T-Pain and Valder Beebe IN THE HOUSE!

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10 13 15 18 22

Issue Features Martin Luther King Black History Heavy D Celebrity Interviewer Valder Beebe T-Pain Style&News



Craft&Music 28 30 33 46

Artist/Entertainer EDUCATION Jamit or SlamIt Winners Artist / Entertainer / Musician SHOWCASE

Radio Show DJ Kuwn Dalini

Body&Health 50


In Every Issue 8 26 42 48 56 61

Letter from the Editor HHN CEO Speaks Abundance in the Streets with HHN VBeebe & HHN’s Books Let’s Puzzle-IT


What is Your Image? In this quite visual business of what is called the Entertainment Industry, there are a few things that are really important. YOUR LOOK, YOUR STORY AND HOW YOU DO BUSINESS. You must have a look that is appealing to your fans. Different as it may be. Your dress, your style and over all appearance has a relevancy that contributes to the success or failure of your career. Practice makes perfect? When it’s time to give an interview, speak on camera or write a biography, you must know the basics of your own story. The delivery and honesty of whatever your relaying means everything to connect with a fanbase. Remember, you can’t take it back once it’s out there. You could be making music, writing, producing, acting or entertaining for fun but if you’re in it to make money and have a career; then you may want to be serious about proper representation. Everyone has their strong suit. Its not uncommon for entertainers to get help with creating media kits, learning proper ettique for interviews and creating budgets or business plans. You talk about grinding and putting in the hours on your craft but when it all boils down—YOU DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT YOUR OWN CRAFT. Read, Listen, Study about YOUR CRAFT. Follow those who have done it before. It’s Only YOUR Career. Not mine.

Myra Morris HHN Magazine Senior Editor

JAN/FEB 2012 Volume 2 Issue 1

Senior Editor/Co-Publisher/CEO Myra Morris Co-Publisher/CEO Hip Hop National LLC. Aldouphus “PoeEtiq� Williams Chief Financial Officer Diane Evans Editorial Consultant Lesa Clayton Graphic Design/Layout FMB Enterprise Nationwide Ad Sales Directors LDE Enterprise Contributing Photographers First Eye Photography Chic Wit Pics Photography James Photography Contact Office HHN Team needs Writers, & Radio Hosts

Hip Hop National LLC. Radio & Magazine Office www.hiphopnational.com 877-580-8555

Hip Hop National LLC. publication. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Online publication only printed for special events/conferences. We operated directly from Florida, Texas and Georgia but advertise nationwide. We reserve the right not to publish ads, photos and stories deemed objectionable by management. For advertising rates, comments or suggestions please contact 877-580-8555

Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. His grandfather began the family's long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931; his father has served from then until the present, and from 1960 until his death Martin Luther acted as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had graduated. After three years of theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected president of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951. With a fellowship won at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at Boston University, completing his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955. In Boston he met and married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons a n d t w o d a u g h t e r s w e r e b o r n i n t o t h e f a m i l y . In 1954, Martin Luther King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Always a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race, King was, by this time, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the leading organization of its kind in the nation. He was ready, then, early in December, 1955, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, the bus boycott described by Gunnar Jahn in his presentation speech in honor of the laureate. The boycott lasted 382 days. On December 21, 1956, after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of t h e f i r s t r a n k . In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. The ideals for this organization he took from Christianity; its operational techniques from Gandhi. In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American b l a c k s b u t a l s o a w o r l d f i g u r e . At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement. On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated. When President Obama dedicated the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, he reminded us that change never comes quickly or easily: it requires determination and relentlessness in the face of difficulty. This weekend, as we remember Dr. King and honor his legacy, let’s get out in our neighborhoods and fight for the causes we share and a country where everyone has a fair shot.

Go to HipHopNational.com To buy your Limited Edition tee for only $25 *Does not include shipping and handling.

Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as "Negro History Week" and later as "Black History Month." What you might not know is that black history had barely begun to be studied—or even documented—when the tradition originated. Although blacks have been in America at least as far back as colonial times, it was not until the 20th century that they gained a respectable presence in the history books. Blacks Absent from History Books We owe the celebration of Black History Month, and more importantly, the study of black history, to Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Born to parents who were former slaves, he spent his childhood working in the Kentucky coal mines and enrolled in high school at age twenty. He graduated within two years and later went on to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. The scholar was disturbed to find in his studies that history books largely ignored the black American population—and when blacks did figure into the picture, it was generally in ways that reflected the inferior social position they were assigned at the time. Established Journal of Negro History Woodson, always one to act on his ambitions, decided to take on the challenge of writing black Americans into the nation's history. He established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (now called the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History) in 1915, and a year later founded the widely respected Journal of Negro History. In 1926, he launched Negro History Week as an initiative to bring national attention to the contributions of black people throughout American history. Who was the First Black President? Barack Obama is the first african american to become the President of the United States. He is 47 years old and was a senator in Illinois prior to his election. Read More » Who was the First Black Nurse? Mary Eliza Mahoney was the first black woman to graduate from nursing school. She is known for her great career and of course because she was the first black nurse. Read More »

Who was the First Black Doctor? Dr. James McCune Smith was the first black doctor. He paved the way for many African American people to become doctors. I think it is amazing. Read More » Who was the First Black Governor? Lawrence Douglas Wilder became the first black governor. He was the governor of Virgina from 1990-1994. Wilder was the first black Senator from the State of Virgina. Read More »

Hip-hop's original overweight lover,

Heavy D parlayed an eminently likable persona and strong MC skills into a lengthy career in music, television, and film. Weighing in at over 250 pounds, his girth could easily have become a one-note premise, but he varied his lyrical concerns to include positive message tracks and fun-loving party jams, and exuded warmth and respect for women without getting too graphic or sentimental. Musically, his appeal was just as broad -- he was able to mix elements of R&B, reggae, dance, and pop into his music, but his raps were quick-tongued enough that he avoided the accusations of selling out that dogged many other crossover successes of his era. Moreover, he was an all-around talent -- an agile dancer, a successful songwriter and producer, a naturalistic actor, and an astute businessman who held an executive-level position. In the meantime, he appeared in the 1999 Eddie Murphy/Martin Lawrence comedy Life and landed a prominent supporting role in the Oscar-nominated drama The Cider House Rules. In 2000, he was most visible as a counselor on the Fox high-school drama Boston Public, which lasted for the next several years, as he worked on albums by Babyface, Jay-Z, Fabolous, and Timbaland, among many others. During the rest of the decade, he had recurring roles on The Tracy Morgan Show and Bones, while he also recorded Vibes, a convincing and enjoyable album of reggae-pop. On November 8, 2011 -- several weeks after releasing a rap EP, Love Opus, and less than a month after performing at the BET Hip Hop Awards -- Heavy D collapsed outside his home in Beverly Hills and passed away. He was 44 years old. ~ Steve Huey & Andy Kellman, Rovi


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Valder Beebe is among the female pioneers in the mind, body, spirit lifestyle category whose talents and expertise span a wide range of specialties. Lauded by The Dallas Times Herald newspaper, "Valder Beebe is on the cutting edge of technology, spirituality and entrepreneurial media success.” At the forefront of a Tran’s spiritual movement, she possesses a unique ability to merge spirituality through a shared appreciation for technology. Beebe regularly offers advice to television and radio audiences, reaching others as an author, and has also earned kudos as a media personality and spiritual teacher. Whether as a personality or spiritual lifestyle brand, consumers know they can trust Valder Beebe. A native of New Orleans, Valder Beebe began her career as a technical school teacher, teaching then advanced key punch and computer operations. Moving to Dallas in 1980 becoming employed by Fortune 500 Company, Wang Laboratories in their analytical technical management division. In 2004 making the transition into media broadcasting, her voice can be heard on a multiplicity of radio stations, PSA’s, commercials and news broadcasts. She currently serves as the spokes person of Forever Memory Blankets. A respected expert in mind, body and spirit living, Valder Beebe brings spiritual style to everything she

does. For nearly a decade, Beebe has hosted the nationally syndicated/radio lifestyle show "The Valder Beebe Show" that airs on FM, Internet Radio, Internet TV and Newspapers in more than 70% of the U.S. and in 40 countries. Her effervescent personality and creative ideas also impact audiences via her appearances in print publications and various broadcast programs. Valder Beebe has been featured in Essence Magazine, Epitome Magazine, Hip Hop National Magazine, Equanimity Magazine and Y.C.L.A. Magazine. On radio, broadcasting daily vignettes "THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW" broadcast in Texas on KKVI-FM adult 25-54 station and in print the Power Pages News Paper www.powerpagesnews.com) adult female audience, 25-54. Beebe extends her spiritual lifestyle expertise

as the CEO and owner, BEEBE OMNIMEDIA CO., LLC since 1985, that encompasses PIP Production Company that produces the Valder Beebe Show and their flag-ship photographic media company, Photography by james, which Valder Beebe’s business partner and husband is Founder/Chief Creative Officer. Recognized by Y.C.L.A. Magazine as one of “Dallas ten most outstanding media entrepreneurs.” She began her company in 1985 in Dallas, Texas; the extension of her

longtime established BEEBE brand that currently include The Valder Beebe Show; THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW; and BeeBe’s Smart Living. Beebe’s sincerity in delving into the mind, body and spirit aspect of humanity, is demonstrated in the ambiance of her brands, which have led to the development of BEEBE OMNIMEIDA CO. LLC and taking on outside ventures. In 2012 her company will assume the building of Dallas/Greater Garland, Texas KKVI FM “The Bridge 89” news production unit.

Valder Beebe will become the voice of KKVI FM News and Weather broadcast nationally and global. Among her company ventures, Beebe seeks to be in the mix of those who are changing our world and that means the demographics of the young voters, hip hop, rap and college educated. In 2011 her company began syndicating THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW to Hip Hop National Magazine and reaching the 18-24 demographics with interviews with Rapper T-Pain, Disney Star Jake T. Austin, Actor David Archuleta, Actress Kee Kee Palmer, Alyson Stoner, Chelsea Staub, and Disney’s Jeanette McCurdy. In a new twist, Beebe launched a collection of spiritual CD’s produced by MyWakeUpCall®, with the focus of Abundance. Beebe is also a coveted speaker who over the past few years took part in the prestigious Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Conference. In 2010, her company received the EveryDay Green LifeStyle Award from Natural Harmony (Atlanta, Ga).

Valder Beebe Show Catch daily broadcasts “THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW” on KKVI 89.9 & 95.9 (Dallas) and KKVI RADIO.com at 12:00 Noon Central. Follow up on: www.twitter.com@valderbeebeshow and Facebook.com/valderbeebeshow.

Multi-Grammy Christian Artist Michael W. Smith talks with Valder about his project for you and I to help American Troops this Christmas with the American Red Cross. His new album, GLORY: The Inspiration and The Songs, instrumental record hits stores.

Multiple Grammy Winner John Legend spends time talking with Valder about how you can make a difference and where he keeps all of his Grammy awards.

Tasha Smith the “IT GIRL” and star of Tyler Perry’s “Why Did I Get Married” and Perry’s new series “For Better or Worse” on TBS. It's about the relationship between an ex-football player (Michael Jai White) and his wife (Tasha Smith) brought to the movie screen in Why Did I Get Married.

Tyler Perry and Tasha Smith talk with Valder about “For Better or Worse” Premier on TBS Perry, 42, who owns his own studio, is an actor and a director, a writer and a producer of the box office success Why Did I Get Married? Movie

Tyler Florence owns several restaurants, hosts a Cooking Channel show is a favorite Lagniappe guest of Valder. They discuss how to easily prepare gourmet dishes for the holidays.

Sheryl Lee Ralph, Original Broadway Dreamgirl and HIV Activist discusses how the Arts shed light on real stories of people fighting HIV their way in recognition of World AIDS Day.

Emeril and Valder both, having a love for New Orleans and food. They talk about his new book Skillet Cooking.

Food Network host, cooking for Real, Sunny Anderson returns to the show to talk to Valder about holiday entertaining in our Holiday Lagniappe feature.

Celebrity Wedding Planner, Best Selling Author & Designer DAVID TUTERA host of “MY FAIR WEDDING” on WEtv returns to the Valder Beebe Show. David, talks to Valder about his new Sears Bridal Jewelry Collection, a New Line of Wedding Accessories, and the 5th Season of My Fair Wedding With David Tutera.

Always curious Valder talked with Estelle, British R&B singer and rapper, whose steady career growth was propelled when she won a Grammy award for her collaboration with Kanye West, 'American Boy'. The track was a number on hit in a number of countries, including the UK, US and Canada. 'American Boy' was also listed at number seven in Rolling Stone magazine's end of year 'Best Of' list.

PBS Travel Host, Rick Steves named 2011 Travel Journalist of the Year. Steves is the author of fifty guidebooks to Europe. He talks to Valder about his latest book: Mediterranean Cruise Ports

ABC “The Chew” Chef Carla Hall dishes on the entertaining, fun, food and her new co-host job on The Chew with Mario Batali, Michael Simon and Daphne Oz.

Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen (father and son) talk with Valder about their new movie, being family but did not mention Charlie Sheen (Martin’s Son).

Emmy® Award-winner and two-time Golden Globe winning Shelley Long (“Cheers”) Long has recently APPEARED on ABC’s hit comedy “Modern Family” chats with Valder about “Holiday Engagement” on Hallmark Channel.

Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERIVEW in Hip Hop National Magazine View satellite video of guest interviews on the new OPN TV Network www.opnntvnetwork.com

“rEVOLVEr is drawn from seven albums' worth of material,” said T-Pain. “There are so many different things on this album. I couldn’t settle on what I wanted to include, but the final result I think will really hit all of my fans and different audiences,” says the singer. “I’ve developed a new audience from the Taylor Swift stuff, the Bud Light and Toshiba commercials, the T-Pain Mic and App. There is music for everyone on this album, but definitely still classic T-Pain at the same time."

Tallahassee, Florida native, T-Pain burst on the scene in 2005 with his debut Rappa Ternt Sanga and the unforgettable singles “I’m Sprung” and “I’m N Luv (Wit A Stripper),” a song that maintains the title of the highest selling ring tone. T-Pain continued his success with his sophomore effort Epiphany in 2007, which spawned the #1 airplay record of the year, “Buy U a Drank” (featuring Yung Joc) and the ubiquitous #1 hit “Bartender.” In 2008, T-Pain took home his first Grammy for Best Rap Song (for “Good Life”) with Kanye West, which also garnered a BET Award, where he was the most nominated artist of the night. Since the release of his debut album, T-Pain has produced and featured on over 45 top ten songs and 16 #1's. He has won many awards including two Grammys and continues to expand his brand with fresh and exciting ideas like the innovative I Am T-Pain mobile app, which has now spawned the I Am T-Pain Mic and T-Pain Effect.

It’s evident T-Pain has another hit on his hands with the album’s second single, “5 O’Clock,” which is currently Billboard’s Hot 100 Greatest Gainer, While the single continues to climb the charts, it’s also receiving critical acclaim. Pop Crush bestowed a 3 ½ star out of 4 rating and declared “‘5 O’Clock’ is a strong track with a refreshingly different sound than most of what is currently being played on the radio,” while Perez Hilton gushed “We are obsessed with this song!!!!!!!!!!!! So. Damn. Good.”

T-Pain is at it again. After landing another platinum selling radio hit single with “Best Love Song,” featuring Chris Brown, followed by quickly rising single “5 O’Clock,” featuring Wiz Khalifa and Lily Allen, singer/rapper/producer T-Pain announced earlier this week that RCA Records will release his fourth studio album rEVOLVEr on December 6, 2011. The follow-up to his 2008 platinum-plus selling album Thr33 Ringz, rEVOLVEr (visually spelled as rEVOLVEr for a reason), demonstrates the evolution of T-Pain as an artist.

Hear T-Pain Interview


Valder Beebe Show THAT CELEBRITY INTERIVEW in Hip Hop National Magazine View satellite video of guest interviews on OPN TV Network www.opnntvnetwork.com)

NEW SHOW HOURS 5pm Pst / 6pm Mst / 7pm Cst / 8pm Est

Designer Tawni Haynes


leek, straight lines, bold prints, and elegant, form-fitted designs are just a few ways to characterize the unique technique of stylist and fashion designer, Tawni Haynes. Tawni is well known around Texas as well as various other states as an up and coming fashion forward retailer and custom apparel artist with a vivid sense of classy sophistication far beyond her 31 years of age. What originally began as a love for the trendiest ladies shoes, handbags, and accessories has blossomed almost overnight into a full-scale fashion design business. Tawni is joint owner and operator of ICONYQ Apparel Boutique, located in Cedar Hill, Texas. What appears from the outside as a local, run of the mill establishment on the historic city square, sets itself apart as soon as you peer through the front doors as the ever-changing, window displays featuring her custom creations. Tawni takes pride in transforming hundreds of clients from ordinary to runway ready for events ranging from red carpet premiers to national television appearances. She is especially recognized for her gift of making any woman look and

feel absolutely stunning, regardless of body shape or size. “My clients are real women with curves and it’s important that every garment I design and sell make them feel like the most beautiful woman in the room- whether they are a size 8 or 18.” “The difference you will find in one of my hand-crafted garments is meticulous effort and an end product that suits each client’s body type.” The Fall line, which debuts in 2011, is said to display the very essence of Tawni’s signature style, featuring inimitable concepts and fabrication. “ I am very passionate about my work. God has deposited my gifts deep, down inside me. The world has yet to see all that I am capable of!” “The Best Is Yet To Come” As Tawni continues to advance her career in the Fashion Design industry, she continues to set the latest in industry trends and construction methods to guarantee that her product and service offerings are leading edge and remarkably chic. http://www.tawnihaynes.com/

feel absolutely stunning, regardless of body shape or size. “My clients are real women with curves and it’s important that every garment I design and sell make them feel like the most beautiful woman in the room- whether they are a size 8 or 18.” “The difference you will find in one of my hand-crafted garments is meticulous effort and an end product that suits each client’s body type.” The Fall line, which debuts in 2011, is said to display the very essence of Tawni’s signature style, featuring inimitable concepts and fabrication. “ I am very passionate about my work. God has deposited my gifts deep, down inside me. The world has yet to see all that I am capable of!” “The Best Is Yet To Come” as Tawni continues to advance her career in the Fashion Design industry, she continues to set the latest in industry trends and construction methods to guarantee that her product and service offerings are leading edge and remarkably chic. www.tawnihaynes.com


My Longest Walk Ever! "When One Door Closes, Another Open's"

Have you ever experienced the feeling of emptiness; not certain if you are going or coming? I suppose, if your answer is no, the only reply I have for you is to keep on living. At some point in time, you may have your share of ups and downs. It is important that you know that you can weather any storm with God in the mist helping you to stay on coarse along the way. My story starts a little like this; after 25 years of being stable on a job and committed to my work, I lost my job. That is when the birth of Hip Hop National LLC began taking shape. On May 4 2010, I had just returned from a 3 week long and relaxing vacation. I walked into work as always with an energetic upbeat attitude. I sat down powered up my computer and checked my email as usual. As I was checking my email, my former manager was passing my desk, with an almost cold and callous grin saying "VACATION MAN!!!" I undoubtedly, was thrown by his sort of duplicitous behavior. He approached my desk then asked me, if I had enjoyed my time off. As if things were normal, my reply was as candid as it could be, at that moment. However, as he was leaving my desk, it was then, I had an eerie feeling come over me that maybe I had done something hugely and majorly wrong! As he turned the corner, headed towards my then newly hired managers desk. The phone began ringing at my desk, my new boss then commanded that I come to see him, immediately. My heart began pounding, my blood started pumping faster and faster. As I approached his office to ask what the problem was, his demeanor became dark and his facial expression was quite poker-faced, as he murmured, "We have to go down stairs to Human Resources". It was the longest walk, I had experienced in the 25 years at the company. I asked, if I was getting fired or maybe laid off, he again murmured, just above his breath "We will talk about it down stairs in Human Resources". I asked, should I get my belongings, again I got the same reaction. It was then, I received revelation that every thing was gonna be alright. As we were walking, I heard God's voice again, saying "Remember the words of what I whispered in your ear, when you were asleep. This is your opportunity to do all of t h e t h i n g s t h a t y o u h a v e a l w a y s d r e a m e d o f d o i n g " . When my boss and I finally reached, Human Resource, I can honestly say I felt quite complete. My journey for working for the Sun Sentinel had ended and a new chapter of my life, had now begun. I was not certain at that particular space in time, of what was next. However, I knew that it would be something great and not just for my own benefit, but, also for the benefit and service for others, as well.

Kind Regards PoeEtiq Aldouphus "PoeEtiq" Williams - Hip Hop National LLC - CEO www..hiphopnational.com


How to Obtain Permission to Use Samples Is It Necessary?

Expert Guest Panelist: Ameliaismore Host If you use samples in your commercially released music, you should get legal permission to do so. The process of getting permission from the owners of the sampled music is referred to as "Sample Clearance." Failure to get the proper permission could lead to serious consequences i.e. lawsuits or the inability to distribute your music to the public. Technically, a sample is any piece of sound. A snare drum , a Violin, The sound of a helicopter, a Train horn or any and every other sound that one can imagine. These are all examples of the common type of type of samples used . Today's Producers often take bits and pieces of various sounds, often including but not limited to hit songs of the past, to construct a new tune. Some will argue that Sampling probably derived from Artist like James Brown and George Clinton. Some say it begin in the early years of hip-hop, when the DJ's would take an 808 drum beat, mix it in over a track then have the Artist rap over it. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio/2011/09/17/how-to-obtain-permission-to-use-samples-is-it-necessary

Shouldn't My Manager Be Financially Invested In My Career? Apostle Joyce Tasby: Young People Guild School Of Performing Arts Johnny Wesley: Flippin Flava Records Believe it or not many upcoming Music Artist really feel that the manger must have some sort of financial investment in to them in order to take the role as manager. That belief couldn't be further from the truth. In fact "One of the most important jobs of a manager is to secure recording and publishing contracts for their clients, this is why it is so essential to choose well connected and well respected managers. The music business is a "relationship" business. Who know who, and who can get to know who, and who did what successfully for who... " that's really what management is all about. Study your potential manager see what type of relationships he has among his inner circle and his ability to influence them. Mangers should possess the ability to generates income. Reference: http://www.musicbizacademy.com/knab/articles/10makealiving.htm http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio/2011/10/25/the-hip-hop-national-radio-conference-call-feedback-line What Is A Good Distribution Deal -VS- Bad Distribution Deal? Johnny Wesley: Flippin Flava Records When entering into any contract situation it is important you are aware of terminology, such as exclusive, non- exclusive, inclusive and noninclusive clauses. Pay careful attention to conjunction i.e. and/but/or and tenses regarding any and all past, present and future. Terms, conditions and percentages are all things that differentiate a good contract from a bad one. It is said that it is better have representation when signing on the the dotted line that is definitely a bit of advice not to take for granted. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio/2011/12/10/the-hip-hop-national-radio-conference-call-

'Is Auto-tunes Overused by Today's Producers?" (Auto-Tune) seems to be the common thread in a lot of the popular music today. The question, is does it question the ability of today vocalist? It seems we are loosing the sounds of yesterdays harmonies and it is being replaced by technology. Auto-Tune is an audio processor created by Antares Technologies. It was initially designed to correct pitch problems in the recording studio. The use of Auto-Tune technology is controversial in pop music. Many claim that is over-used to give singers perfect pitch who otherwise do not possess the skill. However, producers also use Auto-Tune to adjust a specific sound as part of their artistic creation. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio/2011/09/13/the-hip-hop-national-radio-conference-call-feedback-line-1

"Does Sampling Questions the Creativity Of The Producer?" Timbaland is known in the industry to be a sampling genius. He has created some of the most successful songs in today's music, including several hit songs for Missy Elliott, Aaliyah, Ginuwine, Jay-Z, Nelly, and Justin Timberlake. Many other Producers also known for sampling such as P-Diddy, Kanye and Pharell are still currently making hits from sounds of the past. Nevertheless, if you ask most producers that prefer live instrumentation in recordings, most will argue, that those who sample are not creative and they have to bite from others music in order to create. The come back to a statement as such might be “Numbers Don’t Lie” http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio/2011/09/15/the-hip-hop-national-radio-conference-call-feedback-line-1

LEARN MORE at Hip Hop National Radio Show! —- Join us as we dig into the topics. Monday - Wednesday - Friday at 5pm Pst / 6pm Mst / 7pm Cst / 8pm Est Call: 213-559-2995 Chat: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiphopnationalradio If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555 Artist send music tohiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure submit contact information also.

Aldouphus Williams Founder/Visionary Hip Hop National LLC Based in Fort Lauderdale, FL 877-580-8555 www.facebook.com/poeetic Lady Di - Diane Evans Hip Hop National HOST LDE Enterprises Based in Dallas, TX Pebbles - Tisha Holman Hip Hop National Co - HOST Based in Atlanta, GA Myra Morris Magazine Editor/Media Relations FMB Enterprises Based in Dallas, TX Hip Hop National Publicist Nea McKinney Donte Busky HHN Promoter Attorney Vicky J Currie Based in Lakewood, WA Richard Stewart Independent Record Promoter Based in Los Vegas, NV Collin Walker Rhinoweb Webmaster Based in Pembrooke Pines, FL

MON-WED-FRI 5pm PST, 6pm MST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST

"S.C.U.U.M." (SOCIETY CANT USE US MENTALLY) S.c.u.u.m. is back on the road and prepared to take it all to the top. With a big scope of musicality and personality S.c.u.u.m. music does care about the whole of humanity. The name itself means "Society Cant Use Us Mentally" and it really stands for being liberated from any kind of control. Unfortunately in times like these to many people are afraid of something new and different, but there is still hope Ya ´ll. S.c.u.u.m. is not afraid at all to bring to you new flavors and ideas. The goal itself is to fulfill their own lives, which means to make music and keep on making music. Music is an art form and is supposed to be experimented with. There is no rules, no limits and thats what S.c.u.u.m. wants the whole world to know. Open up the doors and your minds for styles never heard before and be prepared cause the industry is changing. The change will always be a fact but there has to be some kind of revolution. S.c.u.u.m. is ready to revolutionize the game and stay original. Things are really heating up, at S.c.u.u.m. Studios, since the victory on the Hip Hop National Radio. An album is about to take its form and will soon be ready for the listening audience. The story board of the winning song "You Fail" is right now getting drawn for the music video. All that is hoped for is to get some kind of help across the waters to get the material out to a broader scale. S.c.u.u.m. is confident that if they get a chance to work within the music business they will get heard of and grant the success they deserve. With big knowledge of production, recording, mixing/mastering, lyric writing, singing, rapping and stage performing. S.c.u.u.m. could be involved and play a big role in almost any kind of job within the music business. Even though the S.c.u.u.m. style of music is resting on the pillars of hip hop, reggae, r&b, funk and soul, the biggest inspiration source for their music is life and all that it has to offer. Their biggest motto is " be yourself and do what ever you wanna do" and if you like what you do then, there is no reason to be insecure. Be your own biggest critique and keep on working. No matter what happens, S.c.u.u.m. will keep on making music and is here to stay. S.C.U.U.M. (Billy Rockwood & Jj Washington) www.myspace.com/societycantuseusmentally



KOVAN When a melody elopes with vocal ingenuity, the results can b e e x p l o s i v e . ….yet, no eruption can perfectly implore the eardrums to weep ash, unless you’re within the mark of a genius musician, and under the spell of a perfect s o n g . In walks Kovan Baldwin. “Call Me.” A summons, an invitation; and the lead single off of the R&B singer/songwriter’s third album entitled Statement, set for release in 2011. The name of the single in itself, suggests that you vocally express your accord for this jubilant sound. But in packing more definition to this dose of candid art, the song truly breathes a motive of the singers intent on imparting a windstorm of poetic prose over the music industries lack-luster canvas. Earnest and eruditely apt, Kovan Baldwin, who simply goes by the stage name Kovan, is gearing up to bring integrity back to music’s audible rewards, as this Twin Cities native prepares to deliver R&B to a n e n t e r p r i s i n g d e s t i n a t i o n . With a lethal penmanship for perfectly characterizing the elements of life, love and lore onto our auditory emporium, this talented vocalist is challenging urban music’s subpar existence, by dropping the elements of lust, and promiscuity from his sound, and engaging us with his melodic dewdrops of irrecoverable substance. Releasing his first album entitled, About Time, in 2007, followed by a critically acclaimed Sophomore LP entitled Gifted, in 2009, not only does Kovan’s talent emit a pleasuring light to his audience, his continued efforts of seeking success, read like an arduous climb between a man and his mountain. Kovan is prepared to not only defeat the game, but redefine its coordinates with his own composition of c h a r a c t e r i z i n g v o c a l a r t . He’s performed on a multitude of stages and sung in a myriad of festivals, from The Lounge Night Club to the annual Juneteenth C e l e b r a t i o n . Featured in the Source Magazine in July 2010 for his hit song “Let Me See You Do It,” and gearing up to be a household superstar, this talented musician is only at the start of his journey through sound, but as time progresses his efforts will unleash to him a red carpet welcome. Be on the lookout for a true shooting star.



The New Jersey's Born 16-year-old rising star Jah-que McCaskill, (AKA) J. Wonda writes his own music His contributes his love for music to the great influences of Paul Macartney, Frank Lyman, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, Barry White, James Brown, Opera, and especially Jimi Hendrix. “When Jah-Que was first trying to make it as a new artist, he was willing to take risks and try anything which is an admirable that trait that one might attribute to many stars with the element of the it factor.” J. Wonda describes his own music as fun and youthful while at the same time signifying deep meaning. “Hip Hop music is about stories. Some of those stories can be meaningful and still be fun. I never choose a song that I can’t relate to in some way, shape, or form. My music will always reflect who I am.” When asked about his first experience in the recording studio in South Orange NJ, J. Wonda responded, “My producer was amazed at how well I did in the studio the first time. He was speechless, and just jumped up in excitement! He just jammed to m y l y r i c s . " J. Wonda's voice is rather mature for a 16-year-old since his studio performance required little to no tuning. That doesn’t mean that J. Wonda doesn’t seek constant improvement and constructive criticism in all areas. “You can be a performer and not be an artist, but I am an artist. I have spent time studying and researching everything I can about the music industry and becoming an artist. I am not only honing my songwriting skills, but I am also developing my total package including my image and my stage presence, right down to learning how to use the equipment in the studio. This isn’t just a dream of mine, this is a goal that I am determined to achieve and I won’t give up.” J. Wonda takes and applies all the advice he receives from his managers and producers he works with and who serve as mentors to him. In addition to those listed above, J. Wonda’s influences include the hip hop artist, Nas and J. Cole. He was most touched by Nas’ music when his God Father played “It ain't hard to tell." Since then Nas has been his idol. As far as J. Cole, the first song he heard was "The Storm." Ever since then, he felt like he had a syle simular to J. Cole's. J. Cole always had a story to tell. As inspiring as his musical influences maybe J. Wonda know that it is also his path to perform on bigger stages. J. Wonda know he must stay grinding. Following his upcoming show to perform songs from his new mix cd, J. Wonda wants to start moving towards becoming an opening act for some Rap artist. J. Wonda also knows that, with God on his side, anything is possible for him to achieve his goals and make his dreams come true. “Everyone has dreams and goals,” he states. “I am just going for mine to the extreme. www.reverbnation.com/c./rpk/391600? access_code=b3af0261acc2b6f2b546&rid=1852842#press

Kimberley Harris Kimberley Harris is a songwriter/producer from Dayton, Ohio. She writes and produces in various genres including R&B, Country, Pop, Alt Hip Hop and Down tempo. Her love of music began early in life when she began playing piano and writing songs at age 7. By the time she was 16, she was playing keyboards and singing lead and background vocals with the local all-female band Hott Number. Later, as the lead singer of the group "Dame", Kimberley released a cover of the Pointer Sister's hit, "Yes We Can, Can" on Spin/ Macola Records which she co-produced. As a keyboardist, Kimberley has toured with the Grammy-Award winning R&B group, "The Dazz Band" and also sang background vocals with the group. While touring, Kimberley continued writing songs including the single, "True Confession" for female-duo "Absolute" on Sony/Epic Records. Kimberley also wrote and produced "After the Rain" for the film "Just Write" starring Jeremy Piven. Additionally, she wrote and produced several tracks for the MTV series "Pimp My Ride." As a songwriter, Kimberley's philosophy is that a great song can always be heard by those who listen - from a simple piano/vocal mix to an elaborate production. "I very much enjoy just sitting down at the piano and writing. I may take the song in any number of directions from there, but I like to begin with the song in its purest form." Kimberley believes songwriters are fortunate to have the power to be the voice for those who have none. "That is why I write songs from all perspectives - female, male, old, young - you name it. I draw from my experiences in my writing, which ultimately is our shared human experience. Hopefully my songs give the listener the ability to 'be me' or perhaps I should say that it lets them tell their story through me." As a producer, Kimberley combines musical genres to create her own sound. "There is so much great music in the world that there is no way I can limit myself to only one genre. So I don't try. I just let what is in me flow out naturally. Sometimes people listen to one of my piano/vocal songs and then listen to one of my track productions and they wonder how they were created by the same person. It makes me feel good to know that people appreciate such diversity in a musician." Kimberley also believes that music is the universal language that brings people together. "When someone hear a song on the radio - or wherever they hear it - and they like it, they just naturally want to turn it up. You can get lost in music and forget about your cares. It heals the mind, body and spirit." Credits: Songwriter - Sony/Epic / Songwriter/Producer - MTV Networks Songwriter/Producer - Curb Entertainment / Producer - Spin/Macola Records


Apostle KEV “No More Holding Back” is inspired by my life story. My name is Kevin Adderly better known as Apostle Kev. I was once a street hustler in Miami but gave that up for Jesus. Once I was saved, God turned my life around. Hard times have not changed my decision to serve God and I praise him through music and rap/poetry. Started making music back in 1994 and have worked with Young Trill, Complex, Big House, Burnie Blue, Trilogy, Miss Ronea, Maisha Devine as well as others. Major music influences are Kirk Franklin, Michael Jackson, Teena Marie, Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls. I’m looking to pull brothers out the street through rhymes and testimonies. I can be reached at (615) 943-3945 and by e-mail at

absalootman@gmail.com www.reverbnation.com/apostlekev

K AY O E x t r a ordinary charm, clever word play and crafty metaphors have brought this gift talent to the forefront of the music scene. With m u l t i talented song writers and producers, including her o w n material. KAYO’s songs speak the language of today's youth without dumbing down to the typical stereotypes. Interestingly enough, KAYO has already developed a new market on capitalizing her craft. KAYO has been able to perform in many large venues unlike a lot of our current, young performers whose musical content hinders them from gaining exposure due to their sometimes negative messages and explicit lyrical content. KAYO is by far on a path to success with showing a promising future in becoming one of the majors of her craft. Manager -Aldouphus "PoeEtiq" Williams (954) 461-3398 / kayoblowkisses@gmail.com kayoblowkisses.com


God grounded, Dallas-raised, and as trill as they come, PIT BOSS has been writing music since 13 years old. His partner, Alfonso Mejia (RIP), and he were scheduled to release their first album at the young age of 15 but with the tragic drowning death of his partner the album was never released. After that experience PIT BOSS changed directions and chose to pursue a career in sports. At Lakeview Centennial High in Garland, TX he became one of the top running backs in the state of TX 1995-1996. As a Texas Scholar and a Blue Chip recruit he was offered full ride football scholarships to most NCAA universities. After the birth of his first child, Jamelyn Tyreece Brown, II, at 17 years old he chose to give up his football career to support his family. Over the next 10 years he gained experience in corporate management and at times resorted to the street life and hustling. Through the pain and experiences he suffered while on the streets and in prison he rediscovered his love for God and music. Now PIT BOSS seeks to reach those with similar or worst life experiences and struggles through his music to show that one can rise from the ashes to succeed at life. After the release of his first mixtape, "Money Mission" he continues his mission of helping others with the much anticipated single release of "Do It Big". PIT BOSS' music is inarguably the most trill and hard hitting thing in hip-hop today. Through his independent record label, "Cash Guerilla Records, LLC" he continues his success while helping other artists achieve their dreams. Besides being a successful rap artist he also writes and produces R&B music, hooks and more. PIT BOSS is ambitious and aggressive but remains humble by remembering where he has come from. What you see is what you get with PIT BOSS. www.cashguerillarecords.com www.cashguerillarecords.com on YOUTUBE

Boutique BanksAdkison Boutique Banks-Adkison has turned what was once a dream and then a hobby into a new career for herself. That of being an actor, in the truest sense of the word. She started on this path first as a Model for ccaSI’ INC./ Dallas, Texas; where she proved that Petite Models can indeed rip the runways – where she eventually became one of the highlighted models in the company’s fashion shows. She has had the opportunity to model first hand with fashion designer Anthony Mark Hankins. After marrying her long-time love Anthony Adkison Sr, she settled into being a wife, mother to now four adult sons; and as working Apartment Residential Specialist / Community Event Coordinator. Boutique and husband are the co-founders of 13 years Non-Profit Organization Summer Track called The Junior Speedster`s track Club. Arranging from ages 5-18. Soon the performance bug bit again; and she started back as a Mime, performing at several local venues in Dallas, DeSoto, Waco, Wisconsin, and surrounding areas. From there she was spotted and offered a role as a Mime in the stage play “Torn Between 2 Lives” which featured R&B recording artists David Hollister, Yarbrough & Peoples and Ivory Tabb, under the direction of Vernon “Snoop” Robinson. Since that initiation into performing on stage she has continued to do so with a feature role in the highly reviewed stage play “I Didn’t Ask To Be Here” under the direction of Jeanette Johnson-Greenwood. Now the journey continues in yet another Jeanette Johnson-Greenwood directed stage play, “Don’t Take My Joy Away.” Born as Boutique Diaquira Banks in Racine Wisconsin, but raised in Waco Texas, and currently lives in Dallas. Boutique says, “This is my food, my energy boost, I just love performing and entertaining. Who would have thought that a country girl from Waco, Texas would be doing this?”

Contact Bo on Facebook for booking.


Jennifer Walker, founder of J-Heart Ministries, is on a journey set by God make a difference for the Kingdom. Her voice and artistry belies a strong young woman who refuses to set limits, but strives to expand her musical vision into various arenas. Most interestingly, she also serves as a minister with the Full Gospel New Life Association at True Vine Holy Temple Church, the headquarters location in Dallas, Texas. Jennifer is very heavily inspired by Stevie Wonder, Yolanda Adams, Fred Hammond, and Shirley Caesar. "When you hear them sing, you know that it's from the heart. They always sing songs that have universal messages. That is how I want my music to come across to the whole world. I want to reach people who would never come to church as well as those who are already Christians. My calling and conviction is to bridge the gap in our society through ministry of music and of the word of God." Minister Walker’ s vibrant personality and melodic vocals have garnered her lots of national attention in California, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. During the course of her ministry, she has shared the stage with Gospel greats such as John P. Kee, Kirk Franklin, and R & B Artist Regina Belle. Many more of Jennifer’ s engagements and additional information may also be viewed on You Tube and Facebook. When asked what she would tell other’s, Jennifer responds, “It's great to go to amazing places, meet celebrities, and have nice things but you have to stay focused. People will approach you from various directions. That's why it is important to pray for direction, know the Word of God, and have caring people around you. When all of the lights go out, cameras are off and people are not around; be in a place in your spirit where you “know” and cherish the meaning of why you were given the opportunity to make a difference for the Kingdom. Just keep God first and seek to please Him in every area of your life. He will open every door that needs to be opened for you. Most importantly, stay humble because this is a ministry not just a career.” For booking, contact 214.325.9213 jenwalker08@sbcglobal.net


Andrae Alexander Soul & jazz music sensation A n d r a e Alexander’s new self-titled CD is available now in over 80 online music stores and websites. Andrae Alexander, a rising artist on the soul and jazz scene, has the music world abuzz with the released his new, self-titled CD “Andrae Alexander”. The CD is available via digital download on 81 music websites and stores online. Andrae brings forth a sound that appeals to the serious music lover. The CD “Andrae Alexander” extends multiple genres, gives you soul and jazz with hints of classic R&B. Fitting right into the age of microwave mainstream music, Andrae’s style vocally hea rtf elt an d just w hat t he discriminating listener wants to hear. Andrae’s CD on Itunes.com, VirginMega (France), Fnacmusic.com, music load.com, Ovi.com, Musicme.com, Napster.com, Mobivillage, Realnetworks.com, Amazon.com, Rhapsody, Puretracks.com, Soundbuzz (UK), Last.fm, Juno, Media Markt (Europe), Traxsource.com. “Andrae [Alexander] steps into the spotlight with a new self-titled CD that has classic album styling written all over it.” - Soulinterviews.com

Website: www.andraealexander.com andraesworld@gmail.com

B O L D . DARING. & INSIGHTFUL. Def Jam Poet and Ebony C h i l d Recording Artist - Black Page - leaves audiences speechless. Flipping from lyricist to vocalist seamlessly she intrinsically weaves FACTS based in Cosmic Conscienceness with melodies effortlessly. She has been blessing stages across the country in an effort to spread the message of self love, cultural appreciation, devotion to community and self. Her philosophy is Black Love - because this is the basis of the collective healing that is so need. Black Page has graced the same stages as countless note worthy musicians and recording artsit; Erykah Badu, N'dambi, Jill Scott, Floetry, Musiq Soulchild, Geno Young, Kindred Family Soul, Madukwu Chinwah, KRS-1, Dead Prez... and this is just to name a few. Check her out as she has been featured on countless mix-tapes and get your copy of her albums to feel the vibe from the Goddess of Soul Intellect: theBLACK.WHOLE mixtape (2006) and the VORTEX coming soon!

www.Nation.com www.reverbnation.com/blackpage

Singer, songwriter guitarist Sonya Jevette received special recognition for her talents when Will Wynn, mayor of Austin, TX, proclaimed March 25, 2004 as Jevette Day. The words sultry, cool, and eccentric have been among the favorable words used to describe the Dallas-born performer. Jevette grew up singing to the great R&B tunes that dominated the airwaves in the seventies. As a teen she honed her vocal talent through the church choir. The North Mesquite High School graduate seriously began her musical journey after winning a talent contest when she was 17 years old. She went on to win dozens of competitions and he performances at festivals and other venues have attracted local and national media attention. Jevette was nominated in the Dallas Observer 2002 Music Awards along side Erykah Badu and N’Dambi. Jevette has played in venues such as Dallas Hard Rock Cafe, Gypsy Tea Room, and Ft. Worth's Caravan of Dreams. For Booking: Sound Byte Production 512-577-6363



Blaq Diamondz is a hiphop pop duo that came together in 2008. We have an album coming this 2011 which consists of hip-hop/ pop, techno, southern rap, westcoast rap, hip-hop/ soul, hip-hop rock and inspirational music. We opened up for artists, Jay Holiday, Soldier Boy, B5, Jay Xavier and LiL Twist, LiL KeKe, DJ Michael Watts from Swisha. This year October 5th 2011, we'll be performing on B.E.T'S 106 & PARK'S Wild Out Wednesday in New York 4pm to 7pm cst. VOTE VOTE!!! Votes are unlimited so please vote for us to win - representing Dallas, Texas. You can hear our music on Jango online radio 24/7 we are promoting our single “Betta Get Low”! This single is a club banger. www.jango.com/music/Blaq+Diamondz www.facebook.com/blaqdiamondzmuzik www.cdbaby.com/cd/Blaqdiamondz Management: Philip Gill a.k.a DJ Supreem 214-527-7986

Sassy T Always singing her heart away to Gospel, Blues, Jazz and R&B, Sassy T has always made fun out of life and will sing any chance she has. Her voice has a thick velvet feel to it enough to make u your bones feel the vibes and enough to break your bones down inside. It just came natural to Sassy T to make people feel good about life when she open her mouth to sing sweet melodies like no other. Sassy T has learned that: No matter what you are going through, and how down you might fall, your dreams can always come true. When she is on stage her personality and voice fires up the stage and sets your mind free for more. She waits to bring life into stages all over the world. Credits: Bruno (Movie) 09, TV ONE (Who’s Go Jokes), KNON, KDFI/CHANNEL 27, UPN 21, TBAAL, Ricky Smiley Big City Talent. Sassy recently performed for the NFL Moms during 2011 Superbowl Celebration. Contact 972.748.8014 for Booking.



My mother and father always told me to P.U.S.H....pray until something happens..I will always believe in that. Also, I am a firm believer of living your dreams...don’t wait, go out there and MAKE YOUR Dreams...."...says Keith Douglas Beginning in the small town of Grambling, Louisiana is where Keith Douglas began entertaining family and friends. He went on to play collegiate and professional basketball before he realized that his passion was in making people laugh. It all began after hosting his first Step Show at the Lonestar Theatre 2004 in Arlington, Texas. While hosting the Jam B4 U Kram National Pan Hellenic Council Step Show 2004, the crowd was amazed by his crowd participation as well as comedic antics. Keith delivered sharp and witty comical scenarios as well as characters. Thankful to gracing stages and concert halls with hosting and entertaining small groups and large crowds, one of Keith’s crowning achievements was hosting the “Klash of the Greeks” Step Show (known as one of the largest shows in the state of Texas). He went on to host high end fashion shows, charity events, and stage plays. After becoming a graduate of The University of Texas at Arlington and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Keith begin to hone in on and perfect his craft. Keith’s acting career started in 2006 with his first film “Leaving Town”. He went on to appear in 20th Century Fox’s Prison Break and recently appeared in the Fox television series the “Good Guys” and Jerry Bruckhiemers “The Chase”. One of his next, most likely challenges, would be moving to the stage in 2007. His first theatrical performance as Cesar in “G meets G” opened doors in stage plays with “Night at the Pythian Temple”, “A Christmas Carol” as Bob Cratchitt, “Through the Fire”, “Church Picnic” and “Torn Between 2 Lives” with Dave Hollister, Yarbough and Peoples, and Ivory Tabb. One of his latest stage plays was “No Business in Show Business” at the legendary Bishop Arts Theatre. Keith talents have afforded him placements in several national commercials such as Nascar and NFL Films as well as some dynamic stage plays “She’s Not Our Sister” with Fred Hammond and Tony Grant; “Suspicions, Lies and Sweet Potato Pies” with two Time Grammy Winner Jennifer Holiday and Tyler Perry’s Christian Keyes; and currently filming the web series “Detect That” and feature film called “Hidden Light of Shadow”. With numerous films, commercials and stage plays under his belt, know that there is more to come from Keith Douglas. Check out his website at www.actorkeithdouglas.com “I am very blessed to see where this journey has taken me and very grateful as well as excited to see what is ahead of me.” Keith Douglas

Major Family Records Major Records is a group that is underestimated in today’s music genre. Hailing from Gary, Indiana, the home of the great Michael Jackson, this group consists of 5 brothers and 2 sisters: Charles, Kevin, Teddy, Jameelah and her twin brother Jameel, Kahleelah and Shaquille. In 2009 the family relocated to Ft. Worth, Texas to pursue their music career. This energetic rap group is all about family and getting ahead! The Major’s can be found performing their hit singles in the greater DFW area weekly. www.majorfamilyrecords.com majorfamilyrecords@gmail.com

Looze Cannon Looze Cannon’s career began at age 7 as a member of Michael Bivins’ “Biv 10 Pee Wee All Stars” and is Detroit’s most sought after teen DJ and rap artist. Looze Cannon is a confident with his eyes set on the prize. Inspired by throwback rappers like LL Cool J, Fresh Prince/DJ Jazzy Jeff and Naughty By Nature, Looze Cannon strives to be the return authenticity and individuality in music. Bookings & Inquiries Email: Loozemusicinc@gmail.com Follow Looze: www.Facebook.com/LoozeCannon Twitter@LoozeCannon1 www.youtube.com/djglencannon

We build strong kids Strong families, strong communities.

Dear Friends, It’s that time of the year again. But isn’t it always, for one thing or another? When I was youngster, we walked home from school and had to be responsible and disciplined enough to go inside, lock the door and stay until our parents got home from work. Though that was NOT always the case, we were safe and unharmed from all possible dangers. There are so many dangers today for our children that I care not to try and name them. I’ve found it quite rewarding in volunteering with the YMCA and believe the YMCA provides a safe haven for our youth. I would like to ask for your assistance in helping an organization whose goal is to provide services to youth and families in need. The Park South YMCA scholarship program is in place to help us live out our mission “To put Christian values into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all”. The Program emphasis includes:

Aftershool The Park South YMCA works closely with more than 50 children daily. Students in grades K-6 receive help with homework, study skills, and enrichment activities.

Aquatics Over 1,500 youth learn to swim each year through the Urban Swim program at the Park South YMCA.

Sports Each year over 900 youth participate in baseball, basketball, soccer and t-ball. Your consideration of a financial gift would be greatly appreciated. Be a part of helping us reach our goal by donating at least $5. Any contribution will bring us much closer to reaching our goal.

(when following the link please choose - Park South location) https://www.ymcadallas.org/index.cfm?FuseAction=Page&PageID=1003828

You can be assured that these dollars will be appropriately and effectively used to help continue and expand these much needed programs. YOUR gift will make a difference! Please take a moment to make your donation TODAY. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration and support. Sincerely, Senior HHN Editor and YMCA Board Member

Myra Morris *If you want to represent your business with a donation to be listed on the YMCA Roster or have your banner displayed in the YMCA. Email me your information myra@hiphopnational.com place Park South Business Donation in subject line.


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Abundance is All Around You! “My responsibility is simply to Dream – GOD will always dream a bigger dream.” Valder Beebe. Each day with our broadcasts of the Valder Beebe Show, a spiritual talk show, we strive to communicate to “live your life in balance.” Each day is unique unto itself; a day is never repeated and we can never anticipate what it will bring. Daily, as individual souls, we attempt to balance all that each day will bring: time with GOD; love; family; work; and time alone to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Most days, with all there is to balance, some things are not in balance. I am learning along my quest to have more faith, more love, and more joy, which are my priorities that are truly important. My priorities create my balance. You see, I now understand from my life experiences, “What will it profit me if I gain all the desires of my heart and I lose my soul in the process?” GOD is a GOD of balance; he created the heavens, earth, humans, animals, flora and fauna, all in balance. So when our planet, our lives or lifestyles are out of balance, we not in alignment to the source, which is GOD, and we do not receive the full benefit of experiences we are here to embrace. How do we find the balance? Communicate with GOD, pray without ceasing, give GOD the first of everything, look for GOD in everyone that you meet, and expect the best from GOD. For with GOD, all things are possible, as GOD will always dream a more abundant dream than you can ever dream. So as you sit among your piles of chores to be done, unfinished projects and unlaunched dreams, put your life into balance by making a priority that which is truly a priority. Mind: Clear your mind. Use a diary or notebook to write down in categories the thoughts that you are warehousing. Contrary to most belief, the mind is not made to hold everything (especially unimportant things), so use auxiliary storage (note taking) to eliminate mind clutter. Carry a notebook and when you have an idea, write it down. When you are inspired by your environment, write it down. When you want to remember, write it down. Then at the end of the day or the beginning of the next, review your notebook to see what is still idea worthy, inspirational or just worth remembering. This is a way of clearing clutter from your mind. In addition, you must think good thoughts and say good things. Words and thoughts manifest into things. Body: Americans, downsize your closets to free your mind by eliminating excessive choices. Maintain a healthy body. Downing fast foods, caffeine, and toxic substances will keep you off balance. Eat fresh, natural foods grown close to the earth, reduce meat consumption, drink more water, and enjoy incorporating movement into your lifestyle. Spirit: Feed your spirit good sustenance just as you feed your body good food. Feed your spirit with affirmations, meditations, prayer, church, quiet moments, and contemplation time with GOD. And remember to add the Fruits of The Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Valder Beebe hosts The Valder Beebe Show, a 21st century spiritual talk show broadcast on KKVI Radio FM 89.9/95.9, RhythmFlowRadio.net and Pod Cast on valderbeebeshow.com. Contact Valder Beebe via Twitter.com@valderbeebeshow or e-mail valderbeebe@valderbeebeshow.com. Tune daily to kkviradio.com, 12:00 noon for Valder Beebe’s THAT CELEBRITY INTERVIEW .


Hip Hop National Radio Host, LADY DI and Magazine Editor, MYRAJ are out and about town in Big D - DALLAS, TEXAS. 1. LADY DI swearing in new officers from Urban Financial Services Coalition where she was former National President. 2. MyraJ playin’ her part in G.A.L.S. Comedy Show with attendance and support from HHN The HOOK-UP MAN and LADY DI. 3. MYRA J hanging with friends, Comedian Q & D. Ellis in Arlington, TX Comedy Show. 4. Hip Hop National ladies getting away for some relaxation at the Marriott at Legacy Town Center in Plano TX. 5. LADY DI looking marvelous at the CAAPCO NYE - Omni Downtown Dallas. 6. LADY DI and MyraJ supporting a workshop/presentation hosted by business associate, KeJohnna Owens. 7. MyraJ supporting friend Toussaint Duchess—CEO of TDE Ent. after play “Dream with your Eyes Open” along with Christopher Williams, Keith Douglas, Snoop Robinson and more great entertainers . 8. MyraJ in the Elite News MLK Parade with her MLK replica of blanket on display in the MLK Jr. Museum in Atlanta, GA. 9. Founder/Visionary Al “PoeEtiq” Williams and wife, Marion, hanging with HHN promoted Artist A-Train and friends. 10. LADY DI just gotta take a shot. Just too sexy to no capture the moment.

Nigeria Anderson is owner, Nigeria All Fun Productions, which includes Urban Buzz Magazine, “Where Key Players Speak!,” “Urban Buzz Magazine Gospel Show,” and UrbanBuzzTV which currently promotes new artist video and the series “What Ever Happened To Black Love.” Nigeria All Fun Productions an entertainment company, which represents creative and talented artists of all genre. Has promoted some of the industries top performers since 1987. Nigeria’s background includes working for top entertainment companies such as Home Box Office, Lamcit Media Productions and Turner Broadcasting. It was just a matter of time before branching off and creating Nigeria All Fun Productions. Nigeria has worked with a host of CEO’s, celebrities and performing artists. Nigeria’s marketing and promotion is top notch. It is her niche which has kept Urban Buzz Magazine in the forefront. Now in the digital era, Nigeria is hopeful to take her company to the next level. “The new platform gives me the ability to have leverage as an independent company. We launched UrbanBuzzMag.Com in 2010 and the response has been great. With all the live media streams we are able to deliver. We are able to assist artist with promotion, link up with their I-Tunes account, sell their CD if they wish and we can add full episodes of independent movie projects on UrbanBuzzTv. I want to deliver quality entertainment news. I want to be the voice that tells the truth. My experience in entertainment has been very interesting. I was a Saturday morning cartoon child. I always wanted to know how they created cartoos. So, I went to school and received a BA degree in communications and engineering. I remember meeting the late Jim Henson, he took me to his studio while they were shooting an episode for Seasame Street. I was overwhelmed, especially, since I grew up watching Seasame Street. He sat with me and really talked to me about the business. I will never forget it. He was so nice and kind. He told me if I want to stay in business make sure I don’t offend anyone. A jewel I kept.” Nigeria extends her talents to humanitarian causes such as literacy programs, homeless, mental illness and domestic violence. She has produced various shows for public cable television. Nigeria hosted a gospel program which can now be heard on the archive page. Nigeria is fun and laid back. “I enjoy what I do. The only problem I have is the hardship of obtaining sponsors. However, I have come this far and I know the door will open soon.” The Urban Buzz Magazine “Where Key Players Speak!” has received great accolades from various celebrities who are faithful readers. “I think it is great when I get a call from a publicist or the artist saying “thanks I really like the article. I like to bringing people into the conversation. Also, I just want to have fun. Let’s not talk about what everyone else is talking about. I am a church girl and so when you ask someone “how are you doing?” and they say fine. You know when they are not telling the truth. So, when I meet with an artist, I always ask them what would you like to talk about. If they start with that basic computerized format of interviewing, I just stop and let them know, this is for the UrbanBuzzMag.com “Where Key Players Speak!” We laugh and then we get to business.” The Urban Buzz Magazine has it’s own unique style. Today you can read up on the hottest entertainment news on www.UrbanBuzzMag.Com. The online magazine covers performing arts from the perspective of the artist. In publication, there are few that speak to the readers like the Urban Buzz Magazine. Nigeria has access behind the scenes and intimate access with top celebrities that gives UBM that edge. The UrbanBuzzMag.Com provides news, information, feature stories and exclusive performances. The Urban Buzz Magazine is committed to the diverse talent which make up the great mosaic of music and entertainment. Always looking for tomorrow’s memory makers. “In this busy world of instant gratification and smoke and mirrors. You need a place where you can come and enjoy. I have had great experiences publishing the Urban Buzz Magazine. I have met wonderful people in this industry who have been helpful beyond measure, getting me exclusive because they know they can trust me. The key in this business is to have good relationships, such as the one I have with Hip-Hop National Radio. When I meet with someone I try to make sure we connect. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. There are more nice people in the industry than you think. Every now and then I will come across a diva or divo or two. Overall, for the most part everyone is just trying to eat. If you have been in the business more than 5yrs you pretty much know the deal.” The UrbanBuzzMag.com “Where Key Players Speak!” slogan for 2012. Be Extraordinary And Well In 2012. Let’s Go! We hope that you will continue to visit and support the Urban Buzz Magazine. We thank you for your support thus far. Please let us know how we can better keep you informed. God Bless.

The Strength And Power Behind Teamwork! All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships. Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts.

Written By: Addin Moflava


Keisha Sasser

The most well-known abdominal muscle is the rectus abdominis. It is the muscle that extends vertically between the pubis and the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs. The rectus abdominis muscle, also known as the "six pack, is an important postural muscle. It is responsible for flexing the lumbar spine, as when doing a "crunch". It's important to remember that, while trying to gain a “six pack” a healthy diet and a complete core regimen is crucial for optimal results. Exercise alone is great for expending calories, but without proper eating of nutritious and healthy food, it's going to be a long, slow road to getting a six-pack. For your abdominal muscles to show, you have to shed the fat that lies on top of the muscle. Experts agree that the combination of a healthy nutritious diet, along with cardiovascular exercise, is needed to train your abdominal muscles. To get defined abs, it's going to take work, discipline, and commitment (bottom line). A toned lean midsection takes a combination of good nutrition, cardiovascular conditioning, and abdominal training. Those who see the best results combine all three of these concepts. Ok, so what are you waiting for? These couple of exercises below will get you on your way to a toned midsection. You can do these exercises in the comfort of your home, and all you need is a willing spirit. Don’t let these abdominal exercises be done in vain. A balanced nutritional diet plays an important part in seeing the results of a “six-pack”, so eat right, get fit, and offer no excuses. One of the most effective abdominal exercises start with the bicycle, which is the best move for targeting the rectus abdominis (i.e., the 'six pack') and the obliques (the waist).

The plank exercise is a great way to build endurance in both the abs and back, as well as the stabilizer muscles. How to: Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.

The vertical leg crunch is another effective move for the rectus abdominis and the obliques. It's similar to a regular crunch, but your legs are straight up, forcing you to use your abs to do all the work and adding intensity to the exercise. How to: Lie on the floor and extend the legs straight up with knees crossed. Place your hands behind the head for support, but avoid pulling on the neck. Contract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor, as though reaching your chest towards your feet. Keep the legs in a fixed position and imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine at the top of the movement. Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.

The long arm crunch changes the traditional floor crunch by straightening the arms behind you. This adds a longer lever to the move, adding a bit more challenge and difficulty. How to: Lie on a mat and extend the arms straight out behind the head with hands clasped, keeping the arms next to the ears. Contract the abs and lift the shoulder blades off the floor. Keep the arms straight and avoid straining the neck. If you feel neck pain, take one hand behind the head while keeping the other arm extended. Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps. You can add intensity by holding a light dumbbell if you need more of a challenge

Get Your Message Out - Be Heard on HIP HOP NATIONAL MAGAZINE INTERVIEW LINE http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hhnmaginterviews

Ethan Kent is an up-and-coming, singer, songwriter, producer, and worship leader from Dallas, TX. He began playing piano at age 8, and composed his first song at age 12. His 15 years of active involvement in music ministry has also led him to develop skills on the organ, drums, bass guitar, and recently guitar. In early 2008 he produced a track which later became the theme song for Dallas based publication, Epitome magazine. In the fall of 2008 he produced his first CD, “Vertical Connections” with Overcoming Faith Christian Center, which included original praise & worship compositions and favorites like “Lord I Give Myself To You”, “I Believe”, “Beautiful King”, and “Lifter Of My Head”. Later that year, he received his B.A. from Dallas Baptist University. In recent years, Ethan has focused on serving his local church, and building his production company, now known as Tonic Blueprint, through which he has began producing and writing for local and national recording artists. The growth and maturity he experienced in his career also spilled over into his personal life. In January of 2011 he was married to Audrey Etté, who works as an attorney. Together they are a true powerhouse. Ethan is ending 2011 with a bang, with the release of his first solo CD project, “Work In Progress”. This project moves in a different vein musically, merging gospel, r&b, rock, and pop with refreshing themes and conversational lyrics that will inspire people of all ages. The title track “Work In Progress” is an inspirational pop anthem that expresses the idea that every human life is like a work of art. It goes on further to articulate that anyone can make a mark in history by using their everyday actions to paint the picture of a life that is devoted to God, prayer and love for our fellow man. The smash singles, “Cast Away, and “The Name Of The Lord”, showcase soulful vocal delivery and Ethan’s skill as a writer as he moves beyond gospel cliché, while maintaining the truth and integrity of the Gospel. “Cast Away” reminds us of God’s unfailing love for us despite our shortcomings and mistakes, while “The Name of the Lord” is a proclamation of the sovereignty of God and His enduring promises to those who call on His name. From the heartfelt worship song “Take This Pride”, to the moving ballad “Always Be Around”, Ethan pours his personal experiences into songs that encourage us to grow spiritually yet practically. Visit us @ www.ethankentonline.com Email: info@ethankentonline.com | PR: Audrey Etté Kent | Phone: 817-917-5334

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Making A New Start Is Always An Option

When we encounter a serious setback, we can never loose two of the most important assets we possess. This is the power of the mind and the ability to make use of it. Once one is able to recognize the cause of our prior mishap, we can begin to formulate new plans. We may not have the cash we once had or the people that helped us but we still have the benefit of the universe that rewards honest effort, as well as gaining the experience of the mistakes we will not try not to make again. Remember no matter where we are, whatever we bring ourselves to believe we can achieve the same‌.. Written By: Addin Moflava

Seven Qualities of Master Achievers Seven Qualities of Master Achievers by Brian Tracy (excerpted from The Success Mastery Academy) If you think the way successful people think and adopt their success habits, you too can be successful. Here are seven qualities of the top 1% of successful people. 1) They are Ambitious. They see themselves capable of being the best. They see themselves with the capacity of being really good at what they do. We don’t feel we deserve to be a big success. The word “deserve” comes from two Latin words meaning “from service.” You deserve 100% of everything you make and enjoy as long as you get it from serving other people. Your rewards are in direct proportion to your service. If you serve better and serve more and serve at a higher level and serve more enthusiastically and serve a higher quality, then you’ll have a wonderful income you’ll deserve every penny of it. You must see yourself capable of being the best. 2) They are Courageous. They work to confront the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies to yours and my success is fear and doubt. Eliminating fear and doubt is the key. The key to eliminating fear: If you want to develop courage, then simply act courageously when it’s called for. When you do something repeatedly, you develop a habit. Make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear. If you do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain. To overcome fear of rejection in prospecting, you must realize that rejection in selling is not personal. Top salespeople do not fear prospecting. Face your fear. Do the things you fear. The ability to confront your fear is the mark of the superior person. If you have high ambition and you decide to be in the top 10%, and you can confront your fears and do the things that are holding you back, those two things alone will make you a great success. 3) They are Committed. The top people in every field, especially the top salespeople, are completely committed. They believe in themselves; they believe in their companies; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their customers; they have an intense belief. We know that there is a one-to-one relationship between the depth of your belief and what happens in your reality. And if you absolutely believe in the rightness and the goodness of what you’re doing, you become like a catalyst. You create what is called a transfer, like an electrical transfer of enthusiasm. People like to buy from people who truly believe in what they are doing. People who are not committed to what they do lead very empty lives. The second part is that caring is the critical element in modern selling. Caring is a critical element in life, as well. All men and women who enjoy great lives care about what they do! They have passion about what they do. They love what they do. 4) They are Professional. Top salespeople see themselves as consultants rather than as salespeople. When you think of the word “consultant,” what words come to mind? When do you call a consultant? A consultant is a problem-solver. What word does not appear when you think of a consultant–the word “salesperson”. We don’t think of consultants as salespeople. The most successful consultants in America are the very best salespeople of their services. When a person is positioned as a consultant in the mind and heart of the customer, he is not seen as a salesperson. Do people like to be sold? Do people like to be helped to improve their lives and work? So they look upon a salesperson as someone who sells them. Selling is something you do “to” someone, and people don’t like to be done “to”. So when you think of being a consultant, here is the key. How do you position yourself as a consultant with your customers? Of course, you act like a consultant, but even before you get the chance to act like a consultant, you build a rapport. And the most simple answer of all, and this is the most profound principle: People accept you at your own evaluation of yourself. Consultants come in and have a cup of coffee. Salespeople wait in the waiting room and have a glass of water. If you say you’re a consultant, your customer will accept you as a consultant. >From now on, position yourself as a consultant. Think of yourself as a consultant. Remember, 80% of what you accomplish on the outside is determined by who you are on the inside. How you see yourself determines how the customer responds to you. The customer’s perception of you determines how much they buy and how much they recommend you to other customers. Continued on page 59


April 4, 1968



Tony Dungy

Michael Eric Dyson

Character is tested, revealed and later developed by the decisions we make in the most challenging times... http://www.coachdungy.com/

Remembering Martin Luther King’s Death and How it changes America... http://www.michaelericdyson.com/april41968/


Being Kendra



Jennifer Hudson “Jennifer, are you insecure about being a “big girl” says Hollywood... http://www.amazon.com/Got-This-Changed-Ways-Weighed/dp/0525952772/ref=sr_1_2? s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1326579393&sr=1-2

Kendra Wilkinson E! Being Kendra [Kendra Wilkerson] talks with Valder about her 2nd book; Being Kendra: Cribs, Cocktails, and Getting My Sexy Back.” Don’t underestimate this new era of female entrepreneur! www.valderbeebeshow.com

How To Get Out of Your Own Way

Larger than Life Author:

Author: Tyrese Gibson Honest and revealing personal stories with reflective questions based on his extremely popular online messages to his “Love Circle,” Tyrese hopes to motivate readers to pursue their dreams and not let life’s obstacles stand in their way.http://followtyrese.blogspot.com/p/author.html

20 Year Younger

Cynthia Diane Thornton The head of Larger than Lyfe Entertainment, the most powerful woman in American music … Find out more www.valderbeebeshow.com

Between God and Gangsta Rap

Author: Bob Greene BOB GREENE, OPRAH’S TRUSTED EXERCISE EXPERT AND BEST-SELLING AUTHOR talks about “National Diabetes Awareness Month” foods and website have helped millions lose weight, become healthier and manage or prevent Type 2 diabetes. Find out more www.valderbeebeshow.com

Black Rage, Black Redemption

Author: Michael Eric Dyson Dyson is not afraid to go against the grain… he also offers a defense of singer Mariah Carey against critics who say her music is not “authentically” black. http://www.michaelericdyson.com/april41968/


Author: Stanley "Tookie" Williams Unlike most books, you already know the ending to Blue Rage, Black Redemption. Author Stanley "Tookie" Williams made a name for himself as a member of the notorious gang, The Crips. http://www.cherylsmithonline.com/v4/ archives/wk110707/br.html

Lisa Nichols Lisa Nichols featured in The Secret Movie and author of What Matters returns to the show to talk with Valder and inspire the audience to “Celebrate Who You Are Learn to Love Every Inch and Every Pound” www.valderbeebeshow.com

Seven Qualities of Master Achievers cont. from page 47 5) They are Prepared. They review every detail in advance. To be in the top 10% requires additional efforts. It requires doing things that the average person is not willing to do. It requires making sacrifices the average person is not willing to make. It requires reviewing every detail of every call or situation before every business meeting. But the difference it makes is extraordinary. Before you go into a meeting, do your homework. Successful people are more concerned about pleasing results than they are about pleasing methods. When you sit down with a client, there is nothing more complimentary to a client than the feeling that you have prepared for the meeting. 6) They are Continuous Learners. They recognize that if they’re not continually getting better, they’re getting worse. They read, they listen to CDs and they take additional training. The professional never stops learning. So read, listen to CDs, take continuous training. 7) They are Responsible. They see themselves as President of their own personal services corporation. The top people in our society have an attitude of self-employed. 100% of us are self-employed. We are presidents of our own personal services corporation. You work for yourself. The biggest mistake we can ever make is to think we work for anyone else. We work for ourselves. The person who signs our paycheck may change; our jobs may change, but we are always the same. We are the one constant–we are always self-employed. The fact of the matter is — this is not optional, it is mandatory — you are the president of your own company, you’re the president of your own career, your own life, your own finances, your own body, your own family, your own health. You are totally responsible. We are responsible. No one will ever do it for us. It’s the most liberating and exhilarating thought of all, to think that you’re the president of your own life.

Andrea Biasetti https://www.facebook.com/socialcircuit

I was excited to go see Paul Varghese headline at Hyena's Comedy Nightclub, Saturday January 7, 2012. When my friends and I arrived, the line was out the door and around the corner. The anticipation in the sold out crowd was contagious. I have been a fan of Paul Varghese for quite some time, and I promised my friends they would experience an excellent night of stand-up comedy. That was a very exciting week for Paul Varghese, his birthday was on the 4th and he was also recording his first CD that weekend. The show was even better than what I promised my friends it would be. All of the comics did an awesome job. There was only room for laughter with the standing room only crowd. Hyena’s Comedy Nightclub at Mockingbird Station was more than accommodating and the staff was very attentive to the extremely large number of people they had to serve. If you ever have a chance to see Paul Varghese, Chelsea Hood or Aaron Aryanpur do not hesitate because you will not be disappointed. They can be seen touring nationwide. If any of these comics are in your town be sure to make it to one the shows. Do something fun and support your local comics. The only thing you could possibly lose, is a bad mood!

About the comics: Paul Varghese - Paul Varghese's act includes a number of observations about being Indian, providing outsider-looking-in and insider-looking-out commentary, while also exploring an array of topics and issues outside that realm. He was named by the Dallas Observer in 2007 as the "Best Stand-up Comic in Dallas" and recently won the 2009 "Funniest Comic in Dallas" competition. Varghese has performed at the HBO Comedy Festival, the Montreal and Toronto's Just For Laughs Festivals and the TBS Comedy Festival. His TV credits include Telemundo 2's "Loco Comedy Jam", NBC's "Last Comic Standing," Comedy Central's "Live At Gotham" and he can be seen this October 17th on Showtime's "Russell Peters Presents". He has toured with Dave Attell and has recently performed on Gabriel Iglesias new Comedy Central TV show “Stand-Up Revolution”. After you see Paul Varghese live reward him with a Jäger bomb. It’s the right thing to do for a job well done!

http://www.paulvarghese.com/home.html Aaron Aryanpur - Comedy Central has called Aaron Aryanpur "Likable, well-written and fresh". A favorite comedian in Texas and appearing in comedy clubs, theaters and universities across the country, Aaron was invited to perform at 2009's Great American Comedy Festival. Voted as one of Maxim Magazine/Bud Light's "Real Men of Comedy", Aaron could also be seen performing with The "Axis of Evil Comedy Tour". Drawing on his experiences as a young husband, father, corporate employee and having lived a lifetime of being tragically uncool, Aaron delivers laughs show after show with his unique perspective and likable delivery. Aaron was featured in the "Best of the Fest Showcase" at the 2005 Dallas Comedy Festival and was a national finalist in 2008's family-friendly Purina Pet Comedy Challenge. He was a contributing comic for Life & Style Weekly Magazine. He recently made it to the Funniest Comic in Texas Finals (FCIT ) at the Addison Improv. Once you see Aaron Aryanpur live you will be hungry for more. http://www.aaronaryanpur.com/bio.html

Chelsea Hood - Chelsea Hood is a Chicago native who began her comedy career in Dallas, TX. In her first year of comedy she quickly climbed the ranks and advanced to the Semi-Finals in The Funniest Comic in Texas Competition and has not touched the brakes since. She was recently featured in the Dallas Morning News as a comic aiming to close the gender gap in this male dominated industry, and was quoted as "winning big laughs, and not just from the women." Just ask Dale. If you want to know who Dale is, you will have to go see Chelsea Hood perform! http://facebook.com/chelsea.a.hood Make sure and let them know Ton Ton sent you! Connect with Ton Ton on Facebook.

By Tonya Houston

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