School Zone NAPLAN-style Language Conventions Year 5

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Published by Hinkler Books Pty Ltd 45–55 Fairchild Street Heatherton Victoria 3202 Australia

© Hinkler Books Pty Ltd 2012 Text © Julienne Laidlaw The School Zone logo is a registered trademark of School Zone Publishing Company. Used with permission. © School Zone Publishing Company 2012. All rights reserved. Packaged by Paddlepop Press Author: Julienne Laidlaw Design and layout: Natascha Lenz Illustrations: James Hart Cover illustrations: Brijbasi Art Press Prepress: Graphic Print Group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Hinkler Books Pty Ltd. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this study material to ensure it matches the NAPLAN tests, Hinkler Books Pty Ltd does not guarantee specific NAPLAN test results. NAPLAN tests are subject to change without notice and parents and students should consult with their school about the content and requirements of the NAPLAN tests. Hinkler Books Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury alleged to be caused by the content in this publication. This NAPLAN-style workbook has been produced by Hinkler independently of Australian Governments and is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program. NAPLAN is a trademark of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). ISBN: 978 1 7430 8460 1 Printed and bound in China

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* This NAPLAN-style workbook has been produced by Hinkler independently of Australian Governments and is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program.

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Beginner Spelling Commonly misspelled words The highlighted word in each of these sentences is spelled incorrectly. Write the correct spelling for each highlighted word in the box. 1. The disappearance of the wallet was a mistery. 2. The musik was very loud. 3. The rode was winding as we drove up the mountains. 4. You have so many good qestions to ask. 5. Let me know what you have desided to do on Saturday. 6. The treasure was found on the remote iland.

Read the text, School Quiz Top Tips. Each sentence has one spelling mistake in it. Write the correct spelling for that word in the box.

School Quiz Top Tips In this fun quiz please curcle the correct answer. If you have dun your homework you will know the answers. Please check that your work is compleet. Try to rember not to panic. The first thing you think of is ushually the right answer. Be shure to read the questions carefully. In maths questions, use a ruler to meshure the lines. 6

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Commonly misspelled words

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Word groups and commonly misspelled words Pet Word Search Find and circle the following pet words in the word search grid. The words may be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, backwards or forwards. n













































snake ferret





• •







Read the text, Amy’s Birthday. Each sentence has one spelling mistake in it. Write the correct spelling for that word in the box. Amy’s Birthday Today is my sister Amy’s burthday. She woke up so excited she felt she might birst. Amy poked each present until she was sent to her rume. On her bed she found a stranje envelope containing secret messages. As she followed each clu she ended up in the laundry. Amy heard a cute niose coming from under the door. She opened the door and there was a tinee new puppy! Amy was beside herself with exitement. Word groups and commonly misspelled words

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Advanced Spelling Commonly misspelled words There are many games and activities to play aboard the cruise ship Tahitian Sun. Rewrite these misspelled game and activity words in the boxes.

9.00am – Power Wolking 11.00am – Deckchair Hih Jump 12.00pm – Deck Herdles 2.30pm – Table Hokey 4.00pm – Toothpick Javlin 6.30pm – Upper Deck Badmiton 8.00pm – Marbles Competishun 9.00pm – Frog Rasing 10.30pm – Underwater Restling midnight – Gaurd the Flag

The highlighted word in each sentence is misspelled. Write the correct spelling in the box. 1. The compass pointed to magnetik north. 2. The cinamon doughnut was delicious. 3. Australia is in the Southern Hemisfere. 4. My neighbour bought his wife a beautiful piece of jewellry. 44

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Commonly mispelled words

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Advanced Grammar Prefixes Choose the correct prefix to change the word. Choose from un, dis, mis, semi, anti or pre. appear






HOT TIP: A prefix is part of a word that can be added to the beginning of the word to change its meaning. For example, ‘abled’ becomes ‘disabled’ when the prefix ‘dis’ is added to the beginning.

Suffixes Add suffixes to the following words in the text, Amusement Park Fun. Add the suffix ment, ful, tion, ion or ness.. Be careful, you may need to drop or change the last letter of the word when you add the suffix.

HOT TIP: Suffixes are word endings. They change words into different parts of speech. For example the noun ‘care’ changes to an adjective ‘careless’ when the suffix ‘less’ is added.

Amusement Park Fun Yesterday we went to an amuse for us. We had to use our imagine

and amaze

to get the most out of the rides. The staff were

and there was no confuse

incredibly help dark

park. There was so much entertain

fell our excite

grew. The park created so much happy

. We all left feeling cheer

Prefixes; suffixes

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during our stay. When

and joy



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Advanced Grammar Homophones Use homophones to fill in the blanks. Choose from the word list below. pale, pail

horse, hoarse

patients, patience

piece, peace The fight for the

after yelling to my

Do you have The

showed little

from the garden? towards the busy nurses.

was really quite a on the car failed to

into the river.

at the party. for over an hour.

to pick me some

The colour of the The

brake, break

of cake disrupted the

I became

thyme, time

yellow. our fall as the car plunged

HOT TIP: Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For example ‘rose’ (a flower) and ‘rows’ (lines of things).

Homographs Write homographs to match the following meanings below. HOT TIP: Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. They sometimes sound the same, for example ‘bat’ and ‘bat’, and sometimes sound different, for example ‘row’ (pull water with oars) and ‘row’ (an argument). Their meanings are also different, for example, bat (a flying animal) and bat (an implement to hit a ball).

1. A fight or argument/pulling water with oars 2. The front of a ship/part of a weapon to go with an arrow 3. Large grizzly animal/put up with something 4. Fragrant flower/got up 5. Edge of a river/place to deposit money 46

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Homophones; homographs

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Comparative adjectives Choose the best comparative adjective for the sentences below. Circus Fun The clown was the funniest

in the whole circus. most funniest


much funnier

Marco the Great swung the

of any acrobat in the circus.




most highest

act with chainsaws and knives.

The juggler performed the most dangering

more dangerous

most dangerous

Rocky the ringmaster had the interestingest


hairdo we had seen.

more interesting

most interestinger


HOT TIP: Some adjectives are used to compare. Generally when we compare adjectives we add an ‘er’ or an ‘est’. Sometimes we need to add the words ‘more’ or ‘most’.

Pronouns Underline the pronouns in the text, The Party Planners. The Party Planners Mark and Tonya were at home alone. They had wanted to stay home to plan a surprise party for their mum. She was turning 40 in two weeks. Mark was in charge of food. He decided to go with a Mexican theme. Tonya was in charge of entertainment. She was looking up music and dance DJs. Mark wrote out a menu. His idea was for a 3-course meal. Tonya went on the Internet. Her plan was to book someone before her parents came home. They worked quickly. It was fun to plan such a great surprise for their mum. Comparative adjectives; pronouns

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