Approximate Request Completion Timeframes
Timeframe begins upon receipt of all required specs and supporting information and depends upon complexity of request and other projects in process. Timeframes do not include shipping or print production times unless otherwise noted.
database and provide marketing support for all PlainsCapital Bank, Hilltop Holdings and HilltopSecurities
Project Type Description Approximate Time Frame Advertising Print, digital, and broadcast advertising 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Finish in time for publication Bios Creation or updates to employee
(marketing not responsible for
headshots) 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Branding/Design Branding approvals,
other design work 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Charitable Contributions and Sponsorships Maintain
1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Corporate Culture Volunteer event support, creation of culture materials, etc. 2-3 weeks (10-15 business days) Customer Communications Letter, postcards, and other customer mailings 2-3 weeks (10-15 business days) Customer Emails Coordinated emails,
Salesforce Marketing Cloud, with
without graphic elements 1-3 weeks (5-15 business days) Employee Materials Creation of new employee training documents, HR materials, etc. 2-3 weeks (10-15 business days) Events Marketing support for company-sponsored community events, trade shows, corporate meetings 4-8 weeks (20-40 business days) External Communications Press releases or support for media interviews/articles 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Internal Communications Company email announcements, HilltopView, or other intranet articles 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) New Sales Material Brand new sales material that requires collaboration with business lines (brochures, sales sheets, etc.) 4-8 weeks (20-40 business days) Print Shop Requests In-house printing of brochures, banners, legal notices, business cards, letterhead, notecards, etc. 5-7 business days (after required approvals) Promotional Items Branded apparel, customer gifts 3-4 weeks (15-20 business days) Published Content Blogs, whitepapers, commentaries, other thought leadership 1-2 weeks (5-10 business days) Sales Material Updates to brochures, pitch books, and presentations 2-3 weeks (15-20 business days) Social Media Official company posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn 5-7 business days Video Creation of internal or external video projects 2-3 weeks (10-15 business days) Website and Location Listing Updates Minor updates and corrections to our official company websites and online location listings 1-3 business days Website Projects Creation of new website pages or major changes to site structure 4-8 weeks (20-40 business days)
setting up
custom graphics, or
donations and sponsorships
event invitations,
more to clients, prospects,
employees sent through
Hilltop Holdings Marketing & Communications Department Service Level Agreement
The Marketing & Communications Department strives to build a trusted, recognizable brand for each of our Hilltop Holdings companies. Among our key responsibilities, we seek to:
• Promote, manage, and protect our brand image, reputation, and intellectual property
• Deliver innovative and creative marketing content and solutions
• Craft internal communications that follow a thoughtful, coordinated communication strategy
• Create external communications that effectively convey our brand, value proposition, and desired key messages
• Provide support for culture events and communications
• Provide comprehensive sales support to our lines of business
• Monitor sponsorships and charitable giving across our companies to maximize the positive impact of our companies’ generosity
• Provide in-house high-quality printing and finishing services
If you need marketing or communications assistance, our team stands ready to assist you with a variety of projects, such as advertising, brochures, events, sponsorships, promotions, social media, customer communications, blogs, websites, newsletters, and more.
Submitting a Request
Requests for assistance from the Marketing & Communications Department can be made by completing the Marketing Request Form, located on the Marketing department site on HilltopView. You will be contacted regarding your request by the next business day. Then, a member of the Marketing & Communications team will review and evaluate your request, discuss the process of completing your request, and establish a projected completion date. If a request is sent on a Friday afternoon or before a holiday, you will receive a response when regular business days resume. As needed, based on the duration of the project, you will be provided with status updates and cost estimates. If you have any comments or concerns about your experience, please contact Jennifer Sterns, Director of Marketing & Communications, at
Emergency Requests
We understand that, from time to time, emergency or last-minute projects may arise that have a due date earlier than our stated SLA timeframes may dictate. We will make every effort to accommodate these occasional requests with a faster turnaround time, but please be advised that we cannot guarantee project completion faster than our stated SLA estimated timeframes due to the other projects already in our queue and due to the many required steps to complete a given project, which may include copywriting, design, proofreading, editing, compliance approvals, legal approvals, executive approvals, pre-press services, printing, post-press services, delivery, and more. We appreciate your partnership in submitting requests as early as possible so that we can ensure your project is completed by the required due date.
Hilltop Holdings Workflow
PlainsCapital Bank Workflow
HilltopSecurities Workflow