22 minute read


lots 179–257


179 CARY’S NEW CELESTIAL GLOBE Cary’s New Celestial Globe … calculated to the Year 1820. London: J. & W. Cary, 1818.

A 15-inch celestial table globe, the sphere with 12 gores printed with constellation figures, set within a wooden horizon ring with a printed calendar and zodiac scales pasted down, raised on a wooden four-legged stand with a compass built into the base. Restoration to central portion of globe; some repainting to horizon ring with some loss; a few punctures to globe portion. Height 41 inches. $6,000-8,000


180 (ATLAS) BURDETT, S. S. Geographical and Political Atlas of the States and Territories of the United States of America in which the Public Land Surveys are Now in Operation. Washington: Department of the Interior, 1876.

Atlas folio, 3/4 morocco over cloth, gilt-lettered. With 19 hand-colored engraved maps after Julius Bien. Wear and fading to boards with some loss to spine; marginal dampstaining affecting some plates; light interior soiling; minor foxing. $1,000-2,000 181 (ATLAS) CHARLE, J. B. L. Nouvel atlas national de la France. Paris: Dauty, 1833.

Folio, quarter calf over marbled boards. With doublepage engraved title and 78 double-page engraved maps hand-colored in outline. Rubbing to boards; joints cracked; ends chipped; bookseller’s sticker tipped to front pastedown; ghosting to versos of plates; intermittent light brownspotting. $100-200

182 (ATLAS) HAYDEN, F. V. Geological and Geographical Atlas of Colorado and Portions of Adjacent Territory. S.l.: Julius Bien, 1877.

Folio, 3/4 morocco over cloth, gilt-lettered. First edition, with 20 double-page sheets comprising 18 maps and charts and two panoramic views. Wear to boards; edges rubbed and corners bumped; light ghosting to verso of some plates; marginal dampstaining affecting first 8 and final 4 leaves; 1-inch repaired tear to “Northern Central Colorado.” $1,000-2,000

183 (ATLAS) MORSE, SIDNEY E. An Atlas of the United States, on an Improved Plan; Consisting of Ten Maps, with a Complete Index to Each, and a General Map of the Whole Country. New-Haven: N. & S.S. Jocelyn, 1823.

4to, original half red calf, pastedown label to upper board. With 11 engraved maps, one double-page, each with facing letterpress indices, hand-colored in outline. Wear and soiling to boards; spine chipped with some loss; foxing; scattered brownspotting; offsetting from plates. $700-900 184 (ATLAS) RIZZI-ZANNONI, GIOVANNI Atlas geographique contenant la mappemonde et les quatre parties, avec les differents etats d’Europe. [Bound with:] Idee de la sphere, ou principes sur la geographie astronomique. By M. Bonne. Paris: Lattre, 1762, 1763.

2 works in one vol. 12mo, contemporary calf, spine tooled and lettered in gilt, a.e.g., frontispiece. With 31 engraved plates colored by hand. Boards rubbed; hinges cracked; corners bumped; light soiling; manuscript notations to rear endpaper; scattered brownspotting. $200-400

185 (MAP) BEECHEY, FREDERICK WM. Plan of Escholtz Bay, by Lieut. E. Belcher. Engraved map with hand-coloring from The Zoology of Captain Beecher’s Voyage, London, 1839. 8 1/2 x 11 inches. $100-200

186* (MAP) BELLIN, JACQUES NICOLAS Cartes Reduite des Mers du Nord. Paris, 1758. Engraved map hand-colored in outline. Framed and matted. 18 x 13 inches. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $100-200


187* (MAP) BELLIN, JACQUES NICOLAS Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins. Paris, 1754. Engraved map with hand-coloring. Framed and matted. 17 x 22 inches. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $300-500

188* (MAP) BERTELLI, FERRANDO A pair of engraved maps with hand-coloring of the “Lafreri-School,” sixteenth-century, hand-colored, comprising De Minorica Insula and De Maiorica Insula. Framed, with full margins. 9 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches each. Property from the Estate of Vincent Rodriguez, Miami, Florida $2,000-4,000

189* (MAP) BLAEU, JOANNES Cesena. Engraved town plan of Cesena, a city in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, from Civitates Ecclesiastici. Amsterdam, 1663. 19 x 24 inches. Property from the Collection of David H. Gee, Chicago, Illinois $100-200

190 No Lot

191 (MAP) BLAEU, WILLEM Rugia Insula ac Ducatus accuratissime descripta ab E. Lubino. Amsterdam, 1635. Engraved map with handcoloring, framed by 30 armorial crests. Dutch text to verso. Fine, with full margins. Framed and matted. 22 x 18 inches. $300-500 192 (MAP) PAGE, H.R. Lake Forest, Shields Township, 1881. Engraved map with hand-coloring from Illustrated Atlas of Winnebago and Boone Counties, Illinois ... Chicago: H.R. Page, 1886.

Showing Lake Forest, Illinois, with Forest, Mayflower and University Park delineated, along with the homesteads of L.J.M. McCormick, James Burke, John McIntyre, Philip Ryan, William Gannon, Michael Mines, R. Atteridge and others. 27 1/2 x 17 2/3 inches. $100-200

193 (MAP) HOMANN, JOHANN Amplissimae regionis Mississippi. Amsterdam, 1719. Engraved map with early hand-coloring. Termed “The Buffalo Map” with a view of Niagara Falls based on de Lisle’s earlier map of the same area, dedicated to Hennepin, who explored the Great Lakes and the Upper Mississippi. Framed. 22 1/4 x 26 inches. $1,000-2,000

194 (MAP) HOMANN, JOHANN S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Superior. Nuremberg, n.d. [c. 1715] Engraved map hand-colored in outline showing central Germany, cartouche with regional coats of arms. Framed and matted. [Together with:] A New and Accurate Map of Great Britain and Ireland. By Emmanuel Bowen. London, (1747 or later). Engraved map with hand-coloring showing the British Isles, with nautical cartouche. Framed and matted. Size of largest 27 1/2 x 31 inches. $100-200 195* (MAP) HOMANN, JOHANN Europa Christiani orbis domina in sua Imperia Regna. Nuremberg, [c. 1720] Engraved map with hand-coloring. Framed and matted. [Together with:] Novissia et Accuratissima XVII Provinciarum Germaniae Inferioris Tabula. By Nicolaus Visscher. Paris, [c. 1680]. Framed and matted. Size of largest 25 x 28 inches. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $200-400

196 (MAP) HOMANN HEIRS A group of 34 maps likely from an edition of Atlas Scholasticus, one of the most popular and widely distributed atlases of the second half of the 18thcentury. Nuremburg, 1729-1786. 20 x 24 inches each. $1,000-2,000

197 (MAP) HOMANN HEIRS Americae mappa generalis. Amsterdam, 1746. Engraved map with hand-coloring showing North and South America, with engraved cartouche of natives, volcanoes, and exotic birds. Framed and matted. 18 x 20 1/2 inches. $50-100

198 (MAP) JAILLOT, ALEXIS HUBERT Le Gouvernement d’Orleans et La Generalite Divisee en Ses Elections. Par le St. Sanson, Geographe Ord. du Roy. Engraved map with hand-coloring in outline from Atlas Nouveau. Amsterdam, 1696. 24 1/2 x 38 inches. $300-500



199 (MAP) JAILLOT, ALEXIS HUBERT Le Marquisat et Eslectorat de Brandebourg. Engraved map with hand-coloring in outline from Atlas Nouveau. Amsterdam, 1696. 24 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches. $100-200

200 (MAP) JANSSON, JAN Regni Daniae Accuratissima delineatio. Amsterdam, 1655. Engraved map with hand-coloring, with two engraved cartouches and one armorial. Framed and matted. [Together with:] Glamorganensis Comitaus vulgo Glamorgan Shire. Amsterdam, 1645 or later. Engraved map with hand-coloring, with two engraved armorials. Size of largest 24 x 28 inches. $200-400 201 (MAP) JANSSON, JAN [Comitatus Hollandiae Nova Descriptio] [Amsterdam, 1650]. Engraved map with hand-coloring in outline, depicting the Netherlands with compass rose, sailing vessels and coats of arms; oriented west. French text to verso. Framed and matted. 16 x 22 inches. $200-400

202 (MAP) KITCHEN, THOMAS A group of two maps, comprising Map of the Seat of War in Germany, and A Map of the Seat of War in Italy accommodated to this History. 15 3/4 x 18 inches each. $100-200

203* (MAP) KITCHEN, THOMAS East Indies. London, [c. 1780]. Engraved map handcolored in outline. Framed and matted. 14 x 20 inches. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $80-120


204* (MAP) LOTTER, M. A. & G. F. A New and Correct Map of North America, with the West India Islands ... According to the last Treaty of Peace, Concluded at Paris the 20th of Jan. 1783. [London, 1784].

Engraved map, on four sheets joined, hand-colored in outline. The map shows the area of the former British colonies, the Eastern seaboard, the Mississippi basin with New Mexico, the Caribbean islands, the South American coast and Central America, with inset maps of Baffin and Hudson’s Bay and part of California, and an engraved cartouche depicting British merchants at port with a ship in the background being loaded with cargo by black slaves. Framed and matted. 51 x 56 inches. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $6,000-8,000

205 No Lot

206 (MAP) MERIAN, MATTHAUS A group of four maps, comprising Franc-Riick, Gallia. Le Royaume de France, Dania Regnum, and Nova et Accurata Ducatus Venetiani. Matted. 12 1/2 x 16 inches each. $100-200

207 (MAP) MITCHELL, AUGUSTUS A group of four double-page Mitchell County and Township maps, depicting the three Western regions (Utah and Nevada; Oregon and Washington; Montana, Idaho and Wyoming) and one Northeastern region (Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island) of the United States. Washington, 1881-1882. 15 1/2 x 23 inches each. $50-100

208 (MAP) MUNSTER, SEBASTIAN Tabula novarum insularum, quas diversis respectibus Occidentales & Indianas vocant. Woodcut map with hand-coloring. [Basel, 1550]

An early state of Munster’s map of the Americas, first issued in 1540, being the earliest map of all of America and the first to name the Pacific Ocean. Also one of the earliest depictions of Japan. Large decorated ship is Magellan’s Victoria, the only ship to survive his voyage. Linen-backed; Latin text visible on verso. 12 x 14 1/2 inches. $2,000-4,000 209 No Lot

210 (MAP) ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM Graecia, Sophiani. Antwerp, [1592]. Engraved map with handcoloring. Latin text to verso. Framed and matted. 15 1/2 x 21 1/2 inches. $300-500

211 (MAP) PINKERTON, JOHN Swisserland. Engraved map with hand-coloring in outline, from Pinkerton’s Modern Atlas. Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson, 1818. 22 1/2 x 32 1/2 inches. $100-200

212* (MAP) RAPKIN, J. British India and North America, [c. 1850] A group of two engraved maps, hand-colored in outline, framed by decorative borders and vignettes. 14 x 10 inches each. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $100-200

213 (MAP) SCHEUCHZER, J.G. Urbs Nangasaki cum portu & agro circumjacenti. Engraved map with hand-colored showing Nagasaki harbour, from The History of Japan, Scheuchzer’s translation of Kaempfer’s Imperium Japonicum. London, 1727. Framed and matted. 19 1/2 x 25 inches. $200-400



220 214 (MAP) SPEEDE, JOHN Bohemia, Newly Described. London: Thomas Bassett and Richard Chiswell, 1626. Engraved map with handcoloring. 20 character portraits and seven city views. Framed and matted. 17 x 21 inches. $400-600

215 (MAP) SPEEDE, JOHN Northumberland. London: Henry Overton, [c. 1662]. Engraved map with hand-coloring, two vignette city views of Newcastle and Barwick, 10 coats of arms, and depictions of antiquities from the Roman garrisons. Framed and matted. 24 x 29 inches. $100-200

216 (MAP) SPEEDE, JOHN Worcestershire Described. London: Thomas Bassett and Richard Chiswell, [1610]. Engraved map with handcoloring. County map, with five armorials and inset city view of Worcester. Fully pasted down, trimmed. Framed. 20 1/2 x 15 1/2 inches. $100-200

217 No Lot

218 (MAP) VAUGONDY, ROBERT DE Romani Imperii, occidentis scilicet et orientis, Tabula Geographica. Paris, 1752. Engraved map hand-colored in outline. Light toning to center crease; minor marginal spotting. Framed and matted. 27 x 34 inches. $100-200

219* (MAP) VAUGONDY, ROBERT L’Irelande and L’Amerique. Paris, 1762. Two engraved maps with hand-coloring. Framed and matted. 14 1/2 x 14 inches each. Property from the Collection of Harvey Golden, Evanston, Illinois $200-400

220 (MAP) VISSCHER, NICOLAS Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina. Amsterdam, 1659. Engraved map with hand-coloring in outline showing the Holy Land, with inset illustration of the temple flanked by Moses and Aaron, the sea with numerous ships and foliate cartouche along the top edge. Framed and matted. 27 1/2 x 32 inches. $400-600

221 (MAP) A group of approximately 50 loose maps of Europe, Asia and South America. Size of largest 16 x 10 1/2 inches. $100-200

222 (MAP) A group of five matted maps, comprising A Sketch of the Public Surveys in Wisconsin and Territory of Minnesota, n.d. [1850]; Partis Hungariae, n.d.; Gesta ad Sandomiriam, 1656; Conflictus prope Dirschaviam, 1657; Stiria Vulgo Steyrmarek, n.d. Size of largest 20 x 23 inches. $80-120

223 (MAP) A collection of 32 (15 double-page, 17 single page) engraved nautical maps from The East India Pilot, or Oriental Navigator, on One Hundred and Eighteen Plates. London: Robert Laurie and James Whittle, 1799. Some offsetting on double-page maps; slight chipping and browning at edges and some splits at the folds. Together with seven other examples from various eighteenthcentury sources. Folio, contents loose in 3/4 leatherette over plain boards, four cloth ties. Size of largest 25 x 36 3/4 inches. $1,000-2,000 224 (MAP) A collection of 12 various maps, mainly seventeenthcentury, all folding, some hand-colored, including works by d L’Isle, Seutter, de Witt, Homann Heirs, Lotter and others. Size of largest 26 1/2 x 25 3/4 inches. $600-800



225 (MAP) A group of seven maps.

Comitatus Flandriae. By Homann Heirs; Germaniae. By F. de Wit, n.d.; Comitatus Marchia et Ravensberg; Palatinat du Rhein, Alsace. By N. Sanson d’Abbeuille, 1678; PaysBas Catholiques. By Sr. Robert, 1751; Terre suivant le projection de Mercator... By J. Andriveau-Goujon, 1854; and Carte du royaume d’ecosse. by M. Bonne, 1771. Size of largest 22 x 31 inches. $300-500 226 BEAMISH, NORTH LUDLOW The Discovery of America by the Northmen, in the Tenth Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. London: T. and W. Boone, 1841.

8vo, blind-stamped green cloth, title in gilt to spine. With 20 pp. publisher’s advertisements at rear, two fold-out maps and two fold-out plates. First edition. Inscribed “With the author’s compliments” on the f.f.e.p. Wear and fading to boards; ends bumped; scattered light foxing. $100-200

227 BIRKBECK, MORRIS Notes on a Journey in America. London: James Ridgway, 1818.

Thin 8vo, 3/4 calf over marbled boards, gilt-tooled spine, t.e.g. Third edition. With hand-colored engraved fold-out map laid in. Rubbing to boards; scattered brownspotting; map toned and marginally chipped with 4-inch split at crease. $100-200

228 (ALASKA) BURROUGHS, J., J. MUIR AND G. GRINNELL Harriman Alaska Expedition. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1901.

2 vols. 8vo, publisher’s green cloth gilt, t.e.g., original dust jackets. First edition, first printing. With photographs throughout, illustrations, and maps, many by Edward S. Curtis. Wear and soiling to jackets; ends bumped; hinges starting. $600-800

228A (ALASKA) ABERCROMBIE, W.R. Alaska. 1899. Copper River Exploring Expedition. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.

8vo, 3/4 morocco, spine lettered in gilt. First edition, with black and white photographic reproductions and fold-out map. Rubbing to boards; interior tight and clean. $100-200

229 BYRD, RICHARD E. Signature (“R.E. Byrd”) on a card, “With Best Wishes,” together with a black and white photograph. 3 1/4 x 5 inches. $80-120 229A* BYRD, RICHARD Original black and white photograph of an iceberg, signed (“Richard Byrd”) in black ink. Framed. 7 x 9 inches. Property from the Collection of Nancy B. and Peter G. Kohler, Kohler, Wisconsin $100-200

230 CHAILLU, PAUL B. DU The Land of the Midnight Sun. Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, (1881).

2 vols. 8vo, publisher’s blue cloth, title in gilt to spine. With numerous black and white plates and fold-out map in pocket at rear of vol. 1. Soiling and fading to boards; ends bumped; brownspotting concentrated at endpapers. $100-200

231 CHARDIN, JOHN The Travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East Indies through the Black-Sea. And the Country of Colchis. London: Moses Pitt, 1686.

2 vols. in one. 4to, full calf, gilt-tooled and lettered spine. First edition in English. With engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title and 16 plates (8 folding), and one folding map. Rubbing to boards; hinges cracked; scattered brownspotting; some leaves darkened. $1,500-2,500 232 CHETWOOD, WILLIAM RUFUS The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures, and Immenent Escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer. London: Printed for J. Marshal, 1724.

Small 8vo, full calf, gilt-lettered spine, engraved frontispiece. Second edition corrected. Front board detached; ends chipped; scattered brownspotting; ex-libris to f.f.e.p. $100-200

233 DONATI, ALEXANDRI Roma vetus ac recens utriusque aedificiis illustrata ... editio ultima. Amsterdam: Janssonio-Waesbergios & Joannem Wolters, 1695.

8vo, early calf, title in red and black. With 92 engraved plates, four folding. Lacking boards; spine split in thirds; lacking frontispiece; dampstaining affecting first 3 pp.; scattered light brownspotting; pp.176/177 horizontally torn. $100-200

234 FALDA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Il nuovo splendore delle fabriche in prospettiva di Roma moderna. Rome: M. Gregorio Rossi, 1686.

3 parts in one. Oblong 4to, 3/4 calf over marbled boards. With 129 engraved plates (including three titles pages, and three dedications). [Bound together with:] (per usual) La Fontane Publiche della Piazza di Roma Modena. Rome: M. Gregorio Rossi, 1690. With title page, dedication and 29 plates. A fine edition of this rare Italian plate book, with portions achieved or completed in black pen. Boards detached with some loss to spine; 2-inch tear to plate 7. $4,000-6,000


235 FOUGASSES, THOMAS DE The Generall Historie of the Magnificent State of Venice. Translated by W. Shute. London: G. Eld and W. Stansby, 1612.

[6] (of [8]), 579, [3]; 500, [41] pages, including blanks 3C4 and 5Z4; lacks initial blank. 4to, red morocco, gilt-lettered spine. Woodcut vignette bird’s-eye view of Venice on title and 90 woodcut portraits in-text. Light soiling and rubbing to boards; minor foxing; otherwise good. $1,500-2,500

236 FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22. London: John Murray, 1823. First edition. With 30 (of 31) engraved plates, of which 11 are handcolored, and four fold-out maps. [Together with:] Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826 and 1827. London: John Murray, 1828. First edition. With 31 engraved plates and six (of seven) fold-out maps.

2 vols. 4to, rebound in library buckram, marbled edges, renewed endpapers. Second voyage with newspaper clippings pertaining to Arctic explorations tipped to dedication page; chipping to edges of maps; intermittent foxing; some offsetting from plates. $500-700 237* FREMONT, JOHN C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842. Washington: Blair and Rives, 1845.

8vo, contemporary calf. First edition, Senate issue. With 22 lithographic plates and three (of five) maps, two foldout. Boards detached; spine chipped; ex-library copy with bookplate tipped to front pastedown; foxing throughout affecting plates and maps. Property from the Collection of Mitchell Vincent, Fairfield, Iowa $300-500

238* (HENRY, ALEXANDER AND DAVID THOMPSON) New Light on the History of the Greater Northwest. The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, 1799-1814. Edited by Elliot Coues. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1897.

3 vols. 8vo, publisher’s green cloth, title in gilt to spines. Limited edition, number 532 of 1,100 copies. Illustrated with frontispiece in vol. 1 and four folding maps in pocket at rear of vol. 3. Light soiling and rubbing to boards; ends bumped; foxing to endpapers of index vol.; vol. 2 half-title torn in half and title page chipped; hinges tender all vols.; fold-out maps lightly toned at creases. Property from the Collection of Mitchell Vincent, Fairfield, Iowa $200-400

239 KELLER, FRANZ The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. New York: D. Appleton, 1874.

4to, rebound in gilt-decorated red morocco, title in gilt to spine, a.e.g. First edition, with woodcut illustrations throughout. Wear to boards; ends chipped and frayed; light interior soiling; otherwise good. $100-200

240 KENDALL, GEORGE W. Narrative of an Expedition Across the Great South-Western Prairies, from Texas to Santa-Fe. London: David Bogue, 1845.

2 vols. 8vo, bound in 3/4 calf over marbled boards at the School of Apprentices, R.R. Donnelley & Sons, spines gilt, t.e.g. First English edition, with engraved frontispieces and fold out map to vol. 1. Light wear to boards; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; otherwise fine. $200-400 241 LINTON, WILLIAM Sketches in Italy. London: By the Author, 1832.

2 vols. Folio, publisher’s boards. First edition of Linton compilation of Italian views following his route from 18281829, with 96 lithograph plates, map, the plates all printed on India paper and mounted, each with page separators. Rare deluxe edition with subscriber’s list limited to 89 names. Inscribed by the author to Mrs. Hofland, from the author (“WL”) on f.f.e.p. vol. 1. Wear to boards; chipping to spines; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; boards detached both vols.; offsetting from plates; intermittent foxing. $6,000-8,000


242 MORELLI, FRANCESCO Veduta di Roma et Sicilia. Desegnati per C. Clerisseau e Simone Pomardi, incisi per D. Cunego e Francsco Morelli. S.l.: s.n., n.d. [c. 1800]

Atlas folio, quarter morocco, manuscript title page. A bound collection of 14 etched plates by Francesco Morelli and depicting views of Rome and Sicily. Intermittent foxing to plates; upper board detached and others worn. $1,000-2,000


243 PINELLI, BAROLOMEO Istoria Romana. Rome: Giovanni Scudellari, 1818-1819.

Folio, 3/4 calf over marbled boards, title in gilt to red leather spine label. Complete with 101 plates. Wear to boards with chipping to edges; intermittent foxing affecting some plates; offsetting from plates. $600-800

244 PSALMANAZAR, GEORGE An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa. London: Printed for Mat. Wotton, 1705.

8vo, blind-stamped calf. Second edition. With folding map, folding table and 6 (of 15) plates. Boards detached; ends chipped; intermittent foxing; marginal dampstaining affecting most leaves and some plates. $100-200

245 No Lot

246 SHELVOCKE, GEORGE A Voyage Round the World By Way of the Great South Sea. London: J. Senex, 1726.

8vo, contemporary calf with gilt-stamped dice to upper cover, gilt-decorated and lettered spine, red leather spine label. With five plates, three fold-out. Rubbing to boards; hinges cracked; ownership stamp to title page; scattered brownspotting. $2,000-4,000

247 (SWITZERLAND) SOUVENIR DE LA SUISSE Souvenir de la Suisse. Basel: C. Kruesi, n.d. [c. 1850]

Oblong 4to, original cloth lettered and decorated in gilt and black, silk endpapers, a.e.g. With 99 (of 100) engraved views, each with tissue guards. Minor rubbing to boards; else interior is very good. $600-800

248* VON OPPENHEIM, MAX FREIHERRN Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf. Durch den Hauran, Die Syrische Wuste und Mesopotamien. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1899.

2 vols. 8vo, publisher’s green pictorial cloth gilt. With 80 plates and maps, and three folding maps in rear pockets. Wear to boards; ends bumped; hinges starting; manuscript inscription to title page, vol. 1; dampstain to frontispiece, vol. 1. Property from the Collection of John Rybski, Chicago, Illinois $1,000-2,000

249 (EGYPT) PRISSE, E. Oriental Album. Characters, Costumes, and Modes of Life, in the Valley of the Nile. London: James Madden, 1848.

Large folio, quarter morocco over silk lettered in gilt. Chromolithographed title, portrait and 29 (of 30) plates. Wear to boards with chipping to spine; marginal chipping to most plates; intermittent foxing. Literature: Atabey 1001; Blackmer 1357; Colas 2427 $2,000-4,000

250* (CHINA) SOONG, MEI-LING, (MME. CHIANG KAI-SHEK) Sian: A Coup d’Etat. Shanghai: The China Publishing Company, 1937.

8vo, original red silk, lettered in gilt. Deluxe edition, printed on hand-made bamboo paper, signed by Mme. Chiang Kai-shek. Occasional spotting; spine lightly faded. Property from the Collection of Marjorie and Charles Benton, Evanston, Illinois $300-500 251 (INDIA) MALCOLM, JOHN Sketch of the Political History of India. London: printed for William Miller, 1811.

8vo, rebound in full red cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Light wear to boards; scattered brownspotting; foxing to first and last few leaves; otherwise fine. $300-500

252* (INDIA. NEHRU, JAWAHRLAL) GANDHI MOHANDAS K. Gandhiji; His life and Work. Edited by D.G. Tendulkar, et al. Bombay: Karnatak, 1944.

4to, publisher’s burlap lettered in red, original dust jacket. First Trade edition. Number 148 of 250 copies on handmade paper. Inscribed by Jawahrlal Nehru on front flyleaf. Wear to boards; jacket chipped with 2-inches of loss at foot of spine; title page and introduction leaves detached but present; hinges starting; scattered brownspotting. Property from the Collection of Marjorie and Charles Benton, Evanston, Illinois $1,000-2,000

253* (INDIA) NEHRU, JAWAHRLAL India and the World. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1936.

Small 8vo, publisher’s green cloth lettered in yellow. Inscribed to William Benton, 1937 on the f.f.e.p. Wear to boards; corners bumped. Property from the Collection of Marjorie and Charles Benton, Evanston, Illinois $200-400

248 252


254 (JAPAN) BROWN, LOUISE NORTON Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan. London: George Routledge & Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1924.

Folio, half cloth, title in gilt to spine label, printed wrappers. With 43 plates, 18 in color. Wrappers soiled and chipped with some loss to edges; front wrap detached but present; edgewear; hinges tender; otherwise good. $100-200

255 (MIDDLE EAST) ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT A group of two Mughal style gouache miniatures, with text to verso. Framed and matted. 19 x 13 1/2 inches each. $600-800 256* (MIDDLE EAST) ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT A group of two Mughal style gouache miniatures. Framed and matted. 16 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches each. Property from the Estate of Alexander Misheff, Chicago, Illinois $300-500

257 (MIDDLE EAST) DU RYER, [ANDRE] The Alcoran of Mahomet. London: s.n., 1649.

8vo, rebound in modern calf, title in gilt to spine. Wear to boards; offsetting from title page; light soiling to some leaves. $400-600

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