Loving God & loving each other
RESURRECTION CHURCH IS CELEBRATING ITS 12TH YEAR ON HILTON HEAD ISLAND In October of 2010, Resurrection Church launched from humble beginnings in a small, rented office space just across the bridge in Moss Creek, before moving to its current location at 296 Spanish Wells Road in late 2013. The original church leaders, which included Senior Pastor Len Stubbs, Linda Stubbs, James Watkins, Miriam Watkins, Dan Sekavec and Eileen Frey, had a vision for a multi-cultural, Gospeldriven, prayer-centered, evangelical church. It would be laser focused on answering Jesus’ call on all Christians to go and tell, love God and love each
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other, serve the community in Christian life and to strive to walk daily in the truth of “No Religion... Just Jesus.” The founding leaders and charter members envisioned Resurrection Church as a faith community, where people could come together and learn to live as Jesus taught us to live, to serve each other by making a difference in the lives of those in our community in Jesus’ name and to reach people with God’s lifesaving and life-giving message that we all might choose to become fully devoted followers of Christ.