2 minute read
From the office of the CEO
Chief Executive Officer
Hello all.
HIMAA National Office continues to support our profession during these challenging times. We are receiving excellent feedback regarding the Professional Development (PD) events that Milla has been facilitating and we appreciate the support. PD events will continue to be part of our service provision as we move forward, and we are building an exciting portfolio for future events. I hope you continue to find value in them. HIMAA staff and select Board Members have also been engaging with the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) to get access to some of their digital content (Australian appropriate). HIMAA and AHIMA have identified a series of digital topics that would be relevant to our HIM Professionals and as such, we will shortly be able to give details on how to access this content. This content will come at a user pays level; however, with topics like: Setting up a reporting Environment: A start to finish Introduction; CDIS: the why, the where, the how, the future and Medical Residents as key Players in Clinical Documentation, we are sure they will be a great learning and awareness opportunity.
World Patient Safety Day. 17 September 2020
“Recognising patient safety as a global priority, all 194 WHO Member States at the 72nd World Health Assembly held in May 2019 endorsed the establishment of World Patient Safety Day to be marked annually on 17 September. The objectives of World Patient Safety Day are to increase public awareness and engagement, enhance global understanding and spur global solidarity and action to promote patient safety”.
As HIM professionals each of you play a role in supporting patient safety. Show your organisations the value that HIM Professionals bring in supporting quality health care. Join in your organisation's events or host your own. Please take some pictures of your activities and we will post them on our social pages.
How many times has the IFHIMA Congress been hosted in the Western Pacific?
Answer: Five times. Australia (1972), New Zealand (1984), Australia (2000), Korea (2007), and Japan (2016). Join us in Brisbane as the Congress returns to our shores in 2022. Representation of Australia at IFHIMA (International HIM Associations) congresses has always been strong. Let’s make 2022 our biggest as Brisbane hosts the 20th IFHIMA Congress.
At the recent Branch Convenors Meeting, all Branch Convenors supported the creation of individual state branch HIMAA email accounts. These have now been created under the following addresses:
ACT & Capital Region: actbranch@himaa.org.au New South Wales: nswbranch@himaa.org.au Queensland: qldbranch@himaa.org.au South Australia: sabranch@himaa.org.au Tasmania: tasbranch@himaa.org.au Victoria: vicbranch@himaa.org.au Western Australia: wabranch@himaa.org.au
Don’t forget, if you haven’t paid your annual membership subscription, please do, so you can continue to reap the fantastic benefits being part of your professional association brings.
Mark Upton Acting CEO