Hippo 8/10/17

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AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017

A look at the toppings and meats that make up this quintessential summer food


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 2


Leave no trace Some of my favorite ways to describe summer in New Hampshire are with four-letter words: hike, bike, swim, golf. As a person who spends a fair amount of time outdoors, I know one four-letter word that dampens my spirits and diminishes my enthusiasm for being outside: tick. I grew up in a rural part of New Hampshire where many of my days were spent romping through the woods with my dogs. Ticks were not a part of my vocabulary then as we rarely found them on our animals and especially not on us. But times are different and the reality of climate change is starting to become undeniable even to the staunch critics. Gov. Sununu said that New Hampshire will not be joining the U.S. Climate Alliance because he feels like the pact is not applicable to us. For a state that relies heavily on its natural landscape for economic and personal opportunities, this could prove to be a big mistake. Opting out of any effort to preserve our resources not only shows a lack of leadership but could adversely affect our future. His decision could put us in a position where our natural landscape is no longer an asset to tourists and residents alike. The influx of ticks is already affecting the quality of life for many of us. My once peaceful walks in the woods are now filled with anxiety as I worry about rubbing up against too much grass or pondering the number of ticks that I’ll need to pick off my dogs. New Hampshire Public Radio recently reported about the moose population and the effect climate change has on their health and vitality. The study argued that, one day, New Hampshire’s environment may not be conducive to supporting this iconic beast. We all, as residents, recognize the importance of ensuring that our outdoor time is as enjoyable as possible. Whether it’s hiking, hunting, fishing or even golfing, we are experiencing only a taste of what could happen if we are unable to slow climate change. The more these changes affect our natural landscape, the more we are driven from experiencing the outdoors, and the more likely we are to feel disconnected to the land that we call home. Although we cannot do it alone, we all can do our part to try to curb the man-made portion of climate change. Our state’s leaders can fund and support efforts to diversify energy, we can continue to reduce our footprint through recycling and waste management, and we can all try to make small sacrifices needed to leave the world a better place. Allyson Ryder is a resident of New Hampshire’s Seacoast and serves the state in a variety of capacities on several statewide boards and nonprofits. She can be reached by email at almryder@outlook.com.

AUG. 10 - 16, 2017 VOL 16 NO 32

News and culture weekly serving Metro southern New Hampshire Published every Thursday (1st copy free; 2nd $1). 49 Hollis St., Manchester, N.H. 03101 P 603-625-1855 F 603-625-2422 hippopress.com email: news@hippopress.com

EDITORIAL Executive Editor Amy Diaz, adiaz@hippopress.com Managing Editor Meghan Siegler, msiegler@hippopress.com, ext. 113 Editorial Design Ashley McCarty, hippolayout@gmail.com Copy Editor Lisa Parsons, lparsons@hippopress.com Staff Writers Kelly Sennott ksennott@hippopress.com, ext. 112 Angie Sykeny asykeny@hippopress.com, ext. 130 Ryan Lessard rlessard@hippopress.com, ext. 136 Matt Ingersoll mingersoll@hippopress.com, ext. 152 Contributors Allison Willson Dudas, Jennifer Graham, Henry Homeyer, Dave Long, Lauren Mifsud, Stefanie Phillips, Eric W. Saeger, Michael Witthaus.

ON THE COVER 12 HOT DOG! Few people will make it through summer without eating one, so we doggedly went in search of the best ways to make ‘em, from the meats to the toppings to the buns. We also got a frank look at Manchester’s key role in hot-dog history, and we found some unique sausages for those who want a more robust taste in their bun. ALSO ON THE COVER, you could put chili on a hot dog, or you can eat it on its own; you can do the latter at the annual Fire on the Mountain Chili Festival at Pats Peak, p. 36. Find fun for the whole family in Kiddie Pool, p. 27, or make it an antiques weekend, p. 26.


NEWS & NOTES 4 Voting process changes on the way; Tech Hub; PLUS News in Brief. 8 Q&A 9 QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 10 SPORTS THIS WEEK 18

THE ARTS: 20 THEATER Heathers. 22 ART Listings Arts listings: arts@hippopress.com Cafe Life. Inside/Outside listings: listings@hippopress.com 24 CLASSICAL Food & Drink listings: food@hippopress.com Listings for events around town. Music listings: music@hippopress.com

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INSIDE/OUTSIDE: 27 KIDDIE POOL Family fun events this weekend. 28 GARDENING GUY Henry Homeyer offers advice on your outdoors. 29 TREASURE HUNT There’s gold in your attic. 32 CAR TALK Automotive advice. CAREERS: 34 ON THE JOB What it’s like to be a... FOOD: 38 FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN Terrasini Pastry; Beer For History; In the Kitchen; Weekly Dish; Wine; From the Pantry. POP CULTURE: 46 REVIEWS CDs, books, TV and more. Amy Diaz sees one of the shorter (The Dark Tower) and one of the longer (Detroit) movies this summer and wishes more places sold Coke Zero. NITE: 52 BANDS, CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE Jonny Lang; Nightlife, music & comedy listings and more. 53 ROCK AND ROLL CROSSWORD A puzzle for the music-lover. 54 MUSIC THIS WEEK Live music at your favorite bars and restaurants.


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1131763 HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE

NEWS & NOTES “Drug-infested den”

One of the many revelations that emerged from the release by the Washington Post Aug. 3 of phone call transcripts of Donald Trump talking with the leaders of Mexico and Australia is a less than flattering characterization Trump made about the Granite State. He told Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in January, “I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den.” Trump won the Republican primary in New Hampshire but lost the state to Hillary Clinton in the general election. The quote immediately triggered outrage and pushback among state leaders, including prominent Republicans. The fully Democratic congressional delegation was the first to speak out. Sen. Maggie Hassan called Trump’s comment “disgusting” in a tweet and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen tweeted that it was “absolutely unacceptable” for the president to talk about New Hampshire in this way and said it was a “gross misrepresentation” of the state and the epidemic. Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter took the opportunity to criticize Trump for failing to “help us fight the opioid epidemic” and Rep. Annie Kuster called his comments “ignorant and insulting,” according to released statements. Republican Gov. Chris Sununu also weighed in, saying in a press release, “The President is wrong. It’s disappointing his mischaracterization of this epidemic ignores the great things this state has to offer.”

Voter info

A court hearing was held Monday, Aug. 7, to review a challenge made by two lawmakers and the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire to the secretary of state’s intention to provide voter information to President Trump’s election fraud commission, the AP reported. It was resolved in court the same day. According to court filings, the state is arguing Secretary of State Bill Gardner is treating the request by the commission as a Right to Know request. But Republican state Rep. Neal Kurk and Demo-

cratic state Sen. Bette Lasky are arguing Gardner doesn’t have the authority to give the names, addresses and voting history to the Trump administration. The two parties compromised by allowing Gardner to provide scanned, unsearchable PDFs of voter checklists rather than a digital database.

A 191-year-old building in New Hampton is slated for demolition, NHPR reported. The white Grange Hall building had been used in the past as a schoolhouse, chapel and community center. A $150,000 plan for the town to save the building failed by 37 votes.

ton Globe report highlighted the details of a whistleblower complaint by facility doctors alleging inadequate care. Shulkin toured the facility, met with staff and talked with some of the whistleblowers. Near the end of his The Concord zoning board has approved plans to creday-long visit on Aug. 4, Shulkin CONCORD ate the city’s first permanent also announced he had removed a mosque, the Concord Monitor third top official, Carol Williams, reported. The Islamic Society the director of nursing and patient of Greater Concord plans to care services, NHPR reported. It’s repurpose a vacant industrial Mental hospital building on North Main Street The state and Dartmouth- a move whistleblowers had been Hooksett and demolish an abutting calling for. Hitchcock have arrived at a house to create a parking settlement over staffing issues lot. The plan goes before the at New Hampshire Hospital, a Prison drugs planning board for a site plan Goffstown review next. An analysis by the Concord state-run psychiatric facility that Dartmouth is contracted to staff. Monitor shows that an apparent The AP reported Dartmouth has uptick in drugs in state prisons MANCHESTER agreed to credit the state $75,000 is in fact an uptick in drug testand spend up to $77,500 on an ing. The Monitor reported that The Nashua Region Solid independent review. The state the percentage of inmates testing Bedford Waste Management District is renewed its contract with Dart- positive for drugs has remained sponsoring a household hazardous waste collection at the mouth last August, which was not virtually the same over five years, Derry Merrimack Pelham Municipal Amherst Building despite thousands of additionwithout controversy at the time. on Saturday, Aug. 26. AccordA group of psychiatric staff pro- al tests. There was a significant Londonderry ing to aMilford press release, there tested the contract for what they rise in drug tests from 25,790 in is a $10 user fee per vehicle described as a cut in compensa- 2014 to 90,583 in 2016. Prison and residents in neighboring communities are welcome to tion and quit after the deal was officials said the drug of choice participate. NASHUA struck. Then, this past May, Gov. is suboxone, which is produced Chris Sununu fired the hospi- by pharmaceutical companies as tal’s CEO when it was discovered a sublingual strip, making it easiDartmouth had only staffed eight er to smuggle and hide. to 10 general psychiatrists out of the 11 required and didn’t report also allegedly paid kickbacks to stickers will be affixed to the lowthat to government officials. Pharma settlement prescribers. Celgene is paying a er driver’s side corner as of Oct. Dartmouth also hadn’t assigned a The state will receive total of about $280 million to the 1. The move is intended to avoid geriatric psychiatrist. $70,808.24 as part of a multi-state states and federal government. any obstruction for new crash settlement with pharmaceutiavoidance technology that’s being cal company Celgene Corp., Supreme court installed in the current sticker Inspection stickers A new associate justice of the the attorney general’s office location in newer vehicles. The The New Hampshire DepartNew Hampshire Supreme Court announced. The case settled allestickers will change in appearance ment of Motor Vehicles is moving was sworn in on the morning of gations that Celgene engaged in where your inspection sticker as well, with the month and year Tuesday, Aug. 8. The AP reported a marketing scheme promoting will be stuck to your car. Accordexpiration date printed on them as off-label uses for its drugs ThaloBarbara “Bobbie” Hantz Marcoing to a press release, inspection mid and Revlimid. The company well as a hologram. ni is replacing retiring Associate Justice Carol Ann Conboy. During her confirmation hearing, she received the praise of many KEENE PUMPKIN FESTIVAL FANS in the legal community. Hantz SIG SAUER Keene city officials have given the green light The Dallas Police Department announced it Marconi recently served on Gov. for organizers to put on another pumpkin feswill stop using a popular pistol manufactured Chris Sununu’s judicial selection tival after two years away from its original by New Hampshire-based Sig Sauer. NHPR commission.

VA shakeup

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin, during a visit to New Hampshire, promised additional funding and new leadership at the Manchester VA Medical Center, the AP reported. Shulkin said recruitment efforts for new leaders would begin immediately. The top two officials were already removed soon after a Bos-

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 4

home of more than two decades. NHPR reported the city council voted to approve the license pending certain conditions, such as organizers’ covering the cost of any city services used at the event. The cost of police at a 2014 riot outside the festival was a point of contention. It’s also requiring the festival to take out a $1 million insurance policy for the city. The event is designed to be a smaller event with only 5,000 jack-o’-lanterns.

reported the Dallas PD had been using the Sig Sauer P320, a version of the same gun that the U.S. Army just entered a $508 million, 10-year deal to equip its soldiers with. The Dallas PD is investigating whether the gun has a defect that causes it to fire when dropped. According to NHPR, Sig Sauer reportedly said the concern is unfounded and that its gun “meets and exceeds” all standards for safety. New Jersey sued the company for $2.5 million in April for allegedly providing its state police defective guns.

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New voting rules

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Earlier this year, Gov. Chris Sununu signed a law that takes effect Sept. 8 and changes the way voters are vetted during the registration process in an effort to weed out folks who are only in the state temporarily. “I think we wanted to kind of home in on the temporary — the less-than-30-day temporary residents,” said state Sen. Regina Birdsell, the bill’s prime sponsor. “Sometimes those [are people] working on campaigns that travel from … state to state during a primary season or even a general election.” The goal of the bill, Birdsell said, is a “preventative measure” to address the concerns of her constituents. “From what I heard from my constituents, they didn’t feel comfort in the integrity of our electoral system and this was in response to some of their concerns,” Birdsell said. For voters who have a state-issued ID with their current address on it, nothing will appear to have changed. But for people who recently moved or are registering for the first time in a community, they’ll need to prove they reside in that community with documentation. “That’s basically, as far as I’m concerned, that’s it. That’s the biggest change,” Birdsell said. While that may not seem significant, voter rights groups are concerned it may discourage voter registration and town clerks and election monitors are faced with additional work.

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 6

Past attempts to weed out temporary residents or campaign workers included bills that would have done away with same-day registration and defined “domicile” as having lived in New Hampshire for 30 days before election day. That is not what this law does. People in New Hampshire are still going to be able to register on the same day as the election, and vote even if they don’t have their “proof” of domicile with them that day. But the spirit of the 30-day rule lives on in the way in which officials will now start to define temporary voters and enforce the new proof requirements. So, what does a voter need bring in order to register? David Scanlan, the deputy secretary of state, said if you go into the town offices to register prior to 30 days before election day, you need to show an ID with an address in that town or city ward. Absent an ID, you can show a government issued check, a federal picture ID or a vehicle registration. If you don’t have those, the clerk will instruct you to

leave and come back with one of those documents. If you don’t have those, you can use other forms of documentation to state your intent to make your physical address your domicile. For college students, this can be a letter from their university or dorm supervisor. Homebuyers can show evidence of a recent purchase; renters who have a lease longer than 30 days can show lease documents, and utility bills sent to that address will also suffice. Someone who registers within 30 days of an election or on election day and doesn’t have their proof of domicile will be able to fill out a different form. Scanlan said the first page is essentially the same but Page 2 replaces the old domicile affidavit, which he said has been part of New Hampshire law since the late 1970s. Instead, the voter agrees to supply the required documents within 10 days. If the town clerk’s office isn’t open for 20 hours or more each week, that deadline gets extended to 30 days. In practice, one does not need to reside in their address for 30 days ahead of an election so long as they demonstrate their “intent” to stick around as this law defines it. It defines being in the state for temporary purposes as being here for fewer than 30 days, unless intent to domicile is otherwise proven, and is here for tourism, visiting family and friends, performing short-term work, volunteering or working to influence voters. Failure to provide the necessary documents in the time given will result in local town officials sending notices to individuals about removing their names from the checklist. Then it triggers a sort of follow-up investigation. “If they don’t provide that information then … the local election officials are authorized to follow up on that, either by reviewing documents that are already in the town records … or they would be authorized to visit the voter’s location … to confirm that that person resides there,” Scanlan said. An earlier version of the bill allowed for towns to use police as part of this process, but that language was removed from the final version over concerns that it intimidated voters. 7

New website launches for tech groups large and small By Ryan Lessard


New Hampshire’s growing technologybased economy has marched forward with many parallel organizations designed to help that tech ecosystem thrive with advocacy, events and spaces for startups to incubate. Now, a new website, nhtechhub.com, combines all the local tech news, meetups, events and job listings in a single place. “We have a lot of great tech in New Hampshire. We have technologists, tech employers, tech events. However, we haven’t really had, as a statewide resource, one place to keep track of it all,” said Joshua Cyr, the founder of NH Tech Hub. Cyr is well-connected in the local tech scene. Currently, he’s the director of the startup accelerator program at Alpha Loft in Manchester. And Cyr says he is constantly getting phone calls from businesses looking for freelance or full-time employees, or from tech workers who are looking to move to the state and need a job. Even after he launched the site on Monday, July 24, he had three people reach out to him that very same day, not knowing the site existed, looking for skilled employees or a job. “That really helped solidify in my mind that there was a market need here in New Hampshire for that,” Cyr said. His site provides a listing of tech jobs from local employers, a resource directory of local businesses, local tech news he curates and links to primary source articles, events organized by groups like the NH High Tech Council or Live Free and Start, and smaller meetups for Wordpress or Salesforce professionals or indie video game developers.


Potential side effects

Scanlan said it’s too early to say how big an effect these new requirements will have on the workload of town clerks and other municipal officers tasked with enforcing them. He said it’s safe to say some additional resources will be needed. “But until we actually do it, we don’t know to what degree,” Scanlan said. In the worst-case scenario, communities could be saddled with long lists of names of same-day registrants and others who promised to bring in papers later, resulting in a mini-census effort to confirm people lived where they said they lived. Some smaller-scale elections will help to give them a sense of how easy or hard it will be. Manchester has a primary election for city positions on Sept. 19, during which there will also be a primary for the District 15 state

“There’s other websites and resources that do this in other parts of the country but not for New Hampshire,” Cyr said. Currently, the site has news articles about a Portsmouth retail store that will only accept cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Upcoming events on the site include a Manchester recap of the Google I/O developers conference in San Francisco on Aug. 14 and a meet and greet organized by the local chapter of the International Game Developers Association in Manchester on Aug. 29. One of the most unique features is the job listings and freelance directory. Cyr, who previously worked as a tech freelancer, said a person can make a decent living bouncing from gig to gig, which can include things like sprucing up a company website or signing up for a six-month development contract. Freelancers can list their info on the site for free but employers pay a “moderate fee” for listing their openings. The for-profit site also makes money from ads. Cyr said it’s easy for people to get stuck in their own little bubble, but with a site like this, a software developer who is more familiar with the app scene in Manchester may stumble into the biotech scene in the Seacoast or vice versa. “Inherent in every network is sort of the limited bias of our own network,” Cyr said. “A project like this helps broaden that network and awareness.” Cyr isn’t ruling out organizing some events of his own down the road, but this is a side project for him. He said he still has a day job and not enough bandwidth to do that yet. “I’ve organized tech conferences on cruise ships in the past. I enjoy that sort of stuff,” Cyr said.

rep special election. And there’s also a special election for District 9 state rep. Scanlan said the secretary of state’s office is not tracking the additional hours spent enforcing the rules, but they will be listening to town officials and observing polling stations. Mike O’Brien with America Votes-New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights said the new rules could result in long lines at the polling stations, which could deter voters. He also said confusion around the bill and fear of a $5,000 fine if they don’t think they can return the papers in 10 or 30 days are likely to scare away voters. “We have confidence that our local election officials will do all they can to ensure a smooth process on election day but as the process becomes more complicated for voters it becomes more complicated for election workers as well,” O’Brien said in an email.

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Helping at hospice

Area senior earns recognition for volunteer work Bill Bushnell, 87, of Concord received the Bankers Life Golden Beacon Award for his hospice and bereavement care volunteer work at the Concord Regional VNA with his therapy dog Lola. He also leads mindfulness meditation groups at Havenwood-Heritage Heights, where he resides. First of all, can you tell me a bit about your background? Where did you grow up? I grew up in a little city in central New York state, the name is Sherrill. … It is between Syracuse and Utica. From there I went to Colgate University and, from there, I entered banking at Oneida, New York. … In January of 1981, I moved to Manchester and went to work for the Amoskeag Savings Bank and worked there until I left in 1988. And [I] bounced around [between] some part-time jobs. My wife and I finally settled out on the Northwood side of Pleasant Lake … where we lived until she died and subsequently I moved to a retirement community — HavenwoodHeritage Heights, here in Concord.


HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 8

myself was attracted to hospice work for reasons I don’t know. My wife had hospice care at the end of her life, so I was familiar with the philosophy and the wonderful care that they provide. And then I had to take Courtesy photo. a course to become a volunteer at hospice. And once that was completed, which was two years ago last month, we started visiting hospice house on Friday mornings. And we’ve been up there every Friday morning for two years, with the exception of one. I had to go to the emergency room and the person who took me took my dog and took it into the office of hospice Let’s talk about your volunteer work in house. So Lola’s been there every Friday for hospice and bereavement care. How did two years. I missed one. [Lola] has a very gentle nature about her. you first get into that? Well, Lola came to us in 2009. She was 3 What kind of dog is Lola? years old. She was our granddaughter’s dog Well, she’s got pit bull in her, she’s got and she couldn’t keep her anymore. So we took Lola and then my wife died in 2011. I rottweiler in her and she’s got other bloodspent a couple of years trying to figure out lines that I frankly don’t know. She’s not a what I was going to do with the rest of my small dog. She weighs over 70 pounds. … life and how I was going to do it. … I want- [She’s] brown with a dark brown hood and ed it to have something to do with my dog. light brown around the face, [and] a very I went to a dog trainer and asked if this dog active tail. had the potential of being a therapy dog and When she comes to hospice, how do the the trainer said, ‘Yes, but you’ve got a lot of work to do.’ So we started going to dog patients respond to her? If a patient is sitting on a chair, she may training classes after we moved to Concord in February, 2014. She was qualified as a lay on their feet, or she may not. We’ve had therapy dog by Therapy Dog International some patients who have insisted that we get her on the bed with them. We put down a in March of 2015. pillowcase and put her up on the bed and Why did you have her go through that she lays down and snuggles next to them so they can pet her. … When a dog accepts process? What was the idea behind it? I wanted to do something that was mean- you, it doesn’t make any difference who ingful and I wanted to do it with my dog. She you are. became very close to me and I’ve always I understand you also facilitate mindful been active in community affairs, no matter where I lived. And I became active in meditation. Can you describe that process? Meditation can be defined as paying hospice in about 2000 in Manchester. But my wife became ill and I had to leave that. attention to the present moment on purI just saw that my dog had a propensity to pose without judgment. And it’s a process deal with people, make them happy. And I of calming the mind, making us more aware. What groups generally do and what our groups do is we sit for 15 or 20 minWHAT ARE YOU REALLY INTO utes, following our breath, following our RIGHT NOW? breath, our mind wanders, bring it back Picking blueberries. I love blueberries. … to the breath. It’s a very calming process, I used to go to Berrybogg Farm, which and they’ve demonstrated that there’s many is in Strafford, and pick blueberries. … I health effects to be gained by it. picked 60 pounds last year. — Ryan Lessard


QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX More turkeys Hunters in New Hampshire enjoyed the second-largest turkey hunt in state history, the AP reported. Wildlife biologist Ted Walski tracks the turkey harvest each year. He said hunters brought in 4,482 turkeys this year, which comes in just under the record 4,550 harvested in 2013. The Wildlife Management Unit with the most turkeys counted (681) was located north of Route 4 to Lake Winnipesaukee, according to the story. There are 18 such Wildlife Management Units in the state. QOL Score: +1 Comment: The turkey population has been on the rise in New Hampshire, with an estimated 40,000 statewide.

Veterans cemetery up for discussion New Hampshire may get a new veterans cemetery, according to NHPR. Officials are considering a 20-acre federally owned plot of land in the town of Stark, formerly occupied by a prisoner of war camp from World War II, the state’s only prisoner of war camp. New Hampshire currently has only one veterans cemetery, in Boscawen. QOL Score: +1 Comment: Director of the Stark Heritage Center Dennis Lunn told NHPR that the site isn’t well-known by locals but attracts history buffs from around the world.

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Indie grocers start food aid program Independent grocery stores in the state are helping food stamp recipients by launching a program that spreads their food aid twice as far, NHPR reported. The program, which starts in August, is called Double Up Food Bucks. It lets SNAP recipients double their money when buying produce from independent grocery stores. It’s being organized here by the Associated Growers of New England and it started in Michigan. A similar program that does the same thing at farmers markets in the state has proven successful in recent years. QOL Score: +1 Comment: Among the stores participating is Sully’s Superette in Goffstown, according to the story.

N.H. fifth-worst state for student debt A new state ranking by WalletHub looking at student loan indebtedness and grant and student work opportunities scored New Hampshire fifth place overall for most student debt. The state was ranked second in indebtedness, which included statistics that placed it first in average student debt and and first in proportion of students with debt. Under the grant and student work opportunities category, New Hampshire ranked 39th. QOL Score: -1 Comment: The study compared all 50 states and the District of Columbia across 10 key metrics. QOL score: 82 Net change: +2 QOL this week: 84 What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at news@hippopress.com.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 9


Housecleaning a cluttered sports mind

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Time for a little housecleaning for this cluttered sports mind. It’s incredible Bud Selig just got enshrined in the Hall of Fame after looking the other way for over a decade on steroid use because all the balls flying out were good for business. Then magically he transformed into an anti-steroid hawk only because Congress was lurking around on the issue with embarrassing public hearings. Meanwhile Bonds, Clemens, McGwire et al. are kept out. Booooooo! Speaking of being banished from the Hall. When a good friend of mine with health issues passed away a few years ago, another friend said, “I’m shocked but not surprised.” I’ll use that same phrase for allegations made by a woman in depositions for his defamation lawsuit against investigator John Dowd, who nailed him for his baseball gambling, that Pete Rose had sex with her at 14 or 15 in the 1970s. A tax cheat felon who gambled on baseball, now being accused of having sex with a minor. What a guy — definitely Hall material. You tell me what this incredible stat from the Boston Globe’s Ben Volin means. Only seven starters and 21 players overall remain from the 53 on the roster when the Patriots beat Seattle in the Super Bowl just two seasons ago. Usually when a Super Bowl team is turned over it’s because it was an aging team’s last hurrah or they got killed by defections from salary cap decisions. Not the case here. So does it mean having the league’s best quarterback is even more important than most think? Or that Coach B’s team-building is far better than it’s given credit for? Because after turning over 60 percent of a Super Bowl winning team and an astonishing 69 percent of starters in two seasons, he’s now got one favored to win the SB again, with

better odds to do it than the one he turned over. For the record I think it says he’s not only the NFL’s best coach, he’s its best GM as well. I can’t tell you how much I hate this baseball rule. Craig Kimbrel enters the ninth inning with the Sox leading Cleveland 9-8 and promptly gives up three hits and two runs to cough up the lead. In the bottom half Christian Vazquez hits a three-run walk-off homer to win, which makes the guy who blew the lead and nearly the game the winning pitcher. Since all the pitchers were ineffective I’m not sure who should get the win. But it certainly shouldn’t be someone who pitches horribly to cough up the lead in the ninth and is only still in to get the W because the Sox won it before they could get him out of the game. Speaking of Kimbrel: I know his numbers are incredible as he’s had a fantastic year. But in the biggest moments I still don’t trust him as I did Koji in 2013 or Yankee Nation did with Mariano Rivera. For those guys, it was game over when they came in. With Kimbrel, I have a rumbling in my gut in big moments, as I did right before Matt Holliday took him deep in the ninth at Fenway to blow that spectacular effort by Chris Sale vs. the Yanks in mid-July. Each time I see Rick Pitino get into trouble, as Louisville is once again, I can’t help thinking of the line he used to preach at his young Celtics players as if he were Moses talking to the flock: “If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past. If you tell a lie, it becomes part of your future.” Rick’s future now has probation in it. I’m shocked — shocked! Here’s one more reason I don’t think the media did much more than pile on David Price after his immature verbal assault on the more popular Dennis Eckersley. All I saw afterward was Price hasn’t been

half the pitcher Eck was. The only problem is it’s just not true. Most focus on the end of Eck’s career after he became a closer, which I’ll address in a minute. But all Price can be compared against in this argument is what each did to this point in a 10-year career. And guess what. Price’s (at least in the regular season) are better than the Eck’s first 10, when he was a starter. Wins: Price 126, Eck 134. Losses: Price 68, Eck 111. Winning percentage: Price .649, Eck .541. ERA: Price 3.24, Eck 3.65. 20-Win Seasons (harder to get today): Price 1, Eck 1. 200 Strikeout Seasons: Price 5, Eck 1, even 200, in 1976. Cy Young Awards: Price 1, Eck 0. I’m not trying to knock the Eck with any of this, but as for his later success as a closer. it’s overrated in a way. Not that he wasn’t great at it, but I suspect if you take almost any top-of-the-rotation starter like Price and make them a closer they’d thrive. As John Smoltz did when arm issues forced him to a reduced-innings role as Atlanta’s closer in ’02, ’03 and ’04 when he had 55 45, and 44 saves. And, what do you think Pedro would have done as a one-inning pitcher 70 times a year? “Yikes” comes to mind. Plus, all but Eck of the five relievers/closers in the Hall — Eck, Hoyt Wilhelm, Goose Gossage, Bruce Sutter and Rollie Fingers — were failed starters. Ditto for Rivera. And you can ask Daniel Bard how it works out going from closer to starter. The only one I can think of who did that well was Derek Lowe. Hard to believe, but this is the 50th anniversary of the Red Sox Impossible Dream Season of 1967. With five teams in it until the final week of the season it was the best pennant race of my lifetime and probably in baseball history. August and September were particularly drama-filled — which we’ll follow day by day next week. Email Dave Long at dlong@hippopress.com.

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 10


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Sadler defends NHWGA title The Big Story: Chelsea Sadler led wire to wire in winning her second straight New Hampshire Women’s Amateur Golf Championship as she shot 222 (76-75-71) over 54 holes at Eastman Golf Links in Grantham. It was an impressive 11-shot win over 16-time champion Dana Harrity (Abenaqui CC), who finished at 233 for the Nashua CC golfer. They were followed by Tara Watts (Derryfield CC) at 235 and Beth Hamilton (Canterbury Woods) at 239 respectively. Of other note, Lisa Cummings (Canterbury Woods CC) scored a hole-in-one on the 166yard par-3 third hole. Sports 101: Pete Rose became the alltime National League hit leader on Aug. 10, 1981. Whose record did he break? Amazing Note of the Week: It’s the 2017 dominance of the Goffstown Little League, whose 10-, 11- and 12-year-old-level teams won the District 1 and State Little League Championships. The 10-year-old group managed by local radio maven Pete (below the) Tarrier (line) overcame long odds to win their state final, first by winning a tiebreaker among the four second finishers, then getting smoked by Bedford 17-1 in the first game of the double-elimination final before taking Games 2 and 3, 12-5 and 10-6, to advance. All have been playing this week in New England Regionals in New Britain, Conn., Cranston, R.I., and

The Numbers

2 – wins in a row for the Vermont team after a 19-0 win over New Hampshire and their first shutout ever in the annual Maple Sugar Shrine game. 4 – homers hit by winning pitcher Aiden O’Connell, Robbie Morgan, Logan Simmons and Cam Hujak

Beverly, Mass. Thumbs Up: To the late Central and SNHU star Sam Carey after seeing what his sad passing has inspired by those who loved him at last Friday’s evolving sixth annual Sam Carey Classic. It now includes a college alumni legends game and high school stars game to fund the Sam Carey Summer League at Sheridan-Emmett courts. Thumbs Up II: To retired Patriot Rob Ninkovich after an exemplary eight years as a teammate, leader and being a versatile, productive, clutch player who always seemed to do his job. Sports 101 Answer: With his 3,621st hit Pete Rose went past the great Stan Musial’s mathematically symmetrical 3,620 where 1,810 came on the road and 1,810 came at home in St. Louis. On This Date – Aug. 10: 1901 – Frank Isabell leaves a record 11 White Sox teammates on base. 1969 – eventual 325-game winner Don Sutton breaks his 13-game losing streak in his rookie season with the Dodgers with a 3-2 win over Chicago. 1984 – Race favorite Mary Decker’s chance to win the 3,000 meter run at the L.A. Olympic games evaporate moments after it starts when she goes face-first onto the track after tripping on the heel of barefoot South African runner Zola Budd.

to propel Goffstown to the state Little League title and a trip to this week’s New England Championships with a 10-2 win over Concord. 11 – how can it be that many years one-time UNH safety Corey Graham will have played in the NFL if he completes the one-year deal he signed with the Philadel-

Sports Glossary

phia Eagles last week. 12 – team-leading number of home runs to go along with 58 RBI in 96 games for Fisher Cats first baseman Ryan McBroom. 50 – consecutive years Lochmere Golf Club and Dale Nims have played in the Women’s State Amateur Golf Championship.

I’m shocked — shocked! Famed line from the major Hollywood motion picture Casablanca. It’s said when generally looking-the-other-way police Captain Renault (Claude Rains) appeases dirty rotten Nazi major Heinrich Strasser by shutting down Humphrey Bogart’s joint after underground leader Victor Laszlo spit in Strasser’s eye by leading defiant patrons in a rousing version of the French national anthem. So Renault blows his whistle and announces “Everybody is to leave here immediately,” saying, “I’m shocked — shocked! — to find that gambling is going on here” — right before a waiter hands him his winnings/ nightly bribe. Claude Rains: Suave, five times betrothed English actor famed for roles in Casablanca, The Invisible Man, Notorious, Lawrence of Arabia and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington who somehow managed to get buried in Laconia, N.H., of all places after he died. Hoyt Wilhelm: Ageless knuckleballer who lasted in the majors until 49 after not getting there until he was 29. Overall, he was 143-122, with a 2.55 ERA and 228 saves in stints with the Giants, Cardinals, Indians, Orioles, White Sox, Angels, Cubs, Braves and Dodgers where he pitched in more games than anyone in history — mainly as a “reliever” who finished games by pitching multiple innings, like with the NY Giants in ’52 when he was 15-3 out of the pen. He did pitch a no-hitter for Baltimore in 1958 and was 15-11 with a 2.19 ERA in 27 starts a year later. But it was back to the pen after that.

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 11

A look at the toppings and meats that make up this quintessential summer food Fun fact: According to a recent episode of Celebrity Family Feud, the majority of people surveyed think it takes just six bites to eat a 6-inch hot dog. Based on that totally unscientific theory, it would make sense, then, to make those bites count. We talked to local hot-dog-making pros about the best meats

and toppings, plus how to cook your dog and the bun to your satisfaction. If you’re looking for a heartier dish, we also found some unique sausages — think cheesy, spicy, and blueberry-filled — that you can get from farms and butchers. So whether you take six bites or 16, use this guide to find the flavors you crave.

What goes into making a great hot dog By Angie Sykeny


From dense and beefy hot dogs to juicy dogs with a snap, the classic food can vary widely in flavor and texture, based largely on what it’s made with and how it’s cooked.

The meat

Denis Huard, who worked for the former Schonland hot dog company in Manchester (now Kayem Foods, based in

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 12

Massachusetts) for 33 years and currently owns DH’s Doghouse in Manchester, says there are two main kinds of hot dogs: those made with a mix of pork and beef and those made with all beef. “To me, there is a huge difference,” he said “An all-beef frank is very dry and gritty because it’s nothing but straight beef and spices. But when you have the beef and the pork together, it makes it moist and juicy. … Personally, I’d take the beef and pork over the all-beef any day, but it’s all a matter of preference.”

The pork and beef hot dog has become the hot dog of choice for many ballparks, including Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, home of the New Hampshire Fisher Cats. “We use Kayem hot dogs to service the entire stadium. … “[They are] all natural, all beef and pork hot dogs, prepared on flat-top grills or a propane grill,” Kyle Lindquist, director of food and beverage, said. “The hot dog is the perfect baseball food. … Nothing beats a Kayem hot dog at a ball game.”

In addition to pork and beef and all-beef hot dogs, The Flying Butcher in Amherst offers a gourmet hot dog made with wagyu, a high-quality Japanese beef. It’s possible that people wouldn’t taste the difference between a pork and beef hot dog and an all-beef hot dog, Flying Butcher Manager Mike Ardagna said, but the difference between those and a hot dog made with wagyu is undeniable. “The wagyu definitely tastes much better,” he said. “In general, it has more flavor because it’s more fatty and the quality of

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the meat is better overall.” Huard said that when he first started working with hot dogs years ago, hot dogs with beef, pork and veal were another popular option, but because the price of veal has gone up since then, it’s typically replaced with chicken. But there’s a downside to using chicken, he said. “While the chicken makes it a lot milder, when you have a hot dog with chicken, it turns green when you steam it, and it’s not appealing to the eye,” he said. There are also allchicken, all-turkey and vegan hot dogs made with non-meat products, but it’s arguable whether or not those are “true” hot dogs. “They’re supposed to be healthier for you, but all that makes them a hot dog is that they’re in a hot dog shape,” Huard said. “Personally, if I have a hot dog, I want a real hot dog, and that’s beef and pork.” The hot dog casing also contributes to the overall quality of the dog. A natural casing is the most common, in which the hot dog meat is stuffed into a tube made from the inner lining of cleaned-out sheep intestines. This is what gives many hot dogs that iconic snap when you bite into them. “The [all-beef] hot dog usually has a pretty thick casing and does have a big snap on it, but that can be undesirable for some people. Kids, especially, are not big fans,” Ardagna said. “The regular [pork and beef] hot dog has a casing, it’s not a thick casing or a thick snap, so that’s what we recommend for people getting hot dogs for a big party with kids and adults.” For those who want no snap (or don’t like the idea of eating sheep intestines),


there are skinless hot dogs, which are simply formed into a hot dog shape using a plastic mold, Huard said.

The cook

As far as cooking methods, there are two main ones: steaming and grilling. There isn’t much difference except that grilling gives the hot dog skin grill marks and the slightly more charred flavor that comes with that. You can’t go wrong with steaming, Huard said, unless you steam the hot dog for too long; then, the casing gets tougher and has less of a snap. Ultimately, it’s a DENIS HUARD matter of what the hot dog eater is used to and likes better. “In my business, 90 percent of people want a steamed dog, but it’s all about their personal preference,” Huard said. “If you grew up eating steamed dogs, you eat steamed dogs. If you grew up eating grilled, you eat grilled.”

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Personally, if I have a hot dog, I want a real hot dog, and that’s beef and pork.

The casing

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 13


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Beyond the iconic image of a hot dog lined with yellow mustard and ketchup lies a world of toppings that are just as popular, and whether that dog and its toppings belong on a steamed or toasted bun is a matter of some contention.

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A dog from Double D Dogs in Wilton. Courtesy photo.

“I couldn’t show up to work without my chili or I’d be in big trouble with all my regulars,” Peters said. Her chili doesn’t have any beans and it isn’t spicy, she said. And she uses a mild cheese sauce. Shawn Bouchard, the owner of Double GRETCHEN PETERS D Dogs in Wilton, said chili and cheese is his top seller and probably the most traditional arrangement for New England. “That is definitely the biggest seller. Then, I would have to probably say sauerkraut is also a very big seller,” Bouchard said. “Certainly, chili and cheese is a New England thing.” He uses all kinds of cheeses for toppings, such as Velveeta, Swiss, American and mozzarella. One particular hot dog on his menu is the Reuben Rottweiler, which includes sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and a line of Thousand Island dressing. Another popular topping Bouchard likes to add to hot dogs is bacon. A menu item called the Scooby Dog is made with a fresh strip of bacon, chili and cheese. “People love bacon on their hot dogs,” Bouchard said. For New England customers, Bouchard said, celery salt is also a popular seasoning. Occasionally, Peters has customers who ask for mayonnaise or coleslaw, but those items spoil easily in the heat so she doesn’t

I couldn’t show up to work without my chili or I’d be in big trouble with all my regulars.

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New Hampshire hot dog stand owners rarely cite ketchup as their most popular topping. “A lot of people think it’s sacrilegious to put ketchup on a hot dog, but kids love it and I don’t judge. People should have whatever they want on a hot dog,” said Gretchen Peters, the owner of Puppy Love Hot Dogs in Concord. That’s not to say ketchup isn’t popular as a topping. It is, especially among younger generations, according to Peters. But at least at Puppy Love, Peters said, the most popular topping arrangement is a combination of mustard, relish and onions. In fact, that is what she finds most people mean when they ask for “the works.” Her second most popular topping combo is chili and cheese.

Dube Dogs N More (259 Commercial St., Manchester. Find them on Facebook) is open Tuesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Double D Dogs (340 Gibbons Highway, Wilton, 464-9853. Find them on Facebook) is open Monday through Wednesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Puppy Love Hot Dogs (50 N. Main St., Concord, puppylove@puppylovehotdogs. com, puppylovehotdogs.com) is open Monday through Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. D.H.’s Dog House (1451 Front St., Manchester. Find them on Facebook) is open Wednesday through Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Dog House (766 Elm St., Milford). There is no phone number or website for this hot dog stand, so hours are unknown.

carry them in her cart. Coleslaw with hot dogs appears to be more popular in the South, Peters thinks, but it could be growing in popularity. For the most part, her New Hampshire customers like to go easy on the toppings. “They like it straight up and … they want to taste the hot dog and not have it swimming in condiments,” Peters said.

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Double D Dogs in Wilton. Courtesy photo.

“When you season a griddle, you tend to have more flavors in a griddle, … so when you grill a hot dog [bun] you tend to pick up more of those flavors,” Bouchard said. But ultimately, they agree, it’s a matter of personal preference. “I think it depends on what you grow up with too,” Peters said.

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Peters and Bouchard represent the varying opinions about how best to prepare a bun. “I think, by far, steamed is best,” Peters said. “In my opinion grilled is better and I sell more grilled than I do steamed,” Bouchard said. Bouchard offers the choice, and the dogs themselves can be steamed or grilled. Generally the dog and bun are both prepared the same way, but Bouchard has a few rare customers who ask for a grilled dog in a steamed bun. The benefit of a steamed bun is the softness of the bread. But with softer bread comes less structural integrity. If the bread is toasted on a griddle, it gets hard and crunchy and can hold more toppings as a result, Bouchard said. There’s also a slight flavor that’s conveyed to the bread when it’s grilled.


A frank history of NH’s hot dogs By Matt Ingersoll


The hot dog originated in Frankfurt, Germany — hence the name frankfurter or “frank” — and even the origins of hot dogs in the Granite State can be traced directly

back to German practices. The former W.F. Schonland Co. in Manchester, known for its natural-casing franks, was at one time the largest hot dog seller in northern New England, according to Eugene Van Loan, whose great-greatgrandfather Carl Heinrich Schonland founded the factory in 1883. 16

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 15

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it a special flavor. … “Ninety-nine percent of every other hot dog you would ever buy is what they call an artificial casing, meaning it is not created by forcing the meat into a sheep’s gut using the spout from a stuffing machine, but rather forced into some kind of semi-plastic.” Herb Langer, a longtime production manager for the Schonland Co., said it grew into more than just a meat-packing factory over the years, buying other local companies and manufacturing other meats like hams, chicken pies and pork pies, and other stuffed meats like bologna and liverEUGENE VAN LOAN wurst in addition to frankfurters. The Schonland Company was eventually sold to the Massachusetts-based Kayem Foods in 1987. But the Schonland brand is still found on Kayem’s natural-casing hot dogs, which are available at the deli counters of most area supermarkets.

...The natural-casing frankfurt was [made of] sheep intestines. ... There’s something about that which gives it a special flavor.


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15 “He was born in Germany and was a butcher and sausage-maker who came to the United States in the 1850s,” Van Loan, who worked for the company growing up, said. “He actually settled in Massachusetts and became a naturalized citizen there before coming up to Manchester.” The company had a few different homes in the Queen City before moving to its eventual longtime location on Blaine Street around the year 1920, Van Loan said. In the decades that followed, the W.F. Schonland Co. became a large commercial enterprise, selling and shipping its natural-casing hot dogs to supermarkets and small grocery stores all over the Granite State and beyond. “They used to hand-make everything just how they did in Germany, though eventually everything became semi-automated,” he said. “...The natural-casing frankfurt was [made of] sheep intestines. There’s something about that which gives

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When traditional just isn’t enough By Matt Ingersoll


If your palate craves something a little more robust than your typical hot dog, consider sausages — but not just any sausage. Sure, you can get the traditional sweet Italian, hot Italian or breakfast sausages at just about any local supermarket or butcher shop. But for something more outside the bun, here are a few local butcheries, farms and sausage makers that offer other unique flavors, with some ingredients you may not

have known can be made into a sausage, like blueberries, lamb, garlic, spinach, feta cheese, provolone cheese and more. Brothers Butcher (8 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, 809-4180, brothers-butcher.com) is a family-owned and -operated butcher shop that offers house-made sweet and hot sausages for $4.99, and garlic and cheese and Chinese sausages for $5.99. Choice Cuts Butcher Shop & More (707 Milford Road, Merrimack, 718-1262, Find them on Facebook) offers a variety

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Beer bratwurst sausages from The Flying Butcher in Amherst.

Homemade sausage from Short Creek Farm in Northwood. Courtesy photo.

of different homemade sausages that are packaged by the links, including blueberry breakfast sausage, hot Italian sausage, sweet Italian sausage, garlic and cheese sausage and spiced apple sausage.

house deli. Among the sausages made fresh every week are sweet Italian, hot Italian, kielbasa, and tomato and cheese. Prices for most of the sausages directly out of the service case are $4.99 per pound.

The Flying Butcher (124 Route 101A, Amherst, 598-6328, theflyingbutcher.com) offers house-made sausages for $6.99 per pound, beer brats for $7.99 per pound and garlic lamb sausage for $8.99 per pound.

The Prime Butcher (201 Route 111, Hampstead, 329-7355; 58 Range Road, Windham, 893-2750, primebutcher.com) offers a wide variety of homemade beef and pork sausages that include a garlic and pecorino romano cheese sausage, a hot Italian sausage, a steak bomb sausage, and the “works” sausage, which includes peppers, onions, tomato, garlic, provolone and pecorino cheese. Prices for most pork sausages run at about $5.49 per pound, and $6.99 per pound for beef sausages.

The Happy Butchers (222 Elm St., Milford, 554-1339, thehappybutchers.com) offers a variety of homemade sausages that include basic lamb, chicken, pork, beef and Italian, as well as a sun-dried tomato basil and turkey sausage, and spinach and feta cheese chicken sausage, a sun-dried apricot and lamb sausage and much more. Costs for sausages average about $6.99 per pound. The Happy Butchers also offers a “Sausage of the Month Club” program in which mailing list members receive a coupon once a month for a discount on a different type of sausage each month. Lemay & Sons Beef (116 Daniel Plummer Road, Goffstown, 622-0022, lemayandsons-beef-bbq.com) offers several different kinds of homemade sausages that include sweet Italian, kielbasa, chorizo, breakfast and more. Prices usually range from $4 to $4.50 per pound. McKinnon’s Market & Super Butcher Shop (236 N. Broadway, Salem, 894-6328; 2454 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, 5595714, mckinnonsmarket.com) offers homemade sweet, garlic & cheese, hot and Sicilian sausages, as well as a fresh Polish kielbasa. Mr. Steer Meats & More (27 Buttrick Road, Londonderry, 434-1444, mrsteermeats.com) has been in business for more than four generations as a butcher shop and in-

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Short Creek Farm (18 Winding Hill Road, Northwood, shortcreeknh.com) handmakes its own sausages by breeding and raising its own pigs on the farm. Flavors include the maple breakfast sausage, made with maple syrup, sage, ginger and white pepper, the hot Italian sausage made with red wine and garlic, Mexican chorizo sausage with cilantro, cumin, tomato and garlic, and a wine and garlic sausage made with red wine, black pepper and garlic. Prices range from $12 to $14 per pound depending on the type of sausage. The Tuckaway Tavern & Butchery (58 Route 27, Raymond, 244-2431, thetuckaway.com) has a selection of more than 20 different kinds of handmade sausages, using ingredients like roasted garlic, basil, jalapenos and mozzarella cheese.


By George Bernard Shaw


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Wicked Good Butchah (460 Route 101, Bedford, 488-1832, wickedgoodbutchah.com) offers a variety of handmade sausages, including garlic and cheese, Chinese, sweet Italian, hot Italian, and a spiced apple sausage.

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 17



a 30 minute gathering to simply sing HU and experience the love of God

Friday, Aug. 11

Local police officers and firefighters will renew their friendly rivalry for the seventh annual Battle of the Badges Baseball Classic at 6 p.m. at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium (1 Line Drive, Manchester). Each year, Team Police and Team Fire play this exhibition baseball game to raise money for patients at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. This will be the first game played under the lights at night, and will be followed by a display of fireworks. Admission is $10 and free for kids 10 and under. Visit chadbaseball.org or call 629-1236.

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Thursday, Aug. 10

Saturday Nature Seekers

The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen’s Fair continues at Mount Sunapee Resort (1398 Route 103, Newbury) daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Sunday, Aug. 13. Features this week include paper beads and quilting workshops Thursday, Aug. 10, and Friday, Aug. 11, and a jewelry-making workshop Saturday, Aug. 12. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and free for kids 12 and under. Visit nhcrafts.org or hippopress.com/read-article/ mind-blowing-event.

August 12 and 19 11am-12pm Donations encouraged

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 18


Celebrate the Magic of the Merrimack!

Sunday, Aug. 13

Journalist and poet Jeffrey Zygmont will appear at MainStreet BookEnds of Warner (16 E. Main St.) at 2 p.m. to present his companion books of poetry, White Mountain Poems and More White Mountain Poems. The poems use New Hampshire’s White Mountains as vehicles for telling stories about the relationship of humans with nature. Admission is free. Visit mainstreetbookends.com or call 456-2700.

DRINK: experimental brews Join IncrediBREW (112 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua) for Big 3 Tweak, the next event in its xPerimental Brewing Series, on Thursday, Aug. 10, at 6 p.m. The mixing event will feature three of IncrediBREW’s most popular IPAs, including Teddy Hopper, Midnight Snack and Denali. Admission is $30 if you bring your own bottles, or $40 if you would like bottles to be provided. Visit incredibrew.com or call 891-2477.

Wednesday, Aug. 16

The second of two birdwatching programs featuring amateur naturalist T.J. Cullinane will be held at the Derry Public Library (64 E. Broadway) at 6:30 p.m. This workshop will focus on predatory birds like the sharpskinned hawk and the barred owl. Admission is free. Visit derrypl.org or call 432-6140.

BE MERRY: at Family Fest Intown Manchester and TD Bank will present the fifth annual Family Fest on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Park (723 Elm St., Manchester). This year’s theme is “Wizards and Fairies” and will feature activities, crafts, snacks and live performances all day long. Admission is free. Visit intownmanchester.com.


Call 626.FISH

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Catch folk singer-songwriter Ruby Rose Fox at the Riverwalk Cafe & Music Bar (35 Railroad Square, Nashua) at 8 p.m. Fox released her album Domestic in May 2016 to widespread critical acclaim, charting at No. 8 on Billboard’s Heatseekers chart in its first week upon its release. Tickets are $10 in advance and $13 at the door. Visit riverwalknashua.com or call 578-0200.

EAT: meals made easy Join LaBelle Winery (345 Route 101, Amherst) for its harvest bounty class on Wednesday, Aug. 16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Amy LaBelle and her chefs will prepare items to be paired with wine and share ideas for easy-to-make meals. The event is part of the Winery’s Winemaker’s Kitchen Cooking Class series. The cost is $25 per person. Visit labellewineryevents.com or call 672-9898.

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Friday, Aug. 11

Looking for more stuff to do this week? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at hipposcout.com.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 19

ARTS Dark humor

Peacock Players take on Heathers By Kelly Sennott


This weekend, the Peacock Players presents the ’80s cult-classic Heathers, which is about suicide, murder, homophobia, cliques and bullying. But this one’s a musical, and it’s funny — really. The teen company brings it to the Janice B. Streeter Theater stage Aug. 11 through Aug. 20 with the help of ’80s garb, a rock ’n’ roll score and a directing team made up of Artistic Director Keith Weirich (directing), Henry Kopczynskie II (musically directing) and Valerie Psoines Nelson (choreographing). Heathers: The Musical follows brainy teen misfit Veronica Sawyer, who hustles her way into the most powerful clique at Westerberg High: the shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing Heathers, named as such for its other three members, who all happen to be named Heather. But Veronica disapproves of the girls’ cruel behavior and, with her new boyfriend J.D., decides to confront the clique’s leader, Heather Chandler — but when they accidentally poison her, they cover it up as suicide. The show’s based on the 1988 film star- GraceAnn Kontak (Heather Duke), Eliza Richards (Heather Chandler), Mary Sullivan (Heather McNamara), and Aly ring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater and Aramento (Veronica Sawyer) star in the New Hampshire debut of Heathers: The Musical. features book, music and lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy. It had reasons Weirich scooped up the rights as liked that it contained strong female charan off-Broadway run in 2014 but hasn’t yet soon as they became available. Also, the acters for his talented female teens, but to seen the Granite State, which is one of the students were begging for it. do it well, the directing team knew it would “They’re theater kids. I think they’re have to approach topics with care and always looking for new audition stuff. thoughtfulness. Heathers: The Musical They’re frequently grabbing me in the “For me, it gets to the heart of why teens Where: Janice B. Streeter Theater, 14 office saying, ‘I want to show you some- even think about suicide. I mean, it’s all parCourt St., Nashua thing on YouTube,’” Weirich said. “But I ody, but it really is grounded in some real When: Friday, Aug. 11, at 7 p.m.; Saturwas worried about the content. Just because pain,” Weirich said. “Not much has realday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 13, high school kids want to do something, it ly changed in high school over the last at 2 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 17, at 7 p.m.; doesn’t mean they should.” 30 years. … I was shocked at how much Friday, Aug. 18, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. The company has kind of garnered a they really did identify with the tenor and 19, at 7 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 20, at 2 p.m. reputation for producing edgy content, message of the show. … The jocks, the prepAdmission: $12-$17 particularly for teens, from 2015’s Chica- pies, the goths, the punk rockers, the head Contact: 886-7000, peacockplayers.org go to 2014’s Spring Awakening. Weirich bangers, the bookworms, the drama nerds —

20 Theater

Includes listings, shows, auditions, workshops and more. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com.

21 Art

all these cliques are still rather prevalent.” Costumes are vibrant and reflective of the time period, with big hair and shoulder pads, each Heather sporting a different color. Sets are minimal, but what is onstage has a destroyed quality to echo the “damaged” theme of the story, with splintered platforms and cracks running throughout. Pretty much everyone came into rehearsals knowing music and lines, including Aly Aramento, who plays Veronica. She knew she wanted to audition as soon as the Peacock Players announced this season’s lineup. “For me, it’s hard to find shows where the lead doesn’t sing so musical theatery but more pop rock, which is more my style,” Aly Aramento said. To her surprise, auditions also attracted her mother, Lynda Aramento, who used to run youth theater and perform at the Palace Theatre. She landed the part of Veronica’s mother. “Initially, I thought [my mom] would not be super into it. But she listened to the album, came to me and said, ‘I love this, and I want to be part of this.’ At first I thought it was funny. My mom wants to do this show? That’s so weird,” Aly Aramento said. It’s their first time performing together, and so far, they’re enjoying it. Lynda Aramento said she’s very proud of her daughter and struck by how seriously the cast, ages 16 to adult, is taking the production. “I see her as a little more grown up than I did before due to the nature of the role. I appreciate the amount of work she’s put into it,” Lynda Aramento said. “For me, it was at first a little shocking — the content, and what she was going to have to do in the show, and honestly, there’s one scene that I just won’t even watch. … Other than that, I’m really comfortable with it. I have to remember it’s theater. I think it has a strong message that needs to be spoken about … and I hope it will spark some conversations.”

24 Classical

Includes listings for gallery events, ongoing exhibits and classes. Includes symphony and orchestral performances. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com. To get listed, e-mail arts@hippopress.com.

Looking for more art, theater and classical music? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play. Theater Productions • PORTSMOUTH UNDERBELLY TOUR Join accused spy Silas Deane and tavern wench Olive Madbury as they take attendees of the tour back and history and tell the stories the city would like to forget. Every Monday and Saturday at 6 p.m., July 1. Starts at the cor-

ner of State and Pleasant St. The Rusty Hammer, 49 Pleasant St., Portsmouth. $15. Call 978-6837745. • THE PRODUCERS Peterborough Players production. Aug. 3-Aug. 13. Peterborough Players Theatre, 55 Hadley Road, Peterborough. $39. Visit peterboroughplayers.org. Call 9247585.

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 20

• MARY POPPINS Prescott Park production. June 23-Aug. 20. Thursdays through Sundays. Prescott Park, 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth. Suggested donation. Visit prescottpark.org. • THE GRADUATE Winnipesaukee Playhouse production. Aug. 2 through Aug. 12. Winnipesaukee Playhouse, 50 Reservoir Road, Meredith. Visit

winniplayhouse.org. • THE HEIST Outcast Productions show. Aug. 4-13. Players’ Ring, 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth. $12. Visit playersring. org. • TOWARD ZERO Barnstormers Theatre production. Aug. 10-Aug. 19. Barnstormers Theatre, 104 Main St., Tamworth. $13.50-$36.50. Visit barnstorm-

erstheatre.org. Call 323-8500. • HEATHERS Peacock Players production. Aug. 11-Aug. 20. Janice B. Streeter Theatre, 14 Court St., Nashua. Visit peacockplayers.org or call 8892330. • THE WHOLE SHEBANG & BOB’S DATE Two one-act plays. Aug. 4-Aug. 13, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sun-

days at 2 p.m. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. $16.50. Visit hatboxnh.com. Call 938-5158. • TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK Outdoor Twelfth Night. Sat., Aug. 5; Sun., Aug. 6; Sat., Aug. 12; Sun., Aug. 13, at 5 p.m. Depot Square Park, Peterborough. Free.


Notes from the theater scene

• On closing night: The last play of the season for Andy’s Summer Playhouse is Posted!, a story about cyberbullying written by Owen O’Reilly with music by Duncan Pelletier and direction by Andy’s Artistic Director Jared Mezzocchi. It happens at the summer theater, 582 Isaac Frye Highway, Wilton, with showtimes Thursday, Aug. 10, at 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 11, at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 12, at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 13, at 2 p.m.; Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 2 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 17, at 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 18 at 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, Aug. 19, at 5 p.m. The story follows a fictional Andy’s kid named Rebecca whose family announces it’s moving to the West Coast on closing night at Andy’s Summer Playhouse. When they arrive, Rebecca is confronted with the dire realities of making new friends in the halls at school and via social media. Mezzocchi said via email the production also features Andy’s alumni. Admission is $16 for adults and $8 for kids 18 and younger. For more information, call 654-2613, visit andyssummerplayhouse.org or email andyssummerplayhouse@gmail.com. • Deadline extended: The deadline for nominations for the 2017 Governor’s Arts Awards has been extended to Friday, Aug. 18. The awards recognize outstanding contributions made by individuals, organizations and communities to the cultural life of our state. Nominations can be

• A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM Ballet Misha production. Sun., Aug. 13, at 2 & 6 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. $20. Visit palacetheatre.org or call 668-5588. • THE DOCTOR’S DILEMMA Peterborough Players production. Aug. 16-Aug. 27. Peterborough Players, 55 Hadley Road, Peterborough. $39. Visit peterboroughplayers.org or call 924-7585. • BALLAD OF A GRATEFUL HEART Featuring writer, performer, chef James Haller in this performance memoir. Thurs., Aug. 17, at 7:30 p.m.; Thurs., Aug. 31, at 2 & 7:30 p.m.; Fri., Sept. 22, at 2 & 7:30 p.m. West End Studio Theatre, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth. $20. Visit actonenh.org. Call 300-2986. • THREE SHORT PLAYS Granite State Playwright Workshop. Aug. 18-Aug. 27. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. $16.50. Visit hatboxnh.com.

The last show of the season for Andy’s Summer Playhouse is Posted! Courtesy photo.

made by an individual, group, organization or business. Awards categories include arts education, arts in health, creative communities, distinguished arts leadership, folk heritage and the Lotte Jacobi Living Treasure, which is a lifetime achievement award. To nominate, visit nh.gov. • NH’s commissioned composer: The New Hampshire Music Teachers Association chose Romeo Melloni as its “commissioned composer,” according to a recent press release. Each year, the Music Teachers National Association offers all 51 state affiliates the opportunity to commission new works from selected composers within their state through the Commissioned Composer program, which works to encourage the generation and performance of new music. Melloni, who has been working on a composition, “Clarinet Sonata,” the past year, takes it to the stage Saturday, Oct. 14, at the 2017 NHMTA’s Quad State Convention in Concord, where it will be performed by Elizabeth Blood and Stephanie Ratte-Jenkins. Melloni also teaches piano, music theory and composition at the Manchester Community Music School. — Kelly Sennott

• LIVING THROUGH Theaterography production. Aug. 18-Aug. 27. Players’ Ring, 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth. $12. Visit playersring.org. • LEND ME A TENOR Majestic Theatre. Fri., Aug. 18, at 7 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 19, at 7 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 20, at 2 p.m. Derry Opera House, 29 W. Broadway, Derry. $10-$15. Visit majestictheatre.net. Call 669-7469. • WILD PARTY Nashua Actorsingers production. Aug. 25-27. Janice B. Streeter Theater, 14 Court St., Nashua. Visit actorsingers.org. • THE LENDING DOLL Musical by William Ogmundson and Tom Dunn. Fri., Aug. 25, at 7 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 26, at 3 and 7 p.m. Whipple Town Hall, New London. Visit alchemistsworkshops.com. • WITTENBERG Peterborough Players production. Aug. 30-Sept. 10. Peterborough Players Theatre, 55 Hadley Road,

Peterborough. $39. Visit peterboroughplayers.org. Call 9247585. • THE TAMING OF THE SHREW New England College production. Adapted by Don Melander. Fri., Sept. 15, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Sept. 16, at 7:30 p.m. New England College Mainstage Theatre, 58 Depot Road, Henniker. $15. Visit nec.edu. Email opendoortheatre@nec.edu. Art Events • DERRY HOMEGROWN FARM & ARTISAN MARKET Locally-made food, art and crafts. June 7 through Sept. 20. Wednesdays room 3 to 7 p.m. 1 W. Broadway, Derry. Visit derryhomegrown.org. • ART MARKET Hosted by Creative Framing Solutions and StudioVerne. Thursdays from 3-8 p.m. Nutfield Lane, Manchester. Visit creativeframingsolutions.com or studioverne.com.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 21


It’s our 150th birthday and you get the gift!

Art over coffee

Portsmouth gallery shows art depicting cafe scenes

15 month CD Special Available for a limited time only!






Photograph by Debra Woodward featured in “Cafe Life.” Courtesy photo.

By Angie Sykeny




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“EXPLOSIVE and THRILLING!“ - Bloomberg News

Friends Peggy Murray and Debra Woodward were sitting in a cafe last fall, talking art. Murray, a painter, was looking for her next source of inspiration. Woodward, a photographer, had booked a gallery for August but didn’t know yet what kind of show she wanted to feature. As they sipped their cappuccinos and looked around at the people in the cafe, they had an idea. “Peggy said she loved painting people in cafes, and I said I loved photographing people in cafes and that some of my best photos have been taken in cafes,” Woodward said. “That’s when we both looked at each other and said, ‘This could be a show.’” For the next eight months they visited cafes, painting and photographing the people and things they saw there. The result is “Cafe Life,” an art show housed at the Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery in Portsmouth, open now through Aug. 26. Around 28 pieces are featured, including color oil paintings and black and white photos depicting scenes from Seacoast cafes and cafes all over the U.S. and Europe. “There’s one where I was walking down the street in Paris at night and I saw a guy Cafe Life

AUG 2 thru AUG 26 207.646.5511 OgunquitPlayhouse.org Rte 1 Ogunquit, ME 114090

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 22

Where: East Gallery of Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery, 136 State St., Portsmouth When: Aug. 2 through Aug. 26. Gallery hours are Wednesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. Meet the artists: Murray and Woodward will be at the gallery for a meet-and-greet on Fridays, Aug. 11 and Aug. 25, from 4 to 8 p.m. Visit: nhartassociation.org

at a cafe sitting all alone looking really dejected. I stood across the street and started shooting, and on the bottom right of the shot you can see a pair of feet leaving, so it looks like someone just left,” Woodward said. “I wanted to capture that moment and the feeling of how he felt.” Murray said she and Woodward wanted the contrast between the color in the paintings and the black and white of the photos to create an engaging and impactful collection. “It’s a nice experience for the viewer,” she said. “It allows the viewer’s eye to rest, like a palate-cleanser, by alternating the black and white with the colorful pieces of art. Each enhances the experience for the other.” The structural contrast generated by using two different media, Murray added, allows the viewer to experience the cafe scenes in different ways. “Deb captures the emotional quality and the inner life of people,” she said, “whereas I’m not so concerned about making [the painting] look exactly like [the people] or about showing their emotions. My point is about the figures and about showing how a figure fits within a space.” Even though Murray’s and Woodward’s art differs visually, the inspiration and drive behind it comes from the same place. As cafe-goers themselves, they make it a point to empathize with their subjects; they see themselves in their work, Woodward said, and they hope that others do as well. “What we’d like people to see is the universality of the whole thing,” she said. “It shows that people are the same all over the world. … Whether it’s to have some solitude and read a book, to go out with friends and talk and enjoy music, or even just to be in the company of other people and maybe meet new people, everyone loves going to cafes for the same reasons.”


NH art world news

• Big installation: The atrium of the Sharon Arts Center, 30 Grove St., Peterborough, is decorated by a recent installation courtesy of artist Jacquelyn Gleisner, “The Folds of the Cloak,” on view through Sept. 17. The title of the show references the last line of the poem, “Of the Surface of Things” by Wallace Stevens. The materials for the installation came from collecting her students’ discarded drawings and paintings to reuse, and the result takes the form of tiny pyramids and other paper sculptures. In the same gallery, artist Rosemary Conroy’s “Never Can Say Goodbye” is up until Sept. 17 and contains portraits of animals “so they will live forever,” from bears to bison to local bobcats. Both host opening receptions Friday, Aug. 18, from 5 to 8 p.m. Visit nhia.edu or call 836-2585. • Other NHIA news: The New Hampshire Institute of Art Board of Trustees unanimously approved the extension of current president Kent Devereaux’s contract through June 2021, according to a recent press release. Devereaux began his tenure in January 2015 and has worked to increase the school’s visibility beyond New England, forge new partnerships (like with the University of New Hampshire) and expand academic offerings. The school has also added three new undergraduate programs, including Comic Arts, Printmaking and User Experience (UX) Design. • Medal Day: If you’ve ever wanted to see the MacDowell Colony up close, your chance is Sunday, Aug. 13, during Medal Day, which this year honors filmmaker David Lynch. All events happen at 100

• LEAGUE OF NH CRAFTSMEN’S FAIR Aug. 5-Aug. 13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. each day. League of NH Craftsmen’s Fair, 1398 Route 103, Newbury. Admission $12. Visit nhcrafts.org. • “LIVABLE MODERNISM: INTERIOR DECORATING AND DESIGN DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION” Presentation by author and art historian Kristina Wilson. Mon., Aug. 14, at 7:30 p.m. Scriven Arts Colony, 452 NH Route 140, Gilmanton. Free. Visit scrivenartscolony.com. • GREELEY PARK ART SHOW Outdoor show with artwork by Nashua Area Artists Association. Sat., Aug. 19, and Sun., Aug. 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. Greeley Park Art Show, 100 Concord St., Nashua. Free.

The Sharon Arts Center hosts “The Folds of the Cloak,” an installation by Jacquelyn Gleisner, through Sept. 17. Courtesy photo.

High St., Peterborough, starting with the medal ceremony at 12:15 p.m. A student scavenger hunt is from 1 to 5 p.m., and open studios are from 2 to 5 p.m. Visit macdowellcolony.org for more information on the colony and this one-day event, which is the only time all year you can check out the nationally recognized artist colony. Call 924-3886 or visit macdowellcolony.org. • Goodbye, Hippo readers: This is my last issue as the arts reporter for The Hippo. After nearly six years of being inspired by New Hampshire artists of all media — visual and performing artists, musicians, comic book creators, filmmakers and authors — I’m going to pursue my master of fine arts degree for creative writing at the University of New Hampshire. I had such a great time getting to know the quirky, friendly and passionate arts scene in New Hampshire but leave the beat in good hands with Angie Sykeny, who can be reached at asykeny@hippopress.com. — Kelly Sennott

Visit nashuaareaartistsassoc.org. • CONCORD ARTS MARKET Handmade arts, crafts and goods by local craftspeople and artists. Starts June 3 and occurs almost every Saturday until Sept. 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bicentennial Square, Concord. Visit concordartsmarket.net. In the Galleries • “THE SPRING ARRANGEMENT EXHIBITION” Featuring work by NH, Maine and Mass. artists. On view through Aug. 18. The Gallery at 100 Market St., 100 Market St., Portsmouth. Cal 436-4559. • “INERTIA” Summer group show at McGowan Fine Art. On view through Aug. 25. McGowan Fine Art, 10 Hills Ave., Concord. Visit mcgowan-

fineart.com. Call 225-2515. • “CAFE LIFE” Art show with work by Peggy Murray and photographs by Debra Woodward. Aug. 2-Aug. 26. East Gallery, Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery, 136 State St., Portsmouth. • “NEW PAINTING & INDOOR SCULPTURE EXHIBIT” Invitational show featuring New England artists. On view May 4-Aug. 27. The Mill Brook Gallery & Sculpture Garden, 236 Hopkinton Road, Concord. Visit themillbrookgallery.com. Call 226-2046. • “SEACOAST LGBT HISTORY: IMPACT AND INFLUENCE” On view at RiverStones Custom Framing. On view through Aug. 27. RiverStones Custom Framing, 33 N. Main St., Rochester. Cal 812-1488.



HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 23

FUN WITH PAPER The League of NH Craftsmen Nashua Fine Craft Gallery (98 Main St., Nashua) will have a “Painted and Decorated Paper” class on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The class will explore color, pattern and texture using a variety of techniques such as washes, printing, sgrafitto, and orizomegami (dipping folded rice paper into dyes). Students will create unique painted paper designs and go home with greeting cards and a rainbow of papers to use in their own projects. The cost is $27 for tuition, plus $12 for materials. For more information and to register, visit nhcrafts.org or call 595-8233.

Salons independently owned & operated. 116240

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 24

• “ETERNAL SUMMER” Summer photography exhibition inspired by Celia Thaxter’s quote, “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” On view July 8 through Aug. 27. Twiggs Gallery, 254 King St., Boscawen. Call 975-0015, visit twiggsgallery.wordpress.com. • “BOUNDLESS: THE ART OF SUSAN PRINCE THOMPSON” Featuring work by Thompson. On view June 18-Aug. 31. Mariposa Museum, 26 Main St., Peterborough. Admission $6. Visit mariposamuseum.org. • TANYA C. TENKARIAN Watercolor exhibit. On view July 5-Aug. 31. NH Audubon McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord. Call 224-9909. Visit nhaudubon.org. • “AN ELEMENT OF SURPRISE” Exhibit of photography and batik paintings by Wendy Crouse. On view through July and August. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Call 589-4610. • PAT MORSE Art show featuring oil paintings, colored pencil drawings, sculpture and assemblages. On view for the month of August. Umami Cafe, 281 1st NH Turnpike, Northwood. • “100 DAYS OF US” Featuring work by photographer Martha Duffy, which showcases pieces from a project she recently completed, capturing her life as a stay-at-home mom. On view through August. Peterborough Town Library, 2 Concord St., Peterborough. Call 924-8040. Visit peterboroughnh.gov. • DEIRDRE DONNELLY Featured artist for the month of August for League of NH Craftsmen. “Blended Metals” jewelry exhibit. On view through August. League of NH Craftsmen, 279 DW Highway, Meredith. Visit nhcrafts.org/meredith. Call 2797920. • “CONTEMPORARY ART QUILTS” Juried exhibition. On view Aug. 5-Sept. 1. Whistler House Museum of Art, 243 Worthen St. , Lowell. Visit whistlerhouse.org. Call 978-452-7641.

Open calls • CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: “COME BACK, COME BACK” Looking for artists and writers to collaborate to honor New Hampshire Old Home Week as point of inspiration. Projects created for this exhibition must combine art and writing into one cohesive work. Due Aug. 14. Twiggs Gallery, 254 King St., Boscawen. Visit twiggsgallery. wordpress.com. • CALL FOR ART: HONORING OUR VETERANS Looking for veteran-themed art. Submissions due by Sept. 1. The Brush Art Gallery & Studios, 256 Market St., Lowell. Visit lowellartshows.com/veterans. Openings • “THE CURIOUS MAGIC OF VARUJAN BOGHOSIAN” Currier Museum of Art exhibition. Featuring work by Hanover, NH artist. On view through Sept. 4. “ARTalk: Artist Varujan Boghosian in Conversation” is Sun., Aug. 13, at 2 p.m. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Visit currier.org or call 669-6144. • “CH-CH-CH-CHANGES: BOWIE TRIBUTE” Art show featuring work about climate change. On view Aug. 17-Sept. 12. Opening Thurs., Aug. 17, 6-7 p.m. Studio 550, 550 Elm St., Manchester. Visit 550arts.com, call 232-5597. • “THE FOLDS OF THE CLOAK” Installation by Jacquelyn Gleisner. On view through Sept. 17. Opening reception Fri., Aug. 18, 5-7 p.m. Sharon Arts Center Gallery, 30 Grove St., Peterborough. Visit nhia.edu. • “THE FOLDS OF THE CLOAK” NHIA installation by artist Jacquelyn Gleisner. On view Aug. 18-Sept. 19. Opening Fri., Aug. 18, 5-8 p.m. Sharon Arts Center Gallery, 30 Grove St. , Peterborough. Visit nhia.edu, jacquelyngleisner.com. • “NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE” Artwork by Rosemary Conroy. On view Aug. 18 through Sept. 17. Opening recep-

tion Fri., Aug. 18, 5-7 p.m. NHIA Exhibition Gallery, 30 Grove St., Peterborough. Visit nhia.edu, email art@studiobuteo.com. Workshops/classes • INTRO TO SHIBORI: INDIGO DYE WORKSHOP How to prepare and maintain natural indigo vat and create patterns through folding, tying and clamping menthods. All supplies provided; feel free to bring your own items to dye. Sun., Aug. 13, 1-4 p.m. The Place Studio & Gallery, 40 Thorndike St., Suite 2B, Concord. $45. Call 369-4906 or visit theplacestudioandgallery.com. Classical Music Events • HOPKINTON TOWN BAND Every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., June 21-Aug. 9. Rain or shine. Jane Lewellen Band Stand, Contoocook. • AMHERST TOWN BAND Concert. Tues., Aug. 8, at 6:30 p.m. Amherst Town Green, Amherst. Free. Visit amhersttownband.org. • STEVE BLUNT Concert featuring kid-friendly tunes. Wed., Aug. 9, at 10 a.m. The Majestic Theatre, 880 Page St., Manchester. $6. Visit majestictheatre.net. Call 669-7469. • BOSTON BALLET SAXOPHONE QUARTET Concert part of Bach’s Lunch Concert Series. Wed., Aug. 9, at noon. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. • JASON ANICK GYPSY TRIO Concert part of library’s outdoor series. Thurs., Aug. 10, at 7 p.m. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Visit nashualibrary.org. • RASA VITKAUSKAITE Classical piano concert part of Bach’s Lunch Concert Series. Wed., Aug. 16, at noon. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. • LOW LILY Concert part of library’s Summer Concerts on the Plaza series. Thurs., Aug. 17, at 7 p.m. Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St., Nashua. Visit nashualibrary.org. Call 589-4610.

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 25

LISTINGS 26 Children & Teens Games, clubs, fun... 27 Clubs

INSIDE/OUTSIDE Hidden treasures

NH Antiques Show returns for 60th year

Hobby, service... 27 Continued Education Classes, seminars, lectures... 29 Crafts Fairs, workshops... 29 Dance Ballroom, folk... 29 Miscellaneous Fairs, festivals, yard sales... 30 Nature & Gardening Hikes, animal events...

FEATURES 27 Kiddie pool Family activities this week. 28 The Gardening Guy Advice on your outdoors. 29 Treasure Hunt There’s gold in your attic. 32 Car Talk Click and Clack give you car advice. Get Listed From yoga to pilates, cooking to languages to activities for the kids, Hippo’s weekly listing offers a rundown of all area events and classes. Get your program listed by sending information to listings@hippopress.com at least three weeks before the event. Looking for more events for the kids, nature-lovers and more? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or online at hipposcout.com.

By Matt Ingersoll


Antique dealers locally and from across the country often save their hardest-to-find merchandise for the New Hampshire Antiques Show, which will be held for the 60th year from Thursday, Aug. 10, through Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. Three-wall “rooms” will be set up to showcase the products of more than 65 antique dealers. A huge variety of antiques will be available, including folk art, hooked rugs, furniture, weathervanes, books and historical documents. “Dealers will save merchandise all year long and when they get something really good, they’ll put it aside and not show it to anyone until it comes out during the show,” said Tom Longacre, coowner of Thomas R. Longacre Antiques in Marlborough and show co-chairman. “The anticipation drives people crazy. … I don’t know of too many other shows that have that kind of energy.” Longacre said this show is also unique in that it is organized entirely by the dealers involved and by 60th annual NH Antiques Show When: Thursday, Aug. 10, and Friday, Aug. 11, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm St., Manchester Cost: $15 on Thursday, $10 on Friday and Saturday; visitors under 30 receive free admission with ID. Visit: nhada.org

Children & Teens Art classes & programs • CREATIVE STORYTELLING WORKSHOP For kids entering grades 1 to 5. Tap into your creativity with storytelling activities that promote imagination, communication and problem solving. Tues., Aug. 15, 2 to 3 p.m. Goffstown Public Library, 2 High St., Goffstown. Free; registration is required. Visit goffstownlibrary. com or call 497-2102.

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 26

Three-wall “rooms” will be set up to display antiques at the 60th annual New Hampshire Antiques Show. Courtesy photo.

members of the New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association. The doors to the show will open on Thursday, Aug. 10, at 10 a.m. But be forewarned; like a Black Friday sales rush, crowds tend to build up fast for the first few hours of the show, according to Longacre. “I’d say from about 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the first day, it’s very busy,” he said. “But if you wait until later in the afternoon or even anytime during the other two days, you won’t get that mad rush.” Dealers travel from all over the country to attend the show, but several of them reside right here in the Granite State, including Mark & Marjorie Allen Antiques in Gilford, which specializes in paintings and needlework, Cail’s Country Cottage Antiques of Milford, which deals in country furniture and home garden accessories,

Children events • JUNGLE JIM’S SUPERHERO BALLOON SHOW Jungle Jim is bringing his superhero training show to Pelham. His balloon magic show is actionpacked and interactive, and best suited for kids ages 3 to 10. Tues., Aug. 22, noon. Sherburne Hall, 14 Village Green, Pelham. Free; no registration is necessary. Visit pelhamweb.com or call 6357581.

and Fry Fine Art in Peterborough, dealing in 19th-, 20th- and 21st-century watercolor paintings. There are three new dealers at this year’s show, according to Longacre. Pat and Rich Garthoeffner, from Lititz, Pennsylvania, specialize in a variety of 18th- and 19th-century antiques. Christopher & Bernadette Evans of Waynesboro, Virginia, will be presenting stoneware, redware, quilts and weathervanes. Adam Irish of the Portsmouthbased Old as Adam will also be at the show for the first time showcasing folk art, vintage men’s clothing and more. “We try to keep the transition occurring so that new dealers are coming and bringing in new ideas and concepts,” Longacre said. Some dealers have so much to offer that there isn’t room to have it all out on display in one day.

• DOVER MINI MAKER FAIRE This one-day festival invites inventors, entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, artisans and more to share their innovations with the public. Sat., Aug. 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, 6 Washington St., Dover. $8 in advance through July 31; $12 after July 31, and free for kids 5 and under. Visit dover.makerfaire.com or call 742-2002.

As a result, visitors might get to see different varieties of antiques from one day to the next during the show’s three days. “Some people do actually come all three days,” Longacre said. “A lot of the dealers … will strip their booths down and redesign them with a lot of fresh stuff, so if you come back a second or third day, you will see totally different stuff.” A full list of the dealers who will appear at this year’s show and what their specialities are is available at nhada.org. “[The New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association] is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting antiques year-round … and the show keeps the organization funded to support the industry,” Longacre said. “So we don’t have any kind of pro promoter. … The people that run the show are volunteers and work very hard to make it a success.”

Computer & tech classes • IDEA TO INVENTION: HOW TO BECOME A MAKER Join Jason Clark to explore 3-D printing, microcontroller programming, basic mechanical design, robotics and more. Depending on interest, potential projects include creating an automatic plant watering unit, a mini robot arm, a line following robot, a ghost detector or a metal detector. For ages 10 and up. Thurs., Aug. 10, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wadleigh

Memorial Library, 49 Nashua St., Milford. Free. Visit wadleighlibrary.org or call 249-0645. Music • MUSIC WITH MISS JACKIE Enjoy interactive songs and movement with certified elementary music teacher Miss Jackie. Fri., Aug. 11, 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Hollis Social Library, 2 Monument Square, Hollis. Free. Visit hollislibrary.org or call 465-7721.


Family fun for the weekend

Hometown celebrations

Hudson’s Old Home Days return for four days of fun on the Hills House grounds (211 Derry Road, Hudson), on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 5 to 10 p.m., Friday, Aug. 11, from 5 to 11 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 12, from noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 13, from noon to 5 p.m. Features include carnival rides, live music, food, a petting zoo, demonstrations, contests, games, exhibits and much more. Admission is free. Visit hudsonoldhomedays.blogspot.com. Candia’s Old Home Day will be held at Moore Park (64 High St., Candia) on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and will kick off with a parade, followed by a variety of family-friendly activities like a bounce house, music, a K-9 demonstration, antique car and tractor displays, face-painting, magic shows and more. A fireworks show will also be held after dark. Admission is free. Visit candianh.org. Don’t miss Loudon’s Old Home Day, as it will return to the Loudon Recreational Fields (55 S. Village Road, Loudon) on Saturday, Aug. 12. The day will begin with a parade at 10 a.m. Other features include a horseshoe tournament, a baking contest and chili cook-off, a petting zoo, live music, fireworks and much more. This year’s event theme is “Animals of the World.” Admission is free. Visit loudonoldhomeday.com. Epsom’s Old Home Days will be held on Friday, Aug. 11, Saturday, Aug. 12, and Sunday, Aug. 13, at Webster Park (940 Suncook Valley Highway, Epsom). Event features include a pancake breakfast on Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m., a parade from 10 to 11 a.m., and field games, food, crafts and more throughout the day. Sunday’s festivities include the annual four-mile road race and 2K walk at 8:30 a.m. Admission is free. Visit epsomnh.org.

Clubs Events • NASHUA REPUBLICAN CITY COMMITTEE MONTHLY MEETING Members will be discussing Nashua city business and upcoming elections, as well as how both affect our taxes. Speakers include the city treasurer, several aldermen and some BOE members. Thurs., Aug. 10, 7 p.m. Crowne Plaza Nashua, 2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua. Free. Visit nashuagop.org or call 864-9287.

Don’t miss the annual Family Fun Day event at the Field of Dreams Community Park & Playground (48 Geremonty Drive, Salem) on Sunday, Aug. 13, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Features include face-painting, a touch-a-truck, raffles and prizes, food, a bounce house and more. Admission is free. Visit fieldofdreamsnh.org or call 233-4455.

Junior athletes

Join the Friends of Aine Foundation for its fifth annual Kid’s TRY-Athlon on Sunday, Aug. 13, beginning at 8 a.m. at the Bedford Memorial Town Pool (20 County Road). The event is open to all kids ages 4 to 15 regardless of athletic ability and includes swimming, running and bicycling. It is held each year in memory of Aine Phillips, a young girl from Bedford who died from pulmonary veno occlusive disease at the age of 8. Money raised benefits child and teen bereavement programs at Home Health & Hospice Care in Merrimack. There is a $30 registration per child. Visit friendsofaine.com or call 305-3205.


Blowing bubbles

It’s Bubble Day at the Rodgers Memorial Library (194 Derry Road, Hudson) on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon. Kids of all ages are invited to the library to play with all different kinds and sizes of bubbles, and even have a chance to make their own bubble wands. Admission is free and no registration is required. Visit rodgerslibrary.org or call 886-6030.

Hobby • MERRIMACK COUNTY STAMP COLLECTORS MEETING All who are interested in stamp collecting are welcome to attend. Meet other collectors and learn more about their hobby and varied interests in Philatelic resources and issues. Tues., Aug. 15, 1 p.m. Bow Mills United Methodist Church, 505 South St., Bow. Free. Call Dan Day at 2281154.

Continuing Education Adult education • RIVIER INSTITUTE FOR SENIOR EDUCATION FALL INFORMATION SESSION Seniors can choose from more than 67 five-week courses, with two start dates. First term courses begin on Sept. 5 and end on Oct. 16; second term courses begin Oct. 17 and end Nov. 20. Information session is Thurs., Aug. 17, 1 to 3 p.m. Rivier University, Dion Center, Clement and S. Main streets, Nashua. Information session is free; membership for the


HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 27



Mid-summer chores

Eight things to do to your garden in August By Henry Homeyer


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My late older sister, Ruth Anne, used to say, “The weeds always win.” And she was largely right. We all get tired of weeding after a few months of it. By August, with its heat and bugs, we tend to back off, go to the lake, go on vacation, go watch a ballgame. Meanwhile, those sneaky weeds are producing seeds and dropping them into the soil. Don’t let them! My solution is to go outside early in the morning and pull a few weeds before it gets hot. I’ll set a goal — a 5-gallon pail of small weeds or perhaps a wheelbarrow of big weeds. Before I know it, a portion of the garden is looking spiffy. I recommend it. If you planted lettuce this spring, you probably have either eaten it all, or let it get tall and bitter. In that case, pull it out and plant some seeds. Seeds will germinate more quickly now than in the spring as the soil is warmer, encouraging seeds to get started. They’re not worried about snow or frost. Just a reminder: remember to snip off diseased leaves that appear on your tomatoes. Bring along a bucket to toss them in and put them in the household trash, not the compost pile. Do this regularly to help keep the plants healthy. Only work on the plants when the leaves are dry, to minimize chances of spreading the diseases. You probably have harvested your garlic by now, but if not, do it today! Depending on where you are, and how dry the soil is, many of your garlic leaves may have browned and dried up. Ideally, you have five leaves that are still green when you harvest your garlic. The leaves, which actually begin underground and coat the bulb of garlic, provide protection for the cloves. If too many have dried up by the time you harvest, the bulbs can easily fall apart, and will dry out in storage. I cut some of the scapes (flower stems) earlier this summer. Conventional wisdom says that this step, aside from providing garlic flavor to early summer dishes, gets the bulbs to grow bigger. I have never been able to verify that. But I paid attention while harvesting this year, and did see a slight advantage to those whose scapes were cut. But even more significant was bulb spacing. Garlic bulbs too close together were definitely smaller. I try to select my best garlic for planting next year’s crop in October, and have been selecting good ones for years, so I have pretty nice-sized bulbs. Garlic needs to be cured after harvesting. I’ve been told that the bulbs absorb vitamins and nutrients from the tops during the curing

Carrots need thinning now. Courtesy photo.

process, which should last at least 10 days before you cut off those long green tops. Keep your garlic out of direct sun while curing it. I’ve seen nice wire racks that catch the bulbs and let the tops hang down, but I didn’t have any wire mesh the right size. So I put down a 2-by-4 stud on a cement floor under a covered porch, and laid the garlic tops over the wood. That allows better air circulation than just laying them on my shady deck. This is also a time for more thinning in the garden. I thinned carrots and beets in early July, but thinned again recently. I got some nice carrots that were crowding their buddies. The carrots left behind will get even bigger. My onions are not ready to harvest. How do you know when they are? The tops fall over. Simple as that. You can let them stay in the ground for a while, but I like to pull them and dry them in the sun. You can just leave them in the garden, or on the lawn, but I put mine on a sunny deck. Potatoes will soon be ready for digging. Watch for blossoms. Once they blossom, you’ll have some potatoes. Of course, the longer you wait to harvest, the bigger they will be. You can wait until the tops die back, but you can sneak out some new potatoes by slipping a hand into the soil and grabbing some little ones without disturbing the plant. August is generally hot and dry here, so I’ll be doing some watering. My celery root (celeriac) and onions are two crops that are particularly sensitive to lack of water. Celery, which I do not grow, is also very waterneedy. At planting time I don’t plant onions and celeriac in raised beds as those dry out more quickly than flat beds. Gravity works on water, too. My kale is big and lovely right now, so I will freeze some for winter. The plants, of course will be gorgeous right through frost and until nearly Christmas. But I like to get a head start putting up food now, before all the tomatoes are ready to harvest. So yes, I’ll take some lazy time to read a trashy detective novel by the water, but I’ll be out pulling weeds and tending the garden, too. Read Henry’s blog posts at dailyuv.com/ gardeningguy. You may reach Henry by email at henry.homeyer@comcast.net.


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Dear Donna, This cabinet was given to my grandfather during the Depression as payment for rent. It has curved glass on all three sides. Looks like oak to me but I’m not sure. The back has some signage that I’m unable to decipher. It is a classic piece in great condition so I’m trying to help my dad figure out its value.

Crafts Fairs • BOSOM BAZAAR VENDOR & CRAFT FAIR More than 30 vendors and crafters and community members are uniting to make the greatest impact to save lives and ensure no one faces breast cancer alone. This event will include a clothing

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the glass. It is very expensive to replace because of the curve. Donna Welch has spent more than 20 years in the antiques and collectibles field and owns From Out Of The Woods Antique Center in Goffstown (fromoutofthewoodsantiques.com). She is an antiques appraiser and instructor. To find out about your antique or collectible, send a clear photo of the object and information about it to Donna Welch, From Out Of The Woods Antique Center, 465 Mast Road, Goffstown, N.H., 03045. Or email her at footwdw@ aol.com. Or drop by the shop (call first, 624-8668).

donation drive, as well as raffle prizes provided by vendors and crafters. Food and drink will also be available at no additional cost. Sat., Aug. 12, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Staff Development for Educators, 10 Sharon Road, Peterborough. Visit facebook. com/makingstridespeterborough or call 471-4148. • 25TH ANNUAL LINCOLN SUMMER CRAFT FESTIVAL More than 100 booths of American made arts, crafts, specialty foods, live music and more. Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sun., Aug. 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Village Shops, Town Green, Main Street, Lincoln. Free. Visit castleberryfairs.com. Workshops • BRACELET MAKING Make a pair of bracelets with artist Deb Tumas. One bracelet is to keep and the other is to donate. Tues., Aug. 15, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Hollis Social Library, 2 Monument Square, Hollis. Free. Visit hollislibrary.org or call 465-7721. • CERAMICS If you are interested in ceramics, join Carmella Mondays in the craft room. All supplies are provided along with

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Dear Dee, What your dad has is an oak curio china cabinet. It was made between the late 1800s and the beginning of the Depression era. It has convex glass (meaning the curved glass). His china cabinet looks to be in the original finish, which is a plus. The condition of the glass is very important as well. As far as a replacement appraisal I would give it around $1,000. Now for the tough news: The market value would be much lower in this area because this generation does not decorate with china cabinets. This makes it a harder sell, if he was trying to do that. If it were me I would hold onto it and possibly pass it down. It is a great piece of furniture and is still after almost 100 years very usable. One last note: Be very careful with

Professional development • TED NIGHTS AT THE DERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY The Derry Public Library will be hosting TED Nights this summer. TED Talks are short, powerful talks on a wide variety of topics. Attendees will view TED Talks and discuss them afterwards. Each night will have a different theme. Come for one night or come to them all. Mondays, Aug. 14, and Aug. 28. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Free. Visit derrypl.org or call 432-6140.

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professional instruction from Carmella. Mon., Aug. 21, 1 p.m. William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center, 151 Douglas St., Manchester. $4 plus the cost of your chosen ceramic piece. Call 6246533. Dance Other dance events • CONTRA DANCE Dudley Laufman, joined by several of his musician friends, are a tradition at the August Nelson dance. Dancing begins at 7 p.m. Families, new dancers and singles are welcome and all dances are taught throughout the evening. Sat., Aug. 12, 7 p.m. Nelson Town Hall, 7 Nelson Common Road, Nelson. Free. Visit nelsonhistory.org or monadnockfolk.org or call 762-0235. Miscellaneous Antique events • CONCORD MODEL RAILROAD SHOW Dealers, door prizes and operating layouts. $5 for adults, free for under 12, max $12 per family. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Road, Concord. Sun., Aug. 20, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Visit trainweb.org/cmrc. HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 29

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 30

Don’t miss the annual Rock On Festival, which will take place on the state house lawn in Concord (107 N Main St.). The free celebration of music, basketball, movies, family fun and more will kick off Friday, Aug. 11, at noon and events will run through Saturday evening. There will be a three on three youth basketball tournament on Friday at noon and a game pitting local police officers against firefighters at 6:30 p.m. The popular 1996 children’s movie Space Jam will be screened for free on the state house lawn for Friday’s movie night at 8 p.m. Saturday will host a three on three adult basketball game at 10 a.m., a live performance from local musician Mr. Aaron at 2:30 p.m., YMCA family fun at 3 p.m. and then a line up of four musical performances starting at 3:30 p.m. For updated scheduled information, visit facebook.com/rockonfoundation

Car & motorcycle shows • CARS AND CANS CAR SHOW All proceeds from this show will benefit the Pelham Food Pantry onsite. Spectators are encouraged to bring canned goods, non-perishable food items or cash donation to support the pantry. All cars, trucks and bikes are welcome and parking is on the asphalt. Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. Patrick’s Parish, 12 Main St., Pelham. Email carsandcans@gmail.com or call 233-5059. • 3RD ANNUAL AVIATION MUSEUM OF NEW HAMPSHIRE CAR SHOW This annual event will feature hundreds of vintage and classic cars on display, and well as a 50/50 raffle, trophies awarded, food and ice cream for purchase, and more. Sat., Aug. 19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry. Registration is $10 per carload, which includes museum admission, if you are participating in the show. Regular museum admission for otherwise. Visit aviationmuseumofnh. org or call 669-4820. Festivals & Fairs • DEERING COMMUNITY CHURCH SUMMER FAIR Featuring live music, a cafe, baked goods, jam, grafton cheese, old tools, attic treasures, jewelry, crafts and more. Sat., Aug. 12, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deering Community Church, 763 Deering Center Road, Deering. Free. Visit deeringcommunitychurch. org or call 464-5643. • GILMANTON OLD HOME DAY The 119th annual Gilmanton Old Home Day is to benefit the Smith Meeting House Restoration Projects. There will be a bean hole bean dinner, craft and community booths, music, children’s games, an art show and sales, and more. Sat., Aug. 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Smith Meeting House, Meeting House Road,

Gilmanton. Free. Call 793-9187. • NH CANNABIS FREEDOM FESTIVAL This event is New Hampshire’s only cannabis advocacy, educational and music festival. Fri., Aug. 25, Sat., Aug. 26, and Sun., Aug. 27. Roger’s Campground & Motel, 10 Roger’s Campground Road, Lancaster. Camping is $29 per night and RV camping is $42. Visit nhcannafest.com/tickets or call 569-0000. • ROCHESTER PRIDE CELEBRATION Free. Sat., Aug. 26, 1 to 4 p.m. Downtown Rochester, Hanson Street and Central Square, Rochester. Visit rochestermfa.org/pride. • PEMBROKE AND ALLENSTOWN OLD HOME DAY Featuring a parade with floats, marching bands and antique cars, as well as inflatables, arts and crafts, hay wagon rides, balloons, live music and entertainment, food concessions, 9 hole mini-golf, Doodlebugs pulling competition, dunk tank, fire foam demonstration, 3 on 3 basketball tournament and more, ending with fabulous fireworks. Sat., Aug. 26, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Memorial Field, Keystone Lane, Pembroke. Free. Visit pembrokeallenstownoldhomeday.com or call Patti Fowler at 224-7324. • FARM DAYS CELEBRATION AT MUSTER FIELD FARM MUSEUM Festivities include horse-drawn tractor hayrides, a kiddie tractor pull, a slow tractor race and many demonstrations of traditional farming skills and crafts. Antique tractors and engines will be on display all weekend. Children can try their hand at ice cream churning, blacksmithing, stone splitting and stilt walking if they dare. Sat., Aug. 26, and Sun., Aug. 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Muster Field Farm, Harvey Road, Sutton. $5 general admission, free for members and children 6 and under. Visit musterfieldfarm.com or call 927-4276.

Yard sales/fundraisers • WILMOT TOWN WIDE YARD SALE This annual yard sale is sponsored by the Bandstand Committee, the Wilmot Community Association and the town of Wilmot. Maps cost $2 and will be available from 8 a.m. to noon at the WCA’s Red Barn on Village Road, First Congregational Church on North Wilmot Road in Wilmot Center and at the Wilmot Volunteer Fire Department’s firehouse on Route 11. Sat., Aug. 19. Various locations, Wilmot. Visit wilmotnh.org. Nature & Gardening Events • 15TH ANNUAL WOODS, WATER & WILDLIFE FESTIVAL This day-long celebration of the great outdoors is an occasion for families to have fun, explore and learn about the natural world together. Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Branch Hill Farm, 307 Applebee Road, Milton Mills. $5 per person or $10 per family; free for ages 12 and under and to Moose Mountains Regional Greenways members. Visit branchhillfarm.com or call 978-7125. • BECOMING A WOODS NINJA WORKSHOP Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to noon. The Little Nature Museum, 18 Highlawn Road, Warner. $20 for non-members, $15 for members of Little Nature Museum or Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum (preregistration is required). Visit littlenaturemuseum.org or call 746-6121. • NATURE CAFE: TURTLES IN NH Chris Bogard, New Hampshire wildlife rehabilitator, will share her knowledge of turtle species in New Hampshire. She will discuss reasons for their decline and what can be done to help them. Fri., Aug. 18, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Massabesic Audubon Center, 26 Audubon Way, Auburn. $5. Visit nhaudubon.org or call 668-2045.





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You will have more say in the future in what goes on your dash Dear Car Talk: I have a new 2017 Honda Ridgeline. The speedometer is digital; it shows numbers only. It has no dial. However, it still has an analog tachometer. The transBy Ray Magliozzi mission is an automatic 6-speed. Why do you need a tachometer with an automatic transmission? In the old days, the tachometer was a necessity for manual transmissions; with today’s automatic computerized transmissions, it seems to be of little value. I would much rather have a speedometer dial instead of a tachometer. What do you think? — Bill There’s no real reason a car with an automatic transmission needs a tachometer. You can drive that car 200,000 miles and never need to know what the engine speed is. Even if you shift it manually, the computer will prevent you from doing anything stupid, like over-revving: It’ll just cut off the fuel supply or spark when you approach the red line. So why does it have a tach? Well, without it, there’d be a big hole in your dashboard. That wouldn’t look good. They could put a clock there, but there’s probably already a clock on the video screen.

I tend to agree with you. I prefer a speedometer dial to the digital readout. There’s hope for the future, however: More and more new cars are starting to come with customizable video displays instead of instrument clusters. So, instead of an analog speedometer, there’s a high-definition LCD screen, and the computer creates an image of a speedometer that looks and acts like an analog speedometer, with a moving dial. With these displays, you can customize what you see on the instrument panel in front of you: You can make the speedometer and tachometer smaller, and see a large navigation map in the middle; or you can see your entertainment system’s choices. You can’t see “Judge Judy” yet, but it’s probably coming. And there’s nothing stopping the manufacturers from letting you choose which instruments you want to see, so you could have a speedometer instead of a tachometer, and your neighbor, Fred, could monitor his oil temperature in 7-inch grandeur. You’ll be able to get that on your 2022 Ridgeline. Actually, I find that there is one unsung advantage of a tachometer these days. Some cars are so quiet now that it’s actually hard to tell if they’re running. And with push-button ignition, you no longer remove the key after shutting off the ignition. So I’ll admit to

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glancing at the tachometer from time to time, to make sure I’ve turned off the engine. Dear Car Talk: Where is my oil? Our 2013 Equinox with 52,000 miles has disappearing oil. Between the last three scheduled oil changes, we lost more than 2 quarts. Last week I checked the dipstick, and nothing registered. I added a quart, and it came up to 3/16 of an inch on the stick. Now the oil-change readout says 29 percent left until oil change. I took it to the dealer, and they found nothing — nada. They saw no drips, no signs of oil running down the outside of the engine, and when the car is running, they saw no smoke coming out of the tailpipe, and no smells. They are stumped, and so is this chump. So, what are your thoughts? — Charles Well, unless some neighbor is sneaking into your driveway at night and siphoning out your oil, you’re burning it. If you lost about 2 1/2 quarts between each of your last three oil changes, that’s not good on a car with only 52,000 miles. But it’s not “start fracking in the backyard” level oil burning yet. If you’re a typical driver, you change your oil every 7,500 miles or so. Maybe more. So you’re burning the equivalent of a quart every 3,000 miles. Normally, people start

complaining to us when they’re burning a quart every 1,000 miles, or a quart every 500. My brother wouldn’t even buy a car unless it was burning at least a quart every 250. My more immediate concern for you is that you allowed the oil level to get more than a quart low before adding oil. So you need to be more vigilant, and check it more often. Letting the engine run low on oil will only harm the rings and increase your oil burning. Unfortunately, oil burning also tends to get worse over time. So your current rate doesn’t bode well for this car’s longevity without an engine rebuild at some point. So if you’re still under some sort of extended warranty, you want to be sure to have your dealer document the oil loss — even if they claim to be stumped by what’s causing it. They do that by sealing the system, so you can’t tamper with it, and then having you come back in at certain intervals to document the oil loss. That may give you a better case to make, should the oil consumption take a sudden turn for the voluminous in the near future. Alternatively, since the dealer didn’t see any blue smoke coming out of the tailpipe when you took the car in for service, you can assume they won’t see any if you go back next week to trade in the car. Visit Cartalk.com.

Features the finest Italian Carnaroli rice and includes all flavors and seasonings for a delicious, savory dish. Great as a quick supper with a bit of grated cheese, or add some marinated lamb chops for a more substantial meal. Try this and other Casale Paradiso products popular in Europe and now in the U.S. for the first time. Available at: Bunny’s Downtown Market | 947 Elm St., Manchester 116399

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 32


Ride for vets and pets Bikers invited to join Cruisin’ 4 Critters By Ethan Hogan


By riding through 65 miles of scenic southern New Hampshire, bikers can help pair up veterans with shelter animals during Cruisin’ 4 Critters on Saturday, Aug. 12. The Manchester Animal Shelter’s 4 Paws 4 Vets program is hosting the 12th annual motorcycle ride to raise money for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder who want to adopt shelter animals. The ride starts at the Manchester Animal Shelter at 8 a.m., and participants will pay $25 per rider and $15 per passenger. It’s a poker ride, so riders will be given cards throughout Marlye with her new dad. Courtesy photo. the day and the rider with the best hand at the end of the ride wins. Veterans coming home from service often “It’s all back roads so it’s all very scenic,” need the type of attention that an animal is said Martha Frechette, who has been organiz- uniquely capably of giving a human, Gilman ing the event for seven years. said, and the Cruisin’ 4 Critters motorcycle Frechette expects ride raises money to help about 120 riders and bring them together. passengers on 70 motor“Mainly it’s comcycles this year. The panionships — they are crew is made up of looking for somebody devoted participants as to be around,” Gilman well as people particisaid. “Having a pet as pating for the first time. a companion has realFrechette recalled one ly good health benefits, veteran who benefited and our shelter animals from the 4 Paws 4 Vets need a companion too.” program. The veteran In most cases, Gilman was uncomfortable with said, both the veterloud noises like thunan and the animal have derstorms and fireworks Jamie is 5 and loves attention, but not too been through some form so the staff at the Man- much. Courtesy photo. of trauma and often the chester Animal Shelter shared experience helps was able to find him a dog that had the same them get along well. trouble. Veteran organizations like the American “They had fallen in love with each other Legion Association have motorcycle riding and when we paired them up, they were the groups whose members often participate in perfect match for each other because they the event. Gilman said families and individuwere able to help each other through those als who love animals often come out as well, things,” Frechette said. and every year they get new riders. The shelter has been taking care of abanThe ride makes one stop at the Country doned animals since 1996, and according 3 Corners in Weare, where bikers will get a to Laura Gilman, the shelter director, it has poker card to add to their hand; if they want to helped over 25,000 animals. Gilman said vet- re-draw a card, they can donate $5. erans with PTSD typically get a note from The ride ends at the Alpine Club, where their doctors that says they are in need of a riders will get their last poker card; whoever companion animal. With a doctor’s note the 4 ends up with the best hand wins a prize. There Paws 4 Pets program waives the standard ani- will be barbecue pulled pork at noon as well mal adoption fee, which can range from $25 as a DJ and raffles. to $350. The Manchester shelter can hold up to 50 Cruisin’ 4 Critters animals at a time and Gilman said they have a When: Saturday, Aug. 12, at 8 a.m. variety of animals ranging from dogs and cats Where: Manchester Animal Shelter, 490 to guinea pigs, snakes, chinchillas and birds. Dunbarton Road, Manchester The animals come to them from Animal ConCost: $25 for riders and $10 dollars for trol, which has found them abandoned and in passengers. some cases facing abuse and neglect. Visit: manchesteranimalshelter.org


HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 33


Spencer Lang Paremedic

Spencer Lang of Greenfield is a paramedic with American Medical Response in Manchester. Explain what your current job is. I’m a paramedic in the City of Manchester. We respond to the 911 calls. As a paramedic you are the highest level of EMS providers with the most expanded scope as far as emergency medicine goes. We have a lot of different skills, techniques, medications and interpretation and assessment [abilities] of patients with anything from a stubbed toe to cardiac arrest. … I can do things like endotracheal intubations, the breathing tube. … I can administer meds through bones, I can defibrillate patients.

the first day and been here ever since. … It was 2010. How did you get interested in this field? I was going to a college, had no idea what I wanted to do. I actually saw someone that I went to high school with and he was telling me how he went and took an EMT class. And I had never considered that. So I did my own research and decided to take an EMT class and then just loved the career. I just continued and progressed through the varying different licenses in EMS and have continued to my paramedic.

What kind of education or training did How long have you worked there? I started with AMR when we first took over you need for this? For your EMT, [you need] about a semesthe contract from Rockingham. I was there

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 34

ter, a little bit more, of college. get put in just the oddest situaAside from the [classroom] portions. Things can change at the tion, you have to … ride on an drop of a hat and you need to be ambulance and do some time in prepared for any of that. the ER. Then, they have another level, which is above that [called] What do you wish you’d known Advanced EMT … which is at the beginning of your career? almost about another semester There’s a lot of different things and it’s more time in the ER and that I’d prefer that I didn’t learn more time on an ambulance. And it in certain ways, but at the same then my paramedic, I took that time everything was a very valudown in Mass. in Northern Essex. Courtesy photo. able learning experience and it’s That’s a two-year program, I have made me the provider that I am a degree out of it. … And then you have to do today. Maybe it’s self-care. … You need to your clinical times in every different aspect of make sure that you’re caring for yourself and the hospital, ranging from behavioral psychi- watching out for your own mental health. atric to the operating room. What is your typical at-work uniform? How did you find your current job? My uniform. … It’s a button-down that’s At the time, I was working for another pri- navy blue. … And we have EMS pants, a vate ambulance [company]. And then once radio strap. I know some providers are wearAMR came in, I applied for the job and got ing bulletproof vests. the job right in the beginning. … I want to say it was online. What was the first job you ever had? I got a job when I was 14 and I was a dishWhat’s the best piece of work-related washer at a local pizza place. advice anyone’s ever given you? — Ryan Lessard You never stop learning. The day that … you think that you know everything, that’s What’s something you’re really when you’re going to start doing a bad job. interested in right now? You’re not going to continue in this career if you think you know everything. Medicine I’d say hanging out with good friends and changes every day and, just like our calls, we golfing.


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The starting hourly wage is $24.35, with a comprehensive benefits package including participation in the New Hampshire Retirement System. At the Chief’s discretion, lateral transfers may start up to $28.90 based on their experience, education and skills. To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter, resume, and a Town Application to - HR, Attn: Sharon Marunicz, 6 Baboosic Lake Road, Merrimack, NH 03054 no later than 4:00p. on August 30, 2017. Applications, detailed job description ad, and complete job description are available at the Town’s website, www.merrimacknh.gov/positionopenings and at Merrimack Town Hall. Applicants will be invited to take written and physical exams as part of the application process. No email please. EOE.

Why work for the Town of Merrimack? Steady hours, competitive pay, good benefits, great work environment. More info on all positions available online at www.merrimacknh.gov/positionopenings



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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 35

FOOD May the best chili win

Fire on the Mountain Chili Fest returns to Henniker By Angie Sykeny

News from the local food scene


By Angie Sykeny

Chili makers can put their prized recipes to the test while foodies can enjoy the results of their culinary skills at the 15th annual Fire on the Mountain Chili Fest, happening Sunday, Aug. 20, at Pats Peak Ski Area in Henniker. More than 40 amateur and professional-level chefs from New Hampshire and beyond will take part in the chili competition and serve their chili to attending tasters. “People think of chili as a wintertime dish, but I think it’s one of those staple, go-to comfort foods that you can eat year-round,” said Ruth Zax of the Henniker Rotary Club, which hosts the event. “That’s why it’s one of those foods that you always see competitions for. People gravitate toward it.” The competition will have an amateur division, open to individuals, and a professional division, open to restaurants and catering companies, as well as a division just for rotary clubs. There are no regulations on chili ingredients and cooking methods; competitors have total creative freedom in developing their chili recipes, which usually results in a wide range of chilis for people to taste. Zax said past chilis have included green chili and chili verde, vegetarian chili, moose meat chili, chipotle chili, fish chili and even chocolate chili. Attendees can get up to two 1-ounce samples of chili from each chili maker and vote for their favorites. “There are so many varieties. Some peo-


• Win whiskey: Whiskey enthusiasts from all over the country have a chance to win the full collection of Pappy Van Winkle bourbons and more as the New Hampshire Liquor Commission launches its first Pappy Van Winkle Raffle and Exclusive Taste Experience. The prize package includes the Old Rip Van Winkle 10-year Handmade Bourbon, Van Winkle Special Reserve 12-year and Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve 15-year, 20-year, and the rare 23-year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskeys. The winner will also receive an exclusive five-course dining experience featuring Pappy Van Winkle’s full line of bourbons at Hanover Street Chophouse in Manchester on Wednesday, Nov. 8, VIP access to the Distiller’s Showcase of Premium Spirits happening Thursday, Nov. 9, in Manchester, plus coach airfare for two and hotel accommodations for two nights. “We are proud to offer our customers from across the country this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to obtain the full line of Pappy Van Winkle bourbons — perhaps the most sought-after bourbons on the planet,” NHLC Chairman Joseph Mollica said in a press release. “This initiative is indicative of our commitment to offering customers limited, rare and premium products.” Five hundred raffle tickets are available for $100 each now through Oct. 13 at distillersshowcase.com/pappyraffle. • A lesson in chocolate: Explore the world of chocolate during the Chocolate Adventures class at Dancing Lion Chocolate (917 Elm St., Manchester) on Wednesday, Aug. 16, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Master Chocolatier Richard Tango-Lowy will discuss the myths and realities of fine chocolate and teach participants how to properly taste chocolate, sip the Mayan drinking chocolate called xocoatl and grind cacao beans by hand. The cost is $65. Call 625-4043 or visit dancinglion.us/cacao/ baking/class-tasting-chocolate. • Beer at the Tupelo: The Tupelo Music Hall (10 A St., Derry) will host its first-ever beer tasting dinner on Friday, Aug. 11, at 6 p.m., with four courses prepared by the Tupelo Executive Chef Jeannine Carney, paired with beers from 603 Brewery of Londonderry. The first hour will be a reception and mini tasting with 603 Brewery in the lobby, featuring additional brews not 42

Looking for more food and drink fun? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and hipposcout.com. HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 36

Fire on the Mountain Chili Fest Where: Pats Peak Ski Area, 686 Flanders Road, Henniker When: Sunday, Aug. 20, noon to 4:30 p.m. Cost: Admission is $12 for adults, $6 for children age 10 and under, and free for infants and toddlers Visit: chilinewhampshire.org

Fire on the Mountain Chili Fest. Courtesy photo.

ple get very creative with whatever their favorite recipe is,” Zax said. “Some are sweet, some are hot, some have lots of vegetables, and you can wander around and taste all these different ones and get a really different feeling from each one.” Prizes will be awarded to the first-, second- and thirdplace professional and amateur winners chosen by a panel of judges, and to the people’s choice professional and amateur winner determined by attendees’ votes. The top prize is $1000, which will be awarded to the first-place amateur winner chosen by the judges. There will also be awards for the chili makers with the best booth displays. This year’s chili judges will be Rick Broussard, editor of New Hampshire Magazine; Allen Zick, executive chef of The Common Man restaurant family’s special-

ty concepts; and Chef Nicole Barreira of T-Bones and Cactus Jack’s. Judges will score each chili based on its appearance, aroma, creativity with ingredients and presentation, texture, taste and blending of flavors, and aftertaste. Additionally, Pat’s Peak will offer beer and traditional festival foods such as ice cream and barbecue, and the New Hampshire Liquor Commission will be offering spirits samples. Other features will include a car cruise-in, a vendor midway with more than 20 local craft and specialty food vendors, live music RUTH ZAX by Dave Chiasson and The McMurphys and a kid zone with arts and crafts, face painting and games. “It’s a real festival,” Zax said. “Chili is the mainstay, but even if you don’t like chili, we try to provide something for everyone.”

Chili is the mainstay, but even if you don’t like chili, we try to provide something for everyone.

Enter your chili Registration for chili competitors is open now through Saturday, Aug. 12. Anyone age 18 or older is welcome to enter. Individuals may enter in the amateur category, and restaurants and caterers may enter in the professional category. The cost to enter is $15 for amateurs and $25 for professionals. Entry forms can be found at chilinewhampshire.org. Amateurs must make a minimum of four

gallons of chili and professionals must make a minimum of six gallons. Two servers per chili entry are required to attend. Chili must be prepared offsite, transported to the event in provided containers and served from steam trays heated with sterno; electricity for slow cookers will not be available. Setup will begin at 10 a.m. Tables, tasting cups, spoons, a tablecloth and napkins will be provided.

All entrants must attend a mandatory prechili meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 16, at 6:30 p.m., at Pats Peak, where tables will be assigned by lottery, chili containers and access passes will be distributed and general event day details will be discussed. Direct amateur entry questions to Mary Krotzer at mskrotzer@yahoo.com or 5606279. Direct professional entry questions to Steve Neuhoff at steve_n@mcttelecom.com.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 37


Express Lunch Specials

All about the pastries Authentic Italian bakery opens in Concord

For Only $9.99!

Your choice of a soup/salad and one entrée from our Express Lunch Menu

By Angie Sykeny




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Cannolis, tiramisu and biscotti are a few of the things you’ll find at Terrasini Pastry Shop, a new Italian bakery scheduled to open Friday, Aug. 11, inside the Steeplegate Mall in Concord. Owner Domenic Ciolino originally opened the bakery in Laconia, where it operated for two years, but decided earlier this year to relaunch in Concord with an expanded menu. “I noticed that there are restaurants with Italian bakery products, and there’s an Italian bakery that’s open seasonally, but there were no full-time bakeries doing specifically Italian bakery items in the state of New Hampshire,” he said. “I like baking and know all the Italian recipes from baking with my grandmother as a kid … so I thought, ‘What a perfect opportunity.’” The menu features Italian pastries such as Saint Joseph’s Day style zeppole (cream puff pastry with cream and cherry filling and powdered sugar on top), rum baba (bread-like pastry with cream filling and a cherry on top), lobster tail (flaky pastry with cream filling), Napoleon, cannoli and ricotta pie; and Italian cookies including cucidati (vanilla cookie filled with fig), vanilla cookies, Italian butter cookies, pignoli (pine nut cookie), gigilana (round biscotti covered in sesame seeds), and biscotti in almond, vanilla and chocolate espresso. “The cookies are all my grandmother’s recipes. They’re down-to-earth, homemade cookies, not like the fancy cookies you see Terrasini Pastry Shop Address: The Food Court at The Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Contact: 224-7007, terrasinipastryshop.com

Terrasini will offer Italian bakery items. Courtesy photo.

all wrapped up in the grocery store,” Ciolino said. “We don’t have a cookie press; we do everything by hand, so they’re not the prettiest, but they’re certainly delicious.” Traditional cakes like limoncello mascarpone and almond cream are available by the slice, as are whole cakes, custom cakes and wedding cakes. Italian bread and rolls from Sclafani’s Bakery, a Sicilian bakery in Gloucester, Mass., are also available. By next month, the bakery will also introduce a new menu of breakfast and lunch items not previously offered at the Laconia location. Items will include coffee, breakfast pastries and breakfast sandwiches; classic Italian sandwiches like sausagepepper-onion, eggplant Parmesan, chicken Parmesan and meatball sandwiches; Italian wedding soup and a rotating soup of the day and some salads. Even with the expanded cafe-like menu, Ciolino said the desserts and pastries will remain the bakery’s signature. “The sandwiches and other food items will just be extras,” he said. “New Hampshire needs a really good Italian pastry shop, and we’re going to keep ‘pastry shop’ [in the name] and keep that as our main focus.”


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 38


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Food & Drink Beer, wine & liquor dinners • SINATRA WINE PAIRING DINNER Sun., Aug. 13, 3:30 p.m. Fulchino Vineyard, 187 Pine Hill Road, Hollis. $149. Call 438-5984 or visit fulchinovineyard.com. • AN EVENING WITH VINO AND DINO Multi-course meal paired with Fulchino wines and accompanied by the music of Dean Martin. Sun., Aug. 27, 4 to 8 p.m. Fulchino Vineyard, 187 Pine Hill Road, Hollis. $89. Call

438-5984 or visit fulchinovineyard.com. • WINES OF THE WORLD TOUR Each dinner party focuses on a different wine region of the world. Top-picked wines will be paired with five regional-influenced tasting courses. Menu will be local farm-to-table driven. See website for “Tour Schedule.” Third Thurs., 6:15 p.m., Nov. 17 through Oct. 19. Colby Hill Inn , 33 The Oaks St., Henniker. $115 for first class, $95 for additional classes. Registration is required. Call 428-

3281 or visit colbyhillinn.com/ wines-of-the-world-dinners.htm. Beer, wine & liquor festivals & special events • GATE CITY BREWFEST & WING COMPETITION Enjoy craft brews, a wing competition, live music and games. Sat., Aug. 19, from 1 to 5 p.m. Holman Stadium, 67 Amherst St., Nashua. Cost is $25 in advance, $30 day of, $10 for designated drivers or those under 21, free for kids 12 and under. Visit gatecitybrewfestnh.com.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 39


Historical brews

Drink and learn at Beer for History series By Matt Ingersoll


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 40




New Summer Menu!

Three Granite State breweries will join forces with the American Independence Museum in Exeter to showcase craft beer and history, with brews being poured alongside colonial-themed games, historical trivia competitions, museum tours and a tavern “escape room.” This is the second year the museum is hosting the Beer for History series in its own Folsom Tavern, with one event happening in August, one in September and one in October. During each event, one brewery will lead the festivities with themes related to their brews and to Revolutionary Warera history. The first event in the series, featuring Neighborhood Beer Co. in Exeter, is happening Thursday, Aug. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. Additional events are Sept. 14, when the museum will host 7th Settlement Brewery in Dover, and Oct. 12, when Earth Eagle Brewings in Portsmouth will be featured. “We started with the idea that what we wanted to do was base classic German recipes for our beers … and put an Americanized twist on them,” said Salina McIntire, sales and marketing coordinator of Neighborhood Beer Co. “Some of them we don’t necessarily make year-round, but they are fun for these types of events, because we get to highlight a lot of history and culture.” Craft brews the Neighborhood Beer Co. will be pouring at the event include the Boss Flamingo, a German steam beer blended with malt and spicy yeast flavors, and the Obstinate Goat, an ale made with German landrace hops to give it a citrusy flavor. “[The Obstinate Goat] is an American blond ale-style beer,” said Rob Levey, director of advancement for the American Independence Museum. “It has some of the heavier qualities of a bock beer and the lighter qualities of blond beer. … German beers typically have high alcohol content but people are shocked because it tastes so light.”

When: Thursdays, Aug. 17, Sept. 14 and Oct. 12, 6 to 8 p.m. Where: Folsom Tavern, 164 Water St., Exeter Cost: $20 per person, or $55 for all three events in the series. American Independence Museum members receive a $5 discount per event. Visit: independencemuseum.org/ beer-for-history

The Neighborhood Beer Co. in Exeter will be on hand at the Folsom Tavern during the first event in the Beer for History series. Photo by Brian Dalke of Dalke Studios.

Museum Executive Director Emma Bray said the breweries and the museum will also host games, trivia, museum tours and even an “escape room” inside the tavern, which will be the theme of the August event. “The tavern is going to be open for people to walk around through … and there are labels and interpretive panels to talk about the tavern’s history,” Bray said. “Children are welcome as well. There will be a children’s space in the tavern with food and games.” Levey, who came up with the series idea last year, said he wanted to create an event to connect the history of brewing beer with the history of the museum. “Breweries love history and honor their roots … and these events also allow us to honor the roots of our country as well,” he said. “The property [of the museum] is really important, not only to Exeter but to the history of the state as well, because it was actually the capital of New Hampshire during the Revolutionary War. … George Washington also had a beer in one of the rooms in the tavern before he was president, so folks will have the opportunity to see that room.” Multiple breweries attended the same events during last year’s Beer for History series. But this year’s events have been tweaked, Levey said, to give each visiting brewery its own platform to showcase its brews. “By narrowing the focus down to one brewery per festival, it gives the staff a chance to talk about what they brew and how they brew it, and a little more about the business as well,” he said. “It all connects back to the historical aspect of brewing beer.”

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 41

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Unique Pastries

WITH ANDREW LAMSON Andrew Lamson has been cooking for Backyard Brewery & Kitchen (1211 S. Mammoth Road, Manchester, 623-3545, backyardbrewerynh. com), formerly The Yard Restaurant, for 17 years, starting out as a line cook and working his way up to his current position as executive chef. What is your must-have kitchen item? I think it’s a knife. I need it for almost What is your favorite thing on your every aspect of working in the kitchen. menu? I really like the Power Wok’ing. It’s a What would you choose for your last play on our rice bowl with farro, flashmeal? fried vegetables and oriental sauce. Just a lot of junk food, in general. I’d probably hit a McDonald’s [or Burger What is the biggest food trend in New King], get some french fries and a WhopHampshire right now? per, maybe pick up some Doritos. I would say gluten-free. There’s definitely a demand for it at every restaurant. What is your favorite local restaurant? Mangia on Elm Street [in Manchester]. What is your favorite meal to cook at It’s Italian, but it’s more authentic Italian. home? They do a really good job. Simplicity is best. I like pasta aglio e What celebrity would you like to see olio, which is pasta with oil, sauteed garlic, crushed red pepper and a little parsley. eating at your restaurant? Tom Brady. — Angie Sykeny

Pasta Aglio e Olio From the kitchen of Andrew Lamson

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 42


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1 pound bucatini pasta ½ cup olive oil 12 garlic cloves, shaved ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes ½ cup minced parsley Shaved Parmesan for finishing

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In a large pot boiling water cook bucatini pasta to directions on the package. Heat olive oil over medium heat, then add garlic until it begins to brown being careful not to burn or overcook. Add crushed red pepper flakes, parsley and a pinch of salt. Then carefully add in the drained pasta and mix in well so the pasta can get coated so the aromas for the garlic can infuse. Plate pasta and top with shaved Parmesan cheese.


included in the dinner and otherwise only available at the brewery. The Tupelo’s bar will also be open throughout the event. Dinner in the main theater will consist of goat cheese arancini paired with Winni Amber Ale; crispy pork belly paired with 18 Mile Rye Pale Ale; juniper roasted chicken breast paired with Mosaic Saison, and a dark chocolate stout cake paired with Bourbon Barrel Stout. Tickets cost $55. Call 437-5100 or visit tupelomusichall.com. You can see the full story at hippopress.com (click on “past issues” and you’ll find it on p. 36 of the Aug. 3 edition).

• French cooking: The Culinary Playground (16 Manning St., Derry) will host a French bistro couples cooking class on Friday, Aug. 25, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. With instruction from a cooking expert, couples will make their own meal from start to finish that will include mixed green salad with pear, baked goat cheese and red wine vinaigrette; stuffed pork tenderloin with riesling sauce and Dijon roasted potatoes. The cost is $155 per couple, and space fills up fast. BYOB is welcome; bring plastic containers for leftovers. Call 339-1664 or visit culinary-playground.com.




Ideas from off the shelf

Sloppy Joes When I first came across this recipe, I immediately thought, “Who would need a recipe for sloppy Joes?” Then I realized the only sloppy Joes I’ve ever made have come from a can. Now while that is the ultimate pantry-friendly recipe, this one is also relatively easy and convenient. It was heavy on pantry ingredients, and came together in about 20 minutes — the recipe for a perfect weeknight meal. There’s something about me that not many people can even begin to comprehend: I hate ketchup. I have a visceral reaction to the stuff. If I even get a whiff of it, I’m close to panicking. If I somehow get some on my plate or heaven forbid a french fry, I’ll have a meltdown. So, when I saw that this recipe called for one-half cup of ketchup, I nearly kept looking for a different dinner idea. But then I remembered I love sloppy Joes and needed to be an adult (in hindsight, two unrelated things), and decided to try my hand at this recipe. I substituted ground turkey for ground beef, but otherwise followed the recipe precisely — I wasn’t taking any chances with something that called for ketchup. One of my favorite things about sloppy Joes is the dynamic flavor. Every bite is a little sweet, a little sour and has a tang to it that you can’t quite identify. Having

grown up eating sloppy Joes made from a can, I wasn’t sure if I could expect the same flavors, but my first bite of this sandwich was delightful. The sloppy Joe packed all the familiar flavors, but elevated; I would argue that’s because the sauce hadn’t been sitting in a can for an unknown amount of time. Even my husband, who is not normally a fan of sloppy Joes, went back for seconds. The finished product just tasted fresher, but still had that sweet-sour-tangy flavor I associate with the sandwich. Served with a side of broccoli and french fries, this sandwich was surprisingly simple to make, which helped ease the stress of the normal dinner-bath-books-bedtime routine in my house. Plus, it didn’t require me to make a store run. With just a handful of ingredients, such as Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar and apple cider vinegar, you can throw this together in a pinch. And, if you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could easily make a large batch and keep it warm in a slow cooker for your end-of-summer or back-to-school cookouts that are creeping ever closer. — Lauren Mifsud

Sloppy Joes Recipe adapted from Delish

Hamburger buns and red onion (optional) for serving

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 pound ground turkey (or beef) 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup tomato sauce ½ cup ketchup 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Salt and pepper to taste

In a large skillet, heat oil and add onion and pepper. Sauté until tender, about 1 minute. Stir in the garlic and tomato paste, cooking until fragrant, about an additional minute. Add ground turkey or beef and cook through, about 5 or 6 minutes. Add Worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce, ketchup, brown sugar and cider vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste, reduce heat and let simmer until sauce is thickened, about 15 minutes.

Chef events/special meals • BRUNCH & BUBBLES Monthly farm-to-table brunch featuring fresh ham, eggs, pulled pork, a mac and cheese bar, fresh pastries and fruit, quiches, frittatas and more, plus complimentary Sparkling Cayuga with a make-your-own mimosa bar. Sun., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 25, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 24 and Oct. 22. Flag Hill Winery & Distillery, 297 N. River Road, Lee. $42.

Reservations are required. Call 659-2949 or visit flaghill.com. Classes/workshops • HARVEST BOUNTY Part of the Winemaker’s Kitchen Cooking Class Series. Learn how to use the harvest bounty to create easy and memorable meals. Wed., Aug. 16, 6 to 7:30 p.m. LaBelle Winery, 345 Route 101, Amherst. $25. Call 672-9898 or visit labellewineryevents.com.

• CHOCOLATE ADVENTURES Master Chocolatier Richard Tango-Lowy will discuss the myths and realities of fine chocolate and teach participants how to properly taste chocolate, sip the Mayan drinking chocolate called Xocoatl and grind cacao beans by hand. Wed., Aug. 16, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dancing Lion Chocolate, 917 Elm St. , Manchester. $65. Call 625-4043 or visit dancinglion.us.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 43


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 44

I had started to ask Wade Ward, owner and brewer at Third Colony Brewery, some questions, but he wanted to talk about the logo. “Let’s start at the top,” he said. If I’m being honest, and I am, the logo was not exactly something I had planned on discussing. But that discussion was definitely worth it. Piece by piece, Ward broke down the logo, which depicts the colonial flag adorning the silhouette of an eagle. He started with the eagle, which represents Ward’s military lineage — he’s a disabled veteran and he traced his family’s military ties back to the Civil War, finding just four generations of his family without military service. In 2012, Ward’s son was injured in a roadside IED incident while serving overseas. The logo’s colonial flag is distressed, representing the scars and tribulations “we all carry,” Ward said. The image of the grain barrel “ties it all together,” symbolizing New Hampshire’s agricultural history. Finally, New Hampshire was the third colony to form. Clearly, Third Colony isn’t just about brewing. It’s a platform for Ward’s philosophy and that philosophy is about creating local relationships, just like in colonial times. (No disrespect to colonial brewers, but I think Ward might have a leg up on them.) For his Belgian Ale, his bestseller, he sources wildflower honey from Acadia Farms in Bedford. For his Cranberry Blonde, he sources cranberries from a fourth-generation, family-owned cranberry bog in Carver, Mass. “I’m building a brand that takes it all back to our artisanal roots,” Ward said. “Even the wood [for the bar] is sourced from local sawmills. … In the colonial days, everyone relied on each other and helped each other out.”

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Ward is serious about flavor. But he is approaching his beers a bit differently than the established craft beer norm. “I’m making full-flavored beers and I’m not masking those flavors with hops,” Ward said. “I want you to taste the flavors.” Hop enthusiasts can relax; Ward is hardly anti-hops. In fact, he loves hoppy beers. Ward says he isn’t cutting back on hops. In contrast, though, Ward says he is “pushing the malt forward,” which cuts back on the harsh bitterness. The end results are balanced, flavorful and consistent beers. “You’re not just drinking a glass of hops,” he said. While he personally loves IPAs, Ward said he wanted to offer a variety of beers, rath-

Courtesy photo.

er than a handful of IPAs and a couple other styles. Brewing with a three-barrel system, his current tap list includes a Cranberry Blonde, Belgian Ale, Blueberry Blonde, Double IPA, Nut Brown, and a Maple Porter (brewed with locally sourced maple syrup — obviously). Ward suggests the “Nutty Maple,” a blackand-tan-esque mix of the Nut Brown and the Maple Porter. (That sounds like it would be pretty close to perfection on a cool fall afternoon.) Third Colony beers are available at about 25 establishments in New Hampshire. Mark your calendars: Ward plans to release a triple IPA and a “Scotch strong ale” during Derry After Dark (derryafterdark.com) Sept. 16. The cozy taproom, which features 12 barstools and a rustic, pine bar Ward made himself, has one rule: “You have to have a beer in your hand in order to take the tour,” Ward laughs. Jeff Mucciarone is a senior account executive with Montagne Communications, where he provides communications support to the New Hampshire wine and spirits industry. Third Colony Brewery Where: 726 E. Industrial Park Drive, Unit 2, Manchester Taproom Hours: Friday 4:30–8:30 p.m., Saturday 1:30–8:30 p.m. Contact: 603-809-6142; thirdcolony.net What’s in My Fridge Jack’s Abby Spill the Tea India Pale Lager: Brewed with green tea and citrus peel, this is a collaborative effort between Jack Abby’s in Framingham, Mass., and Finback Brewery in New York. I had seen this beer a few times and I was admittedly a little hesitant about the whole green tea in my beer thing, but I got over it. This is delicious. It pours hazy and has a unique fruitiness (could it be the green tea?) that is particularly pleasing. Enjoy!

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108310 HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 45

Index CDs


• Slow Coyote, Slow


MUSIC, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS, MOVIES, DVDS, TV AND MORE Slow Coyote, Slow Coyote (self-released)

and other literary events.

An enterprising rawk trio from Portsmouth who are starting to rack up radio play and things like that. This is their official debut LP, a nine-songer that begins with “We Could Talk a Lot,” made of a half-plugged country-grunge guitar line that evokes a pretty drunk seacoast-abilly busking near one of those laughably expensive coffee joints, except better than that, a Mumfords undertone lending it an air of invincibility. Eventually, front guy Lucas Heyoka’s voice gets more and more bold, throwing in a Muse-style inflection to the ends of his lines that’s obvious but not hopelessly so. Things get better from there, if by “better” you mean “like Pavement, but with a Melvins guitar sound and a freestyle axe solo,” a bunch of ingredients I’d never advise mixing but which work, in an endlessly annoying way. “The Show” is a wounded, howling, emo-ish blues-metal train wreck, which is awesome of course — if this is a bunch of my old bandmates punking me I wouldn’t be surprised, but by the same token I’m sure a newer band could be this great by sounding this lousy. A — Eric W. Saeger

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Unless I’m reading the liner notes upside-down (or I’m being punked), I found out two things about this release. One, it’s released by New Hampshire-based darkwave/industrial label runner Otto Kinzel, and two, there’s a fictional backstory that comes from a cassette release that was “discovered” in the mid-’90s. Oh, and three, it doesn’t suck, even if I’d like to say it does, being as how the Dropbox package is a random mishmash of audio files and unidentified photos from the dude who discovered the cassette and freaked out listening to it while driving around, apparently because it’s possessed by a witch or whatnot, which, well, who knows. For me, deciphering this nonsense was like navigating the dark web trying to find Slenderman (or some credit card numbers, whichever might show up first) without a Tor browser — suffice to say you should listen at your own risk. OK, this review is already stupid, but never mind me — the upshot is that you’ll hear Sunn(((O))) bliss-noise in most of these songs, aside from the Borisish fractal departure in “Liturgy” and a guitar arpeggio in “Retreat to Light.” A- — Eric W. Saeger

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 46

• I’m not really sure what you’re supposed to be thinking these days with regard to snap-pop diva Kesha. She started her bubblegum-tramp nonsense as a more irritating version of Britney, but then, come to find out, she was getting totally rooked by her sleazy manager, and also she supposedly wrote her own songs (that’s the part nobody believes). But all that stuff happened before Trump, so it’s automatically been forgotten by everyone, and now all we really know is that she’s an annoying Britney person again. I guess? What’s this new album of hers, the one that’s coming out Aug. 11, titled Rainbow, what’s this about? Will it be annoying? Has she repented and decided to make music that isn’t for twerking grade-schoolers? What hellish nonsense will YouTube present to me, in the video for “Praying,” the new single? Here we are, OK this is weird, sort of like a sad Beyonce-meets-Pink ballad, some lyrical platitudes about rising up after whatever, some tribulations — wow, that was a high note she just sang. Eh, she’s trying to be Lorde or Adele. Who isn’t. • You probably became familiar with Providence, Rhode Island, punk rock band Downtown Boys after seeing the viral YouTube video of their tuba player quitting his stupid hotel job in grand fashion, with a full band performing all sorts of “hijinks” to make sure the guy never works again. That’s nice and all, but who are these guys again? They’ve only been making records since 2012, which is nice, and they have a girl singer, but they’re not X-Ray Spex, so why should I, a well-seasoned critic who’s won awards, care? But I listened to the second single from their upcoming new Cost Of Living album, “Lips That Bite,” and it’s quite decent and actually does sound a lot like 1980s punk. Ha ha, there’s even a messy honking saxophone. They rule. • Huh. I didn’t do this on purpose, but David Rawlings is also from Rhode Island. Unlike Downtown Boys, though, he’s a bluegrass singer, hawking his third solo record, Poor David’s Almanack, due out Aug. 11. The single, “The Weekend,” features Rawlings and his constant collaborator, Gillian Welch, dabbling in sleepy Conor Oberst-style mid-tempo soft-rock. Nothing special, might have been big during the ’70s, if that tickles your fancy. • Frankie Rose’s fourth LP, Cage Tropical, is on its way. She was in a few bands before, such as Dum Dum Girls and Crystal Stilts. The leadoff single “Trouble” exhibits all the traits that made this girl a Pitchfork favorite, not that that’s bad in this case. Weird fractals, Postal Service synth-cheese, floaty geek-girl vocals — I can deal with it, sure. — Eric W. Saeger

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Rail trail expert

Martin on new edition of New Hampshire Rail Trails By Kelly Sennott


Charles F. Martin knows more about New Hampshire rail trails than anyone else in the state, thanks to the research required to write his 2008 book, New Hampshire Rail Trails. For years, it was the source for Granite State rail trails, detailing how to access them, what they look like and their past lives as railroads. But it wasn’t long before the trails changed, extending farther and seeing surface improvements with crushed gravel or pavement. Martin, who lived in New London for years, tried to keep up. He published an eBook with new information, but readers disliked that you still needed the first edition. So he bit the bullet and wrote New Hampshire Rail Trails, 2nd Edition, published by Branch Line Press last fall, an updated look at the state’s large network complete with 133 maps and more than 180 photos. Research involved re-visiting all the trails on his bike and checking in with rail trail organizations and historical societies. “Probably the biggest thing is there’s been a movement to connect town trails into regional trails,” Martin said via phone. “The regional trail that’s the most important is called the Granite State Rail Trail, which will go from Lebanon all the way down to the Mass. border in Salem, and a little bit further on.” Martin and his wife have since moved to Colorado to be close to their children, but they’re back in the Granite State this fall. While here, Martin plans on conducting some long overdue promotion work for the latest title, which includes at stop at MainStreet BookEnds in Warner Saturday, Aug. 12, at 1 p.m., with fellow rail trail aficionado Tim Blagden. As an avid biker and history- and naturelover, it’s natural that Martin loves rail trails so much and wanted to be part of their development. Years ago, he joined the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail, which overlooks the line traveling from Boscawen to Lebanon. Then he began exploring others. “I thought I could have a lot more impact statewide than I could on just this one trail, so I started doing research for the first edition of the book. Of course, like any other book, it took a lot more effort than I ever thought it would, but it also got me in contact with the other trail groups,” he said. “With-

out sounding brash, I’d say it’s the source for New Hampshire rail trails. Of course, that’s a very limited field; nobody else has put in the kind of effort that I have to survey the entire state.” Some of the trails that needed updates in this new edition include those in Keene, where there are now two major bridges connecting trails; those in Goffstown, which now connect with Manchester’s trails thanks to the new bridge crossing the Piscataquog River; and those in Laconia, which lengthened to twice their size. He also mentioned trails in the southern tier of the Granite State Rail Trail (Windham, Derry, Salem, Londonderry) and the one close to his old home. “When the first edition of the book came out, the Northern Rail Trail in Merrimack County only had a few miles. Now, when you take [the trails within] Merrimack County and Grafton County, [the Northern Rail Trail] stretches 58 miles,” Martin said. The book also goes in depth looking at historical trail artifacts, from tumbling-down factories to tell-tales, some of which still exist in New Hampshire. Tell-tales, which look like dangling metal rods hanging from telephone poles, trace back to when trains needed workers to manually set each car’s braking system, forcing men to hop from car to car. The noise of the train hitting the tell-tales would alert that a bridge or obstacle was approaching, and that workers should move out of the way. Martin said he hopes the book gets more people on the trails, or at the very least, lets people know they exist. “Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts have some excellent rail trails, but I think one of the things about New Hampshire that’s unique is just the density. Wherever you live in New Hampshire, there’s going to be a rail trail fairly close to you,” Martin said. “They’re kind of like linear parks. They’re not doing people any good if they don’t know about them and use them. I’m not the only one pushing people to use these trails.”

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Charles Martin at MainStreet BookEnds Where: MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner When: Saturday, Aug. 12, at 1 p.m. Contact: mainstreebookends.com, 456-2700 More on the book: branchlinepress.com

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 47


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You’ve got brilliant scientists. You’ve got genetic engineering. You’ve got the real-life version of Jurassic Park, only with creatures more majestic than terrifying. Throw in the fact that a movie is already in the works, and that the author wrote the book that became The Social Network, the 2010 movie about the founding of Facebook that won three Academy Awards. So how do you make Ben Mezrich’s Woolly something bordering on boring? First, by making the woolly mammoth a supporting actor, not the star. Woolly is not so much a book about the quest to bring back the woolly mammoth, the hairy behemoth that has been extinct for 10,000 years, as it is a love letter to Dr. George Church, the renowned Harvard geneticist at the forefront of the effort. Mezrich opens every new section from the book with not one but two or three quotations from Church, which seems bizarrely sycophantic and also makes you wonder why he chose these particular quotes. Church, a founder of the Human Genome Project, may be the smartest man strolling the streets of Cambridge, but you wouldn’t know it from some of these lines, such as, “You can’t just hoard your ideas inside the ivory tower. You have to get them out into the world.” My theory is that Mezrich wanted to write a biography of Church, but an editor said it would never sell unless he threw a six-ton muppet into the mix. So instead of Church: The True Story of the Genius Who is Going to Revive One of History’s Most Iconic Extinct Creatures, we got Woolly. Church does deserve a biography, and will get it one of these days. The second problem with Woolly is that Mezrich makes the reader work so hard to get at the story. Those of us who are eager to know the story promised in the subtitle would like to read that fascinating tale in a linear fashion, point A to point Z. Instead, Mezrich employs a narrative style that doubtless helped him sell the movie rights but does nothing to help the reader. It’s the literary equivalent of cracking pistachios: so much work for the meat. We must endure quasi-fictional asides, such as an opening in which an imagined woolly mammoth calf faces a row of men holding spears, and an entire chapter about the grad student the lab hired to bring freshly delivered elephant placenta to Harvard. This is not to say that the reason the scientists needed elephant placenta isn’t interesting, but we don’t need to know that

the guy who delivered it used to drive an ice-cream truck and that he hopefully buys drinks for flight attendants at airport bars. The effort to bring woolly mammoths back — or, more correctly, as Mezrich notes, the effort to create woolly mammoths, because scientists are no longer reading DNA but writing it — is riveting stuff. It is cutting-edge science with life-altering implications and ethical conundrums. The science involved is far more important to our lives than most of what passes for news on the nightly cable shows. Which is why it seems diminished by this particular manner of presentation, with made-up dialogue and a tone that borders on deferential, not only to Church, the god-hero, but also to woolly mammoths, which are capitalized throughout like some tusked deity. Only occasionally does Mezrich hint, through the questions of the “revivalists” (a term ironically pregnant with religious meaning), that perhaps it’s worth spending a little more time and ink pondering who is really served if de-extinction becomes real. The cover art, which shows the shadow of a woolly mammoth with a city skyline in the background, is cool but deceptive. Humans have yet to learn to live with deer peaceably; it’s hard to imagine mammoths politely keeping to the outskirts of Concord or Manchester. The good things: Mezrich does a decent job at explaining the complex machinations of what’s come to be known as “de-extinction,” the process by which scientists hope to fuse ancient and modern DNA, using a single, intact nucleus recovered from a mammoth entombed in ice, CRISPR gene-editing technology and elephant cells provided by Ringling Brothers. The tale contains many interesting asides, including the story of a Russian scientist who believes he can head off catastrophic global warming by re-introducing herds of animals to the Siberian tundra. (That is surely the holy grail of grant proposals: Please fund this research because woolly mammoths in a petri dish will stave off human extinction.) But recent news that scientists have edited the DNA of embryos to successfully erase a type of heart defect makes creating a woolly mammoth seem more like a sideshow or a cool science-fair project, like a bakingsoda volcano. Science is moving faster than the capacity of the average person to understand it. Books like this are needed to help us make sense of a world soon to be populated with woolly mammoths and designer babies. It’s disappointing (tusk, tusk) that this one wasn’t more engaging; let’s hope the movie is better, and that it arrives before the first woolly mammoth does. C — Jennifer Graham


Books Author Events • JOSEPH ROBERTIA Author talks about Life With Forty Dogs: Misadventures with Runts, Rejects, Retirees and Rescues. Wed., Aug. 9, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore. com. Email gibsons@gibsonsbookstore.com. Call 224-0562. • ADI RULE Author presentation part of the library’s author series. Author of The Hidden Twin and Strange Sweet Song. Wed., Aug. 9, at 6:30 p.m. Griffin Free Library, 22 Hooksett Road, Auburn. Call 483-5374 or visit griffinfree.com. • NICHOLAS REYNOLDS Author talks about Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway’s Secret Adventures, 19351961. Thurs., Aug. 10, at 7 p.m. Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. $42. Includes reserved seat, book copy, bar

beverage, book signing meetand-greet. Visit themusichall.org. • CHARLES MARTIN Author talks about New Hampshire Rail Trails. Sat., Aug. 12, at 1 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Call 456-2700 or visit mainstreetbookends.com. • JEFFREY ZYGMONT Author talks about More White Mountain Poems. Sun., Aug. 13, at 2 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Visit mainstreetbookends.com. • PAUL DOIRON & KRISTEN LINDQUIST Part of Tory Hill Authors Series. Final event featuring husband-wife team of writers. Sat., Aug. 19, at 7 p.m. Warner Town Hall, 16 E. Main St., Warner. $10. Visit toryhillauthorsseries.com. • KARIN SLAUGHTER Author talks about The Good Daughter. In conversation with Lisa Gardner. Wed., Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress

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• White Mountain inspiration: Jeffrey Zygmont celebrates his second poetry collection, More White Mountain Poems — a companion to his 2014 White Mountain Poems — Sunday, Aug. 13, at 2 p.m. with a wine and cheesecake launch party at MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. The poems celebrate the state’s mountainous beauty and explore the relationship between people and the natural world. They’re paired with photos by A. Garrett Evans, Ed Harrigan, Jim Salge and Jeff Sinon. At the event, Zygmont will talk about the role nature plays in artistic inspiration. Visit mainstreetbookends.com or call 456-2700. • For your poetry fix: Barbara Bald and Len Krisak are the featured readers at the Poetry Society of NH’s next meet-up at Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord, Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 7 p.m. Bald is a retired teacher, education consultant and freelance writer and has had poems published in many anthologies, while Krisak is a book translator and recipient of the Robert Penn Warren, Richard Wilbur and Robert Frost prizes and a four-time Jeopardy! champion. After the reading is an open mike. All are welcome. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com or call 224-0562. • Take a webinar: The New Hampshire Writers’ Project hosts a webinar Monday, Aug. 21, from 7 to 8 p.m. called “Clever as a Cat and Working Like a Dog: How to Create a Stir Before Your Book’s Launch” with Ann Garvin. The webinars are new additions to the nonprofit organization’s offerings and work kind of like video conference calls, where all participants take part on their computer or cell phones. Tuition is $25. Visit nhwritersproject.org/content/nhwp-workshops. — Kelly Sennott





Book Report

St., Portsmouth. $42. Visit themusichall.org. • DONALD MAHLER Author talks about Breathe Easy: Relieving the Symptoms of Chronic Lung Disease. Wed., Aug. 23, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com. • LAURA PIAZZI Author talks about Recipes for Repair: A 10-Week Program to Combat Chronic Inflammation and Identify Food Sensivities. Wed., Aug. 23, at 6:30 p.m. Derry Public Library, 64 E. Broadway, Derry. Visit derrypl.org. • MATT FORREST ESENWINE Author talks about Flashlight Night. Sun., Sept. 10, at 2 p.m. MainStreet BookEnds, 16 E. Main St., Warner. Call 456-2700 or visit mainstreetbookends.com. • SHARON DUNN Author talks about Under a Dark Eye: A Family Story. Wed., Sept. 13, at 5:30 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com or call 224-0562. • ANN HOOD Author discusses Morningstar: Growing Up with Books. Thurs., Sept. 14, 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. Free. Call 2240562 or visit gibsonsbookstore. com. • JOYCE MAYNARD Author talks about The Best of Us: A Memoir. Thurs., Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com. • SY MONTGOMERY & ELIZABETH MARSHALL THOMAS Authors talk about Tamed and Untamed: Close Encounters of the Animal Kind. Sat., Oct. 14, at 2 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Call 224-0562. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com. • ARCHER MAYOR Author talks about Trace. Sat., Oct. 21, at 3 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Visit gibsonsbookstore.com. Call 224-0562.

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 49


Detroit (R)

A group of young adults, most of whom are African Americans, are held hostage by city police at a motel in Detroit, an imperfect but interesting look at a true story from the 1967 Detroit riots.

A mass arrest at an illegal bar, witnessed by a crowd fed up with the aggressive tactics of the police, leads to riots, arson and looting in Detroit in July 1967. We see footage explaining that state police and National Guard are sent in and we see police arresting people by the dozens and some beating people on the street. We meet the men whose lives will collide at the Algiers Motel on the night of July 25, 1967, the third day of the riots. Melvin Dismukes (John Boyega) is a security guard called in to protect a grocery store. We see him bring coffee to the National Guard soldiers who show up across the street and, earlier, get a kid on the street out of trouble with a police officer by pretending the kid is his nephew. He seems to have a genuine desire to protect people and knows that often means finding a way to keep a situation with tightly wound white police officers from escalating. White police officers such as Philip Krauss (Will Poulter). Early in the movie, we see Krauss remorselessly shoot a man he thinks is looting in the back. Later, when the National Guard hears what they think is sniper fire, Krauss, along with officers Demens (Jack Reynor) and Flynn (Ben O’Toole), heads over to the Algiers, where they think the shots have come from. The pistol fired in their direction is actually a starter gun — all noise, no bullets. Larry Reed (Algee Smith) and Fred Temple (Jacob Latimore) have the bad luck of being at the hotel. Larry is the lead singer in the band The Dramatics, which Fred manages. The group was about to go on stage when the show was shut down due to riots. The group left the theater and Larry and Fred, separated from the others, sought shelter at the Algiers motel. There, they briefly hung out with Carl Cooper (Jason Mitchell), the man with the starter pistol, and Julie (Hannah Murray) and Karen (Kaitlyn Dever), two young white women staying at the hotel. (Note: I wasn’t entirely certain how old everybody in the movie was supposed to be but the Wikipedia page on the real-life event says that many of the people staying at this building of the motel were in their late teens. Also, for those curious about fact-checking, text at the end of the movie suggests that while this is based on a true story, not every element is lifted directly from some triple-sourced definitive report; Slate, among others, recently had a piece explaining some of the “fact versus fiction versus nobody really knows” elements.) City and state police, National Guard and, for some reason, Dismukes storm the annex

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 50


building of the motel searching for a shooter, an action that leads to one initial death and two more deaths of patrons as the night wears on. Somehow Krauss, who even other police officers seem to consider a loose cannon and a racist, winds up in charge of the situation, rounding up all the people staying in the building, including Greene (Anthony Mackie), a soldier recently returned from Vietnam. When an initial search for the gun turns up nothing, Krauss begins physically and psychologically torturing the motel guests. He takes some men individually into rooms and threatens to kill them, firing a shot to make the group outside think the man is dead. Some get beatings. The women are berated for associating with black men and are also physically assaulted. Dismukes seems to try to be a calming presence. He pulls one young man aside when it appears that Krauss might be about to kill him and tells the man he just wants him to survive the night. Both Dismukes and a National Guardsman named Roberts (Austin Hebert) are increasingly horrified by what they see Krauss do but seem unable to intervene directly. Dismukes, an armed African-American, is also potentially at risk from a trigger-happy police officer (at least, I think this is what the movie’s position on Dismukes is). Roberts and officers from other agencies fear getting tangled up in a bad situation that is not strictly their jurisdiction. The result is that as the situation gets more dangerous and out of control, no one is able or willing to stop Krauss. Detroit starts strong, setting its scene of a city in turmoil and a community that has literally been occupied by an army. The blend of movie and archival footage and photos helps to put you there, in the moment. We understand, when events at the Algiers begin, what the environment is and why that is important to how everybody reacts. But about halfway through the night at the motel, as you’d expect the movie to get tighter and more zoomed in on the specific incident and characters, it starts to lose its focus. It feels like it takes step back from the action, as if it is watching it from behind a glass. This would actually fit if we were

watching events unfold from the perspective of Dismukes, horrified but prevented from acting, but the story doesn’t actually track this way. The movie goes omniscient (or maybe just scattered) just as a personal viewpoint would have made for a stronger story. Detroit has some strong performances: Boyega, Mackie and Smith stand out as actors who had the right mix of skill and opportunity to give their characters a little depth. But about some characters we get very little information, including Aubrey Pollard (Nathan Davis Jr.), one of the young men at the motel who doesn’t survive the night. And in the movie’s final chunk, the aftermath of the Algiers is depicted in very broad strokes. This is one case where the movie and its flaws feel secondary to the examination of the incident it portrays. The issues this movie examines are far more complex and important than the movie itself (probably, in fairness, than most movies have the ability to be): What has changed and what hasn’t when it comes to racism in American — in housing, law enforcement and the justice system. On this score (basically, presenting these issues) the movie succeeds. For what it discusses more than how it approaches it, Detroit is worth a watch. B Rated R for strong violence and pervasive language. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow with a screenplay by Mark Boal, Detroit is two hours and 23 minutes long and is distributed by Annapurna Pictures.

The Dark Tower (PG-13)

Idris Elba is a delightfully grizzled gunslinger in the otherwise lackluster The Dark Tower, a movie that, like a losing pastry on The Great British Baking Show, feels half-raw, lacking in flavor and, hmm, how do I work in a “soggy bottom” joke?

Jake Chambers (Tom Taylor) wakes up scared by his terrible dreams: of a strange desert world, of a Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey, hamming it up with a bit of Al Pacino-ish glee), of a gunslinger named Roland (Elba), of imprisoned children who are tortured in an attempt to use their power to knock down

a tower, of clouds of fire over New York City. Just nightmares? That’s what his mom (Katheryn Winnick) and others in his life think, but real-world earthquakes seem to follow some of these odd dreams. And, when his stepfather (Nicholas Pauling) tries to send him to a clinic to deal with his emotional issues, Jake runs away, identifying the counselors who come to get him as the strange, ill-fitting-skin-wearing people he’s seen in his sleep. He runs to an abandoned house, also something he’s seen in his dreams. The house turns out to be a sort of transportation hub, helping him open a portal to the Old-West-ish world from his dreams. After arriving, he finds the gunslinger. Ultimately, Jake wants the gunslinger to help him stop the destruction of the tower, which, as we’re told, protects various worlds (Earth, the desert world, others) from the darkness and dangers lurking outside some kind of protective invisible fence. The gunslinger wants to use Jake’s psychic powers to find the Man in Black and kill him — revenge for the gunslinger’s killing Roland’s father. I never read the Stephen King books on which this is based but I can see that there is an interesting story here: the devil dressed as Johnny Cash, alternate worlds, a gunslinger who looks hot in a long leather coat. Mostly that last one; the awesomeness of Idris Elba comes through even in this weak stew of fantasy bits and legend-y offal. Wow, I thought while he was mid-fight scene, he really would be a good Bond. Or Bourne. He has the gravitas to fill in implied backstory and add emotional heft even to a movie that doesn’t give him much. Elba is highly watchable, even when he’s in the middle of a lazily staged fight or spouting some very iffy dialogue. The rest of the movie, not really. Look, I am as happy as anyone that this movie is only 95 minutes. An extra 30 minutes has never turned a terrible movie great. But this movie needed more detail and texture to its world-building — the worn-out world of the gunslinger, the whole concept of multiple worlds, whatever the heck this tower is. Instead of creating a new universe, this movie felt like it was serving up reheated chunks of The Lord of the Rings, lumps of The NeverEnding Story and plops of Cowboys & Aliens (or is it more John Carter?). The Dark Tower is hardly the floppiest flop of this summer’s movies — in fact, it doesn’t really feel like much of a movie at all. It feels more like a rough outline of a movie, with all the details and elements that make you care about the characters and their journey yet to be filled in. CRated PG-13 for thematic material including sequences of gun violence and action. Directed by Nikolaj Arcel with a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman & Jeff Pinkner and Anders Thomas Jensen & Nikolaj Arcel (based on the novels by Stephen King), The Dark Tower is a brisk hour and 35 minutes long and is distributed by Columbia Pictures.


WILTON TOWN HALL THEATRE O’Neil Cinema 12 Apple Tree Mall, Londonderry, 434-8633 Regal Concord 282 Loudon Road, Concord, 226-3800 Regal Hooksett 8 100 Technology Drive, Hooksett Showcase Cinemas Lowell 32 Reiss Ave., Lowell, Mass., 978-551-0055

MOVIES OUTSIDE THE CINEPLEX RED RIVER THEATRES 11 S. Main St., Concord, 2244600, redrivertheatres.org • Maudie (PG-13, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 2:05 & 7:50 p.m.; Fri., Aug. 11, 12:40 & 8:10 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 12, 12:40 & 8:10 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 13, 12:40 p.m.; Mon., Aug. 14, Tues., Aug. 15, 2:05 & 7:50 p.m.; Wed., Aug. 16, 2:05 p.m.; Thurs., Aug. 17, 2:05 & 7:50 p.m. • The Big Sick (R, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 5:25 p.m.; Fri., Aug. 11, 3:10 & 5:40 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 12, 3:10 & 5:40 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 13, 3:10 & 5:40 p.m.; Mon., Aug. 14, 5:25 p.m.; Tues., Aug. 15, 5:35 p.m.; Thurs., Aug. 17, 5:25 p.m. • An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (PG, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 2, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m.; Fri., Aug. 11, 12:45, 3, 5:15 & 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 12, 12:45, 3, 5:15 & 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 13, 12:45, 3 & 5:15 p.m.; Mon., Aug. 14, 2, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m.; Tues., Aug. 15, 2, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m.; Wed., Aug. 16, 2, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m.; Thurs., Aug. 17, 2, 5:30 & 7:45 p.m. • Landline (R, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 2:10, 5:35 & 7:35 p.m.; Fri., Aug. 11, 1:30, 3:40, 5:50 & 8 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 12, 1:30, 3:40, 5:50 & 8 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 13, 1:30, 3:40 & 5:50; Mon., Aug. 14, 2:10 & 7:35 p.m.; Tues., Aug. 15, 2:10, 5:35 & 7:35 p.m.; Wed., Aug. 16, 2:10, 5:35 & 7:35 p.m.; Thurs., Aug. 17, 2:10, 5:35 & 7:35 p.m.

• Where the Sidewalk Ends (NR, 1950) Sat., Aug. 12, 4:30 p.m.

WILTON TOWN HALL 40 Main St., Wilton, 654-3456, wiltontownhalltheatre.com • The Beguiled (R, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 7:30 p.m. • Lady Macbeth (R, 2016) Thurs., Aug. 10, 7:30 p.m. • Lost in Paris (2017) Fri., Aug. 11, through Thurs., Aug. 17, 7:30 p.m.; additional screening Sun., Aug. 13, 2 & 4:30 p.m. • Wonder Woman (PG-13, 2017) Fri., Aug. 11, through Thurs., Aug. 17, 7:30 p.m.; additional screening Sun., Aug. 13, 2 p.m.

CINEMAGIC STADIUM 10 2454 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, 319-8788, cinemagicmovies.com • DCI 2017: Big, Loud & Live 14 (NR) Thurs., Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. • Batman and Harley Quinn (PG-13, 2017) Mon., Aug. 14, 7:30 p.m. • Bonnie and Clyde (R, 1967) Wed., Aug. 16, 2 p.m. • RiffTrax Live: Doctor Who -The Five Doctors Thurs., Aug. 17, 8 p.m.

VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK 889 Elm St., Manchester, intownmanchester.com • Trolls (PG, 2016) Thurs., Aug. 17, 7 p.m. MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY 405 Pine St., Manchester, 6246550, manchester.lib.nh.us; some films at the West Branch, 76 Main St., Manchester, 624-6560 • Pete’s Dragon (PG, 2016) Wed., Aug. 16, 1 p.m. CINEMAGIC 1226 Hooksett Road, Hooksett, 644-4629, cinemagicmovies.com • DCI 2017: Big, Loud & Live 14 (NR) Thurs., Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. • Batman and Harley Quinn (PG-13, 2017) Mon., Aug. 14, 7:30 p.m. • Bonnie and Clyde (R, 1967) Wed., Aug. 16, 7 p.m. • RiffTrax Live: Doctor Who -The Five Doctors Thurs., Aug. 17, 8 p.m. CINEMAGIC 11 Executive Park Drive, Merrimack, 423-0240, cinemagicmovies.com • DCI 2017: Big, Loud & Live 14 (NR) Thurs., Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. • Batman and Harley Quinn (PG-13, 2017) Mon., Aug. 14, 7:30 p.m. • RiffTrax Live: Doctor Who -The Five Doctors Thurs., Aug. 17, 8 p.m.

CHUNKY’S CINEMA 707 Huse Road, Manchester, 2063888; 150 Bridge St., Pelham, 635-7499; 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua, 880-8055, chunkys.com • Jaws (PG, 1975) Thurs., Aug. 10, 7 p.m.; Fri., Aug. 11, 9:30 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 12, 9:30 p.m. • All Dogs Go to Heaven (G, 1989) Wed., Aug. 16, 11:30 a.m. • The Princess Bride (PG, 1987) Thurs., Aug. 17, 7 p.m. PELHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 Village Green, Pelham, pelhampubliclibrary.org, 635-7581 • Film screening Fri., Aug. 11, 2 p.m. DOWNTOWN NASHUA Downtown Dinner & Movie series, nashuamovies.com; general admission or opt for buffet dinner, which starts at 7 p.m. • E.T. (PG, 1982) Tues., Aug. 15

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PETERBOROUGH COMMUNITY THEATRE 6 School St., Peterborough, pctmovies.com • Dunkirk (PG-13, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 7 p.m. FOX RUN STADIUM 15 45 Gosling Road, Newington, NH 03801, 431-6116 • DCI 2017: Big, Loud & Live 14 (NR) Thurs., Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. • Annabelle: Creation (R, 2017) Thurs., Aug. 10, 7:15 & 10 p.m. • Mune: Guardian of the Moon (PG, 2017) Sat., Aug. 12, 12:55 p.m. • Rigoletto (EurOpera, NR, 2017) Sat., Aug. 12, noon; Tues., Aug. 15, 7 p.m. • Bonnie and Clyde (R, 1967) Sun., Aug. 13, 2 & 7 p.m.; Wed., Aug. 16, 2 & 7 p.m. • Batman and Harley Quinn (PG-13, 2017) Mon., Aug. 14, 7:30 p.m. .

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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 51

NITE Blue return Local music news & events

By Michael Witthaus


• Sing out: An original songwriter showcase features Matt Litzinger, a Derry performer influenced by modern folkies like Damien Rice as well as old-school – Dylan, Denver, Young – and church music. The result is an appealing blend, evinced on his 2016 release Up in the Woods. Special guest David Strecker Harris joins for the free event, with tip jar proceeds going to New Horizons. Go Friday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m., Cafe La Reine, 915 Elm St., Manchester. Hear more at mattlitzingermusic.com. • Mill sounds: Live music returns to an intimate Mill District performance space as Stephanie Tonneson appears with special guest Anna Madsen. Tonneson’s set will feature spare, haunting piano ballads like “The Darkest Shade of Blue” and “Home.” Her style will appeal to fans of St. Vincent and Tori Amos. Madsen released the ethereal Whisper earlier this year. Go Friday, Aug. 11, 7:30 p.m. Amoskeag Studio, 250 Commercial St., Suite 2007, Manchester. Tickets $10 general, $5 students at brownpapertickets.com. • Release it: A new CD from piano-forward trio Andrew & the Intervention is marked at a show that includes Epic Season, a NEMA-nominated band with its own new EP, and singer-songwriter Derek Russell Fimbel. Andrew Cass and his mates draw from a diverse array of influences including Billy Joel and Twenty One Pilots. Go Saturday, Aug. 12, 7 p.m., Amato Center for the Performing Arts, 56 Mont Vernon St., Milford. $12 at ticketleap.com. • Hippie trip: Enjoy three days of art and music at the Wild Woods Festival as Papadosio, Kung Fu, Roots of Creation and Giant Panda Guerrilla Dub Squad are among dozens of bands on multiple stages, including the main one, a wooden, gableroofed masterpiece. There’s camping, food and art stands and flow performances. It happens Friday, Aug. 11, through Sunday, Aug. 13, at Page Farm, 46 Sand Hill Road, Croyden. Tickets $60 a day, $140 for the weekend at wildwoodsfest.com. • Twofer: Singer-songwriter Marina Evans returns to a cozy coffeehouse setting with guitarist, mandolin player and producer Bernardo Baglioni joining her. Evans’ singing combines jazz, folk and Americana elements, while Baglioni has a gritty, bluesinflected style. Go Sunday, Aug. 13, Union Coffee Co., 42 South St., Milford. Tickets $10 suggested at the door. Want more ideas for a fun night out? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at hipposcout.com. HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 52

Lang hits White Mountain Festival with new LP By Michael Witthaus


Bursting onto the scene with 1997’s Lie to Me, Jonny Lang was hailed as a teenage guitar prodigy and keeper of the blues flame. Lang didn’t follow a purist’s path, though; he rocked, rumbled and reflected musically into his 30s. He even made a Christian album after wrestling with personal demons and finding faith in the early 2000s. Lang’s latest, Signs, should please fans of Lang’s earliest work. Due for September release, it’s a return to the spirit that had critics calling him the next Stevie Ray Vaughan. The new music will also fit nicely at the White Mountain Boogie ‘N Blues Festival, which Lang headlines on Aug. 19. “I did have a bit of a desire to try and tip the hat to some of the older blues guys,” Lang said in a recent phone interview. “I’d been listening to a lot of Howlin’ Wolf around that time, and I just felt it was right to do a record with raw guitars and more rough-sounding production.” Thematically, Lang explores the topical on the title cut, written in the wake of a few tumultuous events a couple of years ago. “There’s been a crazy ambush of really dark stuff in the world … seeing it on the news,” he said. “It couldn’t help but be a part of the songs that I was writing.” “Bitter End” bemoans mankind making the same mistakes over and over, but Lang cautions that he’s not giving answers, just stating a problem. “I’ve only been on this Earth for 36 years,’” he said. “History ebbs and flows, nations rise and fall. I don’t really know White Mountain Boogie ‘N Blues Festival When: Friday, Aug. 18, through Sunday, Aug. 20 (Jonny Lang plays Saturday) Where: Benton’s Sugar Shack, 2010 Route 175, Thornton Tickets: $40-$100 at nhblues.com

Nite Life Music, Comedy & Parties • OUTDOOR MUSIC at Main Street Warner (16 E. Main Street, Warner 456-2700) on Thursday, Aug. 10, 7 p.m. 39th Army Band. • TIMBERLANE COMMUNITY BAND at Kimball Library (5 Academy Avenue, Atkinson 362-5234) on Thursday, Aug. 10, 6 p.m. Volunteer 50-piece adult concert band, led by Timberlane Regional High School music director Tony DiBartolomeo. Preceded by cookout at 4:30 - $5.

Jonny Lang. Courtesy photo.

what it would take to turn some of our issues around, but all we can do it just talk about it and how I feel about it in song and hopefully it will relate to people.” Signs is still a moving target, including elements of funk and singer-songwriter reflection, the latter on “Bring Me Back Home,” a road-weary ballad. Now the father of five, Lang says touring “is the trickiest thing I have to do [and] there’s no balancing it, really. ... I try to make the best out of each day, because there is just no getting around that I have to leave.” “Last Man Standing” is an outsized arena rocker co-written with producer Drew Ramsey. “Right when he started playing, it sounded like Foo Fighters to me ... the melody and riff — and I love Foo Fighters,” Lang said in a preview video for the new record. “We finished it together and it was just very cool; I had never done anything like that before,” he said. Along with shows to promote his new release, Lang continues to appear as part of Experience Hendrix, a tribute to the late

• JASON ANICK GYPSY TRIO at Nashua Public Library (2 Court St., Nashua 589-4610) on Thursday, Aug. 10, 7 p.m. Concertgoers are encouraged to bring a blanket or lawn chair, a friend, and a picnic and enjoy an evening of music under the stars. • CLUB SODA at Eagle Square (Pleasant St., Concord 225-8690) on Thursday, Aug. 10, 7 p.m. Music in the City summer music series features concerts on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.

guitarist. “I thought when they asked me, man, all of these guitar players in one venue cannot be a good idea — competing egos and stuff — but I was totally wrong,” he said. “It’s been so much fun to get to know some of the guys, to hang out and see these great guitar players do what they do, and an honor to be asked to be a part of it by the Hendrix family.” Lang said he was “already way in with Jimi” when asked to participate, “but I did learn quite a bit more about him and my understanding of his music, which is profound. Everything he has done was recording in like three years; he’s got more recorded catalog than a lot of lifetime artists. It’s just amazing. He’s just an anomaly, in a good way, a force of nature.” Playing events like White Mountain Boogie ‘N Blues Fest provides a welcome return, Lang said. “Blues guitar players are my biggest influence ... so I love festivals like that, where people are there specifically to see that genre of music,” he said.

• OLIVIA FRANCES at Rotary Arts Pavilion (Henry Law Park, Dover 742-2218) on Friday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m. The talented singer is known for her sunshine story pop music, think Jason Mraz meets Florence & the Machine. • ODDS BODKIN at Livery in Sunapee Harbor (58 Main St., Sunapee info@sunapeeheritagealliance. org) on Friday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m. $15/ adult, $5/ children - The consummate storyteller and musician. OUTDOOR MUSIC at Main Street

Warner (16 E. Main Street, Warner 456-2700) on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2:30 p.m. BlueGrass & Folk Fest with Will Hatch, Loopholes of Love, The DoBros, Doc Rogers and more. • MIKETON & THE NIGHT BLINDERS at Concord Public Library (45 Green St., Concord 2258670) on Wednesday, Aug. 16, 6 p.m. Live Music on the Lawn – Miketon and the NightBlinders, a five piece band from NH who plays original folk/ country/garbage/grass music will rock the final show of the series.


SOME KIND OF PUZZLE Across 1. Guns N’ Roses/Cult drummer Matt 6. Chili Peppers ‘__ California’ 10. Like skillful rocker 14. Goes with ‘Ivory’, to McCartney/ Wonder 15. New Edition ‘__ __ Isn’t Love’ (2,2)

16. Pointer Sisters, for one 17. Drifters “I climb way up to the __ __ the stairs” (3,2) 18. Bern and Fogelberg 19. Was a ‘Gigolo’, to Syd Barrett 20. Metallica’s ‘The More I __’ 21. Smash Mouth ‘All Star’ album (5,6)























32 37


























Brothers did to ourt



43 46







24 26











Down 1. Show’s song groups 2. Reed section member 3. A velvet one keeps you out 4. Appropriately-titled Muse debut PUMPED UP PUZZLES single W H A L E I K E 5. Pete Droge “Just like I got __ __ in E A S E L M A N you” (2,5) L I E N A L I T Y E L L A T I S M 6. P!nk ‘Where __ __ Beat Go?’ (3,3) S M O K E Y A T 7. Like off-yonder seating area T H E R E A P E R 8. ‘Confession’ band Ill __ T E E N 9. ‘96 Metallica Best Rock Video E D U P K I C K S A I D C A N O E ‘Until __ __’ (2,6) R D E E P F E L L 10. Kid Rock ‘Devil Without __ __’ A L I F E O F L (1,5) E S T A T E N D T E N N I L L E 11. ‘Back To Bedlam’ James W E A R O N I O N 12. Grammy-winning Robert “Mutt” A N G S W E T O O 13. Metallica ‘__ Sandman’


ps you out

30. "Impressive" Kylie Minogue song? 33. Phoenix song about Vatican location?

37. Not the new songs 38. Top-selling Danish rapper 39. "D" in CD

like I got __ __ in

41. 'Stand By Me' __ __ King (3,1)

_ Beat Go?' (3,3)

42. Shannon Curfman 'Loud __, Big Suspicions'

Ill __

t Rock Video 'Until Without __ __' (1,5)

m' James

g Robert "Mutt"


des Drain __

ed ___'

__ End Girls'

ber has to be up to


nd vacation down that


35. Metallica "Forever, __, till the end of time"

ed Muse debut single

eating area

22. All-female Swedes Drain __ 23. Suidakra ‘Guilded ___’ 24. Pet Shop Boys ‘__ End Girls’ 26. What new member has to be up to 27. Like deal w/no paperwork 28. Mellencamp “And vacation down that __ of Mexico” 29. ‘The Paramour Sessions’ Papa ___ 30. “Impressive” Kylie Minogue song? 33. Phoenix song about Vatican location? 34. Santana ‘Oye __ Va’ 35. Metallica “Forever, __, till the end of time” 37. Not the new songs 38. Top-selling Danish rapper 39. “D” in CD 41. ‘Stand By Me’ __ __ King (3,1) 42. Shannon Curfman ‘Loud __, Big Suspicions’ 43. ‘00 Kid Rock hit ‘American __ __’ (3,3) 44. Winger ‘__ For A Heartbreak’ 45. Cars ‘Let’s Go’ singer Benjamin 46. ‘89 Kiss album ‘Hot In The __’ 47. French pop duo 48. A current music one is what’s hip now 51. ‘China In Your Hand’ Brits 52. Iron Maiden “At 5 o’clock they take me to the Gallow’s __” 53. Devo ‘Jocko __’ 54. Like Noel and Liam Gallagher 55. Like hot singer 59. Bon Jovi ‘Slippery When __’

29. 'The Paramour Sessions' Papa ___

34. Santana 'Oye __ Va'


50. Coldplay ‘X&Y’ hit ‘The __ __’ (7,4) 53. Metallica “Landmine __ taken my sight, taken my speech” 56. Ry Cooder ‘Slide ___’ 57. Apple product that changed music 58. Phish “She whispered words and I __” 60. Henley and Felder 61. Tulsa sound trailblazer JJ 62. Reworked song 63. Green Day ‘Wake Me Up When September __’ 64. What the Isley Brothers did to Michael Bolton in court 65. Chris Rea ‘__ Road’



43. '00 Kid Rock hit 'American __ __' (3,3)



44. Winger '__ For A Heartbreak'


45. Cars 'Let's Go' singer Benjamin 46. '89 Kiss album 'Hot In The __' 47. French pop duo 48. A current music one is what's hip now


51. 'China In Your Hand' Brits 52. Iron Maiden "At 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallow's __"


53. Devo 'Jocko __'


54. Like Noel and Liam Gallagher 55. Like hot singer 59. Bon Jovi 'Slippery When __' © 2010 Todd Santos



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24. ‘No One To Run __’ Allman Bros 25. ‘Amazing Grace’ is sung on this holiday 26. ‘04 Polyphonic Spree album ‘__ __ Heavy’ (8,4) 31. ‘02 Coldplay album ‘__ __ Of Blood To The Head’ (1,4) 32. ‘__!...I Did It Again’ 33. Sony rival 36. Female fronted Veruca __ 37. Metallica “These are the __ that scratch these wounds” 39. Metallica “Hand of __ has a tight grip on me” 40. ‘Who Killed The Jams’ band 41. Brits that did ‘Four’ __ Party 42. Skynyrd ‘__ Three Steps’ 43. ‘99 Jimmy Buffett album ‘___ The Moon’ (5,5,2) 46. Danzig ‘6:66 __ Child’ 49. Guitarist Clapton

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 53

Want more music, comedy or big-name concerts? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Nan King 222 Central St. 882-1911 SoHo 49 Lowell Rd 889-6889

Breezeway Pub 14 Pearl St. 621-9111 British Beer Company 1071 S. Willow St. 232-0677 Laconia Bungalow Bar & Grille Anthony’s Pier 333 Valley St. 263 Lakeside Ave. 518-8464 Penuche’s Ale House Amherst East Hampstead Millie’s Tavern 366-5855 Cactus Jack’s 6 Pleasant St. 228-9833 Pasta Loft LaBelle Winery 17 L St. 967-4777 Baja Beach Club 782 South Willow St. Pit Road Lounge 345 Rte 101 672-9898 220 E. Main St. 378-0092 North Beach Bar & 89 Lake St. 524-0008 627-8600 388 Loudon Road Grille 931 Ocean Blvd. Broken Spoke Saloon Central Ale House 226-0533 Auburn Epping 967-4884 1072 Watson Rd 23 Central St. 660-2241 Red Blazer Auburn Pitts Holy Grail Old Salt 866-754-2526 City Sports Grille 72 Manchester St. 167 Rockingham Road 64 Main St. 679-9559 409 Lafayette Rd. Faro Italian Grille 72 216 Maple St. 625-9656 224-4101 622-6564 Telly’s 926-8322 Endicott St. 527-8073 Club ManchVegas Tandy’s Top Shelf 235 Calef Hwy 679-8225 Ron’s Landing 50 Old Granite St. 1 Eagle Sq. 856-7614 Bedford Tortilla Flat 379 Ocean Blvd 929-2122 Fratello’s 799 Union Ave. 528-2022 222-1677 True Brew Barista Bedford Village Inn 1-11 Brickyard Sq Savory Square Bistro Holy Grail of the Lakes Crazy Camel Hookah 3 Bicentennial Sq. 2 Olde Bedford Way 734-2725 32 Depot Sq 926-2202 12 Veterans Square and Cigar Lounge 225-2776 472-2001 Popovers Sea Ketch 127 Ocean 737-3000 245 Maple St. 518-5273 Copper Door 11 Brickyard Sq 734-4724 Blvd. 926-0324 Margate Resort Derryfield Country Club 15 Leavy Drive 488-2677 Contoocook Stacy Jane’s 625 Mammoth Rd Covered Bridge Shorty’s Epsom 9 Ocean Blvd. 929-9005 76 Lake St. 524-5210 Naswa Resort 623-2880 Cedar St. 746-5191 206 Rte 101 488-5706 Circle 9 Ranch The Goat 1086 Weirs Blvd. Whiskey 20 Farmer’s Market 39 Windymere 736-3111 20 L St. 601-6928 366-4341 20 Old Granite St. 896 Main St. Belmont Hilltop Pizzeria Wally’s Pub Paradise Beach Club 641-2583 746-3018 Lakes Region Casino 1724 Dover Rd 736-0027 144 Ashworth Ave. 322 Lakeside Ave. Fratello’s 1265 Laconia Road 926-6954 366-2665 155 Dow St. 624-2022 Claremont 267-7778 Exeter Patio Garden Foundry Taverne on the Square Pimentos Shooters Tavern Hanover Lakeside Ave. 50 Commercial St. Rt. 3 DW Hwy 528-2444 2 Pleasant St. 287-4416 69 Water St. 583-4501 Salt Hill Pub Shooter’s Pub 7 Lebanon St. 676-7855 Pitman’s Freight Room 836-1925 94 New Salem St. Ignite Bar & Grille Deerfield Boscawen 6 Columbus Ave. Canoe Club 100 Hanover St. 494-6225 Nine Lions Tavern Alan’s 772-3856 27 S. Main St. 643-9660 527-0043 Tower Hill Tavern Jewel 133 N. Main St. 753-6631 4 North Rd 463-7374 264 Lakeside Ave. 61 Canal St. 819-9336 Francestown Henniker 366-9100 Karma Hookah & Derry Bow Toll Booth Tavern Country Spirit Cigar Bar Drae Chen Yang Li 740 2nd NH Tpke 262 Maple St. 428-7007 Weirs Beach Lobster Pound 1077 Elm St. 647-6653 520 South St. 228-8508 14 E Broadway #A 588-1800 Pat’s Peak Sled Pub 72 Endicott St. 366-2255 KC’s Rib Shack 216-2713 24 Flander’s Road 837 Second St. 627-RIBS Halligan Tavern Bristol Gilford 888-728-7732 Lebanon Midnight Rodeo (Yard) Back Room at the Mill 32 W. Broadway Ellacoya Barn & Grille Salt Hill Pub 1211 S. Mammoth Rd 965-3490 2 Central St. 744-0405 2667 Lakeshore Road Hillsborough 2 West Park St. 448-4532 623-3545 Purple Pit 293-8700 Mama McDonough’s Stark Brewing Company 28 Central Sq. 744-7800 Dover Patrick’s 5 Depot St. 680-4148 Londonderry 500 Commercial St. 7th Settlement Brewery 18 Weirs Road 293-0841 Tooky Mills Rumor Mill Coach Stop Tavern 625-4444 50 S Main St, 217-0971 47 Washington St. 9 Depot St. 176 Mammoth Rd Murphy’s Taproom 373-1001 Goffstown 464-6700 437-2022 494 Elm St. 644-3535 Asia Concord Village Trestle Turismo Penuche’s 42 Third St. 742-9816 Barley House 25 Main St. 497-8230 55 Henniker St. 680-4440 Stumble Inn 20 Rockingham Rd 96 Hanover St. 626-9830 Cara Irish Pub 132 N. Main 228-6363 432-3210 Penuche’s Music Hall 11 Fourth St. 343-4390 Hampton CC Tomatoes Hooksett 1087 Elm St. Dover Brick House 209 Fisherville Rd Ashworth By The Sea Asian Breeze Loudon 206-5599 2 Orchard St. 749-3838 295 Ocean Blvd. 753-4450 1328 Hooksett Rd Hungry Buffalo Portland Pie Company Fury’s Publick House Cheers 926-6762 621-9298 58 Rte 129 798-3737 786 Elm St. 622-7437 1 Washington St. 17 Depot St. 228-0180 Bernie’s Beach Bar Salona Bar & Grill 617-3633 Granite 73 Ocean Blvd 926-5050 Hudson Manchester 128 Maple St. 96 Pleasant St. 227-9000 Sonny’s Tavern Boardwalk Inn & Cafe AJ’s Sports Bar 624-4020 83 Washington St. Hermanos 139 Ocean Blvd. 929-7400 11 Tracy Lane 718-1102 A&E Cafe 1000 Elm St. 578-3338 Shaskeen 742-4226 11 Hills Ave. 224-5669 Breakers at Ashworth River’s Pub Amoskeag Studio 250 909 Elm St. 625-0246 Top of the Chop Makris 295 Ocean Blvd. 926-6762 76 Derry St 880-8676 Commercial St. Shorty’s 1 Orchard St. 740-0006 Breakers By the Sea 354 Sheep Davis Road JD Chaser’s 1050 Bicentennial Drive 225-7665 409 Ocean Blvd 926-7702 2B Burnham Rd 886-0792 315-9320 625-1730 Thursday, Aug. 10 Concord Ashland Cheers: Gardner Berry Common Man: Jim McHugh & Common Man: Mikey Gallant Steve McBrian (Open) Granite: CJ Poole Duo Makris: Don Bartenstein Auburn True Brew: Dusty Gray Open Auburn Pitts: Open Jam w/ Original Gordy and Diane Pettipas Derry Boscawen Coffee Factory: Caroline Gray Alan’s: John Pratte Epping Claremont Telly’s: Amanda Dane Taverne on the Square: Brad Myrick HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 54

Burton’s Grill 310 Daniel Webster Highway, 888-4880 Country Tavern 452 Amherst St. 889-5871 Dolly Shakers 38 East Hollis St. 577-1718 Fody’s Tavern 9 Clinton St. 577-9015 Fratello’s Italian Grille 194 Main St. 889-2022 Mason Marty’s Driving Range Haluwa Lounge Nashua Mall 883-6662 96 Old Turnpike Rd Killarney’s Irish Pub 878-1324 9 Northeastern Blvd. 888-1551 Meredith Giuseppe’s Ristorante O’Shea’s 312 DW Hwy 279-3313 449 Amherst St. 943-7089 Peddler’s Daughter 48 Main St. 821-7535 Merrimack Portland Pie Company Homestead 641 DW Hwy 429-2022 14 Railroad Sq 882-7437 Riverwalk Jade Dragon 515 DW Hwy 424-2280 35 Railroad Sq 578-0200 Shorty’s Pacific Fusion 356 DW Hwy 424-6320 48 Gusabel Ave. 882-4070 Stella Blu Tortilla Flat 70 E. Pearl St. 578-5557 594 Daniel Webster Thirsty Turtle Hwy 262-1693 8 Temple St. 402-4136 Milford New Boston J’s Tavern 63 Union Square 554-1433 Molly’s Tavern 35 Mont Vernon Rd Lefty’s Lanes 487-2011 244 Elm St. 554-8300 Pasta Loft Newbury 241 Union Square Goosefeathers Pub 672-2270 Mt. Sunapee 763-3500 Shaka’s Bar & Grill 11 Wilton Rd 554-1224 Salt Hill Pub 1407 Rt 103 763-2667 Tiebreakers at Hampshire Hills 50 Emerson Rd 673-7123 New Castle Wentworth By The Sea Union Coffee Co. 588 Wentworth Rd 42 South St. 554-8879 422-7322 Moultonborough New London Castle in the Clouds 455 Old Mountain Road Flying Goose 40 Andover Road 478-5900 526-6899 Nashua Newington 110 Grill 27 Trafalgar Sq. 943-7443 Paddy’s 27 International Drive 5 Dragons 29 Railroad Sq. 578-0702 430-9450 River Casino Newmarket 53 High St. 881-9060 Riverworks Boston Billiard Club 164 Main St. 659-6119 55 Northeastern Blvd. Stone Church 943-5630 5 Granite St. 659-7700 South Side Tavern 1279 S Willow St. 935-9947 Strange Brew Tavern 88 Market St. 666-4292 Thrifty’s Soundstage 1015 Candia Road 603-518-5413 Wild Rover 21 Kosciuszko St. 669-7722

Manchester Bungalow: Victorian Halls, In Your Memory, CompanyOne, Gilford Garden & OOTC Central Ale House: Jonny FriPatrick’s: Doug Thompson Hillsborough day Blues Hampton Turismo: Line Dancing City Sports Grille: DJ Dave Bernie’s: Rob Benton/Without Derryfield: Deck- D-Comp Paris Lebanon Fratello’s: Jazz Night Salt hill: Celtic Open Session Jewel: New Review/Balkun CR’s: Don Severance Wally’s Pub: Mechanical Shark Brothers/Hot Chocheys & Country Music DJ Londonderry KC’s Rib Shack: Ryan Stumble Inn: Hold & Brother Williamson Manchvegas: Open Acoustic Seamus Jam w/ Jim Devlin Exeter Station 19: Thursday Night Live

Hanover Salt hill Pub: Irish Trad’ Session Randy Miller/Roger Kahle Skinny Pancake: Cary Morin

Murphy’s Taproom: Charles A Duo Penuche’s Music Hall: Barrelhouse Shaskeen: Troll 2/Miketon & the Nightblinders/Meaghan Casey Shorty’s: Steve Sibulkin Strange Brew: Jon Ross Big Night of Bluegrass Whiskey’s 20: DJs Shawn White/ Ryan Nichols/Mike Mazz Wild Rover: Sean Connell Meredith Giuseppe’s: Jim Tyrrell

Newport Salt Hill Pub 58 Main St. 863-7774 Peterborough Harlow’s Pub 3 School St. 924-6365 Pelham Shooters 116 Bridge St. 635-3577 Pittsfield Main Street Grill and Bar 32 Main St. 435-0005 Plaistow Crow’s Nest 181 Plaistow Road 974-1686 Racks Bar & Grill 20 Plaistow Road 974-2406 Portsmouth Blue Mermaid Island 409 The Hill 427-2583 British Beer Company 103 Hanover St. 501-0515 Cafe Nostimo 72 Mirona Rd. 436-3100 Demeters Steakhouse 3612 Lafayette Rd. 766-0001

Dolphin Striker 15 Bow St. 431-5222 Fat Belly’s 2 Bow St. 610-4227 Grill 28 200 Grafton Road 433-1331 Hilton Garden Inn 100 High St. 431-1499 Lazy Jacks 58 Ceres St. 294-0111 Martingale Wharf 99 Bow St. 431-0901 Oar House 55 Ceres St. 436-4025 Portsmouth Book & Bar 40 Pleasant St. 427-9197 Portsmouth Gas Light 64 Market St. 430-9122 Press Room 77 Daniel St. 431-5186 Red Door 107 State St. 373-6827 Redhook Brewery 1 Redhook Way 430-8600 Ri Ra Irish Pub 22 Market Sq 319-1680 Rudi’s 20 High St. 430-7834 Rusty Hammer 49 Pleasant St. 319-6981 Thirsty Moose 21 Congress St. 427-8645 Raymond Cork n’ Keg 4 Essex Drive 244-1573

Merrimack Homestead: Clint Lapointe Moultonborough Castle in the Clouds: Tim & Dave Show Nashua 110 Grill: Joe Mack Solo Agave Azul: DJ K-Wil Ladies Night Country Tavern: Tom Keating Fody’s: DJ Rich Padula Fratello’s Italian Grille: JD Ingalls Riverwalk Cafe: The Squeezebox Stompers Shorty’s: Kieran McNally Newmarket Stone Church: Irish Music w/ Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki & Jim Prendergast North Hampton Throwback Brewery: Mostly Young Peterborough Harlow’s: Bluegrass Night La Mia Casa: Soul Repair Plaistow Racks: Rock Jam w/ Dave Thompson Portsmouth Fat Belly’s: DJ Flex

Rochester Gary’s 38 Milton Rd 335-4279 Governor’s Inn 78 Wakefield St. 332-0107 Lilac City Grille 103 N. Main St. 332-3984 Revolution Tap Room 61 N Main St. 244-3022 Radloff’s 38 N. Main St. 948-1073 Smokey’s Tavern 11 Farmington 330-3100 Salem Black Water Grill 43 Pelham Rd 328-9013 Jocelyn’s Lounge 355 S Broadway 870-0045 Sayde’s Restaurant 136 Cluff Crossing 890-1032 Seabrook Castaways 209 Ocean Blvd 760-7500 Chop Shop 920 Lafayette Rd 760-7706

Old Rail Pizza Co. 6 Main St. 841-7152

Warner Local 2 E Main St. 456-6066 Weare Stark House Tavern 487 S Stark Hwy 529-7747

Windham Common Man 88 Range Rd 898-0088 Jonathon’s Lounge Park Place Lanes, Route 28 800-892-0568 Red’s Tavern 22 Haverhill Dr. 437-7251

Derry Coffee Factory: Dave LaCroix Drae: Justin Cohn

Rochester Revolution Tap Room: Poor Howard & the Bullfrog

Dover Fury’s Publick House: Galaxy Rabbit Top of the Chop: Funkadelic Fridays

Friday, Aug. 11 Auburn Auburn Pitts: Full Throttle Trio Belmont Lakes Region Casino: DJ Mark Boscawen Alan’s: Austin Pratt Claremont Common Man: Arthur James Taverne on the Square: Mark & Deb Bond Concord Area 23: Protect Mt Washington Benefit & Music Fest w/ Sensitive Men Makris: Black Agnes Duo Pit Road Lounge: Exit 21 Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz (105.5 JYY) True Brew: Lee Ross (Summer in the Square) Contoocook Covered Bridge: Lil’ Penny

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Portsmouth Gaslight: Jimmy & Marcelle Red Door: Green Lion Crew

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Epping Holy Grail: Dan Walker Telly’s: Kevin Burt Gilford Patrick’s: Dueling Pianos: Jon Lorentz vs Gardner Berry Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man Hampton Bernie’s Beach Bar: Rob Benton/Without Paris Community Oven: Derek John Duo CR’s: Wendy Nottonson Logan’s Run: Radioactive Savory Square: Bob Halperin Wally’s Pub: Diezel Hanover Jesse’s: Bobbie & Me Salt Hill Pub: Luke Johnason Hooksett Asian Breeze: DJ Albin Hudson The Bar: Mitch Pelkey


HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 55


Doing It Right Since 1999

Hudson Valentino’s: Karen Grenier

t a r e t t e b s ’ t I

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Laconia Patio Garden: Richard Gardzina Trio Pitman’s Freight Room: Bob Leonard and the Slippery Sneakers Zydeco Band Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Linda & the Bar Cats Londonderry Coach Stop: Steve Tolley Pipe Dream Brewing: Joe Sambo

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Manchester British Beer: Mark Huzar Bungalow: MouthBreather/ Live Free Or Die Cafe La Reine: Matt Litzinger/ David Strecker Harris Derryfield: Whiskey Tango/ Deck- Clint Lapointe & Paul Costley Foundry: Charlie Chronopoulos Fratello’s: Johnny Angel Murphy’s Taproom: RC Thomas/Mugsy Acoustic Trio Penuche’s Music Hall: Jodie Cunningham Band Shaskeen: Bruce Jacques Whiskey’s 20: DJs Jason Spivak & Sammy Smoove Wild Rover: Sundogs Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois, DJ Merrimack Homestead: Paul Luff Merrimack Biergarten: Wooden Soul

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Unlimited Bowling | 8pm-11pm

Free Pizza Slices Included! | 9pm-12am

Newport Salt hill Pub: Tirade Peterborough Harlow’s: Rockspring Pittsfield Main Street Grill: Paul Cascio Portsmouth Grill 28: Kevin O’Brien Latchkey: Tim Parent Martingale Wharf: Mica’s Groove Train Portsmouth Book & Bar: Gretchen and the Pickpockets/ Liz Bills Portsmouth Gaslight: Conniption Fits/DJ Koko/Paul Chase Jr./Sev Press Room: Lonesome Lunch w/Dave Talmage Red Door: Datacet Redhook Brewery: Fox and Fern Ri Ra: The Depths Rudi’s: James Zaroulis Thirsty Moose: Cover Story Madly

West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Sirsy Saturday, Aug. 12 Ashland Common Man: Andrea Paquin

Auburn Auburn Tavern: Sean Coleman Bedford Shorty’s: Joe Sambo Belmont Lakes Region Casino: DJ Oz Boscawen Alan’s: Brian Walker Bow Chen Yang Li: Don Bartenstein Bristol Back Room at the Mill: Claire Bridgewater Purple Pit: Nihco Gallo Concord Area 23: Scott Solsky and Friends Hermanos: Tim Gurshin Pit Road Lounge: Nuff Said Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz (105.5 JYY) Contoocook Covered Bridge: Joe Leary Farmer’s Market: Mike Morris Dover Dover Brickhouse: InAeona/ Thunderhawk/Bigfoot/Abrams Fury’s Publick House: Sassquatch Epping Holy Grail: Jim Dozet Telly’s: Jamie Martin Trio Epsom Circle 9: Country Dancing Gilford Patrick’s: Tribute to Paul Simon: Don Bartenstein Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man Goffstown Village Trestle: Brad Bosse Hampton Bernie’s Beach Bar: Jon Hollywood/MB Padfield/Pop Disaster/Rob Benton Boardwalk Café: Annie Brobst Community Oven: Johnny Angel Wally’s Pub: Fortune


Sunday Funday!

Thursday’s All You Can Bowl

Newmarket Riverworks: RC Thomas Stone Church: Evening with High Range and Friends

Suncook Olympus Pizza: Nicole Knox Murphy

Nashua Country Tavern: Jeff Mrozek Fody’s: Amanda & Andy Duo Fratello’s Italian Grille: Marc Apostolides Riverwalk Cafe: Ruby Rose Fox w. Savoir Faire

$10 per person (includes shoes)

Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Tad Dreis

Seabrook Chop Shop: Kyll Switch

Moultonborough Buckey’s: Red Hat Band

Unlimited Bowling | 9pm-12am

New Boston Molly’s: Matt Richarson/ Andrew Koutroubas

Rochester Radloff’s: Dancing Backwards Duo

Milford J’s Tavern: Cabin Culture Pasta Loft: Slakas Tiebreakers: Rich Kumpu

Monday Madness

Stella Blu: Chris Gardner Thirsty Turtle: Bryan McPherson

Friday, Aug. 11 Rochester Rochester Opera House: Tim Krompier

Laconia Pitman’s: Artie Januario and Dan Crohn

Saturday, Aug. 12 Manchester Headliners: Tim Krompier

Monday, Aug. 14 Concord Penuche’s: Punchlines

Hampton Casino Ballroom: Ron White

Shaskeen: Ian Stuart/ Rohan Padye Merrimack Merrimack Biergarten: Ha Ha’s & Hops Humpday Comedy

Hampton Casino Ballroom: Brian Regan Rochester Rochester Opera House: Lenny Clarke

Friday, Aug. 18 Derry Wednesday, Aug. 16 Manchester Tupelo Music Hall: Manchester Headliners: Johnny Paul Nardizzi and Sean Murphy’s: Laugh Free Joice Sullivan Or Die Open Mic

NITE MUSIC THIS WEEK Hanover Salt Hill Pub: Turner Around

Newport Salt hill Pub: Andrew Merzi

Hudson The Bar: Mystical Magic

Peterborough La Mia Casa: Catfish Howl

Laconia Paradise Beach Club: The Bars Patio Garden: Dave Nix Trio Tower Hill Tavern: Crazy On You

Plaistow Crow’s Nest: Blackheart

Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Conniption Fits Londonderry Coach Stop: Paul Luff Manchester Bungalow: ForeverAtLast/Save the Lost Boys/Ten Cents Short/ Until City Sports Grille: Zero to Sixty Derryfield: Stray Dog Band/ Deck- T.M.F.I. Foundry: Doug Thompson Fratello’s: Justin Cohn KC’s Rib Shack: Gardner Berry Murphy’s Taproom: Mike Mosca/Take 4 Penuche’s Music Hall: Zero to Sixty Salona: Back to the 80s: The Sequel ($20) Shaskeen: Tim Barry, Coffin Salesman, Sonny Jim Clifford Strange Brew: Michelle “Evil Gal” Willson Whiskey’s 20: DJ Hizzy/Shawn White Wild Rover: Haley Gowland Duo Meredith Giuseppe’s: Andre Balazs/DJ Merrimack Homestead: JD Ingalls Merrimack Biergarten: Miner Band Milford Pasta Loft: Bob Pratte Band Union Coffee: Decatur Creek Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Roberto Tropical Saturday Boston Billiard Club: DJ Anthem Throwback Country Tavern: Jeff Mrozek Fody’s: Shelby Greenberg Band Fratello’s Italian Grille: Marc Apostolides Haluwa: Dirty Looks Riverwalk Cafe: Dwight & Nicole w. Lyle Brewer Stella Blu: Tom Rousseau Thirsty Turtle: Ajar Project Newbury Salt Hill Pub: Luke Johnason Newmarket Stone Church: Bruce Bartlett Trio

Portsmouth British Beer: Chris Powers Hilton Garden: Pork Low Mainers Latchkey: Nate Bash Band Martingale Wharf: The Communicators Portsmouth Gaslight: Brad Bosse/Discount Gigolos/DJ Koko/Corey Brackett/Rick Watson Press Room: Press Room Jazz Lunch Red Door: Eli Wikie Ri Ra: Reckless Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch With Jim Dozet Thirsty Moose: Avenue Rochester Revolution Tap Room: Jeff Hayford Seabrook Chop Shop: Anthem West Lebanon Salt Hill Pub: Rich Thomas Wilton Local’s Café: Luther “Guitar Jr.” Johnson Sunday, Aug. 13 Ashland Common Man: Chris White Solo Acoustic Bedford Copper Door: Chad Lamarsh Concord Cheers: Joel Cage Hermanos: State Street Combo Makris: Tom & Drew Show Dover Cara: Irish Session w/ Carol Coronis & Ramona Connelly Dover Brickhouse: Jazz Brunch Sonny’s: Sonny’s Jazz Goffstown Village Trestle: Wan-tu Blues Band & Jam Hampton Bernie’s Beach Bar: Adam Lufkin Band/Rob Benton

Derryfield: Deck - Ronny & Rocco KC’s Rib Shack: D-Comp Murphy’s Taproom: Sean Coleman/Brad Bosse Penuche’s Music Hall: Reggae Sunday - Over The Bridge Shaskeen: Rap night, Industry night Strange Brew: Jam Meredith Giuseppe’s: Open Stage with Lou Porrazzo Milford Union Coffee: Marina Evans Nashua Agave Azul: DJ Rich - Smokin’ Sunday Pig Tale: Scott Solsky Riverwalk Cafe: Khalif Neville Trio w. Charles Neville New Boston Molly’s: 21st and 1st Duo Newbury Salt hill Pub: John Lackard Newmarket Stone Church: The Bluegrass Bureaux Cats North Hampton Barley House Seacoast: Great Bay Sailor Portsmouth British Beer: Sharon Jones Portsmouth Gaslight: Dave Gerard/Rockspring Ri Ra: Irish Session Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch With Jim Dozet Rochester Lilac City Grille: Music @9:30


Seabrook Chop Shop: Acoustic Afternoon Monday, Aug. 14 Concord Hermanos: State Street Combo Hampton Bernie’s Beach Bar: Brett Wilson Duo The Goat: Kevin White Hanover Canoe Club: Marko The Magician Tableside Salt hill Pub: Hootenanny

Londonderry Stumble Inn: Barry Brearley

Manchester Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Duo Derryfield: Deck- Austin Pratt Fratello’s: Rob Wolfe or Phil Jacques Murphy’s Taproom: Corey McLane

Manchester British Beer: Quincy Medaglia

Meredith Giuseppe’s: Lou Porazzo

Laconia Patio Garden: Boardwalk Jazz Quartet featuring Rob Ames



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*Plus applicable sales tax

Offer for one “1 for $3” Gift Certificate good for any Natural American Spirit cigarette product (excludes RYO pouches and 150g tins). Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer and website restricted to U.S. smokers 21 years of age and older. Limit one offer per person per 12 month period. Offer void in MA and where prohibited. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 12/31/17.


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Having headlined in comedy clubs, theaters, and showcases across the country, and with weekly spots in New York City and Long Island; Tim Krompier has blossomed into a stand-up comedy maven. His mom always thinks he is blossoming into something. Tim’s journey to two-drink minimum glory and sold-out shows is an unlikely one, having only been ten short years since he made his income as a break-dancer, professional party emcee, and entertainment industry lothario. He performs Friday, Aug. 11, 8 p.m. at Rochester Opera House, 31 Wakefield St., Rochester. Tickets $20 and up. Call 335-1992.

Merrimack Homestead: Doug Thompson

Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois

Moultonborough Castle in the Clouds: Brad Myrick

Merrimack Homestead: Ted Solovicos

Nashua Fratello’s Italian Grille: Mark Huzar

Nashua Burton’s Grill: Mole Av Fratello’s Italian Grille: Amanda Cote

Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Old School

Newmarket Stone Church: Bluegrass Jam

Portsmouth Gaslight: Robbins Ri Ra: Oran Mor

North Hampton Barley House Seacoast: Traditional Irish Session


Tuesday, Aug. 15 Concord Hermanos: Kid Pinky Dover Fury’s Publick House: Tim Theriault and Friends Dover Sonny’s: Soggy Po’ Boys Gilford Patrick’s: Paul Luff hosts Hampton The Goat: Martin & Kelly Wally’s Pub: Rob Benton Laconia Margate: Jim Tyrrell Manchester Bungalow: 7 Minutes in Heaven/The Millenium/A Summer High/AlgoRhythm Derryfield: Deck- Chris Lester Fratello’s: Kim Riley Murphy’s Taproom: Sam Robbins Whiskey’s 20: Sammy Smoove & DJ Gera

Peterborough Harlow’s: Celtic Music Jam Portsmouth Portsmouth Gaslight: Tom Emerson Press Room: Jazz Jam w/ Larry Garland & Friends Seabrook Chop Shop: Bare Bones Wednesday, Aug. 16 Bedford T-Bones: Brad Myrick Concord Hermanos: Scott Mullet Trio

Hampton Bernie’s Beach Bar: Fireworks The Goat: Rob Benton Hillsborough Turismo: Blues Jam w Jerry Paquette & the Runaway Bluesmen Londonderry Coach Stop: Brad Bosse Manchester Derryfield: Deck- Triana Wilson Fratello’s: Ted Solovicos Murphy’s Taproom: Peter Higgins Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois/DJ Merrimack Homestead: Mark Huzar Milford Tiebreakers: Bobby Alwarden Nashua Fratello’s Italian Grille: Clint Lapointe Plaistow Racks: DJ Sensations

Dover Fury’s Publick House: fules gold

Portsmouth Portsmouth Gaslight: Chris Lester Ri Ra: Erin’s Guild

Dublin DelRossi’s Trattoria: Celtic and Old Timey Jam Session

Rochester Lilac City Grille: Tim Theriault - Ladies Night

Gilford Patrick’s: Cody James - Ladies Night

Seabrook Chop Shop: Guitar-a-oke & Cocktails

Get the crowds at your gig 115325

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 58

Want to get your show listed in the Music This Week? Let us know all about your upcoming show, comedy show, open mike night or multi-band event by sending all the information to music@hippopress.com. Send information by 9 a.m. on Friday to have the event considered for the next Thursday’s paper.

NITE CONCERTS Capitol Center for the Performing Arts & Spotlight Cafe 44 S. Main St., Concord 225-1111, ccanh.com The Colonial Theatre 95 Main St., Keene 352-2033, thecolonial.org Dana Humanities Center 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester 641-7700, anselm.edu/dana The Flying Monkey 39 S. Main St., Plymouth

536-2551, flyingmonkeynh.com Franklin Opera House 316 Central St., Franklin 934-1901, franklinoperahouse.org The Music Hall 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth 436-2400, themusichall.org The Music Hall Loft 131 Congress St., Portsmouth 436-2400, themusichall.org Palace Theatre 80 Hanover St., Manchester 668-5588, palacetheatre.org

Rochester Opera House 31 Wakefield St., Rochester 335-1992, rochesteroperahouse.com SNHU Arena 555 Elm St., Manchester 644-5000, snhuarena.com Stockbridge Theatre Pinkerton Academy, Route 28, Derry 437-5210, stockbridgetheatre.com Tupelo Music Hall 2 Young Road, Londonderry 437-5100, tupelohall.com

Gordon Lightfoot Thursday, Aug. 10, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Aaron Neville Friday, Aug. 11, 6 p.m. Prescott Park The Beach Boys Friday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom The Roosevelts Friday, Aug. 11, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Get The Led Out Saturday, Aug. 12, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Lyle Lovett & His Large Band Saturday, Aug. 12, 7:30 p.m. Boarding House Park Patty Larkin Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Comedian Ron White Sunday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Styx/REO Speedwagon/Don Felder Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Chris Robinson Brotherhood Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Taj Mahal with Keb Mo Wednesday, Aug. 16, 6 p.m. Prescott Park Hunter Hayes Friday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Session Americana Friday, Aug. 18, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Buddy Guy Friday, Aug. 18, 8 p.m. Boarding House Park Paul Nardizzi and Sean Sullivan Friday, Aug. 18, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Comedian Brian Regan Saturday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom David Grisman Sextet Saturday, Aug. 19, 7:30 p.m. Boarding House Park Chris Isaak Saturday, Aug. 19, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Medium Cindy Kaza Saturday,

Aug. 19, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Stephen Stills & Judy Collins Sunday, Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m. Boarding House Park Kenny Wayne Shepherd Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Joe Purdy Wednesday, Aug. 23, 6 p.m. Prescott Park Satisfaction- the International Rolling Stones Show Thursday, Aug. 24, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Girls Guns and Glory Friday, Aug. 25, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft The Bacon Brothers Friday, Aug. 25, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Citizen Cope Acoustic Friday, Aug. 25, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Chris Stapleton/Margo Price Saturday, Aug. 26, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Gary Clark Jr w/ Michael Kiwanuka Saturday, Aug. 26, 7 p.m. Casino Ballroom Classic Albums Live – Sgt. Pepper Saturday, Aug. 26, 7:30 p.m. Boarding House Park Buena Vista Social Club: Adios Saturday, Aug. 26, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall The Machine Performs Pink Floyd Saturday, Aug. 26, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Secret Sisters Saturday, Aug. 26, 8 p.m. Music Hall Loft Don Mclean Saturday, Aug. 26, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry TLC/Naughty By Nature/Color Me Badd Sunday, Aug. 27, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Spyro Gyra Sunday, Aug. 27, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Shinyribs Thursday, Aug. 31, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft

Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers Thursday, Aug. 31, 8 p.m. Boarding House Park Rosanne Cash Friday, Sep. 1, 7 p.m. Boarding House Park Ballroom Thieves Saturday, Sep. 2, 6 p.m. Prescott Park Florida Georgia Line/Nelly Saturday, Sep. 2, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Raul Midón Saturday, Sep. 2, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Popa Chubby Saturday, Sep. 2, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Galactic Sunday, Sep. 3, 6 p.m. Prescott Park 10,000 Maniacs Thursday, Sep. 7, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Rick Springfield/Richard Marx Acoustic Friday, Sep. 8, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Alabama/Dwight Yoakam Saturday, Sep. 9, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion Get The Led Out Saturday, Sep. 9, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre Get The Led Out Saturday, Sep. 9, 8 p.m. Colonial Theatre John Waite Friday, Sep. 15, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Lita Ford Friday, Sep. 15, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry Eric Church (also 9/22) Thursday, Sep. 21, 7 p.m. Bank of NH Pavilion John Popper Thursday, Sep. 21, 8 p.m. Flying Monkey Corey Harris Friday, Sep. 22, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Loft Mason Jennings Saturday, Sep. 23, 7:30 p.m. Music Hall Drum Wars feat. Vinny & Carmine Appice Saturday, Sep. 23, 8 p.m. Tupelo Derry

CAPITOL IDEA The two-day Rock On Festival on the State House Lawn (Main St., Concord) closes out Saturday, Aug. 12 with a live music from national and local performers. It kicks of at 1:30 p.m. with a performance by local kindie music star Mr. Aaron. The kids’ jam will be followed with a free outdoor yoga session. The day will be capped off with performances from Laura Stevenson, Holly Miranda, Photocomfort and Tough Guy. Intown Concord is also coordinating downtown shops to host their annual sidewalk sale throughout the day.


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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 59


Friday 8/11 Jodie Cunningman Band “Country with an Edge”

Saturday 8/12 Zero to Sixty 4 Essex Dr. Raymond, NH 603-244-1573 corknkeggrill.com

Wednesday 8/16 Open Mic w/ Tom Ballerini Thursday 8/17 DJ D. Stef


Friday 8/18 Freight Train

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Saturday 8/19 The Voice

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Friday 8/25 Boneshakerz


See the music calendar at PenuchesMusicHall.com

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 60

2 1 3 8 4

Saturday 8/26 Full Monty 1087 Elm St, Manchester | 206-5599


49 Hollis St., Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-1855 • printing@hippopress.com


Difficulty Level


By Dave Green

1 8 9 7



8 9



5 7 4


7 6 1



Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Last week's puzzle answers are below

8/3 4 3 7 8 9 1 2 5 6

6 9 5 7 4 2 3 8 1

Difficulty Level

2 1 8 6 3 5 9 7 4

5 4 3 1 7 8 6 2 9

9 7 2 4 5 6 1 3 8

8 6 1 3 2 9 5 4 7

7 8 9 5 1 3 4 6 2

3 2 4 9 6 7 8 1 5

1 5 6 2 8 4 7 9 3


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All quotes are from The French Chef Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The only Cookbook, by Julia Child, born Aug. 15, trouble with homemade mayonnaise is that 1912. once you’ve eaten your own you will never again be satisfied with anything else. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) The more It makes such a difference when you have you know about steak cuts and where they fresh eggs, the best oil, and your own come from on the beast, the more you can flavorings; you can then season your mayfit steaks into your budget. Sirloins, por- onnaise to suit the food it accompanies. … terhouses, and chateaubriands are all very As soon as you understand how the egg well, but good steaks also come from other yolk works, you will never ever have any parts of the animal. Look around and you’ll failures. Learn the egg yolk. Study the egg find what you need. yolk. Become one with the egg yolk. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Every once in a Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Rule numwhile it is good for the soul to give a very ber one for quick dinners: they must never formal, carefully planned and beautifully taste hasty. Don’t dawdle, but don’t rush. appointed dinner, with the finest food and Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Lettuce wines that one can muster. Such an affair leaves must be dry when they are tossed keeps the chef in fighting trim! Or maybe for a salad, so you should wash them several hours before use. Shake off the water, just a picnic lunch. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) What a beau- spread the leaves on a towel, roll up loosetiful, appetizing, and satisfying creation ly, and refrigerate; the towel will absorb the salad is — and what a simple one, too. the moisture. Wash and dry before you toss. Nature provides; you combine. Combine! Aries (March 21 – April 19) The Combine! remains of a feast can spell feasting again Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Any time you on the remains, and that can be even more produce a fast and successful meal, keep fun for all concerned than the original bannotes, list your shopping requirements, and quet. All you need is the glint of adventure put down the order in which you did things; in your eye when you tackle that turkey carwith your plans ready made, half the work cass and those nice little bowls of leftover is done. Take notes. vegetables. Adventure awaits for those Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Work as who have the glint. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) What do rapidly as possible so butter does not soften; if dough softens and is hard to handle, they do to make things taste so good, stop where you are, and chill. Whenever those French cooks? One thing they do, dough seems rubbery and is hard to roll, or those French, is to use every possible bit retracts after rolling, stop where you are; of everything …. You might have left out wrap and chill dough until it has relaxed. something you could use. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) When beef If dough is too cold, leave at room temperature until butter has again become stew is in the oven, all’s right with the world, and beef Bourguignon is the best malleable. Stop where you are, and chill. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You beef stew known to man. Or burgers. Burgdon’t need a fancy fish poacher to boil a ers are good too. Your favorite kind. salmon; use a washtub. Keep it simple.


“Going Against” — it’s the big con 13 Mandrill relative 14 Cartman’s first name 16 Record collector’s platters 17 The economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, to economists

19 Ecol. watchdog (we can hope) 20 Bering or Messina, for short 21 Greedy person’s mantra 23 “Glengarry Glen Ross” dramatist 25 “Hold ___ your hat!” 26 City in Utah County, Utah 27 Escapes artfully 29 Bottomless pit 30 “Tic ___ Dough” (TV game show) 31 Reason to write your name on your food, maybe 36 Uptempo song by The Cure 40 Spray can contents 41 Opp. of SSE 43 Bathroom unit 46 And others, in citations 48 Silly fool 49 Beijing skyline feature


22 Maguire who played Spidey 23 Held a session 24 Old Toyota compact model 28 Ride an updraft 29 Alamogordo experiments, for short 32 “Bed-in for Peace” activist 33 Geog. high points 34 “Ay, dios ___!” 35 Empowered 37 1945 meeting place for Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt 38 Article accompanier, often 39 It only requires one to ride Down 42 “Do ___ Diddy Diddy” (1964 #1 1 D.A.’s group hit) 2 Do some House work? 43 Cloud layers 3 Over the top 44 Cheesy 4 Had a big laugh 45 Points toward 5 Parisian negative 6 Against (which appears amidst the 47 One small sip 49 “Ten Summoner’s Tales” singer five long Across answers) 50 Dolphins’ habitat? 7 “The Walking Dead” villain 51 Exeunt ___ (Shakespearean stage 8 Spiner who played Data direction) 9 ___-surface missile 10 Author Beverly who created Ramo- 52 Figure out na and Beezus 55 Many a charitable gp. 56 Some members of the fam 11 Food you’re asked how you like? 12 Source of the line “The meek shall 60 “Aw, hell ___!” inherit the earth” 61 Altoids container 15 CBS procedural that ran for 15 seasons ©2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords 18 “Letters from ___ Jima” (2006 film) (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) 53 1991 Wimbledon winner Michael 54 The days of Caesar, colloquially 57 “Eggs ___ style” 58 Toning targets 59 Menace in many a classic B movie 62 “Sister, Sister” sister 63 “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down ___” 64 “The Chew” regular Mario 65 D.A., for one 66 APO mail recipients 67 Malmo’s home


Across 1 “Just Putting It Out There” comedian Nancherla 7 Org. associated with the John Tesh song “Roundball Rock” 10 Diamond headgear

HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 61


The American worker

LowellSummerMusic.Org No Ticket Fees

Saturday, August 12

A local chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees in Battle Creek, Michigan, is butting heads with Western Michigan University this summer after the school brought in a goat crew to clean up an overgrown woodlot on campus, leaving union workers without jobs. The AFSCME’s grievance cites a collective bargaining agreement with WMU, but university officials counter that “the area is rife with poison ivy and other invasive species,” which are difficult for humans to remove. The 20-goat crew, rented from Munchers on Hooves in Coldwater, Michigan, is ahead of schedule in clearing a 15-acre area.

With friends like these ...

Robert Kanoff, 49, celebrated Independence Day in an unusual way: High on drugs, he was dropped off in his birthday suit at a Tempe, Arizona, Walmart by two people who thought it would be “funny to see him naked,” said police. There he walked around the store wearing only shoes and carrying methamphetamines. Maricopa County sheriff’s officers caught up with him around 10 p.m. across the street from the store.

Friday, August 18

The entrepreneurial spirit

First bikes, then cars ... now umbrellas. Maybe. Sharing E Umbrella hit the streets of 11 Chinese cities in April with more than 300,000 umbrellas for rent from subway and bus stations. Unfortunately, the company’s founder, Zhao Shuping, didn’t provide instructions about returning the rentals after use, and most of the umbrellas have disappeared. Zhao noted his mistake, saying, “Umbrellas are different from bicycles. ... With an umbrella you need railings or a fence to hang it on.” He plans to replenish his stock with 30 million umbrellas nationwide by the end of the year.

Saturday, August 19

Questionable judgments Sunday, August 20





Under the influence

Saturday, September 9


HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 62

• The Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival, in which water buffalo are pitted against each other, has been a tradition in Hai Phong, Vietnam, since the 18th century. But on July 1, buffalo trainer Dinh Xuan Huong, 46, met his doom when his own bull turned on him. The buffalo first knocked Dinh to the ground, then flipped him over its head, goring Dinh’s leg with its horn. Dinh later died at the Vietnam-Czech Friendship Hospital. Buffalo fighting was stopped in the country during the Vietnam War, but the fights resumed in 1990. Police in Slidell, Louisiana, stopped a “car full of drunks” on July 8 and arrested the driver for driving while intoxicated. The car’s passengers rode home in a taxi, but one of the women then drove back

to the police station to bail out the driver. Slidell officers arrested the woman for DWI, and she joined her friend in jail. “Lesson of the day,” Slidell officers posted on their Facebook page: “Don’t drive drunk to a police station in order to bail out your drunk friend!” • Police in Swansea, Illinois, suspect the heir to a brewery fortune of flying high. August Adolphus Busch IV, 53, landed his helicopter around noon on July 10 in an office complex parking lot outside St. Louis. Police and FAA investigators were still trying to determine why he had landed there and whether any aviation laws had been broken when they were called back to the parking lot around 8 p.m., where Busch, appearing to be intoxicated, was trying unsuccessfully to take off. Swansea police reported that Busch failed field sobriety tests but passed a breath test, and after they secured a warrant, Busch was taken to a local hospital for blood tests. (Also found in the helicopter: four loaded guns, several prescription pill bottles and eight dogs.) At press time, no charges had been filed.

Lacking a filter

Baseball fans at the Los Angeles Dodgers-Kansas City Royals game in Dodger Stadium on July 8 were treated to some righteous moves on the dance cam by “Rally Granny,” an older fan who capped her performance by flashing her bra at the 40,000-plus spectators. “You don’t see THAT much at a baseball stadium,” deadpanned Dodgers first baseman Cody Bellinger (who actually missed the spectacle).

Now you have our attention

• On July 6, IRS workers in Ogden, Utah, received a fake bomb from Normand Lariviere, 68, of Olympia, Washington. The U.S. Navy veteran and former civilian defense contractor has been disgruntled with the Department of Defense since his dismissal in the 1990s and has a history of mailing disturbing objects to the IRS to protest paying taxes. In 2016, Lariviere sent one of his fingers, a bullet and a marijuana joint to tax collectors. “Many things I could do,” he threatened. “I’m not going to tip my hand.” • Drivers speeding down Bedford Street in Lakeville, Massachusetts, may touch the brakes when they spot a parked police cruiser at the side of the road. But the “vehicle,” a plywood and aluminum sign painted to look like a Crown Victoria black-and-white, is a ruse perpetrated by resident Kelly Tufts to get drivers to slow down. Tufts parks the “car” in his driveway, especially on weekends, to protect dogs and kids from speeding traffic. “We’ve had some people give us the one finger,” Tufts said. “If it was their neighborhood, they’d enjoy it.”


A mathematician in Bucharest, Romania, scored a 44,900 euro profit when he made an exciting discovery at a flea market there: a rare World War II Enigma machine, used by the Nazis for encrypting messages. After paying the unwitting seller just 100 euros ($114 U.S.) for it, he took it into his care, cleaning and repairing it and learning how it worked. On July 11, a Bucharest auction house sold the machine for 45,000 euros ($51,500 U.S.) to an unnamed bidder. Visit weirduniverse.net.

It’s All About the Music



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HIPPO | AUGUST 10 - 16, 2017 | PAGE 63




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