Hillside Hotwire Sept. 2006

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Hillside Hotwire



For and by the students of Foothill High School since 1999

Volume 8 Issue 1

Too many responsiblilites too young? Pages 8-9

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 2

Gorman says no to same sex date Bishop Gormon students advised not to bring a same sex date to the homecoming dance



Students crowding Foothill

Packed hallways, lunches and assemblies become norm rying to get to class on time has become a war this year. It’s come to a point where you must cut off the guy next to you just to get around the jabbering girls in front of you who truly believe, “slow and steady wins the race.” With 2,360 students enrolled

“It’s crowded,” says Tracy Wilson. “On the bus, we have about four people to a seat, and even then we have about four people standing up until we get to the first bus stop. It’s extreme.” Why the crowding? There’s a 103 student increase from last year, and while that doesn’t seem like a gigantic increase, you try packing 100 more students into the already crowded 700 wing

limit to how many they can fit. “Some people still don’t even have desks yet,” says Ashlee Ager of her Algebra II/Trig class. “It’s crammed full.” Students aren’t alone in thinking that their classes are too full, teachers do as well. “I’m frustrated,” said Mr. Harris, who teaches Algebra II/Trig, “I have 15 more kids per class than I did when I started teaching. My

Phee says, “I’ve never hear of a maximum capacity. If we begin to run out of rooms, we can always set up portables somewhere.” Ager finds the prospect of portables funny. “They’re going to have to open a new high school around here soon. If there are this many freshmen coming in this year, imagine the next two years. We’re not going to have any room anywhere.” She has a valid point. Next year school assemblies will change due to the growing rate. Instead of one assembly, there will be two, determined by whatever lunch you’re in. The amount of students in the gym at one time is now a fire hazard. Imagine if a fire were to start and all 2,360 students and all the staff were to run for an exit. It would be pandemonium. Las Vegas one of the fastest growing cities in the country, since 2000 the city has grown by at least 66,713 and keep growing. And as it keeps growing, people are always going to need a place for education, so for now I guess we’ll just have to deal with being cut off to avoid getting stuck behind the couple with their tongues tangled together.

at Foothill (793 freshmen, 674 sophomores, 482 juniors, and 411 seniors) everything from the halls to the classrooms to the buses are more congested than they were two years ago.

hallway. Plus, new students transfer in throughout the year;41 transferred in the day after Labor Day alone. In addition to buses and halls, classrooms are reaching their

students can’t learn as well if there are 40 kids in each class. They can’t ask in depth questions.” How many more can we fit? What is Foothill’s maximum capacity? Assistant principal, Mr.

WATCH OUT Plenty of students squeeze through a set of double doors, trying to avoid the risk of being late for their next class. RachelAlgerThe-


Rachel Alger Staff reporter

Emma Dewees Editor-in-Chief

our Bishop Gormon High School students were recently informed that they could only attend the school dance if they brought a date of the opposite sex or went solo. Because Bishop Gormon is a private Catholic school, the students do not have a choice and must obey the rules or risk the chance of being expelled. “The new prinicipal, Dr. Sullivan, is enforcing policies against all public displays of affection, so it doesn’t seem like he is being unfair to any one group,” said a Gorman student who asked to have his name witheld. He said that homosexual students are having their own homecoming across the street at an Episcopal church across the street from Gorman.”

Hillside Highlights Boys perform in first play of the school year


his year’s first theatre production, “The Complete Works of Shakespeare,” which opens October 4 at 7 p.m., has a bit of a twist: no girls allowed. The all-male cast will combine a series of Shakespeare’s comedies, tragedies, sonnets, etc. “It’s a ridiculous collaboration of all of his works that will appeal to everyone from the Shakespeare lover to those who typically can’t stand it,” says theatre teacher Ms. Elizabeth


Kinney. What about the girls though? “We will also be having an all female production of “Steel Magnolias.” I wanted to give both sexes a chance to perform alone,” said Kinney. Magnolias, which is about a small circle of old friends, is filled with both humor and heartbreak. It opens October 3 at seven p.m.

Stu. Co. plans fundraiser for American Cancer Society


eachers and students are getting involved by raising

money for cancer treatment in a whole new way. Teachers who are involved in this fund raiser will set out buckets to collect money starting homecoming week. The teacher who has the most money in the bucket will have their head shaved at the Homecoming assembly October 13. Female teachers may also get involved by cutting 10 inches or more to donate to the Locks Of Love foundation. This fund raiser is only for teachers. However, if students would like to get involved, they may visit www. locksoflove.org/donate_hair.php for more information.

HC court votes become mandatory


Hillside Hotwire



COPY EDITOR: Amber Brisoe



LAYOUT EDITOR: Catalina Burns

Caitlyn Belcher, Tyler Holt, Gurtar-


preet Kaur


ADVISER: Bill Tobler


PRINCIPAL: Gretchen Crehan

ARTS DIRECTOR: Sarah Reyburn


his year, homecoming votes are being run a little differently. Instead of the usual voting in the cafeteria, student body treasurer Nicole Hollister along with the rest of student council decided to make voting mandatory. Voting will be computerized, much like the voting for student body president. “Having people vote this way makes it fair, so the person everyone wants to win, wins,” said student body treasurer Hollister.

New anime club up and running


he Anime club will be meeting every Wednesday in room 703 from 1:20-2:20. Anyone who


likes to draw is welcome to join. An art club is in the near future also.

FHS welcomes new teachers


effery Boots (special education); Kevin Brandt (math); Stephen Bzinak (math); Adam Canfield (social studies); John Fazi (special education); Tobias Irish (biology); Laura McGeahy (special education); Darrin Mitchell (math); Julie Murray (English); Robert Negrete (counselor); Christy Stewart (English); Nicole Vasquez (counselor); Nick Waters (study skills/band); Erin Wing (English); David Weiss (math); Darcie Yakubik (counselor)

POLICY The opinions expressed in the Hillside Hotwire are the author’s and do not represent the opinions of the administration, faculty, staff or students of Foothill High School. Letters to the editor should be signed and sent to: The Hillside Hotwire, 800 College Drive, Henderson, NV 89015 Letters may also be dropped off at the Hillside Hotwire office in room 741. Home Delivery of the Hillside Hotwire is available at a prepaid cost of $20 per year. Issues are mailed monthly upon publication. The staff reserves the right to reject any advertisement deemed inappropriate. Letters to the editor may be edited for content and brevity.


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the Dishonesty policy enforced Into Blue Administrators crack down on cheating and plagiarism


Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor

chool districts are cracking down and enforcing the revived policy of academic dishonesty because of the increase of cheating. Whether it’s in a heated game, on your significant other, or during that insanely hard chemistry test, everyone has cheated once in their life. “The policy has always existed. It’s just out there for the kids who get tempted,” says Asst. Principal Roy Thompson.

More teachers are looking at turnitin.com to prevent acts of plagiarism and cheating. The website verifies the student’s work is legitimate and authentic. “Turnitin.com is a great resource to use,” says English teacher Ms. Traci Palacios. It cuts down the temptation kids get to plagiarize and catches those who actually try to slide by with cheating. I assign many essays throughout the year, so it helps me tremendously.” Turnitin.com may catch

cheating at home, but some things happen right in the classroom. Chemistry teacher Mr. Rich Handley caught a student writing down quiz questions they would finish in the beginning of class the following day. The student claimed he copied them to take home and study to benefit his grade; unfortunately, they hurt his grade with a zero for the quiz, a ‘U’ in citizenship and a phone call home. Consequences of being caught in academic dishonesty include an automatic zero and absolutely

CHEATING EYES Whether it is copying or looking at another’s paper, too many students have opted to cheat rather than study. CaitlynBelcherTheHotwire

no chance of making up the assignment. Further disciplinary actions may also take place. “We as a school don’t have an issue with this policy,” says Thompson. “Foothill students have stand-up personalities, but there’s always that one kid.” Math teacher Mr. Roger Harris has encountered that one student; thirty-five times. “I had to give an entire class a failing grade for a chapter test one year,” says Harris. “They stole an answer key from my desk drawer. Too bad it was the wrong one.” The revived policy has been requested to be posted in each subject’s class expectations to make students and parents more aware. If you are uncertain if something falls under academic dishonesty, ask your teacher. “I cheated once on a project in English,” says an anonymous junior. “I had to write this poem about a meaningful event that happened to me. I have a dull life so I Googled one. I got caught and had to write another poem about cheating.” Each student is asked to sign an academic dishonesty statement at the beginning of the year in each class. If a student places their signature on the line, they are promising to do their own individual work, assuring the teacher they know the consequences if they get caught. “Cheating doesn’t get you anywhere, only back to square one,” says Thompson.

Slim shade could appear at lunch

Unclean quad threatens removal of umbrellas and closed cafeteria at lunch Amber Briscoe Staff reporter


s Brittany Akre exits her fourth hour class to head to lunch, she seems to once again be bumped and pushed around. She hurries to try to beat the crowd out the main doors, but she’s already too late. She turns the corner, and there is already a huge mass of people. Once she finally makes it through, she finds her friends and hears some ridiculous rumor that everyone might be moved into the cafeteria for lunch. This idea is not a rumor, but seems impossible. If the administrative staff is thinking about keeping all 1,180 students in each lunch inside the cafeteria, they would most likely have to create a third lunch period to prevent overcrowding, injuries, fights, or even just people being irritated and complaining. For some, it’s already too crowded. “It’s so crowded that my friend Sampson can’t walk anywhere because he’s on crutches, and he doesn’t really have any room to move now. I have to help him work through the crowd sometimes,” said Akre.

With a whopping class of 793 freshmen, the quad is crowded enough. The only thing the staff is asking is that students stay on the lower level of the quad below the orange fences and to try their best to keep the quad clean. “The reason for keeping students on the other side of the fence is mainly to help keep the campus clean so the trash won’t end up all over the school,” said Asst. Principal Roy Thompson. “It will also help with ditching problems and will aid in keeping Foothill’s attendance up.”

No one likes a litterbug, but at least one student has an excuse. “I’m not going to lie. I have littered on school campus before, but it was only because I was going to be late. I usually don’t do that because I have second lunch, and I don’t like having to watch where I step in the quad after first lunch eats,” said Joey Jendras. However, if the school’s cleanliness does not improve, the administrators have said that they will remove the new umbrellas they set up in the quad. Currently, students appear to be enjoying the shade. If that punishment is not

enough, they will take the next step, which will mean no food in the quad. Students will purchase and eat their food inside only. “This new enforcement was put into effect on the first day of school and is expected to improve [quad cleanliness],” said Thompson. “I really hope students take this seriously.” PACKED LUNCH With so many students, it appears that the cafeteria is already at maximum capacity. Amber BrisoeTheHotwire

proves a hit

With light lyrics and a catchy tone, Jimmy Levelle shows his unique talent Tyler Holt Staff reporter


nto the Blue Again dropped September 12, and fans of The Album Leaf will enjoy the sounds that Jimmy LaValle has been able to create. LaValle played many of the instruments, including the drums, guitar and piano. (For live shows, LaVelle travels with a five-piece band. The show includes a large touring entourage involving projection art and live strings.) With various songs holding back on vocals, it’s the perfect opportunity to let the music flow fluidly. On Into the Blue Again, LaVelle shows how he personally worked day and night on this album ensuring that every sound was exactly how he wanted it. In the Icelandic studio Sundlaugin, where fellow ambient musician Sigur Ros (an influence on The Album Leaf) previously recorded, was where LaVelle spent most of his time perfecting his music. Although it’s nothing entirely original, the electronic sounds and samples could be related to The Postal Service or bands similar to that genre. The sound is very soft and eccentric, making it perfect to listen to in a comfortable place or just before taking a midday nap. It’s not over produced to make sure things stay live, organic and intimate. LaVelle has composed songs that have more insistent cuts such as “Shine” and “Red Eye” and other songs delivering placidity like “The Light.” These songs can be heard on the band’s Myspace (www.myspace.com/ thealbumleaf). This album will speak for itself, with a wide selection of instruments and sound samples pulling this record together beautifully. Grade: A

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US continues to grieve over 9-11

Aftershock from the terrorist attacks remains in the hearts of Americans Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


hat horrific day will forever be imprinted in our minds. I remember it like it was yesterday. At the time, I lived in Maryland. Kids were crying because they were scared or confused. I was one of those kids. My mom at the time worked in Washington D.C. right around the corner from the Pentagon, and I didn’t know what to think. Was she safe? Fear was instilled

within a nation; it became a way of life. Five years after September 11, 2001, everyone is still walking on eggshells and looking over their shoulders. The past five years have been full of tears, anger and confusion. America hasn’t felt this vulnerable since the Great Depression. Every day is an obligation. No one wants to fall behind or face life. Ever since 9-11 we have been at war with the Middle East, and then found out that it really wasn’t a war but a mission to spread democracy. Our government has morphed everything into an ocean full of doubt. In a survey on September 5, a total of 105 adults who lost loved ones were polled.

Sixty percent said that America isn’t any safer than it was in 2001. Another sixty percent fear that their children’s future will be hindered by this disaster. Many lost family and friends that day. According to CNN. com, Mike Bavis was one of them. Bavis lost his identical twin brother Mark in the crash of flight 175. CNN journalist Jason Carroll spoke of the hard time he had interviewing Bavis about his brother five years after the attack. “Any journalist will tell you one of the toughest parts of the job is having to interview someone who has lost a loved one…there’s no easy way to ask questions about coping with the loss,” Carroll said. Alice Hoglan, mother of Mark Bingham who died on Flight 93 on September 11, spoke to salon. com about how she feels about her life after her son’s death five years ago. “I’m absolutely not going to be a victim; I’m going to do whatever I can with my life…I never want to forget 9-11,” Hoglan said to journalist Kevin Berger of salon.com. Watching our citizens die five years ago is one thing, but add to that today’s continous violence and a world that seems to hate America more each day, and you create a state of stress. I have never felt so negatively judged by so many people filled

with hate toward religious groups and different races. Every day, I turn on the news and see the sad state that our country is in. Mothers killing their kids and husbands; kids killing their parents and friends. Suicides right and left, an abundance of natural disasters, homeless on the street, young men being arrested or doing an immense amount of illegal acts. All of this was happening before September 11, but now the amount and severity has intensified. September 11th knocked the United States off its axis, and now everything is backwards. According to CNN.com, the employment rate fell to a record low last year. There has been massive downsizing, a clear effect on our economy. This causes further stress, panic and sometimes hopelessness. As we just passed the five-year mark for 9-11, it provided a time to reflect. When we have that moment of silence, the video clips and interviews will flash through our minds for a split second. As the days pass and years go by, it is becoming a slowly fading memory. But as you sit down at a bus stop or buy your Starbucks, you’ll take a look around at the world today and remember, because today is a direct effect of

September 11, 2001. BOTTOM LEFT: People were in awe of the massive destruction of ground zero. The rubble and debris took months to clear and left the city of New York in a constant state of mourning. CheslyneSnowden/TheHotwire

TOP LEFT: This memorial wall was started to help people realize that they are not alone in their struggle to get over the deaths of loved ones. People can rid feelings of anger toward the terrorists and still be enlightened by what other people have written about their loved ones. Cheslyne Snowden/ TheHotwire

ABOVE: This mural serves as a reminder of the innocent lives that were sacrificed that fateful day and how so many others have served our country since then to make sure a disaster like that never happens again. CheslyneSnowden/TheHotwire

Our generation needs to help unite the country

Despite what is happening in the US, people need to know that they can make a difference Sara Reyburn Art Director


an you imagine a world with no wars, a city with no violence, a school where everyone gets along? Can you imagine a single person feeling at peace? Is this a dream, or can people make this a reality? Looking at the world as a whole makes it seem impossible to have peace, but all it takes is a little thought about respect for nature and mankind. Love can serve as an antidote to many of our world’s ills. By increasing the peace, we decrease the acceptance for hate in our world. When searching for peace, we should learn to accept all forms of life. All forms of life have love, but fighting is diminishing the love. It seems that we are constantly in a state of conflict everywhere in the world. Factors such as racism, religious differences and history are why we’re in the situations

we’re in. Throughout history, there have been many heroic leaders, musicians, and individuals who have

helped influence peace in the world. One group who promotes peaceful living is The Power to

the Peace Festival. The theme is “Be Peace Now,” reminding us that the path to a less violent world starts from within. Each one of us must

commit to what we want to see reflected in the world, or as Michael Franti sees it, “We can’t

change the world overnight, but we can be a drop in the river that moves a mountain. These and other songs like them show that love is what you need to feel good and to have inner and outer peace. You don’t have to be a nun or a great musician to bring peace to the world. You can make a difference by simply smiling. Some bigger influences might include groups such as The Peace Corps and Increase the Peace Alliance. They make it accessible to help in other countries and our community. The Peace Corps helps with environmental issues, poverty, and schooling in poor areas. Check out their web site at www.peacecorps. com. Increase the Peace Alliance was started four years ago to decrease the level of violence in society. You can check it out on http://increasethepeacealliance. org. Organizations such as these are making a difference. Peace rallies take place all over the world where members can stand up for what they believe.

Our generation can make a big impact on the decisions made about peace vs. war. Our population is growing rapidly, and getting the word out about public solutions will help in times of need. We’re in a war now. Let us take action toward peace and we will see changes that will impact our lives and the lives of our children and their children’s children. If we don’t, the generations following will suffer the consequences. It is time that we step up and make a change instead of sitting back and watching things happen. GOT PEACE? Our world today is full of chaos and hate. As young adults, soon to become adults, we can make a difference and turn our world around for the better. Our generation is smart and knows what we need to accomplish to make our world better functioning and more peaceful. SarahReyburn/ TheHotwire


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Girls take over the football scene

Two sisters step it up together and join Foothill’s all-guys football team Lexie Stone Sports Editor


hen you step onto the football field for tryouts, you see something in the distance. Looking smaller than the other guys, you wonder, is that a girl in pads? Turns out it’s not the heat clouding your vision, it’s senior Jordan Sidner, the only girl to earn a spot on the varsity football team this season. Football has always been a “tough-guy” sport. Two-adays during the summer and on weekends, hard drills, the weight room and the oppressive summer heat. It’s not a sport for wimps. So why would a girl want to play football? “I am a senior this year, and since I can’t play in college, I wanted one more year [of football]. I just love to play,” said Sidner, who has been playing tackle football for five years. As

a defensive end, Sidner spends most of her time with the guys. “I wouldn’t want to play on a girl’s team because one of my favorite things about football is hitting the guys. And there is always a challenge when playing with them,” she said. “The guys were a bit apprehensive at first. Now it’s great because we joke around, and they seem pretty chill with it now,” said Sidner of the guy’s initial response to her spot on the team. “Having a girl on our team brings diversity and sets us apart from other schools,” said junior Alex Bair. Following in her footsteps is sister McCall Sidner who plays for the JV team. Having an older sister playing the same sport helps inspire her. “I probably wouldn’t be playing if it wasn’t for her,” said McCall. Why would any girl want to play football in the hot heat with a bunch of boys? “When I was little, my brother

played and it looked like fun, so I [tried out],” said McCall. Playing on the field with a team full of males could be intimidating to some. “Guys are guys, but I’m used to it by now. The guys are cool. They are encouraging,” said McCall. “It’s kind of weird because we have to treat McCall like a guy,” said sophomore Eric Whaley. Having these young ladies play Falcon football may seem like an historic event. But to quote Vince Lombardi, “The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.” Jordan and McCall are not the only Sidner’s playing football. Brother Zach plays on the “B” team. “I worry about their opponents getting hurt [more] than them,” said Zach. Sister Michaela adds, “There are tons of positives (confidence, being in shape, etc.) and the only negatives

I see would be for the opposing team.” With support from family and friends, the Sidner sisters have an important season ahead of them. “Sports are sports. I doubt if I would feel any different if they played volleyball or basketball or anything else. I admit, I think the whole ‘girl on a guy’s team’ is pretty awesome,” says Michaela.

TOUGH CHICKS Even girls who look like being girly have a tough side, especially when it comes to Jordan and McCall Sidner who play for Foothill’s football teams. Later, they’ll trade their skirts for shoulder pads and a helmet when they enter the football stadium. SaraReyburn/ TheHotwire

Lower classmen fight the freshmen standards

Tired of being the “new kids,” freshman count the days until they move on up the ladder


Caitlyn Belcher Copy Editor

tanding in one of the thousands of crowds, you look around aimlessly. They’re everywhere you look and around every corner. You can’t seem to get away from their nervous faces and childish attitudes. Foothill has welcomed the newest addition to the family; freshmen. We are all well aware of the congested hallways around the campus. Foothill has admitted roughly 2400 students this year, almost 800 of them being freshmen alone. The claustrophobic classrooms seem to have gotten tinier, and the empty space at lunch has evidently shrunk. There are hordes wherever you look; you can barely locate a lost friend within the different cliques. Pointing out a freshman in any one of these is next to impossible. “It’s all a little intimidating,” says freshman Nicole Raffail.

“However, I haven’t had a hard time. I might get shoved around a little if I’m not paying attention when I’m in someone’s way, considering it’s so jam packed.” There have been no acts of freshman being trash canned, for our trashcans are covered, nor acts of freshmen being stuffed in lockers, for our lockers are half-sized. Times have changed since the cliché movie scenes, and upperclassmen have grown to merely ignore freshmen’s moments of immaturity. “My girlfriend is a freshman, so I’m constantly around them,” says junior Kelly Braver. “I mostly ignore them if they’re irritating; maybe pick on them a little here and there.” There are cases in which freshmen even become close friends of older students. They’re bubbly, sparkling personalities override the age differentiation between them and that of an ‘allthat’ 16-year-old. Freshman Haili Anderson’s best friend happens to

be a sophomore. Because of that, she is acquainted with people from other grades. “I’m familiar with older kids, so coming into high school was no biggie in that department. Everyone is really friendly anyway. I haven’t noticed anyone get disrespected or put down just because they’re younger,” says Anderson. Sophomores have the biggest tendency to befriend freshmen, mainly because they can still relate to them and share the same views and opinions on topics. Sophomore Carly Pasquale claims they’re more mature than people expect them to be and actually has a lot in common with each one she encounters. “It’s typical to say this, but we were all freshmen at one point in time. We’re being extremely hypocritical if we make fun of them for something some of us did not even a year ago.” Freshmen and sophomores share the lower class, but they also share the same unnecessary drama. It’s said their conflicts are more harsh and difficult than any of the other graduating classes. “Drama last year was horrible. I lost a few close friends, and people still judge me; nonetheless, I’ve

realized who my real friends are and who I can honestly trust,” says sophomore Heather Finley. “People are always going to talk no matter what you do. You might as well get over it and just give them something to talk about.” As much as students like to deny it, every class has the same amount of work; it’s just the intensity level differs between grades. Most freshmen aren’t familiar with more detailed math problems or the more in depth science assignments. “I haven’t done much so far. It’s all been review, but you could say the work requires a little more thought and concentration. The amount is the same as last year though,” says Anderson. Although age differences and maturity levels separate grades and friends, all classes seem to

cooperate somewhat together, creating a successful school year. They all share more in common with each other than most want to admit, causing the traditional feud between lower and upperclassmen to simply become a thing of the past. “I’ll survive,” says Anderson. “It’s only one year. I’ll be on the other side of the fence come sophomore year.” BEST OF FRIENDS Despite age difference, Tyler Holt and Alec Garcia both have many things in common. Neither looks down upon the other because of seniority; rather, they look at each other as individuals that have very distinct personalities. SarahReyburn/TheHotwire

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A letter to teachers from students

With no ill feelings, just suggestions, Falcons let their voices be heard


t took a while to write this article. It started out as just an idea—but the way students reacted to this “idea” proved that the topic went a lot deeper than just any other article. We weren’t even sure if this article was appropriate to run at first because we did not want to lower staff morale. After all, it did not apply to all the teachers, only a few. And even though it seemed at first like it was there mostly to bash teachers in general, twenty drafts seemed to tone it down a little. It took months to write. We planned to run it at the end of last year, but we wanted it to have an effect and hopefully change some things around Foothill. We want to make it clear that students do not feel this way about all teachers, but they do however think that some teachers should be addressed. Hopefully, this article will open the eyes of many, because we want it to have a purpose. After all, The Hotwire is the voice of our school. Dear Teacher: Despite what you probably think, I’m not a bad kid. Last year I struggled in my math class, even though I concentrated as hard as I could, but my teacher told me that I showed plenty of potential. I’ve never been the star athlete either. Last week I ran the mile the slowest in my P.E. class,

but it was okay because my coach stood at the end and gave me a high five because she knew I still gave it my all. I even went and met with my counselor last week, and he asked me about my goals and my dreams. I told him I wanted to be an interior designer. I mean, I figured that if it didn’t involve math or running shoes, it couldn’t be too bad. He told me I was on the right path and to keep doing what I’m doing. He inspired me to keep trying, even when I felt I was being held back—which I did. I wish all my teachers were like this—but they’re not. The other day I had a few questions about the homework, and I was hoping you would answer them because you said you didn’t have time when I asked you for help in class. I would have rather asked you after school anyways, because I usually don’t pick things up as quickly as some of the other kids. I get a little embarrassed when you tell me in front of the class that you won’t explain it again because you “just went over it.” Well, apparently, you didn’t go over it enough. I wish you would give me more of a chance. You can’t blame me this time for “not listening,” “not studying” or “not taking my time” because I did. The problem is that you don’t give me anything to listen to. Notes on the board that are

read aloud word for word tend to go in one ear and out the other when I have to write and listen to your voice at the same time in the three minutes you allow me to copy the slides. “Study your textbook,” you might tell me. And I do, I promise. The other day I sat and read for an hour and a half, which most might say is a long time for a teenager, but as soon as I thought I was getting it, we moved on, never to go back, and yet, you ask me to know it. Sometimes I question whether or not you know it. Look, I know this may sound a little harsh, and many may claim it’s my fault for not caring enough, but in all my other classes, I have earned good grades, so I can’t seem to understand why the same does not apply for your class. I have big dreams for myself, as do a lot of kids who pour into these front doors each September. I wonder sometimes why you don’t reinforce my dreams. I would be happy to tell you about them sometime, but I have a feeling they wouldn’t be welcome. My mom tells me every time she sees me sit at my desk in tears of frustration that, “You’ll have some good ones, some great ones, and some who don’t give a darn… that’s life kiddo. You’ll get used to it.” Allow me to use a phrase to challenge that assumption, one in fact that you

may be familiar with—no. No, I will not get used to it. No, I will not settle. No, I will not put my future into the hands of some one who doesn’t really “give a darn.” I refuse. What other job do you know of where an employee is allowed to keep working even though they could care less about their customers? I can’t think of many. I remember this one time in particular when I raised my hand in class and you literally laughed at my question. Not only did you not end up answering me, but I didn’t raise my hand for at least two weeks after that. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I ever looked up for those two weeks. Most of my teachers are great. They’re inspirational, well prepared, caring and helpful, so I don’t understand why a few are so different. Because of this, I thought some tips may be in order so that others won’t have to feel the way I do. 1- It is hard sometimes to sit and watch you worry more about having your students like you than whether or not they comprehend what you’re teaching. I am a firm believer in the “teacher first, friend second,” idea. 2- I should not walk into your classroom each day with a nervous feeling that you will completely embarrass me in front of my classmates or that I

will once again fall further and further behind because I didn’t understand yesterday’s lesson… or the day before that… or the day before that. 3- Handing out a thousand page textbook and expecting us to learn primarily from that, and that alone, doesn’t really work. If the text is really the teacher, why do I need to come to class? Have something for me each day. Spark my interest in the subject. Supplement my reading at home with great teaching in the classroom. 4- Make time for me before school and stay longer than ten minutes afterwards, just in case one of your students needs a little extra help. I should feel as though I can come to you with anything, and as my teacher, confider, and maybe even friend, you will welcome my concerns. If any of this sounds harsh, overwhelming, or perhaps slightly ridiculous for you, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may possibly be in the wrong profession, because countless of your colleagues seem to be handling it quite well. I thank them for that and hope that you too will take this to heart and do your job with sincerity. Sincerely, Your student


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A year goes by and nothing changes When the New Orleans goes under, the government sits around and watches Cheslyne Snowden Entertainment Editor


et’s begin our journey into Atlantis. No, I’m not referring to the mythical city at the bottom of the Atlantic. I’m talking about New Orleans. What once was a city filled with lure, jazz and great history is now in ruin. When will we get our beloved city back? A year has passed and nothing has changed. A month or two after Katrina swept through New Orleans, it was considered old news to the rest of Americans left unaffected. After watching the documentary, When the Levees Broke, by Spike Lee, I realized just how bad it was and still is. There are still handfuls of people left homeless and starving. The people of New Orleans are forever scarred. A nation based on being a “family” and taking care of our own, no longer exists in the minds of survivors and countless citizens across the nation. Who can blame them when a government they relied on waited too long to help them? According to whitehouse.org, on April 27, Bush went to New Orleans and spoke to a resident about her collapsed house and promised to help her out. That promise fell through because five months later she is still homeless. In President Bush’s address to the country last year he stated, “… tonight I also offer this pledge of the American people. Throughout the area hit by the hurricane, we will do what it takes, we will stay as long as it takes to help citizens

rebuild their communities and their lives. And all who question the future of the Crescent City need to know there is no way to imagine America without New Orleans, and this great city will rise again.” Has New Orleans risen again? No, its land may be dry and its landmarks, ruined but there still hasn’t been any significant strides to help New Orleans. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) former head Mike Brown let down an entire city when it was his job to bring them back up. The main goal of FEMA is to organize chaos and aide in rebuilding, in this case they moved entirely too slow. According to CNN.com, house minority leader Nancy Pelosi agreed, “…if we’re going to succeed at federal emergency management, we have to have accountability, and we have to have confidence. We don’t have that at the head of FEMA…he chose someone with absolutely no credentials.” Hurricane season started in late August, and it is rumored that the four or five predicted are going to be just like Katrina or worse. What’s going to happen if the entire lower East Coast is wiped out? Are the thousands injured going to wallow in there own filth for months or only a few days? The federal government needs to get off their high horses and help their people. It has been said that the delayed reaction was due to the fact that New Orleans was a city filled with poverty and was simply, unimportant. According to ourfuture.com, Katrina survivor Michelle Baker said, “I lost my job, and the benefits that came with it, and when I recently applied to get some help from the government in the form of Medicaid, I was rejected…refused.” A year has passed, and the disgust for our federal government is still strong. How will we as a nation be able to ever truly trust our government again after their delayed reaction that left many people dead? How are we going to be sure that they won’t put foreign policies before homeland safety? UNDERWATER New Orleans remained underwater for months with people trapped in their cars and houses.wikipedia.com

FHS fun over break

Falcons have a blast over their summer Gutarpreet Kaur Staff reporter


elissa Sabean carries shopping bags in her hands while walking around the streets of Balboa Island, trying to find a cool gift for her family and friends. Everybody loves summer break. No homework, no teachers, no reason to get up early, no responsibility and you can do whatever you want, in reason of course. Bobbi Jo Claridy didn’t do anything extra special, but like most, she enjoyed just hanging out with her friends almost every day. Other students used summer as a time to create exciting memories. Jessica Richardson took a vacation with her longtime friend to Brazil. “I originally went to visit my family and to hang out with my friend, but we ended up trying to learn how to drive a boat and almost crashed it on the shore!” said Richardson. Most take full advantage of the actual reason summer vacation was ever invented by relaxing at home for three months straight. “Usually, I stay home, sit on the couch, and watch reruns of Seinfeld until my mom yells at me to clean my room or give the dog a bath,” says Carlie Watson. “I’m not really into the whole leaving town and going on vacation thing. I would rather just kick back and take a rest from all the stress and hype that is created from way too much school.” Some students, on the other hand, get off the couch and participate in organized sports, summer camps and summer school. “I had to retake Spanish over the summer in summer school,” says Thomas Burns. “I missed summer camp and my family’s reunion because of it.” Although some feel it necessary to completely waste their summer

vacation and sit at home and do nothing, others get up and do something with their lives whether they like it or not. Erica Williams did a lot of fun stuff. She went to North Dakota to see her dad. “I was really excited to see my family, and I was up there for a week,” she said. “The day before I left, my little brother got to run the basses at a baseball game for reading so many pages, and I went to a place called Thunder Road and raced go-carts. They went so fast.” Closer to home, Melissa Sabean stayed in a Newport Beach hotel. “We went to the beach and then

hung out with his friends. He said his favorite part of summer break was the night when he and all of his friends went to Mission Hills Park. “We bought a lot of glow sticks and played late into the night. It was fun,” he said. He also attended the ASD/AMD trade show which featured up and coming products and updates to products like iPod, MP3 players, flat screen TVs and wireless networks. After a summer of sleeping in or doing things on your time, the alarm clock announcing that first day of school can be a rude awakening. Even if you’re an

to Balboa Island and shopped around. I got new clothes and really cool stuff. Back on the mainland, her exchange student from Denmark arrived. “She’s 16 and currently goes to Foothill. Now I understand what it’s like to have a sister,” said Sabean. Others’ summers were more traditional. Brian Flaven went to concerts, played soccer, and

anxious new freshman or a lazy senior, heading back to school signals a time of transition and a time for new beginnings. Summer vacation serves as a time of rest and growth for every student. As you walk to your first class on the first day of school, you realize how fleeting your summer vacation really was, and you begin to ask yourself whether or not you used yours wisely.

Two-hour protest goes virtually unnoticed by Foothill students First day of school at Cass City High

The Greebles of FHS by Kevin Ortiz

First day of school at Foothill


n the first day of school, students virtually ignored the religious protestors who skirted the campus holding signs like “Students! Come pray with us!” and carrying crosses. They were defending religious free speech at graduations in connection with the Brittany McComb incident. (See Pro/Con page 10.) The protestors traveled from South Carolina to protest but cut their picketing short once they received TV coverage. News coverage airing at about 10 a.m. revealed FHS student apathy toward their cause.



With the start of the new school year, students get excited abo sports they are able to join. On the downside, all the work puts a tally and physically. Grades drop, exhaustion strikes, and stude whelmed. Without a balance, teens will take their four years of h ing point.


he gets up at 5a.m. after hitting her snooze button at least five times. As she finishes up her homework that has dry drool on it from the night before when she fell asleep around one in the morning studying, she checks her calendar and sighs when she realizes that she has another full day ahead. She thought as a senior she would be able to focus a little better on college plans because she wasn’t taking a full load of classes. But between work, school, sports, National Honor Society and college admission papers, she is busier than she has ever been, more tired that she has ever been, more stressed than she has ever been and more physically worn out than she has ever been. With the start of the new school year, it is common that everyone’s stress levels are higher than ever. “I joined Student Council because it was my senior year, and I wanted to be more involved in school,” said Tesha Kivi. “I realized how much work goes into Student Council. It’s not so much the work that is in class, but the after school stuff. I helped set up the back to school assembly, and we were there until ten at night. I was exhausted.” Students tend to be overzealous about joining too many clubs or sports without understanding how much time it takes away from homework and sleep. On average, one third of all teens feel stressed everyday. Everyone has their own reasons for feeling stressed out, though. “I had a really hard time at the beginning of the school year because I was transferring from a school in Idaho, and I was afraid I wasn’t going to have any friends,” said Lexi Stone. “But people were welcoming, so I ended up fitting in pretty quickly.” Although typically people relate stress to

being exhausted, experts want to remind us that teens must look at what it is that is making them so tired, because for the most part, that is what causes an overload. Teens can also stress out easier if they are lacking diet and exercise, which is key to keeping your body healthy and in shape. “I’m such an overachiever when it comes to my grades that I would work myself so hard and study so hard that I was hardly ever active,” said a sophomore. “After my mom saw my change in attitude and how I was constantly high strung, she made me loosen my work load and join a sport; so I chose golf. It was something as simple

out all of the clubs and strain on a person menents begin to feel overhigh school to the break-

Written by: Emma Dewees

Dieticians claim that something easy

as that which kept me focused and healthy.” Although this may seem like a common occurrence, many students have the opposite

like a balanced diet (which, in high school, just means not eating fast food

problem. Megan Mainville can relate. “I play volleyball, and I am constantly on the go about six

every meal) and simple daily exercise

days a week. As a result of the conditioning, I am always hungry because my metabolism

routines will drop stress rates drastically.

is at an all time high. I end up eating junk food, and then I don’t feel energized come

However, with all the pressure put on us

practice. I always end up falling asleep right when I get home and not getting any of my

to succeed, teens tend to forget exactly

school work done, which causes even more stress.”

what it is they’re eating. OVER DRAWN Between sports, clubs, and school work, teens are pushing themselves to accomplish more than they can manage. BrendtHulsey/TheHotwire

World issues, believe it or not, were shown in a survey as one eighth of the reason why students were stressed out. Since incidents like September 11 and Hurricane Katrina, teens who were directly or indirectly affected by the incident tended to be harder on themselves and either gave up on school entirely or took on too many things to keep themselves busy. Seniors who don’t catch senioritis and completely slack off hit the peak of stress looking for colleges or deciding what they want to do with their future. “I went and talked to my counselor about my transcript at the beginning of the year,” said Nichole Falline. “Ever since, I have been panicking about SATs, ACTs, college admission essays, what college I want to go to or even if I want to go to college. I was looking at some in California, and then I found out that the deadline was in November. I don’t think I have ever been so busy. It seriously controls my moods every day.” As she comes home from school around eight at night in her soccer uniform, her backpack handy, her Red Bull ready, and her homework calling, she tosses her things on her desk and gets ready for the long night ahead.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 10



Pro/Con: Turning the speaker off

Did Brittany McComb’s microphone deserve to be shut off at graduation? Emma Dewees Editor-in-Chief



he question is not whether or not Brittany McComb stood in front of over 400 people during last year’s graduation ceremony and began to proselytize—because she clearly did. The question is not whether or not her case should be taken to the Supreme court—because it shouldn’t. The question is not whether or not she stepped over the boundaries of separation between church and state—because she leaped over it. The question is not whether or not she was contradicting herself by preaching God but manipulating the administrators—because she admitted to doing so. The question is, where and when are the boundaries drawn in this broad category of “freedom of speech,” and how far can you fight for it before you begin to sound hypocritical? To some, it does not seem so simple, but I believe that it is so clear to see that Brittany was in the wrong—not the school.

preach to her audience, but to simply share the inspiration that God had on her success. I say that words speak for themselves. It is blatantly obvious that Brittany was advocating her beliefs onto a captive audience. Granted this wasn’t said aloud at graduation because either Brittany knew she was in the wrong, or perhaps the microphone cut out before she could get that far. Either way— she knew what she was doing. The graduation was a government funded event. Church and state have always been separate. Brittany knew that. Why, then, the dramatics? Why the selfishness? She claims she was aware her mic would be cut if she said the speech that was clearly forbidden. A teacher confronted her in the hall and made sure she would say the edited speech at graduation, and she agreed. She went against what she knew was right. As Brittany said, God was the one who filled the hole in her heart when nothing else could, and as a result, she was able to succeed in school, which influenced her to become valedictorian. If we were to let Brittany talk about God being the base of her success, should we let everyone

microphone was cut short. But if someone claims their freedom of speech rights were violated it is not fair to pick and choose which situations it should apply to and which situations it shouldn’t. Also, people need to realize that Brittany did not have her rights violated. Speaking in front of one’s class at graduation is a privilege. And just like any other privilege, people tend to take advantage or abuse it. Just because our country allows us to have free speech does not mean we can go into a crowded room and yell “fire” or go into an airplane and say the word “bomb.” There are precautions to take before you say things. It is a matter of having respect for those who listen to you and taking pride in knowing what you say is appropriate for the time and place. If anyone could go around spewing things out of their mouth—we would have a lot more McComb cases. The truth is, Brittany is a smart girl, and whether or not she admits it, she knew what was going to happen. I realize that the majority of the public has split views on the issue. It could be because Brittany was cut off during her valedictorian speech or that what she was

Catalina Burns Layout Editor



s Brittany McComb held her head high and took her seat after the plug was pulled on her microphone after her valedictorian speech, the “boos” of the audience, whether directed at McComb or the administration, filled the stadium loud and clear. McComb had neither a bit of doubt or fear in her step. Rather, she had pride and self assurance that her speech not only was well written, but also gave the audience a taste of what she has been trying to say for years. In the 750-word unedited version of McComb’s speech, she made two references to the Lord, nine mentions of God and one mention of Christ. In the version approved by school district officials, six of those references were omitted along with two biblical quotes. Also deleted from the speech was a reference to God’s love being so great that he gave his only son to suffer an excruciating death in order to cover everyone’s shortcomings and forge a path to heaven, leaving her speech dry and without the least bit of her own personality. Though some may argue that McComb’s speech was a selfish tirade about her own personal “religion” and nothing more, I will tell you that you have a naïve perspective, a closed mind, and are not open to hearing other’s opinions and beliefs. McComb, in no way, took the ideas of her own religion and tried to force them on the people in that auditorium. The primary purpose for her speech was only to tell the people that she loved and cared for Many believed that McComb tried to “Bible thump” her way to making her fellow classmates and her fellow classmate’s family and friends believe what she believed. Some believe she wanted the fame and glory from totally going behind administrators and

saying what she wanted to say. Some believe she did this for only herself and no one else. McComb not only mentions her classmates over and over again in her speech, but she blatantly says she wants them to experience what she has experienced in her own life with Jesus Christ. She, in no way, tries to force her “religion” on anyone. Rather, she explains to her fellow classmates and family and friends of classmates why she has had the success she has had and the only reason she is where she is today, and that is with Jesus Christ. If anything, I would think students would be excited to hear some new material from the valedictorian and salutatorian speeches rather than the same old, “We had some good times, and it was fun” speeches. Others say McComb proselytized throughout her speech when, in reality, she only wanted others to realize what she had found to fill the void in her own life. If only it was some Buddhist or Muslim kid “ranting” about their religion and their God, then the tables would be turned, and we would have a whole different conspiracy on our hands of the difference between separation of church and state and freedom of speech rights. Or what if a girl that struggles with anorexia has the microphone as the valedictorian and talks about the struggles she has gone through with it but cannot seem to kick it? Then do we pull the plug? Who can be the judge? There is a fine line between telling others your own hope and what has brought you to where you are and made you into the person you have become, and proselytizing, and on that Thursday, that thin line was not even touched upon. McComb wasn’t about to back down despite telling school officials she would give the edited version. In many TV interviews after, she said she answered to a “higher authority.” She held her ground in the matter, never wavering or questioning herself in her motives or reasons for doing what she did and neither should you.

by Shyanne Tino/TheHotwire

preach about who they admire and who inspired them? Because that kid over there claims Hitler’s unapologetic and determined attitude allowed him to work harder in school. And I believe that Islamic girl in the front row worships Allah and thinks that he is the only one who can fill that void in her life. That guy in the back doesn’t like the president. And, oh yeah, that boy sitting over in the corner is an atheist. I doubt many people would boo if their

saying was positive, regardless of how unwelcome it was. But amid all of this bickering and hysterics, it was easy to forget the many other graduates who did not get the attention they deserved or the traditional ceremony they expected because one of their fellow classmates took matters into her own hands. I hope you enjoyed your fifteen minutes of fame, Brittany, because that day you stole every other deserving students chance in the spotlight.

by Shyanne Tino/TheHotwire

She knowingly went against the school’s rules and took advantage of the opportunity to speak at graduation. The following are words that the School district attorney’s cut from McComb’s speech: “And I can guarantee 100 percent, no doubt in my mind, that if you chose to fill yourself with God’s love rather than the things society tells us, you will find your self worth.” Brittany claims that her goal for the speech was not to



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Policies remain the same this year

School rules will not change this year, but they will be more enforced Gurtarpreet Kaur Staff Writer


hen you’re young, many people--like teachers, parents and coaches--tell you what you can do or say. Sometimes it seems like they put too much pressure on us, and that’s not right. Sure, teachers and parents always want what’s best for us. They never want their students or kids to make mistakes or be exposed to unnecessary risks. So, they always try to tell us what’s right or what’s wrong. They have more experience than us, so they are teaching us from their own personal experiences. Because of their experience, adults create rules which may seem stupid to us but are, in reality, for our own good. Most students have made some kind of mistake in their childhood, and consequences can range from a slap on the wrist to jail time. If we can avoid those costly consequences, we’ll be much better off. It seems that most of the rules we disagree with are in school. The many strict rules seem hard to follow, but generally they’re not too bad. However, some students just don’t care about rules. And one bad apple can ruin the whole

bunch. But if you don’t reshape a spoiled child, you will be stuck with his/her bad behavior forever. Parents, teachers and the student will suffer during his/her teen years because his/her behavior will probably get worse. So school punishments--like RPC’s, suspension, arrest, referral to alternative school and expulsion- will just keep getting worse. Beth Pastian said, “We need rules in school to keep it a civil place for people and so when, we leave school, we know how to deal with everyday rules in the real world. I really like some of the rules because if we didn’t have them, our school would be mess and kids would be everywhere. I think the dress code is fine. If we didn’t have it, kids would wear things that are distracting and way to revealing, so I don’t think that any rule is unfair. And while it’s a new school year, the rules really haven’t changed since we started elementary school. Principal Gretchen Crehan said, “This year, almost all the rules are same as a last year. No tank tops are allowed and all shirts/blouses must cover shoulders and the waist. All skirts or shorts must be more than five inches. Students with a facial piercing will be asked to remove

them during school hours. Cell phones must remain off during instructional time, including passing through hallways. Cell phones will be returned only to parents or guardian. And CD players/ headsets/MP3’s/IPOD’s are prohibited on campus. Any student involved in plagiarism or cheating will receive zero grades. It’s hard to tell if the rules are working since it’s only the first

week of school.” Sophomore Amber Schaff said, “We need rules to keep things in order so that people don’t dress lik [prostitutes] and don’t wear baggy clothes or smoke/drink to basically keep our environment clean. I don’t want to see peoples’ stomachs hanging out or their butts or anything like that. I can’t really think of any rules are unfair because I don’t want to see

anything like that and it keep me safe. They are great rules.” LOOK OUT Our hall monitor, Ms. Finn, helps enforce the rules around school and makes sure students are doing what they are supposed to. Administrators want students to be aware they they are less lenient on breaking rules. GurtarKaur/TheHotwire



HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 13

He Said/She Said: Homecoming As the dance approaches, girls and guys argue about its significance Brendt Hulsey Assisstant Editor

He said:


ohnny opens up his yearbook and immediately ogles the faces of pretty girls, some of whom have been highlighted or encircled with hearts. Unfortunately, Johnny doesn’t remember who these girls were or even why they’re highlighted. Next to their faces are the written messages like, “Hey, hot-stuff, I’ll see you next year.” What Johnny doesn’t know is that every one of these girls was his date to a school dance. He remembers the fun he had (i.e. after-parties), but for the most part, these girls are just his trophies, and has no memories of them. Generally, most girls try to make a school dance as memorable as possible, even to the point of stress. To most guys however, a dance is just another night out. We care not for the memories or making the experience absolutely perfect, but just aim to have as much fun as possible. Hassles and stress experienced (and often caused) by females are the reasons why they so often lose sight of having fun. Any male who has had such a date knows exactly what happens. The dance becomes awkward and makes the whole night uncomfortable. This can be avoided by asking out the right girl. You can ask out an amazingly gorgeous girl, whom you barely know, and probably have an awkward time, which will prompt you to end your night early, or you can ask a girl you know, and you will have an incredibly good time with her because you already know her. Gentlemen, many of you already know this, but going out with a girl with whom you’ve never exchanged more than ten words with is like going into a battle unprepared. It’s just a risk that you may or may not benefit from. However, if you take a friend you’re comfortable around, you’ll definitely have a better experience. You know what she thinks is appropriate, her limits, and most importantly, how she likes to be treated. A guy sees this girl in his English class. She’s visually addictive, and more importantly, she’s single. He’s never really

spoken to her, but still gathers the courage to ask her to homecoming. She says yes but with a reluctant tone. Now jump forward to homecoming. They’re in a limo with another couple who seem to be having a great time together. Meanwhile, he’s trying to steer his conversation with his date to another topic. He wants to know her better. All she keeps talking about is how much time she spent getting ready. They spend a couple gauche hours at the dance, then duck out quickly and head to an after-party. He leaves his date for a few minutes to get her a drink and comes back only to find her with her snuggling with another guy. Now let’s go with a different example. A guy asks his best

friend to homecoming. She says yes excitedly. They’re in a limo with another couple and all four of them are having an unbelievable time. The two talk about past experience they’ve had together, and now they are in the middle of creating an unforgettable one. Johnny still stares at his yearbook. After an hour of trying to conjure up any memory of these girls, he finally finds a familiar face. She was his homecoming date junior year. Suddenly he remembers. He remembers her name without having to look it up. He remembers how much fun he had that night. He hopes that he never forgets that night. Next to her picture are the words “Best Friends Forever.”

Amber Briscoe Copy Editor

She said:


lyssa flips through her senior yearbook, pulls out a highlighter and begins to highlight all her old boyfriends’ pictures and guys that had some kind of significance to her. As she rummages through the pages, highlighting at least five guys on each page, her mind starts to think back to old relationships and memories. “I know him, and him, and ohh! I wore that pink miniskirt on my first date with him.” She then begins to think back even further and remembers her first kiss, those late ‘study

nights’ at her boyfriends’, the necklace she wouldn’t take off for three months in her freshman year, her favorite jeans that her ex said she looked so good in, even her first blue eyeliner. Girls, no matter their intelligence, tend to remember everything from their first hamster’s name to the time their boyfriend was “accidentally” flirting with that trashy blonde. Even though we remember pretty much everything, some things still tend to be more vivid in our memories than others, like homecoming. Guys on the other hand could care less about it and don’t even know what homecoming is until freshman year. To them, it’s just another stupid dance, and the only reason half of them end up going is because that’s all their girlfriend talks about, and he figures he could score some brownie points anyways. For all the guys who don’t have girlfriends, most have figured out that it’s not such a good idea to take someone they barely know to the dance in fear of ending up with someone they absolutely can’t stand. However, they’re wrong. Most girls can’t take a friend to the dance because most guys that ask their “girl that’s just a friend” actually do think of them in some way other than friends. In some cases it may not be this wayyou might both be best friends and decided to go together and that’s great, but for most it’s not and never will be. Guys are always looking for something more. As Alyssa still sits on her bed looking through her highlighted pages, she sees all her very close friends that would have liked to take her to the dance. She smiles as she realizes what good friends they still are and is so happy that no friendships were ruined. She also looks back at all the other guys who she actually went to her dances with and thinks about how many new people she met through her years in high school because of those dances. However, one man gets special treatment. He is highlighted in pink and next to his picture are the words, “Love lasts forever.” SHEDDING INK over their yearbooks, these two students look over their yearbooks circling friends, crossin out those they want to forget, and putting hearts around those who made their hearts beat a little faster. As they go page by page, their minds are brought back to memories of the school year past.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 14

Girl’s golf loses three seniors The team with only six players improved their skills with each match they competed in this year Lexi Stone Sports Editor


ith the school year just beginning, the girl’s golf team comes to an end. Only six girls made up this year’s team, and all did their best to impress. “My dad got me into golf because he’s really into it. It’s fun,” said senior Carolyn Labuda. Some might be confused about how golf is scored. “You’re trying to beat your own score, not anyone else’s. You want a really low score,” said Labuda. Playing golf for a while has helped Labuda with personal improvement in her scores. “I don’t have to go looking


XCountry takes over track

Returners hold promise to take FHS to state this year Rachel Alger Staff reporter


n your mark. Get set. Go! A sea of legs take off in a moment’s notice, and the sun beats down hard on the runners’ backs and faces. Their legs work quickly as their feet pound the ground with ease. Melissa Ogden is one of these runners and is way ahead of the pack. Her body has already begun to sweat, and it’s only the beginning. That’s right, cross country has already begun. “We expect to win the Sunrise Regional Championship again,” said girl’s coach Natalie Thomas. “We also hope to have a better performance in the state meet than last year.”

A large part of her expectations lie on returning runners Heather Holmstrom, Brandy Yamka, Sherese Nielson, Ogden, Lyndsey Marvosh, Leah Leedy, Dolce Leany and Dre Lapeyrouse. Meanwhile, boys’ coach Kevin Soares will look to Gabe Rivera and Brett Belenghari to lead his half of the team. Back on the course, Ogden’s body is working hard. She’s begun to sweat, and her face has turned a light pink, but her stamina keeps up, and she has no intention of letting the redheaded girl behind her catch up to her quick pace. “Our main goal is to try to work better as a team,” said Ogden. “I want to try to make everybody feel they belong, and try to get a big lead. We’d also like to have at least seven in the top ten at regionals.” The boys’ team is also ready to take on Sunrise, which took place on October 26, only two weeks before the state finals on November 2. “My biggest hope,”


PUTT IT UP “I was forced into golf by a friend, but I’m glad I did because it’s really fun,” said three-year player, senior Samantha Wilcox. Although enjoying her time playing golf in high school, Samantha will not continue the sport in college.

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said Soars, “is not to miss state by only four points again. That was a huge disappointment last year.” All the boys seem to share this same feeling, and all are enthusiastic despite last years last-minute crumble. “This year’s team is the best I’ve ever seen at Foothill,” said Belenghari. “The only thing I’m hoping for is to not fall apart at the end, like last season.” And that doesn’t look like it’s going to be a problem,

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since both team’s confidence level is running on high. Near the end of her race, Ogden’s legs are still working hard, her breath has quickened considerably, and her heart is beating out of her chest. She can see the finished line, only fifteen more feet away. Her legs pick up the pace for the final sprint as she rams through the finish line. She can finally rest. It’s finally over. She’s won.





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S for my ball anymore; it’s gotten a lot easier,” said Labuda. Three year player senior Samantha Wilcox ended her season with goals reached. “My goal for this season was to get a better score each time, and I did.” When the season ends, the team will lose three seniors. With only three returning players, the golf team will be looking for new talent.






$70 in room 741 CHERISH ALL THE MEMORIES Volleyball





Tennis racks up the wins against competitors A win against Green Valley has given them the confidence to go far this season Catalina Burns Layout Editor


s Dylan Jeffers focuses his eyes on the bright green ball as it soars over the net, Aaron Wittiker, his doubles teammate, quickly shuffles to the ball, smashing it onto the opposing side, giving them a lead of one point over the other team at match point. The sweat pours from each of their faces as they frantically swing at any ball coming at them. The ball comes short, but Jeffers easily picks it up and puts it straight down into the other court, giving them a well-earned victory. The boys’ tennis team already has started off strong, winning every match so far. “The guys seem to be meshing well together with their doubles partners,” says junior Dylan Jeffers. “Everyone really wants a great season.” Jeffers has been one of many Falcons to lead the boys’ tennis team to wins. “Our season has already started off great,” continued Jeffers. “I can’t wait to see what the rest of our season holds for us, but I know we are going to be good.” Jeffers believes the team can make it to a number one or two spot in our

region. He, as do others, has high hopes for the rest of the season. Already the boys pulled off a tough win over the Gators. “We came out with our heads high,” says Aaron Whittiker, “but we still had some doubt in our minds about our matches. Maybe even a little bit of fear.” But the team took a surprising but welldeserved win over the Gators with a 15 to 3 victory. Leading were Dylan Jeffers and Aaron Whittiker in doubles (3-0). In singles, Josh Benevitez (3-0), Cody Fielder (3-0), and Brian Mites (3-0) all swept the game away from the Gators. Despite their shut-out wins, each gave credit to entire team for making it happen. The coaches and the players were excited for their win over Green Valley and have high hopes for the future of boy’s tennis at Foothill. “I think our team is ready to play hard both physically and mentally,” says Coach Matt Iglitz. “Everyone really loves the sport and wants to be here.” Back at center court, Jeffers and Whittiker are congratulated as they make their way to get a drink and get out of the blistering sun reflecting off the steaming asphalt. Jeffers watches as fellow teammate Cody Fielder dominates in his last game of the match and goes 3 and 0. Jeffers runs up and gives him a swift smack on the butt to congratulate him and each goes on to win another game.

NO LOVE Bryan Mites smacks the tennis ball across the court onto his opponent’s side, acing him and giving him the winning point for the match. Fielder helps him take down Green Valley for the first time in years, giving the Falcons an edge over some of the top teams.

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 15

Tearing up the court Team bonding influences important wins

GET READY Carlie Watson, Lacie Saunders, Chantel Monga, and Catalina Burns wait on their toes for the ball to be returned. RachelAlger/TheHotwire

Lexie Stone Sports Editor


usic blasts through the gym as young ladies come running out with pink bows tied in their hair, anxiousness on their faces. Who are they? Varsity volleyball of course. Although they have not always gotten the same recognition as varsity football, these dedicated athletes spend hours after school and on the weekends to become an intense powerhouse. This year’s varsity squad is relatively young. The varsity team consists of five seniors, three juniors, and five sophomores. “Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad to have such a young team. Younger girls tend to take things too personally, which has not happened yet on our team. The good part is that I get to become a big sister, and I have someone who will look up to me,” said junior Megan Mainville. These talented young ladies have taken the quote “to wear your heart on your sleeve” literally by having team shirts saying “we got heart.” “I think [volleyball] is the best sport because it takes a lot of drive, sacrifice, and of course a lot of heart. It really takes more than six people who are on the court to play this sport. It takes the whole team,” said junior Anna Ureno. These ladies push themselves to be the best and to work together as a team. Dreadful sprints and conditioning drills keep the girls in shape. Even when you are outnumbered by underclassmen, seniors on the varsity team still have responsibilities to fulfill. Senior Carlie Watson said, “All the younger teams look up to you, so you have to act a certain way, and you have to encourage them on anything you can.”

Team unity is something that is hard to come by, but these ladies make it a must to bond with one another. The night before a home game, a team dinner is arranged for bonding and preparation of tomorrow’s game. “Team unity has so many meanings to it, but it means to be able to tolerate each other, love each other and help each other through anything,” said Mainville. The day of a big game, these varsity athletes go through certain rituals or routines that get them pumped up for the game. Warmup music, tough drills and a big fan base helps with team energy. “I get pumped for games when we have a really good warm-up and everyone is really focused and goes hard,” said Watson. In the beginning of the season, these girls were asked to write down ten team goals. “[One of our team goals is] to play our hardest at all times and help each other out,” said sophomore Chantelle Monga. They also had to write down ten individual goals. “I really want to focus on feeling comfortable on the court and not getting nervous,” said Ureno. The varsity volleyball team went to a preseason jamboree at Green Valley. Though very nervous, the girls played their hardest and gave it their all. They also participated in the “Las Vegas Invitational” also known as the LVI. There is always that famous sports athlete that players look up to. Micheal Jordan in basketball, Derek Jeter in baseball, and so on. These role models give young athletes the drive and inspiration to do well. “I would have to

say I look up to Misty May and Kerry Walsh because they are good players and have a lot of drive,” said Ureno. As a varsity squad, you need to have certain expectations of your team. “[One of our team goals is] to play as hard as we can every game so that, win or lose, we still feel good about ourselves,” said Watson. With a big season ahead, the tem continues their hard-work and dedication every time they step onto court. Only time will tell if it pays off. Running off the court, the varsity volleyball team congratulates one another in triumph. With a whole season ahead of them, they continue to shine and push for victories. SERVE IT UP Danica Zemora focuses all her strength into hammering the ball to the opposing team’s side and acing them, giving her team the point. RachelAlger/ TheHotwire

HillsideHotwire. www.foothillnv.org. Page 16



Boys soccer kick starts new season

New practice methods teach skills to help soccer players defeat opponents Lexie Stone Sports Editor


ater bottle in hand, duffle bag over his shoulder, he’s ready for practice. With the sun reflecting off his sunglasses, he smiles, it’s the beginning of a new soccer season. Having such intense practices help with individual and team improvement. “We start with warm-ups, then go to skill work, scrimmage for a little bit, and then end with conditioning,” said junior Nick Beatty. With new goals in mind for this season, the team strives to achieve their personal best while competing with top contenders “Giving as much as possible during the games and trying to constantly improve will contribute with this season’s outcome,” said senior Cy Okazaki. For some players, their pre-game rituals prepare them for the upcoming game. “I listen to some rock music and visualize what I’ll do in the game,” said Beatty. Concentration, team work, agility and coordination are all specific ingredients to a perfect season. With the availability of gyms and weight rooms, players are able to stay conditioned all year round.

Players set their goals high and try to improve on everything. “I want to be better than last year, and I want to help get my teammates more involved in the game even if they’re not playing,” said junior Logan Lasko. Run, pass, shoot and score. These actions are complex alone, but to put them together requires a skill level that can only be obtained with years of practice. “I’ve been playing soccer since I was four, which has got me where I am today,” said Lasko. Aside from having the physical ability to play soccer, these athletes must have the heart to complete the total package. “[Soccer] is very competitive and fun to play,” said junior Mitch Austin. Though typically rosters consist of upperclassmen, the varsity team has incorporated sophomores and freshmen this year. “It’s a whole new team so we have to learn to play with people we’ve never played with before,” said junior Brady Fund. Losing a number of seniors last year has left the team to rebuild this season. “I think we will do good this season. We lost a lot of good seniors which has been a big blow, but we can hang [in there],” said Austin. While making it to state is every player’s dream, it takes dedication

and drive to win it all. “Our main goal is to make it to the playoffs,” said Beatty. A pre-season tournament started the varsity boy’s season this year. Though not doing as well as they wished, they still tried their hardest. “Having fun and communicating during the game [will help the team] this year,” said sophomore Drew Suits. As a new season kicks off, the varsity team continues to work together as a brand new team. “This season is different because we have a new coach and a lot more players. We have to familiarize ourselves with each other and their style of play,” said Okazaki. While being on a new team could bring controversy, these young men continue to push through it. “I would say one advantage that we have is that we work very well together and help each other out when it’s needed,” said Okazaki. Sun beating down on him, mouth as dry as cotton balls, and muscles aching with exhaustion; practice is over. Amongst all of the pain is exhilaration.

This is going to be a good season. JUKE IT OUT (left) Freshman Guillermo Morales is one of the only underclassmen on this year’s varsity soccer team. Switching teams to help play has meant a great deal to “Memo,” which is his nickname. “It makes me feel good to help both teams out and it gives me a lot of touches on the ball,” said Memo. BrendtHulsey/TheHotwire

GET IT! (right)In mid practice, senior David Lamb and junior Mighail Moreno fight for the possession of the ball. “Our practices consist of skill work, basic touches on the ball, and we do a lot of drills,” said teammate junior Logan Lasko. With the season just starting, the varsity soccer team prepares for what they hope will be a victorious season. BrendtHulsey/TheHotwire

Football players kick off new season

Despite a loss against Canyon Springs, Foothill players remain optimistic Brendt Hulsey


Assistant Editor

he football bleachers swell with pandemonium as James Silvas steps behind his center. The Canyon Springs defense is showing a four-four stack and the linebackers are getting ready to blitz. The ball is snapped. He sees the blitz coming and knows that he cannot afford any loss of yardage. He sees Ryan Erekson wide open. He throws the ball, like a lightning bolt thrown by Zeus, and hits Erekson on the post. Erekson runs. The only thing he has his eyes on is the end zone. He crosses the plane and the crowd erupts in the Pioneers’ home field. Alas, this was the scene of a changing game. Though the beginning was seemingly auspicious, the Falcons lost to the Canyon Springs Pioneers 35-42. A reason which could account for this loss is the 100 yards in penalties, or the loss of many #22 AGAIN? When the ball’s given to D’Angelo Jones (22), it’s almost a sure bet that he’ll get some serious yardage. Jones’ 1-yard touchdown leap put the Falcons ahead 20-15 against Cheyenne. Jake Harames/ Hotwire

star seniors last season such as Dominic Bellini, Burton and Bart Ritchie, Joe Struzik, and Daniel Osoreo. “We pretty much lost all our starting defense,” said junior center Jordan Monga. “It affected the team pretty severely,” said senior quarterback James Silvas, “but we practiced hard the people who stepped up and filled those empty positions.” In addition to the loss of last year’s seniors, the team has also had to face the loss of players due to injuries including Jeremy Hitt, Peter Struzik, Desi Gastelum, and Giles “Buggy” Tomita.

Despite the loss of players, the team has not strayed far from last season’s training methods and strategies. Ultimately the team benefited from this. Although the loss against Canyon Springs may not be a testament to it, the 47-7 victory against the Loara Saxons and the 22-15 the victory over the Cheyenne Shields shifted the morale of the team to take a more positive disposition. “If we keep working as hard as we are right now,” said linebacker Marshall Armstrong, “then there is no stopping us.” However, the morale shifted on September 29

in the 28-53 against the Del Sol Dragons. “We played with no heart, no focus,” said defensive lineman Colton Caito. “We were too cocky.” “We thought their running back was their only threat,” added Armstrong. “We completely underestimated them.” “We are younger but much more determined,” said Silvas. This season will prove to be a case of inexperience in opposition to

fortitude, and with the dramatic victory over the Saxons, fortitude seems to be the prevailing element. MY BALL With three Cheyenne defenders in tow, Jeremy Hitt (30) works his way down the field. FHS beat the #2 rated Warrriors with tough defense, holding the normally high-scoring team to a mere 15 points. Tobemann/Hotwire

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