MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS 80% IMF 70 586 1158 3.12 13.88 4.34 0.32 55% 70% 50% 55% 65% 65% >95% 90% 80% MP MR REMOTE CONTROL 21J7 Reg #: R10493140 | PHN: 21J7 | DOB: 1/25/21 | Polled | Gen: 6 DDD ONE SOURCE 103A4 DDD FINAL SOURCE 38D21 DDD MS ISELIE 38W5 MR JLS PRIME 915Z61 MISS JLS CHARMAINE 21E7 CH MS ALI 21Z1 3.8 CED 1.5 BW 25 WW 46 YW 7 MILK 19 TM 0 CEM 0.11 SC 0.09 REA 0 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.74 -0.18 0.34 -3.52 2.19 70% 80% 70% 40% 65% 1 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 55% 0.006 FAT PAGE 3 DAM OF LOT 1 | MISS JLS CHARMAINE 21E7 This 70 pound birth weight Final Source son from the JLS Charmaine 21E7 donor has all the bells and whistles. Extended, smooth and moves with plenty of flexibility.
35% IMF 78 656 1081 2.32 14 4.2 0.23 80% 85% 25% 45% 95% 65% 25% 20% 45% MP MR FINAL TOUR 30J Reg #: R10497532 | PHN: 30J | DOB: 2/1/21 | Polled | Gen: 5 DDD OUT CROSS 804T30 DDD AVALANCHE 38B3 RBF MS STERLING ATLAS 38L L RAY’S LANDSLIDE 23Z72 MS MP BRINKS LANDSLIDE 30D MS BRINKS LEADER 30/X 1.8 CED 2.2 BW 34 WW 52 YW 2 MILK 19 TM 4.25 CEM 0.91 SC 0.29 REA 0.17 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 2.5 0.4 0.78 -4.44 5.03 40% 55% 55% 35% 30% 2 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 35% 0 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 4 SIRE OF LOT 2 | DDD AVALANCHE 38B3 This Avalanche son is a MEAT WAGON!!! Moderate framed, bold ribbed and massive from every an gle. The 30 cow family is one of the hottest in the breed today!
>95% IMF 67 653 1089 2.37 12.14 3.36 0.19 55% 40% 35% 50% 80% 60% >95% 85% 65% MP MR COOL 38J35 Reg #: R10484301 | PHN: 38J35 | DOB: 3/16/21 | Polled | Gen: 6 2H BE COOL 313S4 2H PRETTY COOL 294C 2H MISS PRETTY SWEET 294U6 TC PARAGON 30D4 DDD MS PARAGON 38F25 DDD MS SHANDI 38X5 4.1 CED 0.5 BW 30 WW 49 YW 5 MILK 20 TM 0 CEM 0.18 SC 0.18 REA -0.1 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.77 0.14 0.55 -2.55 3.27 65% 65% 65% 45% 50% 3 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 25% -0.003 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 5 SIRE OF LOT 3 | 2H PRETTY COOL 294C These Paragon daughters out of 38X5 are going to be big time producers in the MP programs for years to come. This Teddy son is soggy, heavy structured and strides out on great feet and legs. Big time herd sire prospect!
55% IMF 62 638 1122 2.57 15.06 3.96 0.26 60% 75% 35% 60% 90% 65% 20% 95% 40% MP MR PROVIDER 88J6 Reg #: R10478923 | PHN: 88J6 | DOB: 3/13/21 | Polled | Gen: 5 DDD WALL STREET 150C MR L RELOAD 157G2 MISS L AMY JO 157C3 DDD OUT CROSS 804T30 DDD MISS POPPY 88B2 MS WR FREDA 88K 3.5 CED 1.8 BW 31 WW 45 YW 4 MILK 19 TM 4.4 CEM 0.01 SC 0.32 REA 0.08 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 2.01 0.29 0.51 -5.35 0.65 60% 60% 65% 30% 85% 4 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 35% 0 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 6 DAM OF LOT 4 | DDD MISS POPPY 88B2 These Reload sons have really been getting it done!! They are consistently stout, square built and have plenty of look. This one will no doubt raise the front pasture kind. 62 birth weight with a 15 inch REA!!
50% IMF 78 872 1264 2.13 15.39 4.07 0.29 65% 75% 35% 60% 90% 65% 20% 95% 25% MP MR RELOAD 88J8 Reg #: R10477511 | PHN: 88J8 | DOB: 3/14/21 | Polled | Gen: 5 DDD WALL STREET 150C MR L RELOAD 157G2 MISS L AMY JO 157C3 DDD OUT CROSS 804T30 DDD MISS POPPY 88B2 MS WR FREDA 88K 3.1 CED 1.8 BW 30 WW 43 YW 4 MILK 19 TM 4.4 CEM 0.01 SC 0.42 REA 0.1 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 2.05 0.2 0.51 -5.35 0.65 55% 65% 65% 30% 85% 5 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 55% 0.005 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 7 SIRE OF LOT 5 | MR L RELOAD 157G2 A full brother to lot 4, those sons from the 88B2 donor are hard to look past. This maternal sister to Hercuels raised one of the high selling females a few years back and has been a consistent produc er. This bull crushed the scales at weaning with an 872 weaning weight!!
25% IMF 78 655 1289 3.45 16.06 5.25 0.28 85% 80% 5% 15% 80% 20% 25% 15% 40% MP MR GOLDEN 150J20 Reg #: UB10484015 | PHN: 150J20 | DOB: 4/1/21 | Polled | Gen: 1 MCKELLAR CONSENSUS 7229 SF MACK 541D17 SF MISS LANDAU 541B22 DDD OUT CROSS 804T30 DDD MISS OUTCROSS 150C8 DDD MS NANCY 150U8 1.2 CED 1.9 BW 47 WW 68 YW 5 MILK 28 TM 4.34 CEM 1.08 SC 0.34 REA 0.23 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 3.36 0.69 1.74 7.82 5.54 20% 45% 25% 90% 25% 6 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 85% 0.019 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 8 SIRE OF LOT 6 | SF MACK 541D17 The secret is out, the Outcross daughters are among the biggest dollar generating females that car ry the DDD prefix! In the fall of 2021 at the L Ray dispersal the SF Mack 541D17 progeny were with out a doubt a highlight, commanding top dollar through the ring. Top 5% WW EPD and scanned over 16 REA!
PV 30% IMF 50% 60% 30% 20% 95% % >95% 55% 50% MP MR CRISS CROSS 329J1 Reg #: R10493179 | PHN: 329J1 | DOB: 3/25/21 | Polled | Gen: 4 DDD FORTUNATE SON 118B3 DDD TANK 468E RR MS INSURRECTION 468X5 BWCC CROSS FIT 541B28 MSC MS CROSSFIT 329E8 MB MS ROCK STAR 329X2 4.4 CED 1.2 BW 33 WW 66 YW 3 MILK 20 TM 0 CEM 0.49 SC 0.26 REA 0.21 Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 3.19 0.44 1.05 -1.78 4.16 25% 55% 45% 45% 40% 7 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 65% 0.008 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 9PAGE 9 78 605 1067 2.51 14.21 4.15 0.264 SIRE OF LOT 7 | DDD TANK 468E The now deceased DDD Tank 468E progeny have been in high demand recently and this son will not disappoint. He is a maternal bother to our calving ease bull MSC Special Reserve bull and a pair of full brothers to this bull commanded an average of nearly $10,000 last month. Stacked pedi gree!!
90% IMF 76 676 1101 2.21 13.29 3.81 0.13 30% 35% 60% 70% 55% 65% 55% 60% 45% MP MR OVERLOAD 767J18 Reg #: R10477826 | PHN: 767J18 | DOB: 1/8/21 | Polled | Gen: 6 LTD OF BRINKS 415T28 CCC/DDD UNLIMITED 74C7 DDD MS FAITH 74A5 DOGUETS HERCULES 88S3 WCC MS. KATY 767C MISS JLS KATHERINE 767Y 6.2 CED 0.3 BW 22 WW 40 YW 8 MILK 19 TM 3.36 CEM 0.47 SC 0.31 REA -0.04 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.72 0.68 -0.02 -21.69 2.81 70% 45% 85% 1% 55% 8 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 3% -0.015 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 10 SIRE OF LOT 8 | CCC/DDD UNLIMITED 74C7 The Unlimited sons have become a staple in the bull offering over the years and for good reason. Easy keeping, powerful, level and sound. This direct son from the dominant Katy 767C donor is a can’t miss on sale day!
70% IMF 70 438 1302 5.13 14.39 4.35 0.33 35% 50% 75% 85% 90% 90% 45% 60% 75% MP MR SOLID GOLD 820J22 Reg #: R10493174 | PHN: 820J22 | DOB: 4/2/21 | Polled | Gen: 5 MC STUNNER 628B2 DDD STUNNER 150F5 DDD UNFORGETTABLE 150B12 DDD WALKS ALONE 193W6 DDD MS ANNLEE 820Z3 DDD MS ANNALEE 820W4 5.6 CED 0.8 BW 18 WW 30 YW 4 MILK 13 TM 3.65 CEM 0.46 SC 0.1 REA 0.03 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.16 0.21 0.68 -1.31 2.78 90% 65% 60% 50% 55% 9 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT 40% 0.001 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 11PAGE 11 PGS OF LOT 9 | MC STUNNER 628B2 The 820 cow family needs little introduction to the Brangus breed. His sire DDD Stunner 150F5, a son of DDD Unforgettable 150B12 is making his mark on the MP program, you can expect big things from this sire.
80% IMF 55% 75% 40% 50% 55% 45% >95% 90% 45% MP MR RANCHHAND 915J9 Reg #: R10491736 | PHN: 915J9 | DOB: 3/31/21 | Polled | Gen: 6 DDD ONE SOURCE 103A4 DDD FINAL SOURCE 38D21 DDD MS ISELIE 38W5 MR JLS DAX 86Y8 MISS JLS DAX 915C44 MS JLS CADENCE 915S37 3.9 CED 1.5 BW 27 WW 48 YW 8 MILK 22 TM 0 CEM 0.14 SC 0.29 REA 0 Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.98 0.18 0.59 -2.02 3.26 60% 65% 60% 45% 50% 10 305% 0 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 12 SIRE OF LOT 10 | DDD FINAL SOURCE 38D21 There is little doubt this Final Source son out of a Dax x 915 daughter will be one ofthe favorites when the countdown ends. The blend of DDD and JLS prefixes rarely misses and thistime its a homerun! He’s stout, he’s cool, he’s the kind that takes your calf crop to a new level!! 78 615 1178 3.19 13.61 3.28 0.246 BW WW YW ADG REA IMF FAT
85% IMF 68 784 45% 70% 45% 55% 80% 70% >95% 85% 50% MP MR HYDRO 767G3 Reg #: R10430058 | PHN: 767G3 | DOB: 11/30/19 | Polled | Gen: 6 DDD ONE SOURCE 103A4 DDD FINAL SOURCE 38D21 DDD MS ISELIE 38W5 DOGUETS HERCULES 88S3 WCC MS. KATY 767C MISS JLS KATHERINE 767Y 4.6 CED 1.6 BW 27 WW 47 YW 5 MILK 18 TM 0 CEM 0.17 SC 0.27 REA -0.02 PV Term Index Fert Index Stay Cow Wt. Heifer Preg. 1.85 0.68 0.44 -12.44 2.86 65% 45% 70% 10% 55% 11 BW WW 4% -0.013 FAT MP BRANGUS HERD SIRE BULLS PAGE 13 DAM OF LOT 11 | WCC MS. KATY 767C We are rounding out the offering with an age advantage bull that hung a few banners along the way. Hydro is the Final Source son out of the Katy 767C cow deserves use on registered cows. His royal pedigree and track record speaks for itself! Don’t miss a rare opportunity to buy a proven win ner!