Tequila Resplandor

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INDEX The Myth Tequila Revelaci贸n The Bottle Contact

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The Myth: S

ays the myth that in the region of Tequillán inhabited by the tiquilas that belonged to the Toltec culture, a wise elder by the name ¨Achio Colli” which means the first of the elders, had heard of a magnificent story told by his ancestors about a day where the gods became mad. The gods had grown mad with men so they sent a terrible thunder storm in the days of summer. During the same storm, a ray of light came down from the skies over the maguey plants that dominated the scenery. With the intense heat of the beam the plants burned intensely for a few minutes and when the fire had ceased the long leaves of the magueys consumed leaving only the heart of the plant which bloated a rich milky liquid with a seductive aroma. Stunned and curious the indigenous people drank the nectar that resulted pleasant to their taste. The attributed this phenomenon as a miracle of the gods that had demonstrated mercy granting them a drink that not only would feed them, but would vanish the pains of the soul.

“Mayahuel is the symbol of fertility in our land. As she was converted to maguey she brought men (mexicas) the necessary aptitudes to survive.” José Luis Orozco


The Tequila: From myth a secret is born, from the secret a jewel emerges and from the jewel a REVELATION is unveiled. From the heart of the agave lands one of the biggest secrets of the Mexican myths reveals itself, Tequila Revelación, a true gift from Mayahuel to the world. Elaborated with a careful artistry Tequila Revelación proudly presents it’s revealing range of high quality tequila that will satisfy even the most demanding tastes.

“The gift that is shared with the world”




(white tequila)

Tequila Blanco: A white tequila with a great personality, Tequila Revelaci贸n Blanco seduces our eyes with it麓s magnificent vivid turquoise color that reminds us of the fields of blue agaves at dawn. A great tequila to taste in any occasion.




Higth 129.47 cm

White 100% Agave.

Long 69.83 cm

38 Alc. Vol.



Bottles per Case

750 ml.

1.6 kg.

6 Pieces


1.6 kg.

6 Pieces

Width 37.50 cm Export

Higth 129.47 cm Long 69.38 cm

White 100% Agave. 38 Alc. Vol.

Width 37.50 cm



Tequila Reposado: Elegant, with presence and strength Tequila Revelaci贸n Reposando presents itself like a unique dusk upon an agave field. Alone or with friends this tequila provokes our taste buds with great flavor consequence of the intelligent process of maturation in wooden barrels.






Bottles per Case

Higth 129.47 cm


750 ml.

1.6 kg.

6 Pieces

Long 69.83 cm

38 Alc. Vol. 750ml.

1.6 kg.

6 Pieces

Width 37.50 cm Export

Higth 129.47 cm


Long 69.38 cm

38 Alc. Vol.

Width 37.50 cm



Tequila Añejo: Strong with great body Tequila Revelación Añejo is the most mature tequila of our range. Identified by the bronze tag, you can distinguish its unmistakable nature. This tequila invites us to share our most special moments with our beloved ones along with smooth and harmonious music.




Higth 129.47 cm Long 69.83 cm Width 37.50 cm Higth 129.47 cm Long 69.83 cm Width 37.50 cm




Bottles per Case

Añejo 38 Alc. Vol.

750 ml.

1.6 kg.

6 Pieces



1.6 kg.

6 Pieces

38 Alc. Vol.


The Bottle: Handcrafted with two different craft techniques blown glass and “repugado” which marvelously represent the quality of artistry of the our rich history, the bottle of Tequila Revelación is proud to contain in the most honorably way the sacred juice, the gift from the goddess Mayahuel to the world.



Contact: MARVINK Internacional S. de RL de C.V. Sales Agent: Karen M. Pérez Av. Tonantzin No. 1173 Col. Jardínes del Bosque C.P. 44520 Guadalajara Jalisco, México.

Tel. +52 (33) 30 44 53 70 Movil. +52 (33) 36 67 55 16 www.tequilarevelacion.com



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