge deal, it has been taken to an even higher level now. “With all the violence in the world, we must take more precautions than a couple years ago,” said the

Southeast Region Superintendent Dr. Andre Denson. “Its amazing how much it actually takes to get people’s attention. It seems the only way people learn is after something bad happens. Ever since 9-11 (even though it was

five years ago), everyone seems to be coming up with better ways of taking precautions not only from terrorists, but from everyone.” On November 6, a Channel 3 news reporter was doing a clip on school safety and how almost anyone could just walk on campus. The reporter made his way through the main gates and all the way up to the 700 wing. To Foothill’s credit, the reporter was approached early but was not asked to check in to the main office before proceeding. Principal Gretchen Crehan said, “The first time I found out was when I sat down to watch the news.” Ms. Crehan also stated that this was a project that was already being worked on. The doors of the 300 wing were not locked because of the News 3 clip, but because the Board of Education and GRANDMA LOCKDOWN The scrutiny placed on the school after the news broadcast pushes the administration to make some security changes. AmberBriscoe/ TheHotwire

Superintendents devised this not only for our school, but for all schools around the valley. “That was the reasoning for having the evacuation drills in November [and December], when we had all the students move into the football stands,” said Crehan. The locked doors created a minor inconviences for some.“I used to take the 300 doors out and around the school up to the 700 wing all the time last year, and I used it for a while this year too,” Allysa Starkweather said . “I was really frustrated because now, I have to use the quad and it’s always so crowded.” With around 2,360 students enrolled, our school is still very crowded, and when the bell rings it shows as the quad becomes an unorganized freeway with a bunch of angry drunk drivers. “The only advice I can give to students is to try to walk faster,” said Ms. Crehan. “If you can’t, then I’m sorry, but it’s for your protection to make sure that there are less chances of anything happening to any of our students.”

Lots of blood drives away from Foothill High Students step up to the plate, give up their time and donate blood to those who need it most


Emma DeWees Editor-in-Chief

ne Wednesday, November 29, over 200 students at Foothill joined together in the auxiliary gym to donate their blood to the United Blood Services. Varsity cheerleaders helped out that day by making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ordering pizza as a reward for the brave people who would all would be referred to as “heroes.” “Cheerleaders always do their part to help out with the school,” said Courtni Low. “I had fun doing it though because I also donated blood.” Some were unable to donate for various reasons even though they wanted to. Amanda Anderson was looking forward to donating but found out that her iron was low, so she couldn’t. She did say that they gave her a brochure explaining the different foods she had to eat in

order to raise her iron count so she could donate later. Carlie Watson and Nicole Falline went through the entire process until they were sitting in the reclined chairs, only to discover that their veins were too small and they would be unable to donate as well. “To be honest, I was a little relieved because I was so afraid of giving blood that I was shaking really badly,” said Watson. “But I was happy that I tried at least.” Many people went through so much in order to donate. They fought through their fears and knew that what they were doing would mean the world to those in need of blood. “It is worth it because I’ll be saving lives,” said Jennifer Wheder, who has never given blood before. Students could sit in a chair for up to 30 minutes, depending on what type of service they were

giving. Some students felt dizzy after giving all that blood. “After the acupuncture, I felt light-headed, but I knew it was worth it because I know there is someone out there who needs my pint of blood,” said Tyler Bosia.

TRUCK ‘O BLOOD (bottom left) Many trucks were needed to transport the blood because so many Foothill students were anxious to donate to those in need JakeHarames/Peregrine

DONT LOOK (bottom right) Carlie Brescia and Jessica Ford sit in the chairs as they

donate blood. “It meant a lot to donate and I would do it again,” said Brescia. JakeHarames/Peregrine

GOOD FEELING (top) Kayla Parton and Raquel Young after donating. JakeHarames/ Peregrine

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Seniors slack off during final year Senioritis makes our upperclassmen not work as hard as previous years Catalina Burns Assistant Editor


f school is like a 26-mile marathon, you’re at about 24 miles now. There’s so much hard work behind you, and the finish line is nearly within sight. Even though there’s a temptation to take it easy, slowing down your pace now could end up costing you big. Senioritis is a crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts and sweatshirts. Other symptoms are a lack of studying, repeated absences, sleeping during class, and suffering from a severe fixation with partying. Most cases of senioritis tend to start after college applications and mid-year reports have been sent in, but symptoms may begin to occur as early as the last quarter of junior year, and for a very select few, senioritis may show signs as early as birth and then progress in elementary school, middle school and the beginning of ninth grade. This usually means that the student goes to a bad school where he or she (usually he) has to take stupid, nonsensical courses and question the validity of the system. For those few, their high school experience ends up feeling pointless and seems to last way longer than intended. Many seniors try to take the “easy” way out their senior year by taking GPA-boosting classes in

order to have it where they want it to be for colleges. This idea can not always be a good solution. “I took four “easy A” classes this year,” says Jeremy Hitt, who in past years has taken honors and AP classes and worked very hard. “By the third week of school, I realized that these supposedly “easy” classes were making it very hard for me to stay interested in school and want to come back every day.” Many seniors soon realized that slacking off only made senioritis kick in quicker than intended. Taking the easy way out by creating a reduced work load your senior year will only hinder your success in the future. Although this may sound harsh to some of you and even shocking, colleges can revoke their offer of admission due to senioritis. “I think that after I get accepted to a college, life will be much easier and way less stressful,” says Julie Welden, who plans on attending University of California Chico in the Fall of 2007, “but even after that, I know I cannot slow down with my school work. It all counts in the end.” Many college acceptance letters even include warnings to students such as, “Your admission is contingent on your continued successful performance.” If grades start to slip during senior year, many colleges take that as a sign that you don’t want to continue your education. Don’t slump on academics once those college acceptance letters arrive. Stay focused throughout the entirety of your senior year never slacking in

the least. You’re almost there. Future advice for 2008 graduates: take the most rigorous courses available, and don’t skip out on maybe one AP class your senior year just because you don’t want to do 200 note cards a week. But others still don’t recognize the value of such a schedule. “Next year I’m going to school at eight and leaving at 11:45,” says Kelton Kesterson. “I decided that it was pointless to overload myself with a million classes and tons of homework my senior year when that’s all I have been doing for three years.” While Kesterson may represent your fun side, let me appeal to your senior side a moment. Do things to keep

your mind active and involved. During class discussions, bring up new ideas. When studying, don’t just memorize; think outside of the box. Continue to set academic goals that you want to reach, such as making an A on that research paper. “All my friends are already talking about the classes they are going to take next year,” said Kristen Lyon, who is an AP/honors student. “I don’t really feel like taking super hard classes, but I’m definitely not going to hurt myself by taking stupid, pointless classes.” Forming study groups with your friends can also help you stay on top of things. Invent academic games to make studying more fun

and easier. Ask your teachers to organize fun and interesting field trips. In other words, the exercise of getting into the college of your choice is much more like a marathon than a few quick sprints. Pace yourself, work hard, recover from your stumbles, and look to the finish line. DROOL WORTHY Seniors tend to get burnt out their last year in high school. Most don’t realize that colleges still look a your transcripts for you senior year, so it is important to keep up your grade point average. CatBurns/ TheHotwire

I can’t meet you later ‘cuz I have to go to work

Foothill students get after-school jobs in order to earn money to buy all the things they want Gurtarpreet Kaur


Staff repoter

t’s 5:00 a.m., but Aryon Garcia already feels late for school as she yawns and shuffles toward the shower. Her 16-hour day starts with six hours

at school, seven hours at work, one hour for homework and two hours on the phone chatting with friends. School, homework and extracurricular activities can be enough, but some add a part time job to the

mix as well, which isn’t always easy. Having a job makes students choose sometimes between going to the homecoming game or earning some cash, hanging with friends on Saturday or making moolah for that iPod, going with the family to California or putting in overtime. Jobs have one major benefit that everyone agrees upon: money. Without money, it would be difficult to go to the game, dance, movies or school plays. “I don’t have a job, but I am looking for job,” said Ashlea Munn. “I have to pay for my car [and] clothes,” and still have money left over for partying with friends Munn added. Teens want money to buy things their parents won’t get them or to just have extra money in their

pocket. Murray Victoria said, “I had a job but I quit two weeks ago. Now I need another job because I have to pay for my car insurance and cell phone bill.” Most teens work in food services, at the mall or for grocery chains. These are entry level jobs for part timers. Most of the time, they don’t offer enough hours or high enough wages. “On Saturday over Thanksgiving, I had to work from eleven to two—what kind of hours is that?” asked Lexie Stone, suggesting that a three-hour shift was hardly worth her time. To take advantage of everything, many teens work weekends so they can participate in extra curricular activities during the week, whether it’s playing sports, working on the yearbook or feeding the homeless with DECA. With only two days to make money, they aren’t thrilled with 16-hour paychecks. “Minimum wage isn’t enough for anyone,” said one junior. “It should be higher to at least seven dollars. I work at McDonalds for $6 an hour, and my check comes

out to at least $200, but I spend all my money on parties and new clothes. I feel like the pay needs to go up now!” Still, most employed students realize that getting decent grades is more important than a fat paycheck right now, so they settle for fewer hours now, knowing they have the rest of their lives to work. Others can work 40 hours a week and still maintain high GPAs, but they realize that their social lives suffer too. The trick, most say, is realizing what’s important to you both now and in the future and make compromises that get you what you want and then living life without regret. That sounds like the perfect payoff. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Many high school students are encouraged by their parents to get a part-time job in order to learn responsibility and how to manage their money appropriately. GurtarpreetKaur/TheHotwire


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Divorce at all-time high in the US

Teens are greatly affected by their parents decision to end a relationship Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” Millions of children feel that home is a place where one should feel safest, a place where those who love you most live--your parents. But what do you do when you have more than one home or more than one set of parents? In 2005, recent studies in the U.S. determined fifty percent of all marriages will end up in divorce. Although divorce is declining, so is marriage. “My parents got divorced when I was three,” says Kenneth Charette. “Both my mom and dad got remarried. I don’t remember much, but I liked it better when they were together because I wasn’t always shipped back and forth between them.” Children and especially teens are affected every day by their parents’ split. Mild side effects include acting out for attention, hanging with the wrong crowd and taking the blame for the divorce itself. More severe problems can include drug and alcohol abuse,

ditching school and depression. Karen Smith,* 17, claims that she started binge drinking over her parent’s divorce. She drank regularly because it was “fun, social, and allowed [her] to forget about problems at home.” While most want their parents to reunite, some find it more peaceful at home having their parents apart. “I used to be really stressed

over their separation,” says Mary Wright.* “I couldn’t decide who to live with since my dad moved down to California. They used to always be bickering, always down each other’s throats. They’ve both calmed down, and they’re not as uptight anymore since the separation. I like it better this way.” Some feel forced to pick sides between parents. Mom and dad

sometimes try to bribe their children into staying with them by offering materialistic items or promising them other offers. Teens usually lose respect for both parents and themselves if they’re forced to choose. “I used to call my dad and ask to stay at his house when I had to get away from my mom’s house,” says Charette. “He recently moved to California also, so I can’t really

do that anymore. I still wish I could see him more often.” Divorces are caused by different reasons. The most common include adultery, constant arguing and not receiving the same satisfaction in the relationship as before. This reveals that children of divorced or separated parents should not blame themselves for the split. “I feel that it’s best in the child’s interest to get a divorce if two people don’t love each other like they used to. It creates a smaller opportunity to fight and argue over ridiculous things,” says Heather Finley. “I know if my parents didn’t love each other anymore, I honestly would want them to get divorced. It wouldn’t make things easier for me if they had to suffer and be unhappy to keep the family together. I would completely understand and make the best of it.” *Name has been changed. ANOTHER ARGUMENT Teens are affected greatly by their parents fighting in front of them. CaitlynBelcher/ TheHotwire

Teenagers struggling with body image issues In a world full of stick figures, students try to keep positive when looking in the mirror Rachel Alger Assistant Editor


e all do it, stand in front of the mirror and point out every flaw on our body. Monday we realize our nose is too big. Thursday we find our eyes are set too far apart. Saturday we notice that our tummy isn’t as flat as it could be, and we wonder, why am I not perfect? To begin with, perfect is a nasty,

horrible made up word. Find one thing you find perfect and I bet you the person next to you will find something wrong with it. Perfect is an unattainable aspect in our lives that we cannot escape. The way we look at our lives, there will always be someone prettier, skinner, better than us. It doesn’t matter who you are. In today’s society we’re forced to find our flaws because shows like Nip/Tuck and movies like The Devil Wears Prada tell us that a

size six is fat. They tell us that, to get any respect, you need to be a size two and have high cheek bones and dark hair be nearly six feet tall and have a naturally tanned body. The list goes on and on, and it gets exhausting trying to even think about all the flaws we find within ourselves and how to fix them. It’s impossible for anyone to think highly of their body, from the confused teenager suffering from anorexia to the

lady next door who’s considering liposuction to get her husband to look at her to the A-list actress that can’t find work anymore because she’s a normal size 8 to the runway model who snorts up cocaine before walking down the platform, just so she can fit into those tiny designer duds. The impact of having the perfect physic is not only exhausting, but impossible. In a world where Jessica Alba (who is about a size four) is called curvy, where do the rest of us stand? How are we to feel good about our selves when the prize will go the girl into size zero jeans? America’s ideal body image is getting out of control. I work in a store that sells evening gowns, and I was helping this girl decide on a gown. She thought she was a size two. I grabbed her a size four in this beautiful black and blue gown and had her put it on. It fit like a glove, but when she found out it was a size four, her exact words were, “Oh, a four. Now I have

to go throw up.” That’s how sick our world has gotten when a girl is willing turn to bulimia to fit in a size two, even though she looks fine as is. I can only imagine what she thought of me. I am sick of having to feel overweight when I am perfectly fine because my apparent role models are people in the media like Kate Bosworth and Nicole Ritchie, even if we realize they’re too small. I am sorry if I don’t feel bad for wanting to stay at a size seven. I am sorry if my goal in life is to stay healthy, not brittle and weak. And I am sorry if I don’t starve myself in order to be accepted. But I am not sorry that I am not perfect. I am not perfect and I will never be perfect. My flaws make me who I am—they make up who we all are. If we were all the same… what’s the point of even living. I do not want to be like everyone else, I want to be my own person, and being normal sized is part of it. FALSE MEASUREMENTS The different pressures that teens are put under during their youth force them to have unrealistic expectations for themselves and their body. As a result, teens are never satisfied with the way they look because they will always find flaws with themselves. RachelAlger/TheHotwire

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Cursive lights up the HOB stage

This band continues to tear it up onstage as they tour around the country Rachel Alger


Assistant Editor

’ve been pretty lucky with concerts. Out of the many I’ve been to, I’ve only attended one awful one, Good Charlotte. But at the time, I thought I was so punk and they were too. They had tattoos and piercings and sang about how tragic their lives were. In my eyes they could do no wrong, but I was thirteen, and didn’t know how ridiculous I looked in my black Dickies and over-sized black t-shirt, purchased from Hot Topic of course. I was so punk. Although if you were to ask me about this I would undoubtedly deny any of it. Since my days of black nail polish and punk-rawk plastered walls, I’ve thankfully grown up in more ways than one, including musically, so I can proudly say when Cursive took the House of Blues stage October 29, the entire place was in complete awe, including myself. To go back to the beginning, the Omaha, Nebraska-based indie act was formed in 1995 by Tim Kasher, Matt Maginn, Steve Pedersen (currently playing for Slowdown Virginia), and Clint Schnase. Their sound was distorted, and Kasher’s rough voice matched the pitchy sound of their upbeat tempo--needless to say, they had room to grow. They released their first album Such Blinding Stars for Starving Eyes in 1997 on Crank! records, quickly moving to Saddle Creek Records in 1998, putting out five albums, including critic’s darling The Ugly Organ (enlisting the help of cellist Gretta Cohn) and this year’s Happy Hollow, which focuses on bad politics, suburban life, and religious hypocrisy.

Leading to their first heading tour since 2003, enlisting the help of Japan’s Eastern Youth and Oregon’s, the Thermals. First to appear, was Eastern Youth, whose singer Hisashi Yoshino looked like a mix between Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo and Dave Mathews. I must say, they are the happiest looking band I’ve ever seen. Yoshino was constantly bouncing around like a giddy little school girl and singing so passionately I actually became a little worried that a vein was going to pop in his neck. Through his giddy bouncing, he managed to play some catchy riffs. I still haven’t a clue what he was saying, considering the entire set was sung in Japanese. Nonetheless, he still managed to thank us for “caring and listening” in broken English. Next up was the Thermals, who just brought pain to my ears. They were unbearably loud, and at one point I went to the bathroom to get away from the noise. But even while I was in there it sounded like I was in the speaker. Every song sounded exactly the same (bad) with a repetitive chorus that sounded like every other emo band on the face of the Earth, and singer Hutch Harris sounded like a little girl that hadn’t gone through puberty yet. Yes a little girl. The best part of their entire act was staring at a man dressed as Hulk Hogan in the front row... Well that and the end. Even after all that Thermal nonsense, it still did not break my excitement to see Cursive, even if my

ears were painfully ringing. We waited anxiously during the twenty minute set change, which seemed like it would never end, but the lights eventually dimmed and four thirty-something men clumsily walked out onto the stage and started off with a “Big Bang”...literally. After listening to two songs off Hollow, I began to wonder if we’d hear anything from The Ugly Organ, since Gretta had left the band to pursue other career choices, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a young woman sit behind a cello and start playing “The Recluse.” As you can imagine, the crowd went crazy (as did Hulk) when hearing the song, and after that, the concert was in full swing. They played songs off

of almost all their albums, from Domestica to Hollow, the high point being the finale “Some Red Handed Slight of Hand,” when the entire place was dancing and Hulk was holding up his championship belt while belting out the words at the top of his lungs. Never thought Hulk was a Cursive fan. All the excitement was too much for the band to leave on, and the chant of “encore” was said over and over, until the four men swaggered on stage once more, ready to play

“Art is Hard,” (which sadly was missing from the original act in the first place) amongst other fan favorites. We tried to get them to play another encore…didn’t work so well, but still I have to say “Cursive is so cool.”

Jewel hits the high notes with her new album Goodbye Alice in Wonderland goes back to Jewel’s roots as an artist with a story to tell her fans Sarah Reyburn Art Director


elodic vibrations flow from the strings of Jewel’s guitar. With a medley of rock and folk, Jewel pulls her fans in. Her angelic voice leads the listeners through the storm that is her life. Her music is upbeat while the lyrics reminisce about the twists and turns that she has experienced throughout her life. Jewel spent time organizing her new CD so that each song sets up the next, like a novel with a beginning, middle and an end. Her first track, “Again and Again,” talks about the constant love in her life. “You’re always on my mind, it’s like this all the time, says its ‘cause you’re mine

all mine.” Jewel saying, “Again and again and again,” is reveals how love has a lingering effect on her life. Up next is “Goodbye Alice in Wonderland,” a song about the confusion of life. “It’s four in the afternoon, I’m on a flight to LA, trying to figure out my life, and my youth getting scattered along the highway, hotel rooms and headlights, I’ve made a living with a song, guitar as my companion w a n t i n g

desperately to belong.” Here she says goodbye to her adolescence

and hello to her adult life. She’s letting go of her past baggage by singing about the road she has taken. “Words Get in the Way,” is a strong song about actions speaking louder than words, and how feelings are intensified for those in love. “I’ll try to find the words to say, that I want you always to stay to wake up with every single day, but words get in the way… you make me want to break out in song, but it comes out wrong.” The strumming

fades out, and her voice of longing dissipates with her last song “1,000 Miles Away.” On this CD Jewel relates to most of us, saying, “Life is a series of strange and mysterious things.” If you’re a Jewel fan or not, this CD is for you because it sings of both the struggles and the glory in life, and no matter what genre you listen to, you can identify with life! Rating: B

MUSIC TO YOUR EARS Jewel has always released songs that seem like they truly come from her heart. This album is no exception. The cover of her album even shows her soul. SarahReyburn/ TheHotwire



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MySpace: still an addicting trend Parents warn/worry about sex offenders and other online predators Gurtarpreet Kaur Staff reporter


lison Gorden updates her Myspace every few hours. She has around 300 friends. The freshman admits to being addicted to Myspace. “I like it when I get all the friend request messages, blogs, profile comments and other comments,” said Gorden. While some teens might be addicted to shopping or video games, many are obsessed with Myspace, one of the most popular websites today. The site acts as both a creative outlet and a social meeting place. Users build their own cool layouts, add pictures and music, and save friends’ comments and messages. It has taken the place of email and instant messaging for most users. Friends talk online, single people meet and friends connect or make new friends through other friends. Some even use it to find study partners or even longlost friends Teens often log on to the site multiple times a day. Micheal Balaun has customized his

space with the song “S.O.S” by Rhianna, which plays in the background as one surfs his site. His black background contrasts nicely with a picture of a Lamborghini. Rita Vinci agrees that the

site makes communicating more personal. “You can get pictures, videos, music, etc.,” says Vinci. Shayne Sommers said that she uses Myspace because “not everyone has an email, or my specific address.” She also says

that leaving comments is simply “more fun.” While Myspace is fun for teens, it concerns many parents because it allows anyone to interact with their kids, and they worry about predators learning too much about their unsuspecting kids, especially younger girls who give out personal information to unknown men. For example, a 22year-old molested an eleven-year-old girl while the girl’s parents were asleep upstairs after meeting her on Myspace. In another case, a 39year-old molested a 14-year-old girl in his car. The girl said she was 18 on Myspace but told her Myspace “friend” that she was 14 before the visit. Both men are facing federal charges. Myspace users are encouraged to be careful about who they allow to view

their site and to suspect anyone who wants to meet them alone. If they think they’ve met a legitimate friend who wants to meet in person, they should have an adult present to stay safe. Locally, some FHS students have received weird comments. “It’s very scary,” Skyler Apgar said. “It makes me cautious. You never know when [someone will] come after you, so to secure yourself, you can set your Myspace to private.” Many are starting to be more cautious and add only friends they actually know. Vita and Gorden put very little information on Myspace to avoid becoming a victim of a stalker or sex offender. The key is to use common sense and caution. Don’t meet up with strangers, and don’t give out information like your phone or address. MYSPACE MANIACS Teens have become addicted to the ne MySpace trend. Whether it is chatting with their friends or perfecting their page layout, kids can spend up to four hours or more on their MySpace page. GurtarpreetKaur/ TheHotwire

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Christmas becomes too comercial With all the hype that surrounds the holidays, it becomes less special Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


is’ the season for juicy turkeys, homemade pies, festive decorations and the uniting of families. It’s time to pop the corn, light the fire and watch a Disney classic. Amongst all of the Hanukkah bushes, Christmas trees, and Kwanzaa kinaras, something isn’t right. For some reason this season has lost its warmth. Could it be (a) the Christmas movies before Halloween? Could it be (b) the holiday commercials before Thanksgiving? Could it be (c) the diversity in the store aisles, decked out in Christmas and other holiday assortments during Halloween and before Thanksgiving? Or is it (d) all of the above. Drum roll please, the answer is D! Walking through the stores, I saw holiday decorations, Christmas CDs from various artists and a mixed bag of miscellaneous winter items. Correct me if I’m wrong, but am I expected to be anticipating good ole’ St. Nick’s arrival when Thanksgiving hasn’t even come yet? The holidays aren’t the same anymore. I remember counting

down the days until the 25th of December, baking cookies, buying presents, wrapping presents and guessing what everyone could’ve possibly bought me. Now, I still do exactly the same thing except with a great impatience because I’ve been waiting since October, when they started advertising the jolly holiday. The Macy’s day parade marks Thanksgiving, and Santa’s workshop in the mall marks the beginning of December and the anticipation of all the remaining winter holidays. But with the early presentation of the holiday season, with Christmas ads in October and CocaCola’s holiday commercial in November, people have gotten confused and don’t know whether to cut the tree or trim the turkey. I am well aware of our one-minute mentality of wanting everything now. But does that mean we have to sacrifice the most anticipated three months of the winter season? No, it doesn’t. We shouldn’t have Christmas in July, Halloween on Easter, or any other variation one

could think of. This is the time to relax, smile more than usual and feel the love that surrounds us. You can fast forward through life, but you can never pause and rewind. So why not slow down and savor the moment? The winter season is the time where we’re allowed to

snuggle on the couch with a good book or invite the family over and ignore their faults while having a good time. Tis’ the season for miracles, good cheer and that fuzzy feeling you miss throughout the year. So this holiday season, breathe, relax and enjoy the sleigh ride.

MARKETABLE HOLIDAY Families have lost the true meaning of Christmas amidst all the presents, decorations, and shopping. People should relax a little and enjoy the holidays without the stress it brings. SarahReyburn/TheHotwire

Texting now the biggest distraction in school

As cell phones become more of an accessory, students find them more important than class


Gurtarpreet Kaur Staff reporter

ndrea Bhim’s backpack begins to vibrate in the middle of the period, emitting a soft buzz barely audible to anyone. Hiding from the teacher’s eyes, Bhim reaches for her back pack, and in one swift motion, grabs her cell phone to read a text message from a friend. “I’m bored..Wut u doin after skool?” reads the message. Cell phones are like a teenager’s lifeline, and without them, they feel like they may miss something important. Many have become addicted to texting their friends wherever, and whenever, no matter what they are doing. If they have a question, or if they want to gossip, they just whip out their cell and type a quick, slangfilled text and hit the send button. Mostly, students prefer to use texting instead of talking on the phone. On average, Beth Pastian uses 100 texts a day. “I text when I don’t have much to say or if a lot of people are

around,” said Pastian. Students are permitted to use their cell phones before or after school and lunch. Cell phones have become a fashion accessory now, coming in different shapes, sizes, colors, etc. and each user can change their phone’s face plate to match their outfit, purse, jacket etc. Teens

also accessorize their ringtones to fit their personality. “My phone got turned off for a week and I about cried,” said Melissa Ogden, who uses her phone primarily to keep up with friends but also likes to Blue Tooth music. Her ringtones have a monthly theme. “This month I have “Smack That” and “Baby Got Back,” so it’s kind

of a booty theme,” Ogden said. Some students are not happy that they can’t use cell phones during classes. Leonard Staci said, “What if I need to call my mom, and it’s not an emergency, but still it’s urgent. It’ll be better if I was able to use my cell phone instead of using the office phone.” In addition to conversation

and text messages, phones are becoming a teens entertainment hub. Newer phones can download and play music, access the full internet and can send email and even pictures or videos. According to a study from NOP World Tech., 56% of teenagers between ages 13 and 17 own a cell phone. Students use a variety of phones to keep in contact with their friends. Pastian, who has a Go phone, said, “I don’t know how much I pay for my phone. My mom pays for it. I wish I had a SLVR phone because it’s cool, and you can download more than 100 songs. It works as an iPod and cell.” Staci Leonard has a Samsung T629 cell phone with T-Mobile. “I got this phone because it has a camera in it, and I love taking pictures.”

CELLULAR CLASS Students have gotten in the habit of texting during class, and it is taking their focus away from what the teachers are teaching. The school instituted stricter rules to take care of this ongoing problem. GurtarpreetKaur/TheHotwire


Sugarcult hits a low with CD Macho lyrics turn away former female cult fans Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


ugarcult makes a statement with their new CD Lights Out. The CD says “We used to be good,” and now we’re conforming, just like everyone else. They got noticed with their song “Memory,” and now listeners wish that their current single, “Do It Alone,” would become a faded

memory. With a new sound and inventive lyrics they make a much anticipated comeback. With a catchy hook and interesting guitar rifts, it’s obvious why “Do It Alone” is a success, and it’s also obvious why so many people don’t like it. “We can dance in your bedroom with no romance, I got time to waste if you would be my new escape… its gotta be fate ...” The explicit lyrics are demeaning to the former legions of female fans. They are turned away by its blatant, chauvinist-pig attitude, as they should be. How many guys would want to hear lyrics that suggest they are only good for a quick hook up and then cast out like yesterday’s garbage? Another song, “Los Angeles,” is about wanting “a girl who won’t talk back, a job that gives me clack, a car that won’t break down.” Basically, the song is a satire on materialistic Americans. This song may as well be an instrumental because the only good thing about it is the music. If you long for Sugarcult’s poppy edge, buy a different CD because this one is straight emo. It’s funny how the CD is called Lights Out because, after hearing this album, it’s obvious that their success is dimming and that every concert hall will be pitch black and devoid of any fans. Rating: D


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Borat stirs up controversy

The comedy creates laughs as well as racism and sexism Rachel Alger Assistant Editors


t’s a surprise to me that Sacha Baron Cohen has never been punched in the face. This is a man who, on his HBO television show, “Da Ali G Show,” has gone to great lengths to bring a laugh through an insult. He has dressed up as British rapper Ali G and insulted many important political figures and celebrities with awful questions like, “What is it like to walk on the sun?” He’s impersonated gay Austrian fashion critic Bruno, who pushes the boundaries of personal space to new limits and brought to life Borat, a racist, sexist, Kazak journalist who willingly belts out, “Throw the jew down the well so my country can be free,” at the local rodeo…and had the entire audience singing along with him-- and that’s just the T.V. show. In his new moc-umentery, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan--yes that’s the actual title-Cohen (who will only give interviews as Borat) pushes the limits again and gets sued in the process. He begins his journey in his little village in Kazakhstan and travels to New

York to create a film that will bring money and education to his village. But along the way, he gets distracted after seeing an episode of Baywatch in the hotel room and decides his new goal is not only to make money for his village, but to find and marry Pamela Anderson. So he travels to California in an ice cream truck with a bear for protection, and his chubby producer. Along his hilarious cross country road trip, he manages to call a feminist lady an old man, have an Alabaman say he’s okay with lynching homosexuals, asks a woman having a yard sale if she’s a gypsy, and gets picked up by some frat boys (who are suing him for making them look like sexists, even though they seemed too drunk to remember), and has a naked fight with his producer over Pamela Anderson. Being a long time Ali G fan, I assumed the film would make

me giggle, but I didn’t realize that I would be nearly on the floor in tears from my laughter. Cohen is a genius of a different kind, and he’s figured out a way to bring out the stupidity in all of us. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a U.S. senator or a drunken frat boy. He will use you to make the rest of the country laugh. It goes without saying the movie has an “R” rating, mostly for language, and well, he’s a racist and a sexist and has no problem asking the question, “What is the best gun to shoot a Jew,” (Cohen is

actually Jewish) and get a straight answer back. And then there was that whole naked fight scene… Although the movie is one of the funniest ever made, it goes deeper than your average grossout comedy. Cohen reveals the underlying prejudices in seemingly normal people. The movie is largely unscripted, much like his television show, and when he interviews these “normal” people, it’s surprising to see how racist and sexist people truly are. They think they can get away with saying nasty remarks because he’s foreign and thinks the same way as they do, but really they’re being made a fool of on a national scale. Maybe that’s why he’s being sued. Sometimes the truth hurts, and like all comedians who share the truth, criticism is hard to accept, especially when what’s being criticized is supposedly not accepted by mainstream society. Many may ask themselves: why is this funny? While things like racism, anti-semitisim and sexism are NOT funny, we laugh at those whose prejudices have been publicly exposed by Borat because we feel like they got what they deserved: humiliation.

Stranger than your average comedy

Will Ferrell steps out of his normal role and into one of the regular guys


Amber Briscoe Copy Editor

he New York Times calls it “Artful Confection,” Tom DiChiara from MovieFone refers to it as an “Editors Pick.” “Strangely addicting,” says another internet reference. I call it the “Get-a-life movie.” This film, while starting out a little doubtful, miraculously turns into a heart-warming movie about truly trying to find yourself and accomplish the things that will truly make you happy in life (like playing the guitar). While the idea seems corny to most, it was worth watching Will Ferrell’s wonderful performance and hearing the writer’s comical script. Harold Crick (Will Ferrell) is a man of simple ways. With no real life besides working as an IRS agent and paying alarmingly close attention to his wrist watch, his life revolves around counting things. He counts brush strokes while brushing his teeth, stairs as he climbs

them, how many seconds it takes to tie his tie. He is outstanding at math. He sees nothing wrong with his lifestyle until, one morning, an author’s voice enters his mind and seems to narrate everything he does. Between considering himself crazy and trying to stop the voice, he hears news of his “imminent death.” Harold attempts to find his author with

the help of a literature teacher (Dustin Hoffman) who, with his wonderful expertise in writing, leads Crick to Kay Eiffel. Kay Eiffel, (Emma Thompson) is a struggling author who continuously tries to finish her book. However, she runs into one simple problem that delays the finished product. She isn’t sure how to kill Harold Crick. Not

knowing that Eiffel’s fictional character is really alive, Crick must find his author before she finishes her book. As he eagerly tries to change his ending, Crick undergoes a series of comical events that include things such as finding the beautiful Ana Pascal, (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) a bakery owner who refuses to pay her taxes. He also finds himself becoming more outgoing, and interacting with people. He learns to let go of his silly habits like counting things and paying so much attention to his wrist watch. Crick decides to take up one of his most wanted dreams to play the guitar and finds that he indeed wants a relationship with the interesting Maggie. While having some romantic tension, this movie has no nudity and is a great family movie. It inspires not only the lonely to find themselves or look for their significant other but also inspires more people to accomplish what they want to do in life because you never know when it’s going to end.


Single sex classrooms are the new education fad. Is the new trend effective? Or are the studies too inconclusive?


“Oh! I know! The first President of the United states was George Washington,” said Maria Dillard. “The capital of Japan is Tokyo,” shouted Linda Rowland. “I’m pretty sure that Christopher Columbus founded America, in 1492,” claimed Jessica McDonald. Any observer would be concerned that only girls were answering questions. But this is a typical day at Cheyenne High School in their all girls’ government class. They separate all their major classes in order to raise their test scores. It seems as though the last forty years have been

a constant struggle for women to gain the same rights that men receive. All they’ve asked for is to get the same opportunities. Now, a new fad has taken over some schools in the U.S., and it will either increase the gender gap once again or will enable both sexes to succeed even more. Singlesex classrooms have become a trend around the nation, with over 250 single-sex option schools now open. Although more are founded each year, it seems that there is still a lot of hesitation from some as to whether or not the research done on single-sex classes really improves education. Some feel as though this newly-formed plan tampers with the work the women have done to get the equality they deserve. As more women rise into positions of power and responsibility, people worry that separating classes into all girls and all boys will weaken the progress women have made in the past few centuries. “I don’t really understand why they would want

girls to be separate from boys,” said Kristin Little. “I mean, are they saying one sex can’t keep up with the other? I don’t think how you learn has to do with gender.” However, many believe that a positive aspect of separate classes is fewer distractions. Instead of girls worrying about their boyfriends or boys trying to flirt, they stay focused on their schoolwork and save the other things for after the bell rings. “I definitely get distracted with boys in the classroom,” said Tesha Kivi. “They goof around so much that I can’t concentrate.” Studies have shown that teachers tend to call on boys more because they seem more eager to answer questions when the class is co-ed. As a result, girls become less likely to raise their hands and they just become remote and isolated in class. Girl’s normal, everyday insecurities prohibit them from participating when boys are a diversion. At the same time, does this separation prevent boys and girls from forming mutual relationships

er Gap

that are necessary later in life in the workplace? If the two sexes are separated in high school, it will make them act differently toward each other in future circumstances, such as college and work. Important social skills that they would have learned in high school will be lagging. Those who are against the separation think that there are serious problems like school violence, drop-out rates, dropping test scores and the low percentage of high school students going to college that need to be fixed first. “I don’t want classes to be separate because I have friends who are girls, and I think all boys in one classroom will be out of control,” said Thomas Burns. “There will be a lot of goofing off because no girls will be sitting inbetween us to separate me and my buddies.” When research was attempted in California to look more closely at same-sex classrooms, it seemed to have failed. However, when George Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, it included funding for

same-sex classrooms and schools. Cheyenne High School has already been using same-sex classrooms for four years. For freshman and sophomores in English, science and math. Electives are still co-ed. Their principal claimed that test stores have gone up significantly once they started this program. Researchers believe girls will form a sense of leadership after seeing their fellow classmates speaking up and showing confidence. But once again, how will they react when thrown into an environment with men? Not enough research has been done to show that they can adapt as they need to in these types of situations. Girls and boys in separate classes will still have the same curriculum. The only difference is how it will be taught. For instance, in math, girls tend to take the math problem and figure out how it relates to the real world before they solve it. Boys, on the other hand, will take the numbers and stick with the numbers. Boys also respond more when teachers

by Emma DeWees

speak loudly when they are teaching, while girls pay closer attention when the teacher speaks with a softer tone. So, which way is more productive? Unfortunately, the research is so unclear that it is hard to determine if separating boys and girls is really going to make a significant difference. Meanwhile, at Cheyenne High School, boys file into the same government classroom that girls were just previously in. Eager to answer questions, and unconcerned with “embarrassing” themselves in front of girls, the boys raise their hand for every question the teacher asks. SEPARATION ANXIETY It is unclear whether or not the separation of genders has a significant effect on the way students perform in the classroom. One may wonder if there are alternative actions that could be taken to lessen these so called “distractions” that boys and girls bring to the table. Will classrooms be girls on one side, boys on the other? Will they have to wear masks to hide their identity? Only time will tell how far they push this study. LexieStone/TheHotwire


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HillsideHotwire. Page 13

Pro/con: an overzealous Christmas Fun and family time or a prolonged visit from inebriated relatives? Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor



hristmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ. It’s about tossing spare change into donation bins outside Albertsons so the needy can experience Christmas also. It’s about those family outings to find the perfect tree or decorating the living room to get in the holiday spirit. It’s also about gathering around the table with your entire family to feast upon the one dinner everyone can catch up on things they missed throughout the rest of the year and spending time with Grandma in the kitchen baking those infamous sugar cookies. It’s about that special feeling that only comes once a year. Yes, Christmas really is about spending time with your family and the ones you love most. So then why has society changed it to become all about profit and presents? Within the last decade, Christmas has become more commercial-based than family-oriented. It’s all about buying your son a brand new BMX dirt bike or purchasing your wife a Rolex Pearlmaster watch. What happened to the feelings behind the expensive gifts? What about the saying, “It’s the thought that counts”? People constantly remind me that money can’t buy happiness, but they turn into hypocrites when they don’t follow their own advice. Last year I hit up all the after-

Christmas sales at the mall. While standing in line to pay, I saw a lady trying to exchange a ring her husband gave her because it didn’t have enough diamonds while at the same time yelling at her son because he complained he didn’t get the right colored Gameboy he wanted. It’s understood that parents try to raise their children better than they were raised, but we all know actions speak louder than words. I felt overwhelmed with doom knowing that this child, our future generation, will become more materialistic

t’s the normal holiday scene—family sitting in the living room in front of the elegantly-lit Christmas tree right after the usual Christmas eve meal of turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Johnny anxiously awaits the arrival of Santa while mommy and daddy fight over why he invited Uncle

family couch and Mommy storms out of the house and drives to her mother’s leaving the kids tucked safely in bed while thoughts of sugarplums dance in their heads. Ahh, the holidays. Nothing like overeating, getting presents we really don’t deserve or need, or seeing family that we try to avoid any other time of the year. Christmas is made out to be the most wonderful time of the year. We listen to plenty of songs and movies that tell us so, but we also have that voice in the back of our minds telling us that Aunt

during future holidays instead of realizing what Christmas is originally supposed to mean. Children should grow up learning the presence of family love is more important than receiving presents.

Joe to dinner. Mommy says he’s a stupid drunk that always steals money from her purse every time he comes over. Daddy says that Mommy’s a liar and that Uncle Joe doesn’t have a drinking issue, while Uncle Joe passes out on the

Sherry will be here tomorrow and all of our dirty laundry will be announced over eggnog and gingerbread cookies so everyone and their mother knows Aunt Jill’s daughter had a DUI six months ago. We will hear whiny babies cry for

Rachel Alger Assistant Editor



hours on end, children pestering their parents about when Santa will come, teenagers complaining about what they didn’t get, parents sloshing a few back just to make it through the night, and extended family complain about how they could have made the dinner taste better. There’s a reason depression rates skyrocket during this time of year. Although it is an urban myth that more suicides happen during the winter holiday season than any other time, it is a fact that depression rates go up. According to, depression hotline usage increases by a significant margin every year between November and January, and in a recent survey by, 45% of respondents said they genuinely “dread” the holiday season. Not only do depression rates increase, but these elevated holidays are stressful. Mothers and grandmothers get stuck creating a meal that takes six hours to complete and only half the people there even seem grateful for it. People run around trying to find Tickle Me Elmo or a Cabbage Patch doll for their bratty ungrateful child and get trampled in the process…and they usually don’t even get it…and then their kids cry and whine and make their poor trampled parents feel like they didn’t even try. In-laws come down and critique Mother and Father’s every move until they’re at their breaking point, and the only thing they can think of is getting these crazy people out of their house. The truth is, there’s a reason Aunt Sue lives in Florida and there’s a reason why we only see her once a year…because that’s all we can handle before we shove her in the trunk of our car and drive off a cliff.

Fast internet connections belong to only the rich? Should wealthy internet subscribers get a faster internet connection than middle class users? Brendt Hulsey Staff reporter


ou want more songs on your iPod. For hours, you try to log on to your iTunes account but realize that its service is way too slow or just impossible to connect to. Eventually you’ll be forced to use a more expensive music service or coerced into abandoning all online music services. This is a prime example of how the policy of net neutrality affects both America’s free market and an individual’s everyday life. We all use the Internet for research, communication, or entertainment. Network neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be in control of what content they view and

what applications they use on the Internet. Companies who provide Internet currently give equal service to the customers who provide the content. In the future, Internet service providers would be allowed to favor certain companies who pay better by connecting them more quickly with their customers. For example, if net neutrality were abandoned, then Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation would be able to pay more money to service providers like Comcast or AT&T, and receive faster connections. Companies or individuals who paid less would have slower connections, or no connection at all. Essentially, net neutrality protects small businesses and any one company from gaining a monopoly. This concept is not new by any means.

In 1860, a similar policy was adopted for equal routing of the telegram. In March 2006, the House of Representatives passed the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act which addressed the issue of telecommunications but failed to address network neutrality. The issue was then moved to the Senate Commerce Committee who defeated an amendment to the telecommunications bill which included language that would protect net neutrality. In the past, the Internet was driven almost solely by motivation, so websites failed or succeeded on their own merit. Now, there is a great possibility that these decisions will no longer lie in the hands of users, but in the

hands of corporate executives, and websites will begin to resemble television. How does this affect you? Using this tactic, your Internet provider could steer you into a more expensive music service, and quite possibly a service owned by the Internet provider. Small businesses, non-profit organizations, online stores, independent news and media websites and bloggers will face this same threat. Unless citizens begin to speak now and try to defend this seemingly small policy, our elected officials will eventually acquiesce to a multimillion dollar lobbying campaign. If we allow this to happen, then free speech and democratic ideals will hang in the balance. Thus far, Senator John Ensign

is the only Nevada senator who is against net neutrality. If you object to his stance and would like to tell him, call his office at 702-388-6605. BAD CONNECTION What would you do if the computer denied you quick access online? RachelAlger/TheHotwire

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Drugs hit a high with all teenagers These fatal substances are becoming more prevalent in today’s society Amber Briscoe Copy Editor


aving a great time is making it memorable. I believe that is a great saying because it is completely true. However, it is hard for me to understand how some teenager’s idea of “having a great time” is getting drunk, high or having some other feeling overcome them. Things can’t be memorable when you can’t remember anything at all. I am writing this column because I think this is a topic that needs to be brought up, and while I know most (if not all) will turn the other cheek and not even give this article a second thought, I would like to have my feelings heard for the few that truly care. So many people around me are making their life so much more difficult by doing drugs or dealing with their friends who do drugs, and I have to watch them suffer for your actions. You know who you are. On November 1, I heard of two overdoses. On November 2, someone in a coma died because of an OD. Every weekend I hear of another “almost” story. One of these days someone’s not going to “almost” die, they will die over something that could have been prevented. Some who are reading this might think that I’m no fun or that I must be a member of a conservative religion because I don’t do drugs, which are both untrue. I, of all people, should know about drugs and their effects. If any of you knew me back in the seventh grade and my “incident” in eighth grade you know that I am NOT religious and have had my fair share of experiences. I do understand how much fun drugs can SEEM to bring into a person’s life, and how much pain people think it relieves. However,

I know that drugs make people lose contact with themselves and the things they really want in life. And as for fun, if someone has to do drugs to have fun, then they need to get a hobby. I have seen so many people around me die

methamphetamine. He got into it and turned his back on everything he ever loved, including his wife. He cheated on her while they were trying for a child, spent all their money, which was really her money, and left without a single

and most drugs (that are legal) are distributed by a pharmacist or doctor for a specific use. Another definition for a drug is a chemical substance prepared and sold as pharmaceutical items, either by prescription or over the counter. The key word there is chemical,

DRUG WAR It seems that everywhere you look these days, teens are either using or talking about using drugs. It remains a nation-wide issue. AmberBriscoe/ TheHotwire

because they get so lost and caught up in their own little world. Most of them have not died in a literal sense, but they have made their life revolve around drugs and lost everything that ever made their life worth living. So yes, they might as well be dead. Take this example for instance. This caring, athletic, adventurous man in his late 30s had just married a beautiful, in shape, loving, smart woman who happens to be a lawyer (so you know she makes bank), and he loved her with all his heart. He still does. The man had never really gotten into drugs but recently found some new friends who introduced him to one of the ugliest drugs of all,

goodbye to anyone. This drug, while only being used by one person, devastated everyone. As you can see, it was a very selfish act and can obviously happen to anyone. Even a grown man. Many are probably thinking, “I don’t do hardcore drugs like that,” or “I don’t do drugs, I just drink.” That last phrase is probably one of the most common and most idiotic things I’ve heard. Alcohol is a drug. The definition of a drug is a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being. This definition implies that drugs are used for sick, recovering patients

which means if you do not need the drug, it can seriously mess up your insides. Although alcohol consumption in large amounts can be bad for you, it is one of the safest drugs because people know what’s in it, and if you’re going to die because of it, at least you’ll die slowly. The main difference between alcohol and other drugs such as meth, weed and cocaine is that weed can be laced with other substances, and when people buy cocaine, only a portion of it is real cocaine. The rest is composed of adulterants which include caffeine, chalk, laundry detergent, rat poison, meat tenderizer, baby laxatives, and talcum or baby powder. People also hear about

this with cigarettes. So what is in a cigarette? Well there is carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous gas found in car exhaust and that is present in all cigarette smoke.  It binds to a human hemoglobin (red blood cells) much better than oxygen, thus allowing the blood to carry less oxygen. Heavy smokers may have the oxygen carrying power of their blood cut by as much as 15 percent, which is why they make terrible athletes. Cigarettes also contain tar, which can turn your fingers, nails and teeth a yellowish brown color. There is also nicotine, which makes the cigarette addictive. This addiction is similar to drugs such as cocaine and heroin. The amazing thing about it is it only takes about 60mg of pure nicotine placed on a persons tongue to kill them in minutes. Other ingredients include acetone, found in nail polish remover, ammonia in household cleaners, arsenic found in rat poison, butane which is gas, cyanide which is a deadly poison, DDT a banned insecticide, and formaldehyde, which is used to preserve dead specimens. What is even sadder is that I have only named ten out of more than 4,000 other ingredients found in cigarettes. I hope that this article can be used for information and inspiration in not only helping yourself to realize that what you’re doing might be bad for you but also, if you have someone you love whose life is going down the tubes, then help them. I have so many people I want to help, but it kills me because half of them are so far in that I can’t help them anymore. As for the people that are not, don’t let them get to that point. Talk to them. Love them, and let them know that you’re their for them know matter what.

Parents take their expectations to the extreme

Most teenagers are pushed too hard in order to live up to their parents’ unrealistic standards Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


ooking out at the rowdy crowd, you smile and move your tassel to the right. You’ve graduated high school. What’s next: a doctorate, a masters, a bachelors, an associates or a first professional degree? Head swimming yet? Of course it is. Half of the graduating class doesn’t know what those are, or even care, so how do adults expect us to obtain a degree we barely understand and most likely don’t want? Simply put, they shouldn’t. As a senior, you feel bogged down, stressed out, confused and stretched in twenty different directions. It’s not fair for parents

to pressure us to get a high degree when we haven’t even started our freshman year of college. Degrees don’t guarantee us a secure future. I’m not saying to give up and not try to reach your goals. I’m saying that it’s your life, and you should decide where you want to go. I also understand that some people don’t have that choice. But it’s better to speak out than to leave it alone because it’s your happiness at stake. The bottom line is that with all of this extra pressure to succeed, it’s no wonder so many kids drop out or nix college altogether. Parents were teenagers once. They should understand. I’m sure they do. It’s just that they also want a better life for us than they had. But, please loosen up a little or we’ll

crash and burn! My mom jokes with me about getting a Ph.D, but I know she’s serious, and a Ph.D is great, but it’s not where my head is at the present time. At least wait and see how well we all do in college, and after experiencing it for awhile, let’s have that discussion. But let us graduate high school before you start framing awards, collecting report cards and ribbons, laminating senior pictures and making our shrines. With all of the pressures of SATs, ACTs, and making sure you’ve passed profiencies, it’s hard to comprehend where the future is. Note to parents: give us time to clear our

heads before your start pouring in more information! Yes, we’re young adults, but the key word is “young!” Let us enjoy our youth.

OVER THE SHOULDER Parents overexert their kids by making them juggle too many activites.



HillsideHotwire. Page 15

Standardized tests are too stressful

With late night studying and prepartation, kids are pushed to the limit Cat Burns Assisstant Editor


s Julie Welden picks her head up off her “SAT’s for Dummies” guide, she takes a quick glance at the clock on her wall and realizes its 11:30; she has been asleep for more than

two hours. With her busy daily schedule and strict regimen of classes, she has had next to no time to study for the biggest exam of her life, which will be one of the determining factors of whether or not she will get into Stanford--her first choice. She quickly realizes that her test is in less than eight

hours, and she isn’t even close to being prepared. The SAT Reasoning Test, formally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test, is a type of standardized test frequently used by colleges and universities to aid in the selection of incoming

students. The ACT is considered just as valid in assessing academic performance at some colleges. You should always check which one your college prefers, because some colleges are very picky when it comes to which test they would rather see on your application to their school. Or you should just take the safe road and take both. Although college entrance exams are not state-mandated, many feel they have the same shortcomings that high school tests have. They are expensive, irrelevant and draining. “I took the SAT right before by junior year,” says James Silvas. “I had to be at the site early, and I didn’t even feel prepared for the test in any way.” Many study guides are offered, but they too are expensive. The Princeton Review offers tutoring programs ranging from $1100-$3000 for a six-week session. In addition, numerous “boutique” tutoring companies offer one-on-one tutoring services, ranging from around $250 to over $700 per hour, depending upon the experience level of the individual tutor. “My parents bought me an online tutoring class for $70.00,” said Jonathan Hedger “and it was really hard for me to stay committed to two hours a day on the computer studying

for the test.” For many students, the minute they put the tip of their pencil down on that white sheet of paper to write that 25-minute essay, they come to the shocking realization that they have no idea how they are going to get an 1800 on one of the biggest tests of their lives. “The essay was possibly the most difficult part of the entire test,” says Bailey Godfrey. “I didn’t even know there was an essay on the test. It blew me away right when they told me to get out a sheet of lined paper.” As morning alarms ring all over the U.S., students drag themselves out of bed and up in front of the mirror. For thousands, their test is today, and staying up until 1:00 a.m. studying feels like it didn’t even help. Their study guides are covered in drool, and the promised 1600 seems like one of their dreams. Welden hurriedly grabs a bagel, gets into her car, and takes a second to pray that she can stay awake during the test that will determine her future.

SAT STRESS These standardized tests play a huge role in getting into a dream college. As a result, students take their studies to the extreme to get a high score. CatBurns/TheHotwire

Newspapers are not becoming obsolete just yet

With the numbers of people reading the paper dropping, its hard to say how long they’ll last Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


ighty years ago in the 20s, you could walk down the street and hear, “Extra, extra, read all about it!” Fifty years ago in the 50s, your typical middle class family would sit around the table with the dad at the head and watch as he carefully read the newspaper page by page. Thirty years ago in the 70s, that newspaper turned into a news magazine. Twenty years ago in the 80s, that news magazine turned into a television program. Now, one can find the majority of news via internet. Have newspapers become obsolete? According to Jessica Ramirez of Newsweek magazine, “The newspaper industry reported that the average daily circulation of 770 newspapers across the country fell 2.8 percent…one of the steepest drops in the last 15 years. Almost every major newspaper in the country lost readers, among them the Los Angeles Times, which reported an eight percent drop in weekday circulation.” Is print journalism at the beginning of the end? Is the internet taking over? “We are

the cell phone generation,” said sophomore Aarin Kevorkian. “It has become a convenience over tradition mentality. When you need a specific story, it is more convenient to use the internet. The internet can provide one with more sources than a traditional newspaper.” In the next ten years, are high school and college journalism programs going to be geared toward internet and broadcast, instead of print? “I think they already are headed in the broadcast direction,” said senior Johnny Amiri. “A lot of colleges are gearing more toward broadcast journalism because it’s more accessible and popular. There is more money in broadcast. The majority of newspaper profits are from ad sales. Broadcast is simpler, convenient and presently, it’s where the money is.” According to chief of marketing officer at the Newspaper Association of America, John Kimball, “There’s this perception that the industry is losing money. Believe me, we are not losing money.” JP Morgan’s Fred Searby disagrees. “Many newspapers are cash cows, but they are deteriorating cash cows. The industry is in slow-train-wreck mode.”

“There is no way that the public could ever prefer internet journalism to print because there is too much political bias,” said senior Misty Knight. “The news checks the government, and without an established paper, you won’t have that check. Instead, people will take the seven-second sound bite on TV or a headline online as fact, and that’s not right.” According to Jessica Ramirez, “There’s no telling when online will be able to turn the same kind of profits that print does. For now, it’s not enough to replace it.” The invention of the continuouspublished newspaper was in 1704 in Boston, and the newspaper has been thrown on porches ever since. Rest assured the newspaper isn’t going anywhere, at least not right now. SCREEN NEWS With the internet at its peak, users turn to the computer to look for world-wide and local news. Because of this, there is a significant drop in the percentage who are buying the newspaper. “The only time I get a paper is when I have current events,” said Ryan Saunders. EmmaDeWees/ TheHotwire

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HillsideHotwire. Page 17

“Merry Christmas” to be banned

Because of religion, some major stores are switching to “happy holidays” Cait Belcher Copy Editor


erry Christmas to the Christians, Happy Hanukkah to the Jewish, Seasons Greetings to

the United Kingdom, and Happy Holidays to everyone else. It’s a handful repeating all five phrases, and the funny thing is, they all mean the same thing. So why is there this incredibly intense pressure to always be politically correct and to watch

every comment around the holidays? There is no religious label stamped across your forehead, so there should be no reason to get so offended when someone wishes you a ‘Merry Christmas” when you’d prefer “Happy Hanukkah.” Society has

“HAPPY...UHHH...” With all the controversies concerning religion around this time, people have to stick with neutral advertisments and greetings. CaitlynBelcher/TheHotwire

become paranoid about offending anyone, so businesses and industries have removed religious comments from cards, greetings, signs and window decorations just to be safe. Christmas of 2005 has now been noted as the beginning of the greeting wars between Christians and American retailers. Department store Target (which is British owned), asked their employees to stop wishing customers “Merry Christmas” and start wishing them “Happy Holidays.” Some have boycotted Target due their decision to the ban on Christmas sentiment in retailing industries. They deny banning Christmas and claims they’re just trying to serve a diverse range of people. In the meantime, Walmart has been asked by Christian groups to stop using ‘Happy Holidays’ in their ads and return to using “Merry Christmas,” but as a new company policy, employees have been asked to greet people based on what religion or ethnicity they think the customer is. “Christmas” gets removed from greetings to not offend the Jewish or some African-Americans, to become politically correct, and to

save one from being sued, but at the same time they’re offending the Christians by refusing to acknowledge their holiday. “It doesn’t bother me if people don’t say ‘Merry Christmas’ to me if they’re not Christian because I respect other religions,” says sophomore Erin Sinanian. “But if they are Christian and still refuse to say it to me, that’s when I find it offensive. That’s also when they start denying God and putting my religion down.” It’s almost impossible to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” with a hostile intent. And yet, that’s what it’s coming down to. “Happy Holidays” was originally used to say “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,” but now it’s replacing “Merry Christmas” entirely, creating the hostile feud between religions. No matter what, there’s always going to be someone upset about the replacement of a season’s greeting. “I could care less what people say to me during holidays. Just wish someone whatever you would want to be wished,” says one junior. “If it’s not the holiday you believe in, so be it. Nod, smile, and say ‘Thanks. you too.’”

How did you celebrate the year-end holidays?

Everyone has their own tradition each year to celebrate holidays over the two week break

HillsideHotwire. Page 18



Boy’s basketball tips off the season This year’s team hopes to live up to the high standards set last year Cat Burns Assistant Editor


go undefeated,” says Green, “but we will need the support from the school and parents.” >>NICE TRY! Ben Green takes the ball away from the opposing team. ChristinaAtha/ Peregrine

FAKE OUT Earl Jones takes the ball down the court with ease. ChristinaAtha/Peregrine


railing the opposing team by one point, Rocky DiAntonio quickly grabs the ball after it’s forcefully thrown in his direction and sprints down the center of the court toward the basket. Thirty seconds are left on the clock as DiAntonio goes for an easy lay-up. He neatly throws up the leather ball as he passes the basket. The ball swishes, and the crowd jumps up in an uproar as Foothill wins by one point. The rest of the team jumps up in excitement and storms the floor to congratulate their teammates. DiAntonio takes a quick glance at the scoreboard and reads 61 as their finishing score, realizing that all the sweat and pain that had been put into this intense game paid off. Foothill’s boys’ varsity team has a promising future ahead. Although the team lost eight essential seniors last year, they still had several up and coming sophomores and juniors who are

now leading this season’s team. “We lost a large portion of our team last year,” said Ben Green, “but it didn’t really hurt us because the rest have been really working hard since summer to sharpen up their skills and work on both offense and defense.” Most of the team has played basketball since they were young and have the skill and ability to continue playing at the collegiate level. “Almost every player on the team could make it at the college level,” says Brian Ortega, “but I’m not sure if I want to continue on with basketball at that level.” The talent on this year’s team looks promising. The boys will go far with the amount of height and experience on the team. The boys have a big reputation to live up to and plan to stomp anyone who comes between them and the state title. Last year they lost to Valley 84-80 in the playoffs. This year’s team plans to make it to state and take it farther than last year’s team and take state. “We hopefully will take state and

Wrestlers suffer from dangerous eating habits In order to stay in their own weight class, wrestlers will crash diet to make the weight cut Lexie Stone


Sports Editor

veryone has heard of it. It’s been around for hundreds of years. You either like it or you hate it. It’s the ultimate man’s man sport and the unhealthiest. As you watch all of these sweaty guys clad in spandex grapple with other guys, you understand why wrestling is so popular, but you don’t understand the sacrifices that they make. Wrestling is based on weight, not how much muscle you have. Each week before a match, these athletes starve themselves in hopes that they make their weight cut. Binge eating and crash dieting is the first step to a successful match. “I eat very little so that I can keep the weight I’m wrestling at,” said junior Kris Thomas. After cutting their meals by more than half each day, wrestlers try to keep themselves lean and fit. After being weighed in clad in the least amount of clothing, they stuff their face with the food they’ve been missing out on during the past week. This unhealthy dieting is part of a wrestler’s weekly schedule during season. That Big Mac at McDonalds isn’t going to help at all. They not only focus on their wrestling skill, but their food intake is crucial to the outcome of their matches. “I’m pretty sure when any of the wrestlers are cutting weight they’re all tired and hungry. It affects school work too,” said Thomas.

When most think of wrestlers, they think of Hulk Hogan and all the other WWF stars. Actual wrestling and fake TV wrestling are completely different. Maybe you’re wondering how the match works, because most people have no idea. A match consists of three two-minute periods. A guy is considered pinned after having his shoulders on the mat after two seconds. There are three positions in which to start a match: neutral, opposition, and down position. If no one has been pinned after six minutes, the wrestler with the highest number of points wins. A ten point difference between wrestlers can end the match. Points are given for certain maneuvers during the matches. A wrestler can receive two points for a take down, reverse of the take down, or being in control of the match. You are given one point if you escape the other guy’s hold. If two limbs are out of the wrestling circle, they must return to the middle and continue with their six minutes. “I plan on beating everyone I face, I hope,” said Thomas. “The only thing I expect from myself is to win a lot of matches and get better for this season and the next one.” With wrestling being more of an individual sport, the wrestlers can only depend on themselves to win. Although, the competition

during practice helps wrestlers better themselves. “I run a lot in practice and lift to get stronger,” said Thomas. “It’s a very physical sport, and you challenge yourself all the time to try to get better so you can beat your next opponent. There is always something to work on.” Becoming a wrestler doesn’t happen overnight. It takes the commitment to maintain your weight, but still train for your matches. Wrestling is not about two guys rolling around in spandex jumpsuits. That’s all you see. No one sees the hardship that comes along with being a wrestler.

WEIGHING IN (top) Having to meet a certain weight limit, wrestlers have to weigh in before each match. Meeting the weight limit sometimes leads them to binge eating and crash dieting. LoganLasko/TheHotwire

CAUGHT IN A HEADLOCK (bottom) After the match begins, the only thing on a wrestler’s mind is to pin the opponent as fast as possible. Sometimes it’s done in a matter of seconds. Tobeman/TheHotwire



HillsideHotwire. Page 19

Soccer shoots for a winning season

With a young team this year, girl’s soccer works toward many changes Lexie Stone Sports Editor


reathing in the dry air, they watch their breath appear in front of their face. Looking around, red faces full of exhaustion fill up the field. Practice might be over, but for I GOT IT! Pamela Acosta works on her juking skills. LoganLasko/TheHowire

the varsity girl’s soccer team, the season is just beginning. These varsity girls came out with every intention to win this season. They killed El Dorado 3-0 then took a tough loss against Vegas, 5-2. “I think the only reason that we lost to Las Vegas is because of lack of defense,” said sophomore Malaina Franco. “We could have done a lot better.” They are getting prepared for the season both mentally and physically.

“Our coaches are very strict,” said freshman Tessa Yusunas. “They push us to be better players.” Along with having supportive, yet determined coaches, having good relationships with teammates is essential. “Our team is very close. We get along very well,” said Yusunas. “We have pasta parties and go to the movies as a team to help get to know one another.” Having such a wide range of ages on one team could be bad news, not in this case though. “We’re all different ages,” said Yusunas. “We never fight though. We’re more like family than friends.” Malaina Franco agrees. “I think the season will go really well. Not only do we get along, but we know how

one another plays, and I think in the end it will pay off.” Leading the team is Tahnee Bly. Although she is captain, some of the girls look up to sophomore Darian Masters. A fifteen-year-old who leads by example. “Darian is amazing,” said Yusunas. “She beats every opponent she faces. She scores the most goals and really helps the team to step up their game.” The girls look up to Masters as a captain and leader. “It makes me feel very good to know that my team looks up to me,” said Masters. “It’s nice to know I can give them the support they need and that my hard work is paying off.” With the highest number of goals scored, Master keeps a positive attitude during games and

pushes toward excellence. “When my team pushes me to do better, I take their encouragement to heart,” said Masters. “It’s almost surprising when I score a goal. It’s a great feeling.” From the way Masters continues to play, we should expect great things from her this season. Every season has its ups and downs, and every season also means something special for various reasons. “This season is special to me because it’s my first year playing in high school,” said Yusunas. “Not only that, but I tore my ACL, and this is the first time I’ve played in one year, and I made varsity. That’s a great accomplishment. I’m glad that we practice so much because it helped me bounce back from my injury.” Running in for the last huddle for the week, the girls prepare for a weekend full of practice. There’s no resting for this group of goal-kicking divas. Walking down from the field, their frost bitten toes and fingers swell from the cold, windy practice. With a respectable start to their season, the girls strive to be successful and encouraging to one another. EXTRA HELP Darian Masters and Pamela Acosta get help from Coach Adam Canfield KristinaSmith/TheHotwire

New girl’s basketball team works well together

With plans for big improvement this year, the girls start off the season with big motivation Lexie Stone Sports Editor


anielle Wolf looks down at the ball in her hands. The girl in front is sneering. Smiling, Wolf pivots and dribbles down the court. She passes the three-point line, stops, and goes for the shot. It’s intercepted, but its okay; it’s only a scrimmage. Basketball is all about practice. Every player’s nightmare. Those long, sweaty practices are what make good players, phenomenal. With practices just starting up, conditioning is essential. “We’re always running,” said Wolf. “We have two different teams, and we compete against each other for starting spots. Some might think it would be a bad thing, but we help each other get better.” Practicing daily after school prepares them for the difficult season ahead. “Everything we do is for a purpose,” said Wolf. “We’re not a very tall team, so we run a lot to pick up speed. Our goal is to wear the other team down so we can pick up points during the game.” Juggling time is a hardship for most players because of practice and game schedules; some find it

hard to keep up. It’s not unusual for student-athletes to receive bad grades during the season, so finding time to do homework after practices and games can become challenging. “I like having study hall before practice,” said Wolf. “It keeps my grades up because I know I have to get good grades to stay on the team.” Every team has that certain motto that gets them pumped for the season. “Our coach always says to us, ‘DON’T TELL ME, SHOW ME!’” said junior Sabrina Johnson. “It means a lot to her, because anybody can say something, but you must prove yourself to her for it to mean something.” Having a strong coach not only influences them physically, but mentally as well. “My coach influences me every day,” said Johnson. “She is a strong woman who will do anything she can to help

you achieve your goals.” Along with having a great coach, a team must work together to succeed during their season. “This team has more,” said junior Renee Pedroza. “All the girls click and get along better.” “This year’s team has a lot of talent,” said coach Maria Shepard. “I just don’t think they realize it yet. They’re very hard working and consistent in their play.” With a

disappointing season last year, Shepard hopes to help the girls succeed and win more games. “I think that they will do very well,” said Shepard. “All I ask of them is to do better than last season and make improvements from past years.” Placing the ball on the rack, Wolf grabs a towel and wipes her face. Guzzling her water, she packs her bag. She wishes she could have

landed that shot. Hugging her teammate, she walks out of the gym. Coach said she did well. Smiling, she knows the season’s going to be great! NO PROBLEM (left) Shay Williams goes up for a layup at practice which she plans to perfect in the game. LoganLasko/TheHotwire

SWISH! Danielle Wolf takes a shot while Desiree Ayala and Shay Williams back her up. LoganLasko/TheHotwire


HillsideHotwire. Page 20


A letter to parents from their teen

Teenagers want their parents to understand what it is like to be them


ear mom and dad, I had plenty of time to write this letter to you considering I’m grounded, once again. I figured it would be better like this anyway because we both know whenever we try and sit down to have a “civil conversation,” it turns into an argument with a whole lot of screaming and not quite as much listening. I think you’re still under the impression that I am a juvenile kid who will one day look back and thank you for caring so much about me. Sorry mom and dad, but in order to care about my needs and my future, you have to know who I am, and you don’t. When I was three I was a ballerina. At seven I was an astronaut. When I turned ten I became the most talented actress in the world. At thirteen I was determined to hit more home runs than Mark McGuire. But that was easy for you to deal with. I was young, naïve and had an imagination that would send my dreams forward. But you are still young and naïve is probably the first thing you thought about when you read that. How much longer are you going to use that as an excuse? I want to let you in on a few secrets that you, as my parents,

should know about me, as your kid. Because, whether or not I’ll see it differently when I am a parent does not change the fact that a couple years from now, I am going to be an adult, and you can no longer refuse to deal with my imperfections as “normal teen behavior” because I need your help, your advice, and you support now. Giving up on me and continuously punishing me with nothing ever being solved is not an option anymore. Despite what you may have heard, I love you guys more than anything. I remember all the little things you did for me when I was growing up. Mom, you made me my favorite chocolate chip pancakes every Sunday, and even though they didn’t turn out quite as you planned, you always tried to make each pancake into a heart or a star. And dad, you always let me ride on your shoulders or sit on your lap while you watched football. We had dinner together every night, and every Saturday, you guys would take me to a movie. I really do miss that. I can’t remember the last time we all sat

together and ate a family meal. I feel like a lot of the stability we once had is completely lost and I don’t know how to get it back. I wish that you would encourage my dreams and future goals, not doubt me because they are not the things you wanted for me. Face it, I am never going to be the typical

weeks at a time. I understand that if I mess up, I need to be punished accordingly for it, but why is there never a resolution that comes out of it. All parents say the same thing—“If you drink, call me and I will pick you up, no questions asked.” Well, I know that isn’t true, and I know it is your job as a parent to get mad at me if I put myself in that situation. However, I know that instead of talking about why I made that decision or what led to it, I will be lectured, sent to my room, and we will go through the same thing over and over again. So I just don’t even bother. I need you to listen to me. I really want nothing more than that. I have so much to say, so much to talk about. Ever since you and dad separated, I needed someone there to sit with me for hours if it were necessary and let me vent about how mad I was. Now that you and dad seem to be over it, you just assumed I should be too. We have not said, “I love you” to each other in years. Even if I don’t say it back the first few

In order to care.... “ you need to know

who I am, and you don’t

doctor or lawyer that you thought I would be. I never wanted that for myself—ever. I don’t know what I will end up being, but I do know that whether I’m an accountant, teacher or telemarketer, I am absolutely terrified that it will disappoint you. As a child, you are told that you can be anything you want to be. But no one ever told me that it never guarantees your parents will support you through it. It accomplishes nothing when you yell at me and ground me for

times, keep pushing it, because I know you love me, but I still need to hear it. I also want you both to know that I realize I am not innocent in this at all. I went through a rebellious stage where it seemed like my whole goal was to push you two as far away as possible. And it seemed to work. I know it is unfair on my part to ask you and dad to keep pushing to be close to me again when I act as if I could care less. It’s just my way of handling it so I do not have to deal with rejection and so I don’t have to feel vulnerable. The harder I push you two away, the more I need you, and I know it seems unreasonable. Being a teen isn’t easy. But being a parent of a teen is even harder. Unfortunately, I’m your kid, and I need all the help I can get until I turn eighteen and decisions are made on my own. I would never change having you two as my parents. I know that no two people could love me as much as you two do. At the same time, I really hope we, as a family, can make some serious changes, and if you do your part, I’ll try my best to do mine. Sincerely, Your kid

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