5 minute read
Welcome to Hidden Creek Community Center
From cultural events to enriching classes to a good, sweaty workout, Hillsboro’s new Hidden Creek Community Center offers something for everyone. Built in the geographic heart of the fast-growing city, Hidden Creek Community Center will provide much needed space and amenities for everyone to come together and be active.
“The overarching theme of ‘accessibility for all’ is integrated seamlessly into the building,” says Facility Manager Bill Rothschild. “You see it in Hidden Creek’s layout, furnishings, and roster of activities and events.” An example Rothschild points to is the large, main exercise area. This open and expansive display of cardio machines, strength equipment, and expanded free weight station was designed to accommodate everyone, no matter their abilities or interests. Once open, the facility will host drop-in and recreational sports activities, public events, private parties, and more. The two-story, 51,000-square-foot facility will also house Hillsboro Parks & Recreation’s first gymnasium. Coupled with adjoining outdoor spaces, the two-court gym provides space for basketball, pickle ball, volleyball, and other sports along with inclusive programming for all ages and abilities.

Three community rooms will accommodate a variety of activities. Rothschild expects programming to include cultural events, speaking engagements, musical performances, community activities, and more. Private groups can also rent out these rooms for events, trainings, or weddings. Public art and displays celebrating Hillsboro’s rich diversity and cultural heritage will be found throughout the building. “Hidden Creek Community Center is about facilitating community connections and wellness,” says Rothschild. “This first-class facility will bring families, friends, and neighbors together in a way that is accessible, inclusive, and affordable.” The Hidden Creek Community Center is currently under construction, but scheduled tours, membership purchases, and events will be available to the public in late fall. Watch Hillsboro-Oregon.gov/ParksRec for scheduled hours and fees.

The City of Hillsboro has an active history of supporting the arts as a way to enhance livability. In fact, the City’s guiding document, the Hillsboro 2020 Vision and Action Plan, calls for over a dozen initiatives in the cultural arts sector alone. Highest on that list are the creation of a cultural arts center, an arts council and a public art program. Within the pages of the HillsboroARTS Magazine, you will see the dreams of 2020 becoming reality through creative programs, events, classes, concerts, gallery exhibitions, community grants and public art works.
Glenn & Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center
The Walters opened on March 16, 2004. Located at the corner of SE 5th Avenue and Main Street, this site has a rich history of community involvement that began when the Trinity Lutheran Church started construction of the church building in 1947. The Walters is a ground-breaking facility that provides expanded opportunities for the entire Hillsboro community, including: youth and adult art education and training, increased access to local, regional and national artists and increased opportunity for individual artists to teach and demonstrate their craft. It is the first site constructed in Hillsboro with the intention of showcasing cultural events and providing community-centered arts education.
Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council
The HACC mission is to promote and support the growth of arts and culture as assets for a vital, prosperous and livable community. The Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council (HACC) first convened in the spring of 2007. This citizen advisory committee is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. Under the general direction of the City Council, the HACC oversees policies and programs pertaining to arts and culture for the City. It is housed in the Parks and Recreation Department and is administered by the Cultural Arts Program Manager. In 2012, the HACC established the Hillsboro Arts & Culture Endowment in partnership with the Hillsboro Community Foundation to create long-term stable funding for our creative community.
Hillsboro Public Art Program
Public art is a part of our mental map of Hillsboro, creating the memorable public places that strengthen our community. Art can attract us to downtown, enliven our neighborhoods, enhance our experiences in parks, remind us of our history, and celebrate our ethnic and cultural diversity. Public art can take many forms - landscape treatments, building facades, freestanding sculptures, murals, lighting and more. It can be permanent or temporary. Often, art is an unexpected discovery that lifts us out of the ordinary and brings a moment of intrigue and delight to our day.
HillsboroARTS Mission
HillsboroARTS is produced three times a year to inform our patrons and complement the Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Activities Guide. This publication will help you plan your schedule with our activities, events, and classes in mind.
Let Us Know What You Think
We value your thoughts and input and are interested in hearing your comments about what you see here or ideas for future topics. With your help, we can deliver a publication that meets your needs and those of our community. Please email your ideas, recommendations and remarks to katrina.hill@hillsboro-oregon.gov. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hillsboro Arts & Culture Council Joan Callaway, Chair Ramon Cancel, Vice Chair
Ajoy Chakrapani Martin Conley
Tracy Francis BJ Jeddeloh
See Eun Kim Tonya Macalino
Gayle Nachtigal Pamela Padilla
Venkatesh Naik
Ishaan Sinha, YAC Representative
Cultural Arts
Nancy Nye, Arts, Culture & Events Senior Manager Michele McCall-Wallace, Cultural Arts Manager Katrina Hill, Administrative & Walters Rentals
Bridie Harrington, Walters Arts Education &
Visual & Performing Arts Supervisor
Melissa Moore, Community Arts Supervisor Cultural Arts Program Support LeAnn Alsop Tracy Andrews Nee Anuskewicz Jen Champlin Karen DeBenedetti Joel Gordon Laura Gorman Alice Hill Lindsey Holcomb Nikki Iadarola Mark Jackson Cindy Morales-Lee Amy Thompson
ON THE COVER: The Bridge of Love, created by Portland-based artist William Hernandez, adorns the first floor elevator doors at the Hillsboro Civic Center.
PHOTOS IN THIS ISSUE were taken by Cultural Arts staff unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT 2020, Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department.