Issue #7 Fall 2012

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St. Edward’s University • Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • Volume 32 • Issue 7 •

Lectures explore global health Tyler Eldredge

Students and professionals filled the Jones Auditorium in the Robert and Pearle Ragsdale Center for the annual Brother Lucian Blersch Global Health and Infectious Disease Symposium. The Oct. 19 lectures focused on the topic of pathogenic proteins. Speakers ranged from chemists to public health Photo by Matt Nuñez workers. Their presenta- Professors from multiple universities converged to share lectures on pathogenic proteins. tions centered around global health and diseases such as with St. Edward’s Universi- others explored at the sym- infectious proteins. Walker Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s ty’s Eamonn Healy, Brother posium, is caused by a mis- said that these postulates Disease that come from ill- Lucian Blersch professor folded protein and, accord- can also be used to link proness-causing proteins. They of science and of chemistry, ing to Healy, can be better teins with diseases, in the also explored the relation- who explained his research understood by examining case of Huntington’s or Alship between these proteins. zheimer’s, for example. society and dis“I was particularly interFollowing the theories of ease. “I thought it was really ested in Dr. Healy's talk Healy and Walker was Neil “I thought it because we do not know Cashman, a professor of interesting to see the was really inenough about these diseas- medicine and the Canada teresting to see es,” freshman and interna- Research Chair of the Brain relationship between the relationtional business major Sarah Research Center at the Unipoverty and inequality ship between Bugh said. “There are always versity of British Columbia, and health.” poverty and areas to be explored.” who explained the way that inequality and After Healy came Lary these diseases are trans-Amara Garza, senior health,” senior Walker, research professor ferred and posed a few solubiology major of neuroscience at Emory tions to ending their spread. Amara Garza University. He applied mod“Dr. Cashman was my fasaid. “One of the best ways on the relationship between ern medicine’s understand- vorite lecturer,” sophomore to decrease these diseases is proteins and diseases, which ing of Koch’s postulates, the biology major Janaee Walby increasing the education can be diagnosed similarly to four requirements necessary lace said. “His proposal for of mothers.” diseases like Huntington’s. to link a microbe with a disThe symposium kicked off This disease, along with the ease, to the explanation of LUCIAN | 2

Annual tuition costs continue to increase Lesli Simms

going to pay them back.” Tuition increases are necessary to support a growing campus and stuent body, university spokeswoman Mischelle Diaz said. “First of all, it is important to recognize what tuition increases cover … [Tuition cov-

Annual tuition at St. Edward’s University is now $30,710–a 7.8 percent increase over last year–and is slated to jump to $33,320 for the 2013-2014 schol year. Tuition has raised steadily in recent years, “When I add up all my from $20,040 loans, I’m terrified of in 2009-10, to how I’m going to pay $26,084 in 201011 and $28,300 them back.” last year. Overall, tuition has jumped 34 per-Sara Greenshields, senior cent since 2009, when many current seniors enrolled in the university. ers] the quality of education “My family can’t afford to and it improves the value of pay tuition out of pocket the degree earned,” Diaz said. so we’ve taken loans all four Vice President for Marketyears of my education. When ing and Enrollment Managewe looked at the total amount ment Paige Booth said the after I graduated, it seemed increase in tuition over time reasonable once we factored is necessary and applied toin my scholarship,” senior wards services available to the Sara Greenshields said. “We current student body. didn’t imagine St. Edward’s “Tuition increases support would increase the tuition so the improvements in quality sharply while I was still a stu- envisioned in the university’s dent. When I add up all my loans, I’m terrified of how I’m RISING | 4




The walking dead will chase runners during the annual Miles for Mission 5K.

Women’s golf ranks second nationwide for the first time in program history.

How will third-party candidate Gary Johnson fare in the upcoming election?

2 NEWS Lucian symposium examines link between poverty, disease Continued from page 1

how to cure Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s Disease was one of the things I was clearly focusing on. I also really like that he offered a clear resolution to the issue at hand.” Simonetta Sipione, assistant professor of pharmacology and Canada Research Chair in the Neurobiology of Huntington’s Disease at the University of Alberta, rounded off the morning with a lecture on the molecular mechanisms underlying the treatment of Huntington’s and explained her experimental approach to the treatment and understanding of Huntington’s. Following a lunch break, the lecturers’ focus shifted from the chemistry of disease to the challenges that global health faces. Kira Fortune, a member of the Pan-American Health Organization, gave a lecture exploring some of global health’s main challenges such as poverty and women's education. Fortune also addressed the ways that these challenges can be over-

come. “I was interested to learn the different areas of health and the importance of having proper healthcare,” freshman international business major Sarah Fumagalli said. “Healthcare is not just important for women and old people. It impacts everyone.” The last lecture of the day came from Elizabeth Gibbons, distinguished fellow at the Kozmetsky Center of Excellence in Global Finance at St. Edward's and visiting scientist at Harvard's FXB Center for Health and Human Rights. Gibbons explained the strong correlation between poverty and disease and explained that the best way to solve these problems is through eliminating economic inequality. “I liked Dr. Gibbons' talk about socio-economic status,” Wallace said. “I thought it was interesting to see how your place is the socio-economic ladder determined how susceptible you would be to certain diseases.” The symposium ended with a panel discussion

between all of the speakers who debated topics of global health while also fielding questions from the audience. The discussion allowed the participants to cover all of the questions that the audience perceived in their conversation about global health. “I appreciated Dr. Gibbons' explanation of the relationship between poverty and disease,” Walker said. “I never really thought how much social status was related to the survival rate of children. I was also interested in the way that countries like China and Cuba were working to help their citizens.” A morning of conversation and debate provided students the opportunity to engage in the world of academia while also dealing with a topic that interested students. “As a biology major, I came here to learn more about the issues facing global health today,” Garza said. “I am interested in how politics impact disease, and how to deal with it across the board.”

Photo by Matt Nuñez The symposium addressed many health issues such as diseases, poverty and education.


Campus Ministry and students welcome new director to team Sara Sanchez

Fr. Peter Walsh, CSC, is the new director of Campus Ministry as of September. Walsh filled the spot left vacant by Fr. Rick Wilkinson, CSC, who was appointed Vicar of the United States Province of Priests and Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross in June. Walsh came to St. Edward’s after spending a year at St. John the Evangelist parish in Viera, Fla. Before that, he spent five years at Yale University’s campus ministry. “I have found [St. Edward’s] to be an extraordinarily helpful community,” Walsh said. Photo by Joe Arellano “It has grown to a good-sized Fr. Peter Walsh spent five years in campus ministry at Yale. university, but has kept that his welcome party. community.” community feel to it.” “Father Peter is definitely Walsh is also looking forSince Walsh has been at St. Edward’s, he has given Sun- a great addition to Campus ward to working with the day evening mass and had a Ministry," junior and a stu- rest of the Campus Ministry welcoming party thrown in dent worker at Campus Min- team. “We have a great staff that his honor. On his drive from istry Stephanie Wages said. “I Florida to Texas, he stopped am looking forward to all the Fr. Rick put together, and by the Freshmen Retreat in retreats and just hanging out part of my role as director is to make sure they all get what New Braunfels, they need and have the ability Texas. to bring their creativity into This is not “One of my goals this programs that will help stuWalsh’s first time year is to... get to know dents,” Walsh said. on campus. He Walsh is also looking forspent a month students. I want to ward to other aspects of life here in the midreally invest myself as in Austin, including mild 1980s when he winters and the Austin music was a seminarian. fully as I can in this scene. “I got to love community.” “Music is a part of Austin the campus, even life I am going to like,” Walsh in July,” Walsh -Fr. Peter Walsh, CSC said. “It is going to be a part said. “I have kept of my fun down time while I my tabs on St. am here.” Edward’s, so Walsh says he regrets not when I was asked to consider in Mang House.” Walsh would like to contin- knowing that the Austin City coming here it was somewhere I had on my radar as a ue developing a relationship Limits Festival was going with students. on during his first weekend great place to work.” “One of my goals this year is here and that he would like As the new director of Campus Ministry, Walsh to participate fully as I can to to have seen some of his new says students have been great get to know students,” Walsh favorites, including the Avett at reaching out to him, in- said. “I want to really invest Brothers and the Lumineers. cluding at his first mass and myself as fully as I can in this



Vote reaches beyond presidential choices


Monique Moreno

Every four years, Americans have a chance to change the nation’s way of running things by participating in the presidential election. Election-time advertisements depict scenes stressing the importance of voting. However, election time in Texas, and in many other states, brings about mixed feelings from voters who feel their vote will not matter in a state that already has a majority vote. “I mean personally, I think it's just homage to the politi- The candidate who wins the most votes in a state receives all of cal party system," junior A.J. Santos said. "Is it frustrating? important is voting. Re- your vote does matter, and Yeah, I'd say it can be. But quired courses aim to assist the Democrats do win a lot of that's the system. The vote students in making logical races," Associate Professor of will always be premeditated decisions when voting time Political Science Brian Smith said. "If you do not support in some way. The most Tex- comes around. “We focus on moral reacandidates at the small levels, ans can do is vote and hope for the best regardless of out- soning at St. Edward's they will never develop into [University] in Dilemmas serious candidates.” come.” Smith encourages students Texas has long been con- and Capstone to help find a logical way to make decisions to vote because if they do sidered a Republican state but has submitted Demo- about public policy," Porter not vote, he believes that they crat approval in the past. The said. "We study public policy give up their rights to comlast Democrat stamp placed problems based upon the plain about government because they have done nothing on Texas was to change it. Smith feels that in 1976, when “Texas used to be as deciding not to vote forfeits Democrat Jimmy Carter ran for reliably Democratic as their only means by which their participation in the syspresident and it is now Republican.” tem can effectively cancel out defeated Gerald members of the one percent. Ford. So, in the-Chad Long, assistant professor According to the Texas Alory, Texas could of political science manac associated with the submit DemoTexas State Historical Ascrat acceptance sociation, Texas consistently in an election. “We are a nation of the peo- critical analysis of the values, voted Democrat in presidenple, by the people, and for the obligations and consequences tial elections during the first people," Charles Porter, pro- of proposed solutions and half of the 20th century. After fessor of history said. "This is options. As a people, we value former President Harry Truman’s election in 1948, the a fine description of our most the right to vote." Others emphasize that voting trend began to be less cherished values. However, if the people do not vote, these although Texas’ vote in the consistently Democrat. In the cherished values become national presidential election last 60 years, there have been merely great ideas, not ac- may be premeditated, local three elected Republican tionable methods to express elections may pan out differ- presidents from Texas and ently with the help of indi- one Democratic president, the will of all the people.” Lyndon B. Johnson. Porter believes that citizen- viduals’ votes. “At the local level, races are “Texas used to be as reliship has obligations, or duvery competitive, and here ably Democratic as it is now ties, and that one of the most

SGA sets new rule for recall process Adam Crawley

Wikimedia Commons that state’s electoral votes.

Republican," Chad Long, assistant professor of political science, said. "What if the Republicans had just thrown in the towel and decided not to compete? You have to be on the field of play to have a chance at future success.” Long called the Electoral College an antiquated institution, and said the way it works is just one more reason for getting rid of the system. Local races, however, which are not based on the Electoral College, are an easier way to make a difference. “The consequences are dire for our nation,” Porter said. "It is always an uphill battle for one person to make their voice heard in the cacophony of the millions of other voices. That challenge does not provide an excuse for avoiding the burdens of citizenship." “As clichéd as it sounds, many brave men and women have made extraordinary sacrifices throughout our history in order to protect our right to vote,” Long said. "In casting a ballot, not only are you strengthening our democracy, but you'll find that you feel good about yourself as well."

“We are trying to find a middle ground between how to respect the students and how to respect the office as well,” Gabriel Puente, author of the bill, said. The members of SGA voted unanimously to pass this bill. Another bill involved an upcoming Halloween party at the Casa residence hall. The bill would move money from the legislative budget to contribute to

The St. Edward’s University Student Government Association, SGA, discussed two pieces of legislation in a public forum on Oct. 18. The first bill passed was the Fair Change Act. This act deals with the recall process of those holding SGA office. According to the Fair Change Act, a student government official can be recalled if “We are trying to find a a petition is submitmiddle ground between ted with how to respect the the signatures of 15 students and how to percent of respect the office as the entire student well.” body. This -Gabriel Puente, student senator w o u l d amount to 810 signatures. the party. If this petition succeeds, “This is our way of conthe recalled member can tributing to the Resident still run in the special Hall Association, RHA,” election, and the member Octavio Sanchez, a stuwill stay in office until dent senator, said. the special election ocThe party is taking place curs and a new official is on Oct. 29. The RHA elected. This is to ensure plans to use this money that there will never be a for decorations and makvacancy in the office. ing the Casa a haunted In the spring 2012 se- house. mester, students circuThe senate also wellated a petition on campus comes Victoria Ochoa, in an attempt to recall the newly-appointed serformer President Vianney vice director for SGA. Becerra and Vice President Ryan Villarreal.

4 NEWS Rising cost of tuition reflects expenses of campus growth Continued from page 1

strategic plan,” Booth said. “The benefits of past tuition increases are enjoyed by students today.” Booth said that the aforementioned benefits include new dorm renovations, landscaping and bike racks. Eighty percent of the student body receives financial aid such as loans and scholarships. According to the St. Edward’s fact sheet, total amount of grants and scholarships awarded 2010–11 was $43 million, but rise in the cost of college still affects students. Senior Daniela Galindo says she was confused as to the source and subsequent reasoning of the increase. “[The increase] is a fee that I didn’t think I would have to

The Visiting Writers Series was recently renamed in honor of long-time faculty member and the series’ founder, Marcia Kinsey. The School of Humanities announced the name change to the Marcia Kinsey Visiting Writers Series

Educational Records

Graphic by Hannah Smith Tuition has risen steadily over the last five years.

pay so close to graduation. Since last year, I’ve had to take another loan,” Galindo said. “I feel like we’re not informed as a general population [at St. Edward’s].” Booth said that the simplest

way to “control the cost of college is to follow a degree plan and graduate on time.” According to St. Edward's Admission website the tuition for fall and spring 2013 will be $16,660.

Oct. 18 at the series’ first event of the semester. Prior to her death last March, Kinsey taught classes in English writing and rhetoric and also served as dean of the School of Humanities for 10 years. A faculty member since 1975, Kinsey founded the Visiting Writers Series during her time as dean

in the 1990s. “It was kind of a way to honor her … and acknowledge the contributions of her and her family,” Father Louis Brusatti, a religious studies professor and colleague of Kinsey’s, said. Attendees at the event included Kinsey’s family, students and English writing and literature faculty.

Robichaux in “Professional actor provides practical teachings” on page 7 should have read “It’s not enough in this business to have ‘it’ ... you have to have ‘it’ and,” ‘and’ being experience such as education. His daugh-

ter’s name was mispelled; her name is Vivienne not Vivian. The article “Health on the Hilltop” on page 15 said the flue shot is an activated vaccine. Rather, the flu shot is an inactivated vaccine.

CORRECTIONS The story “Public forbidden from tennis courts” on page 1 contained an error. The RCC and the softball field are in fact open to the public when not in use by athletic teams. A quote from Richard

The Student Handbook desribes rights and responsibilities guaranteed to every student at St. Edward’s University. Here are a select few.

both announce themselves before entering a room and wait 30 seconds before entering a room. If you are not in your room during inspections, the staff member must leave a note telling you of their visit and why they were there.

Writers series honors professor, dean

Know your rights at St. Edward’s Room Inspections Student code stipulates that university staff must


Kristina Schenck


In adherence to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students have certain privacy rights regarding their educational records. According to the Student Handbook, “the university may not disclose information about students nor permit inspection of their records without the students’ permission unless action is covered by certain expectations as stipulated in the Act.” This means that the university cannot release educational records to parents without the student’s permission. Students may review their records from specific offices by filling out a “Student Request to Review Education Records” form; however, students can be denied this request if they have a financial hold.

Health Services

The Health and Counseling Center provides well woman exams at little to no cost.

“Good Samaritan” Policy

If charged with a violation by the university, the student has a right to due process. According to the Student Handbook, students will be informed of the charges against them and they have a right to refute them. Furthermore, students can participate in the disciplinary proceedings regarding their charge. Also, students may testify as witnesses.


Anyone reporting a minor crime remains confidential. The victim or the reporter of the incident can request anonymity by filling out confidential crime incident report form if the offense falls under crimes specified by the Clery Act. These crimes include hate crimes, sexual assaults and weapons violations.






look for the answers to both games in next week’s issue!

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LIFE & ARTS Fifth annual campus 5K run takes on new theme WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 • HILLTOP VIEWS

Austin Hestdalen

Imagine running for your life from a roving pack of flesh-eating zombies through St. Edward’s University campus. Your feet hurt, your body aches and all you want is to stop for a moment to sip some water. If you do stop, you will be chased down by zombies who want nothing more than to raise money for their community service opportunities. Campus Ministry is collaborating with the Freshman Studies common theme to garner more participants for Miles for a Mission, the fifthannual on-campus 5k run. Miles for a Mission, which has been just a normal 5k run for the past few years, is hoping to create a larger sense of community and outreach through the common theme surrounding the freshman class – How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: Dystopia and Sustainability. “We’ve doubled in size in

Hilltop Views Archive This year’s Miles for a Mission 5K run will be zombie-themed.

the past five years and need the support of the community to accomplish our goals,” Liza Manjarrez said. Manjarrez is the assistant director of Campus Ministry and current head of the Service Break Experience, SBE, program which consists of Alternative Spring Break, ASB,

and International Immersions. These programs will receive the funds earned from the event. Through ASB, students spend their spring break to travel somewhere in the U.S. to do service for one week. In the International Immersion program, students travel

abroad and spend several loween costume. weeks doing service. “We want everyone to come The programs are fairly ex- out and have a great time,” clusive, turning away almost Manjarrez said. one-third of all applicants. Manjarrez also said that Currently, there is a large the 5k might encounter a few number of students waiting problems concerning campus until later in the year to pro- parking and safety. vide service to communities “This is a huge endeavor loin need. gistically and we are working One such student, Michael with the Campus Police DeJones, is not only a partici- partment and Student Life to pant in ASB, but will be par- ensure that everything runs ticipating in the 5k as one of smoothly,” Manjarrez said. many zombies that will folParticipants may also be low behind runners. “I’m really very “We’ve doubled in size excited to have in the past five years this opportunity to help,” Jones and need the support said. “It’s a great of the community to opportunity to have fun and accomplish our goals.” practice for Halloween.” -Liza Manjarrez, Campus Ministry Campus Ministry not only encourages volunteers to sign up to be zom- concerned about the fact that bies, but encourages any run- a band of zombies will be amners who participate to come bling behind them for almost dressed in their favorite Hal- three miles. Manjarrez says

that the zombies are not allowed to make contact of any kind with any runners and will be clearly marked. “They not only serve as a fun way to encourage the runners to continue, but as a precaution in case anything goes wrong," Manjarrez said. The course will consist of 3.2 miles of obstacles, open space and zombies in an erratic and curving course around campus. “We understand that there may be some participants that may not be able to complete certain challenges,” Manjarrez said. “We will have a person stationed at each obstacle in order to help those who need it.” Miles for a Mission will be on Oct. 28 starting at 8:30 a.m. and will last until all participants cross the finish line. Those interested can sign up by visiting the Miles for a Mission page under Campus Ministry on the University website. Students must pay a fee of $10 while all other adults pay $20.

State Capitol to host literary stars for 2012 Texas Book Festival Bryanna Estrada

The recipient of the 2012 Texas Writer Award, the highest award given by the Texas Book Festival, will be Tim O' Brien, author of "The Things They Carried," as well as six other novels. O'Brien will be awarded on Oct. 27 in the House Chamber of the Texas State Capitol, home of the annual Texas Book Festival. Last year's festival included Chuck Palahniuk, the author of “Fight Club” and “Choke”, as well as Louis Sachar, the

author of “Holes,” and pop les Times. star Lisa Loeb, the author For readers that are young of “Lisa Loeb's Silly Sing Along: The Disappoint“Last year’s festival ing Pancake and included Chuck Other Zany Songs.” This Palahniuk, as well as year’s festival Louis Sachar and pop promises to be star Lisa Loeb.” just as eclectic. Amelia Gray will be giving a lecture on her novel, "Threats," in the Capi- or young-at-heart, Dav tol building at 11:15 a.m. on Pilkey, author of the “Captain Oct. 28. "Threats" is Gray's Underpants” series, will also literary debut and has been be signing books to launch praised by the The Los Ange- the newest installment in the

series. Pilkey can be found at the Children's Signing tent on Colorado St. at 2:45 p.m. on Oct. 28. Along with O'Brien, Gray, Pilkey and a slew of influential literary figures, the festival boasts lectures from celebrities in other fields such as actor Tony Danza and singer-songwriter Kinky Friedman. It would not be an Austin festival, though, without music. Fortunately, the Texas Book Festival also has a music tent on the grounds featuring legendary Dale Watson and the Texas Two among others.

A member of the Austin Music Hall of Fame, Watson is renowned for his integration of rockabilly and Americana. He can be found on Oct. at 2:00 p.m. in the music tent performing hits from his most recent album “The Sun Sessions.” The Texas Book Festival also hosts other programs such as the 11th Annual Fiction Writing Contest. Open to 7th graders, 8th graders and high school students, winners may win a membership to the Writers' League of Texas. The Texas Book Festival

was founded in 1995 by First Lady and former librarian Laura Bush to celebrate authors, as well as what they have contributed to the world of literature. It has grown in both size and scope every year since and the 2012 version promises to be bigger than ever before. Completely free to the public, The Texas Book Festival takes place Oct. 27 and 28 at and around the Texas State Capitol. For more information on speakers, performers and authors attending this year’s festival, visit



WEEKLY ‘FLIX FIX | “The Bunny and the Bull” Dark British comedy blends animation and live action styles Taylor Bencomo

Weekly ‘Flix Fix takes the legwork out of wading through thousands of film choices on Netflix, bringing you the most truly bizarre, quirky and outright amazing gems instant streaming has to offer. “The Bunny and the Bull” is a whimsical tragedy about the life of a shut-in as he has flashbacks of his life before isolation. The movie flashes back and forth between Stephen, played by Edward Hogg, in present reclusive state back to a crazy time in his life when he backpacked across Europe with his crazy, polar opposite friend Bunny, played by Simon Farnaby. As they travel along, misadventure ensues. During their travels, they come across the charming and delightfully potty-mouthed Eloisa, played

by Veronica Echegui, who professes they simply must head to her home country of Spain for her town's riotous, carnal fiesta. The reserved Stephen would all but object, but both he and Bunny are vying for the pretty senorita's affections. The movie takes a dramatic turn for the worse when Bunny takes a legendary matador's suit and gambles it off. The movie is very surreal. Backdrops are stylized and little objects throughout the apartment come to life as Stephen recalls the fateful journey. Half of the movie is animated while the actors are very real. The story is sweet and hilarious as the crazy and thrill-seeking Bunny pushes Stephen far outside his comfort zone. Echegui is a standout. Her performance demands you fall in love with her, just as her

two traveling companions do. “The Bunny and the Bull” is chock full of dark, British humor. It is a well-crafted story showing just how opposites can bring out the best in each other. However, there is also a dark side to that dynamic. As their love for Eloisa leads to one getting her, the other is left in the dust though she teases both of them endlessly. The characters are well-developed, and their awkward dynamic is charming. Bunny makes you cringe at his risky business ways, just as conservative Stephen does. The effects and animated scenery are wonderful, especially when the titular character faces a bull. The scene is electrifying, as Bunny must fight the bull to reclaim the suit, and Stephen attempts to stop him. This is a great bromance film to watch with friends.

Courtesy of Wild Bunch “Bunny and the Bull” is the classic tale of two friends going on a crazy and surreal adventure.


Topper Trends | Leather With temperatures declining, leather accessories are rising Katie Brown

Fashion columnist Katie Brown spots the latest styles on the Hilltop in order to bring the most up to date coverage on what is in, what is out and what to expect for this fashion season. In the 9th grade, I asked for a leather jacket for Christmas. I first saw the jacket at one of my favorite stores, and I instantly knew I had to have it. It was black faux leather, had a cropped bottom and had some really cool snap buttons. Keep in mind that 9th grade for me was during that awkward phase when the only socially “acceptable” clothing came in the form of jeans and baby T’s with the Photo by Katie Brown word Hollister or Abercrom- The leather trend is manifested in many types of clothing. bie & Fitch plastered on the chest. In other words, there fortunately outgrew it a year Pair a leather jacket with was very little diversity when later. a casual pair of jeans and a it came to style. By that time, the leather shirt, or wear leather pants What I came to find was jacket trend had come and with some heels for a night that while I thought my new gone, but I still missed the out. leather jacket With the weather starting was stylish and to get a bit cooler on some cool, my class“The great thing about days, leather has definitely mates seemed become more prominent on leather is that it is a to think othercampus. Much of the leather wise. I see is embellished with versatile fabric.” When I wore studs which incorporates anmy jacket to other trend into the leather school, I rephase. ceived comments that varied little bit of leather it brought Ever since I had my first from “you look like a biker” to my life. leather jacket, I have been to a sarcastic “sweet leather This fall, leather has not awaiting the day that leather jacket.” Yeah, these snarky only made its return in the would come back in style. remarks got to me, but they form of jackets, but also And like most trends, it has. were no competition for the skirts, shirts and even pants. Right now is the time to confidence that beloved jackThe great thing about embrace your inner leather, et gave me. leather is that it is a versa- people. Leather shirts, skirts, I continued to wear my tile fabric, so it can easily be and even jackets are back and jacket with pride until I un- dressed up or dressed down. here to stay at least for now.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 • HILLTOP VIEWS 8 LIFE & ARTS Third annual Austin Beer Week SCARE for a CURE produces offers films, drinks, education creepy hauntings with a heart Nikki Hill

Monique Moreno

With new breweries, brewpubs and bars popping up all over the city, it’s easy to see that Austinites love their beer–so much so that there is an entire week just to celebrate it. This week is the third annual Austin Beer Week, ongoing Oct. 20-28. Even though Austin Beer Week is halfway through, there are still plenty of events happening until Sunday. Check out some of Hilltop Views’ day-by-day picks for the week’s festivities.

October is the time of the year when the boots and sweaters come out, drinking pumpkin spice lattes is socially acceptable again and the arrival of haunted houses throughout town brings an experience unlike any other. People looking for an alternative to the traditional haunted house experience will be interested in SCARE for a CURE, which relies on a 100 percent volunteer staff to create a scary experience. SCARE for a CURE donates its net profits to local charities and organizations. “We're a non-profit and we support the Breast Cancer Resource Center and other charities with the money we earn. It's a great event that happens every October and we are building our 2012 Haunt now at our new home at the J. Lorraine Ghost Town in Manor,” said Becky Garcia, a representative from SCARE for a CURE. Jarrett and Norma Crippen started SCARE for a CURE in 2007. They came together with several others and decided to build an event for a great cause. In 2007, at their inaugural haunt, they raised $5,000 for a cancer-related charity. They have established themselves as a great cause since then and have provided over $80,000 to the Breast Cancer Resource Center and other charities. This year’s theme is “Summer Camp Massacre” and volunteers are designing an event for guests that will be filled with special effects showcasing blood, gore,

Wednesday, Oct. 24

Movie + Beer and Food Pairing Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar will screen the 1993 Canadian comedy “The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew,” paired with some Canadian food specials and Texas’ best selection of strange brews. Featured brews include Circle Brewing’s Dry-hopped Envy Amber, Jester King’s Gotlandsdricka and Real Ale’s Brewers’ Cut Black Quadrupel. Tickets can be purchased for the 7 p.m. screening at

Thursday, Oct. 25

Tastings + ‘Hot Glass Cold Beer’ Showcase Hops & Grain Brewing will be teaming up with the East Side Glass Studio for a beer pairing with a variety of samples and live glass blowing demonstration. The free event is from 6-10 p.m. at the Hops & Grain brewery on the East Side.

Friday, Oct. 26

Beer College – Brown Ales Put down the notebook

Photo by Shannon Wilson A lecture on brown ales will take place at Banger’s on Rainey.

and pick up your glass. John Brack of Austin Homebrew Supply will lecture on a flight of specially selected brown ales: Envy Amber from Circle Brewing, Rook Scotch Ale from Rogness Brewing, Tumbler Brown Ale from Sierra Nevada and Thirsty Goat Amber from Thirsty Planet. Special entrees prepared by the chef of Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden will also be provided. The event is pay as you go and starts at 7 p.m. at Banger’s on Rainey Street.

Saturday, Oct. 27

Draught House 44th Anniversary Celebration Draught House Pub & Brewery will be celebrating its 44th anniversary with an array of cask, barrel-aged, sour, weird, and rare brews. The party will also feature a pig roast–one marinated in smoked beer and the other in pumpkin beer–and music by DJ JBL. Attendees can receive a commemorative glass. The party is pay as you go and starts at 1 p.m. to close.

Sunday, Oct. 28

Austin Beer Week Closing Party Austin Beer Week will team up with Beertown Austin (the makers of the Austin Beer Guide) to close the

week with a party at Black Star Co-op Pub & Brewery. Glassware from Beertown Austin will be available, along with beer leftover from other Austin Beer Week events. The party is from 8 p.m. until closing time and is pay as you go. Check out all events from Austin Beer Week at


Thursday, Oct. 25 | 5 p.m. until close •All (512) brews on special

Uncle Billy’s Brew & Que (Barton Springs)

Friday, Oct. 26 | All day •$2.50 Billy’s House pints, $3.50 Brewer’s Choice pints

Westside Alehouse

Saturday Oct. 27 | 5 p.m. until close •$3.50 pints from Austin breweries •Free beer pong competition

puzzles and obstacles. “It’s so admirable that the volunteer staff is as dedicated to the cause as if they were a paid staff, and the fact that they are donating to cancer-related charities is really awesome,” sophomore Alice McCoy said. Volunteers looking for a unique experience that works for a great cause are encouraged to participate. Volunteers get the chance to learn special effects, how to build sets, how to apply makeup or sew costumes within a short period of time. “Think 'Habitat for Humanity' with a devious twist. Instead of building a nice sturdy home designed to make residents feel safe and secure for a long time, our aim is to make our guests scream, run, cower, crawl and try to figure out a way to get out for a good 45 minutes,” Garcia said. Garcia, a St. Edward’s University alumnus, said that coursework at the university teaches that everyone has social responsibilities and volunteering at this organization helps fulfill this commitment. “We come together and work hard to build an ad-

venture that provides enjoyment and entertainment to all our attendees while raising money to help a great organization,” Garcia said. She also said that within the volunteering program was a mentoring program for younger student actors. “I think it’s great that it’s all done by volunteers, because it’s people giving up their time for a cause that they really believe in. I think advertisements should be placed around campus because so many people would be willing to do it and they may not find out about it otherwise,” junior Bernadette Labrado said. Those looking to attend this year’s haunted house can do so Oct. 25 through Oct. 27 and on Halloween night itself. Tickets are $25 and can only be bought online ahead of time at The haunted house is located in Manor, Texas. “If people are looking to go to a haunted house anyway, they may as well go to some place where the money will go to a great cause that will benefit other people,” sophomore Gabriella Gonzalez said.

Photo by Shannon Wilson The entirely volunteer crew designs sets meant to frighten.



Student group promotes Austinwide food trailer movement Monique Moreno

Food trailers are becoming more and more popular throughout town, and commemorative efforts have been made to maintain the food trailer culture Austin has grown to love. One of those efforts is the creation of Food Trailer Fanatics, a campus organization that celebrates the Austin food trailers. “I think it's awesome to see this revolution of food trailers growing, especially from young people, because it's a cool hip way to spread the love of food from place to place. Not only is trailer food

Photo by Shannon Wilson Hey Cupcake! is a staple fixture at the SoCo food trailers.

usually less expensive than restaurant or brick and mortar food, but it allows for a unique meal,” junior Amanda Hoang said. Hoang, who worked at Iz-

zoz Tacos, now called Melizzoz Tacos, said she remembers how people were always so happy to get things out of food trucks and trailers. “With food trailers, chances

are there will be other food trailers located around each other meaning you can snack from one to another without digging a hole in your wallet.” Hoang said. The group meets at food trucks to bond over a passion of food, and the last event that the group participated in was Trailer Food Tuesdays. Trailer Food Tuesdays takes place the last Tuesday of the month from 5 to 9 p.m. “I had an idea of putting a whole bunch of trailers together, something similar to Gypsy Picnic but something that happened more frequently than that,” said cofounder Eric Silverstein, who owns the Peached Tortilla

and Yumé Burger trucks. Silverstein said the group started meeting in April to discuss details and then started working with the Long Center, where they established a five-month-long contract allowing them to hold a monthly event. An Austin business, c3, said they would produce the event. The free event aims to alleviate the frustration that stems from not being able to track certain trucks and trailers down. It also works to provide a scenic venue where there is a view of downtown Austin in the background. “I think that's a great way to get vendors out there and

noticed by the public ... there are tons and tons of vendors out there in Austin but I only know a fraction of them ... it’s a great way to see which ones are your favorites and which ones you don't really like,” sophomore Erika Marquez said. Trailer Food Tuesdays will be an ongoing monthly event. Although they plan on skipping the colder winter months, the founders hope that this will become a tradition Austin gets to continue for some time. “Food trucks just add to the whole experience of Austin. It doesn't get better than this,” freshman Clair Daly said.

Despite fame, highly talented a cappella group remains humble Brooke Blanton

beat-boxer. Kaplan’s bass contrasts Grassi and Maldonado’s sopranos, all of which surrounds Hoying’s powerful voice and is timed perfectly to Olusola’s beats. Pentatonix mainly performs covers of pop songs, such as “You Da One” by Rihanna, and original songs like “Show You How to Love.”

A cappella group Pentatonix represents everything that is great about music. The five members of the group performed at The Parish on Oct. 20. Pentatonix is made up of Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying, Avi Kaplan, Kirstin Maldo“Pentatonix are so nado and Kevin Olusola. Grassi, brilliant that you don’t Hoying and Malwant to sing because donado sang in then you would miss the choir together at their Arlinga chance to hear their ton, Texas high voices.” school. They added Kaplan and Olusola before auditioning for, and winPentatonix are so brilliant ning, NBC’s “The Sing-Off.” that you do not want to sing Pentatonix released their EP because then you would miss – “PTX Volume 1” – in June a chance to hear their voices. and are touring the country. It is hard not to be imThe main singers are Gras- pressed when the entire si, Hoying and Maldonado, venue is vibrating all from with Kaplan as bass and Olu- beat-boxer Olusola’s powersola as the incredibly gifted ful voice and the octaves en-

compassed between Kaplan and Grassi make you believe you are listening to a full church choir. Combine all of this with their extreme energy on-stage, which includes jokes and choreographed dance numbers, Pentatonix puts on a concert that is hard to forget. Most likable about the singers, perhaps, is their modest and friendly demeanors. Having only recently gained national attention, the pentad has yet to become pretentious, like so many once-humble public figures we encounter. The singers repeatedly reminded the audience how much they loved them, thanked them for their support and told them they were the best audience they had ever had. As the singers started a new song, Maldonado, the sole female in the group, sweetly whispered to a girl in the front row,

“Your shirt is cute!” The concert felt more like listening to your friends perform rather than a production from celebrities. The crowd interaction

made the concert even more entertaining. They brought a shrieking fan onto the stage to be serenaded to and even orchestrated the audience to create their own harmonies.

Pentatonix acted as friendly as if talking to a friend while participating in a meet-andgreet after the show to sign autographs and take photos.

[slapdash] “Trick or terrible treats”


SPORTS Club sports start, finish seasons with success WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 • HILLTOP VIEWS

ended up losing 24-10. The team will continue their season when they play the University of Houston on Oct. 27.

Shelby Cole

Student-run club sports teams spent the weekend of October 19-21 setting team records, traveling out of state and opening and closing their seasons with a bang.

Men’s Club Soccer

Club Cycling

President of the St. Edward’s University Cycling Team Jenna Emerick and teammate Hannah Clark traveled to Angelfire, N.M. on Oct. 18 through Oct. 20 to compete in the USA Cycling Collegiate Mountain Bike Nationals. Emerick placed 24th of 26 in cross country races and 20th of 25 in the short-track. Clark placed 34 of 49 in sprint, 17 of 24 in the scratch race, 44th of 55 in the 3km pursuit, 47th of 60 in the 500m TT and did not place in the points race.

Courtesy of Sofia Ferrari Men’s club soccer advanced to regionals for the first time in the team’s history.

Emerick and Clark raced against other Division II cyclists from across the country, many of whom are professionally sponsored and are used to racing on mountainous terrain, both advantages that the lady Hilltoppers do not share. Emerick said she is pleased with her results given the circumstances. The club

will race at Texas A&M University Oct. 26 and 27.


The St. Edward’s University Rugby Football Club played in the Southwest Collegiate Rugby Conference 7s Championship on Oct. 20. This year was the club’s first time ever competing with a 7s team, and the Hilltoppers

finished in second place overall. The Hilltoppers lost to the University of North Texas by a small margin, but managed to escape the loser’s bracket to take on the University of Texas at Austin in the final. The Hilltoppers went into the second half of the finals match with a 10-7 lead, but

The men’s club soccer team made history when they made it to regionals for the first time in school history, after their 3-2 win over San Antonio College put them in the top of their bracket. Sophomore Olatunbosun Shonibare scored one goal against San Antonio, and sophomore Axel Brave scored two to put the Hilltoppers in the lead of this game. The Hilltoppers will play in the regional tournament at Dallas Baptist University on Oct. 27.

Women’s Club Soccer

The women’s club soccer team won their final game of the season against the University of Texas-Pan Ameri-

can on Oct. 20. Freshman Christabel Lopez scored two goals, Club President and junior Nicole Wellman scored a goal while junior Michaela Larson scored to put the score at 4-0. The team had a total of three wins and four losses this season, an improvement from last year’s 1-7 conference standings.

Men’s Lacrosse

The men’s lacrosse team scrimmaged against the University of Texas at San Antonio on Oct. 20. While the team lost 14-8, individual players played well. Senior Michael Small and junior Aubrey Cherry were the Hilltoppers’ leading goal scorers. The team is set to play a host of games in the spring, with the first game tentatively set to be played against Louisiana State University in Houston on Jan. 26.

Women’s golf breaks program record with second place spot Jessica Bushong

Hilltop Views Archive Junior Ryanne Haddow takes a swing.

The St. Edward's University women's golf team has been hard at work this fall breaking school records while on the road. After bringing home wins from their first two tournaments, the team jumped to No. 2 in the nation. Following two more first place tournament wins, the women ended with a perfect fall season–a feat never before accomplished in St. Edward's history and rare accomplishment in the world of collegiate golf. Senior Wallis Spears excelled in the years leading up to her senior season, and

these four fall tournaments have proved that her time as a senior will continue that success. Her sophomore and junior years ended with AllAmerican honors, and last week she was named the Heartland Conference Golfer of the Week. Although Spears and fellow senior Melisa Gonzalez may lead the team with the most experience, Head Coach Jennifer McNeil said that each teammate adds to the depth of skill on the team. McNeil contributes the team’s success to inter-squad competition. Only the top five of the team's nine players represent at competition, with a sixth player contending individually, but also to the competi-

tive attitude brought to the team by opportunity, as each player has to compete against her teammates for a spot in the next tournament's lineup. Senior Melisa Gonzalez attributes team chemistry to their success as well, “Another big factor that has influence in our success has been that w all get along really well as a team. We spend so much time together travelling and practicing and it is so much fun, it makes everything easier and more enjoyable.” Now that the fall season has concluded on a high note, the women's golf team will continue training hard to be competition-ready for the spring, playing top-ranked Nova Southeastern in the

first week of March. They will seek to be one of the top nine teams in the West who will earn a spot in the regional tournament in May. The winner of regionals advances

to a super-regional, and the top 3 teams at the superregional will then advance to the national tournament – an opportunity the team hopes is in their future.

MEN’S GOLF UPDATE The St. Edward’s Men’s golf team started the first day of their last tournament of the year at Bayonet Golf Course in Seaside, Calif. today. Currently tied for second with a score of eleven over par, the men trail only CSU-Monterey Bay going in to day two. With sophomore David Arismendy currently leading the team, St. Edward’s

looks to pull away from Western Washington and hold its lead over Nova Southeasthern and Barton College. Through nine holes of his second round, Drew Bell, competing as an individual, is currently three under par. With 27 holes left to play, Bell is on the top of leaderboard and looks to expand his lead.




Men’s soccer gains Brit on the pitch Shelby Sementelli

Cambridge native Andrew Fox has notched seven goals and two assists this season. He also earned Heartland Conference Offensive Player of the Week for the week of Oct. 1-7. SS: Have you adjusted to American culture? Andrew Fox: Yeah, I would say I’m settled in now. The biggest differences I’d say would be the heat, the sense of humor and the dress sense. They all take a bit of getting used to. SS: As a midfielder, do you prefer the offensive or defensive aspect of your position? AF: The offensive side of it. I love to score goals. It’s my favorite part of the game. SS: How do you celebrate a goal? AF: I usually just celebrate with all the boys. I leave the memorable celebrations to Danny Riley. He’s the creative lad on the team.

Sports Information Fox has five goals and two assists on the season.

SS: How does your family

feel about your moving so far away? AF: They’re happy about it and pleased that I’m doing something exciting with my life. SS: What is it like coming from a culture where soccer is huge, to the U.S., where soccer is not as well known? AF: It’s a bit sad because I

miss the football culture back home. Everyone’s so passionate about it in England. However, it has made me watch American sports more, and I’m now a fan of basketball and American football. Not so much baseball. SS: What is your favorite part of Austin? AF: I like the Hill Country. There are some nice sights and some fun things to do. I had a day out on a boat on Lake Travis last semester, and that was really good. SS: Where have you been in the U.S.? AF: I’ve been all over Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado for games. When I was younger, I went to California, New York and Las Vegas. I’m really pleased I ended up in Austin. After seeing different areas of Texas, I know now that Austin is much better than most places. SS: When did you start

Column as I see ‘em Nolan Green

Column as I see ‘Em is your weekly fix for all things NFL. Here are some of the highlighted games for week 8.

Carolina at Chicago

Carolina needs a win to keep any hopes of playoffs alive. Look for Cam to do his thing and have a solid

second half of the season. Panthers by 3.

playing soccer? AF: As soon as I could walk. It’s what every boy in England does when he’s young. It’s a national pastime. SS: Who was your sports role model as a child? AF: Steven Gerrard and David Beckham were my role models. They’re both English players I grew up watching, and have both been captains for the English team. Gerrard is also Liverpool’s captain, and Liverpool is the team I support. SS: How do you take players on, one-on-one? AF: I try to get to top speed as quickly as possible and move to one side of the defender at the last minute so it’s difficult for him to read and make a tackle. SS: After St. Edward’s, where do you see yourself? AF: Hopefully playing soccer professionally somewhere. We’ll see if I get any opportunities in the future.

Week 8 Predictions

Lions by 3.

Steelers by 14.

Coming off a bye week, the Chargers and Rivers are looking towards the playoffs. San Diego by 10.

Atlanta, fresh off a bye week and still rolling undefeated don’t give the Eagles a chance to win. Falcons by 7.

Dallas got off with two lucky calls against Carolina last week. The Giants won’t allow Dallas to get the chance this week. Giants by 14.

Detroit has won plenty of tough games so far, but Seattle may prove more of a challenge than expected.

Pittsburgh still continues to stay under the radar, despite solid numbers on offense and defense.

San Diego at Cleveland

Seattle at Detroit

Atlanta at Philadelphia

Washington at Pittsburgh

NY Giants at Dallas

New Orleans at Denver

Peyton Manning goes off on the Saints weak D. Denver by 14.

Student Health 101 gives wellness tips Lesli Simms

10 is the orientation issue, which is specifically “designed to help freshmen make the transition to college,” Erickson said. Each monthly magazine is about 40 pages in length and includes videos and student surveys. For every article, there is a corresponding video with a St. Edward’s student relating to the subject. Some of the videos include interviews with students, while others show students demonstrating exercises and preparing healthy meals. The

The Health and Counseling Center recently released a monthly online magazine entitled Student Health 101. The magazine debuted during the summer with a special orientation issue. Student Health 101 is a national program for administrators, students and parents. This online resource contains health and wellness articles, videos featuring students from various colleges and more. The magazine also includes a drawing to win “Student Health 101 $1,000. is a national program There are six for administrators, pages dedicated to campus instudents, and parents. formation and This online resource events at St. Edward’s. The contains health and events featured in wellness articles, the magazine are not just those put videos featuring on by the Health students... and more.” and Counseling Center. The most recent issue details the event schedule for the student interviews are proGlobal Health and Infectious duced by Jordan OvershounDisease Symposium as well Hall, Patrick Dunlap, Kelly as a link connecting students Urtiaga and Claire Stone– to more information about the Hilltopper Peer Health the event. The magazine Educators. also includes information Students can access the about Relationship Violence magazine either through the Awareness Month. magazine’s Facebook page or “[The] monthly online on the magazine’s website. magazine [is] designed to On the Facebook page, stuprovide health and wellness dents can sign up for a subinformation that is relevant scription to the magazine. to college students,” Peter Er- With a subscription, students ickson, wellness and outreach can receive Student Health services coordinator for the 101 monthly via their email. Health and Counseling CenThe Hilltopper Peer Health ter, said. Educators will have a kickThere will be 10 monthly off pizza party on Ragsdale issues between September Lawn on Oct. 24. and June. Not included in the

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 • HILLTOP VIEWS 12 SPORTS SPORTS CALENDAR Chess club provides casual and competitive play Peter Beck

The St. Edward’s University Chess Club will bring a new addition to the roster of casual and competitive events on campus. “Just 10 people showed up for the introductory meeting—people who had been playing for fun with their own boards on the weekends. They talked about bringing their friends out next time,” sophomore Chess Club founder Jack Sanders said. Sanders expects 15 to 20 people to show up at the first official meetings, which start in early November. “Of all the special interest groups, every university has a chess club. [St. Edward’s] should be no different,” Sanders said.

His actions have set the stage for the club’s development. Interested beginners are invited to come and learn the rules of the game, and the meetings will provide networking opportunities among the campus’ avid players. Part of the chess club’s agenda is to develop a team that will travel and compete in the future. Sanders sees himself more as an organizer or coordinator than a team leader. “I am in no way the leader of the club,” Sanders said. “If people want to go in that direction, that is what we will decide, but it will all depend on the level of our players.” As a game that stresses critical thinking over physical prowess, the development of players’ skill would depend on self-attentive strategy rather than a regi-

ment of body conditioning. As for the development of their skills, Timur Gareer, a chess Grandmaster, has recently moved to the Austin area and is seeking to recruit students. The club is working on inviting him to campus to play against its members. The title Grandmaster symbolizes a player recognized by the World Chess Federation. ‘Grandmaster’ is the highest level of renown a chess player can achieve. Sanders described the level of intellect one requires to be successful at chess. “I think chess is a mental sport as opposed to a physical one,” Sanders said. “It takes a tremendous amount of mental dexterity to not break down at some point in a game. The amount of mental stress it puts on the brain is comparable to the physical

MEN’S SOCCER Thurs. 10/25 | 3:30 p.m. vs. St. Mary’s Sat. 10/27 | 2:30 p.m. vs. TAMU- International

WOMEN’S SOCCER Thurs. 10/25 | 1:00 p.m. vs. St. Mary’s Sat. 10/27 | 12:00 p.m. vs. TAMU - International

Los Angeles Times/MCT Chess club encourages rookie players to come give it a try.

stress an athlete encounters on the field. It is literally warfare on a board.” One of their goals is to add the St. Edward’s Chess Club to the registry of the Austin Chess Club, a parent orga-

nization that, in the future, could bring expo days or chess lectures to the campus. Prospective students are encouraged to look for flyers in the next week for details on the club’s first meeting.

Tours provide running fans with jogging good time Sara Sanchez

Courtesy of Sara Sanchez The Texas Beer Run took runners to Shiner’s Saloon.

Running can be both fun and informative thanks to City Running Tours, which opened up shop in Austin and have been leading guided runs for nearly two years. City Running Tours started in 2005 and operates group and personalized running tours in cities across the country, including Chicago, San Francisco and, now, Austin. The Austin location started running in February and is managed by Lee Ackerley, a Houston native and Boston University graduate who says he runs the tours because it is the best way for him to meet new people. “You have got your granola-eating hippie types as well as serious marathoners and

triathletes in Austin, which makes it one of the best places to train,” Ackerley said. For a fee, you can sign up for either a guided run or a personalized run with City Running Tours. The structure of the run is based on the preferences and running experience of the groups. There can be a run with stops at landmarks or a run without stops. Group runs include a Downtown Austin Historic 5K, Scenic Parks 10K and a Texas Beer Run 5K. The Texas Beer Run goes through downtown Austin and makes stops at local bars, including the famous Shiner Saloon and Kung Fu Saloon. On Oct. 20, the run was led by tour guide Rusty Tolliver. “My favorite place [to run] changes every day,” Tolliver

said. “You walk by something a thousand times a day, then you find out it has been there for 200 years or something.” Tolliver is no stranger to running for a cause, as he has run from Boston to Austin and around Bastrop County to raise money for charity. The Beer Run also includes historic facts about downtown and Lady Bird Lake. Ackerley says the running tours are comprised half by locals and half by tourists from other states and surrounding Texas areas. Also, the running experience of participants ranges widely. “We have people who have never run a mile in their life as well as people who are training for marathons, and we make it fun for them,” Ackerley said. “With the Texas Beer Run, we even get

guys with beer bellies.” Charles Boone, a tourist from Houston, drank his first Shiner Oktoberfest beer on the Beer Run. He also recently ran his first 5k. “[The beer is] good, it does not leave an aftertaste and it tastes great,” Boone said. Ackerley started running in 2007 and has run 14 marathons since then. He says his favorite place to run in Austin is up and down Shoal Creek. Ackerley’s 15th marathon will be the New York City Marathon in November, but he says Austin is among his favorite places to run around the United States. “The weather, amenities and running clubs and stores make it,” Ackerley said. “It is the community that really fosters [running].”

VOLLEYBALL Thurs. 10/25 | 7:00 p.m. vs. McMurry Sat. 10/27 | 12:00 p.m. vs. UT-Permian Basin Tues. 10/30 | 7:00 p.m. vs. Incarnate Word

MEN’S CLUB SOCCER Sat. 10/20 Regionals @ UT-Dallas

RUGBY Sat. 10/27 @ University of Houston

CYCLING Fri. 10/26-Sat. 10/27 Texas A&M - Warda, TX





Twitter should champion free speech if possible Early this year, Twitter unveiled a device and policy that finds and removes offensive content from its site if a foreign government requests it. On Oct. 19, Twitter used this device for the first time, blocking the German neoNazi group Better Hanover. German officials sent a letter to Twitter explaining that the Better Hanover should be banned from Twitter due to their hate speech, according to The Guardian. Twitter complied with the German request because Nazi rhetoric is illegal in Germany. A Twitter representative explained in The Guardian that the group’s offensive content was blocked in Germany, but still accessible elsewhere since the German government cannot censor content outside

Germany. Hours after shutting down the neo-Nazi account, Twitter removed tweets under an anti-Semitic hashtag. The posts were deleted after the Union of Jewish Students of France threatened to get a court order under French law, which forbids discrimination based on race, ethnicity or race. Elsewhere, Twitter shut down the official Twitter page of British National Party Chairman, Nick Griffin. According to the BBC, Griffin tweeted a request for the home addresses of a gay couple that won an antidiscrimination case, and he further explained that a gay couple should not feel persecuted when discriminated against because people have

the right to discriminate. With numerous laws on censorship throughout the world, Twitter must strike a balance between not only appeasing various countries, but also upholding the concept of free speech. The purpose of Twitter and other social media sites depends on the person using the platform. While some use Twitter to promote their political stances, others use it to discuss trending topics in pop culture. Regardless of who is using Twitter, it serves as a platform to exchange and communicate ideas. So is censorship of speech, even if its at the request of a governing body, an ethical approach for the company? Because Twitter is a private company, it has the right to

police and censor the content content is not a novel concept of its site if content fails to in the world of online comadhere to its guidelines. De- munication, but it is surprisspite this, because Twitter is ing for Twitter, a site famous such a massively popular platform “Americans tend to for worldwide communication, expect free speech, but the lines are fine people...around the between Twitter’s private stanworld don’t have that dards and govsame expectation.” ernment policies on censorship. According to Twitter’s Terms of Service, for championing acts of free Twitter reserves the right to speech. remove content if it violates Twitter is an American an applicable law or legiti- company, and Americans mate governmental request. tend to expect free speech Essentially, Twitter has the with few exceptions, but peoright to censor specific tweets ple and governments worldas long as there is a legitimate wide do not have that same legal reason to do so. expectation. Thus, Twitter The right to censor certain must tread carefully when

dealing with these foreign governments. While foreign governments cannot technically tell Twitter what to do, they could presumably take harsh action and block the social media platform. While censorship may seem contrary to Twitter’s history of allowing free speech in situations like the Arab Spring, censorship is a necessary evil if Twitter wishes to maintain its worldwide influence. Twitter should comply with governments’ requests to censor tweets only when the request is legitimate and lawful. If a government’s request seems illegitimate, frivolous or unlawful, Twitter should continue its precedent of championing free speech.

Occupy movement makes lasting impact despite losing steam Michael Darling

Over a year ago, the Occupy movement exploded as major news outlets began covering the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City’s Zuccotti Park. The protest quickly spread around the world in less than a month, but the movement has lost steam over the past year as authorities have cleared out all of the major Occupy camps around the country. While the movement has largely dropped out of public consciousness, Occupy protestors in cities around the world remain determined to have their voices heard, which raises the question, is the Occupy movement over, or can it still make a differ-

Wikimedia Commons The Occupy protests effected many cities, including Austin.

ence? So far, Occupy has not led to any clear, quantifiable change in the American financial sector, which appears

to be the movement's main goal. The goals and demands page of details the movement’s purpose: essentially, to protect the ma-

jority of Americans from the reckless, greedy actions of corporations and the superrich. Since the movement began, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained more than 14 percent, a pretty clear sign that Occupy has not done much in the way of prying American institutions and society from the greedy hands of the capitalist pigs. Clearly, the financial inequality Occupy has fought so hard to curb is still rampant, as major American corporations like aerospace giant Hawker Beechcraft are continuing to sell to investors overseas, putting the responsibility of employee pensions on the federal government and bringing in massive bonuses for executives.

While the measurable impact of Occupy is virtually nonexistent, the movement is far from over. Occupiers have been extremely successful in making the income inequality in America a topic of public discourse. All major social revolutions in American history have begun with one thing: awareness. After the public becomes aware of a social injustice or inequality, people begin to discuss and debate new ideas, creating a polarized climate where change becomes not only possible but necessary for the survival of the country. Occupy is about progress through change generated by the masses–the 99 percent. It is unreasonable to expect major changes to occur in

one year. Occupy is about disseminating information, forcing the country to look at something that most would rather deny exists, choosing instead to believe in the fantasy of a classless America. The Occupy movement had and will continue to have a great impact on the way that the public views American society, and is one of the most important social movements of this century. By shedding light on the income inequality in the United States, Occupiers are beginning the next phase of American social evolution, a challenging and exciting process that will hopefully lead to a more peaceful society in which all people have equal access to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

14 VIEWPOINTS Virtual learning environments don’t work for every student


Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson goes unnoticed and has long been decried as a travesty of civil liberties. Conservatives get a balanced budget and Johnson’s promise never to infringe on the right to bear arms. He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace the entire tax code with one tax on whatever people spend, known as the “Fair Tax.” If that is not enough, Johnson has a seriously stellar record. He served two terms as New Mexico’s Republican

Jacob Sanchez

Sam Jackson

Virtual learning is on the rise for higher education. Many colleges, including Austin Community College and St. Edward’s University conduct courses online, and some classes are a mixture of traditional classrooms and online learning. State senators are currently holding a hearing on virtual learning, and analyzing it from successful to notso-successful programs. The acting chairwoman for the hearing is Democratic Sen. Leticia Van de Putte of San Antonio. Virtual learning classes are effective, but they cannot totally replace the traditional classroom for many subjects. English, science, and history cannot be taught through a virtual classroom as these subjects require a more hands-on approach. Science cannot be taught online, rather, students need a lab to see what science can do through experiments. Science is a subject that must be experienced, not shown on a computer. Some subjects that could be taught online are math and computer sciences. These subjects do not necessarily need to be taught in a classroom. They are subjects that a students could easily learn from the comfort of their homes. That being said, not all students learn this way. Some require a more hands-on approach than just watching a professor teach over the Internet. For these students, a traditional classroom is needed. The middle ground between a completely virtual

Election Day is approaching and as voters make their choice, they may have forgotten someone. He is Gary Johnson, ex-governor of New Mexico and presidential candidate for the Libertarian party. Some of you may be thinking third party candidates are spoilers who pull support away from legitimate candidates. Brian Smith, St. Edward’s University professor of political science, “If anyone deserves and interim dean to be president, it is of the School of Johnson. So why can’t Behavioral and Social Sciences, more people get a agrees. chance to hear him in “We love [third parties] in theory, the national debates?” but we never vote for them,” Smith said. “Survey after survey, governor, stomping the Demthey say ‘Oh yeah, America ocratic nominees twice in a needs a third party,’ but when very Democratic state. When push comes to shove we never he left office, the state’s budvote for the guys.” get was balanced with a surIt is time to change that plus, taxes were not raised, kind of thinking, because and he created 20,000 new Gary Johnson looks like the jobs. candidate many Americans Cementing his “wow” facare waiting for. So why are we tor, Johnson has competed in not hearing more about him? several Ironman Triathlons, He’s been a tireless advocate and scaled Mount Everest, of legalizing and taxing mari- reportedly with a broken leg. juana instead of criminalizIf anybody deserves to be ing it. He supports giving the president, it is Johnson. So same rights that heterosexual why does he not appear in couples enjoy to gay couples. more national debates? He supports a woman’s right According to the Commisto choose, except in cases of sion on Presidential Debates, late- term abortion, favors Johnson needs a 15 percent pulling out of Afghanistan, poll rating to participate. and has vowed not to bomb Right now, Johnson polls at Iran. six percent nationwide, when Also, he wants to repeal he is included in polls at all. the PATRIOT Act, the legFinally, there is the fact that islation signed five days after the Johnson’s campaign is, Sept. 11 that gave the federal by today’s standards, slim on government increased power cash.

Photo by Erin Reas Virtual courses take the learning environment online.

and traditional classroom is a blended course. This is course in which traditional teaching and online teaching converge. For the Spring 2013 semester, St. Edward’s has seven blended courses listed in the undergraduate course listings. These blended courses include business, marketing and chemistry courses, but the majority undergraduate classes are traditional courses, held in a traditional classroom. St. Edward’s offers considerably more blended courses for graduate students and New College students. Graduate students and New College students can take blended courses in almost every subject area offered to them. Blended courses are the best option for students who want a modern approach to learning while also not giving up a classroom experience. These courses give students a professor that can be seen and talked to face-toface while also giving them the chance to experience the emerging idea of an virtual

classroom. Virtual learning is not the future for every single student, but neither is traditional learning. Students must make their own decision on how they want to learn. For some it may be more convenient to take an online course, but there will still be those who want and need a traditional setting. Regardless of what the senators decide, they cannot require all schools to have virtual learning. In some schools there are set values that would be lost in translation from a physical class to an online one. Ultimately the choice is up to the students whether or not virtual learning is a good fit for them. They must decide for themselves; the school or state cannot make the decision. Virtual learning will not replace the traditional classroom. Instead, it can be used as a supplement to it. The more ways students have to learn, the more successful they will be at learning.

However, do not count Johnson out. He filed suits against the Commission on Presidential Debates and both major parties, accusing them of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. He also continues on his grassroots campaign. He hosted three “Ask Me Anything” events on the website Reddit and toured colleges across America, hoping to fire up youth. On Sept. 24, Johnson spoke at UT-Austin. When Johnson hit the stage, cheers filled the auditorium. He blasted Romney on immigration and other issues and slammed Obama as an under-performer. It was a great speech, but it was hard to listen to with the elephant in the room, as the current system won’t let a third-party candidate like Gary Johnson through except by a miracle. “The notion of ‘wasted vote,” he mused at the end of his speech. “What is a more wasted vote than voting for somebody you don’t believe in?”

Wikimedia Commons Gary Johnson is the Libertarian candidate for president.



Vice President Joe Biden’s debate performance is a success Jacob Sanchez

After President Barack Obama’s bad performance at the first debate, Vice President Joe Biden had a lot of ground to make up at his debate against Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan on Oct. 11. Biden brought the fight that Democrats needed. The debate covered a wide variety of issues, ranging from the economy to foreign affairs to abortion. Many expected Ryan to be the one to win this debate with his knowledge of facts and figures about the government, but he did not win — Biden won. While Ryan did bring some facts and figures

to the debate, many of them were flat-out wrong. Biden knew Ryan’s claims were false, clear from his body language as well as calling Ryan out. The first question of the night was about the terrorist attack in Libya, to which Ryan was the first to respond. He said that it took the President two weeks to label the attack as terrorist related. Biden would then respond back with, “That’s a bunch of malarkey.” Biden was correct. During the debate, Biden stated that Romney’s tax plan would not work, citing a study from the Tax Policy Center. Ryan countered Biden by saying that Romney’s tax plan would work, claiming six studies have

HILLTOP VIEWS 3001 S. Congress Ave.#964, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512) 448-8426 Fax: (512) 233-1695 Kristina Schenck Editor-in-Chief

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Hilltop Views is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. Edward’s University. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the university, whose mission is grounded in the teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church. Letter Policy: Hilltop Views welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for space, grammar and clarity. Letters will be published at our discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

proven it. These studies actually found that only by reinterpreting many terms would Romney’s plan actually work. Again, Biden was correct. The question that some voters were hoping for was about abortion. The moderator, ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz, asked how each candidate’s Catholic faith played a role in his views on abortion. Ryan was the first to answer – he took a long a pause and a deep sigh before explaining his position on abortion. Ryan’s answer to the question was, in a nutshell, that his first daughter looked like a “bean” when he first saw her on a sonogram. He did not go any deeper into the issue.

Mark Cornelison/Lexington Herald-Leader/MCT Vice Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Paul Ryan recently debated the issues on TV.

Biden explained that he respects the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion, but does not want to impose his own faith on Americans. He believes that the decision to get an abortion should only be made by a woman and her partner. Biden and Ryan, as vice

presidential candidates, are extremely important to the election process. Choosing a running mate is the first executive-like decision a presidential candidate makes. It shows how he or she could approach issues, and it shows voters who would become Commander-in-Chief if,

God forbid, something happened to the President. The clear winner of the debate was Vice President Joe Biden. He had a commanding presence and showed that he could also wrangle the facts. Unlike Ryan, Biden is not full of malarkey.

Television characters enforce stereotypes Kelsey Acosta

Representation of LGBTQ characters on TV is on the rise, according to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD. But any representation is not always good representation. GLAAD recently released their 17th annual “Where We Are on TV” report. This annual report looks at the prevalence of the LGBTQ community in mainstream television. It also looks at the gender ratio among characters and the prevalence of ethnic and racial minorities. The report found that 4.4 percent of the regular and recurring characters on the 2012-13 broadcast network television season are members of the LGBTQ community, according to Mercury News. This is an increase from

the prevalence of LGBTQ on television. Some shows characters in the 2011-12 like Modern Family and television season, which was Happy Endings are better 2.9 percent. “Mainstream” about their portrayal of gays cable networks also improved but still fall short of displayfrom last year by adding six ing the complex and nuanced more gay characters to their nature of the LGBTQ com2012-13 lineup, moving the count from 29 to 35 “These characters gay characters, are often simply according to The Wall Street Jourstereotypes of nal. gays, lesbians and Over the last 15 bisexuals.” years, the prevalence of LGBTQ characters has increased dramatically. How- munity. ever, there is a difference beThe majority of the gay tween having gay characters characters on TV are stereoand having characters that typical. They are depicted in are truly representative of the a stable relationship or as the LGBTQ community. These faithful, flamboyant side kick. characters are often simply Lesbians on TV are typically stereotypes of gays, lesbians very feminine, and their sexuand bisexuals. ality is often overplayed. BiGay men still make up the sexual characters are usually majority of the gay characters depicted as having had some

kind of relationship with the same sex in the past, but tend to end up in a heterosexual relationship. This formulaic and predictable portrayal of gays on television is quickly becoming rather tiresome. The focus when writing these characters should be quality, not quantity. It is time to start adding real depth to these characters. Real progress is going to come from giving gay characters the same complexity and depth that audiences expect from straight characters. If these networks and shows are going to invest their time in these gay characters, they should explore what it actually means to be a member of the LGBTQ community in America. The members of the LGBTQ community are diverse and complex. Once that happens on TV, we can achieve a bit more equality.



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