King Jesus Grand Lodge State of Tennessee A.F.& A.M. empowered
Seth Lodge of Research & Instruction #7
How to Destroy a Lodge
Ever wonder what does it take to do that? Regardless of how long you have been in the Craft, surely one has seen a lodge destroyed. The wording may be harsh but let’s contemplate the nature of it. When I refer to destroyed I don’t’ mean as in the building was literally bombed or anything like that (though surely that has happened) but the destruction of the TRUE lodge.
In order to understand destruction, one must understand the Lodge is never a building, but a group of men according to law that EA lodges have 7 (8 including Tyler) 5 in FC (6 including Tyler) and 3 (4 including Tyler). So a lodge is the human capital not the building. So now that THAT is established how do you destroy men Masonically? Pride Ego Apathy
Pride Pride destroys men because it prevents brothers from meeting on the Level. Pride is not admitting that you need help as an officer and refusing to delegate for fear of feeling irrelevant and that Brothers won’t “need” you. Pride is the inverse of Temperance and Prudence.
Ego Ego is the belief that you know ALL there is and will be in Masonry. Prevalent in brothers regardless of age, and particularly keen to those in officer positions such as JW SW and WM as well in the G.L.s. Ego is refusing to believe a younger Brother is qualified to move up in degree based on age and NOT on proficiency. Ego is believing that your Jurisdiction or Affiliation OWNS Masonry!
Apathy Apathy is a key part of the “Fraternity of Ignorance” (to be discussed in another paper). Apathy is the concept of being a “high degree brother” and feel that you have learned ALL of Masonry. That Apathy becomes the fuel for your excuses to not read and then not come to Lodge. Apathy is the feeling that Masonry is boring when you never took the time to learn her from the beginning
We all can give examples in those three areas and many more; however this is about getting Brothers to really ponder on what destroys a Lodge in general. From here we will look at the arc of progression and regression.
A lodge is formed. Warrant/Constitution is issued, a new WM is seated and he is excited and anxious to rule as the Sun rules the day. He then picks his SW and JW and SD and JD and then goes about continuing to give to the Craft. However even in that process, many egos are to be paid attention too. Someone feels they should be WM or SW etc. Dissension grows, and harmony is destroyed.
In an established lodge. A brother can hold a seat for 5-6 years such as SD or JD or even a JW or SW position. This brother has demonstrated more than suitable proficiency in discharging such duties that come with it but isn’t promoted. A brother may have a higher position but has let his ego make him feel impervious and he does not step down but instead has become intoxicated with power and thus in the case of WM if he is that way the poison infects the officers and other brethren and the Crafts advancement is stalled, because in its purest form, Brothers have refused to Subdue their passions‌and improve themselves in‌
Those are not always the working tools of destruction for destroying a lodge. There are two working tools in particular separate from those I have mentioned that can even do more damage faster: MONEY WOMEN
Money Masonry has two forms. In the Operative sector, one concerns himself with operative nature of a lodge. Items such as paying for rent, and getting necessary elements and tools for the lodge are key to the work of the Craft. Pride often shows itself here as well. Pride in LOOKING like a Mason can easily overtake one with the trappings of outer attire for instance. Often though to get those things, Masons turn into fundraisers and begin to suffer from things that have done the same to the Church pro temp. Fundraisers themselves are far from inherently evil, however when it becomes apparent that Brothers are more focused on raising money for events that in some cases Masons should not be doing, one forgets the purpose of the Craft. Am I saying not to? NO but everything in moderation. This alone turns brothers away from the Craft along with not seeing where there dues are going. Men are willing to pay for what they believe in when they see that their contributions are visually serving a purpose and this is with almost ANY organization or entity. Let us remember WHY we do what we do as Masons and never become so profanely engaged in things such as status that we forget why we are on the Level!
I know some here may say, HOW. Particularly in the United States regardless of affiliation, women shouldn’t effect Masonry or should be effecting Masonry. However this is not the case. The interaction of Masons with OES Sisters alone in some cases promote dissension and play to the human condition in a negative sense. Brothers forget about why they are coming to Lodge but are willing to work with Sisters in hopes of furthering personal agendas. I have heard stories of Sisters dating multiple brothers within the Lodge and destroying the harmony therein. Again am I condemning all OES? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! There are some OES Sisters who are more passionate about their work then some Masons! As well in some cases Brothers have married OES sisters and have been productive as a household together and as Mason and OES respectively. However I am starting to see Brothers treating the OES Chapter as a henhouse for them to plot and plan on developing personal agendas and Sisters in return seeking something that if they were focused who or what they were supposed to be would find that which they seek from T.S.A.O.T.U.
Conclusion What I have endeavored in this writing is by far NOT a list of ALL the things that can destroy a lodge, in fact I can add at least three more but choose not to. Instead I ask that as WM or other officer or GM or GL officer take this and ponder this. Discuss this with your officers as well as with the Brethren and reflect on it, and see this as a “What NOT to do” manual to begin to add to and then circulate amongst the brethren to strengthen the Harmony therein and improve the fabric of the Craft.
SMIB S.G.I.G. L. David Stewart II, 33° K.T. Worshipful Master Seth Lodge of Research #7 (coming soon)