February 2007 Hillside Hotwire

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GRAMMY PREVIEW Who will take all the awards home this year?

STATE CHAMPS Checking up on the award-winning dance team.

See page 7

See page 18

*COUGH* *COUGH* hypochondriacs sweep across the nation See page 15

Hillside Hotwire



For and by the students of Foothill High School since 1999

Volume 8 Issue 4

Teen Motherhood How girls handle the responsibility

Pages 10 -11

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 2

New step team begins performing Rachel Alger Assistant Editor


ade popluar recently by Stomp the Yard, the step dance craze made its debut on Falcon territory during the winter assembly where the step team wowed the student body with an exhilarating performance. “I like being on the step-team,” said stepper Tiffany Lewis, who is also enrolled in dance classes. “I think it’s an awesome program.” While they have also performed at FHS basketball games, they have loftier goals. “It would be awesome to actually compete in a competition,” said Lainey Johnson. The team gets closer to their goal each Wednesday and Thursday as they reahearse in the dance studio.


News 3 returns for update

Principal Crehan answers questions about school safety Rachel Alger AssistantEditor


ast November, local news reporters from Channel 3 declared that local schools were not taking safe enough measures to keep predators off of high school campuses. Unknown to anyone, including Principal Gretchen Crehan, a news reporter was able to sneak upon campus through the main gates and make it all the way to the 700 wing without being stopped. “We weren’t happy about it, but they’re intent was good,” said Ms. Crehan. Foothill was not the only school criticized for not keeping students totally safe. The visits were used to show that nearly all Clark County schools needed to beef up campus security. Since then, the back doors facing the college and teacher parking lot were locked so that they prohibited outside entry. Students complained that they were late to the 300 wing classes because of the locked doors, so they are now unlocked during passing periods. In addition, new signs with bigger lettering tell visitors to report to the principal’s

Hillside Highlights

Forensics hosts first big weekend tournament

will come to us.” The forensics team also plans on hosting the National Forensics League Championship Tournament in June of 2008.

oothill hosted its first Tournament of Champions for the forensic team January 1921. The Foothill forensics team faced off against teams from 12 different states. “I was really proud of my students,” said Mrs. Karen Vaughan. “We used the bid system, and we won that bid. We are also very excited that we’re the ones hosting the tournaments now. This means we won’t have to go out of state. Instead, others

oys volleyball has finally started. Intramurals a couple days a week is the new routine for these athletes. “I’m so out of shape, so having intramurals will better my chance in having a good season,” said junior Jason Dow. A new season is upon these



office where they must check in and obtain a visitor’s badge. Also, all staff members were reminded to always wear their I.D. cards when on campus, a rule that has been in place for years. This way, anyone not wearing a Foothill or CCSD badge could be easily identified and stopped for questioning. Teachers were also asked to stand at their doors during passing periods. The November airing was not the last time channel three would

show up on FHS’s campus. On January 17, the news crew returned to check up on the school and found that they could not enter through back doors and were quickly stopped by staff members when they entered the quad. “These [changes] were not a direct effect of the reporter’s investigation,” said Crehan. “These were concerns that were already in the works when the reporters showed up. We’re

guys. Practicing and working together is essential to creating a volleyball powerhouse. “We only lost two seniors,” said Dow. “A lot of returning and new players are here this year who have a lot of potential.”

July 23 through Friday, August 10. Classes are from 9-5 and will be held at UNLV. Tuition costs $800, which includes all meals, books, and a UNLV parking pass. All grades, from freshmen to seniors, are eligible to take these courses. However, you will need proof of the following at registration: all AP classes you have taken, SAT scores better than 500 in math or reading categories, or impressive ACT scores. Also, a letter from your counselor stating that you are eligible for the courses would be acceptable. So, if you are interested in this summer program, you can get more information on their website at sage.academy@unlv. edu.

SAGE offers Mens’ volleyball summer honors begins intramu- credits ral practices f you are interested in earning



three COLLEGE credits this summer, here’s your chance. UNLV’s SAGE academy is holding classes this summer. The classes are taught by professors and are designed to instruct students in areas in which they are passionate. The dates for the classes are as follows: Monday,


Hillside Hotwire


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Emma DeWees ASSISTANT EDITORS: Cat Burns, Rachel Alger SPORTS EDITOR: Lexie Stone FEATURE EDITOR: Cheslyne Snowden ARTS DIRECTOR: Sarah Reyburn

always trying to be aware of what’s going on to keep our kids safe.” The new broadcast aired February 1. SECOND TIME AROUND Principal Gretchen Crehan talks to Channel 3 reporters about the changes that were made after the school was shown on their news broadcast as unsafe. EmmaDeWees/TheHotwire

No Place for Hate campaign


o Place for Hate is a campaign Foothill is hosting to help eliminate hatred toward each other due to diversity. Everyone is guilty of perceiving other people as different, or “not as cool” because they are not “like” them. This campaign is a chance for everyone to reach out to others and break social norms and to see everyone as equal. If one person decides to make a change, it could benefit so many others. That is what would make this campaign successful. Even if it’s a simple hello to someone in the hall you wouldn’t normally address, it can make a difference!


The opinions expressed in the Hillside Hotwire are the author’s and do not represent the opinions of the administration, faculty, staff or students of Foothill High School. Letters to the editor should be signed and sent to: The Hillside HotPHOTOGRAPHER: Brendt Hulsey wire, 800 College Drive, Henderson, NV 89015 COPY EDITORS: Amber Brisoe, CaitLetters may also be dropped off at the Hillside Hotwire office in room lyn Belcher 741. Home Delivery of the Hillside Hotwire is available at a prepaid STAFF REPORTERS: Gurtarpreet cost of $20 per year. Issues are mailed monthly upon publication. Kaur, Kristina Smith The staff reserves the right to reject any advertisement deemed ADVISER: Bill Tobler inappropriate. Letters to the editor may be edited for content and PRINCIPAL: Gretchen Crehan brevity.



HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 3

Ants make the 700s their new home Students bringing food into class causes these bugs to mark their turf


Amber Briscoe Copy Editor

or every season and temperature, it seems there is always some kind of bug to infest and stress out our lives. At Foothill, we have an ant problem. After a pest control company

sprayed over winter break, the ants have mostly disappeared, but the pesticide only lasts so long, and the ants are still here and are probably staying here for a while longer. “I hate bugs, especially ants because I’ve been bitn by them before, and it hurts,”

said Sydney Hernandez. “I hate the fact that we have them now because it seems like we just had an infestation of those big black bees.” Although most say the bugs are only located in the 700 wing, Mr. Thomas Mayes in the 300 hallway says otherwise. “I don’t normally get bugs. It’s never been CRUMMY SITUATION With all the eating going on in classes, ants are having a field day. AmberBriscoe/TheHotwire

a real problem, but I do get them occasionally,” said Mayes. “They come and go as they please.” For some students and teachers, this is the first time they are even hearing about the problem. Ms. Kellie Reser, among other teachers and students, was unaware of the problem. “I had no idea we had an ant problem right now. I see more cockroaches than I do ants,” said Reser. While facing off with ants, our school does get some roaches during the summer. Roaches are usually looking for cool, dark places to rest in and food left behind by people. According to Mr. Thompson, that is the same reason we have ants right now. Ants use their antennae to find food by smelling carbohydrates in the air. Hence, their sense of smell is much greater than ours. “The solution to getting rid of the ants is simple. Stop bringing food and candy to class, and the bugs leave,” said Thompson. “Even if you throw it away in the trash can, ants will smell it and find it. This rule applies for most bugs.” However, most students, when

asked if they would stop bringing food, laughed and simply said no. A student who prefers to stay anonymous said, “I don’t have money to buy food every day, so I bring my own. It’s too tempting to wait to eat it though. I happen to have second lunch, so I get hungry throughout the day. I don’t know about other kids, but I don’t make a mess when I eat, so yes, I eat in my classes.” While most students are actually not concerned with the ants, they are concerned about when the staff plans to have exterminators come out and spray due to possible allergies. “We had some people recommended by the school district come down and spray during winter break,” said Thompson. “We didn’t want any students getting sick.” The 700 hallways and some outside areas were sprayed, and teachers are already saying the ant problem is clearing up. “I actually haven’t been getting very many ants, but since they sprayed, I haven’t gotten any at all,” said Mrs. Karen Vaughan. “Hopefully, it will stay this way for a little while longer.”

The new freshmen mentoring program begins

Upperclassmen volunteer their time to help freshmen become more comfortable with high school


Emma Dewees Editor-in-Chief

n January 18, upperclassmen and freshmen came together for the start of the freshmen mentoring program. Mr. Jeff Doyle, Mr. Dennis Lock and Principal Gretchen Crehan joined the students in Mr. Lock’s room with pizza, cookies and soda as a thank you for all the volunteers who helped make Foothill a more welcoming environment. “There are a lot of new freshmen at our school,” said Kallie Wickel. “This program is a great way to reach out and make them feel more welcome.” Last summer, administration asked for volunteers to come in during break to talk to freshmen and become their role models. When students did not hear back for a semester, they thought the idea had past. “I remember filling out a sheet about it last year,” said Carlie Watson. “But when no one called about it all summer, I just figured that it wasn’t going to happen. I was pretty excited when I heard they were finally setting it up.” Mentors wrote down their hobbies, goals, favorite movies, bands etc. This was a way to match up similar students to make it more comfortable to start conversations. “I liked going around our group and talking about things we liked to do,” said Watson. “It just showed that just because their freshmen, doesn’t mean we don’t have things

in common.” This program is intended to help freshmen become more comfortable with the transformation from junior high to high school. They are encouraged to ask upperclassmen questions that maybe teachers and other administrators couldn’t answer. Wickel wishes she would have had something like this when she was just starting out in high school. James Silvas agrees. “When you get to know the seniors, it makes you feel more comfortable,” said Silvas. Seniors are not the only ones who are helping out with the freshmen. Many sophomores and juniors showed up as well. Over 120 students showed up between both lunches. Mr. Locke split the groups into four. That way, upperclassmen only had to focus on getting to know a few freshmen, and they could become more personable with them. Upperclassmen are

encouraged to set up a date once or twice a month to meet up with their freshmen and talk to them at lunch. Also, about once a month, everyone will meet back in Mr. Locke’s room to catch up as a big

group and eat lunch together. “It’s a great idea,” said Silvas. “I want to be a role model.” HELP OUT Senior Nichole Falline sits with freshman Zac

Stone in the hallway to help with homework. Mentors are there to help in any situation to make freshmen feel more comfortable. EmmaDeWees/ TheHotwire

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A swift walk down memory lane

Teachers look back on the days when, believe it or not, they were teens too Laura Wagner Cub reporter


onna Fenton gets up and walks to school for dance and drill practice. She then proceeds to her first period class in her poodle skirt, high ponytail and saddle shoes. While walking, she sees “hip” boys with their leather jackets and waterfall hair. (The hairstyle John Travolta sported in Grease.) In the other corner stands jocks and cheerleaders, and nearby, the surfer clique is slouching against the wall. After a long day at school, she goes home to cook and clean for her seven younger siblings. On Saturday, she works at the chicken dinner restaurant at Knott’s Berry Farm. That was the life for former secretary to Mr. Roy Thompson, Mrs. Donna Fenton, who attended high school in the ‘50s. Mrs. Fenton grew up when people listened to the Platters, described geeks as “square” and when teachers could paddle you senseless for bad behavior. “Students were more disciplined and respectful of adults than students nowadays,” said Mrs. Fenton. Mrs. Julie Rogers also talked about student behavior: “Student

perspectives were different. They popular in the 70s. Mr. Essary recollected terms thought about the future and were determined to get through high he would use, like “righteous,” “cool,” and, if there was a cute school successfully,” she said. She recalls getting up at six a.m. girl, “babe” or “fox.” “Cars were a big thing back then. and attending seven classes [in a typical school day] that started at A lot of guys liked to work on seven. Her fun activities consisted them,” said Mr. Essary. He even of horseback riding, sports, said there was a clique called the swimming at the local lake, the movie theatre, bowling, barbeque parties and most of all, dances. According to Mrs. Rogers, dances were quite popular and were held once or twice a month. Also, teens were quite involved in conserving the Earth. She said, “They don’t understand that we only have one earth, and we won’t be getting another one.” As another decade rolled by, Bill Essary remembers Beatle OLD SCHOOL Ms. haircuts, Bass Wee Tammy Muniz chills Jun shoes and some with A.F.I. front man of his favorite artists Davey Havok during like the Beatles, her high school years. Stones and Elton CourtesyPhoto/TheHotwire John that became

“greasers” or “auto shop kids.” A short time later, in the late 70s, Mrs. Tracy Palacios remembered her peers wearing sweaters with collars, wedge shoes, thin-layered gold chains, and a whole lot of polyester clothing. A decade later, Ms. Carrie Fleming, who attended high school in the 80s, reminisced about Izod shirts, teased up bangs and popped-up collars. Like Mrs. Fenton, she had an after school job at “Shoe Time.” When asked what largely differed from her high school timeline compared to ours, she said, “Classes were smaller because our suburb was slower growing. And nowadays there are more dangerous risks.” A decade later found English teacher Ms. Tammy Muniz cranking up the volume to punk rock, AFI and Nirvana. She wore band shirts daily and had purple hair. She liked attending church youth group and hanging out with friends, but besides all

that, she was pretty busy with two jobs and all AP classes. Next, with Mrs. Krysta Ortiz in high school from the late 90s to the early double zeros, things were mostly like they are now with clothes from Hollister and the straight hair you see today. She also involved herself in sports and studies. After learning about the past, it’s clear that, the more time that passed, the bigger the changes were. Teen lingo has changed drastically, as has fashion, attitudes, hair styles and perspectives on what it means to be beautiful. However, a couple of things remained the same throughout all decades. Student council and the classic groups of jocks and cheerleaders were always popular. While some adults may only see today’s teens as the Paris Hilton wannabees, there are many positive changes that have taken place. For example, today’s schools are more diverse and accepting of each other. Teen pregnancy and alcohol and drug abuse are all down. Women have just as opportunities as men, we have the internet, iPods and cell phones, and best of all, your teachers can’t beat you until your skin turns strawberry red.

Coach Shepard lives and breathes for the game This fairly new teacher at FHS works hard to take the girl’s basketball team to the next level Shay Williams


Cub reporter

t all begins with posture. Close your eyes. Breathe. Concentrate. Visualize the game in every scenario possiblen right down to the unthinkable. The first whistle the referee blows before he tosses the rock in the air, the crowd’s roar as two teams collide during an epic battle lasting for four quarters, yet only demanding one winner, the pump fakes, blocked shots, picks, the cuts backdoor, the dives to the floor, the jump shots, the help defense, the rebounds, the victories and then there are the defeats. She then opens her eyes and is met with the wandering glances of onlookers who have watched her pace the side of the court back and forth anticipating what she will do next. If she’s not pacing she is hiding high up in the stands trying to focus and gain some alone time. With her ruby red lipstick, hair up in a ponytail, and a shirt that says “Falcons,” Coach Shepard walks to the locker room to retrieve her team. It’s time to play some basketball. It’s been 11 years since the Californian native, University of Nevada graduate, declared to the world she would now be known as a coach. The reason she decided to take this route was when her

twins Micah and Aaron Shepard, sophomores at FHS, reached the age to be coached. “My husband and I are extremely competitive people, and we wanted to be sure our sons had a good foundation,” she says. “There wasn’t a coach available, so I took the job.” According to Assistant Coach Boots, she really knows what she is doing. “She really knows the game and loves to give her knowledge. She is spreading the knowledge of the game to her players.” There isn’t much of a difference in the Shepard on the court and off because either way she’s tough and all about business. “When we were little she made us jump up and down for a long time,” Micah Shepard said. Much like the gruesome running the girls’ basketball team may endure, her sons did outrageous things simply for discipline purposes. Thus being said, Coach Shepard feels there should be a healthy mixture of being a feared coach and loved one, for a loved coach means no discipline. “She is tough. She will keep pushing you and keep on pushing you. Besides that she is a good coach,” said former player Britney Bell. Without the persuasion of Coach Soares, a friend from college, Coach Shepard wouldn’t have ended up at Foothill. Unlike many

other coaches, the head coach for the girls’ varsity basketball team believes building a successful program is more important than

winning games. “Winning games is temporary, but building a program is long term,” Coach Shepard said. “A successful THE COACH HAS IT Coach Shepard proudly looks on as player Shay Williams shows agressiveness on the court. ChristinaAtha/Peregrine

program is not necessarily winning games. It shows progress each year.” She had mixed emotions last year because she wanted to accomplish more during the season. She changed her coaching habits partially to please others that year as well and wished she hadn’t. “The transition would have been a lot easier to come in and run the program as I had been running programs previously, and in a way that I was comfortable to me,” Shepard said. “Instead, I tried doing things that wouldn’t ruffle feathers, and that didn’t work for me.” This year’s season started roughly. The team has had a few relapses, the most recent being the loss of two players because of academics. The main factor contributing to this rough start, according to Coach Shepard, is mental toughness. “They have a little more talent than they had last year, but they don’t realize that. If you watch the games, you can see that they have it, but they don’t always use exactly what they have.” She wants them to go to the playoffs, but a coach can’t be the only one wanting to triumph. The team has to have the hunger as well to step up and take what’s theirs. Like she tells her sons when she has a chance to watch their games, “Go hard or not at all.”


Column: Fashion forward With all the new celebrity trends, don’t forget your own style


Gurtarpreet Kaur Staff reporter

n the fashion world, there are a lot of dos and dont’s, and they always are changing. Everyone has their own sense of style, such as comfy, grunge, punk, goth, preppie, sophisticated or trendy. Style changes every week. This year, the trend was layered clothing. Famous young stars like Kristen Simpson, Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashlee Simpson were all wearing layers. Not only does layering look cool, but you also don’t have to worry about being cold all the time. American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch and Hot Topic are the most popular stores. According to New York magazine, the new trend for girls is leggings, oversized sweaters, plaid, ankle boots and looking clean cut. But some don’t care about the latest fashions. Kathryn Stillwagon said, “I like to look cute and comfy. I don’t care about brands.” “I like Children of Bodom shirts,” said Brittany Rowland. Band shirts from hot topic are in style. “There are many styles that are popping up every day, but I don’t care about any style. I just want to look cool in whatever I wear,” said Stillwagon. Large purses and totes are coming back. Totes are often used as backpacks. Many girls also have cell phone holders, change purses and matching wallets. Accessories always finish up an outfit, and today’s most common trend is lucky charm bracelets, silk balls with beads, heart pendants and wood bead necklaces. Everybody has their different tastes. Some like hippie, classy, preppy and comfortable while others prefer to go with the flow. Everyone looks up to someone fashion-wise, even if they don’t want to admit it. There are lots of trends, but everyone can choose their style to fit their personalities. But in the fashion world, things are always changing, so be ready for the next column.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 5


Sadies was a wonderland

Different ways the girls asked the guys to the big dance Lexie Stone


Sports Editor

very girl’s stomach turns with anxiety. Will he say yes? “When I asked my boyfriend, I wanted to do something out of the blue so that he wouldn’t know,” said Kristin Lyon. “I decorated his car while he was at work, and he had no idea. I had some of my girlfriends help me, and it was so much fun.” From cute t-shirts to decorating cars, girls try to do something special for the person that they’re asking to Sadie’s. This year’s theme was “Alice in Wonderland.” “The dance looked so cool,” said Nicole Hollister. “Everything was fully decked out with the theme, and it was glow-in-the-dark. It was definitely worth it!” With this being the only dance that girls have to pay for, saving up was a first priority. The cost of dinner, matching clothes, activities and tickets can add up quickly. “[Tickets were] fifteen dollars for one and thirty dollars for two,” said Hollister. “When I asked my guy, I traced my body on the ground in chalk,” said Kristin Little. “Then I put, ‘I’d die if you went to Sadie’s with me’ around the body. He was really surprised.” Homecoming and prom are a cinch for girls. Hair, nails and dresses can add up, but not having to pay for anyone else is a relief. Now, having the responsibility of paying and entertaining someone for a whole night can make a girl scrounge for money. “Now I know how guys feel during homecoming and prom,” said Megan Mainville. “Compared to them, we have it easy.”

Every girl finally realizes what every guy goes through during homecoming and prom. Paying so much money, did the girls want to go with one of their goofball friends or their biggest crush? “I asked my friend because I knew we’d have such a good time,” said Raquel Gonzalez. “We’ve been friends for a really long time and I figured he’d be a fun date.” On the other side of the story, would a guy rather be asked by someone he likes or likes him? Or by a friend? “I would want to be asked by someone I like and someone who likes me,” said Barrett Ver Plank. “I think it’s cool to be spontaneous, and it would be a good ice breaker for me and the girl I like.” “My favorite part about Sadie’s was being able to do something special for my boyfriend,” said Lyon. “I love being able to surprise him all night and not having him know what’s going on. I love the idea of Sadie’s, even though it can get expensive.” Not only is it a special night for every girl, but it must be nice for the guy to finally take a break from the stress of a high school dance. “Planning for homecoming and prom can be so stressful,” said Jason Dow. “So much planning goes into it, and it’s nice to finally take a break. Besides, I love spending time with my girlfriend, and Sadie’s is just one more night I get to spend with her.” Always

having to ask a girl and working up the courage is very nerveracking, so having the tables turned is a relief. “It’s a huge relief not having to worry about Sadie’s,” said Kelton Kesterson. “My girlfriend decorated my room full of Christmas decorations. Her theme was ‘Christmas came early this year,’ and she made it very special for me. And for once I can relax and let her make our night amazing.” Cheerleaders are in charge of decorations and expenses of the dance each year. “We earned about $4,000, but it ends up

Hollister. “Competitions are really expensive because they charge each person just to compete, and our gym and choreographer fees add up. Whatever is left over will go toward our banquet at the end of the year.” With the dance finally over and the decorations being pulled down, the cheerleading team sighs with relief. “According to Mr. Jordan Phee, it was one of the best decorated dances. “It was very original,” said Hollister. “The marriages were the biggest success.”

about $2,500 after you exclude all the decorations we bought,” said Hollister. All profit goes to cheerleading so they can pay for their many expenses. “So far, we’re planning on using the money for competitions,” said

GO ASK ALICE Rachel Alger asked her boyfriend, Jacob Roland, to Sadies with an Alice in Wonderland themed poster. Rachel Alger/TheHotwire

Students do not take dating seriously Teens take their relationships too far when, usually, they will never last Gurtarpreet Kaur Staff reporter


ach day, we see couples holding hands, grabbing a quick kiss or hug or even something as simple as sitting together at lunch. These couples often create quite a bit of interest from others, who often say, “They are perfect for each other,” or “Oh my goodness, they are totally going to get married,” “I’m so jealous,” and the most common question, “Are you two in love?” If love is as common as teenagers make it appear, then what makes it so rare and special? Sandra Wagner said, “I don’t know how many times I have been in a bad relationship with a good person and it just falls through because

they don’t know how to keep one.” Most teens get their ideas about love from TV or movies, which is quite unpromising since they are not exactly realistic. Conventional wisdom says, “Love does not come along every day.” If this is true, then why do teenagers think love is an every day occurrence? Benjamin Muse said, “I don’t have a girlfriend right now, but if I did, it would probably get in the way of me trying to get my work done at school. I leave the problem behind me.” Infatuation is a more appropriate word when it comes to talking about high school love. Younger couples date for a short period and feel the need to say “I love you” too quickly. Dating has its ups and downs. Sometimes it is great because you get to see

your girlfriend or boyfriend daily. Sometimes it is bad because lingering with your sweetheart can make you late to class, and that has consequences. Many have tried to define love, but almost everyone has found a different definition and different ways to use it. Some who have experienced love and who have been hurt by it might define it as “awful” or “disappointing” while someone in love might define it as “breathtaking” and “amazing.” Those who have never been in love may define love as a wonderful feeling that is hard to come by. The different outlooks on love are endless, but it is not a phrase or a word to take lightly or throw around. Of course, it’s fun to believe that you will be with your high school honey forever, but in the world we live in, love in high school is

a hoax. It’s humorous to watch a couple who, after being “in love” for a few months, breaks up, and all the feelings between them evaporates and often turns to hatred. Of course, people in love have fights, but high school drama of never speaking again or just not liking them anymore doesn’t seem plausible when the word love was involved just a short period before that. Sometimes finding Mr. or Miss Right isn’t always the best solution. People need to have a few bad relationships to realize when they have a good relationship. Love is a complex emotion that is difficult to describe, and sometimes so much work that some would not know where to start. But in the end, each person must decide if love is worth the effort and the eventual heartbreak.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 6



The broken New Year’s promises Resolutions become harder to follow when people lack commitment Rachel Alger Assistant Editor


oments before the big silver ball drops down on New York’s famous Time Square there are two things most people typically do. One: look aimlessly around the room for that one person they want to share their first kiss of the year with. And two: make the infamous New Year’s resolution that they know they’ll never keep. For most, the New Year’s resolution is the biggest broken promise of all time. People make them every year, only to have them broken by Valentine’s Day. Take Bridget Goode for instance. She always makes a New Year’s resolution…but never fulfills it. “I usually just forget what it even was,” admitted Goode. “I’ll be hanging out with people and just don’t think about it until I get home later that night. It doesn’t help that I make difficult ones either.” She makes a valid point. Typically, people don’t think about how hard it actually is to lose twenty pounds or to stop smoking and don’t ease into it. They just cut themselves off cold turkey, and so it’s no wonder they break quickly. In a recent study conducted by the University of Washington’s Elizabeth Miller and Alan Marlatt, it was documented that, “the keys to making a successful resolution are a person’s confidence that

he or she can make the behavior change and the commitment to making the change. Resolutions are a process, not a one-time effort that offer people a chance to create new habits.” Miracles don’t happen over night, and a lot of the time people tend to forget that. In our country we are so used to getting things quickly. We have fast-food drivethrus, and we avoid the DMV because we have the ability to do everything on the internet, so when the weight doesn’t just drop

off in a matter of minutes, we get discouraged and take advantage of that drive-thru. “It’s easy to get frustrated when you make resolutions,” said Jade Phillips, who made a resolution to do her homework for the rest of the year. “By the time you realize that you are capable of completing your goal, you usually seem to give up.” So what is the point of making a resolution if we know we’re not even going to keep it? Samantha Guarnieri is one of

many who doesn’t even bother. “I really don’t see a point in wasting my time with something that I will never finish anyway. I’ve made them before, only to break them, and I just get really mad at myself when I don’t complete it.” According to Miller and Marlatt’s study, only 40% who make resolutions complete them on their first try, and 17% completed theirs after six or more attempts. “I always complete my resolutions,” said Kayla Casterton. “The key is that I don’t make

especially hard ones. I make ones that I know I need to do and that I know I can actually complete without discouraging myself.” That is a huge thing that people forget to do…make goals that are actually within their range. “Take credit for success when you achieve a resolution, but it is a mistake to blame yourself if you fail,” said Marlatt. “Instead, look at the barriers that were in your way, and see how you can do better the next time and figure out a better plan to succeed.” For most, the New Year’s resolution is a broken promise. To others, it is a lifestyle change, but to some it’s a big joke. “I think it’s stupid that people use a single day out of the year to change themselves,” said Cody Fielder. “If they really wanted to change, they would do it some other day and not wait. I never take New Year’s resolutions seriously; I always make funny ones like trying to get out of my chores for three months. I think if you take that one day too seriously it’s a sign of having a weak mind.”

DECISIONS, DECISIONS When making their New Year’s resolutions, people tend to forget how easy it is to fall back into old habits by giving in to old temptations. RachelAlger/ TheHotwire

As the holidays pass, was your new year ‘s safe? With the New Year’s parties, people get out of hand and do unruly things after drinking Amber Brisoe Copy Editor


ne of the main things that grabs my attention about people happens to, sadly, make me a complete hypocrite. It’s humanity’s stupidity. I, like every human being, make mistakes and will never stop making them, but if it is someone else who is making the ‘not so smart’ decision, then it is easily noticed and frowned upon. Since I am usually a very cautious person, and I knew I would see others making bad decisions on New Year’s Eve, I did some of the frowning. One of the main drama-causers amongst teens is drinking at parties. Like adults, teens drink to be break down social barriers, but drinking can also be a destroyer. It can make you one of the group or the stupid girl who hooked up with someone’s boyfriend and now must watch her back everywhere she goes. New Years is one of the worst party days in the whole year, if not, the worst. People gather in

huge groups down at the strip or in the desert to watch fireworks with their family or friends when suddenly the crowd splits, forming a circle and you get to watch an obese man get arrested for fighting a guy “because he pushed him.” While most never really take the time to think about their actions, they really should. They should consider the people they are with and how they act when they’re drinking as well. People can be completely compatible with each other when they’re sober, but as soon as the lights go out upstairs, they become a new person. It may not even be another person that you need to look out for. It could just be yourself. Last year a man climbed a street pole on the strip while under the influence of alcohol, fell and died. I’m sorry, but there is no sadder way to die than killing yourself while not actually meaning to. I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t be embarrassed of themselves. Luckily, I heard of no deaths or of anyone having a really bad injury so far. It might not even be dying or

getting hurt that causes you to suffer. It could just be the little girl standing next to the side of a potential mosh pit trying to watch a few fireworks with her daddy when a fight breaks out, and she gets trampled. Even if you don’t care about yourself, keep in mind that others see this as a family event. If you plan on being under the influence of something, do it inside where you can keep the people who want nothing to do with it--out! I happened to attend a New Year’s party where I knew people were drinking and smoking, but I made the decision to be around those types of people. Therefore, I knew that I had to be somewhat careful because others wouldn’t be. Whether it is a fight, drinking and driving, going to jail or death itself, bad things happen on New Years or any event where there is a large

crowd, because there are always going to be careless people there. All I can say is, I hope everyone had a good one and that everyone stayed safe. Even

if you are the sober one, there’s always that person who pounded down too many shots and now has no idea where he is. Keep that in mind for years to come.


HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 7


A look at the awaited Grammy’s

The Grammy’s are becoming too commercial with untalented winners

to take a back seat to things like image and marketing, so it’s no Assistant Editor wonder talented and innovative artists who aren’t mainstream he Grammy’s used to be are overlooked. We’re more known as a gathering of concerned about whether or not the world’s most talented Britney Spears will decide to musical performers on a single wear panties to the event than we stage, but over the last few are about who will actually win. The 2007 nominees are no more shocking than previous years, although there are a few breakout stars who truly deserve these awards. For album of the year, the Dixie Chicks, John Mayer, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Justin Timberlake, and Gnarls Barkley are nominated. Most are fairly deserving, other than Timberlake. He’s only there for popularity’s sake. By no means is he a bad musician, but PRINCE & HIP HOP QUEEN At last his album wasn’t year’s Grammy’s, Prince and Beyonce stole all that exciting or the show-- as well as plenty of awards. original, and it’s a KRTCampus/TheHotwire slap in the face that years, it seems that an album’s he is in the same category with the popularity has had more to do others. These three are all worthy with their being nominated than of the award since they have been the album’s quality. And while making great music since their I did enjoy Justin Timberlake’s, debuts. The Chicks have come “Sexyback,” I don’t really think a long way and probably had to his entire album is really worthy work harder than anyone, due to of best album of the year. singer Natalie Maines’ comments Lately, talent and creativity tend about President Bush in 2003.

Rachel Alger


But they have come back strong with an album good enough to truly win. Almost every one of RHCP’s albums are considered essentials to every rocker’s collection, and this album is no exception. It’s good to see these boys recognized for their work, but the most deserving band is Gnarls Barkley. They finally broke the traditional R&B mold that forever plagued the industry. They have made an album that everyone from the indie kids to the hip hop generation can listen to, while still staying true to their unmistakable sound. For Record of the Year, Mary J. Blige is up for “Be without You,” as is James Blunt for “You’re Beautiful,” the Dixie Chicks for “Not Ready to Make Nice,” Gnarls Barkley for “Crazy,” and Corrine Bailey Rae for “Put Your Records On.” Once again it’s between Barkley and the Chicks. For the Chicks, this is their strongest song of their entire career, and it is evident that Maines’ is still enraged from her Bush bash backlash, but Barkley created a song that perhaps played ubiquitously in every retail store in the country, and we still never got sick of it. Although I must say I am disappointed Christina Aguilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man,” wasn’t nominated.That song truly rocked it out this year. For Best New Artist, Chris Brown, Imogen Heap, James Blunt, Corrine Bailey Rae, and Carrie Underwood are the five lucky ones, but anyone who knows me knows I’ll go for

More Grammy nominations Best Pop Album -Christina Aguilera “Back to Basics” -James Blunt “Back to Bedlam” -Elvis Costello & Allen Toussaint “The River in Reverse” -John Mayer “Continuum” -Justin Timberlake “FutureSex/ LoveSounds” Best Electronic/Dance Album - Goldfrapp “Supernature” -Madonna “Confessions of a Dance Floor” -Oakenfield “A Lovely Mind” -Pet Shop Boys “Fundamental” -Zero 7 “The Garden” Best Rock Album -John Mayer Trio “Try!” -Tom Petty “Highway Companion” -The Raconteurs “Broken Boy Soldiers” -Red Hot Chili Peppers “Stadium Arcadium” -Neil Young “Living with War” Imogen Heap automatically. She is one of the most talented artists out there, but I find it funny that she has been making amazing music for years, so I’m not exactly sure why she’s in this category, but it is well deserved that she finally got credit for her greatness, but since she hasn’t received much mainstream success, the award will go to James Blunt because, “You’re Beautiful,” made a huge impression, but I would not be entirely surprised if Brown or

Best R&B Album -Mary J. Blige “The Breakthrough” -Jamie Foxx “Unpredictable” -India.Arie “Testimony: Vol. 1, Life & Relationship” -Price “3121” -Lionel Richie “Coming Home” Best Rap Album -Lupe Fiasco “Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor” -Ludacris “Release Therapy” -Pharrell “On My Mind” -The Roots “Game Theory” -T.I. “King” Best Country Album -Dixie Chicks “Taking the Long Way” -Alan Jackson “Like Red on a Rose” -Little Big Town “The Road to Here” -Willie Nelson “You Don’t Know Me: The Songs of Cindy Walker” -Josh Turner “Your Man” Underwood went home with the award since both have had more mainstream success than that of either Heap or Blunt, but neither have done anything extraordinary enough to really create a “wow” effect. Other category’s include Best Pop Album, Best Dance Album, Best Hip Hop Album, Best Rock Album and Best Rap Album, etc., but as usual, nothing truly exciting is going on in any of those categories, but as we dive into the category of Best Alternative Album, we begin to see things that are actually worthy of their nomination. Nominees like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Gnarls Barkley, Arctic Monkeys, The Flaming Lips and Thom York grace that category and actually get me excited about buying CDs again. Of course the natural choice would be Gnarls Barkley, since they have a nomination for Best Album of the Year and Record of the Year, but Arctic Monkeys may give them a run for their money as their album is one of the highest rated albums of the year, and they have had nothing but critical success since their original debut. With the exception of Gnarls Barkley, none of these five artists have had much mainstream success and are basically shunned from the MTV crowd since they actually put originality into their music. Perhaps that’s why they’re not all that popular…they don’t care about how many awards they win or the number of friends on their Myspace page. They actually care what they sound like when their album debuts.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 8



W.O.W.’s corruption Two fans fight Teens become obsessed with this PC game Catalina Burns Assistant Editor


yes focused on the computer screen, fingers cramping at every click of the mouse, palms sweating, and heart racing, Max Spenser wonders if he will ever make it through the agonizing instance in Molten Core. He is a druid on the alliance, and “the best part of playing,” says Spenser “is powning all the horde nubes in Azeroth.” He quickly focuses his attention back on the screen, trying to get through the instance, until his mom calls him down to dinner and lectures him on the amount of brain cells he kills when he continuously plays that “stupid computer game” for five hours at a time instead of finishing his chemistry project. That mess of so called words actually means something to a very large group of computer nerds who, for hours on end, log into a completely different world, a world so different from ours, that most players eventually grow a sickening and sometimes fatal obsession with the game. This world, known as the World of Warcraft (WOW), is an online role-playing “experience” set in the Warcraft universe. World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role playing game which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other

in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory. Predominantly, males 8-30, who play this online game suffer from early carpel tunnel, failing of core classes, and nonexistent relationships. Every time a friend calls to hang out, they say, “Hey man, I have got to get through this instance so I can get The Sword of a Thousand Truths,” or “Hey dude, I’m so close to leveling, I’m like two bars away.” Dustin Hymer, who is level 48 on WoW admits that he sometimes spends a little too much time playing. “I became basically addicted to the game a couple months ago and realized I had a problem, “says Hymer, “I now try to limit my time on the game so I’m not skipping out on friends just to play. WoW has changed the lives of many young and old people and not always for the better. While over 7 million teens and young adults are involved in this online world, another large portion look at it as something that we need to get rid of. “I

over Playstation 3 and X-box 360 The debate arises about which console is better and which one has its faults

WORLD OF ADDICTION This game has its players hooked. TheHotwire have threatened to take away is computer or put a code on it so he doesn’t play World of Warcraft so much.” Says Shannon Carducci, “Dustin always just figures out the codes and locks and continues to play his game. Parents have begun to realize the fatal effects this game is having on the innocent and youthful brains of their teenagers. “I saw my son’s grades begin to drop, and his focus seemed to always be on this game,” says Tommy Burns, whose son is also an avid WoW player, “I finally got some sense and put a code on the computer and eliminated the whole grade problem all together.”

Anthony Alejandro & Tate Anderson Cub Reporters


rom the first Atari to the PS2, people have been enjoying their entertainment units, but now, with the release of the next generation of Xbox and Playstation, people have begun fighting over which

Tate: It’s new, so give it a chance. Anthony: Yes, it’s new, but like I said, Sony is big, and they could have done better than coming out with a problematic system. Come on, the thing looks like a computer tower! Tate: Well, as I recall, Xbox 360 had some faults too. Anthony: Like what? Tate: Well, when Xbox 360 came out, people were saying that their games weren’t good and that they should have gone with a different look. Anthony: Okay, you got me, but those people don’t know what they’re talking about because 360 has a great look, and it’s not as big as the PS3, and it has great games, such as, Call of Duty 3, Gears of War, and Oblivion. Tate: Okay, so the PS3 doesn’t have a big selection of games, but it will soon, and I have an Xbox 360, and I think it rules, but give

Nintendo releases the Wii A new active system has the Nintendo fans reeling Tyler Holt


Staff reporter

t’s time that someone changed the face of gaming as we know it to its fullest potential. Nintendo’s newest game platform, the “Wii” offers this dramatic change in technology. Nintendo presents something completely new and unseen in gaming. They’ve done something that no one would ever think of, and they have changed the way that we play video games forever. Unlike like Sony and Microsoft, who have decided to go in the same direction as before (with only making their graphics look better and better), Nintendo finally pushed the envelope and decided that their graphics weren’t good enough— they needed to do something different—something new Nintendo’s new trick is more

of a treat. They have decided to change not only their graphics, but their controller. Nintendo has always been pushing gaming to the limits. The new controller doesn’t look anything like a controller at all; it looks more like a television remote. But they didn’t just simply change the shape; Nintendo fused the familiarity of a television

r e m o t e shape with the sophistication of motion-sensing technology. Yes, that means an actual point and click, like the guns in Call of Duty 3, are used with a remote. You can always turn to your left

and right with it by plugging in the nun chuck attachment. With so many people fearing change in any situation, many have talked down the Wii with no real good reason at all. Nintendo has finally offered something new, and many people take this in such a negative way and spit in the face of the Nintendo franchise. Granted, just like anything else, the Wii does have its flaws, but they are of minimal concern. The only real problem encountered is the wrist strap attachment snapping off and the remote ends up flying. This is a problem that can be easily fixed, by not swinging the remote as hard as you possibly can. Nintendo will continue to lead the gaming franchise into new directions, and Sony will continue to copy Nintendo as much as possible. But as for being an affordable, fun, and easy to use gaming system, the Wii is where it’s at.

is the better system. Here’s our conversation about the two systems. Anthony: I think the 360 is better because it has a variety of games and great online game play. Tate: Well, not to put the PS3 down, but it has its ups and downs. It does have good games and graphics. Anthony: While it does have good games and graphics, it has some major problems, like how it “FREEZES” and its break-thebank price. Tate: I agree, but would Sony make such a system on purpose? Anthony: No, but Sony is a big company and should have fixed all the bugs.

PS3 some time. Anthony: Fine, but until then, the 360 will rule. Both: Well, until next time everyone. This has been Anthony and Tate from Game Talk. If you guys want to ask us anything about games, send or bring a letter to the Hotwire office in room 741.

CLASHING CONSOLES Each has its own unique qualities, but some favor Xbox while others favor PS3. It’s hard to prove which one is better because both have things that are wrong with them. ShyanneTino/TheHotwire


MTV’s Laguna Beach soundtrack

It should be a favorite for the fans obsessed with the show Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


veryone is obsessed with the show, the make ups, the breakups and the cat fights. The Laguna Beach soundtrack backtracks through all three seasons, with a montage of hits from the first season up until now. Hilary Duff’s hit “Come Clean” is the first track and sets the tone for the rest of the CD. This CD is a mixed bag, including Sugarcult’s “Bouncing off the Walls,” The All American Rejects’ acoustic version of “It Ends Tonight,” New Found Glory’s “It’s Not Your Fault” and Long Beach Shortbus’s “California Grace,” just to name a few. The soundtrack is perfect


HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 9

STG was a hit at the HOB

Pushing local bands aside, Shiny Toy guns steps out Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor


inter break of ’05, I had made plans to see Shiny Toy Guns perform at the infamous Rock ‘n Java. With my luck I got the flu the night before, and no matter how much I cried and fussed, my mother refused to let me go. This year, I was determined to go. I even planned everything an entire month before the actual show. December 15 rolled by, and I found myself arriving at the House of Blues with my brother Chris and my friend Haili. As we waited an hour for the doors to open, Chris, Haili and I found ourselves surrounded by a sea of teenagers with overly dyed hair typing away on their Sidekicks. Chris claimed he would get a nicotine addiction from all the cigarette smoke in the room. As I people-watched, the intro of Hollywood Undead’s song “The Kids” repeated over and over in my head. The indie/rock/electronica band started out as Gregori Chad Petree and Jeremy Dawson began doing side projects together in 1999. Slyder was formed, and for years they performed in their Oklahoma hometown. However, the band didn’t create the impact the boys wanted, so they moved to Los Angeles in search for a better outcome and missing band mates. Drummer Mikey Martin was found at a club party playing for a different band. The three became closer and created the basis for what they figured would be another side project. The last member, Carah Faye Charnow, surprised them with her amazing vocals. With her help, they were able to create their popular lyrical conversations between boys and girls. We are the Pilots was released in January of ’06, and

they’re names were soon known all over the world. Local band The Higher opened with their most popular song “Rock My Body.” I suppose it wouldn’t have been half as bad if the bass didn’t cover up the lyrics. With his constant hair flipping and head bobbing, the lead singer Seth T. did more dancing than singing. Not that his voice was even bad, (it was actually pretty good), but I found that he repeatedly left the singing up to the fans while he pranced around the stage. I think a few songs passed after that, but I’m not sure where one ended and another began since they all sounded the same. The familiar beat of Justin Timberlake’s “Lovestoned, I Think She Knows” picked up in between some tunes, which was a nice change from all their hum drum songs. After what seemed like forever, they closed their act with “Pace Yourself,” during which my attention span drifted as Haili pointed out some hammered guy sprawled out on the floor as security hovered over him. Next up was another local band, The Cab. My anticipation for their performance wasn’t high, but I enjoyed them more than The Higher. Their music was more upbeat, lead singer Alex DeLeon’s vocals were stronger, and the drummer used more cymbals and high hats. “You Got the Nerve” hit the spot as crowd surfers tested security’s patience. Piano player Alex Marshall used rich chords that were noticeable and actually stood out. A few songs into their act, fans were asked to take out cell phones and lighters as they played “Take My Hand.” They challenged The Higher and sang Maroon 5’s “Harder to Breathe.”

Although they stumbled over a few of the words, the energy level was more intense than The Higher. They closed their scene by throwing guitar picks and drum sticks into the crowd, and I hoped one would knock some of these insane “moshers” out. After an hour and a half of criticizing local bands, I was starting to wonder whose show this actually was. To my satisfaction, the lights dimmed after a half hour set change, and the curtains were closed. The intro of “I Promise You Walls” started playing, and the crowd lost it. Cheering and chants encouraged technicians to open up the curtains, and an incredible burst of energy was released as Shiny Toy Guns appeared on stage. They opened with “Starts

pop sounding song with gloomy, melancholy lyrics. Later, what I thought were towels being tossed on stage, I quickly realized people were stripping and throwing their clothes. My brother had tagged a long only because I needed someone over 18 present if I was under 16, so when “Le Disco” picked up, he sang and danced to the only line he knew. Their keyboarding skills stood out during “You are the One,” as keyboardist Jeremy Dawson used different effects to create a distorted sound. They closed by singing “Chemistry of a Car Crash,” but the second they walked off stage, the crowd began chanting “encore.” The four exhausted band mates stumbled back on stage and performed “Fly Away”

With One”, but once again I got distracted half way through. This time I blame the 50-somethingyear-old tech lady and her overexposed thong as she bent over to pick up the empty beer bottles next to us. After being scarred for life, I quickly shifted my attention back to the “Guns.” Their energy was phenomenal, and I was blown away when they played my personal favorite “Rainy Monday,” as sparkling

and “Stripped,” both having beats that vibrated your entire chest cavity. I walked out to the car satisfied as Haili agreed Shiny Toy Guns sounded amazing live, almost better than they do on their CDs. I sang their songs the entire way home while deaf in one ear and feeling exhausted. I immediately crashed in my bed when I arrived home, and I woke the next morning with my friend, the flu.

A Night at a funny movie for all ages LAGUNA LOVE With the California ocean in the background, Steven Colleti graces the cover of Laguna Beach’s new soundtrack. Courtesy photo

for the California in all of us. These songs set the mood for each scene and make a laid back compilation. This CD has a very interesting twist too. After every few songs, a snippet of dialogue from an episode is included. It helps the listener reconnect with the show and understand the meaning of the tone of the songs. This soundtrack is great for Laguna Beach fanatics and for those who just want to relax and daydream of Huntington Beach. Grade: B-

A Night at the Museum is yet another smash hit for Ben Stiller and friends


Amber Briscoe Copy Editor

ight at the Museum pulled in 30.8 million before the end of Christmas break and ranked the number one movie in America pushing The Pursuit of Happyness into the number two spot. The reason is understandable. It was a movie made for literally--all ages. It could be a family movie where parents could bring their kids, a comedy for a date or just a good flick you take a close friend to see. Unlike animated kid’s movies like Finding Nemo and Shrek, (while those movies are captivating too), it had more of a storyline that adult’s could enjoy. Ben Stiller stars as good-hearted

Larry Daley, a divorced man who cannot seem to keep a steady job because he believes that he is destined for something big. With his child’s visitation at risk due to constant moving, trying to be closer to his many jobs, he decides that he must stop looking for a job and find a career as soon as possible. After a conference in the job placement center, he is given a chance interview for a job that no one can seem to keep, a night watchman shift at the local museum. After being taught the basics of the job and making a few rounds, Daley gets too comfortable with his new job and quickly falls asleep. When he awakes, he is shocked to find that everything inside the museum has come to life. Encountering a fossilized T-

rex, an unruly cowboy (played by Owen Wilson) Roman figurines, a mischievous monkey and other characters, Daley soon figures that he is not cut out for this job but does it to make his son proud. With the help of President Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams), he is made not only into a hero but a wonderful father as well. This movie, while having somewhat more of a grown-up storyline, is still only rated PG. I couldn’t believe I had actually paid my money to go see a PG rated film. However, it was worth it. It was a very clean-cut movie with a little adventure and a twist of good old fashioned family values that everyone can enjoy. Grade: A

MIDNIGHT MAYHEM In Night at the Museum historical figures come alive and create chaos. TheHotwire

ParenTEEN i The truth about being a statistic


Catalina Burns

very year, approximately one million teenage girls become pregnant in the United States. Of these pregnancies, only 13% are intended. As a result, about a 1/3 of these teens abort their pregnancies, another 14% lose their pregnancies to miscarriage, and the remaining 52% of these teens bear children. Of the half-a-million teens who give birth annually, 72% are unmarried and 75% are giving birth for the first time. More than 175,000 of these new moms are 17 or younger. Teenage parenthood is by no means a new social phenomenon. Historically, women have tended to begin childbearing during their teens and early twenties. During the past two decades, the U.S. teenage birthrate has actually declined 35 percent since 1990. In the late 1950s, 90 out of 1000 women under 20 gave birth as compared with 52 out of 1000 in 1978. Although it has decreased in the past twenty years, the number of teenagers has increased and therefore, so has the number of teen pregnancies and births. The declining birthrate is not consistent for all teenagers: among those 14 or younger, the birthrate is increasing. Some teens opt to give their babies up for adoption, but those who choose to raise their babies face many challenges, especially if they decide to continue their high school education. Harmony Draves feels that being pregnant and still being a high school student would be a difficult task without a great support system. “In the beginning of my pregnancy, some people stared and talked a lot about me being pregnant,”said Draves. “But after the actual shock settled, people began to really support me and help me out with a lot of the struggles that come with being a pregnant teen.” The greatest problem associated with teen pregnancy is financial instability. Most teens do not have the salary or knowledge to support a child if they don’t have the support of their parents. “My mom supports me 100 percent and helps me out whenever I need her,” says Draves. “If I want to hang out with my friends or just relax, my mom is always there to help take care of the baby.” But some might not be so lucky and are unprepared for the challenges that come along with supporting another human being while still taking care of themselves. At such a young age, where teens are still trying to figure out who they are, putting a baby in the mix can lead to depression, a short-lived life, malnutrition and poverty. While the prevention of pregnancy via abstinence, birth control and education are helping to reduce teen pregnancy, teens may never have stopped to consider the potential life changes raising a child would bring, especially if parents are not supportive and helpful. It’s worth thinking about.

Age 10-14 15-17

Teen Pregnancy rates in 2006 (approximate) 1,000 20,000




101,000 number of pregnancies

Picture by Catalina Burns Cover by Catalina Burns *Ed. note: models on cover and center spread photos are for illustrative pur

in high school Should daycare be allowed in high school? Yes Cheslyne Snowden


istakeshappen.Asateenage girl, one is very aware of thingsthatcanhappen.Those whoopsmomentslikegettingpregnant. But after you’ve had the baby, you still want to go to school and graduate.You can’t afford daycare, so why doesn’t the schoolofferone?Afterall,collegeshave daycares for their students. Why can’t high schools? The teen pregnancy rate is declining, but it isn’t extinct! As a girl who knows that anything can happen, I think that havingdaycaresinschoolsisagoodidea because way too often teenage moms feelthattheyhavenochoicebuttodrop out. Starting a daycare for teen moms and dads shows them the light at the end of a very dark, scary, unsure tunnel of decisions and responsibilities. It’s hard enough being a high schooler and dealing with all of the stress of passing, graduating and college. Adding a baby into the equation is making that much more stressful. Itmaybearguedthatschool-sponsored daycare will only lead to more teen promiscuitybecausetherearenotanyreal “repercussions.”CorrectmeifI’mwrong, but isn’t the pregnancy a repercussion? When teenage girls get pregnant, it’s an accident, and they shouldn’t have to bear the load alone. They’re not thirty-

No Catalina Burns The school banker glances at the young girl who passes her door at a very quick pace and makesherwaytothe nurse’s office. She takes another look at the distressed girl and realizes that the bump she saw on the girl’s stomach as she passedbywasnot just the bulk of her sweatshirt, but was a bump from a baby growinginside.The girl stumbles through the doorway and says to the nurse in a sort of fatigued way,“I think my water broke, but I’m not sure.”Thenursequicklygrabsthephone andmakesaphonecall,sitsthegirldown in the chair next to her and tells her, with a bit of uneasiness, “Just stay calm, I’m calling the paramedics right now.” An alarming number of teenagers in

rposes only.

two and married. They are misguided adolescents! Ifhavingadaycareleadstopromiscuity, thenwe should do away with condoms, thepilloranyotherformofcontraception becauseithelpspreventpregnancy.Not havingadaycareissayingthattheyaren’t good enough to succeed, unlike the majority of the student body without kids. All daycare is doing is helping girls who needthatextrahand.Beingateenmom shouldn’tbeanexcusenottosucceed.So withoutthedaycares,theschooldistrict is saying that they don’t care about the wellness of their students. And if what they say is true, why would they stop students who have a plan after high schoolthatnotonlyincludesparenthood, but college, from succeeding? I’m not saying that high school daycare is the only option. These girls can ask their parents or grandparents to watch thechild,buttherearealwaysthefamilies who don’t agree with the pregnancy or whohavedisownedtheirchildren.What doyoudowhenyourfamilydoesn’twant you or your child? Then there is always regular day care, but teen moms who are going to school andworkingcan’taffordregulardaycare. Somewell-establishedadultscan’tafford daycare! There is always welfare, but it candiscouragesomeonefromgettingup ontheirowntwofeetandcreatesacycle

of dependency. After the options are exhausted and nothing turns out right, what happens next? It’s sad to say, but the teen in question either becomes poor or drops out of school to work, mostly to pay for formula,diapersanddaycare.Whenthe child is a teen, what happens to them? Theymostlikelyrepeatthesamecycleor are too impoverished to lead a“normal” life. These are the negative effects of teen pregnancy, and although they are bad, they could be worse. In the fifties and sixties, girls were sent“away to school” for nine months to have their baby in a home and then gave them up for adoption, but most were completely alienatedfromsociety.Teenpregnancy has always been a taboo, but it is the year 2007, and instead of hiding it, most are moving forward openly.That’s why I still don’t understand the problem with having daycares in school. Everyone knowssomeonewhohasbeenpregnant or who is a teen mom or who has had an abortion,andit’snotascolossalasadults make it out to be. As a solution, high school daycare wouldcostmoneytobuildandmaintain. Thethreeschoolsinthedistrictthathave daycare are Burk Horizon High School and Sunset High School. The majority of CCSD nurses surveyed are in favor ofhighschooldaycares,buttheybelieve

that there isn’t an overall need for them. Theaveragereportedoverallrateofteen pregnancy per year is 17-21. Some say that most of those students either drop outorchooseadoption.Butwhatabout those who stay in school and keep their babies? Each school may have to budget a certainamount,buttheyshouldn’tmake theirstudentspaybecausetheymaynot beunabletoaffordit.Iknow,freedaycare may sound a bit tricky, but there would be certain qualifications to receive this opportunity.Astheoldsayinggoes,with privilege comes responsibility. Moms with an A/B average, would receive free daycare. Those with C averages would payaportionofthefee,andthosefailing, aren’tbeinggoodstudents,sotheymight as well go home and try to be a good mother instead. Walking down the hallway, you see two teenage girls. One is clad in clothes too baggyforanobeseperson,withmatted hair, bags under her eyes and dragging a diaper bag filled with her unfinished homework and stale milk. The second onehasherheadheldhigh,smiling.With apurposefulwalk,shepeersdownatthe bouncingbabyonherhip.She’sheaded tothenewly-builtdaycarecenter,andthe otheroneisheadedhome,wheresleepis just a five-letter word. The importance of daycare is obvious; it could change a bleak future into one with possibilities.

Americabecomepregnantwhiletheyare in high school. Although many of them decide to either abort the baby or give it up for adoption, another large percent take the risk of not being financially able to handle a child and maybe never being able to go back to school and decide to keep the baby and care for it themselves. This can serve as a major problembecause,alongwiththebirthof thesebabiestounwedor/andunderage mothers comes the harsh reality that these girls may never finish their crucial yearsofschoolingandnevergetaproper education. The reality is that girls that get pregnant at a very young age have a higher risk of never walking at their graduation. Some high schools have decided that, withthelargenumberofpregnantteens in Clark County and the rising drop out rate that they needed to institute somethingtokeepthesegirlsinschoolso theydon’thavetoworryaboutwatching theirinfantsduringschoolhours. Some schoolshavedaycarefacilitiesonthehigh schoolcampus,makingiteasierforteen moms to get care for their baby during school hours. The government funds someofthesefacilitiesbygivingmoney

to the schools to purchase toys, cribs, changing tables, diapers, blankets etc., for the children. Putting these daycares in high schools seems to be a big help to struggling teen moms. Overthepast17years,teenpregnancy hasdecreased35percent,sofewerteens are actually having kids and fewer still are raising their offspring. Foothill, for examplehasonly2-3peryearonaverage. As such, these daycares serve as a costly venture and are an unnecessary use of the government’s money. Why can’t we use the money for the majority of the studentsandputittowardnewerbooks or better computers or maybe better mats for the wrestling team or newer nets for the volleyball team. Putting this“Free”money from the government towardanorganizationfor2-3students peryearseemsalmostunfairtotheother students who have been reading from tornandruinedbooksforthewholeyear and are sitting at broken-down desks. Although many believe there are only two ways out of being a pregnant: abortionoradoption,oneofthosereally is not that bad of an idea. Putting the babyupforadoptionmaybethesmartest decision a young girl ever makes. The

baby would go to a more financially stable home and live in a more nuturing environment for both the baby and the parent. Keeping the baby and caring for it will only put the baby in daycare after daycare.Granted,evenoldermomswho work place their children in daycare not long after birth, but I’m assuming that private daycare would be better than state-provided institutions. The banker takes her focus off of the room in front of her as the door slowly shuts behind the young girl and goes back to the fees she was adding up. As she thinks about the young girl and her future, with or without a child, many questions begin to reverberate in her mind; who will care for her child? How will she continue schooling? How will she ever be financially able to care for a child at the age of 17? She realizes that the girl who just rushed passed her office has a large chance of becoming a teenage statistic. Like the accounts she’s balancing, this girl too will have a balancing act if she decides to raise her childonherown.Whatevershedecides, she’s got sometoughdecisionsto make and two lives hang in the balance.

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HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 13


Pro/con: teachers getting more pay Should teachers get a raise, or will it just turn into a popularity contest Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor



e all have those teachers who are truly passionate about their occupation. They come in early and stay late to help students. They ignore the urge to ridicule when students ask ‘stupid’ questions. They try their best to make learning as easy and enjoyable as possible. And then there’s others could care less. Why should every teacher be paid the same when some put more effort into their job? Take the teacher who actually cares about their students. They put in a little extra elbow grease to make sure their students get the education they deserve and

Rachel Alger Assistant Editor



igh School will always be known as life’s biggest popularity contest. When we look back at high school, most of us will remember a lot of suffering because we weren’t one of the popular kids. Most of us got pushed around by them, and unlike the way most T.V. shows that depict it, it isn’t all football games and pep-rallies. It’s a living hell, and if we start paying teachers based on their performances, then they too get lumped into our four-year long popularity contest. At first glance, paying teachers based on their performance is alluring. I actually thought it seemed like a great idea.

that they teach everything they possibly know. Take the other teacher who shows absolutely no interest in their job. They believe highly in the “all or nothing” grading strategy, and they’re pros at taking an understandable subject and turning it into something completely confusing. Decide which one creates a friendlier student-to-teacher atmosphere, which one a student is more likely to learn from. It’s not a hard conclusion to come up with. I know first hand how it is to have one of those teachers who are showing up for a paycheck every two weeks. The classroom is so drab and monotonous that it almost forces you to not pay attention. So, if your teacher shows no effort Teacher’s would be more motivated to teach us in newer, better ways, since the better they taught, the better they would get paid. But in reality, we’re lucky to even get teachers at this point. Nevada does not have enough teachers. Since June 2006 the CCSD has been 1000 teachers short, so we’re desperate to find teachers of any sort, let alone teachers who would want to be paid based on performance. A lot of the teachers we’re getting are new, and they’re learning how to be in front of a room full of judgmental students without breaking down, so basing their income on their initial performance is unjust. It’s basically punishing them for being newbies, when really we’re lucky to have them. Students are stubborn. We’re

and no interest, why should you? A student shouldn’t try harder than the teacher to learn topics and vice versa. Both sides should have the same level of energy. I feel that teachers should be paid based on their skill. It would motivate the ones who seem to not care to put more effort into their lessons. Everyone is money-hungry these days,

constantly head-butting everyone that slightly disagrees with us, especially our teachers. If we get an F, it’s the teacher’s fault, not because we failed to turn in that 450 point assignment. We will blame whoever possible for our own errors, and teachers seem to be one of our main targets, so there isn’t a completely fair way to tell whether the teacher is doing a bad job or his/her students are just lazy. Some might say that it is a teacher’s job to motivate his/her students, and this is true, but really they are only human and have their breaking point the same as we do. They can only

so what better way to do it? Most fear it would become another high school popularity contest. But, it wouldn’t. A teacher doesn’t have to be liked to be a great teacher. In fact, I’ve learned that usually the stricter they are, the better teachers they are. They leave less room for distractions and are taken more seriously. Each teacher would be graded based on their skills and teaching methods. A supervisor would visit and evaluate them, the same way they do currently. If their methods and strategies observed seem to be efficient and helpful to the students, they would receive a raise in pay. Those not demonstrating

outstands skills would not receive a bonus, but also would not have a pay cut. Another way would to base it off all their class averages. The higher the average, the more their salary raises. It may seem unfair to the teachers who have it flipped when their students are the ones not trying, but the solution is to grade the teacher based on their methods, not the class averages. Just because the students’ grades don’t show any effort, it doesn’t mean the teacher isn’t putting in effort. In all, this would make school feel more like a learning environment. Teachers would be happy because they have the opportunity to be paid more, students would be glad because their overall grades would increase, and they would feel less stressed going to class each day.

push their students so hard before they realize that they just have to give up. So how do we tell how good they are at their job? First comes the idea of having someone from the administration visit the classroom to see how the teacher interacts with his/her students. Seems pretty simple and like it would solve this issue, but when you look at this concept, it really solves nothing. Basing salary on a single visit is not only terrible, but just not right. A truly amazing teacher could bomb, while a really bad one could have a fluke day and look like he/she really knows what he or she’s doing. Our administrators are too to constantly visit every single classroom to see if they’re doing their job well enough on a day to day basis. Another idea is to ask students

to grade their teacher’s teaching, but that brings in the whole popularity contest thing. Just because you like a teacher doesn’t mean they’re good at their job, and a really grumpy teacher could truly teach you something. The more popular the teacher, the more likely a student will say he’s a good teacher. Think of it like winning prom or homecoming queen. Who is more likely to win, the really nice girl who plays the flute in honor band or that one cheerleader that bumped into you and demanded an apology from you? Teachers have already been through their teenage years, so why drag them into the neverending popularity contest by basing their salaries on their performances? We all know that in the end, the more popular will always be treated better than our little flute player.

Teens continually take their parents for granted Without realizing how much they do for us everyday, it’s easy for kids to push parents away Caitlyn Belcher


Copy Editor

urfing aimlessly through the channels, you come across MTV. The familiar “Sweet Sixteen” theme song screeches in your ears. The reality show manages to brainwash victims into watching the entire show before they snap out of it. A typical episode is based on an overly-spoiled 15-yearold whining about how Daddy bought them a Lamborghini instead of a Ferrari. They cry hysterically when Sugarcult can’t make it to the party and throw a fit when their dress is maroon instead of burgundy after they flew in Daddy’s private

jet to Paris to buy it. They’re so spoiled and disrespectful that it makes you want to punch them in the face. Who do they take this anger out on? The parents. Teens continue to take their parents for granted. Parents, the ones who gave you life, cared and nurtured you during your childhood when you were sick, when you broke your arm, or when you got suspended from schol. You should be thanking them, not shoving all their mistakes and mess-ups down their throats. I’m a true believer in that parents are supposed to spoil their offspring, but with love, not materialistic items. You can agree it’s a little much when their parties cost more than weddings, and their car is worth more than a

house. How are the teens supposed to live on their own without Mom and Dad always buying everything for them? Getting a job will be extremely hard due to their lack of communications skills. A boss wouldn’t put up with their disrespectful behavior, and they’d be fired in a heartbeat. They don’t work for the things they want. It’s just expected to be given to them. I can recall going to a friend’s house to hang out. Their mother kindly interrupted to ask if they would turn down the music and pick up the mess downstairs. Awkward enough, I sat there while they refused and demanded her to do it herself. I wasn’t brought up to back talk, but I had no idea whether to defend me friend, her mom, or to sit in silence. Each has

its own bad side effect. Defending my friend might have caused her parents to have lost respect for me. I could have started a drama fest if I argued against her. I sat in silence to avoid being nosy, but a guilty feeling was created in the pit of my stomach. But with that said, I also have little sympathy for the parents. They’re supposed to bring up their kids the way they want to them to act. They’re allowing their children to act horribly. Look at the news lately. Stricter punishment could be a solution, even defending themselves once in a while. Teenagers find it joyful when know they can walk all over people. Unfortunately -for teens- it’s too late to change

now. Discipline needs to start at birth, not 15 years later. Part of the problem still lies in the parents who both work, compensating for missed quality time with money and or gifts and leniency. They want to be a kid’s friend instead of their parent. Sometimes being a parent isn’t popular because you have to make decisions for your kids that aren’t going to make them smile. Like not allowing them to go to the house party down the street, or grounding them from their wheels. Start with being a parent first, then work on being their friend. It’s better for them to hate you for the day than to end up in juvy for the night because you gave in and bought a Porsche they couldn’t drive in the first place.

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HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 15


Our new nation of hypochondriacs New “sicknesses” of today have put modern medicine under scrutiny Cheslyne Snowden Feature Editor


re you feeling lonesome? Is your hair growing in the wrong direction? Are you blinking too often? Does your foot hurt? Do you fidget? What you have is called hypo-centralnervous-blinking-fidgetingliving-way-too-much disorder. One dose of a sleeping aide will help you. Does this sound absurd? It is. Every day on television, we are bombarded with propaganda. Some of it is helpful, but the majority leaves one feeling as if there is something wrong with you. It isn’t just the news that is depressing, it’s the commercials. If I see one more commercial about depression, I think I’m going to become depressed! These commercials make you think there is something wrong with you when there isn’t, turning us into hypochondriacs. The media seems to be promoting hypochondria. With every commercial about someone who is dissatisfied with anything in life, someone is diagnosed with a “disorder” and prescribed pills. Simply put, it’s unhealthy. Not everything can be solved through prescriptions, especially if there isn’t anything wrong in

the first place. These so called disorders are hilarious! Here’s one of the “disorder:” narcissistic personality disorder, which according to mental-health-

criticism, and are self-centered. They are often referred to as being conceited. They generally have a low self-esteem. Is it just me, or can anyone be

It’s called Depersonalization Disorder. There are so many more disorders out there that are bogus. The one that intrigued me enough to write this article

matters.com, is when a person has too much self-importance and is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success. They usually have a desire for attention and admiration, are intolerant to

“diagnosed” with that disorder. Have you ever had a moment where you had to envision yourself out of a situation in order to solve the problem? Well you guessed it. That’s a disorder.

was restless leg sydrome. The commercials are hilarious! It’s said to be hereditary, and some of the symptoms are fidgetting and a stiffening of the legs. That sould be construed as arthritus, being

lazy or fidgetting! Is it really necessary to have someone scarf down a pill when all they really need to do is excersize. Hypochondria is a disease and all the media is doing is feeding it. I don’t disagree with helping people who are in need. But where do you draw the line between real and imaginary? I’ll answer my own question, the line should be drawn as soon as there is an inkling of prosterousness. It’s not the patients fault, but the doctors. What are they being taught? Are they wasting there money on medschool? They must be if they’re going to diagnose someone with Social Anxiety Disorder. Which in a nutshell, is someone who is too shy. What needs to be done is, all bogus disorders be trashed and leave the real ones like OCD, ADD, and ADHD. If this doesn’t happen it is almost inevitable that everyone in the western hemisphere is going to have some sort of psychological melt down.

ONE PILL MAKES YOU SMALLER In today’s society, it seems as if American’s cannot function without a counter full of medication. RachelAlger/TheHotwire

Overspending during the holidays results in debt

Buying unnecessary things for Christmas has made people question what they were thinking Rachel Alger


Assistant Editor

know that I am not alone in saying that I am ecstatic when the holidays end. No more braving the mall to buy gifts. No more overzealous cooking. No more listening to Mariah Carey’s, “All I Want for Christmas is You.” But plenty of empty pockets and bank accounts to go around for all. Over the span of this year’s Christmas shopping season, American’s spent over $218.7 billion on gifts, over $20 billion on Black Friday alone. And while that sounds all well for our less then stellar economy—thousands will or have already gone into debt. In fact, in a recent article by MediaChannel.com, it was reported that 40% of Americans’ incomes are absorbed by paying off their debt. I guess that TMX Elmo for your boss’s spoiled kid wasn’t necessary after all. Why so much debt? My conclusion is two things: credit cards and buying things that weren’t necessary. Honestly, if you know you’re not rolling in the Benjamins, don’t buy all your nieces and nephews iPods or your parents a first class flight to Fiji. Sure, it is a lovely gift, but there

is no need to file for bankruptcy in doing so. It’s okay to be a little skimpy at times. A great gift doesn’t mean you have to spend an incredulous amount of money. If you want to buy your four-yearold niece a gift, go past the $40 TMX Elmo and go for the soft, plushie $12 Elmo. At that age, she won’t remember the difference by February anyway. The misuse of credit cards doesn’t help either. Using a credit card is basically spending money you do not have in your account. It’s borrowed money, and like most things that are borrowed, you have to give it back. Your personal credit history will follow you even after you’re dead. You don’t wipe out your debt just because you die, you just pass it on to your family members. Like it or not, credit may be one of the most important things in your life. You can’t buy a house, a car, or get a bank loan without it, and when they go to do that background check if they see something they don’t like, you can kiss that gated community goodbye. Credit is a bittersweet thing because it is necessary to have in order to live well…but it is so easy to let get out of control and ruin your life, especially when buying gifts. The concept of

credit is truly an amazing thing. You buy it now and pay for it later. Buy Sam the plasma screen pay for it in January. Buy Jason the new Play Station 3 pay for it in February. Buy Jackie a gift card to the mall, pay for it March. The list goes on and on…and that is a major problem because at some point you need to realize that you aren’t Donald Trump, and you can’t afford to buy everything, especially at one time of the year. It’s okay to skip certain people so you can keep your house. There’s no need to charge $9,000 on your Mastercard just so you can be this season’s Santa Claus. Sometimes it’s okay to just stop. Take a breath. And just ask yourself, “What’s more important, my kid’s college fund or a PS3 with all the bells and whistles?” If you can’t answer that the right way, I think you may want to put a lower limit on your Visa. DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER CARD? After the crazy holiday spending season, many people find themselves in credit card debt and end up having their cards declined at various establishments around town. RachelAlger/ TheHotwire

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Lines should be drawn somewhere When it comes to exes being “fair game,” is it still okay to go after them? Kristina Smith


Staff reporter

xactly how far is “too far?” Today, it’s more common for friends to lash out in arguments, or even physical fights for that matter, over a former girlfriend or boyfriend. In typical high school relationships, when you break up, you not only have to worry about hears being broken or the awkward silence, but you also have the drama that automatically comes along with it. You can’t escape it. The second someone is “fair game,” the gossip immediately starts, and before you know it, they are

no longer single. You walk into class only to be quickly caught up in your ex’s new relationship: obviously, something you do not wish to hear about. It’s drama. It’s high school. In most cases, those are the times that you turn to your friends for support or a shoulder to cry on, but what if you didn’t have your friends to turn to? What if the new boyfriend or girlfriend was one of your closest friends? What do you say? Do you confront them or just talk about the issue when they are not around? Foothill students were asked how they would react if they were put in the situation of a close friend dating their ex. The

true question was if they would give up their friendship with their friend by trying to undermined them and get the attention of their ex back onto them, or if they would be happy for the both of them and continue to move on. The answers vary, as Foothill students tell it like it is. “I would say it depends on the person. If it were a best friend, I would want her to be happy, said junior Lexie Stone. “However, if it were just an acquaintance, I would definitely make an attempt to get mine back.” It’s always hard to let go, but it just seems a bit harder for girls to let go than it is for guys. Junior Sam Listler confesses, “I wouldn’t care really. It depends on if I really like the girl or not, but he can have her. I wouldn’t be mad at the guy though. It would be the girl I was mad at.” One of the obvious differences between girls and guys during a situation like this is the fact that guys don’t let one single girl come between their friendships. “Uh, I SHE WAS MINE Most teens go too far with their friend’s exes. They don’t know when they’re crossing the line, BrendtHulsey/TheHotwire

wouldn’t be a hater,” says junior Marquel Booker. “I’d let him be with her if they were happy. I wouldn’t get mad at my boy.” It appears that in any situation the guy won’t turn their back on their boys because normally it’s “more the girl’s fault than the guys.” Notice, the tables turn when you look at the situation from a girl’s perspective. Often, you see friendships torn apart because they happen to have their eye on the same guy. In most cases, the guy always seems to walk away without a sweat, as the two girls stand there, both one friend short. Some believe it’s much easier if everyone just follows “The Rule,” which states: “Friends don’t date other friend’s ex boyfriends/ girlfriends.” “If there is consent between you and your buddy, it’s okay,” says senior Brad Brittain. “Guys say they won’t get mad, but in some ways they still do. So it’s safer to just go by the rule and not date a friend’s ex.” However, with some Foothill students, it’s an easy “brush off the shoulder” if they come to find their ex has moved on. Junior Kelton Kesterson says,

“I would say ‘Whatever.’ I really wouldn’t care.” Don’t be upset girls, because it’s not only guys who have this change of heart. Junior Tracy Defalco adds, “I would definitely say “Whatever.’ I ain’t trippin.” Girls too can have an easy time moving on and not letting themselves get caught up in the drama or pain. Would it really help the situation if your ex was seen dating “Mr. Popular,” as opposed to dating a “nerd,” even if they were still one of your closest friends? Junior Anthony Bakalas sure thinks so. “I wouldn’t care really. I would be mad if she started dating a nerd after me, but not if the guy was cool.” Well, shouldn’t the only issue be, if any, that your ex has now moved on to a close friend of yours, not whether or not the person is cool. Do they care more about the person they have lost or about what they look like to the rest of the school? So exactly how far is “too far?” Does it all depend? Is it really okay to date your friend’s ex boyfriend/girlfriend? The guys say “okay,” but the girls say “NO WAY”.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 18


Dance team in tip top shape

Their twists and flips paid off with their winning streak Lexie Stone


Sports Editor

t’s halftime, and the crowd goes wild as the ladies give them a little something extra to shout about. The basketball team prepares for the second half. With smiles on their faces, the ladies “drop it like it’s hot.” Immediately, the sideline fills with younger girls who idolize the dance team. They sway side to side as they watch, striving to be just like them one day. “It’s pretty special,” said Kallie Wickel. “You’re like a role model and hopefully inspiring them to be dancers.” It’s not only the young who look forward to seeing the girls; the whole audience is drawn to the music and their energetic movements. With so much preparation and responsibility going into this team, tryouts are taken very seriously and thoroughly. “Our coach selects judges from outside of the school,”

said Wickel. “Before auditions, we have several days where people who want to audition come and learn skills and a dance that they will show at the audition. Triple pirouettes, flexibility, jumps, and performance skills are just some of the things they look for.” With football season being over, new routines and dances were whipped up for basketball season. “Dance is pretty much a year-round sport,” said Wickel. “We use the routines we learned over the summer or the dances we make up on our own to perform with. It can get hectic, but we pull

through.” The team relies on experienced seniors to guide the underclass dancers. “We have a lot of seniors this year, and we’re all co-captains,” said Wickel. “We also have some new team members who either moved up from drill team or switched from cheerleading. We all get along really well and have some pretty silly moments.” The dance team competed in the USA dance/drill regional at Green Valley High School in mid January where they won first place in both jazz and hip hop. “Their score

was high enough to qualify them for the championship division at USA’s national competition at Disneyland,” said Coach Lana Freberg. Dancing in front of a huge crowd can be intimidating to some, but for the dance team, this is their life. “I get nervous every time I perform,” said Wickel. “Our team has a pre-performance ritual. We get into a circle and pray, and then we say a motivational cheer that pumps us up. If we don’t do this, it’s kind of like a bad omen because it always gives us luck!” After a two-minute routine in front of the whole gymnasium, the dance team runs off the floor. Gasping after an exhilarating performance, they smile in triumph. Sipping their water, they can still hear the crowd, reassuring them that their performance was just how they had hoped it would be.


Bowling spares no one

Foothill works on their form to compete with their competition Brendt Hulsey Photographer

AIN’T NO STOPPING US Kimi Seta, Maryann Floren and Marissa Walker perform at the annual dance concert. JakeHarames/Peregrine

Boy’s basketball leaps over opponents Many Foothill students attend every so they can support their home team Brendt Hulsey Photographer


ocky DiAntonio steps up to the free-throw line. He’s been seven for seven for the whole game. If he makes it, it’ll give the Falcons a chance to pull away. He shoots. This brings his game-high to 23 points, giving the Falcons a 76-62 victory over the Coronado Cougars. With a league record of 5-2 and an overall record of 9-9, the team still has a great chance of making the playoffs. After losing to the Gators 47-60, the Falcons were on a five-game winning streak punctuated by one 59-62 loss against Silverado. However, they have won by large margins against Liberty (67-47), Del Sol (82-70), Basic (71-67), Coronado (76-62), and Vo-Tech (73-44). In addition, the Falcons redeemed themselves by replaying Green Valley and defeating them 65-62. “Green Valley was probably our toughest team because they are one of the most athletic teams in the state,” said junior guard Kelvin Andres. “With them out of the way, I don’t think there will be much more competition.” The Falcons have also suffered losses due to ineligibilities and injuries. “We haven’t made any changes,” said senior guard Rocky DiAntonio. “At this point in the season, we’re becoming closer teammates, making us a better team,” added forward Shane Goodsell. The confidence they have

in their coaches is also a new characteristic this season. “Our coaches really believe in our potential, and they’re working very hard to push us as far as we can,” said Goodsell. “Our coaching staff is the best in the state,” added DiAntonio.” So far, the Falcons have defeated Coronado 76-62 and Vo-Tech 7344. Their latest victory against the Basic Wolves ended 71-67 in double overtime. “That game was great for the fans, but terrible for us,” said coach John Ringler. “Basic hasn’t won a game this season, so we shouldn’t have gone into overtime.” When asked about their losses to out-of-conference

schools, small forward Ben Green responded, “We’ve learned from our mistakes during those games, but the playoffs are looking brighter than ever.” SKY HIGH (right) Small forward Ben Green jumps to block a shot by a Basic player, helping the Falcons win 71-67. KristinaAtha/Peregrine

COMMANDING COURT (bottom) Earl Jones beats a Basic defender, helping the current record of 5-2. JakeHarames/Peregrine


he beads of sweat on Nick Lindsey’s hands trickle down and are captured in the holes of his bowling ball. He advances to the line and releases the ball. It heads straight but begins curving left. As little as five degrees can earn him a strike. The bowling team had a mixed season with a record of 32-24. Although certain individual averages differed from the team record, performance as a team has certainly dropped since last year. This could be because of the loss of kingpin Shawn Quinn. However, the team’s leadership vacancy was filled by senior Nick Lindsey and junior Kyle Busby. “I’ve been doing this for five years,” said Busby, “and Nick and I have the highest averages on the team.” Green Valley, Coronado and Silverado, as in previous years, provided the toughest competition. The boys’ varsity team lost to Silverado 2-5, but dominated Basic 7-0. Other games included Coronado (2-5), Green Valley (3-4), Vo-Tech (2-5), Liberty (70), and Del Sol (2-5). The girls’ varsity record consists of wins and losses against Del Sol (07), Silverado (4-3), Basic (2-5), Liberty (7-0), Green Valley (0-7), Vo-Tech (4-3) Coronado (0-7). Nick Lindsey’s ball heads toward the middle of the lane. It hits the first pin and the rest fall down like dominoes. It’s a strike for him and win for the team.



HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 19

Soccer jukes out their competition

The team racks up all the wins by keeping everyone’s energy going Cat Burns Assistant Editor


atie McKay rushes the ball down the field and quickly looks left to see if any of her teammates are open. She quickly drives the ball down the lane and toward her opponent’s sweeper. She forces all of her strength, including her shoulder, into what she looks at as her enemy. This 5’ 2” powerhouse knocks the sweeper over and quickly ignores the pain that comes from the jabbing of the girl’s knee into McKay’s thigh. She storms her way down the

field, and the only thing between her and another point for her team is that girl wearing a bright orange shirt with a scowl like the devil’s. The girls’ varsity soccer team has players who have played on both club and local teams and almost have more experience than the older girls. With so much experience under their belts, all the young players are already playing exceptionally well at the high school level. Sophomore Derian Masters has led the team for almost two seasons but has now been named captain to make it more official. Along with almost half the team, Masters has played for well over half her lifetime and plans to continue, “until she’s old and can’t run anymore.” The team is a young team and plans to take all the good things from this season and only go approve the next couple years. McKay is one of many freshmen who were chosen for the varsity team this year and have been influential in making the women’s soccer program respected. “I was

so happy when I was chosen for varsity,” says McKay. “I hope to finish out the season strong and look forward to next year’s season and what it will bring us since we’ll have such a young and talented team.” Along with McKay, Masters, who played on varsity her freshmen year, also leads the team in points. “I think it’s really good that we have such a young team and can still learn and grow as athletes,” says Masters. “We have had a great season so far and plan to better it next year.” With such a young team where almost every player has potential to play post high school, both the coaches and the players plan on a promising end to their season and an even better beginning to their season next year. McKay tries to ignore the cold sweat that constantly drips down her face from the frigid weather that always comes with the month of January. She focuses on the goally box and on the corner to whom she is going to loft the ball.

She finally comes toe to toe with that orange shirted devil of a girl and fakes the ball right then turns briskly to her left and launches it to the left corner. Everyone hangs on those few moments as the ball, almost in slow motion, skids into the back corner of the net. McKay contentedly jogs up the field and takes in a huge breath of “victory” air and meets her fellow teammates halfway as they congratulate her on her game-winning goal.

DON’T STOP! (right) Darian Masters hussles down the field while an opposing player has trouble keeping up with her speed BernhardWilliams

STAND OFFISH Alexandria Cummings stands off to the side and dribbles the ball around with her feet to gain more ball-handling control. BernhardWilliams

NBA kicks off new season with a different ball Players are getting their hands cut up on the different material with moisture absorbency Lexie Stone Sports Editor


lipping through a sports magazine the other day, I came across an article that I think everyone will be in awe about. With the New Year just happening, an important sports event has filled every magazine and newspaper. The NBA has changed the basketball. It has a new look and new material to help with better grip, feel, and consistency. This is the first change in the basketball in 35 years. But, they changed it back!!!! In 1970, the NBA basketball was four panels, but they changed to eight just recently. The new ball has Spaulding’s Cross Traxxion™ technology, which is a revolutionary design and breakthrough material. The ball now has two interlocking panels instead of eight oblong panels. Microfiber helps to keep in moisture for a superior grip. With the previous ball, time made each ball better to use. With the new basketball, there’s no “breaking in” necessary. So what’s the big deal? They just changed the ball right? No. Changing the ball not only

affected the players, it affected the American NBA enthusiast. The fact that they changed the ball could sway a person’s side for the NBA. It’s tradition, and changing that could have changed

of basketball for years. Skilled players had to change everything they’re used to. The most talented player could have suddenly had a turning point in his career due to the fact that his fingers are all

PAINFUL DRIBBLE This ball cut up basketball player’s fingers.

history. Michael Jordan was the turning point in basketball. His skill and mastery of the game was perfected by using the same type

torn up, and he can’t perform to his best ability. NBA players are suffering from cut and scratched fingers.

A problem with the ball is that if I could switch over and still it is “too grippy” and snags the be successful. The NBA sure is player’s fingers when it is dry. wiping their foreheads in relief But, when players sweat, it makes that they switched back. Although the ball more slippery than the old their hard work getting used to the one. ball was shot out the window, they The coaches have it worse. finally have a sense of familiarity Players have not gotten used to and comfort knowing that they’re the cuts on their hands. Talk of back to where they started. changing the ball back came into play when it first came out. Since changing the ball twice this year, players spent long hours getting used to the new one when it was suddenly switched back. Basketball has even changed in our very own high school. Not only is the NBA suffering from change, but high schools as well. “They changed the ball from Wilson to Nike,” said Coach Kevin Soares. Will the high school ball change back too? After getting used to all these new changes in basketball, will other sports change equipment? I wondered, as a volleyball player, what would I do if they changed the volleyball? After spending five years using the same type of ball, I wondered KRTcampus


HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 20


Valentine’s Day love shout-outs

Foothill students are wishing their loved one a happy Valentine’s Day! Chanteezy Lemon Squeezy, So once again we don’t have Valentines. The rest of our year will probably be awful. I like it when you make French toast. Megan Heally

Hey Chantizzle, Just thought I’d let you know you’re amazing and the greatest friend ever and you tell jokes better

Cat, I love you. You’re the love of my life. Keep it real, for sure. -Your bestest friend, Emma

Corey, I love you so much. You’re my everything and I never want to lose you. XOXO, Alana Dearest Emma, Um, so it’s been real...tight...I’m just kidding. So I love you with all my heart and soul always and forever, and if you don’t feel the same...I’ll kill you...but otherwise you have always been there for me and helped me with ALOT of stuff...<3 you! Love Cat/Catalina/Stratford Burns Blakey-Poo, I love you so much. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Christina

Kelton Kesterson, My widdle sweet pea! You’re amazing and the greatest thing in my life. I’m so glad I moved here and we found each other. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you so much. <3 Lexie

than anyone I know...bird... bird... Tarah Easley Hey Nick, Just wanted to tell you I luv ya and yo’ big country-listening behind. Love, Tarah Easley P.S. We have to save your grandma.

Jason, You’re a nerd sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love every minute we spend Tracy, together. You’re an incredible guy, Happy three days before our six and I couldn’t be happier. month anniversary! I love you. Love, Cait Love, William Rachel Shayna, Happy Valentine’s Day love. Your Happy V-day, you crazy beast. I love is like cinnamon, sweet and love how we roll. Haha. great everywhere. I love you Rach. XOXO, Alana -Jacob

Brandon, You’re such a great boyfriend. Thanks for always being there for me. Katie L. Haill You’ve been my best friend my entire life. You’re always there when I need you. You’re an amazing girl. Love, Cait Sexie Lexie, Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you XOXO. Love Jessica

Hey Taylor Hernandez, All I want is a chance. A second thought. A second glance from you. I’ve got whatever it takes! It’s a piece of cake! <3, Mr. Awesome Jacob Roland, Happy Valentine’s Day! These last fourteen months have been amazing and I hope to spend many more with you. I love you, Rachel Hey Jon love, Happy Valentine’s Day! I just wanted to say thank you for always being there for me when I need you. You are an amazing friend, and an even better boyfriend. I love you with all my heart and I just want you to know that I’m always here to return the favor. I love you. -Amber Briscoe

Will, Happy Valentine’s Day babe. I love you! (three more days until our six month) Yay! Love Tracy Nicholas Ryan, I hope you have a good Valentine’s day...with me. This is our third together! That’s because you rock as my boyfriend. Love you, Bubba

Tesh & Krissy, You guys are the sunshine in our lives! We love you to death, and we are so glad we met you both. We have the most fun when we are with you. You’re AMAZING! Love you forever, Catemma Carly & Megan, You guys are amazing. I don’t know what I would do without you. Love, Gwen

Horoscopes: happy birthday to FHS aquarius Sarah Reyburn Arts Director


our horoscope is your personal map, calculated using the date and time you were born from the perspective of your birth location. From this information, a clock-life diagram emerges that shows where every planet was located at the moment you were born. Each chart is composed of the same elements, rearranged, so everyone has one of everything, but none are exactly alike. Each planet represents different life concerns-values, communication, creativity and your horoscope will give you a better understanding of that. You may be torn between giving in to your party animal side and buckling down to business. The first half of the month will be fun, but after that, plan

to be more persuasive and flexible. Go for the goal to get maximum results. This is an awesome month for attending to the structural details of your life (money and school). That’s doubly true after the 15th. However, loved ones may misinterpret your hard work for neglect, so you spend time reassuring them. Old friends in rough spots need your help during the first half of February. They’ll be glad to hear from you. It’s a good month to try a new look or to upgrade your communication skills or tools especially after the 19th. Be blunt for most of the month, but plan to play a waiting game during

the last two weeks. indulgences could be escape! Your loyalty tested from the 18th the month of March.

Artistic a useful may be through

A signal of travel comes your way this month. Are you ready? New friends may prove to be more amusing than others. Finances could be strained, especially if you’ve been replacing outmoded possessions. Avoid impulse purchases--the research is well worthwhile. You’re always alert, and this month perhaps overly so. Beware of involuntary defensiveness in the first two weeks. After the new moon, you’ll ease up when others respond to your reliability and imagination in confidence.

Adventures close to home with old friends are most rewarding, but new friends will be attracted to you, too! After midmonth, new projects will take extra effort on your part. Be slow but steady in your progress. This is a fine month for travel, or delegating work (which is not your thing usually). After the new moon, tread carefully around authority figures, and don’t make announcements about plans until you’re absolutely ready. This is another dynamic month for you, when you can make s w e e p i n g changes if you have to, but make them in the first two weeks. Much good comes to you this year, but give

others the opportunity to be generous. Stick up for your rights this month. It’s worth it. Powerful trends will influence you, some in your favor and some against yours. Sudden revival in work, luck, and level of activity will come after the 10th of this month. Happy Birthday! A lot of hard work will be met due to determination and sense of purpose. Hard work will come naturally to you but you, could also seem to be uncaring and insensitive to people around you. Positive trends will bring good luck, career progress and a dynamic positive approach towards life. This is a lucky phase.

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