MAY 18 - 24, 2017
10 NH-based podcasts for your listening pleasure
How to create your own show
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The first Saturday in May brought big hats, seersucker suits, mint juleps — all parts of the festivities surrounding The Kentucky Derby. Thousands pack the stands for the big event each year with the glimmer of hope that their horse will be crowned the winner. Money is no object when it comes to raising and training these horses, with a very conservative estimate of $100,000,000 already invested by time the 20 race horses make it to the starting gates on Derby Day. I’ve always been fascinated by how we easily justify expending significant resources on an event such as horse racing but struggle with investing in systems such as education. A few weeks ago, members of New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to pass full-day kindergarten, an annual investment of $18,000,000, to help support the districts currently offering full-day K and remove obstacles for those who cannot. Gov. Sununu has come out in strong support of this measure as he wants to ensure that our state remains competitive with families hoping to build a life here — an important measure as we work to retain and attract younger professionals and rebuild our workforce. We have much to be proud of in this state, but education funding has not often been part of that. Our independent spirit can sometimes leave communities to bear the burdens of adequacy and prevents us from seeing our state as a collective whole. I have seen firsthand the benefits of a student attending all-day kindergarten as my nephew’s school offers this public benefit. Now that he’s in second-grade, his reading and writing skills are exceptional and he is already teaching Auntie a thing or two about world geography and earth sciences. An unrecognized benefit of the extended school day was improving his social skills and building a great group of friends that are still among his “core” today. Although this bill still has one more turn at passing the full House, the initial “ought to pass” demonstrates our collective commitment to our state’s children. In the long run, this relatively small investment in the future of New Hampshire will certainly pay dividends as we work to provide a more thorough and equitable early education platform for our youth. Maybe we won’t realize it tomorrow but passage of this bill is vital in ensuring that we are helping to raise a generation that can be competitive in the starting boxes. And, as exhilarating as it can be to bet on the underdog, many of us prefer the safe bet. In this case, when we work to ensure that our kids are given the most opportunities we can provide for them, there is little doubt that we will all end as winners. Allyson Ryder serves as the associate director at Leadership NH and sits on several statewide nonprofit boards and committees.
MAY 18 - 24, 2017 VOL 16 NO 20
News and culture weekly serving Metro southern New Hampshire Published every Thursday (1st copy free; 2nd $1). 49 Hollis St., Manchester, N.H. 03101 P 603-625-1855 F 603-625-2422 email:
EDITORIAL Executive Editor Amy Diaz, Managing Editor Meghan Siegler,, ext. 113 Editorial Design Ashley McCarty, Copy Editor Lisa Parsons,
ON THE COVER 14 LISTEN UP Right here in New Hampshire, there are all kinds of people — restaurateurs, true crime writers, knitters — hosting all kinds of podcasts about whatever it is that interests them and their growing number of listeners. Love fishing? There’s a podcast for you. Drink a lot of beer? Grab a bottle and listen up. Have questions about death? Yes, there’s a podcast for you, too. Check out 10 of the state’s coolest podcasts and the people behind them, plus find out how to make your own, for fun or for money — or for both. ALSO ON THE COVER, Watch hockey games and lace up and hit the ice yourself during Pink in the Rink, p. 30. Fill up on foods from all around Milford, p. 44, or head to Nashua to indulge in all foods Greek, p. 42.
Staff Writers Kelly Sennott, ext. 112 Angie Sykeny, ext. 130 Ryan Lessard, ext. 136 Matt Ingersoll, ext. 152
Contributors Allison Willson Dudas, Jennifer Graham, Henry Homeyer, Dave Long, Lauren Mifsud, Stefanie Phillips, Eric W. Saeger, Michael Witthaus.
INSIDE/OUTSIDE: 32 KIDDIE POOL Family fun events this weekend. 34 GARDENING GUY Henry Homeyer offers advice on your outdoors. 35 TREASURE HUNT There’s gold in your attic. 36 CAR TALK Automotive advice.
NEWS & NOTES 4 Tracking hep C; new truffles; Delegation Dispatch; PLUS News in Brief. 8 Q&A 10 QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 12 SPORTS
THE ARTS: 24 CLASSICAL “Hindemith.” Listings 26 ART Arts listings: Inside/Outside listings: NHIA BFA Exhibition. Food & Drink listings: 28 THEATER Music listings: Listings for events around town. Publisher Jody Reese, Ext. 121 Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny Associate Publisher Jeff Rapsis, Ext. 123 Production Katie DeRosa, Emma Contic, Kristen Lochhead, Haylie Zebrowski Circulation Manager Doug Ladd, Ext. 135 Advertising Manager Charlene Cesarini, Ext. 126 Account Executives Alyse Savage, 603-493-2026 Katharine Stickney, Ext. 144 Roxanne Macaig, Ext. 127 Stephanie Quimby, Ext. 134 Jill Raven, Ext. 110 Tammie Boucher, support staff, Ext. 150 Reception & Bookkeeping Gloria Zogopoulos To place an ad call 625-1855, Ext. 126 For Classifieds dial Ext. 125 or e-mail Unsolicited submissions will not be returned or acknowledged and will be destroyed. Opinions expressed by columnists do not represent the views of the Hippo or its advertisers.
CAREERS: 38 ON THE JOB What it’s like to be a... FOOD: 42 ALL FOODS GREEK Taste of Milford; Cabbonay opens; In the Kitchen; Weekly Dish; Drink; From the Pantry. POP CULTURE: 54 REVIEWS CDs, books, TV and more. Amy Diaz thinks Camelot deserves better than King Arthur: Legend of the Sword and Mother’s Day deserved better than Snatched. NITE: 60 BANDS, CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE Oak Ridge Boys; Nightlife, music & comedy listings and more. 61 ROCK AND ROLL CROSSWORD A puzzle for the music-lover. 62 MUSIC THIS WEEK Live music at your favorite bars and restaurants. ODDS & ENDS: 68 CROSSWORD 69 SIGNS OF LIFE 69 SUDOKU 70 NEWS OF THE WEIRD 70 THIS MODERN WORLD
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017113164 | PAGE 3
NEWS & NOTES Pot vote
For the first time in years, the New Hampshire Senate has passed a bill that would decriminalize the possession of a small amount of marijuana, according to press releases. The House passed HB 640 in March by an overwhelming vote of 318-36. And on May 11, it passed the Senate with a bipartisan group of nine Democrats and eight Republicans voting in favor of the measure, which would reduce the penalty for possession of up to 3/4 of an ounce to a violation. The current misdemeanor charges are punishable by up to one year in prison and a $2,000 fine. The new violation penalty would be up to $100 for a first offense and $300 for a third offense within three years of the first offense. Gov. Chris Sununu has said he supports decriminalization. Democrats, led by Senate Democratic Leader Jeff Woburn, touted the bill as a way to prioritize police resources toward more dangerous opioids while also taking a step toward legalization. Republicans are still divided in the Senate, where they hold 14 seats. Senate President Chuck Morse said in a statement that he is concerned about the bill’s passage, saying he believes it sends “mixed signals” during a drug addiction crisis. According to the latest poll by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, 68 percent of adults in the state support making small amounts of cannabis legal for recreational use (49 percent strongly support it) while 27 percent oppose it. The House has historically approved of decriminalization with a larger majority each year, but the Senate has killed such legislation every time.
Ayotte for FBI?
Former U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte is on a short list of possible candidates to replace James Comey as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Politico reported May 11. President Trump abruptly fired Comey on Tuesday, May 9. As of the morning of Tuesday, May 16, candidates who interviewed for the job so far
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include former Michigan Republican congressman Mike Rogers, Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, Fran Townsend, former homeland security adviser to George W. Bush, Washington lawyer Alice Fisher, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and a handful of others, according to a May 15 CNN report. The Politico story reported Ayotte is well regarded by the White House after she helped usher the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch through the Senate and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, said she would likely support the nomination of Ayotte, citing her experience as New Hampshire’s attorney general. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona also supported Ayotte’s possible nomination.
New factory
A car parts manufacturer in Quebec has decided to locate its first American-based operation in northern New Hampshire, according to a press release from the governor’s office. Deflex Composite of Saint-Victor, Quebec, produces fiberglass for Volvo automobiles and waterslides and at its new location in Berlin it plans to produce front and rear bumpers for Volvo buses. According to the press release, Deflex has signed a lease for a 9,600-square-foot facility where it plans to hire three people initially and another seven by the end of the year. Production is expected to start in July.
Emergency funds
Gov. Sununu is asking the federal government for emergency relief funds for the nor’easter that hit the state in March, which piled on several inches of snow over a two-day period and caused “widespread damage” and “strained state and local resources,” according to a press release from the governor’s office. The response cost a total of more than $2.1 million and nearly 144,000 residents were left without power. About 500 schools were forced to close and there were hundreds of traffic accidents. Carroll and Belknap counties carried the largest cost burdens.
The Franklin city council appointed Scott Clarenbach, a sitting city councilor, to serve as acting mayor. Clarenbach will be allowed to serve in both roles until elections in October. Ken Merrifield stepped down as mayor to become the state’s labor commissioner.
Mental health
The Senate has given a preliminary green light to a plan to substantially increase the number of beds for mental health treatment in the state, the AP reported. The bill would add 68 new beds by requiring the state to contract with nonprofit facilities and private hospitals. There would be 40 community-based beds for those transitioning from hospital settings, 20 beds for involuntary submission and eight beds for peer respite. The bill heads to the Senate Finance Committee. A shortage of beds and psychiatric staff in the state has led to a backlog of patients waiting for mental health care, with 46 adults and four children waiting each day on average.
Recent poll
In the most recent Granite State Poll by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, Gov. Chris Sununu’s approval rating went up, drug addiction remains the top concern among voters and full-day kindergarten is hugely popular. According to the poll, Gov. Sununu enjoys a 57 percent approval rating, an increase from 42 percent in February. In February, the plurality of respondents (45 percent) said they didn’t know if they approved or disapproved. Now, folks in that category make up 26 percent of respondents. Only 17 percent disapprove of Sununu. One of Sununu’s initiatives, state funding for full-day kindergarten, also has the support of the majority of residents, with 83 percent supporting a bill recent-
City councilors in Concord voted to approve a plan to build a 54-unit apartment complex at the former tannery site in Penacook, the Hooksett Concord Monitor reported. The site was the center of a 15-year chemical cleanup effort and has been Goffstown vacant since 1987.
In Medscape’s Best Place to Practice 2017 report, Manchester was ranked sixth-best city for doctors to practice, according to a press release. It was placed just below Burlington, Vermont, but just above Boston. MANCHESTER
According to a press release from the Nashua Amherst School District, administrators and the Nashua Teachers’ Union Milford have reached an impasse in their negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. The current contract expires Aug. 31.
ly passed by the legislature that would partially fund full-day kindergarten. Meanwhile, the drug crisis remains the No. 1 problem facing the state, according to 53 percent of residents, the first time a majority of respondents agreed on a single problem.
in New Hampshire failed to pass the Senate, with a vote of 7-16, NHPR reported. The proposed plan would have placed New Hampshire on Atlantic Standard Time. Supporters said changing clocks twice a year is a nuisance, according to the story. But opponents argued it gives drivers more light time during the winter and Daylight saving A bill that would have done more light for children waiting away with Daylight Saving Time for the school bus.
On Monday, May 15, Anheuser-Busch announced that it will be investing $11.3 million in its Merrimack brewery, which will be used to expand craft brewing initiatives and “cross brewing capabilities.” The project would involve the installation of new fermentation tanks and four new grain silos. The investment is part of $2 billion the company plans to spend on capital projects through 2020. Of that, $500 million will be spent in 2017. In a press release, the company called it “among the largest capital investment programs in U.S. brewing history.”
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center is putting an end to its Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility program, according to the AP. The program will be discontinued by month’s end due to staffing issues at each location where the program has been offered, including Lebanon, Concord, Bedford, Nashua and Brattleboro. D-H’s chief clinical officer, Dr. Edward Merrens, told the Valley News that the program was especially sensitive to staffing pressures since treatment requires patients to come into facilities at specific times. Merrens said the 124 patients currently enrolled in the program are being informed and directed to alternative care options.
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Tracking hepatitis C NH health officials playing catch-up By Ryan Lessard
Since health officials began tracking new hepatitis C cases in the state in November, they’ve counted more than 100 — and they believe it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Clinicians specializing in infectious diseases have previously told the Hippo that hepatitis C cases are exploding in the state, driven by intravenous drug use. It is seen alongside many other types of infections such as bacterial infections in the blood and heart valve infections that are fatal if untreated and sometimes require valve replacement surgery. Left untreated, hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.
The state Department of Health and Human Services received 194 total reports of suspected hepatitis C cases from November 2016 through March 2017. Of those, 108 have been confirmed, six of which are acute (recent) infections, according to DHHS spokesperson Jake Leon. Beth Daly, the chief of the infectious disease control bureau at DHHS, said if they extrapolate the national rate of infection for a population the size of New Hampshire’s, one would expect at least 1,078 new infections each year.
Daly, so public health officials are playing catch-up in an effort to create a clearer picture of the problem. Daly said the reason for the change was the emergence of new treatments that can cure the disease and interventions that can help prevent it from spreading. One potential intervention strategy currently working its way through the legislature to be legalized is a needle exchange program, which would supply drug users with clean needles in exchange for used ones. Daly said she and others in the department have been supportive of such a measure and would refer users to a needle exchange program if it becomes legal. Historically, the best available treatment had been an immune system booster that was very hard on patients, according to Benjamin Chan, the state epidemiologist. “Up until recently, we did not have great treatment for hepatitis C virus infection,” Chan said. But in just the past five years or so, antiviral medication has been available to treat hepatitis C, and potentially eradicate the disease from the body. Chan said the antiviral treatment takes about 12 weeks, after which time physicians monitor a patient to make New treatments sure the disease doesn’t rebound. New Hampshire was the last state to make “These have proven to be very, very effechepatitis C a reportable disease, according to tive,” Chan said. So far, the reported numbers are not on track to reach that, since only a tenth of that number was counted in a five-month period, but Daly suspects the numbers are being underreported, which she said tends to happen early on when a new disease reporting requirement is implemented. “We know we’re missing cases, already. We’re working with providers to get them to report them to us,” Daly said. In fact, even 1,078 may be a low bar considering the drug crisis in New Hampshire is worse than in most other states, and hepatitis C is commonly spread by intravenous drug users sharing needles. Daly said the state is one of the three states with the highest overdose deaths per capita. “We are one of the harder-hit states regarding the opioid epidemic,” Daly said. And hepatitis C cases are unevenly distributed throughout the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half the states that reported cases had rates below the national rate of .7 cases per 100,000 population while 16 of the 40 states reporting accounted for 76 percent of the total cases reported in 2014.
The efficacy depends on a number of factors such as past treatment, the genotype of the virus and whether the patient already has cirrhosis of the liver. Of the 108 confirmed new cases in the state, four people have been treated and cured.
Preventing outbreaks
Having new hepatitis C cases tracked on a regular basis (each new case must be reported within 72 hours) means public health officials will be able to detect any potential outbreaks. Daly said it was a matter of luck that during its outbreak in 2012, Exeter Hospital was able to piece together the puzzle and report it to the state. “If [Exeter Hospital] hadn’t recognized itself that it was an outbreak, we wouldn’t have detected that because hepatitis C wasn’t reportable,” Daly said. She said it would take time before she was comfortable with the data they’ve collected, at least one year. Until then, the picture is too incomplete to draw any conclusions. However, there is a small sign that the problem may be worse in New Hampshire than the national average. Daly said a state the size of New Hampshire would normally expect about nine acute cases reported every year. In just the first five months, they’ve already counted six.
Researchers shed light on secret fungi By Ryan Lessard
New species of truffles have been discovered, named and recorded in New Hampshire as researchers attempt to learn more about the fungi’s mysterious role in the forest ecosystem. A truffle is a tuber that grows underground and spreads its spores by being eaten by forest-dwelling animals who sniff out the fruiting fungus, dig it up and spread the spores through their feces. In French and other Mediterranean cultures, certain species of truffle are considered a high-end delicacy. Ryan Stephens, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of New Hampshire, has been researching the diets of small mammals in New Hampshire forests and, knowing that involves truffles, began the first real crack at cataloguing the truffle species found here. “When we first started, we didn’t even know if we were going to find any,” Stephens said. HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 6
Truffles. Courtesy photo.
Because truffles grow underground close to the surface, they are hidden like needles in a haystack. He and other researchers essentially raked up sections of forest in a grid and recorded whatever truffles they could find in the Bartlett
Experimental Forest. Since 2014, they found 14 species of truffle from more than 6,000 samples; six of those were not described in science and two were never before seen by humans. Stephens said that while they are edible,
they’re not exactly ready for the restaurant scene. “I have tried a couple of them and they kind of taste like mushrooms,” Stephens said. He described the odor of one of the newly documented species — named E. bartlettii after the Bartlett Experimental Forest — as being a cross between garlic and road tar. One they named E. oreoides after the Oreo cookie because it shared the same dark-light-dark color pattern when cut in half and had a sweet odor. The E. macrosporus gave off a citrusy odor when it started to decompose, according to Stephens. While they may not be terribly tasty to humans, Stephens said, local small mammals like chipmunks, mice and voles love them. “Maybe they have a more refined palate than I do, because they seem to like it a lot,” Stephens said. Still, none of them are likely to be toxic, since truffles generally rely on mammals to eat them for the spores to spread.
The E. bartlettii and E. remickii (named after an undergrad who assisted in the research) are only known to be from New Hampshire, while the others they found are widely distributed throughout eastern North America. Stephens said their findings are just scratching the surface. Based on studies of spores found in animal feces, he estimates there are more than 30 different species in New Hampshire. He’s continuing his research into how important a role truffles play as a food source to small creatures that can sniff out the fungi and to the larger forest ecosystem. Stephens’ preliminary hunch is that
truffles play a much larger role than previously thought. He believes that after seeds and acorns become scarce, chipmunks and mice turn to truffles as a backup. “So they’re almost like a reserve food source,” Stephens said. The diversity of digested truffle found in chipmunk scat, for instance, more than doubles from early June to mid August, Stephens said. Local environmental scientist Rick Van de Poll recommends you do not eat mushrooms, truffles or any other type of fungi you find in the outdoors without first identifying the species as edible from a reliable source.
Delegation Dispatch Response to Comey firing
Following the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Trump, all four Democratic congresswomen released statements decrying the move and calling for an independent counsel or independent prosecutor to be selected to oversee the investigation into possible Russian collusion with any Trump campaign individuals to influence the election. Here are brief quotes taken from their statements. • Sen. Jeanne Shaheen: “This unprecedented interference by the President of the United States in an ongoing criminal investigation leaves no doubt that the only way to uncover the truth about Russian interference in our election is with an independent investigation.” • Sen. Maggie Hassan: “The American people deserve a full accounting of the process that went into this decision and deserve to know whether the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election had any influence on the President’s action.” • Rep. Carol Shea-Porter: “While I vehemently disagreed with former Director Comey’s decisions shortly before the 2016 election, the fact is that President Trump just fired the person leading the investigation into his Administration’s ties to Russia. The credibility of that investigation is now in serious doubt, and the need for a Congressionally-ordered independent investigation into these matters is clearer than ever.”
• Rep. Annie Kuster: “Mr. Comey has had multiple missteps in recent months that have politicized the Federal Bureau of Investigation but the timing of his dismissal raises red flags. The American people deserve a qualified successor who will restore public confidence in the FBI. Furthermore, this unprecedented firing underscores the need for an independent nonpartisan investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia’s interference in the election.”
Health care
Sens. Hassan and Shaheen were in New Hampshire last week to talk about the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare) passed by House Republicans, which would potentially undo many protections enshrined in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) such as a ban on withholding coverage for preexisting conditions and minimum coverage standards. They said during a press conference in Concord that Trumpcare would end Medicaid expansion, which provides coverage for 50,000 low-income residents, many of them suffering from substance use disorder. And at a live streamed press conference at the U.S. Capitol on May 16, Shaheen and Hassan, alongside other senators representing the states hardest hit by the opioid crisis, spoke again about how it would hurt efforts to provide treatment to people suffering addiction. “It would turn back the progress that we’ve made,” Shaheen said.
Both Shaheen and Hassan gave remarks at an event in Salem hosted by the Salem, Derry, Londonderry Chambers of Commerce on Friday, May 12. Later, Shaheen toured Rockingham Brewery in Derry and attended a roundtable discussion at the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester to talk about veterans’ health care.
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 7
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Other companies make plug-ins, right? What makes Addaptation unique? It’s the micro apps component of it. It’s this philosophy of focus and at an industry-specific level. … The past development structures get you into these monolithic technology patterns. The whole world is going much more micro; micro services, micro apps. … To pull it back for a second, the idea is that the companies out there … start a project and it never ends. When you bolt on a platform and it’s not customizable, or you do something to try and enhance your system and it costs you a fortune — all these problems exist with existing tools, so what we’re doing is we’re coming up with a philosophical shift in the way we approach plug-ins, let’s say, and using micro apps as this philosophy to build very targeted solutions that are very customizable, and it’s been cost-effective for these organizations that we work with. It’s a shift in the way
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603. 637.1857 HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 8
So what is Addaptation? Addaptation is a platform to create micro apps. What it does is it helps companies that use cloud software. When they have a problem with their cloud software, it helps them deploy targeted solutions. So, for instance, a lot of companies use a platform like and it has all these opportunities to build on top of it, but in a lot of cases you’re kind of building within the framework of Salesforce. What micro apps and the Addaptation platform does is allow you to build outside of Salesforce but allows you to connect back into it. So you can really extend the platform to do exactly what you need it to. … To use kind of a more common term, we build plug-ins … for companies that use the cloud. And our plug-ins can be anything from analytics tools to specific tools to solve … a pivotal piece of a process they’re having a problem with. … We have a lot of customers in the nonprofit space and those customers use it to connect donor management software to their existing systems. … That’s where these micro apps come into play because they’re really single-purpose, focused tools that … extend the platforms that you have and give you that bump to whatever process or task that you have.
that cloud technology is built. Nobody is really doing that right now, and that’s the innovation. So is each micro app that you sell created by commission? Right now they Courtesy photo. are. One of the things we’re building is our micro app exchange. … Again, using the nonprofit space [as an example], a lot of nonprofits may use a software package like Greenlight or like Salesforce and we have a micro app solution that can go right into … either Salesforce or Greenlight to do a specific task for them and that way we can distribute the solution to a wider market. What did you have to do to compete for this award? I think the biggest thing was trying to plot out our business strategy, our development plan, in a really easy-to-digest way. You can tell by the way we’re talking … that this is a somewhat complicated and difficult-to-understand topic because it’s enterprise cloud software. It’s not something that people deal with on a dayto-day basis as consumers. So our approach was to try to share our ideas in a visually compelling way that made sense but also plotted out our company strategy over the next few months. I think what we ended up with was a really compelling go-to-market strategy with a compelling brand and a compelling idea. … And I think that’s what was appealing to the judges when they tallied up their votes. What’s the long-term plan for the company? Right now, we’re pushing the product to market and growing the business. The longterm plan is to invest the proper amount of money in the business to grow it and scale it. Our goal is to be a New Hampshire company, stay a New Hampshire company and to build the business here and then over the next few years, our goal is to be the No. 1 micro app platform in the world. There are competitors out there … but we think we have an advantage in our approach to the market and in the way that we’re thinking about the platform and the technology and we think we have a pretty good shot at, over the next few years, taking most of the market share in the micro app space. — Ryan Lessard
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QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX Swastikas on campus University police at the University of New Hampshire campus in Durham are investigating swastika drawings found in a student’s dorm hallway in Stoke Hall, the largest dorm building on campus. The AP reported the discovery happened after a recent forum where students asked administrators to do more to combat racism in the school. University President Mark Huddleston released a statement condemning the racist graffiti. QOL Score: -1 Comment: The images have been removed, according to the UNH spokesperson.
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Foster care in crisis The foster care system in New Hampshire is strained by an everexpanding demand and dwindling supply of caregivers. The Telegraph of Nashua reported the opioid addiction crisis is feeding new children into the system at a rate faster than the Division of Children, Youth and Services can adapt and faster than they can recruit new foster parents. Meanwhile, DCYF is in a process of getting reformed by the state legislature after being chronically underfunded and understaffed for years. And the strain on existing foster families is causing some foster parents to burn out. Children who belong in foster care are now being placed in residential group homes instead. QOL Score: -1 Comment: There were 800 children placed in foster care last year.
More movies Chunky’s Cinema Pub in Manchester opens this week, according to its Facebook page, with the movie schedule up and tickets ($5.99 for matinees, $7.99 for weekend screenings) ready for purchase. According to the Union Leader, the new spot on Huse Road, located in the former Lowe’s Home Improvement building, has 10 screens, leather swivel chairs, a full food menu with table service and a selection of beer and wine to sip while you enjoy the show. QOL Score: +1 Comment: More movies is always a good thing, in QOL’s opinion.
Recycling furniture A Concord-based company, IRN, is sending furniture from Southern New Hampshire University — enough to fill 11 shipping containers — to charities in Somalia and Armenia, according to a story in the Concord Monitor. The university is replacing all the furniture with new pieces as part of a renovation. The company, which is about 15 years old, works with 201 charities that need furniture and now operates in 25 states. QOL Score: + 1 Comment: Another IRN project this year involved sending furniture from Concord High School to Jamaica.
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With Monday’s scintillating 115-105 Game 7 win over Washington in Round 2 — that has me having to take back every bad thing I’ve ever said and thought about Kelly Olynyk — the Celtics are now playing with house money. Two wins and a competitive series versus Cleveland and real luck in Tuesday’s after-our-deadline lottery is all that stands between them and an A+ season. Time will tell on that. But for now the NBA playoffs keep rolling on and here’s a few thoughts on that. With LeBron James’ dominance on display nightly, he’s the biggest story of the playoffs. But some still hold up Michael Jordan’s six rings as evidence he’s not close to challenging him for best ever since Russell. First, LeBron has three at 32, which is what MJ had at 32, so he’s on the same pace. LBJ’s also not likely to retire at 34 as MJ did the second time, giving him more time. Though, if MJ didn’t retire the first time it’s likely he wins eight straight — only Bill Russell (and Sam Jones) did that. But Michael never got by Detroit or Boston until his full team was assembled, while Lebron dragged Cleveland all the way to the 2007 Finals at 22. True, they got swept, but given how weak Cleveland was it says something about him just to get there. Ditto in 2014 — with both Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving injured and not playing. And if he gets to the Finals this year, that’s seven straight times. Only Celtics have done that. Bottom line: I’d still take Michael’s will to win over anyone, but the historical greatness gap between them is shrinking. The most ridiculous part of last week’s bash Ray Allen Area 21 party was hearing Kendrick Perkins and Big Baby David talking about how hurtful Ray’s decision was to leave them behind to sign with Miami in 2012. Earth to Perk and Baby: Neither of you were even on the team then.
Both were gone by the end of 2011. Which makes those two sound like morons. And why is it never mentioned free agent Jason Terry (who was terrible) got offered more money than Ray to play his position? Where does that fall on the loyalty scale? Speaking of morons. Draymond Green calling someone else a “dirty player” as he did about Kelly Olynyk in his podcast after the Kelly Oubre dust-up is almost as laughable as Donald Trump firing his FBI director for being a “showboat.” Time for the Celtics “fans” who chanted “[blank] you, Oubre” in Game 5 to grow up. And not only for the obvious reason that kids were at the game. It’s dullard behavior a week after the Adam Jones N-word flap gave Boston another black eye nationally and provided more ammo to those saying Boston fandom simply lacks class. And Wyc Grousbeck’s Trump-like blameit-on-the-other-guy response — “I’ve seen bad behavior at home and on the road” — is irrelevant. He should say that was abhorrent fan behavior and we’ll do something about it. Period. Back to the president for just a second. After being asked in a pre-series press conference with Golden State about what takes his attention off basketball this time of year, Gregg Popovich said DC and The Donald. Most cogent was him sounding very much like a coach talking about a player he didn’t want on his team in saying very introspectively, “it all starts and ends with him — not the people or the country, but him.” Speaking of which, given that superstar is the most dominant position when it comes to winning in all of sports, I’ve been holding out for some time now giving in to the “Pop is the NBA’s best coach” narrative until I saw how the first Tim Duncan- (and Matt Bonner-)less year would go. But given what he’s done in transitioning away from Duncan (and Bonner) and developing Kawhi Leonard from scratch as their next star, I’m ready. He’s the best NBA coach of
the last 20 years and maybe since I’ve been watching basketball altogether. Though general manager RC Buford gets a lot of credit for finding Leonard at 15 and for continually finding useful to great players like Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili late in the draft. One last Spurs-related item: There have been some pretty bad season-ending noshows over the years, but I can’t think of one quite like Houston eliminated in six by 39 (114-75) at home with the Spurs’ two best players, Leonard and Parker, sidelined. That’s about as epically disgraceful/bad as it gets. Anyone heard this one? A spelling teacher calls on the kid in the first row of his third-grade class and says, “Oliver, please come to the chalk board and spell ‘blowhard.’” Kid gets up, picks up the chalk and writes S-T-E-P-H-E-N A. S-M-I-T-H. The teacher looks at the kid and says, “Correct, you may sit down.” Finally, a very basketball-savvy friend of mine called from D.C. on Saturday. He’s now a Wizards fan, but the first thing he said, with an equal mix of awe and appreciation for what he’s doing, was, “Isaiah Thomas is unbelievable.” I agreed. What I don’t agree with is people who don’t think he’s a max contract guy, partly because of size. Forget the 50-point game and the lunacy that in a league that can fit 100 such contracts under the cap some team won’t ante up for a guy who just averaged 28 points a game. I say he is, based on the Bill Russell factor. That is, the Celtics were 22-32 the day he arrived in February 2014. From that point, they went 18-10 to shock almost everyone by making the playoffs. They won 48 last year and 53 this year when he was in the conversation for MVP. Bottom line, the winning started the day he arrived, and being the catalyst for winning is what smart GMs pay the big bucks for. Email Dave Long at
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Ms sting Rays for quick The Big Story: You know what they say about the playoffs: It’s not necessarily the team with the best record that advances, it’s the team that gets hot at the right time. And in the ECHL playoffs that team is your Manchester Monarchs, who kicked off their Round 3 playoffs vs. South Carolina Stingrays with back-to-back wins (2-1 and 4-3) down south over the weekend. The leader was Kevin Morris, who had a goal in both wins. Sports 101: This is courtesy of George Will’s great annual opening day baseball quiz of 2016. Name the four players since World War II with five seasons of hitting .350 or better. Hooray for Hollywood Award: Who’d have bet that when they made the major Hollywood picture on the famed 1973 Battle of the Sexes between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs the producers would tab an edgy comedian out of Bedford, N.H., to be in the film? But they did in hiring Sarah Silverman to play World Team magazine founder Gladys Heldman to Emma Stone’s Billie Jean and Steve Carell’s Riggs. It’s slated for a Sept. 22 release. What’s in a Name Award: Goffstown’s Tyler Small (ball) defied his name in coming up big with the a three-run homer in
The Numbers
4 – lacrosse goals scored each by Avery Drouin and Lauren Lisauskas for Pinkerton in a 19-3 rout of Central. 6 – goal deficit the Bedford girls rebounded from to win a 16-15 thriller over Pinkerton after Hannah McCarthy kick-started the comeback to stay undefeat-
G-Town’s 11-4 win over Pelham. Good Start Award: To Connor Collins, who helped the Bedford baseball team rebound from their first loss by sending the Bulldogs on their way to a 9-2 win over Londonderry by homering on the game’s first pitch in a game in which he knocked in two runs, scored three times and zoomed the OBP by getting on base four times. Out-of-Town Scores – The Johnny Vander Meer Award: Move over, Johnny, as Oyster River senior Brennen Oxford just bested your MLB record by throwing a third consecutive no-hitter last week in a 5-0 win over Laconia. Sports 101 Answer: The four to hit .350 or better five times since WWII are Ted Williams, Rod Carew, Wade Boggs and Tony Gwynn. On The Date – May 18: 1942 – New York City ends night baseball games for rest of WW II. 1971 – With just six NHL games under his belt brilliant rookie Ken Dryden leads Montreal to a Game 7 win over Chicago Blackhawks for the Stanley Cup after shutting down Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito and defending champion Boston Bruins before that. 2004 – Randy Johnson becomes 16th pitcher to throw a perfect game as Arizona beats Atlanta 2-0.
ed in Division I lacrosse with a three-goal spurt after falling behind 9-3 to the Astros. 8 – goals and nine assists from Concord laxsters Drew Livingston (5 and 2) and Brendan Pearl (3 and 6) as the Crimson waxed Central 16-6. 9 – goals scored in a game, not once but twice by Madi Kochanek in leading
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Derryfield laxsters to a 19-4 win over St. Thomas at the start of the week and in a 13-12 loss to Laconia. 11 – wins against no defeats for Division II leader Derryfield School lacrosse team after an 18-3 pounding of Kennett when John Anderson, Eric Mayer and Gunnar Senatore each scored three goals to lead the way.
Sports Glossary
Stephen A Smith: ESPN yakker who apparently thinks raising the bellicosity level as he yammers on will somehow make folks with a hoop IQ over 100 believe he invented the NBA as he regularly acts like he did. Sam Jones: Another Celtic great lost in the haze of time, despite winning a second best ever 10 NBA titles. He was Paul Pierce before Paul Pierce, minus the rebounding. A volume scorer, with only Jerry West in his day as his equal as an end-of-the-game clutch shooter. The career numbers were held down by a backcourt with three other Famers. But after that thinned out, he averaged 25.6 per in 1965-66. I’ve got him seventh-best on the Cs’ alltime Top 10. Three Other Celtics Famers: Bob Cousy and Bill Sharman were the starters and the Jones boys Sam and KC were the reserves until Sharman retired in 1961, four years into Sam’s career. Johnny Vander Meer: 1930s-’40s Cincinnati Reds lefty hurler and only player in MLB history to throw consecutive no-hitters. It started June 11, 1938, with a no-no vs. the Boston Braves. No. 2 came four days later in the first night game played at Brooklyn’s Ebbets Field. That led to a start and win over the favored AL in the All-Star on his way to finishing 15-10. Overall, he had 16-, 17- and 18-win seasons in a 13-year career interrupted for two years by WWII, which finished at 119-121 with a 3.44 ERA.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 13
10 NH-based podcasts for your listening pleasure
How to create your own show
By Kelly Sennott
One recent Thursday, a Derry Public Library study transformed into a recording studio for the 25th episode of Exeter children’s author Paul Durham’s podcast, Telling Lies to Children. For that show, Durham was scheduled to interview local middle-grade writer Erin E. Moulton, who also works at the library but was off-hours that morning. They tiptoed by the front desk, tucked themselves away in the tiny room and shut the door. Durham turned on his computer, pulled out his microphone and, before pressing record, asked how to pronounce her name. She clarified and offered some history to the “Moulton” surname, too, inadvertently giving Durham fodder to start his show. “I’m with Erin Moulton — Moulton meaning, ‘from the mule farm,’” Durham said, laughing. “Thanks for being on the show.” For the next 40 minutes, they talked about the magic of that first novel (hers, Flutter, came to her while she was standing on her head in a yoga pose), the struggle of rejection and the importance of remaining “hopelessly optimistic.” Podcasts — the name combines “iPod” and “broadcast” — are episodic audio series you can download onto your phone, computer or other devices. It’s kind of like the new blog, except you can do anything while enjoying one. Drive! Clean! Walk your dog! HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 14
Cook! Pretend to work! (Just kidding, don’t actually do that.) And, now that the technology’s so inexpensive, they’re not that hard to create; you can record them anywhere — a closet, a basement, a library study room — and they can be about anything. “Frankly, anybody can do a podcast,” said Durham, who’d never even burned a CD before starting his show. “There are podcasts everywhere, on topics from politics to longform fiction.” If you haven’t caught the podcast bug yet, you’re in luck. Podcasts have become increasingly mainstream since they became a thing just over a decade ago, according to (which is Sept. 30, if you were wondering). Formats range from one-person casts to heavily-produced shows involving sound effects, interviews and lots of editing. There are even fictionalized podcasts. Some radio stations offer shows or segments of their shows as podcasts, which you can access via iTunes or on the radio station website, and some are run independently. Here are 10 New Hampshire-made podcasts tackling a variety of topics, from children’s literature to true crime, plus tips from these creators on how to put on your own show.
Kids’ literature
Podcast: Telling Lies to Children, a 30- to 45-minute show on children’s literature featuring authors and children’s lit experts Host: Paul Durham, an Exeter-based children’s author
New episodes: Once or twice a month Exeter author Paul Durham began recording Telling Lies to Children — aimed at adults who “live and breathe” children’s literature — last August. Each show starts with a bit from “In the Hall of the Mountain King,” composed by Edvard Grieg, and to date, Durham has interviewed fellow children’s authors, librarians, bookstore managers, literary agents and MFA directors, though episodes also include answers to readers’ questions and bring listeners to different places, like the Boston Public Library or the New Hampshire Children’s Librarians Fall Conference. Durham is fairly new to the children’s literature world; he published his first novel, The Luck Uglies, a tween fantasy story, in 2014, after having spent the earlier part of his career working as a lawyer. He began listening to podcasts about two years ago, one
of his favorites being The Joe Rogan Experience, hosted by comedian and retired martial artist Joe Rogan. “He started his podcast as a way to hang out with all his comedian friends. He’d just have them all come over to his house, and they’d talk, and it seemed like they were having a great time,” Durham said. He wanted to do with children’s literature what Rogan did with comedy. “I’m sort of an introvert, and I met some cool people when I got into the publishing world. … I’m not really good at keeping in touch, but I didn’t want to just lose track of everyone, as I’m prone to do with people over time,” Durham said. “Authors are not nearly as funny as comedians, of course, but I thought [creating a podcast] would be a fun way to keep in touch with authors I’m friendly with. … And if there are librarians and media specialists and teachers who want to listen in, maybe they’d get turned on to a new author.” He said Telling Lies to Children doesn’t sound as professional as an NPR podcast, but it’s more popular than he anticipated, averaging 180 unique listeners daily. And it did help him snag media interviews, and even small jobs — after his on-air interview with Cathryn Mercier, director of the Center for the Study of Children’s Literature at Simmons College, she invited him back to teach a workshop at the school. After recording, Durham said he spends about two hours editing and posting episodes online and various podcast sites, like iTunes
and He participates in other social media forms, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but thinks there’s a different sense of intimacy hearing someone talk off-the-cuff or in a casual podcast interview. Moulton thinks it’s a nice resource for aspiring writers as well. “It’s just talking about writing and the process of writing. And I think people like that, especially writers just starting out. They want to hear journey stories, and figure out how this works,” Moulton said. Find Telling Lies to Children at
For the love of fish
Podcast: Fish Nerds, a 90-minute-ish podcast about everything to do with fish Hosts: Clay Groves, a real-life fish nerd who lives in the White Mountains New episodes: Every Monday In 2011, real-life fish nerds Clay Groves and Dave Kellam sought to catch and eat every one of New Hampshire’s 48 species of freshwater fish. It took three years. When they finished, their venture was chronicled in newspapers and magazines all over the state, and they even found an agent who tried to sell their story to a publishing
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house — with no luck. So, in 2014, they launched the podcast, Fish Nerds, inspired by the nickname they earned on a segment of New Hampshire Chronicle. Their goal: to get as many people paying attention to them as possible, all over the world, and then revisit the book down the line. “We had failed to sell our book. Our publishing agent said we weren’t reaching outside New Hampshire enough,” Groves said via phone. “So with the podcast, New Hampshire was not our goal. Our goal was world domination!” Groves said he’d listened to NPR podcasts before but no independent shows. They had
Podcast 101 What’s a podcast? there, making mistakes,” Groves said. A digital audio file available from the How do I record and edit? internet you can download onto your comBuy a nice microphone — you can get a puter, tablet or phone, typically produced in a decent one for $50 to $100 — and record in a series. Subscribers can receive new episodes quiet place. To edit, most people interviewed automatically. used Audacity or GarageBand. Where do I find podcasts? Where do I post it? iTunes and are the first places iTunes and, so it’s available on to look, but there are also genre-specific databoth iPhones and Androids, plus a podcast host bases of podcasts, like, which site (examples include SoundCloud, Libsyn, is for comedy podcasts. People also discover Podomatic, etc.). Certain host sites incorporate them through word of mouth or serendipity. listening analytics, which is important if you How frequently do episodes go up? ever want to generate advertisers. It varies; some are posted weekly, some biHow do I get more listeners? monthly, some less regularly. Market your podcast! Use social media, and I want to create a podcast. Where do I start? follow your audience. For example, if your Pick a topic. It’s important your show has a podcast is about knitting, it’s probably a good strong mission, with a topic you’re passionate idea to attend the New Hampshire Sheep and about or have a unique angle on. “You need Wool Festival, either to pass out business cards to be clear on why you’re doing it. I want to or to record right on-site. showcase the personalities of other authors. I Can I make money doing this? have a very specific target audience: teachers, Yes. But it’s hard. Most podcasts have Patrelibrarians, kids lit enthusiasts,” said Paul Duron pages, which essentially allow listeners to ham of his podcast, Telling Lies to Children. donate to podcasters — in return they might How do I create good content? get gifts or special content. If you get enough “Listen to a ton of independent podcasts. Get listeners, you may be able to get advertisers, an idea of what you like and don’t like. The best which you may need to seek out, but if you’re ones to listen to are podcasts about podcast- that good, they may come to you. ing,” said Clay Groves of Fish Nerds. These podcasts have advice on everything from cre- How, other than direct listener or advertiser ating new content to the kinds of equipment to payments, can a podcast can pay off? use. Examples include School of Podcasting, Many people interviewed said starting their The Podcasters’ Studio and Podcasters’ Par- podcast allowed them to expand or start busiadise. And then do it. “Think about it less and nesses, obtain internships or get invited to host make it more. You’re not going to get good workshops or attend major conferences in at it by reading about it. It’s about getting in their niche subjects.
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love of fish. “My wife gets tired of me talking about fish all the time, and this gives me a place to talk about fish.” Find Fish Nerds at
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Clay Groves of Fish Nerds. Courtesy photo.
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no idea what they were doing. “Content-wise, our first shows were very funny, but the quality was terrible. We used the mikes on our computers, which is the worst thing you can do,” Groves said. Early episodes were hosted by both Kellam and Groves, but today Groves runs the podcast with about 16 other correspondents from all over the world — biologists, fishermen, chefs — who help produce tiny segments, from interviews to news bits, that Groves pastes in before releasing the show each week. Show topics include fishing tips, fish news, cooking fish, cultures impacted by fish, plus science and conservation issues involving fish. It even has a fish-themed book club under its umbrella (and now, publishing houses are sending them books to review). Today, the show sees 5,000 downloads a month, with more than 50,000 downloads total and 155 episodes. One of Groves’ favorites is “Mako My Day,” No. 43, which recorded his and Kellam’s mako shark fishing trip in Maine. “The cool thing about podcasts is there are no rules. I don’t have to do an hour-long show. I could do a 10-minute show. I could do a 6-minute show,” Groves said. “It gives you a lot of freedom.” Groves, who lives in Conway and used to work as a science teacher and at Amoskeag Fishways, is excited about a recent invitation to the Sustainable Seafood Festival at Virginia Beach, which occurs at the end of May. “I’m getting five vacation days because of my podcast! I get to hang out backstage in an aquarium with nerds like me. I’m really excited about it,” he said. Key to the Fish Nerds success is a high level of engagement with listeners and people in the fish industry. “We go to where our listeners are. If there’s a fishing event, then we go there and talk to people. We do a lot of social media and keep reaching out, inviting people to be part of our show,” said Groves, who keeps at it for the
Podcast: NH Knits, which is about 30 to 45 minutes and is all about knitting, with musings from the host plus interviews with sheep farmers and mill owners. Host: Corinne Tomlinson, a.k.a. Claire, an Upper Valley knitting enthusiast and owner of the online yarn shop, The Woolly Thistle New episodes: About twice a month Corinne Tomlinson started NH Knits almost three years ago. “I had been knitting for about three years at that point. I was obsessively reading blog posts and listening to knitting podcasts,” said Tomlinson, who goes by Claire on the podcast. “I was constantly talking to my husband about it, bless him, but he wasn’t really getting it.” So, in September 2014, she purchased a microphone at RadioShack, plugged it into her computer and hit record. “I was just talking to the wind. And it was strangely freeing, not talking to anybody, but just talking about what I wanted to talk about,” she said. “No one was saying, ‘Oh, enough already!’ I could just go and go and go. I had to edit it down a lot, but you learn that as you go.” Tomlinson learned to knit as a girl growing up in Scotland, but she stopped for some time to do other things — like get married, adopt children, move to the United States. But with all these life changes, she sometimes found herself very anxious and in need of a stress-reliever — which is why she turned back to knitting. “It helped — the ritual of the repetitive motion of knitting. And then you have something at the end of it!” Tomlinson said, adding that knitting is not just for old ladies anymore — you can find modern, beautiful designs online, and tailor them to fit your tastes. Tomlinson, who lives in the Upper Valley, didn’t think anyone would listen to her podcast, but she underestimated the knitting community, which has a strong online presence, full of knitters as obsessed as she, and today sees about 2,000 listeners per episode. She’s personally a big fan other knitting-
themed podcasts like The Knitmore Girls and Knitting Pipeline, plus, which is like a social media site and database of yarn patterns for knitters. Her episodes are typically 30 to 45 minutes, discussing what’s on her needles, what’s off her needles and what new designs have caught her eye. Some include interviews with New Hampshire and Vermont farmers and mill owners, and others feature her chickens (the “Coop Cast”) and updates on the Woolly Thistle, her online, Britainproduced yarn business that grew out of her podcast a year ago. “The U.K. has a long and solid history of yarn production. I grew up with sheep everywhere. … I’m getting [the yarn] from farmers or mills and can sometimes even identify the sheep it comes from, and people love that,” said Tomlinson. “For me, it’s about being part of a thriving community of knitters. And yes, my business came out of it, and the business is doing really well. I might not have thought to do it had I not been podcasting first.” Find NH Knits at
In the restaurant business?
Podcast: Restaurant Unstoppable, which is usually an hour and 20 minutes and includes interviews with restaurant owners on how to make it in the industry Host: Eric Cacciatore, a Seacoast hospitali-
ty enthusiast who’s worked in restaurants his whole life New episodes: Mondays and Thursdays Are you feeling unstoppable? This is the first question Eric Cacciatore asks restaurant owners and experts during interviews on Restaurant Unstoppable, a podcast he started almost four years ago. To date, the show comprises 330 episodes and has seen more than 300,000 total downloads, with about 3,000 per episode and 30,000 per month. His goal is to empower restaurant owners by sharing advice and success stories from fellow professionals. Cacciatore came up with the idea about four years ago in a Great Bay Community College marketing course, when his professor asked the class what podcasts they listened
to. Nobody raised a hand. Their homework assignment: start listening to three. When he was a kid, Cacciatore’s parents owned a restaurant, and Cacciatore continued to work in them throughout high school and college. Cacciatore was moved by personal growth and entrepreneurial podcasts but couldn’t find any specifically about the restaurant or hospitality industry. But he felt there should be; running a restaurant is hard. There’s so much more to it than making good food. “The entrepreneurial myth is that if you’re good at making pies, you should make a pie shop. But you need to consider all the other variables,” he said. Episodes span an hour and 20 minutes, and most contain interviews with successful restaurant professionals discussing things like how they broke into the industr, when they decided to make it a career and what they did in order to get where they are today. Cacciatore has interviewed people from all over the world but most have been people from the States, New Hampshire especially. Local featured personalities include Evan Mallett from Black Trumpet, Matt Louis from Moxy Restaurant, Evan Hennessey from Stages at One Washington and Edward Aloise from Republic Cafe. Restaurant Unstoppable‘s success has relied on its structure, honesty and mission. “The podcast is about the future of the industry, about sharing knowledge to make it
better, and to lift it up,” said Cacciatore, who at the time of his interview was preparing to pack up and take the podcast on the road, first to moderate a panel at the festival in Chicago in late May. “You need an overarching mission, a purpose, a vision of where you want to be. Start with the end in mind, where you want to go. Then figure out what you have to do to get there.” Find Restaurant Unstoppable at
Learn some tunes
Podcast: 10 Minute Jazz Lesson, which contains intermediate-level music lessons Host: Nick Mainella, a Seacoast-based musician and music teacher New episodes: Every Thursday
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 17
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Nick Mainella, founder of 10 Minute Jazz Lesson. Courtesy photo.
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Nick Mainella, founder of 10 Minute Jazz Lesson, was a big fan of podcasts before he began recording his own in his home studio in February 2016. Mainella, a Seacoast resident and professional saxophonist, spends a lot of time traveling, either to teach (at private residences or schools, like Timberlane Regional High School or Pinkerton Academy), or to perform, often with his band, The Soggy Po’Boys. Some of his favorites to listen to during the commute include Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History and James Newcomb’s MusicPreneur. But while looking for new shows, he realized there weren’t many on music education, particularly jazz education. “If you go on YouTube and type in ‘jazz lesson,’ there will be about 2 million videos showing up,” said Mainella, who also has a background in audio engineering, and already owned most of the equipment he’d need for a podcast. “The advantage is that with a podcast, you can listen in your car. … I quickly realized there was a niche market for this kind of stuff, and I had people from all over the world listening to it, almost right from the get-go.” Episodes of 10 Minute Jazz Lesson usually span 10 to 15 minutes and involve jazz lessons and demonstrations, mostly on saxophone, sometimes piano. It’s challenging, giving instructions via audio recordings, as so much of teaching involves a dialogue between teacher and student, but he’s found lots of listeners, about 2,000 per episode. “I found the biggest demographic that listens to my show is a middle-aged adult student who is trying to play jazz as more of a hobby,” he said. “Those are the people who aren’t necessarily going to sign up and take a private lesson every week, but they’re still seeking a formal means of music education.” Because of the podcast, he’s picked up students worldwide, whom he teaches via video chat. “It’s a recent development in the music world — you don’t have to be in the same
place as the person you want to study with. I’ve been getting a lot of emails from people from all corners of the world. It’s been great to expand my network a little bit,” he said. Find 10 Minute Jazz Lesson at
Calling all Shakespeare nerds
Podcast: No Holds Bard, a pop culture podcast for Shakespeare nerds or people who want to learn about Shakespeare, typically between 30 and 60 minutes Hosts: Dan Beaulieu and Kevin Condardo New episodes: Every Tuesday More than 400 years have passed since Shakespeare’s death, and people still haven’t run out of things to say about the bard, his stories or his characters. Certainly, Dan Beaulieu and Kevin Condardo thought of ultra Shakespeare geeks like themselves when conceptualizing No Holds Bard, the Shakespeare-themed podcast that blossomed from Seven Stages Shakespeare Co. in Portsmouth, where Beaulieu is cofounder and artistic director, Condardo the managing director. But they also wanted it to be accessible for people who aren’t die-hard fanatics. “You don’t need to like Shakespeare to like the podcast. But hopefully you might like him more [after listening] than when you started,” Beaulieu said via phone. The duo met at UNH and had been arguing over bizarre Shakespeare-themed ideas
for more than a decade when they started casting at the suggestion of a friend. “As a company, we were trying to expand our programming, and we wanted to reach not just our audience on the Seacoast but a more global audience. This was a way we could collaborate with other companies when we joined the Shakespeare Theatre Association,” Beaulieu said. “One of our friends said to us that we don’t have faces for TV — we have faces for podcasts.” They spent six months devising No Holds Bard, and today, they package their show as “the Shakespeare podcast Shakespeare would have listened to.” The first episode was recorded in the spring of 2015. One of their inspirations was WEEI FM, Sports Radio 93.7, where they love listening about the Boston Red Sox; as a result, sports are frequently woven into the show. “AllShakespeare Girls Professional Baseball,” a recent episode, looks at which of Shakespeare’s female characters would be the most fearsome ball players. Most episodes are between 30 and 60 minutes and feature regular segments. “Word of the week” contains a strange or confusing Shakespearean word. “Homework” offers answers to Shakespeare homework questions, typically found online. Another segment answers questions that intersect Shakespeare with the present day. (Which Shakespeare character would be most excited about legalized same-sex marriage in the
United States? Which character would you most like to go on a date with?) Episodes also discuss news surrounding Shakespeare (a teacher was found guilty of attempting to seduce a 16-year-old student by buying her beer at an art museum and quoting Shakespeare!), and once a month, they produce a “So You’re Going to See Shakespeare” episode, a 30-minute crash course on a Shakespeare play, kind of like SparkNotes in audio form. On occasion, they’ve welcomed guests, like Mya Gosling, creator of Good Tickle Brain: A Mostly Shakespeare Webcomic. The podcast recently celebrated its 100th episode, and today has seen more than 28,000 total downloads in 2016, boasting almost 1,000 subscribers. For beginner podcasters, Beaulieu recommends investing in high-quality microphones and taking time to determine your show so that it’s different and new, even if it is about something that’s been talked about for centuries, like Shakespeare. Find No Holds Bard at
Beer connoisseur
Podcast: The Tap Handle Show, with beer tastings, interviews with beer people and beer musings Hosts: Michael Hauptly-Pierce and Seth Simonian, who both own NH beer businesses New episodes: Every Thursday Whether you like to make beer, drink beer, or just listen to people talk about beer,
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Michael Hauptly-Pierce and Seth Simonian have you covered on The Tap Handle Show. Both are professional beer-lovers. Hauptly-Pierce owns Lithermans Limited Brewery in Concord, which celebrates its first anniversary this spring, and Simonian is founder of Hop Head United, an organization dedicated to helping craft brewers better their marketing, and The Flight Center, a craft beer lounge in Nashua. Their podcast is all about beer and features interviews with brewers and beer folk, beer tastings and brewing advice. The Tap Handle Show started with Tim Roberts, founder of Success Through Referrals, which also has a podcast part of its business. Roberts felt there was a market for a regional craft beer podcast, and recruited Hauptly-Pierce to join him on the venture. The idea was for it to be like a comedy podcast that happened to be about beer, focused on consumers, not producers. The first show
happened in February 2014. “I did feel like we could do something different from what was being done. There are some national podcasts out there about beer. Some tend to be very sponsorship-heavy. Others are very information-heavy, and you have to be a black-belt beer geek to understand what’s going on,” said Hauptly-Pierce, who grew up near California’s wine country and was a home brewer for years before starting his business. “I try not to drown people in concepts, in things they’re not familiar with. We usually try to make it really accessible for people who don’t have any brewing experience.” Today, The Tap Handle Show is run by Hauptly-Pierce and Simonian (Roberts had to leave due to time constraints). Topics include manufacturing, distribution, beerrelated news, beer personalities and beer recommendations. One of Hauptly-Pierce’s favorite episodes is No. 35, featured John and Jen Kimmich, who run The Alchemist in Vermont, most famous for its Heady Topper. Hauptly-Pierce’s advice for beginners: “Make sure you have the ability to record sound as crystal clear as you can. People have very little patience for [bad] sound. And I think social media is invaluable. People who listen to podcasts are also people involved in social media as well,” he said. Find The Tap Handle Show at
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 19
downloads monthly, is part of Rebecca Lavoie and Kevin Flynn’s Partners in Crime Media company, which offers independent podcasters access to their recording studio, plus consultation on editorial, audio, editing, etc. Eriksson has enjoyed creating the podcast because it made her realize new career goals, having recently set up an internship with NHPR. “I just realized how much I really enjoy radio podcasting. I owe that to the podcast — I’ve found something I enjoy,” she said. Find Deathcast at
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 20
Funny cast
For all your death questions
Podcast: Deathcast, which answers all kinds of questions you might have had about death Host: Kelsey Eriksson, a Hopkinton resident who used to work in the funeral industry New episodes: Every month or two We’re all going to die someday. It’s an uncomfortable truth. And because it’s so uncomfortable, lots of people avoid talking about death and all its mysteries — but everyone has questions. Hopkinton resident Kelsey Eriksson knows this because she used to work in the funeral industry, and people asked her death questions all the time. She decided to create the podcast after reading Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty, about the secretive culture of those who cared for the deceased. “I’ve always been fascinated by death and the death care industry. After reading more about it, I wanted to share some of that weirdness with other people,” Eriksson said via phone. She began her podcast, Deathcast, last summer, which to date comprises about 20 episodes and tackles topics like, how does cremation work, and what are the other options? Or, what’s the deal with the right to die debate? One episode referenced Carrie Fisher’s wish to be cremated and held in an urn that looked like a giant Prozac pill, which led to a discussion of what your ideal ash-storing container might look like. The show’s not meant to be grim but educational, with content created via research and on-air interviews. The hope is that, by talking about death, it helps muffle the fear or relieve the grieving. “A lot of people were interested in the idea of trying to take back their own ideas of how death should look after they die, or after their loved ones die,” said Eriksson, who encouraged listeners to email her feedback or questions. “You’ve got questions? That’s fine. We’ve all got questions about death. It’s a big mystery. I’m here to answer some of them.” The podcast, which sees about 8,000
Podcast: Here’s What Happened to Me, a funny podcast about being a comedian and a human being Hosts: Local comedians Mike Koutrobis and Kyle Crawford New episodes: Usually every two weeks Comedians were some of the first people to pick up on podcasting. Which shouldn’t be surprising, because according to local comedians Mike Koutrobis and Kyle Crawford, the medium is perfect for evolving jokes and developing followers. They began recording their podcast, Here’s What Happened to Me (a name inspired by a regular phrase Koutrobis features in his routines), in May 2015. They record almost every week, and their shows include interviews with other comedians, advice for prospective comedians, comedic rantings — about being a comedian, a human being — but most importantly, it acts as a platform for creating new material. “Sometimes, you have an idea but don’t know where to go with it. We both bring up topics we want to create jokes about, and then we talk about it, back and forth,” said Koutrobis, who lives in Methuen, Mass., but grew up in New Hampshire. Trying new jokes out on the air vs. in front of a crowd at an open mike night is also less nerve-wracking and time-consuming. “When you think about [a joke] or write about it on paper, it doesn’t equate to a stage performance,” said Crawford, who lives in Plaistow. “It’s hard to get on stage every night, but this gives us a comfortable outlet.” According to Koutrobis, “every comedian with a computer now has a podcast,” as they’re easy to record and get out there, particularly with, a place to post and find comedy-specific podcasts. Podcasts also make comedians more marketable; Koutrobis said agents in comedy clubs now look at social media followers and posts when booking acts, because they want to know their comedians have followings and a means of promoting their upcoming gigs. Koutrobis, who also works as a DJ, said it’s important to take the time to edit podcasts before posting them online. Make
sure the sound is professional, maybe with music or sound effects. Crawford said it’s a nice way to live out his dream of being in radio. “For me, the fantasy was always to be on the radio. I never thought I would be a comic. But podcasting seemed like a really easy way to go about that,” he said. Find Here’s What Happened to Me at, or visit the Here’s What Happened to Me Facebook page; it’s also available on iTunes.
Love true crime or Serial?
Podcast: Crime Writers On..., a pop culture show about true crime from a crime writer’s perspective, usually an hour and 15 minutes Hosts: Real-life crime writers, including Rebecca Lavoie and Kevin Flynn, who are married, plus Toby Ball and Lara Bricker New episodes: Weekly When Kevin Flynn and Rebecca Lavoie started this podcast at the end of 2014, they called it Crime Writers on Serial, because it was structured as a discussion show about the mega-hit investigative journalist podcast Serial. But Crime Writers On … has morphed into broader conversation about true crime, journalism and pop culture, hosted by local true crime writers Lavoie and Flynn (who are married and who wrote Notes on a Killing and Our Little Secret together), Toby Ball (business manager at the Crimes Against Children Research Center and the Family Research Library at UNH) and Lara Bricker (New Hampshire-based newspaper reporter), plus occasional guests. Soon they began recording weekly and brought in popular TV shows like Making a Murderer and documentaries like The Staircase. Today the podcast boasts 7 million listeners. Lavoie, a digital director at New Hampshire Public Radio, said that once they
began recording in earnest, they worked strategically to build listener numbers via social media and other podcasters. “We reached out in a big way to try to get people as guests on the show who are from other podcasts. Then they would talk about our podcast on their show,” Lavoie said. Podcasts in general are growing enormously. According to Edison Research, in 2017, 112 million people listened to a podcast. Of them, 67 million listen monthly, 42 weekly. The average listener devours five shows a week. Flynn, a communications specialist who used to work as a television reporter, thinks these numbers have to do with the technological tools available now at low costs. “It’s like self-publishing. Sometimes you can just tell by looking at the cover, this is not anything you want to spend time on. But there are self-published books that make it big — like 50 Shades of Gray or The Martian,” Flynn said. “If we were trying to produce a TV show … it wouldn’t look the same as it would as in a studio. But with a podcast, and just a little bit of talent, you can put together a product that sounds exactly the same as one created by a national corporation. … There’s been a paradigm shift. Successful podcasts are being put together in basements.” The couple like podcasting so much, they started another, ... These Are Their Stories, inspired by the TV show Law & Order, and created a basement studio and company, Partners in Crime Media, which they look to expand by creating a network of independently produced podcasts. Even as their show becomes popular, and there’s potential to make more money from it, they stick at their day jobs — because who knows how long the hype will last? “Even M*A*S*H went off the air at some point. Dallas went off the air. This is entertainment. There is a lifespan to any show,” Flynn said. “We don’t know a year from now what our audience will be like. We’re just going to do it as long as we can.” Find Crime Writers On … at
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 21
EVENTS TO CHECK OUT MAY 18 - 24, 2017, AND BEYOND EAT: locally grown food The Weare Winter Farmers Market continues on Friday, May 19, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Old Town Hall and Community Center (16 N. Stark Highway, Weare). The market features a variety of locally grown vegetables, fruits, farm fresh eggs, livestock products, raw honey and more. Admission is free. Visit or call 491-4203 for more details.
Friday, May 19
Join the Amoskeag Fishways Learning and Visitors Center (4 Fletcher St., Manchester) for its annual family fishtravaganza from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Play fish-themed games and learn from Fishways staff members which fish found in the Merrimack River can travel the greatest distances. The cost is $8 per family. Visit or call 626-3474 for more details.
Wednesday, May 24 Saturday, May 20
Bluegrass revival band The Appleseed Collective performs at the Riverwalk Cafe & Music Bar (35 Railroad Square, Nashua) at 8 p.m. The group recently released its five-song EP The Tour Tapes, which takes its influence from a variety of genres, including Indian classical and Irish Celtic music. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Visit or call 578-0200.
Saturday, May 20
The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Nashua Fine Crafts Gallery (98 Main St.) will host a walk on the wild side craft workshop from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Participants will create a unique mixed media piece using paints, papers, inks and stencils, crafting animals like an octopus, a moose and more. The cost is $27 for tuition, plus a $15 materials fee. Visit or call 595-8233.
Saturday, May 20
Don’t miss the NH Renaissance Faire, 9 Thorne Road in Kingston, today and Sunday, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Enter a medieval village featuring jousting knights, vendors, costumed performers, food and more. Costumes encouraged. Tickets: $15 for adults $10 for kids, seniors and veterans; free for kids 4 and under. Visit or and find the story on p. 26 of the May 11 issue.
The Wadleigh Memorial Library (49 Nashua St., Milford) will host “Growing in Containers: A Great Way to Garden in Limited Space” from 6:30 to 8 p.m., a presentation featuring master gardener Marge Badois. She will give an introduction to the benefits and methods of growing flowering plants and veggies in containers. There will be samples available for viewing, plus opportunities for questions and answers. Admission is free. Visit or call 249-0645.
DRINK: South American wine Join Colby Hill Inn (33 The Oaks St., Henniker) for the next dinner party of its Wines of the World tour series, which focuses on one different wine region of the world each month. The next event will be held on Thursday, May 18, at 6 p.m. and will introduce wines and traditions from the South American region of Patagonia. The party will also feature Uruguayan winemaker Pablo Fallabrino as a special guest. The cost is $115 to attend and $95 for any additional classes. Visit or call 428-3281.
BE MERRY: with crafts, music and food More than 80 juried crafters selling handmade artwork, pottery, jewelry, textiles and more will appear at the Apple Country Spring Craft Fair on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church (3 Peabody Row, Londonderry). There will also be raffles, live music, homemade baked goods, and grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage sandwiches and wraps. Admission and parking are free. Visit or call 437-8333. Looking for more stuff to do this week? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
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ARTS Role of the artist
NH Philharmonic presents “Hindemith” By Kelly Sennott
The New Hampshire Philharmonic’s last concert of the season, “Hindemith,” features the Pinkerton Academy Choir at the Stockbridge Theatre on Saturday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, May 21, at 2 p.m. It is the last concert under Thomas Quigley, Pinkerton Academy’s fine arts director who retires this spring, and the first with the Phil’s new executive director, Cathy Kaplan. Music includes “Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchestra” by Albert Franz Doppler; John Rutter’s Requiem, performed with Pinkerton’s choir; and the concert’s showcase piece, “Mathis der Maler Symphonie” by Paul Hindemith. The latter contains segments from Hindemith’s opera, Mathis der Maler, which the composer wrote during the Nazi regime and which was inspired by real-life painter Matthias Grünewald. While the musicians play, audiences will see large replicas of Grünewald’s paintings on stage. “One of the remarkable things about the music is how you can clearly hear “Hindemith” Where: Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy, 44 N. Main St., Derry When: Saturday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 21, at 2 p.m. Admission: $12 to $50, $10 for students Contact:
Mark Latham. Courtesy photo.
how Hindemith was clearly looking at these paintings and inspired by them to write music that reflects what the subject matter of the paintings is,” said the orchestra’s music director, Mark Latham, via phone. He thinks the message of the story — about the role of the artist in society — is relatable to all members of the orchestra, and any artist in general. “I think the artist in the U.S. struggles more just to make ends meet, and when they struggle … they question, is it all worth it? What is my contribution to my fellow humanity?” Latham said.
24 Classical
Includes symphony and orchestral performances. To get listed, e-mail
“But [as an artist] the way you can best serve humanity is to go back and do what you do best. … Without novels, without paintings, without music, life would be pretty barren.” The concert requires a 65-member orchestra, whose members range in age and experience, from teens to musicians who’ve been playing for 30 years. Kaplan is excited to work with the group, whose roots trace back to 1895. “The Philharmonic has survived, despite the fact that support for arts organizations has suffered since 2007. They have persevered because they believe
24 Art
so strongly in their mission of bringing world-class music to the state,” said Kaplan, who was named executive director a couple weeks before this concert. Kaplan worked in marketing at the Concord Community Music School for 15 years, and in 2013 she studied at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education and earned a degree in Arts in Education. “One of the assignments we had for the end of the year was to write a short personal piece explaining or describing where we saw ourselves in five years. And the first line of my essay was, ‘In five years, I will be the executive director of an arts nonprofit in New Hampshire.’ That was four years ago. I had no idea what time would bring, but that’s been a goal of mine these past four years. And I’m thrilled the New Hampshire Philharmonic helped me realize [this goal],” she said. Kaplan’s first priorities are to focus on fundraising, reignite the high school concerto competition, fill seats and raise the profile of the orchestra by advancing its website and marketing plan. “In the last few days, when I’ve mentioned this new role to people, some of them said, ‘I haven’t heard about them in a while,’ or, ‘I didn’t know they were still around,’ which isn’t something I want to hear anymore!” she said. “It is a part-time position, but the goal will be to grow with fundraising and audience engagement and marketing … so it becomes a fulltime position with a staff.”
26 Theater
Includes listings for gallery events, ongoing exhibits and classes. Includes listings, shows, auditions, workshops and more. To get listed, e-mail To get listed, e-mail
Looking for more art, theater and classical music? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play. Classical Music Events • SUNCOOK VALLEY CHORALE Concert. Fri., May 19, at 7 p.m., and Sat., May 20, at 7 p.m. Wesley United Methodist Church, 79 Clinton St., Concord. Tickets $15. Visit facebook/suncookvalleychorale. • NASHUA CHORAL SOCIETY Concert, featuring all-Purcell program. Sat., May 20, at 7:30 p.m. Nashua High School North, 8 Titan Way, Nashua. Tickets $20. Visit • NH GAY MEN’S CHORUS SPRING CONCERT SERIES “New Love, Lost Love, Old Love, True Love.” Sat., May 20, at 7:30 p.m., at Christ Episcopal Church of Portsmouth, 1035
Lafayette Road, Portsmouth; and Sun., May 21, at 4 p.m., at Derryfield School, 2018 River Road, Manchester. $20. Visit • THE WANDERKOOK PROJECT Wanderkook Field Notes on Music. Fri., May 19. at 7:30 p.m. Portsmouth Music and Art Center, 973 Islington St., Portsmouth. $12. Visit • FREDERICK MOYER Concert. Sat., May 20, at 7:30 p.m. Brewster Academy, 205 S. Main St., Wolfeboro. Call 569-2151. Tickets $25. Visit • HINDEMITH NH Philharmonic concert with Pinkerton choirs. Sat., May 20, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 24
Stockbridge Theatre, Pinkerton Academy, Derry. Tickets $12 to $50. Visit • NH MASTER CHORALE: DANCING IN THE CLOUDS Sun., May 21, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Carriage House Terrace, Castle in the Clouds, Route 171, 455 Old Mountain Road, Moultonborough, 476-5900, Swing dancing to Scott Spradling band, appetizers by Red Blazer, swing dance lessions, live and silent auctions, performance by NH Master Chorale. Fundraising event for chorale. • A TASTE OF CABONNAY Wine tasting, preview of upcoming menu with petite versions entrees and appetizers, proceeds go to Symphony NH. Thurs., May 25, 6-9 p.m. Cabonnay,
55 Bridge St., Manchester. $70. Call 595-9156. • NASHUA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA “Songs and Dances” concert. Sat., June 3, at 7:30 p.m. at Judd Gregg Hall, Nashua Community College, 505 Amherst St., Nashua. Sun., June 4, at 7:30 p.m. Milford Town Hall, 1 Union Square, Milford. Visit Prices $18. Call 582-5211. • A MANCHESTER CHORAL SOCIETY: MURDER MYSTERY PARTY Sun., June 4, at 7 p.m. Veranda Restaurant, 201 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets $50 a person. Includes appetizers, silent auction, cash bar. Proceeds support Manchester Choral Society. Visit mcsnh. org.
Other • TAKE APART A PIANO The Dover Public Library hosts STEM-related “take apart” program to see how piano works Sat., May 27, at 10 a.m. at the library. 73 Locust St., Dover. Call 516-6050. Art Events • PECHAKUCHA NIGHT PORTSMOUTH NO. 29 Thurs., May 18, at 7:30 p.m. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. Free admission. Creative individuals share projects in six minutes, 40 seconds, with 20 slide images. Visit •NASHUA INTERNATIONAL SCULPTURE SYMPO-
SIUM Three international sculptors visit Nashua and create large granite or metal outdoor sculpture to give to the city. Theme is “Together.” Artists are on-site working Monday-Friday May 15 through June 1 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at NIMCO. Nashua, NH Nashua. Visit • ART IN ACTION 25 artists/ artisans will demonstrate painting, fiber art, jewelry making, woodworking, pottery. Sat., May 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun., May 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mack’s Apples Farm, 230 Mammoth Road, Londonderry. Free. Call 434-4799. • WRONG BRAIN PATCHA-PALOOZA Buy, sell or trade patches with vendors and guests.
GUTENBERG! IS BACK Doug Schwartz and David Peck spent a year rehearsing Gutenberg! The Musical! for its debut at the Community Players Studio July 2015, with no idea what kind of reception to expect — Schwartz was a Players veteran, but Peck was a newbie to theater. They produced the play again to a sellout crowd at the Capitol Center for the Arts’ Spotlight Cafe, according to the press release, and they’ll produce it yet again at the Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord, this Saturday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, May 21, at 2 p.m. Tickets are $16.50, available at Courtesy photo. Sewing machines available to use. Tues., May 23, at 6 p.m. Wrong Brain HQ, 1 Washington St., Dover. Suggested $5 to $10 donation. Demo on hand and machine sewing, make-you-own patches, snacks. • POSITIVE STREET ART PAINT SOCIAL “May Rain.” Fundraiser for Positive Street Art. Tues., May 23, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WineNot Boutique, 170 Main St., Nashua. $25. Visit • GRAND OPENING: NANCY MORGAN ART Gallery featuring Morgan’s textile scenes of coastal life. Fri., June 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the gallery, 238 State St., Portsmouth. Call 427-8611. Visit • LEAGUE OF NH CRAFTSMEN PANEL DISCUSSION Fri., June 2, 5-7 p.m., plus reception featuring 5 exhibitors in “Pushing the Limits” at League headquarters, 49 S. Main St., Concord. Tackling topics, like, why am I a craftsman? Why is this important? Visit nhcrafts. org. Open calls • CALL FOR ART For upcoming Studio 550 shows, which change every month and are at the Studio 550 Art Center, 550 Elm St., Manchester. Visit for details on upcoming shows and how to submit pieces or call 232-5597. • SEEKING ARTWALK 2017 COORDINATOR City Arts Nashua seeking to contract experienced professional to manage the planning and implementation of ArtWalk Weekend, Oct. 14-Oct. 15, 2017. Time commitment is about 10 hours per week. Submit resumes, examples of success project/event management to info@cityartsnashua. org by May 31. Openings •”CELEBRATING FLIGHT” Paper airplane exhibit. On view May 13-May 28. Aviation Museum of NH, 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry. Visit aviationmu- Call 669-4820. • NHIA BFA ANNUAL EXHIBITION On view May 19-May 27. Opening Fri., May 19, 5-7 p.m. Emma B. French Gallery, 148 Concord St., Manchester. Roger Williams Gallery, 77 Amherst St., Manchester. • “INDY 500 AND BEYOND” Student art show. On view May 5-June 5. Opening Thurs., May 25, 5-7:30 p.m. Lamont Gallery, Phillips Exeter, 20 Main St., Exeter. Call 777-3461. • “THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER” Featuring artwork by Mike Howat, Abba Cudney, Isaiah Gulino, Meghan Cochran, Phil Cifone. On view at Robert M. Larsen Gallery, Sulloway & Hollis, 29 School St., Concord. Opening reception Mon., May 22, 5-7 p.m. • JOE FLAHERTY Painting show. On view May 26-June 30. Opening Fri., May 26, 4-6 p.m. VIBE Art Gallery, 67 High St., Somersworth. • “20TH-CENTURY NEW ENGLAND LANDSCAPES” Showcasing work from private collection of Stan Fry. On view June 3-July 21. Opening Sat., June 3, 2-4 p.m. Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen St., Lowell. Call 978-452-7641. Visit • ANDRE BERTOLINO Art show featuring 15 never-beforeseen works. On view June 1-June 30. Dos Amigos Burritos, 26 N. Main St., Concord. Visit • “A LIFETIME OF ART FOR FUN: RETROSPECTIVE WITH KEITH EVELAND AND BOB NILSON” NH Art Association’s Robert Lincoln Levy East Gallery, 136 State St., Portsmouth. On view May 31 through July 1. Opening Fri., June 2, 5-8 p.m., with music and refreshments. • DAVID POPPIE June artist of the month at Exeter Fine Crafts. 61 Water St., Exeter. Artist who creates pieces from disposable objects. Reception Fri., June 2, 6-8 p.m. Visit exeterfinecrafts. com, call 778-8282. • “A LIFETIME OF ART FOR
FUN: RETROSPECTIVE WITH KEITH EVELAND AND BOB NILSON” NH Art Association’s Robert Lincoln Levy East Gallery, 136 State St., Portsmouth. On view May 31 through July 1. Opening Fri., June 2, 5-8 p.m., with music and refreshments. • “THE COLOR OF THE SEASONS” Featuring paintings by Bruce McColl. On view June 6-July 7, with a reception Fri., June 9, from 5 to 9 p.m. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. Visit or call 225-2515. • JOHN FARRAR Award-winning contemporary impressionist artists mounts exhibit. Opening Fri., June 9, 7-9 In the Galleries • “KNOCK ON WOOD” Art by Scott Chasse, Kenley Darling, Thomas Dupere, Damion Silver. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. On view through May 20. Visit • “DEEP CUTS: CONTEMPORARY PAPER CUTTING” Showcasing work by contemporary artists who reconsider, redefine and subvert practice of paper cutting. On view Feb. 25 through May 21. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit • “AMERICAN IMPRESSIONISM: HARBOR SCENES” On view at the Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen St., Lowell. April 1-May 26. Visit whistlerhouse. org, call 978-452-7641. • “PERFECT EXPOSURE” Art show by Ash Street Group. On view through May 31. Hooksett Library, 31 Mount St. Mary’s Way, Hooksett. • REBECCA FESSENDEN Artist of the month with Nashua Area Artists Association. Art show at the mayor’s office. On view through May 31. Office of the Mayor, 229 Main St., Nashua. Visit Visit • “COLOR PLAY: NEW WORKS BY NATALIE BLAKE, CATHY CHIN &
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 25
Big weekend
NHIA BFA exhibition opening, graduation this weekend By Kelly Sennott
It’s the biggest weekend of the year for New Hampshire Institute of Art seniors. First, they showcase art they’ve been working on all year in the school’s annual BFA Exhibition, on view May 20 through May 27, with an opening reception Saturday, May 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. Less than 24 hours later, they graduate during the commencement ceremony at the Palace Theatre on Sunday, May 21, from 2 to 4 p.m., which features an address courtesy of National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu. Seniors have been working all year for this moment, and the general public can see the nearly 1,000 undergraduate works in a variety of media — paintings, illustrations, prints, ceramics, sculpture, graphic Johnson Florvil, one of the many seniors graduating from the New Hampshire Institute of Art this weekend, Kelly designs, photographs, comics and creative Sennott photo. writing — in the school’s three Manchester Some graduating seniors grew up near- work because I know how much it took for galleries on Concord, Amherst and Lowell by, and some, like Johnson Florvil, an me to get here,” Florvil said during a recent streets during regular gallery hours. illustration major from Florida, traveled interview at the school. far to study up here in New Hampshire. Florvil’s collection contains six digital New Hampshire Institute of Art He’s worked hard to get to this point, hav- illustrations representing what it means to BFA Exhibition ing spent the better part of 2017 working on be African-American today, divided into Where: Gallery locations include 148 this collection, and his pieces, like so many two three-piece series. “The Justice Series” Concord St., 77 Amherst St. and 88 Lowothers on view, are rich in meaning. comprises images reflecting his responsell St., Manchester “[Professors] prepare you for your senior es to current events involving race. One When: On view May 20 through May show, but you have to put in the work. And painting depicts an African-American man 27; opening reception May 20, 6-9 p.m. for me, that’s my first priority. I am far with a noose around his neck, and another Tickets: $25 to the opening reception, from home, and my parents are helping me shows one in chains. The last pictures his available at pay for school, and so I’m putting in that interpretation of Lady Justice. “The Afri-
AMY GOODWIN” On view May 2-June 2. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. Visit Call 225-2515. • “CONTEMPORARY VISIONS OF GREECE’S GOLDEN AGE” Art inspired by artistic ideals and achievements of the classical and Hellenistic periods of Greek history. On view April 22-June 8. Brush Art Gallery and Studios, 256 Market St., Lowell, Mass. Visit • “STORIED BOOKS” Currier Library and Archives exhibition showcasing volumes from rare book collection. On view Feb. 6 through June 9. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit • “DIFFERENT ROOTS, COMMON DREAMS” Photos of cultural diversity, by Becky Field. On view April 28 through June 10. Epsom Public Library, 1606 Dover Road, Epsom. Visit, call 736-
9920. • “FOUR CENTURIES OF FURNITURE IN PORTSMOUTH” On view April 7 through June 18. Discover Portsmouth Center, 10 Middle St., Portsmouth. Visit • “AT HOME” Featuring work by Peterborough artist Lauryn Welch. Hancock Town Library, Main St., Hancock. On view May 13-June 22. Call 525-4411. • “PUSHING THE LIMITS” On view at League of NH Craftsmen Gallery, 49 S. Main St., Concord. April 7 through June 23. Visit • “SPRING INTO SUMMER” Collection of watercolor paintings by Susan Peterson. On view May 2-June 29. Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, 49 S. Main St., Concord. • “PETER SANDBACK AND CHRIS MYOTT: TWO NEW HAMPSHIRE ARTISTS AND THEIR MODERNIST VISIONS” Exhibition at
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NH Antique Co-op, 323 Elm St., Milford. Call 673-8499. On view through June 30. Visit • “GET OUT!” Plein Air exhibition on view through June. NH Art Association’s Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery, 30 State St., Portsmouth. Featuring work by Lennie Mullaney. • “BLACK AND WHITE” Art display at Pheasant Lane Mall by members of the Nashua Area Artists Association. On view through June. Visit • “WHIMSICAL IMAGES” Art show featuring work by Ed Porzio. On view May 1-July 31. Mandarin Asian Bistro, 24 Market St., Lowell. • “SOO SUNNY PARK: BIOLATH” Site-specific work by Soo Sunny Park in Putnam Gallery. On view Feb. 25 through Aug. 6. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit • “LANGUAGE OF IMAGI-
NATION” Art 3 Gallery, 44 W. Brook St., Manchester. Visit On view through Aug. 11. • “NEW PAINTING & INDOOR SCULPTURE EXHIBIT” Invitational show featuring New England artists. On view May 4-Aug. 27. The Mill Brook Gallery & Sculpture Garden, 236 Hopkinton Road, Concord. Visit Call 226-2046. • “200 YEARS OF PORTSMOUTH ATHENAEUM: COLLECT, PRESERVE, SHARE” On view May 5-Sept. 1. Discover Portsmouth Center, 10 Middle St., Portsmouth. Tackling the idea, what is an athenaeum and why do we need one? Visit Theater Productions • ROCK OF AGES May 5-May 28. Seacoast Repertory Theatre, 125 Bow St., Portsmouth. Visit
can Series,” he said, means to celebrate his race and portrays African-Americans looking beautiful and strong. For Florvil, it was strange, coming to New Hampshire in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and observing shootings and police brutality from a place much less diverse than his hometown. “Moving here, it was like, OK, you’re definitely a minority. I stood out more,” said Florvil, who said he suddenly felt the need to be more cautious, trying not to look “intimidating” while walking down the street or shopping in the store. “I wanted to talk about race and some of the issues that have been going on in the media, especially the past few years I’ve been here. … There have been a lot of changes, and a lot of things that are being spoken about, and I felt like I wanted to touch upon them within my artwork.” Florvil’s inspirations include Thomas Blackshear and J.C. Leyendecker, and he describes the work as having an art nouveau style. He chose the medium because of its ease of use and because he felt becoming adept in the digital realm would make him more employable in commercial art fields after college. All art is available for purchase, with proceeds from the sale going directly to student artists. The show’s opening also includes munchies from food truck vendors and beer from craft brewers, plus wine, refreshments and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets $20$50. • VENUS IN FUR Rolling Die Productions. The Players’ Ring, 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth. May 12-May 28. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets $15. Visit playersring. org. Call 436-8123. • MY 80-YEAR-OLD BOYFRIEND Merrimack Repertory Theatre production. April 26-May 21. Nancy L. Donahue Theatre, 50 E. Merrimack St., Lowell. $26-$70. Visit, call 978-654-4678. • GREASE Nashua Actorsingers production. Fri., May 19, at 7 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 2 & 7 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m. Janice B. Streeter Theater, 14 Court St., Nashua. Tickets $10$17. Visit Call 886-7000. • LET’S DANCE 2017 Presented by Belinda Bridgeman Academy of Dance. Sat., May 20, at 1 & 6 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester, Tick-
ets $25. Visit • SEX TIPS FOR STRAIGHT WOMEN FROM A GAY MAN Romantic comedy. Sat., May 20, at 8 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St., Concord. Tickets $45. Call 225-1111, visit • GUTENBERG! THE MUSICAL! Produced by The Community Players of Concord. Sat., May 20, at at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. Visit Tickets $16.50. • TAPE FACE Mime with noise, stand-up with no talking, drama with no acting. As seen on America’s Got Talent. Sun., May 21, at 7 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St., Concord. $25-$35. Visit ccanh. com. Call 225-1111. • PATSY CLINE REMEMBERED AMIT Orchestra and Liz Saunders pay tribute to classics like “I Fall to Pieces,” “Crazy” and more. Call 496-
America’s Got Talent Las Vegas Headliners
NH art world news
8969. Sun., May 21, at 4 p.m. Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord. Visit ccanh. com. $28-$38. • CAFE MURDER Riverbend Youth Company. Thurs., May 25, and Fri., May 26, at 7:30 p.m. Amato Center for the Performing Arts, 56 Mont Vernon St., Milford. For adults and children 13 and older. $15. Visit • DORKS IN DUNGEONS: SEASON 5 Improv comedy show inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Fri., May 26, at 7:30 p.m. 3S Artspace, 319 Vaughan St., Portsmouth. $12 ahead of time, pay-what-you-can at the door. Visit dorksindungeons. com. • BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Kids Coop Theatre production. Fri., May 26, at 7 p.m.; Sat., May 27, at 1 and 7 p.m. Derry
Portland, ME
SUNDAY, JUNE 4 The Cabot Beverly, MA
The Wild Little Art Shop in Hollis. Courtesy photo.
admission ($12 for adults, $11 for seniors, $8 for students, $4 for youth, free for kids 12 and younger) from Thursday, May 18, through Sunday, May 21, plus 20 percent off new memberships at individual or household levels. Visit During their visit to the museum, visitors can catch one final look at “Deep Cuts: Contemporary Paper Cutting,” with focus tours of this exhibition, plus “Soo Sunny Park: BioLath,” on Saturday, May 21, at 11:30 a.m. Visit or call 669-6144. • The winners: Grappone Automotive Group, Filtrine Manufacturing Co., Bellows-Nichols Insurance and Sullivan Creative were announced as winners of the Business in the Arts Awards at a gala evening presentation hosted by the New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts on Monday, May 8, in Manchester. According to a recent press release, more than 300 business and arts leaders attended the 33rd annual celebration, and winners were applauded for their support of the arts through donations of time, money and resources. Visit — Kelly Sennott
Opera House, 29 W. Broadway, Derry. $14. Visit • IN THE COMPANY OF GERTRUDE STEIN AND THORNTON WILDER Produced by Schoolhouse Players. Fri., May 26, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., May 27, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., May 28, at 2 p.m.; Fri., June 2, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., June 3, at 7:30 p.m.; Sun., June 4, at 2 p.m. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. Tickets $16.50. Visit • ALADDIN Dimensions in Dance performance. Sat., May 27, at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets $18. Visit • FAME Majestic Community Theatre Players Youth Company production. Fri., June 2, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., June 3, at 7:30 p.m.;
Sun., June 4, at 2 p.m. MCTP Theatre, North End Montessori School, 681 Beech St., Manchester. Tickets $20. Visit mctp. info. Call 800-838-3006. • CURTAINS Palace Teen Apprentice Company. Tues., June 6, at 7:30 p.m.; Wed., June 7, at 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Call 668-5588. Visit Tickets $15. • MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET Palace Theatre production. June 2-June 25. 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Visit palacetheatre. org. Call 668-5588, ext. 127. Tickets $25-$45. Auditions/open calls • AUDITIONS: A CHRISTMAS CAROL Presented by NH Theatre Factory. Mon., May 29, 6-7 p.m. youth auditions, 6:30-9:30 p.m., adult auditions.
Portsmouth, NH
FRIDAY, JUNE 9 Veteran’s Park
Manchester, NH
SATURDAY, JUNE 10 & 11 Flying Monkey
Plymouth, NH
• A little wild: The Wild Salamander Creative Arts Center, 30 Ash St., Hollis, has augmented its gallery to include a gift shop — the Wild Little Art Shop — featuring work by local artists and artisans, according to a recent press release. Wild Salamander, owned and directed by KC Morgan, is now in its fifth year and hosts adult and youth art classes, camps and workshops all year long. “The first version of the Wild Little Art Shop first opened in November of 2014 as a pop-up holiday shop. After that, folks kept asking why it wasn’t open year-round, so we followed their advice and went for it,” said co-owner and director KC Morgan. Her husband, co-owner and professional theatrical scene designer Charles Morgan, built shelving and countertops from reclaimed local wood, and the duo hired Karen Provost as the shop coordinator. Now, the entire downstairs of the building is devoted to local art. Hours for the shop are Tuesday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit or call 465-WILD. • Art Museum Day: Art Museum Day is Thursday, May 18, and the Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester, celebrates with admission deals from then until Sunday, May 21. Art Museum Day, presented by the Association of Art Museum Directors, is celebrated by approximately 175 member museums, which offer admission deals or special programs and events to emphasize the importance of museums in our world. At the Currier, there’s reduced
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 27
Notes from the theater scene
New Love, Lost Love, Old Love,
• Marionette opera company remembered: The Mariposa Museum at 26 Main St., Peterborough, now hosts a bronze plaque recognizing the building as the site of the first and only marionette opera company in the United States. The New England Marionette Opera was founded by Edward R. Leach at the old Peterborough Baptist Church in 1992 and produced almost 650 full opera performances using marionettes, including La Bohème, Madame Butterfly, Verdi’s Macbeth, Carmen, The Barber of Seville, Porgy and Bess, Tosca, and Amahl and the Night Visitors, until the building was destroyed in a fire in 1999. The building has since been rebuilt and today houses the Mariposa Museum. “We still get visitors who reminisce about coming to performances by the marionettes,” said Karla Hostetler, executive director of the museum, in a press release. “The theater drew its audience from all over New England and we thought it was important that there be some visual acknowledgement that this was where they performed.” Visit • Join a band: The Manchester Community Music School is looking for individuals to join its summer band. The group is aimed at all musicians, from those who began playing two years ago, to those who haven’t touched their instruments since high school decades ago. The band, conducted by Ed Doyle, is made up of community members of all experiences, ages 10 years old to 80 years young. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings beginning June 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the music school, 2291 Elm St., Manchester. Throughout the summer, the band performs in a series of free concerts, with the first scheduled for Monday, June 29, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bedford Market Basket
Dudes andDivas �rue �ove
Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 7:30 PM Christ Episcopal Church 1035 Lafayette Road Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801
Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 4:00 PM The Derryfield School 2108 River Road Manchester, New Hampshire 03104
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For more information, visit our website at MPAA/NHGMC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 28
Concord City Auditorium. And Tues., May 30, 6-7 p.m. youth auditions, 6:30-9:30 p.m. adult auditions, at Derry Opera House. Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St., Concord. Derry Opera House, 29 W. Broadway, Derry. Visit • AUDITIONS: CHILDREN’S THEATRE PROJECT’S THE WIZARD OF OZ Appointments only. Sun., June 4, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Mon., June 5, 4-8 p.m. The Community Players of Concord, NH Studio, 435 Josiah Bartlett Road, Concord. Visit for details. • OPEN AUDITIONS:WILLY WONKA Leddy Center pro-
One of the marionettes from the New England Marionette Opera’s production of Madame Butterfly. Courtesy photo.
gazebo. For a full list of concert dates and times, or for more on the band, visit or call 644-4548. • Or a show: The Palace Theatre holds auditions for its Silver Stars show, The “Senior” Prom, Tuesday, June 6, at 10:15 a.m. at the William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center, 151 Douglas St., Manchester, for performers 55 and older. Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the center. Email • Keep an eye out: If you’re around Concord Friday, May 19, you may catch a few notes from the Concord Chorale, who will be performing a “community sing” throughout the day to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to hear them. They’ll travel to nursing homes, restaurants, schools and soup kitchens. Visit — Kelly Sennott
duction. Looking for kids and adults. Sat., June 10. Leddy Center for the Performing Arts, 38C Ladd’s Lane, Epping. Visit, email to schedule audition appointment. Workshops/other • IMPROV FOR YOUTH Majestic Theatre workshop for kids grades 3 to 6. Tues., May 23, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The Majestic Studios, 880 Page St., Manchester. Visit Call 669-7469. $20. With Mike Domeny. • IMPROV FOR TEENS Majestic Theatre workshop for
teens. Tues., May 23, from 8 to 9:30 p.m. The Majestic Studio, 880 Page St., Manchester. $20. Visit Call 669-7469. With Mike Domeny. • CHARITY WINE TASTING To Benefit Rochester Performance & Arts Center. Thurs., May 25, 6-9 p.m. Castle on Charles, 19 Charles St., Rochester. Tickets $45. Call 335-1992. Visit • TRIPLE THREAT BOOT CAMP Peacock Players. For ages 8 to 18. June 5 through June 9, 6-9 p.m. each day. Janice B. Streeter Theatre, 14 Court St., Nashua. Visit
Concert Series 5
Enjoy the NH Phil and the Pinkerton Choirs as we perform a masterpiece for you! Highlights of the concert to include: Hindermith - Mathis der Maler Symphonie Doppler - Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchastra, featuring NH Philharmonic flutists Aubrie Dionne and Terry D’Errico Rutter - Requiem (performed by the Pinkerton Chorale)
Saturday, May 20th | 7:30pm Sunday, May 21st | 2:00pm
Join us at the Stockbridge Theater for this wonderful event! Music Director Mark Latham leads the full orchestra of the NH Philharmonic.
Contact Stockbridge Box Office for more Information
At the Stockbridge Theatre in Derry, NH Tickets $12-$50 | Students: $10 Special Discounted Price for Pinkerton Students 114905
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 29
LISTINGS 30 Children & Teens Games, clubs, fun... 30 Clubs
INSIDE/OUTSIDE Scoring goals Pink in the Rink fundraiser returns By Matt Ingersoll
Hobby, service... 32 Continued Education Classes, seminars, lectures... 32 Crafts Fairs, workshops... 32 Health & Wellness Workshops, exercises... 32 Marketing & Business Networking, classes....
FEATURES 32 Kiddie pool Family activities this week. 28 Treasure Hunt There’s gold in your attic. 30 The Gardening Guy Advice on your outdoors. 32 Car Talk Click and Clack give you car advice. Get Listed From yoga to pilates, cooking to languages to activities for the kids, Hippo’s weekly listing offers a rundown of all area events and classes. Get your program listed by sending information to at least three weeks before the event. Looking for more events for the kids, nature-lovers and more? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or online at
Watch hockey games and lace up your own skates at the Tri-Town Ice Arena in Hooksett on Sunday, May 21, when Pink in the Rink returns to raise money for breast cancer research. The day will kick off with a youth hockey game from 11 a.m. to noon, featuring players from the New Hampshire Junior Monarchs roster, the Concord Capitals and other local youth hockey teams. Public ice skating will follow from 12:10 to 1:15 p.m., and visitors will have the option to either bring their own skates or rent them at the arena. The opening ceremony for the adult hockey game takes place at 1:45 p.m., and after that game, around 5:15 p.m., raffle drawings will begin. Event organizer and founder Jason Choiniere started the Pink in the Rink foundation after initially holding a fundraising game as a partnership with the Manchester Monarchs. “At the time, my best friend’s son’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and lost her life in 2013,” he said. “We did a memorial game for her and a couple of days later we started talking about wanting to do more to raise money.” Choiniere worked to get local Pink in the Rink 2017 When: Sunday, May 21, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (doors open at 10 a.m.) Where: Tri-Town Ice Arena, 311 W. River Road, Hooksett Cost: $10 general admission, free for kids under 10 Visit:
Children & Teens Music • SING, DANCE, PLAY MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR PRESCHOOLERS This class includes music-based stories, playing rhythm instruments, exploring the sounds our voices make, singing, dancing and creative movement activities. $45 for one child with caregiver, or $60 per family. Whipple Hall, 429 Main St., New London. Thursdays, May 18, and May 25, 10 to 10:45 a.m. Call 526-6401.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 30
Courtesy photo.
community members involved and held the first Pink in the Rink game independent of the Monarchs at the Tri-Town Ice Arena three years ago. More than $17,000 was raised through ticket sales, sponsorships and donations — more than five times the amount that had been raised from games with the Monarchs. “We were shocked with how much money we raised, because we weren’t expecting anything close to that, so then I said, ‘We need to keep doing this,’” he said. “We donated most of the money to the American Cancer Society, and then they started pushing what we were doing, and then we contacted the state and did all that we needed to do to become 501(c)(3) certified.”
• INTRO TO GUITAR WORKSHOP Let’s Play Music! returns for a morning of beginning guitar instruction, including jazz, classical, rock, pop and more. Sat., May 27, 10 a.m. Nesmith Library, 8 Fellows Road, Windham. Free and open to the public; registration is preferred. Visit or call 432-7154.
Last year’s event — which Choiniere said was the first to integrate public ice skating — raised close to $18,500. The goal for this year, he said, is to reach $20,000. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. “We’ve also gathered some people that have wanted to help out to create a board for the nonprofit, so we have seven people on the board with us now,” he said. “We’re all 100-percent volunteer and we do what we can to get the community involved as much as possible.” He said that can include everything from local cancer survivors appearing for ceremonial puck drops prior to the games, to organizations donating prizes to be won from the raffles.
nating sea lamprey returns. Hold a live three foot long fish and get sucked into the fun of a much under-appreciated animal as participants learn all about the unique physical nature and life cycle of the sea lamprey. Sat., May 27, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Amoskeag Fishways Learning & Visitors Center, 4 Fletcher St., Manchester. $3 per person and $6 per family (fee does Nature not cover extended family). Visit • SEA LAMPREY APPRECIA- or call 626TION DAY The slimy and fasci- 3474.
Dozens of items will be raffled off this year, with kids getting to pick the winning tickets. “There’s all kinds of stuff big and small, so gift certificates and gift cards, hockey sticks and equipment, patio furniture, and even some autographed hockey jerseys and other signed sports paraphernalia that New England Picture [in Manchester] donates to us,” Choiniere said. “We’ll usually have one big raffle item and this year it’s going to be a Stanley Cup replica signed by Bobby Orr.” Other organizations participating this year through raffle donations, sponsorships or ticket sales include Under Armour, Gallant Insurance in Bow, Merchants Auto in Hooksett, and Pento Auto Sales in Bow.
Clubs Garden • 2ND ANNUAL LITERATURE IN BLOOM There will be a floral demonstration and reception on May 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Levenson Room. Light refreshments will be served. Library staff have chosen a wide variety of books which Portsmouth Garden Club members will use for inspiration for creative floral arrangements. Thurs., May 18, and Fri., May 19. Portsmouth Public
Library, 175 Parrott Ave., Portsmouth. Free and open to the public. Visit Women’s • SHARING OUR LIVES As women of all ages and from different walks of life, there’s much to talk about, such as who are we, and where are we in our lives? This is a time to mull over with each other the issues and questions that come up for us in daily life. Thursdays, May 18, May 25, June 8 and July
With live music by Jeff Rapsis
Monthly series of rarely screened silent films presented with live music in 1913 auditorium. Admission free, donations encouraged. Tuesday, June 27th, 2017 at 6 p.m.: “Tempest” (1928)
Epic drama in which an officer in the Czar’s army (John Barrymore) falls hard for a haughty princess, who spurns him and causes him to be stripped of rank. But the tables are turned with the Russian Revolution!
Tuesday, Aug. 1st, 2017 at 6 p.m. : “Christine of the Big Tops” (1926)
Raised in a traveling circus, young orphan Christine is eager to prove her worth on the trapeze. But her real challenge is choosing between the affections of her Guardian and a young doctor. All shows take place in the Carpenter Auditorium, lower level of Manchester City Library, 405 Pine Street, downtown Manchester
Brought to the community in part by: 114549
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 31
Family fun for the weekend
Ahoy, matey
Join Kimball Jenkins (266 N. Main St., Concord) for its first Pirate Party from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 21. The event will feature refreshments, a treasure hunt, pirate stories and songs and opportunities to make your own pirate flags. The cost to attend is $10 per person. Visit or call 225-3932.
Ride on
The Sons of the American Legion Squadron 51 (232 Calef Highway, Epping) will host its seventh annual car and motorcycle show fundraiser on Saturday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. First and second People’s Choice awards will be given to cars featured at the show, as well as for the best motorcycle. The show will also include raffles, food available for purchase and more. Admission is free and registration is not required, but donations will be accepted to benefit the Epping Police Department’s Child & Youth program. Visit or call 944-5485.
Healthy, fit and fun
Lil’ Iguana’s Children’s Safety Foundation will hold its next Family Fun Day at Nashua High School South (36 Riverside St.) on Saturday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meet your favorite superheroes, visit with vendors, eat some great food, jump in bouncy houses, race in obstacle courses and much more. Admission is $1. Visit or call 881-9805. The seventh annual Deerfield Cooperative Preschool Drag-N-Fly 5K kicks off at Deerfield Old Town Hall (10 Church St.) on Saturday, May 20, at 10 a.m. Registration is $28 for adults and $15 for kids, 27, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Women Supporting Women Center, 111 Water St., Exeter. $15. Visit wswcenter.wordpress.comor call 7720799. Continuing Education Open houses • BECK’S ART EXPRESS OPEN HOUSE Join Beck’s for a craft, a snack and to see some artwork. Get 20 percent off summer programs when you register. Thurs., May 18, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Beck’s Art Express, 89 Amherst St., Nashua. Free. Visit or call 566-1393.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 32
and this year’s proceeds will benefit the Deerfield Cooperative Preschool and the Deerfield Food Pantry. Visit dcpreschool. com for more details.
Join the Pelham Public Library (24 Village Green) for the fourth annual Toshocon anime convention for teens on Saturday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Drop in anytime during those hours for games, competitions, panels, food, cosplaying and more fandom-oriented activities. The event is best suited for pre-teens and teens ages 11 to 18. Admission is free and no pre-registration is required. Visit or call 635-7581.
Creative clay making
Studio 550 Community Art Center (550 Elm St., Manchester) will hold its next family clay workshop on Saturday, May 20, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Participants will create original clay projects from scratch, like mugs, bowls, sculptures, trivets and more. Pre-registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome if there is room. The cost is $30 for the first parent-and-child pair, and $10 for each additional parent or child, and includes all materials, instruction and finishing of work. Visit or call 232-5597.
Crafts Fairs • FLEA MARKET/CRAFT FAIR Sun., May 28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Daniels Hall, 186 Old Turnpike Road, Nottingham. Free. Call JoAnn at 942-8372. Health & Wellness Support groups • FAMILIES COPING WITH THE OPIOID CRISIS A team of Catholic Charities New Hampshire clinicians skilled in addiction counseling and family support group facilitators will present this program. Wed., May 24, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Parish of the Transfiguration,
305 Kelley St., Manchester. Free. Visit or call 669-3030. Marketing & Business Job fairs • VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT FAIR The theme of library summer reading programs across the nation in 2017 will be “Build a Better World.” To kick off its summer reading programs, the library will hold this recruitment fair. Any local nonprofit can attend and recruit volunteers. Thurs., June 1, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Free. Visit or call 589-4610.
4 Common Mistakes Consumers Make During The Loan Process You are so excited! You’ve found the home of your dreams and have been approved by your lender for the perfect mortgage. Unfortunately, there are things that can happen throughout the mortgage process that can turn your approval into a denial. Here are some items to remember to keep your mortgage approval in tact and get that home you’ve always wanted.
Celebrate Gardening Hanging Plants, Flowering Pots, annuals, Perennials, Vegetables, Herbs, trees, Bushes, Shrubs, & Expert advice! Locally made gifts, decoratives, wines and foods in our gift shop. Ask about our free classes coming soon!
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#1 DON’T Change Jobs: One of the primary factors in getting
approved for a mortgage is a borrowers ability to repay. Employment and income stability are direct components of this ability. Typically, lenders like to see that a borrower has been on the same job (or in the same line of work) for at least two years.
#2 DON’T Open New Debt: If new financing is obtained,
the lender will add that debt to what they have determined you can afford. Additional debt may risk your qualifying for the mortgage. In addition, opening new debt may reduce your credit score. So even if you are still able to qualify, you may find that the rate or loan costs you pay is higher simply because your credit score went down.
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#3 KEEP Making Your Payments: Similar to #2, your credit
is monitored throughout the loan process. If the lender sees that you have been late on payments prior to closing, this will be a big red flag. Late payments will cause your credit score to go down. Another item that lenders review in determining your willingness to repay is any insufficient funds charges to your checking or savings accounts. Even with overdraft protection, these charges can be viewed by a lender the same as late payments on your credit report.
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#4 NO Shopping Sprees: When you tell your lender that you
have a certain amount of money to put down on the purchase of a new home and the lender has verified those funds, you must make sure that amount doesn’t decrease. If you purchase items to prepare for your move, you may find that the $10,000 you started with is now down to $5,000 and you do not have enough money to close on your new home.
Life happens and we all know that sometimes there will be circumstances that are out of our control. When these things happen, it is important to be open and honest with your lender. Your lender can set realistic expectations and help guide you through any hurdles you may experience. But, be aware of these four common mistakes and avoid them if at all possible to stay on the smooth road to homeownership!
ARM= Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Assumes a borrower with a 740 FICO Score. Subject to underwriting approval. Terms and conditions stated are in effect at time of publishing 3//17 and are subject to change without notice. Rate and APR are subject to change after consummation. 5/1 ARM = Rate fixed for 60 payments after which the rate may increase every 12 months after that. 7/1 ARM = Rate fixed for 84 payments after which the rate may increase every 12 months after that. This is not a commitment to lend or an offer to extend credit. Federally Registered NMLS ID: 2561 Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking. Rhode Island Licensed Lender.
Article supplied by: J.J. Sawicki, CMP, AVP of Training and Development at Merrimack Mortgage Co. LLC, for informational purposes only and is not and may not be construed as legal advice. NMLS ID#2561, Equal Housing Opportunity Lender, Rhode Island Licensed Lender, Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. The views expressed in this article are my own and do not reflect those of my employer, colleagues, or its clients.
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 33
Lawn love
How to fill in the bare spots By Henry Homeyer
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 34
Lawns? My philosophy is this: If it’s green and you can mow it, it’s a lawn. Dandelions? Who cares? Their blossoms are cheerful. Creeping Charlie, plantain? Pests, but not awful. And so on. I love a lawn with some biodiversity. But bare and thin spots I like to fill in or over-seed. Now is the time to do that. I recently called Paul Sachs of North Country Organics, manufacturer of Pro-Gro fertilizer and more, to talk about spring lawn care using organic products. Paul explained to me that all the New England states have laws against applying phosphate-containing fertilizer on lawns. Why? To minimize phosphate runoff into lakes, ponds and streams, thus reducing the growth of algae and other plants from running rampant and diminishing water quality. Paul explained that this law makes it technically illegal to fertilize your lawn — unless the middle number on your bag of fertilizer is “0.” Farmers who spread manure on the fields are exempt from this provision, and their fields are much more likely than you to cause run-off of phosphates. There is a loophole to the law, however. Paul explained that you are allowed to fertilize with phosphate-containing fertilizers if you are also spreading seed. Most lawns have some thin spots, or bare spots, so adding seed makes sense. And if you use an organic fertilizer like Pro-Gro (a 5-3-4 fertilizer) there is very little soluble phosphate anyway. Its phosphorus content comes from rock phosphate, bone meal and bone char — all of which are only minimally soluble, and not normally a problem. What is involved in over-seeding? Basically, you need to spread 3 to 5 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn (roughly 30 feet by 33 feet). First, cut the lawn a bit shorter than you would otherwise. Then rake the lawn to remove the cut grass and any dead material that is on the lawn. You want seed to be in contact with the soil. If you have the time and energy, you can scuff up the soil in bare spots with a garden rake before spreading the seed. You can spread seed with a mechanical seeder, or, for small spots, just fling it using your hands. I buy a small truckload of compost each year for use on my gardens and lawns. It is loose and fluffy and is easy to distribute. After spreading some seed, I fling compost with a shovel over the seed, and then smooth it out using a lawn rake turned upside down. My goal is to spread a quarter to a half an inch of compost on the lawn, at least in the areas that look the worst. Compost is not necessarily rich in nitrogen — the driver of green growth — but it has organic matter, beneficial microorganisms and
This lawn needed over-seeding. Photo by Henry Homeyer.
micronutrients that would not be found in a chemical fertilizer. If you are really interested in a deep green lawn with lush growth, you could not only spread compost, but also some organic fertilizer — Paul recommends about 20 pounds of Pro-Gro per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Almost any store that sells seed will have something called “Conservation Mix.” That is what I use. A typical mix might have 35 percent creeping red fescue, 25 percent turf type tall fescue, 10 percent Kentucky bluegrass, 12 percent turf type perennial ryegrass, 15 percent annual ryegrass, 3 percent white clover. A few words about clover. When I was a kid back in the 1950s, we sometimes spent lazy afternoons rolling around on the lawn and looking for four-leaf clovers, said to guarantee good luck. But since then chemical companies have perfected “Weed-n-Feed” products that provide herbicides along with fertilizers to “ensure a perfect lawn.” Those products kill clover. So what have they done? They have declared clover a weed. Clover is not a weed. It is a beneficial plant that actually takes nitrogen from the atmosphere and fixes it in the soil, essentially giving you free fertilizer. The seeds are tiny, so a little in a mix goes a long way. If you get an organic fertilizer it has no herbicides, of course. And when you buy a bag of conservation mix, you may want to turn it upside down and shake it a little. Clover seeds tend to migrate toward the bottom of the bag, potentially giving an uneven distribution. A conservation mix has the advantage of biodiversity. If a pest or disease attacks one grass, another might not be affected. Kentucky bluegrass, for example, is lush and gorgeous, but susceptible to many diseases. A little is better than a lot in a mix. Unless your lawn is right on the edge of a stream or lake, you probably will not be causing any problems by fertilizing your lawn a little. Lawn is a great filter, and will generally prevent the migration of fertilizer into water bodies. And there are organic fertilizers that have no phosphates at all: North Country Organics has a 6-0-6 called Natural No-Phos. Read Henry’s twice-weekly blog at dailyuv. com/gardeningguy.
Patsy Cline
Dear Donna, I have several of these pastels that my aunt had done many years ago. They are 14” x 17” and I was told they were created during the 1940s. Can you tell me if there would be any value to them? All of them are floral such as this one. Carrie from Methuen, Mass.
ject. Just as modern art today, the subject is the desirability. I hope this was helpful and I hope all the rest are just as nice and they find a spot in your home. Great family history and stories to share.
Donna Welch has spent more than 20 years in the antiques and collectibles field and owns From Out Of The Woods Antique Center in Goffstown ( She is an antiques appraiser and instructor. To find out about your antique or collectible, send a clear photo of the object and information about it to Donna Welch, From Out Of The Woods Antique Center, 465 Mast Road, Goffstown, N.H., 03045. Or email her at footwdw@ Or drop by the shop (call first, 6248668).
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THIS WEEK’S PLANT SALES The Auburn Historical Association (102 Hooksett Road, Auburn) will hold a plant sale with the Griffin Free Public Library on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., featuring locally grown annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, herbs and more. Visit At Canterbury Shaker Village (288 Shaker Road) the annual plant sale will be held Saturday, May 20, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring perennials, strawberry plants, vegetable seedlings and herbs. Visit The Weare Garden Club’s annual plant sale will be held at the American Legion Post 65 (12 N. Stark Highway, Weare) on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. The rain date is June 3. Email Don’t miss the Nashua Garden Club’s annual plant sale, to be held rain or shine on the grounds of the Nashua Historical Society (5 Abbott St., Nashua) on Saturday, May 20, from 8 a.m. to noon. The sale will feature perennials, annuals, bulbs, herbs and indoor plants supplied by members of the club, as well as a raffle table and themed gift baskets and baked goods for sale. Visit A large selection of locally grown plants will be found at the Milford Garden Club’s annual plant sale at the Community House Lawn (Union and Elm streets) on Saturday, May 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Area vendors will also be there selling handmade soaps, unique garden decorations and more. Visit The Candia Garden Club’s annual plant sale will be held at the Masonic Hall (12 South Road, Candia) on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. The sale will feature a large variety of annuals, vegetables, herbs and hanging baskets, as well as perennials dug from the gardens of club members. A raffle table with garden and non-garden related items will also be offered. Email There will be hundreds of locally grown plants at the Catamount Womenaid’s Spring Plant Sale, to be held at Christie’s Antiques and Gifts (1740 Dover Road, Epsom) on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit The Bedford Garden Club’s annual plant sale will be at the Old Town Hall (70 Bedford Center Road, Bedford) on Saturday, May 20, from 9 to 11 a.m., featuring a variety of annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetables and more. Visit The UNH Cooperative Extension and the Strafford County Master Gardeners Association will hold a plant sale at Durham Town Hall (8 Newmarket Road) on Sunday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., featuring perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, trees and more. Master gardeners will also be available to answer any gardening and planting questions you may have. Visit
Featuring Vocalist LIZ SAUNDERS Performing with the AMIT Orchestra
Show Sponsors:
Dear Carrie, Looking at the tulips makes me happy, and I think of a warm spring day — meaning she did a nice job with the tulips. They look real and pleasant. The other side is that it is tough to decide a value unless your aunt was someone special and recognized in the artist industry. So many people who did pastels, watercolors, oils, etc. got no recognition but did some beautiful work that was only shared with their family and friends. To determine value you have to look at the quality of the work and how pleasing it is to the eye. With that said I would say this one in particular is soft, well done and very eyepleasing. An approximate value would be in the range of $100+. Framed it could even bring more to a person who loves the sub-
Workforce Development Center
BOOST YOUR ENGLISH SKILLS! Are you an English Language Learner? The Workforce Development Center at Manchester Community College offers ESOL courses at various levels. Sign up for one of the courses below or stop by the FREE ESOL Conversational Café every Wednesday! CRN COURSE
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32907 ESOL039M High Intermediate 2 - Academic Writing & Vocabulary (B)
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32905 ESOL050M Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation (B)
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32904 ESOL050M Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation (B)
6/7 - 8/16
9am - Noon
For more information, email or call (603) 206-8160 1066 Front St, Manchester, NH 03102 | 109546 HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 35
Using cruise control on downgrades won’t harm your engine Dear Car Talk: I like using cruise control, for a couple of reasons: It makes for more relaxed highway driving, and it improves fuel economy. However, By Ray Magliozzi I am concerned that I may be misusing it. Instead of riding or pumping the brakes when descending hills in the mountains, I click the “reduce speed” button in hopes that it will slow the car down. In some cases, it appears to work on long, not-so-steep downgrades. On steeper hills, it doesn’t seem to slow me down. Am I messing up my transmission by using my cruise control to slow the car? — David No, not at all. In traditional cruise-control systems, using the “reduce speed” button is just like backing your foot off the gas pedal. It’s harmless. Let’s say you’re driving on flat ground and your foot is on the gas pedal, keeping your speed at 65 mph. Then you come to a downhill grade, and you lift your foot halfway off the pedal. If the grade is steep enough, you’ll gain speed anyway, even without accel-
erating as heavily. But if the downhill grade is shallow, you very well might slow down. After all, there’s always wind resistance and tire friction trying to slow down your car, and it takes a pretty steep hill to add to your momentum at 65 mph. Anyway, that’s exactly what you’re doing when you reduce the speed setting on your cruise control. It’s like backing your foot off the gas. So you’re not doing any harm. If reducing the speed on your cruise control doesn’t slow you down, then you have to either downshift to a lower gear, or use your brakes to keep from gaining too much speed. There is a new type of cruise control that’s available on more and more cars now, and will be available on all cars at some point. It’s called “adaptive cruise control,” and it does use the brakes to slow you down. It uses some of the early elements of self-driving cars to keep you at a set distance from the car in front of you — even if that car slows down or stops. If you had it set to 65 mph and drove down a steep hill, it would use the brakes, if necessary, to keep you at about 65 mph.
So as soon as you do find a way to ruin your transmission, you can get rid of your current car and buy one with adaptive cruise control, David. Dear Car Talk: I have a 1999 Toyota Corolla with 213,000 miles on it. About six months ago, it started to wobble down the interstate. I could not get it to stay straight. I would have to “oversteer” to correct it and keep it in my lane. I got four brandnew tires and had them balanced (I needed tires anyway), then had a frontend alignment, and it still does it. It terrifies me to be on the interstate going 50 or more miles an hour with the car weaving on the road. Can you tell me what is wrong with it? Thanks. — Lucy It does sound like a classic alignment problem. But you’ve already had it aligned. So I have to start by scolding you for taking away my best answer! I think you know it’s not safe to drive, Lucy. But I want to reinforce that. You have to get it fixed before you go back out on the highway again for a leisurely Sunday weave. If you’re having trouble finding a
mechanic who can figure it out, try going to That’s a database of good mechanics personally recommended by people who read our column and listen to our radio show. You put in your ZIP code, and you get some honest, unbiased recommendations. One thing I would ask your mechanic to check is the steering coupling. Your steering column goes through the firewall into the engine compartment, and then it has to make a bend, down toward the steering rack. That coupling usually uses two universal joints. And sometimes, on older cars, one or both of them can seize up. That can make the steering feel very odd. It can make it hard to turn the wheels for a second, and then the steering can suddenly break free and get easier, causing you to “oversteer.” So have your mechanic check that first. If that’s not it, I’d probably check the alignment again, just to be sure the guys who say they aligned the car actually did it, and did it correctly. But whatever it is, Lucy, you have to get to the bottom of it before you end up at the bottom of something. Visit
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Steel Installers & Steel Detailer
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Spring stroll
Take a Walk Against Hunger for New Horizons
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Enjoy a Sunday walk on the streets of downtown Manchester, followed by music and food, at the 27th annual 5K Walk Against Hunger. The event will start and end at Veterans Memorial Park on Sunday, May 21, with registration beginning at 11 a.m. and the 5K walk kicking off at noon rain or shine. Walkers can participate either individually or as a team. The walk route will travel west from the park on Granite Street before turning north on Canal Street, east on West North Street and south on Chestnut Street back toward its starting point. Water will be provided to walkers at several intervals during the route and live music courtesy of DJ Dave Entertainment in New Hampshire will be featured at the park at the conclusion of the walk. At about 1 p.m., a lunch of sandwiches, hot dogs, fruit, beverages and more will be served at the park for all walkers. The walk is one of two signature annual fundraising events for the Manchester-based New Horizons for New Hampshire, a soup kitchen, food pantry and homeless shelter for adults that also operates Angie’s Shelter for Women on Manchester Street. Just under $116,000 was raised last year with nearly 1,000 participants, and development director Michelle Casale said the goal is to at least match that amount this year. “We actually have a school board member of the Manchester School District getting all of the schools [in the city] involved by
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Applicants must have a High School Diploma
or GED and valid NH driver’s license. forming their own walk teams,” Casale said. o Robin Hill Farm is an Equal Oppurtunity and “She’s single-handedly injected a lot of new Affirmative Action Employer. energy and excitement by adding 16 teams and about 250 people to the walk, so that’s been great.” Casale said many of the teams that participate in the walk are made up of members of local businesses, churches, walking groupsAre you...Contact: • Good with Keri peopleSkillings at 603-464-3841 or • Dependable and caring and friends. Teams are made up of at least • Wanting to make a difference in people's lives... 10 walkers and commit to raising a Robin Hill Farm is looking for you! 114928 imum of $500 combined. But individualWe currently have employment opportunities for Full time 2nd shift at our registrants are also accepted online and atDeering location. We also have Part time, weekend shifts and flexible hours/shifts at our Hillsborough, Deering and Peterborough programs. the park on the day of the event. A $10 No experience necessary, will train on the job! minimum donationApplicants must have a High School Diploma or GED and a valid NH driver’s license. is required to receiveRobin Hill Farm is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. an event T-shirt, but Contact: Keri Skillings at there is no minimum 603-464-3841 or cost to participate in the walk. “Many [businesses] return year after year, and every year we always get a half dozen or so new MICHELLE CASALE teams,” she said. There will be a small awards ceremony at the park from about 1 to 1:30 p.m., with awards given out to individual walkers and walking teams who raised the most money for New Horizons for New Hampshire. Fundraisers to be recognized will include the best individual walker, the best business team, the best family team, the best school team and several others.
Add More Sun
Many [businesses] return year after year, and every year we always get a half dozen or so new teams.
To Your Summer! Lighten Up for the Warmer Weather!
27th annual Walk Against Hunger When: Sunday, May 21, noon (onsite registration begins at 11 a.m.) Where: Veterans Memorial Park, 889 Elm St., Manchester Cost: By donation; a minimum of $10 is required to receive a T-shirt Visit:
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By Matt Ingersoll
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 37
our owner [Joseph Matarese] and that would be don’t underestimate the value of a relationship.
respect for physicians in general and was fortunate enough to be taught by a base of mentors and owners of our company.
Todd Shackford
Manager of radiologist recruiters Todd Shackford of Allenstown is a manager of radiologist recruiters nationwide at Medicus in Windham. Radiologists are doctors trained to read scans, from CTs and MRIs to X-ray prints. They are employed at hospitals and imaging centers. Explain what your current job is. My current job consists of working with the newer hires in radiology for recruiters. [I’m] heavily involved with training and development when it comes to understanding our business philosophies. So that’s one aspect of my job now. The other aspect is a physician advisor, which is a recruiter on steroids. Basically, it’s someone who helps the radiologists through their careers and gives them pointed and direct advice about what they’re looking for based on their preferences, educating them on current trends and handling any and all physician escalations
when it comes to our business. How long have you worked there? I have been working at Medicus for nine years. Actually, my nine-year anniversary was April 1.
What do you wish you’d What kind of education or known at the beginning of your training did you need for this? career? At the time I was hired it was I would’ve liked to have known experience, two or three years that focus and persistence are the of recruiting, or an associate’s keys to success at our company. degree. And I, actually, before … When I first started at MediCourtesy photo. I even got into recruiting, I was cus, it took me maybe a year, year in the hospitality industry as a manager and and a half, to really catch my stride. because of my experience, that was the tipping point in my interview. I already had What is your typical at-work uniform? a baseline of recruiting, building relationBusiness casual. Polo shirt. Khakis. I ships with candidates, understanding their have a Medicus swag polo golf shirt on preferences and then aligning them with right now. positions that would benefit not only the candidate but also our clients at the time. What was the first job you ever had? … I came right out of high school and I started in the kitchen. I actually startjumped right into a position in the hospi- ed as a dishwasher [at a restaurant] and tality industry. worked my way up to be a manager before the end of high school. — Ryan Lessard How did you find your current job? At the time, Medicus hired a recruitment What’s something you’re really firm to go out and find recruiters and that’s interested in right now? how they found me at that time, in 2008, My main focus is the joy that my family brings me. … I still play and I enjoy very 2009.
How did you get interested in this field? Before I worked at Medicus I worked in financial recruiting for a period of time and before that I was in hospitality recruiting. … I was fortunate enough to interview with Medicus when they were only a few years old. I was actually the 33rd employee and What’s the best piece of work-related the thought of recruiting physicians always advice anyone’s ever given you? interested me because I had a high level of The best piece of advice … would be [from]
much playing basketball. I still play for a men’s league in Concord and my son is a freshman in high school and he’s really good at basketball.
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NEW! 114 Loudon Rd., Concord 61 Lowell St., Manchester, 603.626.1118 63 Union Square, Milford, 603.249.9222 137 Rockingham Rd., Londonderry, 603.552.3091 HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 40
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE114627 41
FOOD Eating Greek
Greek food festival returns to Nashua By Angie Sykeny
News from the local food scene
By Angie Sykeny
Seventeen hundred pounds of lamb, 5,500 stuffed grape leaves and 90 pans of baklava will be prepared for the annual Greek Food Festival hosted by Saint Philip Greek Orthodox Church in Nashua. This year’s festival takes place Friday, May 19, and Saturday, May 20, and will feature a full menu of authentic Greek entrees and pastries, as well as Greek music, dancing and vendors. “We usually serve anywhere from 6,000 to 8,000 people over the two days,” Jamie Pappas, festival co-chair, said. “Some people even come to both days.” Entrees will be offered a la carte or as dinner plates with rice, green beans and salad. The selection will include chicken, lamb, pastichio (Greek version of lasagna), dolmathes (stuffed grape leaves), spanakopita (savory spinach pie) and meatballs. Additionally, the menu will have gyros and a number of Greek pastries, such as baklava, galaktoboureko (custard pastry), finikia (cookie with nuts, cinnamon and honey), kourabiedes (shortbread cookie), kataifi (cheese pastry), koulourakia (sweet butter-based pastry), pumpkin pita (a Greek version of pumpkin pie made with phyllo dough) and tiropita (layered pastry with cheese and egg filling). Top sellers are typically the pastries, especially baklava, and the spanakopita.
• NH spicy foods win: Little Acre Gourmet Foods, a small gourmet specialty food business based in Dover, took home two prestigious awards at the 2017 Zest Fest Fiery Food Challenge in Irving, Texas: the Spicy Maple Roasted Peanuts won in the nut category, and the More Spicy Three Pepper Ketchup won in the ketchup category. “Winning two awards far exceeded our expectations,” co-owner Bill Ahrens said in a press release. “We are thrilled and honored to receive the Fiery Food Challenge awards!” For more information about Little Acre Gourmet Foods and to order its products, visit • Brew tours: Out of the Box Tours of Manchester will host a Sip of Southern New Hampshire Brew Tour on Friday, May 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The tour will make stops at three local breweries or distilleries and feature samples of up to 12 different beverages. It departs from and concludes at the Park and Ride bus terminal parking lot at 4 Symmes Drive in Londonderry. The cost is $55, and registration is required by Monday, May 22. Another Sip of Southern New Hampshire Brew Tour with different stops will be held on Saturday, July 8. For more information and to register, call 660-8427 or visit • Make and take wine: Incredibrew (112 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua) will host a “Bottle of Red, Bottle of White” event on Thursday, May 25, at 6 p.m., featuring Australian Chardonnay (a tart, fruit-forward wine with flavors of vanilla, cloves and butterscotch) and 50 Looking for more food and drink fun? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and
St. Philip Greek Orthodox Church Greek Food Festival When: Friday, May 19, and Saturday, May 20, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Where: 500 W. Hollis St., Nashua Cost: Free admission and parking; food is priced per item; cash and cards accepted Visit:
Baklava and other goodies that will be available at the St. Philip Greek Food Festival. Courtesy photos.
“The spanakopita always goes the quickest,” Pappas said. “That’s the one that we have to increase [production for] every year or we run out.” Cooking operations began in January and will continue until the day of the festival. Most of the entree items are made in advance and frozen, while the pastries are made during the two to three weeks leading up to the festival. While there are recipe standards for Greek food, there are also many variations that originate from different regions of Greece. Most of the recipes featured at the festival are tried-and-true family recipes from church members. Pappas said the same recipes have been used for years, and there are no plans to change them. “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. We don’t like to fuss around once we have a good thing,” she said. “People like the way we’re cooking things and the amount of spices we use, and we don’t want to change that on
them.” While there are restaurants that serve some Greek specialties, there are no restaurants in Nashua dedicated solely to Greek cuisine, Pappas said, so the festival provides a unique opportunity for people to order from a full menu of authentic Greek cuisine. “People who like Greek food really look forward to this all year,” she said. “And so do the people who love ethnic food [in general] and want to try new things that they’ve never had.” At the end of the day, Pappas said, it may not be the food itself that’s so appealing, but rather the culture and spirit in which the food is prepared. “We take the time and the effort to make everything we sell, and there aren’t a lot of places anymore that make everything themselves,” she said. “We put a lot of love into it, and I think people recognize and appreciate that.”
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 43
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Milford town tasting offers all kinds of samples
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What a difference fresh-picked makes! Berries & Summer Veggies, Eggs, Venison, Herbs, Jams & Jellies, Potted Plants, Baked Goods, Cheese & Milk, Maple Syrup, Specialty Produce, Special-Made Wooden Ware, Homemade Soaps, Lamb, Honey, Seafood, NH Wine, Local Ales, Dog Treats, Goat Cheese, Organic Vegetables, Fresh Mushrooms, NH Meats, Cut Flowers, Coffees & More 4.69”wide x 2.6” high HIPPO Horizontal 1/8 page
The Concord Farmers Market Capitol Street, next to the NH State House Saturdays, 8:30 - Noon - Opening May 6th!
City Parking is Free in Concord on Saturdays
“Too much of a good thing can be wonderful”~Mae West Historic Millyard District at 75 Arms Street, Manchester, NH • Lunch: Monday through Friday • Dinner: Nightly at 5pm 6 0 3 . 6 2 2 . 5 4 8 8 Chef/Author/Owner Jeffrey Paige w w w . c o t t o n f o o d . c o m 081962
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 44
Find out what’s cooking around Milford when the town’s annual tasting event, A Taste of Milford, returns on Friday, May 19. The event will feature 30 area restaurants, caterers and home food businesses serving food and drink samples at partnering shops and business storefronts in the downtown Milford Oval. “Not everyone knows about all of the great businesses and restaurants in Milford,” said Wendy Hunt, executive director of the Milford Improvement Team, which organizes the event. “These aren’t just chain restaurants. These are privately owned businesses and they all specialize in something different, so it’s a unique destination for dining and shopping.” A variety of food businesses will be represented, including Mexican, Italian and Chinese restaurants; classic American diners and pubs; bakeries and home bakers; markets and butcheries; cafes, ice cream shops, candy makers and more. Many serve samples of their most popular or trademark menu items. Others serve samples of new items and seek feedback from tasters to help them determine whether to add the items to their regular menus. Additionally, some participating restaurants will be giving out coupons or running specials for desserts or drinks at their main locations after the event. 48
Courtesy photo.
8th annual A Taste of Milford When: Friday, May 19, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Where: The Milford Oval / downtown Cost: $25 for adults and $12 for kids ages 5 to 12 in advance; $30 for adults and $15 for kids at the door (if available). Free for kids age 4 and under. Visit: taste-of-milford
Participating restaurants/vendors A & E Roastery (at Charles David Salon, 111 Union Square) Amigos Mexican Cantina (at Wireless Zone, 207 Union Square) Barley and Hops (at Son’s Chimney, 50 Nashua St.) Bookside Café (at Free Spirit Boutique, 87 Union Square) Café on the Oval / Francoeurs’s Cafe (at Café on the Oval, 285 Union Square) Carole’s Cake Creations (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) The Cozy Tea Cart (at Pastiche Boutique, 263 Union Square) Foodee’s Milford (at Foodee’s, 167 Union Square) Giorgios Ristorante (at The Garden Party, 99 Union Square) Hill’s Home Market (at Antiques on the Oval, 227 Union Square) Jade Dragon (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) JM Princewell (at JM Princewell, 127 Union Square) King Street Vineyard (on the Oval Green) Nelson’s Candies (Flip Home Décor, 139
Union Square) Olde Kilkenny Pub (outside at 30 Middle St.) One Sweet Affair (at Stork Organic Baby, 273 Union Square) Papa Joe’s Humble Pie (outside the Town Hall on Nashua Street) Pasta Loft (at The Frame Depot, 227 Union Square) Red Arrow Diner / J’s Tavern (at Hometown Insurance, 37 Union Square) Scoops (at Scoops, 20 South St.) Shaw’s - Lorden Plaza (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) Subway - Lorden Plaza (at Constable Agency, 25 Union Square) Sweet Cheeks Creations (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) The Good Loaf / Dutch Epicure Bakery (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) The Happy Butchers (outside at the corner of Middle Street and Union Square) The Home Chef NH (at I Do Again Boutique, 263 Union Square) Union Coffee Co. (at Town Hall Auditorium, 1 Union Square) Vendura (at Forever Yoga, 19 Nashua St.)
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 45
A taste of Wine Country
Multi-level restaurant and wine bar opens in Manchester
May Featured Items:
Essex Feta Lesvos Bellavitano Balsamic New Zealand Cheddar Sweet Pea & Mascarpone Ravioli Lyric Chardonnay
Join us with your cruiser or just come by for the show!
Tuesdays 6–8 p.m. at The 104 Diner Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. at Tilt’n Diner
By Angie Sykeny
Complimentary Wine Tasting
We only cruise when the weather is nice!
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104 Diner, 752 Rt. 104, New Hampton Tilt’n Diner, 61 Laconia Rd. Tilton •
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Each course is paired with wines from Wine Maker
Charles Smith in Washington State
85 pp plus tax & gratuity
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19 88.
New Spring Menu
672.0500 • Route 101, Amherst
Open Daily Serving lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch
A refreshing blend of Mtn Dew and lime sherbert | 7 DW Hwy, So. Nashua | 11am to 9pm HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 46
Imagine eating dinner on a rooftop patio, surrounded by vertical gardens of colorful blooms, overlooking the heart of a scenic urban downtown. That’s one of the dining experiences you can have at Cabonnay, a new restaurant and wine bar opened last week in Manchester. The space features six dining areas, each with a unique atmosphere, plus an on-site wine emporium and integrated art gallery. The name Cabonnay represents the union of red wine and white wine — namely, cabernet and chardonnay — and is inspired, says owner Cornelis de Jong, by the idea of bringing the “essence of wine country” to the Granite State. “Wine country has the vineyards, the tasting rooms, the art and the gardens. They make the surrounding area for tourists very beautiful,” he said. “We wanted to a create a space with that environment. An experience. A place where you can come, have dinner and stay a while rather than being rushed out after 45 minutes.” Construction for the restaurant began in September of last year. De Jong and his team considered several locations before settling on the three-story, 9,000-squarefoot industrial building on Bridge Street. Formerly the “ugly duckling of town,” as de Jong calls it, the dilapidated unit was an unlikely choice, but it did have one redeeming quality. “An outside space was essential to our concept, and this building had the view over the bridge,” he said. “It was the worst of the lot, but in the weirdest way … we’re exactly where we need to be to execute our vision.” The first level of the building is home to the posh Bliss Bar and bronze Fantasy Dining room, which seats parties of two to four. On the second level, there’s the Conservatory Room, an intimate, elegant dining room with floral decor, designed for parties of four to six; and the Oasis Dining room, a secluded area for private events and parties of eight or more. The Atmosphere RoofDeck features 30 seats and vertical gardens along the wall with ornamental flowers and even some herbs and edible flowers Cabonnay
Address: 55 Bridge St., Manchester Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 5 to 10 p.m. (Hours will expand over the coming weeks) Call: 844-946-3473 Visit:
Bliss Bar at Cabonnay. Courtesy photo.
used for the restaurant. Finally, there’s the Chef’s Table, an exclusive dining experience for up to six people in the heart of the kitchen, where diners can interact with the chefs and watch them as they work. De Jong said sectioning the restaurant into several small dining areas makes for a more welcoming, personalized experience. “It’s structured like a house, and that’s how I approach it — like welcoming someone into a home,” he said. “I want people to feel like they’re special, not like they’re table number 22 out of 150.” Cabonnay’s cuisine is described as American contemporary, featuring farm-to-table appetizers, bar snacks, entrees and desserts. Half-poached lobster, a local cheese plate, roasted New York strip and a Grand Marnier soufflé are a few of the things you’ll find on the menu. Head chef Chris Viaud says that evolution and flexibility are the driving forces behind the menu, which will undergo “weekly tweaks and seasonal changes.” “You have to be able to adjust and adapt based on what the farmers have available,” he said. “I can utilize different [culinary] techniques from around the world while staying true to ingredients from around here and highlighting the freshest produce possible.” In addition to the wines, a rotating selection of 10 to 12 bottled craft beers and craft cocktails featuring a small but carefully curated selection of craft spirits is offered. While Cabonnay could be classified as fine dining, de Jong said it isn’t limited to full-course meals and special occasions. “Whether you come for a glass of wine and an appetizer or dessert, or you come for a lavish evening with several meal items and drinks,” he said, “if you want to relax and have quality food in a quality environment, we can do that for you.”
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Connor Snarski says he didn’t find his job at the recently opened Granite Tapas & Cocktail Lounge (1461 Hooksett Road, Suite A6, Hooksett, 232-1421, find them on Facebook) — the job found him. It all started when a former classmate reached out to Snarski online and told him that her cousin’s new restaurant was looking for a chef. After meeting with the owners, he knew right away that it was a good fit, and he was offered the job as executive chef. Snarski got his start as a chef in high school, where he participated in a twoyear culinary program and worked in kitchens at local restaurants. Prior to Granite Tapas, Snarski cooked at Surf Restaurant in Nashua and was the sous chef at Hilton Garden Inn in Manchester. What is your favorite dish on your resWhat is your must-have cooking taurant’s menu? utensil? I know it’s cliche, but the best tool a chef There are so many good ones, but I’ll say can have is a knife. I do everything with it. the Asian nachos. I really like those and had a lot of fun writing the recipe for that parA good knife is everything to a chef. ticular dish. It’s fried wonton chips with What would you choose for your last sweet and spicy cucumber slaw, pan seared tuna and watermelon radish, served with meal? That would be my mom’s biscuits and Sriracha and a wasabi cream sauce. gravy. She’s made them my whole life. To this day, I can’t cook those biscuits and What is the biggest food trend in New gravy as well as my mom can. They are leg- Hampshire right now? I hate to say tapas since [I work at] a endary in our household. tapas restaurant, but I have to go with What is your favorite local restaurant tapas. A lot of people are liking the transition from big entrees to smaller shareable besides your own? Republic on Elm Street in Manchester. I plates, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we really like their style and their farm-to-table start to see more tapas restaurants open in menu. Their food is always really good, and the Manchester area. they’re priced really well. What is your favorite meal to cook at What celebrity would you like to see eat- home? Ramen. I love a real, traditional bowl of ing at your restaurant? Chris Pratt. I really like him. He’s a good spicy miso ramen. That is, by far, my favordude and has a big heart and works really ite thing to make at home. — Angie Sykeny hard in the movies and shows that he does.
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44 “We have the favorites every year, of course, but it’s not the same-old sameold. We encourage [the food vendors] to try out new dishes, so there’s a variety,” Hunt said. “If they have a new dish or a specialty that they want to do, this is an opportunity for them to introduce it to more than 700 people.” Ballot boxes will be placed around the event where tasters can vote for their favorite samples to win in five categories: Best Beverage, Best Appetizer, Best Entree,
1 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt Whip all ingredients into a medium bowl until smooth. Makes 10 to 12 small pancakes.
Best Dessert and Best Overall Presentation. Winners in each category will be awarded A Taste of Milford plaques. Hunt said that most people find themselves “stuffed” after eating about half of the samples, and that the best strategy for maneuvering the tasting is to map out beforehand a few different beverages, appetizers, entrees and desserts that you’d like to try. “From the really nice entrees all the way down to chicken wings, there’s something for everyone,” Hunt said.
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Weekly Dish
Continued from page 42 Rosso Grande (a powerful, slightly sweet wine with flavors of ripe berries and black cherries). Taste, make and bottle six bottles of wine to take home. No prior wine experience is necessary. The cost is $60, with bottles and labels included. Space is limited, and registration is required. Call 891-2477 or visit • Farm-fresh eats: The Farm at Eastman’s Corner (244 Amesbury Road, Kensington) will host a five-course farm-totable dinner on Saturday, May 27, at 6 p.m., featuring Maine mussel escabeche, Maine crab salad, caramelized carrot ginger soup, sustainably raised Maine salmon en croute and lemongrass panna cotta. The cost is $70 per person. The Farm at Eastman’s Corner
hosts farm-to-table dinners monthly; future dates TBA. Call 347-1909 or visit • Seafood date night: The Culinary Playground (16 Manning St., Derry) will host a New England seafood dinner couples cooking class on Saturdays, June 10 and June 17, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. With instruction from a cooking expert, couples will make their own meal from start to finish that will include crab cake sliders with homemade slaw, mussels meuniere, roasted lemon asparagus and strawberry-lemon pudding with pound cake. The cost is $155 per couple, and space is limited. BYOB is welcome. Bring plastic containers for leftovers. Call 339-1664 or visit
Food & Drink Beer, wine & liquor From Manchester’s Original Beer & wine making tastings classes • WINE TASTING PARTY Auto Glass Company • A BOTTLE OF RED, A Enjoy music, free appetizers, BOTTLE OF WHITE Thurs., and sample a large variety of May 25, 6 p.m. Incredibrew, 112 artisan wines from all over the Daniel Webster Highway South , world. Thurs., May 18, 6:30 to 9 Nashua. $60 for six bottles. Call p.m. Black Water Grill, 43 Pel891-2477. Visit incredibrew. ham Road, Salem. $10. Tickets com. available on • BEER AND WINE TASTBeer & wine tasting ING Thurs., May 25, 5 to 7 p.m. classes Greg & Jane’s Beer & Wine, • INTRO TO WINE Join 63 Main St., Epping. Call 679Winemaker Amy LaBelle for 5007. a class focused on how to taste and appreciate wine. Wed., June Chef events/special 7, 6 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 meals Route 101, Amherst. $40. Visit • TASTE OF CABONNAY Enjoy a sampling of wines from MS Walker Spirits and taste a Beer, wine & liquor preview of the spring menu at dinners the new Cabonnay restaurant • BEER PIG ROAST Five in Manchester. Petite versions courses from each part of the of appetizers and entrees will pig will be paired with five Pipe be prepared by award-winning Dream. Thurs., June 8, 6 to 8 Chef de Cuisine Chris Viaud p.m. Pipe Dream Brewing, 49 and Pastry Chef Aurelian Blick. Harvey Road, Londonderry. $60 Thurs., May 25, 6 to 9 p.m. per person. Call 404-0751 or Cabonnay, 55 Bridge St. , Manvisit chester. $70. Visit symphonynh. • WINES OF THE WORLD org/events/may25. TOUR Each dinner party focus• MAY FARM-TO-TABLE es on a different wine region DINNER Five-course farm-toof the world. Top-picked wines table dinner. Sat., May 27, 6 to will be paired with five region- 8 p.m. The Farm at Eastman’s al-influenced tasting courses. Corner, 244 Amesbury Road, Menu will be local farm-to-table Kensington. $70. Visit eastmandriven. See website for “Tour Schedule.” Third Thurs., 6:15 • GARDEN AFTERNOON p.m., Colby Hill Inn, 33 The TEA Gather with friends and Oaks St., Henniker. $115 for enjoy a tea inspired by the tea first class, $95 for additional gardens of the early eighteenth classes. Registration is required. century. Sun., June 4, 1 to 3 p.m. Call 428-3281 or visit colbyhil- The Cozy Tea Cart, 104 Route 13, Brookline. $34.95. Registration is required. Call 249-9111 Beer, wine & liquor or visit festivals & special events • FARM-TO-TABLE DINNER • NH BEER CLUB Monthly CLUB Monthly four-course meetings feature a Granite State dinners prepared with local food brewer, plus a limited edition and paired with wine or beer or unique brew. New England’s samplings from local wineries Tap House Grille, 1292 Hook- and breweries. Monthly, last sett Road, Hooksett. Cost is $30 Thursday, 6 p.m. Roots Cafe at per event. See Robie’s Country Store, 9 Riv-
erside St., Hooksett. $40. Call 485-7761, or visit rootsatrobies. com. Church & charity suppers/bake sales • COMMUNITY DINNER Sun., May 21, 5 to 6:15 p.m. Etz Hayim Synagogue, 1-1/2 Hood Road, Derry. Free. Visit • FREE HOT MEALS The church’s Sonshine Soup Kitchen serves a free hot meal five days a week. Mon. through Fri., 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, 2 Crystal Ave., Derry. Visit • COMMUNITY MEAL Weekly, Thurs., 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friends of Forgotten Children, 224 Bog Road, Concord. Free and open to all. Visit • FREE MONTHLY DINNER Free, family-friendly meals served in a relaxed and inviting community setting. Third Thurs., 5 to 6 p.m., through May. West Running Brook Middle School, 1 W. Running Brook Lane, Derry. Call 432-1350. • FREE MONTHLY DINNER Free, family-friendly meals served in a relaxed and inviting community setting. Third Sat., 5 to 6:30 p.m., through May. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 63 E. Broadway, Derry. Call 434-4767. • FREE MONTHLY DINNER Free, family-friendly meals served in a relaxed and inviting community setting. Third Sun., 5 to 6:15 p.m., through May. Etz Hayim Synagogue,, 1-1/2 Hood Road, Derry. Call 432-0004. • FREE MONTHLY SPAGHETTI DINNER Free, family-friendly meals served in a relaxed and inviting community setting. Fourth Fri., 5 to 6:30 p.m., through May. First Parish Congregational Church, 47 East Derry Road, Derry. Call 4340628.
Ideas from off the shelf
Turkey sausage and mushroom gratin For the past few months I’ve been steering clear of ground beef after I gave my entire family food poisoning. In its place, I’ve been using ground turkey for everything from meatballs to burgers and from lasagna to breakfast bakes. But I think this recipe is quickly making its way to the top of my favorites list. I stumbled across this recipe while searching for different recipes for turkey sausage. I had a brief delusion of trying to make my own before I realized I was never going to pull that off. As it turns out, this recipe is pretty pantry-friendly, but even better, it’s leftover-friendly. I used this recipe primarily for inspiration, working with what I had in my pantry and refrigerator. Using leftovers cut down the cooking time a bit as well, and the result was a hearty and satisfying meal my entire family loved. As a bonus, leftovers of this dish work well scrambled with eggs for breakfast too. From the pantry, I snagged some chicken broth, red potatoes and thyme. I substituted baby bella mushrooms for cremini Turkey sausage & mushroom gratin Recipe courtesy of Cooking Light 2 hot turkey Italian sausage links, casings removed 1 tablespoon butter 3 cups chopped onion 4 ounces sliced cremini mushrooms 1½ pounds red potatoes, coarsely chopped ½ teaspoon kosher salt ½ cup fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth Cooking spray ¾ cup shredded Swiss cheese 2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
Classes/workshops • HERB WORKSHOP Learn how to cook, dry and store herbs and how to make tabouli and herb salt. Sat., June 3, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Churchill’s Garden Center, 12 Hampton Road, Exeter. Free. Call 772-2685 or visit
11 Depot Street Concord, NH | (603) 715-5723
mushrooms, and sharp cheddar cheese for Swiss. I had cooked Italian turkey sausage the night before, so instead of removing the casings and crumbling it up while cooking, I simply sliced the already cooked links into bite-sized pieces. The pre-seasoned sausage added a lot of flavor to this sparsely seasoned dish. I found I wanted more salt when the recipe was finished, and ended up salting my portion before eating. I opted for dried thyme instead of fresh and mixed it in before I baked the dish instead of sprinkling the fresh herb on top before serving. While I made quite a few modifications to the recipe, the bones stayed the same. At its core, this recipe is like a hash that works well for any meal of theBest day. New Eatery, The earthy sweetness of the mushrooms, Best Chef spiciness from the sausage Corey and subtle saltiFletcher, ness of the cheese made this a savory meal. Best Waiter The chicken broth kept everything moist Bill Wishart while baking, and the subtle mint hints from the dried thyme added another layer of flavor to a dish with an otherwise simple flavor profile. — Lauren Mifsud Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, sauté sausage until browned, approximately 5 minutes, stirring to crumble. Remove sausage from pan and drain. Melt butter in pan and add the onions, cooking for about 4 minutes, followed by the mushrooms, cooking for approximately another 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Finally, add the potatoes and salt, sauté until browned. Stir the sausage back into the pan and add the chicken broth. Transfer potato mixture to a greased baking dish. Top with cheese and cover and bake for at least 30 minutes. Uncover and bake up to an additional 15 minutes or until top is browned.
Food tours • SIP OF OF SOUTHERN NH BREW TOUR Tour showcases three local breweries/distilleries. Fri., May 26, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Register by Mon., May 22. Park and Ride/Bus Terminal Parking Lot, 4 Symmes Drive, Londonderry. $49. Purchase tickets on Eventbrite.
Kids cooking classes • MEXICAN LAYER DIP AND BAKED TORTILLA CHIPS For kids ages 3 to 6. Thurs., May 18, 10 and 11:30 a.m.; Fri., May 19, 10 and 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.; and Sat., May 20, 10 and 11:30 a.m. The Culinary Playground, 16 Manning Street, Derry. $16. Visit
Fresh and natural food from as many local farms and purveyors as possible. Classic dishes, new and exciting menu items, and cocktails.
Best New Eatery, Best Chef Corey Fletcher,
Best Waiter Bill Wishart
A dark ale brewed with 300 gallons of maple sap in place of water. Flaked barley and wheat lend a full mouthfeel and body. 7% ABV
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 51
No need to wait in line
NH’s beer scene understated and excellent
Every Sunday 10:30am-2:00pm
By Jeff Mucciarone
There are breweries in Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine where craft beer enthusiasts will wait in lines — sometimes very long lines — for their brew of choice. (Seriously, people do that.) There is so much off-the-charts-great craft beer easily accessible these days that I just don’t see how it’s worth it to wait in a long line so you can say you had a Heady Topper (but I’ll take one if you can get your hands on it). Personally, I enjoy the understated excellence of New Hampshire’s craft brew scene. I’d put any number of New Hampshire beers up against the trendiest and most waited-inline-for brews. And in New Hampshire, you don’t have to wait in line. I chatted with Scott Schaier of Brew NH, a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting and enhancing New Hampshire’s burgeoning brewing scene, and he agreed. “Accessibility is really a cool part of the New Hampshire brewing scene,” Schaier said. “If you go to Bissell Brothers [in Portland, Maine], you’re going to wait in line pretty much any day of the week. If you go to Stoneface [in Hampton] you can actually have lunch and pints and pick up a couple of six-packs of kickass IPA that would stand up to anything else in the region, and not feel improperly fleeced.” I’m not taking shots at places like Bissell Brothers, Alchemist or Tree House Brewing Co. There’s a reason why people wait in line for their beers — because their beers are delicious. I just think New Hampshire offers a unique blend of quality and accessibility. In the past five years, the Granite State saw its brewery scene expand from about 20 to about 70, with only two or three closings, Schaier said. Stoneface, as Schaier noted, is fantastic, as are Throwback Brewery in Hampton and Hooksett’s White Birch Brewing, both of which produce some really interesting brews — Throwback offers a “Maple Kissed Wheat Porter” and I would suggest tracking down any of White Birch’s “Small Batch” concoctions. I recently highlighted Great North Aleworks and Henniker Brewing, and I’d certainly put their IPA offerings up against the best of the best. Schaier noted Schilling Beer Co. in Littleton, which brews “progressive continental European-inspired beer,” as mak-
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What’s in My Fridge
Country Pale Ale, Wachusett Brewing Co.: I’ve always felt like this beer is hugely underrated. Extremely easy to drink, not overly hopped, but remarkably flavorful. 112188
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 52
ing some of the most technically sound beers. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Time to explore. Here are a few beers to get you started. Am I saying these are the best beers in New Hampshire? No; I’m not authorized to make such proclamations. I do think, however, that these offerings indicate the quality and variety available in New Hampshire. Battle Axe IPA, Kelsen Brewing Co.: This is an especially easy-drinking 7.2-percent IPA. It has great hop flavor but minimal bitterness, and the finish has an interesting, somewhat juicy quality I cannot quite put my finger on. I would suggest this for someone who says he doesn’t like IPAs. NH Ale, 603 Brewery: IPAs and barrelaged brews get all the attention these days with their big, bold flavors and high alcohol contents. 603 Brewery’s NH Ale is not about that. This is a perfect beer for when you just want a beer — nice and crisp with a smooth, refreshing finish. I enjoyed a NH Ale right out of the can as I puttered around the yard recently. This would be perfect on a hot day. Also, my wife enthusiastically signed off, “Wow, now that’s good,” so there. Pig’s Ear Brown Ale, Woodstock Inn Brewery: I credit brown ales (Newcastle Brown Ale) as initially steering me in the direction of good beer. English brown ales tend to have a smooth, complex flavor without too much alcohol bite and though darker, without the same heft as a stout or porter. Pig’s Ear Brown Ale features a roasty, nutty flavor and a smooth finish. This is a good choice for someone looking for something different from today’s hop craze but who is a little hesitant to order a big, heavy stout. Milly’s Oatmeal Stout, Stark Brewing Co.: Rich and robust and flavorful and everything an oatmeal stout should be, this stout is wonderful. I think stouts intimidate people because they are heavy and filling. Traditional stouts, not imperial, high-alcohol behemoths, have a smoothness and a remarkable drinkability. Milly’s Oatmeal Stout is meant to be enjoyed and savored.
Jeff is a senior account executive with Montagne Communications, where he provides communications support to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission, which regulates the sale of all alcohol in the state.
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 53
Index CDs
Souvenir Driver A • Tribulance, The Aftermath of Lies A pg56
• Lincoln in the Bardo A • Book Report Includes listings for lectures, author events, book clubs, writers’ workshops and other literary events. To let us know about your book or event, e-mail Kelly Sennott at ksennott@ To get author events, library events and more listed, send information to FILM
MUSIC, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS, MOVIES, DVDS, TV AND MORE Souvenir Driver, Souvenir Driver (High School Records)
• Souvenir Driver,
• King Arthur: Legend of the Sword C+ • Snatched C Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or
Fourth full-length from this Portland, Oregon, bliss-pop foursome, of whom Blur’s Alex James is a fan. This is a bit more upbeat than their previous records, which isn’t to say it’s an upbeat record, just one that’s less of a downer, though not less full of gravitas. Leadoff tune “Swans” lazes out of the gate with a half-hearted guitar arpeggio that makes you think of Sonic Youth, singer Nate Wey employing a Smashing Pumpkins half-whisper, but the whole thing slowly builds, louder and louder, into a shoegaze-as-math crescendo that’s quite effective and agreeably melodic, all as Wey’s voice starts wigging out in full peal. “Sunsets,” as upbeat a tune as ever they’ve done, is a brisk dance skip-along that blends Joy Division and The xx, if you can picture that, which you could with half an effort. The best part is this band’s non-reliance on gimmickry for the sake of such — these dudes are like early M83 with a tolerance for radio. A — Eric W. Saeger Tribulance, The Aftermath of Lies (self-released)
Arizona metal quartet whose stated aim is a big-deal blend that leans toward thrash, but only as it applies to the core of established headliners, from Judas Priest, et al. to the more modern leanings of the Sevendust/ Disturbed set. Making the sounds of Disturbed listenable to people who don’t watch wrestling was one thing that made me pick this out of the feed; my hope was that this might be a nu-metal act with musical panache to match their surprisingly palatable look (not that these guys do makeup and whatnot, but they’ve at least adopted a post-hip-hop/goth chic in their clothing that’s a huge improvement over all the other Baby Judas Priest bands, who must have access to a 1980s time machine in order to get all that spandex). Bottom line is that they get the job done, in spades: singer Michael Vidal turns from Halford to Hetfield on a dime over some pretty freaking respectable riffs that range from Sevendust to Megadeth, and in the meantime, none of it sucks. Mission accomplished, delighted to say. A — Eric W. Saeger
Antiques, Collectibles Pottery, Jewelry, Toys, Furniture, Industrial items, Work benches, etc..
PLAYLIST A seriously abridged compendium of recent and future CD releases
• Occasionally my news does have some bright spots, such as the upcoming new album from Sacramento dancepunks !!! (more commonlly known as “Chik Chik Chik”), Shake the Shudder. This album is scheduled for release May 19, and, whoa, what’s this, these guys have been around for over 20 years? Where does the time go, like the time I voted their 2005 LP Myth Takes as album of year? I don’t believe it, but let’s go listen to what awesome stuff these dudes are into nowadays. The new single “The One 2” is way cool, a jumpy throb-glitch-throb beat, some ’90s-bubblegum elements — man, these guys are awesome. Did I ever mention these guys are awesome? • But then again, the Metacritic gremlins also like to bum me out. Take, for example One More Light, the new one from Linkin Park, also streeting on the 19th. What are these nu-metal rappers going to do now, combine rap with neo-emo and just call it “Barf,” or will they just do a bunch of Led Zeppelin covers, emostyle, with rap and skronk and then just go away forever (which would win my support)? Heh heh, nah, how bad could this possibly — OMG, go listen to the new single “Heavy” right now. No, seriously, stop what you’re doing and go listen to this train wreck. It’s like Britney Spears doing emo. There’s some trap in there — good lord, this may be the most cynical move these dingbats have ever made. Nice battle in the YouTube comments section between normal people (“haters”) and click-farm bots (“fans”). Ha ha, one guy says it’s a remix of Darude’s “Sandstorm.” That train’s never late, heh heh. • Fine, then. We’ll talk about the fast-approaching new Wavves album, You’re Welcome. You like Wavves right? OK, you at least know who they are, right? No? Wait, what, how are you supposed to be cool if you don’t know the hipster bands of the month, all 175 of them, and can recite all their pagan hipster lyrics? Hold everything, the title track is super cool, a just-plain-filthy cross between Zeppelin, Wilco and getting kicked in the head by a mule. Is that a backward sample of something off Physical Graffiti at the beginning, or what? Awesome. • Finally we have the new Erasure album, World Be Gone. That’s pretty exciting news to older Americans who dig 1980s synthpop, never even mind the fact that this is the 17th LP from LGBT hero Andy Bell, who, yes, is still the singing half of this duo, and yes, it’s an actual new album, not a bunch of Conway Twitty covers or whatever older bands do for quick money these days. The first single is “Love You To The Sky,” a simple dance-pop thing that seems kind of phoned-in, like a microwaved version of that old Dead or Alive single “You Spin Me Round.” It’s not awful, for what it is … oh, actually it’s fine. — Eric W. Saeger
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Inspiring new home
MacGregor on moving to Concord and Wishbones By Kelly Sennott
Virginia MacGregor wrote Wishbones in a coffee shop near Wellington College in Berkshire, England, a place she found rich with inspiration. “I know some people who love the silence of a study, and I need that sometimes, but [when writing] I actually need to be surrounded by life,” MacGregor said via phone last week, just after putting her youngest daughter down for a nap. “If you sit in a coffee shop long enough, you see families, children, grandparents. You’ll overhear them talking about everyday things. I always have one ear open.” Since moving to Concord with her children and husband for his new theater job at St. Paul’s School this past July, she’s found new spots to write, like Live Juice, where she prefers the seat by the window overlooking Main Street, or the cafe at Gibson’s Bookstore, where she celebrates the release of her first young adult title, published by HarperCollins, on Tuesday, May 23, at 7 p.m. Her novels include What Milo Saw, The Astonishing Return of Norah Wells and Before I Was Yours, and like those, Wishbones is rooted in family and addresses social issues. The young adult novel follows a 14-year-old girl named Feather who loves to swim and is trying to save her obese mother, who hasn’t left the house in years, by helping her become healthy again. MacGregor, who grew up in Germany, France and England, was named after two women — Virginia Wade and Virginia Woolf — in the hopes she might aspire to writing or tennis greatness. After studying at Oxford, she taught at Wellington College, where she met her husband. About five years ago he encouraged her to fulfill her lifelong dream. “He said, ‘You should try doing it fulltime. You’ll regret not having given it a chance,’” she said. Her goal is to write one adult and one young adult book every year, which she knows sounds “bonkers,” but it helps when your partner’s career is invested in storytelling as well. “We’re very much in the storytelling business. … We both value the arts. When I’m reading a novel, he sees it as part of my job, instead of saying, ‘Why is she being indulgent and reading a novel?’” she said. “We have fantastic dinnertime conversations. He’s always the first to read my first draft and my last draft before it’s published.” Every one of MacGregor’s books is a mixture of experience, research and imag-
Virginia MacGregor. Courtesy photo.
ination, she said, and for this one she interviewed doctors, diabetes specialists, social workers and a young student expert on the butterfly stroke, which her protagonist loves to swim. She also explored the psychology of food, which involved looking back at her time in high school, both as a student and as a teacher. “Having grown up attending a very academic girls’ school in Oxford, I went through a stage of eating very little, and being very driven,” said MacGregor, explaining it wasn’t just about image, but also perfection. “Quite a few of us were on the spectrum of having eating disorders. We were always comparing [ourselves] to each other.” MacGregor’s excited to share the story with her new friends in New Hampshire. It’s interesting, being an English woman living in the United States right now; having grown up in an age of political apathy, she finds it refreshing, how many young people around town seem to be politically engaged. “Here in the theater department, there are lots of kids from minority backgrounds or who are gay, and they were hit hard by the changing political scene. I think they feel strong about art, drama, books and storytelling, and I feel strong about it as well,” MacGregor said. “I think, more than ever, people are turning to the arts to understand the world they’re living in. I think we writers and dramatists have a unique role to play, in helping people navigate the world and understand each other’s points of view.”
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Wishbones launch party Where: Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord When: Tuesday, May 23, at 7 p.m. Contact:, 2240562,
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 55
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 56
Historical fiction — we all have an idea of what that’s like, right? A retelling of what happened along with some polite liberties used with regard to descriptions and dialog. Well Lincoln in the Bardo is not your father’s (or even grandfather’s) historical fiction. The narrative skips around. It’s jarringly disjointed, fitting together only after several of the small pieces are told. The perspective constantly changes. It’s a book that requires mental gymnastics of its readers. Some of you may like this approach; others will be frustrated. I loved it. Anyone who experiments with storytelling method and who still manages to tell an impactful and insightful tale is an ace in my book. Lincoln in the Bardo takes place in 1862, one year after the Civil War has begun. President Lincoln’s 11-year-old son is gravely ill. Despite assurances that he will recover, the boy dies. Lincoln is devastated and newspapers report that he regularly goes to the boy’s crypt to hold his son’s body. From that historical fact, Saunders proceeds to weave a story of a father-and-son relationship, division within a country, and loss that far exceeds the sum of its parts. Sure, it’s unlikely that Lincoln actually visited a spiritual purgatory realm (referred to in Tibetan terms as the bardo), but if such a place existed, it’s quite probable that Lincoln would have said and done what he did in this depiction. After all, loss of the things you love most causes the same unimaginable pain no matter where you are. Saunders uses a lot of references from the Civil War and includes quotes from the period. With a cast of characters hovering around 100 (but only a few main characters) it can be confusing, but stick with it. If you can suspend your critical thinking voice, the payoff is well worth it in the end. It helps to read this book from a removed perspective, absorb its entirety instead of focusing on details. It’s the essence that delivers the story. It’s the way I read French — can’t do it word for word, but if I take a step back and absorb the big picture, I can usually figure out what’s being said. Take this snippet of a conversation from the bardo: Tried to “see” his boy’s face. roger bevins iii Couldn’t hans vollman Tried to “hear” the boy’s laugh. roger bevins iii
Couldn’t. hans vollman Attempted to recall some particular incident involving the boy, in the hope this might — roger bevins iii The dialog leads us to where we need to go. Take note that because the cast of characters is large, it might be easier to digest it in the audio format. It would certainly be one way to keep all the “voices” separate. But while audio might be helpful, it’s certainly not necessary. As with all good books, a quiet room, perhaps a glass of wine and adequate lighting is all you really need to immerse and enjoy yourself with this one. Saunders is the author of eight books, including the story collections Pastoralia and Tenth of December, which was a finalist for the National Book Award. He received fellowships from the Lannan Foundation, the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Guggenheim Foundation. In 2006 he was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship. In 2013 he was awarded the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction and was included in Time’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world. He’s not new to inventive methods of writing (check out his extensive library of short stories), nor is he new to the subject of the supernatural or paranormal. He definitely took a bold step (and, let’s face it, a big chance) with this book. It won’t be the book for everyone, but if you’re willing to take a step in the unknown and allow a fictional story to wash over you, then I assure you, you won’t be disappointed with Lincoln in the Bardo. A — Wendy E.N. Thomas
• Everybody farts: Well, almost everybody. New Hampshire author and illustrator Marty Kelley presents his newest picture book, Almost Everybody Farts, on Saturday, May 20, at 11 a.m., at Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Kelley is the author of several picture books, one of which, Twelve Terrible Things, received a star review in School Library Journal and a glowing review in the New York Times, courtesy of Lemony Snicket. Visit or call 224-0562. • Series kickoff: The Hyla Brook Reading Series, now in its ninth season, kicks off this Thursday, May 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Robert Frost Farm, 122 Rockingham Road, Derry. The event features poet Daniel Brown, whose work has appeared in many publications and was awarded the Pushcart Prize, plus Hyla Brook poet Paula Mahon d’Entremont. It’s the first in this year’s series of readings featuring nationally acclaimed poets sharing their work in Robert Frost’s barn. Other upcoming readings showcase Rhina P. Espaillat on Friday, June 16 (followed by the Frost Farm Poetry Conference at the farm), David Surette on Thursday, July 13, Jenna Le on Thursday, Aug. 10, and Meredith Bergmann on Thursday, Sept. 14. The events are free and open to the public and are followed by an open mike. Visit • More poetry: The Dover Public Library invites all to attend an “Evening of Poetry” Monday, May 22, at 6:30 p.m., at the Library Lecture Hall, 73 Locust St., Dover. All students who participated in the library’s 15th Annual Poetry Contest, grades K through 12, are invited to read their poetry at the event on a volunteer basis, and prizes will be distributed in six grade categories. Call 516-6050. — Kelly Sennott • DONNA BUISO Author talks about Nothing But My Voice. Sun., May 21, at 6 p.m. RiverRun Bookstore, 142 Fleet St., Portsmouth. Visit riverrunbookstore. com. • VIRGINIA MACGREGOR Launch party for new YA book, Wishbones. Tues., May 23, at 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit Call 224-0562. • DANI SHAPIRO Author talks about latest work, Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage. Tues., May 23, at 7 p.m. The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. $37, includes copy of book, bar beverage, book signing meet-and-greet. Call 436-2400. Visit • JENNIFER MILLER FIELD Author talks about From Blue Ribbon to Code Blue: A Girl’s Courage, Her Mother’s Love, A Miracle Recovery. Wed., May 24, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Free.
Book sales • WEEKLY BOOK SALE Starting May 6. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hotchkiss Commons Reunion Grange Hall, 81 Main St., Union. Proceeds go to outreach programs of the church. Call 473-2727. • FRIENDS OF THE MEREDITH LIBRARY BOOK SALE Thurs., May 18, noon-8 p.m.; Fri., May 19, noon-5 p.m.; Sat., May 20, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Meredith Public Library. 91 Main St., Meredith. Call 279-4303. Lectures & discussions • INTRODUCTION TO ERIS: MYTHOLOGY, THE DWARF PLANET, AND THE FRENEMY PRINCIPLE Presentation by Thomas Canfield. Presentation Sat., May 20, at 10 a.m. Astro Computing Services Bookstore, 68a Fogg Road, Epping. $10. Call 734-4300. • WELCOME TO BOLLYWOOD Lights, camera, passion! Presentation by Hippo Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny. Wed., May 24, at 6:30 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway. Free.
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Books Author Events • TOMMY CALDWELL Author talks about his new book, The Push. Fri., May 19, at 7 p.m. The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. $41, includes reserved seat, book, bar beverage, author presentation, Q&A. Visit • MARTY KELLEY Author/ illustrator reads newest book, Almost Everybody Farts. Sat., May 20, at 11 a.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit • NATALIE WISE Author talks about Happy Pretty Messy: Cultivating Beauty and Bravery When Life Gets Tough Sat., May 20, at 2 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Emerald St., Keene. Visit • LINDA REILLEY Author talks about A Frying Shame. Sat., May 20, at 3 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, Lorden Plaza, 614 Nashua St., Milford. Visit
Poetry events • HYLA BROOK READING SERIES Thurs., May 18, 6:308:30 p.m., Robert Frost Farm, 122 Rockingham Road, Derry. Featuring poet Daniel Brown. Free. Visit • ELAINE REARDON Poet reads from The Heart is a Nursery for Hope. Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m. Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Emerald St., Keene. Visit
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Book Report
• MELANIE BROOKS Author talks about Writing Hard Stories. Thurs., May 25, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. Call 778-9731. • DOUGLAS GARDHAM Author talks about The Drive In. Fri., May 26, at 2 p.m. Barnes & Noble, 1741 S. Willow St., Manchester. Call 668-5557. • LISA BUNKER Author talks about Felix Yz. Tues., June 6, at 7 p.m. Water Street Bookstore, 125 Water St., Exeter. Call 778-9731. • LINDA GREENLAW Author talks about Shiver Hitch. Fri., June 9, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore. com. Call 224-0562.
Hippo Best of 2015
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 57
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (PG-13)
A pre-king Arthur finds Excalibur in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, a very Guy Ritchie take on the Arthurian legend.
I feel I should mention at the outset that due to technical difficulties at the theater where I saw the movie, I missed the first five or so minutes of the movie. So maybe there was some combination of title cards and narration that made the movie magical. Maybe, but I doubt it. Nevertheless, I was able to get Arthur’s backstory, which is that once upon a time in post-Roman-ish England, King Uther (Eric Bana) and his queen (Poppy Delevingne) are killed by Uther’s brother Vortigern (Jude Law), who also steals his crown. Though Vortigern tries to kill baby Arthur, he gets away and floats, Mosesstyle, down the river to Londinium, where he is pulled out and taken care of by some ladies from the local brothel. In montage, we see Arthur grow up hard at the brothel, learning to fight, making money from odd jobs and petty crime and, after studying with the local kung fu master George (Tom Wu), protecting the ladies and generally becoming the big noise for his section of the city, protectionracket-wise. (Perhaps you’re thinking “I’m sorry, the kung fu what now?” but I’m going to suggest you just let that one ride because all things kung fu-related in this movie are silly fun.) Greasing the palms of local law enforcement and muscling money out of local traders with his buddies Back Lack (Neil Maskell) and Wet Stick (Kingsley Ben-Adir) — and occasionally Back Lack’s young son Blue (Bleu Landau), who I guess is learning the hooligan trade — Arthur has a good life going until he accidentally roughs up the wrong Vikings. The king’s men come for him and he winds up on a boat with a bunch of other men his age. Seems that, also Moses-style, all the young men of the kingdom are being rounded up. Only instead of being killed they’re just being branded after they try the sword stuck in a stone outside the castle. Once they can’t move it, they get their “not-Arthur” mark and are on their way (or maybe are enslaved, I’m not sure). Of course, Arthur finds that he can, in fact, wiggle sword from stone. Vortigern tries to execute him but men who have been waiting for the “lost king” — and a symbolic head to their “Never Vortigern” resistance — rescue him. Soon Arthur finds himself hiding out with a rag-tag group including Bedivere (Djimon Hounsou), Goosefat Bill (Aidan Gillen, a.k.a. Littlefinger) and a wizard lady called The Mage (Astrid Berges-Frisbey).
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 58
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
The least interesting part of this King Arthur story is anything to do with the Arthurian legend. All the sword-in-thestone/Lady of the Lake stuff is very incidental to what makes this movie moderately amusing, which, not surprisingly for a Guy Ritchie-directed movie, is guys with nearly indecipherable accents planning or describing some kind of crime or caper. Also, the fighting, some of the fighting is fun — the hand-to-hand combat, the guys running down grimy Londinium alleys. More Guy Ritchie-ing, less Arthuring is I guess where I come down. The legend, the sword — all this feels very subpar, like the ye olde England version of that spate of increasingly grade-B ancient Greeceand Rome-related movies that came out in the decade following The 300. But Hunnam is actually a fun action actor — and, yes, not hard on the eyes. I never watched Sons of Anarchy so I don’t have a deep background in his work, but from this I can see the makings of a solid action movie hero in the vein of Chris Hemsworth. The supporting characters and their anachronistic speech patterns are also fun. And, sure, Jude Law probably spends a little too much time in monologue mode, but Vortigern is a decent enough villain. For what it is, which is a middling action movie with fancy camera work but that doesn’t take itself too seriously, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword isn’t bad. For a movie released during blockbuster season, this weekend-on-the-couch basiccable fare is way out of its league. C+ Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action, some suggestive content and brief strong language. Directed by Guy Ritchie with a screenplay by Joby Harold and Guy Ritchie & Lionel Wigram (from a story by David Dobkin and Joby Harold, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword is two hours and six minutes long and is distributed by Warner Bros.
Snatched (R)
Goldie Hawn and Amy Schumer play a mother and daughter who are kidnapped while on vacation in Snatched, a weak lady-focused R-rated comedy.
Emily (Schumer) is in, as she might say, not a great place. Her loser boyfriend dumps her. She is fired. And — because they are either busy or still angry that she owes them money — none of her friends are willing to take her boyfriend’s ticket on her non-refundable vacation to Ecuador. Not wanting to go alone, Emily reluctantly asks her mother, Linda (Hawn), to come with her. Linda is decidedly not interested. Though, as Emily points out, she spends her days being scared of the world and over-parenting her grown son Jeffrey (Ike Barinholtz), Linda does not want any part of foreign travel. Emily wears her down and soon the ladies are in Ecuador, bickering and sharing a king bed. Though Linda is determined to spend the trip in the shade, reading a book, Emily finds a man to have some fun with. James (Tom Bateman) talks to her at the bar and is soon taking her to a local party. She excitedly drags Linda along for another excursion with James the next day but a miserable Linda is not at all surprised when the outing ends in a car crash and the women being kidnapped. The rest of the movie is the women trying to get home — and, occasionally, accidentally killing people — while still sniping at each other. When the U.S. government basically says they’re on their own until they reach a U.S. embassy, the women turn to Ruth (Wanda Sykes) and Barb (Joan Cusack) for help, two American tourists who are even more paranoid than Linda. And, from back home, Jeffrey attempts to pressure State Department employee Morgan Russell (Bashir Salahuddin) to deploy the A-Team to rescue
his mom and sister. There is, as Morgan points out, no A-Team, though this does not deter Jeffrey. The Morgan/Jeffrey scenes are a fairly solid mix of weirdness and reality and, oddly for this comedy about and clearly aimed at women, some of the funniest, truest-ringing moments in the movie. Jeffrey is a bundle of overplayed characteristics, but the movie is able to make his reactions to events feel genuine to what we know about his character. The same can not be said of Hawn’s and Schumer’s characters. Snatched feels very much lab-grown — take this synthetic “thirtysomething adult still acting like a late teen adolescent” and mix it with “sitcomy mom and daughter gripes” and pour in the artificial flavoring for situational kidnapping goofiness. This is not female-relationship comedy; it is the Female-Relationship Comedy Flavored Potato Chips. And much like, say, the gyro-flavored chips I bought a while back, the result is “kind of but no.” There are moments when I think this movie comes close to what it could have been. Linda, perhaps frustrated with her own life and scared to see her daughter settling into ruts herself, is far more critical than she realizes in her relationship with Emily. Emily, meanwhile, needs to grow the heck up. She responds with defensiveness and a bit of blame to even honest critiques of her choices. Or, to put it another way, they have a pretty believable mother-daughter relationship: fierce love but also constant needling. There is definitely something there, something that could even serve as a good basis for a mother-daughter buddy comedy of the R-rated variety. But this movie doesn’t develop the honest comedy nearly enough. Schumer has her moments but far too often the movie just leans on her character tics for humor. Hawn, meanwhile, is just shrill, much in that recent-era Diane Keaton way. The movie also couldn’t seem to figure out whether it wanted her to be meek or more worldly than her daughter realized. I suppose I’m not surprised by Snatched. I’d probably seen the trailer twice before I started to think that I was likely seeing all the funny scenes and the movie didn’t have much more to offer (and I was correct). What is disappointing about this movie is you can see glimpses — in scenes between Hawn and Schumer and Barinholtz and Salahuddin — of how much more weird, interesting and funny it could have been. C Rated R for crude sexual content, brief nudity and language throughout. Directed by Jonathan Levin and written by Katie Dippold, Snatched is an hour and 30 minutes long and is distributed by 20th Century Fox.
The New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival turns 10 Saturday, May 20, at noon, at Red River Theatres, 11 S. Main St., Concord. This year’s festival features 24 films, including animated flicks, comedies, dramas, documentaries, music videos and public service announcements/commercials, which were chosen among 66 entries submitted from students at 16 different high schools and career and technical centers, according to a press release. The event, presented by the New Hampshire Division of Film and Digital Media, offers an opportunity for students to have their work shown at a professional venue, and for the public to experience the state’s up-and-coming creative talent. The Jury Award Winner for Best Film, the Jury Award Runner-Up, plus three Jury Award Finalists and the Public Service Announcement Award will all be announced at the festival. Tickets are $7. Visit or for a full list of films.
MOVIES OUTSIDE THE CINEPLEX RED RIVER THEATRES 11 S. Main St., Concord, 2244600, • The Dinner (R, 2017) Thurs., May 18, at 2:10 & 7:35 p.m. • Colossal (R, 2017) Thurs., May 18, at 5:25 p.m. • Their Finest (R, 2017) Thurs., May 18, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Fri., May 19, at 1:05 & 6:15 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 6:15 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 1:05 & 6:15 p.m.; Mon., May 22, at 2:05 & 5:25 p.m.; Tues., May 23, at 2:05 p.m.; Wed., May 24, at 2:05 p.m.; Thurs., May 25, at 2:05 p.m. • The Lost City of Z (PG-13, 2017) Thurs., May 18, at 2:05, 5:20 & 8:05 p.m.; Fri., May 19, at 3:30 & 8:35 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 3:30 & 8:35 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 3:30 p.m.; Mon., May 22, at 7:45 p.m. • The Salesman (PG-13, 2016) Fri., May 19, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 2 & 4:30 p.m.; Mon., May 22, at 2:10, 5:35 & 7:55 p.m.; Tues., May 23, at 2:10 p.m.; Wed., May 24, at 2:20 & 6:30 p.m.; Thurs., May 25, at 2:20 & 6:30 p.m. • Norman (R, 2017) Fri., May 19, at 1, 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 1, 3:30, 6 & 8:30 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 1, 3:30 & 6 p.m.; Mon., May 22, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Tues., May 23, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Wed., May 24, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m.; Thurs., May 25, at 2, 5:30 & 8 p.m. • Mr. Connolly has ALS (NR, 2017) Wed., May 24, at 1:30 & 5:30 p.m.; Thurs., May 25, at 1:30 & 5:30 p.m. • New Hampshire High School Short Film Festival Sat., May 20, at noon WILTON TOWN HALL 40 Main St., Wilton, 654-3456, • Their Finest (R, 2017) Thurs.,
May 18, through Thurs., May 25, at 7:30 p.m. Additional screening Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m. • Kedi (documentary, 2016) Fri., May 19, through Thurs., May 25, at 7:30 p.m. Additional screenings Sun., May 21, at 2 & 4:30 p.m. • Seven Days in May (1964) Sat., May 20, at 4:30 p.m. • The Trail of ‘98 (1928) Sun., May 21, at 4:30 p.m., silent film with musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY 405 Pine St., Manchester, 6246550,; some films at the West Branch, 76 Main St., Manchester, 6246560 • A Dog’s Purpose (PG, 2017) Thurs., May 18, at 3 p.m. • Sully (PG-13, 2016) Wed., May 24, at 1 p.m. NASHUA PUBLIC LIBRARY NPL Theater, 2 Court St., Nashua, 589-4611, nashualibrary. org. Call 589-4646 for a movie schedule. Seating is limited. Food and drink are not permitted. Cinema Cabaret screens adult films on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and the family film series screens on Saturdays at 2 p.m. • The Parent Trap (PG, 1998) Sat., May 20, at 2 p.m. • La La Land (PG-13, 2016) Tues., May 23, at 7 p.m. • The Salesman (PG-13, 2016) Tues., May 30, at 7 p.m. • Jurassic Park (PG-13, 1993) Wed., May 31, at 2 p.m. RODGERS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 194 Derry Road, Route 102, Hudson, 8866030 • Cinema Celebration second
Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. EXETER PUBLIC LIBRARY 4 Chestnut St., Exeter, NH 03833, 772-3101, • Free travel documentary Mon., May 22, at 1 p.m. THE MUSIC HALL 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, 436-2400,, Some films are screened at Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth • Frantz (PG-13, 2016) Thurs., May 25, at 7 p.m. • Wilson (R, 2017) Fri., May 19, at 7 p.m.; Sat., May 20, at 7 p.m.; Sun., May 21, at 4 p.m.; Tues., May 23, at 7 p.m.; Wed., May 24, at 7 p.m. • Der Rosenkavalier (Met in HD) Sat., May 20, at 12:30 p.m. • Twelfth Night (National Theatre London) Sun., May 21, at 1 p.m. • Alive and Kicking (documentary, 2016) Fri., May 26, at 7 p.m.; Sat., May 27, at 7 p.m.; Tues., May 30, at 7 p.m.; Thurs., June 1, at 7 p.m.
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June 8th, 2017
Join us for this beautiful classic on our big screen to celebrate our spring membership campaign! Our special 75th Anniversary Screening will include an intro by Noah Isenberg, author of We’ll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Movie, who will sign copies of his book after the screening. Books for sale at the screening from Gibson’s Bookstore.
THE FLYING MONKEY 39 S. Main St., Plymouth, 5362551, • Speedway (1929) Thurs., May 18, at 6:30 p.m., silent film with musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 59
NITE American band Local music news & events
By Michael Witthaus
• Rootsy: Lead in to the weekend with Maine Americana duo Muddy Ruckus. The 2016 NEMA winners perform songs from their much-heralded album Pretty Bones and preview material from a just-completed third record. The new disc has an electrified rock energy, more reflective of their shows. Go Thursday, May 18, 8 p.m., Riverwalk Cafe, 35 Railroad Square, Nashua. Tickets $5 at • Darkness: An eight-band lineup leans hard and heavy and includes Gloom, a Washington, D.C., quartet with a new LP and a sound described as “succinct, to-the-point, blackened death metal groove with a doomy swagger.” Also appearing are Cryptopsy, Decrepit Birth, Rivers of Nihil, The Zenith Passage, The Kennedy Veil and Dysentery. Go Friday, May 19, 6 p.m., Bungalow Bar & Grill, 333 Valley St., Manchester. Tickets are $22 at • Tribute: An afternoon show features vocalist Liz Saunders performing Patsy Cline Remembered, a selection of the late vocalist’s hits, including “Walking After Midnight,” “I Fall to Pieces” and “Crazy,” joined by Skip Poole and the Amit Orchestra. Go Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m., Concord City Auditorium, 2 Prince St. Tickets are $28-$38 at • Decked: Warmer weather means more outdoor music. Eric Grant plays solo on the patio during Sunday Funday, a regular event lasting through the summer, with fare such as lobster BLT, Cajun burgers and a nice selection of draft beer, including local favorite Kelsen Brewing Co.’s Paradigm. Go Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m., Old School Bar & Grill, 49 Range Road, Windham. More at Want more ideas for a fun night out? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
Oak Ridge Boys celebrate 50 years together at Tupelo show By Michael Witthaus
Waves of red, white and blue emanate from the phone as Richard Sterban describes what fans can expect when the Oak Ridge Boys take the stage at New Tupelo Music Hall. “The hits — ‘Elvira’ of course — and we’ll do a little gospel,” he said. “We’re patriotic guys, so we will do a few songs to honor the country that’s so important to us. … Most of all, it’s good country music; family entertainment, for Grandma and Grandpa all the way down to young kids.” Sterban is the group’s bass vocalist — the “oom papa mow mow” chorus on “Elvira” is his — and from an early age, he wanted nothing more than to sing low. Prior to joining the Oak Ridge Boys, he toured the Northeast gospel circuit, then joined JD Sumner & the Stamps. The vocal group backed Elvis Presley on tour, and contributed to the sessions for the King’s last hit single, “Burning Love.” Presley’s approach in the studio was unique. “Elvis really did not know what he was going to record — an A&R man played him song after song, most of which he did not like,” Sterban said. “After what seemed like an eternity, he played ‘Burning Love’ and wow! All of a sudden Elvis said, ‘That’s it!’ — and he wanted to record that song.” Sterban said the process “went down very, very easy,” though Presley was an “engineer’s nightmare. … He recorded like no one else I have ever seen; no isolation booth for him, no locked up in a little cubicle. He used Oak Ridge Boys Celebration Tour When: Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Where: New Tupelo Music Hall, 10 A Street, Derry Tickets: $55-$65 at
Oak Ridge Boys. Courtesy photo.
a handheld microphone and walked around the studio. ... He recorded like he sang live on stage and that’s how it came up on the record.” Sterban joined the Oak Ridge Boys in 1972, at a time when they were transitioning from gospel to country music, often to their fans’ consternation; mass walkouts during shows were common. It was a challenging time, and Sterban said Johnny Cash was a big reason the group carried on. Cash helped out financially, inviting the Oaks on tour, and often overpaying them; but Cash’s moral support meant more. One night after a show in Las Vegas. Cash summoned them to his hotel suite. “He told us, ‘This is going to be something, and I will support you, but you gotta believe in yourselves … give up, and you will never realize your dreams,’” Sterban said. “We walked out of that room with our heads held high. Johnny Cash thinks we’re going to make it, so we are going to make it. Sure enough, we found a way to do what he said [and] stay together.” In short order, they found a business leader, Jim Halsey, who is still their manager, and producer Ron Chancey, so integral to their success that he’s referred to as “the fifth Oak Ridge Boy.” Chancey found their first hit, “Y’all Come Back Saloon.” and later heard
a Texas honky-tonk band playing what would become their signature song, “Elvira” was recorded by several artists, but the Dallas Frazier-written song didn’t break through until the Oaks turned into what Sterban called “one of the largest-selling singles ever recorded in Nashville.” This happened due to Chancey’s special touches, like having Sterban’s bass refrain more out front than on Frazier’s original and an earlier Kenny Rogers version. In the studio, it felt like the smash that manager Halsey would go on about in pep talks. “He’d always tell us, you’re three minutes away from being a major act; by that he meant a hit single,” Sterban said. “We felt like we had something special in our hands, and we did, but didn’t realize how special until the first time we performed the song in person.” During a tour stop in Spokane, Washington, they dropped it into the middle of a set. “The place went crazy; they wouldn’t have been happier if we gave them a million dollars,” Sterban said. They played the song over and over; each time, the crowd begged to hear it again. “We called the record label and told them, we gotta get this thing out, and we did. To this very day ... you can count on the fact when we come to town, we are going to do ‘Elvira’ — it is the law. Even in church, we’ve done it.”
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 60
• Doggie Daycare • Boarding •Training 107718 BY TODD SANTOS
You’re Hired! Across 1. Foo Fighters’ Grohl 5. 70s/80s powerpoppers that get deep brain stimulation? 8. Stage outfit’s this is sometimes strong 12. Jerry Lee Lewis ‘ Middle __ Crazy’ 13. Motley Crue ‘Red, White, and __’
26 31
5/11 46
27 34
19 21
© 2016 Husqvarna AB. All rights reserved.
1. “I’m going to dizz knee land” band 2. T Rex ‘Life’s __ __’ (1,3) 3. Hives hit album ‘__ Vidi Vicious’ 4. Producer, at times 5. Like fans’ eyes, once ballad ends 6. Boston post-punkers Mission Of __ 7. Blink-182 “__ through the master plan” 8. Short, light opera 9. Fear Factory’s Cazares 10. ‘Smash The Control Machine’ band 11. Guns N’ Roses ‘Catcher In The __’ 13. Ween eats the blue kind w/their
‘Chocolate’, perhaps 14. ‘I Would Die For You’ Jann 19. ‘Wannabe’ __ Girls 22. Deceptive David Cook song? 23. ‘09 Best Female Pop Vocal Brit 24. The Airborne __ Event 25. Murmurs single ‘I’m __ __’ (1,4) 26. Faces ‘__ __ Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse’ (1,3) 27. Beastie Boys ‘Licensed __ __’ (2,3) 28. Europe ‘Ready __ __’ (2,3) 29. ‘98 Pearl Jam album ‘Live __ __ Legs’ (2,3) 32. Vince Guaraldi ‘Linus And __’ 33. ‘99 Jars Of Clay album ‘__ __ Left The Zoo’ (2,1) 36. How hometown heroes want to tour 38. Sammy Hagar ‘__ __ Drive 55’ (1,4) 40. Kiss’ Spaceman Frehley 41. Frank Sinatra ‘___ Rhapsody’ (1,4,1) 44. Lady Antebellum ‘Just __ __’ (1,4) 46. Bruno Mars ‘__ __ Rain’ (2,4) 48. Kind of big venue 49. Def Leppard ‘__ __ My Wine’ (2,3) 50. Meat Loaf ‘__ __ Dry Eye In The House’ (3,1) 51. ‘Supermodel’ Sobule 52. Parsons of The Byrds 53. Beck “__ __ you there, your long black hair” (1,3) 54. Baird and Hicks 55. What band does after founder starts new band 56. God reggae stars sing of
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28. Europe 'Ready __ __' (2,3) 29. '98 Pearl Jam album 'Live __ __ Legs' (2,3) 32. Vince Guaraldi 'Linus And __' 33. '99 Jars Of Clay album '__ __ Left The Zoo' (2,1) nee land" band 36. How hometown heroes want to tour (1,3) 38. Sammy Hagar '__ __ Drive 55' (1,4) Vidi Vicious' 40. Kiss' Spaceman Frehley 41. Frank Sinatra '___ Rhapsody' (1,4,1) e ballad ends 44. Lady Antebellum 'Just __ __' (1,4) s Mission Of __ 46. Bruno Mars '__ __ Rain' (2,4) ugh the master 48. Kind of big venue 49. Def Leppard '__ __ My Wine' (2,3) 50. Meat Loaf '__ __ Dry Eye In The res House' (3,1) ol Machine' band 51. 'Supermodel' Sobule tcher In The __' 52. Parsons of The Byrds e kind w/their 53. Beck "__ __ you there, your long black hair" (1,3) You' Jann 54. Baird and Hicks s 55. What band does after founder starts band 100 new SerieS 200 SerieS Cook song? op Vocal Brit 56. God reggae stars sing of Event © 2017 Todd Santos Written By: Todd Santos m __ __' (1,4) Good As A Wink
ce __ Days' eil Finn o __' My Bloody
43. You will be in this, when you team up with stadium band 45. Avenged Sevenfold ‘__ __ The King’ (4,2) 47. __ & Tina Turner 48. Pearl Jam bassman Jeff 50. English production duo (hyph) 52. Tom Petty “Into the __ __ open” (5,4) 56. What new member does to established band 57. Where nosebleed seats exit 58. Irish rockers God __ __ Astronaut (2,2) 59. Book of maps used by van driver 60. Swedish Ternheim 61. Carl Perkins ‘__ Me Your Comb’ 62. Wang Chung ‘Dance __ Days’ 63. ‘Driving Me __’ Neil Finn 64. ‘She Loves You No __’ My Bloody Valentine
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14. George Harrison ‘Isn’t It __ __’ (1,4) 15. Red Hot Chili Peppers girl in ‘By The Way’ 16. What band will do to hot new auditionee 17. Talk Talk song about actress Zellweger?
18. Kiss ‘Easy ___’ (2,2,5) 20. What nice band will do to mean member 21. ‘Tommy’ by The Who is rock one 22. Guitarist Ritenour 23. Indiana pop-punkers that like early video game systems? 26. __ __ Proud To Beg (4,3) 30. Champagne brand cracked in VIP lounge (abbr) 31. ‘My Heart Will Go On’ Dion 34. Natalie Imbruglia smash 35. Female vocalist of X 37. Michael Schenker band full of aliens? 38. “__ __ got nobody, nobody cares for me” (1,4) 39. Prince sidekicks Wendy & __ 40. SoCal band inpired by battery fluid? 42. New guy joining huge band keeps it on the down-__
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 61
Want more music, comedy or big-name concerts? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Nan King 222 Central St. 882-1911 SoHo 49 Lowell Rd 889-6889
Breezeway Pub 14 Pearl St. 621-9111 British Beer Company 1071 S. Willow St. 232-0677 Laconia Bungalow Bar & Grille Anthony’s Pier 333 Valley St. 263 Lakeside Ave. 518-8464 Penuche’s Ale House Amherst East Hampstead Millie’s Tavern 366-5855 Cactus Jack’s 6 Pleasant St. 228-9833 Pasta Loft LaBelle Winery 17 L St. 967-4777 Baja Beach Club 782 South Willow St. Pit Road Lounge 345 Rte 101 672-9898 220 E. Main St. 378-0092 North Beach Bar & 89 Lake St. 524-0008 627-8600 388 Loudon Road Grille 931 Ocean Blvd. Broken Spoke Saloon Central Ale House 226-0533 Auburn Epping 967-4884 1072 Watson Rd 23 Central St. 660-2241 Red Blazer Auburn Pitts Holy Grail Old Salt 866-754-2526 City Sports Grille 72 Manchester St. 167 Rockingham Road 64 Main St. 679-9559 409 Lafayette Rd. Faro Italian Grille 72 216 Maple St. 625-9656 224-4101 622-6564 Telly’s 926-8322 Endicott St. 527-8073 Club ManchVegas Tandy’s Top Shelf 235 Calef Hwy 679-8225 Ron’s Landing 50 Old Granite St. 1 Eagle Sq. 856-7614 Bedford Tortilla Flat 379 Ocean Blvd 929-2122 Fratello’s 799 Union Ave. 528-2022 222-1677 True Brew Barista Bedford Village Inn 1-11 Brickyard Sq Savory Square Bistro Holy Grail of the Lakes Crazy Camel Hookah 3 Bicentennial Sq. 2 Olde Bedford Way 734-2725 32 Depot Sq 926-2202 12 Veterans Square and Cigar Lounge 225-2776 472-2001 Popovers Sea Ketch 127 Ocean 737-3000 245 Maple St. 518-5273 Copper Door 11 Brickyard Sq 734-4724 Blvd. 926-0324 Margate Resort Derryfield Country Club 15 Leavy Drive 488-2677 Contoocook Stacy Jane’s 625 Mammoth Rd Covered Bridge Shorty’s Epsom 9 Ocean Blvd. 929-9005 76 Lake St. 524-5210 Naswa Resort 623-2880 Cedar St. 746-5191 206 Rte 101 488-5706 Circle 9 Ranch The Goat 1086 Weirs Blvd. Whiskey 20 Farmer’s Market 39 Windymere 736-3111 20 L St. 601-6928 366-4341 20 Old Granite St. 896 Main St. Belmont Hilltop Pizzeria Wally’s Pub Paradise Beach Club 641-2583 746-3018 Lakes Region Casino 1724 Dover Rd 736-0027 144 Ashworth Ave. 322 Lakeside Ave. Fratello’s 1265 Laconia Road 926-6954 366-2665 155 Dow St. 624-2022 Claremont 267-7778 Exeter Patio Garden Foundry Taverne on the Square Pimentos Shooters Tavern Hanover Lakeside Ave. 50 Commercial St. Rt. 3 DW Hwy 528-2444 2 Pleasant St. 287-4416 69 Water St. 583-4501 Salt Hill Pub Shooter’s Pub 7 Lebanon St. 676-7855 Pitman’s Freight Room 836-1925 94 New Salem St. Ignite Bar & Grille Deerfield Boscawen 6 Columbus Ave. Canoe Club 100 Hanover St. 494-6225 Nine Lions Tavern Alan’s 772-3856 27 S. Main St. 643-9660 527-0043 Tower Hill Tavern Jewel 133 N. Main St. 753-6631 4 North Rd 463-7374 264 Lakeside Ave. 61 Canal St. 819-9336 Francestown Henniker 366-9100 Karma Hookah & Derry Bow Toll Booth Tavern Country Spirit Cigar Bar Drae Chen Yang Li 740 2nd NH Tpke 262 Maple St. 428-7007 Weirs Beach Lobster Pound 1077 Elm St. 647-6653 520 South St. 228-8508 14 E Broadway #A 588-1800 Pat’s Peak Sled Pub 72 Endicott St. 366-2255 KC’s Rib Shack 216-2713 24 Flander’s Road 837 Second St. 627-RIBS Halligan Tavern Bristol Gilford 888-728-7732 Lebanon Midnight Rodeo (Yard) Back Room at the Mill 32 W. Broadway Ellacoya Barn & Grille Salt Hill Pub 1211 S. Mammoth Rd 965-3490 2 Central St. 744-0405 2667 Lakeshore Road Hillsborough 2 West Park St. 448-4532 623-3545 Purple Pit 293-8700 Mama McDonough’s Stark Brewing Company 28 Central Sq. 744-7800 Dover Patrick’s 5 Depot St. 680-4148 Londonderry 500 Commercial St. 7th Settlement Brewery 18 Weirs Road 293-0841 Tooky Mills Rumor Mill Coach Stop Tavern 625-4444 50 S Main St, 217-0971 47 Washington St. 9 Depot St. 176 Mammoth Rd Murphy’s Taproom 373-1001 Goffstown 464-6700 437-2022 494 Elm St. 644-3535 Asia Concord Village Trestle Turismo Penuche’s 42 Third St. 742-9816 Barley House 25 Main St. 497-8230 55 Henniker St. 680-4440 Stumble Inn 20 Rockingham Rd 96 Hanover St. 626-9830 Cara Irish Pub 132 N. Main 228-6363 432-3210 Penuche’s Music Hall 11 Fourth St. 343-4390 Hampton CC Tomatoes Hooksett 1087 Elm St. Dover Brick House 209 Fisherville Rd Ashworth By The Sea Asian Breeze Loudon 206-5599 2 Orchard St. 749-3838 295 Ocean Blvd. 753-4450 1328 Hooksett Rd Hungry Buffalo Portland Pie Company Fury’s Publick House Cheers 926-6762 621-9298 58 Rte 129 798-3737 786 Elm St. 622-7437 1 Washington St. 17 Depot St. 228-0180 Bernie’s Beach Bar Salona Bar & Grill 617-3633 Granite 73 Ocean Blvd 926-5050 Hudson Manchester 128 Maple St. 96 Pleasant St. 227-9000 Sonny’s Tavern Boardwalk Inn & Cafe AJ’s Sports Bar 624-4020 83 Washington St. Hermanos 139 Ocean Blvd. 929-7400 11 Tracy Lane 718-1102 A&E Cafe 1000 Elm St. 578-3338 Shaskeen 742-4226 11 Hills Ave. 224-5669 Breakers at Ashworth River’s Pub Amoskeag Studio 250 909 Elm St. 625-0246 Top of the Chop Makris 295 Ocean Blvd. 926-6762 76 Derry St 880-8676 Commercial St. Shorty’s 1 Orchard St. 740-0006 Breakers By the Sea 354 Sheep Davis Road JD Chaser’s 1050 Bicentennial Drive 225-7665 409 Ocean Blvd 926-7702 2B Burnham Rd 886-0792 315-9320 625-1730 Thursday, May 18 Claremont Ashland Taverne on the Square: Ryan Common Man: Jim McHugh & Zimmerman Steve McBrian (Open) Concord Auburn Granite: CJ Poole Duo Auburn Pitts: Open Jam w/ Hermanos: Richard Gardzina Gordy and Diane Pettipas Penuche’s Ale House: Mindseye True Brew: Dusty Gray Open Bedford Original Copper Door: Chad Lamarsh Dover Boscawen Fury’s Publick House: Erin’s Alan’s: John Pratte Guild HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 62
Burton’s Grill 310 Daniel Webster Highway 888-4880 Country Tavern 452 Amherst St. 889-5871 Dolly Shakers 38 East Hollis St. 577-1718 Fody’s Tavern 9 Clinton St. 577-9015 Fratello’s Italian Grille 194 Main St. 889-2022 Mason Marty’s Driving Range Haluwa Lounge Nashua Mall 883-6662 96 Old Turnpike Rd Killarney’s Irish Pub 878-1324 9 Northeastern Blvd. 888-1551 Meredith Giuseppe’s Ristorante O’Shea’s 312 DW Hwy 279-3313 449 Amherst St. 943-7089 Peddler’s Daughter 48 Main St. 821-7535 Merrimack Portland Pie Company Homestead 641 DW Hwy 429-2022 14 Railroad Sq 882-7437 Riverwalk Jade Dragon 515 DW Hwy 424-2280 35 Railroad Sq 578-0200 Shorty’s Pacific Fusion 356 DW Hwy 424-6320 48 Gusabel Ave. 882-4070 Stella Blu Tortilla Flat 70 E. Pearl St. 578-5557 594 Daniel Webster Thirsty Turtle Hwy 262-1693 8 Temple St. 402-4136 Milford New Boston J’s Tavern 63 Union Square 554-1433 Molly’s Tavern 35 Mont Vernon Rd Lefty’s Lanes 487-2011 244 Elm St. 554-8300 Pasta Loft Newbury 241 Union Square Goosefeathers Pub 672-2270 Mt. Sunapee 763-3500 Shaka’s Bar & Grill 11 Wilton Rd 554-1224 Salt Hill Pub 1407 Rt 103 763-2667 Tiebreakers at Hampshire Hills 50 Emerson Rd 673-7123 New Castle Wentworth By The Sea Union Coffee Co. 588 Wentworth Rd 42 South St. 554-8879 422-7322 Moultonborough New London Castle in the Clouds 455 Old Mountain Road Flying Goose 40 Andover Road 478-5900 526-6899 Nashua Newington 110 Grill 27 Trafalgar Sq. 943-7443 Paddy’s 27 International Drive 5 Dragons 29 Railroad Sq. 578-0702 430-9450 River Casino Newmarket 53 High St. 881-9060 Riverworks Boston Billiard Club 164 Main St. 659-6119 55 Northeastern Blvd. Stone Church 943-5630 5 Granite St. 659-7700 South Side Tavern 1279 S Willow St. 935-9947 Strange Brew Tavern 88 Market St. 666-4292 Thrifty’s Soundstage 1015 Candia Road 603-518-5413 Wild Rover 21 Kosciuszko St. 669-7722
Salt hill Pub: Irish Trad’ Session Stumble Inn: Jim Tyrrell Randy Miller/Roger Kahle Manchester Hillsborough Bungalow: Mike Frazier & the Exeter Dying Wild, Ledge Dwellers & Station 19: Thursday Night Live Turismo: Line Dancing This Time Aroun Central Ale House: Jonny Laconia Gilford Patrick’s: 2 Acoustic Acts ft: Margate: Camille and Kennerly Friday Blues City Sports Grille: DJ Dave Tim Gurshin/Tim Hazleton Lebanon Derryfield: D-Comp Salt hill Pub: Celtic Open Ses- Foundry: DJ Marco Valentin Hampton sion Fratello’s: Jazz Night CR’s: Mica-Sev Project Manchvegas: Open Acoustic Londonderry Jam w/ Jim Devlin Hanover Coach Stop: Brad Bosse Murphy’s: Jimmy & Marcelle Canoe Club: Jason Pettus Epping Telly’s: Tim Theriault
Shaskeen: Matt Woods/Jeff Sheppard Shorty’s: Steve Tolley Strange Brew: Quick Fire Whiskey’s 20: DJs Shawn White/ Ryan Nichols/Mike Mazz Wild Rover: Austin Pratt Meredith Giuseppe’s: Joel Cage Merrimack Homestead: Justin Cohn Jade Dragon: DJ Laura
Three Chimneys 17 Newmarket Rd. 868-7800 Newport Salt Hill Pub 58 Main St. 863-7774 Peterborough Harlow’s Pub 3 School St. 924-6365 Pelham Shooters 116 Bridge St. 635-3577 Pittsfield Molly’s Tavern 32 Main St. 487-2011 Plaistow Crow’s Nest 181 Plaistow Road 974-1686 Racks Bar & Grill 20 Plaistow Road 974-2406 Portsmouth Blue Mermaid Island 409 The Hill 427-2583 British Beer Company 103 Hanover St. 501-0515 Cafe Nostimo 72 Mirona Rd. 436-3100 Demeters Steakhouse 3612 Lafayette Rd. 766-0001 Dolphin Striker 15 Bow St. 431-5222
Fat Belly’s 2 Bow St. 610-4227 Grill 28 200 Grafton Road 433-1331 Hilton Garden Inn 100 High St. 431-1499 Lazy Jacks 58 Ceres St. 294-0111 Martingale Wharf 99 Bow St. 431-0901 Oar House 55 Ceres St. 436-4025 Portsmouth Book & Bar 40 Pleasant St. 427-9197 Portsmouth Gas Light 64 Market St. 430-9122 Press Room 77 Daniel St. 431-5186 Red Door 107 State St. 373-6827 Redhook Brewery 1 Redhook Way 430-8600 Ri Ra Irish Pub 22 Market Sq 319-1680 Rudi’s 20 High St. 430-7834 Rusty Hammer 49 Pleasant St. 319-6981 Thirsty Moose 21 Congress St. 427-8645 Raymond Cork n’ Keg 4 Essex Drive 244-1573 Rochester Gary’s 38 Milton Rd 335-4279
Nashua 110 Grill: Pat Gendron Agave Azul: DJ K-Wil Ladies Night Country Tavern: Ted Solovicos Fratello’s Italian Grille: Kelsie Hinds Riverwalk Cafe: Muddy Ruckus w. Haunt the House Shorty’s: Kieran McNally
Governor’s Inn 78 Wakefield St. 332-0107 Lilac City Grille 103 N. Main St. 332-3984 Revolution Tap Room 61 N Main St. 244-3022 Radloff’s 38 N. Main St. 948-1073 Smokey’s Tavern 11 Farmington 330-3100 Salem Black Water Grill 43 Pelham Rd 328-9013 Jocelyn’s Lounge 355 S Broadway 870-0045 Sayde’s Restaurant 136 Cluff Crossing 890-1032 Seabrook Castaways 209 Ocean Blvd 760-7500 Chop Shop 920 Lafayette Rd 760-7706
Seabrook Chop Shop: Spent Fuel
Suncook Olympus Pizza 42 Allenstwon Rd. 485-5288 Tilton Black Swan Inn 354 W Main St. 286-4524 Warner Local 2 E Main St. 456-6066 Weare Stark House Tavern 487 S Stark Hwy 529-7747 West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub 5 Airport Rd 298-5566
Somersworth Hideout Grill at the Oaks 100 Hide Away Place 692-6257 Kelley’s Row 417 Route 108 692-2200 Old Rail Pizza Co. 6 Main St. 841-7152
Windham Common Man 88 Range Rd 898-0088 Jonathon’s Lounge Park Place Lanes, Route 28 800-892-0568 Red’s Tavern 22 Haverhill Dr. 437-7251
Windham Common Man: Mark Huzar
Francestown Toll Booth Tavern: Boogie Men
Friday, May 19 Belmont Lakes Region Casino: DJ Mark
Gilford Patrick’s: Dueling Pianos ft: Matt Langley & Jon Lorentz Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man
Boscawen Alan’s: Doug Mitchell
Bridgewater Bridgewater Inn: Shameless Newmarket Stone Church: Irish Music w/ Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki & Jim Claremont Taverne on the Square: Mark & Prendergast Deb Bond Peterborough Concord Harlow’s: Bluegrass Night Area 23: Senie Hunt La Mia Casa: Soul Repair Pit Road Lounge: Blues Tonight Band Plaistow Racks: Rock Jam w/ Dave Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz (105.5 JYY) Thompson Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Radioactive Fat Belly’s: DJ Flex Latchkey: Ashley Dawn Portsmouth Book & Bar: Careless Love: Songs of Town and Country with Jon Ross Press Room: Bangkok Disco
Sunapee Sunapee Coffee House Rte. 11 Lower Main St. 229-1859
Derry Coffee Factory: Dave LaCroix Drae: Mike Morris Dover Dover Brickhouse: Pangea Pop Fury’s Publick House: Freestones Top of the Chop: Funkadelic Fridays
Epping Holy Grail: Ruben Kincade ProjWeare Stark House Tavern: Lisa Guyer ect Telly’s: Brad Myrick
Goffstown Village Trestle: Brad Bosse
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Hampton Community Oven: Tim Parent Savory Square: Dave Gerard The Goat: Pat Foley Wally’s Pub: The Old Bastards Hanover Canoe Club: Gillian Joy Jesse’s: Randy Budner Salt Hill Pub: B-3 Brotherhood Hooksett Asian Breeze: DJ Albin *While supplies last **Offer and website restricted to age 21+ smoker
Laconia Tower Hill Tavern: Jim Tyrrell Whiskey Barrel: Eric Pasley
Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: John Lackard Londonderry Coach Stop: Rick Watson Manchester Bungalow: Devastation On the Nation: Cryptopsy & more (Tour Kickoff)
New Hampshire Hippo Express 05-18-17.indd 1
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24,5/11/17 2017 |1:20 PAGEPM63
Laser Hair Growth
NITE MUSIC THIS WEEK Derryfield: On2/Radio Daze Foundry: Charlie Chronopoulos Fratello’s: Kieran McNally Jewel: Badfellows Murphy’s Taproom: RC Thomas/Triple Tantrum Penuche’s Music Hall: SP & the Flatheads Shaskeen: Sirsy Strange Brew: Erik “Fingers Ray” Gustafson Whiskey’s 20: DJs Jason Spivak & Sammy Smoove Wild Rover: Costley & Lapointe Duo Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois
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Merrimack Homestead: Joe Young Jade Dragon: John Paul Merrimack Biergarten: Jeff Mrozek
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Milford Pasta Loft: Gone By Sunrise Shaka’s: Tyler James & Friends Tiebreakers: Steve Tolley
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Bedford Office: We are accepting Rosenbaum,160 MDSouth River Rd. new patients in Bedford, NH each office
Fitzgerald, JamesMD Bedford Office: Fitzgerald, 160 South MD
River Rd. Bedford, NH
Derry Drae: Jen Whitmore
Rochester Radloff’s: Dancing Backwards Duo
Seabrook Chop Shop: Leaving Eden
Goffstown Village Trestle: Among the Living Hampton Savory Square: Mel & John The Goat: Rob Benton Wally’s Pub: Wildside Hanover Canoe Club: Randall Mullen Salt Hill Pub: Better Days
Weare Stark House: Mike Gallant
Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Party Crashers
West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Ted Mortimer
Londonderry Coach Stop: Kieran McNally
Saturday, May 20 Ashland Common Man: Audrey Drake
Manchester Bungalow: IKKU, Suicide Attempt, Willzyx, Cum & Angelsbreath Derryfield: Jimmy & Marcelle/ Chad LaMarsh Band Foundry: Justin Cohn Fratello’s: Lachlan Maclearn Jewel: Junkyard Murphy’s Taproom: Amanda McCarthy/Take 4 Shaskeen: Myth & Shoops 80s Dance Party Strange Brew: Toney Rocks Whiskey’s 20: DJ Hizzy/Shawn White Wild Rover: Boys of Rockingham
of Never
Bedford Shorty’s: RC Thomas Belmont Lakes Region Casino: Thirty 6 Red Boscawen Alan’s: Sean Coleman Bristol Purple Pit: Russ Ryan
Concord Area 23: Roaring 20’s Party Hermanos: Gerry Beaudoin Penuche’s Ale House: TBA Pit Road Lounge: Voodoo Tattoo
COMEDY THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Friday, May 19 Derry Tupelo Music Hall: Brad Mastrangelo & Dan Cohn
3/7/17 1:47 PM
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 64
Gilford Patrick’s: Tribute to Smokey Robinson & Marvin Gaye Pete Peterson Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man
Laconia Whiskey Barrel: Smile Empty Soul
Bennett, MD Lydia Bedford Office: Bennett, MD Peterborough 160 South River Rd. Harlow’s: The Van Bedford, NH
Call for an appointment at 603-537-1300, or visit
Epping Holy Grail: Matt Gelanis Telly’s: Rob & Jody
Warner The Local: Walker Smith
Newport Salt hill Pub: Flew-Z
Dover Fury’s Publick House: Whiskey Kill
Nashua Country Tavern: Kyle Nickerson Fratello’s Italian Grille: Ted Solovicos Haluwa: Party Train Killarney’s: The McMurphy’s Riverwalk Cafe: Town Meeting w. Timothy Jackson Scott Stella Blu: Wood, Wind, and Whiskey Thirsty Turtle: Farenheit Friday - DJ D-Original
Newmarket Riverworks: Jim Dozet Lydia Lydia Bennett, MD
Portsmouth Blue Mermaid: Smooth Tony Dolphin Striker: Brick Yard Blues Grill 28: Mark Lapointe Latchkey: Hot Club New England Martingale Wharf: Jump Street Portsmouth Book & Bar: Careless Love: Songs of Town and Country with Jon Ross Portsmouth Gaslight: DJ Koko/Jimmy D/Corey Brackett Press Room: Lonesome Lunch w/Dave Talmage / BlacKat Productions Presents: Soul Sister Revue Ri Ra: Jordan TW Duo Rudi’s: James Zaroulis Thirsty Moose: Cover Story
Sunapee Sunapee Coffeehouse: Skinner and Twitch
Newbury Salt Hill Pub: The Squids
James James Fitzgerald, MD
Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz (105.5 JYY)
Moultonborough Buckey’s: Carolyn Ramsay and Bud Clark
New Boston Molly’s: Morgan and Pete/Dan Murphy
Daniel Daniel Rosenbaum, MD
Plaistow Racks: Dark Rain / JC Trio
3/7/17 1:47 PM
Saturday, May 20 Manchester Headliners: Paul Nardizzi/Paul Landwehr/Ian Clark
Monday, May 22 Concord Penuche’s: Punchlines
Meredith Giuseppe’s: Putnam & Pirozzoli Duet
Wednesday, May 24 Manchester Murphy’s Taproom: Laugh Free Or Die Open Mic Shaskeen: Brian Beaudoin
Merrimack Merrimack Biergarten: Ha Ha’s & Hops Humpday Comedy Thursday, May 25 Nashua Fody’s: Greg Boggis hosts showcase
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9th Circuit - Family Division - Nashua, 30 Spring Street, Suite 102, Nashua, NH 03060 Telephone: 1-855-212-1234 | TTY/TDD Relay: (800) 735-2964
To: Thomas Hicks formly of and now parts unknown Case Number: 659-2017-TR-00002 659-2017-TR-00001; Initial Hearing Terminate Parental Rights
A petition to terminate parental rights over your minor child(ren) has been filed in this Court. You are herby cited to appear at a Court to show cause why the same should not be granted. Date: July 11, 2017 Courtroom 6 -9th Circuit Court- Nashua 30 Spring Street, Nashua, NH Time: 1:00 pm - Time Alloted: 1 Hour A written appearance must be filed with this Court on or before the date of the hearing, or the respondent may personally appear on the date of hearing or be defaulted. CAUTION You should respond immediately to this notice to prepare for trial and because important hearings will take place prior to trial. If you fail to appear personally or in writing, you will waive your right to a hearing and you parental rights may be terminated at the above hearing.
You are hereby notified that you have a right to be represented by an attorney. You also have the right to oppose the proceedings, to attend the hearing and to present evidence. If you desire an attorney, you may notify this Court within ten (10) days of receiving this notice and upon a finding of indigency, the Court will appoint an attorney without cost to you. If you enter an appearance, notice of any future hearings regarding this child(ren) will be by the first class mail to you, your attorney and all other interested parties not less than ten (10) days prior to any scheduled hearing. Additional information may be obtained from the Family Division Court identified in the heading of this Order of Notice. If you will need an interpreter or other accommodations for this hearing, please contact the court immediately. Please be advised (and/or advise clients, witnesses, and others) that it is a Class B felony to carry a firearm or other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625.11. V in a courtroom or area used by a court. old town.
September 12, 2016 Wenonah. Mad River. BY ORDER OF THE COURT ______________________ Sherry L. Bisson, Clerk of Court
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Merrimack Homestead: Chris Lester Jade Dragon: Encircle Merrimack Biergarten: Project Mess (Fields of Honor Benefit)
Dover Cara: Irish Session w/ Carol Coronis & Ramona Connelly Dover Brickhouse: Jazz Brunch Sonny’s: Sonny’s Jazz
Milford Pasta Loft: Truffle Band
Goffstown Village Trestle: Wan-tu Blues Band & Jam
Nashua 110 Grill: Mark Dionne Agave Azul: DJ Roberto Tropical Saturday Boston Billiard Club: DJ Anthem Throwback Country Tavern: Brad Myrick Fody’s: Plan B Fratello’s Italian Grille: Malcolm Salls Haluwa: Party Train Riverwalk Cafe: The Appleseed Collective Stella Blu: Groove Cats Thirsty Turtle: Towns, Buster, and Thirty Silver New Boston Molly’s: Brad Chouinard
Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Chris Powers Newport Salt hill Pub: Arthur James
Portsmouth Blue Mermaid: Dan Masterson Dolphin Striker: Rhythm Method Latchkey: The Nate Bash Band Martingale Wharf: Now is Now Portsmouth Gaslight: DJ Koko/Rick Watson/Sam Robbins Press Room: Press Room Jazz Lunch + Woolly Mammoths Ri Ra: Lestah Polyestah Rudi’s: Barbara London Thirsty Moose: Fighting Friday Seabrook Chop Shop: Live Bullet Weare Stark House Tavern: Charlie Chronopoulos West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: My So Called Band Sunday, May 21 Ashland Common Man: Chris White Solo Acoustic Bedford Copper Door: Clint Lapointe Concord Hermanos: Eric Chase
Hudson River’s Pub: Acoustic Jam Manchester Bungalow: Whittled Down, Funeral Attire, Dreamwell, Rainsound & Divided Life Derryfield: Brad Bosse & Paul Costley Murphy’s Taproom: Brad Bosse/Triana Wilson Penuche’s Music Hall: Reggae Sunday Shaskeen: Rap night, Industry night Strange Brew: Jam Wild Rover: DJ Dance Night Meredith Giuseppe’s: Open Stage with Lou Porrazzo Milford Union Coffee: Ozere and Cold Chocolate Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Rich - Smokin’ Sunday Riverwalk Cafe: Right Up North Hampton Barley House Seacoast: Great Bay Sailor Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: George Belli Press Room: Nate Jorgenson Quartet with Trent Austin Ri Ra: Irish Session Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch With Ms. Sharon Jones Rochester Lilac City Grille: Music @9:30
Seabrook Chop Shop: Kim & Mike/ Donny plays Johnny Cash
Manchester Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Duo Derryfield: Chris Gardner Fratello’s: Rob Wolfe or Phil Jacques Murphy’s: Corey McLane Meredith Giuseppe’s: Lou Porrazzo Merrimack Homestead: Doug Thompson Nashua Dolly Shakers: Monday’s Muse w Lisa Guyer Fratello’s Italian Grille: Bob Rutherford Newmarket Stone Church: Blues Jam w/ Wild Eagles Blues Band Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Old School Press Room: Dry Martini Ri Ra: Oran Mor Tuesday, May 23 Concord Hermanos: Kid Pinky Kombo Dover Fury’s Publick House: Tim Theriault and Friends Sonny’s: Soggy Po’ Boys Gilford Patrick’s: Paul Luff hosts Manchester Bungalow: The Doodads and Don’ts, The Bakers Basement & The Opined Few Derryfield: Brad Bosse Fratello’s: Mark Huzar Murphy’s: Clint Lapointe Penuche’s Music Hall: Manchuka Shaskeen: Tristan Omand Strange Brew: Ken Budka Whiskey’s 20: Sammy Smoove & DJ Gera Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois Merrimack Homestead: Kelsie Hinds
Windham Old School Bar & Grill: Eric Grant
Nashua Fratello’s Italian Grille: Ryan Williamson
Monday, May 22 Concord Hermanos: Brad Myrick
Newmarket Stone Church: SpeakEazy: Church Street Jazz Band / Bluegrass Jam Late
Hanover Canoe: Marko The Magician Salt hill Pub: Hootenanny
North Hampton Barley House Seacoast: Traditional Irish Session
Get the crowds at your gig HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 66
Want to get your show listed in the Music This Week? Let us know all about your upcoming show, comedy show, open mike night or multi-band event by sending all the information to Send information by 9 a.m. on Friday to have the event considered for the next Thursday’s paper.
Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Dave Gerard Press Room: Jazz Jam w/ Larry Garland & Friends Seabrook Chop Shop: Bare Bones
Merrimack Homestead: Bob Rutherford
Dover Fury’s: Back On The Train
Londonderry Coach Stop: Sam Robbins
Dublin DelRossi’s Trattoria: Celtic and Old Timey Jam Session
Manchester Derryfield: Brian Grey Fratello’s: Chris Gardner Penuche’s Music Hall: Lisa Guyer Wednesday Muse
work easy. Designed to cc make the toughest 50.2 • Cylinder displacement: 65.6 cc Designed to make the Designed to make the toughest toughest work work easy. easy. • Air flow in pipe: 768 cfm work easy.
Nashua • Cylinder displacement: Country Tavern: Joe McDonald • Power output: 3.2 hp Fratello’s: Mark Huzar
Hanover Canoe Club: Will Ogmundson
Wednesday, May 24 Concord Hermanos: Whit Symmes
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Plaistow Racks: DJ Sensations
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Portsmouth work Dolphin Striker: Dana Brearley HUSQVARNA 450 Husqvarna Z246i Husqvarna Z246i Ri Ra: Erin’s Guild • Cylinder displacement: 50.2 cc
HUSQVARNA 450 Briggs & Stratton • Engine manufacturer: • Engine Briggs manufacturer: & Stratton Power output: 3.2 hp50.2 Husqvarna Z246i Husqvarna • •Cylinder displacement: cc V-Twin • Engine name:Z246i Endurance • Engine Series name: V-Twin Endurance Series Rochester Lessmanufacturer: filter cleanings with Air Injection • •Power output: 3.2 hp Briggs Engine & Stratton •• Engine Briggs & Stratton Key-lessmanufacturer: ignition••switch Key-less ignition switch • Price: Less Series filter cleanings with Air Injection Lilac City Grille: Tim Theriault • Engine name: Endurance Series V-Twin • Engine name: Endurance V-Twin $ 369.95 Price: $ 2,799.95 Price: $ 2,799.95 Price: $ignition 369.95 switch Key-less • Key-less ignition•switch - Ladies Night
Price: $ 2,799.95 Price: $ 2,799.95
HUSQVARNA 570BTS 7021P Push Mower 7021P Push Mower
• Cylinder displacement: 65.6 cc HUSQVARNA 570BTS • Engine manufacturer: • Engine Honda manufacturer: Honda • Air flow in 21 pipe: 768cc cfm 7021P Push Mower Push Mower • 7021P displacement: 65.6 •Cylinder Cutting width: • inch Cutting width: 21 inch • X-Torq® engine cuts emission and fuel •• flow inmanufacturer: pipe: 768 • Engine manufacturer: Honda Honda •AirEngine High-spec. and easy •cfm High-spec. starting engine and easy from starting Hondaengine • •X-Torq® engine cuts fuel 21 inch consumption Cuttingand width: Cutting width: 21•emission inch Price: $ 299.95 Price: $ 299.95 consumption • High-spec. and easy starting • High-spec. easy starting engine from Hondaengine Price: $and 499.95 Price: $ 499.95 HUSQVARNA 570BTS
HUSQVARNA 450 • Cylinder displacement: 50.2Price: cc Cylinder displacement: $ 299.95 65.6 cc $ 299.95•Price:
output: 3.2 hp • Air flow in pipe: 768 cfm Seabrook Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ •• Power Less filter cleanings with Air Injection HUSQVARNA • X-Torq® engine cuts129L emission and fuel Chop Shop: Guitar-a-oke & consumption Price: $ 369.95 • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 YTA24V48 Cocktails Price: $ 499.95
• Power output: 1.14 hp
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Thursday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Mokoomba Thursday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Pierce The Veil & Sum 41 Thursday, May 18, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Who’s Bad Friday, May 19, 7 p.m. Cap Center Nick Fradiani Friday, May 19, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Nirvanish Friday, May 19, 8 p.m. Rochester Opera House Oak Ridge Boys Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry The Mersey Beatles Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Alejandro Escovedo Saturday,
Meredith Giuseppe’s: Paul Luff
Hampton CR’s: The Last Duo
Hillsborough Turismo: Blues Jam w Jerry Paquette & the Runaway Bluesmen
Capitol Center for the Performing Arts & Spotlight Cafe 44 S. Main St., Concord 225-1111, The Colonial Theatre 95 Main St., Keene 352-2033, Dana Humanities Center 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester 641-7700, The Flying Monkey 39 S. Main St., Plymouth
SPRING HAS SPRUNG. LET’’ Stotomake GET ITtoughest DONE! Designed the Designed Designed to make make the the
Gilford Patrick’s: Cody James - Ladies Night
536-2551, Franklin Opera House 316 Central St., Franklin 934-1901, The Music Hall 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth 436-2400, The Music Hall Loft 131 Congress St., Portsmouth 436-2400, Palace Theatre 80 Hanover St., Manchester 668-5588,
• Engine manufacturer: HUSQVARNA 129L HUSQVARNABriggs 129L & Stratton HUSQVARNA 125B HUSQVARNA 125B • Intuitive controls • Cylinder displacement: 27.5 displacement: cc 27.5 cc • Cylinder displacement: 28 cc displacement: 28 cc • Power: 24• Cylinder hp Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ HUSQVARNA 129L Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ HUSQVARNA 129L• Cylinder 129L HUSQVARNA 125B 129L HUSQVARNA 125B Rochester Opera House HUSQVARNA • Power output: 1.14 •HUSQVARNA Power hp output: 1.14 hp Air• flow in pipe: • 425 Air cfm flow pipe: Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc 425 cfm • •Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc in YTA24V48 YTA24V48 • Fast hydrostatic transmission 199.95 Cylinder displacement: 27.5 cc •$Easy Cylinder displacement: 28 cc air ou displacement: 27.5controls cc • Cylinder displacement: 28operate cc 31 Wakefield St., Rochester •• Cylinder Intuitive controls •• Intuitive Easy toPrice: operate with • in to lined with in lined • •Power output: 1.14 hp • Power output: 1.14 hp air outlet • •Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton Husqvarna Fast Tractor™ • Power 1.14 hp •425 Aircfm flow in129L pipe: 425 cfm • Power output: 1.14 hp output: Air flow in pipe:HUSQVARNA 335-1992, •• Intuitive controls • •Power: 2424 hp hp • Intuitive controls Price: $ 199.95 Price: $ 199.95 Price: $ 149.95 Price: $ 149.95 Price: $ 1,999.95 Power: displacement: 27.5 controlstransmissionYTA24V48 •Cylinder Easy operate withccin lined air ou • Intuitive controls• Intuitive • Easy$ 199.95 to operate•with in to lined air outlet • •Fast hydrostatic SNHU Arena Price: • Power output: 1.14 hp Fast hydrostatic transmission • Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton Price: $ 199.95 Intuitive controls $ 149.95 $ 199.95 Price: $ 149.95 •Price: • Power: 24 hp Price: $ 1,999.95 555 Elm St., Manchester Price: $ 199.95 Price: Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna CopyrightAB © (publ). 2014 Husqvarna All rights reserved. AB (publ). All rights reserved. Price: $ 1,999.95 • Fast transmission Price: $ 199.95 644-5000, Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. Price: $ 1,999.95
Stockbridge Theatre Pinkerton Academy, Route 28, Derry 437-5210, Tupelo Music Hall 2 Young Road, Londonderry 437-5100,
May 20, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Kip Moore Saturday, May 20, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Music for Heroes – Shana Stack Band Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Patsy Cline Remembered Sunday, May 21, 4 p.m. Cap Center Tape Face Sunday, May 21, 7 p.m. Cap Center Dark Star Orchestra Sunday, May 21, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre David Crosby Sunday, May 21, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Umphrey’s McGee Sunday, May 21, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom 8th Annual Bob Dylan Birthday Bash Wednesday, May 24, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry
Shawn Colvin Thursday, May 25, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Zac Brown Band Friday, May 26, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Jose & Patti: Kings and Queens of Rock and Roll Friday, May 26, 7:30 p.m. Palace Theatre Rusted Root Friday, May 26, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Delta Rae Friday, May 26, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Chevelle Friday, May 26, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Zac Brown Band Saturday, May 27, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Ana Popovic Saturday, May 27, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Zac Brown Band Sunday, May 28, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion
MASTERFUL Five-time Grammy award winner Robert Cray performs Sunday, May 28, 6:30 p.m. at The Flying Monkey Performance Center (39 Main St., Plymouth 5362551). Following the release of his highly anticipated new album, Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm, this is a rare opportunity to experience this genre defining artist live. He will test his talent for New Hampshire fans once again, fusing it together with that dazzling voice while he performs some of the most powerful material in his four-decade long catalog, including some new material. Tickets $49 & $59 at
©Husqvarna 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). (publ). rightsrights reserved. Copyright © 2014AllHusqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. Copyright ©Copyright 2014 AB All reserved. Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved.
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Peterborough Harlow’s: Celtic Music Jam
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 67
“Freedonia” — just another themeless jam Across 1 Contrary to 8 Bear or hare, e.g. 14 Having divisions 15 Meadow Soprano’s mom 16 Big-name celeb
17 Quechua dish served in corn husks 18 Adult Swim programming block 19 They create spots, slangily 20 Bone, in Italian dishes 21 Andy’s sitcom boy
22 Mail submission accompaniment, briefly 23 Flavor in the juice aisle 27 Dutch scientist for whom an astronomical “cloud” is named 28 1998 British Open winner Mark 29 “All-American” Rockne 30 In a shadowy way 33 Person pulling out 35 Hero of “Cold Mountain” 36 Beer belly 38 Light horse-drawn carriage 39 Place to belt and belt 43 G, in the key of C 44 Benedict of “The A-Team” 45 Top pick 46 Unable to follow up with action, it’s said
Spring! The Patio is Opening Soon!
48 Displayed derision 51 Napoleon’s hat, e.g. 52 Moderately sweet, as champagne 53 More like a sieve 54 Sashimi staple 55 Going to the post office, e.g. 56 Compilation album series with cleaned-up lyrics Down 1 Director of “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” 2 Half of a rainy-day pair 3 Melodic passages 4 “Objection!” 5 1920s leading lady ___ Naldi 6 Place for a wine charm 7 Actress Hatcher 8 2017 Irish-Canadian film with Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke 9 French military force 10 2009, in the credits 11 Apportions 12 Individually, on a menu 13 Pixar Chief Creative Officer John 15 Westchester County town where the Clintons have lived since 1999 21 Paddle kin 24 Key of Dvorak’s “New World”
Symphony (abbr.) 25 Pomade relative 26 Singer of the movie theme song that hit #1 on August 11, 1984 27 Busted 29 It comes with a high proof 30 Ripe for the insulting 31 More wicked 32 Division for Road & Track, maybe 34 Skip-Bo relative 37 Double-occupancy ship? 39 Baked in an oven, like bricks 40 Name for Bruce Wayne’s underwater vehicle 41 Nivea competitor 42 Railroad station porter 44 “Beyond the Sea” subject Bobby 47 Plum variety also called bubblegum plum 48 Badlands Natl. Park site 49 Nostalgic soft drink brand 50 Actor/comedian Djalili of “The Mummy” ©2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords (
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SIGNS OF LIFE Quotes are from Woman in the Nine- it is to be feared, than a high house-top. A teenth Century, by Margaret Fuller, born high hill-top, or at least a cathedral spire, May 23, 1810. would be desirable. You don’t have to climb every mountain, just one good one. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The canScorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) And so the dlestick set in a low place has given light as stream flows on; thought urging action, and faithfully, where it was needed, as that upon action leading to the evolution of still better the hill. That’s you, the candlestick. thought. Do think. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Accursed Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Harbe he who sins in ignorance, if that igno- mony exists in difference, no less than in rance be caused by sloth. Learn the traffic likeness, if only the same key-note govlaws before you start driving. ern both parts. … If nature is never bound Cancer (June 21 – July 22) The tree can- down, nor the voice of inspiration stifled, not come to flower till its root be free from that is enough. You will find harmony if the cankering worm, and its whole growth you look for it. open to air and light. Fresh air is key. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) For now Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) A house is no the rowers are pausing on their oars; they home unless it contain food and fire for the wait a change before they can pull togethmind as well as for the body. The female er. Pull together. Greek, of our day, is as much in the street as Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) In famthe male to cry, What news? We doubt not ilies that I know, some little girls like to it was the same in Athens of old. The wom- saw wood, others to use carpenters’ tools. en, shut out from the market place, made Where these tastes are indulged, cheerfulup for it at the … festivals. It’s festival time ness and good humor are promoted. Where for you. they are forbidden, because “such things Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Plants of are not proper for girls,” they grow sullen great vigor will almost always struggle into and mischievous. Go ahead and enjoy what blossom, despite impediments. But there you like, with good humor. should be encouragement, and a free genial Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) If any indiatmosphere for those of more timid sort, vidual live too much in relations, so that fair play for each in its own kind. Some are he becomes a stranger to the resources of like the little delicate flowers which love to his own nature, he falls, after a while, into hide in the dripping mosses, by the sides of a distraction, or imbecility, from which he mountain torrents, or in the shade of tall can only be cured by a time of isolation, trees. But others require an open field, a which gives the renovating fountains time rich and loosened soil, or they never show to rise up. Take time out to recharge your their proper hues. Offer encouragement batteries. where you can. Aries (March 21 – April 19) I think Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Without women need, especially at this juncture, enrolling ourselves at once on either side, a much greater range of occupation than let us look upon the subject from the best they have, to rouse their latent powers. You point of view which to-day offers. No better, won’t know until you try.
7 2 5
2 9 7 4 3 3 9 8 2 8 6 3
8 3 4 9 7 5 Difficulty Level
1 5/18
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Last week's puzzle answers are below
5/11 9 8 6 7 3 4 1 2 5
4 2 5 8 6 1 9 3 7
Difficulty Level
7 3 1 2 9 5 8 6 4
1 7 9 5 4 6 2 8 3
8 4 2 3 1 7 6 5 9
5 6 3 9 8 2 4 7 1
6 5 8 4 7 9 3 1 2
3 9 7 1 2 8 5 4 6
2 1 4 6 5 3 7 9 8 5/11
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2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 69
Sweet, sweet revenge
LowellSummerMusic.Org No Ticket Fees
Saturday, June 10
Can’t possibly be true
Friday, July 7
RANDY NEWMAN Sunday, July 9
GRAHAM NASH Saturday, July 22
RYAN MONTBLEAU Fri-Sun, July 28-30
AMOS LEE Sunday, August 6
DAWES Saturday, August 12
BUDDY GUY Saturday, August 19
BRUCE HORNSBY Friday, September 1
Art Activities, Natural Snacks, Stage Show, Trolley
Wednesdays & Thursdays July 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, August 2, 3, 9, 10
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 70
It is legal in China to sell electric “building shakers” whose primary purpose apparently is to wreak aural havoc on apartment-dwellers’ unreasonably noisy neighbors. Models sell for the equivalent of $11 to $58 each with a long pole to rest on the floor, extending ceiling height to an electric motor braced against the shared ceiling or wall and whose only function is to produce a continuous, thumping beat. found one avenger in Shaanxi province who, frustrated by his miscreant neighbor, turned on his shaker and then departed for the weekend. (It was unclear whether he faced legal or other repercussions.) • Mats Jarlstrom is a folk hero in Oregon for his extensive research critical of the short yellow light timed to the state’s redlight cameras, having taken his campaign to TV’s “60 Minutes” and been invited to a transportation engineers’ convention. In January, Oregon’s agency that regulates engineers imposed a $500 fine on Jarlstrom for “practicing engineering” without a state license. (The agency, in fact, wrote that simply using the phrase “I am an engineer” is illegal without a license, even though Jarlstrom has a degree in engineering and worked as an airplane camera mechanic.) He is suing to overturn the fine. • Last year, surgeons at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), for only the second time in history, removed a tumor “sitting” on the peanut-sized heart of a fetus while the heart was still inside the mother’s womb in essence successfully operating on two patients simultaneously. The Uruguayan mother said her initial reaction upon referral to CHOP’s surgeons was to “start laughing, like what, they do that?” (The baby’s December birth revealed that the tumor had grown back and had to be removed again, except this time, through “ordinary” heart surgery.) • The word “Isis” arrived in Western dialogue only after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as an acronym for the Islamic State, and the Swahili word “Harambe” was known to almost no one until May 2016 when the gorilla “Harambe” (named via a local contest) was put down by a Cincinnati zoo worker after it had dragged an adventurous 3-year-old boy away. In April, a Twitter user and the website Daily Dot happened upon a 19-year-old California restaurant hostess named Isis Harambe Spjut and verified with state offices that a driver’s license (likely backed by a birth certificate) had been issued to her. (“Spjut” is a Scandinavian name.)
News you can use
Earn $17,500 for two months’ “work” doing nothing at all! France’s space med-
icine facility near Toulouse is offering 24 openings, paying 16,000 euros each, for people simply to lie in bed continuously for two weeks so it can study the effects of virtual weightlessness. The institute is serious about merely lying there: All bodily functions must be accomplished while keeping at least one shoulder on the bed.
Government in action
“can knock on my door and say, ‘Guess what? You’re not an American citizen after all’?” The government lawyer stood firm. (The Supreme Court decision on the law’s constitutionality is expected in June.)
Wait, what?
• Emily Piper and her husband went to court in January in Spokane, Washington, to file for a formal restraining order against a boy who is in kindergarten. Piper said the tyke had been relentlessly hassling their daughter (trying to kiss her) and that Balboa Elementary School officials seem unable to stop him. • A private plane crashed on take-off 150 feet from the runway at Williston (Florida) Municipal Airport on April 15, killing all four on board, but despite more than a dozen planes having flown out of the same airport later that day, no one noticed the crash site until it caught the eye of a pilot the next afternoon.
Sidewalk Wars: (1) Thirty-four residents of State Street in Brooklyn, New York, pay a tax of more than $1,000 a year for the privilege of sitting on their front stoops (a pastime which, to the rest of New York City, seems an inalienable right). (The property developer had made a side deal with the city to allow the tax in exchange for approving an architectural adjustment.) (2) The town of Conegliano, Italy, collects local taxes on “sidewalk shadows” that it applies to cafes or businesses with awnings, but also to stores with a single overhanging sign that very slightly “blocks” sun. Shop owners told reporters the tax felt like Mafia Least competent criminals “protection” money. Didn’t Think It Through: (1) Edwin Charge Jr., 20, and two accomplices allegFiner points of the law edly attempted a theft at a Hood River, “Oh, come on!” implored an exasper- Oregon, business on April 23, but fled ated Chief Justice Roberts in April when as police arrived. The accomplices were the Justice Department lawyer explained apprehended, but Charge took off across at oral argument that, indeed, a naturalized Interstate 84 on foot, outrunning police until citizen could have his citizenship retroac- he fell off a cliff to his death. (2) Police said tively canceled just for breaking a single Tara Cranmer, 34, tried to elude them in a law, however minor, even if there was nev- stolen truck on tiny Ocracoke Island, North er an arrest for it. Appearing incredulous, Carolina, on April 22. Since it is an island, Roberts hypothesized that if “I drove 60 the road ends, and she was captured on the miles an hour in a 55-mile-an-hour zone” dunes after abandoning the truck. but was not caught and then became a naturalized citizen, years later the government Visit
It’s All About the Music
Brad Mastrangelo, Dan Cohn & Lois Beaulieu
Fri., May 19
with Overdrive Horns
5:30 pm Doors / 6 pm Dinner / 7:30 pm Dancing
Sat., June 3
8:00 p.m. $18
$39 GA
Table Seating
Mike Marlin and the Mellow Maniacs opens
Sat., May 20
Sun., June 4
8:00 p.m. $55-$65
7:00 p.m. $35-$45
Theatre Seating
SHAWN COLVIN Seth Glier Opens
Thurs., May 25
Table Seating
NIGHT OF COMEDY Frank Santorelli & Chris Pennie
Fri., June 9
8:00 p.m. $50-$55
8:00 p.m. $18
Table Seating
Table Seating
Lauren Jenkins Opens
Sat., June 10
Fri., May 26
8:00 p.m. $20-$25
8:00 p.m. $35-$40
Table Seating
Theatre Seating
Thurs., June 15
Sat., May 27
8:00 p.m. $45-$55
8:00 p.m. $35
Table Seating
Table Seating
JOSH RITTER Amber Rubarth Opens
Fri., June 16
8:00 p.m. $30
8:00 p.m. $35-$55
Table Seating
Theatre Seating
Full Schedules and Tickets:
HIPPO | MAY 18 - 24, 2017 | PAGE 71
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