Issue #1 - Jan. 27, 2010

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Hilltop Views S t .

E d w a r d ’ s

U n i v e r s i t y

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Volume 27 | Issue 1

6 Entertainment: Hilltop Views

Teresa Hall Residence Sports: A look at 7 Features: 11 Director Christy Brown to appear the top ten sports

interviews OK Go drummer Dan Konopka.

on Jeopardy! game show.

University turns 125

stories from over the break.

H1N1 shots have arrived Allison Sanders After the H1N1 virus hit St. Edward’s University hard last fall, the Health and Counseling Center has received a shipment of H1N1 vaccines. The shipment of vaccines came during the week of Jan. 11 when classes started for the spring semester, according to Katie Brosnan, a registered nurse at the Health and Counseling Center. The university received 300 vaccines after initially asking for 500 doses in October. The university did not receive any H1N1 vaccines last fall. The vaccine’s release was unexpectedly delayed

Christina Villareal

A shipment of the H1N1 vaccine recently arrived.

nationwide and began to be distributed on a wide scale in December. The vaccines were paid for

and distributed by the federal government and were CONTINUED ON | 3

Schultz memorialized St. Edward’s University Archives St. Edward’s University has seen many changes since its founding in 1885.

Jenny Trochez The year 2010 not only marks the beginning of a new decade, it is also St. Edward’s University’s 125th anniversary, and the university is going to celebrate by giving back. On Feb. 15, Student Life will host the Homecoming Kickoff event that will celebrate St. Edward’s 125th year anniversary. The Kickoff, taking place from 11 a.m. –2 p.m. on the Ragsdale Lawn,

will introduce the celebratory 125 Service Challenge. Through the challenge, the university intends for students, faculty and alumni to participate in 75,000 hours of community service for the year 2010, in celebration of the 125th year anniversary. “Clearly giving back to the community has always been a part of St. Ed’s,” said Mischelle Diaz, director of communications. “It is a part of the holy cross mission. I can’t

see this University celebrating any milestone as major as 125 years without a service component, so that’s what this is about. ” Regardless of the number of hours each participant dedicates to service, every hour brings the university one step closer to achieving the 75,000 hour goal. Last year, the university contributed 63,000 hours of service, CONTINUED ON | 4

Tristan Hallman Friends, family, colleagues and students gathered Jan. 16 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel at St. Edward’s University to remember Associate Communication Professor Marilyn Schultz. “Amazing Grace” and “White Coral Bells,” a song that gave Schultz inspiration at a time when she most needed it, a friend said, filled the packed chapel not far from where Schultz taught over the years. Schultz, a former NBC News correspondent who

came to St. Edward’s in 2002 as an associate professor after spending 10 years teaching at the University of Texas, died after a brief illness Jan. 10 at St. David’s South Austin Hospital. She was 64. Fr. Lou Brusatti , dean of the School of Humanities, delivered the opening prayer and was the first to eulogize his friend and neighbor of seven years. “She spent her life seeking God’s righteousness and making it happen in the here and now,” Brusatti said. Brusatti remembered

Schultz as entertaining and energetic, but also argumentative and persistent, even while facing death. “I woke up Monday morning after a long Sunday vigil at her hospital bedside; a vigil with all of her colleagues from the Communication Department and other members of the St. Edward’s community, the Brothers of the Holy Cross and her friends,” Brusatti said. “Of course, she wanted none of us to be there.” Brusatti said that Schultz CONTINUED ON | 2

Page 2 | NEWS

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Construction continues

Tribute paid to professor Continued from page 1

Dyan Cannon

The carpet and seating in Jones Auditorium have been replaced after flooding.

Megan Ganey Construction at St. Edward’s University continues this semester as ongoing projects come to a close and new projects break ground. Over the winter break, Physical Plant took advantage of the empty campus to begin work on several projects and continued others that were already underway last semester. The Scarborough-Phillips Library received a face lift. In an attempt to give the library an updated look, the reception desk was relocated, and new seating was added. Among other ongoing campus projects is an extension to the fire line between Fleck Hall and the Scarborough-Phillips Library. The line is 60 to 65 percent complete, said Michael Peterson, director of the Physical Plant. Work on the new intramural field outside of Teresa Hall has also started. Several construction projects have recently been completed or are close to being finished. The St. Edward’s fountain, located in front of Main Building in the Ragsdale Plaza, is complete and operational after being shut down last semester because of “Stage 2” water restrictions and a leaking water

pump, Peterson said. After being closed since Sept. 28 because of a leak in a chiller pipe in Ragsdale Center, repairs to Jones Auditorium are near completion. Finishing touches are being made to the structural portion of the auditorium, mainly in the crawlspace. Many on campus are happy to hear that Jones Auditorium will be reopening in the next few weeks, including some in the Student Life office. Katrina Woolery, assistant director of Student

and programs have successfully worked together and compromised to accommodate the campus community. “I must say that the Ragsdale Center staff has and continues to do a tremendous job coordinating the scheduling needs of our campus and should be commended for their patience and effort,” said Woolery. The next major project on campus will start this semester and will tie the Fine Arts building and St.

...repairs to Jones Auditorium are close to completion.

Life Programming and Transitional Experiences, said having the space available again will be a relief. “Any time general meeting space is shut down, it will impact Student Life due to the number and frequency of activities offered by our office,” Woolery said. “Jones is our only true auditorium on campus, and several of Student Life’s programs are best suited for this type of venue.” Although the closure of Jones Auditorium has caused inconveniences, Woolery said that all offices

Joseph’s Hall into the central chiller plant. “This is intended to separate the [Fine Arts] building and St. Joe’s from the same heating and cooling unit,” said Peterson. “It will allow for better temperature control in the arts building.” In the meantime, construction tape is likely to remain a familiar sight on campus.

was intensely focused and could be either wonderfully entertaining or argumentative, depending on the day. Always, he said, Schultz made everyone feel welcome. “At the end of the day, we could always give a hug and have a drink,” Brusatti said. He added that Schultz won a lot of their arguments. She strongly supported the creation of the Journalism Minor, he said. The veteran broadcast journalist who created “Father Basil Moreau: A Legacy of Hope” also consistently pushed for more technology, he added, which led to a classroom in Trustee Hall that has an Apple computer at every seat. Most recently, Schultz helped win administrative approval for Hilltop Views to begin publishing an online edition. Courtney Simon, a friend of Schultz’s since the two were in the theater program at Indiana University, spoke fondly of Schultz’s infectious personality. “Indiana University in the mid-60s seemed like kind of a tame place until I met Marilyn,” Simon said. “Tame was not a word that applied. She was brave, she was reckless, she was willing to break the rules and no wonder all of us were falling all over each other to try to be her friend because she did all the things that we were too chicken to try.” Schultz and Simon went to New York, where Schultz began her career as a production assistant for Chet Huntley and David Brinkley near the end of the Huntley-Brinkley Report’s 15-year run on NBC. Schultz eventually returned to Indiana for her graduate degrees. Before receiving those degrees, Schultz led the plaintiffs in a gender discrimination lawsuit against NBC in the 1970s. The case went

on for seven years before an out-of-court settlement was reached. Simon said that Schultz always fought for what she thought was right and was always authentic in her pursuits. “I counted on her to have no patience for people who were pompous,” Simon said. “Marilyn was the antithesis of that. There was not a phony bone in her body.” After the memorial service, many headed to the Maloney Room for a reception. There, those who knew Schultz exchanged their favorite stories about the times when Schultz “disciplined them,” or the many times when Schultz confused the contacts in her iPhone and called the wrong person, or what it was like to work down the hall from Schultz. In the background, a slideshow featuring photos of Schultz, almost always surrounded by her friends, was shown, with every picture featuring Schultz displaying a wide-eyed grin. Students remembered Schultz for her “wicked sense of humor.” “She was just really funny and really energetic, and even when she wasn’t energetic, she was energetic,” senior Rebecca Robinson said. Senior Mackenzie Jenkins, who had Schultz as an academic advisor and as a professor for a number of classes, said that she will remember Schultz for being easily approachable and quirky. “My favorite memory is having dinner at her house,” Jenkins said. “She had just got two exactly identical 52inch screen TVs, and she had been bragging to us about them in our class. I’m pretty sure that the only reason she invited us over was to show off her new TVs.” Josh Brown, who graduated May 2009, said that he remembers Schultz for her brutal honesty and for the way she cared for all of her

Courtesy of Fr. Lou Brusatti

Professor Marilyn Schultz

students. “She would cross all your T’s and dot all of your I’s for you,” Brown said. Associate Professor of Humanities Kelley CoblentzBautch echoed the sentiment of Schultz’s students. “What has always intrigued me about Marilyn was her incredible sense of humor and her deep spiritual life as well,” Coblentz-Bautch said. “She has truly been a light for so many at the St. Edward’s University campus and for me, personally.” Simon said that she believes Schultz was meant to teach because teaching helped Schultz combine her talents to create something that would last long after Schultz was gone. Still, Simon said she did not expect Schultz to be gone so suddenly. “How could someone so alive suddenly not be?” Simon said. “But, maybe, when you burn as hard and as bright as she did, you can’t last as long. It takes too much out of you. And all the rest of us can do is thank our lucky stars that we got to go along for part of the ride.”

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NEWS | Page 3

Residential village receives architectural award LaRahia Smith The residential village that houses Hunt, LeMans and Johnson Halls at St. Edward’s University received its second architectural award over the winter break, this time from the Polis Blog. On Dec. 12, 2009 the village was honored on the Polis Blog, as one of the “Best Architecture Projects of 2009.” The award’s judging process was conducted on an international scale, and St. Edward’s ranked in seventh place among eight other unique buildings whose locations varied from New York, to Japan to Sweden. The Polis Blog is a Web site authored by 14 architects, academics and urban designers from around the country. “It’s exciting to see the residential village on a list and in the company of so many other exciting architectural projects from around the world,” said Director of Communi-

cations Mischelle Diaz. In addition to the residence halls, the village houses the Health and Counseling Center, the Huddle and Hunt Café. Together, LeMans and Hunt Halls house 219 freshmen, while Lady Bird Johnson is home to 81 upperclassmen. The residential village has also received the “Student Architecture Award 2009.” Dave Rozeboom, residence life director, said the award could benefit the school’s enrollment rate. “I think the award has a positive impact on our school, because it highlights that SEU is growing,” Rozeboom said. “It also raises a general awareness about our school, and that coincides with the greater national renown that we are experiencing.” Kelly Zhu, a freshman and current resident of Hunt Hall, said she appreciates the building’s unique layout and the proximity of the Health and Counseling Center and

Christina Villarreal

The residential village has received two architectural awards to date.

the dining options. “It’s definitely different,” Zhu said. “I really like how

on the outside it looks original and on the inside it looks all detailed and intricate.”

In total, the complex consists of 119,000 square feet. Multi-colored glass decorates the walls of the building and is designed to prevent light overexposure and conserve energy. Polis Blog representative Andrew Wade expressed his admiration for the design. “My impression of the dormitories is that they are a skilled and subtle play of contrasts that demonstrate a well articulated transition from public to private, open to closed and monochromatic to polychromatic surfaces,” Wade said. “I think the exterior of the building, through color, texture and form, relates to the surroundings very well, while the interior courtyards and colored glass panels animate a vibrant, collective space.” Wade also praised Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, who developed the design. Many of Aravena’s works are world renowned, and he has

received multiple awards, including the Erich Schelling Architecture Medal 2006, the Silver Lion at the XI Venice Biennale and the Silver Lion Award. Wade, who once considered working for Aravena, said that he has immense respect for all of Aravena’s work, which has been known to address pressing issues such as housing shortages and poverty through architecture. Trustee Hall, which opened in 2002, and the John Brooks Williams Natural Sciences Center, which opened in 2006, have also received awards for their design.

Health and Counseling Center expecting more flu Continued from page 1

then delivered to distribution points in Austin. Some of these distribution points included local hospitals, where the vaccines could be stored properly. However, the Health and Counseling Center is out of

seasonal flu vaccines after dispersing 330 vaccines over the course of the fall semester. The Health and Counseling Center is now strongly encouraging students to take advantage of the H1N1 vaccine supply available to them, as another wave of H1N1 is

expected to hit again. The H1N1 flu has three waves of contagion. The first two waves already passed during the fall semester. The third wave, expected to hit in January and February, is likely going to be the worst of the three, according to Willard Pannabecker, director

of Health and Counseling Services. “The best prediction is that we need to be ready for a third wave of the flu,” he said. The Health and Counseling Center also recommends that students get the H1N1 vaccine even if they have already received a vaccination for the seasonal flu. Pannabecker added that, unlike the seasonal flu vaccine, once a student receives an H1N1 vaccine, they will not have to get another one later in life. Between 25 and 50 vaccines of the 300 in stock have already been given to students, Pannabecker said. The Health and Counseling Center is currently accepting walk-ins to receive the vaccine and will continue to do so until the supply runs out. The cost of a vaccine from the Health and Counseling

Christina Villarreal

Professor Edward Shirley receives an H1N1 vaccine.

Center is $10 for students, who can either pay with cash, credit card, or Topper Tender. Randall’s is offering the vaccine for $15 and H-E-B charges $18, but Pannabecker stressed the importance of students taking advantage of the lower price at the Health and Counseling Center.

“Any given student doesn’t have a high likelihood of getting the flu,” he said. “But if you do have the flu, it can seriously affect your academic progress.”

Page 4 | NEWS

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Kuentz addresses campus issues Jake Hartwell Senior Meghan Kuentz, president of the Student Government Association, spoke about engaging the student body, the campus’ impact on the environment and the beginning of the 2015 Strategic Plan in her State of the Campus address. On Jan. 21, Kuentz discussed the ways SGA is striving to improve its representation of students. Kuentz said that the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee is considering ways to represent students based on their residences, in addition to representation already offered by class standing and academic school. The arrival of the new year marks the end of the 2010 Strategic Plan. The 2015 Strategic Plan is still being drafted. Senior Alexis Konevich, vice president of Student Representation, said there are plans in place to involve students in the strategic plan. “We are committed to have, not only on this committee [the Strategic Planning and Steering Committee for the Years 2010-2015] but on several really important administrative committees, to have two, three, four students serve on that committee, and their goal and purpose on serving in that committee is to represent the students,” Konevich said. One of several ways in which SGA will try to engage more students will be by putting the association’s constitution up for a vote by the student body. “Ten years ago, this was part of the normal process of confirming and adopting a constitution, and we think maybe it is time that we see this happen again,” Kuentz said. Kuentz also briefly discussed controversial legislation from 2009, the plus/mi-

Celebration to last year-round Continued from page 1

Samantha Cook

said President George Martin. “I want to encourage everyone to participate in service around the community whether that’s five hours or 125 hours,” Martin said in an e-mail to the university. Homecoming weekend, from Feb. 19-21 will also be a large part of the immedi-

vice project micro-Web site, which will launch during the first week of February. On this Web site, participants will be encouraged to log their community service and share stories, videos, photographs and memories that express the milestones and accomplishments made at St. Edward’s University. “I think what our main message in our events and

Meghan Kuentz summarized current happenings within SGA and on campus.

nus grading scale and Greek Life. SGA has voted to support the adoption of the plusminus for several reasons. “Graduate schools have a kind of software program which takes the A-F grade scale some universities use and translates them into grades that would have been achieved under a plus/minus grading scale,” said Kuentz in a post-speech interview. Much of the concern in the debate over the system dealt with graduate schools’ views on undergraduate institutions that do not use plus/minus grading scale, as well as the concern that using straight A-F scales might be too lenient. “Dr. [Peter] Austin stated [in his presentation to the Senate] that a switch to a plus/minus scale would hurt the GPA of those students who currently have a 4.0, but that it would actually boost the GPA of a ‘C’ average student,” said Kuentz. In regards to the Greek Life debate, Kuentz said the concern focused on whether or not the addition of Greek Life would lead to exclusionary behavior. “There are other concerns that basically revolve around the many stereotypes associated with fraternities and sororities—namely the drinking, licentious behavior and the potential for hazing,” said

Kuentz. “However, junior Colleen White has presented on the issue several times in Senate, and she pointed out that frats do a lot of philanthropic work and serve their community.”

GPA, new classes and lower student-to-faculty ratio over the past five years. “To put it plainly, we are on the way up,” Kuentz said. “Academically, we have never looked better.”

“To put it plainly, we are on the way up,” Kuentz said. “Academically, we have never looked better.”

In addition, Kuentz discussed environmental initiatives at the university, which include cooperating with the “Don’t Mess with Texas” program to reduce the university’s carbon footprint and including more bottle recycling bins and cigarette-butt containers on campus. Kuentz discussed the university’s spiritual foundation in the Congregation of the Holy Cross. “The close ties to the Holy Cross community were felt this past week in Haiti, when the congregation of the Holy Cross lost one of their own,” Kuentz said. “The Campus Ministry office is asking for donations to aid those people hurt in the earthquake in Haiti.” Kuentz also reflected on the university’s improved average

Kuentz concluded the address by saying that she has confidence that St. Edward’s is heading in an exciting direction.

“I want to encourage everyone to participate in service...” - President George Martin ate festivities. In October, the university will hold its 125th birthday party, which will include a special birthday cake. The university will also make the bi-annual President’s Meeting on Feb. 24 part of the celebration. Unlike at previous President’s Meetings, St. Edwards will shift its focus to the university’s accomplishments in the last 125 years, and provide an overview the successes of the 2010 strategic plan, which began in 1999 when Martin arrived at the university. Students can find more information on the 125 ser-

in the micro site and in the magazine and in all the things that you’ll see, is that we’re very proud of where we’ve been.” Diaz said. “We have a tremendous history of successes and perseverance, but we’re even more excited about where we’re going. We want to make sure that the entire university community understands not only where the university has been and the significance of that, but more importantly where we’re going, and the excitement about what we’re going to do next.”

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Check Out

Hilltop Views

GAMES | Page 5

games Look for the answers to both games in next week’s issue!



Hilltop Views is offering the St. Edward’s University community a new way to find out about campus news and events. will offer the majority of what is available in the print edition and so much more. Online you will find additional stories, photos, podcasts, videos and interviews.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku:

Page 6 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Latest album shows new side of OK Go Holly Aker

When it was time for OK Go to make a new album, they wanted to make one that was bigger and better than their previous albums, but they mostly wanted to make something different. “We played songs from ‘Oh No’ [our previous album] for three years on the road, and by the end of that process, I think all of us were in need of changing the format,” OK Go drummer, Dan Konopka, said in an interview with the Hilltop Views. They certainly did change. The new album, “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky,” shows a different side of OK Go than

any fan could have expected. The rock beat morphed into a dance-electronic beat, and guitars with funky effects replaced the powerful electric guitars. Lead singer Damien Kulash even left behind his normal tenor voice to explore his falsetto range for a majority of the album. But change can be a good thing. While the album may seem like a whole new species to some fans, the songs are actually quite catchy and varied. “White Knuckles” has a definite disco vibe, “End Love” transports fans back to the 80s and “Last Leaf ” reminds fans of classic OK Go with an acoustic love song. No matter the song, listen-

ers will find themselves compelled to dance, which can

Hypnotist brings laughs Sarah Peltier “You’re getting sleepy— very sleepy.” This seems to be the first thing that people think about when they think of hypnosis. They might also think of some looney-looking doctor swinging a circular watch back and forth on a gold chain, putting someone into a zombie-like state. But there was none of that in Rich Aimes’ comedy hypnosis show Jan. 19 at St. Edward’s University. In fact, Aimes began by addressing some of these common stereotypes before even starting the show. Aimes’ show was a fantastic hybrid of hypnosis and stand-up comedy, two things that you might not think go together. His show was funny, informative and left you wanting more. “I thought that it was important that there was some comedy aspects in there because [Aimes] was kind of talking about the serious side

only be expected, considering the influences of the album.

“One of the major influences was Prince,” Konopka said. “Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ and his early stuff was a big guiding light for us.” The title, “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky,” comes from a book called “The Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight and of the Blue Colour of the Sky.” It was written in 1876 by a scientist named A.J. Pleasonton. “It was a book that basically claimed that the color blue could heal any ailment,” Konopka said. “It could make insane people well; it could uncripple cripples; it could make your crops grow better.” Konopka explained that the

but then he got more people interested once he threw in comedy,” sophomore Rikki Hallowell said. Aimes had 17 volunteers come up to the stage to be hypnotized. Out of these 17, two were unable to be hypnotized, which, according to Aimes, happens from time to time. The remaining volunteers on stage were lead to believe many things that were entertaining to the crowd. One moment they believed that they were in a Formula One race, the next they thought the audience was in their underwear, and the next they

were lead to believe that they were the ones in their underwear. Aimes and his wife, Marielle, have been travelling to universities and colleges around the country for 19 years. “I would say we’ve done at least 800 to 1,000 different schools,” Aimes said. Now St. Edward’s can be added to the list. Let us hope that Aimes and his wife will visit again soon, so those who missed out this year can see their wonderfully funny show.

To read our complete interview with OK Go drummer Dan Konopka visit

No sophomore slump Wendy Cawthon

Christina Villarreal


Vampire Weekend Contra

Aimes brought up students to participate in his act.

album and book have similar themes like believing in the unbelievable and accepting facts without evidence. While “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky” may be a complete shock for long-time OK Go fans, the band’s heart is still evident throughout the album, and the excellent musicianship that has become synonymous with OK Go is still very much intact.

Vampire Weekend’s highly anticipated second album, “Contra,” hit shelves with a bang on Jan. 12. The members of Vampire Weekend have carved out a niche for themselves as the music industry’s go-to guys for fast-paced, catchy indie-pop rock. Their music was featured in the summer comedy “I Love You, Man” (2008) and the teen romantic comedy “Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist” (2009). Far from resting on their laurels, the band is out of the studio and back on tour with “Contra.” They are set to play April 10 at Stubb’s Bar-B-Q in Austin. Fans of the debut album hits like “Oxford Comma” and “A-Punk” are sure to find some new favorites.

Particularly noteworthy are the pre-release singles “Horchata,” which was recently placed on the iTunes Top 100 Most Downloaded list, and “Cousins,” which is quickly gaining popularity. While followers are sure to recognize Vampire Weekend’s fast-paced instrumentals and catchy pop-like lyrics, the band has become anything but predictable since appearing at Austin City Limits in 2008. “Contra,” while not as light and breezy as the debut album, features some slower tracks like “I Think Ur a Contra” and “White Sky” that show off some serious

vocal skills. However, veteran Vampire Weekend fans are sure to hear those signature high-pitched vocals and keyboards in songs such as “Holiday” and “Diplomat’s Son.” In terms of a sophomore album, Vampire Weekend has exceeded expectations and won’t be fading into the background anytime soon. With its fun, distinct sound and lighthearted summertime feeling, “Contra” could be one of the best in 2010.

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, January 27, 2010


SEU staff on game show Emily Blasdell


While St. Edward’s University students were preparing for and taking final exams last semester, Teresa Hall Residence Director Christy Brown was fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a contestant on the game show “Jeopardy!” Brown has watched the show since she was a child, and by the time she was 13 or 14, she had her own practice buzzer to play along with the contestants. Brown’s efforts to become a real contestant began about a year ago, when she decided to take the online qualifying test. Brown said the test consisted of 50 categories and 50 questions with 15 seconds to answer each one. To prepare, her fellow residence directors helped her study by going over Trivial Pursuit clues during lunch. Overall, she said she really didn’t study too hard. “I figured you either know it, or you don’t,” Brown said. And, apparently, she knew it. Near the end of the 2009 spring semester, she received an e-mail inviting her to an in-person audition in Kansas City, Mo., at the end of June. At the audition, Brown took another 50 question test, played a mock game of “Jeopardy!” and was interviewed. However, her performance at the audition did not land her an immediate spot on the game show. Like the other interviewees, Brown was kept as an active member of the Jeopardy! contestant pool for the next 18 months. On Nov. 10, 2009, she received a call asking her to fly to Los Angeles in early December to film the show. “I was shocked because even though I thought I would be a good contestant, I didn’t really ever think that I would get a chance on my first try of

Emily Blasdell

Brown’s Jeopardy! episode is set to air Feb. 16.

being on the show,” she said. For a month, Brown brushed up on facts, focusing much of her efforts on the U.S. Presidents, Shakespeare and literature. She continued to watch “Jeopardy!” every night with her play buzzer, but she never crammed. On Dec. 6, 2009, Brown flew to Los Angeles. She was in the studio filming the next day. “The moment I walked through the double doors into the studio to play a practice round and saw the familiar blue screens and background, I started grinning from ear to ear,” she said. “I don’t think I stopped smiling for most of the day.” With the excitement, nerves came as well. Because the show is shot in about a half hour, Brown says there isn’t much time to stop and take it all in. “I don’t know if I’m really looking forward to seeing myself on national television, because I’m pretty sure I looked crazed from excitement that entire day of taping,” she said. For Brown, the most surreal moment of the whole experience was standing at the podium, hearing the opening music, being introduced, and then seeing Alex Trebek walk through the doors.

Brown said she is appreciative of the support she has received during the process. “The whole St. Edward’s community, especially Residence Life and Teresa Hall staff and residents, have been so excited for and supportive of me during my ‘Jeopardy!’ adventure, and I can’t thank them enough,” she said. “St. Edward’s is a great place to live and work.” Brown cannot reveal how well she did on the show. Regardless of the outcome, she is able to divulge that she did win money, because third place wins $1,000, and second place wins $2,000 regardless of the outcome. To see how well Brown did, tune in Feb. 16 to Austin channel KXAN (NBC) at 4:30 p.m.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

Opera as bright as “Star”

Courtesy of Austin Lyric Opera

“The Star” features performers dressed in a variety of elaborate costumes.

Allison Sanders The Austin Lyric Opera will celebrate the start of its 23rd season with the debut of Emmanuel Chabrier’s comic operetta “The Star.” “The Star,” the first complete operetta by Chabrier, was introduced to the public in 1877. Since then, it has been revived to capture the interests of today’s audiences and features a variety of musical talent. Cast members include the renowned singer Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, who has performed at the Paris Opera and the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Austin singers Elizabeth Cass and Brian Joyce also join the cast. The three-act operetta follows the character King Ouf I, played by Fouchécourt. Ouf is badgered by the fact that he has been unable to find a subject for a public execution, a tradition he holds during his birthday celebration. Ouf is also frustrated that

The show will be sung in both French and English and will feature English supertitles. he has not yet fulfilled the royal decree’s order to produce an heir before his 40th birthday. It is the mission of a neighboring kingdom to marry off the young princess Laoula to Ouf. Of course, Laoula is unaware of the scheme to make her Ouf ’s bride, and she soon falls in love with a peddler. The enraged King now sees the peddler as his new execution victim, until he is warned that his death will come soon after that of the peddler. Ouf then brings the peddler to his palace, where he showers the young man with luxuries. The King keeps a watchful eye on the peddler, knowing that he will ultimately meet his doom if something happens to the young man. The show will be sung in both French and English and

will feature English supertitles projected above the stage. The production also features the characters in disguise as the story unfolds, which promises to make for an entertaining and comedic show. “The Star” opens Jan. 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Long Center for the Performing Arts. Ticket prices start at $20.


Hilltop Views | Page 9 Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Orchestra in the midst of success and growth Abe Clabby “We have an orchestra?” This question is often heard from students, but this semester, the St. Edward’s University Orchestra plans to strike a new chord with the student population. The group will perform “Pirates!” a medley of music from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Pirates of Penzance” March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mabee Ballroom. The 45-member ensemble will perform with members of Austin’s Gilbert and Sullivan Society who will sing and act out scenes from the show. Adjunct Professor of music Annette Jurcevic is the founder and driving force behind the club. She hopes this semester’s second performance will bring attention to the orchestra. Jurcevic said the orches-

Courtesy of Rebecca Marino

SEU Orchestra performs “Infinite Spaces.”

tra will perform a medley of melodies in different styles from around the world. “I’m excited for the audience’s sake about ‘Pirates,’” Jurcevic said. “There are some wonderful, classical, moving pieces.” “It’s more interesting than

‘Let’s sit through two hours of orchestral music,’” she said. “[This] gets people thinking a different way about it.” Freshman Elyse Cortez has played the violin since she was 10 years old. For Cortez, being part of the orchestra provides a sense of commu-

nity. “The [size of the orchestra] allows the players to get to know each other,” she said. Before the orchestra, there was the Chamber Music Program: a marginalized group in the musical shadow of Mary Moody and the Mariachis, a program that didn’t get much of the limelight. In 2007, the program grew from a simple quartet into the one-credit class and corresponding club that is now the St. Edward’s Orchestra. Last year the orchestra hosted two events, the first on Halloween: “Monsters, Mahler and the Macabre,” where storyteller David Thompson and his partner Lucinda Wise told tales against the backdrop of the music. To Jurcevic’s dismay, there were technical difficulties during the show. “It was very heartbreaking,”

Jurcevic said. Thankfully emotional wounds were healed when Jurcevic set to work on her next piece, what she calls the “crown jewel” of her career. “This is what I’m most proud of,” she said, holding up an invitation she’d held onto from the show entitled “Infinite Spaces.” The project was more than a performance of sound. The room was converted into a gallery of art, photography, poetry and video, all done by students and centered on the theme of infinite spaces. The live performance was then used as a backdrop for the exhibitions, such as a silhouette play put on by actors’ shadows behind a screen. Jurcevic got the music for the project from professor and composer Pierre Jalbert of Rice University. While much orchestral music is de-

cades or centuries old, some is as young as its listeners. Bobby Byers, a 2009 St. Edward’s graduate, started out in the ensemble before joining the orchestra. “My favorite memory of participating the past few years has been seeing the quality of our players progress constantly,” he said. Music hasn’t become Byers’ career, but he still plays the euphonium on his own. Music is played for various reasons; for the members of the orchestra, music is made simply for the sake of the craft. And, come March, make music they will. Hold onto your treasure chests, St. Edward’s, “Pirates!” are coming to campus.

Professor’s dog finds calling in search and rescue Yenifes Trochez Assistant Professor of University Programs Jennifer Dornan, along with her dog, is an active search and rescue volunteer in the Austin area. Dornan was inspired to join after a personal experience working in the jungles of Belize. When one of her team members went missing, a group of British soldiers training as a Search and Rescue unit in Belize, were able to find the missing man in 30 minutes. The unit was able to track his movements through the forest and brought him to safety. Upon returning to Austin, Dornan looked into search and rescue teams in the area. She then discovered that her dog was not only capable of, but also interested in, search-

ing for missing persons, and she became a search and rescue volunteer. The city of Austin has several Search and Rescue organizations, such as Travis County Search and Rescue, Sunset Valley Search and Rescue and Star Flight Search and Rescue. Each organization helps train volunteers and their canine companions. To become active members of these organizations, individuals must attend practice training and express interest, then they are welcome to train with the organization. TCSAR is the first team notified in Austin by police officials and fire departments when a person is declared missing. TCSAR immediately contacts members with a text message informing vol-

[Dornan] then discovered that her dog was not only capable of, but interested in, searching for missing persons. unteers of the situation. Then the volunteer responds and informs the organization if they are able to help or not. “I would say I go once a month,” Dornan said. “[I] usually receive two or three texts if it is a bad month. Sometimes you’ll go a couple of months without a message.” The average search and rescue team is composed of a dog, its handler, and at least two additional volunteers. If the canine is capable of being trained to search for a missing person, then the

dog is qualified to become a search and rescue dog, regardless of breed. There are two types of search and rescue—Wilderness Search and Rescue and Disaster Search and Rescue. Wilderness Search and Rescue focuses primarily on seeking missing persons in the wilderness, in places like forests and swamps, situations much like Dornan’s experience in Belize. Disaster Search and Rescue teams direct their energy to searching for missing persons after a catastrophe or natural

disaster. “For example, all of those search and rescue teams going to Haiti right now—those are disaster search and rescue teams,” Dornan said. “They are trained to work in rubble and collapsed buildings.” Within these types of rescue programs, there is also a division between the search for live persons and the search for cadavers. The nature of each dog and its handler determines whether the pair will look for dead bodies or live individuals. “I didn’t want to do cadaver searches, which turns out that fortunately, my dog also likes doing live people instead of cadavers,” Dornan said “Therefore, you can choose to be a cadaver searcher—they are trained specifically to find human remains. Or you

can do live search—which is what I do.” Search and rescue teams are always in need of qualified volunteers. Any persons and their dogs interested in the organization and capable of completing training are accepted as team members. For more information on volunteering for a local search and rescue program, contact the Travis County Search and Rescue team at

Page 10 | FEATURES

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

New 24-hour diner shines Patrick Jones Watch out Magnolia Cafe and Kerbey Lane: there’s a new restaurant competing for the late-night crowd. Located on Sixth Street and North Lamar, 24 Diner recently opened as a new and eloquent take on traditional comfort food. “We wanted a place where someone can get chicken and waffles and not break the bank,” said Billy Caruso, assistant manager. 24 Diner replaced the Waterloo Ice House next to Waterloo Records. The new owners completely revamped the location, introducing a stylish new décor that combines the classic American diner with a distinctly modern flair. Despite this upgrade in class, 24 Diner is still within most peoples’ price range, staying true to Caruso’s word. 24 Diner’s mission of making comfort food and traditional American diner cuisine with the highest quality organic ingredients may seem odd at first. But observing Caruso’s passion for the food at the diner is all the proof one needs that 24 Diner is very serious about serving excellent food. Caruso also spoke about one of the very obvious differences between 24 Diner and other late night eateries: waffles versus pancakes. “That was a food battle,” he laughed, continuing the food-war metaphor. “Every restaurant has its food battles, and that was our breakfast food battle. You either have pancakes or waffles. You pick one, and you make sure you make it good. We picked waffles.” Waffles aren’t the only dish that sets 24 Diner apart from Magnolia Cafe or Kerbey Lane. Chicken pot pie, Swiss chard and artichoke gratin, fried risotto cakes, and other unexpected culinary treats are all available at 24 Diner, and most for under $10.

Rachael Olan

I went to 24 Diner after a particularly punishing stretch of classes from 9:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Needless to say, I was hungry. I brought two friends along so we could try a variety of foods, including vegetarian options. We started the meal with a roasted banana and brown sugar milkshake. The only word to describe it would be “sinful.” The shake was thick, rich, and more than enough to be split three ways. As a nice touch, the chef put whipped cream and whole

...the restaurant is as much a place for friends as it is food.

graham cracker pieces on top. Just as we finished the milkshake, our dishes were brought out. I ordered chicken and waffles, a soul food staple. I was deeply intimidated by the sheer size of the portions they brought out: two huge pieces of boneless fried chicken and one very large waffle. The chicken was fried just right, with little excess grease but plenty of moisture. The waffle, made with dough and not batter according to Caruso, stayed surprisingly crunchy despite the pure maple syrup I poured on it (not to mention some chicken grease and butter—I wasn’t going for

healthiness in my order.) The chicken and waffles made for a real culinary treat, but also plenty of leftovers. Even in my hunger-addled state, I couldn’t finish half of the plate. One friend ordered a veggie burger. I was a little skeptical of the burger (the beets it contained made it appear red) and I was not so impressed by its taste. She also ordered macaroni and cheese, which had a light coat of breadcrumbs and chives; unlike the burger, it was mighty tasty. Another friend ordered a club sandwich with french fries. I wasn’t lucky enough to try the sandwich, but the fries were perfectly cooked, crunchy and hot but thick enough so they stored little grease. In all, I found 24 Diner to be an excellent addition to Austin’s late-night restaurant scene, but be prepared to shell out a few extra dollars. Since all the ingredients are organic and local, the price runs about two to three dollars more than Magnolia and Kerbey Lane—but it’s worth the minor splurge. In addition to serving great food, Caruso stressed the restaurant is as much a place for friends as it is food. The restaurant is open 24 hours a day, 6 days a week (they close from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. on Tuesdays for deep cleaning). “I wanted a place for people to hang out. We’re all about love, peace and chicken grease,” Caruso said.


Hilltop Views | Page 11 Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abbott named All-American St. Edward’s University senior women’s soccer player Kim Abbott was named First Team Women’s NCAA Division II All-American by the NSCAA on Dec. 9, 2009. Abbott helped the women’s soccer team advance to the NCAA Championship Sweet 16 for the first time in school history, while ending the season with a 16-3-3 record. This season, she led the Hilltoppers in shots, tied for first in goals and assisted the team as both a defender and a forward. Abbott scored a hat trick, two game-winning goals and defensively limited opponents to only six goals the entire season. Over the course of the season, she was also named

Heartland Conference Player of the Week five times. While Abbott said she appreciates the recognition, she credits the award to her team. “Soccer is a team sport, so any individual award has to be attributed to the team,” Abbott said. “I couldn’t have possibly received this award without my teammates dedicating themselves to the team and battling for the win in each game we played.” After making it to the playoffs, Abbott was named First Team All-Region and was nominated by Head Coach Nick Cowell to be eligible for First Team AllAmerican. There are 12 spots per team for both the men and women’s first, second and third teams for Div. I, II and III. On each team, a certain number of spots are delegat-

ed for each field position. Abbott said she was invited to the NSCAA convention and banquet in Philadelphia to receive her award with the other All-Americans. Abbott said it was great to have ended her collegiate career on a high note. While this was Abbott’s last year with the St. Edward’s women’s soccer team, she says that during her four years, she has learned about Kayla Meyer leadership, teamwork and Senior Kim Abbott was resilience. “In my senior year, I recently named First learned that if people come Team All-American. together towards a collective a team grade-point average goal and believe in it and of 3.62. The Hilltoppers are dedicate themselves to it, ranked second in all of Div. then you accomplish things II for their GPA and are bigger than you thought ranked sixth in the national possible,” Abbott said. standings in all divisions. The St. Edward’s women’s soccer team was also ed the NSCAA/Adidas Team Academic Award with


Jenny Trochez

Sports news that made headlines over the break

Associated Press

“MAD SCIENTIST” GETS PINK SLIP Allegations of mistreating Texas Tech wide receiver, Adam James, led to the dismissal of Head Coach Mike Leach. Leach had a winning season every year during his tenure at Texas Tech.

INDEFINITE LEAVE OF ABSENCE Pro Golfer Tiger Woods, accused of having several affairs, took an indefinite leave from golf until he completes his rehab for sex addiction in the Gentle Path program in Mississippi.

FIRST HEISMAN FOR ALABAMA Alabama’s running back Mark Ingram was named Alabama’s first ever Heisman Trophy Winner on Dec. 12, 2009. Stanford University’s running back Toby Gerhart was a close second.

BRINGING GUNS INTO THE ARENAS Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas pleaded guilty and


Pro Bowl changes time and place Duval Hilbert For the first time ever, the National Football League’s annual Pro Bowl will be played on Jan. 31, the week before the Super Bowl XLIV. And this year, for the first time in 30 years, it will not be held in Hawaii, but in Miami, also the site of this year’s Super Bowl. This is an utter tragedy for the league and the Pro Bowl game itself as it searches for a bigger fan base to view the match-up between the best of the National Football Conference and the American Football Conference. Out of the big four sports—baseball, basketball, hockey and football— the Pro Bowl is the only all-star game that is held after the regular season.

Compared to the other three sports, it’s usually a struggle to get viewers to watch the game. The league is trying to use the off week between the NFC and AFC championship games and the Super Bowl as a way to get more viewers. People usually stop watching football after the Super Bowl and completely forget about the Pro Bowl. Now, since the game is played the week before the Super Bowl, players participating in the Super Bowl cannot play in the Pro Bowl due to the risk of injuries. Therefore, this robs these players the honor and success of going to both the Pro Bowl and the Super Bowl. This decision not only affects the players, but the

fans as well. Fans potentially do not get to see some high-caliber players including Peyton Manning and Drew Brees compete in the Pro Bowl because they are competing for the Super Bowl. This means the league will have to, within one or two days after the NFC and AFC championship weekend, find more than a handful of players willing to play in the Pro Bowl to replace the ones playing in the Super Bowl. This will affect the actual game plan for the respective teams. The coaches of the Pro Bowl teams used to get at least two weeks to set up a game plan and practice with their players for the game. Now, they get about a week to practice, meaning

the game may just turn into a show of skills. Even more, the players are affected by the change of venue. Because the Pro Bowl was played in Hawaii, it was somewhat of a vacation for them and their families. The NFL is never going to get amazing ratings for the Pro Bowl, so instead the league should focus on preserving what the game is actually about. While the location and date of the game are on a one-year test basis, if the NFL continues with the way things are going this year, we may never get to see the best players competing in a competitive football game again.

was suspended indefinitely by the NBA for a gun charge after an altercation in the locker room with guard Javaris Crittenton.

“BIG MAC” GOT BIG FROM STEROIDS Mark McGwire admitted to the public he used steroids when he broke baseball’s home run record. McGwire, the new hitting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals, hit 70 home runs in 1998.

SAINTS STORM TO SUPER BOWL Four and a half years after Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Saints advance to their first Super Bowl after defeating Minnesota Vikings in overtime 31-28 at the Superdome.

COACH BOLTS SO-CAL FOR NFL Pete Carroll left the University of Southern California after 10 years and two National Championships to become the new head coach and executive vice president of the Seattle Seahawks.

UT COMES SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR University of Texas made two National Championship appearances, but both brought back losses. Texas volleyball lost 2-3 to Penn State University and Texas football lost 37-21 to Alabama. University

NFL’S LOSSES BIGGER THAN GAMES Chicago Bears’ defensive end Gaines Adams died on Jan. 17 from an enlarged heart, and Cincinnati Bengal’s wide receiver Chris Henry died Dec. 17, 2009 after falling out of a pick-up truck.

MEYER QUITS, THEN RETURNS Florida’s Head Coach Urban Meyer resigned to focus on health concerns, but later returned to take an indefinite leave. Florida won the Sugar Bowl 51-24 . Compiled by: Jeremy Ortiz

Page 12 | SPORTS


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views


Bert Guzman: Class of 2009 Washington Wizards look like Bullets of yore Bert Guzman

Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton should know better. Sports Commentary The Washington Wizards do know better. When Arenas brought unloaded weapons into the locker room at the Verizon Center in Washington D.C. to apparently intimidate Crittenton following a dispute stemming from a card game, he violated the National Basketball Association policy, as well as local, and possibly even federal laws. Crittenton also brought his weapon into the locker room for what he says was for protection because Arenas threatened him. Both Arenas and Crittenton have now reached a plea agreement for this offense but this doesn’t mean this issue should be put to bed. Not hardly. I need to disclose one thing up front. This is not a gun issue. Both broke the law and possessed guns illegally. This is not a pro or anti gun issue. Two men brought guns into a place where he was expressly forbidden to do so. They brought guns to work, and with the exception of law enforcement, that’s not acceptable behavior. I grew up watching Gilbert Arenas playing high school basketball in Los Angeles. He was unbelievable. Back then, he was the best player I had ever seen at that age. I have always been an Arenas fan but right now he needs to be punished for what he has done. The Washington Wizards, formerly the Washington Bullets behind the leadership of recently deceased owner Abe Pollin, have been sensitive to the gun issues that plague the city they occupy. The name change came in the early 1990s when the homicide rate in Washington D.C. was one of the worst in the world. Just months after Pollin’s passing, it seems the Washington Wizards no longer Associated Press have that sensitivity to issues involving guns. The Wizards stood idly by while the Arenas situation came to a boiling point and finally David Stern, the NBA’s commissioner, indefinitely suspended Arenas. This move was supported by the team, but not taken in the first place. Crittenton still has not been punished by the league or the team for bringing his weapon to the arena. This indefinite suspension is the first step; the second is voiding Arenas’ and Crittenton’s contracts. It’s surprising that it hasn’t been done already. A team so in tune with a major issue of the community has completely forgotten its standing on the issue just months after the passing of its leader. While the Washington Wizards management sits on their hands and ignores the issues at hand, they are sending a message to Gilbert Arenas, other players, the fans, and the city that the team that used to be sensitive to gun issues, won’t take a tough stance on the issue with a star player. Their actions indicate that they will side with the star power over their stance on guns when given the choice. The Wizards need to take a stance to show they still believe in what Pollin believed in. They need to show its fans and the city that guns amongst athletes is a problem and bringing them to work is not okay. Bryce Bencivengo

The Hilltop Views’ column, ‘Bench Warming,’ appears every other week in the sports section and is written by Co-Editor-In-Chief Bryce Bencivengo.

It has been eight months since I stepped onto the graduation stage at St. Edward’s University to receive my undergraduate degree. Time sure did fly during my five years at St. Edward’s. I can vividly remember everything from my orientation to playing lacrosse in the old Dallas Cowboys Stadium. During my last three years at St. Edward’s, I coached varsity and junior varsity football at Hyde Park Baptist High School. While it was hard for me to juggle coaching at Hyde Park about 60 hours a week on top of all my extra-curricular activities and classes, I wouldn’t have traded it for the world. My love and passion for coaching has led me to continue my career as a university football coach. After advice from a high school teammate, John Knorr, who was also my advisor at St. Edward’s, I decided it was best for me to pursue a master’s degree while coaching football. Knorr put in a reference for me at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene with Texas coaching legend, Jimmie Keeling, who has worked more than 50 years as a coach in the state of Texas. After an interview with Keeling in February 2009, he called me to inform me I had received the coaching position. That same week, I was accepted in the Sports Management program. I moved to Abilene two weeks after graduation. The 2009 Hardin-Simmons University football season began in August. For about two weeks, I received training on our offensive and defensive systems. We also got ready for two-a-days. Two-a-days were a lot of

Courtesy of Bert Guzman

Former SEU student Bert Guzman is now a coach.

work. Our job included field set-up, film work, equipment managers, and scout teams. During two-a-days, I worked from 5:30-9 p.m. There was always something to be done. We started the season on a very high note. Hardin-Simmons had just come off a great season in 2008 with a 9-2 record, second in the American Southwest Conference, and the accomplishment of making it to the playoffs. This year, we started the season ranked fourth in the nation in Div. III football. Hardin-Simmons is the winningest football program in the state of Texas with 18 consecutive winning seasons. My responsibility was to work under Jesse Burleson, the assistant head coach and offensive line coach. I’m one of his assistant offensive line coaches. During practice, I assisted Burleson by running drills and teaching football techniques to the linemen. During team practice, I helped run the offensive scout team for our varsity defense. Practices are very upbeat and intense since we are allowed by the NCAA to practice for two hours in pads. Our football program consists of 190 football players. In Div. III football, teams are allowed both JV and varsity squads. In JV games, I was an on-the-field coach, correcting and motivating

the JV offensive lineman. For our varsity games, I was in the press box, charting the offensive plays and assisting Burleson with spotting weaknesses, stunts and fronts in the opponent’s defense. Now that the season is over, my job is to recruit high school football players to come play at Hardin-Simmons. I am constantly on the road looking for recruits. One of the best things about recruiting is that I was able to go to Belton High School, my former high school, to recruit players from the program that first made me passionate about football. Our goal is to win conference this coming season and make it to the playoffs. We have a lot of players returning, including our two-time all-American starting quarterback and slot receiver. All in all, the 2010 season looks very promising for the Hardin-Simmons Cowboys. I miss Austin and St. Edward’s very much, but I know you cannot stay in one place forever. If you had told me as a freshman in 2004 that I would now be coaching college football, I would have laughed at you. To read the full version of this article, go to our Web site

‘Where are They Now’ is an occasionally appearing series about former SEU Athletes and what they have gone on to do after graduation.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

SPORTS |Page 13


Dallas Cowboys’ stadium too wrapped up in glitz Duval Hilbert Over the past decade, many critics will argue that professional football has become America’s new national pastime, beating out professional baseball, and I would have to agree with this notion. Professional football over the last decade has topped professional baseball in total revenue, and it looks like baseball is soon going to be left in the dust in the popularity race as well. The main reason for this change is due to the fact that the entertainment value of professional football has grown exponentially. People no longer necessarily go to a football game to cheer on their team. Some go for social reasons. A football game is now a once a week party that everyone

wants to attend. Consequently, more professional football stadiums than baseball stadiums have waiting lists for season tickets. As we enter into a new decade of sports, one can look to the newest National Football League’s stadium, built by the Dallas Cowboys, as a precursor of things to come. However, this precursor is something that many diehard professional football fans may not want to see. The Dallas Cowboys’ new stadium is very over the top, as it is the most expensive stadium yet, costing around 1.5 billion dollars. Moreover, the monitor is a whopping 159 feet by 71 feet, making it the largest scoreboard to date. What’s more, the monitor is an HD screen and with the aid of 3D glasses, one can potentially view the game in 3D.

This stunt was actually tried out during a December 2009 game versus the San Diego Chargers during the third quarter, and it failed due to nausea complaints by fans after viewing the screen for too long. The stadium has the most skyboxes of any stadium in the NFL. However, while the stadium is mammoth, expensive and amazing, it is not necessarily a better home field advantage for the Cowboys, compared to the rest of the league. Stadiums should be known for how loud the fans can get, rather than how big the scoreboard is or what type of dimension the game can be watched in. Furthermore, people in skyboxes can get so wrapped up in the entertainment side of football that they can forget to cheer for their team.

This rowdiness is the true essence of a home field crowd. Fans need to be motivated to get loud for their team, not motivated to stare in awe at a giant scoreboard with their jaws dropped in silence. Since the new stadium has so much devoted to the entertainment side of the sport, it can potentially hurt the Dallas Cowboys’ chances at winning home games. Coincidentally, some of the best home records in football are in Indianapolis and Minnesota, which are some of the loudest stadiums in the NFL. The main reason these stadiums are so loud is because they are dome stadiums, like the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium can be with the roof closed. If Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones continues to strive for more ‘oohs’ and

Photo by: Kevin Croyle/Eric Zimmeriman

The Dallas Cowboys’ Megatron is 159 feet by 71 feet and is an HD 3D screen.

‘aahs’ in dealing with his stadium than actually getting the fans loud and cheering for their team, then Dallas will not make it back to the playoffs next year because the team won’t be motivated

to play for a bunch of fans too engrossed in gimmicks and non-football amusement to even cheer for their home team.


Page 14 | Hilltop Views Wednesday, January 27, 2010


School slow to respond to tragedy in Haiti The start of a new semester is normally a reality check for students – requiring re-adjustment to planned schedules and preparation for weeks of studying. The beginning of 2010 brought another reality check however as the world read reports of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Port-auPrince, Haiti, Jan. 12. Sure, standing in line at the bookstore is irksome. Imagine living in the darkened rubble of what was once a grocery store, eating only dried fruit rolls for five days as a seven-year-old girl did, according to a Jan. 17 New York Times article. Every day, articles tell of survivors pulled from the city’s collapsed infrastructure. Overshadowing the

triumphant rescue stories, however, are the dead, missing, sick and homeless. As of Jan. 25, The New York Times closest estimate to the death toll was 150,000 based on the number of victims buried by the Haitian government thus far. But no one knows exactly how many bodies remain missing. The massive devastation to buildings, businesses and homes, the livelihood of this small, impoverished nation and the future wellbeing of the Haitians is also largely immeasurable. The United Nations reported that the quake affected one third of the country’s population of 9 million. Haiti, already one of the world’s poorest and least developed countries, will feel the effects of the earthquake for years

Now is an opportunity for students to be grateful, thankful and charitable. to come. The tragedy in Haiti is a reminder to be grateful and appreciative of the life you have – a life that invariably consists of a warm and safe home, daily meals and an unlimited amount of clean drinking water. The people of Haiti are not as fortunate. They had no time to prepare as the walls, and their normal lives, trembled and fell around them. At a Catholic university with a mission statement devoted to encouraging students to “recognize their

responsibility to the world community” and “confront critical issues of society and to seek justice and peace,” humanitarian action and charity are necessary in light of this event. So far, neither the St. Edward’s University Web site or the Student E-News have acknowledged the quake or mentioned any opportunities for St. Edward’s students to help those in Haiti. Campus Ministry has organized a fund to send to Holy Cross members stationed in Port-au-Prince

where their buildings have been damaged. Collections have already begun at Sunday masses on campus. But there are also at least six campus organizations devoted to social justice, community service, humanitarianism and leadership, according to Student Life, and now is a critical time for these organizations to prove their legitimacy by exhibiting their leadership skills to rally the campus and make students aware of the other opportunities to give and support those in Haiti. There are a number of national and international organizations offering ways to aid in the relief efforts. A simple donation of $10, according to the American Red Cross Web site, will provide a family in Haiti with two

cans to store clean drinking water, a blanket or supplies that would help families prepare a healthy meal. All most of us had to do in 2010 thus far was reorganize a bookshelf, arrange a schedule and maybe start waking up a little earlier. The people in Haiti have to reorganize and rearrange their entire lives. What time they need to wake up is not an issue, because more importantly, they wonder where and in what conditions they will wake up. The United Nations estimated that 4 million Haitian residents are without a home, or even a tent, to sleep in. Now is an opportunity for students to be grateful, thankful and charitable.

NBC drops ball, Conan says goodbye to network Wendy Cawthon After only seven months on the air, Conan O’Brien, host of “The Tonight Show” on NBC, has performed his last monologue. Well, at least until September. For those of you still unsure about why this has happened, here’s what went down. The late night feud began earlier in January when NBC announced plans to move Jay Leno back to his old time slot after the 2010 Winter Olympics to boost his subpar ratings. This would have moved O’Brien to Jimmy Fallon’s spot, Fallon to Carson Daly’s spot, and Daly to the land of infomercials and Star Trek reruns. To put it kindly, NBC has been less than “Must See TV” lately. “Saturday Night Live” always loses viewership

in a non-election year, “Law & Order” has seen better days, and it’s rumored that NBC will lose over $200 million during this year’s Winter Olympics. With all due respect, NBC must be getting pretty desperate if they think Leno is going to save the day. After 20 years on “The Tonight Show,” Leno handed the reins over to O’Brien and stepped down to pursue other projects, namely “The Jay Leno Show.” Soon after leaving his 17-year stint on “Late Night,” O’Brien packed up his family and his writers and made the move from New York to Los Angeles to take over. But after only seven months of having both shows on the air, with Leno before the news and O’Brien after, NBC soon learned that 9 p.m. is not the appropriate time for a variety

show meant for an older audience. Soon after NBC announced the schedule change, O’Brien made it known that he would not be a part of the deal. In an open letter to the New York Times, O’Brien said the change “will seriously damage what I consider to be the greatest franchise in the history of broadcasting” and “I cannot participate in what I honestly believe is its destruction.” In the midst of this battle, loyal fans have been coming out of the woodwork to support the redheaded host they grew up with. In the last week of “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien,” fans went to extreme lengths to show their disagreement with NBC. The popular Facebook group “I’m With Coco” is closing in on one million fans, viewership

increased by 50 percent during O’Brien’s last week, and on Jan. 18 fans held rallies in New York, Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles in protest. If only this kind of loyalty had existed during the first seven months. Even after a very public brawl with NBC, O’Brien expressed his gratitude for a wonderful 17 years on his last episode with the network Jan. 22. He also warned young fans that watched in the last week to not become cynical about the situation. Until after the Olympics, O’Brien’s time slot will be filled with reruns of the show from the past month. It has been confirmed that March 1, Leno will return to his old spot on “The Tonight Show.” According to his contract with NBC, O’Brien is not legally allowed to host another

Associated Press

O’Brien during his brief stint on The Tonight Show.

show until September, when the terms expire. So, until then, O’Brien left his fans with these words of advice: “Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were

going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.”

Hilltop Views | Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Massachusetts elects Republican, shocks Democrats Katheryn Johnson Massachusetts shocked the country Jan. 19 when citizens opted to elect Republican Scott Brown to Ted Kennedy’s former Senate seat. Brown, a former state legislator, is the first Republican to be elected to the office since 1972. His victory over the state’s Attorney General, Martha Coakley, extinguished Democratic hopes for a filibuster-proof Senate. His election potentially hurts the Democrats’ chances of passing a controversial health care bill and other legislation on President Obama’s agenda. Brown may well be the 41st

vote to prevent the Democratic-led health care plan from moving forward. His victory has given Republicans around the country a surge of much-needed confidence. The Republicans have appeared helpless in the past two years, losing long-held Republican districts like New York’s 23rd Congressional District, where a Democrat won in a special election back in November. Moreover, the Democrats are facing drama within their own party, as many Senate Democrats who represent conservative districts have vowed they will not support the current Senate health care bill. The election of Brown has put the

Senate bill in an even more vulnerable state. The House passed its version of a health care bill in early November 2009, offering a public option that the Senate highly opposed. The Senate passed a watered-down version of a health care bill on Christmas Eve. This bill focused on insurance reform but no public option, a major dilemma for House Democrats. To compromise, they are sending both bills to a joint committee, which will merge the two and send them to the House for a vote and then to Obama, who will sign it into law. But this step is not so easy, as we saw on Thurs-

day when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Health care reform faced failure Jan. 21 as the leaders struggled to cooperate and merge the two bills. Pelosi announced that the House would oppose the Senate bill because it lacks a public option and covers too few people. The Senate Democrats, however, refuse to start from scratch in order to appease the House. Direction on fixing the problem from the Obama Administration has not yet been given. Democrats struggled all year to maintain a coalition in support of health care reform without any GOP

votes. Brown’s improbable win in Massachusetts Jan. 19 now looks like it has the potential to end that almostimpossible balancing act. What does all of this mean for the Democrats as midterm elections approach? The Democrats put all of their eggs in one basket: health care. If we hearken back to the Clinton administration, which failed to pass health care in 1993, we can remember that the Republicans regained the House and Senate shortly thereafter. Despite the Democratic resolve to pass a health care bill, there is a strong possibility they will not be able to agree on an approach before this year’s

elections, leaving the Democrats vulnerable to defeat in November. A Democratic defeat could leave Obama with an even lower approval rating and a very difficult campaign season in just two short years. Brown’s election was a wake-up call to Democrats in Washington. If they don’t pass a legitimate form of health care before Congress recesses, the campaign season will prove difficult for Democrats.

Hilltop Views Golden Globes praise Cameron 3001 S. Congress Ave.#964, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512) 448-8426 Fax: (512) 233-1695 Bryce Bencivengo Claire Cella Editors-in-Chief Jen Obenhaus Tristan Hallman News Editors Proctor Anderson Rachel Winter Viewpoints Editors Holly Aker Caroline Wallace Entertainment Editors Phillip Bradshaw Amber Brown Features Editors Kayla Meyer Sports Editor Shaun Martin Head Designer

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Blair Haralson Alyssa Palomo Designers Hilltop Views is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. Edward’s University. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the university, whose mission is grounded in the teachings and doctrine of the Catholic Church. Letter Policy: Hilltop Views welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for space, grammar and clarity. Letters will be published at our discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

Ryan Schmidt A few weeks ago, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association hosted the 67th Golden Globes and America was watching, waiting to see who would take home top honors. For the most part, they seemed to get things right. Best Motion Picture-Comedy or Musical went to “The Hangover.” One would be hard pressed to find a funnier film. Christoph Waltz won Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his incredible portrayal as Hans Landa in “Inglorious Basterds.” This was indeed a break-out American role for Waltz, an already established German actor. It seemed odd that Robert Downey, Jr. won Best Performance by an Actor-Comedy or Musical for “Sherlock Holmes,” which shouldn’t have been classified as a comedy, but I won’t complain. I’m a huge fan of Downey and he’s put some pretty amazing performances together recently, most importantly his role as Sherlock Holmes. Both of those actors made

The Globes are a good teaser for what’s to come at the Oscars. the films they starred in great and deserve the awards they won. Another positive win was Best Animated Film going to “UP,” a film that could easily get a nomination for an Oscar. “UP” is probably the first animated film that could genuinely win the big prize March 7 at the Academy Awards. Some thought “Wall-E” would do it, but “UP” is positioned to make a big splash. The HFPA did hand out some awards that I had to question. Best Motion Picture-Drama, essentially the best film of the year, went to “Avatar,” beating out “The Hurt Locker” and “Inglorious Basterds.” Both are lightyears better than “Avatar” in

every sense of a film, except of course technological advancement and eye candy. I attribute this award mostly to critics losing their minds over the visuals James Cameron showed us. The film is nowhere near as unique, gritty, bizarre and wonderful as either “Inglorious Basterds” or “The Hurt Locker.” I hate to continue bashing “Avatar,” because it is a good movie and I really enjoyed it. It has a classic story line, great action and beautiful visuals. However, when James Cameron won Best DirectorMotion Picture, beating out Katheryn Bigelow, Quentin Tarantino, Clint Eastwood and Jason Reitman, I couldn’t help but wonder if the HFPA felt obligated to give Cameron the award because he spent 10 years and nearly $300 million dollars to direct his film. The deserving winner was Katheryn Bigelow for her hyper-realistic account of a bomb squad in the most dangerous region of the world in “The Hurt Locker.” The last award I take issue with is Best Screenplay-Mo-

tion Picture going to “Up in the Air.” Now, I know most of you probably love the film, mostly because you can’t get over George Clooney’s rugged good looks. The film is stale for the first three-quarters, and Clooney adds nothing to his role that any other Hollywood actor could. Again, “The Hurt Locker,” “Inglorious Basterds” and even “Avatar” have better screenplays. Jason Reitman said it best at the podium, “I’m still waiting for them to say Quentin Tarantino.” The Globes are a good teaser for what’s to come at the Oscars. Most critics would have agreed that the early front-runner for Picture of the Year was my personal favorite, “The Hurt Locker.” There’s no doubt, though, that Avatar’s Globes win will bump Cameron and his blue friends up closer to the top spot. “UP” and “Inglorious Basterds” are dark horses, but we’ll see if anyone can beat “Avatar.”


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | Hilltop Views

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