3 minute read


Why is there a NO?

I cannot believe there is actually a ‘No’ campaign happening right now. It makes me think people possibly don’t know what the Voice is about, thanks to the smear campaign, scaremongering and misdirection by Murdoch, his followers and some of the LNP?

The Voice is simply a request to have the First Nations people of Australia included in the constitution. They are just asking to have a representative advisory, independent ‘voice’ to parliament. There are no veto powers involved, just advisory in matters that affect Indigenous peoples’ lives.

Isn’t it about time they had some say in their lives? Why should we (white settlers) have the monopoly on that? Would you like it if the situation was reversed, and your culture/people were excluded from the constitution in your own country?

Not only that, but taxpayers stand to benefit because there will be bottom-up consultation first with communities to find effective ways to help in housing, education, health, etc., rather than throwing money at projects in a top-down manner (which often fails/wastes money) by people who have no true idea or lived experience regarding Indigenous communities.

The Indigenous people have been under-represented and misunderstood because they are being governed by a



Relax, read a few letters, enjoy a crossword and cartoon, and maybe put pen to paper (finger to keyboard) yourself! We would love you to share your thoughts and experiences with us and HT readers. Email: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au, and please include your name, email/address and location. Letters may be edited a little if space is tight. As we are a monthly, please be aware we are unable to print date-sensitive letters.

Coles in Palmwoods?

government who do not understand their issues the way they do.

And no, there is not an independent voice in parliament in the form of the National Indigenous Australians Agency –the NIAA and its employees are accountable to the executive government and cannot not give fearless advice and suggestions.

Additionally, the NIAA could be abolished tomorrow by executive order, while the proposed Voice would be safely enshrined in the constitution.

It is such a basic right to be recognised in the constitution! It’s time the rest of us (who aren’t affected and won’t be affected, despite what Murdoch pretends) did the decent and fair thing.

I truly hope Australians on the fence (and those saying ‘no’) take the time to read the Statement of the Heart. It isn’t long, and essentially it invites Australians to ALL walk together to build a better future.

It is time for Indigenous people to take a rightful place in their own country. Please put yourself in their shoes… “When we have power over our own destiny our children will flourish.”

I hope with all my heart you vote ‘yes’.

Name and address supplied

Trivia Time

1. What type of food is Limburger?

2. What is a real animal: chiselfish, sawfish, wrenchfish?

3. In The Flintstones cartoons, what type of creature is Dino?


Oasis (5)

2. More than two or three but not many (7)

3. Of long duration (3)

4. Gaped (6)

5. Fruit (7)

6. Stage whisper (5)

7. Machines (7)

12. Piece of furniture (7)

13. Complaint (7)

15. Tooth (7)

16. Ravine formed by a river (6)

18. Racket (5)

20. Hex (5)

22. Toddler (3)

Quick Quotes

4. Introduced in the 1960s, how many wheels did a Flymo mower have on the ground?

5. In Australian financial circles, what is the RBA?

6. Name any of the chemicals known as halogens.

7. On an analogue clock with natural numbers, the tip of the minute hand is closest to which number at 2.36?

8. What is the first name of Italian tenor Bocelli?

9. What was the name of Mattel’s Barbie doll’s boyfriend?

10. What car manufacturer has a model called Prado?

Trivia answers:

It seems there is an application for a Coles in Palmwoods. The community is in two camps about this, and misinformation is rife on social media.

Could Councillor Winston Johnston please update us on what is happening? The developers seem to think it is almost a ‘done deal’.

Putting a statement out in the papers would help. Thank you.

J. Hayes, Palmwoods

Cafes need to take turns

We were so sad to read about the closure of the doctors’ surgery in Montville, and then the pharmacy. Visiting Montville today (Wednesday) we knew it would seem a bit quieter, but it was not good to see both cafes in the little square closed for the day! Surely it would be wise for at least one of them to be open?

Cafes attract people, and that means the IGA, secondhand bookshop and fudge shop will still get some custom. I am amazed that they haven’t arranged for one of them to be open each day to help the square as a whole and cater for tourists and locals. Not a good look and not helpful for the other businesses. Come on cafes, time to look at taking turns.

Dismayed from Nambour Heights

Bad Jokes of the Month

I asked my friend to explain what an acorn was, They said it’s an oak tree, in a nutshell.

I bought a friend an elephant for his room. He said, “Thanks.”

I said, “Don’t mention it.”

How do meteorologists go up a mountain? They climate.


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