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The new Hino 700 Series rewrites the rules in safety, emissions and connectivity. It’s our safest truck ever, with an enhanced Hino SmartSafe package including Pre-Collision System, Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Warning System and Driver Monitor. Designed to meet Euro 6 exhaust emission standards, it’s the cleanest Hino heavy-duty yet. With Hino-Connect as standard, customers benefit from superior business intel and support – it’s next-generation telematics delivered in real-time. The all-new 700 Series is the truck of the future, here today. Find out more at hino.com.au are available and many of them will automatically turn on when the truck is started. This means, if the driver is one of those people who wants to turn all of the automatic systems off, they are going to have to studiously turn them off quite a few times each day. The truck records these instances and that kind of behaviour may lead to the driver getting involved in some ‘counselling’. has improved greatly, as Hino transitions across to the latest technology. There is a commonality of both functions and controls across the Hino range from light duty up to these heavy models.
However, the triangular tray on the top of the central binnacle has enough room for all of the odds and ends a driver needs to keep close at hand.
The entertainment system screen on the 700 is now the same as the one we have seen released on the 300 and 500 Series models in the past couple of years. The information screen in front of the driver
Functions like cruise control and following distance for the Adaptive Cruise Control are on the steering wheel. This seems to be the home for these kinds of controls in all of the latest trucks coming onto the scene.
The new Hino 700 Series rewrites the rules in safety, emissions and connectivity. It’s our safest truck ever, with an enhanced Hino SmartSafe package including Pre-Collision System, Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Warning System and Driver Monitor. Designed to meet Euro 6 exhaust emission standards, it’s the cleanest Hino heavy-duty yet. With Hino-Connect as standard, customers benefit from superior business intel and support – it’s next-generation telematics delivered in real-time. The all-new 700 Series is the truck of the future, here today. Find out more at hino.com.au
The interior designers of the cabin have come up with some neat ideas, but there still isn’t a drinks holder big enough for a large water bottle or flask.
This tray also includes an additional slot along the nearest edge which is deep enough to drop a mobile phone into. On this drive it was possible to keep my phone, my sunglasses and my EWD visible in the slot as I drove along.
From the driver’s point of view, most controls are simple and close at hand. The left-hand button on the left-hand side of the steering wheel controls the multiinformation display in the middle of the dashboard, directly in front of the driver. Left and right buttons scroll through the information a driver can use for a pre-trip routine. The right-hand side buttons on the wheel are those for the cruise control.
THE PRIME MOVER has an extra control stalk to the left of the steering column. The dial on the dash can be twisted when stationary from neutral to drive to slow manoeuvring drive to reverse to slow manoeuvring reverse. However, the stalk is used when actually out on the road. This has a paddle to go up and down a gear and the button to toggle from auto into manual and back. smart mature technology. The difference is the quality of the data the controlling computer is receiving from systems all over the truck to ensure it makes the right decision in a nanosecond, when required.
Climbing up into the cabin of the larger prime mover, the SS 2848, is a different proposition to the FY model. The 700 cabin with the 13 litre engine sits 120mm higher than the model fitted with the nine litre. They are both 700 Series models but they really do look and feel different.
The SS model with the ZF Traxon AMT
Taking off, the 16-speed AMT really comes into its own. This is a proactive gearbox which wants to work and wants to get going. The last twenty years of the ZF AMT have seen it progress from a smart functioning idea to an extremely