Issue 6-March 3, 2010

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Hilltop Views S t .

E d w a r d ’ s

U n i v e r s i t y

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Volume 27 | Issue 6

8 Entertainment: The top show-

cases to catch at this year’s SXSW Festival.

Missed the Olympics? 12 Sports: 10 Read about the Top Ten moments from the Winter Games.

Students help Haiti

Features: Find out how to clean up your online image.

Trustee member, former Secretary of State dies Jen Obenhaus Myra A. McDaniel, Texas’ first African-American secretary of state and St. Edward’s University’s vice chair of the Board of Trustees, died Thursday at age 77. C. Robert Heath, a law partner of McDaniel’s at Bickerstaff, Heath, Smiley, Pollan, Kever and McDaniel, L.L.P., in Austin, said McDaniel had been battling lung cancer. “She was a wonderful lawyer,” Heath said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News. “She was somebody that was very wise, and clients and others depended on her and trust-

Andrew J. Willard The benefit concert for Haiti, Music for the Soul, ended up raising an estimated $600.

Ari Auber The music, cheering and festive lights coming from Le Mans Plaza warmed up a cold February night and paid off for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. The benefit concert for Haiti, Music for the Soul, raised an estimated $600, according to Lisa Manjarrez, assistant director of Campus Ministry. Campus Ministry estimated that the money puts the total amount raised above $6,000,

which will go towards relief effforts. The concert raised more money than expected by selling T-shirts, said Kelly McCarthy, a member of “Hilltoppers Helping Haiti,” one of the groups that sponsored the event. Held Feb. 24 at 7 p.m., the event showcased the vocal and musical talents of students of St. Edward’s University and other artists around Texas. They raised money through selling T-shirts, accepting

donations and offering a raffle for a movie basket. Besides a display of local talent, Music for the Soul was a fund raising opportunity for the Students of African Heritage Association, the other student group sponsoring the event, said Danielle Samuel, one of the event coordinators. Shortly after the concert was canceled earlier in February due to inclement weather, MUSIC | 2

Texas State Library and Archives Commission

McDaniel pictured with former Governor White.

ed her judgment.” McDaniel gave 24 years of service to St. Edward’s, from 1986 to 2010, according to an announcement issued

by the university. McDaniel was most recently chair of the board from 2004 to MCDANIEL| 2

University vice president seeking a job elsewhere Tristan Hallman A top-level administrative official is planning to leave St. Edward’s University, but remains in his position for the time being. Vice President of Academic Affairs Robert Manzer said that he has decided to explore other opportunities less than two years after joining the university in July

2008. Manzer remains in his position as he completes existing projects, but does not work on campus. All six school deans on campus had reported directly to Manzer, who reports to Sr. Donna Jurick, the university’s provost and executive vice president. That responsibility, Manzer said, was created when he joined the university. Before

Manzer’s arrival, the deans reported directly to Jurick. Jurick has since reassumed those duties, and the deans will report directly to her for the next year. “There is such a thing as an organizational fit, and it just didn’t work out,” Jurick said. Jurick and Manzer said JURICK | 2

Page 2 | NEWS

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

“Music for the Soul” brings in donations for Haiti Continued from page 1

Samuel received an e-mail from Campus Ministry asking that the event become a Haiti benefit when it was rescheduled, which it had not been originally. Samuel agreed right away. “A lot of times when events get moved, they lose something, but we gained something,” she said. “It’s for a cause now. It’s better than it was.” Part of the tribute to Haiti was the addition of two songs when Music for the Soul was rescheduled: “Will You Be There” by Michael Jackson and “Let It Be” by the Beatles. Three of the event coordinators, Taylor Batch, Jessica Collins and Rehema

Abdul, were involved in singing them. The 23 songs played at the event were all in the musical styles of R&B, Soul and Jazz. They ranged from covers of Etta James’ “At Last” to Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song.” But the hit of the night came from two contemporary music groups. The cover of Destiny Child’s “Say My Name” was performed by a local indie group, the Dandy Lions, and drew loud cheers, as well as spontaneous dancing, from the crowd. “The [lead singer] was like a white Beyoncé,” said Brian McElrath, a freshman who attended the concert. “It was pretty much amazing.” But more important than the songs themselves was

the purpose of Music for the Soul, to inspire people to help Haiti, Batch said. The two hosts, Samuel and Greg Rucker, reminded the audience to donate throughout the concert. After the Michael Jackson song, Rucker stepped up to the microphone and made a plea for donations to Haiti. “We are more than just Americans,” he said. “We are citizens of this earth.”

Christina Villarreal

Hilltoppers Helping Haiti kicked off their fund raising efforts with a bake sale.

McDaniel dies at age 77 Continued from page 1

2006. During her years of service to St. Edward’s, McDaniel worked with the Facilities Committee, as well as the Institutional Oversight and Academic Affairs Committee. “Myra was a wise and faithful friend to the causes of educational excellence, quality health care and social justice,” said President George Martin. “Austin and Texas are better places because of her work. We will greatly miss her intelligence, energy and commitment.” Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s office also issued a statement extending his condolences to McDaniel’s friends and family. Perry noted that the former Texas secretary of state’s dedication to her community and person achievements made her an admirable example to young women. “Myra McDaniel personified the Texas tradition of dedication to her community, from editing her church newsletter all the way to

serving as Texas Secretary of State,” Perry said. “As the first black woman to hold that office, Myra served as a role model for a generation of young women, many of whom will follow the example she set in service to her fellow Texans. Her talents made her exceptional in all her pursuits, but her heart made her exceptional in life.” McDaniel was born Dec. 13, 1932 in Philadelphia. In 1954, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English. She went on to receive her law degree from the University of Texas School of Law in 1975. McDaniel served as the first African-American Texas Secretary of State from 1984 to 1987, appointed by thenTexas Gov. Mark White. In addition to her service as Texas Secretary of State, McDaniel served as general counsel to the governor, assistant special counsel to the Railroad Commission of Texas, assistant attorney general and chief of the Taxation

Division within the Texas Attorney General’s Office. After her stint as Texas Secretary of State, McDaniel returned to private law practice in 1987, where she went on to become the first African American woman to lead a major law firm as managing partner in 1995. Flags on St. Edward’s campus were lowered to halfmast Friday in honor of McDaniel. McDaniel is survived by her husband, Reuben R. McDaniel, Jr., professor of Management Science and Information Systems at the University of Texas at Austin, as well as her two children and five grandchildren.

Jurick reassumes duties Continued from page 1

that they mutually decided there was too much space between the deans and the university’s administration. Manzer also said that Jurick offered him a new position, but he had declined. Jurick confirmed that conversations about a new position took place, but said it would be inappropriate to disclose the position that she and Manzer discussed. The structure the university put in place in 2008 was partially to alleviate Jurick of some responsibility, she said, but added that there were other contributing factors. “You try certain things at certain times with organizational structures,” Jurick said. “The whole situation did not work as we hoped it would.” She said that the university will make decisions about where to go with the structure next year. Then, she said, the university will

“The whole situation did not work as we hoped it would.” — Sr. Donna Jurick have to decide first whether to hire someone to replace Manzer, and then decide what the job title and responsibilities that person will hold. Jurick did not say, however, that the university would not try the same basic structure again. “Those are decisions that haven’t been made,” Jurick said. “At the moment, we are not hiring.” In an e-mail, Manzer said that he is excited to pursue other opportunities. Manzer also said he is grateful to serve with Jurick, university President George Martin, the school deans and the university’s “gifted” staff and faculty. “I want to stress how much I have benefited from my time at St. Edward’s,” Man-

zer said. “St. Ed’s is truly an amazing place that can and does serve as an example for all of American higher education.” Jurick said that she wishes Manzer all the best in his job search. “Rob is very bright,” Jurick said. “He generously contributed his talents to St. Edward’s during his time here.”

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, March 3, 2010

NEWS | Page 3

Campus debate tournament champion crowned Jake Hartwell The four finalists of the third annual Passion and Civility Debate Tournament at St. Edward’s University squared off Feb. 28, and one student emerged as the winner. Junior communication major Brian Brown defeated senior philosophy major Ankit Babber in the final round. The debate question was “Should the Obama administration be required to seek state approval to move Guantánamo Bay inmates to the state for trial?” Babber chose the affirmative case, with Brown taking the negative. “My ethical analysis professor, Jack Green Musselman [Director of the Center for Ethics and Leadership], offered us extra credit, so that was the initial reason I got involved,” Brown said. “I got really lucky, because I chose to pick the topic both times… I did go with the topic I felt I had the most argument for.” Brown was the third winner in three years.

The structure

Hosted jointly by the Cen-

ter for Ethics and Leadership and Campus Ministry, the event encouraged students to argue their cases passionately while maintaining respect for one’s opponent. First prize was awarded $300, with second receiving $200 and the semi-finalists receiving $100 each. Each debate was structured so that the winner of a coin toss chose one of two topics, and the other debater chose the affirmative or negative case. The affirmative side began with a five minute speech, followed by five minutes from the negative. The affirmative gave a three minute rebuttal, the negative answered with five minutes and then the affirmative makes a two minute closing statement. Contestants are allowed time for preparation and clarifying questions at specific times during the debate.

What went down

In the semi-finals, Brown had faced freshman philosophy major Jesse Mansfield over the question,“Should the Obama administration establish ‘the High Road’ policy?”

Christina Longman Passion and Civility Debate Tournament sponsors and finalists pose for a group photograph.

The High Road policy seeks to give priority in government contracts to companies that offer employees a living wage and benefits. Mansfield argued against the policy and Brown argued for it, but both formed their arguments from

Police Blotter


the standpoint of benefiting small businesses. Babber had faced sophomore Ryan Lester in his semi-final round. Their question was “Should wild creatures be allowed to be kept in captivity?” Babber chose the





Feb. 16

11:50 a.m.

Attempted vehicle theft

Parking lot east of garage

Under investigation

Feb. 16


Reported bicycle theft

Hunt Hall


Feb. 17

5 p.m.

Criminal mischief

Parking lot adjacent to Fine Arts building


Feb. 18

2:10 a.m.



Under investigation

Feb. 18

2:15 a.m.


East Hall

Case inactive

Feb. 20

4:04 p.m.

Reckless driving

Faculty parking lot


affirmative side and eventually won based on his argument that captivity should be allowed but not public shows. Judging was not based on consensus, and each debate resulted in a split decision. “The persuasiveness of the arguments, the clarity of the statement of thesis and a consistency throughout is the best judgment,” Assistant Professor of Philosophy Peter Wake, who has been a judge during all three years of the tournament’s history, said. “An emphasis on logos is central for judging a debate of this kind. Pathos in the service of logos will only help a debater’s case.”


The debates center around questions on current events, from on campus to national. “It’s set up in a way that allows people that haven’t had experience in debate can do it too,” Administrative Coordinator Kate Rosati, who played a large part in organizing the event, said. “It’s

really just based on forming an argument, like you would for Capstone. It’s that kind of critical thinking.” Like many campus events, the tournament was based strongly on the Holy Cross tradition. “Campus Ministry talks about educating both the mind and the heart, and that’s why it’s passion and civility,” Rosati said. “You can be passionate about something, but it doesn’t have to be like talk radio or what you see on the news so much nowadays, where people are just kind of yelling at each other.” Associate Director of Campus Ministry James Puglisi introduced the idea of a debate tournament, which he borrowed from Westmont College. “I like the format because it often forces you to argue a position that you may be personally contrary to,” Puglisi said. “It makes you go into the other person’s perspective. You start to understand some of their value systems and don’t just assume they know nothing.”

Looking ahead

Rosati said that the tournament attempts to involve students from different backgrounds and majors, but the number of contestants this year declined. “We’d love to grow the tournament,” Puglisi said. “We’d like to see more women participating, and also students from across the disciplines.”

Page 4 | NEWS

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

CAMPUS NEWS IN BRIEF Eyewash stations installed Jen Obenhaus St. Edward’s University had eyewash stations recently installed in all the restrooms on campus. This investment was a response to a general regulation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration which states, “Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use.”

“The eyewash stations were part of an investment in employee safety by the Custodial department, but [they] are available to anyone in the campus community who may have the need to wash something from their eyes,” said Brian C. Burns, assistant director of Physical Plant. “Anyone who has gotten chemicals or debris in their eyes should always seek immediate medical attention.”

Student Government Association discusses infraction bill Jake Hartwell On Feb. 25, the Student Government Association convened to discuss Senate Bill 11, “Implementation of an Infraction System.” In the past, SGA has used an absence-policy, in which violations of SGA codes and procedures result in specific fractions of an absence for senators. S.B. 11, proposed by junior Mimi Valladarez and sophomore Zac Peal, seeks to implement an infraction system, where

senators would accumulate infractions instead of absences. The bill would also increase the total allotted infractions to five. According to the text of the amendments, “The infraction system will be based on attendance, dress code and submission of the reports.” “If a senator is found not exhibiting the dress code, one-half infractions has been changed to onefourth infractions,” the amendments said. “Failure to provide a report to senate committee or

executive board when required will be reported as one-half infractions.” After accumulating five infractions, the senator would have to submit to an accountability review by their executive superior, instead of the executive board. However, the executive board would still have to vote to uphold the superior’s decision. Vice President of Intergovernmental Affairs and senior Christopher Duke proposed that the bill be postponed until after the upcoming SGA elections.

“The Peal/Valladarez bill makes some commonsense reforms,” Duke said. “However, some aspects are critically flawed - it dillutes standards, potentially protects its own members from being held accountable and changes the rules mid-stream.” Additional reporting by Haleigh Svoboda.

President’s meeting celebrates university’s 125th anniversary Bryce Bencivengo Proctor Anderson

Christina Villarreal

The eyewash stations fulfill a requirement.

St. Edward’s University President George Martin held his bi-annual president’s meeting that was unlike previous years. The spring semester’s president’s meeting, held Feb. 24, was used to continue the celebration of the university’s 125th anniversary. The meeting also signaled the conclusion of the 10-year strategic plan enacted in Martin’s first year on campus. The meeting was the

Corrections from Feb. 24, 2010 In the story “Residence Hall Association’s powers disappearing,” the bill dealing with residency representation was S.B. 03 not S.B. 02. The headline for the story appearing on Page 4 should have read “Ortiz, Ortega Win Crowns.” On Page 15, the title should read “A Brief look at 2010 Democrat Gubernatorial candidates.” Also, the Texas ethics commission reports that Bill White’s total campaign contributions are approximately $6.4 million whereas Farouk Shami’s total campaign contributions are around $1 million. Shami also took out a $5 million loan for his campaign.

second to celebrate an anniversary this academic year. The Fall 2009 meeting celebrated Martin’s 10-year tenure at the university. In the hour and a half long meeting Martin highlighted both the accomplishments of the previous 10 years as well as described his vision through the year 2015. Martin listed improvements such as increasing the school’s level of technology with smart classrooms and continually raising national awareness

of St. Edward’s presence. The university created a nine-minute video that described the goals of the 10-year strategic plan and broke down how the university achieved them. The video included interviews with some of St. Edward’s most prominent personalities. Martin then made a brief presentation thanking all of the faculty and students for their help over the last ten years. Martin also presented the winners of the 2010 Eddie Awards, which are

given to campus offices. This year’s Eddie Award winners included Hilltopper Health Quest, Bridge to College Success, Upost and First Year in France Week in Austin. After the presentation guests were invited to celebrate the school’s success with free food and an open bar at the postmeeting reception.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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GAMES | Page 5

games Look for the answers to both games in next week’s issue!

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Answer to last issue’s Sudoku:

Page 6 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, March 3, 2010



Film captures VHS oddities Proctor Anderson It was two years ago, but it seems like only yesterday that the very last VHS tape rolled off the assembly line. Most of the world couldn’t have cared less—DVD had taken over the market several years earlier—but there were a few people truly heartbroken at losing their favorite home movie format. Among these people were the staff at Scarecrow Video in Seattle, who decided to dig into their massive VHS collection to find the strangest video clips imaginable. They combined these clips into a historical homage to VHS and started showing the creation around Seattle.

Benutzer Priwo

Now the Scarecrow Video guys are taking their creation, aptly named “Viva VHS!,” to theaters like Austin’s own Alamo Drafthouse, and audiences are loving it. “Viva VHS!” plays out as a mix tape for those lamenting the loss of their favorite black, plastic movie format. But instead of love songs, this mix tape is full of strange videos that could only be found

on VHS cassettes; things like then-rapper Mark Walberg’s ‘90s fitness tape or the afterschool cartoon special about the dangers of drugs, commissioned by George Bush. It’s weird—really weird— but if you can get past the initial shock of “Viva VHS!,” the rest is a blast. The creators manage to combine all the clips into a movie with a somewhat co-

hesive plot line and a ton of laughs. The movie has a basic “Christmas Carol” type of set up: We, the audience, ride along with a friendly VHS tape as he takes a look at VHS past, present and future. Most of the time, however, is spent on the past, which is nothing to complain about. There were a ton of hilarious clips, reoccurring characters—like an early ‘80s Henry Winkler—and things that really shouldn’t ever be seen again. “Viva VHS!” finds a perfect balance of insanity, hilarity and nostalgia that becomes a great experience for anyone who grew up watching VHS tapes.


Mule gives artful performance Michael McNally Smooth and satisfying as a swig of tea on a sultry day, Gov’t Mule opened with a purifying blues beat that had everyone moving and grooving in the dusty pit at Stubb’s. With the first note, Warren Haynes took over our worlds in a flash of purple and blue light. We were not at Stubb’s anymore, but at the Church of Warren Haynes, being blessed by his redemptive guitar playing. Haynes summoned forth every watt of power the guitar could possibly possess. He was creating a masterpiece right then and there. His solos, like paint splashed on the canvas that was the audience, kept us on our toes as he took us on a journey. His solos spoke many stories

of the human experience. Ranging from delicate as morning dew to harsh and raw as a torrential downpour, bassist Jorgen Carlsson’s diverse bass lines provided the key element—the foundation—of each song. His playing was like some primal, roaring beast, often about to free itself from his grasp, yet always returned to cool, calm control. If a metronome could play drums, its name would be Matt Abts. He pounded out a 15 minute drum solo and still left the crowd wanting more. Using every piece of his extensive set, his refreshing performance was characterized by smooth, delicate crescendos and decrescendos. The final key to Gov’t Mule’s genius was keyboardist and guitarist Danny Louis. Louis often traded off solos with

Gov’t Mule played at Stubb’s Feb. 19

Haynes, being as great as a keyboardist as Haynes was a guitarist. Rarely does one see each member contribute so much to a band; any less effort would have fundamentally

Associated Press

altered the music. Gov’t Mule endowed me with a new musical education—it was like listening to music again for the first time.


Shutter Island hooks viewers Amber Burton Dynamic duo Scorsese and DiCaprio have done it again with “Shutter Island.” In the vein of the director-actor team’s other films (“The Departed,” “The Aviator”), “Shutter Island” supplies viewers with superb performances and grand settings. Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) is a Federal Marshall sent with his partner Chuck (Mark Ruffalo) Ashecliffe Hospital on Shutter Island, an institution for the criminally insane where a patient has gone missing. The patient disappeared from her cell in the middle of the night as if, as one of the doctors says, evaporated “straight through the walls.” As the film progresses, it becomes apparent to viewers that Daniels may be searching for something more personal than a missing patient at the institution. Daniels plunges deeper into the mysteries surrounding the institution, continuously coming up with more questions than answers, while slowly becoming more unhinged. Daniels is visited in dreams by the spirit of his dead wife (Michelle Williams), who seems to know more about what is happening than he does. The plot twists and turns, always leaving viewers a step behind as they try to figure it out. And, in the vein of true Scorsese, once they do figure it out, something changes and adds another twist. Many may find the ending sequences quite disturbing, but they won’t

Associated Press

be able to deny the quality of the performances. The setting and costumes are indicative of an impeccable period piece, breathing life into the era of the 1950s and effectively transporting viewers into a time long past. The cinematography and direction are remarkable, but viewers may have to close their eyes during the many scenes involving bright, flashing lights. While this film will not be everyone’s cup of tea (Scorsese films rarely are), “Shutter Island” does a surprisingly good job of drawing viewers in and keeping them hooked with its many plot devices and twists before leaving them with a feeling of shock as the credits begin to roll.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Oscars just around corner Wendy Cawthon Wes Gardner It’s Oscar season again and with the 82nd Annual Academy Awards on Sunday, Oscar hopefuls and movie fans alike are eagerly awaiting the results. This year’s show will be hosted by actors Steve Martin (“The Jerk,” “Father of the Bride”) and Alec Baldwin (“30 Rock,” “It’s Complicated”). This year saw a wide array of films ranging from suspensefilled war zones to football dramas to blue people to houses with balloons—and


don’t forget Mr. Tarantino’s cheeky “Basterds”. All four acting categories include numerous standout performances. Strong performances from Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart” and George Clooney in “Up in the Air” are headlining in the Best Actor category, while Sandra Bullock and Gabourey Sidibe are going to keep judges on their toes for Best Actress. The Best Picture category is more competitive than ever before, with a record 10 nominees in the running for the award. It’s a big year for “Avatar”

and “Hurt Locker” directors, James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow. Both films are nominated for a total of nine awards this year. After much deliberation, we have made our predictions for the 2010 Academy Awards for the six most popular categories: Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Supporting Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Best Directing.

Wes’ Picks:

Wendy’s Picks:

Best Picture: “Inglorious Basterds”

Best Picture: “Up”

Best Actor in a Leading Role: Jeff Bridges for “Crazy Heart”

Best Actor in a Leading Role: Jeff Bridges for “Crazy Heart”

Best Actress in a Leading Role: Sandra Bullock for “The Blindside”

Best Actress in a Leading Role: Gabourey Sidibe for “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Christoph Waltz for “Inglorious Basterds” Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Mo’Nique for “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Best Directing: Kathryn Bigelow for “The Hurt Locker”

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Christoph Waltz for “Inglorious Basterds” Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Anna Kendrick for “Up in the Air” Best Directing: Quentin Tarantino for “Inglorious Basterds”

The 82nd Annual Academy Awards will air on ABC March 7 at 7 p.m. central time. The Red Carpet pre-show will beginning broadcasting at 5 p.m. central time with hosts Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana DePandi.

Associated Press Nominees like “Crazy Heart” and “Precious” are expected to win big at this year’s Oscars.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Three music showcases to catch at SXSW Ryan Lester South By Southwest brings more than 1,000 bands to Austin every March. With so many showcases going on every night, it can be hard to decide which one to see. Here are some buzz worthy showcases to keep your eye on. Wednesday: March 17 NPR Music Showcase: Stubb’s (All Ages) Spoon, Broken Bells, Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, The Walkmen, Visqueen Showcasing its distinct and eclectic music tastes, NPR Music has assembled an eyepopping lineup for opening night. After opening act Visqueen, The Walkmen, one of New York City’s finest bands, will take the stage. Featuring the masterful guitar work of Paul Maroon, an organ, and lead singer Hamilton Leithauser’s emphatic vocals, the band have been consistently good, and seeing them live is always an experience. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings follow, and their blend of ‘60s soul arrangements and Jones’ commanding voice will undoubtedly get the crowd moving. Broken Bells, the side project of The Shins’ front man James Mercer and

Danger Mouse, has created a lot of buzz in recent months. This will only be their fourth live appearance, and SXSW will be the perfect testing ground for them. Capping off the night will be Austin’s very own Spoon, who gave an excellent performance at Waterloo Records in January. The band have played Stubb’s several times before and should feel right at home headlining this showcase. Thursday: March 18 The Bowery Presents: Emo’s Main Room (All Ages) The Delta Spirit, Local Natives, Rogue Wave, Miles Kurosky, Adam Green, Peter Wolf Crier The main attractions for this showcase seem to be playing everywhere this SXSW. The Local Natives, the second group of the night, demonstrate that they have studied the best of indie rock closely over the last few years, as their debut album, “Gorilla Manor,” has received a great amount of praise for striking all the right chords. Rogue Wave have been around for several years, and their pleasant pop sound has brought them a decent following over the years. Meanwhile the main headliner, The Delta Spirit, has a more Americana

Holly Aker Caroline Wallace Thursday Mohawk Patio 912 Red River St All Ages Young Turks Showcase 8 p.m. Performances by First Aid Kit, SALEM, jj, GZA and The xx.

Wikimedia Commons

Delta Spirit will play in The Bowery Presents showcase at Emo’s Main Room.

and roots-oriented sound. Though they still have only one album under their belt, 2010 looks like a promising year for them. The band will be releasing their sophomore album, “History From Below,” in May. Also playing will be opening act Peter Wolf Crier, ex-Beulah front man Miles Kurosky and former Moldy Peaches member Adam Green. Friday: March 19 The Billions Corporation: Antone’s (All Ages)

Lost in the Trees, Plants and Animals, Basia Bulat, Quasi, Shearwater, Liars Billions Corporation have assembled a very talented lineup for their Antone’s showcase, hosted by AltCountry legend Danny Barnes. After the chamberpop of Lost In the Trees, Montreal’s Plants and Animals will take the stage, showcasing songs from their upcoming album, “La La Land.” Singer-songwriter Basia Bulat will then perform, followed by indie

icons Quasi. Featuring Janet Weiss, the former drummer of the influential female rock group Sleater-Kinney, Quasi recently put out their first album in seven years. Austin’s Shearwater, containing exmembers of Okkervil River, will bring their epic sounds and technical prowess to the forefront. Liars, the experimental rock heavyweights, will end the night.

SEU looks back at 80s with retro prom Abe Clabby Some people like to pretend the ‘80s never happened, but the University Programming Board was determined to pretend just the opposite. Last Friday, St. Edward’s University brought prom night back from the ‘80s. Tables dotted with portraits and paraphernalia of Mr. T, Michael Jackson and the Breakfast Club were set up throughout the Maloney

Room. Piles of old-style candies and retro sodas filled the tables in the back. The greatest decorations were attendees’ attire, which gave the room more color than an Andy Warhol-ized Disney princess Students kicked back to enjoy the decade that most of them spent as infants. Senior Amanda Flournoy, who organized the event for UPB, said, “We basically wanted to have a fun time for no reason at all.”

Other notable SXSW showcases

Among the decade-themed activities was a working Atari with the original Donkey Kong game. Flournoy said that the celebration was meant to be as authentic as possible. “We tried to educate people about the ‘80s,” she said. The decade brought Star Wars, Slinkies, Smurfs, Ghostbusters Grease, and a thousand other cultural icons. And who could forget its music? Hunters & Gather-

ers, the local rockers booked for the night, slipped on the glam-hair wigs and brought on the classics. Classics, like “Billie Jean,” and some more contemporary songs, like “Single Ladies,” blared from their amps. Prom King and Queen were chosen, and several students won fabulous prizes at the end of the dance. Everything from the Atari to a Smurfette lunchbox went out to the few dozen lucky students in the crowd.

Despite being a little small with a tongue-in-cheek attitude towards the decade, the party was ultimately a great celebration of a hilarious decade.

Friday Cedar Street Courtyard 208 W 4th St., 21+ Bug Music Showcase 8 p.m. Performances by Sarah Borges & the Broken Singles, Exene Cervenka, American Bang and Buddy Miller. Cedar Door 201 Brazos St., 18+ The Artery Foundation Showcase 8 p.m. Performances by Bury, Asking Alexandria, Evergreen Terrace, I See Stars and Breathe Carolina. Club 115 115 San Jacinto St., 21+ 8:30 p.m. Performances by David Dallas, Young Sid, Mr Sicc, Rebel Diaz, Adam Tensta, Timbuktu & Chords and Looptroop Rockers. Saturday Auditorium Shores Stage Riverside Dr & S 1st St, All Ages, free to the public Ground Control Touring Showcase 3 p.m. Performances by Kimya Dawson, Dawes, Deer Tick, Lucero, Justin Townes Earle and She & Him.


Hilltop Views | Page 9 Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Documentary illuminates family’s past Morgen Brown Ice and snow did not deter St. Edward’s University students and other attendees from making their way to Jones Auditorium on Feb. 23 for “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North.” The 2008 documentary follows filmmaker Katrina Brown as she discovers that her ancestors, the DeWolf family, were the largest slavetrading family in U.S. history. They trafficked more than 10,000 Africans from 1769 to 1820. Ten DeWolf descendents, ranging from siblings to seventh cousins, decided to learn more by following the path of their family’s involvement in triangular trade from Rhode Island, to Africa, to Cuba, and back.

The History of the DeWolfs

The journey began in Bristol, R.I., where the DeWolf family was known for its prosperity and community involvement. The film addressed the “intentional amnesia” regarding Northern

involvement in slavery, explaining that slave transportation drove the economy of many port cities. The North was just as complicit in slavery as the South, since industries such as shipbuilding were supported by the international slave trade, and textile mills used cotton picked in the South. The American slave trade transported 11 million Africans across the Atlantic Ocean, with 500,000 dying before reaching the United States. Following the ships from America to Ghana, rum was traded for slaves in more than 70 forts that operated along the West African coast. In Cape Coast, the family explored Elmina castle, where the DeWolfs had likely made many transactions. One family member saw the conditions of the “dungeon” there and said of the treatment of enslaved Africans, “It was an evil thing, and they knew it was an evil thing.” The DeWolfs developed their own triangular trading system to maximize profits: The rum used to purchase Africans was made in the

family-owned distilleries in Bristol, R.I. The sugar and molasses used in the DeWolf distilleries came from familyowned plantations in Cuba. The international slave trade was illegal most of the time that the DeWolfs were operating and, at the same time, Havana was the most active slave-trading port worldwide.

A National Discussion

The ten DeWolf descendents returned to the United States and discussed racism’s consequences and the difficult task of reconciliation and healing. They weighed the increasing demands for slavery reparations, and “[struggled] with the question of how to think about and contribute to repair.” Their emotional reactions and questions reflect the attitudes of many Americans today. The film asks questions like, “What is the legacy of slavery? Who owes what for the wrongs of our forefathers? What history do we inherit as individuals and as citizens? What would repair

Holly Fulton

DeWolf descendants looking at family records from the slave trade at the Bristol Historical and Preservation Society, Bristol, R.I.

really look like and what would it take?” “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North” was intended to “help deepen the national conversation on race and get people engaged in an honest and courageous discussion.” Dain Perry, DeWolf descendent and film participant, grew up in Charleston, S.C. in the 1950s and 1960s amidst rampant racism. Dain

Courtesy of Katrina Browne

The Family of Ten at Cape Coast Castle, Ghana, July 2001 (top, l to r) Dain Perry, Elizabeth Sturges Llerena, Katrina Browne, Jim Perry, Holly Fulton, Ledlie Laughlin, Keila DePoorter (bottom, l to r) Tom DeWolf, Elly Hale, James Perry.

Perry and his wife, Constance Perry, led a discussion after the film, asserting that Americans need to “start taking a look at the past, so we can better understand how we got here today, so we can become healthier as a nation in the future.” Constance Perry emphasized that nothing was off limits when discussing the personal topic. Those present were invited to share and discuss one word expressing their immediate reaction, with responses ranging from “grief,” to “sobered” to “hope.” Dain Perry called for everyone present to speak up daily against racism. “You can create a more open environment and literally change the atmosphere of the school,” he said. Sophomore Kelsey Pokorny said she thought the film was powerful. “[It] reawakened these different feelings of grief and guilt. Though we have a black president, daily instances of racism still occur,” she said. The Perrys, who live in Boston, have been touring the United States and screening the film for a variety of

churches, civic groups, libraries, grade schools and colleges. They said that “reconciliation is a process, not an event,” as there are still many families in the U.S. unable to experience the benefits of integration. The presentation at St. Edward’s was the Perrys’ first in Texas, though they said they hope it won’t be their last. The film has been recognized internationally and has been nominated for several awards, including the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and an Emmy Award. Professor Timothy Jecmen said the screening “[was] another opportunity to try to get students who are discussing these issues in the classroom to consider what it is actually like for someone to experience racism in the real world.” More information on the film, its participants and screenings can be found at

Page 10 | FEATURES

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Keep your social networking profiles job-friendly Emily Blasdell You’ve heard the warning that social networking Web sites like Facebook could hinder you in your search for a job. You’ve been told numerous times to clean up your Facebook pages, MySpace profiles, and other social networking Web sites you may use so you appear to be a desirable candidate to hire. But what does this actually mean? Should you present yourself as boring and lifeless? The answer is no. However, because of technology today,

the hiring process goes beyond the interview (whether you like it or not). How you present yourself on social networking Web sites can affect the interview process without your knowledge. According to Career Counselor Emily Salazar, the main thing to remember when doing anything on the Internet is, “Think before you do.” Employers know that Web sites like Facebook and Twitter were created for social networking, and that is how most people use them daily. Employers do not penalize you for having a social life

and showing it. However, they do care about how you present yourself. If they hire you, how you represent yourself on the Internet reflects the company’s image. Here are five guidelines to help you figure out how to format your social networking profiles.


Don’t post undesirable pictures or statuses.


Who you are friends with reflects on you.

According to a survey by Harris Interactive for, the most important reasons for not hiring individuals are because of “provocative pictures” and “references to drinking and drug use” on their social networking Web sites.

Employers may also look at who and what you are affiliated with. An employer may see that you look professional, but the people you are Facebook friends with and the groups you are a member of may not be. If the girl who sits behind you in class befriends you after one conversation, you may want to ask yourself, “Do I want to be connected with this person I don’t really know?” Freshman Megan Lantz can identify with this issue. She applied for a job working at a summer camp but was turned down because of the inappropriate profile pictures of friends. “I was upset and disagreed with this reasoning. Just because these people are my friends does not mean I make the same decisions as them,” she said.


Communicate effectively.

Employers also may look at how you communicate with others online. What do your wall posts look like? Do you post things publicly that should be sent in a private message? Even though you are communicating on a social level, your posts can still reflect communication on a professional level.

Avoid displaying photos involving alcohol, regardless of your age.


Google yourself, and edit accordingly.


Get LinkedIn.

Still not sure if what you’ve put on the Internet will haunt you when job hunting? Salazar offers some warnings and recommendations about using the Internet. First, you might never know if an employer rejected your application because of something he or she saw online. Second, you should search your name on Google and see what comes up. If you see something you would not want a future employer to see, get rid of it. Even if your privacy settings prevent non-friends from seeing your profile, companies are now hiring students that may be able to view the social networking profiles of other potential employees.

Lastly, register for a LinkedIn profile on LinkedIn is a strictly professional networking Web site that acts as an online resume. When an employer searches your name, your LinkedIn profile is usually the first thing to appear. Salazar said to keep your LinkedIn profile updated and never say you are looking for a job or internship. Instead, focus on what you are currently working on, like a major project or paper. Before you do anything on the Internet, think. What goes on the Internet stays there, whether you want it to or not.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Save the environment Recycle your used Hilltop Views newspapers.

Help us preserve the earth placing newspapers in recycling bins throughout campus.

FEATURES | Page 11

Adjunct: Lisa Sandberg Danny Salazar This story is the first in a short series focusing on interesting adjunct faculty at St. Edward’s University. Three hours before the beginning of the spring semester on Jan. 11, 2010 Lisa Sandberg, a former print journalist with a master’s degree in Journalism, learned that she would be teaching a class at St. Edward’s University. On Jan. 8, she was told that Marilyn Schultz from the Humanities Department was in the hospital. They needed her to help out with teaching Schultz’s classes. Unfortunately, Schultz died on Jan. 10. Therefore, Sandberg had to start teaching Media Standards and Practices the next day and for the duration of the semester. At first, Sandberg was worried when she began teaching Schultz’s classes. She knew that Schultz was a loved professor who had an impact in the lives of students and faculty alike. “I feel fine,” she said. “But I was a little worried whether they would embrace me or resent me.” Sandberg hopes students understand that she does not seek to replace Schultz. Sandberg said she does not feel like students have resented her. With the help of her boyfriend, a professor of 20 years at the University of Texas in Austin, she has managed to handle these first two months of class. Sandberg was born in California and raised in New York City. She graduated from Hunter College, and received a master’s degree in Journalism from New York University. Since, she has worked as a print journalist for the New York Post,

Eloise Montemayor

Sandberg teaches Media Standards and Practices.

Daily News, San Antonio Express-News and the Houston Chronicle. Most recently she has begun working for the NPR station here in Austin (KUT), freelancing as a radio reporter. “I love [the radio], it’s great,” she said. “It’s a new way to tell stories.” Sandberg said the many changes newspapers have undergone in the past few years have led people to believe that newspapers may not be around much longer. From her experience in journalism, both print and over the airwaves, Sandberg said she has come to see the future of print media as dim. “I’ll be surprised if we still have print in 10 years,” she said. Sandberg was working as a reporter when print newspapers began making large cuts, and she said she remembered how shocked she was when it happened. She was laid off from her position as a senior reporter in the Hearst Austin Bureau of the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio ExpressNews. “My layoff was part of deep cuts both newspapers were making,” Sandberg said. “That month, the Express-News cut one-third of its editorial staff, or 75 people. The Chronicle followed that month with dozens more. The bureau

where I worked went from six people to three.” Following the layoff, Sandberg enrolled at Southern Methodist University in Plano and earned a certificate to practice divorce mediation, though she never went into the field. “It dawned on me somewhere between the beginning and the end of the program that I could end up spending my career helping people divvy up pots and pans,” she said. Sandberg said that while mediation might work as a short-term career, it wouldn’t be satisfying in the long run. That is when she made the decision to go into public radio. Sandberg brings these life experiences and her unique perspective with her to St. Edward’s. “There is obviously a future for journalism, although, it’s a very different landscape,” she said. Sandberg believes that to have a future in journalism, students will have to learn to handle ongoing changes in the field, and learn journalism skills other than writing. She hopes students can take away valuable information from her classes.

Page 12 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Basketball in tournament Kayla Meyer

The St. Edward’s University men’s and women’s basketball teams have made it into the first round of the Heartland Conference Tournament. The men’s basketball team (12-15, 7-9 HC) will play St. Mary’s University March 4 at 7:30 p.m. in San Antonio. The women’s basketball team (8-19, 6-8 HC) will take on Lincoln University March 4 at noon, also in San Antonio. The St. Edward’s men’s basketball team ended their regular season with a 57-61 loss

to Texas A&M International University (12-14, 9-7 HC) on Feb. 27. Senior Jannik Zimmer had the most points on the team with 16, followed by senior Bobby Watkins with 13. The women’s basketball team ended their regular season in a 60-57 victory over Texas A&M International (5-22, 4-10 HC) on Feb. 27. Senior Kelli Payton led the Hilltoppers with 27 points, followed by freshman Sarah Milewski with 12 points.

SPORTS Most talked about 2010 Winter Olympic moments

Associated Press

TRAGEDY ON THE LUGE Georgian luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili, was killed after crashing during a training run hours before the opening ceremonies.

SEU Sports Information

Sophomore Brittany Ward goes for a layup.

APOLO SPEEDS TO EIGHT MEDALS Apolo Anton Ohno won his eighth career Olympic medal in

Game raises disability awareness Megan Ganey Air-ball after air-ball, blister after blister, St. Edward’s University faculty, staff and students realized the challenges that come with playing basketball in a wheelchair. But swish after swish, fast break after fast break, the Austin Rec’ers proved that playing basketball in a wheelchair is a skill, not a stigma. The St. Edward’s Disabil-

ity Committee organized an exhibition game in the Recreation and Convocation Center Feb. 25. A team of St. Edward’s volunteers played the Rec’ers, a local wheelchair basketball team that competes nationally. Anna Escamilla, director of Student Disability Services, said the committee organizes events like this game to raise awareness of physical disabilities. “The faculty and staff will realize that people with

Megan Ganey

St. Edward’s faculty, staff and students played the Austin Rec’ers in a game of wheelchair basketball to raise awareness of physical disabilities.

“It’s not an issue about pity. It’s an issue about a different life and sometimes that can be very positive.” physical disabilities are able to be part of the community in a positive, fun way, not just because the law tells you too,” Escamilla said. Although the purpose of the game had serious connotations, the mood in the gym was that of a fun, yet competitive game. The St. Edward’s team was spotted 30 points before the game began, and the Rec’ers didn’t need much time to catch up. At halftime, the score was 32 to 26, with the Hilltoppers still in the lead. By the end of the game, the Rec’ers beat the Hilltoppers 45 to 34. Although the Hilltoppers lost, the game ended

in smiles, handshakes and team pictures. Larry Turner, the Rec’ers head coach, said he enjoyed every minute of the game, but the best part was seeing the volunteers trying to maneuver the wheelchairs. “[The best part of the game was] just the fun of watching the staff try and play the game,” Turner said. Craig Campbell, associate professor, agreed that the game was challenging. As Sean Donahue, head coach of the women’s volleyball team, walked by showing his blisters, Campbell summarized the game simply. “It was really hard,” Campbell said. “I kept being afraid that I was going to stick my fingers in the spokes.” The game was a success and portrayed the message that the committee had hoped, Escamilla said. “It’s not an issue about pity,” she said. “It’s an issue about a different life and sometimes that can be very positive.”

short track, a record high in Winter Game history.

CANADA SCORES HOCKEY GOLD While the women’s team celebrated after defeating the U.S. team by drinking beer and smoking cigars on the ice, the men’s team went on to defeat the U.S. men in overtime on Sunday.

COPING WITH A TRAGIC LOSS Just days after her mother died of an unexpected heart attack, Canadian Joannie Rochette’s courageous performance earned her a bronze medal in women’s figure skating.

FIGURE SKATER DISPUTES FIGURES Evgeni Plushenko, who earned a silver medal for Russia in men’s figure skating, said U.S. skater Evan Lysacek, who won gold, was “not a champion” because of a changed scoring system.

“FLYING TOMATO” STILL FRESH Shaun White meets and even exceeds expectations, landing the Double McTwist 1260 and easily surpassed his competition to win gold.

NIGHT TRAIN RIDES TO VICTORY The “Night Train,” or the U.S. bobsled team led by Steve Holcomb, captured a gold medal for the first time in 62 years.

PETERSON ROCKS THE HURRICANE In aerial skiing, U.S. skier Jeret Peterson lands the renowned Hurricane, after an unsuccessful attempt four years ago in Torino, Italy.

CHINA SKATES TO SWEEP After their win of the 1000 m race Feb. 26, the Chinese women’s short track team completed their golden sweep of the event–becoming the first country to ever do so.

GOLD COSTS AN ARM AND A LEG U.S. skier Lindsay Vonn, despite a bruised chin, several crashes and a broken finger, earned two medals

including a gold. Compiled by: Claire Cella

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

SPORTS | Page 13


Curling and hockey brought to forefront As the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics come to a close and the flame is extinguished, it’s time we look back at what Sports Commentary the Olympics have brought us this year. It’s easy to remember who won which medals and which countries were let down with a lack of medals, but as a whole, these Winter Olympics have had some of the most exciting and competitive events. However, as the flame extinguishes, Canada has brought two sports into the eyes of the public: curling and hockey. Curling has been one of those sports you love, even though you have no idea what’s going on. There is something mesmerizing about curling that will draw you in, and have you sitting for hours, watching no more than what seems like two teams slide heavy rocks across the ice. Curling just took off this year. It picked up more media coverage these Olympics than any other Olympics in previous history. Curling has gone from being a time slot filler to having a fully fledged large group of followers who had no idea what exactly was going on. This coverage was spurred on by one team in particular, the Norwegian men. Just say for instance you start Associated Press flipping through the channels. Out of the blue, you see these guys in crazy bright colored pants sliding stones down an alley. If that doesn’t catch your attention, nothing will. The Norwegian men used the pants as a tactic, both to give them a positive vibe, and to distract the other teams with their flashy, checkered pants. However, the pants can only take the team so far. Norway, after making a comeback in the semi-finals, lost to Team Canada in the gold medal match, securing a silver medal on the podium. With all the hype now surrounding curling, it’s not hard to see it gaining ground and popularity in the United States. Canada’s games have also revitalized the popularity of hockey. With some of the most intense hockey games played in any league in a long time, 2010 has brought “hockey fever” back to the United States. This year, for the men’s and women’s hockey finals, Canada and the United States were on a gold medal collision course. In men’s, though Canada lost to the United States in the preliminary round, Canada went 3-0 to reach the gold medal match against none other than the American team. It was three periods of the best hockey ever shown on television, and it didn’t end there. After the United States scored a goal with 20 seconds left in the third period to tie it up, the game went to overtime. From a rebound and amazing pass, Canadian’s Sidney Crosby put the winning goal past the glove of U.S. goalie Ryan Miller to win the gold. Hockey has always been a popular sport in the United States, but with the last few days of intense play, hockey fever is only going to intensify. This comes at a perfect time for hockey, because the Stanley Cup Playoffs aren’t too far on the horizon and many of Team Canada will return to their respective National Hockey League teams, including Crosby to the Pittsburgh Penguins. This year’s Olympics have brought a fairly unknown sport and an old favorite to the forefront of its games. Nolan Green

The Hilltop Views’ column, ‘Courtside Chronicles,’ appears every other week in the sports section and is written by Hilltop Views contributor Nolan Green.

Softball hits speed bump Wesley Gardner The St. Edward’s University women’s softball team is looking to bounce back this season from a disappointing showing at last year’s regional tournament where they went 0-2 to end their season. “This is the first year we’ve had 10 wins in February, at least in my experience,” said Lexi Stephens, junior shortstop and current record holder for single season batting record (.483). So far in the season, the Hilltoppers have accumulated a 11-7 record. After two recent victories over Texas A&M University-Kingsville in their doubleheader Feb. 20, the Hilltoppers struggled against nationally ranked teams this past weekend. The Hilltoppers fell to regional’s number one team, Angelo State (15-2), who are also 19th in the nation, on Feb. 27, and split a doubleheader against Abilene Christian University (7-9), who are ranked 17th in the nation. The team lost the first game of the doubleheader against Angelo State in a close match 1-2. “We played really hard in the first game against Angelo State and had an opportunity in the fifth inning to take the lead off a line drive shot to right field by Courtney Lavender,” said Head Coach Amy Coulter. “Their [right fielder] made an amazing catch otherwise I feel we would have taken game one. “ The Hilltoppers kept the second game close with a 21 lead for Angelo State, but 11 runs in the bottom of the third inning for the Rambelles changed the momentum of the game. The score did not change, ending the game in a loss for the Hilltoppers 1-13. On Feb. 28, the Hilltoppers fought for the victory of the first game 6-5 against

SEU Sports Information

Junior Stacey Giles swings at bat.

Abilene Christian. “I love having a team that comes out the next day and scores five runs in one inning to defeat the number 17 Abilene Christian,” said Coulter. The Hilltoppers unfortunately fell 1-0 in the second game to Abilene Christian. The Wildcats scored their only run of the game in the fourth inning. Sophomore pitcher Lana Jo Hairston (11) had a solid game, allowing just the one run on seven hits, while walking four batters and striking out one. “The softball team is one big family that fights through adversity and works harder every practice to fix mistakes and become better,” Coulter said. Before this weekend, the Hilltoppers won six of the last seven games. The team’s early success this season could be attributed to the seven freshmen helping strengthen the squad. With outfielder Lisa Paul being the lone senior on the team, the freshmen have had to look to the sophomores and juniors for leadership as well. “I think as a team, we have

leaders in all different ranges of age,” said Stephens. “Different people lead in different areas.” The leadership seems to be paying off, as the Hilltoppers have found themselves with one of their best starts in recent years. The softball team made it to its first NCAA Div. II World Series in 2008, so the women are expecting big things this year. “We’re doing good,” said sophomore Meagan Bailey. “We’re going out and killing people on the field and I love it. As we keep playing games we’re going to get even better.” The Hilltoppers’ next home series will be against conference rival Lincoln University in a double header March 5 at 1 p.m. and a single game March 6 at noon. “Our mental goal as a team is to get better every game and to stick together as a team,” said Coulter. “We head into conference play this weekend with lots of confidence and momentum.”


Page 14 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Sexual assault a serious issue for campuses National Public Radio and the Center for Public Integrity have joined forces to cover a startling, often unacknowledged problem on college campuses around the country–one out of five college women will be sexually assaulted before they graduate. NPR broadcast the results of the year-long investigation late last month, and the report is also featured on its Web site. The report found that not only do many institutions of higher education fail to prevent sexual assault on campus, they also fail to adequately resolve the cases that are brought forward. Distressingly, weak college judicial systems often abandon students at a time when they need help most.

The recent arrest of a St. Edward’s University police officer for secretly photographing women in a dressing room at a Barton Creek Mall department store was worrying enough for the women who attend classes here, many of whom live in campus residence halls. That arrest and the serious questions raised by the NPR/ CPI report highlight the need for quality and reliable on-campus policing, along with transparent, effective policies for dealing with allegations of sexual assault and rape. The NPR/CPI investigation found that women who come forward with sexual assault allegations too often encounter obscure, secretive, off-the-record disciplinary proceedings not designed to

Distressingly, weak college judicial systems often abandon students at a time when they need help most. handle criminal complaints. As a result, these women often drop their complaints, withdraw from school or transfer. Meanwhile, college officials rarely expel students accused in sexual assault cases. When expulsion does occur, it is only after multiple accusations, the report found. Accused students are often permitted to remain on campus and continue on as if nothing has happened while their accusers leave, feeling isolated and ashamed. The problem is com-

pounded by local police and prosecutors who are reluctant to handle campus rape and sexual assault cases. In over 50 percent of such cases, the NPR/CPI report found the women who bring the complaints acknowledge that were drinking at the time of the assault. The prevalence of alcohol, however, should not stop campus law enforcement officials or local police and prosecutors from thoroughly investigating these cases. Indeed, most state laws make it clear that an intoxicated

person cannot give consent, placing the burden squarely on law enforcement to fully investigate all sexual assault allegations. Sixty percent of St. Edward’s 3,505 undergraduate students are women, which means that statistically around 420 current female students will be sexually assaulted during their time here, according to the NPR/CPI calculation. Our campus is small and friendly, but it is not impervious to danger. At Boston’s College of the Holy Cross, with fewer than 3,000 students, a woman reported that she was raped by another student in a campus bathroom in 2008. She filed disciplinary charges. The college hearing board found the accused student responsible

for sexual misconduct, dismissed him and revoked his scholarship. The NPR/CPI investigation found that the handling of this case was a marked exception. We hope that St. Edward’s would fare as well should it find itself scrutinized. We hope the administration has greeted the recent, unfortunate news about our campus police member with concrete plans to assess the university’s hiring practices, professional standards and, if necessary, salary for its police officers. We also strongly urge the administration to assess its policies and procedures for handling sexual assault and rape allegations. We come here to be educated. We expect to be safe.

Music critics hinder the spread of quality music Jake Hartwell There may be no endeavor more futile than that of the music critic. In their naïveté, they hope to express the deepest emotions inspired by music with their pretentious prose and clumsy, generic descriptions. Failing to realize that a logical representation of the emotional is impossible, their work is entirely wrongheaded. The emergence of genre and criticism was the worst occurrence in the history of music. Critics tear apart complex structures far greater than the sum of their parts; their work is, by definition, a contradiction. In breaking down musical works, critics objectify music, which then becomes something to be studied, rather than some-

thing to be experienced. All genre-based descriptions are arbitrary. Working within a genre changes and artist’s goal from freely expressing a state or states of human existence, to attempting to do so within restrictions. The end becomes secondary to the means—a suffocating effect. Furthermore, genres reduce an album or song to the sum of its parts: the familiar characteristics of a specific genre. Just as defining a person as the sum of its flesh and bones is objectifying and wrong, so is defining music in terms of genre. The primary failure of music critics is the assumption that a descriptive account can be a basis for critiquing a wholly experiential work. Music cannot be reduced to

words. In fact, to even begin speaking about music is to betray its connection to the very being of a person. And yet, we can feel the difference between two types of music. The feelings inspired from the latest pop song are fundamentally different from those inspired by true art. I will attempt an explanation of that difference, one that will hopefully avoid t h e fallacy of the critics. As a quick note, I will distinguish between the two types of music: Music, capitalized, denotes highest and true music; museapia de-

notes all else. The distinguishing element between Music and museapia is genuity, a non-word that I use for a specific purpose, so allow me to clarify. The world is generally a lonely place. Language i m p e rfe c tly expresses our thoughts. We exist as isolated individuals, never capable of experiencing what others experience and thus never capable of truly knowing another person. Genuine Music breaks the sphere of isolated experience inherently present around each of us. It expresses the

feelings of another that we were previously incapable of experiencing. Music is the expression of a genuine human experience that, in an isolated world, shouts, “I am here.” This expression is the primary force behind Music. Museapia has some of these qualities. However, genuity is not the primary motivation of it. The latest Lady Gaga single might make some sort of experiential connection with audiences, but its primary purpose is profit. Of course, profit is not the only primary force behind museapia; entertainment, distraction or any number of goals may serve as the primary motivation. But music without the primary force of

genuity is, ultimately, inferior to Music. The distinction above should serve as a guide to future critics. Museapia can be easily critiqued because it does not concern the realm of human existence inexpressible in words. However, Music cannot be subjected to such critiques. By attempting to do so, critics cheapen and ruin one of the greatest endeavors.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, March 3, 2010


LETTER TO THE EDITOR In response to Jake Hartwell’s article on addiction in Issue 5: Mr. Hartwell seems to have been lucky enough to escape addiction in his friends, family and self. Were he to experience firsthand the effect that the disease of addiction has had on humanity, I believe his opinions might alter. The notion that it’s “the addict’s fault that he’s addict” and therefore deserving of no empathy, sympathy or assistance from society is both flawed and personally very offensive. I find using the example of cigarettes to be weak, so I will instead focus on the serious disease of alcoholism. It is true that the individual did make the initial decision to start drinking heavily, probably due to unresolved personal demons and some form of self-loathing. People who love themselves tend to not be self-destructive. This in itself indicates probable underlying mental issues outside of the realm of the addict’s control. Alcoholics do not drink to be social; they drink to numb themselves. Once addiction has been established, the problem no longer becomes an issue of free will at all. Even individuals who truly want to get sober can often not do it themselves. Confronting the disease of addiction is excruciatingly alienating, difficult, physically/mentally painful and courageous. It is important to understand that most addicts BECOME addicts because they were not provided with significant coping skills by society in order to deal with their problems. They choose, then, to cope with these problems with drugs. In order to BECOME sober, individuals must break the physical and mental addiction. In order to STAY sober, individuals must learn how to cope and how to love themselves. This is not a self-taught thing. They need the love, empathy and understanding of a supportive community. It is not possible without them. I would encourage Mr. Hartwell to perhaps spend some time with recovered or recovering addicts, and ask them to relay their stories of addiction. I expect that he might find the origins of their problems arose much earlier than their initial drink, probably dating to an event in which their feelings were condemned and ignored by society. This is the same society Hartwell believes should continue to condemn and ignore these individuals. Finally, the process of solving moral problems cannot always be approached logically, as foreign as that might sound. When dealing with certain societal issues, we must abandon preconceptions in favor of compassion. As a wise man once said, “A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.” Becca Hall

Hilltop Views Kevin Smith 3001 S. Congress Ave.#964, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512) 448-8426 Fax: (512) 233-1695 Bryce Bencivengo Claire Cella Editors-in-Chief Jen Obenhaus Tristan Hallman News Editors Proctor Anderson Rachel Winter Viewpoints Editors Holly Aker Caroline Wallace Entertainment Editors Phillip Bradshaw Amber Burton Features Editors Kayla Meyer Sports Editor Shaun Martin Head Designer Blair Haralson Alyssa Palomo Designers

Eloise Montemayor Photo Editor Daniel De Los Santos Assistant Photo Editor Sharla Kew Videographer Melissa M. Martinez Copy Chief Arianna Auber Jake Hartwell Mary Hennessy Anna Whitney Copy Editors Christy Torres Advertising Manager Jena Heath Faculty Adviser

Hilltop Views is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. Edward’s University. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the university, whose mission is grounded in the teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church. Letter Policy: Hilltop Views welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for space, grammar and clarity. Letters will be published at our discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

kicked off flight Matthew Frazier Boarding a plane can bring about a variety of emotions, but for “Clerks” director Kevin Smith, Southwest Airlines served up humiliation when he was asked to leave a flight due to his size. On Feb. 13, Smith settled comfortably into his seat, ready to fly to Burbank, Calif. Moments later, flight attendants escorted him off the plane, claiming his size marked him as a danger to others. Smith took to sarcastically attacking Southwest Airlines on Twitter, letting his million-plus followers know that the “wall of the plane was opened, and I was airlifted out while Richard Simmons supervised.” The event itself has infuriated those who find the Airlines’ behavior unacceptable. Southwest Airlines’ PR officials offered Smith

numerous public apologies and a $100 travel voucher in an attempt to cover the situation, but none of their measures have improved their image. Smith is not the first person to be asked to leave a plane because of size, and he won’t be the last. His situation has momentarily brought the issue to attention. Even though the ordeal’s spotlight will fade, overweight people being removed from flights will continue. Comfort is an important priority for employees and passengers of a flight. Most airlines’ size policies are outlined to avoid problems, but ensuring that issues such as these are addressed in private saves negativity for all parties involved. Perhaps Smith’s followers will help in his “mission” to prevent further undue embarrassment.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR As a school finance professional, I was interested in your February 17 editorial titled “Board of Education key for primary voter.” Although many of your points were right on, a couple of items missed the mark. Although the Board members do set statewide policy, they are not lawmakers. Only the legislature has the authority to make statutory changes. The Board’s main duty is to adopt rules and guidelines and to set education policies, including statewide curriculum and textbook adoption. Its powers are not trivial by any means, but are still subject to the laws of the state. The editorial also incorrectly stated that the Board controls the $22 billion state education budget. School finance rules and appropriations are set in statute by the legislature. It’s true that the legislature often allows for some flexibility in executing funding programs, but these rules are implemented by the Commissioner of Education, not the Board. The Board’s school finance committee performs some preliminary work on finance issues, but the Board has no direct control over funding. The Board does oversee the investment of the Permanent School Fund, which is a portfolio of investments created by the legislature. Although the PSF provides a portion of school funding, a staff of portfolio managers handles its day-to-day operations. I appreciate that you highlighted these important races. Because of its policy making power, the Board’s decisions have far reaching effects on Texas schoolchildren, teachers, and schools. Matt Rife


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Student Spotlight Photos by Christian DeVoe

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