1 minute read

Call for Members Resolution


for the 55th Annual General Meeting of the Health Information Management Association of Australia


The 55 th

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) will be held on Friday 30 October, 2020. As per rule 21.1 of the HIMAA Constitution, the Board of Directors have determined that this AGM will be held virtually using an approved digital event platform.

Under Rule 24.1, financial members of HIMAA can move a special resolution at the AGM, providing notice in writing of this intent is submitted to the Company Secretary not less than 56 days prior to the AGM.

This notice should include a copy of the resolution and a statement setting out all information known to the Member that is material to the decision of the Members whether to vote in favour of the resolution. To ensure this information receives full attention, Members are encouraged to keep it within the space of an A4 sheet in Arial 11-point font.

Submission Deadline

Such notice should be received by the Company Secretary, Mr Mark Upton, before 8am on Friday 4 September 2020

The best way of meeting this deadline is to email the required notice and information to the HIMAA Company Secretary at executiveoffice@himaa.org.au by close of business (5pm) on Thursday 3 September 2020, or at any time beforehand. HIMAA does not believe postal submission can guarantee delivery by the required deadline.

In the subject line of the email please use: Member’s Resolution Delivery by hand by close of business (5pm) on Thursday 3 September 2020, will also guarantee that the deadline is met. The address for delivery by hand is:

HIMAA, Building 17, 1st Floor, 51 Wicks Road, North Ryde NSW 2113.

Member’s Resolutions are distributed with the AGM Agenda 21 days prior to the AGM.

In Summary:

Member’s Resolutions due: before 8am on Friday 4 September 2020 Email to HIMAA Company Secretary at executiveoffice@himaa.org.au or, Delivery by hand to HIMAA, Building 17, 1st Floor, 51 Wicks Road, North Ryde NSW 2113.

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