Voip newsletter #30 mei 2015

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Kenaikan Yesus Kristus


00 18 20 1 11 Hari Raya 12 14 19 21 Waisak Final 00 22 3 EST 15 ISITIA 2015 Hari Pangan 23 4 Sedunia Hari 15 22 17 PBB 5 Isra 6 Mi’raj 23 30 17 24 31 7

Mei 11-15 : Tutorial Cp : Daniel 085225547614 13 : Final EST (Kalpataru VS Kuda) Cp: Irfan 081510023810 14 : Kenaikan Yesus Kristus 16 : Isra Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW 20-21: ISITIA 2015 18-23 : Evaluasi Akhir Semester Juni 1 : Evaluasi Akhir Semester 2 : Hari Raya Waisak



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Himatektro’s leader

Edisi #30 | Next Leader Mei 2015


THE FUTURE Be WISER Be SMARTER ! seek more info :

hima.ee.its.ac.id/pemilu ENGLISH CORNER

Pimpinan Redaksi : Alifi Yuli Setyanto Penanggung Jawab : Diaz Ficry Arfianto Reporter : Taufani Kurniawan, Bayu Indra,Imania Puspita Sari, Bima, Monica Regina Desain : Theo Wiranadi, Enggartiasto, Dian Akbar Visit Us hima.ee.its.ac.id Follow twitter.com/himatektro_its Like facebook.com/himatektro Youtube himatektroits Thanks for the support, Victory Press won the title of the Best Newsletter KM ITS 2014. Help us be better again by sending criticism and suggestions to 085641065960 (Alifi)

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact , the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.


Warren Bennis Mitos tentang kepemimpinan yang paling berbahaya bahwa pemimipin itu dilahirkan dengan faktor genetika untuk memimpin. Mitos tersebut omong kosong, yang benar adalah kebalikan mitos tersebut. Pemimpin diciptakan bukan dilahirkan —Warren Bennis (DFA)

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