Hindustan university hcellence magazine 2016

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Hindustan University

Hcellence 2016 University Magazine



Founder Chairman


Dr. K. C. G. VERGHESE (1940-2006)





Editor’s Desk Dr. Sherine Joy HOD, Languages & Editor

The year was interspersed with curricular, co-curricular and social activities. The horrendous rains for nearly two months in Chennai and its adjoining villages was a jolt to the normal life and this was the time when the entire Hindustan fraternity rose to the occasion and rendered a helping hand to the affected. Hcellence includes details of the competitions, conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops conducted and attended by staff and students. Inauguration of several centres of research & development was the highlight of this academic year. This issue is a special edition since it was prepared within a very short span of time by a dedicated team. Adapting and responding to challenging situations and finally sailing through, was one of the memorable experiences in the process of compiling of this magazine.

Contents Messages


Guest Book


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Research Centres


School Reports




Media Clips


We express our gratitude to the management, staff and students for their contributions. “Individually we are but a drop... but together we are an Ocean” Here we present Hcellence Magazine 2016.

Editorial Members • Mr. Robert Divine, Asst. Professor, Dept.of Languages • Mr. Sheismon K. Francis, Assistant Editor • Mr. L. Chandru, Editorial Assistant










The progress of an institution is solely based on the involvement of the teachers and students contribution to strengthen the reputation and ideals of the institute. Every pillar of this institute echoes the reverberating sounds of dedicated and committed teachers who have instilled values in students over the years. For the past 30 years Hindustan University has focused on holistic education for the students, practicing ethical values imbibed during their tenure in the temple of education. This year has been eventful with innumerable accolades for the institution, staff and students. It is heartening to note that our institution has been ranked by MHRD, Govt. of India, NIRF, amongst the private institutions as No. 2 in Chennai, No. 13 in Tamil Nadu, No. 20 in South India and No. 31 in India. This indeed is a milestone by our institution. Ten centres of excellence have been established as a step towards promoting the institution as a world class research university. I wish to congratulate all the staff and students who have won several awards and accolades this academic year. The Dr. mrs. Elizabeth Verghese success of our institution is attributed to the efforts by the teaching fraternity and hard Chancellor working students. I am happy to note that several students have shown keen interest in developing innovative projects and also obtaining accolades in international arenas. My appreciation to the faculty and students of Aeronautical and Automobile Departments for their continuous and successful participation in several SAE Aero Design Competitions, Team RECON, comprising Aeronautical students for winning the Best Sheepherder Award in the International Aerial Robotics Competition at China, MARS Rover Team for winning accolades in the University Rover Challenge 2015 at the Mars Desert Station, Utah, USA, TAIYOZEN team of Automobile Dept. for winning National Championship at the Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) 2016 and many more. Accomplishment creates positive impact in the minds of the stakeholders and increases the value of the institution. I really feel proud that the institution continues to grow stronger in its ideals and has accomplished several laurels as it completes 30 years. Several alumni have interacted with the students this academic year; and we are proud of their contribution to the success of the institution. It is also heartening to note that several Alumni Association (HITSAA) chapters have been inaugurated across the globe. This magazine will unfurl the innumerable achievements of all the departments. Congratulations Editorial team!



Glorious achievements by the institution, staff and students mark this academic year 20152016. I feel proud to note that Hindustan University has been awarded as the “Best Private University for Research and Innovation of the Year” by Worldwide Achievers during Asia Education Summit and Excellence Award 2016. NIRF, an initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India, in its first ever INDIA RANKING 2016 has ranked HITS under Engineering Institutions in the private category as No. 2 in Chennai. The School of Management has been ranked among Top 5 B Schools in South India with a B+ rating in its B-School Survey – 2016 by Civil Services Chronicle. School of Architecture, HITS received Indo Global Architecture Education Excellence Award 2015 “IGAEEA-2015” award from Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (IGCCIA). This academic year was hectic inspite of a setback in the academic schedule in the month of Nov.-Dec. 2015 when incessant rains battered Chennai and its adjoining villages. The rescue team of our institution stood up and faced the challenges and served the people of the flood affected areas, on a mammoth scale, till it regained normalcy. Hectic academic schedule Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese resumed with vigour and several seminars, conferences, symposiums, workshops, guest Pro Chancellor lectures were held. Inauguration of Centres of Excellence such as High Performance Computing Centre, SMS Advanced Pneumatics Automation Lab, Centre for Automotive Electronics, Centre for Continuing Education & Career Development were the highlight of this academic year. Inauguration of the Intranet Portal Communiq was also a great achievement. Happy to note that based on the collaboration between Hindustan University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden the Indo –Sweden Clean Energy Symposium was held at HITS on 21st July 2015 with “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage” as its theme. Another important venture was conducting a joint symposium, “Technologies for Clean Energy and Environment” on 21st March 2016 by HITS and Dongguk University, South Korea. Staff and students have accomplished a great feat this year and won laurels in several international competitions both in the academic and extra curricular activities. Exchange programmes were in full swing with our partner Universities with programmes attended in Thailand, South Korea, USA, China, Turkey etc. I congratulate the editorial team for their efforts in compiling this annual magazine.



Education in Universities helps the students to strengthen their knowledge base, thinking abilities and skills. Hindustan University caters to the holistic development of students with emphasis on skills development. Higher education offers the opportunity to promote other aspects of students’ growth as people and plays an important role in shaping our future society. Our institution has laid emphasis in empowering the students with the requisite skills to compete in the world of work. Graduates of higher education are tomorrow’s leaders and the troubled world needs ‘leaders for good’.

The Academic year 2015-16 was a glorious year of achievements for Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science. Our institution is rated by NIRF, an initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India and is ranked No. 2 in Chennai among the private engineering institutes. Several accolades were won by staff and students. Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor was honoured with the highest award from IET, Chennai in the year 2016. Several staff have also been recognized and received IET awards too. Students have done innumerable projects and also competed in competitions within India and overseas and won few competitions as well.

I am very happy that this academic year has been an eventful one with numerous activities in academic front. Prominent awards won this year speaks volumes of the Management, institution, staff and the students. It is a matter of pride that in the very first venture of MHRD, GOI, NIRF rankings our Institution has secured the second position in the private engineering institutes in Chennai and among the top in many categories in the country.

Dr. S. ramachandran Vice - Chancellor

I wish to congratulate Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese who has been honoured with “IET Ratna Award”, the highest award from IET, Chennai Local Network for his commendable contributions in the field of Engineering

Education. It is very heartening to note that Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director received Raindrops “Edupreneur Awards 2015” as the Outstanding Educationist of Tamil Nadu. I appreciate all the staff and students who have won numerous awards this year. Staff members have also won the prestigious awards bringing laurels to the institution. Students have excelled in national and international competitions this year too. Tremendous desire to achieve great heights by students supported by committed staff members has yielded the fruits of success. Participating in competitions overseas and winning accolades is a big achievement. HITS has continuously shown the calibre of its students and they have succeeded in NASA, SAE competitions every year. Several new initiatives have taken place this year: inaugurations of Intranet Portal Communiq, High performance computing centre, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, SMS Advanced Pneumatics Automation Lab, Centre for Corporate Training and various other centres of excellence. More than 10 MoU’s were signed with International Universities for staff and student exchange programmes and extensive research collaborations. Research culture has been prevalent this academic year in full swing with several research publications in reputed journals, consultancy projects, colloquiums and new international collaborative projects with U.K.

Team “Taiyozen” of Auto Dept. won the National Level Championship at Electric Solar Vehicle Championship organized by the Imperial Society. Team “Kratos” of Aeronautical Engineering participated in the SAE Aero Design Competition held at Texas, USA and won the first place in Asia Pacific region. Team “Recon” won the Best Sheepherder Award in AUVSI, International Competition at China.

Mr. Ashok Verghese Director

I congratulate all the staff and students for their accomplishments and this magazine is a record of the achievements.

I am very proud to inform that this year we have accomplished a great feat by inaugurating several centres of R&D, which will promote our University as a world class research university. It is very heartening that our institution is providing holistic inclusive education by introducing new programmes to cater to the needs to the society. Wishing the graduating batch of 2016 of over 1500 students the very best and also hope that you will be actively involved in the alumni network.

I wish to congratulate the efforts made by the editorial team to compile this edition of Hcellence Magazine 2016 in a very short span of time.





Hindustan University believes in imparting quality education and it is no wonder that this private engineering institution has been ranked No. 2 in Chennai in the first ever MHRD, GOI, NIRF ranking. It is a proud moment indeed for all the stakeholders associated with the institution. I feel really proud that the institution has taken a bold initiative implementing CBCS and OBE practices bringing about a change in the entire academic traditional system. This infact indicates the step taken to promote the concept of best practices benchmarking and leading the way to success as a World Class educational institution. Best Practices implemented this academic year is to bring about quality enhancement in teaching learning processes and improvement in the quality of educational provision. This would infact help the institution to venture into global rankings and achieve recognition at global levels. It is heartening to note that School of Architecture, HITS received Indo Global Architecture Education Excellence Award 2015 “IGAEEA-2015” award from Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries Dr. Aby Sam and Agriculture (IGCCIA). HITS has been Director awarded University of the Year 2015 by Higher Education Review. I am also glad to record that 10 international MOU’s were signed with International Universities this year to promote research, staff and students exchange programme and conduct joint programs of mutual academic interest. This magazine is a record of all the achievements of the staff and students spanning across all the departments of the institution. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of the editorial team of Hcellence 2016 magazine for compiling this edition.

Dr. Pon. ramalingam Registrar HCELLENCE Annual magazine is a compendium of the entire academic year progression of our institution. This excellent platform will provide in a nutshell the achievements of the students, teaching fraternity of various departments and the advances as compared to the previous academic year. Hindustan University has been ranked by MHRD, GOI as the 2nd best private engineering institute in India this year; and we take pride in this achievement. The excellent infrastructure and congenial academic atmosphere provides the right platform for the staff and students to excel in their deeds. The present CBCS and OBE practices have been successfully implemented with the untiring efforts of the entire teaching fraternity ably supported by the management. This present academic system provides ample opportunities for the students to achieve the desired learning outcomes and excel in higher order thinking skills. Courses are tailor made to meet the requirements of the employers and skilling for employability is the focus. Several courses based on the CBCS curriculum, and the attractive electives promote the students interest and also induce the students to go for interdisciplinary studies. The traditional teaching methodology has paved way for innovative and learner centric thereby raising the standards of the teaching learning process. I appreciate the staff and students who have brought fame to this institution. The alumni have extended their helping hand to their Alma Mater by conducting several programmes for the students. This has been effective as the students are motivated to follow in the footsteps of their seniors. The establishment of HITSAA Alumni Centre is a milestone in the history of the University. Outreach activities of Hindustan University needs a special mention. Hindustan University is well known for their involvement in extra curricular activities too. Our NCC team participated in the All India Vayu Sainik Camp–Inter Group Competition and won trophies and individual medals. HITS cadet was adjudged as India’s Best Pilot in the NCC. Our sports teams are renowned for its continuous excellence in both women and men category. They have competed in South Zone Inter University and All India Inter University competitions and won several medals. We strive to achieve excellence in academia and co-curricular activities. This forum expresses our desire that we should try to achieve global acclamation as the most sought after University. Happy reading!





Dr. N. Vasudevan Dean (Academic) India is amongst top 5 countries globally in ‘cited research output’, with 23 universities in the global top 200! Hindustan University is one of the premier institutions in India with tremendous potential working towards excellence in Higher Education for more than 30 years. Our institution has been working towards expanding its horizons at both national and international events. The focus this year has been on the education and pedagogy with stress on transition to a learner-centered paradigm of education and intensive use of technology with Outcome Based Education as a base.


PRESIDENT & md, FLAT GLASS-SOUTH ASIA, MALAYSIA AND EGYPT, SAINT-GOBAIN, INDIA Pleased to know that, Hindustan University is releasing the Annual Magazine Hcellence 2016. It’s quite interesting to note that the institution has achieved accolades in the field of education, environment and sports. This contains all the significant achievements of the University, in regard to curricular and extra-curricular activities. I congratulate the editorial team in bringing out the Magazine in a pleasing manner.

For the past few years the foundation of success and the path of achievement has been on the seven aspects namely curricula and pedagogy, faculty, research, partnerships, infrastructure, funding, governance and leadership. It is a matter of pride that Hindustan University with its well-planned expansion and student-centric learning driven model of education has bettered its enrollment numbers and has dramatically enhanced its learning outcomes. The partnership with foreign institutions and expansion in research areas has been the forte of success this academic year. The annual magazine is a record of the achievements of the University throughout its academic year. This would give a glimpse of the phenomenal achievements, accolades of the institution, staff and students encompassing the areas of academics, extracurricular and social outreach activities. Congratulations Editorial Team!

Mr. UDAY CHANDRAKANT GADKARI President, Council of Architecture It gives me immense pleasure to learn that the School of Building Sciences of the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science conducted a National Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Innovative Sustainable Material. The word Sustainability is being mostly used in seminars and conferences, since it is the one word by which we offer something to the future generation for their better and comfortable living. It is all the more in the hands of Engineers to strive hard and invent innovative materials by which we can offer the generation to attain a trouble free existence. On this occasion, on behalf of the Council of Architecture, I extend greetings to the organizers of the Conference and wish the budding Engineers who took part in this Conference all the very best in their endeavors.





Mr. Anoop Jaiswal Director General of Police (Rtd.), Chennai It gives me immense pleasure to place on record, the contribution by the Hindustan University in the field of education since its inception in the year 1985. Over the years Hindustan University has established itself as an Institution of repute in the field of Technical Education. Some of the courses offered are unique; and I am happy to note that Hindustan University is one of the few institutions in India offering a course in Defence Technology Studies in collaboration with Cranfield University, United Kingdom.

Dr. Tessy Thomas Outstanding Scientist, Director Govt. of India I congratulate Hindustan University for successfully bringing out the magazine Hcellence 2016. The Annual Magzine serves as a platform to record events, activities of the institution for the academic year and also encourages the creativity of staff and students.

I am proud to know that this University–which is NAAC accredited–has been ranked 2nd among Private Engineering Institutions in Chennai in 2016, by the National Institutional Ranking Framework, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. This is a testimony to the quality of education imparted by Hindustan University. I appreciate the Management, for providing updated syllabi, efficient teaching process, excellent research and infrastructure facilities and congenial environment for learning. “Hcellence” is an appropriate forum to publish the achievements of the Institution every academic year. I believe that the magazine, besides showcasing all the achievements during the academic year, will also act as a platform to foster innovation among students and faculty. I congratulate the Editorial Team for its effort and I wish the Institution to continue growing from strength to strength.

Ms. K. Maragatham Member of parliament, Kanchipuram Providing education is a service, it not only shapes a person but also paves way for many to have an accomplished and successful life. As a citizen of this society, I feel humbled and honoured to pen my sincere gratitude to Hindustan University. As our forefathers mentioned that education would erase ignorance among people and bring in new light, the university is doing the right thing in shaping young minds to lead a life with prosperity. Congratulations to the Management, staff and students of Hindustan University! I am very happy to note that Hindustan University has been ranked as No. 2 in Chennai, during the recent MHRD, GOI, NIRF rankings 2016. In addition, ranked No. 1 for Outreach activities. I am extremely delighted that this institution is catering to the needs of the society in my constituency both in academics enlightenment and also upliftment of society. The Government of Tamil Nadu is always prepared to motivate and encourage innovative practices followed in education institutions. I am confident that your institution is traversing in the right path focusing on their Founder’s vision ‘To make every man a success and no man a failure’. My sincere thanks to the Management for giving me this opportunity to extend my wishes. All the best!





Mr. t. shivaraman President, madras management association It’s a pleasure for me to extend my warm regards to Hindustan University for the contribution to the field of education. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the institution for attaining top place among the education institutions in the city. This shows your dedication towards education and in creating future leaders. I appreciate the achievements of the School of Management over the past year. I am glad to know that the School of Management has been ranked among Top 5 B Schools in South India with a B+ rating in its B-School Survey–2016 by Civil Services Chronicle . The innovative practices that you have implemented in this academic year are reaping success among the learners of your institution. The success not only means you have done something new it also means that you have done something great to reap this success. Hindustan Business Incubator is yet another great initiative that you have created in this academic year. Providing an outline of the challenges of entrepreneurship to your students will definitely help them to be ready to face the challenges in future. You have come a long way in creating new trends to be emulated by others. Let this same spirit guide you to see more heights.



Guest Book



“All the best to Hindustan University in all their endeavours, God Bless!”

Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa Bishop, Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam Diocese.

“A very impressive university with a great vision for encouraging students to think and not just learn by rote. I do trust the institutions will continue to expand across India.”

Prof. Andy Mcintosh Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds

“Hindustan University is doing a great job and wishing a great success in all its endeavours.”

Padma Shri. Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar Secretary, Department of Space, Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

“Happy to be at Hindustan University to participate in the Joint International Symposium conducted by the CENCON Research Centre of HITS, looking forward for further collaboration.”

Dr. Han Tae Sik (Bo Kwang) President, Dongguk University, South Korea

“Thank you very much for the hospitality and warm welcome rendered.”

Dr. Isa Abdullatif Alansari Chief Operating Officer, Alumnium Bahrain B.S.C.

“It is a great joy to participate in the Founder’s day, I am astounded by the infrastructure of this University.”

Dr. M. Prakash Chairman, State Minorities Commission, Govt. of Tamil Nadu “ I am very pleased to be at Hindustan University.”

Dr. Berndt A. Buchmann Director of Group after Sales & Vehicle Logistics, Volkswagen Group Sales India Pvt. Ltd. “Thanks a lot for inviting to this great institution. It is indeed a great place and I am happy to be a part of the National Science Day Celebration.”

Dr. S. Mahalingam “Wonderful interaction with students. You are doing excellent hands on work!”

Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, IIT, Madras.

James M. Conrad Region 3 Director-Elect, IEEE Board of Directors

“Thank you all for allowing me to interact with a fabulous group of students at Hindustan University.”

Mr. Glenn Turner

“ A very well organized programme by a team of committed faculty members of the Dept. of Languages. I am glad for giving me an opportunity to talk about instilling living values and missions for the first year engineering students of Hindustan University.”

Dr. S. P. Dhanavel Professor, IIT Madras, Department of Humanities & Science

President & CEO, Fire stream WorldWide Inc., USA

“Very innovative students. I hope all will become successful entrepreneurs in the future.”

Dr. E. Bhaskaran

“Looking forward to a long friendship.”

Mr. Francesco Stasi Head of Operations Coders Trust India, Denmark

Deputy Director, DIC, Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Govt. of Tamilnadu & Alumnus (Batch 1990).





Ranking 2016 MHRD, Govt. of india Approved by MHRD, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is launched by Honourable Minister of HRD on 29th Sept. 2015. Its framework outlines methodology to rank institutions across country covering “Teaching, Learning & Resources,” “Research & Professional Practices,” “Graduation Outcomes,” “Outreach & Inclusivity,” and “Perception.” Ranking methods are worked for 6 categories: Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture, Universities and Colleges. PARAMETERS: ENGINEERING (RESEARCH & TEACHING) (Ranking Weightage = 0.30)

These emphasize on measuring numbers, quality of faculty, library and lab resources and general facilities for development as organized as: •

Faculty-Student Ratio with Emphasis on Permanent Faculty (FSR) [30 Marks]

Combined Metric for Faculty with Ph.D and Experience (FQE) [30 Marks]

Metric for Library and Laboratory Facilities (LL) [30 Marks]

Metric for Sports and Extra-Curricular Facilities, Activities (SEC) [10 Marks]

RESEARCH, PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE & COLLABORATIVE PERFORMANCE (Ranking Weightage = 0.30) These parameters measure the quantity and quality of research output as seen through international data bases, IPR generation and interface with industry and fellow professionals. These are organized as: •

Combined Metric for Publications (PU) [30 Marks]

Combined Metric for Citations (CI) [30 Marks]

IPR and Patents: Granted, Filed, Licensed (IPR) [15 Marks]

Percentage of Collaborative Publications and Patents (CP) [10 Marks]

Footprint of Projects and Professional Practice (FPPP) [15 Marks]

Annual report

GRADUATION OUTCOMES (Ranking Weightage = 0.15) The ultimate test of core teaching/learning activity, measuring the student graduation rate and success in finding appropriate placement in industry or taking up higher studies is structured here as: •

Combined Performance in Public and University Examinations (PUE) [30 Marks]

Combined Percentage for Placement, Higher Studies, and Entrepreneurship (PHE) [50 Marks]

Mean Salary for Employment (MS) [20 Marks]

OUTREACH (Ranking Weightage = 0.15) With emphasis on women and socially challenged persons among student/faculty, the activities are focused as: •

Outreach Footprint (Continuing Education, Service) (CES) [25 Marks]

Percent Students from other States/Countries -Region Diversity (RD) [20 Marks]

Percentage of Women Students and Faculty (WS) [25 Marks]

Percentage of Economically and Socially Disadvantaged Students (ESDS) [20 Marks]

Facilities for Physically Challenged Students (PCS) [10 Marks]

PERCEPTION (Ranking Weightage = 0.10) Giving significance to the perception of the institution by its stakeholders, this is accomplished through Surveys. Process for Peer Rating in Category (PR) [100 Marks]






We have completed 31 years and stepping into the 32nd year of success in academic arena. During this long journey, we are proud to state numerous accomplishments made and recognitions gained. Over the years, we have carved a niche for ourselves amongst the cluster of educational institutions within the city and across the nation and we will continue to spread our wings far and wide to achieve world recognition. As a testimony to our growth the recently held NIRF rankings indicate that our institution is No. 2 in Chennai among the private institutions. We have taken up modernization of our departments and laboratories in a phased manner. In the forthcoming years, we will ensure complete modernization of all our departments with the requisite infrastructure facilities. As our journey continues, we are set to take on new challenges, new demands and soar further heights. We always strive hard to succeed and to triumph. Today, it has been a well-recognized fact that hard work combined with efficiency is the key to success. Each one of us is endowed with unique talents and skills to make some significant contributions. Hence each one of us should contribute for the growth and development of our institution. On this University Day, we recognize and acknowledge the achievements of our faculty, staff and students and reward them. Before doing that I have the pleasant responsibility of reporting about the activities of this year. Due to time constraints I would briefly highlight few significant achievements of our faculty, staff and students.

The parameters considered for award of ranks were Teaching, Learning and Resources (TLR), Research, Professional Practice & Collaborative Performance (RPC), Graduation Outcome (GO), Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) and Perception (PR). • HITS has been ranked 65th position among the top 100 best professional colleges in India by Outlook Annual Professional Colleges Rankings 2015. • Careers 360, India’s premier monthly magazine, ranked School of Management, HITS with “AAA” in Tamil Nadu. • School of Architecture, HITS received Indo Global Architecture Education Excellence Award 2015 from Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (IGCCIA). • HITS has been awarded University of the Year 2015 by Higher Education Review. • The Hindu Business Line-MBAUnivese.com, India’s premier monthly magazine ranked School of Management, HITS 62nd position among the top B Schools in India, 21st in South India, 9th in Tamil Nadu and 4th in Chennai. • HITS has been awarded as the “Best Private University for Research and Innovation of the Year” by Worldwide Achievers during Asia Education Summit and Excellence Award 2016. • The School of Management has been ranked among Top 5 B Schools in South India with a B+ rating in its B-School Survey–2016 by Civil Services Chronicle. • The WEEK–HANSA Research has ranked our School of Management with 4th in Chennai, 46th (including IIMs) in the South Zone. • HITS was awarded a shield for mobilizing more than 500 blood donors during 2014-15 by Association of Voluntary Blood Donor, Tamil Nadu and The Madras Voluntary Blood Bureau, Chennai.


• Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor has been honoured with “IET Ratna Award”, the highest award from IET, Chennai Local Network for his commendable contributions in the field of Engineering Education. • Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director received Raindrops “Edupreneur Awards 2015” as the Outstanding Educationalist of Tamil Nadu. • Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science was awarded the “Best Private University for Research and Innovation of the Year” on 15th March 2016 at the Asia Education Summit and Excellence Award 2016, New Delhi. Mr. Ashok Verghese received the award from Shri Upendra Kushwaha, Minister of State for Human Resource Development. • Education World ranked HITS as 93rd amongst all universities in India; and 31st position across India amongst the private universities.


• NIRF, an initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India, in its first ever INDIA RANKING 2016 has ranked HITS under Engineering Institutions in the private category. The ranks are as given below:



Rank (Pvt. Inst. only)

Overall Rank / Pan-India (Govt. & Pvt.)

All India



South India



Tamil Nadu








10 International MOU’s were signed: • Kookmin University, Korea. • Naresuan University, Thailand. • Sejong University, Korea. • Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea–Business Mind Program. • Open University Malaysia-Institute of Professional Development (IOP Program). • Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia. • Multi Media University, Malaysia. • Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia. • Moscow University of Finance and Law, Russia. • Management Development Institute of Singapore, Singapore. MOU’s were also signed with SMC Pneumatics, Time Education Pvt. Ltd. Tennex Consultancy, Enhelion and Rapid Global Business Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. (RGBSI), Bengaluru..


The following programmes were conducted during the period: • National Conference - 04 • International Seminar - 01 • National Seminars/Workshops - 59 • Guest Lectures - 65 • International Symposium - 02 • Symposia - 04



To list a few, • Indo-Sweden Clean Energy Symposium on “Materials for Energy Harvesting & Storage.” • International Seminar on “Soft Computing.” • HITS–Dongguk University Joint Symposium on “Technologies for Clean Energy and Environment.” • National Conference on “Recent Advances in Smart Materials.” • National Conference on “Advances in Applied Physics & Material Science.” • National Conference on “Advances in Construction Technology and Innovative Sustainable Materials.” • National Conference on “Recent Advances in Unit Operations.” • Workshop on “Solar PV System Design.” • Workshop on “IC Engine Combustion and Emission Control Techniques.” • Intel-Wipro’s “Code Modernization” worshop. • Workshop on COMSOL for “Advance Research and Teaching.” • Workshop on “Business Communication– Essentials.” • Workshop on “Green and Smart Cities.” • Workshop on “Steering Systems and Vehicle Handling.”

• Workshop on “Big Data Paradigm.” • Workshop on “Ethical Hacking.” • IET-Sponsored workshop on “Robotic Vision.” • IET Sponsored workshop on “LTE Design.” • Workshop on “SAE India Aero Design 2015.” • Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development.” • Motivational Talk on “Living Visions and Values.” • Seminar on “India’s Growing Military Strength to Dominate the Region: Role of Military Air Power.” • Seminar on “Biomimicry: Technology Imitates Nature.” • Seminar on “5G Networks.” • Seminar on “Cold Formed Steel Structures.” • Seminar on “Cheminformatics & Drug Designing.” • Seminar on the “Age of Big Data & Big Data Analytics.” • Seminar on “Challenges in Aviation Management.” • Seminar on “Recent Trends in Welding Technology.”


Exhibition & Awareness on Nuclear Power Programme. Launching of Near Space Launch Vehicle. Hindustan Innovation Challenge. HR Forum titled India Tomorrow, Youth Today–Harnessing the Power of Youth. ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest–Asia (Chennai) Regionals 2015. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp. DST Sponsored Training Programme on Big Data Analytics. SAEINDIA Aero Design Challenge 2016. Music Concert by Hindustan Battle of Bands 2015. Chancellor’s Trophy 2015–International Football Tournament for Foreign Students.





Apr. 2015

Dr. Elizabeth Verghese, Chancellor; Mr. Ashok Verghese, Dr. Aby Sam, Directors; & Dr. David Easow, DD–SOM & IA.


Feb. - July 2015

Mrs. R. Veena, Research Associate, CENCON.


May - July 2015

Ms. Srimathi, Research Associate, CENCON.

June 2015

Dr. Puspamitra Panigrahi, Associate Professor, CENCON.



July 2015




Yildiz Technical University and Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey.

Explore mutual Collaboration.

Dongguk University, Korea.

Research work.

Ms. C. Catherine Julie, Asst. Professor, MBA.

Open University, Malaysia; Nottingham University; Explore mutual Management & Science collaboration. University; and Optima International College, Malaysia.


July 2015

Mr. Hariharasudan, Asst. Professor, SOM.

Riga Technical University, Lativa.

Summer Programme.


July 2015

Mr. R. Rajkumar, Asst. Professor, MBA.

National University of Singapore.

Explore mutual collaboration.


Mr. Nageswarar Rao, Asst. Aug. 2015 Professor, EIE. Naresuan University, - Aug. 2018 Mr. S. Nandakumar Lab Thailand. Instructor, AUTO.


Sept. 2015


The 6th Convocation of HITS with Padma Shri. Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar, Secretary, Department of Space, Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), as the Chief Guest of Honour was held on 3rd October 2015. Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar; Guests of Honour, Dr. Isa Abdullatif Alansari, Chief Operations Officer, Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C.; and Dr. Berndt A. Buchmann, Director of Group After Sales and Vehicle Logistics, Volkswagen Group Sales India Pvt. Ltd. were presented with Honoris Causa.


Dr. David Easow, SOM & IA.

University of Western Australia, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Sports Star Academy, Deakin University, Swinburne University of Technology, Western Sydney University, Macquarie University. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.


Oct. 2015

Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor; Dr. David Naresuan University, Easow, DD–SOM & IA; and Thailand. Dr. Darius G., Dean, MS.

Ph.D Programme. M.Tech Programme.

Attended the IACC Business Delegation meet. Explore mutual collaboration.

Explore mutual collaboration. Joint Research to establish Thai language and cultural center at HITS campus.








Oct. 2015

Multimedia University, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Dr. David Easow, DD–SOM Open University Explore mutual & IA; and Dr. Darius G., Malaysia, collaboration. Dean, MS. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and MAZ International School, Malaysia

Nov. 2015

Nov. 2015

Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, Director, Research; and Mr. Tony Joseph, Asso. Professor, MBA.



University of Southampton, Cranfield University, University of Warwick, Leeds University, Explore mutual Coventry University, collaboration. Staffordshire University, University of Nottingham and Southampton University, UK.

Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director; and Moscow Aviation Dr. Badrinarayanan, Institute, Russia. Associate Professor, MBA.

Explore mutual Collaboration.


Nov. 2015

National Research Dr. Badrinarayanan, Nuclear University Associate Professor, MBA. “MEPhI”, Moscow.

7th BRICS Students Meet and International Conference of Association of BRICS Business Schools.


Nov. 2015

Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor.

Cranfield university, UK.

Explore mutual Collaboration.

Yildiz Technical University, Turkey.

Staff Mobility Mevlana Exchange Programme.

Gulf University, Bahrain.

Explore mutual collaboration.

Naresuan University, Thailand.

Staff Exchange for teaching assignment at School of Renewable Energy Technology.

National Defence University, Malaysia.

Invited talk on “Cyber security in 21st Centuy: Threats to Defence and Security Sector.”


Nov. Dec. 2015


Nov. 2015





Mar. 2016

Apr. 2016

Mr. Sudalai Muthu, Asst. Professor, CS. Dr. Sheeba Chander , HOD, ARCH. Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director. Dr. A.K. Parvathy, Professor, EEE.

Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh, HOD, CS.




NAME & DESIGNATION Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director; and Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, Director, Research.




May 2016

Dongguk University, Korea.

Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU), Taiwan.

MoU signing Ceremony.

Shih Chien University, Taiwan.

Exploring mutual collaboration.

June 2016

June 2016

Dr. D. Venkata ACM & Prince of Subramanian, Professor & Songkla University, Dean, CS. Thailand.

Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director; and Dr. Ravikumar, HOD, Chemical.

Mr. K. Kamalakannan, HOD, AUTO.

PURPOSE MoU signing ceremony to establish a Centre for Korean Culture, Buddhism, Heritage & Education at HITS Campus.

May 2016

Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director.



Attended ACM ICPC World Finals 2016.

NAFSA 2016 Annual Conference and Expo, Denver. University of Colorado United States, Carnegie Mellon University, The George Washington University, Fort Hays University, Kansas, College of the Canyon, Memorial University Explore mutual of Newfoundland collaboration. (Canada), Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Polytechnic Institute for Aviation science (France), Carlos University of Madrid (Spain), Osaka University (Japan), Regent’s University of London. Alamo Colleges, US.

MoU signing.

Esslingen University, Germany.

STiAE 2016 Programme.




National • Mr. K. Sokkalingam, IPS, Inspector General of Police, Coastal Security Group, Chennai. • Prof. V. Ramakrishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Trivandrum. • Mr. Surya Patar, Managing Director, 3G Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru. • Mr. A. Shanmugam, Dy Director General, Director General of Civil Aviation. • Mr. B. Elangovan, General Manager, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. • Dr. M. S. Vijayaraghavan, Former Advisor of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam & NTRO. Govt. of India. • Mr. P. K. Sood, National Head, SMC, Pneumatics India Pvt. Ltd. • Rev. Jayakumar Christian, Partnership Leader, Faith & Development World Vision. International • Dr. S. R. Vadera, Outstanding Scientist and Director Defence Laboratory, DRDO. • Mr. D. Peter Immanuel, CEO, Aviation & Aerospace Sector Skill Council, NSDC. • Dr. T. R. Ramachandran, CEO, KANVZ. • Group Captain Vivek Gupta, CO, FIS Air Force Station, Tambaram. • Shri V. V. G. Raju, Regional Executive Director, Southern Region, Airports Authority of India, Chennai. • Padmashree Dr. Sankara Kumar Pal, Former Director, ISI Kolkata. • Dr. E. Sundaramoorthy, former Vice Chancellor, Tamil University, Thanjavur. • Mr. R. Sundar, Director of Biolers, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. • Padma Shri. Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar, Secretary, Department of Space, Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)International. • Dr. Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy, CISCO. • Prof. Borje Johansson, KTH, Sweden. • Mr. Albert Gafarov, Economic Development in Charge, Russian Cultural Centre. • Dr. Mona Al Zayani, Chairperson, Gulf University. • Mr. Mohanned K Al-Anni, Vice Chairman, Gulf University. • Dr. Federico Zaragoza, Vice Chancellor of Economic & Workforce Development at the Alamo Community College District, USA.


• Dr. D. Venkata Subramanian, Dean (CS) was conferred Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Inspiring Teacher Award by IET Chennai Local Network. • Dr. A. K. Parvathy received IET Chennai Local Network Awards – Women’s Engineering Award on 10th April 2016. • Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah, HOD (EIE) was elected as the Member of Texas Instruments Expert Advisory Panel, USA during October 2015. • Mr. G. Muthukumaran, Associate Professor (EIE) and Mr. S. Janakiraman, Asst. Prof. (EIE) won the Encouragement Award in Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015 held on 15th October 2015 for the project idea “Solar Panels Automatic Cleaning Robot.” • Dr. Akkara Sherine, HoD Languages and Editor was conferred the “Distinguished Women Administrator Award” in recognition of her significant administrative contribution and sustained excellence in the field of English Language Teaching by Venus International Foundation, Centre for Women Empowerment, Chennai, March 2016. • Mr. J. Thangakumar, Asst. Professor (CSE) and Mr. M. Sambath, Asst. Prof. (CSE) won the Infosys Teaching Excellence Awards. • Mr. K. Gnanasekaran, Asst. Prof. (Mech) has been recognized with a Community Service Award by KCG College of Technology in the Alumni Awards “KCG Connect 2015.” • Dr. B. Ananthan, Assoc. Prof. Languages, received the Cambridge Award for his innovative online



• •

• •

assessment strategy for tertiary students, based on a competition conducted for teachers by Cambridge University in collaboration with ELTAI on Teacher’s Day, 5th September 2015. Mr. R. Giri , Assistant Professor, Flying Officer and the HITS NCC Officer represented TN,P & AN Directorate as Contingent Commander in the All India Vayu Sainik Camp 2015 held at Jodhpur. Dr. M. Clement Joe Anand, Asst. Prof. (Maths) was recognized for his “Distinguished Achievement in Neutrosophics” and conferred with an honorary membership by the Board of Directors, Neutrosophic Science International Association, the University of New Mexico, USA. Dr. V. Preethi, Associate Professor received the HEAM (Hydrogen Energy & Advanced Materials) Young Scientist 2015 Award from MANIT, Bhopal. Ms. Shalini R Nair, Assistant Professor received the award for mentoring Media’s Choice Project Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015.


• Students of Aeronautical Department had participated in CANSAT 2015 competition held at USA and secured 36th position in the world; and 5th out of 10 Indian teams that participated in the event. • Faculty members and students of Hindustan Mars Rover Team had participated in University Rover Challenge 2015 at Mars Desert Research Station, Utah USA baggig 2nd position in India, and 18th in the World out of around 200 teams. • A team of 16 students (KRATOS) of Aero dept. participated in SAE Aero design International 2016 (EAST) held at Texas, USA from 11 to 13th March 2016 and won 1st place for Design in Asia Pacific Region; 2nd for overall in Asia Pacific Region; 7th for Design across the globe; and an overall 10th spot. • Team RECON won Best Shepherder award in AUVSI, International Aerial Robotics Competition in China. • Team BLACKBIRD got 3rd place in Best Flight Award in SAE Aero Design National Competition. • Team TAIYOZEN of Auto Dept. won National Level Championship at Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) 2016 organized by the Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers and received Rs. 1,00,000/- prize money for the achievement. • Team TAIYOZEN of Auto Department won 2nd prize in Indo-Asian Solar Challenge 2016, conducted by the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Community, Lovely Professional Univesity, Jalandar. • Mr. Pulkit Goel of Auto Dept has been selected for the Student of the year Award (1st position), constituted by SAEINDIA Foundation. • Mr. Ajeesh Varghese, Mr. Ashok Kisnot, and Mr. Geet Chowdhury of Automobile Engg. secured 1st rank in ELECTRA SAEINDIA 2015 organized by SAEINDIA in August 2015. • Mr. Shaik Rakheeb of ECE dept. won 3rd prize in the National Mathematics Talents Contest (NMTC 2015), where more than 1 lakh students participated. • Mr. Dinesh Manoharan and Ph.D. (part time external) students participated in European Space Agency (ESA) Moon Challenge 2015, International Students contest for Lunar Exploration 2015 at Netherlands and won the bronze medal. • Mr. Ronak Sharma of Aero received the Certificate of Excellence from the Indian International Model United Nations Chapter Kodaikanal 2015-16. • Team–Hindustan Space Application developed payload for ISRO sounding rockets in association with VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram. The payload will be tested and will be inducted by VSSC, ISRO. Mr. S. Murugesan (Associate Professor) and Mr. C.S. Karunakaran (Technical Officer) guided the student team. • The students of CSE received the Top 2 Winners Award at the CII-Hackathon Programming Contest conducted at TCS Siruseri. • Students of Fashion Design won the 1st prize in the Fashion Rampage Competition at the Annual Cultural Festival “Spectrum” held at National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT).



• The Air Wing NCC Cadets of Hindustan actively participated in all the competitions held in NCC and in all India Vayu Sainik Camp – Inter Group Competition won team trophies and individual medals in Flying, Aero-modelling, Firing, Skeet Shooting, Tent pitching, Health & Hygiene & Drill. HITS cadet was adjudged as India’s Best Pilot NCC. • In AIVSC2015, held at Jodhpur, Cadets of HITS won the “Second Best Air NCC Directorate in India out of 16 other participants. • Ms. R. V. Adithya, MBA (General) won the 1st prize in Street-all and Darts Sporting event organized at the 7th BRICS Students Meet and ABBS Conference held at the National Nuclear University, MEPHI, Moscow. • MBA (Media & Entertainment) Student team won the 1st prize for their short-film on “Hand Washing & Sanitation” organized by UNICEF & Anna University. • Team from MBA Aviation Management won the 1st place in MMA Business Plan Competition. • Team of Mr. Alam, Mr. K.J. Vighnesh, & Ms. Sonam won the Media’s Choice Award for “Mobile Water Reclamator” in Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015. • Mr. Anbarivan of SCS got 1st prize in National level Debugging Contest in September 2015. • Mr. Harsh Sharma, B.Tech, Aero student presented a paper titled “Women Aura in IET’16” conducted by RA Council on 19th March 2016 and his paper was selected amongst top 30 papers. • Mr. Harsh Sharma, B.Tech, Aero won Best Social Impact award in Hindustan Innovation Challenge. • Mr. Jayant Baid, Aero dept. was awarded 1st place in Technical Paper Presentation conducted by Aeronautical Society of India. • Team Vimaans got Best Design Award in SAE Aero Design National Competition. • Team Dreamers of Dr. APJ Team got Best Flight award In SAE Aero Design National Competition • A team - AERO BLADES TEAM Best Presentation & Best Overall In SAE Aero Design National Competition. • Mr. Arun, Mr Akilesh & Mr. Pallab of EIE won the Encouragement Award in Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015 for the project idea “Solar Panels Automatic Cleaning Robot” on 15th Oct. 2015.



Winners Trophy: South Zone Inter University Women’s Basketball Tournament organized by SRM University. All India Inter-University Women’s Basketball Tournament organized by Hamdard University, New Delhi. Three of our HITS Women’s Basketball team players: Ms. Varsha Nandhini, II Year, B.Com; Ms. Sruthi. K.K, I Year, MBA; & Ms. Srividhya. S.Sekar, I Year, MBA, represented the Tamil Nadu Senior Nationals Basketball Women’s Team-2016 at Chamund Vihar Indore Stadium, Mysore. As representatives of Chennai Slam, Hindustan University’s Men’s Basketball team players: Mr. Chukwunanu Sheriff Agu & Mr. Gobum Longji, I Year, MBA, won the Runners Trophy in the UBA Basketball League - 2016 organized by UBA at Hyderabad. The event featured in TEN SPORTS. Winners Trophy: All India Inter Collegiate Men’s Cricket Tournament organized by SSN College of Engineering. All India Inter Collegiate Men’s Cricket Tournament organized by SRM University. Buck Memorial Trophy: State level Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by YMCA. Five Men’s Cricket Team players: R. Kavin, II Year, BCA; R. Karthikeyan, I Year, MBA represented Tamil Nadu under 23 Cricket Team-2016 at Gurunanak Arts & Science College, Chennai; S. Siddharth, II Year, BCA; and S. Sudhan Sanjeevi Kandepan, I Year, B.Com, represented Tamil Nadu and Indian Railway Under 19 Cricket Team-2016 organized by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI); and B. Ajith Kumar, I Year, B.Com, represented South Zone for Vizzy Trophy organized by BCCI.


• Women’s Volleyball Team: 3rd position in South Zone Inter University at Krishna University, Masillipatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Winners at the Tamil Nadu Inter Deemed University Women’s Volleyball Tournament organized by Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu, at SRM University, Chennai. Winners of Chancellor’s Trophy-State Level Inter Collegiate Women’s Volleyball Tournament organized by HITS. National and International Level Representatives: • Ms. R. Mohanavalli, III Year, BCA represented Tamil Nadu in Senior National Championship held at Bangalore and secured bronze medal. • Ms. T. Saranya, III Year, BCA; & Ms. R. Mohanavalli, III Year, BCA represented Tamil Nadu in Federation Cup held in Thirupoor and secured bronze medal. Ms. Deena Paliochan, III Year, B. Com; & Ms. N. Vembu, III Year, BCA represented Tamilnadu in Women’s National at Punjab Patiala organised by Punjab Volleyball Association.


The Placement Office aims at coercion of industry and academia for creating better placement record for students and increase their opportunity to excel in the corporate world. This year, around 59 companies participated in the HCRD’16 for recruiting students across all the streams (viz. Engg., Science, Arts, Commerce and Mgmt). A host of multinational companies including Infosys, Wipro, iGate, Huwei, Polaris, Sanmar, AKS Software, Ramco Systems, Assystem Technologies, Kaar Technologies, Virtusa, Zoho Corp, Happiest Minds, Data Patterns, Torry Harris, Barry-Wehmiller International, Jet Airways, Federal Bank, Customs & Central Excise Department and Air India at the domestic level; and M/s UniTech Transfer GmBH from Germany were our major recruiters. It is worth mentioning that INR 23 Lakhs Per Annum has been offered as the highest Annual CTC.


• Silver Jubilee Re-union of Second batch (Year 1990 graduates) was held on campus on 9 August 2015 in which 68 alumni from several countries participated with their families. • Alumni Meet was held on 27th February 2016. • The first edition of Hindustan Alumni Association (HITSAA) Newsletter was released during the Alumni Meet. • The Office of HITSAA, (registered under the TN Societies Registration Act) located in Edison Centre, was officially inaugurated on 27 February 2016, by Dr. Ethirajan Bhaskaran, Deputy Director, Dept. of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of TN, who is also an alumnus of 1990 batch. • HITS Alumni Database now has over 9000 alumni records. • Over 7000 members registered in the official Facebook Group of HITSAA. • Overseas Alumni Chapters are running successfully in UAE, Oman and Bhutan. • USA and Singapore Chapters will be inaugurated during the year 2016. • In the “Campus to Corporate” - Alumni Talks’ Series, 7 alumni presented workshop/seminar/ lecture sessions across the different Schools. • Two Alumni Speakers presented technical sessions in the “10-Day Training Programme on Big Data Analytics” sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, organized at HITS. • Board of Studies of every School/Department in the HITS has alumni representatives, who advise on curriculum updates based on the latest trends in their respective industries. • Many alumni had volunteered to provide placement opportunities, internships and in-plant trainings to students. • Many alumni entrepreneurs are enthusiastically involved in various activities and events of the Hindustan Technology Business Incubator and Hindustan Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre.




Engineers Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Teachers Day, International Yoga Day, National Science Day, Sardar Patel Birth Anniversary Celebrations, Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary Celebrations, International Day of Non Violence Celebrations, NCC Day, & NSS Day were celebrated.

Glimpse of Events


Fiesta 2015 the Freshers’ Meet was conducted on 18th Sept. 2015 with Mr. Navneet Kejriwal, Plant Director, DELL as the Chief Guest for the function.


• Rotaract Club of HITS and Rotary Community Corps was inaugurated. Rotary Club of Chennai capital was the sponsor of the Rotaract Club and Rotary Community Corps. The Charter function of the club was organized on 7th April 2016 at HITS with Mr. Raju, District Governor, Rotary Club as the Chief Guest; and Mr. Ashok Verghese, President Elect. Rotary Club of Chennai Capital as the Guest of Honour. • Anti-Ragging Campaign 2015: An Anti-Ragging guest lecture and rally comprising 200 students was organized on 10th July 2015. Shri. K. Sokkalingam I.P.S Inspector General of Police, Coastal Security Group was the Chief Guest. • Rotary club of Chennai capital interaction Meeting: The Interaction meeting of Rotaract Club of HITS was organized on 26th Sept. 2015 at Hindustan International School, Guindy. • Blood Donation Camp: NSS unit, Primary Health Center Kelambakkam, The Madras Blood Bureau and Royapetah Government Hospital Blood Bank jointly organized two Blood Donation camps benefitting more than 1500 patients. • Digital India Programme: NSS unit organized an awareness programme on “How to Safely use Smart Phone–for Govt. School Students” under Digital India programme at Puzhuthivakkam Govt. school. • First Aid Awareness Programme (CPR): NSS unit and St. John Ambulance jointly organized the First Aid programme on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the Volunteers. Mr. Suriyanarayanan from St. John Ambulance was the Trainer for the 60 students who participated. • Flood Relief Activities: • Distribution of Flood Relief Kit to 240 families: HITS provided Rs. 72 lakhs worth materials for the victims of flood. The amount was utilized to distribute various relief materials to the victims of Chennai and adjoining villages. • Medical camp-Flood Relief Activities: NSS unit, Rotary Club of Chennai Capital and Rotary Club of Jaffna, Yazpanam, Sri Lanka jointly organized two Flood Relief Medical Camps at Salavaan Kuppam and Periyanemmli, ECR for over 350 flood affected victims.



Inauguration of Centre of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on 3rd October 2015 by Dr. A. S. Kiran Kumar, Chairman ISRO.

Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director received Raindrops’ “Edupreneur Awards 2015” as the Outstanding Educationalists of Tamil Nadu from Dr. K. Rossaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu.

Indo-Sweden Clean Energy symposium & inauguration of High Performance Computing facility was held from 21st to 22nd July 2015. Prof. V. Ramakrishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Trivandrum inaugurated the High Performance computing facility in CENCON.

HITS–Dongguk University Joint Symposium on 21st March 2016. Dr. Han Tae Sik (Bo Kwang), President-Dongguk University inaugurated the symposium.

Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science was awarded the “Best Private University for Research and Innovation of the Year” on 15th March 2016 at the Asia Education Summit and Excellence Award 2016, New Delhi. Mr. Ashok Verghese received the award from Shri Upendra Kushwaha, Minister of State for Human Resource Development.

Inauguration of Centre of Continuing Education by Mr. K. Suresh, President & CEO-India Cements Capital on 12th Feb. 2016.

Dr. Dinesh Verma, Dean, School of Systems & Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA and Dr. Ramachandran , Vice-Chancellor signed an MOU for mutual collaboration on 3rd April 2016.

Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, CEO, HITS with Mr. John Sinclair, University of Northampton; along with Deputy Director, Hindustan University during the visit to University of Northampton, UK on 26th Feb. 2015.

Dr. Elizabeth Verghese, Chancellor, Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director; Dr. Aby Sam, Director; along with Prof. Dr. Mesut GÜNER, Vice-Rector & Academic Affairs, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey during the Turkey visit between 7th and 10th Apr. 2015.

Near Space Launch Vehicle Team with the Chief Guest Dr. Kiran Kumar, Chairman, ISRO at the Felicitation Ceremony on 3rd October 2015.



Celebrations Christmas Celebrations

Pongal Day Celebration


Colours of Youth

Hindustan Battle of Bands Rev. Thomas C. Alexander, Vicar, St. Paul’s Mar Thomass Church, Adyar was the Chief Guest for the Celebration on 11th Dec. 2015.

Founder’s Memorial day

The MTV & Maruti Suzuki - Colors of Youth 2016 Season5 in collaboration with Hindustan University was held on 15th February 2016. Ms. perzaad Zorabian, an eminent dancer & actress and Mr. Nikhil Chinapa, Face MTV were the judge of the event.

Music Concert

Staff and Students enjoyed the pongal celebration in its true traditional fervour on 15th Jan. 2016.

National Science Day

An Inter Collegiate Competition, “Battle of the Band” was conducted in Music Concert was held at open Air Theatre on 26th October 2015 by Keynote the University called on 31st July 2015. More than 15 professional band Stone Band, USA. across India participated in this festival.

Uriyadi Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director presented the autobiography of Late Dr. KCG Verghese “Wheels and Wings” to the Chief Guest Dr. M. Gabriel, Academic Director, Mylapore Institute of Indigenous Studies, Chennai on 13th Feb. 2015.

Dr. S. Mahalingam, Prof. Biotechnology IITM, was our Chief Guest for the National Science Day on 1st Mar. 2016.


Kantha fame Masala Coffee featuring Antony Daasan performed Uriyadi Music Concert at campus on 27th January 2016. The students were ecstatic and enjoyed the concert.

Mirchi Femina The Radio Mirchi in association with FBB & Kara Fresh, conducted a National Level Activation called “Varun’s Style Buddy” on 23rd February, 2016. “Every girl is stylish in her own way and deserves to celebrate her style and the way she looks” is the philosophy of Varun, Bollywood Actor who has acted in 7 movies and received 7 awards. Among the 40 registered students from various departments, Ms. Sajnu Alex, I Year – EEE, emerged as the winner.

Onam celebration with play back singer Mr. P. Unnikrishnan as the Chief Guest; while National Award winning actor, Mrudula Murali as the Guest of Honour was celebrated on 27th Aug. 2015.

Engineer’s Day

International Day of Non-Violence

University Day


Engineers Day was celebrate on 15th September 2015, Mr. R. Sundar, Director of Boilers, Govt. of Tamil Nadu was the Chief Guest.


An oath at the International Day of Nonviolence was taken on 9th Oct. 2015 with Dr. S. Kulandaisamy, Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Chennai as the Chief Guest.


University Day Celebration was held on 3rd May 2016. Mr. M.G. Poduval, Managing Director, MGP Associates, Chennai was the Chief Guest Annual Fresher’s Talent Hunt “FIESTA 2015” was celebrated on 18th September 2015, Mr. Navneet Kejriwal, Plant Director, DELL was the Chief Guest.

29th July 2015 at Hindustan University organized by the Korean Consulate. The jury who selected the winners included pianist Lee Ae Kyung, Choi Sang Hyun , Chairman of the Korean Association in Chennai, Actor Prabhu among others. Hindustan University dance team qualified for the finals in New Delhi.



Department ReportS





Centre for Research & Consultancy Established 2015

Dr. G. Ilavazhagan

Centre for Research & Consultancy


About the Department

The University’s Centre for Research and Consultancy (CRC) is a service unit under the Office of the Director (Research). CRC promotes and nurtures a culture of genuine intellectual involvement in research; advances inter-and multi-disciplinary studies; and serves as a clearinghouse for information related to faculty research activities on campus, among others, in support of this Vision-Mission.

Interaction with R&D OrganiZations:

Aero and Mechanical Sciences students visited Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE) (DRDO) to discuss about the Project on Landing Gear for the UAV. • Visit to CAIR - Center for Artificial Intelligence for the Project on Cyber Security was also organized.

Research Publications:

• During 2015, a total of 549 Publications were published by the faculty and students; of which 360 were in Journals and 189 in Conferences.

PROJECTS S.No Project Title

Dr. P. S. Raghavan, Prof, Department of Chemistry. Dr. A. Anitha, Prof., Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Dr. D. G.Haris Samuel, Prof. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. N. Kavitha, Associate Prof, Chemical Engineering. Mr. T. Sudalaimuthu, Asst. Prof. (SG), CSE.

Research Scholars:


Dr. V. Preethi Dept. of Civil




Recovery of hydrogen from sulphide waste streams

Dr. Harris Samuvel Dr. Dinakaran



Development of Austempered ductile Iron for Automotive Casting

Newton Bhabha Fund (India- UK) Project

Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah and G.Muthukumaran Dept. of EIE




Adaptive Controlled Non-contact Suction Chamber and Cup based Wall Climbing Robot

P. Satheesh Kumar and Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah Dept. of EIE




Development of Multichannel Adaptive Active Noise Control System adjacent to Noisy Equipment

Hindustan University offers HITS Teaching Research Fellowship (HTRF) for Full Time Research Scholars. Out of 42 Full time research scholars 20 are provided Fellowships.

Award of Ph.D. & M.Phil 13 candidates were awarded Ph. D. Degree and 3 candidates received M. Phil Degree during the convocation held in October 2015.

Seminars OrganiZed:

• Dr. Kolar Ramesh, Assoc. Director, Office of Naval Research Global, Singapore “Funding Opportunities with US Noval Research” on 25th August 2015. . • Dr.Joseph Antony, LEEDS University “Multiscale Particulate Mechanics and Engineering” on 28th Dec. 2015

Total - 116.58 Lakhs

CONSULTANCY PROJECTS S.No Name of Consultancy Project



Certificate Course on Cyber Investigation and Laws offered to Industries

IT/TES Industries

Dr. Rajeshwari Mukesh 2.4


Computerized thickness gauging of casting components

Nelcast Ltd., Chennai

Dr. D. Dinakaran 8.25 Dr. D. G. Harris Samuel


Ultrasonic Testing for Casting Skill Development Programme

Nelcast Ltd., Chennai

Dr. D. Dinakaran 1.00 Dr. D. G. Harris Samuel

Workshops OrganiZed:

• Writing Project Proposals for Faculty: Two workshops were organized on 15, 16 October 2015 and from 6 to 17 December 2015. • Writing Report workshop is organized from September 2015 to October 2016. • Latex Workshop organized in the month of September 2016.



Scheme Name GTRE (DRDO)

440 Research Scholars have registered for Ph.D and during the year 57 candidates enrolled. The total number of full time Research scholars is 52. Three candidates enrolled M. Phil and three candidate enrolled in MS (by Research) course.

HITS Teaching Research Associate:

Grant Outlay (in Rs.Lakhs)

Evaluation of Numerical Dr. K. Ramajeyathilagam 9.67 Bird Material Model (Aero) Parameters through Dynamic Test of Bird Projectile

Research Coordinators • • • • •

Principal Investigators

Name of Faculty

Income (in Rs. Lakhs)



CENTRE for AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS (ANRO) Established 2014 Dr. Dinakaran


Head, ANRO


The students under the guidance of expert faculty are involved with industry as well as government sponsored projects worth more than 80 lakhs in various research areas. The outcome of the research work was published in eight reputed international journals.

Ongoing Projects

Student Innovative Project – Patient Assistive Robot (20152016)

New Equipment Flexible Manufacturing System at SMC Pneumatics Automation Lab

Participants in IET Sponsored workshop on Robotic Vision on 28th September 2015

• NRB project in Intelligent system for Adaptive Enhancement of Underwater Images. • CVRDE, Project: Trainer for Tactical Warfare. • Computerized Casting Thickness Gauging for Nelcast. • Development of Austempered Ductile Iron (Indo UK Project).


The Centre for Automation and Robotics is involved in teaching, research and consultancy, as well as guiding project/thesis/dissertation at all UG/PG and Doctoral Levels. The Centre offers a post graduate M. Tech. programme in Robotics and Control. It also offers training programmes on Industrial Robotics in collaboration with Yaskawa Robotics; and on Non Destructive Inspection Methods for Industrial Professionals (Nelcast Ltd). There are currently 17 research scholars in the Centre that includes 11 Asst. Professors, 3 part time faculty and 3 full time research scholars.

New Laboratory

With its strong industrial collaboration, the Centre in collaboration with SMC Pneumatics has established a state of the art “SMC Advanced Pneumatics Lab.” The lab was inaugurated on 3rd October 2015 by Mr. P.K. Sood, National Head, SMC Pneumatic India Pvt. Ltd., in the presence of Mr Isa Abdullatif Alansari, Chief Operations Officer, Chennai.

Exchange of MoU between SMC Pneumatics and Hindustan University by Dr Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor Hindustan University and Mr P K Sood, National Head, SMC Pneumatics on 3rd October 2015

Events organized by the Centre:

• Guest Lecture on “Machine Vision & Augmented Reality” on 17th July 2015 delivered by Dr. Pinnamaneni Bhanu, Technical Advisor at KELENN Technology, Paris Area, France. • Seminar on “Recent Trends in Robots” on 27th August 2015 delivered by Dr. D. Dinakaran, Group Lead, ANRO; Dr. M.M. Ramya, Professor, ANRO & Mr. Shyam R. Nair, Asst. Prof., ANRO • IET Sponsored Workshop on “Robotics Vision”, 28th September 2015, delivered Mr.Rajesh Manpat, CEO, IFuture Systems, Bengaluru and Mr. Swaminathan, CEO, Arobot, Chennai. • Guest Lecture on “Advanced Pneumatics for Industrial Automation”, 13th October 2015, delivered by Mr. N. Babu, Manager, SMC India Pvt. Ltd., Kancheepuram Dist. • Seminar on “Building of Underwater Robot” on 22nd August 2015 delivered by Mr. Sriram Emarose, Consultant, KELENN Technology, Chennai. • Training on “Non Destructive Testing Methods” (ASNT Level II) for Nelcast Ltd., Ponneri, Chennai during the period 29th to 30th January. 2016 and 5th to 6th February. 2016. Speakers : SAES official, Dr. D.G. Harris Samuel and Dr. D. Dinakaran • FDP on “Pneumatics, Electro Pneumatics based Manufacturing Automation” from 23rd to 26th February. 2016 conducted in collaboration with SMC Pneumatics.



Faculty of Centre for Automation & Robotics (ANRO)




CENTRE FOR CLEAN ENERGY AND NANO CONVERGENCE (CENCON) Established 2011 Dr. Puspamitra Panigrahi Head

Department Achievements

• Paper publication highlighted in Nature India and reputed International journals. • Students have the benefit of working with leading scientists from Dongguk University, Uppsala University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. • Central Instrumentation Facility and Services. • Organized two International Symposiums • Organized several Workshops, Seminars and Distinguished Lecture Series. • Scholarships for GATE candidates. • Best Researcher Award—1.

Staff Achievements:

Dr. Puspamitra Panigrahi article entitled “ Metal–modified Flurographene Stores Hydrogen” has been highlighted in Nature India, DOI: 10.1038/nindia.2015.85, on 24th June 2015.

Student Achievements:

Student Internship (August 2015): M.Tech Nanotechnology students Mr. Ashok Kumar and Mr. SivaKumar - Visited Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea.

International Workshops:

Hands on “Workshop on Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials” held on 22nd July 2015 at CENCON Lab. 120 participants from South India attended the training programme. Training was given to participants on Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), UV-Visible Spectrometer, Spectroflourimeter and Hall Measurement System.

Guest lectures

• Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Professor, Condensed Matter Theory Group (CMTG), Materials Theory Division, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden delivered a Lecture on “Material Science for Clean Energy Applications” under the distinguished lecture series of CENCON on 21st January 2016. 70 participants including Mechanical and Auto department students, Research Scholars and HITS staff attended the guest lecture. • Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Professor, CMTG, Sweden, delivered a Lecture on “Indo-European Educational Exchange Program: Opportunities for Higher Studies” on 25th January 2016. 100 participants including staff, students from Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering and Research Scholars attended the guest lecture.


Indo-Sweden Clean Energy Symposium KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Hindustan University organized the Indo–Sweden Clean Energy Symposium on 21st July 2015 with the theme “Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage”. The symposium was inaugurated by Prof. Borje Johansson, Prof. Dept. of Applied Material



Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, delivered a talk on “Materials for lithium and sodium batteries: a Material science point of view”. Prof. Palani Balaya, National University of Singapore gave a lecture on “Innovative Batteries based energy storage: from materials to system”. Dr. T. S. Balasubramaiam from RCI, DRDO delivered a lecture on “Lithium Thermal Battery for Defence Applications”. Inauguration of High Performance Computing Facility (HPC) Hindustan University established a High Performance Computing Facility to carry out quantum level simulation work with the aim of modulating the electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials. Prof. V. Ramakrishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Trivandrum inaugurated the High Performance Computing facility. This facility will be accessible for researchers and faculty working in the area electronic structure simulation from any where in India or abroad. HPC Facility with VASP software, is a complex package for performing ab-initio quantum-mechanical simulations with the aim of modulating the electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale crystal structures. Joint Symposium - Dongguk University and HITS International Symposium on “Technologies for Clean Energy and Environment” was held on 21st March 2016. Symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Han Tae Sik (Bo Kwang), President-Dongguk University. He highlighted that CENCON was a remarkable product of such a fruitful collaboration. He traced the history of how Dongguk University was founded, based on Buddhist foundation and its presence as a leading Arts & Science University in South Korea. He specially mentioned the roots of Bodhi Dharma in Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu and his desire to visit the places of historical interest in Buddhism. He was happy to note that the students and staff of Hindustan University and Dongguk University were actively participating in exchange programmes. He also stated that the student exchange programme was a successful mode for better understanding between the two countries, and wished for furthering collaboration in the future. Lectures delivered: • “Advances in Battery Technology for Defence Application” , by Dr. T. S Balasubramaiam, RCI, DRDO. • “Titanium dioxide for Self Cleaning Applications”, by Dr. Tata Narasingha Rao, Addl. Director, ARCI, Hyderabad. • “Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)”, by Dr. J. Kumar, Director, CTDT Anna University, Chennai. • “Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors and Electrical Energy Derived from Plants”, by Dr. Tae Won Kang, QSRC, Dongguk University, South Korea. 200 students participated. Papers Presented • ICMAT2015 & IUMRS-ICA2015, 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies of the Materials Research Society of Singapore & 16th IUMRS – International Conference in Asia held on 30th June -3 July 2015 at Suntech, Singapore - Papers entitled “A green chemical approach for the synthesis of Zr doped ZnO Nanoparticles: Structural and Optical Properties” by Veena Ragupathi, Research Associate; and “Structural and Optical Studies of ZnO Synthesized Using Cucumber Peel Extract” by K. Srimathi, Research Associate was presented. • Indo – French Seminar on Nanoscale systems for Energy Harvesting held on 1st -3rd February 2016 at VIT Chennai Campus, Chennai – Paper entitled “Up/Down Conversion Phosphor Coatings for Hybrid Solar cell and Borate based Cathodes for Li-ion Battery: A Combined Effort towards Clean Energy” by Puspamitra Panigrahi, Scientist E & Head CENCON.




CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN PHOTONICS AND LIDAR RESEARCH (CEPLR) Established 2015 Mr. Sunil Kumar Head in Charge Prof. Borje Johansson, Prof. Dept. of Applied Material Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, released the proceedings of the Indo-Sweden Clean Energy Symposium, held on 21st July 2015.

Department Achievements

Associated Institutions recognition by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Ministry of Science & Technology and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) through the National Carbonaceous Aerosol Program (NCAP) devised under the aegis of the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA).


• IEEE International conference publication “Performance analysis of PolSK FSO under atmospheric turbulence with pointing errors”, Nimitha Manikantan, K. Sunilkumar, WiSPNET 2016, Chennai. • Project student at CEPLR, Mr. Ali Hyder Zydi, B.Tech final year , department of ECE secured admission at KTH Sweden for Masters programme.

Inauguration of High Performance Computing facility was held from 21 to 22nd July 2015. Prof. V. Ramakrishnan Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Trivandrum inaugurated the High Performance computing facility in CENCON.



Dr. Han Tae Sik (Bo Kwang), President - Dongguk University inaugurated the joint International Symposium on “Technologies for Clean Energy and Environment” on 21st March 2016.

National Technical Seminar on “Atmospheric Aerosols – Implication to Climate Change and Optical Communication” was held on 22nd April 2015. Dr. S. K. Satheesh, Professor, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS) delivered a talk. His valuable and informative talk gave insight to the operation and application of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) instrument. Dr. S. K. Sudheer, Assistant Professor, Department of optoelectronics, School of Technology, University of Kerala delivered highly informative talk on “Lasers: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications”. The FSO links utilizes Laser radiation to carry the high volume of data through the atmosphere and the fundamentals of LASER generation and its various propagation characteristics were the focus of his talk. The various interesting applications of LASERs in modern technology/ Industry, including Free Space Optical Communication were highly informative to the audience. Chief Guests were Dr. S. K. Satheesh, Professor, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, IISc, Bengaluru; Dr. Suranjan Pal, Director, Centre for High Energy Systems and Sciences (CHESS), DRDO, Hyderabad; and Dr. S. K. Sudheer, Assistant Professor, Department of Optoelectronics, School of Technology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

Faculty of CENCON





CENTER FOR DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Established 2013 Mr. Tony P. Joseph Head National Technical Seminar on Atmospheric Science & Optical Communication, held at HITS on 22nd April 2015. Dr. S. K. Satheesh, Professor, CAOS, IISc, Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, Director, Research, HITS, Dr. S. K. Sudheer, Professor, University of Kerala, Dr. Vanaja Shivakumar, HOD, ECE on the dias.

Dr. S. K. Satheesh, Professor, CAOS, IISc, delivering lecture on “LIDAR and Its role in Optical Communication.”

Staff Achievements

Mr. B. Rajagopalan, Chairman, PEER Review Committee constituted by Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister on “Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicles.” He is the co-chairman of Task Force for Future Main Battle Tank (MBT) constituted by Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister. He is a special Invitee –LLTPP (Long Term Perspective Plan) for DRDO to the Committee on ‘Combat Vehicles & Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies.

Student Achievements

Five students of MBA (Defence Technology Management): 2013-15 Batch, have completed the projects in CVRDE, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Chennai, on the “Challenges faced during the TOT ( Transfer of Technology).”

National Workshop CEPLR Facilities, Micropulse LIDAR, Aethalometer, Dustrak Aerosol Monitor.


Indian Network for (INCCA) and HITS.




Centre For Defence Technology Studies, conducted a seminar on “India’s Growing Military Strength in the Region-Role of Military Air Power” on 15th July 2015. Air Marshal (Retd) S. Varthaman PVSM, AVSM, VM VSM, Former AOC in Chief, Eastern Air Commander, delivered a talk on the “Role, Mission, Challenges and Capabilities of Indian Air Force to Exercise the Air Power.” The talk covered the India’s National Security Environment, its expanding Strategic Frontiers and our modern air power–its assets as an Index of Nation’s Power.

Training Programme

The MBA-DTM, Batch 2014-16 underwent summer internship programme at R&DE( Engrs), Pune, a premier DRDO establishment in June 2015 for four weeks.

Faculty of Centre of Excellence in Photonics & Lidar Research (CEPLR)


CDTS-Seminar on “India’s Growing Military Strength in the Regional-role of Military Air Power” address by Air Marshal(retd.) S. Varthaman.

Cdts-Seminar on “India’s Growing Military Strength in the Region-Role of Military Air Power” address by Cmde (Retd) R S Vasan.






Established 2015

Established 2015

Dr. M. Ramakrishnan

Ms. C. Sharmila




The Centre for Simulation and Engineering Design Facility (SIMENDES) has been established to promote teaching and research on the best practices in Product Life Cycle Management through virtual product design, virtual product testing, virtual product manufacturing and virtual collaboration for product development. Also, prototype of the product can be manufactured so that the technology, thus developed, can be transferred to the Industries. This will include Reverse Engineering Processes also. The Simulating Facility will deliver high quality products in a timely and cost effective manner. The simulation software leverages the capacity of innovation for companies of all sizes and in all industries by delivering breakthrough productivity design solutions powered by highly collaborative platform. The software enables the full spectrum of next generation collaborative virtual design including system engineering, shape design, mechanical and equipment engineering and company re-use.


Dassault Software of worth 35.93 lakhs has been procured. Short term training programme on “Computational Fluid Dynamics” was conducted in collaboration with CD Adapco, IIT faculty and other industrial partners. 3-D printer is available for creating prototype using CAD. Earlier making prototype was time-consuming and expensive, requiring skilled craftsmen and specific machinery. 3-D printing is used to produce new structures and new shape and to try new materials. Instead of sending modeling instructions to a production company, it can be used to insource production.

Faculty of Simulation & Engineering Design Facility




The Centre for Communication & Network Security Hub will focus on the latest research such as Device-to-Device (DtoD) Communication across hybrid topological structure and present novel and innovative security and privacy techniques for Next Generation Communication and Network Security. The Centre provides the current state-of-the-art hardware and software paving the way for valuable insights into future directions and challenges in the field.


• The Centre is planning to have collaboration with University of MissouriKansas City for academic and research purpose. • CISCO and NexGTech Research labs, Chennai will act as industry partners for sharing their expertise in setting up specialized labs and conducting courses and certification programmes. • To have Professional Societies such as IEEE Communication Society and IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society for jointly delivering distinguished lectures and training. They will also sponsor events conducted by the Centre. • The Centre will also work as a business incubating hub for industries in cooperation with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Ministry of MSME, Govt of India to develop and test their prototype models before commercialization.

Faculty of Centre for Communication & Network Security Hub






The recent technological advancements in social media networks and proliferation of mobile devices has caused an unprecedented growth of big data and the ways and means to harness it effectively for strategic decision making with the adoption of data science engineering and analytics. This new dimension of data analytics paradigm has propelled the motive to float the center with an objective to conduct research. MIDARC has been established with two international partners: Stevens Institute of Technology, USA as Academic Partner and Machine Intelligence Research (MIR) Labs, USA, as global non-profit academic consortium. The aim of this Centre is to conduct quality research in the areas of Machine Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Cyber Physical System and Cognitive Computing.


Multipronged Innovative Techniques are formulated to steer the scholar’s research prudence in right track to culminate developing cutting edge and state-of-the-art solutions to daunting business problems. The Centre has initiated efforts to jointly collaborate with them in organizing seminars and undertaking research projects. As a part of this initiative, various activities were held to emphasize the significance of incubation.


Established 2015

Deputy Director


• 535 students registered as members in HTBI & HEIC. • 49 faculty members involved in mentoring student innovators. • 500 students participated as 126 teams in the flagship event of HTBI–Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015, which culminated in the grand awards ceremony on October 15, 2015. • 50 students trained in Entrepreneurship Awareness camp conducted with the support of NSTEDB-DST, Government of India from 18 to Feb 20, 2016. • 126 students participated in the E-Week Celebrations by displaying 30 business stalls from Feb 20 – 27, 2016. • Received NEN E-Week Honor Roll Award. • 7 campus companies are incubated at the HTBI providing internships to 58 students. • Campus companies and Student innovators participated in MSME expo, CII Startupreneurs and TiECON. • 239 students trained in Python Programming and 23 students trained in Dotnet through HTBI • Facilitated conduct of 27 webinars hosted by NEN. • HTBI & HEIC was represented in 28 prestigious external programmes including TiECON, CII Startupreneurs, MMA – CK innovation awards, etc.


• Student innovators interviewed and featured in Chennai Live 104.8 FM. • Mr. Rahul Kanuganti, COO, Flytta, a student startup incubated at HTBI has been selected for incubation at the T-Hub supported by NASSCOM . • Mr.Harsh Sharma, has been selected as finalist in the ICTACT Student Innovators Contest 2016, for his innovation project Women Aura. • Ms.Suvarna, a student member at HTBI has won the first prize at the Think Edu conclave • Two student teams from CSE won the CII hackathon organized by TCS and won the 1st and 2nd prizes. • Makesh Kumar, Kaushik and team participated in Unisys Cloud 20/20 Version 7.0 contest.

DISTINGUISHED LECTURES BY INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS Faculty of Machine Intelligence & Data Analysis Research Centre


• “The Wonder of Hearing” by Dr. Andy McIntosh, University Of Leeds, UK, held on 24th February 2016. • “Earning While Learning” by Mr. Francesco Stasi, Coders Trust India, Denmark, held on 09th February 2016. • “Technical Entrepreneurship Talk ‘16” by Mr. Glenn Turner, Fire Stream Worldwide Inc., USA, held on 20th January 2016.



• Special Lecture on “Great Russian Inventor Ivan Kulibin” & “Soyuz-Apollon Experimental Flight” by Mr. Mikhail Gorbatov, Vice-Consul & Director of Russian Cultural Centre, held on 29th July 2015. • Special Lecture on “Entrepreneurship” - Dr. T. R. Ramachandran, Kanvz, held on 14th July 2015. • A Seminar on “Innovative Leadership” by Mr. Satheesh Jacob - Ramboll, UK held on 15th May 2015.



The Hindustan Innovation Challenge - Innovate2Win is an initiative to inspire the students use creativity, enabling them to form multidisciplinary teams. About 500 student innovators came together as 126 teams and participated in the contest. After 8 rigorous rounds of selections, 34 teams were evaluated on September 25, 2015 at the grand finale by 13 eminent members from different corporates. The Best Project, Best Design, Best Social Impact, Best Problem Addressed, Best Business Potential, Encouragement Award, Best Poster, Best Video, People’s Choice Video / Poster, Sociopreneur Award, Best Department, Best Faculty Mentor, Internal Jury and Best Supporting Faculty were awarded with trophies and certificates by Dr. Elizabeth Verghese, Chancellor, HITS along with a galaxy of corporate veterans at the grand awards ceremony on 15th October 2015 as a tribute to Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam on his birthday. Award Category

Project Name

Best Project Award

Health Monitoring Kiran Thomas, Hrishikesh Krishnan Mechatronics System with Kishoth (III Year) Wireless Alarm

Best Design Award

Engine Recycler

Best Social Award

Women Aura Watch with Mobile Harsh Sharma App




Best Problem Charge Transfer Addressed Award


S. Shaveenraj, Srinath, Surya, Mechanical Praveen Kumar, Hari Shankar, (I Year) Hemanth Aerospace (II Year)

Anirudha Bhattacharjee, Subham, ECE Gaurav, Swetangini (III Year)

Water - Gas Shift R. Srinivasan, A. Sam Best Business Potential Reaction based Mechatronics Reswin Raj, R. K. Vignesh, Award Vehicle Emission (III Year) Lakshmipathy, B. Vinod Kumar Control System Removal Slicks



CII Startupreneurs is the ultimate event for emerging startups, everything from cloud tech to food processing to automotive to education and everything in between. MSME Expo on February 10, 2016 at Hotel Leela Palace, Chennai.

Eswaraiah. V, Ivan Snehith. G, Mechanical Dheeraj. Y, Krishna D, Yogitha. G, (I Year) Narayana. B

Solar Panels Arun. K, Akhilesh, Pallab Taru EIE A u t o m a t i c Majumdar (II Year) Cleaning Robot Thomas Parackal, Mayukh Deb, Downstream Civil Priyanka, Tapash Saha, Ashif Alam, Energy (III Year) Encouragement Award M Cerline Nancy Aero Rangers

A. Priyanka, N. Gowri, K. Abinaya

Aerospace (I Year)

Find me - Mobile Makesh, Kaushik Kannan, Naveena, CSE App for locating Abhishek Jaiswal (II Year) bus Turbo Charger


Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015 grand awards ceremony on 15th October 2015 as a tribute to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on his birthday.

Phani Kumar G


NEN E-Week 2016 Honor Roll award in the South Zone. The award was presented in the grand finale ceremony held at Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru on 5th March 2016.

Mechanical (I Year)



Office of International Affairs

Deputy Director

Office of International Affairs

Staff and Students Exchange:

Students 166 575 Faculty 2 14

2015-2016 Details Inbound Outbound Students 52 149 Faculty 2 7


To explore the avenues of collaboration and to sign the MOUs, delegation headed by Pro Chancellor, Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese and Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Ramachandran visited USA, Indonesia and Thailand. Director Mr. Ashok Verghese visited Korea, Taiwan and USA. Delegation headed by Dr. Illavazhagan, Director (Research) visited the universities in United Kingdom and Deputy Director visited Australia and Middle East.


Team VINAI from School of Aeronautical Engineering participated in Global Competition “Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2015”, Atlanta, USA and bagged the 2nd position amongst 518 teams that participated across the globe.

International Aerial Robotics Competition

Team RECON of School of Aeronautical Engineering participated in International Aerial Robotics Competition in 2015 held at Beihang University, China and won the Best Sheepherder Award.

7th BRICS Students Meet

Faculty and Students from School of Management participated in the 7th BRICS Students Meet and International Conference held at Moscow. Staff membes presented the paper and Adithya Rangasamy (General Management) won two medals in the sporting event (Street-ball and Darts).

SAE International Aero Design (East) Competition

Team KRATOS of School of Aeronautical Engineering participated in SAE International Aero Design (East) Competition 2016, Dallas, USA and ranked 8th position.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge

Team POSEIDON of School of Automobile Engineering participated in the 4th International competition on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge 2016, Singapore and received Certificate of Appreciation from Dr. Bill Kirkwood, Senior R&D Engineer from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), California, USA.


5 International Seminars were organized and speakers from University of East London, U.K., Stevens Institute of Technology, USA, Hyundai Motor Limited, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia and Naresuan University, Thailand partook.


Dr. T. David Easow

2012 - 2016 Details Inbound Outbound



52 Guest Lectures were delivered by the speakers from Deakin University, Australia, Queen Mary University of London, U.K., University of Warwick, U.K., University of Leeds, U.K., Indiana University, United States, Macquire University, Australia, La Trobe University, Australia, Riga Technical University, Lativa, MDIS, Singapore, Uppsala University, Sweden, Staffordshire University, U.K., San Antonio College, U.S, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, National College of Ireland, Ireland and University of Hull, U.K.


2 International Education fairs were organized by American Universities and Irish Universities participated.


13 International Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) were signed for Exchange of Students & Study Abroad, Exchange of Faculty for Teaching & Research, Exchange of Research Scholars, Joint Research Projects, International Industrial Visits, Participation in seminars, conferences, special lectures, International Summer Programme, Study Tours, Training, Internships for 200 students in Singapore, China, Malaysia, Korea, Germany, USA, Taiwan, Latvia and Australia.

University Country Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Indonesia Kookmin university Korea Yildiz Technical University Turkey Busan University (Business Mind Program) Korea Sejong University Korea Multi Media University Malaysia Open University Malaysia Malaysia Moscow University of Finance and Law Russia National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Russia Management Development Institute of Singapore Singapore Naresuan University Thailand University of Northampton U.K. Stevens Institute of Technology (4+1 Program) USA


The following short term courses were conducted: • SEHIS (Special English and Hindi Course for International Students): a 6 month Course for the students from Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea. • EIBIS (English Language, Indian Culture & Business Studies for International Studies): a 4 month course for the students from Dongguk University, Korea.



• SECIS (Special international Course for International Students) for students from Iran and Business Mind program for Korean Students four months course.

Office of International Affairs

STUDENTS EXCHANGE • Gladston, 3rd year Aero, attended the Internship at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, USA Space Training Adventure & Research Inc., USA during June 2015. • Hena, Sandheep, Ranjitha, Pradyumna and Gaurav, Architecture participated in Summer Programme and Semester Exchange Programme at University of Applied Science Detmold, Germany during May 2015. • Sivakumar and Ashok Kumar, 1st year M.Tech Nanotechnology participated in the Student Exchange Programme at Dongguk University, Korea for Project Research Work with scholarship during August 2015. • Suresh, 1st year CS,Jayachandran, Sukanya and Ramya, 3rd year Architecture participated in Semester Exchange Programme at Dongguk University, Korea from March to June 2016. • Santhosh, 3rd year Auto, participated in Semester Exchange Program at Kookmin University, Korea from March to June 2016. • Srinu 1st year M.Tech Construction Management participated in Study Abroad Program at Deakin University, Australia from February to June 2016. • Santhosh ,Vijay, M.Tech Civil, Elango and Latha Maragatha M.Tech CS participated in the Student Exchange Program with scholarship at Yildiz Technical University,Turkey under Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol sponsored by Turkish Higher Education Council from September to January 2016. • Vishnu, Prem and Babu , 3rd year BBA participated in the Semester Exchange Program at SIAS International University, China from February to June 2016. • Gowthaman, Prakash and Ashwanth, 2nd year School of Management participated in the Cultural exchange Program with Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan with scholarship from August 2015. • Adithya, Rahul, Linto, Nafzal, and Mohammad, 2nd year MBA participated in the 7th BRICS Students Meet and International Conference of Association of BRICS Business Schools held at National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow. The team also visited the Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia for exploring mutual collaboration during November 2015. • 12 students of 1st year from Aerospace, aeronautical engineering and architecture participated in NASA camp during June 2015. • 12 students from Architecture participated in international study tour to Germany. • 35 students of 2nd year School of Management participated in the Industrial Visit and Training program at Open University Malaysia and NTU Singapore during July 2015. • 17 students of 2nd year School of Management participated in the Summer Programme at Riga Technical University, Latvia during July 2015.


• Dr. Puspamitra Panigrahi, Associate Professor , Ms. Veena, Research Associate and Ms.Srimathi, Research Associate,CENCON visited Dongguk University, Korea for the Research work with scholarship during June 2015. • Dr. A.K. Parvathy, Professor, EEE visited Naresuan University, Thailand for Staff



Exchange for teaching assignment under School of Renewable Energy Technology during March 2016. • Dr. Sheeba Chander, Professor & HOD, Arch and Mr. Sudalai Muthu, Asst. Professor, Computer Science, visited Yildiz Technical University, Turkey under Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol sponsored by Turkish Higher Education Council during November 2015.

Full Scholarship

• Mr. Prabhu Raj, Asst. Professor; Mr. Nageswarar Rao, Asst. Professor, EIE; and Mr. Himanshu Singh, Lab Instructor, ECE; and Mr. Nandakumar, Lab Instructor, Auto have been awarded full scholarship to pursue their studies in Renewable Energy at Naresuan University, Thailand. • Mr. Himanshu Singh, Lab Instructor, ECE has completed his Master’s Programme in Renewable Energy at Naresuan University, Thailand. His topic of research was “Mathematical Model and Performance Evaluation of photovoltaic (PV) Roof Top system.”

Guest Lectures on “Business Strategy in India” by Mr. Kim Sang Woo, Hankook Elevator & Car Parking Business and Mr. Seokju Lee, Director , Samsung - SDS on “Korean Companies in India” was organized on 21st November 2015 for the SEHIS students in connection with Business Mind Programme.

Official Visit by Dr. Mona Al Zayani, Chairperson, Gulf University & Mr. Mohanned K Al-Anni, Vice Chairman, Gulf University on 16th October 2015.

The delegates from University of East London, UK. visited our campus on 14th September 2015. Prof Michael Seed, Professor of Pharmacology, School of Health, Sport and Bioscience, Professor Neville Punchard, Dean of Health, Sport and Bioscience and Ms. Mirrin Raikhan, Project Manager Education UK., South India were the guests. Seminar on “Cheminformatics and Drug Designing” was delivered by Prof Michael Seed, Professor of Pharmacology, School of Health, Sport and Bioscience, University of East London, U.K. Presentation on “Higher education opportunities at University of East London” was delivered by Professor Neville Punchard Dean of Health, Sport and Bioscience, University of East London, UK.

Prem Kumar, Vishnu and Abin Babu, BBA students, attended the exchange program at SIAS University, China from February – July 2016. The students chose four major subjects International Economics, Leadership Science, Managerial Communication, Commercial Bank Management and elementary Chinese subject. Graduation Day ceremony was held on 24th June 2016. The students also participated in the Home coming Parade, Sports Day, International Bicycle Tournament and visited Shaolin Temple, Zengzhou University, Great Wall of China and Tinamen Square in China.




Dr. Dilip Shah Head

Office of International Affairs

Pro Chancellor Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese visited Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and interacted with Dr. M. R. Kalaya Tingsabadh - Vice - President and Dr. Surat Horachaikul Founding Director, Indian Studies Centre. The meeting was organized by the Royal Thai Consulate, Chennai.

Dr. S. Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor, Hindustan University, visited the University of East London and signed M.O.U on 10 June 2014. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Hassan Abdalla and Dr. Arunachalam.

Mr. V.S. Vishnu, Mr. Babu Amin, Mr. S. Prem Kumar, students of BBA participated in the Semester Exchange Program from February to July 2016 at SIAS International University, China.

Ms. Jayachandran Nikhila Ms. Ramya Barath,B. Arch and Ms. Sundararaman Sukanya, CSE student participated in the Semester exchange programme at Dongguk University, Korea, from March to June 2016.


• Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro-Chancellor, Hindustan University was elected as Chairman for Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), Chennai branch during April 2015. • Dr. J. Ashok Babu, Professor was elected as Secretary for Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), Chennai branch during April 2015. • Dr. Dilip A Shah, HOD is the Editorial Board Member of Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology; and Editorial Board Member (Advisory Committee) of Institute for Studies on Recent Advances in Science & Engineering (ISRASE). • Mr. C.S. Karunakaran, Technical Officer was selected as Champion of Aerospace Development Council for SAE India Southern Section (SAE ISS) during March 2015. • Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor & Mr. John Mathai, Lab Instructor published their paper proceeding in Springer International publishing titled “Effect of Bird Strike on Compressor Blade” on 12 Jan. 2016.


A Chetak Helicopter (Aluotte Lama- III) was purchased on February 2016.

AUVSI Member

HITS became the Corporate Member of Association of Unmanned Vehicle System International (AUVSI) as a part of Centre for Autonomous Systems initiative, on 7th April 2016.

Glasdston Joseph, B. Tech Aeronautical Engineering participated in the internship programme at Space Training Adventure & Research Inc., Daytona, Florida

Mr. Srinu Kosireddy, Civil, M.Tech participated in the Study Abroad Programme at Deakin University, Australia.


“Centre for Autonomous Systems” was inaugurated by Dr. A.S Kiran Kumar, Chairman, ISRO on 3rd October 2015.


High altitude near space balloon launch took place at HITS on 23rd August 2015. The balloon was launched by HITS in collaboration with SPACE KIDZ to an altitude of 1,00,000 feet. A team of 10 students and 2 faculty (Mr. Kirubakaran Assistant Professor and Mr.Madhan Raj Assistant Professor. were involved in the technical team. US Universities International Education Fair in the campus on 10th September 2015.


Mr. Sathya Moorthy Santhosh Rajkumar , Auto Dept, student participated in the Semester exchange at Kookmin University, Korea, from March to August 2016.



• Participation in the International Conference on “Aerospace Defense Meet and Summit (ADMS-2015)” organized by Aeromag (Asia) and SIATI during 2425th July 2015.



School of AERONAUTICAL Sciences

• Aero Design Aero Modelling Workshop was conducted by the SAE India Southern Section at HITS during 28th September 2015. 230 students from various colleges attended the workshop • To commemorate Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday, Technical Competition for students was conducted by AeSI, Chennai, on 15th October 2015. • National Talent Hunt competition for Aeronautical students by SAEINDIA was held on 19th December 2015. • Dr. R. Asokan, Professor and Mr. Milton Huggins, Head Training Dept. along with four students • Infanto, Raghaventhar (1st year, MBA, Aviation Management and Mr. Salil and Mr. Shibun, 2nd year, B.E. Aero. participated in the International Air Show at Singapore, held from 16th -21st February 2016. • Mr. Milton Huggins, Head training Dept, Mr. G. Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor and Mr. Kunal and Mr. Valliappan, Final year and 2nd year student, represented Hindustan University and exhibited student projects in “Hyderabad Air Show” from 16 to 18th March 2016.


• Team “KRATOS” comprising 16 students guided by Faculty Advisor Mr. G. Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor participated in SAE Aero Design International 2016 (EAST) held at Texas, USA from 11th to 13th March 2016 and won the 1st place for Design in Asia Pacific region; 2nd for overall in Asia Pacific Region; 7th for Design across the globe; and 10th overall. • Team Aeroblades consisting 7 students guided by Faculty Advisor Mr. C. S. Karunakaran, Technical Officer participated in SAE Aero Design West 2016 Competition. The competition was conducted by SAE International at Los Angeles, California, U.S.A from 22nd to 24th April 2016. The team competed in Micro class and secured 3rd place among Asian teams in best flight and 5th place among Asian teams in best design. • For the first time in India, after U.S. and Brazil, a National Aircraft Design Competition titled “Aero Design Challenge 2016” was conducted by SAEINDIA at Hindustan University wherein 500 students competed on 19th March 2016. • HITS teams won 8 National Awards including Overall Championship Award in SAE India Aero Design Challenge 2016 from 17th to 19th March 2016. • Dreamers of Dr. A. P. J won Third place in the Design Report and Design Award • Team Blackbird won 3rd place in Flight Category. • Team Aeroblades won 2nd place in Design Report, Third place in Overall Championship and the Design Award • Team Vimaans won the 3rd place in Oral presentation and Design Award

Talent hunt for Aeronautical students” was conducted by SAEINDIA at HITS on 19th December 2015. Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director and Dr. Dilip Shaha, HOD, Aero along with Team KRATOS that participated in SAE Aero Design East held at Texas, U.S from 11th to 13th March 2016 participated in SAE Aero Design East held at Texas, U.S from 11th to 13th March 2016 Technical team with high altitude Team Dreamers of Dr. A. P. J receiving third balloon payload at HITS campus on place in design report and best design 23rd August 2015 award in SAEINDIA Aero Design Challenge 2016 competition at HITS from 17th to 19th March 2016

Team Hindustan at the stall in Hyderabad Air-show

Team Hindustan in the stall at Singapore Air-show

Team AEROBLADES with HOD (Aero) which participated in SAE Aero Design West held at Los Angeles, C.A, U.S from 21st to 24th April 2016.

A Chetak Helicopter (Aloutte Lama - III) was purchased on February 2016.






2016 Graduating class

School of AERONAUTICAL Sciences

Established 1993

Dr. Ravi Kumar Bhargava

Dr. Sheeba Chander

Dean (Building Sciences)



• Dr. Sheeba Chander, HOD, received the ‘Indo Global Architecture Education Excellence Award 2015’ (IGCCA) at Pune from Eminent Architect Ar. Shaikh Zuber Rashid on 28th December 2015 for promoting quality education in the field of Architecture. • School of Architecture received the ‘Best Department Award’ for the year 2015 – 16. • Andromeda Lecture Theatre won the “Asia Design Excellence Award” – 2015 which was received by Dr. Sheeba Chander, Head of the Department ,School of Architecture. • The ‘Shrishti Good Green Governance Award- 2015’was granted to Hindustan University for spearheading India’s Green University Revolution. Dr.Ravi Kumar Bhargava, Dean (BS) received the award. • School of Architecture in association with Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Student Chapter organized a one day workshop, “Lighting & Ventilation” on 10th February 2016. Ar. C.N. Rahavendran (Padma Shri Awardee), Chairman, IGBC Chennai Chapter was the Chief Guest. The main speakers were Mr.Prem Pandurangam, Director, Sustainable Solutions, CTS, Chennai; Ms. Disha Advani, CII GBC Godrej; Mr. Bhaskar Naiyak, Senior Manager, Philips Lighting India; and Mr. K.P.S Ramesh Principal Consultant & MD Air Treatment Engg.


• Dr. Sheeba Chander, participated in the Faculty Exchange Programme “Mevlana Exchange Programme, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey” from 16th November to 5th December 2015. She delivered a series of lectures pertaining to Sustainable Architecture and Smart City Planning in Indian context.


• 12 students of 3rd year won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for the Middle Income Group Housing Scheme Design competition organized by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB).





• 24 students of 3rd year were shortlisted in LIK Trophy, Annual NASA Convention organized by GCPIA College, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. • Ms. Sonali, 2nd year student won the Pilot for a Day Award in the Aerosim Flight Academy Award competition held in Kennedy Space Center. • Ms. Anjana, 2nd year student won the 3rd Prize for “Street Onward Symposium 2015” – Finish the Task. • Mr. Sailesh, 3rd year student participated in the prestigious World View MUN 2015 – Model United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in August 2015.



• Prof. Kerstin Frick, along with 12 students went on an International Study Tour to Germany in June 2015. • Ms. Ramya Bharath, Ms. Nikila & Ms. Sukanya of 3rd year B.Arch students went to Dongguk University, Korea under Semester Exchange Programme 2015. • Mr. Mohit Chordia, Ms. B. Saranya, Mr.N.Shreyas students went to University of Applied Science Detmold, Germany under Semester Exchange Programme from 1st March to 31st September 2016.

Dr.Sheeba Chander receiving “Indo Global Architecture Education Excellence Award 2015 “ ( IGCCA) at Pune from Eminent Architect Ar. Shaikh Zuber Rashid on 28th December 2015 for promoting quality education in the field of Architecture.

Dr.Ravi K Bhargava received Shrishti Good Green Governance Award-2015 at Delhi for spearheading India’s Green University Revolution.


• “Natural Architecture” by Ar. Dean D’cruz, Mozaic Architecture, Goa on 21st August 2015. • “Chennai – From Sandy Strip to Metropolis” by Mr. Muthiah, Indian writer, journalist, cartographer, amateur historian and heritage activist on 10th September 2015. • “Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning” was organized on 15th October 2015. Ar. Sekar James, Principal Architect, Master Plan Landscape Architects was the Speaker.

Ar. Dean D’Cruz, Mozaic Architecture, Goa delivering Distinguished Lecture on ‘Natural Architecture’ on 21st August, 2015.


• “Green & Smart Cities” was conducted on 7th August 2015. Ar.Subbiah, Associate Vice President, CRN Pvt.Ltd and Ar.Shankar National Director, JLL, Chennai were the resource persons. “Recycling District” was organized from 8th to 9th October 2015. • “ALLEGORY ‘15” in association with Dakshina Chitra, was conducted from 28th to 30th October 2015.


Dr. Sheeba Chander successfully completed Mevlana Faculty Exchange Programme , Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey from 16th November 2015 to 5th December 2015 .

CHIAROSCURO’ 15 - Annual Students Symposium on the theme “Dreamscape” which stood out with the tag-line “Humanising Our Dreams” held on 29th September, 2015

“CHIAROSCURO 2015” was conducted on 29th September 2015. Ar.Pradeep Varma, Principal Architect, Varsha & Pradeep Architect, Mr.Bharadwaj Balaji, Photographer and Cinematographer & Prof.Solomon Vedamuthu, Elected Member, COA Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India were the resource persons.

Prof. Kirsten with students at Germany during the International Study Tour in June 2015.



Mr. Mohit Chordia, Ms. B. Saranya, Mr. N. Shreyas, III year students undergoing semester exchange program at Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Germany from March-September 2016.



Civil engineering Established 1985

Dr. Jessy Rooby Head

2016 Graduating class


Department Achievements

• Centre for Sustainable Technologies (CENSTEC) was established in collaboration with IGCAR Kalpakkam and SERC-Taramani. It is an Inter-Disciplinary Research Centre dealing with aspects of Sustainability associated with Built Environment. • Rs. 11 lakhs has been sanctioned from DST(SERB) for the project titled “Recovery of Hydrogen from Sulphide Waste Streams.”

Staff Achievements

• Dr. V. Preethi, Associate Professor received the HEAM (Hydrogen Energy & Advanced Materials) Young Scientist 2015 award from MANIT, Bhopal. She presented paper at an International Conference held at the University Technology Malaysia, 2015. She is also the reviewer for ‘International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.’ • Ms. Shalini R Nair, Assistant Professor received the award for mentoring “Media’s Choice Project” in the Hindustan Innovation Challenge, 2015.

National Conference

• National Conference on “Advances in Construction Technology & Innovative Sustainable Materials- ACTISM 2016” was conducted on 5th February 2016. Ar. Manjula Inian, Architect, Central Public Works Department (CPWD) was the Guest of Honour and Mr. Kingsley, General Manager Larsen & Toubro, Chennai was the Chief Guest.

National Seminars

• Seminar on “Iconic Buildings” on 5th April, 2015 with K. Saravanan, General Manager, Eversendaii, Chennai. • Seminar on “Nuclear Power –A Perspective” on 25th August 2015 with Mr. Venkatachalam, Operation Superintendent; and Mr. K. V. Ramamoorthy, Scientist, from Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam, as the resource persons. • Seminar on “Environmental Impact Assessment” on 25th July 2015 with Dr. Janardan, NITTTR as the Chief Guest. • Seminar on“ Biomimicry – Technology imitates Nature” on 16th July 2015 with Colonel P. Nallathambi, Structural Engineering Consultant as the Chief Guest. • Seminar on “Cold form steel structures” by Mr. S Saravanan, Structural Consultant for PTK Architects, Chennai.

National Workshops

• A two day Workshop on “Cement and Concrete Technology with Concrete Cube Contest” by RAMCO Cements, Chennai was held on 2nd and 3rd September 2015.





Patents and Publications

Dr.V.Preethi, Associate Professor ,Civil Engineering Department receiving HEAM-Young Scientist Award from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT)-Bhopal on 29th November 2015.

M.Tech students of Civil Engineering Department at Yildiz Technical University ,Turkey during Mevlana Student Exchange Programme (September 2015 to January 2016)

Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Innovative Sustainable Materials (ACTISM’16) held on 5th February 2016

2016 Graduating class

School of Building Sciences

• Mr. P. Ravikumar, Associate Professor has filed 6 patents and Dr. P.S. Joanna, Professor has filed 2 patents for their innovations in the field of Civil Engineering. • Dr. Jessy Rooby has published a paper titled “Experimental Study of Fly Ash Based Concrete with Magnetised Industrial Treated Waste Water in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus indexed). • Dr. Jessy Rooby has published a paper titled “Comparison Study of Compressive Strength for Supplementary Cementitious Material Concrete” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus indexed).

Exhibition on “Nuclear Power-A Perspective” held on 25th August 2015 .





Computer Science & Engineering Established 1993

• “Big Data Analytics” by Mr. Mohammed Samiuddin, Marketing Manager, HTC Global Services on 30th September 2015.


• “Big Data Paradigm” by Dr. M. Saravanan, Senior Researcher, Ericsson Research Labs on 27th August 2015. • “Ethical Hacking” by Mr. K.Sridhar, Group Project Manager and Mr. Srivathsa. B. S Senior Project Manager, Infosys on 25th September 2015.

School of computing Sciences


Dr. Venkata Subramanian

Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh




• Dr. D. Venkata Subramanian, Professor & Dean, School of Computing Sciences, received the “IET Chennai Local Network - Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Inspiring Teacher Award” for the year 2015-16. • Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh, Professor & HOD, SCS, delivered an invited talk on “Embedded Security for Threat Mitigation” in the Defense Services Asia Cyber Security Conference 2016 on 20th April 2016 held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. • Mr. J. Thangakumar, Mr. M. Sambath, and Mr. B. Dwarakanath, Assistant Professors, have received Infosys Bronze Teaching Excellence Award in the year 2016.


• Makesh Kumar, Kaushik Kannan and Abhishek Jaiswal of 2nd year CSE , won 1st Prize in CII Hackathon Competition held at TCS, Siruseri, Chennai on 31st October 2015. • M. Gokulavasan and J. Gopinath of final year CSE, won the 2nd Prize in CII Hackathon Competition held at TCS, Siruseri, Chennai on 31st October 2015. • Makesh Kumar. K, 2nd year CSE, won the 6th prize in the National Event “Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad” held at Pune conducted by Union Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports on 27th January 2016. He also won the 2nd Best Youth Parliamentary Talk Award at the Kerala Government Assembly for the Student Parliament on 25th February 2016.


• IET Expert Lecture on “Re-Imagining Society through the Internet of Everything” by Dr. Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy- Cisco was held on 8th July 2015. • “5G Networks “ by Dr Maged Elkashan, Professor, CSE Dept. Queen Mary University of London, was held on 27th August 2015. • “Soft computing” by Dr. Emerson Raja, Professor, E&T, Multimedia University Malaysia, was held on 16th September 2015. • “Latest Research Trends” by Prof. Jains Gruntspenkis, Dean of Computer Science and Computer Systems, Riga Technical University, Latvia, was held on 25th November 2015.


• “Relevance of Big Data & Analytics” as a career option by Mr. Karthik Murali. H Data Scientist, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Chennai on 31st July 2015. • “Multithreading in Java” by Mr. Thamarai Selvam S, Associate Manager, Learning and Development Team, iNautix Technologies Private Ltd, on 18th August 2015.



• “Performance Engineering” for III year CSE A & B students, on 12th October 2015 by Mr. Suresh Venkatesan, Architect, Performance Architecture Consulting & Engineering, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai. • “Earning While Learning” for CSE & IT students , on 9th February 2016 by Mr. Francesco Stasi, Head of Operations at Coders Trust India, Denmark. • “ Cloud Computing” for CSE & IT students, on 26th February 2016 by Dr. Horacio Gonzalez – Velez, Associate Professor, National College of Ireland (NCI), Dublin.


• “Human Capital in Organization” by Ms. Charu Rathnam Singh, Software Developer, Nokia Siemens on 8th February 2016. • “Significance of Python Programming” by Mr. Harish Prasanna, Lead Architect, Cyber Security Research, New York on 11th February 2016.

PDCIL Certification

Certificates were awarded to 24 students who completed the Professional Diploma in Cyber Investigation and Laws; and Professional Diploma in Business Intelligence and Analytic on 9th April 2016. Mr. Anup Singh, HR Manager, Wipro, was the Chief Guest who awarded the Gold medals to the rank holders, Dr. S. Ramachandran, Vice-Chancellor distributed the certificates to the diploma holders.


• Short Term Training Programme on “ Big Data and Hadoop” from 2nd to 4th July 2015 by Mr. Sachin P. B. Software Developer for Big Data, Technical Computing solution for IBM Power Systems, Bangalore. • IBM Train the Trainer Programme on “Cloud Computing and Virtualization” from 25th to 27th November 2015.


A 10 day training programme on Big Data Analytics was sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (Big data Initiative Division), Government of India and organized by Dr. K. Rameshkumar, Department of Information Technology, School of Computing Sciences, was held from 14th to 24th March 2016. 80 participants from various Colleges, Universities, Industries and Government agencies across India participated. The Chief Guest Padmashree Dr. Sankar Kumar Pal, Former Director ISI, Kolkata gave a brief introduction about evolution of data science and analytics over the years since 1960s. 24 eminent experts from various organization and institutions namely IITM, Infosys, Clustr, Lead Scale, Infosec, KC Tech, and VIT gave lectures and lab sessions covering various topics of Big Data.




Dr. Venkata Subramanian Dean (CS) has received IET Chennai Local Network Awards- Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Inspiring Teacher Award on 10th April 2015

IET expert Lecture on “Internet of Everything� by Dr. Robert pepper, Vice president Global Technology policy-Cisco on 8th July 2015

Mr. Makesh Kumar .D. K. of 2nd year CSE received 2nd best Parliamentarian Award in a Youth Parliament conducted at Kerala state assembly 25th February 2016

2016 Graduating class

School of computing Sciences

The Certificate presentation ceremony of Professional Diploma in Cyber Investigation and Laws(PDCIL) and Professional Diploma in Business Intelligence and Analytic has been held at Bay Range Campus, Hindustan Institute of Technology, Chennai. 19 students received the degree and 5 received the degree in absentia. Mr. Anup Singh, HR Manager, Wipro delivered the key note address on the aspects of the cyber security and Mr. Anup Singh awarded the Gold medals to the rank holders and the Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Ramachandran, Vice-Chancellor distributed the certificates to the Diploma holders.

ACM ICPC Asia Chennai Regional Contest





Information technology Established 1998

Department Achievements

A 10 day training programme on Big Data Analytics was sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (Bigdata Initiative Division), Government of India and Dr. K. Rameshkumar, Department of Information Technology, School of Computing Sciences, was instrumental in obtaining Rs. 6 lakhs funds for conducing the programme that was held from 14th 2016 to 24th March 2016.

Information technology

Student Achievements

• Ms. Rakshita and Ms. Raveendra Ishwarya, 2nd Year received 3rd Prize for presenting a paper titled “Extraction of Data from Images” at the National Technical Symposium organized by United Institute of Technology on 19th March 2016. • Mr. M. Parudhiraj, 3rd Year, Unit 1 (TN) Air SQN NCC won the 1st Place in the Line Area Team Event and participated in the Firing Competition held at the Kannammal National School, Palladam, Tirupur, TamilNadu. • Ms. S. Preethi, 3rd year & Ms. J. Kanaga Vaishnavalakshmi, 2nd Year won the 1st place in the State Inter University Competition at MGR Stadium, Madurai in January 2016. • Ms Vardhini R., 3rd Year presented a Web Application titled “Public Distribution System”, received the appreciation from the Computer Society of India, Taramani Chennai on 6th March 2016.


• Seminar on “Cyber Warfare” was delivered by Dr. Haris Ramani Technical Advisor, Internet Hecchies Solution on 25th September 2015. • Seminar on “Ethical Hacking” was delivered by Mr. K. Sridhar, Group Project Manager, Infosys and Mr. Srivathsa, Senior, Project Manager, Infosys on 25th September 2015. • One day seminar on “IoT for Connected Health” in association with IET was delivered by Dr. K. Ganapathy, President, Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation (ATNF) & Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, Mr. Vinod Venkateswaran, Assistant Vice President-Engineering, Aricent, Dr. M. Saravanan, Solution Integrator, Ericsson on 25th January 2016.


• Workshop on “Python Programming” was delivered by Mr. Dorai Thodla, Future Focus Infotech on 31st March 2016. • Workshop on “Software Testing” was delivered by Ms. Vaishnavi Ramiya, LeadEducation, Training and Assessment, Infosys on 27th August 2015. • A Short term training programme on “Big Data and Hadoop” was delivered by Mr.Sachin, Software Developer (Big Data Technical Computing Solution), IBM Power Systems from 2nd to 4th July 2015.

• Lecture on “Research Collaborations” was delivered by Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, HOD, Department of CSE/IT, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia on 2nd November 2015. • Expert Lecture on “Re-Imagining Society Through the Internet of Everything” was delivered by Dr. Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy–CISCO on 8th July 2015. • Lecture on “IoT – Impact in India for Business Opportunities” was delivered by Ms. Alefiya Bhagat, Academic Program Manager – South India, PTC, Bangalore on 10th September 2015. • Lecture on “Break Through Leadership” was delivered by Dr. C. Padmanaba Sivakumar, Professor, Dept. of MBA, HITS on 31st August 2015.


• Webinar: “Cloud Computing & Virtualization”, 2nd year IBM Students participated on 11th March 2016. • Webinar: “Simulation Testing in Model-Based Design,” 2nd year students, participated on 25th February 2016. . • Ms. V. Ceronmani Sharmila, Asst. Professor attended the Webinar on “How Does an FPGA Help in Your Power Electronic Controller” on 16th December 2015 and “Intel HPC Developer Conference” on 15th December 2015. • CISCO Webinar on “SAN Network”, 25 students and 5 faculty members participated on 28th November 2015. • Infosys Campus Connect Webinar Series on “Client Side Scripting Languages”, attended by 20 students and 10 faculty members from 18th to 27th August 2015.


• Ms. Nivetha S. of M.Tech. attended a 15 day Internship Programme on “Project Based Training on Cisco Networking – CCNA in Routing & Switching” conducted by IBNC India in association with I-Media Learning Solutions.


• Pandimurugan, Asistant Prof. published a paper “Charging the Mobile Using Renewable Energy”, International Journal of Advanced Research Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2016. • K. Komathy, HOD, published a paper “An Auto-Threshold Control for Isolating False Shadow from High-Resolution Images”, 2015. • V. Ceronmani Sharmila, Assitant Prof. published a paper “Construction of Routing Cost-Based Strategic Connected Dominating Set for Mobile ADHOC Networks” in the International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015. • N. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor, published a paper “Disaster Prediction Using Wireless Sensor Network – A Survey” in the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Jeppiaar Engineering College, March 2016. • N. Anbazhaga, Assistant Professor, published a paper “Hybrid Method for Clusterhead Selection in WSN” in the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, March 2016.

Guest Lectures

• Expert Lecture on “Latest Research Trends” was delivered by Prof. Janis Gruntspenkis, Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Systems, Riga Technical University, Latvia, Europe on 25th November 2015.





Expert lecture on Re-Imagining Society through the Internet of Everything, Dr. Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy–CISCO on 8th July 2015.

2016 Graduating class

Information technology

DST Sponsored Big Data Analytics, Training Programme from 14th - 24th March 2016

Lecture on IoT – Impact in India for Business Opportunities, Ms. Alefiya Bhagat, Academic Program Manager – South India, PTC, Bangalore on 10th September 2015.





Electrical & Electronics engineering Established 1992

Dr. A. Edgar Frank Dean & HOD • Dr. A. K. Parvathy, Professor received Women’s Engineering Award from IET Chennai Local Network on 10th April 2016. • Dr. A. K. Parvathy, Professor was invited to deliver a Series of Lectures by School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University, Thailand from 28th March to 4th April 2016.

Topics of Lectures: • • • •

Quadratic Linearization of PMSM. Application of Quadratic Linearization to Renewable Energy Systems. Introduction to Smart Grid. Energy Management System to Smart Grid.

Student Achievements • Farhan, Debadiptha, 3rd year participated in “Hybrid Vehicle Challenge 2015” organized by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers, Bhopal on 10th& 11th August 2015.

National Workshops

• “Solar PV System Design” was held from 23rd to 25th June 2015. Mr. Santhosh, Technical Director, Steinbeis Solar Research Centre, Chennai was the resource person. • “Solar PV System Design” was held from 11th to 12th September 2015. Mr. V. Nivas, Associate Director, Steinbeis Solar Research Centre, Chennai was the resource person. • “COMSOL Application Builder” was conducted on 29th January 2016. Dr. Vineet Dravid, Director, India Operations, COMSOL was the resource person.

Dr.A.K.Parvathy-Resource Person International Conclave on Renewable Energy Systems & Technology (ICREST-16) from 6th-8th April 2016 -Saveetha University

Workshop on Code Modernization on 09th July 2015 Mr.Sangamesh Banappa Technical Specialist, WIPRO, Bengaluru

2016 Graduating class

School of electrical Sciences

Staff Achievements

Workshop on Solar PV System Design - from 23rd to 25th June 2015 - Mr. Santhosh, Technical Director, Steinbeis Solar Research Centre, Chennai Dr. A. K.Parvathy - Invited for lecture - Naresuan University, Thailand28th March 2016 - 4th April 2016





Electrical & Communication engineering Established 1985

Dr. Vanaja Shivakumar Head

Staff Achievements

School of electrical Sciences

Ms. A. L. Vallikannu & Ms. Punithavathy Mohan, Assistant Professors, were selected as the “Jury of IEEE Young Engineers” Humanitarian Challenge (AIYEHUM-2015).

Student Achievements

• Mr. Ali Hyder, 4th year was placed 2nd in KTH Master’s Challenge, India 2016 organized by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden for the Masters Programme in Wireless Systems course. He competed against 4000 students and was placed 2nd at a ceremony held at Bengaluru on 22nd January 2016. • Students participated in the Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015 organized by the Hindustan Technology Business Incubator & Hindustan Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre and won awards. People’s Choice Poster, Sociopreneur, Best Problem Addressed Awards were won by 3rd year students: Gaurav Agarwal, Subham, Anirudh, and Swetangini Gupta. • Payal, Subrajit, 3rd year students and Sanjay Singh, 2nd year won the Best Poster Award for the idea titled “Smart Lamp from E-waste’’ They also won the 1st place in the Virtual Electra SAE India 2015 for the project titled “Hybrid Solar Vehicle” organized by SAE, India, Chennai. The same team also won the 1st position in the Dynamic Round of Indo Asian Solar Challenge 2015, for the project titled “Electric Solar Vehicle” organized by Robotics and Intelligent System community held at Lovely Professional University (Punjab). The team were also awarded with “Best Acceleration & Best Innovation” in the event ISIE-Electric Solar Vehicle Challenge 2015 organized by Imperial Society of Innovation Engineers, 2015 at Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala from 16th to 19th March 2015. • Team “TAIYOZEN” won the National Level Championship at Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) 2016 organized by the Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers held at Radharaman College of Science and Technology, Bhopal from 25th to 29th March 2016. Sanjay, Pankaj, 2nd year students and B. Ajith, P. Govardhan, Subham, U. Amar, S. Kazim and Nelson, 3rd year students participated.

National Seminar

• “Application of Radar Systems” by Dr. PiramaSubramanian, Professor, Anna University, MIT Chennai on 23rd July 2015. • “Mobile Technology -5G” by Sri A. Sadagopan, Assistant General Manager –Enterprise Business on 26th August 2015.

National Workshop

Workshop on “LTE Design - UE and Network” was conducted from 5th to 6th October 2015. Mr. Surya Patar, MD, 3G Network Solutions, Bengaluru was the resource person. A 2 day Workshop on IoT and Broadband Technology was conducted between 12th and 13th April 2016 for the students by the experts from Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Training Centre (RGMTTC), Chennai.

Training Programme

• Ardino (Embedded) Training was conducted for the ECE students from 5th March to 1st April 2016. Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah, HoD, EIE & Mr. Muthukumaran, Prof. were the Trainers.

Dr. Senthil Murugan Ganapathy,University of Southampton, Southampton, UK delivered a Lecture on Photonics: The Next Technological Revolution on 5th August 2015.

Mr.K.Babu,Retired Manager, Rane Engines (P) ltd, Chennai delivered a Lecture “Techniques of Industrial Management” on 1st April 2016

Workshop on “LTE Design - UE and Network” was conducted on 5th- 6th October 2015. Mr.Surya Patar, MD, 3G Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore was the resource person.

Two Day Workshop on IoT and Technology was conducted on 12th April 2016 by the Training Experts Gandhi Memorial Training Centre Meenambakkam.

Broadband and 13th & from Rajiv (RGMTTC),

International Conference

• Department of CSE, EEE, ECE organized an International Conference CESCON 2015 from 15th to 17th April 2015 in the field of Computing, Communication and Energy Systems. This conference in association with IET provided an opportunity for the participants to interact with international personalities from leading industries and academicians in the field of computing, communication and energy systems. Dr. Frank Johnson, President, Ottawa Instrumentation, Ottawa, Canada inaugurated the conference on 16th April 2015. Sri K.K. Rajan, Director, Fast Reactor Technology Group (FRTG) & Engineering Services Group (ESG), IGCAR, Kalpakkam was the Guest of Honour. The Chief Guest for the Valedictory function on 17th April 2015 was Dr. Inia Nehru, Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre, Ministry of IT, Chennai.





Electronics & instrumentation engineering Established 1995

Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah Head

2016 Graduating class

School of electrical Sciences

Department Achievements

• ARM, USA donated Xpresso Boards worth Rs. 1 Lakh and STM 32F ARM Embedded System Boards with 100 licenses worth Rs. 1.5 lakhs. The kits will be utilized for development works, students’ projects and hands-on Digital Signal Processing teaching and learning programmes. • Advanced Process Control Lab was established in July 2016. • Department has collaborated with IGCAR, Department of Atomic Energy for collaborative funded research activities and Yokogawa (India), Bengaluru for Process Automation Laboratory.

Staff Achievement

• Mr. G. Muthukumaran, Associate Professor & Mentor participated in the Innovation Challenge Competition finals held at IIT Madras Research Park, Taramani, Chennai organized by PALS (Pan IIT Leadership Series), an initiative by IITAIIC, on 23rd January 2016. • Dr. Uppu Ramachandriah was appointed as Treasurer, IEEE Control System Society Chapter, Madras Section, India. • Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah was elected as the Member of Texas Instruments Expert Advisory Panel, USA during October 2015. • Mr. G. Muthukumaran, Associate Professor, Mr. S. Janakiraman, AP and their students won the Encouragement Award in Hindustan Innovation Challenge 2015 held on 15th October 2015 for the project idea “Solar Panels Automatic Cleaning Robot.” The event was organized by Hindustan Technology Business Incubator and Hindustan Entrepreneurship cell. • Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah was elected as Chapter Chair, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter, Madras Section, India. • Mr. P. Vikramkumar, AP was the resource person for the Workshop on MATLAB organized by RVRJC College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh on 16th July 2015.

Student Achievements

• Mr. Arun and Mr. Akilesh, 2nd year students , participated in the finals of “Innovation Challenge Competition” held at IIT Madras Research Park, Taramani, Chennai organized by PALS on 23rd January 2016..

National Workshop

• Workshop on “Plant Automation and PLC programming” was conducted by Mr. G. Sathyamurthy, Developer & Trainer, Technocrat Automation Solutions, Chennai on 7th October 2015.





Guest Lectures

• “Developing Innovative IoT and Smart Sensor Technologies for High-impact Applications” was delivered by Dr. Anirudha Desai, Director, Centre for Technology Infusion – College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia on 3rd March 2016. • “Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems” was delivered by Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, New Zealand on 12th February 2016. • “Development of Multi-Channel Adaptive Active Noise Control System for Reduction of Noise in a Region Adjacent to Noisy Equipment” was approved by BRNS, New Delhi on 8th February Rs. 24.5 Lakhs is sanctioned for implementing the project with Mr. P. Satheesh Kumar, AP, as .Principal Investigator; and Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah, Head as Co- Investigator. • “Adaptive Controlled Suction Chamber and Cup based Wall Climbing Robot” was approved by BRNS, New Delhi on 8th February 2016. Rs. 22.8 Lakhs was sanctioned for implementing the project with Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah, Head as Principal Investigator; and Mr. G.Muthukumaran, Associate Professor, as Co- Investigator.

Presenting Memento to Dr. Anirudha Desai, Director, Centre for Technology Infusion – College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia by Dr.U.Ramachandraiah, Head and Dr. David. T. Easow, Deputy Director –SOM & IA.

Students‘ interaction with Dr. Anirudha Desai, Director, Centre for Technology Infusion – College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia

2016 Graduating class

School of electrical Sciences


Guest Lecture on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems on 12th February 2016. by Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Massey University, New Zealand and Dr.Boby George, IIT Madras, Secretary IEEE- I&M Society, Madras Chapter.





Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Sciences

Established 1985

Dr. S. Darius Gnanaraj

Dr. G. Ravikumar Solomon




• A National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Welding Technology” was organized in association with The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) on 21st March 2016. Dr. D. G. Harris Samuel and Mr. A. V. Sethuraman were the coordinators of the event comprising of 330 participants. The purpose was to highlight the advances in various areas of Welding, such as Fusion Welding, Pressure Welding and Welding consumables.


An MoU has been signed between SMC and Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. D Dinakaran is in-charge of the facility and is well established with a total funded outlay of Rs. 60 lakhs due grants offered.

A National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Welding Technology” was organized in association with The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) on 21st March 2016.


• “Theory to Practice” was organized in association with PALS, IIT with Dr. S. Nagarajan as Coordinator on 19th Feb. 2016. Prof. C. S. Shankar Ram, Engineering Design, IIT Madras & Mr. C. S. Nanda Kumar, Robert Bosch, Coimbatore were the speakers. • “Oil & Gas Conservation” was organized on 27th Jan 2016 in association with ENFUSE Student Chapter, with Mr. L. Joseph Francis, AP was the coordinator. Mr. S. Ramalingam, President-ENFUSE, Chennai; Dr. K. Mamallan, Sr. Engineer, CPCL, Chennai; & Mr. V K Ramanathan, Addl. Chief. Engineer (Retd.), TNEB, were the resource persons. • Robotic Vision was organized in association with Center for Automation and Robotics (ANRO), with Dr. D. Dinakaran as coordinator on 28th Sep 2015. Mr. Rajesh Mapat, DirectorIfuture systems, Bengaluru & Mr. M. K. Swaminathan, Director-Arobot, Chennai were the speakers of the event.


• Holistic Education Programme was organized on 20th & 21st Jan 2016 by Dr. S Darius Gnanaraj, Dean, Dr. T. Jeyapoovan, and Dr. D. Dinakaran. • Engineer’s Day was organized on 15th Sep 2015, with Mr. R. Sundar, Director of Boilers, Govt. of Tamil Nadu as the speaker.

Workshop on “Theory to Practice”, held on 19th Febuary 2016. Mr. C S Nanda Kumar of Robert Bosch, Coimbatore, delivering the lecture.

Mr. S Ramalingam, President-ENFUSE, Chennai, addressing the gathering of workshop on “Oil & Gas Conservation”, held on 27th January 2016. Mr. V K Ramanathan, Addl. Chief. Engineer (Retd.), TNEB, Dr. K Mamallan, Sr. Engineer, CPCL, Chennai were also present.


• 36 papers in international journals & 2 papers in national journals were published by faculty. • 6 papers in international conference, 3 papers in national conference were presented by faculty; and 3 papers in national conference were presented by students.


Dr. D. G. Harris Samuel received Rs. 49.2 lakhs worth project titled “Development of Austempered Ductile Iron for Automotive Castings” through the INDO-UK NEWTON BHABHA SCHEME. It is a collaborative research programme between Warwick University, United Kingdom, Nelcast and Hindustan University.





Automobile engineering Established 1997

Mr. K. Kamalakkannan Head


2016 Graduating class

School of Mechanical Sciences



• Dr. M. Jaikumar, Assoc. Prof. was awarded Doctoral Degree from Anna University in Sept. 2015. • Dr. V. Hariram, Assoc. Prof. received the “Encouragement Award” for Best Publication in Journals. • Team VIRIDE won the “National Championship in E-Bike Racing Challenge 2016” organized by Robotics and Intelligence System Community, Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab from 22nd to 24th April 2016. • Team TAIYOZEN won the “National Championship at Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC)” 2016 organized by the Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers RPM Circuit & Radharaman College Science and Technology, Bhopal from 25th to 29th March 2016. • Team TAIYOZEN also won the 2nd prize in the “Indo-Asian Solar Challenge 2016,” conducted by the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Community, LPU, Punjab. • Team POSEIDON participated in the finals of 4th International Competition, “Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge 2016” organized by the National University of Singapore in association with IEEE-OES Singapore Chapter from 4th to 6th March 2016. • AARDRA RACING participated in ECO-KART 2016, at BM MUNJAL University, Harayana from 9th to 11th March 2016. • Harshavardhan & Arun Prabu, 3rd year Motorsport Engineering students were shortlisted for Volkswagen Rally Cup, March 2016. • M. Akhil, 3rd year, won the “Best Intern Award” for Automobile Development Internship at HKBK Coll. of Engg., Karnataka. • Team Yodha participated in Formula Student India 2016 at the Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida, NCR New Delhi, conducted by the Formula Student India Association from 24th to 28th January 2016. • Team Atraiu participated in Formula Student India 2016 at Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida, NCR New Delhi, conducted by the Formula Student India Association from 24th to 28th January 2016. • Students participated in Vishnu Karting Championship, conducted by the Vishnu Educational Group from 21th to 25th January 2016. • Sai Sampath, 4th year & Palla Lokesh, 3rd year won 2nd Prize-“Acceleration Test in Student Karting Championship” organized by Atelier Motors from 26th to 31st October 2015. • Mr. Pulkit Goel, 4th year, was awarded “Best Student of The Year 2015” by SAEINDIA and honoured by Dr. Richard W. Greaves, SAE International President, on 3rd August 2015.



• Mr. Ajeesh Varghese, 3rd year; Mr. Ashok, 3rd year; and Mr. Geet, 4th year Automobile Engg. won the 1st Rank in ELECTRA SAEINDIA 2015 organized by SAEINDIA Chennai on 28th August 2015. • Team SEIGER participated in the Go Kart Design Challenge, held at Kari Motor Speed Way, Coimbatore from 12th to 16th Feb. 2015.

School of Mechanical Sciences


• “IC Engines Combustion and Emission Control Techniques” was conducted by Mr. V. P. Renganathan, DGM, Engg. Simpson; Dr. A. Ramesh, Professor, IIT; Dr. S. Rajadurai, Head R&D, Sharda Motors Industries; and Dr. M. Senthilkumar, Associate Professor, MIT; on 22nd & 23rd June 2015. • “Steering Systems and Vehicle Handling” was conducted by Mr. S. Radha Krishnan, Former Vice President(R&D), Rane TRW Streeing Systems on 20th and 21st August 2015.

Inaugural Ceremony of Centre for Automotive Electronics (CAE) on 3rd October 2015. Dr. Berndt A. Buchmann (Director, Volkswagon Group after sales and Vehicle logistics) was the Chief Guest. Mr. Isa Abdullatif Alansari (Chief operation officer, Aluminum Bahrain B.S.C), Mr. Suresh Nagarj head (VGTAP, pune) and Mr. P.K. Sood (National head, SMC pneumatics India Pvt Ltd was the Guest of honour.


• “Finite Elements Analysis” was conducted on 10th August 2015, and was delivered by Dr. Rama Jeya Thilagam, Senior Professor, Aero. Department. • “Industrial Design, Empowering New Possibilities Through Reverse Engineering” on 7th August 2015 with Mr. Tamilanbu Murthi, Industrial Designer and Mr. Rubesh, Industrial Designer as the resource persons. • “Spontaneous Dispersion of Particles on Liquid Surfaces and Self-assembly of Particles by Electric Field” was delivered by Dr. G. Sathish Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Kennesaw State University, USA on 10th August 2015. • “Carbon Dioxie Reduction” was delivered by Dr. S. Rajadurai, Head R&D and Team, Sharda Motors Industrie, World Mahindra City, Chennai on 10th August 2015.

VAHANAA 2016, Technical Symposuim - Inauguration of Auto Show by Mr. Sharawan Kumar, CEO Indianautosblog.com on 1st April 2016

Guest Lectures

• “GFormula 1 Car Carbon Brakes” was delivered by Dr. Peter Brooks, Programme Manager: Msc Automotive Engineering, University of Leeds, UK on 10th September 2015. • “Evolution of India’s Own Main Battle Tank-Arjun: An Insight” was delivered by Dr.B.Rajagopalan, Associate Professor and Head (CDTS) on 20th October 2015. • “Motorsport for Women” was delivered by Ms. Alisha Abdullah, Fastest Women Rider of India, Alisha Abdullah Racing Academy for Women on 31st March 2016.

Team Atraiu Racing Indian Karting Race held at Kari Motor Speed way, Coimbatore which is organized by imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE) from 27th to 29th January 2015


• VAHANAA ’16–a National Technical Symposium & Auto Show was inaugurated by Mr. Shrawan Raja, CEO, Indian Autos Blog and Dr. S. Rajadurai, Head R&D, Sharda Motors Industries Ltd. on 1st and 2nd April 2016. 100 bikes & Cars were exhibited in the auto show; and a department magazine “SPARK 2016” was released by the Chief Guest, Dr. S. Rajadurai, Head R&D, Sharda Motors Industries.

Ongoing Projects • • • • • • • • •


Formula SAE (Italy) 2017 Formula SUPRA INDIA 2016 BAJA (ATV) 2017 – National & International E-BAJA (ATV) 2017 Electric Solar Vehicle Championship 2017 Indo-Asian Solar Challenge 2017 Students Autonomous Underwater Vehicle – SAVE 2016 (National & International) ISIE-INDIAN KARTING RACE E-BIKE 2016.


Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) 2015 at Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala between 16th and 19th March 2015. • Best innovation Award • Best Acceleration Award • Second in Design • Second in Weight



Chemical Engineering Established 2009

Dr. Ravikumar Head

2016 Graduating class

School of Mechanical Sciences

National Conference A National Conference on “Recent Advances in Unit Operations” was conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering on 1st April 2016. Dr. V. Ravikumar (HOD, Chemical Engg) delivered the Inaugural Address. Dr. N. Vasudevan ( Dean Academics) spoke on the importance of unit operations and their applications in everyday activities. Dr. S. Darius Gnanaraj (Dean Mechanical Sciences) introduced the Chief Guest, Dr. R. Kannan, Joint Environmental Engineer, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai who spoke on “Pollution Abatement in Textile Industries.” He released the Book of Abstracts of the conference and the first copy was received by Dr. Baby Joseph, Dean Research. Dr. A. Anitha (Convener) thanked all the dignitaries for gracing the occasion. The other lectures were, “Importance of Process Safety Management in Industries with Special Focus on Chemical Industries”, by Mr. S.Thirumalainathan, CEO, Panache Safety Solutions, Chennai. “Advances in Bioprocess Monitoring and Control” by Dr. M.Surianarayanan, Principal Scientist, Chemical Engineering Department, CLRI, Chennai. There were 20 paper presentations by the participants. Two Best Papers were selected under “Orginal Research” category and the other under “Undergraduate Category”. The Valedictory address was given by Dr. V. Ravikumar. Certificates were distributed to the participants. Dr. A. Anitha, Professor summarised the activities related to the Conference. B.Tech(Biotechnology) is one of new programmes offered in Department of Chemical Engineering. The first batch of B.Tech students were enrolled in 2013. Few students have been selected for internships and industrial training at reputed organizations. Ms. Mahalakshi (2013-2017) completed 2 months internship in Applied Plant Science at BioLim, Chennai. Ms. Yazhini (2014-18) was awarded scholarship for her excellent academic performance. Mr. Palaniappan (Asst. Professor) was invited for the guest lecture at CFTRI, Mysore on improving the yield of Genetically Modified Bananas. The Biotechnology programme has a strong tie-up with HCAS, through which some of the labs are conducted and joint expertise are utilized for improving the program outcome. At present, the students are mentored to apply for the scholarships offered by DBT for Biotech students.

Book of Abstracts were released during the National Conference





Mathematics Established 1985

Dr. A Praveen Prakash Dean & Head

2016 Graduating class

School of Mechanical Sciences


• Ms. J. Esther Jerlin received the “Best Paper Award” for the paper, “A Study on the Causes for Failures in Mathematics by Engineering Students of Chennai City Using Triangular Extended Fuzzy Clustering Model” in the 2nd National conference on ‘Innovation and Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology’ organized by Panimalar Institute of Technology. • Dr. D. Piriadarshani was selected as an Executive member of the Association of Mathematics Teacher of India (AMTI), based on her unstinted continuous service in achieving their objectives of AMTI. • Dr. Clement Joe Anand was awarded the Honorary Membership by the Board of Directors of Neutrosophic Science International Association, University of New Mexico, USA for his contributions.

Hindustan Mathematics Club (HMC) Competitions were held for students by Aryabatta, Baskara, Kaprekkar and Ramanujan, the four wings of the Hindustan Mathematics club. 540 members, from 1st year B.Tech. have enrolled in HMC.

Student leaders for HMC activities: Trivikram, CSE , 1st year - Secretary Priyanka , AeroSpace , 1st year - Joint secretary Aainah Thakur, AeroSpace , 1st year - Joint secretary.

National Mathematics Talent Contest-NMTC 2015 The National Mathematics Talent Contest-NMTC of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) for the academic year 2015-2016 was conducted on 31st October 2015. More than 1 lakh students participated in the Annual Olympiad conducted by AMTI. Mr. Shaik Rakheep I year, ECE won the third prize. Dr. D. Piridarshani, Prof. & Mr. K. Jagadeesh Kumar, AP, of Aryabatta wing of HMC organized the “Application in Matrices & Calculus’ presentation” competition on 6th November, 2015 The winners of the competition were: • 1st Place – Trivikram M , CSE, 1st year • 2nd Place – Priyanka A , Aerospace, 1st year • 3rd Place – Lykha Fathima, ECE, 1st year.


50th Annual Golden Jubilee Conference of Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) was hosted by the department. 250 teachers and school students from across India participated in the 4 day conference. Dr. D. Piriadarshani was the Chief Coordinator of the programme.





School of Science & Humanities

Invited Lectures / Chairpersons Examiners • Dr. A. Praveen Prakash was invited to give a lecture in the National conference on “Fuzzy Logic” held at KCG, Karapakkam. • Dr. A. P. Santhakumaran is recognized as a “Distinguished Academician in the field of Graph Theory”, he stood among the top twenty academicians. • Dr. A.P. Santhakumaran was a Resource person at the National Conference on “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications” at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. • Dr. M. Clement, AP, was the Chairperson at National conference, VIT, Vellore. A workshop “Vector Calculus using Matlab”, was also conducted by Dr. Clement, for our faculty members. • Mr. Jagdeesh Kumar, conducted a workshop on “Teaching Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform using Mat Lab”. • National Integration Day commemorating the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabai Patel. was held at University. Mr. C. Thangaraj, Retd. IAS was the Chief Guest. Dr. A. Rajkumar and Mr. M. Mahendran were the coordinators of the programme.

Research and Extensions There are 14 part time and 2 full time scholars pursuing Ph.D guided by Dr. A. Praveen Prakash, Dr. A. P. Santhakumaran, Dr. D. Piriadarshani, Dr. Udhayakumar, Dr. M.Clement Joe Anand and Dr. A. Rajkumar.

No. of paper presented • National Conference : 4 • International Conference : 2 • No. of papers published : 15

50th Annual Golden Jubilee Conference of Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) was hosted by Department of Mathematics from 27th to 30th December 2015 Power Point presentation on the topic ‘Application in Matrices & Calculus by Dr. D. Piridarshani, Prof. & Mr. K. Jagadeesh Kumar , AP, of Aryabatta wing, organised a competition on 6th of November, 2015

languages Established 1985

Dr. Akkara Sherine Head


• Dr. Akkara Sherine, HOD, received the “Distinguished Women Administrator Award” from Venus International Woman Foundation (VIWA) 2016 on 5th March 2016 in recognition of her outstanding contributions, significant achievements and sustained excellence in the field of Language. • Dr. B. Ananthan, Assoc. Prof. received the Cambridge Award on 5th September 2016, for winning the competition conducted for the tertiary language teachers by Cambridge University in collaboration with ELTAI.


• A six day training programme titled “Effective Communication Skills in Classroom and in Workplace” was conducted for 30 faculty from various departments of the University from 18th - 23rd January 2016. The following staff members conducted the classes namely, Dr. Rajasekaharan Nair, Dr. Bhaskaran Nair, Dr. C.Indira, Dr. Akkara Sherine, Professors, Dr. B. Ananthan, Associate Professor and Mr. V. Sundarabharathi, Assistant Prof. • Dr. Akkara Sherine, attended a one day workshop, “Life is Beautiful” organized by Centre for Continuing Education and Career Development on 3rd Feb 2016. • Mr. Benzigar and Ms. Beulah Catherine, Assistant Professors, attended the “Emotional Intelligence” one day workshop on 17th February 2016. The resource person was Mr. Ganesh, of Giant Leap. • Mr. Rajasekar, Lab Instructor, attended the training program on Fire Safety Awareness conducted by TUV Rheinland NIFE Academy, Cochin on 3rd February 2016. The programme was organized by the 5S Programme implementation team of HITS.


Dr. S. P. Dhanavel, Prof. Dept. of English, IIITM delivered a motivational talk on “Living Values and Visions” for first year students on 12th March 2016.


National Integration Day commemorating the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabai Patel was held at University. Mr. C. Thangaraj, Retd. IAS was the Chief Guest.



• Dr. Akkara Sherine, participated in a two day workshop on 1st and 2nd February 2016, conducted by Dept. of Languages, Anna University titled “Continuous Professional Development for English Language Teachers. Dr. Julie Ciancio, Dean, College of Education, Director of International Development, West cliff University Faculty, College of Education, California State University, San Bernardino, U.S.A. was the resource person. • Dr. Ananthan, Associate Prof., Mr. Robert Divine, Ms. Vinothini, and Ms. Charumathy, Assistant Professors, attended National Workshop on “Mobile Learning at Loyola College”, on 27th & 28th February 2016.



• Mr. Robert Divine, Assistant Professor, participated in a one day workshop on “Academic Writing in Refereed journals and Emerging Trends in Research in English Literature and English Language Teaching”, organized by School of Social Sciences, VIT University, Chennai on March 10, 2016. • Mr. Samuel Jeyakumar, Mr.Loganathan and Mr. Robert Divine, Asst. Professors, participated in a one day Worskhop on “Yoga For Healthy & Good Living” on 20th February 2016, Dr. R. Elangovan, Prof & HOD , Dept of Yoga Tamilnadu Physical Education & Sports University was the Guest of Honour.

School of Science & Humanities


• Mr. M.M.Sastry, Mr. A.V. Surya and Ms. Sofia Florence, Ph.D research scholars of Dr. Akkara Sherine presented their research progression during the research colloquium conducted by Centre for Research & Consultancy, HITS on 30th March 2016. • Mr. Samuel Jeyakumar, AP, and Ms. Nagalakshmi, Full Time Ph. D, research scholar of Dr. N. Rajasekharan Nair, Prof. Dean Student Affairs, presented the progress of their research work on 6th April 2016.

Dr. S. P. Dhanavel, Prof. Dept. of English, IIITM delivered a motivational talk on “Living Values and Visions” for first year students on 12th March 2016.


• Dr. Akkara Sherine, Academic Coordinator of International Short Term Courses, arranged an industrial visit and accompanied the international students from Dongguk University South Korea enrolled in EIBIS programme to Hyundai factory on 13th April 2016.


Dr. Akkara Sherine, HOD, received the “Distinguished Women Administrator Award” from Venus International Woman Foundation (VIWA) 2016 on 5th March 2016.

Dr. B. Ananthan, Associate Prof. received the Cambridge Award on 5th September 2016.

Co-authored publication • Significance of Teaching VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers of Sentences & Punctuation) – The Key Elements of the Writing Process, in the international conference proceedings of SRM International Conference. MORE 2015. • Big Writing (VCOP) – Strategy to Develop Writing Skills in High School Students, JELT, Journal of English Language and Teaching, Golden Jubilee Issue. • “Teaching Connectives through Flipped Classes for Tertiary Students: A study – IJOAASE Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8.

Mr. Robert Divine • Teacher as a Facilitator in English Language Classroom’ in Journal of English Language Teachers Interaction Forum (NATIONAL), Vol.3(July – September 2015).

Mr. M. Rajasekar • Presented paper at the 8th National Conference on “Recent Trends & Technologies in Soft Computing - NCRTSC’16”, in St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Avadi, Chennai on 7th April, 2016. • Mr. Rajasekar & Dr. Rajasekharan Nair, published a paper titled, “Machine Aided Language Translation Tool for the Rural students” in the Conference proceedings.

Orientation programme for 9 students from Dongguk University, South Korea, enrolled in English, Indian History, Business Studies for International Students (EIBIS) Batch V, was held on 19th February 2016.

Valedictory Programme was conducted for the first batch of 9students enrolled in Special English & Hindi for International Students (SEHIS) from Busan University, South Korea on 21st November 2015.

Valedictory Programme for EIBIS Batch IV comprising 5 students from Dongukk University, South Korea was held on 18th May 2015.





Chemistry Established 1985

Dr. S. Induja Head

School of Science & Humanities

National Conference

Department of Chemistry and CENCON, HITS jointly organized a two day National Conference during 7th-8th January 2016 in association with Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science. The National Conference was chaired by the Chief Guest Dr .S. R. Vadera, Scientist-H & Director, DRDO, Jodhpur. Eminent scientists including Dr.John Philip, IGCAR, Dr. U.V.V. Raju, Professor & Head, Chemistry, IIT Madras, Dr. Raghu & Dr. Ratheesh, C-MET (Thrissur) and Dr. V. Sampath, Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Madras delivered lectures on latest developments in the Research and Development of Smart materials. 52 papers were presented out of which 39 papers were published after review in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, as Conference Special issue (Vol.10 No.91).

Inauguration of National Conference by the Chief Guest Dr. R. S. Vadera, Scientis-H & Director, DRDO, Jodhpur held on 7th January 2016

Guest Lecture

• Dr. P. Gautam, Director, Centre for Biotechnology, Professor & Head, Dept. of Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, spoke on “An Introduction to Bio-Nanotechnology for Science and Engineering Delivered a Lecture” on 24th August 2015. • Dr. Deepak Samuel, Scientist D-Marine Ecology, Conservation of Coastal and Marine Resource Division, National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change delivered a lecture on the topic, “Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Marine Ecology “ on 21st August 2015. • Dr. R. Murugesan, Director, Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research & Education, Chettinad Universtiy, delivered a lecture on the topic: “Impact of Nanochemistry in Engineering” on 23rd February 2015.

Dr. S. Induja , HOD, Chemistry addressing the audience during the National Conference on 7th January 2016.


• B. R. Saikishore, S. Sumathi and K.K. Balasubramanian-Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity studies of nano ZnO deposited on sintered calcium phosphate ( ZnO/SCaP), International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. • B. Gajalakshmi, S.Induja and P.S.Raghavan, Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx from automobile exhaust in the absence of reductant on non-noble metal oxide catalyst, International Journal of Science, Technology & Management. • M. Prabaharan, Chitosan-based nanoparticles for tumor-targeted drug delivery, International Journal of biological Macromolecules. • B. Gajalakshmi, S. Induja and P.S. Raghavan, Copper oxide containing crystalline polyphosphate for control of CO from automobile exhaust, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. • S. Induja, Biswajeet Dash, Arijit Dey, Bikramjyoti Sahariah and Arnab Pathak, Synthesis and characterization of aqueous nanofluids containing 3d-transition metals, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. • M. Chandraka and C. Ananthanarayanan, Synthesis and characterization of triazoles of 2-azidoN-(aryl amides and 2 -azido aryl) ketone using DMAD and quinone, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research.



Presentation of certificates to participants during the Valedictory Programme of the National Conference held on 8th January 2016.



Library and information science


Established 1985

Established - 1985

Dr. V. Parthasarathy

Ms. Richa Tripathi


School of Science & Humanities


A two day National Conference on “Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science” was organized by the Department of Physics on 29th and 30th January, 2016. The conference had around 110 participants attending the conference. The conference had eminent speakers from reputed research organizations and Universities. Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao, Associate Director, ARCI, Hyderabad gave the inaugural address. Dr. John Philip from IGCAR, Dr. P. Saravanan from DMRL Hyderabad delivered the key note address on various new material of current research ineterest. Dr. Rita John, Professor, University of Madras, Dr. R. Jeyavel, Director Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Anna University and Dr. K.G.K Warrier, former Emeritus Scientist from CSIR Research Laboratory, Trivandrum spoke on the “Advances in Applied Research.” 40 selected research papers were published in the International Journal of Technical Research and Applications.


Guest Lectures

Seminar on “How to Write Scientific Research Articles in Peer Review/ Impact Factor Journals” was organized by Central Library in collaboration with Research Department on 7th February 2015. Dr. M. Natarajan, Principal Scientist (Retd.) NISCAIR inaugurated the programme and Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, Director (Research) and Mr. Subramani, Dy. Registrar delivered Special address.

The Department of Physics organized a Guest Lecture on “Improving the Reliability of Aerospace Components with Non Destructive Testing Methods”, on 28th October 2015. The lecture was delivered by Mr. K. Viswanathan, Deputy Director, ISRO, and Advisory Committee Member for the Ministry of Defense and Past President Indian Society for Non Destructive Testing. 120 students from First year B. Tech (Aero) and 30 students from M. Tech (Aeronautics, Avionics and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering) attended the event.


Librarian’s Day was celebrated on 11th August 2015. Dr. V. R. Rajan, Chief Librarian, AMET University, Chennai was the Chief Guest to deliver a lecture on “Effective Use of Library resources.”


Workshop on “Emerald User Orientation Programme” was organized on 25th September 2015 and Mr. Nelvin John, Marketing Manager, South India was the Chief Guest to deliver a lecture on Emerald Database. About 80 Library Professionals took part in this workshop.


Book Exhibition was organized by Central Library on 4th & 5th April 2016 for Architecture Department. Faculties and Students have selected some books in this event.


National Conference

The Hindustan University Library consists of Central Library and 17 departmental libraries which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programme of the Institute. The Digital Library contains 51 Apple i-mac’s systems and 10 i-pads with access of internet and online journals. The library is fully automated with LIBSYS software. It is one of the best-equipped libraries with a huge collection of over 2,00,000 volumes of Books, 387 International/National Periodicals in print format, Back volumes and over 3000 CDs/DVDs. It also has more than 42, 000 e-journals and 35,000 e-books with online databases viz. EMERALD,SPRINGER LINK, SCIENCE DIRECT, PROQUEST, EBSCO etc. In-House publications and Book Bank facilities are also available.


National Conference on Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science was held from 29th to 30th January 2016. Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao, Associate Director, ARCI, Hyderabad inaugurated NCAAPMS 2016.



School of fashion, design & arts Established 2011

Prof. Ashok Rajan

School of fashion, design & arts


Final Collection of Graduating students


The first graduating students of 2012-15 showcased their final collection during the Chennai Fashion week conducted on 11th July 2015 at Hotel Westin, Chennai. Top professional models walked the Ramp with the exquisite range of Garments which was highly appreciated by the fashionistas and the elite audience.

3rd year students underwent a 6 week internship in various industries and boutiques from September to October 2015. The students had good practical exposure and experience. Many were offered placement after graduation.

Tie & Dye workshop A practical and interactive workshop on Tie & Dye and Block printing techniques was conducted on 17th August 2015 for the 2nd year students.

Industrial visits Students of 1st and 2nd year were taken to Industrial visits on 7th October 2015 to R K Textile factories and also to a leading Garment export company to gain practical exposure to various processes involved in Weaving operations as well as garment finishing, printing and surface treatments.

Fashion Design Competition 3 students of 2nd year participated and won the 1st prize in the “Fashion Rampage” fashion design competition conducted by NIFT, Chennai on 18th March 2016.

Fashion Premier Week participation 15 students of 2nd year participated in a 3 day Fashion Premier Week event conducted from 18th to 20th March 2016 at Hotel Crown Plaza and were actively involved in grooming the professional models in an array of Fashion collections by leading Fashion Designers from India and abroad.

PHOTOGRAPHY COURSES HITS offers the following: • 6 month Certificate Course (10th pass). • 1 year Diploma in Professional Photography (for +2 pass). • 1 year PG Diploma in Advertising Photography (eligibility any graduate). Designed to cater to students/aspirants with varied needs; these courses are conducted by professional and experienced photographers with mentoring of an ace photographer. • The 6-month Certificate Course is laid with respect to Concepts involved, Camera features, Techniques, and Lighting. Students here are given hands on training in various kinds of Photography inclusive of basic Photoshop.


• This 6 months course is followed in the 1 year course as well wherein higher levels of expertise are imparted to make them professionals and carve their career. The Diploma Course facilitates students to learn Event Photography, Photo book/ Portfolio creation and also advanced level of Photoshop applications. • Higher level of learning & training in Advanced Lighting techniques, Medium Format Camera and Advertising elevate the PG Diploma the students to a greater career prospects. Both 1 year courses offer internship programme with a professional company where exposure to professional shoots by ace photographers is attained.


Students of 1st year and 2nd year, designed the attire and involved in grooming the models at the Premium Fashion Week, held at Crowne Plaza, Chennai – from 17th to 20th March 2016.

Students of second year won the first prize in NIFT Fashion Show, on 18th March 2016.

Graduating students of SFDA, HITS showcased their final collection at the Chennai Fashion Week, Hotel Westin on 12th July 2015.



School of Management Established 1994

Dr. Smriti Verma Head i/c

S & H Department staff

2016 Graduating class

School of fashion, design & arts


• Hindustan University in association with Times of India organized Times Ascent HR Forum on January 8th, 2016. Several industry experts gathered at the campus and discussed about the emerging issues in Human Resources Management. • ‘The Hindu Business Line-MBAUniverse.com,’ India’s premier monthly magazine, ranked our School of Management, Hindustan University as follows: • Ranking among the Institutions in Chennai – 4th Place. • In Tamil Nadu – 9th Place. • In South India – 21st Place. • All India – 62nd place (placing our SOM-HU among the top 100 B Schools in India) • ‘Careers360,’ India’s premier monthly magazine, ranked our Hindustan University, School of Management with a score “AAA” at Tamil Nadu level. • The Week – HANSA Research has ranked our School of Management with 4th place in Chennai, 46th Place (including IIMs) in the South Zone. • The School of Management has been ranked among Top 5 B Schools in South India with a B+ rating in its B-School Survey–2016 by Civil Services Chronicle

Faculty Achievements

• Dr. J. Ashok Babu, Professor, SOM has been selected unanimously as Honorary Secretary of the Aeronautical Society of India, Chennai Chapter for a period of two years in the Annual General Body Meeting held on 10th July 2015. • Mr. R. Hariharasudhan, led the delegation of 17 MBA Aviation Management Students for a Summer Internship Programme at Riga Technical University, Latvia. • Dr. M. K. Badrinarayanan, presented a paper on Role of B-Schools in Building Competitiveness of BRICS Nations at the 7th BRICS Students Meet and ABBS Conference held at the National Nuclear University, MEPHI, Moscow. • Dr. M. K. Badrinarayanan, was invited to deliver special lectures on “Research Methods” & “Future of Jobs & Management Education” at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Mamallapuram. • Dr. M. K. Badrinarayanan was invited to address on “Employability Skills for Managers” at the Hindustan College of Arts & Science.

Student Achievements International:

• Prem Kumar, Abin Babu, Mr. Vishnu, BBA final year students attended the Semester Exchange Programme at SIAS University, China. • R. V. Adithya, Nafzal Shahul, Rahul Bhaskaran, Linto Chako and Mr. Ameen from MBA General Management, participated and presented a paper in the 7th BRICS Students Meet and ABBS Conference held at MEPHI, Moscow. Ms. R. V. Adithya MBA (General Management) also won the 1st prize in Street-ball and Darts Sporting Event.





• Jithin, J Tharakan, Srijith, George, Mervin Roy & Basil, MBA (Media & Entertainment) won the 1st prize for their Short-film on Hand washing & sanitation, in a short film competition organized by UNICEF & Anna University.

School of Management

National: • Mr. Sreejith Pagalavan MBA (Media), won the Shutter Bug Photography competition in the Tech Fest held at VIT university on 17th & 18th October 2015. • Mr. Cyril MBA (Media) won the 2nd prize in the short film competition and Mr. Sreejith Pagalavan and Mr Basil, MBA (Media) won 3rd prize at the Thyagaraja School of Management, Madurai. • Mr. Sreejith Pagalavan, MBA (Media) won 1st prize in Estuary’16, A Management Fest held at Indian Maritime University, Chennai. • Mr. George Emmanuel, MBA (Media) won the 1st prize in student’s events at NIT, Trichy. • Mr. Cyril MBA (Media) won the 1st prize in short film competition at St. Joseph’s College of Arts &Science, Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai and Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry and won the 2nd prize in short film competition held at Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai.

MBA (Aviation Management) Students and Faculty Members participated in India Aviation 2016 and also Seminar on Airport Management on 19th March 2016 at Hyderabad Airport.

7th BRICS Students Meet and ABBS Conference November 10th to 12th 2015, Medhi, Moscow. Mr. R.V. Adithya, Mr. Nafzal Shahul and Mr. Rahul were the participants. Shri. V .V. Raju, Regional Executive Director, Southern Region Airports Authority of India. Addressing the gathering during the National level Seminar on “Challenges in Aviation Management organized by School of Management”, Hindustan University.

Aviation Management students with Faulty (Mr. Rajkumar) went to Riga Technical University, Latvia to participate in the International Summer Programme from 4th to 28th July 2016.



BBA students, Mr. Prem Kumar, Mr. Abin and Mr. Vishnu, from School of Management participated in the Exchange Programme for a semester in 2015-16, at SIAS, International University, China.



2016 Graduating class

School of Management

School of Physical education & Sports

Mr. Abraham Verghese

Dr. B. Selvamuthu Krishnan

Sports Advisor


Winner Trophy by the Basketball Womens Team: • • • • •

South Zone Inter University Basketball Tournament organized by SRM University. Chancellor’s Trophy-South India Level Basketball Tournament organized by SRM University. SSN Trophy-South India Level Basketball Tournament organized by SSN College of Engineering. Tamil Nadu Inter Deemed Basketball Tournament organized by Kalasalingam University. All India Level Inter Collegiate Basketball Tournament organized by Tutucorin Basketball Association. • Tamil Nadu Inter University Basketball Tournament organized by SDAT Madurai. • State Level Basketball Tournament organized by Nagai Basketball Association, Nagapattinam.

Runners Trophy by Basketball Women Team: • All India Interuniversity Basketball Tournament Organized by Hamdard University, New Delhi. • Inter University Basketball Tournament Organized by SDAT Madurai (State Level). Our HITS Basketball women’s team players, Ms.Varsha Nandhini, 2nd Year, B.Com; Ms. Sruthi K. K., 1st Year, MBA; Ms. Srividhya S. Sekar, 1st Year, MBA represented the Tamil Nadu Senior Nationals Basketball Women’s Team - 2016 held at Chamund Vihar Indore Stadium, Mysore. Representatives of CHENNAI SLAM, Hindustan University Basketball men’s Team players, Mr. Chukwunanu Sheriff Agu and Mr.Gobum Longji, 1st Year, MBA, won the RUNNERS TROPHY in the UBA Basketball League - 2016 organized by UBA which was held at Hyderabad. The event was featured by TEN SPORTS.

Winners Trophy in the following tournaments by the Cricket Men Team:• • • •

All India Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by SSN College of Engineering. All India Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by SRM University. Buck Memorial Trophy - State Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament Organized by YMCA. TNPESU Trophy - State Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. • Selvaganapath Ananth Krishnan Memorial Trophy State Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by SA Memorial Cricket Club, Chengalpattu.

Runners Trophy in the following tournaments: • RED BULL Trophy - State Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by RED BULL, Delhi. • VIE`16 All India Inter Collegiate Cricket Tournament organized by Jain University, Bangalore.





• Our Cricket Men’s Team players: R. Kavin, 2nd Year, BCA & R. Karthikeyan, 1st Year, MBA represented Tamil Nadu under 23 Cricket Team - 2016 held at Gurunanak Arts & Science College, Chennai; S.Siddharth, 2nd Year, BCA & S. Sudhan Sanjeevi Kandepan, 1st Year, B.Com represented Tamil Nadu and Indian Railway Under 19 Cricket Team - 2016 organized by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI); and B.Ajith Kumar, 1st Year, B.Com represented South Zone for Vizzy Trophy organized by BCCI.

Chancellors Trophy Sports Fest

Chancellors Trophy Sports Fest was held from 21st to 25th September 2015, Inter Collegiate Competitions were also held. Football Hindustan University team were the winners. Volleyball (Women) Hindustan University team were the winners.

School of Physical education & Sports

Winners Trophy by the Volleyball Womens Team: • Tamil Nadu Inter Deemed University Volleyball women Tournament organized by SRM University, Chennai. • Buck Memorial Trophy-State Inter Collegiate Volleyball women Tournament organized by YMCA, Chennai. • TNPESU Trophy-State Inter Collegiate Volleyball women Tournament organized by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. • Chancellor’s Trophy-State Inter Collegiate Volleyball women Tournament organized by HITS.

Runners Trophy by the Volleyball Womens Team: • Tami Nadu Inter University Volleyball women Tournament organized by SDAT Madurai. • PKR Trophy-State Inter Collegiate Volleyball women Tournament organized by PKR Arts and Science, Nammakal. • Kalasalingam Trophy-State Inter Collegiate Volleyball women Tournament organized by Kalasalingam University.

Players represented in National and State Level tournaments: Ms. R. Mohanavalli, 3rd Year, BCA represented Tamil Nadu in Senior National Championship held at Bangalore and secured bronze medal. Ms. T. Saranya, 3rd Year, BCA & Ms. R. Mohanavalli, 3rd Year, BCA represented Tamil Nadu in Federation Cup held in Thirupoor and secured bronze medal. Ms. Deena Paliochan, 3rd Year, B. Com & Ms. N. Vembu, 3rd Year, BCA participated in Tamilnadu Women’s National at Punjab Patiala organized by Punjab Volleyball Association.

Inter University South Zone Women’s Volleyball

Volleyball women‘s team secured 3rd place in South Zone Inter University held at Krishna University Machilipatanam, and they were selected to participate in All India Inter University at Kurukshetra University, Haryana.

8th International Football Tournament 8th International football Tournament was held at the Hindustan University from 21st to 25th September 2015. Eight countries participated namely India, Gambia, Angola, Nigeria, Bhutan, South Sudan, Africa XI and Rest of World. Sudan team were the winners and they received the Trophy from the Chancellor of Hindustan University, Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese and Mr. Gulam Hussain President Chennai Football Association.

International Dressage Development League 2015 Grand Champion Inter University All India Women’s Basketball

HITS Basketball Women’s team secured 1st place in South Zone Inter University held at SRM University Chennai and 2nd place in All India inter university held at Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi.



Vyshali Pillai - Auto 2nd year student won prizes in IDDL 2015 Grand Champion. • 4th Qualifier 2015 - 1st Place in Young Riders Dressage, 1st place in Dressage Intro for Club Horses. • 5th Qualifier 2015 - 1st place in Young Riders Dressage. • 6th Qualifier 2015 - 1st place in Young Riders Dressage, 2nd Place in Dressage Elementary Open.



HITS Sports Team in the Lime Light

School of Physical education & Sports

Chancellors Birthday Trophy Organized by SRM Chennai

Students Men and Women’s team clinched several trophies in the State Level & All India Inter Collegiate Tournaments organized from 17th to 28th August, 2015.

SSN Trophy Organized by SSN Chennai (All India Level) • Basketball Women’s Team Winners • Basketball Men’s Team Runners • Badminton Men’s Fourth place • Cricket Men’s Team Winner.

TNPESU Trophy Organized by Sports University Chennai • Cricket Men’s Team Winners • Football Men’s Team Winners • Volleyball Women’s Team Winners. The team received the trophies from Dr. S. Sundararaj, Minister for Sports and Youth Welfare.

• Basketball Women’s Team Winners • Basketball Men’s Team Runners up • Badminton Men’s Team Third • Football Men’s Team Fourth Place


Receiving the Chennai Sr Division League Championship 2015 Trophy from the Chief Justice of Madras High Court on the Annual Day Celebration of Chennai Football Assn at Nehru Stadium

Buck Memorial Trophy Organized by YMCA Chennai • Basketball Women’s Team Winners • Badminton Women’s Team Winner, Runners up & Third Place • Cricket Men’s Team Winner • Football Mens Team Winner • Volleyball Women’s Team Winner.

Mr. Chukwunanu Sheriff Agu, 1st Year, MBA, Mr.Gobum Longji, 1st Year, MBA, represented the Chennai Slam, Basketball Men’s Team and won the Runners Trophy in the UBA Basketball League - 2016 organized by UBA which was held at Hyderabad.


Hindustan Eagles 2015

Hindustan Group of institution took from Madras Eagles and rename it as Hindustan Eagles in the year 2012, the team won the First Division Chennai Football Association Champion and qualified for the super division the team finished 8th place among the 12 team in the year 2013, Team won the Thalapathi trophy and cash price of 1 lakh in the year 2013, 7th place among 12 team in the year 2014, in the year 2015 the team won the Super division and lifted Champion trophy, in the year 2016 team finished 5th place.



Department of Placement

Mr. Venu Menon Deputy Director, Placements & Corporate Relations

Department of Placement

Hindustan Campus Recruitment Drive (HCRD)

This year, a host of multinational companies visited Hindustan University campus. These included companies like Infosys, Wipro, iGate, Huwei, Polaris, Sanmar, AKS Software, Ramco Systems, Assystem Technologies, Kaar Technologies, Virtusa, Zoho Corp, Happiest Minds, Datapatterns, Torry Harris, Barry-Wehmiller International, Jetairways, Federal Bank, Customs & Central Excise Department and AirIndia to name a few amongst domestic recruiters and M/s UniTech Transfers GmBH from Germany was the major international recruiter. Also, it is worth mentioning that they have offered the highest Annual CTC of INR 23 Lakhs Per Annum.

Centre for Training & Continuing education

Mr. Milton Huggins Head - Training

The new additional facility in the Centre is the Corporate Training. This facility was inaugurated on 12th February 2016 with a motive to collaborate with Industry giants and cater to their training requirements both Technical and Non-Technical The Centre has partnered this year with the leading company: Aluminum Bahrain to train their employees for skill upgradation on various areas of Engineering. The Centre will be soon partnering with major Brands in the Industry for delivering training to their workforce. The various courses conducted and offered by the Centre are as follows:

Placement Day 2016

• Advanced Diploma in Autotronics • Industrial Robots and Its Applications • Arduino • Real Time Embedded System • Ethical Hacking • DOT NET/ASP • Python Programming • Java Programming • Oracle – Primavera • Mat Lab • Business English Course • Soft Skills and Aptitude • Revit Structure • Building Information Modelling & Estimation • MSC Nastran • Creo & Creo Simulate • Catia & Catia Kinematics • Hypermesh • Ansys • NX CAD /NX CAM • Counselling and classes for competitive exams such as GRE, GATE, GMAT, CAT, IELTS, TOEFL 4000 students benefitted through this training programme . In addition to these programs Faculty Development Programs (FDP) on Technical and Non-Technical areas were conducted for 470 Faculty Members.





National Cadet corps Centre for Continuing Education and Career Development, Corporate Training was inaugurated by Mr. K. Suresh, President, India Cements Capital Ltd. on 12th February 2016.

Centre for Training & Continuing education

Mr. Giri Rangarajan Flying Officer

About the CADET CORPS MOU was signed on 12th February 2016. with the Enhelion Knowledge Ventures, Delhi. The purpose of the MoU is to train and facilitate online courses related to various areas of Management, Law etc.

National Cadet Corps started in 2004 The NCC of this Institution has a strong alumni base, most of them occupying coveted positions in many public services, educational, industrial, Corporate, defense and research organizations all over the world. The NCC of HITS has a long record of meritorious contribution. NCC activities in HITS have evoked much enthusiasm among the students. At present , Our Air wing NCC comprising of 50 cadets who are actively indulging in all NCC activities under the excellent guidance by the Commanding Officer of 1(TN) AIR SQN NCC, Tambaram and the PI staff.

CADET CORPS Achievement

Being a part of 1 (TN) AIR SQN NCC, Hindustan cadets played vital role in the Dte to bag the Vayu Sena runners Cup and second best in flying through out the country 2015

Officers Achievement

University ANO, Flying Officer Giri Rangarajan represented TN,P& AN as Contingent Commander in AIVSC2015 and 1) won Vayu Sena Cup Runners, the Dte as Second Best in the Country 2) Best Dte in Flying,3)Best Dte in Aeromodelling 4) Best Tech Air SQN

Empowering Professional Women Workshop Conducted by Dr. Sumathi Narayanan

Student Achievements • • • •

R. Anil 3rd year, Aero, won the Best Cadet 2015 award. K. Keerthanaa 2nd year Aero, won second Best Girl Cadet in 2015 R. Anil 3rd year Aero, won the Best Pilot NCC 2015 award in AIVSC2015 K. Keerthanaa 2nd year Aero, won Bronze medal in AIVSC2015

National Competition

National Level Competition All India Vayu Sainik camp 2015 at Jodhupur, Rajasthan in October 2015

Training Programme • • • •

Inter Group Competitions(IGC)2015 at Coimbatore Vayu Sainik camp ( Launch ) at Air Force Station, Tambaram All India Vayu Sainik Camp (AIVSC) 2015 at Jodhpur, Rajasthan Vayu Sainik camp Training Camp at Pudhucherry

The Centre for Continuing Education & Career Development in association with the Physical Education Department organised a workshop on “Mind & Body Alignment” for staff members on 27th February 2016.





The Tamil Nadu & Puducherry and Andaman Nocobar Directorate was adjudged the Second Best Air NCC Directorate in India out of the 17 NCC Directorate. This has been attributed to the excellent performance by Hindustan NCC team under the able leadership of Contingent Commander Flying Officer Giri Rangarajan. The team won 4 trophies and 29 individual medals in AIVSC 2015. Cadet Rama Dugu Anil was adjudged the Best cadet pilot.

National Service Scheme

Dr. P. Manivannan Prof. Aero Dept & NSS Coordinator

Anti-Ragging Campaign 2015

National Cadet corps

30 NSS volunteers involved in organizing the Anti-Ragging guest lecture at Andromeda Lecture Theatre and Anti-Ragging Rally from the University to Chettinad Health City on 10th July 2015. Shri. K. Sokkalingam I.P.S Inspector General of Police, Coastal Security Group flagged off the rally. 200 students participated in the Rally. Volunteers displayed the Anti-Ragging Posters in all the notice boards on 7th July 2015

First Year Orientation Programme

NSS volunteers involved in the arrangements of the First Year Orientation Program on 21st & 22nd July 2015 .

Inter Group Competitions(IGC)2015 at Coimbatore • Vayu Sainik camp ( Launch ) at Air Force Station, Tambaram • All India Vayu Sainik Camp (AIVSC) 2015 at Jodhpur, Rajasthan Vayu Sainik camp Training Camp at Pudhucherry

Parade and Training of NCC Team

Blood Donation at Apollo Cancer Hospital

• 7 of our volunteers and one faculty member donated the blood in the Apollo Cancer Hospital on 2nd April 2015 for 8 years old boy from Singapore for Bone Marrow transplantation operation. • Nss unit, Hindustan University, Y’S Men Club of Mylapore, Primary Health Center Kelambakkam and Royapet Government. Hospital blood bank jointly organised the Blood Donation camp on 27th August 2015. The blood bank collected 178 units of blood from the staff and students. • NSS unit of our University collaborated with The Madras Blood Bureau and organised the Blood donation camp on 9th October 2015. Dr. Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the camp. The Blood banks from Govt. Hospitals ( Mobile Blood Unit), Cancer Hospitals, Hindu Mission and Royapettah were involved. 368 units of blood was collected from the camp.

Digital India Programme

NSS unit organised the Digital India programme at Puzhuthivakkam Govt. School on 12th October 2015. Mr. Sudalai Muthu and Mr. Ramesh Asst. Professors, Hindustan University explained about “How to Safely use Smart Phone”.

First Aid Awareness Programme (CPR)

NSS Unit and St. John Ambulance jointly organized the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on 28th October 2015. Mr. Suriyanarayanan, St. John Ambulance was the Trainer and 60 students were trained.

NCC Hindustan University organised a free dental camp for staff and students on 26th February 2016. The doctors were from Chettinad hospital.





relief work during Chennai floods

The late Founder Chairman, Dr. KCG Verghese, of Hindustan University an educationist and a philanthropist always reached out to serve the community. His noble vision to “Make Every Man a Success and No Man a Failure” is not confined within the education portals of this institution. Serving the humanity has been the prime focus of the Management. The salvage operations was spearheaded by Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese, Chancellor, Hindustan Group of Institutions and supported by the entire Management Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor and Mr. Ashok Verghese Director, Hindustan University.

National Service Scheme

The Madras Blood Bureau organized the Blood donation camp on 9th October 2015. Dr. Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the camp. The Blood banks from Govt. Hospitals ( Mobile Blood Unit), Cancer Hospitals, Hindu Mission and Royapettah Govt. Hospitals collected the blood from the students and staff. 368 units of blood were collected from the camp.

Interaction meeting of Rotaract Club of Hindustan University was organized on 26 th September 2015 at Hindustan International School, Guindy. The office bearers Mr. Shriram Duvvrri, President, Mr. Ashok Verghese President Elect. Mr. Mahesh Kanna, Mr. Karthick and Mr. Varindar Singh interacted with the students. 50 students and 2 faculty members participated in the meeting.

A team of good Samaritans from Hindustan University set out on a war footing to rescue the families of 40 villages that were affected by the horrendous rain in December 2015. The magnitude of the crisis was beyond imagination as the floods ravaged the villages and Chennai city. While many relief teams were reaching out to people in Chennai city, there were several villages surrounding the outskirts of Chennai, along OMR and ECR that were in dire need of help. Staff and students of Hindustan University instantly formed a rescue team Hindustan University Rescue Team 4 Chennai (HUReC4Chennai). Braving the slush, potholes and neck deep water the team reached the marooned villages and distributed food, clothes and essential materials. Mr. Arun Nair , ECE, Batch 2009, presently working for Tech Mahindra, Bangalore joined the HUReC team on 4th December 2015. The team brought 1 lakh ID chapattis and dosa batter for the victims and joined the HUReC4 Chennai team in distribution of relief materials. Hindustan University hostel kitchens were flooded with activities as food was prepared and distributed by the rescue team. Medical camps were also conducted, to prevent an epidemic after the onslaught of flood. More than 11,000 lives were touched by the HUReC4Chennai team. HUReC4Chennai team pooled in resources and materials from donors that included corporates, organizations, alumni, staff, students and well wishers .

Glimpse of the List of Donors:

Anti-Ragging Rally, Shri. K. Sokkalingam I.P.S Inspector General of Police, Coastal Security Group, was the Chief Guest on 10th July 2015.



• CLRI / CSIR • The Mathruboomi Printing & Publishing Company • Primus Events & Exhibits • Sri Saritha Foundation Trust • TDI International India P Ltd • Cognizant • Alagu Jothi Academy Cbse School, Mayiladuthurai • NASSCOM • Purple Tree Hotels • Azzuri Bay Restaurant • Saipem India Projects • Estilo • Tech Mahindra • Nivelle Endeavours Foundation Trust • Colours2life Trust

• • • • • • • •

Air India Art of Living Foundation Vyakthi Vikas Candra ZOHO Corporation Everest Coaching Centre ITC Hotels Rotary Club of Chennai Capital Venkateshwara Medical Pudhuchery




Hindustan University Relief Camp (HUReC) lending alms in crisis





Media 128




No. 1, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Padur, Kelambakkam, Chennai - 603 103, Tamil Nadu, India Ph: +91 44 27474 262 / 395 | Fax: +91 44 27474 208 Email: info@hindustanuniv.ac.in | web: hindustanuniv.ac.in



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