Irish Antiques Journal Autumn 2009

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ANTIQUES journal

issue 1 | autumn 2009


IADA Fair holds up well in the recession!

Welcome to this Rewarding World! IADA President invites everyone to come along and see for themselves. With all the uncertainty of the world at present, antiques and fine art still look a reasonably good buy. Prices have adjusted and there are many worthwhile items at realistic prices available. Tradition is something none of us can escape from but the interpretation changes all through the ages in different ways, chairs need legs, we need tables to eat off, beds are needed to sleep on, each generation and each person designs them in a different way using different materials. All the designs of each period can be mixed together and can sit comfortably beside a different period if well chosen. Likewise good antique jewellery can look well on a modern dress; it is all in the taste and careful choosing. What you need is imagination and self confidence. Many people mix the Georgian, the Victorian and Edwardian pieces together so they look well. Today with the huge amount of modern pieces being made with careful thought many of these pieces can look really good with pieces of previous periods; this mix must be encouraged in every way possible. Good design whatever its period can fit harmoniously with the most modern room and members of the Irish Antique Dealers Association are very anxious to actively encourage this. Members of the Association at all times are prepared to give advice and indeed will allow you to try out the furniture in the house before you make a decision, unlike the Auction Room where you have to make an instant decision. While the IADA fair held at the RDS in September is the showcase of the year for its members, you can always be

certain of finding the finest items of quality and many pieces of Irish interest. The price range of items can be below fifty euro, upwards. Perhaps it is not possible to visit the fair or a member's shop, but with today's great communicator, the computer, it is possible to look at what is in shops by going on to the website where you are able to peruse through members stock in the comfort of your armchair. People are always curious to find out what an object is worth. During the past year and in the future the Association will be holding Antique Roadshows around the country; the venues will be advertised in local and national press. If you are interested in a roadshow please communicate with us at email You can also have your objects valued at the fair on Friday 25th. Hunting the antique can be both exciting and rewarding in many ways. Choose carefully and remember that the right piece will give you pleasure and last forever. The Members of the Irish Antique Dealers Association are always delighted to help and advise you in your quest. GEORGE STACPOOLE President, Irish Antique Dealers Association

The Irish Antique Dealers Association annual fair is the highlight of the antiques year in Ireland and a treasure trove for collectors. This year, despite the recession, about 40 dealers from all over Ireland are taking part and some have taken more stand space this year. The fair runs from Wednesday September 23rd to Sunday 27th, in the Main Hall of the Royal Dublin Society. George Stacpoole, president of the Association, says that the emphasis this year will be very much on affordable items. “With all the uncertainty in the world at present, antiques and fine art still look a really good buy. Prices have adjusted and there are many items available at realistic prices”, he says. Prices range from less than 50 upwards. At the show, visitors can be certain of finding the finest quality items and many pieces of specifically Irish interest. Visitors are always guaranteed the provenance of items on display and unlike auction rooms, members of the Association will allow people to try out furniture in their own homes before they make their final purchasing decision. As always, a series of free lectures accompanies the show (see page 10 for a list of lectures & times). The lectures will cover a variety of topics, from images of Dublin to the work of Sean Keating, the great 20th century Irish artist and cleaning up dirt from pictures. Robert O'Byrne's latest book, Romantic Irish Houses, which is being launched next month, is also being promoted at the fair by the Association.

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