2 minute read
Support the Arts Today, Sustain Them for Tomorrow
A Call to Action from Community Member, Lynn Scheller
You may be binge watching on Netflix, mesmerized by TikTok, or completing your 25 th jigsaw puzzle. During a time of crisis, our experience of arts and culture looks different, but I challenge you to find a person who lives in Hillsboro whose life has not been impacted by arts and culture, either as a creator or a consumer. I know we’re missing our concerts in the park, live theatre performances, Hillsboro Hops games, and art openings, but they will be back. Arts and culture are a source of delight and give opportunities for learning, entertainment, personal growth, and improved communication with others. Our quality of life is made better by a thriving arts and culture scene. It’s important now to Support and Sustain our local arts organizations and the many individual artists living and working in Hillsboro, because they, like each of us, face serious challenges in these uncertain times. As a child, I loved producing a fully costumed show with the neighbor kids, singing original songs and dancing with a dog in a tutu, while twirling two batons or roller skating on our driveway stage. Our parents applauded like we were ready for Broadway. That was where I first realized the power of the arts to bring joy and connect communities. My appreciation of the arts developed as I graduated to doing real theatrical productions in school and in my community, and my understanding of the positive impact of arts and culture grew. There were the “mom” years of being an arts consumer at piano recitals, dance team competitions, and more live theatre performances than most see in a lifetime. In retirement, my passion for the arts has been satisfied as a volunteer member of the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council. As part of that work, participating in the founding of the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Endowment has given me an opportunity to leave a legacy for our community to assure artists and arts and cultural organizations—both current and in the future—get the support they deserve. Special events in Hillsboro bring together neighbors from all walks to share culture as a community. This in turn creates understanding, tolerance, and civic pride. We are a diverse community. We’ve danced to Mariachi at El Grito, been paint-splattered at the Rang Barse Holi Festival, marveled at Plein Air art, and cheered for creative floats at the annual 4 th of July Parade. Our arts and cultural events contribute to our resiliency, give us hope, and remind us that we are not alone. This creates the vibrant and connected community we love and want to preserve. Whether you are a creative artist or an appreciative consumer, I challenge you to join with your community friends to prove that we believe in the value and positive power of the arts. Invest in the future of our local arts and culture by donating to the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Endowment today. In this time of great need, let’s make sure they’re here in the future to inspire our spirits and feed our souls.
Support the Arts Today, Sustain Them for Tomorrow!

Top: Image of Lynn Scheller from What We Believe by artist Julie O’Keefe. Bottom: Lynn Scheller in a childhood performance.