King Jesus Grand Lodge State of Tennessee A.F.& A.M. empowered
Seth Lodge of Research & Instruction #7
Digital Masonry
The advent of the computer and more importantly the internet has been very intricate to society as we know it. Thinks that once were impossible or seemed inaccessible now are casually available to us. Masonry being no different.
Technology allows us to connect to many, for positive and negative reasons with positive and negative results. What once was taboo, is now casual. The negative is that the internet allows individuals who lack testicular fortitude to say things that they wouldn’t dare say in person. The issue in Masonry becomes when Brethren forgo their temperance in exchange for unbrotherly conduct.
The issues of clandestine, irregularity and the like are nothing new to Masonry. A tool of division that was truly eradicated according to some in 1813 when the Ancients and Moderns close the rift from 1717. Within America, particularly Black America, Masonry has been a divided like other aspects of Black culture. The short story is that Prince Hall is the first documented Black Mason in North America and from him the offshoot of Masonry known as Prince Hall Masonry was born. There is a history of various accounts of what happened between entities such as the National Grand Compact and the creation of PHO and PHA (Prince Hall Organizational and Prince Hall Affiliated respectively). The next splinter came from the story of a Black Mason from Chicago, Illinois by the name of John G. Jones, who is said to be have been excommunicated from the Order on issues of contumacy and illegal acts. Lastly you have the birth of the “5 Letter” Mason, or International Free and Modern Mason (IFAMM) respectively.
Overarching and looming over these divisions are what are known as “Mainstream” Masons (MS) which are mostly non-African American, with some African-American representations.
So, with all these divisions, and differences of opinions, introducing tools such as discussion boards, and chatrooms, and groups, can make for quite the insidious environment. In my time in the Craft which as of this correspondence is nearing the 3yr mark, I marvel at the aggression, and utter disrespect that can be shown in these environments. Everything from insults to death threats are hurled at each other between calling someone a “clandy” or bogus and the like. Everyone treats Masonry as if it is there’s and with the advent of technology and the ability to access truth and false items alike, we have the advent of Digital Masonry. Masonry that is created in a digital space but hardly adhered to in the real world. Digital Masonry allows for personas and usernames to hide behind the screen and empower themselves with Google and YouTube as a library of factoid and fiction that can be manipulated with a screenshot or cropping. At what point does the Craft go back to its purpose though? (A big question in itself)
Not all about Digital Masonry is bad. It can allow for Brothers of different walks of life to connect and learn from each other and truly meet on “The Level”. I myself can attest to dialoguing with Brethren from all over the United States and even in other countries. Which has contributed to my personal development in the Craft. Unfortunately it seems that it’s been more a tool of division and derision vs unity and community.
With Seth Lodge of Research #7 we look to combat the negative elements of Digital Masonry for the purposes of Masonic Research. With the premise of asking this pointed question. AFTER we argue Jurisdiction and who’s real and who’s not…what’s left? To do WHAT? And lastly what is TRUE MASONRY?
SMIB S.G.I.G. L. David Stewart II, 33° K.T. Worshipful Master Seth Lodge of Research #7