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Social media assists the dual purposes of expanding both the client base and the recruitment process.
“The whole idea of being on Facebook is to have a presence so people know who we are, and we also get a lot of guys coming to us looking for work,” Chad explains.
Rather than being a self-promoter, Chad considers his own expertise is in the area of operating the trucks and the business around them and he has assembled a group of key people and trusted suppliers. Chad considers Russell Walls, who is in charge of the daily logistical side of operations, his right-hand man.
“Over the past ten years Russell has helped expand the business,” he says.
“Russell and I worked together at the very first company where I started with flat tops 20 years ago. It was a big step for us to bring someone in from outside yet we’ve consistently grown since then.
Jo Booth joined us about seven years ago and manages all of the office staff
The new Hino 700 Series rewrites the rules in safety, emissions and connectivity. It’s our safest truck ever, with an enhanced Hino SmartSafe package including Pre-Collision System, Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Warning System and Driver Monitor. Designed to meet Euro 6 exhaust emission standards, it’s the cleanest Hino heavy-duty yet. With Hino-Connect as standard, customers benefit from superior business intel and support – it’s next-generation telematics delivered in real-time. The all-new 700 Series is the truck of the future, here today. Find out more at hino.com.au work with a licence.
and HR compliance and she has made a great contribution to easing the running of the business.”
A large proportion of the clients are retailers such as the big hardware chains, manufacturing companies, and anyone who needs to get something delivered to a building site. Frequently CNC Cartage is able to save clients double handling by picking items up from a wholesaler and delivering it direct. The nature of the clients’ businesses dictates that most of the job allocations for the CNC Cartage trucks is decided late in the afternoon of the previous day. Some trucks are assigned permanently to specific clients and Chad sees CNC Cartage’s flexibility as an important factor in the service offering.
The new Hino 700 Series rewrites the rules in safety, emissions and connectivity. It’s our safest truck ever, with an
“If a customer needs six trucks for the day then we’ll give them six, if they need two trucks the next day then we give him two,” Chad says.
Corporate identity is important and traditionally the CNC fleet has featured its red, grey and blue logo on its company trucks. Arising out of supporting community activities such as local football clubs, Chad made the decision to progress to some stand-out vinyl wraps to give a few of the trucks their own identities.
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“We often loan trucks to be used as stages for community events,” he says. “So why not do a superhero wrap that kids are going to love?” which supplies the HMF cranes and Tim Hill from Crane Tech Industrial, who performs the installations and manages the crane service and repair as well.