Hinsdale Magazine | Thinking Of Homes
f you are thinking about new home construction, it is always useful to get some perspective from the builders of new homes. So, we have once again turned to Marcin Kawa, builder of luxury homes in the Chicagoland area for his observations and advice. He pays close attention to trends and what new home buyers are telling him.
On the other hand, 25% have been affected. These are people in families where there is at least one ‘teleworker’ and at least one student engaged in virtual, or zoom type learning.”
First of all, after enduring 18 months of pandemic, certain habits have stayed the same, and some have changed, for some people in the market for a new home. He quotes the National Association of Home Builders on their 2021 edition of “What Home Buyers Really” want:
He says, “This doesn't come as much of a surprise. More and more individuals are working from home, and feel the need to have a private office space to take zoom calls and have a little quiet time to focus. At the same time, family space is also essential, especially when you're seeing mostly each other for extended amounts of time.”
“‘Home’ has had to take on new meaning – now we need to think of a home as a living space, the office, the classroom, the gym and more.” “Interestingly, 67% of home buyers report the pandemic has NOT impacted what they want in a new home or community.” 52
“Of families with these conditions, 43% of respondents said their housing preferences have changed overall and 35% want a larger home.”
“The pandemic, in effect, has made us rethink and repurpose space in the home”, explains Marcin. The study says, and my discussions with
home buyers tells me that new home buyers, on the whole, and especially those affected by more stay-at-home situations, clearly prefer open layouts: 85% want an open arrangement between the kitchen and the dining room, 79% between the kitchen and the family room, and 70% between the dining and the family room. Also, we have buyers looking for larger kitchens, or a back kitchen combined with larger entertaining spaces. On the other hand, when it comes to bedrooms, according to the study, those interested in four or more bedrooms in 2020 (32%) is smaller than in 2007 (40%). A reason for the desire for fewer bedrooms may be explained by a prioritization of other rooms. “We have customers looking to privatize second floor loft space – which is usually space used by kids already – into more enclosed spaces for kids to do homework, play video games and relax.