Issue #1 - February 2, 2011

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Hilltop Views S t .

E d w a r d ’ s

U n i v e r s i t y

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Volume 29 | Issue 1



Entertainment: Missed connections at St. Edward’s now found on new website.

Viewpoints Are we reluctant to label citizens as homegrown terrorists?

New policy created Holly Aker

When St. Edward’s University staff members returned to work on campus in January, they learned that a major policy had changed. This semester, Human Resources retired the staff Secondary Employment policy and established the staff Conflict of Interest policy in its place. The Secondary Employment policy did not prohibit staff members from working outside of the university, but it required staff members to inform their dean, supervisor and/or vicepresident of outside jobs so any conflicts of interest could be avoided. The new conflict of interest policy states that both staff and faculty members must make it known to the university if they have “any affiliation with any outside organization which may lead to the appearance of or actual conflict of interest.” The policy does not bar all activities that could create a conflict of interest for staff members, as long as the university is aware of the issue. There is only a problem when staff members benefit financially, directly or indirectly, or compromise their loyalty to the university without first notifying the university of the conflict. The policy also regards benefits for family members or business interests as conflicts of interest as well. Faculty members have had

a policy for years regarding outside employment, but the new policy now applies to staff members as well. “[Faculty] have a primary

with the new Conflict of Interest policy. “There was no ‘event’ that sparked either the development or revision of the poli-

[Faculty] have a primary professional obligation to the university and its students..” --Patricia Grigadean

professional obligation to the university and its students, so it is important that other activities, including other employment, not interfere with that obligation,” said Organizational Development Coordinator Patricia Grigadean. “In the summer of 2010, it was determined that a similar policy should apply to staff employees.” After its instatement for a semester, Human Resources noticed areas where the policy needed to be revised. “Upon further review, it was determined that the staff Secondary Employment policy should be included as part of the Conflict of Interest policy for Trustees, Officers and Key Employees which was adopted in 2009,” Grigadean said. The university has made policy changes in the past to ensure that some incidents don’t become problems again, but Human Resources insists this was not the case

cies,” Grigadean said. “It is simply the university’s ongoing commitment to its students and to transparency and high ethical standards in the ways in which we conduct business.” While the university is striving for a more ethical policy, not everyone agrees that it meets the standard because of its wording. “The only thing I’m worried about [in the policy] is the words ‘appearance of conflict’ appears three times and then ‘perceived conflict’ once,” said Jack Green Musselman, director of the Center For Ethics and Leadership. “‘Perceived conflict’ is pretty vague. If the clear guidelines are to prevent conflicts so that people don’t run afoul of our policies and our mission, I worry about if it’s fair to tell people to worry about the appearance without saying what counts as that.”


Sports: The St. Edward’s baseball team starts new season with new faces.

Biology student wins award Megan Ganey

Before Dec. 6, James McCann was just an ambitious student studying philosophy and biology. However, after receiving attention for his work with cystic fibrosis, the 22-year-old senior from St. Edward’s University was someone the New York Times considered noteworthy. McCann received the Undergraduate Oral Award for Microbiological Sciences Research at the 10th Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. The award was granted for research he conducted alongside Dr. Megan Boulette in the lab of Dr. Marvin Whitely at the University of Texas at Austin last summer. Although McCann plans to pursue biology in the future, he credited his philosophy degree as the tool that put him above the other contestants. “I really think my philosophy degree helped me with my biology because it gave me better reading skills, and it really taught me how to write and get my point across and also talk the way I did,” McCann said. “You can do research, but you also have to explain it on many different levels and almost sell your research, so I guess that was what the award was for—being able to talk about my research cogently from beginning to end.” McCann was one of the

Megan Ganey

McCann won an award for his cancer research.

students featured in the New York Times article “The Country Can Learn a Lesson From These Students,” published Dec. 6. Brent Staples, the reporter, wrote that McCann is “a quiet young man…who wowed the conference with his work on a bacterium that preys on victims of cystic fibrosis.” Although his name has appeared in the Times, McCann remains humble. “It was kind of like this surreal experience. I never really expected to be in the

New York Times,” McCann said. “The one thing that it’s really helped me with is that it’s opened so many doors for me. Because of the New York Times article, I got the travel grant to go to New Orleans in May and also recently got a job out in Georgetown…doing cancer research for a biotech company out there.” The CEO of Molecular Templates contacted McCann the day the article McCann | 2

Page 2 | NEWS

Wednesday, February 2 , 2011 | Hilltop Views

Texas legislature cuts education spending in proposed plan April Castro Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas’ proposed $73.2 billion state spending plan that makes large cuts to education is just a starting point, but the final version will be no less painful if lawmakers keep rejecting tax increases and tapping the Rainy Day Fund, the lead House budget writer said Wednesday. Lawmakers got their first glimpse of what the next state budget might look like late Tuesday, as the state faces a revenue shortfall of at least $15 billion for the next two years. Adhering to promises of no tax increases and no money from the Rainy Day Fund, the revenue was mainly made up with about $14 billion in cuts to state programs. The Texas Constitution requires a balanced budget. Proposed cuts so far include almost $5 billion to public

education and the closure of four community colleges. The base budget does not pay for an estimated 160,000 new students who are expected to enroll in public schools over the next two years. Republican Rep. Jim Pitts, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, outlined the plan to lawmakers Wednesday and took some pointed questions. “There’s nothing in this bill that’s not painful,” Pitts said in response to questions from a lawmaker upset about a community college targeted for closure. “I wish I had a crystal ball that said what’s going to happen by May.” In education alone, the proposed budget would cut money for arts education, pre-kindergarten programs, teacher incentive pay and dozens of other programs. Financial aid programs like Texas Grants would be closed to new students and funding to colleges and uni-

versities would be decreased significantly. The proposal would make public school finance reform legislation almost inevitable, because there’s not enough money allotted for schools based on funding formulas in

Proposed cuts so far include almost $5 billion to public education and the closure of four community colleges. the law. And even though Republican leaders have vowed not to raise taxes, the budget proposes millions of dollars in new fees. For instance, state employees and retirees who smoke would pay a $30-amonth “tobacco user monthly premium surcharge” for their

McCann featured in the Times Continued from page 1

came out. McCann will be spending about 20 hours a week working in the lab with RNA, tissue culture and DNA. McCann credits much of his success to how the science department is structured at St. Edward’s because it has given him the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the lab. “One thing I really love about St. Edward’s, and I got the difference from UT, was that St. Ed’s does a lot of research but its emphasis is undergraduate research, and that’s really beneficial,” James said. “It gets them in the lab [and] gets them to see how science actually works from beginning to end. It’s not this five-step real formulaic scientific method that you learn in like second grade.” The faculty at St. Edward’s, William Quinn and Patricia Baynham in particular, have infused their love for biology in their students.

“To be honest, all the professors over there have facilitated and really conveyed their enthusiasm for biology and research, which I think really helps all students…so I can’t pick one person, but Dr. Quinn was kind of the guy,” McCann said. “He was my freshman bio professor. He’s the one who I walked in the first day and I was … hooked at that point.” Baynham, who was McCann’s microbiology teacher, said that he sets a good example for other science students by taking advantage of all of the research opportunities that are available. “He has a lot of scientific curiosity,” Baynham said. “Students like James make students realize that it’s not just medical school after graduation.” Quinn noted that McCann’s philosophy background will help him in his pursuit of microbiology because of his grasp of ethics. “Because of his interest in

health insurance and the attorney general’s office would charge an “annual child support service fee,” a “monthly child support processing fee” and an “electronic filing of documents fee.” The budget draft, which is

philosophy, he’s just got a really well-founded background in Catholic theology, and he has a clear sense of Catholic social justice,” Quinn said. Even after the wide range of attention, McCann maintains the sensibility of a senior working hard to graduate. “He is down-to-earth. Clearly, when he succeeds, he doesn’t succeed at another person’s expense,” Baynham said. After graduating, McCann plans to do more research and then pursue graduate school. “It’s a hard task to become a good scientist, so that is why I want to spend more time in the lab to get to be able to do that,” McCann said.

expected to be filed as legislation in the House this week, would spend $73.2 billion in state money and $156.4 billion in all funds for the 201213 budget period. The proposal would further reduce reimbursement rates by 10 percent for physicians, hospitals and nursing homes

that participate in Medicaid — a decrease that could eventually dry up participation in the health care program for poor and disabled Texans. In all, $2.3 billion would be cut from Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and other health and human services. The plan would eliminate 9,600 state jobs over the next two years, including more than 1,500 jobs in the prison system. The Department of Criminal Justice faces $459 million in cuts, including a 14 percent reduction in psychiatric and pharmacy care for inmates. Democrats immediately attacked the budget as inhumane. “We’re already as a state 50th in per capita in spending,” said Rep. Joaquin Castro of San Antonio. “So you’ve got to ask yourself when you see a base budget like this, at what point is this budget akin to asking an anorexic person

to lose more weight?” The draft is just the beginning of a long process, which probably won’t be finalized until next summer when Gov. Rick Perry expects to sign the Texas budget for 201213. Perry has downplayed the state’s budget woes, telling The AP recently that the shortfall is “not the end of the world” and saying the cuts would not be “apocalyptic.” Some analysts say the true shortfall could be closer to $27 billion when accounting for enrollment growth in public schools and on Medicaid rolls, cost increases and other variables. That figure amounts to almost a third of discretionary state spending in the current budget. About a third of the revenue shortfall was caused by lower-than-expected sales tax receipts during the recession. But most of it was created by the loss of one-time revenue used in the last budget to pay for recurring expenses.

Be My Valentine? Print your Valentine’s Day message in Hilltop Views!

Hilltop Views is accepting personal messages, anonymous or otherwise, for your loved ones, friends or that special someone you’ve been admiring from afar. Messages will be printed in a Valentine’s Day spread in the Feb. 9 issue. Submit your personal message at our table in the Ragsdale lobby on Wednesday, Feb. 2, & Thursday, Feb. 3, from 10-12, or stop by Friday, Feb.4 in Andre 116 to deliver your message and payment. Deadline to submit is Friday at 5:00pm. Guidelines: • Messages must be 70 words or less • No expletives • $2 (cash only) at time of submission

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NEWS | Page 3

Workshop prepares interns for summer Sara Reihani

Unemployment is still a problem nationwide, but the Career Planning office at St. Edward’s University is already at work to try and help students find internships for the summer. Andrew Harper, internship coordinator for the Career Planning department, led a Jan. 25 summer internship workshop, which was designed to introduce students to the internship application process and help them begin their internship search. “More and more employers are emphasizing that students must have internships to be considered for employment,” Harper said. “It is going to be much easier for a student to get their foot in the door by trying to get an internship than trying to get a job.” The workshop is part of a series of career planning events and information sessions about jobs and internships leading up to the Career Planning center’s annual Job and Internship Fair. The fair, which will take place on March 24, brings about 100 employers to St. Edward’s every year to

network with students and inform them about both part-time internships and full-time employment opportunities. The Career Planning center also hosts a smaller fair, exclusively for internships, every fall. Last year about 40 employers were represented at the Internship Fair. “We’re going to continue to put a lot of effort into fostering that culture by bringing organizations to campus that can offer internship opportunities and by making sure we have a lot of internship sites in our database,” Harper said. Harper held the summer internship workshop weeks before the spring Job and Internship Fair because of the early deadlines for many summer internships. “If you’re looking for a structured internship program, particularly one that might pay, those deadlines are going to be occurring between now and the end of March,” Harper said. The Career Planning center will hold internship information sessions throughout February with representatives from small businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Many of the internships are targeted at the

large community of liberal arts and business students at St. Edward’s who can fill a growing need for marketing and communications interns. “There are a lot of jobs in marketing and communications right now,” Harper said. “A lot of internships are concentrated on writing, graphic design [and] video production. We don’t have a lot of tech employers coming to St. Edward’s because our computer science population isn’t as big as our communications. But this is Austin, so there are going to be a lot of high-tech job opportunities too.” Unlike larger businesses or government agencies, many of the small or medium-sized businesses based in Austin offer internships that do not involve a formal application process. “Sometimes it’s just simply picking up the phone and calling an organization,” Harper said. “In some places, the process is very cutand-dry; other places, you have to take a more proactive approach.” Harper recently prescreened applications from St. Edward’s students for the HEB Community Internship Program, which helps provide non-profit





organizations with funds to support paid interns. The work allowed him to experience the hiring process from an employer’s perspective. “Many resumes are just poorly formatted and not well-written,” Harper said. “The objective statement is missing or just doesn’t apply to the internship; they don’t make the case on how they can connect to the internship. Students don’t realize that they need a really good resume.” Another common mistake students make when applying for internships is neglecting to research the companies for which they want to work. “Most students don’t get internships because in interviews, they’re asked, ‘What do you know about our company?’ and they say ‘I don’t know anything,’” Harper said. “That usually means the interview is pretty much over.” Harper said it is important for students to emphasize why they are a good match for the internship and what they can bring to the company or organization. “How are you going to make them productive? It’s not the other way around,” Harper said.


Jan. 25

4:05 p.m.

Vehicle Accident

Theater Pass


Jan. 25

5:22 p.m.

Burglary of Vehicle

Parking Garage


Jan. 25

2:37 a.m.


Moody Hall


Jan. 26

3:38 a.m.


Trustee Hall


Jan. 26

9:40 p.m.

Hit and Run

Parking Lot R


Jan. 26

9:41 p.m.




Jan. 27

4:55 a.m.


Moody Hall


Jan. 28

4:00 p.m.

Disruption of Meeting

Fleck Hall


Jan. 29

1:41 a.m.

Criminal Attempt

Johnson Hall


Jan. 29

5:10 a.m.


Moody Hall


New organizations ease into new year

Collegiate Link

New Organizations are create using Collegiate Link.

Paul Rocha

CollegiateLink, the online center for student organizations within Student Life, is now more user friendly. The upgraded format of CollegiateLink is designed so that anyone who wants to start a club or organization can use a drop down menu similar to the selection menu on the St. Edward’s University website. On this simplified menu, a potential club leader can skip the optional steps that precede the establishment of a club and proceed to the Official Registration page. At this point, the instructions are specified, and the Recognized Organizations Council can respond with further details on the status of a proposed organization. Some ideas for organizations never reach actualization due to miscommunication or confusion about how to create an organization though the CollegiateLink website used by the ROC. “Many problems come up because the amendment laws are missing,” said Mimi Valladarez, a liaison for registration and renewal in the ROC. “These are necessary to make any future changes to an organization’s constitution.” The three things an organization or a club needs to be-

come affiliated with Student Life and St. Edward’s is a minimum of three committed members, an advisor to assist with supervision and a constitution with clearly stated laws on how to amend said constitution. Valladarez said that there are links to examples on how to write a proper constitution on CollegiateLink and that someone in Student Life would be more than willing to assist those who need further help with the writing. One story of success comes from a relatively new organization, the College Republicans. “Everyone at Student Life was…really helpful,” Chair of the College Republicans Katie Thompson said. “As a new organization, we’ve received a very positive response.” Some organizations have found other means of funding than the ROC. Operation T, a Brown scholarship program that gives T-shirts to needy families in Mexico started by junior Irma Fernandez, is one example. A list of other new organizations and clubs, as well as those already established, can be found on CollegiateLink, along with further information about when various clubs meet, how to become involved and how to start a club of one’s own.

Page 4 | NEWS

Wednesday, February 2 , 2011 | Hilltop Views

Former St. Edward’s president Stephen Walsh dies at 69 Megan Ganey

He was just a wonderful, wonderful person who gave of himself to make everything better.”

Brother Stephen Walsh, C.S.C, founder of the Holy Cross Institute and former president of St. Edward’s University, died Jan. 10 after a severe stroke. He was 69. Walsh was remembered at a funeral service on Jan. 17 at St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church in Austin. Walsh graduated from St. Edward’s University in 1962 as valedictorian with a bachelor’s degree in History. He went on to get his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas at Austin. Walsh returned to campus as a faculty member in 1966, was an academic dean in 1970 and served as the university’s youngest president from 1972-1984. He founded the Holy Cross Institute at St. Edward’s in 2005 and acted as executive director until his death. Under his leadership as president, Walsh initiated the

-Sister Donna Jurick

Courtesy of Marketing

Walsh was St. Edward’s president from 1972-1984.

College Assistance Migrant Program and New College program. “Serving a diverse group of students—with diverse backgrounds and skills—was always a priority and always

about social justice,” Walsh said in an interview with St. Edward’s Magazine in 2005. Walsh is also responsible for the basis of Freshman Studies, Capstone and most of the general education cur-

riculum. “He was president in a crucial time in our history,” Executive Vice President and Provost Sr. Donna Jurick said. “He’s been at key points the right person to have an innovative thrust that brings things to a new level.” Walsh’s friend of 56 years and neighbor, Br. Richard Daly, also remembered him as a creative innovator who was always trying to improve education. “He was always thinking about how teachers could teach students better,” Daly said. “He has had a great impact on Holy Cross and St. Edward’s.”

Brother Daniel Durig dies at age 79 Haleigh Svoboda

The Congregation of Holy Cross has lost a member. Holy Cross Brother Daniel Durig died on Jan. 10 of a stroke after undergoing heart surgery. He was 79. Durig joined the brotherhood in 1951, and he graduated from St. Edward’s University in 1976 with a degree in history. While serving as a Holy Cross brother, Durig used his passion and talent for cooking in to give back to others. “In Holy Cross, hospitality is one of our charisms,” Br. Richard Daly said. “He personified Holy Cross hospitality.” Daly met Durig when Daly was a student at St. Edward’s. At that time, there were 120 brothers living in Vincent Hall, and for eight years, Durig cooked three meals a day for the Vincent Hall residents.

In Holy Cross, hospitality is one of our charisms ... He personified Holy Cross hospitality.” -Brother Richard Daly

“It was during those sweltering days in the Vincent Hall kitchen that Daniel would dispense his distinctive lessons of the spiritual life and life in general, along with daily cooking instruction,” Br. Michael Brickman said in a eulogy he delivered in honor of Durig. “He felt it was his sworn duty to blend these two valuable spices to advance our formation.” In the 1970s, Durig founded the Holy Cross Food Service Workshops, which ran at St. Edward’s in the summer. Through his program, Durig

trained people, mostly brothers and sisters, to cook. Daly said that Durig had the expertise to cook large quantities of food for a large number of people at a low price. In 1983, Durig and four others established a ministry at St. Anthony Parish in Casper, Wyo. After retiring, Durig continued to serve by making cookies and other baked goods to raise money for two Holy Cross missions that help homeless children in Brazil. He would sell the

baked goods to students at Holy Cross High School in San Antonio during their lunch period. Durig’s biggest contribution to the Holy Cross community was the example he set by living a life of simplicity and service, according to Br. Bill Zanardi. Zanardi also said that those who knew Durig would remember him for his smile, humor and friendliness. Brickman said Durig was happiest being a son, a brother, an uncle, Religious Superior, founder of the Holy Cross Food Service Workshops and always a Brother of Holy Cross. “Some of the people are just flickers of light during a long life, while others are a consistent glow for years. Daniel was my consistent glow,” Brickman said. “Those who had the privilege to know him are better persons due to the warmth of Daniel[’s] glow.”

His former student and fellow Holy Cross Brother, Donald Blauvelt, said he was a mentor, friend and traveling companion. “He was a brilliant mind,” Blauvelt said. “People were really important to him. He really tried to be what we brothers are supposed to be, a man who brings hope. He always tried to call people to respond at their best.” Blauvelt said that he and Walsh worked together to “discover what the Holy Cross education was all about.” “He really brought a focus on the whole person, on the heart and the mind,” Blauvelt said.

As an educator and a leader in Holy Cross, Walsh visited every Holy Cross secondary and middle school to hear the voices of students and faculty. Walsh was a leader in the Holy Cross Congregation and served as a delegate around the world. “He was internationally known even more than I think he appreciated,” Blauvelt said. Jurick also commented on his wide range of influence. “In his last iteration he brought all of the innovation and creativity and history to help the Holy Cross Institute…across the whole world to really come together and understand themselves better,” Jurick said. Walsh was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award at the 125th Anniversary celebrations last February. “He was just a wonderful, wonderful person who gave of himself to make everything better,” Jurick said. “This is a huge, huge loss.”


Winter clothes needed Haleigh Svoboda

A member of the St. Edward’s University faculty has started a grassroots campaign to collect winter clothing. Josh Bertetta, a religious studies professor, started the campaign in order to provide adequate clothing to the Oglala Lakota tribe in South Dakota, where the temperature is around or below zero. “Over 60 percent live without water, electricity, or insulation in their homes,” Bertetta said. “Each winter many elderly die of hypothermia, and the infant mortality rate is 300 percent the national average.” Donations need to be

new or gently used winter clothing. Beretta said that they will accept all types of clothing, but they are in particular need of heavy winter coats. Children’s clothes are needed as well. Those interested in donating clothing can drop off items in the collection box located in Mang House by Feb. 4. Bertetta said that small monetary donations are needed to help with shipping costs and can be given to Medina Bills, whose office is in 100 Mang House. For further information, contact Bertetta at joshuab@stedwards. edu.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011

GAMES | Page 5

games Look for the answers to both games in next week’s issue!

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku:

Page 6 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, February 2 , 2011


St. Edward’s campus flirts with new site Ben Osheyack

“At photo lab: Male, Black hair. I am a new photo student, but i can tell you that i will be in the lab when you are the monitor. you are super cute! maybe something will develop between us.” Such is the nature of posts found on, a website dedicated to increasing the number of anonymous missed connections between St. Edward’s students. However, visiting the site will show that most posts are of a caliber far more lewd than the one shown above. Originally created for the Stanford University campus, LikeALittle now has pages for colleges around the country. The St. Edward’s page

went live last semester. Currently, dozens of posts to the site for St. Edward’s are made every day. The site operates as follows: a person either sees someone whom they find attractive on campus, has a friend they wish to play a trick on or wishes to publicly display their wildest fantasies for someone while preserving their anonymity. They go to the website, enter where they see the person and add a brief description and flirty message. The post is then visible to all visitors of the website, who may comment on the post with their names replaced by fruit or vegetable names as aliases. If the person described sees the post and wishes to “connect” with the author, they can set up a

Courtesy of

The LikeaLittle page for SEU was created last fall.

meeting in a private message with no one else aware of their endeavors. Some comment threads

Musician shreds Paramount Sam Jackson

“I think everyone here is just about as crazy as I am,” Joe Satriani chuckled midway through his show at the Paramount Theater. This being Austin, he definitely had grounds for that statement. But when Satriani began to discuss how a ‘50s beat poet came to him in a dream and told him to write and record the very originally named “Dream Song,” the chrome-domed guitar virtuoso is in another dimension of weird that most Austinites can barely begin to imagine. Joe Satriani, aka Satch, has tasted more success than most can only dream of, and his name makes any axe-slinger jerk to attention. For a start, he has 15 Grammy nominations, 10 million albums sold worldwide, survived 20 years in the business and if that was n’t enough, some of the most successful guitarists today once called him teacher,

including Metallica’s Kirk Hammett, shred god Steve Vai and jazz kingpin Charlie Hunter. Now Satriani is touring behind his latest record, “Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards,” and the 1,200 strong crowd gathered to bask at the feet of the guitar Buddha. Tagging along were Ned Evett and Triple Double, an LA three-piece blues rock group. It takes guts to play guitar solos opening for a man who has made them his M.O. for so long, but Ned Evett did a supreme job, pulling off Indian flourishes on fretless guitars in between down and dirty rockers like “Red Red Room” and “Wrong Thing.” It was also a treat to hear singing since Satch’s music is devoid of lyrics. But once Satch kicked off, it became perfectly clear that he does not need any singers. Backed by his world class band and a psychedelic light show, Satriani pulled out some of his most

show-stopping tunes and with the magic of improvisation, turned them into something new. “Andalusia” smoothly translated from an erotic Spanish dream into wild rock riffing, while the house favorite “Always With Me, Always With You” crescendoed into pure exultation at the end from a simple muted riff at the beginning. As Satriani and Co. returned to close with “Summer Song,” the band’s bassist came out in a Texas Longhorn T-shirt to the crowd’s roaring approval. It is hard to watch Satch play, looking like a kid at Christmas, and not think he is one of the few men in the world who is satisfied with what he has. The 1,200 people there certainly would.

have actually developed into lengthy heated arguments over the individual described, with volatile language such

as “You can’t have him,” and “Get a freakin’ clue, homewrecker.” The website offers a search bar to browse various locations around campus so that visitors may look to see if descriptions of them have been written at places on campus where they are often present. This tool also makes it very easy to localize different individuals who work on campus, such as at Meadows Coffee shop or the Trustee labs. There are also many descriptions of a few resident assistants who work in the residence halls around campus. Cory Hahn, a senior and an RA at the Dujarie Casitas, was very clearly described by a student in one recent post on the website. Hahn said he didn’t read too far into the

comments, but enjoys the site for its entertainment value. “I know it’s just someone playing a joke on me,” Hahn said. “I think it’s a pretty fun site; it’s a good way to track down a person you’ve maybe only seen from a distance. But you can’t take it as 100 percent genuine. I think that it’s mostly just good for a laugh.” Junior Erica Stivison has a similar view of the newest form of anonymous social networking. “It’s creepy but fun,” Stivison said. “I think it fits the feel of our campus.”

Austin-based parody site faces legal trouble from Facebook Matthew Frazier

A visit to the popular website Lamebook will lead you to a blinding headline proclaiming, “FACEBOOK IS SUING US.” Perusing many of the comments from various friends’ pages can almost guarantee an interesting snide comment or exchange regarding a status update. Lamebook uses remarks such as these and anonymously republishes many mishaps encountered on the social network. “It proves that privacy has gone out the window,” said senior Ginger Grossman. “Hopefully I don’t say anything worth making it on the site.” Free speech issues such as these have become the backbone of Lamebook’s argument against Facebook’s accusations. According to the website, their right to post these screencaps is protected

Courtesy of

Lamebook posts embarrassing Facebook statuses.

under the First Amendment. Although laughing at the misfortune of another’s Facebook interactions provides entertainment for Internet uses, the social network giant found Lamebook’s purpose to be infringement and took legal action asking the website to desist further publish-

ing on their website. In addition to their constant updates on Facebook, there are links to other popular humor sites such as People of Wal-Mart and Beach Freaks that allow a look at many interesting people we might never encounter in real life.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oswalt hosts ‘Zombie’ signing before recent Paramount gig


Austin music promoters help city live up to its slogan Yenifes Trochez

“Zombie Spaceship Wasteland” is in stores now.

Andrew Hatcher

While promoting his new book, comedian Patton Oswalt made a recent visit to Austin for a show at the Paramount Theatre. While Oswalt is known for his stand-up comedy as well as his characters in Ratatouille, Big Fan and the television comedy “King of Queens,” his new book, “Zombie Spaceship Wastland” offers a look in to the self-proclaimed supergeek’s mind, which may be as scifi filled as the title suggests. Through a collection of short essays, Oswalt describes his small-town childhood, early stand-up years and random life experiences. Oswalt’s title piece proposes that before a young artist sits down to write, he will focus on one of three story lines: zombies, spaceships or wastelands. He then goes on to explain each category and which he chose, admitting, “I think this chapter is more for me than it is for you.” Before the signing, Oswalt answered questions from fans about being a new father, what he is working on and what his suggestions are for comic books. “When it comes to comics, I follow writers and not characters,” Oswalt said. “In the hands of a bad writer, characters can drown.” As far as comic books are concerned, he recommends

Wikimedia Commons

What I like about acting in movies is having the sidekick role.” -Patton Oswalt

authors Gail Simone, Warren Ellis, Matt Fraction and Geoff Johns. Oswalt himself wrote an issue of “Firefly” and says he may write a “Buffy the Vampire” story–if he comes up with a ‘worthy’ idea. Though Oswalt also writes screenplays, he has yet to write one that would feature him in the lead role. “What I like about acting in movies is having the sidekick role,” he said. “When I write, I do it for an actor that I like and then give myself a role off to the side.” It is that same type of secondary character role Oswalt plays in Showtime’s “United States of Tara,” a series created by Diablo Cody starring Toni Collette. Oswalt said his character Neil will be seen more in the new season, scheduled to premiere March 28. “There’s quite a lot of me in season three, almost more than I would like,” Oswalt said. “If you like that character, then you’ll be very happy.” Before he was an actor, Oswalt started as a comedian, and from 2004 to 2008 toured with a group of ‘alternative’ stand-up com-

ics including Zach Galifianakis and Sarah Silverman. Oswalt said they may tour again, but the decision would have to be as organic as the first one, which was not exactly planned. “I think the value of things is when they go away sometimes, so we all kind of want to work on our careers for a while,” Oswalt said. “I would love to, and it was really fun, but everyone’s pretty busy. It’s not like I can say, ‘Okay everyone, back in the van for $500 a night. Get off that private jet, Zach…’ We kind of have to let things go for a while.” Oswalt is also hesitant to plan a comedy tour because it would mean leaving his 22-month-old daughter at home with his wife in Burbank, Calif. He ended the discussion on the note that fatherhood comes with a high entertainment value. “I’m still trying to pull myself out of my old habits, like staying up till 4 A.M., but watching your daughter react to things is crazy,” Oswalt said. “It’s the 2009 baby. She’s 20 months old and can already work my wife’s Blackberry, and I can’t even use an iPhone.”

Austin: The Live Music Capital of the World. The phrase is engraved into our brains. Music is one of the most prevalent facets of the Austin culture. Austin is famous for ACL, South By Southwest and Fun Fun Fun Fest, yet how does the music scene make itself happen? Showcases and musical events are products of hardworking promoters, and the music-oriented city of Austin has many of them. Promoting is just as the word means, to promote. However, promoting an event takes a lot of time and energy. Not only do promoters make efforts to gather an audience through a series of promotional activities but promoters must also book the artists and set up the venue as well. After those details are finalized, the job of the promoter has just begun. “I normally start getting the word out to specific parties who I know for a fact would be interested in the show,” Adi Anand, promoter for Transmission Entertainment, said. “This would include the partners for the show, parties involved with the show, and people I know to be fans of the bands and activities featured in the show. Once the poster image has been created, I launch a second promo blitz, this time inviting everyone in general. This is followed by promotions to the media, and finally a ‘day of ’ promo blitz.” Many of Austin’s most well-known promoters have been recently established and are respectfully successful in their endeavors. C3 has been around for nearly four years, and Knuckle Rumbler just celebrated its second anniversary. With the crucial manhours and dedicated team, Knuckle Rumbler’s success is a reflection of the people involved. “We grow because we are doing exactly what we set out to do, and I think people

feel that,” Aaron Berkowitz, co-founder and promoter of Knuckle Rumbler said. “We aren’t fake, we don’t support acts we don’t believe in and we give people what they want. My partner Jill Sorrels and I are fans of music first and foremost, and Knuckle Rumbler embodies that.” Besides living in a city where music thrives and resonates in the streets, we are also currently living in an era in which technology and digital media have become a way of life. “Media has sped up everything,” Jill Sorrels, cofounder and promoter for Knuckle Rumbler, said. “Instead of hitting publications a month out to make sure you are featured in print, you can tweet at a journalist and get them hip to your party in an instant. Also, there’s a lot of publications that follow other publications, so if one journalist likes your stuff, a reader of theirs that may have their own publication will see it and repost, basically causing a ripple of promotion from one single outreach. High fives all around.” Show promoters are taking advantage of social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter and e-mail in attempts to interest the right people and produce a successful show. Vagabond Collective, Knuckle Rumbler

and iLoveMikeLitt distribute mass show invitations via Facebook. Do512 and Transmission entertainment send out weekly e-mails to subscribers. “I have been reading some books about the metal industry in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, and it’s unfathomable that they got that much done without the tools we have at our mercy,” Anand said. “The future is bright as more tools like the aforementioned ones are sure to allow even easier disseminate information. Currently, promoters have been occupied with organizing upcoming events, such as the Shapes Have Fangs showcase on Feb. 10 at The Ghost Room, and the monthly series at Club de Ville that features two bands, DJ uLOVEi and food and drinks. However, after Free Week, most promoters and music entertainment journalists shift most of their energy to SXSW. Knuckle Rumbler has already began organizing The Rumbler Lounge, and Do512 already lists SXSW showcases and parties on the website. Though, the spotlight is rarely ever on the people who worked for weeks and at times months to organize a show, Berkowitz said that despite the hard-work, this is the most fun he has ever had.

Transmission operates Fun Fun Fun Fest.

Holly Aker


Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | Hilltop Views

FeatherLuxe Hair Extensions take flight with Austin girls Molly Williamson

Who would have thought that in just a few months, the young women behind FeatherLuxe Hair Extensions would become some of the most sought-after stylists in Austin? Judging by the growing numbers of women at St. Edward’s university admiring the feathers dangling from their hair, the business has become an overnight success. “It started with (artist) Ysabel Blu,” said Taylor Gutierrez, a FeatherLuxe staff member who takes appointments at Mana Culture on S. First Street. “Her friend was going to go to Canada to get these feathers put in her hair with wire. And so Ysabel said, ‘Wait a minute. Let me think of something.’” And so FeatherLuxe was born. But what many people see as just another trend has surprisingly spiritual roots. “In the beginning, Native Americans used feathers in different ways. I see this as something really great.

Whenever we do this, when we put these in your hair, it’s just like what our ancestors did,” Gutierrez said. FeatherLuxe affixes the long feathers into clients’ hair using a small metal clasp that is tightened with a pair of pliers. Once fixed in place, it is not unusual for them to last for more than three months. Though the feathers have grown popular, FeatherLuxe shies away from the term “trend” almost entirely. “It’s been growing, but it’s a thing that’s been around before we even knew,” Gutierrez said. “We just found a new way to put it in that holds up, you know? We’re just bringing it along and together.” That, adds Gutierrez, would not be possible without the help of Mana Culture and storeowner Jahnavi Sievert. Mana Culture, a boutique that practices fair trade and cooperation with local artists for eco-friendly products, has helped FeatherLuxe expand into what it is today. It may come as some surprise to customers that the

What many people see as just another trend has suprisingly spiritual roots.”

Caroline Stone Caitlyn Whitte shows off her colorful feather extensions.

feathers put in their hair are actual bird feathers. According to FeatherLuxe, this is just one more way to be closer to the natural world by honoring the birds the feathers came from. “There’s just so much cru-

elty happening everywhere. The birds are being thrown around – every animal is being thrown around, not even cared for,” Gutierrez said. “We all think differently, but we’re all the same. We’re all relatives. We’re just trying to

spread this goodness.” Before the girls actually use any of the feathers, they bless them. “I use Palo Santo,” Gutierrez said. “It’s this holy wood that burns and smells so beautiful. I have a tapestry and I just lay it on the floor, put my feathers there, say my intentions, blessing the birds.” As far as other budding entrepreneurs who have noticed the success feather extensions have had, FeatherLuxe accepts the competition with open arms. “We have a capitalistic nature,” Gutierrez said. “People are going to go with a good idea and run with it. We don’t care if there are other girls doing it. But I would just hope that their intentions are good.”

The benefits of the feather hair extensions, Gutierrez said, are much more than looking good. “Girls are always glistening when they leave,” she said. “It’s so amazing. People are just leaving and they’re just… they’re ecstatic.” But the most important thing to the young women at FeatherLuxe is giving back to the world around them. “It’s just walking with this great feeling of being one with the universe,” Gutierrez said. “It’s not about the money, about anything. It’s just about whoever wants to come and join our tribe.”

New boutique supplies shoppers with thrifty, yet chic style Sara Sanchez

If you’ve been in Austin for longer than a quick trip, you have probably stumbled into Feathers Boutique, a vintage clothing boutique located on the corner of South Congress and Milton. Six years after Feathers’ debut and lasting success (Drew Barrymore wore a dress purchased at feathers to a Nylon event), owners Emily Hoover and Masha Poloskov have teamed up once more to bring Moss Designer Consignment to South Austin’s legions of fashionistas. Moss Designer Consignment is exactly what it sounds like—a consignment boutique that provides toptier fashion labels such as Chanel, Alexander Wang and Manolo Blahnik, to name a few. Located at 705 South Lamar, Moss goes far beyond

Moss is located at the corner of South Congress and Milton St.

any usual thrift store or vintage boutique. Filled with a glittering array of timeless and prominent wardrobe pieces, women across the fashion spectrum are more than likely to fall in love with

at least one piece. As soon as shoppers step foot in the posh space, their eyes frantically try to take in everything at once from the racks of designer duds, to the rows of shoes, to the nifty

Sara Sanchez

terrariums and fabulous Gucci handbags. Hanging on the delicate racks are pieces to suit any girl’s taste. High-rise skinny jeans, romantic LBDs and perfect date blouses fill the

boutique with an air of class and excitement. Under the counter glass lay delicate jewelry pieces from local jewelry designers, as well as trendy designer sunglasses and an abstract Emilio Pucci scarf. Those who are wary about setting foot in Moss for fear of not being able to find your size, should not worry. The boutique features a large variety of sizes, including a green tweed Burberry coat in a size 12. If you are thinking about consigning some of your clothes to Moss, keep a few things in mind: desirable pieces are ideally contemporary designer labels, somewhat current, and in good or excellent condition. “We rely on the ladies of Austin [for our pieces],” Sari Warenoff, the store manager, said. Moss also collects pieces from around town and out of town.

“Our store is hand picked. We like more classic pieces that have lasting power.” College usually brings a slew of financial stress, but Moss’s prices are not on the high end. “It’s a huge trend to recycle [clothing],” Warenoff said. “This [designer consignment] is a trend for young women who want really fabulous things but can’t afford the price tags.” Moss does not feature layaway options, so if you are eyeing that pleated Chanel skirt, chances are it will not be there next time. “We had a gold Yves Saint Laurent bag that was just fabulous,” Warenoff said, as she urged a customer to consider purchasing a pair of geometrical platform shoes. Because, like the majority of Moss’s pieces, they will not be on the shelf for long.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011

[slapdash] “Reality check”



Eatery serves up decadence Sara Reihani

Brennan Barnhill

Tucked away next to the Horseshoe Lounge on South Lamar is Barley Swine, a new restaurant from chef Bryce Gilmore of Odd Duck Farm to Trailer. Both establishments share a commitment to locally sourced ingredients and small-plate offerings, but Barley Swine’s larger menu and extensive beer list put it squarely in the portmanteaustic category of gastropub. The biggest difference between the two establishments, of course, is that Barley Swine is in an actual building, albeit a tiny one with only a few parking spaces out in front. Inside, the room is packed with tall chairs and dark wooden tables arranged close together. An open kitchen lines one wall so you can watch the chefs work their magic on your crispy stuffed pig’s foot or foie gras with duck sausage. Take note: this is an establishment for carnivores. Nothing on the menu is vegan, very little is vegetarian and substitutions are “politely declined.” As long as you like meat, everything about Barley Swine invites communal eating–the layout of the restaurant, the presentation of the dishes and the tiny portions, which endeavor to turn a group meal into a tasting menu. The appetizers and desserts–the smallest of the small plates–are indisputable winners. It is easy to see why the deep brown fried brussel sprouts are one of the restaurant’s most popular items. Their salty, crispy outer leaves and meaty centers are perfectly accented by capers and lemon. The potato fritters with goat cheese were just as good—crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, dotted with bits of leek and accompanied by a lemon-garlic sauce. For dessert, a thick, dark chocolate custard with a consistency closer to ice cream than pudding was sweetened

Courtesy of Barley Swine Quality meats are a central focus of Barley Swine’s menu.

by whipped cream and a crunchy almond cookie. The cheese plate, which changes daily, included slices of apple pressed with cold beets. The beets took on some of the tartness of the apple, the apple took the sweetness of the beets and the end result completely stole the cheese’s thunder. The entrees included a lot of seafood, but the tender scallops in a cauliflower and pancetta curry stood out, as did the barely cooked fresh pasta stuffed with potato and smoked trout, dressed with an egg and butter sauce that somehow managed to avoid being cloying. The clam chowder had a similar character. It was full of butter, slab bacon and fresh clams still in their shells. The dish’s relatively thin texture and streak of lemon kept it from being too heavy. The lack of vegetables, however, made it a bit bland, especially in contrast with the other dishes. The only real disappointment was the over-salty grilled baby octopus with

chorizo. Even though all the portions were small, the food was so rich that larger portions might have been overwhelming. Prices for each dish range from $5-18, with most of the entrée-type dishes around $10-15. That doesn’t sound like much, but when it takes three or four small plates to make a full meal for one person (or the whole menu to make a meal for four), it adds up to a lot. Another downside to this style of communal eating is that sometimes you just don’t want to be communing with the people who happen to be sitting next to you at a restaurant. During my visit, the room was nearly empty, but it does get very crowded late in the evening and on weekends. Yes, the food is good, but college students on a budget, especially those not old enough to sample the beer list, would do better to head half a mile north and have dinner at Odd Duck instead.


Page 10 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baseball team adds new players Emily Blasdell

The St. Edward’s University 2011 baseball season opens Friday with a newlook team. After losing 11 seniors last season, the Hilltoppers added 16 new players. Nine of them come from junior colleges, and seven are true freshmen. Even with the large number of new players, junior Dustin Johnson said team chemistry is the best he has seen it since his freshman year. “Everyone’s got a great work ethic, and everyone gets along with each other,” Johnson said. There are still many key players returning from last season, including junior pitcher Jeff Rohrbach, who ended the 2010 season with a 9-0 record and 2.88 ERA. Senior Dylan Schuch returns after leading the team in runs last season. He is also fourth on the career list for stolen bases. Also returning to the middle of the Hilltopper lineup are senior Eric Morgan and junior Adam Shank. Morgan was second on the team in homeruns and third in

Everyone’s got a great work ethic...”

Biggest Fans: Super Bowl turns friends into foes St. Edward’s accounting graduate students Ryan Centi and Jimmy Nurre might be close friends, but come Feb. 6 these two buddies will be rooting against each other as their favorite teams, the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers, compete in the Super Bowl held in Arlington this year. Kelli O’Donnell

-junior Dustin Johnson

RBIs while Shank was second in RBIs and third in homeruns. Another addition to the team is new Assistant Coach Nate Schwartz, who came to St. Edward’s this semester. Schwartz spent the 20072010 seasons at Heartland Conference rival UT-Permian Basin working with the team’s pitching staff. Each year he was with the Falcons, the team’s earned-run average improved. Schwartz will primarily fill the same capacity with the Hilltoppers, replacing coach Chris Young, who recently took a job as a professional scout for the San Diego Padres. The team also has a new cage facility next to their field. The versatile indoor cage can be used for batting practice as well as pitching. It will be especially helpful to the team when bad weather does not permit them to use the field. As for changes, the team will only play in three-game

series. Last season, there was a mixture of four-game and three-game series. “It’s probably better [having three-game series] because now instead of having four starters, that fourth start can throw on Tuesdays or it gives us an extra arm in the bullpen,” Johnson said. Also, last year’s conference rival University of the Incarnate Word is no longer in the Heartland Conference. The Cardinals knocked St. Edward’s out of the conference tournament last year. and then went on to beat UT-Permian Basin to win the tournament. The Hilltoppers will still play Incarnate Word in a weekend series in April. After finishing last season fourth in conference, St. Edward’s was picked by league head coaches and Sports Information Directors to place third this season. The Hilltoppers first game is Friday at noon against Arkansas-Fort Smith.

Kelli O’Donnell

Packers fan, graduate student Ryan Centi

St. Edward’s graduate accounting student Ryan Centi might have been born in Jamestown, NY and raised in South Texas near the Valley, but as far as football is concerned, the team donning hunter green and taxicab gold is the only one he roots for. Centi, an avid Green Bay Packers fan since he was young, doesn’t think he is too weird for liking the Packers in the state domi-

Kelli O’Donnell

Steelers fan, graduate student Jimmy Nurre

The Hilltopper baseball team prepares for the 2011 season.

Cory Hahn

Growing up in a family of loyal Cincinnati Bengals fans, St. Edward’s graduate student Jimmy Nurre has always been a rebellious child, which to his family includes his devotion to the Pittsburgh Steelers, major division rivals of the Bengals. “Since I was originally from Pennsylvania, I wanted to pick a division rival to the Bengals, and since that time

nated by loyal devotees of “America’s Team,” the Dallas Cowboys. “People who don’t know me sometimes think I’m weird, but all my friends know that I’m not a bandwagon fan, and I always like the same team in all sports no matter what,” Centi said. As far as believing his team would make the Super Bowl this year, Centi said that he picks his team any and every year, regardless of how successful a season he thinks they will have. “I still actually can’t believe they are in the Super Bowl, honestly,” Centi said. “One of my favorite games was this year when Aaron Rodgers beat Brett Favre. They’ve been saying in the media that there is always something Rodgers can’t do, but now he’s in the Super Bowl.”

Even though the Super Bowl is a mere three-hour car ride away this year, Centi isn’t too upset that he can’t see his favorite team in action. “I started looking for Super Bowl tickets right when the playoffs started because I am kind of a (Indianapolis) Colts fan,” Centi said. “I wanted to see if they would both make it, but the tickets were just too expensive.” Centi won’t be able to see his team in person, but he will be watching the game in full Packers attire with friends. However, one person he won’t be watching the game with is close friend Jimmy Nurre. “He [ Jimmy Nurre] won’t even watch the game with me,” Centi said. “You know, he just doesn’t want to have to be crying when the Packers do win.”

I’ve been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan for as long as I can remember,” Nurre said. As far as believing that the Steelers would make it to the Super Bowl this year, Nurre said that he had a lot of hesitation going into the beginning of the season. “To be completely honest, I didn’t think we would make it this year,” Nurre said. “Ben Roethlisberger was suspended for four weeks, and I thought we were going to lose all four of those games. We also had a really tough schedule. However, I was pleasantly surprised when we made the Super Bowl.” Nurre says that the most difficult thing about the Steelers headed to the Super Bowl this year is the fact that he won’t be able to see

them in person, even though the game is just a few hours away. “I am absolutely devastated I can’t go to the game, especially when I found out tickets were going for around $4,000, which isn’t very do-able on a college budget,” Nurre said. “It’s almost worse having the Super Bowl here than having it in a place that is completely out of reach.” Nurre will, however, be watching the game with fellow Steelers fans at Bikinis on 6th Street, a local Steelers bar downtown. “I’m not watching the game with [Ryan] Centi because he likes to talk a lot of smack,” Nurre said. “Win or lose, I’d rather be with fellow Steelers fans.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | Hilltop Views

SPORTS | Page 11


Despite criticisms, Garrett the right man for Cowboys job Russ Espinoza

There’s a stubborn, ingrained arrogance to Dallas Cowboys fans that doesn’t fit with the team’s output over the last 16 years. Eighteen different NFL franchises have played in the Super Bowl since Dallas’ last appearance in January 1996—a victory over Pittsburgh—and seven teams have made multiple visits since the increasingly remote heyday of Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin. Nonetheless, belief persists among a deluded base of Cowboy devotees that their team was entitled to the likes of Super Bowl champions Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden to fill their latest head coaching vacancy. As if coaches of that pedigree would even have you, Dallas. The Cowboys are still

wealthier in legacy and commercial appeal than most, despite their fluctuating decomposition as a football team over the last decade and a half. But nostalgia and marketing prowess alone are fool’s gold for a famed and sensible head coach with the resume to handpick his next venture. Consequently, owner Jerry Jones’ promotion of Jason Garrett from interim head coach and offensive coordinator to head coach shocked no one; and though it was a safe hire, lacking the flamboyance and splash of a Bill Parcells, it was certainly a viable move—his only move. Garrett’s four-year ascent to the helm in Dallas is a textbook case of loyalty being rewarded. The legion of naysayers across Cowboy Nation who have denounced the hire as too “low-profile” or unimaginative evidently have short memories to accompany their short fuses:

Associated Press

Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Jason Garrett

Garrett was designated a high-profile, coach-in-waiting himself and turned down attractive head coaching offers from Baltimore and Atlanta to remain in Dallas in 2008, in addition to having interviewed with Denver, Detroit and St. Louis since 2007. Though Garrett’s stock has dipped slightly from its apex in 2008—later that year, then-Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens questioned

his play calling, and Baltimore safety Ed Reed called Dallas’ offensive scheme “predictable”—the former third-string backup to Troy Aikman remained in his mercurial owner’s good graces, never more so than during last season’s emergency tryout as interim head coach, during which Garrett guided Wade Phillips’ lame-duck 17 squad to a 5-3 finish. Jones hailed Garrett as “one

of our own” and cited his urgent desire for a systematic “culture change” within the organization at the Jan. 6 press conference where he introduced Garrett. Portrayals of that transformation were apparent once Garrett assumed control in early November. In departures from Phillips’ more-relaxed style, players donned full pads to Wednesday practices and jogged from drill-to-drill, and music was banned during stretching periods. Clocks were installed throughout the locker room to make tardiness inexcusable, and Garrett created a more professional dress code for road games. Garrett has expressed his aim to recreate the atmosphere that was native to the Cowboy Super Bowl championship teams of the 1990s. Jimmy Johnson was the ringleader of two Cowboy teams Garrett played on, and his first coaching opportunity

came on Nick Saban’s Miami Dolphins staff in 2005. Both Johnson and Saban are known as disciplinarians, and Garrett, by NFL upbringing, internal temperament, or both, appears to be of that same mold. An NFL Network report from Nov. 8, the day Garrett took over as interim head coach, relayed that many Cowboys players don’t like Garrett at all. The inverse was true with Phillips, who was universally liked. A healthy degree of resentment for Garrett may be an ironic prescription to rouse such a notoriously dysfunctional, undisciplined, and ostentatious bunch from the haze of a supremely embarrassing 2010 season. On average, Jones fires a head coach every three years. You’ll know you have something special, Dallas—even Tom Landry-esque—if Garrett lasts beyond 2014.

Rugby team still undefeated and headed to state playoffs Danny De Los Santos

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Courtesy of SEU Rugby Club

SEU Rugby is undeafeted

After claiming two victories during the weekend, the St. Edward’s University Rugby Club has secured itself a spot in the state playoffs. The rugby club defeated Angelo State University and St. Mary’s University at home, meaning it has yet to lose a match this season. For the first time this sea-

son, St. Edward’s played two 20-minute rounds in the second half during the game against Angelo State. Andor Beyni, Jake Bacon and Faris Al-Sheri all scored in the game against Angelo State. Benyi also made allconversion kicks and one penalty kick, resulting in the final score of 24-5. St. Mary’s forfeited their match, resulting in the second win of the day for St. Edward’s. Recently, the rugby club’s roster has grown to 40 members since the beginning of the spring semester, and according to junior Hugh Devore, the number of members continues to increase. “It’s really cool seeing people who have never played rugby come out to practice and catch on real quick,” said Devore. Members of the rugby club trained individually over win-

ter break to stay in shape. and the team regrouped a week before classes began to start official practice. “We focused on fitness and ball work to get back in the swing of things,” said senior Alek Hernandez. “I feel like that’s really helped us move forward as a team.” The rugby club’s current record is now 8-0. Senior Robbie Stephens says the success of the team is due to the work ethic of the players and coaches. “Our goal is to make sure everyone gets a chance to play,” said Stephens.”We make sure to get everyone out to practice and hold each player accountable to the team and to themselves.” The rugby club’s next match will be held on Feb. 5 at 5 p.m. at Southern Methodist University, and they will begin the first round of state playoffs on Feb. 19.

Page 12 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hilltoppers mentor youth of Austin Lesli Simms

‘Tique of the Week [Austin’s Moonlight Towers]

Wendy Cawthon Matt Frazier

In addition to their courseload, several students at St. Edward’s University have dedicated their time to trying to make Austin a better place for the city’s youth. One of the newest organizations at St. Edward’s, the Hilltop Mentoring Community connects interested students with third party nonprofit organizations that match volunteer mentors with students of all ages who need more attention. “When kids don’t get enough attention at home or school, they slip through the cracks,” co-founder Margo Sivin said. “Since we do have the time, energy and passion to spread the love of learning, then we [as students] should give back.” Three St. Edward’s students created the organization in the fall of 2010 with the intent of alleviating the stress associated with the idea of becoming a volunteer mentor. The co-founders, juniors Margo Sivin, Collin Phillips and Jennifer Robichaux, were mentors at various schools through the nonprofit organization Communities in Schools. The three students then decided to start an official organization on campus that was specifically designed to allow mentors to gather and talk about their experiences with their mentees. Mentoring can often be seen as a challenge, and the group aims to provide an environment where mentors can discuss their journeys. “My own [mentoring] experience proved to be a challenge because I didn’t really have anyone to explain the application process or the obstacles that come with mentoring a young kid who you’re a virtual stranger to,”


Lesli Simms

Margo Sivin and Jennifer Robichaux are two cofounders of the Hilltop Mentoring Community.

said Phillips. “I thought it would be beneficial to create a club that made the application process seem less daunting and where mentors could come together and talk.” The HMC asks each student to make a full-year commitment to the program. This includes meeting with their students at least once per week and attending meetings once per month. The club emphasizes the stability the mentors represent in the lives of their mentees. Though all the members are in college, the HMC does not specifically promote higher education, but rather the friendship fostered from having the consistent presence of an older person in a child’s life that is not a teacher or a member of their family. “I’m not sure if my [mentee] even comprehends college right now. I mean, she’s only in elementary school,” Robichaux said. “They see you as something stable in

their lives, but if somewhere down the line they are able to connect the dots, then that’s a good thing.” As of now, the club is having trouble finding members who are willing to make the full year commitment to mentor. The group finds the once a week meetings during the year to be essential for the kids to confidently accept the mentors as stable presences in their lives. The group meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. to discuss mentoring, tutoring and other special volunteering opportunities. “Even though ‘cheerleaders’ sounds glittery, it is a good word to describe [mentors],” Robichaux said.“We’re there to be a cheerleader for a kid who needs stability and support.” Students who are interested in becoming a member of the HMC can contact the co-founders by their St. Edward’s e-mail, which can be found by searching the directory on the school’s website.

Tique of the Week is an Austin-wide search for unique and interesting antiques. With dozens of antique shops around Austin, one-of-a-kind items from the past are not in short supply. Each week we’ll find a new favorite item and feature it as our “Tique of the Week.” We decided to kick off this semester by finding our oldest ‘Tique to date: the Moonlight Towers. Built in 1895, the towers were Austin’s first source of outdoor light, deriving their power from Austin’s first power plant along the Colorado River. The towers originally used carbon arc lamps that were lit nightly by a city worker who would climb to the top of each tower. The carbon arc lamps have since been replaced by mercury vapor lamps, which allowed workers to light the towers with the flick of a switch rather that climb the top of the 165-foot-tall structures. Of the 31 towers that were originally built, 17 still stand today and were declared to be historical landmarks in 1970. Similar lighting systems were used in the late nineteenth century, but Austin is the only remaining city known to still have the towers in place. According to the Austin History Center, people commonly mistake the towers to be in the shape of a star. In addition, there have been other superstitions about the towers promoting growth (both in crops and chicken birth) on farms.

Wendy Cawthon

Austin’s Moonlight Towers are the only known remaining towers of their kind.

Each tower has a plaque placed by the Texas Historical Commission, commemorating it as a Texas Landmark. The plaques read: “This is one of 31 original Moonlight Towers installed in Austin in 1895. Seventeen remain. Each tower illuminated a circle of 3000 feet using 6 car-

bon arc lamps (now mercury vapor). Austin’s tower lights are the sole survivors of this once-popular ingenious lighting system.” The Moonlight Towers are our ‘Tique of the Week as they continue to light up the Austin night sky.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FEATURES | Page 13

Snap Kitchen provides healthy, fresh take-out for Austinites Amber Burton

In addition to being “weird” and crazy about music, Austinites are also known for their love of fresh, local produce and food. Snap Kitchen, an Austin-based grocery franchise with a sub-branch in Houston, focuses on healthy eating by selling nutritional, freshly made meals to-go. Martin Berson, creator of the franchise, said the making of Snap Kitchen, which opened in April 2010, was a long process. Before opening Snap, Berson was a managing partner at Benjy’s, a restaurant in Houston before moving to Austin three years ago. Berson had planned to take a year off to relax, but his plans changed quickly. “I thought I wanted to detox and have fun, but I was going crazy after three months,” Berson said. “I was trying to develop hobbies and I just couldn’t. I worked for a hobby. That’s what I do. That’s my one hobby.”

Amber Burton

Snap Kitchen allows customers to see the kitchen.

Berson said he knew he wanted to get back into the food business, but didn’t know exactly where he wanted to go within the industry. “[With Benjy’s,] we had a full-service upscale, hip restaurant with a lounge area upstairs, and it was great, but my first nine years I worked 100 hours a week and I was there until three, four in the morning every Friday and Saturday night,” he said. “I knew that I didn’t want that again. So once I realized that, it was like, ‘Okay, I’m going to

do something more casual.’” For several years, Berson’s friends had been trying to convince him to open a restaurant that encouraged healthy lifestyle and food choices, but initially Berson didn’t think that it was something he could pull off on a large, long-term scale. After encouragement from a friend, who originally planned to move to Austin with him, Berson began looking into the possibility of being able to take fully-cooked dishes and cool them down


to temperature while retaining flavor. He became fully committed to his new project even without a partner to help him and began looking for available real estate around Austin. In the end, Berson wound up opening the stores with someone else, Bradley Radoff, and they started talking about what their food philosophies were. Berson hired a local chef and a registered dietician to work for him. Both evaluate items on the Snap Kitchen menu, which come in small, medium and large portion sizes. Colored flags label each dish that indicate if the dish is gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, or diabetic-friendly, among others. “We’re local and all about Austin,” Berson said. “We buy as much as possible from Austin or directly around Austin.” For instance, Berson said, Snap Kitchen buys kale (a type of cabbage) from a woman at Farm to Table, and

whatever she has on any particular day is what’s at Snap Kitchen. And while the kale itself is not specifically organic, it is grown using organic practices. “So we don’t say we’re all organic, but we do use as much as we can, when it makes sense,” Berson said. Once they had a menu, Berson said the next thing to focus on was the appearance of the stores. The layout of Snap Kitchen includes an open floor plan to allow customers to see right into the kitchen, so they can know exactly what is happening with their food and trust that they are getting quality meals. “I don’t want there ever to be questions about what we are or aren’t doing,” Berson said. Snap Kitchen has a program called Snap Commit, a 21-day program for people who want to get on the fast track to healthy eating and weight loss. Snap Kitchen also donates

all of its food that has sat on a shelf for more than a few days to local food banks. In addition, all of the packaging is recyclable and reusable for the customers. “We spend a lot of money to make sure we have the absolute best packaging that we can, but it’s worth it,” Berson said. “Recycling is great, but if you can reuse something that’s a whole lot better.” In addition to the wide variety of pre-packaged dishes available, Snap Kitchen also has a salad bar where customers can order fresh-tossed salads. Above all, Berson said he strives to help customers have a good experience in the store, and deliver quality nutritional food to go. “In that few minutes that we’ve got with someone, let’s make sure we greet them, are honest with them, and are there and accessible and can go over and above what the expectation is,” Berson said. “That’s kind of our mantra, if you will.”

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Page 14 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, February 2, 2011


St. Edward’s tuition rising beyond reach In his recent State of the Union address, President Barack Obama frequently made reference to the need to be globally competitive. In hopes of achieving this goal, Obama repeated that college should be within the reach of all American students. While the statement is comforting, the limited power of the federal government over educational institutions leads one to wonder how he plans to make college affordable. By expanding Pell grants, offering a $10,000 tax credit and providing student loans through the Department of Education, the federal government has made repeated efforts to ensure that students are able to earn their degrees. These policies have helped to some extent, but the real impact on the average student is

marginal at best. Students in their fourth year at St. Edward’s have seen their annual tuition rise at an astounding rate—nearly 30 percent—since they were freshmen. Consider a mandated commuter meal plan, a technology fee, parking fees and the ballooning cost of oncampus living, and you have a list of expenses that few students can comprehend, let alone pay. The only expense that may have decreased for students is textbooks, but only because of the increased competition from alternative textbook providers. St. Edward’s likes to note its generosity in financial aid, despite the fact that such generosity is only made necessary by the university’s insistence on increasing tuition. But some of that aid

A single solution to educational problems doesn’t exist—especially not at the national level... comes as loans, so students continue to rack up debt that they will have to pay later. Is this justifiable? Has the quality of education at St. Edward’s really increased 30 percent since 2007? As a degree becomes more necessary for competing in the job market, these price hikes are becoming more like extortion than a non-profit university’s attempt to offer a good education at market value. Another factor in collegiate expenses is students’ performance in K-12, which has

problems well beyond funding levels. Students that perform poorly in grade school have to work harder to catch up in college, making a fifth year and another $20,000+ bill almost inevitable. Facing cutbacks and consolidation, public schools across the state have had to make tough budget choices that will likely widen the education equality gap. Meanwhile, St. Edward’s is pricing itself outside of the range of many students, which could have devastating implications

for the campus diversity in which it takes such pride. As a private university, St. Edward’s won’t be immediately affected by the budget demands at the state or national level. Just across the river at the University of Texas, budget cuts have already been required, discussed and protested ad nauseum. Still, UT has built a well-connected institution that will weather the current storm. The voices of college students may be heard loudly now, but the next generation of college students will suffer the most. In the 125 years since its founding, St. Edward’s, like all other colleges, went from being a place reserved for the elite to a necessary educational step that students must take to compete in a new economy. As a col-

lege degree becomes more common, St. Edward’s has become more exclusive, accepting fewer students. The university’s new emphasis on becoming an international institution bets on a need to help prepare for the future— but at what cost? It is natural to want to look to policymakers, but a single solution to educational problems doesn’t exist—especially not at the national level, since education is primarily a state and local issue. As all levels of government manage growing budget deficits, it is becoming clear how little the government can do for students. Instead they should look first to their universities, the very same institutions that beg them to solve problems critically and make a difference in the world.

Health care debate remains confusing for most Americans Abe Clabby

Most people have an opinion about 2009’s health care act, if even a confused one. I knew a columnist who was pushing for this reform years before it happened. I also knew a woman who thought that the act authorized killing newborn babies. You could say I hang out with a mixed crowd, but we definitely have confusion over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in common. Congress is back in session and the Republicans in the House have made health care its first order of business. They want it repealed immediately but the Democrats in the Senate want to keep it, and neither seems to be getting very far. The strange thing about the act is that everyone had something to say about it, even when no one was sure what it said. If you already

liked it, you probably thought it was a human rights victory in the making. If you didn’t like it, perhaps you worried it would give the government dangerous powers. The old bill lingered seven months in the Senate. Political ads so flooded the airwaves that you might have thought it was an election year. After all that, how can millions of us still be unclear on the act? The pundits’ rhetoric was tainted by political agenda and impossible to trust. The congressmen debating the bill weren’t much better. Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, gave his “Hell No” speech against the bill, saying that it would defy the will of the people. “But we have to pass the bill,“ said Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., “so that you can find out what is in it.” Some parts won’t take effect for 10 more years. It’s a shame when something that stirs so much sentiment

remains so hazy. Only one source remained for information about the act: non-partisan news. Some people call this “doing your homework.” You hunt down a description of the bill untouched by tones of heated opposition or unthinking agreement. The details of the act shouldn’t be so inaccessible, so check the sidebar for a sampling of excerpts from the bill. The text of the act isn’t something to jump for joy over, but it doesn’t feel like the descent of the Iron Curtain either. The end of the pre-existing condition might be nice. I knew people who donated organs or suffered terminal diseases whose health insurance disqualified them when they needed it most. As for the shrinks and expansions of Medicaid and Medicare, they seem like they will give fewer benefits—but to more people. The law passes much of the decision-making pow-

Facts about the bill •Health insurance providers cannot refuse people insurance based on “pre-existing conditions” (for roughly 32 million people). •Uninsured Americans and the self-employed can buy health insurance through their State from an insurance company—with subsidies. •The subsidies would reimburse middle-class or poorer families who spend more than a certain percentage of their income on that insurance. •The subsidies replace any Medicare or Medicaid they may have been using before. •Next year, people earning over $200,000 per year would start paying an additional 3.8 percent income tax to pay for the health insurance program. •Families living on less than $30,000 are now eligible for Medicare. The federal government will pay for the newcomers until 2016, when states take it over. •Seniors pay half price on some medications, but their Medicare takes $500 billion in cuts. er to individual states, which doesn’t quite come off as a federal takeover. Then there are the increased taxes on the rich and welfare for the poor. Frankly, that’s what they are: redistribu-

tions of wealth. Whether or not that makes the act Bolshevik is for you to decide. The reforms are expected to cost $940 billion. However, the budget cuts and taxes are so huge that the act reduces

the deficit. According to the Congressional Budget Office, it will save $140 to $230 billion this decade. Although the GOP has relied on CBO reports for previous health care bills, it now insists that those numbers are exaggerated. Today we face the Republican challenge to Obama’s reforms, entitled the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. The GOP has four committees deliberating reform, and in his State of the Union, President Obama said that he was “willing and eager” to work with anyone who wanted to “improve” it. Of course, the president could wield the veto against the repeal. If the Republicans propose changes instead of repeals, Obama just might change his mind and the act. Either way, I hope that the American people will hear the details of the act this time around.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Congressional Budget Office’s report isn’t as bad as it seems Brooks DiDonato

Let’s be honest with ourselves: there’s a point at which numbers get a little terrifying. Sometimes it’s because of how small they are and sometimes it’s because they’re so big that it’s difficult to recall how many zeros are supposed to come after the one. So when we hear figures like “the national deficit was $1.4 trillion dollars,” the figures being discussed defy the imagination. The coming months will see politicians and pundits making numerous predictions of catastrophic failure as each struggles to cause the most alarm with absolutely no explanation of their reasons. We’ve seen this before:

the crisis at 10. Whether it’s a new strain of flu or yet another report on the dangers of the Internet, the reasoning behind these so-called “crises” has less to do with an actual threat and more to do with the spikes in ratings and voter turn out. Perhaps the most persistent fear stemming from the budget “crisis” concerns the portion of our national debt held by China. It’s nowhere near as high as you might think. China holds about $900 billion of the United States’ foreign debt. That’s less than ten percent of the total debt, of which foreign interests hold only 25 percent, and the bulk of this $3.5 trillion is split between China, Japan and the UK. The GDP this year was $14.6 trillion, so if

Hilltop Views 3001 S. Congress Ave.#964, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512) 448-8426 Fax: (512) 233-1695 Proctor Anderson Tristan Hallman Editors-in-Chief Megan Ganey Haleigh Svoboda News Editors Wendy Cawthon Jake Hartwell Viewpoints Editors Holly Aker Caroline Wallace Entertainment Editors Amber Burton Rachel Winter Features Editors Emily Blasdell Kelli O’Donnell Sports Editors Shaun Martin Head Designer Andrew Hatcher Blair Haralson Sara Reihani Designers

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Hilltop Views is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. Edward’s University. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the university, whose mission is grounded in the teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church. Letter Policy: Hilltop Views welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for space, grammar and clarity. Letters will be published at our discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

China demanded $900 billion tomorrow, the American people would only see minor hikes in tax rates. But that’s not going to happen. In fact, while some countries have begun to shy away from using the dollar as the backing for their currency, China has remained heavily invested in U.S. bonds and shows no signs of wavering—for good reason.China’s GDP for 2010 is reported at being around $5.71 trillion, a large portion of which comes from China’s exports. A decline in the U.S. economy (as might occur if the dollar were weakened by decreases in international confidence in its value) would also mean a reduction in the goods being imported to the U.S. from China. More importantly,

U.S. bonds are now the most viable means of backing absurdly large sums of money. By way of contrast, the total amount of gold mined throughout human history (165,600 metric tons) is currently valued at $1,200 an ounce, meaning that the entire amount of gold produced throughout history is worth around $6 trillion. U.S. bonds are the only single commodity currently available and capable of serving as a ruler for the relative value of various currencies. As such, it is unclear to me whether increases in national debt occur because of poor fiscal management or as necessary responses to the increasing wealth of the global community. Waters are very murky indeed when it comes

to making a clear assessment as to what the debt actually means for the United States and the world. Anyone who tries to tell you differently (unless they have at the very least two Nobel Prizes in economics) is trying to sell you something. As for the unemployment rate, many figures are thrown around without context. The 10 percent unemployment rate is determined by figures for all industries and workers of all education levels. A more realistic figure can be found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Its site allows for detailed data analysis so that the unemployment rate for, say, individuals 25 years of age or older with a college degree can be determined. The current figure for that sec-

tion of the population is only 4.65 percent. Again, this rate is determined by self reports from all college graduates in all major fields, ignoring whether those individuals are currently unemployed due to their involvement in graduate level programs, or because they majored in basket weaving online through the University of Phoenix. Ultimately, the current job market is such that while you might not land your dream job right out of college, there will always be openings somewhere. The important thing for now is to remain flexible and be open to the possibility that taking a job at a paper company in Scranton, Penn., might not be the worst thing in the world.

Giffords shooting was an act of terrorism Rina Gandhi

When Jared Lee Loughner opened fire on a crowd gathered for a public meeting held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., his actions terrorized the American public. Reports detailing the “Tucson Tragedy” led the nation in mourning the dead, including the little girl born on Sept. 11, 2001, and hoping for Giffords’ recovery. But most of all, the media looked for a reason, a cause for the bloodshed. Just recently in Moscow, a bomber attacked the Domodedovo International Airport, resulting in 35 deaths. In this case, the media instantly labeled it as a terrorist attack. It seems obvious, as radical Muslims from the Caucasus region of southern Russia were the clear attackers. These Muslims, part of an anti-government group, injured and killed innocent people to garner attention for their cause—practically the definition of terrorism. There is no need to find a cause for the specific bomber’s anger because terrorists work to push a singular agenda.

But when Jared Lee Loughner fired shots into that crowd of innocent people, killing six and injuring thirteen, why was his act not defined as terrorism? Sure, he was a loner and not backed by a political or religious extremist group. However, he had radical political ideas that he was not

In the aftermath of the attack, questions arose about Republicans’ use of aggressive metaphors, the video game Earth Empires and conspiracy theories about government involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks. We can play the blame game, pointing fingers at Sarah Palin,

Terrorism comes in all colors, uses all methods and attacks all parts of the world. Let’s not give justification to some groups just because they happen to be American citizens.” afraid to verbalize, he was angry because he felt that he was not being heard, and he methodically planned the shooting. Loughner drove himself to insanity through anger and contempt for this country, which doesn’t sound too different from the story of the terrorist groups that the United States is fighting.

gun laws, video games or bullies in high school, but at the end of the day, Loughner repeatedly pulled the trigger. He knew he was going to hurt others, and he wanted the credit. Loughner’s various message board posts and YouTube videos demonstrate that his goal was to persuade others to his beliefs. This was not a crime of passion, nor

was it an accident. Loughner acted as a terrorist, regardless of how small his operation. We, the public, cannot simply pick and choose which pre-defined groups’ actions to consider terrorism. Our perception of terrorists as Middle Easterners or “them over there” has dictated which crimes make it to the front-page news for too long. According to the FBI’s list of terrorist attacks since 1980, only 6 percent of attacks were attributed to radical Islamic groups. The media covered all of those acts as terrorist acts. But the media did not label the other 94 percent of attacks as acts of terrorism. What message does this send? That the homegrown brand of violence isn’t equally horrific and wrong? That the violent radical groups in our country somehow do not deserve the label “terrorist organization?” Terrorism comes in all colors, uses all methods and attacks all parts of the world. Let’s not give justification to some groups just because they happen to be American citizens. Let’s instead apply the same negative image that all terrorists deserve.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | Hilltop Views

A Broad in France The following photos were taken by Leslie De La Rosa who is currently studying abroad in Angers, France. Leslie will be sharing her experience with her Buid-a-bear “Horsy” through photo essays and an online blog on the Hilltop Views website coming soon. Left center: Universite Caholique of the l’Ouest; Right and above: Jardin des Plantes.

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