MARCH 16 - 22, 2017
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 2
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From both the left and the right free trade has become a dirty word, and that’s unfortunate. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both campaigned against the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), a trade deal between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Why? That was unclear. But based on opposition it would either hurt the economy or hurt the environment. The reality is that trade helps us. It lowers the cost of things that we buy, from gas to homes to cell phones. By lowering the cost of those goods, free trade increases our buying power. Or, put more bluntly, it allows us to buy more with less. This raises our standard of living. Historically, lower tariffs (taxes on goods coming into this country) were an issue supported by more populist candidates. Back then people knew that higher-priced booze, cotton and wood hurt them. Big companies liked high taxes on goods coming here because it allowed them to charge inflated prices for goods made here. What about claims that free trade ships jobs to Mexico, China and other places? Some of that is true. Companies have shifted production (and thus jobs) to Mexico and then shipped those — now cheaper — goods back here. But global competition — competition that we weren’t going to stop — was already lowering prices and American manufacturers had to compete. In other words those jobs were leaving one way or another. They could go to Mexico or just go away period. We don’t live on an island or in a vacuum and we aren’t going to stop the Chinese from making cheap goods and shipping them all over the world. This means that we can compete or try and throw up a wall. Could we stop them from shipping them here? Sure, we could, and then we’d have much more expensive things and become less competitive worldwide and our economy would not grow as fast. The result would be fewer jobs created. From 1990 to today, the U.S. economy has doubled in size. Doubled. Our economy is 30 percent of the world’s economy. Yet we’re about 4.4 percent of the world’s people. The Trans Pacific Partnership wasn’t about shipping jobs to Australia or Chile or Vietnam; it was about creating a trading bloc to rival China. Now we’re less economically secure and no jobs have been saved. If we want America first, then we need to lead and we need to lead by being competitive. We lead by innovating and by being more productive. We lead by being free to trade with our neighboring countries. And that’s how we really win.
MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 VOL 15 NO 11
News and culture weekly serving Metro southern New Hampshire Published every Thursday (1st copy free; 2nd $1). 49 Hollis St., Manchester, N.H. 03101 P 603-625-1855 F 603-625-2422
EDITORIAL Executive Editor Amy Diaz, Managing Editor Meghan Siegler,, ext. 113 Editorial Design Ashley McCarty, Copy Editor Lisa Parsons, Staff Writers Kelly Sennott, ext. 112 Angie Sykeny, ext. 130 Ryan Lessard, ext. 136 Matt Ingersoll, ext. 152
ON THE COVER 12 TRIBUTE MANIA Some New Hampshire bands play original songs; some play covers. And some, like Beatles tribute band Studio Two, completely transform into their music idols when they take the stage (and for Hippo cover photo shoots!). We talked to some of New Studio Two in the Manchester Millyard. Hampshire’s tribute acts Photo by Emma Contic — Ozzy Osbourne, ( Foreigner, Kenny Chesney — plus the venues that have made a home for this very specific kind of music. ALSO ON THE COVER, Queen City Kamikaze returns with retro video games, cosplay and more, p. 26. The New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival will screen 11 films, including For the Love of Spock, p. 47. If you’re looking for something tasty to do, there’s a brewing company anniversary and a gourmet food fest (p. 36), plus plenty of other foodie fun that you can find in the listings starting on p. 37.
NEWS & NOTES 4 Where have all the fishers gone? Historic flags; PLUS News in Brief. 8 Q&A 9 QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 10 SPORTS
Contributors Allison Willson Dudas, Jennifer Graham, Henry Homeyer, Dave Long, Lauren Mifsud, Stefanie Phillips, Eric W. Saeger, Michael THIS WEEK 18 Witthaus Listings Arts listings: Inside/Outside listings: Food & Drink listings: Music listings:
BUSINESS Publisher Jody Reese, Ext. 121 Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny Associate Publisher Jeff Rapsis, Ext. 123 Production Katie DeRosa, Emma Contic, Kristen Lochhead, Haylie Zebrowski Circulation Manager Doug Ladd, Ext. 135 Advertising Manager Charlene Cesarini, Ext. 126 Account Executives Alyse Savage, 603-493-2026 Katharine Stickney, Ext. 144 Roxanne Macaig, Ext. 127 Stephanie Quimby, Ext. 134 Jill Raven, Ext. 110 Tammie Boucher, support staff, Ext. 150 Reception & Bookkeeping Gloria Zogopoulos To place an ad call 625-1855, Ext. 126 For Classifieds dial Ext. 125 or e-mail Unsolicited submissions will not be returned or acknowledged and will be destroyed. Opinions expressed by columnists do not represent the views of the Hippo or its advertisers.
THE ARTS: 20 THEATER The Bremen Town Musicians. 22 ART Martha Emerson. 24 CLASSICAL Listings for events around town. INSIDE/OUTSIDE: 27 KIDDIE POOL Family fun events this weekend. 28 GARDENING GUY Henry Homeyer offers advice on your outdoors. 29 TREASURE HUNT There’s gold in your attic. 30 CAR TALK Automotive advice. CAREERS: 34 ON THE JOB What it’s like to be a... FOOD: 36 BREW COMPANY CELEBRATION Gourmet food festival; food-to-go store opens; In the Kitchen; Weekly Dish; Wine; Perishables. POP CULTURE: 46 REVIEWS CDs, books, TV and more. Amy Diaz appreciates the tropical weather of Kong: Skull Island. NITE: 52 BANDS, CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE Jennifer Kimball; Nightlife, music & comedy listings and more. 54 ROCK AND ROLL CROSSWORD A puzzle for the music-lover. 55 MUSIC THIS WEEK Live music at your favorite bars and restaurants. ODDS & ENDS: 60 CROSSWORD 61 SIGNS OF LIFE 61 SUDOKU 62 NEWS OF THE WEIRD 62 THIS MODERN WORLD
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The Windham Towne Shoppes 29 Indian Rock Rd. - Route 111, Windham, NH (2 miles from HIPPO exit| 3MARCH off I93) 16 - 22, 2017 | 113154 PAGE 3
NEWS & NOTES Youth summit
During the first ever New Hampshire Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness at the SNHU Arena in Manchester on March 7, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a surprise appearance. According to multiple news reports, thousands of the state’s middle school and high school students attended the three-hour event. There were multiple guest appearances, performances by local dance groups and a personal video message from Mark Wahlberg. Gov. Chris Sununu and Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas spoke at the event, urging students to take personal responsibility by not using drugs. WMUR live streamed Sessions’ speech, during which he said, “What is happening here today is not an ordinary event, in my opinion. It is a special thing. That’s why I cleared my schedule here today, to be with you.” Sessions called the event historic and the largest such gathering in history. He harkened back to his time as a federal prosecutor in the 1980s and spoke about the impact of drugs back then. The purity of heroin and cocaine was much lower then, he said. Sessions said he believes the drug crisis must be tackled three ways: with prevention, criminal enforcement and treatment. In response to Sessions’ appearance, Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen re-sent a press release stating Donald Trump’s administration is going to make the drug crisis worse by repealing the Affordable Care Act, which helped insure some 50,000 Granite Staters through expanded Medicaid. The summit was presented by the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation.
Body scanners
The Department of Corrections’ plan to install body scanners at the state’s prisons is facing delays. The AP reported DOC officials expressed concern that current state law is too broad, making potentially anyone required to submit to a scan. Officials want more discretion when deciding who gets scanned, so a bill was submitted this session with language that would provide prison administrators that discretion. Now, that bill has been stalled, according to the article.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 4
Storm water permits
Gov. Chris Sununu wrote in a letter to newly confirmed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt that he believes the new municipal stormwater discharge permit will be burdensome to New Hampshire’s cities and towns. In the letter, Sununu refers to the MS4 permit under the agency’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, saying a new version released in January is “significantly more stringent and wide ranging than the previous one.” Sununu said the new form is 250 pages long whereas the previous form was 30 pages. He said the change will present a significant financial cost to the 44 communities required to obtain the permit. Rochester, Sununu said, would have to pay about $25 million in compliance costs.
The state Health and Human Services Department is asking for money in the budget to help eliminate the chronic waitlist for developmental disabilities services. Additional funding has already been proposed in Gov. Chris Sununu’s budget to the tune of $57 million for developmental disability services, $10 million of which would be targeted toward shortening the waitlist. NHPR reported that DHHS Commissioner Jeff Meyers said the additional funding will help the department significantly cut the waitlist — which currently has 194 people — but it would not eliminate it entirely. Meyers made his formal request in front of the House Fiscal Committee.
AG Foster
State Attorney General Joseph Foster is stepping down at the end of March after four years as the head of the New Hampshire Department of Justice. NHPR reported Foster gave his resignation letter to the Executive Council, in which he called his experience in the office an “extraordinary honor,” according to the story. Gov. Chris Sununu is expected to name Foster’s successor soon. Foster was appointed by former Gov. Mag-
gie Hassan, a Democrat who served with Foster previously in the state Senate.
Online registration
A bill that would have allowed people to register to vote online failed to pass the state Senate. NHPR reported one of the bill’s co-sponsors, Democratic Sen. Lou D’Alessandro of Manchester, spoke in defense of the bill by saying the state has $10 million in federal funds from the Help America Vote Act. But opponents argued it would be too costly and the state’s internet capacity is insufficient to create an online registration system. The bill had already failed to obtain a recommendation from the Election Law and Internal Affairs Committee before it died in a party line vote.
Marriage law
A bill to raise the minimum age to be married to 18 seemed likely to pass but was killed in a close vote in the House. NHPR reported the bill received a unanimous recommendation from the Children and Family Law committee but a Republican lawmaker, Jim Spillane of Deerfield, argued it would make it difficult for young veterans who would marry before deployment to secure spousal military benefits. Spillane motioned to postpone the bill indefinitely, which won by 11 votes. The issue cannot be revisited for two years. The current minimum marriage age is 14 for males, 13 for females. New Hampshire has seen 88 marriages involving minors in the past 10 years.
Voters in Chichester voted 71-34 to expand to a full-day kindergarten program. The Concord Monitor reported the program will cost $48,235.
While many communities are adopting full-day kindergarten, voters in Dunbarton opted to revert back to half-day kindergarten just one year after the program Hooksett was adopted. The Concord Monitor reported voters were concerned with the space requirements after preGoffstown enrollment numbers showed 22 students signed up, twice as many as were originally MANCHESTER projected. State officials need more participants from among Bedford customers of the Merrimack Village District Water Works to provide blood samples to testAmherst for perfluorooctanoic acid, which seeped into the Milford groundwater in the area near the St. Gobain plastics plant. The Telegraph of Nashua reported the state health department has received 145 out of 200 samples needed.
Transgender bill
The House voted 187-179 to table a bill that would protect transgender individuals from discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations, according to a press release from House Democratic Leader Steve Shurtleff. In a statement, Shurtleff called the move “particularly disappointing.” The House Health and Human Services Committee
Megan Carpenter, a nationally renowned intellectual property expert, was named the next dean of the University of New Hampshire School of Law in Concord, according to a press release. Carpenter founded and codirected the Center for Law and Intellectual Property at Texas A&M University School of Law. She was selected after an extended national search and will be the first woman to lead the law school since its founding in 1973. UNH Law has been ranked among the top 10 schools for intellectual property studies consecutively over the past 25 years.
strongly recommended the bill with a vote of 15-2. Shurtleff claimed Republican leadership orchestrated the derailing of the bill “at the eleventh hour.” According to multiple news reports, House Speaker Shawn Jasper opposed the bill, though Republicans were divided on the issue. In order to kill the bill, Jasper worked to keep it tabled and prevent an up or down vote, according to NHPR.
According to multiple news reports, the New Hampshire Motor Speedway is losing one of its two marquee NASCAR races to Las Vegas. Since 1996, the speedway has been host to two major race weekends — one in September and one in July. Now, the September race event will take place at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, which is owned by the same parent company as the New Hampshire speedway, SMI. Gov. Chris Sununu released a statement saying he was disappointed but looks forward to partnering with the speedway to identify new events that can be hosted there.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 5
Weaseling out
Where have all the fishers gone? By Ryan Lessard
The state’s population of fishers — the weasel often mischaracterized as a “fisher cat” — has dwindled significantly in recent years and wildlife experts say there are multiple factors behind the shift, from disease to a losing turf war with other animals.
How we know
Conservation officials don’t have any hard data on the fishers’ population or any means of arriving at a reliable estimate, like they have for some other species, according to Fish and Game wildlife biologist Patrick Tate. “It’s very costly to acquire population estimates,” Tate said. Instead, the best data regarding changes in fisher population are derived from trapping numbers. Looking just at how many animals are trapped is misleading on its own since that can fluctuate based on market demand for furs and the number of people engaged in trapping. To overcome this limitation, Tate uses a formula to arrive at what’s called the catch per unit effort index, which counts catches per traps per 100 nights. Based on this model, fisher numbers have decreased steadily for most of the past decade. In response to this, Tate said, the limit on trapping licenses was lowered to 450 for the 2015-2016 season. It was about 550 for the past few years. The reduction is also evident anecdotally to folks who’ve been observing local wildlife for the past several years, like naturalist Dave Anderson with the New Hampshire Forest Society. He said the biggest decrease can be seen in the northern parts of the state. “The decrease in New Hampshire fisher populations has not been as marked in southeast New Hampshire,” Anderson said.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 6
Anderson believes one of the biggest contributing factors to shrinking fisher numbers in the White Mountains area and north of the mountains is the success of other animals like bobcats and the fisher’s weasel cousin, the pine marten. Bobcats and martens are antagonistic to fishers. While fishers hunt for similar prey as martens — mostly small mammals like rodents and hares — martens prefer more forested and higher-altitude areas and, unlike fishers, they can hunt beneath the deep snow in the White Mountains. While martens are native to the area, they had largely left the state when much
of the forests were cleared for agriculture, preferring places like Maine instead. Since the state’s forests have rebounded, martens have returned over the past 15 years or so, according to Anderson. Similarly, bobcat numbers have rebounded thanks to conservation efforts that banned bobcat hunting and a better environment for prey species. Tate thinks the bobcat relationship may play a bigger role in determining the fate of fishers. Studies in Maine that shows fishers were the No. 1 killer of Lynx kittens (a species similar to bobcats) and where bobcat populations were highest in Minnesota, fisher numbers were lowest. What we know about fisher and bobcat populations in New Hampshire follows a similar model. While fishers might be eating the occasional bobcat kitten, bobcats eat fishers too, but they tend to focus on the smaller females, which can have an exponential impact on the production of future generations. Add to that the spread of diseases like canine distemper among the state’s fishers, and bobcats have an edge over the weasels. Distemper was positively identified in two of three fishers tested by Fish and Game. Tate said distemper is a sort of population control mechanism. When the population of an animal species grows too dense, food grows scarce and starvation lowers the animal’s immune system. Right now, this is a natural period of decline in a system of cycles, according to Tate. He said marten numbers are growing in the state because fisher numbers are shrinking, not the other way around. “Marten are doing so well because the fisher numbers are so low,” Tate said.
Stars and stripes
Your buying
A look at historic flags that have found a home in New Hampshire ed by a First Lady,” said MHA Executive Director John Clayton. So far, the campaign has raised $5,330 of $7,000 as of Monday morning. The following are some of the most noteworthy flags collected by the Manchester Historic Association and the New Hampshire Historic Society.
Wool bunting Fifth Liberty Loan Fund flag used in Manchester (1918) for World War I. MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard.
Another Fifth Liberty Loan Fund flag used in Manchester (1918) for World War I. MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard.
Flag of the 10th New Hampshire Veterans Association (early 20th century). MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard.
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“The Glorious Little Flag” of the Civil War (1864) was created by prisoners at Andersonville, Georgia and glued to a piece of paper. Courtesy photo, NHHS.*
Amoskeag Textile Club flag, World War I. 367 was the number of club members in U.S. Service during the war. MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard
Garfield and Arthur pennant from the 1880 Presidential campaign. MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard.
7th N.H. Regiment Militia Flag (1835 - 1850). Courtesy photo, NHHS.
Lincoln and Hamlin campaign flag from 1860 Presidential campaign. MHA collection. Photo by Ryan Lessard.
Spanish Flag (1860-1898) removed from a palace in Puerto Rico by an Army general. Courtesy photo, NHHS.
2nd N.H. Regiment Flag from Revolutionary War (1777). Thirteen rings represent the colonies. Courtesy photo, NHHS.*
6th N.H. Regiment Presentation Flag (1862). Courtesy photo, NHHS.
Grant and Colfax campaign flag (1868). Courtesy photo, NHHS.
Andrea M. Peterborough, NH 5 Stars
Another 2nd N.H. Regiment Flag from Revolutionary War (1777). Courtesy photo, NHHS. * Currently on display.
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Roosevelt Flag (created 1903). Courtesy photo, MHA.
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The Manchester Historic Association has launched a fundraising campaign at to restore its socalled Roosevelt Flag, which was embroidered with a portrait of George Washington by Teddy Roosevelt’s wife, Edith. “It’s extraordinary in it’s own right simply because it was creat-
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 7
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 8
Off the streets
Former homeless youth talks about her experience Kadyja Harris, 21, of Rochester was homeless from 2014 to 2016, spending her time mostly in Manchester and Concord. She emerged from homelessness with the help of the Transitional Living Program at Child and Family Services. On March 24, CFS is hosting the third annual SleepOut in downtown Manchester to raise awareness and funds so it can continue helping youth like Harris find stable homes. First of all, can you tell me a little bit about who you are? What are your interests and aspirations? I’m a really caring person. I’m very passionate about people. … I currently work at the Farnum Center in Manchester. I’ve been working there for like eight months now. I love it; it’s a really great job, I’m really, really passionate about it. … I obtained my associate’s degree in September of 2016 in drug and alcohol counseling. So I started working in my field of study a couple months before I graduated. … I’m a resident instructor in the medical detoxification unit. … After I graduated high school, I first went to New England College for criminal justice. I was there for a year, but I kind of felt like I wasn’t as passionate about criminal justice as I am about drug and alcohol counseling. … Both of my parents were addicts, so that’s what kind of got me introduced to the field in the first place. How did you come to be homeless and how old were you at the time? I was homeless twice. I wasn’t kicked out or anything like that. My parents’ addiction really got the best of me. I was about 17 at the time and it just came to the point where things were just so crazy at the house that … my only option was to leave. It started to affect my well-being, me being in school. And when it comes to education, it’s something I take very, very seriously. … I was living with my stepsister for a little bit. … And then I was going back and forth for a couple of years at my best friend’s house, and once that didn’t work out I would go back to Manchester to my cousin’s. There were a few times that I actually slept in my car. … But for a majority of the time, I was at my best friend’s house. … It wasn’t until after when I was 18 that I was able to get a place of my own. … So I was living in a couple of rooming houses. [It was] a really bad environment. There was … a revolving door of drugs going in and out of the whole building.
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WHAT ARE YOU REALLY INTO RIGHT NOW? The one thing that is really getting me engaged is the Three Principles. … It’s basically mind, thought and consciousness. … The gist of what it is is your thoughts create your feelings.
How did the experience change you? When I was 15 I got diagnosed with anxiety and depression, so I had to deal with that … as the years passed. And because my Courtesy photo. parents were addicts, I didn’t want to be dependent on any medicine, so I wasn’t really on medication for a long period of time. … I think overall what changed me was when I was in high school and they introduced me to the Upward Bound program. … It’s a program for high school kids who are [in] low-income families. … I applied for it and got into it. It’s basically a program where you are in school for the whole summer and they house you at the University of New Hampshire and you’re there for six weeks and you go home on the weekends. They feed you, they pay for your classes, they do everything. … I was there for three years. I ended up getting college credits for taking the classes there. I think that’s what really changed me because I was around people who went through the same things that I went through. … I didn’t feel like I was so alone. What are the biggest lessons you learned from the ordeal? Honestly, the biggest thing that I struggled with was dealing with life and how life came. How these things happen in your life you just think that it can’t get any lower and then it does. You don’t have to give up. I’m a fighter and I fought my whole life to get where I am now. … There are places out there that will help people from these kinds of backgrounds. It doesn’t mean that you have to be alone. I believe there are people who go through this who have mental illnesses that … [think] their only option is using drugs [or] to just be OK with being homeless. … It’s doesn’t have to be that way. … It took me two years to even agree to go into transitional living because I was so independent and I thought that I had it all under control, when in reality I didn’t. And once … I put my pride aside and asked for help, it changed my life around for the better. — Ryan Lessard
QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 2016 overdoses exceed 2015 The Chief Medical Examiner’s office has predicted for months now that 2016 will see a greater number of drug-related deaths than the years prior. In the most recent update sent from the ME office, the death toll reached 456. The total for 2015 was 439. The number for 2016 overdose deaths can still rise as there are 22 cases pending toxicology. The ME office is projecting a total of 478. QOL Score: -1 Comment: So far, there have been 14 confirmed overdose deaths in 2017, mostly caused by fentanyl.
Civic engagement
If a new civics class offered in Nashua is any indication, more people are becoming interested in civic engagement. NHPR reported the 13-week program on city government filled up fast and organizers closed registration at 50 students. Mayor Jim Donchess was reportedly surprised by the program’s popularity. Some folks enrolled in the program told NHPR they want to pursue elected office themselves to make a difference in their communities; others include refugees who want to learn more about how local government works and share that with fellow refugees. QOL Score: +1 Comment: The course teaches everything from sewage treatment to tax assessment, according to the story.
First day of spring Leaving aside the recent frigid temperatures and the snowstorm that’s happening right now, as this paper goes to press, winter is nearly over. The season ends officially on March 20, making way for spring on Tuesday, March 21. So despite the new piles of snow, the finish line is in sight. QOL Score: +1 Comment: QOL is also enjoying the post-work evening light, courtesy of daylight saving time.
But when spring does arrive … New Hampshire locals will have to be extra cautious and diligent about checking for ticks in 2017; according to a recent story by the Associated Press, it’s shaping up to be another big Lyme disease season in New England. Bradley Tomkins, an infectious disease specialist, said in the story the trend is due to warming weather, which pushes the tick habitat farther and farther north. Also to credit is the reforested New England land; it creates a habitat for whitefooted mice and deer, which both carry Lyme disease. QOL Score: -1 Comment: QOL would still rather check for ticks than for frostbite. QOL score: 69 Net change: 0 QOL this week: 69 What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 9
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If your favorite thing is watching great team-builders fit the pieces together up close, you can’t live in a better place than right here, because in Dave Dombrowski, Danny Ainge and Bill Belichick we have three of the best guys in their sports doing that for the Sox, Celtics and Patriots. Each does it with a mix of creativity and vision while having the guts to make the bold move most wouldn’t when opportunities arrive. Throw in the stuff Theo did minus the freeagent mistakes, and from the 2004 Nomar deal to this week it’s been quite fun watching it all go down Don’t believe me? The biggest trade of baseball’s off season was Dombrowksi’s adding Chris Sale to a rotation with two Cy Young winners. And he did it without giving up anyone off the projected 2017 roster. Yes, he gave up baseball’s top prospect, but he was blocked. As for Danny, every so-called local expert said you can’t build on the fly, but after tanking just once the C’s have gone from 25 wins to 38 to 48 to projecting 54 this year thanks to a succession of creative moves. That’s positioned him to finish the rebuild this summer where by signing one more free agent and using Brooklyn’s Top 3 pick he’ll be a trade for a big away from having a realistic chance to win an NBA title. All done with superior vision and the guile to make the incredible Brooklyn deal that will provide three Top 3 picks for three fading stars. Then we have Coach B. Based on his track record, he did not one but two things last week no one thought he’d ever do. The first was lavishing $42 million guaranteed on free agent DB Stephon Gilmore. Then with me saying “no way he’d spend a first pick on any wide receiver” he gets speedy Brandin Cooks from New Orleans for a first and sliding his 103rd overall thirdround pick into the fourth round at 118.
Then he got Chris Long’s replacement for just sliding back eight spots from 64 to 72 for versatile Carolina D-lineman Kony Ealy. And for now, he’s also kept Malcolm Butler, which, if it stays that way, quite possibly could give him the best secondary he’s had in Foxboro. All of which was enough to drown out the arrival of the NCAA basketball tournament, something that, courtesy of Danny’s Brooklyn heist, should hold high interest locally with the C’s possibly having the top pick in this coming NBA draft. Here are a few more thoughts on the week that was, and the one we’re headed into. In case you missed it during the flurry of free agency signings: Litchfield tight end Ryan Griffin re-upped with his Houston Texans in a four-year deal reported to be worth in the neighborhood of $2.2 million. Insurance mogul Dick Lombardi has the best idea I’ve heard for the Jimmy G mess. Keep him and franchise him at the end of 2017. Then, like Michael Jordan did in Chicago to bring in Dennis Rodman and others, get the rich beyond belief Brady to take back-up QB money, to let them pay Garoppolo what he’d get on the open market, with the bonus being that it would send the haters into an absolute tizzy after being outsmarted once again. Chris Long’s classy Twitter explanation for why he was moving on probably provided a clue to the Patriots’ overall success, and also why they moved on from Jamie Collins. He’s basically leaving because he wants a larger role than his had evolved into here. Which says to me, the Patriots take good players, or those whose weaknesses were exposed when previous teams asked them to do more than they were able, and boil them down to just their strengths, then carve out niches for that into the overall scheme. Said another way, it’s like the Borg collective on Star Trek: The Next Generation – to maximize their awesome
power the individual skills of their halfhuman, half-droid beings are plugged into the “collective” because their whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Borg also are the show’s all-powerful villains, which of course fits how the rest of the NFL sees the Pats as well. And maybe that’s what they felt they couldn’t do with Collins – so they moved on from him. Given the hoo-ha over not getting Jimmy Butler or Paul George at the trading deadline, here’s what I would do instead to get the second 20-point scorer everyone says they need. Go hard after Gordon Hayward if he opts out in Utah. He’s a better get than either, because his 20 per come in the flow and you don’t need to break up the core to get him. Plus, having played for him at Butler, he’s a Brad Stevens type player. Keep the Brooklyn pick and then use the considerable remaining inventory of draft assets and expendable players (see the glossary) to overwhelm a team in a deal for the kind of defensive/rebounding guy I say they need most. That happens, they’re knocking on the door. Markelle Fultz is the one most say will be the next No. 1 NBA pick. But I hope UCLA gets a long run in the tourney so I can see more of Lonzo Ball because I love guys who see the floor, and he’s like – take your pick – Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Magic Johnson and, yes, my friends, Larry Bird. I’m not exaggerating either, so he would be an intriguing addition if it comes to that. Even with all the puffing up of Coach B earlier, he should get some blow-back in the locker room for giving an outsider who’s done nothing for the cause gigantic money in free agency, after guys who have done something like Butler, Collins, Chandler Jones and maybe Dont’a Hightower had or will have to go elsewhere to get paid. That would bug me if I played there. Email Dave Long at
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 10
Bedford splits 1-1 in tourney The Big Story: With two teams in the finals of their sport, it was a big weekend. In hockey the 19-1-1 Bedford boys dismantled Concord 7-0 at the SNHU Arena. For the Bedford girls, it was close but no cigar as they came up short to now two-time defending champion 19-1 Bishop Guertin 52-49 at the SNHU gym. Jay Roberto closed out his career at the SNHU with a gigantic five-point day that included a hat trick. In the girls’ final BG pushed the lead out to 40-27 late in the third period and then had to hold after B-town fought back to down two at 44-42, before hanging in to win by three. Molly Dee (fense) had a game-high 19 for the Cardinals while Jenoyce Laniyan had 13 for the Bulldogs. Sports 101: In order from most to least, name the schools in the Top 5 of most wins in the NCAA Tournament. Steak Game of the Week: That would be the opening-round playoff affair between Nashua North and Memorial where North ran off 14 consecutive points to start the game before Memorial got on the board. The giant lead was gone at 31-31 on a Crusaders three by Elvin Barbosa. But then
The Numbers
2 & 3 – points and rebounds in eight minutes of PT for Wenyen Gabriel as Kentucky breezed to an 82-65 win over Arkansas in the SEC Tournament final. 20 – game-high points scored by Nashua’s Jeff Lunn as Keene State advanced to the national quarter-final game in the NCAA Basketball Tournament with a 68-64 win over Babson.
North went off to the races again with a 13-0 third-period run that propelled them to a 73-62 win behind Alonzo Linton’s game-high 22 points. Mike Roumraj led the Crusaders with 18. Out-of-Town Scores: It was tough going for locals at the Division II East Regional last weekend. SNHU got derailed by a 42-point game from Mike Mallory in losing 109-98 to So. Conn., while St. Anselm was a 91-72 loser to St. Thomas Aquinas. Devin Gilligan had a career-high 31 for SNHU, while Cody Ball led the Hawks with 17. Sports 101 Answer: With 121, Kentucky has won the most NCAA Tournament games, followed by North Carolina (117), Duke (107), Kansas (100) and UCLA (98). On This Date – March 16: 1964 – Green Bay and Detroit stars halfback Paul Hornung and Alex Karras (uncle of Patriots lineman Ted Karras) are reinstated after a one-year suspension for gambling on NFL games. 1969 – Bobby Orr, Phil Esposito and the rampaging Bruins score an NHL record 8 goals in one period. 1985 – 1968 31-game winner Denny McLain gets 25 years in the big house for racketeering.
23 – game-high points by BG’s Clay Crowell and Londonderry’s Jake Coleman when the Cardinals eliminated the Lancers from the Division I Basketball Tournament with a 64-57 win. 25 – career-high points for Max Chartier in leading Bedford to the Final Four of the Division I State Tournament with a 47-41 win over Merrimack. 34 – combined points
from Merrimack’s Ian Cummings (18) and Owen Ploss (16) as the 6-seed T-Hawks moved on in the NHIAA Boys Basketball Tournament with a 48-38 Round 1 win over Nashua South. 44 – combined points from Alexa Meservey (15), Aly Filion (15) and Maddie Blake (14) as Bedford dispatched Pinkerton 47-33 to move on to the Division 1 State Basketball Final.
Sports Glossary The Borg: Dastardly advanced civilization on Star Trek: The Next Generation bent on assimilating the entire universe into the Borg Collective. After kryptonite, JR Ewing, Bill Laimbeer and Roger Goodell, the greatest villain ever seen on TV. Said another way, basically the Nazis in WWII. They brought the galaxy to its knees on many occasions, even captured heroic Captain Jean Luc Picard in the greatest season-ending cliffhanger since “Who Shot J.R.?” But thanks to good old third-rock-from-the-sun ingenuity they (SPOILER ALERT) beamed him off the ship just as he was being assimilated into the collective as Locutus moments before the Enterprise blasted the Borg cube back to whence it came. Most Creative Danny Ainge Trade: By somehow providing Cleveland cap space to make the Kevin Love deal, he got Tyler Zeller and a first pick without giving up any player or draft pick. A while later he flipped the pick to Phoenix for Isaiah Thomas. Which means he basically pulled the good Isaiah out of thin air. Celtics Trade Assets Available This Summer: First-round picks of Brooklyn, Memphis and Boston in 2018, and of L.A. (Clippers) and Boston in 2019, along with Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder, Terry Rozier, Kelly Olynyk and the two first-round picks now stashed in Europe. 2017 Target List of Needed NBA Defenders/Rebounders: Blake Griffin (sign and trade free agent), Anthony Davis, Karl Anthony Town, Andre Drummond, Hassan Whiteside, Nerlens Noel, Marc Gasol, Dwight Howard, DeAndre Jordan.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 11
How local bands are bringing old-school music back to life
By Angie Sykeny
Off stage, local musician Stephen Murray is a fan of John Lennon and The Beatles. But catch him on stage with his band Studio Two and you’ll find that he’s more than just a fan — he is John Lennon, alongside his fellow mop-topped Beatles. Studio Two is a Beatles tribute band that recreates, as authentically as possible, the concerts of the Beatles’ early years, from the outfits and accents to the instruments and
musical subtleties. “You can listen to any album or watch any video, but to see and hear the music performed live right there in front of you, it’s a different experience,” Murray said. “A tribute gives anyone who didn’t get to see a certain band a chance to have that live experience.” Studio Two is one of many local bands using the spotlight to pay tribute to the music they love, and to give other fans of that music a chance to hear it performed it live. Looking to rock out? You might like Foreigner tribute Cold As Ice or Ozzy Osbourne tribute Wiz-
ard of Ozz. If country is more your style, give The No Shoes Nation Band Kenny Chesney tribute a try. Whether it’s at a local bar, performance venue or community event, there are tribute bands playing all the time, and you don’t have to travel far or clean out your wallet to see them.
More than covers
When southern New Hampshire Foreigner tribute Cold As Ice formed, they rehearsed twice a week for over a year and went through several roster changes before
setting foot on a live stage. They spent countless hours studying Foreigner recordings and concert footage, transcribing sheet music and critiquing their own rehearsals, all of which they filmed to help them perfect their act. It stands to reason, then, that being likened to cover bands strikes a nerve for guitarist and co-founder Bruce Bennett. “I don’t like it when these cover bands learn a couple songs to play at the bar and call themselves a tribute,” Bennett said. “A tribute is not how you think the music should be played. It’s not how you want to play it.
Just for show Events like the weekly Saturday tribute nights at Patrick’s Pub & Eatery in Gilford and the monthly live music series hosted by Rob Azevedo (host of the Granite State of Mind radio show, which airs live every Thursday at 7 p.m. on WKXL 103.9 FM in Concord) at New England College Concord are giving local original musicians an outlet to pay tribute to notable bands and solo artists. “We already had musicians play with certain styles like Neil Young or Bob Marley or this and that,” Patrick’s owner Allan Beetle said, “so it wasn’t a huge leap to say, let’s focus on paying tribute to some of the great bands and performers of our time and do that every Saturday night.” Since Patrick’s started the series this past fall it has hosted tributes to The Beatles, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and others, with each HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 12
show featuring one local performer or group playing a two-hour set. While live music is held at Patrick’s throughout the week, Beetle said they “turn up the volume a little more” on Saturday nights and make the tribute shows the focal point rather than background entertainment. “You won’t get everyone when you say there’s going to be an Elton John tribute, but it does connect with a larger base of people when they know they’re coming to hear that music, as opposed to when we say, ‘Soand-so [original act] is performing tonight,’” Beetle said. In January, Azevedo decided to host a Grateful Dead tribute night as part of his monthly live music series at New England College Concord. It was such a hit, he did a Neil Young tribute in February and now has trib-
ute shows scheduled through June. “These are classic, super-innovative and influential artists that I think everyone gravitates to in one form or another,” Azevedo said. “For a lot of musicians, these are the artists they wanted to emulate when they first picked up a guitar and were finding their voice.” Each show features about 10 local musicians, each performing one to three songs by the chosen artist or band. Then, to close, all of the musicians come to together perform the final song, which they practice for an hour before the show starts. For the Neil Young tribute, it was “Rockin’ in the Free World.” “It’s like a family,” Azevedo said. “You have a bunch of musicians who have never met before get in a room together, and there’s this undeniable connection fortified by this one particular artist. It’s like they’ve known each
other their whole lives through that artist.” Saturday Tribute Nights at Patrick’s Pub & Eatery (18 Weirs Road, Gilford, 293-0841, are held weekly with music starting at 8 p.m. Upcoming shows include a tribute to U2 on March 18, and a tribute to James Taylor and Bob Dylan on March 25. Tribute Nights hosted by Rob Azevedo of Granite State of Mind take place one Saturday a month at New England College Concord (62 N. Main St., Concord, 715-2306, Upcoming shows include A Tribute to The Women of Classic Country on March 25, The Beatles on April 22, Bruce Springsteen on May 13, and Bob Dylan on June 17. Doors open at 5 p.m., and shows start at 5:30 p.m.
BEHIND THE TRIBUTE: THE BEATLES My dad came home one day with a [Beatles] cassette tape … and right from the get-go, at 2 or 3 years old, it was like, ‘Beatles! Beatles! Beatles!’ You wonder why The Beatles still have fan clubs all over the world … I think it’s that they have this mystique, especially since the four of them were only together from 1962 to 1970. In that short amount of time, eight years, look at all the albums they made and all the stuff they accomplished.”
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AL FRANCIS, “PAUL MCCARTNEY” It’s not how you guess it is. I’m talking about a real, focused tribute where every member studies the person they’re supposed to play and learns the part note for note.” Cold As Ice even went so far as to contact real Foreigner guitarist and founding member Mick Jones to settle a question on one of the lyrics, with which he was happy to help. In fact, Foreigner is exceedingly supportive of Cold As Ice, deeming them the No.1 Foreigner tribute and honoring them with a signed platinum record. Original Foreigner frontman Lou Gramm even gifted the band with a video in which he introduces them to stage. They screen the video at the beginning of every show. “Any member of this band could step up on stage with Foreigner tomorrow and play a set with them,” Bennett said. “If they’re calling us their No. 1 tribute, you know we’re going out of our way to play their music and represent them as professionally as possible.” Marc Pilcher, frontman for Deerfieldbased Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute Southern Breeze, said that while his band isn’t an exact replica of Lynyrd Skynyrd — it has five members, whereas the real Lynyrd Skynyrd had up to seven at points — what it lacks in technicalities it makes up for in energy. “It’s one thing to do a song as a cover band and go through the motions, but if you call yourself a tribute, there can’t be anything vanilla about it,” Pilcher said. “Since we’re stripped down to a five-piece, we do have to take some liberties, but we try to give people the same live experience they may have had at a Skynyrd show in 1976. We channel that same energy, and I think the crowd can appreciate that.”
The real deal
A serious tribute band studies not just the original band’s songs but also their attire, mannerisms, speech, instruments, equipment, audience interaction and general live show atmosphere. It’s no easy task recreating the concert experiences of some of the biggest acts in music history, especially when there are diehard fans in the crowd who notice details as small as a guitar pick. “For a laugh, I had ordered a set of teardrop guitar picks online, the same kind The Beatles used,” Murray said. “At one show, I dropped it on stage, and a guy picked it up and said, ‘Hey, this is the pick they used!’ I was like, ‘Wow, you noticed that?’ People are definitely looking at the little things.” Studio Two has made their job a little easier by committing exclusively to The Beatles’ early years during which they performed in small clubs around England. By narrowing the focus to one era, the band can dive deeper into the intricacies of those Beatles’ shows. Plus, they don’t have to worry about recreating the more complex psychedelic effects that accompanied The Beatles’ later material. Many tributes to bands with wide and varied fan bases such as The Beatles or Grateful Dead employ this same tactic; honing in on a certain piece of the musical catalog not only allows the tributes to prioritize quality but also lets them distinguish themselves from their peer tributes and appeal to a more niche audience. Sometimes a tribute will recreate songs or even a whole set from one particular concert as opposed to the studio recordings or a more generalized version of the band’s live performances.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 13
Feel the need for a dramatic change?
I was 9 or 10. … My brother had gotten a Beatles cassette tape for Christmas. I got Garth Brooks. … One day he told me, ‘You have to hear this song.’ I wasn’t too interested but said OK to make him happy. Something about the sound of the drums and the guitars sparked my ear, and I was like, ‘This is wonderful!’ After that, Garth Brooks went in the drawer, and it was Beatles CDs, videos, posters, then it was wanting to play guitar and drums, grow my hair long, talk in a British accent. It was a complete obsession.”
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 14
STEPHEN MURRAY, “JOHN LENNON” “I’ll take things one step further,” Murray said. “If there’s a recording where John [Lennon] plays a note but it doesn’t ring out because he didn’t hit it all the way or he muted it on accident, I will make a note of that on the sheet music and remember not to hit it all the way. They’re crazy little details only one or two people might know, but that’s what’s fun.” Not all tributes get as in-depth as Studio Two does, but a good tribute will at least work to perfect the original band’s trademark quality. For Kenny Chesney, it’s all about the fun, party atmosphere; Foreigner goes big with the arena rock stage and oversized amps; and if you go to a Neil Diamond show, you can expect to be dazzled. “I wear the sequined outfits and ’80s hair,
and I try to talk like him and duplicate his gestures,” said Ron Eskin, a Neil Diamond tribute artist based in Nashua. “I try to give it the energy and feel of a real Neil Diamond concert. I may not be a dead-ringer lookalike, but when I start performing, everyone looks at me as the real Neil Diamond.”
True musicians
While tribute bands receive a lot of support from their fans and sometimes even from the band they’re paying tribute to, they also have their share of naysayers. Some would say that it requires less musical talent to perform another band’s songs than it does to perform original music. “We’ve all heard it,” said Al Francis, bassist and “Paul McCartney” of Studio Two.
Jerry Jam Every summer in July, more than 2,000 people make the trip to a rural farm property in Bath for Jerry Jam, a family-friendly three-day festival celebrating the musical legacy of Jerry Garcia and Grateful Dead. The festival brings in around 30 bands from all over the country and has even captured the attention of JGB, the reformation of Garcia’s most prominent side project, the Jerry Garcia Band, which he formed in 1975. This year’s Jerry Jam will be the fifth to feature JGB, which is currently led by longtime Jerry Garcia Band member Melvin Seals, who performed with Garcia from 1980 until Garcia’s death and the group’s disbandment in 1995. The rest of the lineup consists of both fulltime tributes to Jerry Garcia and/or Grateful Dead and original acts playing special tribute sets for the festival. They come from a variety of genres including dub and reggae, Americana, bluegrass, funk and jam. “Jerry had a really broad musical career, and we try to represent all his different musical styles,” said Julia Butterfield, one of the festival coordinators. “The music catalog is so varied that there really is something for everyone.” Some of the notable bands making their Jerry Jam debut this year include Assembly of Dust, Cabinet, Kung Fu, Max Creek, Pink Talking Fish and others. One of the most anticipated acts, Butterfield said, is an original band from Illinois called The Giving Tree Band.
“We saw their cover of ‘Brown Eyed Women,’ which was part of the Dead Covers Project,” Butterfield said, “but they really embody the spirit of what Jerry Jam is all about — the richness of the legacy of the Grateful Dead, and the sense of family that comes along with that community.” The festival started a little over two decades ago as a small, one-day get-together of a few dozen friends in a barn in Bethlehem. Since then, the number of festival-goers, or “the Jamily” as they’ve come to be called, has grown every year with Garcia and Grateful Dead fans of all ages. “I think that’s a big part of what people love about Grateful Dead music,” Butterfield said. “When this community gets together, there’s a feeling of instant family. That’s not something you find at just any gathering or concert or event.” If you go: The 22nd annual Jerry Jam kicks off Friday, July 21, at 9 a.m. and continues through Sunday, July 23, at Klay Knoll Farm, 471 Pettyboro Road, Bath, N.H. Full weekend passes are $115 each and are currently available for purchase online. Tickets at the gate may also be available as capacity allows. Weekend passes include tent camping; RV passes are sold separately for $50 to $75. All ages are welcome, and children age 12 and under are admitted free, accompanied by a parent. BYOB is welcome for festival-goers 21+. For more information, visit or TheJerryJam.
BEHIND THE TRIBUTE: LYNYRD SKYNYRD I grew up singing these songs. I’ve been a huge Skynyrd fan ever since the age of 10 when a neighbor first handed me an album. Once it hooked into me, I was a fan, and now I always will be. When everyone moved on to something else, I never let go. … Now they’re still on the radio and are appealing to a younger crowd. They’re just good, solid songs, and I think people still enjoy that.”
MARC PILCHER, LEAD SINGER OF SOUTHERN BREEZE “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but you can’t let it get to you. We know that what we’re doing is a craft just like original music is a craft, and for every one person who says it’s not, there are a hundred more that come to our shows and love what we do.” Becoming a tribute artist isn’t indicative of a lack of talent or inability to write and perform original music, Bennett said, because
many have prior experience as an original artist or maintain a side project focused on original music in addition to their tribute act. Some tribute artists have even studied music academically, including Stephen Murray and his brother Robert Murray, guitarist and “George Harrison” of Studio Two, both of whom are graduates of Berklee College of Music.
NH’s tribute bands • Blue Light Rain, a tribute to Grateful Dead (find them on Facebook) Next show is on Saturday, April 8, at 9 p.m. at Penuche’s Concord, 16 Bicentennial Square. • Cold As Ice - The Ultimate Foreigner Tribute (, Next show is on Saturday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. at the Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets are $25 at • DEAD UnderCover, a tribute to Grateful Dead ( Next show is on Saturday, March 25, 8 p.m. at Riverside Barbeque Co., 53 Main St., Nashua. • Doctor X, a tribute to Queensryche ( Upcoming shows are on Friday, March 31, and Saturdays, May 27 and June 24, 9 p.m. at Crow’s Nest Pub and Grill, 181 Plaistow Road, Plaistow. • Fallen Angel - Poison Tribute Band of New England ( Show dates TBA. • Four Sticks, a tribute to Led Zeppelin ( Show dates TBA. • Invisible Airwaves, a tribute to Rush (, InvisibleAirwavesTribute) Currently on hiatus but will return later this year. Check band’s Facebook page for updates. • No Shoes Nation Band, a tribute to Kenny Chesney (, Show dates TBA. • Not Fade Away Band, a tribute to Grateful Dead ( Next show is on Saturday, June 10, 8:45 p.m. at The Shaskeen, 909 Elm St., Manchester. • The Priest, a tribute to Judas Priest (, Next show is Friday, May 5, 9 p.m. at Crow’s Nest Pub and Grill, 181 Plaistow Road, Plaistow. • Problem Child, a tribute to AC/DC
(, problemchildmanchesternh) Show dates TBA. • Ron Eskin’s Tribute Show to Neil Diamond ( Available primarily for private events, but has a two-hour public show for the Merrimack Summer Concert Series on Wednesday, July 19, 6 p.m. at Abbie Griffin Park, 6 Baboosic Lake Road. • Southern Breeze, a tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd and Molly Hatchet (find them on Facebook) Upcoming shows are on Saturday, April 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Manchester Harley-Davidson open house, 115 John E. Devine Drive, Manchester; Saturday, May 20, 9 p.m., at American Legion Post No. 90, Harriman Hill Road, Raymond; and at Laconia Motorcycle Week on Saturdays, June 10 and June 17, from 1 to 4 p.m. • Stone Temple Posers, a tribute to Stone Temple Pilots (stonetempleposers. com, of.New.England) Next performance is at the “80s meets 90s” show on Friday, June 2, at Crow’s Nest Pub and Grill, 181 Plaistow Road, Plaistow. Show also features Rebel Waltz, a tribute to the Clash. • Studio Two, a tribute to The Beatles (, studiotwotribute) Upcoming shows are on Saturdays, March 18 and May 6, 9 p.m. at Cork N’ Keg Grill, 4 Essex Road, Raymond. • Wizard of Ozz, a tribute to Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath (, wizardofozzusa) Next show is Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. at Jewel Music Venue, 61 Canal St., Manchester. Tickets are $8 to $10 at • Wooden Ships, a tribute to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (facebook. com/WoodenShipsTributetoCrosbyStillsNashandYoung) Next show is on Saturday, June 10, 7 p.m. at St. Kieran Community Center for the Arts, 155 Emery St., Berlin. Call 752-1028 for tickets.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 15
“I’ve written over 100 songs in my life, and I still sit on my couch sometimes and just write songs,” Bennett said. “But personally, I don’t feel a need to go record them or shove them down someone’s throat. I’m OK with playing Foreigner’s music. I get to perform in front of hundreds of people I don’t know. If I did original music, I’d be playing for maybe 50 people who are all my friends and family.” Not only can a tribute artist be as talented as an original, he said, but a case could also be made that being a tribute act requires more “attention to detail, focus and discipline,” to portray another artist’s vision and
do it justice. Bob Catalano, bassist for Seabrook-based Kenny Chesney tribute The No Shoes Nation Band, agrees. “I think when people say negative stuff [about tributes], maybe it’s out of jealousy or because they’re a starving musician who can’t make it and it looks like we took the easy way out,” he said. “But it’s not just about singing the songs. A tribute is all-encompassing. You have to be an actor also, and recreate the effect of those concerts and engage the audience even when you aren’t singing.”
More tribute shows
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 16
These bands aren’t based in New Hampshire tribute, Friday, March 31, 7:30 p.m., $24 but are coming to the Granite State to play at to $29, The Flying Monkey, 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, 536-2551, various tribute-band-friendly venues. • Live Bullet, a tribute to Bob Seger & • AfterFab, a tribute to the Beatles’ solo the Silver Bullet Band, Saturday, May 20, careers, Saturday, July 1, 7:30 p.m., $25, 9 p.m., The Chop Shop Pub & Grub, 920 Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester, Lafayette Road, Seabrook, 760-7706, chop669-5588, • Alive! ‘75, a tribute to KISS, Saturday, • The Mersey Beatles, a tribute to The May 6, more details TBA, Jewel Music Venue, Beatles, Saturday, May 20, 7:30 p.m., $26 61 Canal St., Manchester, 819-9336, jewelnh. to $49, The Flying Monkey, 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, 536-2551, com • Badfish: A Tribute to Sublime, Saturday, • Nirvanish, a tribute to Nirvana, Friday, July 1, 8 p.m., $18, Casino Ballroom, 169 May 19, 8 p.m., $24, Rochester Opera House, Ocean Blvd., Hampton Beach, 929-4100, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester, 335-1992, • Dark Star Orchestra, a tribute to Grate- • One Night of Queen, a tribute to Queen, ful Dead, Sunday, May 21, 7:30 p.m., $36 Saturday, April 1, 8 p.m., $30 to $44, The to $39, The Colonial Theatre, 95 Main St., Colonial Theatre, 95 Main St., Keene, 3522033, Keene, 352-2033, • Dazed, a tribute to Led Zeppelin, Satur- • Patsy Cline Remembered, featuring day, April 29, 9:30 p.m., The Shaskeen Pub vocalist Liz Saunders and Clayton “Skip” and Restaurant, 909 Elm St., Manchester, Poole, Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m., $28 to $38, 625-0246, Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Con• Dirty Deeds: The Premiere AC/DC Trib- cord, (tickets through Capitol Center for the ute, $10, Saturday, June 10, 8 p.m., Whiskey Arts), 225-1111, Barrel Music Hall, 546 N. Main St., Laconia, • Slip-Not, a tribute to Slipknot, Friday, 527-8210, April 28, 7 p.m., $12, Jewel Music Venue, 61 • EagleMania, a tribute to the Eagles, Sat- Canal St., Manchester, 819-9336, jewelnh. urday, June 24, 7:30 p.m., $25 and up, The com Flying Monkey, 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, • Stormbringer, a tribute to Deep Purple, 536-2551, Friday, March 24, 9 p.m., $8 to $10, Jewel • The Everly Brothers Experience fea- Music Venue, 61 Canal St., Manchester, 819turing The Zmed Brothers, Sunday, May 7, 9336, 7 p.m., $30 to $35, Tupelo Music Hall, 10 A • The Weight Band, a tribute to The Band, St., Derry, 437-5100, Friday, March 24, 7:30 p.m., $29 to $39, The • Get The Led Out: The American Led Flying Monkey, 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, Zeppelin Experience, Saturday, April 29, 8 536-2551, p.m., $26 in advance, $31 day of the show, • Who’s Bad: The Ultimate Michael JackCasino Ballroom, 169 Ocean Blvd., Hampton son Experience, Friday, May 19, 7 p.m., $25 Beach, 929-4100, to $35, Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. • Lez Zeppelin, all-female Led Zeppelin Main St., Concord, 225-1111,
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If your dream is to see The Beatles or another disbanded legend perform live, concert DVDs and YouTube clips are the closest you’re going to get. But with an open mind and a little imagination, you can go to a tribute show to get a taste of the experience you missed. “If there’s a band that doesn’t exist anymore or doesn’t tour anymore or is inaccessible for whatever reason, a good tribute band that took the time to learn the material can bring that band back and make that music accessible again,” Catalano said. “It’s the perfect way to still be able to see that band you love.” If, like Kenny Chesney, the real band or artist is active and touring, there are still some perks to sticking with a tribute, one being the cost; tickets for popular tribute shows held at local music venues typically fall into the $25to-$40 range, and there are many other shows held at bars and clubs that you can see for free or a small cover charge. Compare that to Kenny Chesney tickets. “It costs more than a hundred dollars a ticket to see him, then you get there and he looks half an inch tall,” Catalano said. “But that’s what he has to charge. He sells out stadiums. He could never play a small venue, but we can. We bring his show to a different level so you can see it up close for just the cost of getting into the club.” Smaller venues also give the audience a chance to interact with the performer in ways they would not be able to in a stadium setting. That can make a big difference for fans of an artist like Neil Diamond, who is known for his charisma and dynamic stage presence. “I like to play up to the audience. I’ll come out and walk through the crowd as I’m singing and people will reach out to me. You can’t do that at the real concert,” Eskin said. “If you let the imagination go a bit and can pre-
tend you’re there at his show, it’s like you’re getting the real thing, only more personalized and at a fraction of the cost.” The original artists are often more limited when it comes to tour dates, the length of their shows and their setlists. One as wellestablished as Foreigner may only perform in New England once every couple of years, but you can get your “concert fix,” as Bennett calls it, from a Cold As Ice show while you wait for Foreigner to come around again. For a band like Foreigner, the standard 90-minute show isn’t a lot of time, especially when they have over 40 years of material. So, to appeal to the largest part of their fan base, classic bands nearly always prioritize their hits. A tribute band, however, can perform more frequent local shows, which lessens the pressure to play a hits-centric set and gives them the flexibility to cater to the interests of diehard fans. “A tribute band like us can truly get into the tribute by playing a lot of the deeper cuts,” Bennett said. “We can play all those songs on the album that you love but will never hear the real Foreigner play live because they only have time for their biggest hits.” Finally, while there is no replacement for the novelty or bucket-list appeal of seeing the decades-old band you grew up with perform live, many of them have been reduced to a skeleton of their original lineup — Foreigner currently has one original member, Lynyrd Skynyrd has two — and are nearing the end of their careers. The reality is, you may be getting more bang for your buck at a tribute show when it comes to performance quality. “The average age of the guys in Foreigner is like, 70. They can only play rock ‘n’ roll for so much longer,” Bennett said. “But they support us and we support them because we have a common goal, which is to keep this classic arena rock music alive.”
Show time
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 17
EVENTS TO CHECK OUT MARCH 16 - 22, 2017, AND BEYOND Friday, March 17
Don’t miss the 50th annual New Hampshire State Home Show at the Radisson Hotel (700 Elm St., Manchester), presented by the New Hampshire Home Builders Association. Visitors have the opportunity to meet and interact with builders, remodelers, decorators, landscapers and other types of home solutions providers. The show is planned for three days, on Friday, March 17, from 1 to 8 p.m., Saturday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, March 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $9 for adults, $6 for seniors ages 62 and up, and free for kids under 12. Visit or call 226-6538.
EAT: locally grown food The Indoor Winter Farmers Market continues at Cole Gardens (430 Loudon Road, Concord) on Saturday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A variety of homegrown products will be available, including seafood, baked goods, coffee and tea, beef, pork and more. The market will continue to be open every Saturday through April 22. Visit or call 2290655 for more details.
DRINK: wine Taste from a selection of more than 80 high-quality wines at WineNot Boutique’s first annual Spring Wine Spectacular on Friday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza (2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua). The cost is $35 per person. Visit or call 204-5569.
Saturday, March 19 Saturday, March 18
Friday, March 17
Beauty and the Beast, a live-action remake of the 1991 animated Disney film, hits theaters. The film stars Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as Beast and Luke Evans as Gaston.
Join the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Nashua Fine Craft Gallery (98 Main St.) for a nuno felt a scarf workshop from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants will create a nuno scarf from a piece of hand-dyed silk and wool roving. No prior experience is necessary. The cost is $60 for tuition, plus a $35 materials fee. Visit or call 595-8233.
Saturday, March 19
Nashville-based countryrock duo Sally and George perform at the Riverwalk Cafe and Music Bar (35 Railroad Square, Nashua) at 7 p.m. The group released its debut studio album Tip My Heart on Feb. 10. Admission is free. Visit riverwalknashua. com or call 578-0200.
The Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collectors club will host its spring military flea market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Milford Army National Guard Armory (Armory and Osgood roads). Several vendors will be on hand to offer a large collection of vehicle parts, military uniforms, manuals, memorabilia, books and more. The cost to attend is $5 per person, and free for kids under 12 and for active-duty service members. Visit spring-flea-market.
BE MERRY: for crafts and prizes Don’t miss Lil’ Iguana’s craft fair and raffle on Saturday, March 18, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Nashua High School North (8 Titan Way). There will be more than 70 vendors attending, with opportunities to win one of more than 50 prizes valued at up to $100. Admission is free. Visit or call 8819805.
Looking for more stuff to do this week? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
Grand Opening Continues Tues-Fri 10-5:30 • Sat 10-4:00
Goldsmiths Gallery
Two Capital Plaza • 57 North Main Street • Concord • 603-224-2920 HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 18
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2) Single Premium PMI - With this type of PMI, the total cost of the insurance is paid in a single lump sum in full at closing OR financed into the mortgage. This eliminates the need for a monthly PMI payment. For borrowers with higher credit scores, this type of PMI can result in a lower monthly payment than BPMI. This can be a good option if the borrower is receiving closing cost assistance from the seller, as the cost of the premium can typically be covered by the seller.
3) Lender-Paid PMI (LPMI) - With LPMI, the cost of the PMI is included in the mortgage interest rate for the life of the loan. Even though a loan with LPMI may have a higher interest rate than other types of loans, the result is often a lower monthly mortgage payment. This can be a good option for borrowers who don’t anticipate remaining in the home long enough to reach the point where a BPMI premium would fall away, which is often 8-11 years for those who put very little down at closing.
ARM= Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Assumes a borrower with a 740 FICO Score. Subject to underwriting approval. Terms and conditions stated are in effect at time of publishing 3//17 and are subject to change without notice. Rate and APR are subject to change after consummation. 5/1 ARM = Rate fixed for 60 payments after which the rate may increase every 12 months after that. 7/1 ARM = Rate fixed for 84 payments after which the rate may increase every 12 months after that. This is not a commitment to lend or an offer to extend credit. Federally Registered NMLS ID: 2561 Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking. Rhode Island Licensed Lender.
Article supplied by: JEREMY CLARK, Loan Officer at Merrimack Mortgage Co. LLC, (NMLS ID: 409083 or 603-279-7905) for informational purposes only and is not and may not be construed as legal advice. NMLS ID#2561, Equal Housing Opportunity Lender, Rhode Island Licensed Lender, Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. The views expressed in this article are my own and do not reflect those of my employer, colleagues, or its clients. 113595
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 19
ARTS For the kids
Concord’s Junior Service League performs The Bremen Town Musicians By Kelly Sennott
Most members of Concord’s Junior Service League have little to no theatrical experience, but that doesn’t stop them from producing a spring play every year. Their inspiration is their mission: to raise money for New Hampshire school children. This year’s production is The Bremen Town Musicians, a one-act children’s show directed by Karen Braz, which they perform March 17 and March 18 at St. Paul’s School. The play, based on the original Brothers Grimm story, is about four animals — a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster — all past their prime years who decide to leave their home and find a new life in Bremen. Their plan is to become musicians. The JSL, which celebrates its 85th birthday this year, is made up of about 25 to 30 members who aim to support women and children in crisis through civic service, fundraising and volunteerism. Their The Bremen Town Musicians Where: St. Paul’s School, Memorial Hall, 325 Pleasant St., Concord When: Friday, March 17, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, March 18, at 1 p.m. Admission: $7 or $5 at door with canned good Contact:
The Junior Service League rehearsing The Bremen Town Musicians. Courtesy photo.
spring play is a decades-long tradition that typically sees audience members during the week via school productions and at weekend public shows. Cast and crew have been meeting regularly since January to rehearse, make costumes and get ready. All play proceeds go toward backto-school supplies for local kids this fall. Braz has been directing JSL plays more than 20 years and is always touched by the dedication. “It’s their idea, first and foremost, to give back to the community by providing
20 Theater
Includes listings, shows, auditions, workshops and more. To get listed, e-mail
live theater. It’s an experience for children who might not ever be able to see a live show,” Braz said. “What amazes me is they are able to open up like that and just be silly. Theater isn’t in their blood. … but they’re just going for it.” JSL member Carol Clark said via phone the group tries to choose short plays an hour or less with important morals. Most of the actors are members, but some alumni, like Laura Sagris, come back every year for the spring play. Sagris said she does it for the kids in
22 Art
Concord, and for her grandchildren, who get a kick out of seeing her on stage and bring flowers after every show. “I absolutely love that we present it to children,” Sagris said. “I don’t think of it as a fundraiser — my thing is the experience the children get. … They think it’s this really big production. I’ve continued to do it now because I have grandchildren, and to have my grandchildren come see me is awesome. We do the autograph session at the public shows, and it’s hysterical.” Costumes are borrowed from the Community Players of Concord whenever possible or made by the women themselves. The painted backdrop is rented from Charles Stewart in North Andover, Mass. Since becoming a member, Clark said she’s learned so much about theater, from the terminology — stage right, stage left, upstage, backstage — to the process of putting up a play. She’s come a long way since her third-grade play, Hansel and Gretel, when she forgot she was on stage and didn’t speak her lines. “I was so engrossed in the play, I just stood there,” Clark said. Braz would like to see this anniversary commemorated with a packed house. “I don’t think the public understands how important it is to support the Junior Service League of Concord. They do nothing but charitable work all year long,” Braz said.
24 Classical
Includes listings for gallery events, ongoing exhibits and classes. Includes symphony and orchestral performances. To get listed, e-mail To get listed, e-mail
Looking for more art, theater and classical music? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play. Theater Auditions/open calls • NEW HAMPSHIRE THEATRE PROJECT YOUTH REPERTORY COMPANY AUDITIONS Open to teens ages 10 to 17. Mon., March 20, 4-7 p.m.; Tues., March 21, 4-6 p.m. Schedule time by calling 431-6644, ext. 4. Email info@ • AUDITIONS: WALPOLE PLAYERS For Walpole Old Home Days production, George Washington Slept Here. Thurs., March 30, and Fri., March 31, at 6:30 p.m. Walpole Town Hall. Play occurs in June. Contact codirectors Tara Sadd at 756-4861 or call 756-4545. Productions • THE LEARNING MAN Dra-
matic tale about brain injury and recovery. Written and performed by Alan Wilbar. March 3-March 19, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. $16.50. Visit • HAIRSPRAY Palace Theatre mainstage production. March 3-March 26. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets $25-$45. Call 668-5588. • THE WIZARD OF OZ Palace Youth Theatre production. Thurs., March 16, at 7 p.m. Tickets $14. The Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Visit • VIOLET Seacoast Repertory Theatre production. On view March 10-April 2. Seacoast Repertory Theatre, 125 Bow St.,
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 20
Portsmouth. Prices vary; visit the site for details. Visit • THE ODD COUPLE Leddy Center for the Performing Arts production. March 10-March 29, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m,. Sundays at 2 p.m. Leddy Center for the Performing Arts, 38 Ladd’s Lane, Epping. $20. Call 679-2781. • A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD Peacock Players production. March 10-March 19. Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Janice B. Streeter Theater, 14 Court St., Nashua. $12-$17. Visit Call 886-7000. • PLAY ON! Comedy by Rick Abbott, directed by Joe Pelonzi. Bedford Off Broadway produc-
tion. Fri., March 17, at 8 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 8 p.m. Bedford Old Town Hall, 3 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford. $12. Visit • LOVE, SEX AND THE IRS Milford Area Players production. March 10-March 19, with performances Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. Amato Center for the Performing Arts, 56 Mont Vernon Road, Milford. Visit • IS HE DEAD? Mark Twain play, performed by NH Theatre Project’s Youth Repertory Company. March 17-26, Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. West End Studio Theatre, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth. $20. Visit Call 431-6644, ext. 5.
• THE LION KING JR. Majestic Theatre Production. Fri., March 17, at 7 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 7 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 2 p.m. Derry Opera House, 29 W. Broadway, Derry. Tickets $15. Call 669-7469. Visit • CABIN FEVER RADIO FOLLIES Highlights from the golden age of radio, radio plays, skits, gags, songs. Sat., March 18, at 7 p.m. Walpole Town Hall, 34 Elm St., Walpole. $10. Call 756-4545. • CHILL Merrimack Repertory Theatre production. 50 E. Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass. March 22-April 16. Tickets $26-$70. Visit Call 978-6544678. • DANCE NORTHEAST Sole City Dance celebration of
dance. Sat., March 25, at 2 & 7 p.m. Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester. $8-$14. Visit Call 335-1992. • THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD Saint Anselm Abbey Players production. Fri., March 24, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., March 25, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., March 26, at 2 p.m.; Fri., March 31, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., April 1, at 7:30 p.m.; Saint Anselm College, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester. $15. Visit, call 641-7700. • THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE Windham High School Theater Dept. production. Fri., March 24, at 7 p.m.; Sat., March 25, at 2 and 7 p.m.; Sun., March 26, at 2 p.m. Windham High School, 64 London Bridge
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Notes from the theater scene
Road, Windham. $13. • FAME Musical presented by Maskers Drama Club, Central Community Players. Fri., March 24, at 6:30 p.m.; Sat., March 25, at 6:30 p.m. Central High School, 207 Lowell St., Manchester. $12. • LES MISERABLES: THE CONCERT Fundraiser to benefit Pine Street Players Youth Theatre Company. Sat., March 25, at 7 p.m. Exeter Town Hall, 10 Front St., Exeter. $40. Visit • GALILEO GALILEI: THE STARRY MESSENGER Dramatic adaptation of Galileo’s short treatise, Siderius Nuncius, performed by actor Mike Francis. Tues., March 28, at 7 p.m., at the Griffin Free Public Library, 22 Hooksett Road, Auburn. Call 483-5374 or visit griffinfree. com. Second event Thurs., April
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The cast of Chill: Danny Bryck, Kim Fischer, Monica Giordano, and Maria Jung. Courtesy photo.
p.m.; Saturday, March 18, at 8 p.m.; and Sunday, March 19, at 2 p.m. The show is about two musicians, Jon Trachtman and Leslie Arthur, who live together. To save money, Jon has been filing tax returns listing the pair as married, leading the Internal Revenue Service on to an investigation. Chaos follows. Tickets are $10 to $15. Visit • No. 9: The Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra presents Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with Amare Cantare, Portsmouth ProMusica, St. John’s Choir and Portsmouth High School students, plus professional regional soloists, at a concert at Portsmouth High School, 50 Andrew Jarvis Drive, Portsmouth, on Saturday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, March 19, at 3 p.m. (with a 2 p.m. pre-concert discussion). Tickets are $25; visit — Kelly Sennott
20, at 6:30 p.m. Brookline Public Library, 16 Main St., Brookline. Visit • THE STORY OF A BAD BOY Pontine Theatre production, play by Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock St. Portsmouth. Fri., March 31, at 7 p.m.; Sat., April 1, at 4 p.m.; Sun., April 2, at 2 p.m.; Sat., April 8, at 4 p.m.; Sun., April 9, at 2 p.m. Tickets $24. Visit • MURDER IS A GAME Majestic Theatre dinner theater presentation. Fri., March 31, at 7 p.m.; Sat., April 1, at 7 p.m.; Sun., April 2, at 1:30 p.m. $42 Friday/Saturday, $38 Sunday. Call 669-7469. Visit • YOURS, ANNE Manchester Community Theatre Players production. March 31-April 9. Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30
p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. North End Montesori School, 698 Beech St., Manchester. $10-$20. Visit or call 800-8383006. • A SHAKESPEARE SONNET SLAM Matchbox Players show. All actors of all ages invited to perform one of Shakespeare’s sonnets and compete in the slam. Sat., April 15, at 7:30 p.m. Jaffrey Civic Center, 40 Main St., Jaffrey. Tickets $5. Call 532-6527. Email Workshops • NEW HAMPSHIRE THEATRE PROJECT Spring adult theater workshops all spring. Voice acting, scene study, business and strategic storytelling, improv. $40-$150. Visit for schedule.
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• Chill time: The Merrimack Repertory Theatre presents Chill March 22 through April 16 at the Nancy L. Donahue Theatre, 50 E. Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass. The play, by Eleanor Burgess and directed by Megan Sandberg-Zakian, is a bittersweet drama about all life throws at you between the ages of 18 and 28, following four Massachusetts young adults across a decade of a changing America. Tickets are $25 to $70, on sale at or by calling 978-654-4678. • Documentary about local musicians: On Sunday, March 19, at 3:30 p.m., Red River Theatres, 11 S. Main St., Concord, screens the premiere of the documentary Welcome Here Again: A Recording Session with the Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra. The film is about a reunion that happened Sunday, March 20, 2016, when former members of the Canterbury Country Dance Orchestra came together in Concord, Mass., to make a recording for the first time since 1972. The only one of the group who was part of that first recording was Dudley Laufman, now 85, who lives in Canterbury. The film tells about the people, the traditions, and most of all the music. For more on the film, visit or • Last weekend: The Milford Area Players presents the final productions of Love, Sex and the I.R.S. by Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore, directed by Jennifer Belanger, at the Amato Center for the Performing Arts, 56 Mont Vernon St., Milford, this weekend, on Friday, March 17, at 8
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 21
Art and nature
Martha Mae Emerson combines two loves in Pebbles and Pearls By Kelly Sennott
Concord artist Martha Mae Emerson loves everything about the outdoors — gardening, hiking, eating breakfast on her back porch. She can’t get enough of it. “I find nature exciting. I find it soothing. I find it nurturing,” she said during an interview at her home studio last week. “If I had my choice, I would spend much of my life outdoors.” Naturally, this theme plays out in her jewelry business, Pebbles and Pearls, inspired by elements you can find outside — tiny stones and freshwater pearls, combined or standing alone in minimalist earrings, bracelets and necklaces. “Because I’m a minimalist in my life in general — except when it comes to color — I find limiting my materials feels very comfortable to me,” Emerson said, who that day sported a teal Marmot turtleneck, striking fuchsia eyeglasses and pearl orb earrings — her most popular design, featuring a mother of pearls against baroque pearls. (“They go with everything. They’re my go-to jewelry,” she said.) Emerson’s downtown Concord apartment was indeed bursting with color, decorated “New Works 2017” Where: MainStreet MarketPlace & Gallery, 16 E. Main St., Warner When: On view March 24 through May 1; opening Friday, March 24, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Contact:,
Art Events • CURRIER ART CENTER STUDENT EXHIBITION AND OPEN HOUSE Sat., March 25, noon-4 p.m. at the Art Center, Pearl St., Manchester. Visit • EMPTY BOWLS THROWDOWN Sat., April 8, 10 a.m.1 p.m. Studio 550, 550 Elm St., Manchester. Make bowls to fight hunger. Clay provided. Email to reserve a wheel; space limited. • ART, CONVERSATION & COFFEE Slow art day at the Lamont Gallery, Frederick R. Mayer Art Center, Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main St., Exeter. Call 777-3461. Sat., April 8, 10-11 a.m. Openings • “50 FOR 50” Exeter Fine
Jewelry by Martha Mae Emerson. Kelly Sennott photos.
with art she made, art she bought, and art made by her two granddaughters, ages 2 and 4, whom she watches every week. The eldest especially loves art, Emerson said, gesturing toward the colorful framed pieces leaning against her stairway and hanging on the walls. They have this in common. “I have a creative urge that cannot be denied! It expresses itself in different ways, depending on what’s happening in my life,” Emerson said. “I think it’s in my cells.” Emerson turned to jewelry-making about 10 years ago, but before that, she was a
Crafts exhibition celebrating 50th anniversary. Exeter Fine Crafts, 61 Water St., Exeter. On view March 1-March 31. Featuring donated works of art on 50 6-inch by 6-inch panels, all $50. Call 778-8282. Reception Fri., March 24, 6-8 p.m. • “PETER SANDBACK AND CHRIS MYOTT: TWO NEW HAMPSHIRE ARTISTS AND THEIR MODERNIST VISIONS” Exhibition at NH Antique Co-op, 323 Elm St., Milford. Call 673-8499. On view through June 30. Reception Sat., March 25, 1-3 p.m. Visit • “EXPLORING RELATIONSHIPS: INSTRUCTORS & STUDENTS” On view at The Brush Art Gallery, 256 Market St., Lowell. March 18-April 25. Reception Sat., March 25, 2-4 p.m. Email director@thebrush.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 22
org. Visit • “TWENTY YEARS OF A SINGULAR VISION” Celebrating 20 years with Sarah Chaffee. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. On view March 28-April 28. Reception Fri., March 31, 5-7 p.m. Visit Call 2252515. • “A LITTLE ABSTRACTED” Abstract art show featuring work by Marcia Santore, Kate Higley, Ethel Hills, Lotus Lien. On view April 1 through May 13. Opening reception Thurs., April 6, 5-7 p.m. Twiggs Gallery, 254 King St., Boscawen. Visit twiggsgallery.wordpress. com. Call 975-0015. • “AMERICAN IMPRESSIONISM: HARBOR SCENES” On view at the Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen St., Lowell. April
sewing and fiber artist. “Right out of college, I had my degree in French, and what did I do? I opened an original design dress shop in Portsmouth,” she said, laughing. Emerson also worked as a photographer, juried with League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, for 25 years. As an elementary school guidance counselor, she hosted integrated art programs. One of her students found working with clay especially soothing — and actually, so did she. “He was kind of my inspiration. We’d be
1-May 26. Reception Sat., April 8, 2-4 p.m. Visit whistlerhouse. org, call 978-452-7641. In the Galleries • “BEAUTY AND THE BEAST” Art show featuring work by pastel artist Mary Ellen Brown and oil painter William Turner. On view Feb. 10 through March 17. Wild Salamander Creative Arts Center, 30 Ash St., Hollis. Visit Call 465-WILD. • “AT LARGE” Women’s Caucus for Art exhibit; includes paintings, prints, mixed media works. On view Jan. 26-March 23. Great Bay Community College, 320 Corporate Drive, Durham. Visit • “SETTING THE STANDARD” League of NH Craftsmen multi-media work by jurors. On view Jan. 13-March
sitting together talking. He would be rolling clay, and I would be rolling clay. That was when I made my first pebbles,” she said. “We ended up developing this really fun little jewelry business for him in the staff room.” During this recent visit, Emerson was working on restocking the New Hampshire shops she sells through, which include the Currier Museum Shop, Gondwana and Divine Clothing, the Mill Brook Gallery and MainStreet BookEnds, whose “New Works 2017” exhibition she’s participating in, March 24 through May 1. “All the participating artists who were invited have to deliver totally new work. Last year they asked me to make three pieces. I was in the middle of my move, and everything was packed up. But it was such a wonderful inspiration, to have to produce, and I came up with six new works,” Emerson said. Sitting on her workbench were polymer pebbles waiting to be assembled, and in the corner hung some of her first pieces — chunky, colorful necklaces. On a side table were some of her newest designs, which contained stones flecked with gold. Often production is tiring, particularly around the holidays, but other times it feels organic and meditative, and her jewelry reflects this, with design names like “Zen,” “Wave” and “New Moon.” On these days, Emerson doesn’t mind working alone in her studio, with only her cat, Mr. Stitch, to keep her company. The reward is when customers react in the same way seeing the result. “Some people have said to me my designs give them a sense of calm and peacefulness,” Emerson said.
24. The Craft Center, 49 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • “HOW DID A WHITE GIRL GET HERE: LIVING WITH THE NOMADS OF THE EAST” Featuring work by Valerie Hird. On view Feb. 21-March 24. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. Visit • “PARADISE LOST: A DOUBLE-SIDED MYSTERY” Currier exhibition featuring artwork by Max Pechstein. On view through March 27. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Free with museum admission. Visit Call 669-6144. • “MYSTERY AND MAGIC OF THE NATURAL WORLD” Art show featuring work by Alicia Cubbage. On view Feb. 18 through March 30. Hancock Town Library, 25
Main St., Hancock. Visit • REVELLE TAILLON AND STUDENTS Art show at Seacoast Artist Association, 130 Water St., Exeter, through the end of March. Visit • SIMON SARRIS Photo show with work that came from recent trip to Lisbon. On view through March 31. Rochester Public Library, 65 S. Main St., Rochester. Visit gallery. • “ANDI & LANCE OLSEN: THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE TIME” Show that blends visual art, the written word, blurred boundary between fact and fantasy. On view Feb. 24-April 1. NHIA, Roger Williams Gallery, 77 Amherst St., Manchester. Email Visit
Ever want to teach a class?
NH art world news
• City Hall art: On view through April at Manchester City Hall on Elm Street is “Reconsiderations,” which comprises 36 original photos by Ella Carlson. The new body of work explores the meaning of looking at an ordinary thing and finding a “whole new world within its fabric,” according to a press release. Walk around the city and you may also see the artist’s work in Manchester businesses, including Hunt’s Photo and Video on Vinton Street; the Palace Theatre on Hanover Street; the Millyard Museum on Bedford Street; and Cafe la Reine on Elm Street. Ten percent of all sales will go to the Manchester Arts Fund to help the Manchester Arts Commission. There’s an opening reception on Thursday, March 16, from 5 to 7 p.m. Visit • Cultural district: The Queen City now has a six-block cultural district surrounding Victory Park, from Lowell Street to Hanover Street between Elm and Union streets, which encompasses several local arts and cultural institutions, including the Palace Theatre, the Manchester Historic Association, the Manchester City Library and the New Hampshire Institute of Art. The goal: to spur economic development through art and design initiatives. The Manchester Cultural District Coalition, which formed in March 2015, came to the Board of
Come join the other artists at Creative Ventures Gallery and teach our Saturday Oil Painting Class in Amherst!
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“Rose” by Ella Putney Carlson, on view at Manchester City Hall. Courtesy photo.
Mayor and Aldermen with the proposal last month, and the city aldermen voted last week in favor, according to the Union Leader. • Calling all high schoolers: The Nashua Area Artists Association is accepting scholarship applications for the 2017-2018 collegiate school year. Applicants must have received acceptance as a full-time student to a college with a focus on the arts. Submission guidelines are at nashuaareaartistsassoc. org. Scholarship winners will be formally awarded at the Greeley Park Art Show next August, with required materials due by May 6. In addition, the organization hosts a 2017 spring art show for emerging art students at ArtHub, 30 Temple St., Nashua. The show is open to all children and young adults ages 6 to 18; there’s no entry fee. Registration and art drop-off is at the NAAA office Friday, March 31. Email Call 405-698-1951. — Kelly Sennott
NEW HAMPSHIRE WRITERS RESPOND TO ART” Distinguished writers respond to significant works of art in permanent collection of museum of art. On view Feb. 2 through April 9. UNH Museum of Art, Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham. Visit, call 862-3712. • “MOMENTUM: WORKS BY THE UNIVERSITY’S ART AND ART HISTORY DEPT. FACULTY” On view through April 9. Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham. Visit Call 862-3712. • “FLEXTIME: CLAY SCULPTURES BY DAVID KATZ” Art exhibition. On view Feb. 2 through April 9. UNH Museum of Art, Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham. Visit unh. edu/moa, call 862-3712. • DON JALBERT Art show featuring landscapes and sea-
scapes of Southern NH and beyond, plus wildlife. On view through April 14. Harvey Mitchell Memorial Library, 151 Main St., Epping. Visit • “CLEW: A RICH AND REWARDING DISORIENTATION” Art show with work by Deborah Barlow, Todd Hearon, Jung Mi Lee, Jon Sakata. Music, poetry, visual arts. On view Jan. 20-April 15. Phillips Exeter Academy, 11 Tan Lane, Exeter. Call 7773461. Visit • “FLIGHTS OF FANCY” Work by 6 NH artists inspired by Boston artist/teacher Bill Flynn’s workshop on drawing. On view March 11-April 22. Epsom Library, 1606 Dover Road, Epsom. Visit • “THE HEART OF NATURE” Manchester Artists Assoc. show. On view through April 22. NH Audubon, 26
Presented by
Thursday, March 23 For the Love of Spock
Saturday, April 1 Moos
7:00 PM, SNHU Walker Auditorium, Manchester Dress In Costume Event!
8:00 PM, Red River Theatres, Concord Sociable Saturday Night Event with Wine & Cheese Reception
Saturday, March 25 The Women’s Balcony
8:00 PM, Red River Theatres, Concord Sociable Saturday Night Event with Dessert Reception
Sunday, March 26 Breakfast at Ina’s
Sunday, April 2 Harold and Lillian
12:30 PM, Red River Theatres, Concord Guest Speaker Matt Newton, NH Div. of Film & Digital Media
The Women’s Balcony 11:30 AM, SERESC, 29 Commerce Dr., Bedford Gala Brunch Event & Film with Special Guest Ina Pinkney! Book 1:00 PM, The Music Hall Loft, Portsmouth Encore Screening signing. Paddington
• “CROSS BORDER CONNECTIONS: A COLLABORATIVE EXHIBIT” Celebrating pastel medium, featuring artwork from Pastel Society of Maine and NH members. On view through April 1. NH Art Association, 136 State St., Portsmouth. Visit • “CANNOT BE DETERMINED IN ADVANCE” Site-specific work installed by artist Debra Weisberg in McIninch Art Gallery. On view Feb. 23-April 2. Southern New Hampshire University, 2500 N. River Road, Manchester. Free. Visit • “MINUMENTAL” Exhibition and art sale with work by NHIA faculty, staff, students and members. All pieces no larger than 4 inches in any dimension. On view March 10-April 8. Emma B. French Gallery, 148 Concord St., Manchester. Visit • “CLOSER READINGS:
2:00 PM, SERESC, 29 Commerce Dr., Bedford Family Film, with snack and activity. Teddy bears invited!
Sabena Hijacking: My Version
3:30 PM, SERESC, 29 Commerce Dr., Bedford
Fanny’s Journey
1:00 PM, Redfern Arts Center, Keene Guest Speaker Emily Robins Sharpe 3:00 PM, Red River Theatres, Concord Preceded by short film.
On The Map
Thursday, March 30 Fever at Dawn
7:00 PM, Cinemagic, Merrimack Book Club Film, Special Guest Speaker Carolyn Hollman
3:30 PM, The Music Hall Loft, Portsmouth 3:30 PM, Redfern Arts Center, Keene 5:00 PM Red River Theatres, Concord Festival Wrap Party!
Who’s Gonna Love Me Now?
Purchase Tickets
Advance tickets for ALL screenings may be purchased: Online at Online at By phone at 800-838-3006 extension 1 For information, call 603-627-7679. On Facebook, visit JFNH and NH Jewish Film Festival for the latest on the NH Jewish Film Festival.
7:00 PM, Red River Theatres, Concord Guest Speaker, Matan Zamir, Israel Consulate & Special Performance by NH Gay Men’s Chorus
For the Love of Spock
7:00 PM, Redfern Arts Center, Keene Dress in Costume Event!
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Miller DIRECTORS & FILM STAR SPONSORS 15
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te r
Str e et • M a
n cheste r NH 03104 •
70 -6 25 -6 603
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Mark & Mary Ellen Biletch I Lou Fink & Pam Grich I Elizabeth & Larry Eckman I Joy & Michael Sydney I Dr. David Lewis & Honey Weiss I NH Gay Men's Chorus I Anonymous 113545
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 23
The New Hampshire Theatre Project’s Youth Repertory Company presents Is He Dead?, a farce by Mark Twain and David Ives, at the West End Studio Theatre, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth, March 17 through March 26, Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. Sundays at 2 p.m. It will be brought to life by a cast of 11 teens and directed by Robin Fowler. The piece was written by Twain in 1898 but remained undiscovered until 2003, according to the press release. Playwright David Ives presented this adaptation in 2007. Tickets are $20, $16 for students and seniors. Call 431-6644, ext. 5, or email Pictured, Anthony Megliola, Connor Adams and Josh Goldberg in Is He Dead? Meghann Beauchamp photo.
Audubon Way, Auburn. Call 668-2045. Visit • “FROM TELLING TO KNOWING” Exhibit of paintings by artist Nan Hockenbury. On view through April 28. Mandarin Asian Bistro, 24 Market St., Lowell. • “DEEP CUTS: CONTEMPORARY PAPER CUTTING” Showcasing work by contemporary artists who reconsider, redefine and subvert practice of paper cutting. On view Feb. 25 through May 21. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit With Deep Cuts artists Jane South, Randal Thurston, Lisa Nilsson. • “STORIED BOOKS” Currier Library and Archives exhibition showcasing volumes from rare book collection. On view Feb. 6 through June 9. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit • “SOO SUNNY PARK: BIOLATH” Site-specific work by Soo Sunny Park in Putnam Gallery. On view Feb. 25 through Aug. 6. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit Workshops/classes/ demonstrations • ERIC EBBESON Art show. On view April 7-May 5. Aryaloka Buddhist Center, 14 Heartwood Circle, Newmarket. Visit or call 6595456.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 24
Classical Music Events • LAKES REGION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Welcome Spring! concert. Sat., March 18, at 7:30 p.m. InterLakes Auditorium, 1 Laker Lane, Meredith. $15. Visit lrso. org. • BEETHOVEN’S NINTH SYMPHONY Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra community event/concert. Sat., March
18, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 3 p.m. The Music Hall, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth. $25. Visit • NEW ENGLAND IRISH HARP ORCHESTRA Concert. Tues., March 21, at 7 p.m. Dover Public Library, 73 Locust St., Dover. Call 5166050. • TOM ROBINSON, NOELLE BEAUDIN Concert, “Robinson & Beaudin: The Voice of the Soprano Saxophone,” piano and saxophone music. Wed., March 22, at 7:30 p.m., Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord. Visit • SHARE THE MUSIC GALA Fundraiser for Manchester Community Music School. Cocktail, beer samplings, silent and live auctions, performances by music school students. Sat., March 25, at 5:30 p.m. BradySullivan Plaza, 1000 Elm St., Manchester. $75. Visit • MAESTRO DINNER Join Symphony NH Music Director Jonathan McPhee for preview of symphony’s 94th season. Dinner, live music. Sat., March 25, at 6 p.m. Nashua Country Club. 25 Fairway St., Nashua. $50. Visit, call 595-9156. • MATT ULERY, OURBIGBAND Concert Sun., March 26, at 4 p.m. (Seacoast Jazz Appreciation Project performance) and 6 p.m. (concert, $10). The Press Room, 77 Daniel St., Portsmouth. • NASHUA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA SPRING GALA EVENT Music, silent auction, wine, hors d’oeuvres. Sun., March 26, at 3 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 NH-101, Amherst. Visit or Tickets $30. Call 582-5211. • ORGAN MASTERS III Work by Bach, Franck, Men-
delssohn, others by Methuen native Andrew Scanlon. Sun., March 26, at 4 p.m. The First Church UCC, 1 Concord St., Nashua. Free. Visit first-music. org. • TRIO D’AMIS INC CONCERT: THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY Concert featuring Amy Lee, Robert Mayes, John Guarino. Sun., March 26, 4-5 p.m. Amherst Town Library, 14 Main St., Amherst. Call 673-2288. • ROSS DALY, KELLY THOMA Music performance. Tues., March 28, at 7 p.m. Mariposa Museum, 26 Main St., Peterborough. Call 9244555. Tickets $17. • MERRIMACK VALLEY FLUTE CHOIR Concert at Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Sun., April 2, at 2 p.m. Call 589-4610. Visit • SMETANA AND DVORAK Symphony NH concert. Fri., April 7, at 8 p.m., Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord; Sat., April 8, at 8 p.m., at Keefe Auditorium, 117 Elm St., Nashua; Sun., April 9, at 3 p.m., Lebanon Opera House. Tickets $18-$49. Visit • “ANNELIES” By British composer James Whitbourn. Piece focusing on Anne Frank’s life during Nazi occupation of Amsterdam during World War II. Portsmouth Pro Musica concert. Sun., April 9, at 3 p.m. Portsmouth Middle School, 155 Parrott Ave., Portsmouth. $15. Visit • MANCHESTER CHORAL SOCIETY Concert. Performance of Voltaire’s “Candide.” Dana Center for the Humanities, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester. Sat., April 29, at 7 p.m.; Sun., April 30, at 3 p.m. Tickets $25. Visit Call 472-6627.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 25
LISTINGS 26 Children & Teens Games, clubs, fun...
INSIDE/OUTSIDE Conventional wisdom
Queen City Kamikaze returns to Manchester
26 Clubs Hobby, service... 27 Crafts Fairs, workshops... 29 Dance Ballroom, folk... 29 Health & Wellness Workshops, exercises... 29 Miscellaneous Fairs, festivals, yard sales...
FEATURES 27 Kiddie pool Family activities this week. 28 The Gardening Guy Advice on your outdoors. 29 Treasure Hunt There’s gold in your attic. 30 Car Talk Click and Clack give you
By Matt Ingersoll
Compete in tabletop and video game tournaments, get your nostalgia fix on with retro video games and discover dozens of local art, comic book and anime-themed vendors at the eighth annual Queen City Kamikaze. The one-day convention returns to Manchester Memorial High School on Saturday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and is a one-stop shop for lovers of all things comic, video game and science fiction. Dressing up as your favorite comic book superhero or video game character — or “cosplaying” — is encouraged but not required. Kamikaze co-organizer Jeff Normandin said the convention has continued to grow larger each year since it began as a small fundraising event for the high school’s video game and anime clubs. “It started out as just a small thing with a few local artists and vendors, but now we fill the gym up with vendors from all over New England, basically,” he said. “The original plan [for Queen City Kamikaze] was to make it kind of on par with some of the larger conventions in New England like Anime Boston, but also making it more affordable for people … and we also try to make it more engaging for them.” A $10 entry fee at the door will give you access to all that the convention has to offer, another feature
car advice.
8th annual Queen City Kamikaze
Get Listed From yoga to pilates, cooking to languages to activities for the kids, Hippo’s weekly listing offers a rundown of all area events and classes. Get your program listed by sending information to at least three weeks before the event.
When: Saturday, March 18, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Manchester Memorial High School, 1 Crusader Way, Manchester Cost: $10 Visit:
Looking for more events for the kids, nature-lovers and more? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or online at
Children & Teens Activities • INTOWN MANCHESTER’S SEAMUS THE LEPRECHAUN Seamus the Leprechaun will be in hidden in downtown Manchester businesses on weekdays, now until Friday, March 17. Intown Manchester will write rhyming
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 26
Two cosplayers dressed as Pearl and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe at the Queen City Kamikaze (left) and Mike K. dressed as Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid. Courtesy of Candice Campbell of Sakura Yume Photography (
Normandin said is often not the case with some of the larger conventions. “With other conventions, you’ll pay to get in the door, but then you may pay an additional fee to do any of the tournaments or contests,” he said. “But here, we don’t charge extra to participate in any of the events. You pay the $10 and you can do whatever you want for the day.” Throughout the day, the school’s gymnasium will be filled with vendors selling merchandise, from comic books to video games and everything in between. NeonBomb, a Manchester comic book store Normandin co-owns, will be there as a vendor. Other vendors will include illustrators and graphic designers selling their original works. Several specialized workshops and panel discussions are planned in a few of the classrooms and hallways surrounding the gym, including in screenplay or novel writing, crafts, drawing and more. “One of the things we’re doing a bit different this year is called the Project Cosplay Challenge,” Nor-
riddles about the leprechaun’s whereabouts and share them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Once the leprechaun is found, the business will then award the finder a prize. Weekdays, through March 17. Downtown, Manchester. Free. Visit or call 645-6285.
mandin said. “It’s going to be sort of like a Project Runway type of thing in which participants come in and will be given a bunch of supplies … and they’ll have some parameters to make their own costume using what they’ve been given, and they’ll go out and show off what they’ve made.” Other Kamikaze staples involving cosplayers include a “cosplay dating game” from 10:30 to 11 a.m., and other game parodies of TV shows like Jeopardy! and Whose Line Is It Anyway? In each game, participants act out the character they are dressed up as. Set up along several hallways during the convention will be video game tournaments and multiple televisions with old-generation gaming consoles like Atari and Super Nintendo. There will be tournaments for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and also for Street Fighter V. “The retro games are going to be more of a pick-up-and-play type thing, so that people can try out different games and systems,” Normandin said. “The tournaments
Clubs Events • BEDFORD DEMOCRATIC PARTY CAUCUS Officers for the coming two-year period will be elected to the Bedford Democratic Party. Wed., March 22, 6:30 p.m. Bedford Public Library, 3 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford. Free. Visit
people can sign up at the door for when they pay the entry fee.” Card game tournaments are also planned, featuring the games Magic: The Gathering, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz and Force of Will. Kamikaze-goers will need to pay additional fees for food. Normandin said different organizations associated with the high school often participate in the convention as their own community fundraiser. “Oftentimes the [school] track team sells pizza, and the yearbook group will have a cart of ramen noodles, so they always get involved too,” he said. He added that if you’ve never attended an anime or video game convention before, Queen City Kamikaze is a great starting point. “It’s become one of the first conventions that a lot of people end up going to,” he said. “It’s a good one to get your feet wet [as a visitor], because it’s small, but it’s also a good first event as a vendor to see how you do selling your artwork at a convention.”
Garden • HOOKSETT GARDEN CLUB MARCH MEETING Regular monthly meeting will be followed by a presentation by master gardener Ron Trexler, “Starting Plants from Seeds for the Summer Garden.” Wed., March 29, 4 p.m. Hooksett Public Library, 31 Mount St. Mary’s
Way. Free, open to the public. Visit Men’s • NH RETIRED MEN’S ASSOCIATION MEETING Features a discussion on safe computing practices. How to protect your business, personal or mobile computer will be presented by
Family fun for the weekend
Cup of tea
Join Kimball Jenkins School of Art (266 N. Main St., Concord) for its next Alice in Wonderland Tea Party on Sunday, March 19, from 2 to 4 p.m. Enjoy teatime, storytelling, crafts, art, hot cocoa and more. Costumes are encouraged. All children must be accompanied by a participating adult. The cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required. Visit or call 225-3932.
Crazy for camp
The next summer camp and program expo will be held at the Courtyard Marriott (2200 Southwood Drive, Nashua) on Saturday, March 18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Get information on New Hampshire-area summer camps from more than 50 camp representatives to find the right place for your kids this summer. Admission is free. Visit for more details. Can’t make it to this expo? Check out the Hippo’s summer camp guide; visit, click on past issues and then click on the pdf version of the Feb. 16 issue. The guide starts on p. 12.
Maple madness
Charmingfare Farm (774 High St., Candia) hosts its next two Maple Express events on Saturday, March 18, and Sunday, March 19, in honor of Maple Month. Get the full experience of maple sugaring in New Hampshire on a working farm, and enjoy horse-drawn rides, a sugar shack tour and maple tasting. The cost is $19 per person and free for kids under 23 months. Go to or call 483-5623 to view available times or to set up your own.
• Immune Support & Strengthening Supplements • Homeopathic Remedies
Affordable Pricing Everyday! which kicks off at Nashua High School South (36 Riverside St.) on Saturday, March 18, and will go into Mine Falls. The 5K begins at 11 a.m. and Lil’ Leprechaun Fun Run (for ages 2 to 10) begins at 10:30 a.m. The races will support the high school’s track and field programs. Registration is $25 for adults and $15 for kids 17 and under. All runners in the Lil’ Leprechaun Fun Run race for free. The first 100 5K entrants will also receive a free T-shirt. Registration is available at Cowabunga’s Indoor Inflatable Playground (1328 Hooksett Road, Hooksett) will host its annual St. Patrick’s Day party on Friday, March 17, from 5 to 8 p.m. All three gyms will be open during the party. The cost is $10 per child, and free for adults and babies. Visit mycowabungas. com or call 625-8008.
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Hop to it
The Peacock Players wrap up their production of A Year With Frog and Toad with the final shows on Saturday, March 18, at 2 and 7 p.m., and on Sunday, March 19, at 2 p.m. at the Janice B. Streeter Theater (14 Court St., Nashua). The musical is based on the Frog and Toad children’s book series by Arnold Lobel and follows the adventures of Happy-go-lucky two best friends through the four seasons. Don’t miss the first annual Great Sham- Tickets are $15 general admission and $12 rock 5K and Lil’ Leprechaun Fun Run, for students. Visit
C-2 Computer Solutions. Tues., March 21, 1 p.m. Jutras American Legion Post No. 43, 56 Boutwell St., Manchester. Free. Visit Crafts Fairs • CABIN FEVER ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR Sat., March 18, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deerfield Town Hall, 10 Church St., Deerfield. Workshops • BASKET WEAVING Participants will choose one bas-
ket design to make and learn the fine craft of basket-making, using reed and hardwood. All tools and materials will be supplied. Sat., March 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, Meredith, 279 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua. $100. Visit meredith.nhcrafts. org/classes or call 279-7920. • BEGINNER’S BRACELET BEADING CLASS All supplies to make one bracelet, with your choice of colors, will be included. Fri., March 24, 6 to 8 p.m. Fresh Threads, 515 Daniel Web-
ster Highway, Merrimack. $30 ($10 deposit required). Email • QUILLING WORKSHOP Quilling, also known as paper filigree, is the art of curling and shaping narrow strips of paper and laying them on the edge to form intricate filigree designs. Fri., March 24, 1 to 2:45 p.m. Pelham Public Library, 24 Village Green, Pelham. Free, with a $5 tool available for purchase (registration is required). Visit or call 635-7581.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 27
Rambunctious plants Be thankful for what they offer By Henry Homeyer
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 28
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” That quote is from French journalist, novelist and critic Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, who lived from 1808 to 1890. He’s right, of course; being thankful for the good attributes of flowers is important even though some also have some problematic traits. It would be easy to ban every flower that misbehaves. On this cold March day I can think of several problem-child flowers that I love. Obedient Flower certainly does not live up to its name: it is not at all well-behaved. I started growing it in a sunny spot with rich, moist soil. It grew to be 3 to 6 feet tall with square stems and lovely pink flowers in mid-July. But soon it wandered, taking over walkways and neighboring beds. It got into my rhubarb patch. It spread by root, and even a fragment left in the soil would come back. Ultimately I hired a young man who spent 10 hours or more digging it out. “Take no prisoners,” I said. He did a good job by loosening the soil deeply with a garden fork and then teasing out the roots with a CobraHead weeder. The CobraHead is a single-tined hand tool that is fabulous for getting out roots. Of course, given the beauty of the flowers and the fact that they have great vase-life, I had to re-plant a few of these non-obedient flowers. Where? Along the edges of a field that is partially shaded by willows, in an area with goldenrod and other tall, aggressive plants. I didn’t want to make life too easy for these beauties, and that worked. I can go pick stems for arrangements, and if the flowers want to spread I can mow them. Another vigorous spreader is the Clustered Bellflower. This is a lovely globe-shaped cluster of blossoms that are a bluish-purple on stems about 18 inches tall. Like Obedient Plant, it spreads by root and can be invasive if planted in full sun with rich moist soil. It showed up in my garden without ever being purchased. Some scrap of root must have come in with another flower, perhaps a gift plant. But Clustered Bellflower is much easier to control than Obedient Plant. It digs easily, and I putting it in drier, shadier locations made it a very nice addition to the garden. Joe Pye Weed is a native wildflower that grows alongside my brook, flowering in August. I like the flowers even though they don’t last long in a vase. It’s great food for bees and butterflies. It can reach 6 feet or more tall and has many small pink-purple flowers growing in clusters. A related species, E. maculatum, is said to be a bit shorter and tidier, especially a named cultivar, Gateway. I bought Gateway and liked it, for several years.
Henry Homeyer photo.
Then, like many of us, it spread in middle age. A tidy 2-foot-wide plant became a messy 5-foot-wide plant, tall and floppy. It had to go. Digging up my Joe Pye was a real test of my mettle. No helper available, I went at it with a shovel and fork. It didn’t even wiggle. So I cut off all stems and went at the roots with a pick-ax. Three hours later I had removed the roots. Later I learned about a cultivar called Little Joe of a related species, E. dubium. This one, I read, is a really nice size, maybe 2 feet tall and wide. But elsewhere I see it listed as 3 to 4 feet tall. Hmm. I need to be wary about these flowers. But I bet if I see one for sale, I’ll try it. Silly me. Once I decided to try planting a true bamboo plant. I had been warned that bamboo can take over a garden, spreading by root. So to prevent that, I planted the bamboo in a 50-gallon plastic drum. First I drilled drainage holes in the bottom and buried it, leaving a 3 inch lip above the soil line. I filled it with great soil and compost. The bamboo barely survived the first winter, and eventually succumbed. But better safe than sorry. There are many plants that have been introduced to the United States with good intentions (or by mistake), only to turn invasive. Purple loosestrife is one, Japanese Knotweed is another. Neither is controlled by any native American insect pests and they spread like wildfire. Both have root systems that are daunting, and a mature purple loosestrife plant, I have read, can produce a million seeds or more. And those seeds last for years. Fortunately, purple loosestrife, which can take over marshes and wet areas, is now being controlled by a beetle imported from Europe, where the loosestrife comes from. The beetle was tested before being released and it was found to be species-specific: it won’t eat your peonies or your tomatoes. So what have I learned from my experiences? Don’t give rambunctious plants what they want. Give them less sun, less water and poor soil. Those are better places for overly enthusiastic plants. But also enjoy what they have to offer — and don’t focus on the thorns. Reach Henry at henry.homeyer@comcast. net. Visit
Dear Donna, My husband and I have a question for you. We are looking to add to a set that was given to us by my husband’s family. We don’t know how to go about it. We believe the pieces we have could be silver, but how do we find out how to acquire more? Sandy from Concord Dear Sandy, I love to hear that you are going to add to a family set. First let’s start with your set, which is by the Rogers Brothers Co. The company started in the late 1800s and did both sterling and silver plated. If yours is sterling it would be marked so, and also the pattern will tell you whether it is or not. Your pattern is called Siren and it is a silver plated pattern so this means your set is not solid but plated with silver. No matter what, it’s a beautiful design and not to easy to come by. Some patterns are easier than others to get, which makes them inexpensive to pick up to complete or add to a set today. But yours may be a bit harder for you. You could go through a replacement company now that you know the maker and pattern. But they tend to be a bit more expensive than if you can find pieces on other retail websites. Another thought is
Dance Folk dance classes • CONTRA DANCE Caller Tony Parkes is accompanied by the southern string band sounds of the Dead Sea Squirrels. Beginners, singles and families are welcome. Sat., March 18, 8 to 11 p.m. East Concord Community Center, 18 Eastman St., Concord. $7 general admission, $5 for ages 15-25, and free for ages 15 and under. Visit or call 225-4917. Health & Wellness Childbirth & parenting • ESSENTIALS OF PEDIATRIC DEVELOPMENT Learn all about your child’s development throughout the years. Participants will learn how to engage the unique needs of their children, starting from birth and throughout adolescence. This workshop is perfect for someone you know who may be expecting or has children already. Tues., March 21, 6 p.m. Awakening Chiropractic, 7 Grange Road, Tilton. Free. Email awakeningchiropractic@ or call 729-0009. • PARENTING WORKSHOP Topics will include effective parenting styles, effective disci-
making some calls around New Hampshire and let antique shops know you are looking for certain pieces for your set and ask them to contact you if any of them show up. As I said, if it’s not a common piece it can be tough to find, and expensive. A fork in your pattern in good condition should be in the $10 to $15 range. The more unusual the piece, the higher the cost. I will keep my eyes open for you. Good luck in your hunt. Donna Welch has spent more than 20 years in the antiques and collectibles field and owns From Out Of The Woods Antique Center in Goffstown ( She is an antiques appraiser and instructor. To find out about your antique or collectible, send a clear photo of the object and information about it to Donna Welch, From Out Of The Woods Antique Center, 465 Mast Road, Goffstown, N.H., 03045. Or email her at footwdw@ Or drop by the shop (call first, 6248668).
pline skills, the power of giving our children choices, routines and more. Wed., March 22, 6:30 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Free; registration is required. Visit or call 432-6140. Events • MEDICATION SAFETY: ASK THE PHARMACIST This presentation will review safe prescription and over-thecounter medication use. Additionally, a few words about opioids will be discussed to bring awareness to the current epidemic. Thurs., March 16, 6 to 8 p.m. St. Joseph Hospital, 172 Kinsley St., Nashua. $10 fee; includes dinner. Visit or call 595-3168. • PROGRAMS ABOUT OPIOIDS From 6 to 7 p.m., the City of Nashua Division of Public Health will hold a workshop on what substance-use disorder is. At 7 p.m., human relations teacher Lisa Yates will lead a conversation for 18- to 25-yearolds about opioids, addiction and transformation. Young adults are encouraged to come talk about the impact the opioid epidemic has had on their friends and families and what can be done about
it. Thurs., March 23, 6 & 7 p.m. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Free; registration is required for the 6 p.m. program. Visit or call 589-4600. Miscellaneous Pop culture • JIM’S TATTOO 40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION This event features a pig roast, food and beverages, live music, special guests, giveaways and more. Sun., March 26, noon to 6 p.m. Jim’s Tattoo, 256 Lafayette Road, Seabrook. Free. Visit or call 474-8754. Conversation groups • ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP The event is an opportunity for people learning English as well as native speakers to talk about the topics of everyday interest, share their languages and enjoy refreshments. It’s sponsored by the Cultural Navigators of One Greater Nashua. Thursdays, March 16, April 20 and May 18, 2 to 3 p.m. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Free and open to the public; no registration required. Visit or call 589-4600.
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 29
This is one tough wish list Dear Car Talk: I’m 64 years old and drive a 2005 Buick LaCrosse with 56,000 miles. Dealers want me to trade in my car. OK, here is what I want in my next car: (1) ManBy Ray Magliozzi ual roll-down windows for front and back. I’m not lazy. (2) I want the little triangular window in the front window. I won’t need to use air conditioning, and will be able to save gas with this window. (3) I want a wide car. The length of a car doesn’t impress me; make the cars wider for heavier people. (4) I want to be able to open all of my doors with a key. It will come in handy when locks are frozen. (5) I don’t want all the high-tech gadgets. Give me heat, AC, rear-window defroster and radio. I know how to back up without assistance; I know enough to slow down when approaching a vehicle; I know enough to look when changing lanes. (6) Get rid of the rear slanting window. I don’t want to bend down to look through the back window. Your comments and suggestions? — Leo That’s a tough shopping list, Leo. I think you’ll be able to find a wide
car. That won’t be a problem. And there are plenty of cars that still use keys, for the time being (sometimes as backups to remote key fobs), so I think you’ll be able to find one of those, too. But manual roll-down windows are hard to come by these days. And the triangular windows up front are gone — at least the vent-style windows that open. Touch screens are becoming ubiquitous, as are backup cameras, which will be mandatory starting in model year 2018 — so you’d better move fast, Leo. And the other safety equipment you refer to (automatic pre-collision braking, blind-spot monitoring, etc.) is trickling down into lots of less-expensive cars, too. You still can avoid that stuff by buying the lower or lowest trim levels. Since most people want those features (and we strongly recommend them), car makers sell them as part of more-expensive option packages. But you can just decline those. And the extreme slant of the rear window is the current style. It’s aerodynamic, and hard to avoid unless you buy a station wagon or a squared-off SUV. So I don’t think you’re going to get everything on your list, Leo. Actually, now that I think about it, I may have the perfect car
for you. When you’re ready to sell this ‘05 Buick, what you need is ... a 1955 Buick! Or maybe a DeSoto. No, wait ... the DeSoto doesn’t have the rear-window defroster. But maybe you can get a hibachi and leave it on the shelf behind the rear seats. I’m not sure what to suggest, Leo. A barebones “stripper” version of a wide-ish car probably is going to come closest to what you want. But even then, it’s going to be a challenge. Let me know what you end up with, so at least I’ll have something to steer my other readers away from. Good luck! Dear Car Talk: When starting my Camry cold, white smoke billows from the rear tailpipe. What is this? — Sherry This is the universal signal to grab a new auto-loan application, Sherry. Well, maybe not. But white smoke usually is caused by vaporized coolant, which often is the result of a blown head gasket. At the middle of the engine, you have the cylinders, which combust gasoline and air. All around those cylinders are passages for coolant, to keep the cylinders from overheating. And when everything is correct, the twain never shall meet: Coolant stays outside the cylinders, and the com-
bustion materials stay inside. But when there’s a breach -- like a blown head gasket -- the coolant, which is under high pressure, will seep into one or more of the cylinders after you turn off the engine. Then, when you restart the engine, that coolant gets combusted, along with the gasoline and air. And that makes white smoke. So, the first thing to do is ask your mechanic to do a head-gasket test. If he believes the head gasket is bad, then you’ll have to decide whether to put $1,000-plus into the car. That’ll depend on how old the car is, what kind of shape it’s in, whether you still love it, and how much credit is available on your home-equity line. Of course, once he opens up the engine, he might find that it’s worse than a blown head gasket: that it’s a cracked head, or a cracked block — which both are way more expensive. So be aware that there’s some uncertainty going into any such operation. And depending how close the call is regarding whether to fix the car or dump it, you may want to issue a DNR in case the mechanic discovers a crack in the head or block. I’ll think good thoughts for you, Sherry. Visit
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Manchester Community College HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 30
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Friendly faceoff
Battle of the Badges Hockey Classic returns for 10th year
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Courtesy of CHaD.
By Matt Ingersoll
For nearly a decade, police officers and firefighters from across the Granite State have been facing off in ice hockey exhibition matches to raise money for Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. On Sunday, March 19, at 3 p.m., the two departments will renew their friendly rivalry at the SNHU Arena in Manchester during the 10th annual Battle of the Badges Hockey Classic. Tom Gauthier, community relations and event coordinator for CHaD, said just over $200,000 is raised from the hockey version of the Badges Classic each year from a combination of player sponsorships, ticket sales and charitable donations. About $1.7 million has been raised from the game since its 2008 debut, and he said players are eyeing a goal to reach $2 million this year. “Each player on each team commits to raising a minimum of $1,500, and they might do that by selling tickets to their family or friends,” Gauthier said. “People can also buy special red or blue wristbands to support their favorite team directly.” The Hockey Classic is one of CHaD’s largest annual fundraising events, and to mark 10 years, several “alumni” team players who have participated in past games over the course of the game’s history will be recognized. Players that made each team have been practicing at the SNHU Arena each month since December ahead of the big game. Among them are seven skaters who will play in their first Badges championship. Retired Manchester Police Lt. Pete Favreau and Dover Fire and Rescue Deputy Chief Mickey Drouin will resume their previous roles as captains of their respective teams. Also playing this year is Dover
Police Officer Chris Plummer, the game’s all-time leading scorer with 21 points, and Nashua Police Officer Mike Dore, who has raised more than $100,000 over eight years as the leading fundraiser. “Hockey certainly is one of the more finely tuned sports, but you’d be surprised to see that the teams are made up of some generally pretty good players,” Gauthier said. “A lot of the guys that make the teams either used to play or still play in men’s hockey leagues.” He said the structure of the game will be not unlike that of a normal Manchester Monarchs game, complete with all of the fun features and other games between periods and after the game is over. “There will be different factors and tidbits going on both in the stands and on the ice throughout the course of the game,” he said. “There will be sign-making stations and photo stations, and we’ll also have some CHaD patients get a chance to pair with some of the players and cheer them on. … The kids will get to meet with the players on ice and help launch T-shirts in the crowd, so that should be fun.” Team Police has won more games in the Classic’s history, including a 12-5 win over Team Fire last year. “For the most part, the games have been pretty close, but I’m sure after last year’s, Team Fire has got some extra motivation,” Gauthier said.
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10th annual Battle of the Badges Hockey Classic When: Sunday, March 19, 3 p.m. Where: SNHU Arena, 555 Elm St., Manchester Cost: $10 general admission; free for kids ages 5 and under Visit: or call 629-1238 to buy tickets
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 31
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operate and run a business day-to-day. You need to think about how it’s going to perform in the future three, five, 10 years down the road. So we do a little bit of everything to attract customers and make sure they are having a good time so that they want to come back.
Alex Koppelkam Owner of AG Paintball
How did you find your
Alex Koppelkam of Concord is the owner and operator of AG Paintball in Weare, current job? a 30-acre paintball park with 11 playing fields offering walk-in play and private I actually bought [AG and corporate games. The park has been open since 1988 and celebrated its Paintball] right [after opening day for this season on March 4. graduating] high school. … Explain what your current job is. I’m the guy that wears all the hats, helping customers check in and purchase rental equipment, answering phones, helping to repair equipment, that sort of thing. How long have you been in your career? [2017] is my ninth season as the owner and operator. How did you get interested in this field? I played paintball extensively prior to purchasing the park, and it was an oppor-
Courtesy photo.
When the field came up for sale, it was realtunity that certainly opened up for me. … ly small at the time, but it’s continued to I had done pretty much all of the jobs you grow considerably over the years. could do, I had reffed games and managed the field, and so I had a lot of experience What’s the best piece of work-related running [all of] the operations ... plus I advice anyone’s ever given you? knew I wanted to start my own business. That hard work and paying attention to little details certainly matter. What kind of education or training did you need for this job? What do you wish you’d known at the One of the biggest things I’ve learned beginning of your career? is that you have to continue to evolve. … I wish I had a little bit more foresight as Every day we’re constantly trying to think far as the growth that we were capable of. outside the box to differentiate ourselves and to make people want to come out and What is your typical at-work uniform? play paintball. You can’t just sit still and There’s really nothing that we require per
out of clothing.
se so much as recommend, except for a face mask. … We recommend players wear shoes that are comfortable to run around in the woods in, and covering up as much exposed skin as possible without being too hot, so long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and maybe a lightweight hoodie. … All of our safety equipment is provided and most of it, like the chest protector, is optional. The paint is also biodegradable and custom-made to wash
What was the first job you ever had? I’ve been entrepreneurial my whole life. … I ran lemonade stands and did a number of paper routes over the years once I was old enough. — Matt Ingersoll What’s something you’re really into right now? I just got an RC drone that I’ve been having fun flying around. … I’ve been thinking about getting my pilot’s license for a while, but the drone has been a fun way to goof around in the meantime.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 34
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 35
FOOD Beer and friendship
Kelsen celebrates three years of brewing By Angie Sykeny
News from the local food scene
By Angie Sykeny
Kelsen Brewing Co. celebrates its third year of brewing with a special anniversary event on Tuesday, March 21, at Cask & Vine in Derry. There will be a dozen beers on tap plus a cask, Kelsen-inspired dishes, opportunities to meet and talk with Kelsen brewers and a couple surprises. “We are very excited to be celebrating our third year,” Paul Kelly of Kelsen said. “We couldn’t have made it this far without the support of the local community, our fans and local bars and restaurants such as Cask & Vine.” One of the highlights of the night is the Russian imperial stout Vinatta, a collaboration or “friendship” beer started between Kelsen and Cask & Vine shortly after Kelsen opened. Attendees will have the chance to try the 2015, 2016 and recently debuted 2017 versions, as well as the final batch of the pilot version. “That was like the test version. It’s kind of a special thing for us, like the end of the beginning,” Andy Day of Cask & Vine said. “It will be cool to sample all four of those side by side.” Day describes the 2015 batch as having “aged nicely, with a creaminess to it
• Green specials at Firefly: Firefly American Bistro & Bar (22 Concord St., Manchester, 935-9740, is offering a full menu of specials for St. Patrick’s Day with a variety of Irish fare, including potato leek soup, a mulligan’s stew with Guinness, a corned beef plate, bangers and mash, bread pudding with an Irish whiskey sauce and more, as well as special themed mixed drinks like the Peppermint Paddy (Hellcat Maggie Irish Whiskey, creme de menthe and white chocolate liqueur), the “If I Should Fall from Grace with God” (Guinness, spiced rum, espresso vodka and dark creme de cacao), and the Pot o’ Gold (Jameson, Domaine de Canton ginger liqueur and Goldschlager, topped with ginger ale). For more St. Patrick’s Day food events, go to, click on “past issues,” click the March 9 pdf and check out “Green cuisine” starting on p. 34. • Spring wine tasting: WineNot Boutique of Nashua is hosting its first annual Spring Wine Spectacular at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua) on Friday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. The tasting will feature more than 80 high-quality, hardto-find wines from prestigious wineries like Carol Shelton, Jadot, Viberti, Gamba, and Anton Bauer as well as from small wine producers in Italy, France, California, Austria, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal and South Africa. The tasting will also feature local artisan foods, ciders, craft beers and appetizers prepared by Crowne Plaza Executive Chef Todd Lytle. Tickets cost $35 per person. For more information and to purchase tickets, call WineNot at 204-5569 or visit • St. Pat’s with class: Frederick’s Pastries (109 Route 101A, Amherst, 882-7725, will have a St. Patrick’s Day adult cake decorating class on Thursday, March 16, at 6:30 p.m. Create a “Mug O’ Beer” with chocolate, vanilla or purple velvet cake and frost it with buttercream. The cost is $65. Register online. Ooo La La Creative Cakes of Meredith will host a St. Patrick’s adult cake class at Jump N Joy (477 Province Road, No. 3, Laconia) on Thursday, March 16, at 6 p.m. Create a 6-inch “Pot of Gold” cake with green and chocolate batter, vanilla or Bailey’s Irish Cream buttercream, fondant shamrocks and more. The cost is $35. 42
Looking for more food and drink fun? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 36
Kelsen beer draft list: Paradigm Brown Battle Axe Draken Harimanna 6.7 IPA Hoplite Vendel Barrel Aged Vendel Vinatta Pilot Batch Vinátta 2015 Vinátta 2016 Vinátta 2017
Kelsen and Cask & Vine collaboration beer, Vinátta. Courtesy photo.
and the chocolate coming through more.” The 2016 batch “still has a little kiss of sweetness to it, but definitely more of that leathery tobacco taste and dark fruit.” The 2017 batch, he said, “has bittersweet chocolate up front with a little fruit and a little more roastiness.” There will be beer flights offered with Kelsen Brewing Co. Third Anniversary When: Tuesday, March 21, 4 to 10 p.m.; if March 21 sells out, event will also be held Wednesday, March 22, 4 to 10 p.m. Where: Cask & Vine, 1 E. Broadway, Derry Cost: $10 reservation fee, will be applied to bill for the evening Visit:
all four variations of the Vinatta as well as flights of Kelsen’s other flagship beers on tap. The cask beer will be Cappuccino Paradigm Brown — a one-off made exclusively for the anniversary event — and there will be a couple surprise beers making their debut as well. Food specials will include soups or appetizers, an entree and a dessert that incorporate Kelsen beers. Finally, attendees will have the chance to meet and chat with Kelsen brewers throughout the evening. “It’s cool to be able to sit there and talk with them about the beer industry and their experiences and stories about the beer,” Day said. “Vinatta means friendship, and that’s what this is all about — spending a night drinking good beer and talking with these fantastic people.”
Going gourmet
Gourmet food festival features 20 local vendors By Angie Sykeny
A cocktail party-style event featuring samples of food, wine and spirits from about 20 local restaurants and beverage vendors, the 29th annual Gourmet Festival will be held on Sunday, March 19, at Nashua Country Club. The event is a fundraiser for the Front
Door Agency and will include games, raffles and silent and live auctions. “The feedback we get year after year from people who go to multiple events like this is that they love the flow of it,” Media Relations Manager Lucie Bryar said. “You aren’t sitting down the whole time like the typical rubber-chicken dinner.” This year’s tasting welcomes longtime participants like MT’s Local Kitchen & Wine Bar of Nashua and Frederick’s Pas-
tries of Amherst and Bedford, plus some newcomers like Big Kahunas Cafe and Grill of Merrimack. Most restaurants offer dishes that are “not everyday fare,” Bryar said, and are either new or specially prepared for the Gourmet Festival. “The fun of the festival is that we never know quite what to expect, but we have never been disappointed,” Bryar said. “We had a tuna tartare last year, steak tartare
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The Front Door Agency’s Gourmet Festival. Courtesy photo.
on crostini, some gourmet meatballs with specialty sauces that were amazing, tasty risotto and lamb and a chocolate mousse dessert.” The beverage vendors will also offer signature drinks created for the event. For example, Bryar said, Southern Wine & Spirits of New England will be offering a special martini, a “Cowardly Lion’s Courage” Manhattan and an infusion drink using the new Baileys Almande, an almond milkbased Baileys. Attendees will have the opportunity to talk directly with some of the chefs and beverage producers as they make their way around the tasting. “That’s one of the unique appeals that’s really kind of cool,” Bryar said. “The chefs are right there for people to engage them in conversation and ask about where they source their ingredients or ask about a new menu item.” While the tasting is going on, there will be opportunities to bid on silent auction items, and later that evening there will be a live auction and a brief program about The Front Door Agency’s mission. Proceeds from the event will benefit families in the greater Nashua area that are facing homelessness. Food & Drink Author events/lectures • BREAKFAST AT INA’S Showing of the documentary Breakfast at Ina’s, including a special gala brunch before the film and a post film discussion with Ina Pinkney. Pinkney will also be selling and signing her acclaimed cookbooks. Sun., March 26, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. South Eastern Regional Education Center , 29 Commerce Drive, Bedford. $36, $48.50 after March 20. Search event on
Gourmet Festival When: Sunday, March 19, 4 to 8 p.m. Where: Nashua Country Club, 25 Fairway St., Nashua Cost: $85 per person Visit: gourmet-festival Participating vendors 110 Grill Bertucci’s Big Kahuna Burton’s Grill Celebrations Catering Cruzin’ Cakes Fratello’s Frederick’s Pastries LaBelle Winery MT’s Local Kitchen/Surf/Buckley’s Great Steaks Nashua Community College Nashua Country Club Not Your Average Joe’s Pine State Beverage Riverside Barbeque Southern Wine and Spirits of New England Stella Blu Whole Foods Nashua You You Japanese Bistro
• TEA PARTY Tea expert Lynda Simmons comes to discuss tea etiquette, history, and health benefits. Wed., March 29, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Call 432-6140. • DERRY COOKBOOK GROUP Group will choose a new cookbook for each meeting and make something from the book, then bring it in to share. Discuss tips, tricks and troubles and eat. Cookbooks will be available to borrow at the front desk. First Fri., 11:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Contact Jessica at or call 4326140. • PELHAM COOKBOOK EXPLORERS Group explores a new type of cuisine or diet each month. Share your cooking successes and challenges and leave with new recipes. Monthly. Pelham Public Library, 24 Village Green, Pelham. Free and open to the public. Email
Sunday Brunch Being Served 10am-3pm Serving Dinner (3pm-10pm) Visit our Build-Your-Own Bloody Mary Bar $5 Mimosas
Inspired classic American fare in a warm, inviting atmosphere. We are open 7 Days Lunch Mon - Sat: 11:30am - 4pm Sun Brunch: 10am-3pm
Mon - Thurs: 4pm - 10pm Fri & Sat: 4pm-11pm Sun: 3pm-10pm
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 37
Everyday market
Meal service expands with “loyal to local” store
Every Sunday 10:30am-2:00pm
Wednesday-Sunday Seatings 5:30pm-8:30pm
Local Baskit Marketplace in Concord. Courtesy photo.
March 17th, 18th & 19th
By Angie Sykeny
Also, other traditional Irish Fare
Fri., March 17
Party with us and “Those Guys” Lots of Giveaways & Fun!
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Cheers To
Innovative & Inspired Seafood New American Cuisine
St. Patrick’s Day Specials all day!
"Definitely the Best Corned Beef in town"
Corned Beef & Cabbage served all day. Guiness Irish Stew ,Corned Beef sliders, Pot o gold tater tots, Guinness Cupcakes...and more!
We’re Celebrating big with Beer, Cocktail and Food specials all day long. All You Can Eat Corned Beef & Cabbage Friday, March 17th Lunch $12.99 | Dinner $15.99 Downtown Manchester’s New Uptown Restaurant 113598
201 Hanover St, Manchester, NH 627-2677 | HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 38
17 Depot St., Concord, NH 228-0180 106311
Buying local food just got easier for Concord-area residents thanks to a unique specialty food store that opened in downtown Concord last month. Local Baskit Marketplace, located at 10 Ferry St., off North Main Street, is the new storefront and business headquarters for Local Baskit, a New Hampshire-focused subscription meal kit service that launched in June 2016. The Marketplace serves as a meal kit pickup location for subscribers and as a retail shop, open to the public, with single meal kits, local beer and wine, fresh ingredients from local farms and artisan food items. “It’s really like a farmers market, except it’s open all day, almost every day of the week, and you can pick up some local beer or wine for your meal while you’re there,” Local Baskit owner Beth Richards said. “Our focus is on making it as convenient as possible for people to be loyal to local.” Just like the subscription meal kits, single meal kits called “Cook Tonight Baskits” contain fresh, local ingredients, pre-measured for easy meal preparation, and a recipe card with step-by-step cooking instructions. They’re offered in two- and four-person servings and change week to week based on what’s available from partnering farms. The recipes are pulled from the same archive of recipes used for the subscription meals — things like spaghetti with warm bacon mushroom sauce, veggies and lentils in peanut sauce and green onion honey chicken thighs. Each week’s Cook Tonight Baskits are posted on the Local Baskit website, where they can be purchased and reserved for pickup, or you can just walk in and choose from what’s on the shelf. “It’s the same concept for those people who are looking to cook a meal instead of pick up
a prepared one,” Richards said, “but because we’re in a space now that allows us to be flexible, we can offer that option of the Cook Tonight meals for people if the subscription didn’t fit their lifestyle or if it’s easier to just stop in after work and grab something.” You can also pair your dinner with a bottle of local wine or a pack of beer from a New Hampshire brewery such as Henniker Brewing Co., Rockingham Brewing Co., and Concord’s new downtown brewery Concord Craft Brewing Co. Complete the meal with a locally made dessert like cannolis from Modern Pastry or a pie from Tarte Bakery. You can even pick up some local milk, eggs and bacon for the next morning’s breakfast. Additionally, Local Baskit Marketplace hosts beer and wine tastings and pairings every Friday, plus wellness and nutrition programs and food craft activities for families, and will add more events in the future like knife skill classes and local farm showcases. “We’re really working to create a community that’s loyal to local, so we created this community gathering space where we can celebrate local food,” Richards said. “The farm-to-table movement continues and we are one part of that.” Local Baskit Concord Marketplace Where: 10 Ferry St., Concord Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Contact: 219-0882, Upcoming Marketplace events: Squam Brewing tasting, Friday, March 17, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Kick the Sugar Habit wellness workshop, Saturday, March 18, 1 p.m. For more on the Local Baskit subscription meal kit service, check out the June 2016 story in the Hippo at hippopress. com/read-article/dinner-is-ready.
Cityside Laundromat • Fantastic Sams • Hannaford Supermarket H & R Block • Masello - Salon Services • Mathnasium NH Liquor & Wine Outlet • New Happy Garden • Supertan Radiant Nail & Spa • Shorty’s Mexican Roadhouse • Subway • Workout Club
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The Never Boring Steakhouse
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 39
Corned Beef & Cabbage Guinness Cake • Guiness Stew Craft beer NH • NH Brewery Specials Beer & Cheese board, games and giveways
Pipe and drums in the afternoon
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Easter Brunch
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Brunch Buffet
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Think Spring!
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 40
Tonia Moufaddal opened The Fig and the Olive (located inside the Residences at Daniel Webster, 246 Daniel Webster Hwy., Merrimack, 417-7180, with her sister Lisa Wilcox in July 2016. Since they were kids, Moufaddal has loved to bake while Wilcox is always the cook, so when an opportunity to open a restaurant came up, they decided to merge their talents and take on the endeavor as partners. Moufaddal hadn’t considered making baking Tonia Moufaddal, left, with sister and co-owner Lisa Wilcox, right. more than a hobby until a chef-instructor at her high school culinary program told her she had talent and encouraged her to take it a step further. She went on to work as a baker at the Bedford Village Inn, Saint Anselm College and The Black Forest Cafe before opening The Fig and the Olive. What is your must-have kitchen item? What is your favorite thing on your My KitchenAid mixer. It makes my job menu? easier not having to do certain things by Our kale salad. I eat it almost every day hand. I can do bigger batches a lot faster and take it home on the weekends if we and more efficiently. don’t sell it. It has an apple cider vinaigrette with radishes, pecans, dried cranberries, What is your favorite ingredient to bake apples, blue cheese. I love the combination. with? And it goes great with our zucchini burgers. A really rich butter. I use salted Cabot Creamery butter. It’s more money, but What is the biggest food trend in New totally worth it, especially in a pie dough or Hampshire right now? puff dough where the only ingredients are Definitely gluten-free and eating local. butter, flour, salt and water. I’ve seen the gluten-free thing constantly while working in bakeries. Whether it’s for What would you choose for your last people with celiac or just a lifestyle choice, meal? it’s in high demand. And local food, we try Cheesecake. Cheesecake is my weakness. to use as much as we can to do our part and support other businesses, and people who What is your favorite local restaurant? come in like to see that here. My husband and I love the Puritan. I love the chicken fingers there. They’re really What is your favorite meal to cook at great. home? My husband and I make a chicken What celebrity would you like to see eat- Moroccan tagine, which is almost like a ing at your restaurant? type of stew. You make it in a tagine pot Tom Hanks. I think he’s so down-to- with chicken, peas, Moroccan spices, carearth and a nice guy, and I love him as an rots, potatoes, then you eat from the same actor. I’ll watch him in anything. dish with a loaf of bread. — Angie Sykeny
1 pound boneless lamb, cut into 1 ½-inch cubes ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon dried mint 2 teaspoons oregano 2 teaspoons onion powder 2-4 cloves garlic Salt and pepper to taste 1 medium red onion, cut into wedges 1 green pepper, cut into wedges 1 red pepper, cut into wedges
19 88.
Lamb Kebobs with Tzatziki From the kitchen of Tonia Moufaddal
If you haven’t tried our soft serve... you’re missing out!
St. Patrick’s Day at the THG!
Open Daily Serving lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch
Tzatziki: 8 ounces plain Greek yogurt 1 teaspoon fresh dill
1-2 teaspoons minced garlic ½ cup of finely diced cucumber Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Combine lamb with oil, mint, oregano, onion powder, garlic, salt and pepper. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. Make your kebobs. (If using wooden skewers, soak them in water first). Thread lamb chunk, onions and peppers onto skewers. Grill or pan fry kebobs for 8-10 minutes (use a thermometer to check the lamb; rare at 145 degrees; medium at 160 degrees; well-done at 170 degrees). For tzatziki, combine all of the ingredients and serve. Serve lamb kebobs on top of rice with the tzatziki on the side.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 41
Weekly Dish
Continued from page 36 breakfast | lunch | catering
A Wee Bit of Irish Cheese & Wine for Your Pleasure
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Complimentary Wine Tasting
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Find us on Facebook! HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 42
Beer • Bagpipes & Corned Beef!
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603-625-1855 •
Registration is required. Call 455-2989 or visit Then, for the kids, The Culinary Playground (16 Manning St., Derry) is offering a St. Patrick’s Day cooking class on Thursday, March 23, at 10 and 11:30 a.m., for ages 3 through 6. Kids will mix, measure and shape the dough to make their own mini Irish soda bread. The cost is $16. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call 339-1664 or visit • Get in the game: Incredibrew (112 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua) has a BracketBeer & wine making classes • BRACKET BUSTING SPLIT-A-BATCH Watch the NCAA March Madness at IncrediBREW and brew a batch of Hoptimist and Big Boy Stout. Thurs., March 23, 6 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 Daniel Webster Hwy., Nashua. $30 bottles not included, $40 including bottles. Visit • MARCH MEADNESS Mead making event. Sun., March 26, 1 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 Daniel Webster Hwy., Nashua. $60 for six bottles. Visit incredibrew. com. • LIMITED WINE MAKING Wine tasting, making and bottling event with limited edition wines including Nero D’Avola, Vermentino and Lodi Ranch 11 Cabernet Sauvignon. Thurs., March 30, 6 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 Daniel Webster Hwy., Nashua. $60 for six bottles. Visit Beer & wine tasting classes • LEARNING WINE LANGUAGE AND SECRETS OF SOMMELIERS Learn how to discern different smells and flavors in wines, why to decant a wine and the importance of how to serve it at the right temperature and in the right style of glass. Thurs., March 23, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St. , Nashua. $30. Call 204-5569. • BIG SIX WINE GRAPES Taste examples of each of the six wine varietals from different regions of the world and learn how to identify them. Thurs., March 30, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St. , Nashua. $30. Call 2045569. • OLD WORLD VERSUS NEW WORLD WINES Compare a grape varietal grown in the “Old World” (Greater Europe) style with the same varietal grown in the “New World” style (The Americas, South Africa, New Zealand,
Buster Split-a-Batch beer brewing event Thursday, March 23, at 6 p.m. Watch NCAA March Madness as you brew a batch of Hoptimist, an IPA with tropical hints of grapefruit, melon and lemon, and Big Boy Stout, a fullbodied Russian imperial stout with a roasted flavor. No brewing experience is necessary. The cost is $30 per case if you bring your own bottles, $40 with the bottles and cap stickers included. Space is limited, and registration is required. For more information and to register, call 891-2477, email or visit
and Australia). Learn about two fundamental winemaking philosophies for creating complex wines: the art of blending and the art of the single vineyard as well as how to differentiate the two. Thurs., April 6, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St. , Nashua. $30. Call 204-5569. • PAIRING WINE WITH FOOD Class will cover the do’s and don’t’s of food and wine pairing and how to select the perfect wine for any meal. Thurs., April 13, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St., Nashua. $50. Call 204-5569. • PAIRING WINE WITH EXOTIC CHOCOLATE AND ARTISAN CHEESE Class will explore the elements of wines, cheeses and chocolates from various parts of the world and how to pair them. Thurs., April 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St. , Nashua. $50. Call 204-5569. • CHEESE AND WINE PAIRING Part of the Winemaker’s Kitchen Cooking Class Series. Wed., July 12, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst. $25. Call 6729898 or visit Beer, wine & liquor dinners • WINES OF THE WORLD TOUR Each dinner party focuses on a different wine region of the world. Top-picked wines will be paired with five regional-influenced tasting courses. Menu will be local farm-to-table driven. See website for “Tour Schedule.” Third Thurs., 6:15 p.m., Nov. 17 through Oct. 19. Colby Hill Inn , 33 The Oaks St., Henniker. $115 for first class, $95 for additional classes. Registration is required. Call 4283281 or visit wines-of-the-world-dinners.htm. Beer, wine & liquor festivals & special events • SPRING WINE SPECTACULAR Wine tasting event
features 80 high quality wines poured along with craft beer, appetizers, steak tips, cheese, fine chocolate and more. Fri., March 17, 6 to 9 p.m. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua. $35. Call 2045569. • NH BEER CLUB Monthly meetings feature a Granite State brewer, plus a limited edition or unique brew. Mon., March 20, April 17, May 15, at 6:30 p.m. New England’s Tap House Grille, 1292 Hooksett Road, Hooksett. Cost is $30 per event. See Chef events/special meals • CHEF’S TABLE DINNER Specialty dinner at the winery prepared by Chef James. Sat., March 25, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Flag Hill Winery & Distillery , 297 N. River Road (Route 155), Lee. $60. Call 659-2949 or visit • NIGHT AT THE QUILL Dinner at the student-run, finedining restaurant to benefit the Easter Seals programs. Wed., March 29, 5 to 8 p.m. The Quill Restaurant at SNHU, 2500 N. River Road, Manchester. $65. Visit • FIRE & FUSION EXECUTIVE CHEF COMPETITION Eight chefs compete preparing dishes with four secret ingredients for a panel of celebrity judges. Evening includes hundreds of unique appetizers, desserts and coffee. Wed., May 3, 6 p.m. Alpine Grove Banquet Center, 19 S. Depot Road, Hollis. $40 general admission, $55 VIP. Visit • FARM-TO-TABLE DINNER CLUB Monthly fourcourse dinners prepared with local food and paired with wine or beer samplings from local wineries and breweries. Monthly, last Thursday, 6 p.m. Roots Cafe at Robie’s Country Store , 9 Riverside St., Hooksett. $40. Call 485-7761, or visit
perishables Tasty food from fresh ingredients
Shirataki noodles The general public seems to always be on the hunt for noodle variations. From wholewheat pasta to rice vermicelli to zoodles, noodles run the gamut. There’s something universally appealing about the noodle shape, and it’s not going away. I am not a noodle connoisseur but I have eaten my fair share of noodles. I love Italian, devour Japanese noodle bowls and have been known to eat carrots in noodle form! Imagine my surprise when I found out about a noodle virtually without calories or carbohydrates. Impossible! I had to explore. Shirataki noodles are derived from the konjac yam. Glucomannan starch is extracted from the konjac yam to make these slippery noodles. According to the Serious Eats website, this starch is fiber that the body cannot digest. Since the body Noodles for One 1 (7-ounce) package shirataki noodles, drained and rinsed well ¼ cup soy sauce ¼ cup shredded carrot 1/3 cup finely sliced bell pepper ¼ cup chopped scallions 1 teaspoon sesame oil 2 eggs Sauce Adapted from Show Me the Yummy 1/4 cup soy sauce. 2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar. 2 tablespoons sesame oil. 1 teaspoon Sriracha more to less to taste. 2 tablespoons coconut sugar packed.
Church & charity suppers/ bake sales • CHOWDER LUNCHEON Features fish chowder and corn chowder served with homemade bread, coffee or tea, and choice of homemade pie slice for dessert. Take-out is also available. Tues., March 14, and March 28, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Greenland Parish House, 44 Post Road, Greenland. $8 per person. Call 436-8336 or visit • COMMUNITY SOUP NIGHT Bring a soup, a bread or dessert, and your own bowl and spoon. Fri., March 24, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Dunbarton Public Library, 1004 School St., Dunbarton Center, Dunbarton. Call 774-3546.
can’t digest it, there are essentially no carbs or calories. It’s kind of crazy, right? You’ll find shirataki noodles in the refrigerated section near the tofu or, like I did, at your local Asian market. Shirataki noodles come packaged in water and need to be rinsed well before eating. Warning: the liquid in which they are stored smells a little fishy. While opening the packaging isn’t pleasant, I assure you the noodles don’t taste fishy at all. Like tofu, they seem to take on the taste of whatever they’re near or whatever they’re cooked with. While I wouldn’t recommend substituting shirataki noodles in Italian meals, I do think they’re top-notch for Asian dishes. Try them in your favorite recipe or follow mine. — Allison Wilson Dudas 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger. ½-1 teaspoon red pepper flakes to taste 2 cloves garlic minced or pressed. Topping: Toasted sesame seeds Heat a wok or large frying pan over medium high heat. Dry fry noodles until a lot of the wetness is gone, about 2 to 3 minutes. Push to the perimeter of the pan. In empty space in middle of pan, add vegetables and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, mix and cook for about 30 seconds, then move to perimeter. Crack eggs in space created and scramble, mixing all ingredients together. Add sauce and stir together until everything is blended. Serve and top with toasted sesame seeds.
Classes/workshops • INTRODUCTION TO CHOCOLATE Learn the history and myth-perceptions of chocolate, make chocolate like the Mayans by grinding beans, and taste four different chocolates. Thurs., March 16, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dancing Lion Chocolate, 917 Elm St., Manchester. Cost is $45 per person. Call 625-4043 to register. Visit Fairs/festivals/expos • CHOCOLATE, WINE & CHEESE FESTIVAL Taste more than 80 wines, gourmet chocolates, artisan cheeses and specialty food products, including pastas, caramel & hot fudge, mustards, spicy ketchups, relishes and chutneys, dressings, jellies,
infused maple syrups, infused sea salts, olive oils, balsamic vinegars and more. Sat., March 18, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Radisson Hotel , 11 Tara Blvd., Nashua. $30 general admission, $10 designated drivers. Visit chocolatewinecheese. • “THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME” - GOURMET FESTIVAL & AUCTION Event features cuisine and fine spirits from more than 20 of the area’s best chefs, bakers and beverage vendors, as well as silent and live auctions. Benefits families in the community at risk of homelessness. Sun., March 19, 4 to 8 p.m. Nashua Country Club, 25 Fairway Road, Nashua. $85 per person. Visit or call 886-2866.
Fish and Chips $11.99
Fried Haddock Dinner $12.99
Concord Opening Spring 20 17!
603.626.1118 61 Lowell St. Manchester 603.249.9222 63 Union Square, Milford 603.552.3091 137 Rockingham Rd, Londonderry 113138
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 43
Barrel of fun
Various Sizes & Bindings
A taste of a wine event (1922)
By Stefanie Phillips
Corned Beef Sandwiches for St. Patrick’s Day!
TS 10 $
hippo prints 49 Hollis St., Manchester, NH 03101 603-935-5099 •
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shake your shamrocks during march madness! Irish Whiskey, Beer & Food Specials! • 35 Craft & Domestic Drafts • Weekly Entertainment • Every Friday night we • Breakfast Sat & Sun 8-12 Tap a new Craft Beer!
4 Essex Dr. Raymond, NH • 603-244-1573 HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 44
Recently, five Seacoast area wineries held their second barrel tasting event. Guests had the chance to taste wines right from the barrel while they were still going through the aging process. My friend Carol and I made it to two of the wineries on Saturday: Appolo Vineyards in Derry and Sweet Baby Vineyard in Hampstead. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and other commitments, I did not make it to Jewell Towne Vineyards in South Hampton, Flag Hill Winery & Distillery in Lee or Zorvino Vineyards in Sandown (though I have visited them all before and like them all very much). We made our first stop at Appolo and purchased our tasting glasses. Only $10 bought us a glass to use for the whole tour, which spanned both days of the weekend. The winery is adorable and I can only imagine how nice it looks during the summer months when the vines are green and full of grapes. We packed into the winemaking area with several other guests, joined by Michael, owner and winemaker. We had the chance to try a few wines right from the barrel: China Girl, a dry rosé made from 100 percent chambourcin grapes, and 2016 Dragonfly Red, a red blend made from maréchal foch, frontenac and marquette grapes. I enjoyed both, but especially the Dragonfly Red. We also tried the already bottled 2015 version for comparison. This wine was mellower, but very smooth and easy to drink. The 2016 red blend had only been aging since October, but it did not taste like a young wine to me. This was my first time visiting Appolo and I really enjoyed the wines that I had the chance to taste. I hope to return to do a regular tasting soon. Next, we stopped at Sweet Baby Vineyard, which was as busy as Appolo. There, we tried amarone and maréchal foch from the barrel, along with the Niagara. Sweet Baby’s amarone is my current favorite of their offerings, so I enjoyed it from the barrel as much as I do bottled, and had to take a couple bottles home as it was almost sold out. If you attended this event, I hope you had a great time. If you did not, I hope you can attend next year because it is a great winter activity and way to experience more New Hampshire wineries.
Photo by Stefanie Phillips.
to the time of the Romans. According to VinePair, this was found out by accident. Originally, wine was transported in clay amphorae, but transporting it became more and more difficult. Oak was chosen because it was softer and easier to bend than other woods, so barrels could be made quickly, and the wood was abundant in European forests. After a while, after using oak, winemakers realized that oak barrels brought out certain qualities in the wine — including mellowing out the tannins in red wines and making it “softer.” VinePair notes that because the wood used in the oak barrels is lightly toasted, the wine can take on a variety of aromas and flavors including cinnamon, caramel, vanilla, or even butter (in the case of chardonnay). Red wines are more commonly oaked, but California chardonnay is an example of a white that is oaked. Often, barrels that are new are more “aggressive” than those that have been used already, which makes sense because the wood is brand new. Today, American and French oak are typically used to age wine, and the length of aging depends on the desired outcome and the wine itself. Some wines are only barrel-aged a short period of time, say around six months, while others may remain in the barrel for a year or more. Some winemakers even use oak barrels that were once used to age whiskey. However aging in oak came to be, it was a game-changer in the world of winemakWhy oak? Speaking of aging wine in oak barrels, ing and continues to help us enjoy the wine why is this done? This method dates back we know and love today.
112910 HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 45
Champagne B • Siamese, The Mesmerist Bpg48
• Thus Bad Begins B+ • Book Report Includes listings for lectures, author events, book clubs, writers’ workshops and other literary events. To let us know about your book or event, e-mail Kelly Sennott at ksennott@ To get author events, library events and more listed, send information to FILM
MUSIC, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS, MOVIES, DVDS, TV AND MORE Sisters, Drink Champagne (self-released)
• Sisters, Drink
PLAYLIST A seriously abridged compendium of recent and future CD releases
• Kong: Skull Island BLooking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or
This may be the end of a romance, depending on whether this album sucks or not. This Seattle hipster-pop band’s hipster PR girl from L.A. gave me a ration of poop when I wrote off her last hipster promo album as hipster piffle, like, what right have I to bandy the word “hipster” about, just cold laughing at hipsters, or whatever I did? Well, bands and PR hacks, I’ll have you know that if I want to make fun of hipsters or scene kids or emos or white-makeup black-metal bands from Romania, you can’t stop me. You just can’t. And if you try, maybe I’ll make something up, like I could say this album sounds like Borat singing nasally over tuba. See that? Those actual words, in actual print? So, this is the first record I’ll be checking out from an L.A. hipster band in quite a while, and these kids, oh boy, look the part, refugees from Juno, knit caps, nerd glasses, ironically bad hair, and it’s a guy and a girl duo, not actual sisters. See? The music itself: Postal Service cheese, some Manchester Orchestra skronk, super-weak girl vocals from whichever one is the girl, decent male vocals on the ’80s-Flashdance-inspired “Trails,” decent blinged-’70s-pop on the proferred hit “Honey Honey.” Not bad. For a hipster band, I mean. B — Eric W. Saeger Siamese, The Mesmerist (self-released)
In a world of politely deconstructed wingnut-pop, it’s nice to know kids still want to put on a show. This Dallas glam band, made of two guys holding up the rhythm section for two girls up front, is said to incorporate a found-art approach to their stage show, which, and I quote, involves “elements from carpentry to choreography to costume design” toward an effort to creating a “parallel universe” wherein both the band and their audience can indulge alternate identities. Reads like a Decemberists trip to me, but since we’re talking about glam, maybe it’s a Rocky Horror thing for nice doughy accounting students, especially being that the music isn’t all that glammy, more like material that’s in line with bands like Spacemen 3 and Au Revoir Simone and anything in between, a little shoegazey, a little (OK, very) underproduced, some outright Pink Floyd theft, this sort of thing. Mind, it’s usually more driving than that, not sluggish psych-pop — it’d fit for a steamy perfume ad, if that rubs you right. Trite and timely, meaning, well, Glam 2.0, come to think of it. B- — Eric W. Saeger
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 46
• Wow, we’ve got a lot of big albums coming for March 17, and no, I’m not talking about Paul Schaffer And The World’s Most Dangerous Band, whose self-titled album is on its way to the five grandmothers who couldn’t get enough of Schaffer’s crazy Vegas shtick on David Letterman. This album contains a random group of guests, including Dion, Jenny Lewis and actor Bill Murray, who appears on a version of Stevie Wonder’s early hit, “Happy Street,” which is something people used to do “The Twist” to. You know who else is on here, is the guy from Hootie and the Blowfish. Shaggy too. OK, let’s move on to something modern humans might be able to stomach. • Austin, Texas, indie-art-poppers Spoon are always interesting if not awesome, and to celebrate this fact they’re releasing a new LP, Hot Thoughts, on March 17. For those of you who are getting senile and forgetting, the band is cut from the same cloth as Strokes and Cold War Kids, like a mellow Franz Ferdinand but non-sucky. With that, maybe you know who they are. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re saying “Yes, I know them, Mr. Idiot Person, please proceed.” Fine, whatever, the title track from this new album is slightly funky, chill, danceable — it kind of reminds me of INXS, who were a sexfunk-pop band from the 1980s. The 1980s took place during the last millennium. Now, if everyone’s caught up, let’s continue on to our next whatchamacallit. • Hee hee, it’s time for fun with Depeche Mode, that old sort-ofgoth dance-rock band. My heart has basically always been with the goths, but I’m not a huge fan of Depeche Mode, like I think Siouxsie and Sisters of Mercy are 100 times more awesome than Depeche Mode. So, the fun part is when I tool on these posturing popinjays and my goth-leaning friends give me crap about it, and then I laugh to myself and live out my secret existence under my favorite troll bridge. So, right, the fast-approaching new album is called Spirit; now let’s go cover our mouths and point our fingers and laugh at this new album. The single is “Where’s the Revolution.” It has glitchy circuit-fritzing in the beat, but other than that it’s boring, the usual can of electro beans that sounds like a million other goth bands. Gawd, I’d rather listen to Marky Mark (chuckle)! • Oh, just great, Conor Oberst again. I don’t care about his fulltime band, Bright Eyes, and I definitely don’t care about his solo stuff. He has a new LP called Salutations. If you like Conor Oberst, you and I can still be friends, but you would have to play something more interesting in the car when we went to the hemp festival to hang out with your loony indie-folk friends, or you could just let your muffler drag on the asphalt, that would even be better. The single, “A Little Uncanny,” has a nice rawness to it, but the tune rips off some other song, maybe Flaming Lips, I’m not sure. He’s prattling on about Sylvia Plath and Ronald Reagan, blah blah … wait, what? He just said “I miss Christopher Hitchens.” I agree with that 100 percent. I need to rethink this whole thing. Conor Oberst is awesome. If Hitchens had lived, it would have been Bernie Sanders vs. Marco Rubio, not Wrestlemania XXVII. I approve. — Eric W. Saeger
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Jewish Film Fest includes For the Love of Spock By Kelly Sennott
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For the Love of Spock screens part of the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival and has a New Hampshire link — its co-producer Kai de Mello-Folsom. Courtesy photo.
one looked to raise $600,000 via Kickstarter. But he and Adam Nimoy hit it off when they met in person, and de Mello-Folsom found himself drawn to the story — and not just because it was Star Trek. (He’s embarrassed to admit he preferred Star Wars as a kid.) “Without knowing Star Trek, I knew who Spock was, and I knew who the actor Leonard Nimoy was. He was such an iconic person and character,” de Mello-Folsom said. “At the heart of this movie is a story about a father and son, their conflict and their coming back together at the end of Leonard’s life. It’s a beautiful story and great tribute to a wonderful man, and obviously, for the avid Star Trek fans we also have lots of facts and fun stories from the sets.” For the Love of Spock comprises archival footage and interviews with sources like William Shatner and Walter Koenig. The crowdfunding campaign, launched in June
2015, raised $662,640, becoming Kickstarter’s most-funded documentary, and filming began around the same time, as the crew wanted to finish before the Star Trek 50th anniversary in September 2016. Adam Nimoy and his dad began talking about the film Thanksgiving 2014. Initially, the idea was to focus on the Spock character, but when Leonard Nimoy died months later, the angle changed to look at Leonard Nimoy himself, as a dad, actor and person. “[Adam Nimoy] was reluctant to include himself, and include his story into the film, as that’s not what he intended when he and his dad first started working on it. But Leonard’s widow started encouraging him to include his experience,” de Mello-Folsom said. “I think the fact that he was willing to open up through this process and share this personal part of him and his dad was the most interesting aspect of the film.”
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Most non-Trekkies can probably recognize the “live long and prosper” Vulcan salute from Star Trek; what’s not common knowledge is its Jewish origins. Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock and grew up in a Boston Jewish family, proposed the salute in 1967 while filming the episode “Amok Time.” He felt the planet Vulcan should have a cultural greeting signal, and when the director asked for a suggestion, Nimoy thought of the blessing he saw in the synagogue as a child. The full story behind the salute is further explained in For the Love of Spock, a documentary that screens in the Granite State part of the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival, which spans March 23 through April 2. Now in its ninth year, the festival features 11 films, nine of which make their New Hampshire debuts, with screenings in Bedford, Concord, Keene, Manchester, Merrimack and Portsmouth. The films include documentaries, comedies and dramas from the United States, Israel and Europe, and many are accompanied by active programming for festival-goers, from teddy bear picnics and brunches to Saturday socials and performances by the New Hampshire Gay Men’s Chorus. Co-chair Linda Gerson said via phone that this is the largest Jewish cultural event in the state, put together by 36 volunteers. The screening committee began meeting Mondays in July to narrow the 30 flicks Gerson and her co-chair Pat Kalik came up with to create a balanced program of different themes and genres. “It’s a major endeavor to put on this show, but the community really enjoys it, and it’s become part of the landscape of cultural activities in the state of New Hampshire,” Gerson said, who added that the show is accessible for people of all faiths and cultures. “It’s a labor of love, but it’s something we all enjoy doing.” Films are mostly new releases from all over the world. This year’s selection explores things like cultural identity, Hollywood secrets, history’s unsung heroes and the joy of brunch. But one in particular, For the Love of Spock, has a strong New Hampshire connection — its co-producer, Kai de MelloFolsom, grew up in Sanbornton. The film, released September 2016, is about the late Leonard Nimoy, his role as Spock and his relationship with his son, Adam Nimoy, who directed the film. De Mello-Folsom learned about the project thanks to a connection from the Sundance Institute, but at first he wasn’t interested; he was trying to move away from crowdfunding projects, and this
NH Jewish Film Festival Admission: $10 for most screenings, with Thursday, March 30: Fever at Dawn at 7 p.m., at Cinemagic, 1226 Hooksett additional costs for certain special events Road, Hooksett (book club film, special Contact: Visit guest speaker Carolyn Hollman); Who’s Schedule Gonna Love Me Now at 7 p.m. at Red RivThursday, March 23: For the Love of er Theatres (with special performance by Spock at 7 p.m., Southern New Hampshire NH Gay Men’s Chorus); For the Love of University Walker Auditorium, 2500 N. Spock at 7 p.m., at Redfern Arts Center, River Road, Manchester (dress in costume) 90 Wyman Way, Keene (dress in costume) Saturday, April 1: Moos at 8 p.m., at Saturday, March 25: The Women’s Balcony at 8 p.m. at Red River Theatres, Red River Theatres (Sociable Saturday 11 S. River Road, Concord (Sociable Sat- Night with wine and cheese) Sunday, April 2: Harold and Lillian at urday Night with dessert reception) Sunday, March 26: All screenings 12:30 p.m., at Red River Theatres (guest today at SERESC, 29 Commerce Drive, speaker Matt Newton); The Women’s BalBedford, Breakfast at Ina’s at 11:30 a.m. cony at 1 p.m., at The Music Hall Loft, 131 (with gala brunch plus visit by Ina Pinkney Congress St., Portsmouth; Fanny’s Jourto be preceded by short film, cookbook ney at 1 p.m. at the Redfern Arts Center available for signing); Paddington at 3 at Red River Theatres; On the Map at 3:30 p.m. (teddy bear picnic and crafts activity p.m., at The Music Hall Loft; at 3:30 p.m. for kids at 2 p.m.); Sabena Hijacking: My at the Redfern Arts Center; and 5 p.m. at Version at 3:30 p.m. Red River Theatres (festival wrap party)
332 Kelley St. Manchester, NH 603-856-9233 113450
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 47
s ’ t i e s r u o of c
Thus Bad Begins, by Javier Marias (Alfred A. Knopf, 444 pages)
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Translated from Spanish, in Thus Bad Begins, author Javier Marias tells a dark and strangely captivating mystery tale centered on the volatile relationship between filmmaker Eduardo Muriel and his wife Beatriz. The meandering and erotic story is told by Juan de Vere, or “young de Vere” as he is frequently referred to by Muriel and his close circle of distinguished friends. De Vere details his efforts to get to the bottom of two separate though related mysteries involving Muriel and his wife and, separately, Muriel’s good friend, the esteemed Dr. Jorge Van Vechten. De Vere tells his tale as he looks back on his time as a young man working as an assistant to Muriel, though it becomes clear de Vere was hardly a bystander in this story, which is set about five years following Spain’s transition back to democracy after Francisco Franco’s death. Muriel, an intriguing and father-like figure to de Vere, tasks de Vere with a difficult and sordid assignment. He tells de Vere that he had recently received news that his longtime friend Van Vechten had been “indecent with a woman, possibly more than one,” which Muriel described as “the lowest of the low.” He asks de Vere to “draw-out” Van Vechten in an attempt to gauge the veracity of what he has been told. Muriel asks de Vere to befriend Van Vechten, to bring him out with his friends, despite the multi-generational gap in ages, to essentially egg him on and to encourage Van Vechten to open up about any past (or present) transgressions with women. On top of that potentially perilous assignment, de Vere, who has his own room at Muriel’s home, bears witness to Muriel’s repeated and wounding verbal attacks on his wife. He listens to him insult her appearance and her intelligence, over and over again. He even watches from his room in secret as Beatriz paces outside Muriel’s room, begging him to let her in, which he ultimately denies. The abuse is bizarre and uncomfortable, not only because it is so hurtful, but because it appears particularly out of character for the mild-mannered and understanding Muriel — along with the fact that it is entirely unclear why Muriel
treats her in this fashion. Beatriz complains about the treatment to her friends and while divorce is apparently soon to be legalized in early 1980s Spain, she will never leave Muriel. De Vere is naturally curious about the cause of the abuse and moves toward solving that mystery as well. Before de Vere befriends Van Vechten, he notices Beatriz regularly leaves the house on her own. On one such trip, De Vere follows Beatriz, discreetly, to Our Lady of Darmstadt Sanctuary, where he witnesses, from a tree and through a window, Beatriz and Van Vechten alone together in a building on the property, and de Vere’s task of drawing out Van Vechten becomes even more complicated. Still, de Vere easily persuades Van Vechten and his perfectly “rectangular smile” to come out with him several times per week to bars and clubs. His friends — young women included — seemingly enjoy the doctor’s generous, fatherly and gregarious presence. When alone, De Vere questions the doctor about his sexual prowess and Van Vechten states, ominously after much prodding, “And nothing gives one more satisfaction than when a girl doesn’t want to do it, but can’t say no. And I can assure you most of them do want do do it, once they realize they’re obliged to.” Marias’ style of writing is long-winded, to say the least, but it does not take away from the story. On the contrary, his beautiful, winding sentences pull the reader in, and right down the rabbit hole. (It certainly didn’t feel like I was reading translated material.) With the title, and the black cover — with just the image of presumably Beatriz’s face visible — it is clear the novel is taking the reader down a dark road. That said, the novel is at times funny and perfectly ridiculous, especially in scenes involving Muriel’s friend Professor Rico and his appetite for long-winded lectures on seemingly anything and everything. A strong political vein runs throughout the novel as well, as the wounds from Spain’s transition to democracy have yet to heal. Thus Bad Begins is a compelling and at times bizarre story about principles, betrayal, friendship, control, and how people justify their own behavior, no matter how vile. B+ — Jeff Mucciarone
• Celebrating Robert Frost: The Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry, hosts a birthday party for the famous poet who used to live in town with “Celebration of Robert Frost” Monday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m. Local historian Rick Holmes will talk about the life of Robert Frost and his time in Derry. The event is open to the public; for more information or to sign up, call 432-6140. • Bang for your buck: The Toadstool Bookshop, 614 Nashua St., Milford, hosts a Local Authors Open House Saturday, March 18, at 3 p.m., at which time local writers sign their books and talk about their work. Participating authors include Elizabeth Delisi, Sue Coletta, Nikki Andrews, Patricia S. Hageman, Coleen Burpeau and Rich Marcello. Visit Call 673-1734. • Storytelling: Sometimes storytelling happens not via books but aloud, as with the upcoming event at The Music Hall, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, “High Anxiety: The Moth” in Portsmouth on Saturday, March 25, at 8 p.m., hosted by Dame Wilburn. The event will feature a mix of national storytellers and local voices. Tickets are $39 to $45. Visit If you want to tell your own tales, the New Hampshire Institute of Art hosts its first-ever Storytelling Festival Saturday, April 8, at 2 p.m., in its French Hall Auditorium. The public is welcome to submit — writers, storytellers, illustrators, graphic novelists — to this Moth Radio Hour-style event. Tales can be true or embellished, and each presenter is limited to five minutes. Send a brief description of the story to by March 17; those with images accompanying their stories should submit their image files as well. Call 836-2143. — Kelly Sennott
Books Author Events • LISA CAREY Author talks about The Stolen Child. Thurs., March 16, at 6:30 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, 614 Nashua St., Milford. Visit Call 673-1734. • JACQUELYN BENSON Author talks about The Smoke Hunter. Thurs., March 16, 7-8:30 p.m. Great Room at Alnoba, 24 Cottage Road, Kensington. • LOCAL AUTHORS OPEN HOUSE Featuring Elizabeth Delisi, Sue Coletta, Nikki Andrews, Patricia S. Hageman, Coleen Burpeau, Rich Marcello. Sat., March 18, at 3 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, 614 Nashua St., Milford. Visit Call 673-1734. • CHRISTY DAY Author talks about Walking From Here to There: Finding My Way on El
Camino. Tues., March 21, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • TED REINSTEIN Author talks about Wicked Pissed: New England’s Most Famous Feuds. Thurs., March 23, 6:30-8 p.m. Kimball Library, 5 Academy Ave., Atkinson. Call 362-5234. • DIANALEE VELIE Writer talks about Ever After. Sat., March 25, at 2 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • GLORIA NORRIS Author talks about Kookooland. Sat., March 25, at 2 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Depot Square, Peterborough. Call 924-3543. • HOWARD MANSFIELD Author talks about new book, Sheds. Toadstool Bookshop, 614 Nashua St., Milford. Sat., March 25, at 3 p.m.
Local Author Open House! Sat. March 18 • 3pm Whether you are a reader, writer or both, join several local authors in a multi-genre discussion and signing of their work. See our website.
Howard Mansfield Sat. March 25 • 3pm The local author visits to discuss and sign Sheds, his book revealing their simple yet elegant design, function, and history.
Lorden Plaza, Milford, NH | 673-1734 Visit our Bookside Cafe! Find us in Peterborough | 924-3543 And Keene | 352-8815
Book Report
• KERRY& BRIAN KELLOGG Author/illustrator talk about The Adventures of Otis Pendleton: The Hunt for Autumn. Sun., March 26, noon-1 p.m. MainStreet MarketPlace & Gallery, 16 E. Main St., Warner. • RON KRUPP Author talks about The Woodchuck’s Guide to Gardening. Sun., March 26, at 2 p.m. at 2 p.m. MainStreet MarketPlace & Gallery, 16 E. Main St., Warner. • ABBY FABIASCHI Author presentation about I Liked My Life at RiverRun Bookstore, 142 Fleet St., Portsmouth. Wed., March 29, at 6:30 p.m. Call 4312100. Email • DAVID ELLIOTT Launch party for Bull. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Fri., March 31, at 6 p.m. Visit • PEGGY ORENSTEIN Author talks about Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape. Fri., March 31, at 7 p.m. Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main St., Exeter. • JOHN SCALZI Author talks about The Collapsing Empire. Thurs., April 6, at 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • MEG KEARNEY Author talks about When You Never Said Goodbye: An Adoptee’s Search for Her Birth Mother novel in poems and journal entries. Sat., April 8, at 2 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • ANTHONY DOERR Author talks about All the Light We Cannot See, part of Writers on a New England Stage. The Music Hall, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth. Sun., April 9, at 4 p.m. Tickets $27. Visit Poetry/writing events • WRITING WORKSHOP Book launch for Kendra Levin’s The Hero is You, includes free workshop. Self-help book for writers. Thurs., March 16, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. • A CELEBRATION OF ROBERT FROST Birthday celebration to poet who lived in Derry. Rick Holmes will talk about the life of Robert Frost and his time in town. Mon., March 20, at 6:30 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Call 432-6140.
Hipposcout Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 49
Kong: Skull Island (PG-13)
Scientists find another stash of giant animals in the Pacific in Kong: Skull Island.
According to Wikipedia, this is the second movie in the MonsterVerse of films from Legendary Entertainment and Warner Bros. that also includes Godzilla. Scientists Bill Randa (John Goodman) and Houston Brooks (Corey Hawkins) are desperate to get approval for their project before the Vietnam War ends. They get the OK just as President Nixon announces “peace with honor.” Before all the soldiers head home, though, Bill asks for a military escort to take him, Brooks, fellow scientist San (Jing Tian) and some officials from Monarch (their parent company or project codename or something) out to Skull Island, a mysterious island in the Pacific that is perpetually surrounded by storms. The scientists join up with a squad led by Lt. Col. Packard (Samuel L. Jackson), who jumps at the “one last mission” assignment. His men include Jack Chapman (Toby Kebbell), a man who has a family and new job waiting for him back home and frequently writes letters to his son (and might as well be saying “last day before retirement!” and “I’ll be right back!”). Other men (Jason Mitchell, Shea Whigham, Thomas Mann, Eugene Cordero) on the mission also talk about their big plans for when they get home. James (Tom Hiddleston), an ex-British military guy good at hacking his way through a jungle, also joins the group. And joining the trip for absolutely no reason that makes sense at all is photojournalist Mason Weaver (Brie Larson). Once on the paradise-like island, the soldiers in helicopters head out to drop charges
* Indicates movies worth seeing. Find reviews of many of the films listed here at Coming soon Opening Friday, March 17: Beauty and the Beast (PG) Be Disney’s (paying) guest for a live-action update starring Emma Watson as Belle and Dan “the late Matthew Crawley” Stevens as the Beast; T2 Trainspotting (R) After 21 years, Danny Boyle’s film about heroin addicts gets a sequel.
Kong: Skull Island
that Randa and Brooks say are meant to figure out something about the geological features. In reality, the charges are meant to wake up whatever they believe lives on the island and hoo, boy, does it ever. King Kong announces his presence by throwing a tree at one helicopter and then swatting down a few more. When the smoke has cleared and Packard finds himself holding the dog tags for the men who won’t be going home, he vows vengeance on Kong, Packard giving the skyscraper-sized gorilla the staredown like only Samuel L. Jackson can give something the staredown. Scientists, soldiers and Brie Larson are thusly scattered across the island and need to find each other and their way to the predetermined rescue spot. When part of the group meets Hank Marlow (John C. Reilly), a World War II soldier we see crash on the island at the start of the movie, they
ing to care for an even more broken Charles Xavier in a world where mutants are dying out. When a young girl with familiar abilities shows up, Logan must reluctantly take on the role of her protector. Excellent performances all around make this gritty (but still not grim) movie one of the better entries in the X-Men universe. B
meet his girlfriend’s parents, the fact that her white family doesn’t know he’s black is the very least of his troubles. This is an exceptionally wellconstructed horror movie where the tension and menace comes from one kind of racism until you realize that something stranger but just as dehumanizing is going on. Smart on so many levels, Get Out is also funny (thanks in part to supporting actor Lil Rel Howery) and legitimately scary. A
hear how Kong, in addition to smacking down interlopers, keeps a whole host of large scary lizard things at bay. Kong gets loaded with a lot of stuff: the nature of war in general and the Vietnam War specifically; the whole “soldiers on their final mission” thing; some monster-related world-building, and whatever the movie was trying to do with Samuel L. Jackson’s character. (An aside on worldbuilding: I’m not keen on this idea that you need to take notes at every movie so you can refer to them later, say in 2019 when the next Godzilla movie is scheduled to come out, according to Wikipedia. But if expanded cinematic universes are your jam, it is worth staying until the end of the credits for a bonus scene and a certain sound effect that still gives me chills.) Not unlike with the 2014 Godzilla movie, the bare bones of Kong aren’t bad: mysterious The best Batman/DC universe movie in a long time, this animated take on the Dark Knight is so much fun ― full of nice jokes about the character’s many movie and TV iterations as well as solid storytelling about both orphaned Bruce Wayne and the vigilante crime fighter. The Lego animation is, as in The Lego Movie, a big part of the fun, with the visual humor of Legos and their Lego accessories melding perfectly with the movie’s tone. B+
Pacific island, early atomic age and its connection to giant subterranean monsters, the primal fear of monsters, the idea that man can try to tame nature but nature can fight back, the fun of “big thing want smash” as the source of your action. (I even appreciate the addition of the modern-feeling idea that war on one enemy can end up empowering another.) But in Kong, as with Godzilla, I, like a kid picking broccoli and mushrooms off a pizza, would like to scrape off a good helping of Kong’s toppings. Goodbye, everything to do with Vietnam. See you later, Capt. Father-Guy and his letters to his kid. Whittle the team down to John Goodman and the two main scientists, Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson (more for tradition’s sake than because her character had anything interesting to do), John C. Reilly and no more than three Monarch guys/soldiers to get eaten during the action scenes. This movie is at its best when the humans are trying to figure out the giant animal puzzle, specifically the Kong paradox of both needing to get away from him and needing him to keep a lid on all the weird lizard creatures. Kong: Skull Island is a decent enough stab at bringing King Kong back to screens. I just wish it, and the rest of this MonsterVerse thing, would just keep its eyes on the monsters and let some of the human drama go. BRated PG-13 for intense sequences of scifi violence and action and for brief strong language. Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts with a screenplay by Dan Gilroy and Max Borenstein and Derek Connolly, Kong: Skull Island is an hour and 58 minutes long and distributed by Warner Bros.
adventures of Twilight-fanfiction personified and her unhealthy relationship with a creepy stalker are done in by some draggy plotting and the ongoing lack of chemistry between the two leads. C-
The Great Wall (PG-13) Matt Damon, Jing Tian. Damon, sporting some kind of interesting accent (let’s say Irish, maybe), is a Euro*Get Out pean mercenary searching Daniel Kaluuya, Allison for gunpowder in ye olde Williams. China in this very odd speFrom the mind of writer*The LEGO Batman Movcial-effects-heavy movie Out now director Jordan Peele (of Key ie (PG-13) Fifty Shades Darker (R) about a beautifully rendered *Logan (R) & Peele fame) comes this Voices of Will Arnett, Dakota Johnson, Jamie army with color-coded armor Hugh Jackman, Patrick terrifying movie where the Michael Cera. Dornan. fighting some iffy CGI lizStewart. suburbs/exurbs are creepy Also Rosario Dawson, Ralph Less sexy and less fun than ards. The human half of the The last (probably) hurand the monster is racism! Fiennes, Zach Galifianakis, the first movie (Fifty Shades battle scenes looks very cool; rah for Jackman’s Wolverine When a man goes to the Billy Dee Williams and so of Grey ― now better by the rest of the movie feels finds him a broken man help- country for a weekend to many more. comparison!), the continuing like slap-dash filler. CHIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 50
Split (PG-13) James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy. M. Night Shyamalan presents this standard horror movie (complete with the brutalization of young women, because of course) dressed up in some artsy nonsense, not the least of which is a final scene that does not forgive all previous sins. CRings (PG-13) Matilda Lutz, Alex Roe. This extremely unnecessary sequel to the early 2000s series does nothing new with the idea of a scary ghost girl who kills you seven days after you view her mildly disturbing video short. C-
POP CULTURE FILMS AMC Tyngsboro 440 Middlesex St., Tyngsborough, Mass., 978-649-4158. Chunky’s Cinema & Pub 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua, Chunky’s Cinema & Pub 150 Bridge St., Pelham, 635-7499 Cinemagic Hooksett 1226 Hooksett Road, Hooksett,
644-4629, Cinemagic Merrimack 12 11 Executive Park Dr., Merrimack, 423-0240, Flagship Cinemas Derry 10 Ashleigh Dr., Derry, 437-8800 AMC at The Loop 90 Pleasant Valley St., Methuen, Mass., 978-738-8942
O’Neil Cinema 12 Apple Tree Mall, Londonderry, 434-8633 Regal Concord 282 Loudon Road, Concord, 226-3800 Regal Hooksett 8 100 Technology Drive, Hooksett Showcase Cinemas Lowell 32 Reiss Ave., Lowell, Mass., 978-551-0055
Upcoming Films
Saturday, March 25th | 8pm The Women’s Balcony Thursday, March 30th | 7pm Who’s Gonna Love Me Now Saturday, April 1st | 8pm Moos Sunday, April 2nd | 12pm Harold & Lillian - A Hollywood Story Sunday, April 2nd | 3pm Fanny’s Journey Sunday, April 2nd | 5pm On The Map
Every Evening 7:30 Sun Mats 2:00-4:30
Tickets: $15 per movie. More info on our website!
WILTON TOWN HALL 40 Main St., Wilton, 654-3456, • Lion (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7:30 p.m. • Moonlight (R, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7:30 p.m. CAPITOL CENTER FOR THE ARTS 44 S. Main St., Concord, 2251111, • Idomeno (Met in HD) Mon., March 27, at 6 p.m.
AVIATION MUSEUM OF NH 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry, 669-4820, • Silent Film Double Feature with live musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis, The Phantom Flyer (1928) & The Sky Rider (1928) Fri., March 24, at 7 p.m. MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY 405 Pine St., Manchester, 6246550,; some films at the West Branch, 76 Main St., Manchester, 6246560 • Queen of Katwe (PG, 2016) Wed., March 22, at 1 p.m. NEW HAMPSHIRE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 31 College Drive, Sweeney Auditorium, 03301, 271-6484, ext. 4115,, • Lawrence of Arabia (PG, 1962) Fri., March 24, at 7 p.m. NASHUA PUBLIC LIBRARY NPL Theater, 2 Court St., Nashua, 589-4611, • How to Train Your Dragon (PG, 2010) Sat., March 18, at 2 p.m. • Doctor Strange (PG-13, 2016) Tues., March 21, at 7 p.m. • The Goonies (PG, 1985) Wed., March 22, at 2 p.m. PETERBOROUGH PLAYERS THEATER 55 Hadley Road, Peterborough, 924-9344, peterboroughplayers. org • A Contemporary Evening (Bolshoi Ballet) Sun., March 19, at 1 p.m. PETERBOROUGH COMMUNITY THEATRE 6 School St., Peterborough, • The Founder (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7 p.m. • The Shack (PG-13, 2017) March 17 through March 30, Wed., Sat., Sun. at 2:30 & 7 p.m.; Thurs & Fri. at 7 p.m. • We the Tiny House People (documentary, 2012) Tues., March 21, at 6:30 p.m.
THE MUSIC HALL 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, 436-2400,, Some films are screened at Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth • Manchester by the Sea (R, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7 p.m. • BANFF Mountain Film Festival Thurs., March 16, at 7 p.m. • 20th Century Women (R, 2016) Fri., March 17, at 7 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 7 p.m.; Wed., March 22, at 7 p.m.; Thurs., March 23, at 7 p.m. • Saint Joan (National Theatre London in HD) Sun., March 19, at 1 p.m. • Fences (PG-13, 2016) Sun., March 19, at 4 p.m.; Tues., March 21, at 7 p.m.; Wed., March 22, at 7 p.m.; Fri., March 24, at 7 p.m. • Stella Dallas (1937) Tues., March 21, at 7 p.m. 3S ARTSPACE 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth, • A Plastic Ocean (documentary, 2016) Thurs., March 23, at 7 p.m. THE FLYING MONKEY 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, 5362551, • Sadie Thompson (1928) Thurs., March 16, at 6:30 p.m., silent film with musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis • The Red Turtle (PG, 2016) Fri., March 17, Sat., March 18, Sun., March 19 at 6:30 p.m. • The Secret of Kells (2009) Sun., March 19, at 3:30 p.m. • Fences (PG-13, 2016) Wed., March 22, Thurs., March 23, Sat., March 25 & Sun., March 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Hipposcout Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
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RED RIVER THEATRES 11 S. Main St., Concord, 2244600, • I Am Not Your Negro (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7:50 p.m. • Lion (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 7:25 p.m. • Moonlight (R, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 2:10 & 5:35 p.m. • The Eagle Huntress (G, 2016) Thurs., March 16, at 2:05 & 5:25 p.m.; Fri., March 17, at 1 & 5:30 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 1 & 5:30 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 1:30 p.m.; Mon., March 20, at 2:05 & 5:25 p.m.; Thurs., March 23, at 2:05 & 5:25 p.m. • A United Kingdom (PG-13, 2017) Thurs., March 16, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Fri., March 17, at 3 & 7:30 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 3 & 7:30 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 6 p.m.; Mon., March 20, at 7:25 p.m.; Tues., March 21, at 2:05 p.m.; Wed., March 22, at 2:05 p.m.; Thurs., March 23, at 7:25 p.m. • The Sense of an Ending (PG13, 2017) Fri., March 17, at 1:15, 3:40, 6:10 & 8:40 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 1:15, 3:40, 6:10 & 8:40 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 1:15, 4:40 & 6:10 p.m.; Mon., March 20, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Tues., March 21, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Wed., March 22, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Thurs., March 23, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m. • Kedi (NR, 2017) Fri., March 17, at 1:10, 2:55, 4:40, 6:25 & 8:10 p.m.; Sat., March 18, at 1:10, 2:55, 4:40, 6:25 & 8:10 p.m.; Sun., March 19, at 1:10, 2:55, 4:40 & 6:25 p.m.; Mon., March 20, at 2:10, 5:35 & 7:20 p.m.; Tues., March 21, at 2:10, 5:35 & 7:20 p.m.; Wed., March 22, at 2:10, 5:35 & 7:20 p.m.; Thurs., March 23, at 2:10, 5:35 & 7:20 p.m.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 51
NITE Songbird Local music news & events
By Michael Witthaus
• Stand-up guy: Raised on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show, Brian Regan is a seasoned comic with a keen eye for everyday absurdities, from Fig Newtons to doughnut sprinkles. Occasionally topical – “it’s hard to ignore the orange elephant in the room,” he said recently – most of his act is an escape from all that. Plus, he’s primarily a stand-up, though he does have an upcoming project with a Farrelly Brother. See Brian Regan on Thursday, March 16, at 8 p.m. at Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 Main St., Concord. Tickets are $47.50 at • Green scene: Get into the St. Patrick’s Day spirit with Jeff Snow, who plays a wide range of instruments, from guitar to autoharp, bouzouki, bodhran and other forms of percussion. Snow combines a love for “The Softer Side of Celtic” music with a knowledge of his Scottish heritage. Go Friday, March 17, at 7 p.m. at Grange Hall, 54 Main St., Chichester. See • Soft opening: Tupelo Music Hall’s first show in its new Derry digs features Puddle of Mudd, Saving Abel and Tantric. The official grand opening is Peter Frampton’s sold-out April 11 concert, but there are a few gigs ahead of it, including Candlebox (March 23 & March 24), Alan Doyle (March 26), Tom Rush (March 31) and a night of comedy (April 7). Two more are already sold out: Blue Oyster Cult (March 25) and Ann Wilson (April 2). Go Saturday, March 18, at 8 p.m., Tupelo Music Hall, 10 A St., Derry. Tickets $60-$75 at • Song man: His newly released CD Great Divide has earned Walker Smith comparisons to Bruce Springsteen, with character-driven songs about hard luck and hope focused on what Smith describes as “the conflict between leaving everything behind or figuring out the world enough to be a part of it.” He performs a solo show for the brunch crowd Sunday, March 19, at 10 a.m., Country Tavern, 262 Maple St., Henniker. See cdbaby. com/cd/walkersmith. • Get happy: Enjoy jazz, classical and folk music as Tom Pirozzoli & Gerry Putnam perform in celebration of World Happiness Day – if you didn’t know that was a thing, you do now. The two friends’ instrumental interplay is a mainstay in the regional music scene; Pirozzoli is also a talented painter. Go Monday, March 20, at 7 p.m. at Veterans Hall, 198 Route 103, Newbury. The show is free. See Want more ideas for a fun night out? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 52
Jennifer Kimball introduces new LP, Avocet By Michael Witthaus
A shifting music business landscape has turned the studio into a luxury for many performers. Jennifer Kimball had no plans to make another album after 2006’s Oh Hear Us, but on her birthday two years ago, she received a surprise gift from her husband, Ry Cavanaugh: a recording session with an A list of Boston players. In a recent interview, Kimball — a fixture in New England music circles since her early ’90s time with The Story — recalled the sweet subterfuge that began a process culminating in her new LP, Avocet. It started when close friend and fellow singer-songwriter Kris Delmhorst concocted a story about needing to drop off a guitar at Somerville’s Q Division studio. “I completely believed her,” Kimball said. “We walk in to give the guitar to Peter Mulvey, with whom she’s playing later, and I know everybody. I said, ‘Who are you recording?’ and no one would answer me. Then my oldest and dearest friend in the room, Duke Levine — an amazing guitar player — said, ‘It’s your session; we’re doing your songs.’ I just lost it; I cried, and then we got to work.” The work that day resulted in six songs but left Kimball wondering if the experience was simply a great day, or something more. “After the session was so fun, I was stumped again,” she said. “Now what do I do?” Among the musicians at the session was one Kimball hadn’t met before: Alec Spiegelman, of Brooklyn chamber pop band Cuddle Magic. “Ry thought I would love working with him,” she said, and it turned out that the feeling was mutual. “He loved the project, and he took it on.” Spiegelman brought his bandmates along to make the rest of the record, and what Jennifer Kimball Where: Portsmouth Book & Bar, 40 Pleasant St., Portsmouth When: Tuesday, March 21, 7 p.m. Tickets: $5 More:
Nite Life Open Mic • AUBURN PITTS (167 Rockingham Road, Auburn 622-6564) Open Mic, Blues Jam, Thursdays 7 pm • BACK ROOM AT THE MILL (2 Central St., Bristol 744-0405) Fridays • BEARA IRISH BREWING COMPANY (2800 Lafayette Road, Ports-
Jennifer Kimball. Courtesy photo.
resulted is different from anything in Kimball’s catalog. “That sound is all Alec and Cuddle Magic,” Kimball said. “They’ve played together for so long and have this real chemistry. They’re all New England Conservatory graduates; that’s where they met.” Kimball describes Cuddle Magic as “avant folk pop electronica,” and said Spiegelman’s production exposed her songs in surprising ways. “He unwound them to their essential notes, from the way I played them back to him,” she said. “My instruments basically disappeared into these saxophone and flute lines. It’s magic.” The unique sound of Avocet is another departure in a career that’s included a few. After The Story split, Kimball rocked it up with Maybe Baby, a Somerville supergroup that included Cavanaugh, Levine and drummer Billy Beard. She later covered Crowded House on her first solo record and has always charted an unconventional path. “I’ve never really thought of myself as a folk musician, and that’s what I get called, because I’m sort of pretty to listen to, I guess,” she said. “But I didn’t grow up listening to folk ... and I still don’t really know much about traditional folk music. Even folk pop music was pretty far from my early vocabulary. I think I’m drawn to a wide variety of
mouth) Irish Sessions Saturday/Sunday 2 p.m. • BLACK SWAN INN (354 West Main St., Tilton 286-4524) Sundays Open mic with Meg Josalen & guests • BLUE MERMAID ISLAND GRILL (409 The Hill, Portsmouth 427-2583) Wednesdays - Open Mic • CARA IRISH PUB (11 Fourth St.,
sounds, and I don’t want to be pigeonholed into any one place.” One constant is the personal nature of Kimball’s songwriting. “Love & Babies,” “All Truth is Better” and “Someone to Read To” reflect her experience as a mother; her son is now 10 years old. “Reedy River,” written on her first tour after his birth, is particularly evocative. “I missed him so badly,” Kimball said. “There was a heat wave in South Carolina [and] people were wading into the river in the middle of town in this beautiful park and I saw this woman swishing her baby’s feet in the water — it was so moving to me.” The record’s title comes from a nickname given to her late mother, repeated on “Love & Birds,” the record’s second track. “Mom had a friend who called her an avocet, an elegant, and to East Coasters, exotic and unusual bird,” she said. “Long-legged ... a little bit aloof, kind of beautiful. That was my mom.” To mark the release of the new CD, Kimball will perform a short run of shows with Spiegelman and Deni Hlavinka, of alt folk band The Western Den, that includes a March 21 show at Portsmouth Book & Bar. “Now that I’ve been introduced to this new form of playing, this is all I want to do,” Kimball said. “I just want to play gigs with Cuddle Magic.”
Dover 343-4390) Irish Sunday, Bluegrass Tuesday • COVERED BRIDGE (Cedar St., Contoocook 746-5191) Wednesdays Open mic with Derek Astles • DANIEL STREET TAVERN (111 Daniel St., Portsmouth 430-1011) Wednesdays - Open Mic Jam Night • DOLLY SHAKERS (38 E Hollis
Street, Nashua) Saturday afternoon Blues Jam; Monday Lisa Guyer Open Jam. • FRATELLO’S (155 Dow St., Manchester 624-2022) Thursdays - Jazz w/ Ferdinando Argenti Trio • GIUSEPPE’S RISTORANTE (312 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith 2793313) Sundays - Lou Porrazzo
Celebrate St. Patrick¹s Day weekend with a comedy show headlined by Jim McCue at The Music Hall (28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, on Saturday, March 18, 8 p.m. For other music and comedy events being held in honor of St. Patty’s Day, check out last week’s story in the Hippo. Go to, click on “past issues” and then click the March 9 pdf. You’ll find all the nightlife fun starting on p. 52.
• HUNGRY BUFFALO (58 New Hampshire 129, Loudon 798-3737) Thursdays - Open mic – Jen Mitchell • J’S TAVERN (63 Union Sq., Milford 554-1433) Mondays • O’SHEA’S IRISH PUB & CIGAR BAR (449 Amherst St., Nashua 943-7089) Thursdays w/ Mando & The Goat • PENUCHE’S ALE HOUSE (6 Pleasant St., Concord 228-9833) Sundays • RACKS BAR & GRILL (20 Plaistow Road, Plaistow 9742406) Thursdays - Blues Jam with Steve Devine • RIVERWALK COFFEE ROASTERS (35 Railroad Sq., Nashua 578-0200) Fridays - Original Music/Poetry • SONNY’S TAVERN (83 Washington St., Dover 7424226) Mondays - Dave Talmadge Honky Tonk Jam • STONE CHURCH (5 Granite St., Newmarket 659-7700) Tuesdays - Bluegrass Jam w/Dave Talmage • TANDY’S TOP SHELF (1 Eagle Square, Concord 856-7614) Host Rachel Vogelzang Sundays & Tuesdays • THIRSTY MOOSE TAPHOUSE (21 Congress St, Portsmouth 427-8645) Tuesdays - with house band • ORCHARD STREET CHOP SHOP (1 Orchard St., Dover 7400006) Mondays - Acoustic Open w/ Dave Ogden • TRUE BREW BARISTA (3 Bicentennial Square, Concord 225-2776) Thursdays - Dusty Gray open mic • UNION COFFEE (42 South St., Milford 554-8879) Fridays open mic • VILLAGE TRESTLE (25 Main St., Goffstown 497-8230) Fridays - Acoustic Jam and Sundays - Open Mic Blues Jam • THIRSTY TURTLE (38 East Hollis St., Nashua 577-1718) Wednesdays - Blues Band Jam • WILD ROVER (21 Kosciuszko St., Manchester 669-7722) Thursdays - Acoustic Open Mic Karaoke • 603 LOUNGE 14 W. Hollis St., Nashua, 821-5260, Thursdays at 8 p.m.
• ANTHONY’S PIER Weirs Beach, 263 Lakeside Ave., Laconia, 366-5855, Thursdays at 5 p.m. w/Bobby Freedom • ASIA 42 Third St., Dover, 7420040, Fridays and Saturdays, 8:30 p.m.-midnight w/ DJ Shadow Walker • BREEZEWAY PUB 14 Pearl St., Manchester 621-9111, DJ Sharon Wednesdays/Thursdays 9 p.m. • BRITISH BEER CO. 1071 S. Willow St., Manchester 2320677, Thursdays 9:30 p.m. • BUCCOS 143 Main St., Kingston, 642-4999, Thursdays, from 7 to 10 p.m. w/ DJ Bob Fauci • CENTRAL WAVE 368 Central Ave., Dover, 742-9283, Mondays. and Wednesdays at 9 p.m. • CITY SPORTS GRILLE 216 Maple St., Manchester, 625-9656, Thursdays at 9 p.m. • CHEN’S 122 E. Broadway, Derry, 437-8338, DJ Sharon Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. • CHEN YANG LI 520 South St., Bow, 228-8508, Thursdays at 9 p.m. • CHOP SHOP PUB 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, 760-7706, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. w/ Matty R. • DANIEL STREET TAVERN 111 Daniel St., Portsmouth, 4301011, Fridays and Sundays at 9 p.m. • DOVER BRICKHOUSE 2 Orchard St., Dover, 749-3838, Sundays at 9 p.m. • ELEMENT LOUNGE 1055 Elm St., Manchester, 627-2922, Sundays at 6 p.m. and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. with DJ Sharon. • FODY’S 9 Clinton St., Nashua, 577-9015, Tuesdays at 9 p.m. • GIUSEPPE’S 312 DW Highway, Meredith, 279-3313, every other Thursday at 10 p.m. • JADE DRAGON 515 DW Highway, Merrimack Commons, 424-2280, Friday 8:30 p.m. • MURPHY’S 494 Elm St., Manchester, Mondays, 8 p.m. • PIT ROAD LOUNGE 388 Loudon Road, Concord, 2260533, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 p.m. • SLADE’S 4 W. Hollis St., Nashua, 886-1334, DJ Sharon Friday at 9 p.m. • STEVE-N-JAMES TAVERN 187 Rockingham Road, Derry,
434-0600, Thursdays at 8 p.m. w/ DJ Sharon Mulrennan. • TIN ROOF TAVERN 333 Valley Street Manchester Thursdays at 9 p.m. w/ DJ Manny Trivia nights • BARLEY HOUSE 132 N. Main St., Concord, 228-6363, Wednesdays 8-10 p.m. • BLUE MERMAID 409 the Hill, Portsmouth, 427-2583, Mondays 7-9 p.m. • BRITISH BEER COMPANY 1071 S. Willow St., Manchester 232-0677, Tuesdays 9 p.m. • BRITISH BEER COMPANY 103 Hanover St. at Portwalk Place, Portsmouth 501-0515, Wednesdays 8 p.m. • BUCCOS 143 Main St., Kingston, 642-4999, Thursdays, from 7 to 10 p.m. • CARA IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 11 Fourth St., Dover, 343-4390, Tuesdays 8 p.m. • CENTRAL WAVE 368 Central Ave., Dover, 742-9283, Tuesdays 9 p.m. • CHEERS 17 Depot St., Concord, 228-0180, Fridays 9 p.m. • FODY’S TAVERN Railroad Square, Nashua, Wednesdays 8 p.m. • HALLIGAN TAVERN 32 West Broadway, Derry 965-3490 Tuesdays 8 pm. • HART’S TURKEY FARM 233 DW Hwy., Meredith, 2796212, Thursdays 6 p.m. • HOLY GRAIL 64 Main St., Epping Tuesdays 8 p.m. • J’S TAVERN Milford Tuesdays 8 p.m. • KARMA HOOKAH & CIGAR BAR 1077 Elm St., Manchester, 647-6653, Tuesdays 8 p.m. • THE KNOT IRISH PUB 58 Main St., Durham, 868-2959, Mondays 10 p.m. • MOLLY’S TAVERN New Boston Thursday 8 p.m. • O’SHEA’S IRISH TAVERN & CIGAR BAR, 449 Amherst St., Nashua 886-0224, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. • PATRICK’S PUB & EATERY 18 Weirs Road, Gilford, 2930841, Mondays 7 p.m. • PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER 48 Main St., Nashua, 821-7535, Tuesdays 9 p.m.
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 53 BY TODD SANTOS
Across 1. Jon Bon __ 5. Collective Soul ‘__, Allegations, And Things Left Unsaid’ 10. Short-run ticket sale release (abbr) 13. ‘Drowning (Face Down)’ Saving __ 14. ‘93 Nirvana album ‘In __’
15. ‘Jesus Stole My Girlfriend’ band Violet __ 16. Genre from music around the globe (5,5) 18. Everything But The Girl debut 19. Willie Nelson ‘Island In The __’ 20. Musicians needs, slang 21. Improvises banter to crowd 23. Aimee Mann husband Michael 24. Pitch indicator
13 16
24 28
32 36
40 43
42 45
23 25
3/9 P A S S
50 55
25. What death metal does 28. Anthrax ‘Return Of The ___ __’ (6,2) 32. Eric Clapton ‘__ Down’ 33. Pete Townshend ‘__ Blood’ 34. What Rob Zombie went after White Zombie 35. “These __, are crying” The Guess Who 36. Ashford And Simpson hit 37. Jethro __ 38. ‘Shadows In The Moonlight’ Canadian Murray 39. Billy Idol ‘Rebel __’ 40. ‘Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)’ singer 41. “__ Jones we got a thing goin’ on” (2,3,3) 43. ‘High’ Welsh band 45. Notations for guitarists (abbr) 46. Tenacious D ‘Double __’ 47. Extremely energetic manager
29. "Cause we danced on the floor in the __" MJ crusher, pulling 30. O Come __ __ Faithful (3,2) el __ of hell" 31. Kind of panels that might power a n studio illy 33. Attendees se To __' 36. A logo is this, for a band ng' 42. Sugar 'Hoover __' __ __48 ToCompetitive You' (1,4) 43. '01 hit Rob Zombie '__ __ Numb' Dog Shows - Open(4,2) r Mike to the public! 44. White Zombie "Make it look __, C's 'TNT' te album '__ Chaos' that's what I said" 46. Tori Amos 'Silent All __ Years' 47. Steely Dan classic '__ __ Again' (2,2) connections, ran CCR song 48. Village People "It's fun to stay at the __" al (3,1) All New Dog Kennel Suites! 49. John Mayer "Say what you __ to say" 50. Kind of milk, pre-reunion tour ucker w/no __ __" 26’ Indoor Heated Salt Pool & 51. Nick of Diamond Head Aqua Paws Water Treadmill que' band 52. Green Day 'King For __ __' (1,3) n 53. Jon Spenser Doggie Daycare 7 (abbr) Days a Week! Blues Explosion omp 'Past, __, __ 56. 48 "__Competitive __ bitch" Meredith Brooks- (2,1) Dog Shows Open to the public! Multi Day Care Areas, Tiny Tot 57. Had 'There She Goes' hit ly Weather' __ to 336 Route 101, Amherst, NH | Room &band Access Todd Santos 672 8448 | Aquatic Fitness © 2017 Written By: Todd Santos Room el won Grammy for ne
50. Eric Clapton ‘__ Waiting’ 51. ‘Señor Blues’ Mahal 54. Black cat-inspired LA metal band? 55. Libertines ‘What Became Of The __ __’ (6,4) 58. ‘Framing Armageddon’ __ Earth 59. Stones “Lord, __ __ you child” (1,4) 60. ‘Pass It To __’ Soulja Boy 61. Bassman Kinchla of Blues Traveler 62. Rob Zombie made a voice this, in Guardians Of The Galaxy 63. ‘Mr Roboto’ rockers
Down 1. Rob Zombie “Soul crusher, pulling closer like the blue steel __ of hell” 2. Cousin of a bassoon 3. Beaters frontman Billy 4. Beastie Boys ‘License To __’ 5. Van Halen ‘___ Being’ 6. Christina Aguilera ‘__ __ To You’ CSNY & RNRXWORDS (1,4) R A T S P A P E R 7. Punk rock and roller Mike A N E T I T O N E 8. The first T of AC/DC’s ‘TNT’ I N L O V E W I T H S A L L I A S I A 9. ‘04 Alanis Morissette album ‘__ I S E N T O R B Chaos’ (hyph) C R A N E N S 10. “Somewhere I lost connections, ran S I X T E E N out of songs to play” CCR song G T R E A T A E N C E R D A V I S 11. ‘A to __ __’ Infernal (3,1) T Y O U S E E A 12. Felder and Was O N D B A Y 15. Offspring “Just a sucker w/no __ W O O L E N L C D __” (4,6) N E M O R E T I M E N E S T L E O N 17. Half of ‘World Clique’ band D A T A C S N Y 22. ‘Runaway’ Shannon
23. ‘03 Rob Zombie comp ‘Past, __, __ Future’ (7,3) 24. South African ‘Holy Weather’ band __ Twilight 25. Video Peter Gabriel won Grammy for 26. Flaming Lips Wayne 27. Amphitheater 28. ‘One Thing’ Gravity __ 29. “Cause we danced on the floor in the __” MJ 30. O Come __ __ Faithful (3,2) 31. Kind of panels that might power a studio 33. Attendees 36. A logo is this, for a band 42. Sugar ‘Hoover __’ 43. ‘01 hit Rob Zombie ‘__ __ Numb’ (4,2) 44. White Zombie “Make it look __, that’s what I said” 46. Tori Amos ‘Silent All __ Years’ 47. Steely Dan classic ‘__ __ Again’ (2,2) 48. Village People “It’s fun to stay at the __” 49. John Mayer “Say what you __ to say” 50. Kind of milk, pre-reunion tour 51. Nick of Diamond Head 52. Green Day ‘King For __ __’ (1,3) 53. Jon Spenser Blues Explosion (abbr) 56. “__ __ bitch” Meredith Brooks (2,1) 57. Had ‘There She Goes’ hit
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 54
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River’s Pub 76 Derry St 880-8676 JD Chaser’s 2B Burnham Rd 886-0792 Nan King 222 Central St. 882-1911 SoHo 49 Lowell Rd 889-6889
Manchester A&E Cafe 1000 Elm St. 578-3338 Amoskeag Studio 250 Commercial St. 315-9320 Breezeway Pub 14 Pearl St. 621-9111 Penuche’s Ale House Amherst East Hampstead Millie’s Tavern British Beer Company 6 Pleasant St. 228-9833 Pasta Loft LaBelle Winery 17 L St. 967-4777 Laconia 1071 S. Willow St. Pit Road Lounge 345 Rte 101 672-9898 220 E. Main St. 378-0092 North Beach Bar & Anthony’s Pier 232-0677 388 Loudon Road Grille 931 Ocean Blvd. 263 Lakeside Ave. Bungalow Bar & Grille 226-0533 Auburn Epping 967-4884 366-5855 333 Valley St. Red Blazer Auburn Pitts Holy Grail Old Salt Baja Beach Club 518-8464 72 Manchester St. 167 Rockingham Road 64 Main St. 679-9559 409 Lafayette Rd. 89 Lake St. 524-0008 Cactus Jack’s 224-4101 622-6564 Telly’s 926-8322 Broken Spoke Saloon 782 South Willow St. Tandy’s Top Shelf 235 Calef Hwy 679-8225 Ron’s Landing 627-8600 1 Eagle Sq. 856-7614 Bedford Tortilla Flat 379 Ocean Blvd 929-2122 1072 Watson Rd 866-754-2526 Central Ale House True Brew Barista Bedford Village Inn 1-11 Brickyard Sq Savory Square Bistro Faro Italian Grille 72 23 Central St. 660-2241 3 Bicentennial Sq. 2 Olde Bedford Way 734-2725 32 Depot Sq 926-2202 Endicott St. 527-8073 City Sports Grille 225-2776 472-2001 Popovers Sea Ketch 127 Ocean Fratello’s 216 Maple St. 625-9656 Copper Door 11 Brickyard Sq 734-4724 Blvd. 926-0324 799 Union Ave. 528-2022 Club ManchVegas 15 Leavy Drive 488-2677 Contoocook Stacy Jane’s Covered Bridge Shorty’s Epsom 9 Ocean Blvd. 929-9005 Holy Grail of the Lakes 50 Old Granite St. 12 Veterans Square 222-1677 Cedar St. 746-5191 206 Rte 101 488-5706 Circle 9 Ranch The Goat 737-3000 Crazy Camel Hookah Farmer’s Market 39 Windymere 736-3111 20 L St. 601-6928 Margate Resort and Cigar Lounge 896 Main St. Belmont Hilltop Pizzeria Wally’s Pub 76 Lake St. 524-5210 245 Maple St. 518-5273 746-3018 Lakes Region Casino 1724 Dover Rd 736-0027 144 Ashworth Ave. Naswa Resort Derryfield Country Club 1265 Laconia Road 926-6954 1086 Weirs Blvd. 625 Mammoth Rd Claremont 267-7778 Exeter 366-4341 623-2880 Taverne on the Square Pimentos Shooters Tavern Hanover Paradise Beach Club Whiskey 20 Rt. 3 DW Hwy 528-2444 2 Pleasant St. 287-4416 69 Water St. 583-4501 Salt Hill Pub 20 Old Granite St. Shooter’s Pub 7 Lebanon St. 676-7855 322 Lakeside Ave. 366-2665 641-2583 Deerfield Boscawen 6 Columbus Ave. Canoe Club Fratello’s Nine Lions Tavern Alan’s 772-3856 27 S. Main St. 643-9660 Patio Garden Lakeside Ave. 155 Dow St. 624-2022 133 N. Main St. 753-6631 4 North Rd 463-7374 Pitman’s Freight Room Foundry Francestown Henniker 94 New Salem St. 50 Commercial St. Derry Bow Toll Booth Tavern Country Spirit 836-1925 Drae Chen Yang Li 740 2nd NH Tpke 262 Maple St. 428-7007 527-0043 Tower Hill Tavern Ignite Bar & Grille 520 South St. 228-8508 14 E Broadway #A 588-1800 Pat’s Peak Sled Pub 264 Lakeside Ave. 100 Hanover St. 494-6225 216-2713 24 Flander’s Road 366-9100 Imago Dei Halligan Tavern Bristol Gilford 888-728-7732 Weirs Beach Lobster 123 Hanove St. Back Room at the Mill 32 W. Broadway Ellacoya Barn & Grille Pound Jewel 965-3490 2 Central St. 744-0405 2667 Lakeshore Road Hillsborough 72 Endicott St. 366-2255 61 Canal St. 819-9336 Purple Pit 293-8700 Mama McDonough’s Karma Hookah & 28 Central Sq. 744-7800 Dover Patrick’s 5 Depot St. 680-4148 Lebanon Cigar Bar 7th Settlement Brewery 18 Weirs Road 293-0841 Tooky Mills Rumor Mill Salt Hill Pub 1077 Elm St. 647-6653 50 S Main St, 217-0971 47 Washington St. 9 Depot St. 2 West Park St. 448-4532 KC’s Rib Shack 373-1001 Goffstown 464-6700 837 Second St. 627-RIBS Asia Concord Village Trestle Turismo Midnight Rodeo (Yard) 42 Third St. 742-9816 Barley House 25 Main St. 497-8230 55 Henniker St. 680-4440 Londonderry Coach Stop Tavern 1211 S. Mammoth Rd Cara Irish Pub 132 N. Main 228-6363 176 Mammoth Rd 623-3545 11 Fourth St. 343-4390 Hampton CC Tomatoes Hooksett 437-2022 Stark Brewing Company Dover Brick House 209 Fisherville Rd Ashworth By The Sea Asian Breeze Stumble Inn 500 Commercial St. 2 Orchard St. 749-3838 295 Ocean Blvd. 753-4450 1328 Hooksett Rd 20 Rockingham Rd 625-4444 Fury’s Publick House Cheers 926-6762 621-9298 432-3210 Murphy’s Taproom 1 Washington St. 17 Depot St. 228-0180 Bernie’s Beach Bar New England’s Tap Whippersnappers 494 Elm St. 644-3535 617-3633 Granite 73 Ocean Blvd 926-5050 House Grille 44 Nashua Rd 434-2660 Penuche’s 96 Pleasant St. 227-9000 Sonny’s Tavern Boardwalk Inn & Cafe 1292 Hooksett Rd 96 Hanover St. 626-9830 83 Washington St. Hermanos 139 Ocean Blvd. 929-7400 782-5137 Loudon Portland Pie Company 742-4226 11 Hills Ave. 224-5669 Breakers at Ashworth Hungry Buffalo 786 Elm St. 622-7437 Top of the Chop Makris 295 Ocean Blvd. 926-6762 Hudson 58 Rte 129 798-3737 Salona Bar & Grill 1 Orchard St. 740-0006 Breakers By the Sea 354 Sheep Davis Road AJ’s Sports Bar 128 Maple St. 225-7665 409 Ocean Blvd 926-7702 11 Tracy Lane 718-1102 624-4020 Thursday, March 16 Claremont Ashland Taverne on the Square: Kid Common Man: Jim McHugh & PInky Steve McBrian (Open) Concord Auburn Common Man: Andy Lightning Auburn Pitts: Open Jam w/ and David Carson Gordy and Diane Pettipas Granite: CJ Poole Duo Hermanos: Richard Gardzina Bedford Penuche’s Ale House: Mindseye Copper Door: Chad Lamarsh True Brew: Dusty Gray Open Original Boscawen Alan’s: John Pratte Epping Telly’s: Rick Watson
Shaskeen 909 Elm St. 625-0246 Shorty’s 1050 Bicentennial Drive 625-1730 South Side Tavern 1279 S Willow St. 935-9947 Strange Brew Tavern 88 Market St. 666-4292 Thrifty’s Soundstage 1015 Candia Road 603-518-5413 Wild Rover 21 Kosciuszko St. 669-7722
River Casino 53 High St. 881-9060 Boston Billiard Club 55 Northeastern Blvd. 943-5630 Burton’s Grill 310 Daniel Webster Highway 888-4880 Country Tavern 452 Amherst St. 889-5871 Dolly Shakers 38 East Hollis St. 577-1718 Fody’s Tavern 9 Clinton St. 577-9015 Fratello’s Italian Grille Mason 194 Main St. Marty’s Driving Range 889-2022 96 Old Turnpike Rd Haluwa Lounge 878-1324 Nashua Mall 883-6662 Killarney’s Irish Pub Meredith 9 Northeastern Blvd. Giuseppe’s Ristorante 888-1551 312 DW Hwy 279-3313 O’Shea’s 449 Amherst St. 943-7089 Merrimack Peddler’s Daughter Homestead 48 Main St. 821-7535 641 DW Hwy 429-2022 Portland Pie Company Jade Dragon 14 Railroad Sq 882-7437 515 DW Hwy 424-2280 Riverwalk Pacific Fusion 35 Railroad Sq 578-0200 356 DW Hwy 424-6320 Shorty’s Tortilla Flat 48 Gusabel Ave. 882-4070 594 Daniel Webster Stella Blu Hwy 262-1693 70 E. Pearl St. 578-5557 Thirsty Turtle Milford 8 Temple St. 402-4136 J’s Tavern 63 Union Square 554-1433 New Boston Lefty’s Lanes Molly’s Tavern 244 Elm St. 554-8300 35 Mont Vernon Rd Pasta Loft 487-2011 241 Union Square 672-2270 Newbury Shaka’s Bar & Grill Goosefeathers Pub 11 Wilton Rd 554-1224 Mt. Sunapee 763-3500 Tiebreakers at Salt Hill Pub Hampshire Hills 1407 Rt 103 763-2667 50 Emerson Rd 673-7123 Union Coffee Co. New Castle 42 South St. 554-8879 Wentworth By The Sea 588 Wentworth Rd Moultonborough 422-7322 Castle in the Clouds 455 Old Mountain Road New London 478-5900 Flying Goose 40 Andover Road Nashua 526-6899 110 Grill 27 Trafalgar Sq. 943-7443 Newington 5 Dragons Paddy’s 29 Railroad Sq. 578-0702 27 International Drive 430-9450
Manchvegas: Open Acoustic Jam w/ Jim Devlin Penuche’s: Annie in the Water (Twiddle Pre-Party) Gilford Lebanon Patrick’s: Mike Rossi / Bill Salt hill Pub: Celtic Open Ses- Shaskeen: Zack Slik/Sonny Jim Clifford sion Noland Shorty’s: Steve Sibulkin Strange Brew: Tom Ballerini’s Hampton Manchester CR’s: The Last Duo Bungalow: Hollow Point / Idle Wednesday Night Jam Minds / Homestead / Refinement Whiskey’s 20: DJs Shawn White/ Ryan Nichols/Mike Mazz / K9 Hanover Canoe Club: Ted Mortimer Central Ale: Jonny Friday Blues Wild Rover: Ryan Williamson Salt hill Pub: Irish Trad’ Session City Sports Grille: DJ Dave Merrimack Randy Miller/Roger Kahle Foundry: DJ Marco Valentin Homestead: Malcolm Salls Fratello’s: Jazz Night Exeter Station 19: Thursday Night Live
Hillsborough Turismo: Line Dancing
Milford J’s Tavern: Justin Cohn Union Coffee: Frank History with Dave Palance Nashua Agave Azul: DJ K-Wil Ladies Night Country Tavern: Kyle Nickerson Fratello’s Italian Grille: RC Thomas Killarney’s: Karen Grenier Riverwalk Cafe: The Dupont Brothers w. Lauren Hurley
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 55
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Pelham Shooters 116 Bridge St. 635-3577 Pittsfield Molly’s Tavern 32 Main St. 487-2011 Plaistow Crow’s Nest 181 Plaistow Road 974-1686 Racks Bar & Grill 20 Plaistow Road 974-2406 Portsmouth Blue Mermaid Island 409 The Hill 427-2583 British Beer Company 103 Hanover St. 501-0515 Cafe Nostimo 72 Mirona Rd. 436-3100
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Demeters Steakhouse 3612 Lafayette Rd. 766-0001 Dolphin Striker 15 Bow St. 431-5222 Fat Belly’s 2 Bow St. 610-4227 Grill 28 200 Grafton Road 433-1331 Hilton Garden Inn 100 High St. 431-1499 Lazy Jacks 58 Ceres St. 294-0111 Martingale Wharf 99 Bow St. 431-0901 Oar House 55 Ceres St. 436-4025 Portsmouth Book & Bar 40 Pleasant St. 427-9197 Portsmouth Gas Light 64 Market St. 430-9122 Press Room 77 Daniel St. 431-5186 Red Door 107 State St. 373-6827 Redhook Brewery 1 Redhook Way 430-8600 Ri Ra Irish Pub 22 Market Sq 319-1680 Rudi’s 20 High St. 430-7834 Rusty Hammer 49 Pleasant St. 319-6981 Thirsty Moose 21 Congress St. 427-8645 Raymond Cork n’ Keg 4 Essex Drive 244-1573
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 56
Peterborough Harlow’s: Bluegrass Night La Mia Casa: Soul Repair Plaistow Racks: Rock Jam w/ Dave Thompson Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Pat Foley Fat Belly’s: DJ Flex Press Room: Beat Night/Queen City Soul Seabrook Chop Shop: Spent Fuel Weare Stark House Guyer Solo
Windham Common Man: WhiteSteer duo Friday, March 17 Auburn Auburn Pitts: Irish Songs with Crazy Steve
Rochester Gary’s 38 Milton Rd 335-4279 Governor’s Inn 78 Wakefield St. 332-0107 Lilac City Grille 103 N. Main St. 332-3984 Revolution Tap Room 61 N Main St. 244-3022 Radloff’s 38 N. Main St. 948-1073 Smokey’s Tavern 11 Farmington 330-3100 Salem Black Water Grill 43 Pelham Rd 328-9013 Jocelyn’s Lounge 355 S Broadway 870-0045 Sayde’s Restaurant 136 Cluff Crossing 890-1032 Seabrook Castaways 209 Ocean Blvd 760-7500 Chop Shop 920 Lafayette Rd 760-7706 Somersworth Hideout Grill at the Oaks 100 Hide Away Place 692-6257 Kelley’s Row 417 Route 108 692-2200
Old Rail Pizza Co. 6 Main St. 841-7152 Sunapee Sunapee Coffee House Rte. 11 Lower Main St. 229-1859 Suncook Olympus Pizza 42 Allenstwon Rd. 485-5288 Tilton Black Swan Inn 354 W Main St. 286-4524 Warner Local 2 E Main St. 456-6066 Weare Stark House Tavern 487 S Stark Hwy 529-7747 West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub 5 Airport Rd 298-5566 Windham Common Man 88 Range Rd 898-0088 Jonathon’s Lounge Park Place Lanes, Route 28 800-892-0568 Red’s Tavern 22 Haverhill Dr. 437-7251
Auburn Tavern: Gary Nault & Epping Susan Goyette / St. Patty’s Holy Grail: Max Sullivan/Karen Grenier Bedford Telly’s: Brian Gray Copper Door: Cameron MacMaster & Joe Delault Gilford Patrick’s: Dueling Pianos w/ Belmont Matt Langley and Jonathan Lakes Region Casino: DJ Mark Lorentz (St. Patrick’s O’Brien Clan @ 12 & 4) Boscawen Alan’s: St Patty’s Party - Those Goffstown Guys Village Trestle: St. Patty’s 3:30 O’Gils 8p Bob Pratte Band Bridgewater Bridgewater Inn: Shameless Hampton Community Oven: Alan Claremont Goodrich - Irish Tunes Taverne on the Square: Erin Logan’s Run: DJ Music - St. Harpe & the Delta Swingers Patty’s MDA benefit Savory Square: Burt Keirstead Concord The Goat: Searching for Clarity Area 23: Queen City Soul Wally’s Pub: Fast Times 80’s St. Makris: Madra Rua Paddy’s Bash Pit Road Lounge: Stuck In Time Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz Hanover (105.5 JYY) Jesse’s: Occasional Jug Band True Brew: Addison Chase Salt Hill Pub: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration starts at 9am Derry Coffee Factory: Dave LaCroix Henniker Sled Pub: Ryan Williamson Dover Cara: St. Patrick’s Day Hillsborough Celebration Mama McDonough’s: Young Fury’s: Erin’s Guild Folk - Irish Music Top of the Chop: Funkadelic Fridays
Hooksett Asian Breeze: DJ Albin Laconia Pitman’s Freight Room: Jodie Cunningham Band / St. Patrick’s Day Whiskey Barrel: St. Patricks Day Party w/ April Cushman Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration starts at 9am Londonderry Coach Stop: Clint Lapointe Pipe Dream Brewing: Prime Notion Manchester British Beer: Brad Bosse Bungalow: King Pariah // The Last King // Sacred Shapes Derryfield: Last Kid Picked Foundry: Chad Verbeck Fratello’s: Paul Luff Jewel: Juke Joint/ DiCenso-Clark Expedition/John Hanifin Band ManchVegas: Rock 101/Cody James Gang - St. Patty’s Day All Day Murphy’s Taproom: Brad Bosse/The Rebel Collective/ Ellis Falls/Conniption Fits Penuche’s: St Patty’s Day Party w/ Pardon The Spins & Stop Tito Collective Shaskeen: Gobshites/Rick Fire/ Bruce Jacques Strange Brew: David Rousseau/Jerry Short & Rick Watson/Olde Salt Whiskey’s 20: DJs Jason Spivak & Sammy Smoove Wild Rover: Madra Rua Merrimack Homestead: Steve Tolley Merrimack Biergarten: Mark Huzar Milford J’s Tavern: Acoustic BS Pasta Loft: St.Patty’s Day Irish Step Dancers Tiebreakers: Amanda Cote Moultonborough Buckey’s: The Red Hat Band Nashua Country Tavern: Ted Solovicos Fody’s: Joe MacDonald/PoP RoKs
Fratello’s Italian Grille: Chris Cavanaugh Haluwa: Bad Medicine O’Shea’s: Shrunken Dogheads St. Patty’s Party Peddler’s Daughter: 3rd Left/ Olde Salt Riverwalk Cafe: Elise Testone Stella Blu: Rumble Fish Thirsty Turtle: Farenheit Friday - DJ D-Original
Sunapee Sunapee Coffeehouse: Seisun
New Boston Molly’s: The Hallorans/John Chouinard
Belmont Lakes Region Casino: Red Sky Mary
Newbury Salt Hill Pub: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration starts at 9am
Bristol Purple Pit: Soul Revival
Newmarket Riverworks: RC Thomas Newport Salt hill Pub: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration starts at 9am Peterborough Harlow’s: St. Patrick’s Day w/ Son Of Todd Pittsfield Main Street Grill: Nicole Knox Murphy Plaistow Crow’s Nest: Among the Living Portsmouth Grill 28: Celebrating St.Patrick’s Day with Kevin O’brien Martingale Wharf: Myrick & Costley Portsmouth Book & Bar: Hickory Horned Devils Portsmouth Gaslight: St. PatrickDJ Koko/Kevin Burt/Sam Robbins Press Room: Lonesome Lunch w/Dave Talmage + Dance Party Upstairs Red Door: Joe Bermudez Ri Ra: Foggy Dudes/Lestah Polyestah Rudi’s: Duke Thirsty Moose: Vibrant Rochester Radloff’s: Dancing Madly Backwards Duo Smokey’s Tavern: Dan Walker Seabrook Chop Shop: Bite the Bullet
Saturday, March 18 Ashland Common Man: Chris White Band Bedford Shorty’s: RC Thomas
Claremont Taverne on the Square: Tirade Concord Hermanos: Matt Poirier Pit Road Lounge: Voodoo Tattoo Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz (105.5 JYY) True Brew: The Rebel Collective
Too Busy To Do Your Laundry? Too Busy To Drop It Off? THE Let us pick it up for you, wash, dry and fold it And drop it back off at your home.
Patio Furniture Beautiful & comfortable. See our website for sales, specials, hours, and more. Swimming Pools, Billiards, Patio Furniture, Hot Tubs, Bars, Stools, Grills, Awnings.
Dover Fury’s Publick House: Lovewhip Epping Holy Grail: Dan Walker Telly’s: Jamie Martin Gilford Patrick’s: Mike Tribute to U2
Goffstown Village Trestle: Joe McDonald Hampton Savory Square: Mel & John Wally’s Pub: Last Laugh Hanover Canoe Club: Larry Allen Brown/Bob McCarthy & Billy Martin - CD Release Salt Hill Pub: B3 Brotherhood Henniker Sled Pub: Dave Chiasson Band w/ fiddler Reed Cullen Hudson River’s Pub: Over Drive
Portsmouth Music Hall: St. Patrick’s Comedy Gala w/ Jim McCue & More Monday, March 20 Concord Penuche’s: Punchlines
Wed., March 22 Manchester Murphy’s: Laugh Free Or Die Open Mic Shaskeen: Saurin Choksi (FUSE TV)/ David Drake Merrimack Pacific Fusion: Comedy on Purpose Alana Susko
Find us at or Call us for more information at 603-931-0995
Derry Drae: Jen Whitmore
COMEDY THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Thursday, March 16 Nashua Concord Chunky’s: Dueling Cap Center: Brian Pianos Regan Saturday, March 18 Friday, March 17 Manchester Lebanon Headliners: Will Lebanon Opera Noonan House: St. Patrick’s Newmarket Comedy Gala w/ Jim Stone Church: Jim ColMcCue & More liton/Tony Moschetto
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Conditioning Sale for Obesity & Out-Of-Shape Pets 10 Weeks of Conditioning, value of $450 for only $405 (save $45)
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 57
Laconia Pitman’s Freight Room: Chris O’Leary Blues Band Whiskey Barrel: Eric Grant Band Londonderry Coach Stop: Ryan Williamson
Loudon Hungry Buffalo: St. Patrick’s Day w/ Jim Barnes Irish Balladeer
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Manchester 1oak On Elm: Oogee Wawa/ The Elovaters/The Feel Goods City Sports Grille: Vital Signs Derryfield: Jimmy’s Down Foundry: Chad Verbeck Fratello’s: Lachlan Maclearn Jewel: Dark Roots/Fifth Freedom/Echoes In The Void/ Tester Midnight Rodeo: St. Patrick’s Party Murphy’s Taproom: Among The Living Penuche’s: Fat Randy/Dwarf Cannon/Glitter Bug Shaskeen: Rockspring Strange Brew: Michelle “Evil Gal” Willson Whiskey’s 20: DJ Hizzy/Shawn White Wild Rover: D-Comp Duo Merrimack Homestead: David “Cee” Ainsworth Merrimack Biergarten: Jeff Mrozek Milford Pasta Loft: Baby Jakes Shaka’s: Clint LaPointe Union Coffee: Derek Stock with Joanna Stock and Derek Russell Fimbel Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Roberto Tropical Saturday Boston Billiard Club: DJ Anthem Throwback Country Tavern: Olde Salt Irish Music Dolly Shakers: Tom Mason Horizons Fody’s: Justin Cohn Fratello’s Italian Grille: Paul Luff Haluwa: Bad Medicine O’Shea’s: Hallorans Peddler’s Daughter: Take 4 Riverwalk Cafe: Mr. Nick & the Dirty Tricks Stella Blu: Groove Cats Thirsty Turtle: Wargraves/ Warning Shots/Barfight Champs/The Pint Killers
New Boston Molly’s: Morgan and Pete
Henniker Country Spirit: Walker Smith
Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Apres-Ski with the Blackberry Bushes
Hudson River’s Pub: Acoustic Jam
Newport Salt hill Pub: John Lackard Peterborough Harlow’s: Eric Gagne Portsmouth Blue Mermaid: Cherokee Red Grill 28: Tony Mack Band Hilton Garden: A J Edwards Martingale Wharf: North of Trouble Portsmouth Book & Bar: Young Frontier Portsmouth Gaslight: DJ Koko/Rick Watson/Brad Bosse Press Room: Press Room Jazz Lunch + People Like You Red Door: Breeazy Ri Ra: Mugsy Rudi’s: Barbara London Thirsty Moose: Fighting Friday Raymond Cork n Keg: Studio Two Rochester China Palace: Bryan Govostes aka “Beezly “B” Musical” Rochester Smokey’s Tavern: James
Salem Sayde’s: X’ella Seabrook Chop Shop: Anthem Sunday, March 19 Ashland Common Man Ashland: Chris White Solo Acoustic Barrington Nippo Lake Restaurant: The Joshua Incident Bedford Copper Door: RC Thomas Concord Hermanos: Eric Chase Dover Cara: Irish Session w/ Carol Coronis & Ramona Connelly Dover Brickhouse: Jazz Brunch Sonny’s: Sonny’s Jazz Goffstown Village Trestle: Wan-tu Blues Band & Jam
Manchester Bungalow: Firestarter, Suburban Samurai/Delaney/Pastimes/ This Time Around Shaskeen: Rap night, Industry night Strange Brew: Jam Wild Rover: DJ Dance Nite Meredith Giuseppe’s: Open Stage with Lou Porrazzo Milford Union Coffee: Phil & Will Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Rich - Smokin’ Sunday Pig Tale: Caravan Duo Riverwalk Cafe: Sally and George Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Apres Ski PartyMark & Deb Bond Portsmouth Portsmouth Book & Bar: William Shatner Beat Night Press Room: Larry Garland Tribute Night Ri Ra: Irish Session Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch w/Ms. Sharon Jones Rochester Lilac City Grille: Music @9:30
Seabrook Chop Shop: Kim & Mike/ Donny plays Johnny Cash Monday, March 20 Concord Hermanos: Draa Hobbs Hanover Salt hill Pub: Hootenanny Manchester Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Duo Fratello’s: Rob Wolfe or Phil Jacques Merrimack Homestead: Doug Thompson Nashua Dolly Shakers: Monday’s Muse w Lisa Guyer Fratello’s Italian Grille: Mark Huzar
Get the crowds at your gig 111653
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 58
Want to get your show listed in the Music This Week? Let us know all about your upcoming show, comedy show, open mike night or multi-band event by sending all the information to Send information by 9 a.m. on Friday to have the event considered for the next Thursday’s paper.
NITE CONCERTS Capitol Center for the Performing Arts & Spotlight Cafe 44 S. Main St., Concord 225-1111, The Colonial Theatre 95 Main St., Keene 352-2033, Dana Humanities Center 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester 641-7700, The Flying Monkey 39 S. Main St., Plymouth
536-2551, Franklin Opera House 316 Central St., Franklin 934-1901, The Music Hall 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth 436-2400, The Music Hall Loft 131 Congress St., Portsmouth 436-2400, Palace Theatre 80 Hanover St., Manchester 668-5588,
Rochester Opera House 31 Wakefield St., Rochester 335-1992, SNHU Arena 555 Elm St., Manchester 644-5000, Stockbridge Theatre Pinkerton Academy, Route 28, Derry 437-5210, Tupelo Music Hall 2 Young Road, Londonderry 437-5100,
A Couple Of Blaguards Friday, March 17, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Twiddle Friday, March 17, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre (also 3/18) Puddle of Mudd, Saving Abel, and Tantric Saturday, March 18, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Red Hot Chilli Pipers Wednesday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. Palace Candlebox Acoustic (also 3/24) Thursday, March 23, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Jive Aces Dance Party Friday, March 24, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre The Weight Friday, March 24, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Blue Oyster Cult Saturday, March 25, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Alan Doyle & The Beautiful Gypsies Sunday, March 26, 8
p.m. Tupelo Derry Beach Boys Tuesday, March 28, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Robert Klein Friday, March 31, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Lez Zeppelin Friday, March 31, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Tom Rush Friday, March 31, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Another Tequila Sunrise: Tribute to the Eagles Saturday, April 1, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre One Night of Queen Saturday, April 1, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Simon Kirke Saturday, April 1, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Martin Barre Saturday, April 1, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Capital Jazz Orchestra – Artie, Benny, Woody Sunday, April 2, 4 p.m. Cap Center
Ann Wilson of Heart Sunday, April 2, 7 p.m. Tupelo Derry Stevie Nicks/Pretenders Wednesday, April 5, 8 p.m. SNHU Arena John 5 & the Creatures Thursday, April 6, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Def Leppard/Poison/Tesla Saturday, April 8, 8 p.m. SNHU Arena NH Fiddle Orchestra Sunday, April 9, 7 p.m. Franklin Opera House Peter Frampton Raw Tuesday, April 11, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Celtic Women Thursday, April 13, 7 p.m. SNHU Arena Del and Dawg Friday, April 14, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Adam Ezra Group Saturday, April 15, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry
Newmarket Stone Church: Blues Jam w/ Wild Eagles Blues Band
Newmarket Stone Church: SpeakEazy: Church Street Jazz Band / Bluegrass Jam Late
Tuesday, March 21 Concord Hermanos: Kid Pinky Kombo Dover Fury’s Publick House: Tim Theriault and Friends Sonny’s: Soggy Po’ Boys Gilford Patrick’s: Paul Luff hosts Hanover Canoe Club: Gillian Joy Manchester Bungalow: Depths of Hatred / So This is Suffering / Lorelei Fratello’s: Mark Huzar Shaskeen: Walker Smith Strange Brew: Ken Budka Whiskey’s 20: Sammy Smoove & DJ Gera Merrimack Homestead: Amanda Cote Nashua Fratello’s: Brad Bosse
North Hampton Barley House: Traditional Irish Session Peterborough Harlow’s: Celtic Music Jam
Seabrook Chop Shop: Bare Bones
Merrimack Homestead: Sean Coleman
Wednesday, March 22 Atkinson Merrill’s Tavern: Joe Sambo
Nashua Country Tavern: Sebago Brewing Fratello’s Italian Grille: Chris Lester
Dublin DelRossi’s Trattoria: Celtic and Old Timey JSession Gilford Patrick’s: Cody James - Ladies Night
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Hillsborough Turismo: Blues Jam w Jerry Paquette & the Runaway Bluesmen Manchester 1oak On Elm: Lisa Guyer All Ages Jam Fratello’s: Phil Jacques Strange Brew: Open Jam - Tom Ballerini Blues Band
Dover Fury’s Publick House: Hambone
Treatment for
Hanover Canoe Club: John Lovejoy
Portsmouth Portsmouth Book & Bar: Jennifer Kimball Press Room: Jazz Jam w/ Larry Garland & Friends
Concord Hermanos: Matt Poirier
Plaistow Racks: DJ Sensations Portsmouth Ri Ra: Erin’s Guild Rochester Lilac City Grille: Tim Theriault - Ladies Night Seabrook Chop Shop: Guitar-a-oke & Cocktails
Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Old School Earth Eagle Brewings: Joe Young Press Room: Ray Demarco & Friends Ri Ra: Oran Mor
Hampton CR’s: Don Severance
NEW Addiction
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 59
“Just Average” — if two don’t fit... Across 1 Lend a hand 5 “I got it!” reactions 9 “... like ___ out of hell” 13 “___ F” (hit instrumental of 1985) 14 Like the sound of French vowels 16 Attack with the tongue
17 Picture that absolutely has to be seen? 19 See 41-Down 20 Make amends (for) 21 12 of 12, briefly 22 Spicy coffee shop order 23 Denims kept clean during auction
time? 27 Be in another form? 30 Dave Grohl band ___ Fighters 31 Concert purchase 32 “The Addams Family” cousin 33 Actor Diggs 35 Firm ending? 37 Actor James Van ___ Beek 39 What part of each theme answer has to do to fit 45 Six-pack unit 46 Glass on NPR 47 Schooner steerer 48 “Do you even lift, ___?” 50 Cobra ___ (“The Karate Kid” dojo) 53 Bother 55 “Sure thing” 56 Author of “A Series of Unfortunate Kravitzes”?
Save the Date O P E N H O U S E
Thursday, 4:00PM-7:00PM
60 “The Thin Man” canine 61 English actor McKellen 62 Engine buildup 66 Reminder of an old wound 67 Long stories about hosting audiovisual dance parties? 70 Plastic surgery procedure 71 Itching to get started 72 Casino freebie 73 Theater backdrops 74 “Hello ___” (cellphone ad catchphrase) 75 Land bordering the Persian Gulf Down 1 “___ Nagila” 2 Cinema sign 3 “Dallas Buyers Club” Oscar winner Jared 4 Backup operation 5 “Fuel” performer DiFranco 6 Cuban sandwich ingredient 7 Carne ___ (burrito filler) 8 Most wise 9 Ralph’s wife on “The Honeymooners” 10 Reason to wear a hat, maybe 11 Tilted 12 Believer in a deity 15 Dulce de ___ 18 1970s heartthrob Garrett 24 “___ Time” (Sublime song)
25 Refuses to 26 “Star Wars: The Last ___” 27 Cash cache, for short 28 Singer Corinne Bailey ___ 29 It’s good to keep during an interview 34 Vowel for Plato 36 It’s represented by X 38 Mag. employees 40 Blue Pac-Man ghost 41 With 19-Across, “Spamalot” creator 42 “Superstore” actor McKinney 43 It’s not a freaking “alternative fact” 44 Ernie of the PGA Tour 48 Criticizes loudly 49 Save from disaster 51 “___ said many times ...” 52 Surrounded by standstill traffic 54 Beer barrels 57 Stoolies, in Sussex 58 Montoya who sought the six-fingered man 59 Bingham of “Baywatch” 63 “Frankenstein” helper 64 Bear whose porridge was too cold 65 “30 for 30” cable channel 68 Tightrope walker’s protection 69 Miracle-___ (garden brand) ©2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords (
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 60 603.526.6899
SIGNS OF LIFE — and, weirdly, help me understand show business better. Mind. Blown. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) I kept trying to be a vegan until I realized that part of my motivation was that I wanted to be able to go on the Ellen show and bond with her over it. … You can’t make life decisions motivated by the hope that you’ll be invited to Ellen and Portia’s to eat lentils and watch Seinfeld. You can, but you shouldn’t. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) It didn’t take me long to realize that everyone who works at REI is named Tad. ... Tad and all his-coworkers, Tad, wear matching vests adorned with loops and hooks. You may briefly wonder if the Tads go out after work wearing their matching vests, or if they’re just part of a cult whose members love to fish. Tad is always happy and positive. The only time I’ve ever seen Tad a little bit down was when I told him I thought all sleeping bags were alike. Don’t be sad, Tad! I know better now. Not all sleeping bags are alike. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Magazines don’t like it when you say too little about your personal life — it makes the pages very hard to fill. That’s their problem. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) … they’ll ask you who’s the best kisser you’ve ever worked with. DON’T ANSWER THIS. It will result in an article stating you’ve “broken your silence” about how awful it was to kiss everyone else. Don’t answer it. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) … but I avoided handsome actor-types as a rule. Over the lears I’d learn that my concerns were unfounded ... attractive, straight, successful actors actually don’t get as much attention as you might think, because women find them so intimidating that they — AHAHAHAHA, I can’t even finish that sentence with a straight face. Those dudes get all the attention you think they do, and then some. Avoid handsome actor types.
4 4
Difficulty Level
5 8 7 6 4 9
7 1
9 3 8
2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
6 2 5
1 9 8
By Dave Green
THE GRANITE YMCA Good things come together at The Granite YMCA. It is a place where the community comes together to connect, play, and discover new things. We offer comprehensive healthy living and learning experiences for adults and kids from swim lessons and sports to gymnastics, tennis, adventure, and the arts. There is a little something for everyone and a lot for the community.
Bring in this ad to the Welcome Center at any of the three locations listed below with a photo ID and enjoy TWO FREE DAYS at the Y! Exp. 4/30/17 YMCA of Downtown Manchester, 30 Mechanic St, Manchester YMCA of Greater Londonderry, 208 Rockingham Rd, Londonderry YMCA Allard Center of Goffstown, 116 Goffstown Back Rd, Goffstown 113613
March 25, 2017
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Last week's puzzle answers are below
3/9 5 8 6 2 1 4 7 3 9
2 4 3 9 8 7 1 5 6
Difficulty Level
7 9 1 5 3 6 8 4 2
3 6 4 8 5 1 2 9 7
8 5 7 6 9 2 4 1 3
1 2 9 7 4 3 6 8 5
4 7 5 3 2 8 9 6 1
9 1 2 4 6 5 3 7 8
6 3 8 1 7 9 5 2 4 3/09
2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Quotes are from Talking As Fast As I Can, by Lauren Graham, born March 16, 1967. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Every morning my father eats half a loaf of bread with butter, a giant smoothie, maybe an omelette with cheese, and then he has breakfast. I just want a piece of toast once in a while — is that so wrong? No, it is not. Have your toast. Aries (March 21 – April 19) When I hear Kim Kardashian lost her baby weight on Atkins, I’ll eat steak for three days straight until I remember that, oh yeah, I’ve tried this before and it didn’t make me feel that great. You have to find what works for you, not what works for someone else. Do not eat steak for three days straight. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) I’ve learned that a little readiness goes a long way when facing the elements, be they rain, or snow, or Access Hollywood. Just like in the outdoors, I’ve learned it’s much easier to strip off a layer if you find you don’t need it than to put one on. If you’ve already exposed yourself it may be too late. Layer up. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Our new show runners were talented writers who knew the show well. But just like when David Lee Roth was replaced as the lead singer of Van Halen, no matter how hard we tried singing the same songs, they just didn’t sound quite the same. That’s how it goes. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Most movies are made for people who want to watch Jurassic World over and over. Repeated viewings might bring new perspective. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Over the course of this first season, we began to realize that our tough time slot might actually have been a gift. You can rally in a tough time slot. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) I had never been to an REI store and didn’t know what REI stood for or what they sold there. … What I was to discover at REI would blow my mind
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 61
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In February, two teams of South Korean researchers announced cancer-fighting breakthroughs by taking lessons from how two of medicine’s most vexing, destructive organisms (diarrhea-causing salmonella bacteria and the rabies virus) can access often-unconquerable cancer cells. In journal articles, biologist Jung-joon Min of Chonnam National University described how his team “weaponized” a cancer-fighting invader cell with salmonella to stir up more-robust immune responses, and nanoparticle expert Yu Seok Youn’s Sungkyunkwan University team coated immunizing cells with the rabies protein (since the rabies virus is remarkably successful at invading healthy cells) to reach brain tumors. • Gemma Badley was convicted in England’s Teesside Magistrates’ Court in February of impersonating British psychic Sally Morgan on Facebook, selling her “readings” as if they were Morgan’s. (To keep this straight: Badley is the illegal con artist, Morgan the legal one.) • Michigan is an “open carry” state, and any adult not otherwise disqualified under state law may “pack heat” in public (except in a few designated zones). In February, an overly earnest Second Amendment fan, James Baker, 24 (accompanied by pal Brandon Vreeland, 40), believed the law was an invitation to walk into the Dearborn police station in full body armor and ski mask, with a semi-automatic pistol and a sawed-off rifle (and have Vreeland photograph officers’ reactions). (Yes, both were arrested.) • Wells Fargo Bank famously admitted last year that employees (pressured by a company incentive program) had fraudulently opened new accounts for about 2 million existing customers by forging their signatures. In an early lawsuit by a victim of the fraud (who had seven fraudulent accounts opened), the bank argued (and a court agreed!) that the lawsuit had to be handled by arbitration instead of a court of law because the customer had, in the original Wells Fargo contract (that dense, fine-print one he actually signed), agreed to arbitration for “all” disputes. A February Wells Fargo statement to claimed that customers’ forgoing legal rights was actually for their own benefit, in that “arbitration” is faster and less expensive.
News that sounds like a joke
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 62
Exploiting villains
Unclear on the concept
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Ex-Colombo family mobster and accused hitman “Tommy Shots” Gioeli, 64, recently filed a federal court lawsuit over a 2013 injury at the Metropolitan
Detention Center in New York City. He fell and broke a kneecap while playing ping-pong (allegedly because of water on the floor), awaiting sentencing for conspiracy to commit murder. The New York Post also noted that the “portly” Gioeli, who was later sentenced to 18 years, was quite a sight at trial, carrying his “man purse” each day.
Great art!
French artist Abraham Poincheval told reporters in February that in his upcoming “performance,” he will entomb himself for a week in a limestone boulder at a Paris museum and then, at the conclusion, sit on a dozen bird eggs until they hatch “an inner journey,” he said, “to find out what the world is.” (He apparently failed to learn that from previous efforts, such as the two weeks he spent inside a stuffed bear or his time on the Rhone River inside a giant corked bottle.) He told reporters the super-snug tomb has been thoroughly accessorized, providing for breathing, eating, heart monitor and emergency phone except, they noted, nothing on exactly how toileting will be handled.
The job of the researcher
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration “bioacoustic research” team recently reported recording and listening to about 2 million underwater sounds made over a four-month period by various species of dolphins (“whistles,” echolocation “clicks,” and “burst pulses”) and can, they believe, distinguish
the sounds to match them to a particular dolphin species (among the five most prevalent) with 84 percent accuracy. The team built a computer algorithm to also make estimating dolphin populations much easier.
The continuing crisis
After the North Dakota House of Representatives voted yet again in January to retain the state’s Sunday-closing “blue laws,” Rep. Bernie Satrom explained to a reporter: “Spending time with your wife, your husband, making him breakfast, bringing it to him in bed” is better than going shopping.
Weirdo-American community
Stephen Reed, the former mayor of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty on the eve of his January trial on corruption counts stemming from the approximately 10,000 items of “Wild West” and “Americana” artifacts worth around $8 million that he had bought with public funds during 28 years in office. For some reason, he had a single-minded obsession with creating a local all-things-cowboy museum, and had purchased such items as a stagecoach, stagecoach harnesses, a “Billy the Kid” wanted poster, a wagon wheel and a totem pole. Somehow, he explained, as he was leaving office after being voted out in 2009, the items he had purchased (theoretically, “on behalf of” of Harrisburg) had migrated into his personal belongings. Visit
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HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 63
HIPPO | MARCH 16 - 22, 2017 | PAGE 64