Colour Conference Brochure 2019

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the wonder. the colours. the favour.

The New BE FOUND IN THE NEW Colour Conference. Placing Value Upon Womanhood.

Do you Remember the day the lights went on?


Do you remember the moment you awakened and felt the weight soften and lift? Do you remember the mystery and questions fading as truth drew near and “THE NEW� found its home in you? Colour Twenty-19.




Salvation is no small thing. It’s where the past and all that is broken and lost is replaced with all that is new and wondrous. It’s the beginning of “life eternal” where promise-eternal and favour-eternal points us in the direction of heaven. It’s where the colours begin… and Eden is restored.

Jesus said “I have come that you might have life, and life in abundance” with the words of Revelation (the final book of the bible) capturing the promise of the new - “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” (Revelation 21:5-6 NIV) As we look to the future and engage Colour Twenty-19, prayer again frames the heart, intent and fabric of all we desire. Our prayer is that we will be found in words that are trustworthy and true. Our prayer is that the manifest goodness of God will continue to shape us as a movement of women. Our prayer is that we will continue to change this world from the inside out… that grace and mercy, kindness and love, solution and justice will be our anthem and war cry. To this end, the invitation is yours. Whether you are familiar with, or new to the adventure - the invitation beckons you to a world beyond your wildest imagination, and a sisterhood of women who have your best in mind. With love and affection,

Bobbie Houston

Host and Founder of Colour Conference

Bobbie Houston, with the global strength of the Hillsong worship, teaching and leadership teams will host and bring their finest to all conferences around the world. Christine Caine returns to the Colour platform in Sydney, London and Cape Town. Articulate. Passionate. Compelling. One of our own, Christine has grown into a strategic and greatly loved voice amongst women today. John Gray joins Colour in Sydney (Conference 1) and London. Wise. Profound. Hilarious. John has the capacity to light up a room and cause heaven to draw near. We are so grateful for his friendship and sense of family toward us. Lisa Harper returns to the Sydney platform (Conference 2), and joins us in Cape Town for the first time. Endearing. Delightful. Authentic. Lisa’s grasp on the Word of God and her capacity to share in a down to earth and embracive way, makes her an all time Colour favourite. DawnCheré Wilkerson joins our USA conferences in Los Angeles and New York. Beautiful. Dynamic. Inspiring. DawnCheré is greatly loved. Her story is laced with legacy, faith and the possibilities available to all when trust finds its home in our hearts. Plus... from our own stable of remarkable women, Catrina Henderson and Kety Samways will join Bobbie in Kiev, Ukraine. Catrina is Lead Pastor of Hillsong Israel and a much loved bible teacher and communicator. Kety is one of our campus pastors in Australia, originally from Bulgaria and with an inspiring story to share. Both these girls are a stunning addition to our Eastern European Colour.

BE FOUND IN THE NEW. the wonder. the colours. the favour.


The Theatre at ICC Sydney INTRODUCING TWO WEEKEND CONFERENCES Conf One: 14-16 March 2019 Conf Two: 21-23 March 2019


Kings Theatre, Brooklyn 5-6 April 2019 Orpheum Theatre 12-13 April 2019






Cape Town

Grand West Plaza Conf One: 24-25 April 2019 Conf Two: 26-27 April 2019


The SSE Arena, Wembley 2-4 May 2019


Hillsong Church Kiev 10-11 May 2019 save the date and go online to register

Plus, find information for locations, guest insights, Colour Kids and all other details.

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