Hippo 4/20/17

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APRIL 20 - 26, 2017

The stories behind NH’s woodlands, plus where to find the state’s coolest trees




A legend in Manchester

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When guitar legend Chuck Berry died on March 18 at the age of 90, rock ’n’ roll lost a pioneer. Arguably, Chuck Berry inspired more teenagers to pick up the guitar than anybody ever. I was one of them. In late December in the early 1970s, I swore to my then wife that I heard that Chuck Berry would be playing in Manchester at the Sheraton Wayfarer on New Year’s Eve. She doubted that I heard correctly. New Year’s Eve arrived along with a blizzard. Since we had no plans, and since my Pontiac Lemans had a posi-traction rear end (as in My Cousin Vinnie), I was confident that my car could handle the snow. So we headed out in the blizzard to the Wayfarer to see if it was true, that Chuck Berry would be playing in Manchester. The roads were pretty empty. There was already 6 inches of snow on the ground and it was coming down hard. We pulled into the largely empty Wayfarer parking lot, joining maybe three cars. I was convinced that either I heard wrong or that if Chuck was supposed to play, the concert got canceled because of the snow. But I wanted to know for sure and asked my wife to wait in the car while I went inside to check. The instant that I open the Wayfarer door, I could hear the unmistakable sound of the great Chuck Berry. I was so excited! I quickly moved toward the sound and passed a vacant ticket table with an open, empty cashbox. I entered the ballroom and there in front of me was one of my idols, Chuck Berry, with a three-piece band, a cop, and seven or eight people in the audience. I was mesmerized. Then, I remembered that my wife was still outside in the car. I ran out and motioned for her to come quickly. We got treated to a free, private concert by Chuck Berry. We sat in the middle in about the third row with no one in front of us. It was a night that I will never forget. Ever since rock ’n’ roll’s beginnings, from the mid-1950s through today, how many artists can you name that actually invented a guitar style? Not many: Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Eddie Van Halen. As someone who spent 39 years selling guitars, I want to say thank you, Chuck. While you may be gone, your music will never die! Fred Bramante is the past chairman and member of the NH State Board of Education. He speaks and consults on education redesign to regional, state, and national organizations.

APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 VOL 16 NO 16

News and culture weekly serving Metro southern New Hampshire Published every Thursday (1st copy free; 2nd $1). 49 Hollis St., Manchester, N.H. 03101 P 603-625-1855 F 603-625-2422 hippopress.com email: news@hippopress.com

EDITORIAL Executive Editor Amy Diaz, adiaz@hippopress.com Managing Editor Meghan Siegler, msiegler@hippopress.com, ext. 113 Editorial Design Ashley McCarty, hippolayout@gmail.com Copy Editor Lisa Parsons, lparsons@hippopress.com Staff Writers Kelly Sennott ksennott@hippopress.com, ext. 112 Angie Sykeny asykeny@hippopress.com, ext. 130 Ryan Lessard rlessard@hippopress.com, ext. 136 Matt Ingersoll mingersoll@hippopress.com, ext. 152 Contributors Allison Willson Dudas, Jennifer Graham, Henry Homeyer, Dave Long, Lauren Mifsud, Stefanie Phillips, Eric W. Saeger, Michael Witthaus.

ON THE COVER 14 FOREST ADVENTURES If you live in New Hampshire and you want to take a walk in the woods, you won’t have to go far — even if you live in a city. The Hippo explored how the forestry industry has changed the state’s landscape and found 12 cool trees and forests that are worth checking out, like the massive white pines in Tamworth and the biggest bigtooth aspen in the country in Madbury. Or just take a walk through your backyard or on a local trail to enjoy New Hampshire’s woodsy beauty. ALSO ON THE COVER, learn more about vegan living at NH Veg Fest, p. 40. Record Store Day is Saturday, April 22 — find out what it’s all about on p. 60. If you’re looking for something to do with the whole family, the Great Northeast Boat Show is coming to Bedford, p. 28, or check out Kiddie Pool on p. 32 for more fun ideas.


NEWS & NOTES 4 Chicken petition, PLUS News in Brief. 8 Q&A 10 QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 12 SPORTS THIS WEEK 20

THE ARTS: 22 ART Listings Soo Sunny. Arts listings: arts@hippopress.com Inside/Outside listings: listings@hippopress.com 26 THEATER & CLASSICAL Food & Drink listings: food@hippopress.com Listings for events around town. Music listings: music@hippopress.com

BUSINESS Publisher Jody Reese, Ext. 121 jreese@hippopress.com Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny Associate Publisher Jeff Rapsis, Ext. 123 jrapsis@hippopress.com Production Katie DeRosa, Emma Contic, Kristen Lochhead, Haylie Zebrowski Circulation Manager Doug Ladd, Ext. 135 dladd@hippopress.com Advertising Manager Charlene Cesarini, Ext. 126 ccesarini@hippopress.com Account Executives Alyse Savage, 603-493-2026 asavage@hippopress.com Katharine Stickney, Ext. 144 kstickney@hippopress.com Roxanne Macaig, Ext. 127 rmacaig@hippopress.com Stephanie Quimby, Ext. 134 squimby@hippopress.com Jill Raven, Ext. 110 jraven@hippopress.com Tammie Boucher, support staff, Ext. 150 Reception & Bookkeeping Gloria Zogopoulos To place an ad call 625-1855, Ext. 126 For Classifieds dial Ext. 125 or e-mail classifieds@hippopress.com. Unsolicited submissions will not be returned or acknowledged and will be destroyed. Opinions expressed by columnists do not represent the views of the Hippo or its advertisers.

INSIDE/OUTSIDE: 30 GARDENING GUY Henry Homeyer offers advice on your outdoors. 31 TREASURE HUNT There’s gold in your attic. 32 KIDDIE POOL Family fun events this weekend. 36 CAR TALK Automotive advice. CAREERS: 38 ON THE JOB What it’s like to be a... FOOD: 40 VEG FEST Food made beautiful in new cookbook; In the Kitchen; Weekly Dish; Wine; From the Pantry. POP CULTURE: 50 REVIEWS CDs, books, TV and more. Amy Diaz enjoys the pollen-free theater environment for The Fate of the Furious and The Zookeeper’s Wife. NITE: 58 BANDS, CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE Lung; Record Store Day; Nightlife, music & comedy listings and more. 61 ROCK AND ROLL CROSSWORD A puzzle for the music-lover. 62 MUSIC THIS WEEK Live music at your favorite bars and restaurants.


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The Windham Towne Shoppes 29 Indian Rock Rd. - Route 111, Windham, NH (2 miles from exitHIPPO 3 off I93) 112476 3 | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE

NEWS & NOTES Dry spell

The state Department of Environmental Services said below-average rainfall and high temperatures could put New Hampshire right back on track for the same drought conditions that saw wells dry up from record low water levels. DES said in a press release that well water supplies remain low even though the drought conditions improved over the winter. Well monitoring stations continue to show below-normal levels. High stream flows and flood warnings may still occur during the spring, but much of that water isn’t sinking deep enough into the ground and if temperatures remain high, much of it will evaporate. Meanwhile, forestry officials are worried that this spring could see a heightened risk of wildfires due to a combination of unusually dry weather and dry grass, leaves and shrubs left over from last winter that can act as kindling. In a press release from the Division of Forests and Lands, officials said careless disposal of campfire ashes and smoking materials are the most common causes of wildfires. While last year’s drought may have killed a good number of ticks, tick season has begun. The Eagle Tribune reported veterinarians are seeing pets with ticks, and state entomologist Alan Eaton said lower tick numbers don’t mean people should stop checking themselves, their children and pets for ticks.

DCYF cases

A Superior Court judge has ruled in favor of letting the legal proceedings of a child abuse case be aired publicly, which sets a precedent for other cases like these. While the identities of the children will remain confidential, attorney Rus Rilee wants certain details of his case to be public so problems with the state’s child protective services can be exposed. NHPR reported Superior Court Judge Gillian Abramson dismissed the state’s argument to keep the proceedings confidential, saying the arguments were based on a desire to limit exposure of the state’s alleged mishandling of the case. Rilee represents the grandparents of two young girls who were sexually abused by their biological parents during a time when they were under DCYF supervision. The grandparents are suing

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 4

DCYF. Rilee told NHPR he hopes the ruling paves the way for similar confidentiality waivers for other high-profile cases against DCYF.

Moose hunt

Pending approval from a legislative committee, New Hampshire Fish and Game officials have signed off on a plan to award 51 moose hunting permits this year, the AP reported. That would be the lowest number of permits issued since the moose hunt began under this system in 1988. There were 71 permits issued last year. The number has declined steadily in recent years due to a struggling moose population with health issues related to winter ticks and other parasites. This year’s plan also bans the moose hunt in the southwest region. The hunting season goes from Oct. 21 to Oct. 29. Applications must be submitted online or postmarked by May 26 and the lottery is on June 16.

Northern pass

The final round of hearings for the controversial Northern Pass project, which would deliver hydroelectric power from Canada through new power lines across New Hampshire, began on April 13, NHPR reported. Eversource Energy staff, Northern Pass opponents and lawyers gathered in a rented room where they will be meeting for several weeks until the hearings conclude. Eversource New Hampshire President Bill Quinlan spoke at the first hearing. After the hearings, the seven-member Site Evaluation Committee will be charged with determining whether Northern Pass has the technical and financial capacity to complete the project and not have an “unreasonable adverse” effect on the environment or other cultural resources.


An amendment introduced for an unrelated education bill would give Department of Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut more authority, and it’s stirred up some controversy. WMUR reported that Edelblut asked for the change and Republican Sen. John Reagan introduced it. Reagan said it was in response to some resistance Edelblut was facing within the department, but Edelblut disputes that, saying he only wants the law to

The planning board in Boscawen gave conditional approval for a plan to build a 7,500-square-foot Dollar General store on King Street. The site plan will mandate deliveries to take place between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

line up with administrative changes already put in place by the last commissioner. Edelblut said the changes would allow him to be more responsive, but Democrats are saying the move is a power grab.

Food stamps

During a hearing for a bill that would limit food stamp eligibility, the head of the program in New Hampshire testified that the bill doesn’t do what it claims to, which is reduce fraud. NHPR reported Republican Sen. Kevin Avard is the bill’s prime sponsor. He argued in favor of the bill, saying it reduces abuses in the system. But Terry Smith, the head of the food stamp and welfare programs at the state health department, said that’s a “misperception,” according to the story. The Republican-backed proposed food stamp limits are part of an amendment to an otherwise bipartisan bill that would pay employers to hire low-skill workers under certain circumstances.



Former Democratic candidate for president Martin O’Malley Goffstown is returning to New Hampshire with a visit to Bow, WMUR reported. The former Maryland governor is hosting a town hall meeting at the Baker Library on April 23.




The Greater Nashua NAACP Amherstagain after started meeting a 10-year hiatus, NHPR reported. They currently have Milford about 70 members.

Labor nominee

Gov. Chris Sununu nominated Franklin Mayor Ken Merrifield to be the new head of the Department of Labor. The Concord Monitor reported that Merrifield told Executive Councilors during a confirmation hearing that being the son of middle-class workers qualifies him for the job. Merrifield was once the vice chair of the state GOP and has backed Right-to-Work legislation, which unions oppose. Merrifield said he’d like to remain mayor until a budget is passed and a successor chosen, but councilors questioned that since it could be a conflict.

Two local youth football teams, the Manchester West Raiders and the Manchester South Sabres, are merging to form the Manchester SouthWest Sabres, according to a press release. The Sabres are part of the nonprofit New Hampshire Youth Football and Spirit Conference.





DES nominee

Gov. Sununu pulled his pick to head the Department of Environmental Services, Peter Kujawski, after Kujawski showed very limited knowledge of environmental issues during his confirmation hearing, the AP reported. Kujawski, while not known in environmental circles, is a former Army colonel and a manufacturing executive at three New Hampshire companies.

On April 13, Gov. Chris Sununu swore in Gordon MacDonald to be the state attorney general, according to a press release from the governor’s office. MacDonald previously worked in Manchester as a lawyer for Nixon Peabody. He succeeds Joe Foster, who was attorney general during Sen. Maggie Hassan’s tenure as governor. At the swearing-in ceremony, Sununu said that “[MacDonald] brings a real integrity and transparency to the process,” NHPR reported. MacDonald worked on the defense team for Purdue Pharma, which the state subpoenaed for documents related to alleged marketing malpractice connected to overprescribing the powerful opioid OxyContin. He said during his confirmation hearing that he would recuse himself from that and any other cases he was involved in.


If confirmed, he would have overseen 400 employees and a $200 million budget. No one testified against him at the hearing, but after Sununu spoke with the councilors about their thoughts, it became clear he didn’t have enough votes to confirm Kujawski. At least one Republican councilor, Russell Prescott, was a “no,” the AP reported. Republicans hold a majority on the five-member council.

Two Manchester firefighters will have to be monitored for a full year for possible exposure to hepatitis C after they were vomited on by a male patient they were trying to revive from an opioid overdose, the Union Leader reported. The overdose call reportedly came in at about 2:30 p.m. on April 12. After they administered three doses of naloxone to the patient, he projectile vomited and it got in the eyes and mouth of the two firefighters. They were taken to Catholic Medical Center. While the patient did test positive for hepatitis C, the risk of transmission by vomit is very low. EMS officer Chris Hickey said in the story that wearing a mask and eye protection is recommended but not required, but he plans to conduct training to remind first responders of the need to take every precaution.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 6

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By Ryan Lessard


Kaitlyn McCarthy, a 30-year-old nursing assistant, has started a petition on change. org called “Reduce the Backyard Chicken restrictions in Manchester NH.” The Queen City resident hopes she can collect enough signatures to demonstrate strong support for a change to the city zoning ordinance that would allow more properties to raise chicken hens for personal use. Right now, residents who own their own property can have up to six backyard hens of any breed if they have at least half an acre of land and the chickens are kept 20 feet from the property line, according to Dave Albin, code enforcement supervisor for the city. McCarthy wants to change the land size requirement to one tenth of an acre or 5,000 square feet to allow smaller properties to adopt chickens. “Most lots in the city are 5,000 square feet,” McCarthy said. She also wants to change the setback to five feet. “[The current rule] is a little silly. You’d have to have chickens in the middle of your yard,” McCarthy said. While the petition doesn’t expressly say it, McCarthy would also like to do away with the land ownership requirement, which she thinks is “classist.” About four years ago, McCarthy had her own chickens at her apartment property after getting permission from her landlord. Her neighbors enjoyed them, McCarthy said. But after the landlord was told by a code inspector that they had to go, McCarthy was forced to hand them over to someone else. She worked closely with a local group of residents who organized to change the city rules in 2014. Prior to that, chickens were governed by the same rules as other livestock animals. Under that regime, one would need to have 1 acre for the first animal and 1/4 acre for each additional animal.

The new rules allowed a lot more residents to get chickens of their own, but McCarthy still can’t have any at her apartment. At press time, the petition had obtained 175 signatures, most of those in the span of just a couple days after McCarthy shared the link on more social media groups. After she’s obtained at least a few hundred more signatures, McCarthy hopes to start the conversation with aldermen about how to change the ordinance. Albin said there’s no way to know how many chickens there are in the city since chicken owners are not required to have a permit. But he has noted an uptick in chicken-related complaints, which might be an indication of their growing prevalence. Albin said he’s worked in code enforcement for Manchester since 2008 and in the first five or six years he received about two or three chicken-related complaints each year. Last year, he estimates he responded to about 10 or 12 chicken-related complaints. “This year I’ve done six complaints for chickens,” Albin said. The vast majority of his complaints are related to roosters, which are not allowed, and escaped and free-roaming chickens. But, once he responds to these cases, Albin almost always finds that the owners don’t have the required full acre of land. So Albin has to inform them the chickens aren’t allowed there. “Chickens are chickens. They make noise. Whether you like the noise or not, they make noise,” Albin said. And while the animals themselves are generally odorless, their feces could become problematic if it’s not managed properly, both due to its odor and potential diseases. According to the city ordinance, there are two things people can do with the animal waste; either compost it in a fullenclosed container with no more than three cubic feet of manure, or remove it from the property.



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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 7



Growing city businesses

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 8

Can you tell me a bit about your background? [I was] born in Sheffield, England. Family came from the mining and the steelwork, which was interesting. I started … would you believe, as an actress and a singer. [I] trained to be a nurse to pay the bills while I was doing all that and then I started working in marketing. I did my big undergrad degree in marketing and international business. What have your job responsibilities been in Pittsburgh? I track global investment here in Pittsburgh. I moved to Pittsburgh about 15, 16 years ago. The Pittsburgh Regional [Alliance] found me. They’d been told by Sheffield [England], which is a sister city, that they wanted someone who can do international business development in the region, and they said, ‘Someone who can do it and do it really well just moved to Pittsburgh. We suggest you hire her.’ And I’ve been doing business attraction for this region all that time. I’ve been very successful. I’ve won awards for FDI, which is foreign direct investment attraction strategies, and grown with Pittsburgh to make it a strong commodity when it comes to attracting international business.

It’s sort of similar. It’s economic development. My job is economic development here. It’s attracting new companies and [looking] after existing companies here to grow the tax base. … Courtesy photo. I’m dealing with a smaller community in Concord, which is where I’ve been wanting to go anyway. It’s the same skillset that you use. You talk to people, you communicate, you sell the business case and you get them to come in and look and see … that there’s an opportunity there. … What I’m seeing with Concord, it’s what we call an ‘eds and meds.’ There’s a lot of education things, there’s a lot of medical stuff there. It’s … a nice story, I think. Because that’s what you tell to people is the story, when you’re attracting [businesses].

Why move from a big city to a small city? When I read the job description, it sold me. It sold me because, we became citizens 18 months ago, U.S. citizens. And we both said, ‘We came to the U.S. to see the United States and experience other parts of the United States.’ Being a citizen, it’s given us the freedom to start looking. … But when I read So you moved to Pittsburgh before you Concord’s job description … and I’ve been up there numerous times for business, it sold me. got that job? My husband is a software engineer. … He What got you interested in economic decided he wanted to … spend some time in the U.S. He had an interview on the phone, he development? When you talk to economic developers, we came downstairs, he proposed and said, ‘I think we are going to get married because I want you all kind of say the same thing: It finds you. to come with me.’ He moved to … Pittsburgh You can train for it but it’s not like you’re two weeks later. Seven weeks later, we actually going out to be a teacher or to be a doctor. It got married and coming to Pittsburgh was my kind of finds you. … For me, I had no backhoneymoon. … The idea was we were going to ground in economic development when it do it for a couple of years. I took a sabbatical found me. … Economic development sounds from my job as a brand manager, just to experi- a bit dry, but actually it can be kind of sexy ence it. That was all it was. Fast forward, we’re and cool if you just have that energy and still here and we still love the United States. vision. And I’m really looking forward to being part of that going forward. We think it’s a fantastic place. So will you be doing essentially the same What has been your overarching stratthing in Concord that you were doing in egy for helping local businesses grow and Pittsburgh? thrive? Listening to business needs, I think, is No. WHAT ARE YOU REALLY INTO 1. … You can’t talk to enough people. … It’s RIGHT NOW? connection, connection, connection. AnyI’m actually watching re-runs of The Big one who thinks they can sit in an office and Bang Theory because I never watched it people are going to come to them, that’s not and I felt like I was missing out on somethe way forward. So you’ll see me a lot in thing. … It’s really, really funny and I can the community talking to people about the see why people love it. opportunities. — Ryan Lessard

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 9



Spring officially started March 21, but QOL doesn’t really believe spring has arrived until the trees bud and everything turns a nice shade of green — which QOL saw the beginnings of while driving home from work on Monday. Another sign that winter is over: sunburns, which QOL also acquired lounging on the deck in shorts and a tank top this weekend. QOL Score: +1 Comment: It’s been real, winter, but spring has never looked so good.

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The need for speed

QOL loves zooming through the tolls on I-93 with an E-ZPass. So it wasn’t awesome when, on April 18, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation closed the plaza’s northbound open road toll lanes for maintenance work from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to the Concord Monitor. QOL Score: -1 Comment: This was also probably annoying for toll booth workers, who had to deal with angry drivers like QOL while collecting toll money.


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Food Bank campaign kicks off

The New Hampshire Food Bank launched its 2017 “Nothing Campaign” to raise money for the Food Bank’s services on April 11, according to a press release. Now in its fifth year, Gov. Chris Sununu and Citizens Bank President Joe Carelli bought the first cans of the year. The proceeds from the empty cans, bought at area grocery stores, help pay for food for struggling families. QOL Score: +1 Comment: Last year, the Food Bank distributed 13 million pounds of food. This year, they expect to deliver 14 million. Nearly 140,000 residents don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

Moose health improving

According to preliminary data only one of the calves monitored by researchers died from winter ticks this year, the AP reported. Last year, nearly 75 percent of the calves died. Researchers think the improvement is thanks to the drought last summer that was believed to have killed off a large number of ticks in the southern parts of the state. QOL Score: +1 Comment: The helpful effects of drought conditions notwithstanding, winter ticks have the upper hand so long as winters are short.

Super Bowl photo op

Concord got to relive the New England Patriots’ 34-28 win over the Atlanta Falcons last week when the Super Bowl trophy paid a visit to the New Hampshire Statehouse on April 13. According to WMUR, hundreds of fans lined up to take photos with the Lombardi Trophy with the team mascot Pat Patriot until 6 p.m., when it was brought home to Foxborough. QOL Score: +1 Comment: The next stop for the Lombardi Trophy is the White House.


QOL score: 69 Net change: +3 QOL this week: 72

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Random thoughts on the NBA season


Even with the Celtics getting out of the gate in less than stellar fashion Sunday vs. the Bulls, here are a few rambling thoughts inspired by the opening of the NBA playoffs. I’ll start with something I’ve been waiting to say all year. This ain’t the first time a superstar-caliber guy like Kevin Durant has joined a stacked team, as he did with Golden State. And history shows it doesn’t always turn into the expected title. Wilt joined Jerry West and Elgin Baylor in L.A. for the 1968-69 season to give the Lakers three of the five greatest players in league history on one team and L.A. still did what they’d done all through the ’60s — lose to Bill Russell and the Celtics in the finals. And they did it again the next year in the Willis Reed series to the Knicks. They did finally win in 1971, but only after Baylor retired, ironically the morning L.A. started their famed 33-game winning streak. Miami also lost in Lebron’s first year there, after barely getting by the Celtics in seven. So, no guarantee GS wins it. NBA 101: How many of the 14 men to win an NBA title as a player and a coach can you name? My MVP Vote: (1) Russell Westbrook — he accepted the challenge to carry the franchise after KD skipped town. I like that. (2) James Harden — still hate the beard, but a nice comeback after moving to point guard following a season of shooting every time he touched the ball and bickering with Dwight Howard about that. (3) Kawhi Leonard — last week I said this spot was Isaiah Thomas’, but I forgot about him. That his team won 12 more games than the Cs and he’s the man now in Spurville gives it to him. (4) Isaiah Thomas — don’t want to go all Reggie Jackson on you, but he’s the straw that stirs the Celtics drink. Nice turnaround move by the Big O. In

recent years Oscar Robertson has generally been kind of, ah, grouchy when asked about present-day players. But he was nothing but class in the closing days of Russell Westbrook’s bid to join him as the only players to average a triple double during an entire season. Maybe that’s because you could tell he likes Westbrook the player. Good job O. I can’t tell you how much I hate when voters pick an on-the-fence person for the Hall right after they die. What changed? If they got in then, then they should have gotten in before they died. Dennis Johnson is one thing, as he died at a young age. But someone in poor health like Jerry Krause was when he died last month 10 days before they picked him for the Basketball Hall, or a guy getting up there in age, makes me nuts. Think, people, would ya? The ridiculous Carmelo Anthony saga rolls on in NYC with Phil Jackson still pushing him out the door and Melo now saying he kinda, sorta, may accept a trade — if to the right team. Can’t blame him for that. But talk is he won’t go unless they get a 20-point-a-game-caliber player back. Well, if he and the media think they’re getting that back for an on-the-back-nine 33-year-old, with another 31-win season on the resume and on the books for $24 million for two more years, I’m guessing Phil found the stash of LSD he wrote about taking to see the sunset in Malibu in his 1973 book and shared it with the scribes. Just getting the salary cap break is enough for me, because it’s not like they are winning with him. They actually should do what Danny Ainge did in the Rajon Rondo trade — go for a middling first-round pick and an under the radar rising bench player like Jae Crowder was then. Then spend the $24 million on a couple of decent free agents. But NY being NY, they’ll make the same mistake they’ve been making for 40 years — go for a star power name that doesn’t fit, which is why they haven’t won a title


since 1973. NBA 101 Answer: The 14 to win an NBA title as a player and then as a coach are Al Cervi (Rochester, Syracuse), Red Holzman (Rochester, NY), Alex Hannum (St. Louis, St. Louis and Philly), Bill Russell (Boston), Bill Sharman (Boston, L.A.), Larry Costello (Syracuse, Milwaukee), Tom Heinsohn (Boston), Pat Riley (L.A. and L.A., Miami), KC Jones (Boston), Billy Cunningham (Philly), Phil Jackson (NY, Chicago and L.A.), Doc Rivers (SA, Boston), Steve Kerr (Chicago, SA and GS) and Tyronn Lue (L.A., Cleveland). I still can’t pronounce his name, as I’ve never seen more silent letters in one and I can’t remember which are and aren’t silent. But I’m starting to buy into Milwaukee allname teamer Giannis Antetokounmpo as a real rising star and not a media-hyped (Greek) freak show. Magic Johnson looked gigantic playing point guard, but this guy is much longer. And who wouldn’t want to see a point guard match-up between him and the good Isaiah with a height differential of 1 foot, 2 inches! Speaking of that ’80s icon, after seeing him as a TV analyst, who thinks Earvin Johnson has the magic to fix the Lakers? Finally, on the resting thing: Hearing Commissioner Adam Silver talk about the “science and data points” as evidence that team performance improves with rest, I have two reactions: (1) Duh. (2) Is he saying Lou Gehrig was tired when he knocked in those 185 runs in 1931? It’s also not a complex issue as he says. It’s simply that Greg Popovich’s megalomania led him to be so blatant about in a marquee game on national TV. Couldn’t he have just as easily dumped the first game of that road trip by having his guys join them a game into it? Same result, just no thumb in the eye of the powers that be. Which brings me back to Duh. Email Dave Long at dlong@hippopress. com.

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M’s start playoffs up 2-0 The Big Story: With 3-1 and 4-2 wins over the Adirondack Thunder the Monarchs did what they had to do this weekend. Due to arena conflicts they now head to Adirondack for all five games that remain in the series if necessary, to make it an uphill climb from here on. Both games were tight battles iced by open net goals. On Friday three different players scored while on Saturday Matt Leitner had a pair of goals and Quentin Shore scored his second in two nights. Game 3 is after deadline on Tuesday night. Sports 101: On this date in 1997 Mark McGwire became the fourth player in the 75-year history of Tiger Stadium in Detroit to hit a homer onto the left field roof. Name the first three. Double Take Award: To the Saint Anselm softball team for beating Franklin Pierce 8-1 not once but twice in a doubleheader sweep when Sam Hennequin and Morgan Perry got complete game wins after allowing just two and four hits respectively. And they almost did it to FPU again the next day in a 7-1 win when the rubber-armed Hennequin held the Ravens to five hits. Big Day Award: There were a couple of huge individual performances by Der-

The Numbers

3 – goals each from Jordan Caito and Brian Cameron, who also had five assists, in helping defending Division I lacrosse champion Bishop Guertin to a 19-1 season-opening win over Hanover. 4 – RBI by Kyle (no) Swetland as Central downed Alvirne 15-10 as Kyler Bosse and Ryan Plentzas had three hits each

ryfield School players on Friday. Oliver Simon threw a 15-up-and-15-down mercy-rule-induced perfect game in a 10-0 win over Epping, while over on the artificial turf field Maddie Kochanek went for 10 goals in a 14-12 lacrosse win over Hopkinton, making it 16 for the week. Babe Ruth Award: Tie. To the Hawks’ Megan Murrell for homering in each game of the aforementioned sweep of FPC and to Candia’s Sarah Lavallee for belting a pair of homers when SNHU downed St. Anselm 4-2 three days later. Sports 101 Answer: The three players Mark McGwire joined by putting one on the left field roof of Tiger Stadium were Frank Howard, Harmon Killebrew and Cecil Fielder. On This Date – April 20: 1939 – Ted Williams doubles off the Yankees’ Red Ruffing for the first hit of his illustrious 21-year career. 1986 – After scoring 49 in Game 1 Michael Jordan torches the Celtics again for a single-game playoff record 63 points in a Game 2 loss in the Boston Garden. 1990 – Pete Rose heads to the big house after pleading guilty to hiding $300,000 in sports memorabilia income from the IRS.

for the Green. 9 – combined goals from Jack Cusack (5) and Brandon Howe (4) in the Bedford laxsters’ 17-1 win over Central. 13 – strikeouts from Katie Martin and Griffin St. Onge in Bedford’s 4-2 softball win over Dover and in six innings of work in Campbell’s 5-2 win over Mascenic respectively. 18 – runs scored by

Pinkerton Academy in an 18-3 rout of Merrimack when Mike Jellison had 4 hits, 3 runs scored and 2 RBI. 100 – career goals for Bishop Guertin’s Kate Bradford and Pinkerton’s Avery Drouin. Bradford’s was one of five she scored in BG’s 14-8 win over Londonderry, while Drouin’s came in a 13-3 win over Nashua South.

Sports Glossary

Red Ruffing: Hall of Fame hurler with the weirdest dual-personality career in history. He was a horrendous 39-96 in six-plus seasons with the Red Sox, where he lost 22 games in 1928 and 25 in 1929. But after being traded to the Yanks in 1930, he stunningly became an ace! He was 15-5 as a Yank that season, won 20 four times and was 231-124 overall in pinstripes. That made the career mark 273-225 and good enough for entry into the Hall in 1967. Al Cervi: Never hear of him player who won as a player with Rochester in ’48 and as coach with the Syracuse Nationals in ’55. Red Holzman: Back in the day player with the Rochester Royals and the only coach to win an NBA title with the Knicks in 1970 and ’73. Alex Hannum: Only coach to beat a Bill Russell-led team as player-coach for the St. Louis Hawks in 1958 and with Philly in 1967. The Royals: They started in Rochester and moved to Cincinnati in 1957, then to KC/ Omaha, where they became the Kings in 1975, and finally to Sacramento in 1985. Oscar Robertson: One-of-a-kind ’60s/70s NBA player who averaged a triple double in 1961-62 with the points-rebounds-assists per game stat line of 30.8, 12.5 and 11.4. He also averaged 30 plus points per six times, along with three double-digit rebounding seasons and five DD seasons in assists. For the 14-year Hall of Fame career it was 25.7, 7.5 and 9.5.


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The stories behind NH’s woodlands, plus where to find the state’s coolest trees By Ryan Lessard


With 84 percent of our state covered in forests, New Hampshire is the second-most forested state in the nation after Maine, according to the state Division of Forests and Lands. That’s about 4.8 million acres of land, with an estimated 4.2 billion live trees — and much of it goes regularly unexplored. The state’s greenery and forest types vary from one place to the next. Some forHIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 14

ests even have hidden treasures, from rare plant species to ancient trees.

Forest types

New Hampshire’s forests are broken down into five major categories: Appalachian oak-pine, hemlock-beech-oak-pine (or HBOP), northern hardwood conifer, lowland spruce-fir and high-elevation spruce-fir. According to Gabe Roxby, a field forester with the New Hampshire Forest Society, Appalachian oak-pine forests are only found in southern parts of the state and are relatively less common than the other forest types.

Ancient black gum trees. The bigger one is 700 years old, the smaller is 600 years old. Photo by Dan Sperduto.

“New Hampshire is kind of at the northern edge of the Appalachian oak-pine forest type,” Roxby said. It includes species like red oak, white oak, black oak, hickory and pine. The HBOP forest type is the most common in the state and can be found in large swaths from the Lakes Region down. Further north and in parts along the west of the state, you’ll find a higher concentration of the northern hardwood forests. These include the trees with the brightest color leaves during the fall foliage season, such as beech, sugar maple, yellow birch and other birches and maples. Spruce-fir forests thrive in cold- 16

Pawtuckaway State Park: Located at 7 Pawtuckaway Road in Nottingham, this forest is unique from most other places in the state for a number of reasons. Pete Bowman, wildlife biologist at the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau, said it’s one of the best forests for finding rare plants. “[Pawtuckaway] has some of the highest concentrations of rare plant species in the state because of its unusual geologic history,” Bowman said. He said the ground beneath the forest is what gives it its unique characteristics. The ring-shaped mountain formation within Pawtuckaway, known as a ring-dike, was the core of an ancient volcano. That lent the area richer soils because of the mineral nutrients released by the old volcanic bedrock. Some plant species need richer nutrient diets to survive. According to ecological inventory reports by the Heritage Bureau, most of the rare plant species in the park are found within the ring-dike. During surveys, Natural Heritage Bureau researchers found pockets of what are called “rich mesic forest,” which provide for a wide variety of herbacious plants. Some are common, like Christmas fern or red baneberry. Others are rare, like bur sedge, sickle-pod and climbing fumitory. In 2002, surveyors there found the first occurrence of Hitchcock’s sedge in the state. The dominant forest type in Pawtuckaway is a hemlock-beech-oak-pine (HBOP) forest, which is one of the more common forest types in the state. But there are also trees more commonly found in Appalachian oak forests. The park is always open for recreation but is only staffed full-time from May 1 through Oct. 31. Coleman State Park: Located at 1166 Diamond Pond Road in Stewartstown,

Coleman State Park is another rich mesic forest with excellent soils for growing a wide variety of plant species, according to Bowman. The ecological inventory of the park published in 2009 states the park is home to a number of rare species such as Goldie’s fern, squirrel corn and others. The forest is a northern hardwood and spruce-fir forest. The park is always open for recreational use and the operating season for the campground goes from May 5 through Oct. 16. Cape Horn State Forest: Located in Northumberland, this forest contains a “rich mesic forest” that can support a number of rare plant species. The geology of the land balances out the pH and increases the nutrient content in the soil. The forest at the highest elevation is classified as a red pine rocky ridge community, which is dominated by red pine with the occasional red oak and red maple dotting the landscape. At lower elevations, in the rich mesic forest area, hardwoods like sugar maple and white ash dominate. Herbs like northern maidenhair fern and blue cohosh are common, as well as rare plants like Goldie’s fern, beaked sanicle and showy orchis. And in the basin near Dean Brook is a northern white cedar-balsam fir swamp, which also includes black ash. Herbs in the swamp include common species like small enchanter’s nightshade.

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On April 8, dozens of families gathered at the 10th Annual Earth Day Celebration at the Massabesic Audubon in Auburn. The coup de grace was the release of a rehabilitated barred owl back into the wild. Parents and small children watched, fascinated, as the bird’s handler, Maria Colby with Wings of the Dawn, opened a large black box and, with a little coaxing, the raptor emerged and flew to the nearest tree cover. For the bird, the forest is its home. For us humans, it can be a nice place to visit. But to those of us who are not regular hikers, it can be hard to switch off Netflix and go experience nature. What we need is a purpose. To that end, here are 12 destinations to check out with various points of interest that make these wooded places extra special.


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Tamworth Big Pines: The Big Pines in Hemenway State Forest in Tamworth are reachable by trails maintained by the Tamworth Conservation Commission, 16

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State champion red oak in Hillsborough County. Photo by Kevin Martin.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 15

15 according to the Division of Forests and Lands. The trail starts at the parking area off Route 113 and it leads to some of the largest white pines in New England. To get there, travelers must walk over a wooden pedestrian bridge over the Swift River and a loop trail leads to the grove with the giant trees. Another trail that branches off the main trail leads to an observation tower at the top of Great Hill.

Madame Sherri Forest: Access Madame Sherri Forest through an entrance on Gulf Road in Chesterfield. Inside, you will find not one but four “exemplary natural communities” (the name used by the state to describe distinct and thriving forest ecosystems), an Appalachian oak-pine forest and the ruins of the titular mansion. The 516-acre forest is owned partly by the N.H. Forest Society and the state Department of Resources and Economic Development. The stone ruins are not a feature of a long-lost civilization, but a relic of a prohibition-era socialite who went by Madame Antoinette Sherri. The foundation and stone staircase is all that remains of her French chateau with Roman influences, which burned down in 1962 after Sherri became destitute and abandoned the property. Still, it might be fun for kids to imagine the ruins belonged to a fairy kingdom. Biggest Bigtooth Aspen: Kevin Martin with the NH Big Tree Program said the bigtooth aspen found at Kingman Farm in Madbury is the 2016 national champion, making it the biggest known tree of its species in the country. Martin said it’s accessible by a 1/4 mile trail accessible from a parking area off Route 155 in Madbury. The exact GPS coordinates are 43°10.263’N, 070°52.026’W.

Kevin Martin with the Bradford Pine. Courtesy photo.

nates are 43°05.514’N, 070°52.026’W.

spotted, from waterfowl, beaver and turtles.

Big Bradford Pine: One of the biggest eastern white pine trees in the state is the so-called Bradford Pine in Bradford. To get there, Martin said to take Exit 9 off Interstate 89 in Warner and take Route 103 to Bradford. Pull over to the trailhead parking area on the left. There are a number of large pines in the same area as the biggest. The exact GPS coordinates are 43°15.974’N, 071°57.588’W.

High Watch Preserve: This property, owned by the Forest Society, surrounds Green Mountain in Effingham and Freedom. “It’s an interesting one because as you go up in elevation you transition from different forest types. So you might start out in like a hemlock, hardwood forest and by the time you’re at the top of the mountain you’re in a spruce forest,” Roxby said. There are multiple paths to the summit with a round trip distance of two to three miles, but the climb can be strenuous. Blueberries are usually abundant near the summit when in season. There is a fire tower at the top.

Biggest Shagbark Hickory: The largest shagbark hickory tree in the state is found in Adam’s Point, Durham, near the coast of the Great Bay. Martin said if you take the main trail into Adam’s Point for about a 1/4 mile. It is in a field on your left as you approach it. The exact GPS coordi-

Dame Forest: This Forest Society property in Durham includes a mix of HBOP forest and a little bit of Appalachian oak-pine forest, according to Gabe Roxby at the Forest Society. Roxby recommends the Sweet Trail which cuts through the forest with a round trip distance of 8 miles. The trail can be accessed from parking areas on the Dame Road side and the Longmarsh Road entrance on the north side. Dame Forest includes a mix of wetland forest and upland habitats where all kinds of wildlife can be

14 er temperatures so they’re found in the northernmost parts of the state and at high elevations like in the White Mountains. For that reason, these forest types are divided into lowland and high-elevation categories. They include mostly red spruce and balsam fir. While these are mostly up north, one notable exception is the top of

Mount Monadnock, according to Roxby. Compared to other nearby states, New Hampshire’s soil is more acidic. Vermont soil, by contrast, is more balanced due to calcium released by more limestone in the bedrock, which makes it better for vegetation. But there are some places in New Hampshire that have richer, moister soils

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Blocky bark of an old black gum. Photo by Ben Kimball.

co-exist with spruce-fir forests. Elevation plays a role in the concentration of the latter type since spruce-fir forests are better adapted to colder climbs.

Rocks Estate: The Rocks Estate in Bethlehem is a reserve that serves as the Forest Society’s North Country Conservation and Education Center, with 13 buildings on the historic register. Roxby said a couple different forest types intermingle there; Northern hardwood forests

Your backyard: Angie Krysiak at the Massabesic Audubon recommends families take the time to do what she calls a “microhike” in some nearby woods, perhaps in your own backyard if you have any. “The big thing that we want people to realize is that if you just go look in your backyard, there’s some amazing stuff going on right there,” Krysiak said. Then she recommends marking off a one-footby-one-foot area with popsicle sticks and monitoring it for a little while. This will help young ones learn how to observe the tiniest forms of life that live in forests. “If you pay attention really closely, you can see that there’s all kinds of things going on in the dirt, there’s all kinds of things going on with the plants that are growing there, there’s all kinds of things going on with all the little wildlife and all the little insects,” Krysiak said. “Even a handful of dirt can have … lots of activity.”

that provide a habitat for more herbaceous plant life. These are called “rich mesic forests” and they include places like Pawtuckaway State Park, Coleman State Park and Cape Horn State Forest (see page 15). Different forests are also in varying stages of growth. Old growth forests, mature forests and transitional young for-

ests known as “early successional” forests all exist in the state. Right now, the state’s forests are in a period of significant regrowth and most forests are neither very young nor very old. “A lot of the forests in our state have been cut over and cleared. Almost all of them. There’s very little old growth left in

www.appletherapywellness.com UNH Lands Forester Steve Eisenhauer at the bigtooth aspen champion. Photo by Kevin Martin.

the state,” Roxby said. While most trees are relatively younger, aged around 100 years on average, there are some notable exceptions. A few years ago, state researchers discovered the oldest tree found anywhere in eastern North America. It was a black gum tree (also known as a tupelo) aged about 700 years old. Pete Bowman, wildlife biologist at the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau, said the tree is located with a few other ancient black gums in a swampy basin on private land in Deerfield.

Animal life

The age and composition of a forest can affect what kinds of animals might take up residence in a forest. For example, some birds like Grey Jays or Spruce Grouse require spruce-fir forests and can’t be found outside of one. Lots of mammals require significant tree cover for their habitats, so as forests grow back, the state sees an increase in deer, beaver and bobcats. Other species like porcupine and turkey have been doing well as a result of a number of factors from conservation efforts to shifts in predator populations. Canine species like gray fox, coyote and fisher have reached such high population numbers they are now being affected by natural population controls such as canine distemper. But while some species thrive in mature forests, others prefer young transitional forests. Forest historian Tom Wessels of Antioch University of New England said when abandoned farms in the state gave way to rebounding forests, it provided ideal habitat for species like New England cottontail, grassland bird species and warblers that need small, “shrubby” trees. “Now, we’re seeing them really decreas-

ing because we don’t have those those really early successional ecosystems much anymore,” Wessels said.

Making way for sheep

The current formation, age and composition of the state’s forests was largely the result of human intervention. According to Wessels, there were two significant historical developments that shaped our forests, the ripple effects of which are still felt today. The first big wave of deforestation in New Hampshire, and much of central New England, was to make room for sheep pastures, according to Wessels. But for a strange turn of history, this might have never happened. Farmers in New England had some sheep already, but they didn’t produce very good quality wool. That changed when a diplomat from Vermont named William Jarvis performed an act of international theft. In the early 1800s, Spain was exporting high quality wool from a special breed of sheep called merino sheep. They grow long hair at faster rates than other breeds and their wool could be woven into higher-quality garments known for being 18 Tree Terminology Coniferous, softwood, evergreen: Often used interchangeably, most coniferous trees keep their foliage year round. They produce cones and most have needle-like leaves, such as pine, fir and spruce. Deciduous, hardwood, broadleaf: These are the trees that lose their leaves seasonally. Their leaves are wider and their wood is harder. They include species like oak, maple, hickory, birch and beech.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 17

Dame Forest. Courtesy photo.


more water resistant and itch-free. Wessels said that while Spain sold the wool, they had an embargo on the sheep itself, hoping to hold onto their merino monopoly. While serving as consul in Portugal around 1810, Jarvis took advantage of Napoleon’s invasion into Spain and smuggled 4,000 merino sheep out of the country through Portugal, according to Wessels. He even gave a few to his buddy Thomas Jefferson. Around the same time, after the War of 1812, new tariffs on wool imports protected local wool producers from international competition and by 1814 the power loom was invented, allowing for mass industrial production.

1. Pawtuckaway 2. Coleman 3. Cape Horn 4. Tamworth Big pines HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 18

5. Madame Sherri 6. Bigtooth Aspen 7. Shagbark hickory 8. Bradford pine

9. Dame Forest 10. High Watch 11. Rocks Estate

Merino sheep were a sure money-maker for New Hampshire farmers. The only catch was land; sheep need a lot of it. The obvious solution was to clear out huge areas of forest. Wessels said by the middle 1800s, about 80 percent of the state’s forests were cut down, the bulk of them for sheep pasturage. “It changes the landscape because it’s sort of the first large-scale market farming opportunity for farmers in New Hampshire. Up to that point most farms were self-reliant farms where people were growing enough food for themselves and if they had a little bit left over it would get sold,” Wessels said. “It vaulted the central portion of New England — which would have been all of New Hampshire pretty much south of the Notches — to become one of the major woolen textile producing regions of the world.” The wool industry would experience ups and downs, usually caused by changes to tariff laws. From 1845 to the 1960s, Wessels said the state experienced a gradual period of farm abandonment, which allowed for reforestation. “The bulk of our forests today are all generated from that farm abandonment,” Wessels said. Ironically, almost all the trees cut down for pasturage wasn’t used for timber. They were burned. Farmers could still make money off of the ashes. Pot ash was a key export for making gunpowder and soaps back then.

Timber industry

Giovanni and Ryanna Martin at the shagbark hickory. Photo by Kevin Martin.

The second historical development that helped shape our forests today was a significant clearcutting operation that almost wiped them out altogether, especially in the White Mountains.

Wessels said timber was a key industry in the state even during colonial times, when the British would use our trees to construct their navy. “Really the basis of the New Hampshire economy at the start was timber, because although New Hampshire’s soils were not as fertile as, let’s say, Vermont … New Hampshire soils grew really good pine and oak and both [were] valued for shipbuilding,” Wessels said. The large pines were used for masts and the oak was used for framing. But those trees were cut selectively. “They were going after the best trees and they weren’t really clear cutting,” Wessels said. But by the late 1800s, the timber industry was clearcutting forests in the White Mountains, and it lasted into the 1920s. This gave rise to groups like the Forest Society, which sought to preserve the forests, and new federal conservation policies. Another thing deforestation did was reduce forest diversity. Historical records suggest a much wider variety of tree species co-existed before the wholesale removal of forest areas, according to Wessels. Today, forests have become more homogenous.

New Hampshire’s state tree

In a way, this clearcutting might have had a significant impact on which tree was chosen to be the official state tree. In 1947, the legislature named the white birch (also known as paper birch) the state tree. White birch is an early successional species and it’s not very tolerant of shade, according to forester Gabe Roxby. This means they thrive in open, sunny areas, but they struggle when tree cover gets too dense. Their boom in populations was a result of the clearcutting and its prevalence may have played a hand in the legislature’s choice. “I wouldn’t doubt that the clearcutting of the White Mountains had a big impact on that choice because paper birch was one of those trees that came back like gangbusters after that clear cutting,” Wessels said. Now, the white birch is in sharp decline, according to Roxby, who keeps track via the annual reports put out by the U.S. Forest Service.


A few other things have affected forest composition over the years. Bowman said the state used to have a lot more elm and American chestnut trees. Dutch elm disease was introduced to the region from

The Rocks Estate. Courtesy photo

diseased logs in the 1930s, according to the UNH Cooperative Extension. Chestnut blight did away with most of the chestnut trees in the region around the same time. The trees now can only grow to a point and die off to the roots, repeating this cycle, never to reach maturity. The next big change in the state’s tree composition may be the loss of the ash tree. New Hampshire is home to white, black and green ash (white being the most common) but all are susceptible to a deadly

invasive insect called the emerald ash borer. Ash have been wiped out in other parts of the country exposed to the beetle, so the state has attempted to slow its progress by banning cross-county transport of firewood, which ash borers can hitchhike on. Environmental officials are also experimenting with different ways to fight back against the bugs, but the demise of the ash seems otherwise inevitable. “Ash doesn’t have a super bright future,” Roxby said.


HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 19

The Northeast THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Sea Glass Expo EVENTS TO CHECK OUT APRIL 20 - 26, 2017, Thursday, April 20

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 20


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Friday, April 21

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus is returning to the Granite State for one final weekend before permanently closing in May. The “Circus XTREME” shows will be held on Friday, April 21, at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 22, at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sunday, April 23, at 2 p.m., all at the SNHU Arena (555 Elm St., Manchester). Tickets start at $12. Visit snhuarena.com or call 644-5000.

EAT: roast pork Arlington Street United Methodist Church (63 Arlington St., Nashua) will host a roast pork public supper and free blood pressure screening on Saturday, April 22, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The supper will include potatoes, carrots, green beans, applesauce, and your choice of a beverage and dessert. The cost to attend the supper is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors, $6 for children ages 6 to 11, and free for children under 5. Visit asumc.net or call 882-4663.

Wednesday, April 26 Friday, April 21

Concord Pilates (2 ½ Beacon St., Concord) hosts its next foam rolling workshop at 5:30 p.m. The class is perfect for people who practice yoga or Pilates and are interested in incorporating a foam roller into their routines, which helps to break up knots and adhesions in the body. Admission is $15. Visit concordpilates.com or call 856-7328.

DRINK: wine Join WineNot Boutique (170 Main St., Nashua) for its next Be Your Own Sommelier wine course on Thursday, April 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., which will explore the elements of pairing different types of wines with cheeses and chocolates. The cost is $50 per person. Visit winenotboutique.com or call 204-5569 for more details.

Join the Pelham Public Library (24 Village Green, Pelham) for “Smart Money: Investing for Retirement” from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Teacher and financial professional Tom Ciulla will talk about the best ways to handle your money as they pertain to your own financial situation, as well as helping you learn and identify the financial mistakes to avoid. Admission is free. Visit pelhampubliclibrary.org or call 635-7581 for more details.

BE MERRY: at a Sustainability Fair Don’t miss the second annual Souhegan Sustainability Fair at Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative High School (57 School Road, Wilton) on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature more than a dozen exhibitors, live music, arts and crafts, food for sale and more, followed by a nature hike at 5 p.m. and a skywatch with members of the New Hampshire Astronomical Society at nightfall. Admission and parking to the fair is free, but varying costs may apply for food. Visit facebook.com/souhegansustainabilityfair.

Looking for more stuff to do this week? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at hipposcout.com.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 21

ARTS Enveloped in art Soo Sunny Park on “BioLath”


By Kelly Sennott


Soo Sunny Park’s “BioLath” seems to sparkle in the Currier Museum of Art’s Putnam Gallery. The site-specific installation comprises giant boulder-like shapes made from metal lath and colored plexiglass strips, which are suspended from the ceiling and standing on the floor. Light streams through windows and from four artificial light sources and casts shadows against the walls. The sculptures glow. Your experience may be different depending on the time of day you visit, said Samantha Cataldo, the museum’s assistant curator, during a recent walk-through. The sunlight’s intensity changes as the hours move on, but more importantly, the artificial lights sit on tracks. The shadows move. “She wanted to mimic the movement and speed of the sunlight, so the walls are always activated by these shadows,” Cataldo said, pointing to the cross-hatching shapes reflected on the walls, some clear, some fuzzy, depending on the proximity of the lath forms. Park, who lives in the Upper Valley and teaches at Dartmouth, has a resume brimming with installation art, and she’s worked with an

Soo Sunny Park’s “BioLath,” 2017. Metal lath, plexiglass, light. Stewart Clements photo.

assortment of materials: chain-link fencing, steel, paper clips, cotton strings, latex paint, glue, egg cartons, balloons. She loves construction materials, the kinds you never see because they’re hidden by paint or plaster, but the one she’s most fascinated with is light. “Light is everywhere. You don’t think of it as something that’s present — you focus on the object you see. I’m interested in trying to make light as a form itself a component in the

work,” Park said via phone. The installation is part of the museum’s “Contemporary Connections” series, offering New England artists a platform to exhibit new, experimental work. Cataldo reached out to Park about two years ago to gauge her interest, and Park devised the concept and created the mock-up before constructing the lath forms in her personal studio. She spent the entire week before her Feb. 25 opening

Art inspired by art Dimensions in Dance performs a show with original choreography inspired by Soo Sunny Park’s “BioLath” Monday, April 24, from 1 to 1:30 p.m. Company Artistic Director Amy Fortier said via phone the show contains four new pieces. One takes direct reference to the show and involves dancers emerging from gray, mesh sacks, meant to represent the installation’s organic sculptures. Another plays on the Currier’s vacation week’s “wire” programming and involves alien-costumed dancers discovering a clothesline decorated with bras, wondering what they’re for. (Slingshots, maybe? Skip-its?)

Fortier taught art history at Southern New Hampshire University for eight years. To her, it’s important her dancers learn that art doesn’t manifest from nothing; it’s inspired by other art. It’s why she works hard to keep the company’s relationship with museum strong. “Anytime we can combine art and dance, it’s like a dream come true, and I think it’s so important for my dancers to learn art is not created in a vacuum. Art borrows from, and is inspired by [other art],” Fortier said. “It’s a very clear connection for them to see you can have those outside influences shaping movement and the slope of a piece.”

22 Art

Dimensions in Dance student Jocelyn Koelb. Courtesy photo.

26 Theater

Includes listings for gallery events, ongoing exhibits and classes. Includes listings, shows, auditions, workshops and more. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com.

Where: Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester When: On view through Aug. 6 Contact: currier.org, 669-6144 Admission: $15 for adults, $13 for seniors, $10 for students, $5 for youth ages 13 to 17, free for anyone younger; during School Vacation Week Monday, April 24, through Friday, April 28, there’s a $5 flat rate admission for anyone 13 and older Upcoming events Storytime in the Gallery Monday, April 24, at 11:30 a.m. Hear children’s librarian read Roar by Maira Kalman and create a wire figure, all ages welcome Creative Studio: Collaborative Project with Soo Sunny Park Wednesday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., guests will collaborate with the artist on a community project, all ages welcome Building With Wire Friday, April 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., complete the wire challenge and collect a prize

on-site, installing and finishing the largest pieces. Despite the planning and prep work, it’s always interesting to see how it comes together in the end. “I have a clear visual expectation of how it’s going to work, but really, as the work comes together in space, there’s always a surprise, uncalculated element,” Park said. Cataldo said “BioLath” has generated a great deal of interest and dialogue. Kids have said the forms look like marshmallows or clouds, and unlike so many paintings and sculptures in the museum, visitors can get close to the work. Their bodies cast shadows on the walls alongside the lath forms and they become part of the installation. They don’t just view it, but are enveloped by it. Or at least, that’s the goal. “I don’t make representational forms. You can’t say, this is a landscape from Vermont,” Park said. “The end result is not of anything specific. It’s about the experience.”

26 Classical

Includes symphony and orchestral performances. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com.

Looking for more art, theater and classical music? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play. Art Events • YART SALE 3S Art sale Sat., April 22, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. Free. Featuring up to 25 Seacoast area artists. Visit 3sarts.org.

• MANCHESTER TROLLEY NIGHT Thurs., April 27, 5-8 p.m. Downtown Manchester. Local arts venues open their doors to show latest exhibitions and work. All venues are walkable, but trolleys will also circulate the route and give visitors

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 22

lifts to participating locations. Free. Visit manchestertrolley. com for details. • DASH SHAW Artist Lecture. New Hampshire Institute of Art French Auditorium, 148 Concord St., Manchester. Fri., April 28, noon-1 p.m. Free. Email

joelgill@nhia.edu. • CURRIER AFTER HOURS: HIPPO DE MAYO TACO CHALLENGE Featuring tacos, Veronica Robles and her mariachi band, specialty cocktail, collection highlight tours, art-making activity. Free general admis-

sion from 4 to 9 p.m. Tacos at 4 p.m., entertainment starts at 6:30 p.m. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Thurs., May 4, 6-9 p.m. •CAPITAL ARTS FEST Connect, create and celebrate culture of NH’s state capital. More

than 20 art, film, music, festival events around downtown Concord. Sat., May 6, from dawn to dusk. Concord, NH Concord., Visit concordnhchamber.com. • BUSINESS IN THE ARTS AWARDS GALA Mon., May 8, at 5:30 p.m. Radisson Hotel,


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what it means to be a woman artist today through a diverse body of work celebrating individuality and unique voices. The show’s free and open for the public to attend. In other NHIA news, it was announced last week that National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu will deliver the school’s 2017 commencement address at the graduation ceremony at the Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester, Sunday, May 21, at 2 p.m. At the time, she’ll also receive an honorary doctorate. “Her commitment on behalf of the arts and the role they play in fostering a vibrant, creative, and healthy democracy is unquestioned, and the life lessons she can share with our students from her unique perspective as the child of immigrant parents who has risen to a position of national prominence will be invaluable,” NHIA President Kent Devereaux said in a press release. Visit nhia.edu. — Kelly Sennott

ing Studio 550 shows, which change every month and are at the Studio 550 Art Center, 550 Elm St., Manchester. Visit 550arts.com for details on upcoming shows and how to submit pieces or call 232-5597. Openings • “MARGINAL: WOMEN IN CONTEMPORARY ART” All-women group exhibition, exploring conversations on equality in the art world. On view April 21-May 13. Opening Fri., April 21, 5-7 p.m. Emma B. French Gallery, 148 Concord St., Manchester. Visit nhia.edu. • “CONTEMPORARY VISIONS OF GREECE’S GOLDEN AGE” Art inspired by artistic ideals and achievements of the classical and Hellenistic periods of Greek history. On view April 22-June 8. Opening reception Sun., April 23, 2-4 p.m. Brush Art Gallery and

Studios, 256 Market St., Lowell, Mass. Visit thebrush.org. • “DIFFERENT ROOTS, COMMON DREAMS” Photos of cultural diversity, by Becky Field. On view April 28 through June 10. Opening reception Fri., April 28, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Epsom Public Library, 1606 Dover Road, Epsom. Visit epsomlibrary.com, call 736-9920. • “COLOR PLAY: NEW WORKS BY NATALIE BLAKE, CATHY CHIN & AMY GOODWIN” On view May 2-June 2. Opening Sat., May 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. Visit mcgowanfineart.com. Call 225-2515. • NHIA BFA ANNUAL EXHIBITION On view May 19-May 27. Opening Fri., May 19, 5-7 p.m. Roger Williams Gallery, 77 Amherst St., Manchester. Emma B. French Gallery, 148 Concord St., Manchester.

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Federica Negrete Lopez and Adelina Pedro Martinez. Courtesy photo.



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• Not your average workshop: Get inspired to make some art at an upcoming workshop. Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant in Nashua (1 Nashua Drive, Nashua, 883-0996, margs.com/new-hampshire) and Manchester (1037 Elm St., Manchester, 647-7717) host acclaimed Mexican artists Adelina Pedro Martinez and Federica Negrete Lopez Sunday, April 23, from 4 to 9 p.m., and Sunday, May 7, from 4 to 9 p.m., respectively. The duo will lead demonstrations of their craft — “barro negro,” which translates to “black clay,” a pottery style that originated centuries ago in a small village in Oaxaca, Mexico. In this method, the sculpted clay pieces are left to dry in the sun before they’re decorated with intricate details and burnished with a smooth, quartz stone and fired in a kiln. Both are free and open to the public. Nashua artist Monique Sakellarios also leads an abstract art workshop Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at ArtHub, the headquarters of the Nashua Area Artists Association, 30 Temple St., Nashua, which will cover composition, values, harmonious colors and painting surfaces. Tuition is $80; for more information, call 879-9888. • NHIA happenings: The New Hampshire Institute of Art’s French Building Gallery at 148 Concord St., Manchester, hosts “Marginal: Women in Contemporary Art” April 21 through May 13, with an opening reception Friday, April 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. This all-woman show explores

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 23


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 24

• 40 roles: Back by popular demand, the New Hampshire Theatre Project reprises I Am My Own Wife, a one-man show starring CJ Lewis, April 21 through April 30 at the West End Studio Theatre, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth, with showtimes Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. The true story by Doug Wright is about Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, a celebrated antiques dealer who survived the Nazi and Communist regimes in East Berlin as a transvestite. The playwright won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for the work, which requires its actor to play 40 different roles. Genevieve Aichele directs with the help of Robin Fowler. General admission is $28. Call 431-6644, ext. 5, or email reservations@nhtheatreproject.org or visit nhtheatreproject.org. • Saturday Concord concerts: The Concord Community Concerts Association hosts Manhattan’s leading ensemble of young Juilliard artists — a conductorless chamber orchestra, with no bowties, just strings — at the organization’s season finale Saturday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m., at the Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord. Tickets are $18; call 344-4747. That same day, the Songweavers Women’s Community Chorus presents “Lean on Me,” its annual spring concert, at South Congregational Church, 27 Pleasant St., Concord, at 5 p.m. Setting the theme for this uplifting concert is Bill Withers’

In the Galleries • “FLIGHTS OF FANCY” Work by 6 NH artists inspired by Boston artist/teacher Bill Flynn’s workshop on drawing. On view March 11-April 22. Epsom Library, 1606 Dover Road, Epsom. Visit epsomlibrary.com. • “DUELING LANDSCAPES: TRADITIONAL VS. INDUSTRIAL” Show featuring work by Hollis oil painter Stephen Previte. On view April 1-April 22. Wild Salamander Arts, 30 Ash St., Hollis. Visit wildsalamander.com. • “UPCYCLED ART” Art show featuring art, jewelry, furniture made from re-purposed materials or found objects. Studio 550, 550 Elm St., Manchester. On view through April 25. Visit 550arts. com, call 232-5597. • “EXPLORING RELATIONSHIPS: INSTRUCTORS & STUDENTS” On view at The Brush Art Gallery, 256 Market St., Lowell. March 18-April 25. Email director@thebrush.org. Visit thebrush.org.

CJ Lewis in I Am My Own Wife. Scofia Piel photo.

“Lean on Me,” exploring how music and community can help manage trying times. Other pieces include “Trouble and Woe” by Ruth Moody and “Let the River Run” by Carly Simon. The Songweaver Drummers will also perform with the chorus on African-style hand drums and percussion instruments. Tickets are $20. Visit ccmusicschool.org or call 228-1196. • NH Theatre Awards meeting: The New Hampshire Theatre Awards hosts a rescheduled meeting Monday, May 1, at 7 p.m., at the Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord, which was cancelled a month prior because of the snowstorm. The meeting will offer a reception and an opportunity to reflect and join in on a conversation about expanding the mission and goals of the NHTA. The group seeks new participants to join the organization and work in a variety of roles, particularly leadership roles, as the success of the group is due to member volunteers who give their time to help improve the awards night and adjudication system. Visit facebook.com/ NHTheatreAwards or nhtheatreawards.org. — Kelly Sennott

• “TWENTY YEARS OF A SINGULAR VISION” Celebrating 20 years with Sarah Chaffee. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. On view March 28-April 28. Visit mcgowanfineart.com. Call 225-2515. • COMMUNITY EDUCATION EXHIBITION On view March 24-April 30. Sharon Arts Center Community Gallery, 30 Grove St., Peterborough. Visit nhia.edu. • MICHAEL W. LEMIRE Art exhibition. NHTI Library, 31 College Drive, Concord. On view April 1 through April 30. • ELIZABETH ELLENWOOD Photo exhibition. On view March 24-April 30. Sharon Arts Center Main Gallery, 30 Grove St., Peterborough. • LAUREN ALANA Jewelry artist of the month with Nashua Area Artists Association. On view through April. ArtHub, 30 Temple St., Nashua. Visit lauraalanajewelry.com. • “NEW WORKS” Art show featuring local work. On view

through May 1. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Email gallery@mainstreetbookends.com. Visit mainstreetbookends.com. • 11th ANNUAL STUDENT EXHIBIT Featuring work by SNHU graphic design students. April 6-May 6. Southern NH University, 2500 N. River Road, Manchester. Visit snhu.edu. • “A LITTLE ABSTRACTED” Abstract art show featuring work by Marcia Santore, Kate Higley, Ethel Hills, Lotus Lien. On view April 1 through May 13. Twiggs Gallery, 254 King St., Boscawen. Visit twiggsgallery.wordpress. com. Call 975-0015. Workshops/classes • ABSTRACT PAINTING WORKSHOP Taught by Nashua artist Monique Sakellarios. Sat., April 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nashua Area Artists Association, 30 Temple St., Nashua. $80. Call 879-9888 for more information and to sign up.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 26

OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD The Amherst PTA presents its 65th production, The Wizard of Oz, at Souhegan High School, 412 Boston Post Road, Amherst, this weekend, and it features a cast and crew of more than 90 people of all ages. Showtimes are Thursday, April 20, at 7 p.m.; Friday, April 21, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, April 22, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 23, at 2 p.m. The musical is based on the 1939 film, which in turn was inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, originally published in 1900. It’s the organization’s largest fundraiser, with proceeds going to support curriculum enrichments for students preschool to grade 8. The dress rehearsal on Wednesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. is open to all senior citizens only free of charge. Tickets the rest of the weekend are $15. Visit amherstpta.org. Courtesy photo. Theater Productions • 12 ANGRY JURORS Rochester Opera House production. April 6-April 23. Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester. $14. Visit rochesteroperahouse.com. • SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER Palace Theatre production. April 14 through May 6. The Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. $25-$45. Visit palacetheatre.org. Call 668-5588. • GALILEO GALILEI: THE STARRY MESSENGER Dramatic adaptation of Galileo’s short treatise, Siderius Nuncius, performed by actor Mike Francis. Thurs., April 20, at 6:30 p.m. Brookline Public Library, 16 Main St. Visit brookline.nh.us. • DORKS IN DUNGEONS Season 5, Episode 5. Fri., April 21, at 8 p.m., at 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. Tickets $12 online or pay-what-you-can at the door. Visit 3sarts.org. • IMPERSONATORS OF ROMANCE VI Lakeside Players production. Bow Lake Grange Hall, Water St., Strafford. Fri., April 21, at 7 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 7 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 2 p.m. Tickets $18. Call 664-5901 or visit bowlakecc.org. • I AM MY OWN WIFE NH Theatre Project production. April 21-30. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. West End Studio Theatre, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth. $28. Call 431-6644, ext. 5, email reservations@nhtheatreproject.org. • THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Stage Lynx at NHTI production. Fri., April 21, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 2 p.m., NHTI, 31 College Drive, Concord. $12. Visit ccsnh.edu. • JOEY & MARIA’S COMEDY ITALIAN WEDDING Sat., April 22, at 6 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Parish Community Center, 172 Belmont St., Manchester. $40. Includes Italian buffet catered by Celebrations. Visit stanthonyofpaduanh.org or call 625-6409.

• MURDER, COUNTRY STYLE Lend Me a Theater murder mystery dinner theater event. Dinner Sat., April 22, at 6 p.m., show at 7:30 p.m. Tupelo, 10 A St., Derry. $39. Call 785-7156. Email admin@lendmeatheater.org. • VERMONT’S BREAD & PUPPET THEATER Tues., April 25, at 7 p.m. Johnson Theater, Paul Creative Arts Center, 30 Academic Way, Durham. $15. Visit pontine.org. Call 436-6660. • MY 80-YEAR-OLD BOYFRIEND Merrimack Repertory Theatre production. April 26-May 21. Nancy L. Donahue Theatre, 50 E. Merrimack St., Lowell. $26-$70. Visit mrt.org, call 978654-4678. • DEATH AT STORM HOUSE Seabrook Old-Time Radio Players. Wed., April 26, at 3:30 and 6:30 p.m.; Sat., April 29, at 3:30 p.m. Seabrook Library, 25 Liberty Lane, Seabrook. Free, pay as you can. • UNH STUDIO MUSICAL: FIRST DATE Thurs., May 4, at 7 p.m. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. Tickets $15. Visit 3sarts.org. • MELANCHOLY PLAY: A CHAMBER MUSICAL theatre KAPOW production. Fri., April 28, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., April 29, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., April 30, at 2 p.m.; Fri., May 5, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., May 6, at 7:30 p.m. Collaboration with NH Philharmonic. Derry Opera House, 29 W. Broadway, Derry. Tickets $20. Visit tkapow.com. • THE TRUTH WILL SPRING YUH World premiere of fulllength play by Donald Tongue. April 28-May 14, Fri. and Sat. at 7:30 p.m., Sun. at 2 p.m. Tickets $16.50. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. Visit hatboxnh.com or call 715-2315. • ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Nashua Theatre Guild production. Fri., April 28, at 8 p.m.; Sat., April 29, at 2 & 8 p.m.; Sun., April 30, at 2 p.m. Janice B. Streeter Theater, 14 Court St., Nashua. $12$15. Call 882-2189.

Auditions • PALACE YOUTH THEATRE: ALL SHOOK UP Sun., April 23, at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. or noon. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. For performers ages 8 to 18. Learn a dance and sing afterward. RSVP required. Call 668-5588 or email meganquinn@palacetheatre.org. Classical Music Events • NILE PROJECT Concert featuring artists from Nile countries. Sat., April 22, at 7:30 p.m. Saint Anselm College, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester. $33.75. • EUGENE FRIESEN Concert honoring Earth Day, to coincide with new museum exhibit, “Boundless: The Art of Susan Prince Thompson.” Sat., April 22, at 7 p.m. Mariposa Museum, 26 Main St., Peterborough. Admission $20.Visit mariposamuseum. org. Call 924-4555. • STRING ORCHESTRA OF NEW YORK CITY Part of the Concord Community Concerts series. Sat., April 22, at 7:30 p.m. Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord. Tickets $18. Call 344-4747. Visit concordcommunityconcerts.org. • LEAN ON ME Songweavers Women’s Community Chorus spring concert. Sat., April 22, at 5 p.m., at South Congregational Church, 27 Pleasant St., Concord. Tickets $20. Visit ccmusicschool. org. Call 228-1196. • UPRISING OF HOPE: SONGS OF HOPE, SOLIDARITY AND STRENGTH Free benefit concerts, Two Rivers Community Choir. Sun., April 23, at 6:30 p.m. United Church of Jaffrey, 54 Main St. Sun., April 30, at 6:30 p.m. Union Congregational Church, 33 Concord St., Jaffrey. • MANCHESTER CHORAL SOCIETY Concert. Performance of Voltaire’s “Candide.” Dana Center for the Humanities, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester. Sat., April 29, at 7 p.m.; Sun., April 30, at 3 p.m. Tickets $25. Visit mcsnh.org. Call 472-6627.





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LISTINGS 28 Children & Teens Games, clubs, fun... 31 Clubs Hobby, service...


Great Northeast Boat Show moves to Bedford

31 Continued

By Matt Ingersoll



Classes, seminars, lectures... 31 Crafts Fairs, workshops... 32 Health & Wellness Workshops, exercises... 34 Marketing & Business Networking, classes.... 34 Miscellaneous Fairs, festivals, yard sales... 34 Museums & Tours Exhibits, events... 34 Nature & Gardening Hikes, animal events... 35 Over 50 Social outings, sports... 35 Sports & Rec. Spectator sports, runs... 35 Volunteer Where to help out FEATURES 30 The Gardening Guy Advice on your outdoors. 31 Treasure Hunt There’s gold in your attic. 32 Kiddie pool Family activities this week. 36 Car Talk Click and Clack give you car advice. Get Listed From yoga to pilates, cooking to languages to activities for the kids, Hippo’s weekly listing offers a rundown of all area events and classes. Get your program listed by sending information to listings@hippopress.com at least three weeks before the event. Looking for more events for the kids, nature-lovers and more? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or online at hipposcout.com.

Summer is fleeting in New Hampshire, but the Great Northeast Boat Show can help get you ready to hit the water as soon as the weather warms up. The 8th annual show, which will feature more than 25 local dealers and 175 boats, will be held over three days at the New Hampshire Sportsplex in Bedford on Friday, April 21, from noon to 8 p.m., Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is the largest indoor boat show in the Northeast north of Boston and features everything from small fishing boats to larger pontoon boats, speedboats, jet skis, yachts, stand-up paddleboards and more. Show co-organizer Suzette Anthony said about 90 percent of the exhibitors who will appear Courtesy photo. at this year’s show are from New Hampshire, with a few addi“We originally came up with the tional dealers from Maine and idea to have a boat show [in New Massachusetts. Hampshire] because my husband and I have a home up on Lake Win8th annual Great Northeast nipesaukee,” she said. “We knew Boat Show that there was a boat show in Boston, but [prior to this show], there When: Friday, April 21, noon to 8 was not a big quality boat show p.m., Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m. in New Hampshire. People living to 8 p.m., and Sunday, April 23, 10 up here had to travel all the way a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: New Hampshire down to Boston for it … and a lot Sportsplex, 68 Technology Drive, of second homeowners are on Lake Bedford Winnipesaukee or on another lake, Cost: $10 general admission; free so that’s who we wanted to target for kids under 12 with accompanyfor the show.” ing adults Even if you’re not looking to buy Visit: greatnortheastboatshow.com a boat, Anthony said the show is a

variety of frogs and salamanders are left behind on the forest floor. Get ready to look and listen for amphibians, venturing into the woods in search of these important spring habitats. Fri., April 21, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Amoskeag Fishways Learning & Visitors Center, 4 Fletcher St., Manchester. $8 per family; registration is requested. Visit amoskeagfishways.org or call 626-3474. • 2017 FISH FESTIVAL: DASH Nature • CRITTER QUEST FAMILY AND SPLASH! Line up and FUN NIGHT As the snow melts cheer on biologists as they delivaway, pools of water that attract a er fish to stock their fish passage Children & Teens Children events • IDEA TO INVENTION: HOW TO BECOME A MAKER Explore 3-D printing, microcontroller programming, mechanical design, robotics and more. Ages 10 and up. Thurs., April 27, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wadleigh Memorial Library, 49 Nashua St., Milford. Free. Visit wadleighlibrary.org; call 249-0645.

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 28

great event for families, and especially for fishing or boat enthusiasts looking for an accessory to upgrade or to talk with professionals in the business. Among some of the local vendors will include Bass Pro Shops in Hooksett, the Contoocook River Canoe Company in Concord, daSilva Motorsports in Hampstead, Granite State Dock & Marine in Derry and several others. She added that several of the dealers will be offering specials during the show only. “There are also going to be some insurance companies there as exhibitors, so you’ll actually be

at 10 a.m. The fish ladder will be open but the wild anadromous species have yet to swim up the Merrimack River. Thurs., April 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Amoskeag Fishways Learning & Visitors Center, 4 Fletcher St., Manchester. $3 per person or $6 per family (no registration required; fee does not cover extended family). Visit amoskeagfishways.org or call 626-3474. Sports • KID-VENTURE COURSE After the Children’s Museum

able to walk from one to the next and talk to a professional about insurance and financing information,” she said. Despite the show taking place during the spring season, it is actually much later than some of the larger shows south of New Hampshire. “Oftentimes boat shows in Boston and in New York City are in January or February,” Anthony said. “However, having ours [later] is an advantage, because an interested buyer can talk to a dealer and potentially be out on the water … after ice-out.”

CORRECTION In the story “Spring camp fun” on p. 26 of the April 13 issue, the information for the Currier Museum of Art’s camp, which runs from Monday, April 24, through Friday, April 28, should have listed the themes as follows: The morning session’s theme is Sparkle, Shimmer and Shine (9 a.m. to noon), where kids will create their own art projects while learning about the effects of light. The afternoon session is themed Light, Shadows, Action! (1 to 4 p.m.) and will go over how the contrasts of light and dark colors can create drama in your artwork and will have an emphasis on the use of shadows. Both camps will offer opportunities to create projects under sculptor Soo Sunny Park.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 29


The fifth flavor

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Planting for umami

HUSQVARNA 570BTS toughest • Cylinder displacement: 65.6 cc By Henry Homeyer listings@hippopress.com • Air flow in pipe: 768 cfm • X-Torq® engine cuts emission and fuel Umami is the fifth flavor we humans can consumption detect, along with sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Price: $ 499.95 It is much more difficult to describe or quan-

tify than the four standard flavors because we haven’t been raised to recognize it. I call it the flavor of contentment. The Japanese translate it, roughly, as “deliciousness.” Scientists have determined that there are Price: $ 369.95 receptors in our taste buds that are stimulatPrice: $ 499.95 ed by umami, just as there are for salty or qvarna Fast Tractor™ HUSQVARNA 129L sweet. They send signals to our brain that says, “Oh boy, something really good is • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc A24V48 here!” The orbitofrontal cortex (right above • Power output: 1.14 hp ine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton the eyes) registers a highly pleasant sensa• Intuitive controls wer: 24 hp Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ HUSQVARNA HUSQVARNA 129L 129L tion. Yum, it says. • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc 27.5 cc YTA24V48 YTA24V48 • Cylinder displacement: t hydrostatic transmission YTA24V48 Price: $1.14 199.95 The umami flavor is created when cer• Power output: output: 1.14 hp 1.14 Power output: hp •• manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton •Engine Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton Stratton •• Power hp Engine manufacturer: Briggs & • Intuitive controlscontrols • •Power: 2424 hp hp Intuitive controls e: $ 1,999.95 •• Intuitive tain amino acids that contribute to protein Power: • •Fast hydrostatic transmission Price:Price: $ 199.95 $ 199.95 199.95 • Fast Fast hydrostatic hydrostatic transmission transmission Price: $ formation are present, notably glutamate, www.husqvarna.com Price: $ 1,999.95 Price: $ 1,999.95 1,999.95 Price: $ inosinate and guanylate. Seaweeds are Copyright www.husqvarna.com © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. www.husqvarna.com Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. highest in these components, but seafood, Copyright © © 2014 2014 Husqvarna Husqvarna AB AB (publ). (publ). All All rights rights reserved. reserved. Copyright meats and certain vegetables contain them, SUPERIOR POWER EQUIPMENT SUPERIOR POWER EQUIPMENT SUPERIOR POWER EQUIPMENT Designed to make the toughest 603.627.3161 SUPERIOR POWER EQUIPMENT too. Oh, and it is found in breast milk. May603.627.3161 603.627.3161 79 ELM STREET, MANCHESTER, NH 03101 603.627.3161 easy. M-F 8-5, SAT 8-2 ELM STREET, MANCHESTER, NH be that’s why we like it. 79STORE ELM HOURS: STREET, MANCHESTER, NH 03101 03101 79work ELM79 STREET, MANCHESTER, NH 03101 STORE HOURS: M-F 8-5, SAT 8-2 So what vegetables contain natural gluSTORE HOURS: M-F 8-5, SAT 8-2 114119 tamate? Ripe tomatoes are highest of ordinary vegetables, which does not surprise me at all. Actually, dried tomatoes are even better because most of the water HUSQVARNA 450 HUSQVARNA 570BTS • Cylinder displacement: 50.2 cc • Cylinder displacement: 65.6 cc is gone. What else? Garlic, green peas and • Power output: 3.2 hp • Air flow in pipe: 768 cfm • Less filter cleanings with Air Injection • X-Torq® engine cuts emission and fuel corn are excellent, as are beans, potatoes consumption Price: $ 369.95 and carrots. Does that sound like a list of Price: $ 499.95 comfort foods? It does to me. Mushrooms and fermented foods like soy sauce are good umami producers, as Thank you Friends, Clients and Hippo Readers is cheese. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese is Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ HUSQVARNA 129L • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc particularly high, but cheddar is good, too. YTA24V48 • Power output: 1.14 Ehpxperi • Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton If you want the highest level of flavor • Intuitive controls ence • Power: 24 hp • Fast hydrostatic transmission Price: $ 199.95 Ne in your foods, grow it yourself. Pick your w Floa Price: $ 1,999.95 t tomatoes dead ripe. That’s when the levwww.husqvarna.com Therap Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. y! els of umami-producing amino acids are at SUPERIOR POWER EQUIPMENT their highest. 603.627.3161 79 ELM STREET, MANCHESTER, NH 03101 Busy people say they have no time for a STORE HOURS: M-F 8-5, SAT 8-2 vegetable garden. Perhaps. But if you know that you can grow food that is super tasty, maybe you’d find some time. Here are 5 ways to get your umami-rich foods without dedicating your life to them. Get a big self-watering pot and plant one “patio tomato” in it. This pot should be Looking for the perfect gift for that special someone? Look no further than Serendipity Day Spa! Pamper them with a gift card toward any of our spa services roughly the size of a 5-gallon pail and have or book an appointment for yourself. a water reservoir so it won’t dry out if you forget to water for a few days. Or go to the You deserve the beach for the weekend. Fill it with a 50-50 mix of compost and potting soil. Put it in Best from the Best! full sun in the middle of your lawn or along Facials • Massage • Pedicures the driveway. Manicures • IPL Hair Removal Shitake mushrooms are very high in Organic Spray Tan • Float Studio umami. I have inoculated hardwood logs 23 Sheep Davis Rd (Rte. 106) Concord | 229-0400 | SerendipityDaySpa.com with spore plugs that eventually produce HUSQVARNA 450 • 50.2 HUSQVARNA 450 • Cylinder Cylinder displacement: displacement: 50.2 cc cc •Cylinder Power displacement: output: 3.2 3.2 hp hp50.2 cc •• Power output: •Power Less output: filter cleanings cleanings with Air Air Injection Injection •• 3.2 hp with Less filter • Price: Less filter 369.95 cleanings with Air Injection Price: $ $ 369.95

HUSQVARNA 570BTS •• Cylinder displacement: HUSQVARNA Cylinder570BTS displacement: 65.6 65.6 cc cc Airdisplacement: flow in in pipe: pipe:65.6 768cccfm cfm • Cylinder •• Air flow 768 X-Torq® engine cuts emission emission and and fuel fuel • Air flow in pipe: 768 cfm cuts •• X-Torq® engine • X-Torq® engine cuts emission and fuel consumption consumption consumption Price: $ $$499.95 499.95 Price: Price: 499.95


11 Years Running

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 30

Fresh potatoes from the plant. Courtesy photo.

shitakes. But it’s sort of like fishing, you never know when your logs will produce, or for how many years. But now companies are producing mushroom kits that come ready to go. Most of those are one-time kits that produce just one flush of mushrooms, but they’re easy. Potatoes are some of the easiest veggies to grow, and are good umami producers. If you want to tear up a 10-foot by 12-foot patch of lawn, you can become potato selfsufficient — for a year! You can build wide raised beds with a walkway down the middle and a little free space around the edges. Plant seed potatoes 18 inches apart and you can grow a lot of food. Then there is the VegTrug. I had one last summer and loved it. About 6 feet long and 2.5 feet wide, it is a nice cedar planting trough on legs that is V-shaped in crosssection, so it is deep enough for tomatoes or potatoes. And you don’t have to bend over to pull weeds or harvest herbs. I grew lots of lettuce, herbs and one tomato. Visit your local farm stand, farmers market or, better yet, sign up now for a CSA. You don’t actually have to grow your own food just to get fresh produce at the peak of its flavor and ripeness. The fact that we have receptors that are just for umami tells me that umami is something that is good for us. After all, our mouth also tells us when something is not good for us. We have evolved to recognize foods that are healthy. We respond well to sweets and fats because eons ago we needed calories to stay alive. Now, of course, we need to stay away from too much of those. All this says you could and should grow your own food, and then cook it from scratch. I have written more than once that “Tomatoes are the queen of the garden.” In August I eat ripe tomatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why? I guess all this time I thought it was free will. Now I know it is an addiction to — or an affinity for — umami. Now is the time to plan your garden for the summer. Read my twice-weekly blog at https:// dailyuv.com/gardeningguy You may e-mail me at henry.homeyer@comcast.net.



Dear Donna, I have this and two other tiles that I have been saving. This one is particularly interesting to me with the squirrel on it. Can you provide me with any information on age and value?


Anthony from Bedford


Dear Anthony, Thanks for sharing your tile with us and thanks for the additional pictures. Tiles are collectible even today. Figural ones such as yours are very interesting — the more detail the better. Being raised and having a bee is a plus as well. Your tile is most likely from the late 1800s to early 1900s. It was probably part of a fireplace or wall mural, so you have a piece of the pie, not the whole pie. There were lots of companies that produced tiles and I bet with some time on your part you might even be able to figure out the manufacturer. When you’re valuing tiles it is usually by the maker, age, subject and condition. So even though you only have the one for this set, I would say because of the subject and color it would be in the $80 range (even with the tiny chip). Now imagine if you

of New Hampshire’s annual 5K Road Race for adults this same morning, the kids, ages 1 to 12, get their chance to shine. This newly designed, quirky course will be filled with silly obstacles and provide a fun time for all. Sat., May 6, 10 to 11 a.m. Henry Law Park, Dover. $8 registration in advance, and $10 on race day. Visit crowdrise.com/childrensmuseumofnewhampshire5K or call 742-2002. Clubs Events • NASHUA REPUBLICAN CITY COMMITTEE MONTHLY MEETING Ed Naille, Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, will serve as the guest speaker. Naille will discuss updated new information on voter fraud in New Hampshire and will offer solutions to the problems we have been facing. Thurs., April 20, 6:30 p.m. Crowne Plaza Nashua Auditorium Room, 2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua. Free. Visit nashuagop. org or call 864-9287. Continuing Education Certificate/degrees • FREE PSAT PRACTICE TEST The Exeter Public Library

had the whole pie. Some tiles even singularly can bring in the thousand-dollar range because of the maker. I hope this was helpful to you, and I’m glad you have held on to all the tiles. Enjoy pursuing them further. Donna Welch has spent more than 20 years in the antiques and collectibles field and owns From Out Of The Woods Antique Center in Goffstown (fromoutofthewoodsantiques.com). She is an antiques appraiser and instructor. To find out about your antique or collectible, send a clear photo of the object and information about it to Donna Welch, From Out Of The Woods Antique Center, 465 Mast Road, Goffstown, N.H., 03045. Or email her at footwdw@ aol.com. Or drop by the shop (call first, 6248668).

is offering this free PSAT Practice Test for teens ages 11 to 18 in the meeting room. Sign up is required by April 21. Participants may bring their own food and snacks and must have their own College Board approved graphic or scientific calculator in order to participate. Tues., April 25, 1 to 4 p.m. Exeter Public Library, 4 Chestnut St., Exeter. Free; registration is required. Visit exeterpl.org or call 772-3101. • PAYING FOR COLLEGE: AN INTERACTIVE SEMINAR WITH CITIZENS BANK The library will be hosting and providing free money saving advice for college students. Participants will learn what different types of loans are available, what the lender is looking at to qualify you, and how and where to apply for loans. Wed., April 26, 2 to 3 p.m. Exeter Public Library, 4 Chestnut St., Exeter. Free. Visit exeterpl.org or call 772-3101. Open houses • HAWK COMPOSITE SQUADRON CIVIL AIR PATROL OPEN HOUSE The open house will feature informational displays about aerospace education, emergency services

and more. If you are between the ages of 12 and 21, or are interested in serving as a senior member, come and explore what Civil Air Patrol can offer you. Thurs., April 20, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Holy Trinity School, 50 Church St., Laconia. Free admission. Visit capmembers.com or call 315-1187. Crafts Fairs • SPRING CRAFT FAIR This fair will feature more than 100 of the best crafters in New England. There will be free parking and food served by the Festival Association volunteers, offering both breakfast and lunch. Sat., April 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Somersworth High School, 11 Memorial Drive, Somersworth. Free admission. Visit nhfestivals.org or call 692-5869. Workshops • MANDALA WORKSHOP Learn to draw Mandalas. The Mandala, a circular design found in many cultural traditions and time periods, is a symbol of wholeness and can be a great form of self-expression and contemplation. Step-by-step instruction will be provided to complete a Mandala using pen,

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 31


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 32

Don’t miss the Hooksett Lions Club’s 22nd annual model railroad show at Hooksett Cawley Middle School (89 Whitehall Road, Hooksett) on Sunday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show will feature local vendors and collectors with their model trains on display, and there will also be raffles, giveaways, demonstrations, food and more. Admission is $4 for adults, $1 for website for more details. kids ages 6 to 12 and free for kids 5 and under. There is a maximum family rate of Flying high The Amoskeag Fishways Learning and $10. Visit e-clubhouse.org/sites/hooksett or call 485-3881 or 627-4662 for more details. Visitors Center (4 Fletcher St., Manchester) will host the next program in its Saturday Nature Seekers series on Saturday, Fairy fun Join Kimball Jenkins School of Art (266 April 22, from 11 a.m. to noon. The proN. Main St., Concord) for its next fairy tea grams offer short, fun ways to learn about party on Sunday, April 23, from 2 to 4 p.m. nature through crafts, demonstrations and Sample from an assortment of flavored tea other activities. The theme for this week’s and refreshments, enjoy storytimes, make program is “falcon focus.” A $5 requested your own crafts and much more. The cost is donation per family is encouraged. Vis$10 per child and pre-registration is required. it amoskeagfishways.org or call 626-3474. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Visit kimballjenkins.com or call 225-3932. Creative with clay Join Studio 550 Community Art Center (550 Elm St., Manchester) for its next Sing times two The Rodgers Memorial Library (194 Der- family clay workshop on Saturday, April ry Road, Hudson) and the Nashua Public 22, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Participants will Library (2 Court St.) will both host screen- get a chance to hand-sculpt their own clay ings of the animated film Sing on Saturday, projects from scratch. Previous clay projApril 22. Screenings will take place at 1 ects you can create yourself have included p.m. in Hudson and 2 p.m. in Nashua. The vases, mugs, coil bowls and more. Pre-regfilm stars Matthew McConaughey as Bust- istrations are encouraged, but walk-ins are er Moon, a koala impresario who stages a always welcome if there is room. The cost gala singing competition in an effort to save is $30 per parent-and-child pair, and all his theater. Snacks will be served with the materials and instruction will be provided. screening in Hudson. Admission is free, but An additional $10 applies for other particchildren under 6 must be accompanied by ipating parents or children. Visit 550arts. an adult. Call your local library or visit its com or call 232-5597.

colored pencils and markers. No drawing experience is required. Sat., April 22, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Nashua Gallery, 98 Main St., Nashua. $22 tuition, plus a $8 materials fee. Visit nashua.nhcrafts.org or call 5958233. • ALCOHOL INK TILES Create your own custom ceramic tiles with alcohol ink dyes, which have an isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol base and can be manipulated in fascinating and unpredictable ways when mixed with other liquid mediums and applied to a non-porous surface. Take home four tiles. No experience is necessary. For ages 12 and up. Sat., April 22, 10:30

a.m. to 1:30 p.m. League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Nashua Gallery, 98 Main St., Nashua. $32 tuition, plus a $10 materials fee. Visit nhcrafts.org or call 595-8233.

at least seven days in advance. Wed., May 10, 5:30 to 7 p.m. The Birchtree Center, 2064 Woodbury Ave., Newington. Free. Visit birchtreecenter.org or call 433-4192.

Health & Wellness Childbirth & parenting • AUTISM Q&A: TRANSITION RESOURCES The Birchtree Center’s autism experts host a Q&A session for parents, guardians and caregivers focused on preparing students with autism for adulthood. The session begins with a 10-minute presentation followed by questions and discussion. Complimentary onsite childcare is available by reservation

Nutrition workshops • A DIETITIAN’S GUIDE TO MINDFUL EATING AND SELF-CARE Join Rebekah Donelan, RD, and Tegan Swift, RD, in learning how mindful eating can help strengthen self-awareness when it comes to the psychological, physical and environmental cues that affect our food decisions. This class help you to feel happy and healthy knowing how to choose and enjoy foods that are


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 34

The first Manchester Trolley Night of the year is Thursday, April 27, from 5 to 8 p.m. in downtown Manchester. On this night, Queen City cultural venues open their doors, free of charge, and welcome visitors to see their latest exhibitions and featured artists. Each venue is within walking distance of one another, but you can also hop on one of the two trolleys circulating the route that night, which will start at Langer Place at 5 p.m. (though you can hop on at any stop). Participating venues and organizations/ programs include Althea Haropulos Photographer, Creative Framing Solutions, Dancing Lion Chocolates, Langer Place, Manchester Artists Association, Art on the Wall at City Hall, Manchester City Library, Manchester Historic Association, Manchester Makerspace, New Hampshire Institute of Art, SEE Science Center, Studio 550 and StudioVerne. Visit the site, manchestertrolley.com, for addresses for each of the venues and information on what you’ll find there.

2016 brings a fresh look and refreshed approach to Omega® Cabinetry! Introducing the Pinnacle Series and Dynasty Series, each with distinct design capabilities — yet both backed by the trusted quality that is synonymous with the Omega name. Recently, we introduced well-received drawer enhancements, taking

both satisfying and nourishing. way to your title. Sat., April 22, Company Thurs., Auto April 20,Glass 6 to 8 p.m. St. noon to 3 p.m. Tova Training, Joseph Hospital, 172 Kinsley 5-7 Freetown Road, Raymond. St., Nashua. $10 fee; includes $30. Visit tovatraining.com or dinner. Visit stjosephhospital. call 724-8745. com/classes or call 595-3168. • NUTRITION WORKSHOP: Fairs & festivals THE POWER OF PROTEIN • NH VEGFEST Attend this Join the library for a monthly one day festival to celebrate nutrition workshop led by a fora vegan lifestyle. There will mer physical trainer and inspira- be educational talks, vendors, tion for healthy eating. Healthy vegan food, live music, drum refreshments will be served. circle and activities for chilFri., April 28, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. dren. Sat., April 22, 9 a.m. to Pelham Public Library, 24 Vil- 3 p.m. Manchester Community lage Green, Pelham. Free. Visit College, 1066 Front St., Manpelhampubliclibrary.org or call chester. Free admission and 635-7581. parking. Call Kathy at 5531349 or email her at kathyvegan@gmail.com. Marketing & Business • MAY DAY FESTIVAL This Financial resources • FINANCIAL LITERACY collaborative celebration of WORKSHOP Learn how spring features Maypole and money works, and how to Morris dancing, live music and understand the rules of the seasonal merriment for all ages. money game. Find out ways to The festival will also feature take control of your debt, form a performance by the Flying a plan for retirement, and the Gravity Circus, a community mistakes to avoid when creat- youth circus, and will include ing retirement solutions. The free interactive circus arts presentation will also cover instruction for kids. Sat., May financial concepts such as the 6, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. High power of compounding interest, Mowing School, 222 Isaac Frye and the theory of decreasing Highway, Wilton. Free and responsibility, as well as investopen to the public. Visit highing for retirement, protecting mowing.org/mayday or call your assets and types of insur- 654-9408 ext. 139. ance and savings plans. Thurs., April 27, 6:30 p.m. Nesmith Yard sales/fundraisers Library, 8 Fellows Road, Wind- • ST. PATRICK’S WOMEN’S ham. Free and open to the GUILD PENNY SALE Sat., public; registration is required. April 22, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Visit nesmithlibrary.org or call Sun., April 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. St. Patrick Parish, 12 Main St., 432-7154. Pelham. Free. Visit stpatricksMiscellaneous pelham.com or call 635-3525. Pet programs • AKC TRICKS TITLING Museums & Tours History & museum PROGRAM AND CGC TEST Come learn about the latest events AKC Titling program in Tricks. • GEN. JOHN STARK CELPlay and practice with your EBRATION Festivities start dog. The CGC certificate counts at 12:15 p.m. with a gathering toward the Novice Tricks title. by Major Caleb Stark’s bronze Take a CGC test and be half- statue, the General’s son, to

hear speeches, stories and laying of a wreath. Mon., April 24, 12:15 p.m. Molly Stark House, NH-13 and NH-77, Dunbarton. Free. Call 774-3500. • HARNESSING HISTORY: ON THE TRAIL OF NEW HAMPSHIRE’S STATE DOG, THE CHINOOK This program looks at how dog sledding developed in New Hampshire and how the Chinook played a major role in this story. Wed., April 26, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Milford Town Hall Banquet Room, 1 Union Square, Milford. Free. Visit wadleighlibrary.org or call 249-0645. Nature & Gardening Animals/insects • CATERPILLAR LAB The Caterpillar Lab will thrill young and old alike with a broad selection of caterpillars “displayed” on branches of their native New England food plants, for people to observe in open air, with no barrier between the audience and the live specimens. After a presentation by founder Sam Jaffe, guests will get an opportunity to explore the displays freely, choosing their own levels of engagement. Sat., May 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hooksett Public Library, 31 Mount St. Mary’s Way, Hooksett. Free. Visit thecaterpillarlab.org. Birding events • BIRDING BY EAR AND SIGHT Join Peter Newbern for an early morning of learning some tricks to identify bird songs and calls by interpreting what it seems like they are singing, followed by a chance to hear and see some of the various neo-tropical birds returning to nest. Sun., May 7, 7:30 to 9 a.m. The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, 456 NH-103A, Newbury. $8. Visit thefells.org or call 763-4789 ext. 3.

ALMOST POOL TIME Looking to open your swimming pool for the season soon? Join Seasonal Specialty Stores (120 NH-101A, Amherst) for the first of its free easy pool opening classes on Wednesday, April 26, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the store. Staff members will go over different tricks and tips to get your pool opened and operating quickly, easily and safely. Participants will learn about how to easily remove pool covers, how to implement cleaning chemicals, and how to assemble ladders and filter covers. A second class is planned for May 24, also at the store. Additional classes on pool maintenance and pool chemistry will be held during various dates in May and June. Visit seasonalstores.com or call 880-8471 for more details. Garden events • NATIONAL PUBLIC GARDENS DAY Join The Fells in a nationwide celebration of public gardens. Explore the beauty of The Fells and discover the colorful spring blooms in the Rock Garden and the fragrant blossoms of early flowering trees and shrubs. Fri., May 12, Sat., May 13, and Sun., May 14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, 456 NH-103A, Newbury. Free admission all weekend. Visit thefells.org or call 763-4789. Gardening & farming events & workshops • SUCCESSION PLANTING AND FOODSCAPING This session covers how to produce more food from your garden and yard. It includes recommendations on plant combinations, timing and varieties of fruits and vegetables to consider. Sat., April 22, 10 a.m. to noon. Moulton Farm, 18 Quarry Road, Meredith. Free. Visit moultonfarm.com or call 279-3915. • ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDENING Join Jeremey Delisle, UNH Cooperative Extension Education Center Program Coordinator, for a discussion about organic vegetable gardening. Topics will include nurturing healthy soils, fertility options, cover cropping, composting, timing of seeding and transplanting, season extension, weed control and pest management. For the novice or experienced gardener. Thurs., May 4, 6 to 8:30 p.m. The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, 456 NH-103A, Newbury. $10 requested donation. Visit thefells. org or call 763-4789 ext. 3. • PLANTING TECHNIQUES FOR BETTER HARVESTS This workshop takes participants into the farm’s fields, tomato house and hoop houses and includes information on transplanting, plant spacing, trellising and mulching. Sat., May 6, 10 a.m. to noon. Moulton Farm,

18 Quarry Road, Meredith. Free. Visit moultonfarm.com or call 279-3915. • PREPARING TO OPEN YOUR GARDEN The Fells’ Nursery Manager Sue Ellen Weed-Parkes shares the steps and special tips for opening your garden, from soil preparation to starting seeds. Thurs., May 11, 1 to 2:30 p.m. The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, 456 NH103A, Newbury. $10 requested donation. Visit thefells.org or call 763-4789 ext. 3. • ANNUAL HEATHER PRUNING Learn about gardening with hardy and beautiful heather as you join members of the Northeast Heather Society while tending The Fells Heather Bed. Bring lightweight hedge trimmers, dress in layers and wear gloves. Sat., May 13, 9:30 a.m. to noon. The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, 456 NH-103A, Newbury. Free for members, site admission price for non-members. Visit thefells.org or call 763-4789. Over 50 Events • TRAVEL FOR THE 50+ Trying to plan a vacation but don’t know where to start, where to go or how to budget? Travel expert and columnist Chase Binder will share her experiences and recommendations for the 50-plus traveler. Sat., May 6, 9 to 10 a.m. AARP New Hampshire, 45 S. Main St. No. 202, Concord. Free and open to the public. Visit aarp.cvent.com/travel or call 230-4103. Sports & Recreation Fishing events • YOUTH FISHING DAY This event is sponsored by the Basil W. Woods, Jr. Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Fishing will be in a stocked trout pond for people under 16 years old. There will be refreshments, fly casting introductions, and fly tying demonstrations. Tackle and bait is provided, or you can bring your

own. Those under 10 years old should bring an adult. Sat., April 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Merrill Park, 27 Eastman St., Concord. Free. Call Bill Hall at 463-7766. Runs/walks/races • RESCUE RUN TO HELP SAVE THE SEALS This event features a 5K trail race and untimed walk and a Kid’s Fun Run on the scenic trails of historic Odiorne Point State Park in Rye. All proceeds benefit New Hampshire’s Marine Mammal Rescue program. After the race, festivities continue with music, face painting, a mock seal rescue and Earth Day activities that highlight the important role a healthy ocean plays for all. Sat., April 22. Odiorne Point State Park, 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye. Visit seacoastsciencecenter.org or call 436-8043 ext. 29. Spectator sports • MONSTER JAM TRIPLE THREAT SERIES Guests are invited to watch their favorite Monster Jam competitors test their skills as they drive customized, high-powered Monster Jam Speedsters, Monster Jam ATVs and of course, Monster Jam trucks. Monster Jam competitors will participate in a series of battles and fight for the name of the competition’s champion. Sat., May 6, 1 & 7 p.m.; and Sun., May 7, 1 p.m. SNHU Arena, 555 Elm St., Manchester. $15. Visit monsterjam.com. Volunteer Outdoors • PONEMAH BOG SPRING CLEAN-UP WORK DAY Held by the Nashaway Chapter of NH Audubon. Tasks may involve some light lifting and walking on trails or the boardwalk. Tools are provided. Sat., April 29, 9 a.m. to noon. Ponemah Bog Sanctuary, Rhodora Drive, Amherst. Free. Contact Bog Steward Jack Gleason at 673-3177 or westonpond10@gmail.com.


HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 35


Why it’s best to get two tires replaced when you get a flat Dear Car Talk: I have a 2015 BMW X3 equipped with runflat tires. I was told that I have “7s” on the front and “9s” on the back. However, I recently got a flat tire on one of my By Ray Magliozzi rear 9 tires. So I bought a brand-new tire and put it on the front, along with the other 9 that used to be on the back. Then I put the two 7s on the back. Now I’m told that the new tire is bigger than the old 9 and it will screw up my all-wheel-drive system. So I intentionally deflated the new tire a little bit (29 psi, compared with the recommended 30 psi) and inflated the other 9 (to 32 psi, compared with the recommended 30 psi), and I kept the rear 7s 35 psi, as recommended. The purpose is to make the new tire a little smaller, so that it’s the same diameter as the 9. Is this a good approach? — Chen No. I don’t recommend toying around with tire inflation, because it can compromise both safety and handling. And it’s not a very effective method of diameter control. Let’s start with the basics, Chen. When a mechanic measures your tire and says it’s a 9, he’s not talking about how sexy it is. It means that you have 9/32 inch of tread left.

Most tires start out with about 12/32. When you get to 2 or 3, you’ll see the tire’s wear bars, which means the tire is ready to become a swing. But in reality, most people want to replace their tires before they get that worn. Studies show that stopping distances are much longer on wet roads when tread depth gets below about 4/32. And performance on snowy roads degrades below 5/32. And since you bought an all-wheel-drive vehicle, Chen, I’m guessing that weather is an issue where you live. That means those 7s are already getting near the end of their useful lives. Add to that the fact that you are endangering your all-wheel-drive system by using tires of different sizes. Your X3, like most all-wheel-drive vehicles, has a center differential. That allows all four wheels to turn at different speeds (which they must do) when the car is turning. But if you have different size tires on the car, the wheels will always be turning at different speeds, adding lots of wear and tear to the differential. And center differentials are expensive, so you don’t want to risk yours unnecessarily. So what do you do now? Well, manufacturers have different recommendations about how similar tires should be to one another (check your own owner’s manual). But most

suggest a tread difference of no more than 2/32 or 3/32 inch. So if you’ve got two 7s and a 12, you’ve got a problem, Chen. One solution is to simply keep the new tire you bought, and buy three more. That’s expensive, because you still have some useful life on the three tires you’d be throwing away. But that’s the best option from a mechanical point of view. Another option is to have that new tire “shaved” to match its axle-mate. That involves taking a perfectly good, new tire, and paying a tire store $30 to turn it into a tire with 15,000 miles on it. Most people resist that idea because it seems wasteful. But when you compare that with the cost of three more new tires, shaving or matching the new tire may be the way to go. Then you’d have two 9s up front and two 7s in the back. Not ideal, but acceptable to most manufacturers. Dear Car Talk: We have a 2009 Honda Odyssey LX. At 90,000 miles, we changed the timing belt and water pump before a cross-country trip. Mistake. On the interstate, driving on the way to the Black Hills, the car lost power for a few seconds, half recovered and then died. It was as if we had run out of gas, but there were

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two to four gallons left in the tank. We rolled to a stop, turned it off, turned it back on and drove 10 miles to the next gas station, where we filled it up, and it was fine. A day later, the same thing happened near Little Big Horn. Three months later, same thing in Idaho. And then two more times since then over the past year. It’s always when it has less than a quarter of a tank of gas in it, and it’s always when traveling at or near highway speed. And it always restarts right away. Two Honda dealers couldn’t find anything wrong. What should we do? — John This sounds like a classic case of a fuel pump going bad. When the fuel pump is weak, it’s most likely to misbehave when it’s hot and been running for a long time, and when the demand for fuel is greatest. When is that? When you’re on a long highway trip, climbing a mountain, and it’s midsummer. Have your shop put a pressure tester on your fuel pump. I’m pretty sure it’ll be below spec, and a new fuel pump will be the answer. And, by the way, changing the timing belt and water pump before that big trip was not a mistake at all. In fact, if you hadn’t changed the timing belt, you’d probably be writing us from Little Big Horn to ask how much you should pay for a new engine. Visit Cartalk.com


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www.merrimackmortgage.com HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 37


Jeffrey Barraclough Museum curator

Jeffrey Barraclough is the director of operations of the Manchester Historic Association and curator at the Millyard Museum in Manchester. Explain what your current job is. My job title is director of operations for the Manchester Historic Association, which, as a small staff, we wear several different hats. My job kind of encompasses the job of both curator and overseeing the collections and holdings that we have — the historical archives, the collection of objects, etc. — as well as a business manager, overseeing the day-today operations of both our museum and research center. How long have you worked there? I’ve been here just over six years.

How did you get interested in this field? I’ve been interested in the field of local history since I was in high school. I volunteered at a local historic society in the town where I grew up. I knew from then that I wanted to pursue a career in that field. … I went to Salem High School in Salem, New Hampshire.

and then I went to work for the National Park Service in Quincy for the Adams National Historic Park. … That was a great experience, working … in a library of John Quincy Adams. I learned a lot of curatorial skills, how to properly care for historical manuscripts and books.

ums, there’s a lot of focus on the curating piece of it, the archive piece. But it’s also important that you recognize when you’re operating a museum, you’re operating a business. So the business side of things … is a really crucial part of running a museum.

What is your typical atHow did you find your curwork uniform? rent job? On an average day, it’s sort Courtesy photo. When I heard about the job of business casual. Someopening, I applied. I decided to get back times, we’re working in collection storage to Manchester, where I was first working. where I know I’m going to get dirty, but Manchester has a rich history, a really fas- generally it’s business casual, especially if cinating history, I think. So I was excited you’re going to be interacting with visitors for the opportunity to work with the collec- of the museum. tions of the MHA and Millyard Museum. What was the first job you ever had? What’s the best piece of work-related The first job that I ever had, I was a advice anyone’s ever given you? call receiver for AAA when I was in high I think one of the best pieces of advice I school. … [I was] taking emergency road got when I was doing my degree work was service calls for people who were stranded. just get involved in the field, whether it’s a — Ryan Lessard volunteer position, internship positions — make connections with people and get to What’s something you’re really interested in right now? know people in the field.

What kind of education or training did you need for this? I have a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in history and museum studies. … My first museum job was for the Boy Scouts, actually. There’s a What do you wish you’d known at the Boy Scout Museum at Camp Carpenter in beginning of your career? Manchester. I worked there out of college When you’re taking classes in muse-

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 38

When I do have free time, I like to do genealogical research. ... I find that really enjoyable and interesting to learn new things about where I came from.


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 39

FOOD Vegging out

Annual vegan festival features lectures, vendors and more By Angie Sykeny

News from the local food scene


By Angie Sykeny

For vegans looking to connect with likeminded people or anyone interested in learning more about the vegan lifestyle, NH Veg Fest will feature a variety of lectures, demonstrations, vegan food vendors and more. The annual festival takes place Saturday, April 22, at Manchester Community College. “It creates a community,” event cofounder and coordinator Kathy DesRoches said. “A lot of people have families and friends who will say, ‘Just eat a piece of ham, it won’t kill you,’ so it’s easy to feel alone as a vegan. [Veg Fest] gives people the information to make decisions based on their values, and then a place to meet others who share those values.” There will be four one-hour lectures starting at 10:30 a.m., covering topics like vegan nutrition, environmental impacts of animal agriculture, how to navigate personal relationships and wellness as an animal advocate, and how to cultivate an ethics of dialogue in social movement practices. Four one-hour demonstrations will also begin at 10:30 a.m.; the topics will be vegan nutrition, vegan cooking, brewing kombucha and growing microgreens.


• Spring flavors: Get your tickets now for A Taste of Spring, a farm-to-table dinner presented by The Farmer’s Dinner on Sunday, April 30, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Otis Restaurant (4 Front St., Exeter, 580-1705, otisrestaurant.com). Chefs Keith Sarasin, owner of The Farmers Dinner, and Lee Frank from Otis will prepare a multicourse meal featuring spring ingredients from local farms. Tickets cost $85, and space is limited. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit thefarmersdinner.com/ event/a-taste-of-spring. The Culinary Playground (16 Manning St., Derry) will host a couples cooking class using spring ingredients on Saturday, April 22, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. With instruction from a cooking expert, couples will make their own meal from start to finish that will include a bibb salad with Champagne vinaigrette, spinach and sweet pea manicotti with fontina fondue sauce and lemon curd trifle with fresh berries. The cost is $155 per couple; BYOB is welcome. Bring plastic containers for leftovers. For more information and to register, call 339-1664 or visit culinaryplayground.com. • Creating croissants: You can learn to bake croissants during hands-on courses hosted by Dancing Lion Chocolate (917 Elm St., Manchester) on Saturday, April 22, Sunday, April 23, and Thursday, April 27, at 6 p.m. Owner and Master Chocolatier Richard Tango-Lowy will teach participants about the ingredients and techniques needed to bake buttery French-style croissants and guide them in making their own croissants to take home. The cost is $65 per person. For more information and to register, call 625-4043 or visit dancinglion.us. • Different cabernets: Learn what distinguishes one cabernet from another at “Hail Me a Cab,” the first session of Cask & Vine’s (1 E. Broadway, Derry) new wine comparing series, on Thursday, April 20, from 7 to 10 p.m. Participants will do a blind tasting with two-ounce pours of six cabernet sauvignon wines from three different brokers, ranging from $8 to $30 a glass. Wine brand representatives will be present to discuss the wines and the regions where they’re produced. Tasters will rate the wines and vote on their favorites before the wines and their prices are 46

Looking for more food and drink fun? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and hipposcout.com. HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 40

NH Veg Fest When: Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Manchester Community College, 1066 Front St., Manchester Cost: Free admission Visit: nhvegfest.com

NH VegFest. Courtesy photo.

“I think the educational part is important,” DesRoches said. “There will be a lot of information about the body and being vegan, and it’s taught by nutritionists and experts, so you can ask questions and talk to people who know what they’re talking about.” There will be more than a dozen vendors like Willow’s Plant-based Eatery in Concord and Susty’s Cafe vegan eatery in Northwood, serving soups, seitan and tofu sandwiches and flatbread pizzas; HippieCakes, a vegan bakery and dessert business opening a retail location in Raymond later this year; Taco Party food truck from Massachusetts, serving vegan Mexican cuisine like sweet potato tacos; and Like No Udder vegan ice cream truck from Rhode Island, serving soft-serve and hard ice cream, ice cream novelties, floats and

shakes, all made with soy, cashew, coconut, almond and peanut milk bases. “It’s a good chance to try out all kinds of different vegan foods in one place,” DesRoches said. In addition to the educational programs and food vendors, NH Veg Fest will feature live music all day, drum circle workshops at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and Veg Speed Date — speed dating for vegans and vegetarians — at noon and 1:30 p.m. DesRoches said the festival is a welcoming, family-friendly environment, and that non-vegans should not feel intimidated to come learn, eat and enjoy the various activities. “We don’t judge,” she said. “If someone isn’t vegan that’s fine, and no one will mind. We’re just happy to have people come, hang out and have a good time.”

Pretty tasty

Cookbook features beautiful dishes with herbs and flowers By Angie Sykeny


Chef, gardener and cooking instructor Liz Barbour of The Creative Feast has a philosophy when it comes to food: It should look as good as it tastes. Now, she’s teaching others how to prepare nutritious and visually stunning dishes with her new cookbook Beautifully Delicious. Beautifully Delicious is Barbour’s first published cookbook and is inspired by her edible garden in Hollis, a garden in which she arranges fruit and vegetable plants, herbs and edible flowers among ornamental plants and flowers, the concept being that growing food

doesn’t have to mean sacrificing aesthetic. “The title perfectly describes what the book offers; all of the recipes are focused on food that is beautiful to look at and that tastes delicious” Barbour said. “Because they’re so beautiful, a lot of the recipes look complicated, but the fact is, they’re very simple to make.” The book features more than 60 recipes highlighting herbs and edible flowers that can be easily grown at home or found at a local grocery store. Many of the herbs are ones commonly used in the kitchen, and the flowers, though still up-and-coming as a food ingredient, are well-known varieties such as pansies, marigolds, roses and tulips, “The idea is that the ingredients are famil-

iar, and that goes for the edible flowers, too,” Barbour said. “It’s just that people haven’t been as free with using them for cooking, so this book gives you permission to use them.” Beautifully Delicious includes recipes for things like flower and herb summer rolls, flower and herb salads, zucchini noodles with herb pesto, rack of lamb with mint sauce and salmon filet with herb Dijon. There are also recipes for drinks, like lavender-infused gin, and for pastries and desserts, like flower crepes and marigold cake with buttercream frosting. Most recipes have variations, such as a potato-based garden herb soup that can be turned into a spiced-up seafood chowder with shrimp, scallops, haddock and saffron, 42

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 41

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Garden herb soup, featured in Barbour’s cookbook Beautifully Delicious. Photo by Celeste Guidice.

40 or into a winter chicken herb soup with corn and rice. Additionally, there are ideas for how to transform leftovers, like blending a salad into a healthy smoothie. “Sometimes you have leftovers and wonder how to use them up, so I wanted to make sure there were options for people to change up the recipes the way they like,” Barbour said. “You can add a variety of other ingre-

Beautifully Delicious


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 42


The cookbook is available now for pre-order and set to ship in early May. To learn more about it, view sample pages and pre-order a signed copy, visit thecreativefeast.com/ cookbook. The book costs $35; shipping is free for orders of four or more copies. Liz Barbour cookbook events Hollis Social Library, 2 Monument Square, Hollis, on Tuesday, April 25, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Admission is free, but registration is required. Visit hollislibrary.org. The Cozy Tea Cart,104 Route 13, Brookline, on Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free. Visit thecozyteacart.com. Edible garden tour at The Creative Feast, 5 Broad St., Hollis, in June, date TBA, Admission is free. Call 321-5011 or visit thecreativefeast.com.

dients to a recipe and give it a whole other flavor profile.” Each recipe includes detailed step-by-step instructions and photos to aid the process. Between recipes, the book also features lessons on herbs and how to use them, proper knife techniques and cooking methods for things like how to cut and cook an onion. Beautifully Delicious can be pre-ordered on The Creative Feast website or directly from Barbour during any of her upcoming library programs. It is set to ship in early May. On Tuesday, April 25, Barbour and the book’s photographer Celeste Guidice will be at the Hollis Social Library to talk about the writing, photographing and self-publishing process of the book, and they may bring some recipe samples for people to taste. Those who pre-order the book at the presentation will receive copies signed by Barbour once it ships. After the book is officially released, Barbour will sell and sign copies at The Cozy Tea Cart in Brookline on Saturday, May 13, and at her annual edible garden tour happening at the end of June, where people can see many of the herbs and edible flowers featured in the book. More Beautifully Delicious presentations and signings are to be announced.

Garden Herb Soup Taken from Liz Barbour’s new cookbook, Beautifully Delicious. Variations of this recipe are also included in the book.

parsley 2 tablespoons chopped tarragon or rosemary Kosher salt Pepper, freshly ground

(Serves 4) 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup chopped onion 4 thinly sliced garlic cloves 2 medium russet potatoes, peeled and diced 2½ cups chicken stock, vegetable stock, or hot water 1¼ cups milk (low-fat is fine) ½ cup heavy cream 4 cups chopped mixed herbs (baby arugula, sorrel, watercress, lovage or dandelion leaves) 1 cup chopped, loosely packed flat-leaf

Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed soup pot over low heat. Add the onion and cook over low heat until the onion is soft, about 5 to 8 minutes. Add the sliced garlic and continue cooking until the garlic is fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add diced potato, stock (or water), milk and chopped herbs to the soup pot. Increase the heat to medium high and simmer until the potatoes are fully cooked, about 15 minutes more. Add the heavy cream. Puree the soup in the pot with an immersion blender until smooth. Alternatively, you can serve the soup without pureeing. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or cold.

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Vegan chef Christine Fletcher of Concord developed an interest in cooking while backpacking through Europe shortly after graduating from high school. “I started to appreciate what was happening there with the slow food movement,” she said. “Their approach to eating appealed to me, and I decided I wanted to pursue cooking as my profession.” She took a job at Ballymaloe Cookery School in Ireland, where she trained under renowned chefs, then went on to work as a chef at a top restaurant in New Zealand. Since Fletcher returned to New Hampshire a few years ago, she’s been offering private and group cooking lessons, in-home personal chef services and vegan workshops and cooking demonstrations. She also serves as chef for the summer retreats at Bethel Farm Yoga, a farm-to-table retreat center in Hillsborough. Her next vegan workshop is Saturday, April 22, at Ohana Yoga in Contoocook (see ohanayoganh.com for details). For more information about Fletcher’s services, email her at christine.elaine. fletcher@gmail.com or check out her Facebook page at facebook.com/christinecooksll. What is your must-have cooking utensil? A sharp knife. There is no other answer. What is your favorite dish to make in You can’t do anything without one. your cooking demonstrations? I love doing fresh spring rolls and using What is your favorite ingredient to cook romaine and collard greens to wrap up the with? rolls, then have it with dipping sauce. I realWhatever is fresh. Whatever my farm- ly like those kinds of finger foods that are er friends are growing. Right now, it’s the colorful and fun. dry season, but I’ve been enjoying the last of the root vegetables and garlic. Now we have What is the biggest food trend in New some baby greens starting to pop up, which Hampshire right now? is exciting. I think there’s a general push toward cleaner foods, which is awesome. People are What would you choose for your last actually reading labels now. And, obviousmeal? ly, the organic movement. People are getting A really big crunchy salad with my favor- more into superfoods and those kinds of ite vegetables like beets, avocado, carrots, things. Their awareness about our food sysarugula and roasted root vegetables, with tem has expanded, and they want to avoid truffle salt — a salt infused with truffles, that poison that’s put in our food. which are a fungi, that they usually harness in France and Spain. It’s very pungent and What is your favorite meal to cook for good. yourself at home? I love to do a vegan butternut squash macWhat celebrity would you like to cook for? aroni and cheese with tofu ricotta, broccoli, I would like to cook for Obama — Barack kale and a nut-and-seed vegan Parmesan. and Michelle — and also, Bernie Sanders. — Angie Sykeny Raw Spiced Ginger and Turmeric Cheesecake with Date Caramel From the kitchen of Christine Fletcher Crust 1 cup shredded coconut 10 figs/dates 1 cup almonds or walnuts 3 tablespoons maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg Pulse ingredients in a food processor until combined. Press into the bottom of a greased spring form pan.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 44

Cheesecake filling 2 cups of cashews, soaked overnight and drained


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½ cup coconut manna, melted 2 thumb-sized pieces of ginger, or 2 tablespoons dried ginger 1 tablespoon dried turmeric ½ c. maple syrup Juice and zest of 1 orange 1 tablespoon vanilla Water, if needed Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth, then pour over crust. Place in fridge to set while you make the date caramel. Raw date caramel 1 cup dates, soaked briefly in warm water 1 cup of nondairy milk, of your choice 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon Blend all ingredients in a food processor and spread on top of cheesecake.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 45

Weekly Dish

Continued from page 40



revealed. Cask & Vine plans to host wine comparing events quarterly and feature different styles such as chardonnay, sauvignon blanc and exotic ones like Portuguese and Austrian wines. The cost is $29; walk-ins welcome, but reservations are recommended. For more information, call 965-3454 or visit caskandvine.com. • Cooking from the hearth: Strawbery Banke Museum (14 Hancock St., Portsmouth, 433-1100, strawberybanke.org) will host its last hearth cooking workshop of

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 46

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the season on Saturday, April 22, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Wheelwright House. The workshop is designed for children ages 6 through 15 and accompanying adults to learn open-hearth cooking skills, then make and eat a traditional menu of pancakes, frittata with vegetables, sausage and toast. The cost is $65 per person ($55 for Strawbery Banke members) and registration is required. For more information and to register, visit strawberybanke.org/hearthcooking. cfm.

Food & Drink Author events/lectures • DERRY COOKBOOK GROUP Group will choose a new cookbook for each meeting and make something from the book, then bring it in to share. Discuss tips, tricks and troubles and eat. Cookbooks will be available to borrow at the front desk. First Fri., 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Contact Jessica at jessicad@derrypl.org or call 432-6140. • PELHAM COOKBOOK EXPLORERS Group explores a new type of cuisine or diet each month. Share your cooking successes and challenges and leave with new recipes. Monthly. Pelham Public Library, 24 Village Green, Pelham. Free and open to the public. Email wflint@pelhamweb.com. Beer & wine classes • CITRA Fri., April 21, 6 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 Daniel Webster Highway South , Nashua. $30 per variety case (bottles not included); $40 per variety case (bottles and cap stickers included). Call 891-2477. Visit incredibrew.com. • MOSAIC Sat., April 22, 1 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 Daniel Webster Highway South , Nashua. $30 per variety case (bottles not included); $40 per variety case (bottles and cap stickers included). Call 891-2477. Visit incredibrew.com. Beer & wine tasting classes • PAIRING WINE WITH EXOTIC CHOCOLATE AND ARTISAN CHEESE Class will explore the elements of wines, cheeses and chocolates from various parts of the world and how to pair them. Thurs., April 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St. , Nashua. $50. Call 204-5569. Beer, wine & liquor dinners • WINE AND CRAFT BEER DINNER Four courses paired and prepared with LaBelle wine

and 603 Brewery beer. Fri., April 28, 6 to 9 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst. $95. Visit labellewineryevents.com. • PRISONER WINE DINNER Five-course wine dinner featuring Prisoner Wine Company from Napa Valley. Thurs., May 4, 6 to 9 p.m. Birch Wood Vineyards, 199 Rockingham Road, Derry. $75. Reservations required. Visit birchwoodvineyards.com. • ITALIAN WINE DINNER With Pine State wine representative. Fri., May 12, 6 to 9 p.m. Portsmouth Country Club , 80 Country Club Lane, Greenland. Limited space; reservations required. Call 436-9791. Beer, wine & liquor festivals & special events • SOUR DE MAYO Over a dozen tap lines of sour beers. Fri., May 5, starting at 1 p.m. Cask & Vine, 1 E. Broadway, Derry. Call 965-3454. • NH BEER CLUB Monthly meetings feature a Granite State brewer, plus a limited edition or unique brew. Mon.,May 15, at 6:30 p.m. New England’s Tap House Grille, 1292 Hooksett Road, Hooksett. Cost is $30 per event. See nhbeerclub.com. • 300 PINTS: A CASK ALE EVENT 300 pints of real ale poured over six hours plus discussions with special guests and brewers. Sun., May 21, sessions at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Cask & Vine, 1 E. Broadway, Derry. $45. Visit 300pints2017.brownpapertickets.com. Beer, wine & liquor tastings • ODDBALL BREWING TASTING Fri., April 28, 5 to 7 p.m. Craft Beer Cellar, 108 Spit Brook Road, Nashua. Call 2105654. Chef events/special meals • A TASTE OF SPRING Chefs Keith Sarasin of The Farmers Dinner and Lee Frank of Otis Restaurant in Exeter prepare a multicourse meal featuring spring ingredients honoring

local farms. Sun., April 30, 6 p.m. Otis Restaurant, 4 Front St. , Exeter. $85. Visit thefarmersdinner.com. • BLUE BONNET LUNCHEON All are welcome. Mon., May 1, 11:30 a.m.; ticket deadline is April 17. The Puritan Conference Center, 245 Hooksett Road, Manchester. $20.10 for chicken tenders, $25.85 for broiled haddock. Contact Rosemarie Ducharme at 622-5613 for tickets. • FIRE & FUSION EXECUTIVE CHEF COMPETITION Eight chefs compete preparing dishes with four secret ingredients for a panel of celebrity judges. Evening includes hundreds of unique appetizers, desserts and coffee. Wed., May 3, 6 p.m. Alpine Grove Banquet Center, 19 S. Depot Road, Hollis. $40 general admission, $55 VIP. Visit nashuaseniorcenter. org. • FARM-TO-TABLE DINNER CLUB Monthly fourcourse dinners prepared with local food and paired with wine or beer samplings from local wineries and breweries. Monthly, last Thursday, 6 p.m. Roots Cafe at Robie’s Country Store , 9 Riverside St., Hooksett. $40. Call 485-7761, or visit rootsatrobies.com. Church & charity suppers/bake sales • ROAST PORK PUBLIC SUPPER Family-style supper includes potato, carrots, green beans, applesauce, choice of beverage and dessert. Sat., April 22, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Arlington Street United Methodist Church, 63 Arlington St., Nashua. $10 for adults, $9 seniors, $6 for children ages 6-11, and free for children under age 5. Call 8824663 or visit ASUMC.net. • SPAGEHETTI DINNER Sat., April 29, 5 to 7 p.m. Arthur Colby Safety Complex, 8 Cooper St., Loudon. $10 for adults, $6 for children under age 10, $6 for seniors and military. Visit facebook.com/loudonfirefightersassoc.




Ideas from off the shelf

Skillet Cornbread I finally bought my first cast iron pan. I’m not sure what took me so long to make the investment, as I’ve seen countless recipes that would be best made and served in the heavy-duty cookware. When recipes have called for the oven-safe pan, I’ve typically found a work-around, or switched from a stove-top pan to an oven-safe dish mid-recipe. But no more. The first recipe I was dying to try was for homemade cornbread. My husband took advantage of the summer-like weather last weekend for the inaugural use of the smoker this season. On the menu were racks of ribs and brisket, and I wanted something to soak up any leftover barbecue sauce. I’ve made cornbread muffins before, usually from the box, but this was my first time making cornbread from scratch. I turned to my fail-proof purveyor of downhome recipes: Ree Drummond. With just a few ingredients, this cornbread is surprisingly pantry-friendly. The main ingredient, cornmeal, I’ve had sitting in my pantry for months. I typically use it for chili, but run out of uses for it after that. Aside from the buttermilk, I had everything I needed to make this dish. And for once, I followed the recipe precisely. While I’m not exactly a cornbread conSkillet corn bread Recipe courtesy of Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman (thepioneerwoman.com) 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 cup buttermilk 1/2 cup milk 1 whole egg 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup shortening 2 tablespoons shortening

Classes/workshops • COUPLES COOKING: SPRING FLAVORS Three hour class teaches how to create a meal from start to finish. Bring tupperware for leftovers. Event is BYOB. Menu includes bibb salad with Champagne vinaigrette, spinach and sweet pea manicotti with fontina fondue sauce, and lemon curd truffle with fresh ber-

noisseur, I can tell you my finished product was just slightly overcooked, and therefore a bit dry. I only cooked it for about 20 minutes, but I’m thinking closer to 16 would have done it before a few final minutes cooking with just the residual heat of the skillet. Friends of ours who joined us for dinner said the finished product was good, but not sweet enough, and suggested I drizzle some honey on it the next time I whip up a batch. They also agreed with my assessment of its being dry. Although my finished product wasn’t as perfect and delicious as I hoped, it was still tasty. It was a wonderful vehicle for mopping up residual barbeque sauce, which helped compensate for the dryness. I’ll be trying this recipe again, hopefully soon, and make a few alterations to cooking time and sweetness until I’m satisfied I’ve mastered skillet cornbread. — Lauren Mifsud Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Combine cornmeal, flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Stir together. Measure the buttermilk and milk in a measuring cup and add the egg. Stir together with a fork. Add the baking soda and stir. Pour the milk mixture into the dry ingredients. Stir until combined. In a small bowl, melt 1/4 cup of shortening. Slowly add melted shortening to the batter, stirring until just combined. In an iron skillet, melt the remaining 2 tablespoons shortening over medium heat. Pour the batter into the hot skillet. Spread to even out the surface. (Batter should sizzle.) Cook on stovetop for 1 minute, then bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

ries. Fri., April 21, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Culinary Playground, 16 Manning Street, Suite 105, Derry. Cost is $155 per couple. Visit culinary-playground.com. • SPRING CUPCAKE CLASS Top 12 vanilla or chocolate cupcakes learning how to make various spring flowers with butter cream frosting. Sat., April 22, 6 to 8 p.m. 528 Meadow Pond Road,

Gilmanton. $45. Visit ooolalacreativecakes.com. • HANDS-ON BAKING CROISSANTS Learn tips and tricks for baking buttery rich croissants at home. Sat., April 22, Sun., April 23, and Thurs., April 27, 6 to 8 p.m. Dancing Lion Chocolate, 917 Elm St., Manchester. Cost is $65 per person. Call 625-4043 or visit dancinglion.us.


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LaBelle Winery is teaming up with 603 Brewery of Londonderry for a craft wine and beer dinner to be held at the winery (345 Route 101, Amherst, 672-9898, labellewinerynh. com) on Friday, April 28, from 6 to 9 p.m. The dinner will feature four courses, each cooked or paired with a LaBelle wine and a 603 beer. It starts with fresh turbot (mild white fish) ceviche cured in 603 Ice Out Blonde Ale with pickled shallot and radicchio, paired with LaBelle’s Dry Riesling; followed by a salad with bibb lettuce, mixed greens, citrus segments, red onion and a 603 White Peak IPA vinaigrette, paired with LaBelle’s Seyval Blanc. The third course is pork tenderloin brined in 603 18 Mile Rye Pale Ale, spaetzle and braised red cabbage, paired with LaBelle’s Red Alchemy. For the final course, it’s a 603 Granite Stout chocolate torte with candied almonds and LaBelle’s Red Raspberry wine sauce, paired with an espresso martini prepared with LaBelle’s Chambourcin wine. Winemaker Amy LaBelle and 603 Brewery’s Brewmaster Matt Neff will share their thoughts on the pairings for each course. Guests will also receive a 603 Brewery tour voucher and a Pilsner glass. The cost is $95 per person, and space is limited. To register, visit labellewineryevents.com. • VEGAN CUISINE: A PLANT-BASED WORKSHOP In this workshop, learn about the produce that is available in early spring and how to prepare balanced plant-based meals Sat., April 22, 3 to 6 p.m. Ohana Yoga, 44 Cedar St., Hopkinton. $45. Visit ohanayoganh. com/classes-workshops-events. • HEARTH-COOKING WORKSHOPS Two-hour, hands-on workshops teach participants open-heart cooking skills as they make and enjoy a traditional menu, served on redware pottery in the house dining room Sat., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nov. 5, Jan. 14, Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 25, March 11, March 25, April 8 and April 22. Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth. $65. Advance registration required. Visit strawberybanke.org. • MOTHER’S DAY CAKE CLASS Surprise Mom with a cake or bring her along and make a cake together. Start with a 6” vanilla or chocolate cake creating butter cream piped stems and various butter cream flowers. Sun., May 7, 6 to 8 p.m. 528 Meadow Pond Road, Gilmanton. $45 per person or $75 per pair. Visit ooolalacreativecakes.com. • COOKING WITH THE COURVILLE CHEFS Interactive cooking class taught by award winning chefs, Chef Rejean Sheehy and Dennis Hickey. Mon., April 10, and May 8, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sessions cover different material. Nashua Senior Activity Center, 70 Temple St. , Nashua. This seminar is free for members and $10 for non-members. Registration is required. Call 889-6155. • DANDELION DELIGHTS Learn how to make dandelion

wine, soda, salad, tea, a coffee alternative, and fritters. Look in depth at the medicinal properties of this common weed. Thurs., May 11, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Beaver Brook Association, 117 Ridge Road, Hollis. $20. Visit beaverbrook.org. • MOTHER’S DAY CAKE CLASS Surprise Mom with a cake or bring her along and make a cake together. Start with a 6” vanilla cake learning the umbre technique with butter cream in pink or blue with white roses. Sat., May 13, 6 to 8 p.m. Jump N Joy , 477 Province Road, # 3, Laconia. $45 per person or $75 per pair. Call 527-8020 or visit ooolalacreativecakes.com. • GLOBAL COOKING WITH LOCAL INGREDIENTS Classes include hands-on cooking instruction, monogrammed apron, take-home recipes and a three-course dinner party with wine pairings. Mon., 5:30 p.m., Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb. 6, March 6, April 10, June 12, July 10, Aug. 7 and Sept. 11; and Sun., May 14, 3 p.m. Colby Hill Inn , 33 The Oaks St., Henniker. $115 for first class, $95 for additional classes. Registration is required. Call 428-3281 or visit colbyhillinn.com/cooking-classes.htm. • FAVORITES FROM COLOMBIAN/LATINO CUISINE Part of the Winemaker’s Kitchen Cooking Class Series. Learn to prepare a meal with dishes paired or prepared with LaBelle wines. The menu includes empanadas with aji (paired with Granite State Red), mini Cuban sandwiches (with riseling) with fried plantains, savory with aji, and beans and rice. Wed., May 17, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst. $25. Call 672-9898 or visit labellewineryevents.com.

• KNIFE SKILLS CLASS Part of the Winemaker’s Kitchen Cooking Class Series. Learn the proper knife techniques and how to properly use a knife when preparing vegetables. Wed., June 14, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst. $25. Call 672-9898 or visit labellewineryevents.com. • HANDS-ON TRUFFLE CLASS Learn the art of truffle making from chocolatier Jack Michael Pisciotta and leave with take-home supplies. Every third Sat., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Van Otis Chocolates, 341 Elm St., Manchester. $95. Reservations are required. Call 627-1611 or visit vanotischocolates.com. Fairs/festivals/expos • TOAST TO THE COAST Sample a variety of local wines, beers and spirits, and food from the seacoast’s best restaurants. Thurs., May 11, 5:30 to 9 p.m. Ashworth by the Sea, 295 Ocean Blvd., Hampton. $40 in advance, $50 at the door. Visit hamptonchamber.com. Kids cooking classes • MOMMY/DADDY & ME CUPCAKE DECORATING CLASS Interactive parent-child class teaches how to frost and decorate vanilla cupcakes with colored buttercreams, sprinkles and fondant decorations. Tues., April 25, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Jump N Joy , 477 Province Road, Laconia. $25 per pair. Call 527-8020. • MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS FROM THE KITCHEN Kids will make a sweet treat and pampering product for their mothers. Open to age 8 and up. Fri., May 12, 6 to 7:30 p.m. The Culinary Playground, 16 Manning Street, Suite 105, Derry. $32. Visit culinary-playground.com.


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 49



• Kelley Ryan, Telescope


PLAYLIST A seriously abridged compendium of recent and future CD releases

MUSIC, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS, MOVIES, DVDS, TV AND MORE Kelley Ryan, Telescope (Manatee Records)

book or event, e-mail Kel-

This California/Ireland-based indiefolkie has lazed under the mainstream radar for 20 years, along the way contributing soundtrack moments to such TV shows as Felicity, Roswell and — since one takes it where one can get it — the soap Another World. This is her eighth album if you count her (also solo) oeuvre under the name astroPuppees, a project that could get a little grungy on the guitar side, but since then she’s gone onto a more housewifemanna approach, including here at this batch of wispy, caramel-nougat-filled Weepies-like songwriting exercises that are quite good at times, “Pulling for Romeo” in particular. Principally it’s introspective, lazing-by-the pond substances punctuated by stress-free additives like toy-piano, mouth-pops, things of that stripe, whether her guitar is plugged or unplugged. Most everything is kid-safe and major-key-centric, the one notable exception being “The Darkest stars,” a torchy, pining trifle Ryan’s Shawn Colvin-like voice curls itself around to good effect. A– — Eric W. Saeger

ly Sennott at ksennott@

Cinema Cinema, Man Bites Dog (Labelship Records)

A• Cinema Cinema, Man Bites Dog A BOOKS


• The Lost City of the Monkey God B • Book Report Includes listings for lectures, author events, book clubs, writers’ workshops and other literary events. To let us know about your

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• The Fate of the Furious B• The Zookeeper’s Wife B Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or hipposcout.com.

It’s so weird, I was 100-percent sure I’d covered one of this avant-punk duo’s albums before, but after a lot of digging it appears I haven’t. Brooklyn-based cousins Ev Gold (guitar) and Paul Claro (drums) launched this project in 2008, founded on a love for antique SST Records releases and a Greg Ginn connection that eventually led to a 50-date tour opening for Black Flag in 2014. The great thing about this sort of setup — one guy stomping around wailing on an ax and providing plenty of visual cues for the drummer to go by — is the rootsy, organic output, in this instance an ability to change tempo at one glance, but these guys’ past stubborn fourth-grader fascination with that stuff has given way to more rhythmic cohesion. Their penchant for calamitous, theatrical pseudo-industrial noise is still intact (“Bomb Plot”), while filler tunes like “Run Until You’re Out” read like a mixture of Redd Kross and Soundgarden. Tortured, mercurial, perfect stuff. A — Eric W. Saeger

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• Ray Davies of the Kinks was knighted by Queen Elizabeth recently, because instead of real knights being knighted anymore, nowadays she taps her magic wand on the heads of people her keepers used to like to hear on transistor radios at the fish and chip stand. So don’t worry, if Britain is ever invaded by angry Huns, the whole place will be protected by 80-year-old men who are very good at cashing royalty checks and warding off 80-yearold groupie girls and nothing else. His first solo LP since 2008, Americana, due out April 21, features backup help from The Jayhawks, and the first single is “Poetry,” a jangle crunch tune that rates “OK” on an “OK to Awesome” scale. • Former Soft Boy Robyn Hitchcock has decided to be rad and self-title his 22nd album. This is an increasing trend, but it doesn’t bother me that much, so off I go to the YouTube to hear the single “I Want To Tell You About What I Want.” Huh, he’s on Yep Roc Records now, which may still be rad for all I know. Do people still care about this guy? This song sounds like the Monkees trying to be Donovan, a sixties groove wrapped in indie half-baked-ness. • Humorless metal drips Incubus release their new LP, 8, also on April 21. I suppose if I were trapped on a desert island with an Incubus album or a single that had the theme to What’s Happening on both sides, I’d listen to Incubus more. That’s how much I appreciate their artistry. “Nimble Bastard,” the new single, has nice raw guitars, cool clanging drums, no guitar solo and boring vocals. In another dimension, people have realized these guys are basically Creed trying to sound like older Linkin Park and no one cares about them. • This is common knowledge to people who think they’re cool just because they listen to music normal people don’t like, but it’s no longer necessary to use the word “angular” when discussing British band Maxïmo Park, as they made the jump to a more general-isue style of songwriting an album ago and thus no longer deserve their more commonly spelled name, “that band that’s like Gang of Four, I forget their name.” Risk to Exist, their new LP, comes out April 21, and will feature some song that doesn’t sound like the Kinks, if these baiting metrosexuals actually have changed, like I care. OK, big whoop, the title track has a chorus that Elvis Costello could have written while undergoing a lobotomy — that’s supposed to mean they’ve become actual songwriters? Oh look, they’re wearing suits and ties, gag me. — Eric W. Saeger

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Driven by voice

Ludwig on his debut novel, Ginny Moon

Barrington writer Benjamin Ludwig found the voice of his character Ginny Moon while attending his then-teenage daughter’s Special Olympics games, years ago — though the way he describes it, her voice found him. “The voice came to me and demanded that I express it, that I write it from that very distinct perspective,” Ludwig said via phone, a couple weeks before the release of his first novel, Ginny Moon, which he celebrates with a May 1 launch party at Water Street Bookstore. “I couldn’t keep her voice quiet! She kept talking, so I kept typing.” The book, released officially May 2 by Park Row Books, is about a teenage girl with autism named Ginny Moon. For the most part, Ginny’s a typical teenager, playing the flute in the high school band, reading Robert Frost poetry in English class. But she also holds an obsession to reconnect with her abusive and drug-addicted birth mother, Gloria, despite the fact she’s finally found foster parents who care about her. Some of the book’s inspiration stems from Ludwig’s personal and professional experiences. He and his wife adopted their daughter, who has autism and is now 21, in 2009, at which time they became part of a large Seacoast community of families with kids who have special needs through Special Olympics sporting events. Ludwig also worked in the public school system for years, his most recent job being as a teacher-mentor at Dover Middle School. “I noticed very early through my own experience teaching … [that] children with special needs use language in a very different way than you and I might use it. We use language to express how we feel, and to think out loud. Very often, children with special needs will only use language to communicate immediate needs. A lot of their world is nonverbal,” he said. “It’s almost like they’re using language as a tool rather than a form of expression.” But Ginny Moon is very different from anyone he’s ever met — particularly his own daughter, who was happy to hear he’d written about a girl with autism but appalled

to learn Ginny was such a rule-breaker. “Our daughter is on the straight and narrow all the time,” Ludwig said, laughing. “Our own experience with our own daughter was nothing like the experience in the book, thank goodness.” Because his protagonist’s voice came so naturally, Ludwig was able to write the entire manuscript in 2014 with little difficulty. It was unlike any writing experience he’d ever had, which is saying something, as he’d written 10 other “bad” novels before this one. He’s been a self-described “writing addict” since the fourth grade. Every day, he wakes at 3:30 a.m. to write before his three kids and wife wake. His book deal happened in 2016 while he was in the midst of earning his Master of Fine Arts at the University of New Hampshire. Ludwig’s position was unique; he’d finished the novel and found an agent before starting the program. His dream is to teach creative writing on the college level. “For me, the MFA is a teaching degree. Anyone in an MFA program will tell you, you don’t need a college degree to have a book published. Most of our greatest writers do not have MFA degrees,” Ludwig said. “But they won’t let you [teach college creative writing] unless you have a book and also the degree to go with it. The degree shows you’ve studied the craft of writing, so I do think it’s beneficial.” Until then, he’s busy promoting Ginny Moon. After the book launch, he steps on a plane for a cross-country book tour. He hopes readers have a good time reading Ginny’s story, but he also hopes the book raises awareness about the need for adoptive parents in the United States. “My wife and I will definitely adopt again at some point,” Ludwig said. “There are kids out there who need homes. And a lot of them are teenagers. It’s something good to think about and reflect on, and maybe even consider.”

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 51


The Lost City of the Monkey God, Douglas Preston. (Grand Central Publishing, 304 pages) A hundred pages into The Lost City of the Monkey God, and anyone who sits at a desk for a living will start questioning her life choices. While corporate America calculates and files and types, there is someone right now earning a paycheck by tramping around a Mesoamerican rain forest, interacting with curious tapirs and taking photos that would ensure virility on social media. Douglas Preston is one of those seemingly enviable people, but don’t worry — by the time you near the end of his new book, you’ll be appreciating your day job again. A novelist who has also written for National Geographic, Smithsonian and other chronicles of natural history, Preston has traveled to exhilarating places, but at a cost he makes clear in The Lost City of the Monkey God. The book is the long version of a short version that’s been told elsewhere, of how in 2015 a team led by a documentary filmmaker was able to accomplish what oth-

Books Author Events • KATHERINE TOWLER Author talks about The Penny Poet of Portsmouth. Thurs., April 20, at 6:30 p.m. RiverRun Bookstore, 142 Fleet St., Portsmouth. Visit riverrunbookstore. com. • ASHLEY DAVIS BUSH Author talks about Little Book of Inner Peace. Thurs., April 20, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. • STEVEN CALLAHAN Author talks about his bestselling book, Adrift, this year’s

ers have tried and failed to do over centuries: uncover the truth about Ciudad Blanca, or the White City, a legendary ruin in a region of Honduras called La Mosquitia. Yeah. Not exactly the name of a place you’d want to go to on your honeymoon. Mosquitoes, however, are but the start of it. The eastern tip of Honduras, inaccessible to anyone not carrying a machete, is a thick jungle that teems with vipers and jaguars, and, as Preston and half his team find out, something else equally deadly, though surprisingly so: sand flies that carry a skin-eating disease. The journey is not for the faint of heart, nor the devoid of technology. Finding the remains of the ancient civilization, known to locals as the “Lost City of the Monkey God,” appeared impossible until the development of lidar, light detection and ranging, a technology that uses lasers to map territory from an aircraft. By using lidar in 2012, Preston’s team was able to do something previous treasure-hunters and archeologists couldn’t: locate with precision areas concealed in a thick forest that appeared to

selection for the city-wide literary event, Concord Reads. Thurs., April 20, at 7 p.m. Red River Theatres, 11 S. Main St., Concord. Free. Visit concordpubliclibrary.net. • CHRIS VAN DUSEN Author/ illustrator visits library, talks about books. Thurs., April 20, at 6 p.m. Nesmith Library, 8 Fellows Road, Windham. Call 4727154 or visit nesmithlibrary. com. • ALISON HAWTHORNE DEMING Author reads from Stairway to Heaven. Fri., April 21, at 6:30 p.m. RiverRun Book-

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store, 142 Fleet St., Portsmouth. Visit alisonhawthornedeming. com. • BRIANNA DIAZ Author talks about The Stranger Maiden. Sat., April 22, at 12:15 p.m. Pelham Public Library, 24 Village Green, Pelham. • MICHELE MCPHEE Author talks about Maximum Harm: The Tsarnaev Brothers, the FBI and the Road to the Marathon Bombing. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. Sat., April 22, at 6 p.m. • MATT PATTERSON Local natural history artist talks about

have once been inhabited by humans. This is something that New Englander Theodore Morde could have used when he tried to find the White City in 1940. Morde, a flashy journalist from New Bedford, Massachusetts, made worldwide headlines after he returned from a four-month expedition to Honduras and announced that he had found the lost city in an area rich with gold, silver and platinum deposits. Fourteen years later he killed himself, having never returned to the site or revealed its location. The journey fueled popular interest in the legend, making it somewhat of a holy grail for archeologists. Preston solved this anterior mystery last year when he obtained copies of Morde’s journals and discovered that the whole thing had been a hoax. How he came to learn this — and what Morde was actually doing in Honduras — is one of the interesting sub-plots of the story, as is the role a Boston fruit company founded in 1885 played in the complicated history of Honduras. (It’s also connected to the origin of the phrase “banana republic.”) Preston’s account of how Americans came to be enthralled with an ancient city whose existence was still very much in doubt is engrossing, but slows to dullness on occasion with the intricacies of Honduras political history. The dialogue he offers — while no doubt authentic, given the gen-

and signs his illustrations for newly-published book, The Snake and the Salamander: Reptiles and Amphibians from Maine to Virginia. Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Depot Square Peterborough. Sat., April 22, at 11 a.m. • DEBORAH BROWN Poet talks about new collection, “Walking the Dog’s Shadow.” Sun., April 23, at 2 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Visit mainstreetbookends.com. • DAVID WIESNER Author talks about Fish Girl. Sun.,

erous dosing of expletives — feels stilted at times, even cringeworthy, as when someone tells Preston not to reveal something they said, and he not only includes it, but includes their requests not to print it. For all the celebration over the team’s findings, some people will wonder why so much money and time was spent (and lives nearly lost) to find some crude statuary and moss-encrusted broken pots. It’s clearly a win for Honduras, which has gained an unknown chapter of its history and new lure for tourists, thanks to a cadre of intrepid Americans. Archeology as a profession benefits as well. For most of us, however, the lone benefit is this story, which catapults the reader into an almost unfathomable past and a present that is equally hard to conceive. Like hacking one’s way through the world’s deepest jungle, reading this book requires some mental effort to keep up if you’re not a student of Central America or archeology. But it is a worthy antidote to the silly survival reality shows, the Naked and Afraids, in which beautiful people endure temporary hardships so they can be famous. Getting to what’s now called La Ciudad del Jaguar — the City of the Jaguar — required not only clothes but snake gaiters, and the stories Preston tells are not salacious, but important. B — Jennifer Graham

April 23, at 1 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit davidwiesner.com. • ALICE FOGEL NH Poet Laureate talks about A Doubtful House. Sun., April 23, at 2 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Visit mainstreetbookends.com. • CHUCK COLLINS Writer talks about Born on Third Base. Mon., April 24, at 6:30 p.m. RiverRun Bookstore, 142 Fleet St., Portsmouth. Visit riverrunbookstore.com. • ERICA ARMSTRONG DUNBAR Author talks about

Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge. Fri., April 28, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. • TOM RYAN Author talks about Will’s Red Coat: The Story of One Old Dog Who Chose to Live Again. Wed., April 26, at 6 p.m., at Innisfree Books, 312 DW Highway, Meredith; Thurs., April 27, at 7 p.m., at Morgan Hill Bookstore, 64 Village Road, Wilmot; Fri., April 28, at 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord; Mon., May 8, at


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6:30 p.m., at Toadstool Bookshop, 614 Nashua St., Milford; Tues., May 9, at 7 p.m., Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. • BENJAMIN LUDWIG Author talks about Ginny Moon. Mon., May 1, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. • DIANE REHM Author/NPR host talks about On My Own. Thurs., May 2, at 7 p.m. The Music Hall, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth. $26. Includes autographed copy of book. Visit themusichall.org. Call 436-2400. • ANITA SHREVE BOOK SIGNING Loft event is sold out, book-buyers can come meet-and-

greet at a book signing. Wed., May 3, at 8 p.m. The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. $27, including book. Call 436-2400, visit themusichall.org. • JIM ARNOSKY Children’s author talks about books like Frozen Wild and Wild Tracks! Thurs., May 4, at 3 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Visit mainstreetbookends.com. • JONI B. COLE Author presents book, Good Naked, plus writing free prompt afterward. Sat., May 6, at 2 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore. com.

Book sale • WEEKLY BOOK SALE Starting May 6. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hotchkiss Commons Reunion Grange Hall, 81 Main St., Union. Proceeds go to outreach programs of the church. Call 473-2727. Lectures & discussions • WORLD WAR I TALKS Presentations at Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. “At Sea During the Great War: Derry’s Sailors in WWI” Wed., April 26, at 6:30 p.m.; “Serving Under the Maple Leaf” Wed., June 21, at 6:30 p.m. Visit derrypl.org. •WELCOME TO BOLLYWOOD Lights, camera, passion! Presentation by Hippo Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny. Wed., May 24, at 6:30 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Free.

Hipposcout Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at hipposcout.com

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• Triple Caldecott winner: David Wiesner, who has won the Caldecott Medal three times, visits Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord, Sunday, April 23, at 1 p.m., to talk about his latest work, Fish Girl, which features art by Wiesner and text by author Donna Jo Napoli. The graphic novel is aimed at middle grade readers and is a coming-of-age tale about a mermaid. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com or call 224-0562. • Library expansions: The Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua, has been in construction mode for about a year, and this week, the newly renovated Chandler Memorial Wing finally opens with an open house Monday, April 24, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and Tuesday, April 25, from 10 to 11 a.m. There will be light refreshments and tours of the new meeting rooms for community group use, small rooms for quiet study and one-on-one meetings and of the performance space, which is ready for the return of the Bach’s Lunch concerts, according to the Facebook page. Visit nashualibrary.org. The Chichester Town Library, 161 Main St., Chichester, also saw recent renovations with the help of a donation from the estate of Shirley Waters. The library added a new wheelchair lift, storage space and a new reading room, according to a story in the Concord Monitor. The new free space in the main room also allows for an expanded children’s section. The addition was designed to blend with the existing structure, which is on the New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places. Call 798-5613 or visit chichesternh.org for more on the library. And finally, the Baker Free Library, 509 South St., Bow, finished its final phase of overhauling its lower level and transforming it into a series of meeting rooms last month. The rooms are of various sizes, some small enough for tutoring sessions, some large enough to fit up to 90 individuals. The goal was to create a space for community members to meet or just hang out; there’s even a coffee maker to help create that casual cafe style. — Kelly Sennott

Meet the Authors!


Book Report

• DERRY AUTHOR FEST Writing workshops, panels, networking opportunities for aspiring authors, presented by local writers. Sat., May 6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Visit derryauthorfest.wordpress.com. • MATTHEW REID Author presents new picture book, Reid. Sat., May 13, at 11 a.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. • J COURTNEY SULLIVAN Author talks about Saints for All Occasions. Tues., May 16, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. • TOMMY CALDWELL Author talks about his new book, The Push. Fri., May 19, at 7 p.m. The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. $41, includes reserved seat, book, bar beverage, author presentation, Q&A. Visit themusichall.org. • VIRGINIA MACGREGOR Launch party for new YA book, Wishbones. Tues., May 23, at 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com. Call 2240562. • JENNIFER MILLER FIELD Author talks about From Blue Ribbon to Code Blue: A Girl’s Courage, Her Mother’s Love, A Miracle Recovery. Wed., May 24, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Free.

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 53


The Fate of the Furious (PG-13)

Vin Diesel’s Dom turns against his longtime friends, even his wife, Michelle Rodriguez’s Letty, in The Fate of the Furious, the eighth Fast and Furious movie.

Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon in Cuba when he first meets a woman we later learn is Cipher (Charlize Theron), international hacker terrorist troublemaker whatever I’ve already stopped caring what her deal is. In short, Cipher is the bad guy. Later, Dom and his team — Letty, Roman (Tyrese Gibson), Tej Parker (Chris “Ludacris” Bridges), Ramsey (Nathalie Emmanuel) — agree to do a job for governmental agent bad-ass Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson). It’s an off-the-books thing to steal an electromagnetic pulse weapon. The team is successful but then Dom double-crosses Hobbs and takes off with the weapon. Hobbs winds up in jail with Deckard (Jason Statham), a criminal from previous movies who has a brother named Owen (Luke Evans), who was also in some of the previous movies. Hobbs and Deckard, who, hilariously, have cells across from each other (is that how prison works?) basically spend their time trading threats until their breakout is arranged by Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell)


The Fate of the Furious

and his associate, whom they mostly call Little Nobody (Scott Eastwood), which I find kind of silly and endearing. Both Nobodies work for another shadowy government organization that brings together Hobbs, Deckard and Dom’s team to find Dom and Cipher. (Side note: By the end of the movie, it appears that Eastwood is auditioning for the “blond lawman” slot left open after the real-world death of actor Paul Walker. Brian, Walker’s character, stays retired in the franchise’s plot

along with Jordana Brewster’s Mia, Brian’s wife and Dom’s sister, though the movie does give them a few shoutouts.) Why is Dom working for a bad guy? Because she has something on him. Something explosive involving a character from a previous movie. Something I never could have guessed. Mostly because I totally forgot about that character’s existence and, when I remembered, first thought the person was a different character, who I actually think might have died a

Corp. looking to sabotage the product launch of Puppy Co., a competitor in the love market ― fits together nicely with the real feelings that accompany the way a family changes when a new baby arrives. The adventure is funny, Baldwin is well used and the visuals do a good job of fitting the boy’s perspective. B

Going in Style (PG-13) Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine. This comedy about three seniors who decide to rob the bank they feel has robbed them isn’t as sharp in its humor, its commentary or its heist planning as it would need to be to make the material work. All three leads feel like they’re slumming it. C-

Beauty and the Beast (PG) Emma Watson, Dan Stevens. A fairly faithful reproduction of the 1991 animated movie, this live-action version of the “tale as old as Out now: time” is much lighter on the *The Boss Baby (PG) charm and needlessly heaviVoices of Alec Baldwin, er on darkness. Though the Tobey Maguire. visual grace and humor of Those missing 30 Rock’s come-to-life teapots and canJack Donaghy can find him dlesticks are dialed down in the voice of a suit-wearfrom the Disney original, the ing, promotion-seeking baby CGIed inanimate objects are in this sweet movie about an the most fun, most emotionimaginative boy upset and ally resonant elements of this scared by the upheaval in his movie. The romance between family since the arrival of his Belle and somewhat-digibaby brother. The boy’s fable tal-probably Beast and the ― that this “baby” is actuhuman actors in general are ally an executive from Baby not so great. B-

Smurfs: The Lost Village (PG) Voices of Demi Lovato, Rainn Wilson. Smurfette and friends set out to find a heretofore unknown village of Smurfs in this fully animated movie that is much, much better than the previous animated-and-live-action blends. The story won’t stick with you long but it won’t hurt to sit through. B-

that I think is supposed to show us a skeptic’s journey to belief but plays more like a Lifetime movie about one controlling husband’s mental breakdown. Somewhere late in the film, somebody says that both belief and nonbelief require a leap of faith. This, more of this kind of musing about the nature of faith, would have made for an interesting story about a non-religious person contemplating a spouse’s spiritual awakening. The worst sin, says this newspaper editor: The reporter appears to miss deadlines and completely mess up the reporting of a crime story. Considering how Old Testament old-school newspaper editors were, the real miracle of this movie is that the reporter somehow keeps his job. D+

The Case for Christ (PG) Mike Vogel, Erika Christensen. A smug reporter turns his wife’s newfound interest in religion into, like, a personal threat in this shaky film

Kong: Skull Island (R) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson. And also Brie Larson, John Goodman, John C. Reilly, Corey Hawkins and Jing Tian. “More monsters, less

* Indicates movies worth seeing. Find reviews of many of the films listed here at hippopress.com. Coming soon Opening Friday, April 21: Unforgettable (R) A crazy ex-wife (Katherine Heigl) faces off against her exhusband’s new girlfriend (Rosario Dawson), who should, as the trailers show it, probably just get out; The Promise (PG-13) Christian Bale and Oscar Isaac star in this movie about the Armenian genocide.

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 54

few movies ago. “I don’t think that’s how fire works.” “I don’t think that’s how gravity works.” “I don’t think a car can do that.” “What did he just say? I don’t think that collection of words actually constitutes a meaningful sentence.” These are statements that apply not only to The Fate of the Furious but to pretty much all of the Fast and Furious movies. Not that it matters. Realistic portrayals of physics and language usage are not the point of these movies. Awesomeness is the point. Unadulterated vroom vroom silly, entertaining awesomeness. Here, with a few mild spoilers, is what this movie has going for it: • A car race involving a car that is racing backward and on fire. • A car chase involving a submarine. • A car chase involving a wrecking ball. • A car chase that might make you question the benefits of self-driving cars. • Dwayne Johnson coaching a little girls’ soccer team that starts its game with a Pacific Islander warrior dance. • Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham talking smack to each other. • Jason Statham conducting a fight scene that weaves together killing a bunch of henchmen, being adorable and what sounds like Chipmunks music. • Helen Mirren.

humans and their emotional baggage” was my feeling about 2014’s Godzilla and is my feeling about this sameuniverse King Kong revival. B*Get Out Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams. From the mind of writerdirector Jordan Peele (of Key & Peele fame) comes this terrifying movie where the suburbs/exurbs are creepy and the monster is racism! When a man goes to the country for a weekend to meet his girlfriend’s parents, the fact that her white family doesn’t know he’s black is the very least of his troubles. This is an exceptionally well-constructed horror movie where the tension and menace come from one kind of racism until you realize that something stranger and different but just as dehumanizing is going on. Smart on so many levels, Get Out is also funny (thanks in part to supporting actor Lil Rel Howery) and legitimately scary. A

Ghost in the Shell (PG-13) Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk. This shiny, boring adaptation of a popular manga/anime universe has Johansson wearing out whatever interest I had left in seeing her as an action star. The movie does nothing interesting with its setup (that ScarJo is a human brain in fully synthetic body) and seems to lean on blah special effects and whatever pre-existing feelings people have about the source material. C*Logan (R) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. The last (probably) hurrah for Jackman’s Wolverine finds him a broken man helping to care for an even more broken Charles Xavier in a world where mutants are dying out. When a young girl with familiar abilities shows up, Logan must reluctantly take on the role of her protector. Excellent performances all around make this gritty (but still not grim) movie one of the better entries in the X-Men universe. B

Jessica Chastain is The Zookeeper’s Wife, in a movie based on the true story of the couple who helped hundreds of Jews escape the Nazis in World War II-era Warsaw. The movie opens a few months before war begins so we can see Antonina Zabinski (Chastain) at her happiest — tending to the elephants, camels, monkeys, big cats and other animals at the Warsaw, Poland, zoo where she and her husband, Jan (Johan Heldenbergh), live and work with their young son, Ryszard (Timothy Radford as a young boy, Val Maloku as an older one). We also see her catch the eye of Lutz Heck (Daniel Brühl), the director of the Berlin zoo who is obviously going to turn into a creepy bully later, but I think at first meeting we’re supposed to see him as just another scientist who understands what a whiz Antonina is with animals. And then, war. Many of Antonina’s beloved animals are killed during the initial bombardment and the chaos caused by cages’ being blown open. When the Germans arrive, Heck comes with them, gently explaining to Antonina that her surviving animals will be killed, by order of the government. But he can save some of them by taking them to his zoo. Antonina seems to choose to think (or maybe just hope) Heck is genuinely trying to help his fellow zoo-



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The Zookeeper’s Wife (PG-13)

keepers and friends. Jan points out that, as Hitler’s top zoologist, Heck can basically take whatever he wants and that the promise to return animals “after the war” is unlikely. Eventually, though, Antonina learns the score. It is Heck himself who makes good on the “government wants to kill your animals” threat and, when the Zabinskis tell him they want to use the zoo to farm pigs in order to keep it going, he declares that he will also use the facility for his pet project to breed back into existence an extinct animal or some kind of Nazi craziness. This also allows him to continue creeping around Antonina, which she basically has to put up with in order to keep him from killing her family just because he can and also to keep him from looking around at what else might be happening at the zoo. Moved first by the plight of Jewish friends and then by what is happening generally in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Zabinskis decide to use the zoo as a place to hide people, either temporarily until another hiding place can be found or for the duration of the war. The pig farming serves as cover to allow Jan to take a large truck into the ghetto to gather trash to serve as food for the pigs. As he leaves the ghetto, his trash cans are full — with a layer of food waste covering hidden people. There is something very soft-focus about the way this movie gives us the horror of war, generally, and the horrors of this particular war. But it still has moments that deliver a gut punch: very young children getting on cattle cars headed for what we know (and what Jan, who witnesses it, guesses) will very likely be their deaths. Desperate women dying their hair blonde so that when they leave the zoo they can pass for Christian. Scenes of Heck and his “flirtation” with Antonina. Sure, sometimes it feels like the whole movie is leaning on Chastain in period dress but then you get a quick glimpse of, say, people in the ghetto fighting over food and the movie’s earnestness feels more earned. And that’s kind of the whole movie — an interesting story, told with gentleness but not afraid of letting the horror through, more tell-y than show-y but overall basically admirable. No performance sticks out, for good or for ill. Nothing about the way the story is told or the script is either so bad or so great that it takes your attention away from the material itself. The Zookeeper’s Wife feels like an earnest but worthy exploration of a fascinating story from one of the darkest times in modern history. B Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, disturbing images, violence, brief sexuality, nudity and smoking. Directed by Niki Caro and with a screenplay by Angela Workman (based on the book by Diane Ackerman), The Zookeeper’s Wife is two hours and seven minutes long and distributed by Focus Features.


Does all of this make sense? No. Again, does it matter? No. Because, is The Fate of the Furious fun? Yes. At two hours and 16 minutes, this movie should be shorter, I’d say at least 30 minutes shorter. I get that Charlize Theron can do campy villain but she needs to either turn the silliness down a notch or two or turn it way up so she is at Ravenna the evil queen from those Huntsman movies volume from the start. There’s a lot of talk about family and “that’s not Dom” and Cipher’s motives which, gah, I do not care about Cipher’s motives — all of that could easily go. In fact, any conversation that isn’t at least 70 percent characters making fun of each other is probably not a conversation this movie needs. But plenty of conversations are mostly good-natured insults. And plenty of scenes are more action than talking. These movies know what they are and by this point are pretty good at delivering exactly the fuel-injected entertainment you’re looking for. BRated PG-13 for prolonged sequences of violence and destruction, action and mayhem, suggestive content and language. Directed by F. Gary Gray with a screenplay by Chris Morgan, The Fate of the Furious is distributed by Universal Pictures and is two hours and 16 minutes long.


HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 55


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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 56



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RED RIVER THEATRES 11 S. Main St., Concord, 2244600, redrivertheatres.org • Paterson (R, 2016) Thurs., April 20, at 2:05 p.m. • Donald Cried (NR, 2017) Thurs., April 20, at 2 p.m. • The Zookeeper’s Wife (PG-13, 2017) Thurs., April 20, at 2, 5:25 & 8 p.m.; Fri., April 21, at 1 & 3:30 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 1, 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 3:30 & 6 p.m.; Mon., April 24, at 2:05, 5:25 & 8 p.m.; Tues., April 25, at 2:05 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 2:05, 5:25 & 8 p.m.; Thurs., April 27, at 2:05 p.m. • God Knows Where I Am (NR, 2017) Fri., April 21, at 1:10, 3:15 & 7 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 1:10, 3:15, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 1:10, 3:15 & 5:30 p.m.; Mon., April 24, at 2:10, 5:30 & 7:35 p.m.; Tues., April 25, at 2:10, 5:30 & 7:35 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 2:10, 5:30 & 7:35 p.m.; Thurs., April 27, at 2:10 & 7 p.m. • The Lost City of Z (PG-13, 2017) Fri., April 21, at 2, 5 & 8 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 2, 5 & 8 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 2 & 5 p.m.; Mon., April 24, at 2, 5:20 & 8:05 p.m.; Tues., April 25, at 2, 5:20 & 8:05 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 2, 5:20 & 8:05 p.m.; Thurs., April 27, at 2, 5:20 & 8:05 p.m. • I, Claude Monet (NR, 2017) Sun., April 23, at 1 p.m. • Shadows Fall North (documentary, 2016) Wed., May 3, at 6 p.m.

CAPITOL CENTER FOR THE ARTS 44 S. Main St., Concord, 2251111, ccanh.com • Eugene Onegin (Met in HD) Sat., April 22, at 12:55 p.m. • Twelfth Night (National Theatre Love, London, in HD) Tues., April 25, at 6 p.m. • A Hero of Our Time (Bolshoi Ballet in HD) Wed., April 26, at 6 p.m.

WILTON TOWN HALL 40 Main St., Wilton, 654-3456, wiltontownhalltheatre.com • The Last Word (R, 2017) Thurs., April 20, at 7:30 p.m. • Frantz (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., April 20, through Thurs., April 27, at 7:30 p.m. Additional screenings Sun., April 23, at 2 & 4:30 p.m. • The Zookeeper’s Wife (PG13, 2017) Fri., April 21, through Thurs., April 27, at 7:30 p.m. Additional screening Sun., April 23, at 2 p.m. • The Goonies (PG, 1985) Sat., April 22, at 4:30 p.m. • Beyond Measure (documentary, 2014) Sun., April 23, at 4:30 p.m.

PETERBOROUGH COMMUNITY THEATRE 6 School St., Peterborough, pctmovies.com • Kong: Skull Island (PG-13, 2017) April 13, Wed., Sat., Sun. at 2:30 & 7 p.m.;, Thurs. & Fri. at 7 p.m. • The Boss Baby (PG, 2017) Fri., April 21, at 7 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 2:30 & 7 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 2:30 & 7 p.m.; Thurs., April 27, at 2:30 & 7 p.m. • Moniff Best of Fest Sun., April 23, 2-6 p.m., watch audience-award winning films for Best Documentary Short, Best Narrative Short, Best Documentary Feature, plus What Tomorrow Brings

MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY 405 Pine St., Manchester, 6246550, manchester.lib.nh.us; some films at the West Branch, 76 Main St., Manchester, 6246560 • Rogue One (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., April 20, at 3 p.m. • Finding Dory (PG, 2016) Wed., April 26, at 1 p.m. NASHUA PUBLIC LIBRARY NPL Theater, 2 Court St., Nashua, 589-4611, nashualibrary.org • Sing (PG, 2016) Sat., April 22, at 2 p.m. • Jackie (R, 2016) Tues., April 25, at 7 p.m. • Moana (PG, 2016) Sat., April 29, at 2 p.m. PETERBOROUGH PLAYERS THEATER 55 Hadley Road, Peterborough, 924-9344, peterboroughplayers. org • Eugene Onegin (Met in HD) Sat., April 22, at 12:55 p.m.

• Hidden in Plain Sight Tues., April 25, at 7 p.m., followed by post-screening discussion about film, which discusses homelessness in Keene ANTRIM GRANGE #98 253 Clinton Road, Antrim • Sherlock Jr. (1924) & The Cameraman (1928) Fri., April 28, at 7 p.m., silent films with musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis THE MUSIC HALL 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, 436-2400, themusichall.org, Some films are screened at Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth • Hidden Figures (PG, 2016) Thurs., April 20, at 7 p.m. • After the Storm (2016, subtitled) Fri., April 21, at 7 p.m.; Sat., April 22, at 7 p.m.; Tues., April 25, at 7 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 7 p.m.; Thurs., April 27, at 7 p.m. • Eugene Onegin (Met at The Music Hall) Sat., April 22, at 1 p.m. • Paterson (R, 2016) Sat., April 22, at 7 p.m.; Sun., April 23, at 4 p.m.; Tues., April 25, at 7 p.m.; Wed., April 26, at 7 p.m. • Forgotten Farms (documentary, 2016) Thurs., April 27, at 7 p.m. • A United Kingdom (PG-13, 2016) Fri., April 28, at 7 p.m.; Wed., May 3, at 7 p.m.; Thurs., May 4, at 7 p.m. THE FLYING MONKEY 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, 5362551, flyingmonkeynh.com • Hidden Figures (2016) Thurs., April 20, Fri., April 21, Sun., April 23, at 6:30 p.m. • La La Land (PG-13, 2016) Tues., May 2, Wed., May 3, Sat., May 6, Sun., May 7, at 6:30 p.m.

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 57

NITE Heavy sound Local music news & events

By Michael Witthaus


• Odd couple: Two bands with decidedly different approaches join forces as Squirrel Nut Zippers and Ozomatli perform in Concord, part of a short tour. The Zippers led a swing revival in the late 1990s with their hit single “Hell.” Ozomatli exemplifies all that’s eclectic about their hometown of Los Angeles, mixing genres from Latino to jazz to hip-hop into a unique sound. Go Thursday, April 20, 9 p.m., Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St., Concord. Tickets are $45$145 at ccanh.com. • Heading out: In advance of a spring tour, Hunter plays a hometown show with support from Granite State Rhythm. A follow-up to their infectious debut album is in the works. Songs like “Anchor,” “First Waltz” and “Beach Party” have a decidedly retro feel, as front woman Hunter Stamas mines her ’60s-’70s muse. Go Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m., Lafayette Athletic Club, 34 High St, Nashua. See bit.ly/2p8In6l for more. • Earthy music: Honor the planet with music as Hank Osborne & Charles Mitchell, Reverend Todd Seely, Don Bartenstein and Andre Dumont perform at an Earth Day concert. Activities for all ages and plenty of craft brews are promised, along with a terrific local showcase of talent. Celebrate spring and do your part to sustain live music at this all-ages, all-day show on Saturday, April 22, 3 p.m., Area 23, Smokestack Center, 254 N. State St., Concord. See bit.ly/2oO6upF. • Getting better: A fundraiser for SOS Recovery Community Organization dubbed Recovery 2.0 features The Freestones, Kingdom, Tristan Omand, MB Padfield, Redgonewhite and Freight Train. The effort helps reduce the stigma associated with addictive disorders and provides a safe space and peer support for those struggling through all stages of recovery. Go Sunday, April 23, 1 p.m., Strand Ballroom, 20 Third St., Dover. Tickets are $15-$20 at bit.ly/2oNQiVB. • Local laughs: A Best of New Hampshire comedy showcase welcomes Nick Lavallee, Jay Chanoine and rising star Drew Dunn. It’s part of a weekly series that’s mostly free, though there are three upcoming ticketed events: Sam Morris on May 10, Alingon Mitra on May 31 and Shane Mauss’s “A Good Trip” on June 7. Even those are a bargain next to prices at the Boston clubs where these comics often appear. Go Wednesday, April 26, 9 p.m., Shaskeen Pub, 909 Elm St. Manchester. See bit.ly/2p8DVnU. Want more ideas for a fun night out? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at hipposcout.com. HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 58

Cello and drums duo Lung returns to Shaskeen By Michael Witthaus


It’ll be an evening of duos and the live debut of a promising local band at Manchester’s Shaskeen Pub on April 21, a Friday night show starring When Particles Collide, a guitar-and-drums pop rock effort that’s also a love story — its members Sasha Alcott and Chris Viner married three years after the band formed. Opening is Donaher, a Manchester quartet that recently released its first single, “Heather,” a buoyant confection with a Fountains of Wayne and Weezer vibe; it’s part of a forthcoming album produced by Gary Cioffi. The group is led by comic and erstwhile rocker Nick Lavallee and troubadour Tristan Omand. Featuring on the three-act bill is Lung, the Cincinnati-based team of cellist Kate Wakefield and drummer Daisy Caplan. Electric Light Orchestra long ago validated the cello as a rock and roll instrument, but Lung takes it to an even heavier place on its first album, Bottom of the Barrel. Songs like the edgy title track and the pulsing “Hypochondriac” offer an earthquake’s worth of low end, with a Europop sheen. In a recent interview, Wakefield recalled that her instrument choice was born from curiosity and necessity. “I can’t really play guitar and I like rock music,” she said. “I started writing music for cello and voice and started wonderWhen Particles Collide, Lung and Donaher Where: Shaskeen Pub, 909 Elm St., Manchester When: Friday, April 21, 9 p.m. More: bit.ly/2pa1Vqt

Nite Life Music, Comedy & Parties • 7ODDSEVEN at Hatbox Theatre (270 Loudon Road, Concord 7152315) on Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. $16.50 - 7oddSeven is a daring musical ensemble that draws inspiration from world music, jazz, and rock, while navigating group improvisation. • BALLROOM THIEVES W/ DAN BLAKESLEE at 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth 3sarts. org) on Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. $16 - Owing to the success of their harmony-rich 2015 debut, A Wolf in the Doorway, guitarist Martin Earley, cellist Calin Peters, and drummer Devin Mauch have spent the last two

Lung. Photo by Khriscinda Granaas.

ing what it would sound like if I used an electric one and plugged it into distortion pedals and a bass amp. ... I think cello is definitely a rockin’ instrument, and of course, there are rock and roll cello groups like Rasputina.” Lung formed when the two were between projects, Wakefield’s solo work on hold and Caplan done with Babe Rage, an industrial progressive band he formed when the highly successful glam rock group Foxy Shazam went on hiatus. Both were enduring a particularly trying winter when they met to write together. “I guess that brings good music collaborations,” Caplan said. They released Bottom of the Barrel last fall; a tour in support of the record included an initial show at the Shaskeen. “That was mostly because they would have us,” Caplan said with a laugh. “And because they are awesome,” added Wakefield. “The bands we played with were awesome, too. It’s a cool club.” Since officially becoming a band one year ago, both have quit their jobs are are now full-time musicians. Their current tour

years in a sustained state of touring that took them all across the country and to venerable stages like the Newport Folk Festival. • JOHN GORKA at Red & Shorty’s (4 Paul St., Dover 767-3305) on Monday, April 24, 8 p.m. $40 - From New Jersey, John Gorka is a worldrenowned singer-songwriter who got his start at a neighborhood coffeehouse in eastern Pennsylvania. • SAM CARP at 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth 3sarts.org) on Wednesday, April 26, 8 p.m. Free – Block Six Presents Singer/songwriter combining acoustic fingerpicking and chords mostly unknown to him.

began on St. Patrick’s Day in Louisville, across the river from their hometown, and continued south — the interview happened via phone when they were in Charlotte, North Carolina — then up into the Rust Belt, 44 shows in all, with barely a break. “I know some people who don’t do work every day and take days off,” Wakefield said, “and our job is way more awesome than theirs.” Caplan agreed. “Yeah, it’s pretty fun,” he said. “Every place that we go has a very different feel; you get high off that energy and go forward to the next spot.” Favorite shows on the current run included a couple in Florida. “A pizza place in Cape Coral, with a rapper and a bunch of metal bands,” Caplan said. “I really dug a show in Miami that was about this woman’s art; she’s also a musician. All her art was on the walls and she played really beautiful acoustic folk music as well. That was pretty sweet.” A while back, the two performed at a satanic temple. “Daisy is good friends with someone who is a mover and a shaker in that community,” Wakefield said. “The show was like a celebration of the changing of the seasons.” “That was one of the most memorable shows, I think,” Caplan said. “There were a lot of naked people covered in blood.” Wakefield has resumed work on her solo record, nearly three years in the making and due for summer release. “Acoustic cello and voices that I loop; lots of live harmonies and layering,” she said. “It informed this project because before I started working on it, I had no idea of how to write for cello and voice. … Playing cello and singing at the same time is more difficult than I had anticipated.”

• A LIGHT I CAN FEEL: A TRIBUTE TO BROWN BIRD at 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth 3sarts.org) on Thursday, April 27, 8 p.m. $10 - Featuring performances from South China, Breakfastsong, Mara Flynn, Peter Squires, Audrey Ryan, and Guy Capecelatro III. • PIERRE BENSUSAN at Red & Shorty’s (4 Paul St., Dover 7673305) on Friday, April 28, 8 p.m. $30. Winner of the Independent Music Award, in the Live Performance Album category for his latest triple live album “Encore” (2014), “Rose d’Or” of the Montreux Festival for his first album, “Près de Paris” (Switzerland, 1976), “Best

World Music Guitar Player “ par the readers of Guitar Player Magazine (USA, 2008). • MONO W/ HOLY SONS at 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth 3sarts.org) on Friday, April 28, 8 p.m. $16 - The Tokyo, Japan based 4 piece Instrumental Rock band MONO was originally formed in 1999. Their unique approach of blending orchestral arrangements and shoegaze guitar noise in their music has been held in extremely high regard; so much so, that the band’s musicianship can no longer be sustained by Rock music alone and was praised by British Musical Magazine NME as “music for the Gods.”

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 60



The idea for Record Store Day — happening Saturday, April 22 — was hatched by Chris Brown in 2007. It was a beleaguered time for independent stores like Bull Moose Music, where he worked. “There was a fair amount of negativity,” he said. “I thought, what we should do is have our own holiday.” So Brown and RSD co-founder Michael Kurtz recruited over 600 stores to the cause. The effort has grown steadily ever since. Record Store Day offers exclusive releases in limited supply from a wide range of artists. Occasionally, live acts perform, though the closest official show is hard rockers Fifth Freedom at Bull Moose’s Waterville, Maine headquarters. There is, however, more than an ample supply of vinyl records – and that’s the point. Since RSD’s advent 10 years ago, demand for music in the oldschool format has spiked. Turntable companies like Crosley and Boston’s U-Turn are doing great business and artists consider a release on vinyl a badge of honor. Participating stores in New Hampshire include Concord’s Pitchfork Records, Newbury Comics (with four New Hampshire outlets), Manchester’s Music Connection and Metro City Records, Odyssey & Oracle (Portsmouth), Toadstool Bookshop (Peterborough) and the store where it all began, Bull Moose (Portsmouth, Salem and Keene). RSD releases include a Run The Jewels tote bag for carrying things like Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit’s Welcome to 1979 - a live covers direct-tolacquer EP done for Record Store Day, Townes Van Zandt’s Live at Austin City Limits session from 1976 and Hammersmith Odeon London ’75 - Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band’s first concert outside the US. Like A Drunk In A Midnight Choir - Record Store Day Celebrates the Music of Leonard Cohen is a brilliant tribute album curated by Fingerprints Records owner Rand Foster. Notable store-owned label releases include Permanent Records’ Frankie and The Witch Fingers’ Sidewalk on 12” vinyl; a moe. Live album, a reissue of Peter Tosh’s Legalize It!, (with scratch & sniff inner-sleeve), author Ken Kesey’s The Acid Test on Jackpot Records; releases from acclaimed ‘90s bands The Veldt and Bettie Serveert on Schoolkids Records; Crooked Beat’s Recutting The Crap, Vol 1, a collector’s delight of various artists’ versions of songs from The Clash. Check the full list of releases and participating stores at recordstoreday.com.

• CHERYL WHEELER at Peterborough Players Theater (55 Hadley Road, Peterborough Deb@pfmsconcerts.org) on Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m. $25 - Poet-Cheryl writes achingly honest songs of love and loss. Contrasting the prosaic landscapes of her native smalltown America with the hopelessly rootless life of the traveling performer, she touches the common chords with any who feel the tug between our busy, noisome times and the timeless longing for simplicity and silence. • PENNY & SPARROW W/ LOWLAND HUM at 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth 3sarts.org) on Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m. $15 - With influences that range from The Swell Season to Iron & Wine to Stephen Sondheim, Penny & Sparrow create music that is equally as intimate and poignant as it is powerful and earnest.

• MARY GAUTHIER at Red & Shorty’s (4 Paul St., Dover 767-3305) on Wednesday, May 3, 8 p.m. $40 – Acclaimed singer/songwriter Gauther’s songs are about as idiosyncratic as anything in the wide world of “popular music.” • CON TUTTI WORLD MUSIC CHORUS at South Church (292 State St., Portsmouth 451-9346) on Saturday, May. 6, 7:30 p.m. $12 – Singin’ Up a Storm of songs... from hard-hitting Gospel , to upbeat South African....from a fun rainforest chant of the Baka people to a terrific Pentatonix a capella hit. Of course James Taylor shows up with “Shower the People” and ending with a very fun reggae version of “I Can See Clearly Now”. • MUSIC IN MY POCKET at Deerfield Community Church (15 Church St., Deerfield 4637076) on Sunday, May. 7, 2 p.m. Free - Singing games, accessible “pocket instruments”

like spoons and dancing puppets, tall tales, funny songs, old songs and songs kids teach each other in the playground — all “traditional” in that they have been passed down the generations by word of mouth — will be seen, heard and learned in this program led by Jeff Warner. • SLAID CLEAVES at Bass Hall (19 Grove St., Peterborough Deb@pfmsconcerts.org) on Friday, May 12, 8 p.m. $30 Slaid Cleaves spins stories with a novelist’s eye and a poet’s heart. Twenty years into his career, the celebrated songwriter’s Still Fighting the War spotlights an artist in peak form. • RAGTIME JACK RADCLIFFE at Rogers Memorial Library (194 Derry Road (Route 102), Hudson 866-6030) on Saturday, May 13, 2 p.m. Free - Old-time Music Hall of Fame Inductee, Ragtime, Country Blues, Jazz. DCU Free Concert Series on the second Saturday of each month


We didn’t start the puzzle wagon album (4,2,2,4,2) 18. Kiss ‘Larger __ Life’ 19. Brett Dennen ‘__ __ The Hopeless’ (4,3) 21. Billy Joel’s ‘My Life’: Theme song for __ Buddies 24. What you did at mellow show 25. ‘Save Me’ band __ Zero 26. What Massive Attack will be


1. Robert Plant’s ‘Cool One’ 5. ‘I Want You To Hurt Like __ __’ Randy Newman (1,2) 8. Van Halen “__ wait, ‘til your love comes down” 11. Tapes ‘N Tapes ‘The Loon’ hit 13. Doors ‘Ship Of ___’ 16. ‘87 ‘That Ain’t Love’ REO Speed-










10 14


17 18 22








29 32

34 39

















47 50

49 52

51 54



60 61

nna Sit In __ You

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53 56




‘Splitting’ 27. “You had to be a big shot, didn’t you, had to __ up your mouth” 29. Cali ‘Only In Amerika’ punk-hoppers (3,2) 30. Floyd “How I wish you were __” 31. Billy Joel ‘Piano __’ 32. Queen of neo-soul Erykah 33. You go this when rocking out, slang 34. ‘89 Kate Bush album ‘The __ World’ 36. ‘Call Me Maybe’ Carly __ Jepsen 39. ‘My Evil __’ They Might Be Giants 41. Trippy UK pioneers that ride a UFO? 42. Billy Joel’s in a ‘New York State Of’ one 43. Sammy Hagar guitarist of HSAS/ Journey guy Neil 45. Elton John ‘__ Seal’ 46. 1st Canadian female solo singer Mur-

ray to hit #1 in US 47. ‘Follow The Leader’ nu metal band 48. Bake, at hot festival show 49. ‘Sainthood’ __ And Sara 50. The Police ‘Message In __ __’ (1,6) 52. Guns & Roses ‘Patience’ album acoustic hit 54. ‘Killing In The Name’ __ Machine (4,7,3) 59. Mr T show Boy George made a cameo on (1,4) 60. Kevin Barnes Athens, GA band of __ 61. ‘12 Green Day album about their drummer? 62. Music store contacts 63. Bowie ‘Hang __ Yourself’

22. ‘The Ascension’ metal band 23. The Color Red song that needs a Vicks? (4,6) 24. Kind of over-stimulation “overload” 27. ‘09 Prodigy song that will foreshadow? 28. Cross-stage video camera move 29. Iconic lyricist w/last name David 32. Kind of ‘Grand’ Billy Joel plays 34. Gene Simmons “I’m living in __, at the Holiday Inn” 35. ‘Dear God’ Midge 37. ‘Cups (Pitch Perfect’s “When I’m Gone”)’ Kendrick 38. Biblical Everything But The Girl album? 40. Billy Joel “But if I go cold I __ __ sold” (4,3) 42. Conducting baton wielder 43. One of Sublime’s genres 44. Sinead O’Conner ‘The Lion And The __’ 45. ‘The Breakup Song (They Don’t Write ‘Em)’ Greg Kihn Band 48. Bangles lit an ‘Eternal’ one 49. Crash __ Dummies 51. Clapton won’t see you cry one ‘In Heaven’ 52. Billy Joel covers ‘The __ Sleeps Tonight’ 53. Crash spots, on road 55. Billy Joel “I ve done everything I can, what else __ __ supposed to do” (2,1) 56. Pearl Jam ‘Alive’ album 57. Hope the guy in front of you doesn’t wear a big one 58. Jeff Lynne ‘Telephone Line’ band


1. BB King ‘I’m Gonna Sit In __ You Give In’ 2. ‘Up Up Up Up Up Up’ DiFranco 3. Kasabian’s 1st top 10 song (abbr) Johnny Lang hit/album (3,2,2) PUZZLES WITHOUT4.A‘97FACE 5. “__ __ pretty good crowd for a SaturI A B C T R I O day” (3,1) C L E O A H A N D S 6. “Slow __ you crazy child” Billy Joel R I A D P R I M E B 7. The Decemberists home, for short R I D E A K E A S Y 8. George Harrison’s Dylan cover ‘__ __ C R E S T P I L K U P G A L L O W S For You’ (2,3) S Y S T E M E C H O 9. Repeat played part through sampler O R R O R T O N S H 10. What crane did with stage section E D I S O N E S G E 12. Sir Douglas Quintet leader Doug C H U T E S L E N S 14. __ __ Wartime (4,6) E L O H A T O N C T F A R A W A Y S O 15. What you do to foot pedal O N T V B E A N T O 17. ‘I’ll Be Good To You’ singer Chaka R O S E L A T E E N 20. Highball ingredient for backstage bar D I Y E R O S D 21. ‘Who Let The Dogs Out?’ __ Men

4/13 L A D S







37. 'Cups (Pitch Perfect's "When I'm Gone")' Kendrick 38. Biblical Everything But The Girl album? 40. Billy Joel "But if I go cold I __ __ sold" (4,3)


42. Conducting baton wielder 43. One of Sublime's genres zy child" Billy Joel 44. Sinead O'Conner 'The Lion And The s home, for short __' s Dylan cover '__ __ 45. 'The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)' Greg Kihn Band rt through sampler 48. Bangles lit an 'Eternal' one THE THE with stage section 49. Crash __ DummiesTHE MOLLY MAGUIRES BAND WITHOUT PARIS ntet leader Doug 51. Clapton won't see you cry one 'In (4,6) Heaven' foot pedal 52. Billy Joel APPETIZERS covers 'The __ Sleeps 1/2 PRICE FROM 4-7 You' singer Chaka Tonight' $5 CAPTAIN MORGAN DRINKS ient for backstage bar Crash spots, on road TRIVIA NIGHT53. STARTING AT 6:30 (PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS) ogs Out?' __ Men 55. Billy Joel "I ve done everything I can, metal band what else __ __ supposed to do" (2,1) song that needs a 56. Pearl Jam 'Alive' album 57. Hope the guy in front of you doesn't mulation "overload" wear a big ORone PASTA STATION, PRIME RIB, g that will FEATURING OMELET






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HAM, SALAD, FRUIT, & ASSORTED BREAD & PASTRIES 58. Jeff Lynne 'Telephone Line' band ADULTS: $25.95 SENIORS: $23.95 CHILDREN: $17.95 eo camera move © 2017 Todd Santos /last name David Written By: Todd Santos CALL FOR RESERVATIONS

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 61

Want more music, comedy or big-name concerts? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play.

River’s Pub 76 Derry St 880-8676 JD Chaser’s 2B Burnham Rd 886-0792 Nan King 222 Central St. 882-1911 SoHo 49 Lowell Rd 889-6889

Amoskeag Studio 250 Commercial St. 315-9320 Breezeway Pub 14 Pearl St. 621-9111 British Beer Company 1071 S. Willow St. 232-0677 Penuche’s Ale House Amherst East Hampstead Breakers By the Sea Bungalow Bar & Grille 6 Pleasant St. 228-9833 Pasta Loft LaBelle Winery 409 Ocean Blvd 926Laconia 333 Valley St. 518-8464 Pit Road Lounge 345 Rte 101 672-9898 220 E. Main St. 378-0092 7702 Anthony’s Pier Cactus Jack’s 388 Loudon Road Millie’s Tavern 263 Lakeside Ave. 782 South Willow St. 226-0533 Auburn Epping 17 L St. 967-4777 366-5855 627-8600 Red Blazer Auburn Pitts Holy Grail North Beach Bar & Baja Beach Club Central Ale House 72 Manchester St. 167 Rockingham Road 64 Main St. 679-9559 Grille 931 Ocean Blvd. 89 Lake St. 524-0008 23 Central St. 660-2241 224-4101 622-6564 Telly’s 967-4884 Broken Spoke Saloon City Sports Grille Tandy’s Top Shelf 235 Calef Hwy 679-8225 Old Salt 1072 Watson Rd 216 Maple St. 625-9656 1 Eagle Sq. 856-7614 Bedford Tortilla Flat 409 Lafayette Rd. 866-754-2526 Club ManchVegas True Brew Barista Bedford Village Inn 1-11 Brickyard Sq 926-8322 Faro Italian Grille 72 50 Old Granite St. 3 Bicentennial Sq. 2 Olde Bedford Way 734-2725 Ron’s Landing Endicott St. 527-8073 222-1677 225-2776 472-2001 Popovers 379 Ocean Blvd 929Fratello’s Crazy Camel Hookah Copper Door 11 Brickyard Sq 734-4724 2122 799 Union Ave. 528-2022 and Cigar Lounge Contoocook 15 Leavy Drive 488Savory Square Bistro Holy Grail of the Lakes 245 Maple St. 518-5273 Covered Bridge 2677 Epsom 32 Depot Sq 926-2202 12 Veterans Square Derryfield Country Club Cedar St. 746-5191 Shorty’s Circle 9 Ranch Sea Ketch 127 Ocean 737-3000 625 Mammoth Rd Farmer’s Market 206 Rte 101 488-5706 39 Windymere 736-3111 Blvd. 926-0324 Margate Resort 623-2880 896 Main St. Hilltop Pizzeria Stacy Jane’s Whiskey 20 746-3018 Belmont 1724 Dover Rd 736-0027 9 Ocean Blvd. 929-9005 76 Lake St. 524-5210 Naswa Resort 20 Old Granite St. Lakes Region Casino The Goat 1086 Weirs Blvd. 641-2583 Claremont 1265 Laconia Road Exeter 20 L St. 601-6928 366-4341 Fratello’s Taverne on the Square Pimentos 267-7778 Wally’s Pub Paradise Beach Club 155 Dow St. 624-2022 2 Pleasant St. 287-4416 69 Water St. 583-4501 Shooters Tavern 144 Ashworth Ave. 322 Lakeside Ave. Foundry Rt. 3 DW Hwy 528-2444 Shooter’s Pub 926-6954 366-2665 50 Commercial St. Deerfield 6 Columbus Ave. Patio Garden 836-1925 Nine Lions Tavern Boscawen 772-3856 Hanover Lakeside Ave. Ignite Bar & Grille 4 North Rd 463-7374 Alan’s Salt Hill Pub 133 N. Main St. 753-6631 Francestown 7 Lebanon St. 676-7855 Pitman’s Freight Room 100 Hanover St. 494-6225 94 New Salem St. Jewel Derry Toll Booth Tavern Canoe Club 61 Canal St. 819-9336 Drae Bow 740 2nd NH Tpke 27 S. Main St. 643-9660 527-0043 Tower Hill Tavern Karma Hookah & 14 E Broadway #A Chen Yang Li 588-1800 264 Lakeside Ave. Cigar Bar 520 South St. 228-8508 216-2713 Henniker 366-9100 1077 Elm St. 647-6653 Halligan Tavern Gilford Country Spirit KC’s Rib Shack 32 W. Broadway Bristol Ellacoya Barn & 262 Maple St. 428-7007 Weirs Beach Lobster Pound 837 Second St. 627-RIBS Back Room at the Mill 965-3490 Grille Pat’s Peak Sled Pub 72 Endicott St. 366-2255 Midnight Rodeo (Yard) 2 Central St. 744-0405 2667 Lakeshore Road 24 Flander’s Road 1211 S. Mammoth Rd Dover Purple Pit 293-8700 888-728-7732 Lebanon 623-3545 28 Central Sq. 744-7800 7th Settlement Brewery Patrick’s Salt Hill Pub Stark Brewing Co. 47 Washington St. Rumor Mill 18 Weirs Road 293-0841 Hillsborough 2 West Park St. 448-4532 500 Commercial St. 50 S Main St, 217-0971 373-1001 Mama McDonough’s 625-4444 Asia Goffstown 5 Depot St. 680-4148 Londonderry Murphy’s Taproom 42 Third St. 742-9816 Concord Village Trestle Tooky Mills Coach Stop Tavern 494 Elm St. 644-3535 Cara Irish Pub Barley House 25 Main St. 497-8230 9 Depot St. 176 Mammoth Rd Penuche’s 11 Fourth St. 343-4390 132 N. Main 228-6363 464-6700 437-2022 96 Hanover St. 626-9830 Dover Brick House CC Tomatoes Hampton Turismo Penuche’s Music Hall 2 Orchard St. 749-3838 Ashworth By The Sea 55 Henniker St. 680-4440 Stumble Inn 209 Fisherville Rd 20 Rockingham Rd 1087 Elm St. Fury’s Publick House 753-4450 295 Ocean Blvd. 432-3210 206-5599 1 Washington St. Cheers 926-6762 Hooksett Portland Pie Company 617-3633 17 Depot St. 228-0180 Bernie’s Beach Bar Asian Breeze Loudon 786 Elm St. 622-7437 Sonny’s Tavern Granite 73 Ocean Blvd 926-5050 1328 Hooksett Rd Hungry Buffalo Salona Bar & Grill 96 Pleasant St. 227-9000 83 Washington St. Boardwalk Inn & Cafe 621-9298 58 Rte 129 798-3737 128 Maple St. 624-4020 742-4226 Hermanos 139 Ocean Blvd. 929-7400 Shaskeen Top of the Chop 11 Hills Ave. 224-5669 Breakers at Ashworth Hudson Manchester 909 Elm St. 625-0246 1 Orchard St. 740-0006 295 Ocean Blvd. 926-6762 AJ’s Sports Bar Makris Shorty’s 354 Sheep Davis Road 11 Tracy Lane 718-1102 A&E Cafe 1000 Elm St. 578-3338 1050 Bicentennial Drive 225-7665 625-1730 Thursday, April 20 Claremont Ashland Taverne on the Square: Eric Common Man: Jim McHugh & Boedtker Steve McBrian (Open) Concord Auburn Granite: CJ Poole Duo Auburn Pitts: Open Jam w/ Hermanos: Jared Steer Gordy and Diane Pettipas Penuche’s Ale House: Cole Robbie Bedford True Brew: Dusty Gray Open Copper Door: Chad Lamarsh Original Boscawen Alan’s: John Pratte

Dover Fury’s: Erin’s Guild

HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 62

Exeter Station 19: Thursday Night Live Gilford Patrick’s: Rossi


Hillsborough Turismo: Line Dancing

Hudson Gurshin/Mike Valentino’s: Tristan Omand

Hampton CR’s: Steve Sibulkin Hanover Canoe Club: Billy Rosen Salt hill Pub: Brooks Hubbard

Lebanon Salt hill: Celtic Open Session Manchester Bungalow: Hip Hop Showcase Central Ale: Jonny Friday Blues City Sports Grille: DJ Dave Fratello’s: Jazz Night

South Side Tavern 1279 S Willow St. 935-9947 Strange Brew Tavern 88 Market St. 666-4292 Thrifty’s Soundstage 1015 Candia Road 603-518-5413 Wild Rover 21 Kosciuszko St. 669-7722

Burton’s Grill 310 Daniel Webster Highway 888-4880 Country Tavern 452 Amherst St. 889-5871 Dolly Shakers 38 East Hollis St. 577-1718 Fody’s Tavern 9 Clinton St. 577-9015 Fratello’s Italian Grille 194 Main St. Mason Marty’s Driving Range 889-2022 Haluwa Lounge 96 Old Turnpike Rd Nashua Mall 883-6662 878-1324 Killarney’s Irish Pub 9 Northeastern Blvd. Meredith Giuseppe’s Ristorante 888-1551 312 DW Hwy 279-3313 O’Shea’s 449 Amherst St. 943-7089 Peddler’s Daughter Merrimack 48 Main St. 821-7535 Homestead 641 DW Hwy 429-2022 Portland Pie Company 14 Railroad Sq 882-7437 Jade Dragon 515 DW Hwy 424-2280 Riverwalk 35 Railroad Sq 578-0200 Pacific Fusion 356 DW Hwy 424-6320 Shorty’s 48 Gusabel Ave. 882-4070 Tortilla Flat Stella Blu 594 Daniel Webster 70 E. Pearl St. 578-5557 Hwy 262-1693 Thirsty Turtle 8 Temple St. 402-4136 Milford J’s Tavern 63 Union Square 554-1433 New Boston Molly’s Tavern Lefty’s Lanes 35 Mont Vernon Rd 244 Elm St. 554-8300 487-2011 Pasta Loft 241 Union Square Newbury 672-2270 Goosefeathers Pub Shaka’s Bar & Grill 11 Wilton Rd 554-1224 Mt. Sunapee 763-3500 Salt Hill Pub Tiebreakers at 1407 Rt 103 763-2667 Hampshire Hills 50 Emerson Rd 673-7123 New Castle Union Coffee Co. Wentworth By The Sea 42 South St. 554-8879 588 Wentworth Rd 422-7322 Moultonborough Castle in the Clouds 455 Old Mountain Road New London Flying Goose 478-5900 40 Andover Road 526-6899 Nashua 110 Grill 27 Trafalgar Sq. 943-7443 Newington Paddy’s 5 Dragons 29 Railroad Sq. 578-0702 27 International Drive 430-9450 River Casino 53 High St. 881-9060 Newmarket Boston Billiard Club Riverworks 55 Northeastern Blvd. 164 Main St. 659-6119 943-5630 Stone Church 5 Granite St. 659-7700

Jewel: Luca Lush/Dude n Guy Manchvegas: Open Acoustic Jam w/ Jim Devlin Penuche’s Music Hall: Hot Chocheys, Up Chuck Kreek, GTRB Shaskeen: Delaney Shorty’s: Kieran McNally Strange Brew: Quick fire Whiskey’s 20: DJs Shawn White/ Ryan Nichols/Mike Mazz Wild Rover: Frenchie Meredith Giuseppe’s: Joel Cage

Merrimack Homestead: Ryan Williamson Milford J’s Tavern: Tom Keating Union Coffee: Frank History/ Dave Palance, Colton Kayser/ Bobby Mahoney Nashua Agave Azul: DJ K-Wil Ladies Night Country Tavern: Brad Bosse Fody’s: Phileep

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 63

Three Chimneys 17 Newmarket Rd. 868-7800 Newport Salt Hill Pub 58 Main St. 863-7774 Peterborough Harlow’s Pub 3 School St. 924-6365 Pelham Shooters 116 Bridge St. 635-3577 Pittsfield Molly’s Tavern 32 Main St. 487-2011 Plaistow Crow’s Nest 181 Plaistow Road 974-1686 Racks Bar & Grill 20 Plaistow Road 974-2406 Portsmouth Blue Mermaid Island 409 The Hill 427-2583 British Beer Company 103 Hanover St. 501-0515 Cafe Nostimo 72 Mirona Rd. 436-3100 Demeters Steakhouse 3612 Lafayette Rd. 766-0001

Dolphin Striker 15 Bow St. 431-5222 Fat Belly’s 2 Bow St. 610-4227 Grill 28 200 Grafton Road 433-1331 Hilton Garden Inn 100 High St. 431-1499 Lazy Jacks 58 Ceres St. 294-0111 Martingale Wharf 99 Bow St. 431-0901 Oar House 55 Ceres St. 436-4025 Portsmouth Book & Bar 40 Pleasant St. 427-9197 Portsmouth Gas Light 64 Market St. 430-9122 Press Room 77 Daniel St. 431-5186 Red Door 107 State St. 373-6827 Redhook Brewery 1 Redhook Way 430-8600 Ri Ra Irish Pub 22 Market Sq 319-1680 Rudi’s 20 High St. 430-7834 Rusty Hammer 49 Pleasant St. 319-6981 Thirsty Moose 21 Congress St. 427-8645 Raymond Cork n’ Keg 4 Essex Drive 244-1573

Rochester Gary’s 38 Milton Rd 335-4279 Governor’s Inn 78 Wakefield St. 332-0107 Lilac City Grille 103 N. Main St. 332-3984 Revolution Tap Room 61 N Main St. 244-3022 Radloff’s 38 N. Main St. 948-1073 Smokey’s Tavern 11 Farmington 330-3100

Kelley’s Row 417 Route 108 692-2200 Old Rail Pizza Co. 6 Main St. 841-7152

Salem Black Water Grill 43 Pelham Rd 328-9013 Jocelyn’s Lounge 355 S Broadway 870-0045 Sayde’s Restaurant 136 Cluff Crossing 890-1032

Warner Local 2 E Main St. 456-6066

Seabrook Castaways 209 Ocean Blvd 760-7500 Chop Shop 920 Lafayette Rd 760-7706 Somersworth Hideout Grill at the Oaks 100 Hide Away Place 692-6257

Sunapee Sunapee Coffee House Rte. 11 Lower Main St. 229-1859 Suncook Olympus Pizza 42 Allenstwon Rd. 485-5288

Weare Stark House Tavern 487 S Stark Hwy 529-7747 West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub 5 Airport Rd 298-5566 Windham Common Man 88 Range Rd 898-0088 Jonathon’s Lounge Park Place Lanes, Route 28 800-892-0568 Red’s Tavern 22 Haverhill Dr. 437-7251


Achieve your vision.

Fratello’s: Kelsie Hinds Riverwalk Cafe: Truffle Shorty’s: Steve Tolley

Bridgewater Newmarket Bridgewater Inn: Shameless Stone Church: Irish Music w/ Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki & Jim Claremont Prendergast Taverne on the Square: Flew-Z Peterborough Harlow’s: Bluegrass Night La Mia Casa: Soul Repair

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 64




Boscawen Alan’s: On 2 Duo

Hampton Community Oven: Tristan Omand Logan’s Run: Rust North Beach Bar & Grill: Nicole Knox Murphy Savory Square: Dave Gerard The Goat: Fred Ellsworth Tino’s Greek Kitchen: Andy Happel Wally’s Pub: Blackheart

Concord Makris: Barry Breary Pit Road Lounge: Stuck In Time Hanover Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz Plaistow True Brew: Laid to Dust/Rippin’ Canoe Club: Cormac McCarthy Racks: Rock Jam w/ Dave E Brakes Jesse’s: Linda Boudreault & Ted Thompson Mortimer Salt Hill Pub: Rich Thomas Duo Derry Portsmouth Coffee Factory: Dave LaCroix British Beer: Tim Theriault Hillsborough Drae: Joel Cage Fat Belly’s: DJ Flex Mama McDonough’s: Jenni Press Room: Gary Boisse and Dover Lynn Duo Brian Richardson Fury’s: Red Sky Mary Top of the Chop: Funkadelic Hooksett Seabrook Asian Breeze: DJ Albin Fridays Chop Shop: Spent Fuel Chantilly’s: Andrew Merzi Epping Weare Laconia Holy Grail: Ted Silvios Stark House: Brad Myrick Pitman’s: Cheryl Arena Popovers: Ryan Williamson Whiskey Barrel: Rory Scott Windham Band Francestown Common Man: Chris Lester Toll Booth Tavern: Boogie Men Lebanon Friday, April 21 Salt Hill Pub: Dave Bundza Gilford Auburn Patrick’s: Dueling Pianos: Jim Auburn Pitts: R & B Dignity Londonderry Tyrrell/Matt Langley Auburn Tavern: Maddie Ryan Coach Stop: Clint Lapointe Pipe Dream: Jen Whitmore Goffstown Belmont Village Trestle: Glannon & VinLakes Region Casino: DJ Mark cent Duo Manchester British Beer: Austin Pratt

Derryfield: Without Paris Fratello’s: Paul Luff Jewel: Motor Booty Affair Murphy’s Taproom: Ellis Falls Penuche’s: Bearly Dead Shaskeen: When Particles Collide/Lung/Donaher Strange Brew: 2120 S. Michigan Avenue Whiskey’s 20: DJs Jason Spivak & Sammy Smoove Wild Rover: Jimmy & Marcelle Duo

Ri Ra: Shut Down Brown Rudi’s: James Zaroulis Thirsty Moose: Love Sounds

Merrimack Homestead: Brad Bosse Merrimack Biergarten: Mark Huzar

West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Jason Cann Grand Opening

Milford J’s Tavern: Big Daddy Band Pasta Loft: Last Kid Picked


Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Luke Johnason Newmarket Riverworks: Jim Dozet Newport Salt hill Pub: Chad Gibbs

Seabrook Chop Shop: Leaving Eden Weare Stark House: Malcolm Salls

Saturday, April 22 Ashland Common Man: Andrea Paquin Auburn Auburn Tavern: Nicole Knox Murphy Bedford Shorty’s: Jimmy & Marcelle Belmont Lakes Region Casino: Red Sky Mary Boscawen Alan’s: Natalie Turgeon Bristol Purple Pit: Yamica Peterson Concord Area 23: Earth Day - 4 acts Hermanos: Sweetbloods Penuche’s Ale House: Band Band w/ Amulus Pit Road Lounge: Dirty Looks Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz True Brew: Honey Creepers Derry Drae: Peter Higgins

Peterborough Harlow’s: Northern Stone Portsmouth Blue Mermaid: Alec Adams Grill 28: Alan Roux Martingale Wharf: Michael Troy & Craig Tramack Portsmouth Book & Bar: Soggy Po Boys Portsmouth Gaslight: DJ Koko/Sev/Chris White Press Room: Lonesome Lunch w/Dave Talmage + Big Ol’ Dirty Bucket Red Door: Exodus

Dover Dover Brickhouse: Seacoast Roller Derby Kick-off Party Fury’s: Galaxy Rabbit Epping Holy Grail: Matt Gelanis Gilford Patrick’s: Tribute to Hank William ft. Steve McBrian/Morris Manning Goffstown Village Trestle: Slakas

COMEDY THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Saturday, April 22 Manchester Headliners: Dave Russo

Rochester Rochester Opera House: Gilbert Gottfried

Newmarket Monday, April 24 Stone Church: Spike Concord Tobin/Collen Doyle Penuche’s: Punchlines

Hanover Canoe Club: Gillian Joy Salt Hill Pub: Alex Smith & The Mountain Sound Laconia Pitman’s: Swing Dance with the Tall Granite Big Band Whiskey Barrel: Darren Bessette Band Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: The Tricksters Londonderry Coach Stop: Steve Tolley Pipe Dream Brewing: Vinyl Night Manchester Bungalow: Pink Mass/Locus Mortis/Psycho + 5 more City Sports: Max Voltage Derryfield: Molly Maguires Fratello’s: Malcolm Salls Jewel: Wizard of Ozz - The Ultimate Ozzy Experience ManchVegas: Without Paris Murphy’s: Jennifer Mitchell Band Penuche’s: John Hanifin Band Penuche’s Music Hall: Diplomats of Funk Shaskeen: Mantra Strange Brew: Jam Whiskey’s 20: DJ Hizzy/Shawn White Wild Rover: Scalawag Meredith Giuseppe’s: Andre Balazs/DJ and Dancing

Fri. Apr. 21st Sat. Apr. 22nd Glannon & Slakas (Classic Rock Vincent Duo and Pop)

(Acoustic Classic Rock with a Twist)

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Blues Jam 3pm-7pm NEW MENU! Tuesday 2 for 1 Burgers IN Buy One-Get One (DINE ONLY) Made From Scratch Soups, Decadent Home Made Desserts, Full Menu with Daily Specials.


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Nashua Country Tavern: Boo Boo Grove Fody’s: Monkey Knife Fight Fratello’s: Kieran McNally Haluwa: Bad Medicine Killarney’s: Karen Grenier O’Shea’s: Plan B Riverwalk Cafe: The B3 Kings w. Special Guest Dave DiCenso Stella Blu: Groove Cats Thirsty Turtle: Farenheit Friday - DJ D-Original

Rochester Radloff’s: Dancing Backwards Duo

Hampton Boardwalk Café: Annie Brobst Trio Savory Square: Rico Barr The Goat: Martin & Kelly Wally’s Pub: Funnel


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Merrimack Homestead: Paul Luff Milford J’s Tavern: Joe MacDonald Pasta Loft: Last Kid Picked Shaka’s: Justin Cohn Union Coffee: Will Hatch and Dylan Szabad Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Roberto Tropical Saturday Boston Billiard Club: DJ Anthem Throwback Country Tavern: Ted Solovicos

Wednesday, April 26 Manchester Murphy’s Taproom: Laugh Free Or Die Open Mic Shaskeen: Best of NH - Drew Dunn, Jay Chanoine, Nick Lavallee

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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 65




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HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 66

Fody’s: PoP RoKs Fratello’s: Jeff Mrozek Haluwa: Bad Medicine Peddler’s Daughter: Take 4 Riverwalk Cafe: Girls Guns and Glory w. Marina Evans Thirsty Turtle: Troll 2/Jesse Ahern/The Pubcrawlers New Boston Molly’s: Rich and Bobb/Dan Murphy Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Will Michaels & Friends Newport Salt hill Pub: Wanda & the Sound Junkies Plaistow Racks: X’ella Portsmouth Blue Mermaid: Adam Sickler British Beer: Chris White Trio Hilton Garden: Cormac McCarthy Martingale Wharf: Now is Now Portsmouth Gaslight: DJ Koko/Kevin Burt/Brad Bosse Press Room: Press Room Jazz Lunch + People Skills Red Door: Ryan Obermiller Ri Ra: Reckless Rudi’s: Dimitri Thirsty Moose: The Pop Disaster

Fury’s Publick House: Mike Effenburger Trio Sonny’s: Sonny’s Jazz Goffstown Village Trestle: Wan-tu Blues Band & Jam Hampton Boardwalk Café: Annie Brobst Trio Hudson River’s Pub: Acoustic Jam Manchester Jewel: 3D Dance Party (under 21) Penuche’s Music Hall: Reggae Sunday Shaskeen: Rap night, Industry night Strange Brew: Jam Meredith Giuseppe’s: Open Stage with Lou Porrazzo Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Rich - Smokin’ Sunday Pig Tale: Chelsea Paolini Riverwalk Cafe: Four Piece Suit North Hampton Barley House Seacoast: Great Bay Sailor

Penuche’s Music Hall: Ted Solovicos Meredith Giuseppe’s: Lou Porrazzo Merrimack Homestead: Chris Cavanaugh Nashua Dolly Shakers: Monday’s Muse w Lisa Guyer Fratello’s: Bob Rutherford Newmarket Stone Church: Blues Jam w/ Wild Eagles Blues Band Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Old School Earth Eagle Brewings: Jenna Sarno Press Room: Nick Goumas Quartet Ri Ra: Oran Mor Tuesday, April 25 Concord Hermanos: Viva & The Reinforcements Dover Fury’s Publick House: Tim Theriault and Friends Sonny’s: Soggy Po’ Boys Gilford Patrick’s: Paul Luff hosts

Peterborough Harlow’s: Folksoul Duo

Hanover Canoe Club: Bruce Gregori

Tilton Winni Grille: Jim Tyrrell

Portsmouth Press Room: Sunday Night Jazz Series ft. Tucker Antell and Trent Austin Quintet Ri Ra: Irish Session Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch With Sal Hughes

Manchester Fratello’s: Mark Huzar Shaskeen: Sissy Brown Strange Brew: Todd Trusty Whiskey’s 20: Sammy Smoove & DJ Gera

Weare Stark House Tavern: Mike Morris

Rochester Lilac City Grille: Music @9:30

Sunday, April 23 Ashland Common Man: Chris White Solo Acoustic

Seabrook Chop Shop: Kim & Mike/ Donny plays Johnny Cash

Raymond Cork n Keg: Night Hawk Seabrook Chop Shop: Overdrive

Barrington Nippo Lake Restaurant: Two Cents in the Till Bedford Copper Door: Brad Bosse Concord Hermanos: John Franzosa Dover Cara: Irish Session w/ Carol Coronis & Ramona Connelly Dover Brickhouse: Jazz Brunch


Monday, April 24 Concord Hermanos: John Franzosa Hanover Canoe Club: Marko the Magician Salt hill Pub: Hootenanny Manchester Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Duo Fratello’s: Rob Wolfe or Phil Jacques

Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois Merrimack Homestead: Jeff Mrozek Newmarket Stone Church: SpeakEazy: Church Street Jazz Band / Bluegrass Jam Late North Hampton Barley House: Traditional Irish Session Peterborough Harlow’s: Celtic Music Jam Portsmouth Press Room: Jazz Jam w/ Larry Garland & Friends Seabrook Chop Shop: Bare Bones

Get the crowds at your gig Want to get your show listed in the Music This Week? Let us know all about your upcoming show, comedy show, open mike night or multi-band event by sending all the information to music@hippopress.com. Send information by 9 a.m. on Friday to have the event considered for the next Thursday’s paper.

NITE MUSIC THIS WEEK Wednesday, April 26 Atkinson Merrill’s: Clint LaPointe Dover Fury’s: People Like You Dublin DelRossi’s Trattoria: Celtic and Old Timey Jam Session Gilford Patrick’s: Cody James - Ladies Night Hampton CR’s: Don Severance

Hillsborough Turismo: Blues Jam w Jerry Paquette & the Runaway Bluesmen

Nashua Country Tavern: Jenni Lynn Duo Fratello’s: Mark Huzar

Manchester Fratello’s: Ramez Mataz Penuche’s Music Hall: Lisa Guyer Wednesday Muse Strange Brew: Open Jam - Tom Ballerini Blues Band

Plaistow Racks: DJ Sensations

Meredith Giuseppe’s: Paul Luff

Rochester Lilac City Grille: Tim Theriault - Ladies Night

Merrimack Homestead: Brad Bosse

Hanover Canoe Club: Randall Mullen

Portsmouth Press Room: Tom Yoder Ri Ra: Erin’s Guild

Seabrook Chop Shop: Guitar-a-oke & Cocktails

NITE CONCERTS Capitol Center for the Performing Arts & Spotlight Cafe 44 S. Main St., Concord 225-1111, ccanh.com The Colonial Theatre 95 Main St., Keene 352-2033, thecolonial.org Dana Humanities Center 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester 641-7700, anselm.edu/dana The Flying Monkey 39 S. Main St., Plymouth

Squirrel Nut Zippers/Ozomati Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m. Cap Center Dave Davies (Kinks) Thursday, April 20, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Willy Porter and Carmen Nickerson Thursday, April 20, 7 p.m. Music Hall Loft Almost Queen Friday, April 21, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Vaud & The Villains Friday, April 21, 8 p.m. Music Hall Nile Project Saturday, April 22, 8 p.m. Dana Center Trace Adkins Sunday, April 23, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Melissa Etheridge Wednesday, April 26, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Kathy Griffin Thursday, April 27, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Martin Sexton Friday, April 28, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Heather Maloney Friday, April 28, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Dokken & Warrant Friday, April 28, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Eric Church Saturday, April 29, 7 p.m. SNHU Arena Gary Hoey Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Motor Booty Affair Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m. Rochester Opera House Noah & Abby Gundersen Saturday, April 29, 8:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Y&T Sunday, April 30, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Get The Led Out Sunday, April 30, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom

536-2551, flyingmonkeynh.com Franklin Opera House 316 Central St., Franklin 934-1901, franklinoperahouse.org The Music Hall 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth 436-2400, themusichall.org The Music Hall Loft 131 Congress St., Portsmouth 436-2400, themusichall.org Palace Theatre 80 Hanover St., Manchester 668-5588, palacetheatre.org

Kris Kristofferson Tuesday, May 2, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Robben Ford Thursday, May 4, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Quinn Sullivan Friday, May 5, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Vic DiBitetto Saturday, May 6, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Everly Brothers Experience Sunday, May 7, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry NeedToBreathe Sunday, May 7, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom The Tenors Wednesday, May 10, 8 p.m. Stockbridge Theatre Jim Breuer (rescheduled) Friday, May 12, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Jonathan Edwards Friday, May 12, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Suzzy Roche and Lucy Wainwright Roche Friday, May 12, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Cold As Ice: Ultimate Foreigner Tribute Show Saturday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Billy Currington Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m. Casino Ballroom Bob Marley (2 Shows) Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Corvettes Doo Wop Revue Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m. Rochester Opera House Roomful of Blues Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Billy Currington Sunday, May 14, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Under the Streetlamp Tuesday, May 16, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Thurs-

Rochester Opera House 31 Wakefield St., Rochester 335-1992, rochesteroperahouse.com SNHU Arena 555 Elm St., Manchester 644-5000, snhuarena.com Stockbridge Theatre Pinkerton Academy, Route 28, Derry 437-5210, stockbridgetheatre.com Tupelo Music Hall 2 Young Road, Londonderry 437-5100, tupelohall.com

day, May 18, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Mokoomba Thursday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Pierce The Veil & Sum 41 Thursday, May 18, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Who’s Bad Friday, May 19, 7 p.m. Cap Center Nick Fradiani Friday, May 19, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Nirvanish Friday, May 19, 8 p.m. Rochester Opera House Oak Ridge Boys Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry The Mersey Beatles Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Alejandro Escovedo Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Kip Moore Saturday, May 20, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Patsy Cline Remembered Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m. Cap Center Tape Face Sunday, May 21, 7 p.m. Cap Center Dark Star Orchestra Sunday, May 21, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre David Crosby Sunday, May 21, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Umphrey’s McGee Sunday, May 21, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Shawn Colvin Thursday, May 25, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Zac Brown Band Friday, May 26, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Jose & Patti: Kings and Queens of Rock and Roll Friday, May 26, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Rusted Root Friday, May 26, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey


HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 67


“’SMarvelous” — ’smeaningful to the theme, too Across 1 Branch offshoot 5 Charlie of “Winning!” memes 10 All-out battles 14 “How awful!” 15 Dance company founder Alvin

16 Creature created by George Lucas 17 Washington newspaper 18 Take-away signs of happiness? 20 Lhasa ___ (Tibetan breed) 22 Oil transport

23 Casually uninterested 26 Puddle gunk 29 They directed “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” 30 1990 Stanley Cup winners 32 Gets warmer 34 Rough purchase at the dairy? 38 One of LBJ’s beagles 39 Anaheim Stadium player, once 40 “___ little teapot ...” 42 1980s actor Corey hawking some tart fruit candies? 47 Passport endorsements 48 Doughnut shape 49 Goaded (on) 52 “Spring forward” letters 54 Teeming with testosterone 55 Grand Canyon pack animals


57 Burgles 59 “If something can go wrong, Gargamel will never get it right”? 62 Pinball foul 66 “Fashion Emergency” model 67 Slow mover 68 On-screen symbol 69 Employer of Serpico or Sipowicz 70 Road trip expenses 71 Penny value Down 1 Outdo 2 One of a reporter’s W’s 3 “Shoo” additions? 4 “You busy?” 5 Backtalk 6 Athlete’s camera greeting 7 The Manning with more Super Bowl MVP awards 8 “Electric” creature 9 Putin turndown 10 Sign your dog is healthy, maybe 11 Got up 12 Seth of “Pineapple Express” 13 Some toffee bars 19 “___ bleu!” 21 Liven (up) 23 NBA great Chris 24 Bartenders’ fruit

25 What a snooze button delays 27 Fashion status in various states? 28 Stuff in an orange-lidded pot, traditionally 31 Adds some seasoning 33 Frank Zappa’s son 35 Aquatic nymph 36 “Hot Fuzz” star Pegg 37 Clickable communication 41 “Toy Story” kid 43 Stated as fact 44 Get ___ (throw away) 45 Bausch & ___ (lens maker) 46 Rigorous 49 “The Beverly Hillbillies” star Buddy 50 Like some kids’ vitamins 51 Cranky sort 53 Hiker’s path 56 Part of iOS 58 Nocturnal rat catchers 60 ___-cones 61 Kobe’s old team, on scoreboards 63 Word before pick or breaker 64 Chaney of “The Wolf Man” 65 C7H5N3O6, for short ©2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

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hire in really Made in New Hamps tches really small ba 35% Alc/Vol (70 proof) DRINK RESPONSIBLY HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 68



SIGNS OF LIFE All quotes are from The Automaton Ear, by Florence McLandburgh, born April 22, 1850. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) … while I listened to the robin, it seemed singular to know that all the sounds ever uttered, ever born, were floating in the air now — all music, every tone, every bird-song — and we, alas! could not hear them. You might benefit from better acoustics. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) The temptation was greater than I could stand, and taking my book I shut up the “study,” as the students called my small apartment, leaving it for one bounded by no walls or ceiling. Time for a study break. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Yes, my invention had proved a grand success. I had worked and worked in order to give this instrument to the world; but now when it was finished, strange to say, all my ambition, all my desire for fame left me, and I was anxious only to guard it from discovery…. An undefinable delight filled my soul that I alone out of all humanity possessed this treasure…. Sharing is hard but worth it. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) All night I listened…. I heard the polished, well-studied compliments, the rustle of silks, and the quick music of the dance at some banquet. Just listen. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Over and over in the restless hours of the night, I asked myself, I said aloud, Why not? Then I laughed at my folly, and wondered what I was thinking of and tried to sleep — but if it could be done? A positive attitude will get things done. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) I went down to London and purchased a common eartrumpet. A common item purchased could prove very useful.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) I had thought so little about my personal appearance lately that I had utterly neglected my hair, and I wondered that it had given me no annoyance. Tend to what has been neglected. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) I found the door securely fastened, and walked round and round without discovering any way of entrance; but I made up my mind, if it were possible to get inside … I would do it, and without the help of keys. Don’t give up at the first closed door. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Here was my place. Above the tree-tops, in the free open air, with no obstacle to obstruct the wind, I could work unmolested by people or noise. ... An hour ago I had been tired, disappointed, and depressed; but now, buoyant with hope, I was ready to begin work again — work that I was determined to accomplish. If you get discouraged, try working outdoors. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Then suddenly I determined to try the opera once more; perhaps I was prejudiced: I had not been inside of a concert-room for more than a year. Some things are worth trying again. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Ah! they dreamed not of the wonders I could relate. You have no idea. Or they have no idea. Somebody’s unaware, is the point. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Hour after hour I sat, looking out of my narrow window. The fields of barley and waving oats had been reaped, the wheat too had ripened and gone, but I did not notice. I sprang up with a joyful exclamation — Strange never to have thought of it before! Perhaps I had not spent my time in vain after all. Perhaps not.

8 Difficulty Level

1 6


Sat., May 6

Thurs., April 20

8:00 p.m. $39

8:00 p.m. $50-$70

Table Seating

Theatre Seating


Fri., April 28


9 2 1 4



5 1 6 4

9 7 3 1 4/20



Sun., May 7

8:00 p.m. $35-$45

7:00 p.m. $30-$35

Table Seating

Table Seating

GARY HOEY Sat., April 29


at Stockbridge Theatre

Wed., May 10

8 p.m. • $25-50

8:00 p.m. $30-$40

Table Seating at Pinkerton Academy



Sun., April 30


8:00 p.m. $30

4/13 5 1 7 3 2 6 8 9 4

4 6 2 9 8 5 3 7 1

Difficulty Level

9 8 3 1 7 4 5 2 6

7 4 8 5 3 9 1 6 2

1 5 9 2 6 7 4 8 3

2 3 6 4 1 8 7 5 9

Table Seating


Sat., May 13

Thurs., May 4

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Last week's puzzle answers are below 6 7 1 8 4 2 9 3 5

3 2 5 7 9 1 6 4 8

8 9 4 6 5 3 2 1 7




Table Seating

2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

9 4



3 8

By Dave Green

2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.



7:00 p.m. $35-$40



It’s All About the Music

8:00 p.m. $25-$30

8:00 p.m. $35-$40

Table Seating

Table Seating


Fri., May 5


Brad Mastrangelo, Dan Cohn & Lois Beaulieu

Fri., May 19

8:00 p.m. $25-$30

8:00 p.m. $18

Table Seating

Table Seating

Full Schedules and Tickets:



HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 69


Try, try again

NH’s Best Biker Shop Featuring

US Made

Samuel West announced in April that his Museum of Failure will open in Helsingborg, Sweden, in June, to commemorate innovation missteps that might serve as inspiration for future successes. Among the initial exhibits: coffee-infused Coca-Cola; the Bic “For Her” pen (because women’s handwriting needs are surely unique); the Twitter Peek (a 2009 device that does nothing except send and receive tweets and with a screen only 25 characters wide); and Harley-Davidson’s 1990s line of colognes (in retrospect as appealing, said West, as “oil and gas fumes”). (West’s is only the latest attempt to immortalize failure with a “museum.” Previous attempts, such as those in 2007 and 2014, apparently failed.)

Government in action

& Imported Leathers

• Coats & Vests (Up to 8x) • Chaps/Helmets • Premium Deerskin Gauntlets & Fingerless Gloves • Sissybar/Saddlebags • Accessories

• Toronto, Ontario, Superior Court Justice Alex Pazaratz finally ridded his docket of the maddening, freeloading couple that had quibbled incessantly about each other’s “harassments.” Neither Noora Abdulaali, 32, nor her now-ex-husband, Kadhim Salih, 43, had worked a day in the five years since they immigrated from Iraq, having almost immediately gone on disability benefits and begun exploiting Legal Aid Toronto in their many attempts to one-up each other with restraining orders. Approving the couple’s settlement in March, Judge Pazaratz added, “The next time anyone at Legal Aid Ontario tells you they’re short of money, don’t believe it. ... Not if they’re funding cases like this.” • In May, a new restaurant-disclosure regulation mandated by the Affordable Care Act is scheduled to kick in, requiring eateries (except small chains and independents) to post calorie counts for all menu items including “variations” which a Domino’s Pizza executive said meant, for his company, “34 million” calorie listings. The executive called the regulation, for the pizza industry, “a 20th-century approach to a 21st-century question,” since for many establishments, orders increasingly arrive online or by phone.

Redneck chronicles




HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 70

(1) Dennis Smith, 65, was arrested in Senoia, Georgia, and charged with stealing dirt from the elderly widow of the man Smith said had given him permission to take it. Smith, a “dirt broker,” had taken more than 180 dump-truck loads. (2) New for Valentine’s Day from the SayItWithBeef.com company: a bouquet of beef jerky slices, formed to resemble a dozen full-petaled roses ($59). Also available: daisies. Chief selling point: Flowers die quickly, but jerky is forever.


• Hipsters on the Rise: (1) The Columbia Room bar in Washington, D.C., recently introduced the “In Search of Time Past” cocktail splashed with a tincture of old, musty books. Management vacuum-sealed pages with grapeseed oil, then “fat-washed” them with a “neutral high-proof” spirit, and added a vintage sherry, mushroom cordial and eucalyptus. (2) The California reggae rock band Slightly Stoopid recently produced a vinyl record that was “smokable,” according to Billboard magazine using a “super resinous variety of hashish” mastered at the Los Angeles studio Capsule Labs. The first two versions’ sound quality disappointed and were apparently quickly smoked, but a third is in production. • The telephone “area” code in the tony English city of Bath (01225) is different than that of adjacent Radstock (01761) and probably better explained by landline telephone infrastructure than a legal boundary. However, a Bath councilwoman said in April that she is dealing with complaints by 10 new residents who paid high-end prices for their homes only to find that they came with the 01761 code. Admitted one Bath resident, “I do consider my phone number to be part of my identity.”

Weird science

Magnificent Evolvers: (1) Human populations in Chile’s Atacama desert have apparently developed a tolerance for arsenic 100 times as powerful as the World Health Organization’s maximum safe level (according to recent research by University of Chile scientists). (2) While 80 percent of Ameri-

cans age 45 or older have calcium-cluttered blood veins (atherosclerosis), about 80 percent of Bolivian Tsimane hunter-gatherers in the Amazon have clean veins, according to an April report in The Lancet. (Keys for having “the healthiest hearts in the world”: walk a lot and eat monkey, wild pig and piranha.) Awesome: (1) University of Basel biologists writing in the journal Science of Nature in March calculated that the global population of spiders consumes at least 400 million tons of prey yearly about as much, by weight, as the total of meat and fish consumed by all humans. (2) University of Utah researchers trained surveillance cameras on dead animals in a local desert to study scavenger behavior and were apparently astonished to witness the disappearances of two bait cows. Over the course of five days, according to the biologists’ recent journal article, two different badgers, working around the clock for days, had dug adjacent holes and completely buried the cows (for storage and/or to keep the carcasses from competitors). News You Can Use: A study published in the journal Endocrinology in March suggested that “whole-body” vibration may be just as effective as regular “exercise.” (The Fine Print: Vibration was shown only to aid “global bone formation,” which is not as useful for some people as weight loss, which was not studied, and the study was conducted on mice. Nonetheless, for a mouse immobile on a vibrating machine, muscles contracted and relaxed multiple times per second. This “Fine Print” will soon be useful when hucksters learn of the study and try to sell gullible humans a “miracle” weight-loss machine.) Visit weirduniverse.net.


HIPPO | APRIL 20 - 26, 2017 | PAGE 72


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