3 minute read
Good Deeds
Loving God & loving each other
In October of 2010, Resurrection Church launched from humble beginnings in a small, rented office space just across the bridge in Moss Creek, before moving to its current location at 296 Spanish Wells Road in late 2013. The original church leaders, which included Senior Pastor Len Stubbs, Linda Stubbs, James Watkins, Miriam Watkins, Dan Sekavec and Eileen Frey, had a vision for a multi-cultural, Gospeldriven, prayer-centered, evangelical church. It would be laser focused on answering Jesus’ call on all Christians to go and tell, love God and love each other, serve the community in Christian life and to strive to walk daily in the truth of “No Religion... Just Jesus.” The founding leaders and charter members envisioned Resurrection Church as a faith community, where people could come together and learn to live as Jesus taught us to live, to serve each other by making a difference in the lives of those in our community in Jesus’ name and to reach people with God’s lifesaving and life-giving message that we all might choose to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Resurrection Church has made a commitment to be a safe, non-judgmental Jesus-seeking and Jesus-loving faith family of professed sinners, who come together in community to hear and live out the life-changing and dangerous good news message of Jesus Christ. Senior Pastor Len Stubbs and the leadership team at Resurrection has been committed to never allowing themselves to compromise the word of God in preaching, teaching, Pastoral coaching or Biblical counseling and to live out our lives daily in the truth that only Christ matters. To that end, Resurrection Church has been (even during COVID) more than just a once-aweek Sunday meeting place.
It offers many ministries and outreach programs that allows us to demonstrate that we love God, that we believe in God’s radical, unconditional and unwavering love for us, that we believe that Jesus is God and that we affirm that others may or may not believe that Jesus is God. As a result of that truth, those at Resurrection Church are not asking anyone to change their belief system before attending the church. But instead, the church is simply inviting everyone to join us on a journey to experience Jesus because we place the highest priority on Jesus as a live life to the fullest invitation. Community members have praised the church’s inspiring services and friendly and loving atmosphere. “Resurrection Church has help me turn my life around,” Edith Cooper said. “It is about the teaching of the words. I have found faith, peace, and joy.”
Said Anita Ayres: “I have looked for a church like this most of my adult life. Love and forgiveness without judgment is practiced daily with one another.”
“Resurrection Church has become my additional family,” Mark Anthony wrote in a Google review. “Pastor Len is a man on fire for God and you feel it near him. I love this place and the people are so kind.” As such the church believes that every person has a dream deep inside their hearts and that God put that dream there, not for our glory, but for His and that the Bible is God’s Word and as God’s Word it is real, living and active.