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Straaltechniek UK Shot Blast & Shot Peen Equipment Modernisation Programmes E.M.P.

Simple Safety Interlock Access Platform & Ladder

With over 150 years of combined experience Straaltechniek UK can offer extensive Equipment Modernisation Programmes for all types of Surface Preparation Blasting & Shot Peening Equipment at a fraction of the cost of new installations.
Why EMP? Jay Dorling (Sales Director) at Straaltechniek UK explained ‘that many of our customers we service and supply spare parts to have older generation shot blast and shot peening machines and although well maintained by the Straaltechniek UK Service Division for various reasons do not fulfil the latest health & safety legislation and increased production demands of improved modern day processes. This usually results in the request for significant capital investment for the latest new design modern replacements. However, in highly competitive industries this investment may not be forthcoming straight away but in the short & medium term all is not lost! Older machines can be retrofitted and upgraded with the latest technology.’
What are the Main Drivers for EMP?
1. Health & Safety 2. Manufacturing Method Changes 3. Inability to meet Output Demands 4. Increased Cycle Times 5. Superior Cleaning Standards Required 6. Higher Levels of Contaminant to be removed. 7. Production Demands V Preventative
Maintenance 8. Dust Emissions legislation changes. 9. Increase Profitability of Older Equipment 10. Limited Investment Budget in difficult times Straaltechniek UK have a wide range of EMP programmes to assist customers when legislation and production demands require more from their existing equipment. Health & Safety, Dust Filtration, House-keeping, Handling & Ergonomic issues are classic examples. The health & safety of all employees is paramount in any modern businesses who must comply with the latest
4th & 5th October 2023, NEC, Birmingham
If you are interested in booking a stand call Nigel Bean on 01442 826826 or send an email to nigelbean1@aol.com

Two Dimensional Laser Beam Guarding System (Costly Mechanical Guards Eliminated)
H&S regulations. Straaltechniek UK can assist these businesses with advice and upgrades to meet with these mandatory demands. Whether it is working from heights, near to powered moving machinery, excessive noise, dust or ergonomic issues Straaltechniek UK can provide the latest bespoke solutions. Many customers are operating without suitable Simple Safety Interlock Guarding, Light Guarding, Laser Guarding, Maintenance Access Ladders & Platforms, Bulk Automatic Abrasive Replenishment, Acoustic Enclosures, Handling Systems and ATEX Dust Filters. Jay went on to say ‘that if Companies are unsure of their obligations Straaltechniek UK would be happy to help with any issues they may perceive they have including any other process, production or operational issues with their shot blasting equipment that our EMP Programmes may help them with’. Telephone: +44 (0) 1142 571077 Email: info@straaltechniek.co.uk Visit: www.straaltechniek.co.uk

Bulk Abrasive Replenishment Minimum Manual Handling of 25kg bags