MARCH 14 - 20, 2019
MEAT A field guide to corned beef, pastrami and Montreal smoked meats
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 2
Wage stagnation
New Hampshire continues to grapple with a workforce shortage that affects most every sector in the state. I recently reconnected with college friends outside Boston for a mini reunion of sorts; I was the only one traveling who lives outside Massachusetts. The conversation soon turned to one of my friends’ most-asked questions — why do I still live in New Hampshire? Although we all graduated from college in New Hampshire, I’m the only one who’s stayed in the state since graduation. My friends talked about how much they miss New Hampshire. They all said that someday, when they’re ready to settle, they’ll be back. But for now coming back doesn’t work for them because to do so would require either commuting, a significant pay cut or both. These folks are in roles usually requiring advanced degrees where Boston has consistently held the competitive advantage, but this issue has far-reaching effects, as my recent tour of the New Hampshire State Correctional Facility for Women revealed. The warden shared that of the 60 security jobs at her facility 19 are vacant. The lack of qualified correctional officers is a statewide issue here in New Hampshire but this is not the case in Massachusetts, where there is a waiting list of people for these positions. The difference in pay is one of the top reasons, the warden said, with salaries for security staff starting nearly 50 percent higher in Massachusetts. Analysts have been warning for years about the threats to our economic growth and prosperity as a state. The factors highlighted often include our aging population, our high energy and health care costs, low birth rates, and slowing in-migration of younger professionals. Although some of these factors are showing promise, they are overall still significant threats. I would argue we also need to evaluate how our child care costs, housing costs and availability, job growth and wages all factor into the workforce shortage. New Hampshire has historically been able to use its lack of an income tax as justification to pay workers less. Is this argument going to remain attractive even as employers struggle to find the supply of workers to meet their demands? I’ve made my decision to stay in New Hampshire even as higher wages and economic prosperity whisper to me from just over the state line. New Hampshire is known as the place to go when you’re ready to settle — let’s hope we can someday position ourselves as not only a great place to live but a great place to grow. Allyson Ryder is associate director of Leadership New Hampshire. She can be reached at Allyson.ryder@leadershipnh. org.
MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 VOL 19 NO 11
News and culture weekly serving Metro southern New Hampshire Published every Thursday (1st copy free; 2nd $1). 195 McGregor St., Suite 325, Manchester, N.H. 03102 P 603-625-1855 F 603-625-2422 email:
EDITORIAL Executive Editor Amy Diaz, Managing Editor Meghan Siegler,, Ext. 113 Editorial Design Tristan Collins Copy Editor Lisa Parsons, Staff Writers Angie Sykeny, Ext. 130 Scott Murphy, Ext. 136 Matt Ingersoll, Ext. 152 Contributors Allison Willson Dudas, Jennifer Graham, Henry Homeyer, Dave Long, Lauren Mifsud, Jeff Mucciarone, Stefanie Phillips, Eric W. Saeger, Michael Witthaus Listings Arts listings: Inside/Outside listings: Food & Drink listings: Music listings:
BUSINESS Publisher Jody Reese, Ext. 121 Associate Publisher Dan Szczesny Associate Publisher Jeff Rapsis, Ext. 123 Production Tristan Collins, Laura Young Circulation Manager Doug Ladd, Ext. 135 Advertising Manager Charlene Cesarini, Ext. 126 Account Executives Alyse Savage, 603-493-2026 Katharine Stickney, Ext. 144 Roxanne Macaig, Ext. 127 Tammie Boucher, support staff, Ext. 150 Reception & Bookkeeping Gloria Zogopoulos To place an ad call 625-1855, Ext. 126 For Classifieds dial Ext. 125 or e-mail Unsolicited submissions will not be returned or acknowledged and will be destroyed. Opinions expressed by columnists do not represent the views of the Hippo or its advertisers.
ON THE COVER 12 MEAT Local chefs and butchers talk about why corned beef is a St. Patrick’s Day staple, plus the differences between corned beef, pastrami and Montreal smoked meat. Find out the origins of each and where to get them around here. ALSO ON THE COVER, Corned beef Reuben from New it’s Police v. Fire in England’s Tap House Grille in Hooksett. the annual Battle of Photo by Matt Ingersoll. the Badges Hockey Champsionship, p. 22. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with corned beef and cabbage and other traditional eats (p. 28), and find live music, Irish step dancing and more (p. 38).
NEWS & NOTES 4 NH challenges ruling on online lotto sales; PLUS News in Brief. 8 Q&A 9 QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 10 SPORTS THIS WEEK 16 THE ARTS: 18 THEATER Jake’s Women. 19 CLASSICAL Curtain Call; listings for events around town. 20 ART Local Color; listings for events around town. INSIDE/OUTSIDE: 23 KIDDIE POOL Family fun events this weekend. 23 TREASURE HUNT There’s gold in your attic. 24 GARDENING GUY Henry Homeyer offers advice on your outdoors. 25 CAR TALK Automotive advice. CAREERS: 26 ON THE JOB What it’s like to be a... FOOD: 28 ST. PADDY’S DAY EATS Gourment Festival & Auction; In the Kitchen; Weekly Dish; Beer; Perishables. POP CULTURE: 34 REVIEWS CDs, books, TV and more. Amy Diaz wants to be Captain Marvel when she grows up. NITE: 38 BANDS, CLUBS, NIGHTLIFE St. Patrick’s Day events; Nightlife, music & comedy listings and more. 41 ROCK AND ROLL CROSSWORD A puzzle for the music-lover. 42 MUSIC THIS WEEK Live music at your favorite bars and restaurants.
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Merrimack Station
On March 4, the Conservation Law Foundation and Sierra Club filed a joint lawsuit targeting operations at Merrimack Station in Bow. The 502-megawatt coal and oil power plant is located on 230 acres along the Merrimack River and currently operated by Granite Shore Power, whose parent company is based in Connecticut. It is the largest coal-burning power plant left in New England. In January 2018 Eversource Energy announced it had completed a sale of five power plants, including Merrimack Station, to Granite Shore Power. The lawsuit alleges that both owners have “engaged in ongoing and continuous violations of the Clean Water Act.” Specifically, the suit claims that the plant has “discharged heated wastewater” into the Merrimack River for decades, damaging the “environmental and ecological health” of the river. The Foundation and Sierra Club are requesting that the station’s previous and current owners pay anywhere from $37,500 to $53,484 “per day per violation for all Clean Water Act violations.” According to the AP, Eversource denied the allegations and said the company worked with the EPA before the sale to address all environmental requirements, including the violations outlined in the lawsuit.
School safety site
Gov. Chris Sununu and Perry Plummer, director of the state’s Bureau of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, announced a new school safety website, schoolsafetyresources. Creating the School Safety Resource Center was one of the recommendations outlined by the Governor’s School Safety Task Force. According to the site, the platform will act as a “central location of the resources available to assist educators, emergency responders, community organizations, school mental health professionals, families and students in creating safe, positive and successful educational environments for students in all New Hampshire schools.” The task force’s final report included 59 recommendations, four of which have been completed and 41 of which are in progress, according to the website. The three other completed recommendations are establishing a protocol for school administrators after a “critical school incident”; establishing an alert system for parents, staff and non-first responders during an emergency; and implementing a visible door and window numbering system and maps in state schools to allow for better navigation of school buildings.
Opioid crisis response
Correction The Feb. 28 story “Part-Time Pets” should have said that the New Hampshire Audubon does not rehabilitate animals; the Audubon’s “animal ambassadors” come from licensed wildlife rehabilitators who have already returned the animals to a healthy condition, and the Audubon provides homes and care for these animals that can’t survive in the wild.
Harbor Homes in Nashua announced a partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service to create a new AmeriCorps program focused on the opioid epidemic. Up to 20 individuals will be able to work for the program, called the Harbor Homes Recovery Corps. Each member will serve a year-long term
as a recovery coach for nonprofits across the state, when they will work toward their New Hampshire Certified Recovery Support Worker certification. Members will also be eligible for health insurance, child care assistance and student loan deferment through AmeriCorps. For information, contact or call Erin Segaloff at 882-3616.
Last Friday, the New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts and New Hampshire Humanities announced a new workplace program called “Humanities @ Work.” The committee’s membership includes local businesses looking to promote “the intersection of art and commerce.” Through the program, members of the committee will be able to bring humanities-based programs into their workplace, including seminars on music, poetry and crafts as well as New Hampshire folklife traditions and history. Members will receive discounts on booking these programs.
Mayor Joyce Craig of Manchester, along with business and nonprofit leaders, announced a new statewide crowdfunding platform called iFundWomen New Hampshire. The site is meant to help early-stage women-led businesses raise business funds. Entrepreneurs will also have access to one-on-one startup coaching, professional video production services and a private network with other startups. According to a report from the mayor’s office, women start businesses at 4.8 times the national average but receive just 2.2 percent of all venture capital dollars.
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen petitioned the Secretary Derry of the Merrimack Navy to protect $162 million in funding allocated to three Londonderry military construction projects at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, according to a news release. Funding for several NASHUA military projects nationwide could be diverted to build a southern border wall through President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration.
American Medical Response reported that a fatality in Nashua from January has since been confirmed to be opioid-related. This negates a report from early February showing no January opioid overdose deaths in Nashua, which would have been the city’s first month without an opioid death since December 2015. So far this year there have been 47 opioid overdoses and four opioid-related deaths in Nashua, with two deaths pending toxicology reports. In Manchester there have been 115 overdoses and 11 confirmed deaths.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 4
A proposed ordinance from Alderman Ernest Bedford Jette would raise the smoking age in Nashua from 18 to 21. According Amherst the law to the proposal, would ban the purchase, use and possession of Milford “any product containing tobacco” for residents under 21, along with e-cigarettes and related products. The Nashua Telegraph reported that the city’s aldermen will discuss the proposal in April.
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Catholic Medical Center and ClearChoiceMD Urgent Care opened a new jointly operated urgent care center in Goffstown, according Hooksett to a news release. The center is on the corner of Mast Road and Daniel Plummer Road. The two providers expect to open a second location Goffstown on Hooksett Road in Hooksett later this spring.
Workplace humanities
United Rail, which consolidates smaller railroad companies, announced it has acquired New England Southern Railroad based in Canterbury. New England Southern was formed in 1982 when it purchased the century-old track from the state. The track runs from Concord to Lincoln and is the oldest shortline freight railroad in New Hampshire.
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Blow to the lotto
State challenges ruling on online lottery By Scott Murphy
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A new federal ruling on a decades-old law could have significant effects on New Hampshire’s education system. The new interpretation of the Federal Wire Act essentially bans online lottery sales, a key source of funding for public education in the Granite State. The Wire Act was passed in 1961 to ban the use of “wire communication” for “interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers.” In a 2011 ruling, the U.S. Department of Justice clarified that this only applied to betting on sport events and not online lottery sales. However, the department issued a new opinion last November, claiming that the law isn’t “uniformly limited to gambling on sporting events or contests.” The opinion was made public by department in mid-January. New Hampshire’s Lottery Commission and Department of Justice have now challenged the U.S. Attorney General’s decision. The state’s complaint claims that the decision creates “substantial uncertainty as to the continued legality” of the New Hampshire Lottery. “The simplest way to put it is that this potentially criminalizes a whole broad array of conduct that has otherwise not been criminalized before,” said Steven Gordon, shareholder and director of Shaheen & Gordon in Concord. “New Hampshire is the perfectly appropriate state to bring such a claim, because we are so dependent on lotteries and games of chance.”
Foundational funding
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 6
Charlie McIntyre, executive director of the New Hampshire Lottery, said there was no state funding for local public education before the lottery was created in 1964. Since then, all net proceeds from lottery sales have gone toward state education, totaling over $2 billion to date. In Fiscal Year 2018, the lottery reported an all-time sales record of over $331.8 million, with $86.5 million in net profits going toward state education. Maura McCann, director of marketing for the lottery, said that $61.3 million has been raised for education so far in Fiscal Year 2019, running from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. According to the New Hampshire Department of Education’s 2017-2018 finance summary, the state’s net revenue sources for education totalled roughly $3.2 billion, most of which ($1.9 billion) comes from “local taxation.” Still, though lottery sales aren’t the state’s main source of education funding, McIntyre said the state and municipalities still counting on that money in their education budgets.
“If you break it down by city or town, you’re talking lots of money that jurisdictions have probably already budgeted for or will have to budget for,” McIntyre said. The U.S. DOJ’s ruling comes at time when the New Hampshire Lottery has expanded its online offerings. The state launched the new iLottery platform in September, which allows people to purchase e-instant tickets and play online, draw-based games. According to McIntyre, the state is investing in the platform to take advantage if a growing market. He said iLottery is projected to make up to $6 million in its first full-year and up to $8 million in the following year. “That’s real money for a state this size,” said McIntyre. “To sort of do a 180 at a time when we’ve dedicated a lot of resources to this program, it’s just out of the blue and unacceptable.”
Legal proceedings
Gordon pointed out that the DOJ’s ruling is an “opinion that seeks input” and not a directive. The DOJ wrote that its opinion is based on the “plain language of the statute” but acknowledged that Congress has “ultimate authority over the scope” of the law. However, Gordon said the ruling as drafted is “ill-advised” and an “oversweep of the intent of the statute.” He pointed to a past ruling by the First Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the DOJ’s previous opinion that the Wire Act solely covered sports betting. “I would think that precedent is fairly controlling in this situation,” said Gordon. “Clearly, Congress hasn’t passed a law saying ‘scratch tickets can be subject to prosecution’ or ‘draw-based games can be subject to prosecution.’” Gordon said the U.S. DOJ has 90 days to respond to New Hampshire’s complaint against the ruling. He was unaware of any lawsuits brought forward by other states. NeoPollard Interactive, the contractor that runs New Hampshire’s iLottery platform, also runs similar systems for Michigan and Virginia. McIntyre said the state’s actions depend on that response. “The difficulty is they wrote the opinion with zero guidances of how it should be applied and zero guidance to people who would apply it,” said McIntyre. “That’s why we are where challenging this. It depends on how the Justice Department interprets their interpretation.” “This [ruling] changes the perspective of the Department of Justice contrary to established law,” said Gordon. “Prudence suggests it’s better in this instance to ask for permission first rather than penance later.”
Scaling back
Wildlife center moves to seasonal schedule For 20 years, Helen Dalbeck was executive director of Amoskeag Fishways, a wildlife education center in Manchester. Eversource sold the Amoskeag Dam last August, ending its contract with New Hampshire Audubon that supported the programs at Amoskeag Fishways. The center will now only be a seasonal operation open between April and July. How did Amoskeag Fishways start? The fish ladder for passage for migrating fish was built in 1989. The Amoskeag Hydro Dam and its owner, PSNH [now Eversource] … also installed underwater viewing windows … and started to invite the public to come down and witness the migration. … They decided to ... create a yearround center in ‘95 … and contracted [with] New Hampshire Audubon, because of their expertise of science and environmental education. … We also ... worked with New Hampshire Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife … and began developing and installing permanent exhibits that focused on the Merrimack River and the Merrimack River Watershed. … We developed more school programs that we could teach at the center, but also programs that we could take on the road and teach in local schools. ... Soon after, a lot of the live animals came in. We were able to bring in, with permits, native turtles and salamanders and frogs and toads. We’ve had snakes … some American eel and some Atlantic salmon. 125798
Why is the center changing now? PSNH became Eversource, and they wanted to get out of the generation business. We knew probably three or four years ago that this was all going to happen; that the hydro station, and thus the Fishways, would be sold. … The new owners are Hull Street Energy [in Maryland]. The local subsidiary is Central Rivers Power. The sale finalized last August. … Initially, the center was open seasonally in the early ’90s. The choice was made to go back to that seasonal nature of the center and to have interpreters at the center open for walk-ins and visitors and tours during the time What are you into right now? I have a meditation practice, and I don’t think I could have gotten through this whole transition without those 20 minutes on the cushion every morning.
when the fish ladder is in operation. … The partnership that’s been in place for all these years will not continue … and the center will be open just [from April to July]. How does the fish ladder work? You put up a dam, and it’s like putting up a brick wall in front of fish that have been moving up the river for all of time. … [The ladder] looks like a staircase. Each ... opening has a bit of a waterfall, so the water is pouring down the staircase. The water comes into the fish ladder above the hydro station and the dam, and it pours out down below the hydro station dam. It provides upstream passage for migrating fish … that are swimming upstream to spawn. Helen Dalbeck
What will the center’s programming look like going forward? I really don’t know. We’re leaving them with our fish season tours and brochures, all the research that we’ve done and materials we’ve created over the years. They’re in a really good position, I think, to just go to the files and pull out a top-notch program. … The new owners and the staff that’s there, they’re engineers, they’re biologists, they’re focusing on the hydrology of the river and the operation of the station. Perhaps they’ll create something new and different ... [to teach] the operation of the fish ladder and how hydropower works. Why was the Fishways important to the city? A river attracts life. Not only does it attract migrating fish and raptors and birds, but it also attracts people. There’s this city that’s built up around this river, and lots of people live near the river or across the river and never really pay attention to it. So a place like [this], ... we’re helping people pay attention to ... these incredible natural features. — Scott Murphy
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 8
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QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX Cutting down crime
The Manchester Police Department released preliminary data showing a drop in crime over the last year. Overall crime dropped by about 3 percent from 2017 to 2018, from 3,712 to 3,610 reported cases. Violent crime (homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault) fell by 9 percent, while property crime (burglary, larceny, auto theft, arson) fell by 1 percent. According to Captain Brian O’Keefe, the data hasn’t been validated by the FBI and is subject to change. QOL Score: +1 Comment: Two types of crime did see slight increases over the last year. From 2017 to 2018, the number of homicides increased from two to five cases, while incidents of larceny increased 6 percent from 2,293 to 2,440 cases.
Costly nursing home care
Seniors and their families will have to pay a steep price for nursing home care in New Hampshire. According to a new report from Business Insider, an average private nursing home room in the Granite State costs $11,102 per month, the ninth-highest cost in the country. That figure is relevant to many Granite Staters, as the study also found that roughly 236,157 residents are 65 and older. QOL Score: -1 Comment: Only Massachusetts ($12,775 per month) and Connecticut ($13,733 per month) had higher costs in New England, ranking fourth and second, respectively. Alaska’s nursing homes are the most expensive in the country by far, with an average cost of $27,573 per month for a private room.
Rare disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new data about confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis, including a victim in New Hampshire. The disease is a rare neurological condition that weakens muscles and reflexes, similar to polio. As of March 1, the CDC confirmed one case in New Hampshire in 2018, adding that “patients under investigation are still being classified, and the case counts are subject to change.” There were 223 cases nationally and five other cases in New England last year, including four cases in Massachusetts and one in Rhode Island. QOL Score: -1 Comment: According to the CDC, more than 90 percent of patients had a mild respiratory illness or fever before they developed the disease. Symptoms began to show up between August and October in most cases. The CDC first noticed a large number of cases being reported in 2014 and has since seen increases in cases every two years.
A new report from the Anti-Defamation League included a dozen incidents reported by individuals in New Hampshire between 2017 and 2018. The events included 10 anti-Semitic incidents and two reports of people distributing white supremacist propaganda. Each incident happened in a different New Hampshire community, including events in Concord, Hooksett and Nashua. QOL Score: -1 Comment: Maine and New Hampshire had the fewest reports in New England with 12 each, followed by Vermont (15) and Rhode Island (19). Incidents were much more common in Connecticut (57) and Massachusetts (221). QOL Score: 52 Net change: -2 QOL this week: 50 What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 9
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After a truly wretched stretch in the most frustrating NBA season I’ve personally experienced, the natives and the media justifiably turned on your Boston Celtics in the last few weeks of February. Most in the media and cheap seats did what they always do: scream for the coach’s head and blame whichever player happens to be in the crosshairs. In this case they harped on Brad Stevens, the inconsistent Gordon Hayward and free agent to be Kyrie Irving, especially after he wavered on his previous “I’m coming back” statement. And his less than brilliant response was to get surly with the media. All that aside, I tend to be more interested in solutions. To find them, you’ve got to put frustrations aside, eliminate panic and analyze the problem. Which starts with going back to the last time the team played in sync and what factors derailed that on-court karma. So here’s my analysis: Last Time in Sync: The playoffs last spring where a young team surprised/ shocked many by overcoming the loss of its two best players and going to the Eastern Conference Finals. High Expectations: These came with the knowledge that Kyrie and Hayward would be added to this young, talented team. The problem was and is that Hayward’s immediate return to form was taken for granted by everyone, when it turned out to be more grueling in nature. Plus both players had a learning curve to make for playing with the others that none of us anticipated. Panic Grips The Hub: It’s been that way since the 10-10 start punctuated awful losses to both L.A. teams at home and moribund Bulls in Chicago. That amped up the media grumbling. Then came panic, like the Boston Globe’s Gary Washburn suggesting a solution to fix the problem. Props to him for trying, but unfortunately it was the single
dumbest solution offered by any journalist in history when he said — are you ready for this? — bring in Carmelo Anthony! Perfect — bring in the biggest offense-clogger ever to a team that doesn’t have enough ball movement when Kyrie’s on the floor. Yikes. As Bill Parcells says, if you listen to the people in the cheap seats sooner or later you’ll be up there with them. You Are What Your Record Says You Are: Speaking of Tuna, if his famous line is right, maybe it is Kyrie. They’re 10-2 when he hasn’t played in 2018-19 and 31-24 when he does. An .833 winning percentage to .566. That’s a big difference. If you’re wondering against those common opponents from the games he’s missed they’re 10-6 when Kyrie plays. Last year it was 14-8 in the 22 he missed and 39-21 when he played — .633 vs .650. Plus you may recall they went 11-8 in three playoff rounds without him. All that suggests being better off without him. But I’m not ready to draw that conclusion. Free Agency: Complaining about the complications media/fan attention brings to your life is not a good look for a 20-something millionaire. The reason NBA teams are able to pay people $170 million is that people care. If they don’t care to watch and spend, bye-bye money. If you can’t live with that, retire or get a 9-to-5 job like the rest of us. In other words, grow up and deal with it because it’s an important part of the job and it’s the same everywhere. Talent vs. Production: There’s a difference between great individual talent and being the reason a teams always wins. Kyrie dazzles three times a night with individual brilliance but rarely brings out the best in others. That’s all that was needed in Cleveland because LeBron was there. More is needed in Boston. Until he learns how to make others better, like the folks listed in the Sports Glossary, he’s a No. 2, not a team’s hub. What’s the Real Problem: Al Horford aside, he doesn’t know how to get the most out of everyone else. Great players like Larry Bird, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd and
LeBron elevate those around them. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than playing with a guy who pounds the ball waiting to get their shot, as you stand around looking into the fifth row. That leads to eye-rolling, frustration and eventually the toxic environment Jaylon Brown recently talked about. Especially after said pounder starts lecturing others on how to play. Problem 2: The other guys don’t know how to play with Kyrie. Great ball movement got people open last spring. With Kyrie, movement without the ball is more important because there’s not as much ball movement but when you’re open you’ll get it. They also need to understand his real value. He commands double teams that get others open, and he can close games down by taking over at the end. Real championship teams need that and no one else can do it. Can It Be Fixed? Kyrie’s a smart guy, but he hasn’t shown a lot of self-awareness to make these adjustments. He’s got the intellectual ability and with a month to go before the playoffs there’s enough time. So the question is, can Stevens get Kyrie to listen and then adjust? The Patriot Factor: I have the same feeling now I had for the Patriots into December. No way they’re winning anything. Then, out of nowhere, back to normal spanking San Diego, er, L.A. The Celtics aren’t five champs, but sometimes despite the signals the switch just flips. So, I guess you never know. Gordon Hayward: Incidentally, the flip-switcher for a redemptive spring is not Kyrie. It’s Hayward. In the eight games before spraining his ankle Hayward was in double digits six times and they were 6-2. In the three since it got better, he went for 12, 30 and 15 in three straight wins, making it 21-4 when he scores 12 or more points. It’s not just the points, it’s when he’s confident his passing and facilitating ability in the half-court makes everyone better.
Email Dave Long at dlong@hippopress. com.
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 10
BG gets fourth straight
The Big Story: When a team wins its fourth straight state championship as the Bishop Guertin girls did Saturday it’s big. That’s what the Cardinals did with their 46-33 win over six-seed Portsmouth at SNHU’s Stan Spirou Fieldhouse in a balanced effort led by the appropriately named Hannah (much) Muchemore and Erin Carney with a game-high 14 and 10 points respectively. BG finished an undefeated 21-0 and set themselves up to try and match the five straight won by Winnacunnet from 2007 through 2011. Sports 101: There has been only one time in NCAA history when players from each team in a game have scored over 50 points. Name those players. Hint: One had over 60 points and it occurred between SEC teams. Big Story II: That would be the Bedford hockey team winning in a 7-0 rollover of upstart Trinity. The biggest gun was Parker Roberto, who had a hat trick on his way to a five-point game. Making it sweeter was doing it after overcoming some early February woes to let the Bulldogs claim their sixth Division I Hockey title in the last eight years, putting them in the debate whether that as yet qualifies them as a New Hampshire hockey dynasty. Nick of Tyme Award: To Jason Cox for hanging in to score the offensive rebound
The Numbers
3 – points Bishop Guertin’s Aaliyah Foreman held high-scoring Memorial star Lyric Grumblatt to in a stellar defensive effort as BG moved to the Division I final with a 66-36 win. 10 – consecutive state titles for the Hanover girls
game winner for Londonderry in its 42-40 quarterfinal win over Winnacunnet. Coming and Going: Cory Mansfield has been named to replace the late Mike Ryan as head pro at Derryfield CC. He comes to DCC from Montcalm Golf Club in Enfield, N.H., after being a PGA professional since 1996. He’s been a pro at several other New England courses and has owned his own golf academy. A meet-and-greet with Cory will be held at Derryfield Restaurant, Wednesday, March 27, from 6 to 8 p.m. Sports 101 Answer: It happened in February 1970 when Pete Maravich threw in 64 points and Dan Issel had 51 as Kentucky won 121-105 in the Pistol’s last LSU home game. On This Day in Sports: 1954 – Henry Aaron hits a home run in his first ever exhibition game to begin a career that ended with him as the all-time home run leader with 755. 1967 – Future goofball comedy Police Academy star Bubba Smith goes first overall in the NFL draft after a career at Michigan State where fans would shout “kill, Bubba, kill” when they wanted a big play from the big fella. 2017 – After a mere 273 years the world’s oldest golf club finally votes to allow women as members at Muirfield in Scotland.
hockey team after a 4-1 win over Exeter at SNHU Arena. 18 – team-high points for Peyton Steinman as 19-9 Saint Anselm ended its season in a 74-59 loss to 12th-ranked Bentley when Sara Messler had an 11-point, 10-rebound double-double. 26 & 25 – saves made by Concord’s Parker Taylor
and Bedford’s Shea Guimont respectively in the just-mentioned 2-1 semifinal match-up that ended the Crimson’s season at 15-4. 30 – saves made by Ryan Brewitt as the Trinity defense held Salem to three goals in the 4-3 win that sent them to the Division I hockey final.
Sports Glossary
Michael Jordan: Chicago jumped 11 wins his rookie year, from 27-55 to 38-44. Magic Johnson — Lakers: A 47-win team that already had Kareem went to 60 and won the NBA title. Shaquille O’Neal — Magic: The expansion Magic went from 21-61 before Shaq to 41-41 his rookie year, then to the Finals in Year 2. And if you think Kobe was the biggest reason he won his first three titles, guess again. After the big fella’s trade to Miami, L.A. went from 53 wins and in the Finals to 34 and out of the playoffs, while the Heat went from 41 to 60 and NBA champs in Year 2. Tim Duncan — Spurs: A 20-62 record and huge lottery luck over a Celtics team with much better odds to get the first pick landed San Antonio Duncan. It transformed them from the lottery to a 56-26 NBA title winning club. The asterisk is that SA also got David Robinson back after missing the entire previous year to make it more like getting the first and second players in the draft. Lew Alcindor — Bucks: Winning the coin flip after going 27-55 got the Bucks the first overall pick, which rocketed them to 56-26 in Big Lew’s rookie season and last year before the name change to Kareem. Larry Bird — Celtics: With ML Carr the only other addition, the C’s went from 24 games under .500 at 29-53 to 40 games over .500 as they went 61-21 as Larry’s legend began his rookie season. The 32-game jump is the largest one-season turnaround in NBA history. He should’ve been MVP, not just Rookie of the Year.
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 11
MEAT A field guide to corned beef, pastrami and Montreal smoked meats
Corned beef Reuben from New England’s Tap House Grille in Hooksett Photo by Matt Ingersoll.
By Matt Ingersoll
As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, local butcheries and restaurants are serving up hundreds (and in some cases, even thousands) of pounds of corned beef throughout the weekend. But despite its popularity during this time of year here in New Hampshire, corned beef is not actually as big a staple in Ireland as you might think. “It’s a common misnomer that corned beef is a big deal on St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s actually pork belly,” said Dave Manganello, owner and chief pitmaster of Riverside Barbeque Co. in Nashua. “Corned beef is definitely more of an Irish-American thing.” HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 12
In fact, brisket — the cut of meat most commonly used to make corned beef — can also be used to make pastrami and Montreal smoked meat, none of which are strongly associated with Ireland. So how did corned beef and cabbage become such a popular St. Patrick’s Day meal? Local chefs and butchers explain that, as well as the difference between corned beef, pastrami and Montreal smoked meat, the origins of each, and some of the best ways they can be incorporated into meals.
with, according to Manganello. The brisket is made up of the thicker, fattier end known as the point cut, and the much leaner flat cut. The term “corned beef” gets its name from the pickling — or brining — process the meat undergoes, which is made up of a solution of “corns” of salt, plus varying herbs and spices, before it’s then boiled. It will usually result in one of two distinct colors: either a pinkish, ham-like color as a result of a brining solution containing Prague salts, or a gray color if it’s cured with salt only. “Curing … is a long and slow process, and what it does is it breaks down the toughness CORNED BEEF Corned beef almost always will come of the meat and makes it tender,” said Rick from brisket, the pectoral muscle of the cow Morten, a kitchen manager at Patrick’s Pub that is a very tough cut of meat to start out & Eatery in Gilford, which cooks more than
1,000 pounds of corned beef in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day. Some restaurants, like the Tuckaway Tavern & Butchery in Raymond, may take the curing process a step further. According to owner Bobby Marcotte, its New England gray Angus brisket uses apple juice to give it even more of a unique flavor. Manganello said the origin of corned beef in the United States can be traced back to the Jewish delis in New York in the 19th century like Katz’s Delicatessen, which predominantly had brisket. “The Irish would eat pork, because that was their cheap cut of meat that they could get pretty easily,” he said. “Then when you had Irish immigrants coming to this country,
traditionally from the navel end of the beef plate, a much fattier and less stringy cut just below the brisket on the underside of the animal, according to Johnny Love of Huntspoint BBQ & MEAT’ery in Epping. Pastrami is dry-rubbed and smoked, as opposed to corned beef being boiled. Common ingredients that coat pastrami before it goes in the smoker are black pepper, sugar, coriander, cumin and garlic cloves. “Corned beef will not usually be seasoned as much as pastrami,” Love said. “Everybody will kind of have their own take on what goes in a pastrami seasoning.” The style is widely believed to have originated in Romania, Manganello said, its popularity migrating to the United States along with Jewish immigrants of eastern European descent in the late 19th century. The word is derived from the term “pastramă,” which not only referred to beef, but also to lamb, pork, turkey and mutton. Like corned beef, the production of pastrami was a way to preserve the meat. “The pastramă was this cut of meat that [they] didn’t know how to deal with, because they couldn’t bring it to a market to a degree that was super sellable,” he said. “The jump from this brisket to that brisket is basically a border somewhere in eastern Europe where people decided they were going to pre-rub and smoke the meat.” The pastrami sandwich with spicy brown mustard on rye bread has been made famous by Jewish delis in New York, but other dishes you might find that use the meat include pastrami grilled cheeses, and a pastrami macaroni and cheese that Love has served at his restaurant in the past.
The production of Montreal smoked meat and pastrami can often be the same or similar, but the way the two meats are then finished and prepared is different. Montreal smoked meat also traditionally is made from brisket that is dry rubbed, but with more savory, peppery flavors and significantly less sugar than pastrami, or sometimes no sugar at all. The meat can be left to sit anywhere between 24 and 48 hours or more before it’s smoked. Dan Lagueux, co-owner of New England’s Tap House Grille in Hooksett, which actually uses tri-tip cuts instead of brisket for its Montreal smoked meat sandwiches, said there is a debate on exactly where and how PASTRAMI the meat was introduced. But perhaps one Pastrami can also be prepared using of the most iconic places in Canada you brisket, but unlike corned beef, it is more can get it is at Schwartz’s Deli, which was established in Montreal in 1928 by Reuben Corned beef and cabbage Schwartz, a Jewish immigrant from Romafor St. Paddy’s Day nia. The deli touts its “world famous original To find out where you can get a boiled smoked meat,” available either as a sandcorned beef and cabbage dinner for St. Patwich on rye bread with yellow mustard, or rick’s Day, check out our story on pg. 28. as large or small plates with sides. Many local restaurants will also be serving “Some places like Schwartz’s will let the up Irish-inspired food and drink specials meat dry rub for a good week to a week and to enjoy. Turn to p. 38 to find out where to a half to get that nice char,” Lagueux said. celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with live Celtic “There has been talk about a Jewish commumusic, Irish step-dancing, DJs and more. nity that had recipes out in New York that
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it was a different situation for them, especially in the Jewish communities, because they don’t eat pork.” In the United States, brisket was also much cheaper at the time than pork, which was considered more of a luxury product as opposed to its availability in Ireland. “People didn’t eat [corned beef] necessarily because of St. Patrick or anything he may have done,” Manganello said. “It was just people taking products that were available to them. … Humans have been preserving meats with smoke and salts for thousands of years, and this was just another way basically to bring the moisture out of the meat so that it can last longer.” He added that these same principles — cheapness, availability and preservation — apply to other foods that are boiled such as the cabbage, potatoes, carrots and turnips that make up the popular corned beef and cabbage meal we know today. “March isn’t exactly known for being bountiful,” he said. “So, I mean, you’ve got potatoes, which you can store all winter long, you’ve got cabbage, which grows late in the season, and you’re already boiling the corned beef, so you’re going to boil all of those other products too. It’s one pot cooking, essentially.” These days, while corned beef and cabbage has become an iconic meal in the United States around St. Patrick’s Day, you’ll see the meat turn up in a variety of other meals, most commonly year-round in the form of a Reuben sandwich. There are several restaurants and delis in the United States that claim to have invented the Reuben, which Manganello said traditionally consists of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Thousand Island dressing on Jewish seeded rye bread. But there are many other directions the sandwich can take. Riverside Barbeque Co., for example, serves its Reuben sliced on grilled Texas toast, while New England’s Tap House Grille in Hooksett offers it with shaved corned beef and adds bacon, and T-Bones, with restaurants in Bedford, Salem, Hudson, Derry and Laconia, serves its “Unusual Reuben,” which adds coleslaw and Gouda cheese. You’ll also see corned beef as a breakfast hash on the menu at several area diners, as well as in the form of Reuben egg rolls, and even as a topping for poutine.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 13
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Montreal smoked meat poutine from New England’s Tap House Grille in Hooksett. Photo by Matt Ingersoll.
made their way into Québec, but Montreal perfected it.” The key to the Montreal smoked meat sandwich, according to Lagueux, is simplicity. The sandwich available on the restaurant’s menu is served on house-made marble rye bread, topped with a pickle spear, with a side of spicy beer mustard. “You’re getting essentially a big pile of meat, and the meat is the main focus, so you’re getting more height than width for a sandwich,” he said. “The Montreal smoked meat is brittle, so you won’t always get slices that are perfect, but we basically pile it all on. … You’ll also see a Montreal smoked meat poutine, which is a common thing up in Québec.” The Montreal smoked meat at Chez
Vachon on Manchester’s West Side was, according to co-owner Robert “B” Perkins, inspired by Schwartz’s Deli. It’s available on the menu in a variety of options, like a sandwich, poutine, a plate with two sides, or you buy it by the pound. “We use the flat side of the brisket, and we cure it by putting it in a salt mixture for seven days to get some of the moisture out of it,” Perkins said. “Then we dry rub it, let it sit for another 48 hours, and smoke it usually anywhere from six to eight hours.” You can order a traditional Montreal smoked meat sandwich on rye with wholegrain mustard or, alternatively, on a six-inch sub roll with grilled onions and Swiss cheese, known as “Linda’s Way,” named after a staff member.
Where to get corned beef, pastrami or Montreal smoked meat This list includes butcheries and restaurants in southern New Hampshire that, according to owners, either brine their own corned beef, smoke their own pastrami or serve house Montreal smoked meat either as sandwiches or lunch plates with sides. Some will only have house-brined corned beef for a limited amount of time; call or visit the website for updates.
NH’s Best Bucking Farbecue 125711
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 14
• Brothers Butcher (8 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, 809-4180; 142 Lowell Road, Hudson, 577-1130; brines a gray corned beef that is available by the pound for St. Patrick’s Day. • Bubby’s NY Style Delicatessen (241 Hanover St., Portsmouth, 373-8981, incorporates house-cured corned beef and house-smoked pastrami in a variety of its menu options, which include sandwiches on its lunch menu like The Trifecta (corned beef, pastrami and beef tongue on rye) and The Heart Attack (hot pastrami, corned beef, coleslaw, Swiss cheese, and house Russian dressing, lay-
ered between two potato latkes), as well as a homemade corned beef hash on its breakfast menu. • Chez Vachon (136 Kelley St., Manchester, 625-9660, chez-vachon.mycloveronline. com) makes its own Montreal smoked meat in house. You can order it as a sandwich on rye bread with whole-grain mustard, as a six-inch sub roll with grilled onions and Swiss cheese (known as Linda’s Way, named after a staff member), or you can put it in an omelet or as a topping for poutine. • The Flying Butcher (124 Route 101A, Amherst, 598-6328, is offering corned beef brisket by the pound for St. Patrick’s Day, and features a Reuben on its sandwiches menu with sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and Thousand Island dressing on marble rye bread. • The Happy Butchers (222 Elm St., Milford, 554-1339, offers red and gray corned beef by the pound, both from flat and point cuts, from about one month
Meats continued.
and so much more!
Pastrami sandwich from Huntspoint Barbecue & MEAT’ery in Epping. Courtesy photo.
prior to St. Patrick’s Day through the following month. • Holy Grail Restaurant and Pub (64 Main St., Epping, 679-9559, brines its own corned beef for options like the boiled corned beef and cabbage dinner with turnips, carrots and potatoes for St. Patrick’s Day; and the Irish nachos, which are topped with corned beef, bacon, cheddar cheese, scallions and a sweet pepper sour cream. • Huntspoint BBQ & Meat’ery (114 Calef Highway, Epping, 679-5700, bbq.huntspoint. com) offers real New York corned beef and pastrami by the pound, in sandwiches, and other unique options like a pastrami macaroni and cheese. • Mr. Steer Meats & More (27 Buttrick Road, Londonderry, 434-1444, mrsteermeats. com) brines its own flat cut corned beef and is selling it by the pound for St. Patrick’s Day. • New England’s Tap House Grille (1292 Hooksett Road, Hooksett, 782-5137, has a Montreal smoked meat sandwich featuring house-smoked and -cured rubbed tri-tip meat, served on homemade marble rye bread with a spicy beer mustard. The Montreal smoked meat can be ordered as a poutine topping too. The restaurant also offers a Reuben with shaved corned beef, sauerkraut, bacon and melted baby Swiss cheese, served on marble rye with a Thousand Island dressing. • The Peddler’s Daughter (48 Main St., Nashua, 821-7535, brines its own corned beef and offers a sandwich on its menu with Swiss cheese, and Dijon and whole-grain mustard.
• Riverside Barbeque Co. (53 Main St., Nashua, 204-5110, will soon be adding house-cured brisket to the menu in the form of pastrami or corned beef sandwiches, with the meat stacked high on grilled seeded rye bread and slathered in the restaurant’s whiskey mustard made with whiskey from Djinn Spirits. • The Steak Out (116 Daniel Plummer Road, Goffstown, 518-8965, lemayandsonsbeef-bbq. com) brines its own corned beef and offers two different styles — a red corned beef brined with sodium nitrate, and a gray corned beef that is free of preservatives — that are both available by the pound. • Suna Restaurant (6 Brook Road, Sunapee, 843-8998, suna) does a house-smoked pastrami Reuben, served on marble rye bread with sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and a Thousand Island dressing. • The Tuckaway Tavern & Butchery (58 Route 27, Raymond, 244-2431, thetuckaway. com) brines an all-natural New England Angusstyle brisket for St. Patrick’s Day that is made with apple juice. • Wicked Good Butchah (460 Route 101, Bedford, 488-1832, has a house brined corned beef available by the pound for St. Patrick’s Day or as a prepared meal with cabbage, potatoes and carrots. • The Wine’ing Butcher (254 Wallace Road, Bedford, 488-5519; 16 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke, 856-8855; 28 Weirs Road, Gilford, 293-4670; 81 Route 25, Meredith, 279-0300; brines corned beef, available by the pound, for St. Patrick’s Day.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 15
Saturday, March 16
New Hampshire’s annual celebration of all things maple, NH Maple Weekend, is next Saturday, March 23, and Sunday, March 24, but many area sugarhouses have events this weekend too as part of a monthlong celebration of maple. Head to for a list of locations offering tours, samples and other glimpses into how they cultivate that syrupy goodness. Some examples: Ben’s Sugar Shack (which has locations in Temple and Newbury) is open Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will feature tours and maple goods (including maple doughnuts, maple roasted nuts and maple cotton candy). The Sugar House at Morning Star Farm in Plaistow will be open Sunday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and a description of goings-on at the farm this month includes demonstrations, a chance to meet some of the farm animals and a listing of foods for sampling (including “maple dogs”).
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The Central New Hampshire Bicycling Coalition will present the Bikes of March Film Festival tonight at 6 p.m. at Red River Theatres (11 S. Main St. in Concord; This event is free (though donations are accepted and pre-registration is available through the theater’s website). The evening will feature bike films and information about rail trails. See for more on the Coalition.
Another reason to get excited about spring: amphibians have their “Big Night.” Learn about this time when warm, rainy nights cause frogs and salamanders to get out and about at the program “Amphibian Crossing Brigade” tonight at 7 p.m. at the NH Audubon Massabesic Center (26 Audubon Way in Auburn;, 668-2045). Registration is required and costs $5 per person. The presentation will include a slide show and a look at some of the center’s live animals to help you spot the species, according to the website.
EAT: Comfort foods “A multi-course menu inspired by craveable comfort foods,” according to the website, is the description of The Farmers Dinner Presents: Crave, a meal on Sunday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Earth’s Harvest Kitchen & Juicery (835 Central Ave. in Dover). The meal will be prepared by Earth’s Harvest chef George Bezanson and Keith Sarasin of The Farmers Dinner as well as Boston-based pastry chef Kate Holowchik. Tickets cost $75; see
Saturday, March 16
Friday, March 15
Start the weekend off with the band Cabin Culture, which will perform from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight at Fody’s (9 Clinton St. in Nashua; fodystavern. com, 577-9015). Find more live music at area bars and restaurants in our Music This Week listing, which begins on page 42.
DRINK: Whiskey Try samples of four cocktails made with whiskey from High West Distillery at the Bedford Village Inn (2 Olde Bedford Way in Bedford; on Wednesday, March 27, from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets cost $25 per person
Dreaming of the growing season? Head to the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire’s annual winter conference today from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Merrimack Valley High School (106 Village St. in Concord). The day will feature multiple workshop sessions (on topics including soil, growing grain, growing berries, various sides of the business of farming, school gardens and more), a keynote speech by farmer and author Ben Hartman and a daylong green exhibitor fair. Registration costs $110 ($95 by March 14).
BE MERRY: With fun for a cause Get food, beer, wine and dessert (as well as a night of comedy and raffles) at Samples Against Stigma on Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Noah’s Event Venue (379 River Road in Bedford). Tickets cost $5 and support The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester. See for tickets (or call 668-4111, ext. 8563) and for a list of participating vendors.
Looking for more stuff to do this week? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at
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ARTS Women on the brain
Milford Area Players perform a Neil Simon dramedy Jake’s character has 579 lines, including seven monologues, some as long as a page and a half, Wood said, but Vick said that challenge is what attracted him to the play. “Jake is on stage for the entire play, participating in every dialogue,” Vick said. “It’s fun to never leave the stage and to never have that time of waiting backstage for your next entrance.” Wood decided on a minimal set, mostly black, with curtains in lieu of walls, a single door frame and only a couple pieces of furniture. The scene changes are done through lighting and sound effects. “I wanted to make it kind of surreal, with the characters in [Jake’s] fantasies coming from nowhere,” he said. “I think it represents Jake’s isolation, even from his family and the people he loves.”
By Angie Sykeny
Women, real and imagined, are at the center of Neil Simon’s 1992 play Jake’s Women, which the Milford Area Players will perform Friday, March 15, through Sunday, March 17, at the Amato Center for the Performing Arts. Set in a New York City apartment in 1990, the play follows Jake, a witty and successful writer in a dissolving marriage, as he contemplates a series of present, past and hypothetical interactions with the women in his life: his revered first wife and the mother of his daughter, Julie, who was killed years earlier in an accident; his daughter, Molly, who is now 21 years old; his bossy and boisterous sister, Karen; his opinionated and condescending psychiatrist, Edith; his current wife, Maggie, who is leaving him for another man; and the woman he is currently dating, Sheila, a prospective third wife. “[Jake] comes to realizations about the problems and issues that he’s had all his life, and that’s basically what the play is about — Jake looking at himself and deciding he wants to try to make a change,” said Chris Vick, the actor playing Jake. Director Mike Wood directed a Nashua Theatre Guild production of the play in 2005 but wanted to give it another go now that he’s a “more seasoned director” with
Jake’s Women. Courtesy photo.
more than 20 years of theater experience, he said. This time, he’s having the actors do more “tablework,” a process that entails analyzing the script and thinking deeply about the characters and what motivates them to do what they do. “The characters have more depth and are more personal and emotional than [the characters] in a lot of other Neil Simon plays,” Wood said. “They have funny and sarcastic moments, intermixed with moments that are painful or heartwarming, so the tablework
18 Theater
Includes listings, shows, auditions, workshops and more. To get listed, e-mail Hanover St., Manchester. Visit • DISNEY’S ALADDIN KIDS North Londonderry Elementary School presents. Wed., March 20, 7 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets cost $11. Visit • THE MUSIC MAN JR. The
19 Art
Jake’s Women When: Friday, March 15, and Saturday, March 16, at 8 p.m., and Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m. Where: Amato Center for the Performing Arts, 56 Mont Vernon St., Milford Cost: Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors and are available online, at the Toadstool Bookshop in Milford and at the door. Visit:
20 Classical
Includes listings for gallery events, ongoing exhibits and classes. To Includes symphony and orchestral performances. get listed, e-mail To get listed, e-mail Actorsingers present. Fri., March 22, at 7 p.m., Sat., March 23, at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sun., March 24, at 2 p.m. Janice B. Streeter Theatre, 14 Court St. , Nashua. Tickets $12 to $15. Visit • VICTORIA VALENTINE: PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR Ghost Ship Radio presents.
Sun., March 24 and May 26, 2 p.m. Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road, Concord. Tickets cost $17 for adults and $14 for students. Visit • MADELINE AND THE BAT HAT Thurs., March 28, 10 a.m. Stockbridge Theatre, 5 Pinkerton St., Derry. Tickets cost $8 for
adults and $7 for students. Visit • LEGALLY BLONDE THE MUSICAL JR. Gilbert Hood Middle School presents. Fri., March 29, 7 p.m., and Sat., March 30, 1 and 7 p.m. Gilbert H. Hood Middle School, 5 Hood Road, Derry. $10. Email
• THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA AND THE UGLY DUCKLING Southern NH Dance Theater presents. Sun., March 31, 1 and 4 p.m. Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester. Tickets cost $25 for adults and $20 for children age 12 and under. Visit
Theater Productions • SEUSSICAL Peacock Players present. March 8 through March 17. Janice B. Streeter Theatre, 14 Court St., Nashua. Tickets are $12 to $19. Visit • CABARET Feb. 22 through March 17. Palace Theatre, 80
and understanding those characters is really important for hitting on those emotions.” “I’ve been spending a lot of time with my script, thinking about the words that I’m saying and why I’m saying them and where they’re coming from,” Vick added. “I’ve really just been living with my character for the last three months.” The cast consists of eight people: Vick, plus six women and a young girl playing Jake’s daughter Molly, who is, at one point, portrayed as an 11-year-old.
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 18
Notes from the theater scene
• Last chance for Cabaret: Catch one of the final shows of Cabaret at the Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St., Manchester) on Thursday, March 14, and Friday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, March 16, at 2 and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m. The Broadway hit musical is set in 1931 Berlin as Nazis are rising to power and centers on the nightlife at the Kit Kat Klub and the relationship between a young American writer, Cliff Bradshaw, and cabaret performer Sally Bowles. Tickets cost $39 to $46 for adults and $25 for children age 6 through 12. Visit or call 668-5588. • Kids shows galore: The Peacock Players present Seussical the Musical at Janice B. Streeter Theatre (14 Court St., Nashua) on Friday, March 15, at 7 p.m., Saturday, March 16, at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m Tickets cost $12 to $19. Visit The Majestic Theatre presents Mary Poppins Jr. at the Derry Opera House (29 W. Broadway, Derry) on Friday, March 15, at 7 p.m., Saturday, March 16, at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sunday, March 17, at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $13 for seniors and $12 for children age 17 and under. Visit North Londonderry Elementary School presents Disney’s Aladdin Kids at the Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St., Manchester) on Wednesday, March 20, at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $11. Visit
Art In the Galleries • “TELL A STORY AND NEVER SAY A WORD” Featuring the work of two New Hampshire Art Association members - a fine art photographer and a portrait artist and illustrator. On view Jan. 3 through March 21. 2 Pillsbury St., Concord. Visit • “THREE CENTURIES OF
The Palace Theatre presents Cabaret. Courtesy photo.
• Acting workshop: The Community Players of Concord will have an acting workshop for 20-somethings on Saturday, March 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at The Players Studio (435 Josiah Bartlett Road, Concord). The workshop will cover developing emotional resonance in lines and scenes and character arcs in dialogue, songs, plays, musicals and scenes. Bring a memorized eight- to 12-word line from a play or lyrics from a song, and a short synopsis of a character or song you’ve performed or wish to perform. The cost is $15 and includes a membership with the Players for the rest of their 91st season. Registration is required. Call 668 5466 or email • Historical drama: The New Hampshire Theatre Project presents Charm at West End Studio Theatre (959 Islington St., Portsmouth) March 15 through March 31, with showtimes on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Charm tells the story of 19th-century journalist and transcendentalist Margaret Fuller. Tickets cost $30 for adults and $26 for seniors, students and veterans. Visit — Angie Sykeny
MIRRORS: REFLECTIONS THROUGH THE AGES” New Hampshire Antique Co-op presents exhibit that showcases a curated collection of period and vintage mirrors from the late 1700s Rococo styles to the 1950s mid-century modern era. On view through March 31. Tower Gallery, 323 Elm St., Milford. Visit • “SHINE” Exhibit showcases
Bow High School artists’ work, including a vibrant arrangement of ink drawings, fabric art, canvas painting, beautiful fashion and watercolor. On view Feb. 9 through March 15. Twiggs Gallery, 254 King St., Boscawen. Visit • “FRIENDS, FRUITS & FLOWERS” Amy Stodola of Harrisville will show her paintings. On view Feb. 16 through
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 19
NH art world news
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 20
• Urban meets nature: ArtHub (30 Temple St., Nashua) presents an exhibition, “Our Nation’s Capital,” during March, with an opening reception on Saturday, March 16, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The exhibition features photography by Nashua artist Jayson Gleneck that captures the juxtaposition of natural subjects, like gardens, water, trees and the sky, and man-made buildings and monuments within the capital’s urban landscape, such as the Capitol building, the Washington Monument and the National Museum of African American History and Culture. “I want people to open their eyes and see how much nature can be seen in the parks and the gardens, even in a big city,” Gleneck said earlier this month. “People think it’s all business and government, but there’s so much more that gets overlooked.” Gallery hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 405-698-1951 or visit To read the full story about the exhibition, visit and click on “past issues,” then click on the March 7 issue pdf and look for the story on p. 18. • Different kinds of landscapes: Catch “Contemporary Landscapes: Seen and Lost” at Kelley Stelling Contemporary (221 Hanover St., Manchester) before it’s gone on March 22. The exhibition features nontraditional landscape and landscape-inspired art in a variety of media, ranging from videos to small-scale ceramics. Rachelle Beaudoin of Peterborough, one of the six featured artists, presents a series of four self-shot vid-
March 27. Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St. , Hancock. Visit hancocktownlibrarynh.wordpress. com. • “NEW HAMPSHIRE LANDSCAPES IN MOTION” Oil landscapes by Daryl D. Johnson. On view Jan. 3 through March 21. Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, 49 S. Main St. , Concord. Visit • “THE FABRIC OF OUR LIVES: PARTY DRESSES PIECING IT TOGETHER” Multimedia exhibit by the High Season Artists. On view through April 13. Epsom Public Library, 1606 Dover Road, Epsom. Visit • “DIDIER WILLIAM AND STACEY STEERS: NIGHT HUNTER” Didier William weaves together a wide range of art-making techniques to push the limits of his materials. Stacey Steers is known for her process driven animated films composed
Daniel Espinoza art, featured in “Contemporary Landscapes.” Courtesy photo.
eos that show her performing silent actions in various landscapes, such as building a nest and laying an egg in the forest, pole dancing on a tree, doing a sun salutation on the beach, and rolling down a river, which she shot using a green screen. “I think [the video series] is a different way of approaching and interpreting landscapes,” she said in January. “Instead of a painting or a photograph, I’m actually inserting myself into the landscape as a commentary or a critique of something.” Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday from noon to 3 p.m., and by appointment. Visit or call 345-1779. • A charming craft: The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Nashua Fine Craft Gallery (98 Main St., Nashua) presents a workshop, “‘Oh So Charming’ Bag,” on Saturday, March 16, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Participants will learn how to make a charming quilted bag using basic sewing techniques. They must bring their own sewing machine and know how to use it. The cost is $38, plus a $20 materials fee. Visit or call 595-8233. — Angie Sykeny
of thousands of handmade works on paper. On view Feb. 28 through March 30. McIninch Art Gallery, SNHU, 2500 North River Road, Manchester. Visit • JEN MCCALMONT McCalmont is a classical representational oil painter whose paintings of flowers, gardens and landscapes express joy and happiness. Her paintings are inspired by New Hampshire landscapes as well as her travels to other parts of the country and beyond. On view through March. Creative Ventures Gallery, 411 Nashua St., Milford. Visit or call 672-2500. • “FIELDWORK” Exhibition features the new oil paintings of Strafford artist Molly Doe Wensberg. Her work is inspired by rural New Hampshire and focuses on the emotion of a place and the patchwork quality of distance and space. She creates color, texture and atmosphere with a signature style of soft
brushwork and rough blocks of color applied with a palette knife. On view through April 6. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sullivan Framing & Fine Art Gallery, 15 N. Amherst Road, Bedford. Call 4711888 or visit Classical Music Events • “LE CHEMIN DE LA CROIX” Organist Jeremy Filsell presents. Sun., March 24, 4 p.m. The First Church, 1 Concord St. , Nashua. Free admission. Visit first– • “BRAHMS, PROKOFIEV, AND VAUGHAN WILLIAMS” Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra presents. Sun., March 24. The Music Hall, 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth. Tickets are $26 for adults, $23 for seniors and $12 for students. Visit portsmouthsymphony. org.
INSIDE/OUTSIDE Battle for good
Firefighters and police officers play hockey for kids By Angie Sykeny
Firefighters and police officers from across New Hampshire will use their friendly rivalry for a good cause during the CHaD Battle of the Badges Hockey Championship on Saturday, March 16, at the SNHU Arena in Manchester. Now in its 12th year, the game has generated more than $2.2 million to benefit the programs and kids at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock and draws a crowd of 6,000 to 7,000 fans. Last year alone, a record $286,000 was raised. A series of tryouts is held in September and October to determine who will be on the rosters. “Every year we get a wide variety of players, from returning players and players who have played since Day 1, to new players,” event coordinator Tom Gauthier said. The teams practice every month at the arena, starting in November. Players must each raise at least $1,500 to play, which they do through selling sponsorships and tickets to the game and collecting donations. Team Police’s Kyle Daly is currently in the lead, with more than $21,000 raised. Each player is also assigned a “CHaD buddy,” a kid in his community who is or has been a patient at CHaD or benefited from CHaD programs, a few months prior to the game. The players spend time with the kids and their 23 Kiddie pool Family activities this week.
shoot-to-win, a sign-making station, vendor and sponsor booths, and Battle of the Badges merchandise being sold. At the intermissions, there will be on-ice games and entertainment like an equipment relay and musical chairs as well as a T-shirt toss and a bucket brigade for donations. After the game, there will be a trophy presentation for the winning team and a ceremony to honor the three top fundraising players, the top fundraising team and the players who have played for their fifth and 10th years. CHaD fundraisers benefit a variety of programs, including the Child Life Program, which offers families emotional support and provides children with toys and other items that will make them more comfortable; Molly’s Place, a family center with a play area for children and information resources for parents; CHaD Battle of the Badges Hockey Championship. Courtesy of CHaD. and an injury prevention program that raisfamilies and learn their stories. In some cas- buddies will drop the puck and the game will es awareness about bicycle and seatbelt safety es, Gauthier said, the players keep the same begin. and safe teen driving. CHad buddies for years and form lasting The game itself is “super competitive,” relationships. Gauthier said, and the teams play up the CHaD Battle of the Badges Hockey “It’s a tangible connection to CHaD,” he friendly rivalry between the police and fire Championship said. “It gives [the players] a real-life example departments. Team Police currently has a fourWhere: SNHU Arena, 555 Elm St., of what [the money raised] goes to benefit and win lead on Team Fire. Manchester shows them that there is a real person on the “Once they get in that arena and there’s thouWhen: Saturday, March 16, gates open at other side as opposed to just a program.” sands of people there, their adrenaline starts 3:30 p.m., puck drop at 5 p.m. The event kicks off with a pregame ceremo- going, and they want to win,” he said. “They Cost: $10, free for kids age 5 and under. ny during which the players and their CHaD want to carry that pride for their branch.” Seats are general admission. buddies will be introduced and the national During the game there will be various attracVisit: anthem will be played. Then, one of the CHaD tions on the concourse, including games like 23 Treasure Hunt There’s gold in your attic.
TIVE SUMMER CAMP FAIR This event allows parents and their children the opportunity to speak one-on-one with representatives of summer camps and programs in New Hampshire. Camp categories include adventure and travel, educational, arts and crafts, performing arts, science and nature and more. Sat., March 16, 10 a.m. to Summer camps • PARENTING NH INTERAC- 1 p.m. Derryfield Country Club, Children & Teens Art classes & programs • MAKE YOUR OWN LEPRECHAUN TRAP All materials will be provided. Sat., March 16, 11 a.m. Spark Creative Studios, 865 Second St., Manchester. $10 per trap. Visit
24 The Gardening Guy Advice on your outdoors.
625 Mammoth Road, Manchester. classes like yoga, martial arts and Free. Visit dance. Free food, games and raffles will also be featured. Thurs., Health & Wellness March 14, 6 to 8 p.m. Elm Street Events Middle School, 117 Elm St., Nash• HEALTH & WELLNESS ua. Free. Contact Patty Davidson FAIR More than 30 tables from at local service offerings and community businesses, plus workMuseums & Tours shops on topics such as vaping, History & museum events internet safety and depression and • THE REHABILITATION OF
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25 Car Talk Ray gives you car advice. THE COL. ROBERT MEANS MANSION IN AMHERST, NH This program is sponsored by the New Boston Historical Society. Thurs., March 14, 7 p.m. New Boston Community Church, 2 Meetinghouse Hill Road, New Boston. Visit • THOREAU & EMERSON IN NEW HAMPTON AND ENVI-
RONS Drawing on his collection of rare books and manuscripts, presenter Dr. Kent Bicknell will bring the lives of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson to life. Light refreshments will be served. Tues., March 19, 7 p.m. Gordon-Nash Library, 69 Main St., New Hampton. Free and open to the public. Visit
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Family fun for the weekend
St. Pat’s for kids
crafts (pot-of-gold rainbow necklaces and shamrock stamping) and storytimes, according to the website. The events are part of admission to the museum, which is $10 for everyone over one year old ($9 for seniors age 65+). The museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.
Get outside
On Saturday, March 16, at 11 a.m. the Barnes & Noble stores in Manchester (1741 S. Willow St. 668-5557), Salem (125 S. Broadway, 8981930), Nashua (235 Daniel Webster Highway, 888-0533) and Newington (45 Gosling Road, 422-7733) will hold storytime featuring How to Catch a Leprechaun by Adam Wallace. Then, at 2 p.m. it’s “Leprechauns and Limericks” where kids can get an official leprechaun name, write limericks and get giveaways in celebration of the release of the book Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles by Thomas Lennon, a book geared toward the 10- to 14-year-old crowd, according to the Barnes & Noble website. The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (6 Washington St., Dover;, 742-2002) will celebrate Saint Patrick’s weekend Friday, March 15, and Saturday, March 16, with
Older kids can join the Full Moon Hike or Snowshoe at Beaver Brook (117 Ridge Road in Hollis;, 465-7787) Saturday, March 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The website suggests dressing in layers; after the hike, there will be beverages and cookies. The cost is $15. Celebrate Maple Month in New Hampshire at Charmingfare Farm (774 High St. in Candia,, 483-5623), which is holding its Maple Express event on weekends through the end of March. The event includes a horse-drawn ride to a sugar shack, learning about maple trees and tapping, a look at a working sugar shack and its operation, tastings and time with the farm’s animals, according to the website. Maple products will also be available for purchase. Tickets cost $22 to $25 with deals for school and homeschool groups. See website for times and to register.
But having three of the same artist will help in giving them a value. It’s hard for me to determine that without more Courtesy photo. information. They look very well done and all subjects are pleasing to the eye. If they turn out to be done by an unknown artist, I still think they will be in the $200 to $300 range each.
Dear Donna, I have three paintings by Lou Kerry and was wondering if you might be able to direct me toward an avenue where I can sell them. I have tried researching online to no avail. These paintings have been in my family for years. Any advice would be so helpful and appreciated. Steve Dear Steve, I also did quite a bit of searching for you with pretty much the same results as you. I think where you need to go next would be to a place where they have better access to artists. I would bring them to a place like Skinner in Bolton, Mass., and let them do the research for you to determine a value. Skinner is also an auction house so if the value of the paintings is high enough, they could put them up for sale for you. But some paintings just don’t have a well-known artist and the value would then be determined by the quality of the work and subject.
Donna Welch has spent more than 30 years in the antiques and collectibles field, appraising and instructing, and recently closed the physical location of From Out Of The Woods Antique Center ( but is still doing some buying and selling. She is a member of The New Hampshire Antiques Dealer Association. If you have questions about an antique or collectible send a clear photo and information to Donna at, or call her at 3916550 or 624-8668.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 23
Beyond bees
A look at the other pollinators By Henry Homeyer
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 24
When I say “pollinator,” you think bee, right? Honeybee, bumblebee, wild bee. But what about moth, butterfly, beetle or fly? Many of those are pollinators, too. I recently read an interesting article about pollinators by Dan Jaffe and Jane Roy Brown in the Native Plant News, a magazine put out by the New England Wild Flower Society. The authors’ basic premise is that moths and butterflies are the unsung heroes of pollination, and an important part of a balanced ecosystem. Of the 700 or so species of butterflies and moth (Lepidopterans) found east of the Mississippi, 500 species are supported by five native trees: oaks, cherries, willows, birch and poplar or aspen. In comparison, our perennial flower bee balm (which is loved by bees) supports just 11 species of butterflies and moths. I called Dan Jaffe and asked this: what is the value of Lepidopterans to the average gardener? Can’t bees take care of our fruit trees and veggies? Yes, he said, bees are great pollinators, but butterflies and moths feed our baby birds — and birds are great at controlling insect pests and moving seeds around the landscape to create a biologically diverse environment. It works like this, he said. Baby birds need a high-protein diet, so parent birds serve them caterpillars as 95 percent of their diet, even birds that are seed-eaters as adults. If there are no caterpillars, fewer baby birds will survive. And, he noted, our native species of trees are much better at feeding them than introduced decorative species. Many butterflies and moths depend on specific species of plants to survive. Most of us know about monarch butterflies: they only will lay their eggs on milkweed. As adults, however, the monarchs will feed on many flowers, including asters, goldenrod and a variety of other flowers. The endangered Karner blue butterfly depends on sundial lupine (Lupinus perennis) — and will not even feed on other related lupines. Planting to support specific butterflies is a worthy endeavor. Dan Jaffe emphasized to me that planting native species is important: they are trees and shrubs that evolved with our butterflies and moths, so that is what they are programmed to find and eat. Native trees and shrubs provide the leaves needed to feed caterpillars and to make their chrysalises. Pollinators need not just pollen but food and habitat throughout their life cycles. According to the article by Jaffe and Brown, willows are “the unsung heroes of the lepidopteran world.” The native black willow (Salix nigra) supports over 400 different species of butterflies and moths. I planted one 25 years ago near my brook and it is now a fullsized tree, perhaps 35 feet tall and 25 feet
Blueberries support nearly 300 kinds of pollinators. Photo by Henry Homeyer.
wide. Early on I kept it pruned as a shrub, but I skipped pruning for a couple of years — and it became a tree! I also grow three kinds of pussywillows, including our native one, Salix discolor, which grows wild along my stream. I also grow rosemary willow, a curly willow, and a variegated-leafed, non-native willow (Salix integra “Hakuru nashiki”). All of those have stayed under 20 feet tall and thrive in the sunny moist area near my stream. All my willows are fast-growing and some will spread by root, although the rosemary willow (Salix elaegnos) has not spread. The rosemary willow has leaves that look almost identical to rosemary leaves. I have to admit that, until now, I had never thought of willows as food for caterpillars or adult butterflies. Also mentioned in that article are the cherries. They support some 400 species of butterflies and moths. I have a huge black cherry (Prunus serotina) growing next to my house and overhanging my deck. It was there as a large tree when I bought my house 49 years ago, and is huge now — 60 feet tall or more, and the trunk is 4 to 6 feet in diameter at its base. I see lots of caterpillars on it each summer, and butterflies around it. Still, it is a messy tree dropping berries, leaves and twigs. I wish it were elsewhere on the property, but I won’t cut it down. Choke cherry (Prunus virginiana) is common in disturbed areas as a shrubby volunteer growing in full sun and poor soil. It is often a multi-stemmed shrub that blooms in May or June with small white flowers followed by red berries in July and August. Again, it supports pollinators with nectar, pollen, and leaves to munch on — and birds like the berries, too. One last plant to consider for pollinators and birds is the ordinary blueberry. It has lovely flowers in June, berries we all like later, and colorful leaves in fall. So what if the birds get most of the berries? Consider it your part of supporting a diverse and healthy ecosystem — including some 294 species of butterflies and moths. To learn more about native plants, visit the Garden in the Woods in Framingham, Mass., next spring, where you can buy native plants. Visit Henry can be reached by email at henry.
Car’s computer thinks Mom’s a thief
Dear Car Talk: When my mother drives her car, the alarm goes off and the theft deterrent light comes on. Then the car will barely run. When this happens, the powBy Ray Magliozzi er steering light, the brake light and even the tire pressure light will come on. She then has to turn the car off, take the key out, open the door and press the unlock button on the remote to get things working again. After doing that, she can restart the car and it will be alright for a while. We took it to get checked out and they couldn’t figure it out. She really needs your help. Thanks. — Mary Well, that’s inconvenient, Mary. Her car thinks she’s stealing it. How sad. After all these years, it doesn’t recognize the hand that fuels it. It sounds like there’s a problem with the theft deterrent system, also known as the immobilizer. It’s activating while the car is being driven for some reason. And when the immobilizer is activated, it’s putting the car into what’s called “limp home mode.” Generally, “limp home mode” is engaged by the car’s computer when there’s a dan-
ger that driving the car at normal speed will do serious damage to the engine or catalytic converter. It prevents the car from going more than a few miles an hour; enough to let you “limp” off the next exit ramp, or home if it’s nearby. The fact that she can “reset” the car by using the remote to unlock the doors tells me it’s definitely a problem with the immobilizer. Unfortunately, on modern cars, the immobilizer is built into the car’s computer. So you can’t simply disconnect the alarm system by cutting a wire, like you could in the old days. That means your dealer is your best bet here. The dealership is most likely to have seen this problem before. And if they haven’t, they’re most likely to know how the system works in your car, and where to start looking. And brace yourself, because it’s not likely to be a simple short in a wire, and may even require a new computer. In the meantime, tell your mother to stop wearing a ski mask when she gets into her car. That may be confusing things. Good luck. Dear Car Talk: I have a 2014 Hyundai Tucson that I bought brand new. It now has 92,000 miles on it. When I went in for my last oil change,
I was told there was no oil in the engine. There are no oil spots underneath my car where I park. Where is it going? What should I do? — Maureen Misery loves company, Maureen, and the good news is that you have a lot of company. Hyundai had a number of problems with engines from this era. There are quite a few reports of engines seizing up due to lack of oil, and your engine could be one of those. So what should you do? Well, the first thing to do is not drive another 8,000 miles. Hyundai offered a 10-year, 100,000-mile power train warranty (which applies only to the original owners) on the 2014 Tucson. They’re about to regret that. As long as you don’t cross that 100,000mile mark, you’re covered. So start by asking the shop that changed your oil to put something in writing confirming that they found the crank case empty (or very low, which is more likely the case). If they’ve changed your oil regularly in the past, have them mention that, too, so Hyundai can’t blame this on your lack of regular maintenance. Then drive over to your Hyundai dealer and tell them your mechanic found the crank case empty. They’ll want to look at the car and see if it’s leaking oil. It’s possible, but since you’ve seen no evidence of a leak, it’s
Career Fair
more likely that the oil is burning and coming out the exhaust pipe as blue-ish smoke. They may want to attempt to fix it for you without replacing the engine. That’s fine. But just keep a close eye on your oil, and keep a record of how much oil you add, and at what mileage. That way, if it’s not fixed, you’ll be able to insist they do more. And as long as the problem has been reported before you cross 100,000 miles, they are obligated to fix it, even if their first (or second or third) attempts fail. It’s possible that Hyundai will own right up to this and replace your engine the first time you come in. Since they’ve replaced so many engines now, they must know there’s a manufacturing or design problem. But it’s good to be prepared in case they don’t do the right thing. So keep good records of your oil loss, be firm but polite and, if necessary, if they try to stonewall you and don’t fix the problem, speak to a lawyer. This is precisely what a warranty is for, Maureen. As long as you didn’t neglect the car or ignore a flashing oil warning light, you’re entitled to have this fixed at no cost to you. Good luck, and let us know what happens. Visit
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 25
We never finished up because the college folded, but we were working toward degrees at that point. A lot of it was weather, navigation, aerodynamics and then the [Federal Aviation Administration] laws that go with this. … To do what I do now, you actually need just a Bob Cloutier commercial license … and some practical experience from people that have done this before. … When you start off in the industry, you start off with a private license, work your way toward a commercial license and then beyond that, air transport pilot license. I’m a Bob Cloutier is the owner and chief flight instructor at C-R Helicopters in Nashua. [certified flight instructor] as well. CAREERS
Bob Cloutier Helicopter Pilot
The company offers helicopter flight training, scenic and photography tours and flight services for businesses.
What is your typical at-work uniform? If I’m doing different operations with the military, I’m wearing a full Nomex flight suit and a helmet. … It’s kind of a fire-retardant suit. … Other than that … we try to wear khakis and at How did you find your current job? I started teaching over in Keene. … I leased least look decent and wear a company shirt. one two-seat helicopter … and brought it over here to … Daniel Webster College ... and I had What was the first job you ever had? Teaching Japanese kids at the Keene Dilstudents from there. It just ballooned from one two-seat helicopter to the six machines we lant-Hopkins Airport. … It was a contract that have right now. … I’ve probably had about we had with MAS Flight School out of Tokyo. 200 students. Private, commercial, differ- They would send students over here to the ent licenses. I’ve taught local [certified flight Northeast. … Every eight weeks, I believe we instructors] that have gone on to teach all over had at least 12 students. — Scott Murphy the world now.
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How did you get interested in this field? I’ve actually wanted to do this since I was probably 5 or 6 years old. … Just being around the industry and being around friends of my dad. My dad was [in the] 82nd Airborne. He was a paratrooper. I thought I wanted to be the guy in the front seat who said, “Go ahead, knock yourself out.” I didn’t want to be the guy jumping. … I’ve always been a machine type of guy. Snowmobiles, dirt bikes, my dad had heavy equipment. It was just kind of a normal progres- What’s the best piece of work-related advice sion, as far as machinery goes. You see a piece anyone’s ever given you? How long have you worked there? of machinery, you want to learn to operate it. When you go out to fly a helicopter, there’s I’ve been flying for 38 years. I’ve been actuno reason to go out there and show off. … Just ally doing work in the industry for the past 22 What kind of education or training did you go out and fly the machine to the best and safneed for this job? years. est of your ability. I went to Hawthorne College over in Antrim.
Your log o
Can you explain what your current job is? We do training, and we do a lot of events. I also do a lot of government contract-type work. … I have actually done crop spraying out in Iowa, picked up cranberries in bogs as well as mud down on the Cape. … We’re working up toward external load type operations. You see them putting air conditioning units on the top of buildings — we’ll be doing that eventually.
What do you wish you’d known at the beginning of your career? Probably just a little bit more about how to go about this in a different, direct route. I was raising three young kids at the time, and I worked one or two extra jobs just to pay for my flight time to finish that up after I got out of the service, years ago. And I wish I had flown in the Army, but I never did.
What are you into right now? We’ve been doing a lot of rides. The Lancaster Fair, the snowmobile grass drags over in Fremont. I just came down from doing the Snodeo over the weekend up in Colebrook.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 26
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 27
FOOD Irish feasts
Where to dine out for St. Paddy’s Day By Matt Ingersoll
News from the local food scene
By Matt Ingersoll
• Hayward’s set to open new Merrimack shop: Hayward’s Homemade Ice Cream will hold the grand opening of its new location at 360 Daniel Webster Highway in Merrimack on Saturday, March 16, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The new shop is one of several businesses scheduled to open this year as part of the new Merrimack 360 shopping plaza. Hayward’s owner Chris Ordway told The Hippo last year that, unlike its Nashua counterpart, the new Merrimack shop will be open year-round, with around 10 indoor table seats in addition to four outdoor serving windows during the summer months, and it will also have a drive-thru. The menu will have about 30 of Hayward’s most popular ice cream flavors, in addition to several flavors of soft-serve and a limited food menu, including hot dogs. Call the Nashua shop at 888-4663 or visit haywardsicecream. com for updates. • Historical brews: Join the Griffin Free Public Library (22 Hooksett Road, Auburn) for Brewing in New Hampshire: An Informal History of Beer in the Granite State from Colonial Times to the Present, a talk scheduled for Tuesday, March 19, at 7 p.m. Presenter Glenn Knoblock will explore the history of New Hampshire’s beer and ale brewing industry from colonial days, when it was home- and tavern-based, to today’s modern breweries and brew pubs. Several lesser-known brewers will be discussed, including the only brewery owned and operated by a woman before the modern era. Admission is free. Visit for more details. • Go gourmet: The annual Chocolate, Wine and Cheese Expo returns for a sixth year to the Radisson Hotel (11 Tara Boulevard, Nashua) on Friday, March 22, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The event features tastings of several international and domestic wines, as well as gourmet chocolates, artisan cheeses and specialty food products like pastas, caramel and hot fudge, mustards, relishes and chutneys, infused maple syrups and more. The expo is 21+ only and registration is due by March 20. General admission is $50, with proceeds benefiting the High Hopes Foundation of New Hampshire. Visit • A&E debuts Nicaraguan coffee: A&E Coffee & Tea will debut a new single-origin coffee from Nicaragua at its flagship location at 135 Route 101A in Amherst, according to a press release. The coffee, a light roast with juicy pear and hibiscus tea notes, comes from the Santa Rita Coffee Estate in Nicaragua and will be sold as “Roast Demo” 32 Looking for more food and drink fun? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 28
From boiled corned beef and cabbage dinners to desserts like soda bread and traditional Irish sticky toffee pudding, there are several tasty options across the Granite State to discover during St. Patrick’s Day. Unless otherwise specified, all meals, specials and events will be available on Sunday, March 17. • 603 Brewery (12 Liberty Drive, No. 7, Londonderry, 630-7745, will hold a St. Patrick’s Day party from noon to 5 p.m., featuring a special of Irish nachos with Reuben dip, 10 beers on tap including cider. • Alan’s of Boscawen (133 N. Main St., Boscawen, 753-6631, will serve all-you-can-eat corned beef and cabbage, and other Irish food and drink specials from Friday, March 15, through Sunday, March 17. • Amherst Country Club (72 Ponemah Road, Amherst, 673-9908, will host the Souhegan Valley Chamber of Commerce’s first annual Blarney Blast on Saturday, March 16, from 6 to 10 p.m., which will feature Irish food and beer tastings, drink specials, games, raffles and more. The event is 21+ only. The cost is $40 per person, with proceeds benefiting the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. Visit • Area 23 (254 N. State St., Concord, 2190856, will be serving specials for St. Patrick’s Day on corned beef, Irish bangers (sausages) and loaded potato soup. • Atkinson Resort & Country Club (85 Country Club Drive, Atkinson, 362-8700, will host a St. Patrick’s Day party beginning at 11 a.m., with corned beef and cabbage all day, as well as Guinness. • Auburn Pitts (167 Rockingham Road, Auburn, 622-6564, will be offering a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner, as well as its famous Colossal Reuben sandwich, plus drink specials and live music, on Saturday, March 16, and Sunday, March 17, from 7 to 11 p.m. • Averill House Vineyard (21 Averill Road, Brookline, 371-2296, averillhousevineyard. com) will be offering “The St. Patrick’s Day Mystery,” a four-course food and wine pairing event, on Saturday, March 16, from 6 to 9 p.m. The dinner will include four mystery dishes prepared by international celebrity chef Wheeler del Torro. Tickets start at $59 per person. Correction The story “Latin American fusions” on p. 30 of the March 7 edition should have said that Federal’s Cafe will focus on a classic breakfast menu, and Latin American fusion items are a small part of its lunch menu. Also, granola is not a breakfast option.
• Backyard Brewery & Kitchen (1211 S. Mammoth Road, Manchester, 623-3545, will kick off its St. Patrick’s Day celebration at 8 a.m. with a full Irish buffet featuring corned beef, cabbage, turnips, potatoes, stout lamb stew, pot leek soup and assorted scones. • The Barley House (132 N. Main St., Concord, 228-6363, will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with corned beef, Guinness beers, live and more. • Black Water Grill (43 Pelham Road, Salem, 328-9013, will host a “St. Paddy’s Sunday Funday” from noon to 7 p.m., featuring corned beef and cabbage and several other Irish-themed specials and complimentary appetizers. • Brookside Congregational Church (2013 Elm St., Manchester, 669-2807, brooksidecc. info) will host a corned beef and cabbage supper on Saturday, March 16, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children, or $30 per family, and take-out will also be available. Proceeds benefit the church’s youth groups. • Carriage Shack Farm (5 Dan Hill Road, Londonderry, 716-0629, carriageshackfarm. com) will hold a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast from 9:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. and a brunch menu that begins at 11 a.m. The breakfast menu will feature green pancakes, corned beef hash, home fries, scrambled eggs, sausage, Irish soda bread and biscuits, while the brunch menu will additionally feature corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes and rye bread. The cost is $12 for adults over the age of 16 and $10 for ages 15 and under and for seniors and active military service members. Reservations are required. • Chez Vachon (136 Kelley St., Manchester, 625-9660, will be open during its regular Sunday hours on St. Patrick’s Day, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., and will be serving both six-ounce and 12-ounce corned beef dinners with cabbage, potatoes, carrots and turnips, as well as pistachio cake. • CJ’s Great West Grill (782 S. Willow St., Manchester, 627-8600, will be serving a corned beef dinner on its specials menu, with brine-cooked cabbage, carrot, onion, potato and made-from-scratch soda bread. • Club Manchvegas Bar & Grill (50 Old Granite St., Manchester, 222-1677, will serve a $10 breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m., and will have corned beef and cabbage available all day, in addition to giveaways, games, live music and more. • Colby Hill Inn (33 The Oaks, Henniker, 428-3281, is offering a special pre-fixe meal for St. Patrick’s Day that will be available now through Saturday, March 16. The dinner will include house biscuits; potato leek and smoked ham soup or green salad; your choice of corned beef and cabbage, pan roasted salmon with dill sauce or lamb Guinness stew;
and grasshopper cheesecake, chocolate stout cake with Irish cream frosting or lemon curd tart. Green beer and Irish whiskeys will also be available. The cost is $40 per person. • Copper Door Restaurant (15 Leavy Drive, Bedford, 488-2677; 41 S. Broadway, Salem, 458-2033; will be serving three St. Patrick’s Day-inspired specials, including the potato leek soup, with garlic, Boomsauce New England IPA and sourdough crouton; a traditional Reuben with corned beef, Sriracha dressing, house-made sauerkraut, baby Swiss, marble rye and crispy fries; and Guinness-braised corned beef with roasted fingerling potato, honey whiskey glazed carrot and roasted Brussels sprouts. • The Current Kitchen + Bar (DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Downtown, 700 Elm St., 625-1000, find them on Facebook) will offer a food and drink specials menu for St. Patrick’s Day. Details TBA. • The Derryfield Restaurant (625 Mammoth Road, Manchester, 623-2880, thederryfield. com) will have a corned beef dinner and green beer on special for St. Patrick’s Day, in addition to serving its regular menus. • Downtown Cheers Grille & Bar (17 Depot St., Concord, 228-0180, will be serving corned beef and cabbage all day on Saturday, March 16, and Sunday, March 17, as well as Guinness Irish stew, corned beef sliders, “Pot o’ Gold” tater tots, Guinness cupcakes and more. • East Derry Tavern (50 E. Derry Road, Derry, 537-0792, will be open from noon to 9 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day, offering homemade corned beef and cabbage dinners and drink specials, such as $2 Bud Light drafts and $5 Guinness drafts. • Firefly American Bistro & Bar (22 Concord St., Manchester, 935-9740, will be serving a complete menu of traditional Irish fare from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., which will include corned beef and cabbage, bangers and mash, an Irish cod bake, Mulligan’s stew, bread
29 pudding and more. Additionally, the regular brunch menu will be available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the regular dinner menu will be available from 4 to 10 p.m. • The Flying Goose Brew Pub & Grille (40 Andover Road, New London, 526-6899, will be serving a traditional corned beef dinner, bangers and mash, and the Molly O’Shea’s Irish red ale on draft. • The Granite Restaurant & Bar (The Centennial Hotel, 96 Pleasant St., Concord, 227-9005, will serve a St. Patrick’s Day brunch from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with Irish-themed food and drink specials in addition to its regular brunch menu. • Hooked Seafood Restaurant and Ignite Bar & Grille (110 Hanover St., Manchester, 606-1189; 100 Hanover St., Manchester, 6640064; will be open from noon to 7 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day with live Irish music and a traditional corned beef dinner. • Jamison’s (472 Route 111, Hampstead, 489-1565, will have a four-day St. Patrick’s Day celebration from Thursday through Sunday, with Irish food specials, $3 Bud Light aluminum bottles, bagpipe performances and other live music, swag and giveaways and more. • Killarney’s Irish Pub (Holiday Inn Nashua, 9 Northeastern Boulevard, 888-1551, find them on Facebook) will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day all weekend, with a buffet of traditional corned beef, cabbage and Guinness stew on Saturday, March 16, from 5 to 9 p.m., and on Sunday, March 17, beginning at 11 a.m., plus a specials menu that will be available both days. There is a cover charge of $10 on Sunday. On Saturday, bring a can of non-perishable food to donate to the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter in lieu of a cover charge. • Lakehouse Tavern (157 Main St., Hopkinton, 746-1800, will offer food and drink specials all weekend in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, including a dinner of corned beef braised in house with an Irish whiskey mustard cream sauce and crispy onion. • Lithermans Limited (126 Hall St., Unit B, Concord, 219-0784, is teaming up with the Manchester-based Prime Time Grilled Cheese food truck for a breakfast with Irish eggs Benedict and other special items, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Local Baskit (10 Ferry St., Suite 120A, Concord, 219-0882, will host a leprechaun bark and beer tasting from 2 to 3 p.m. Kids will have the opportunity to melt chocolate and make a sparkly leprechaun bark, while adults taste an ale, a sour and a stout from the shop’s craft beer selection. Tickets are $6. • Long Blue Cat Brewing Co. (298 Rockingham Road, Londonderry, 818-8068, longbluecat. com) will be serving its own homemade corned beef Reubens along with its Irish red ale. • The Looney Bin Bar & Grill (554 Endicott St. N, Laconia, 366-2300, will be offering several St. Patrick’s Day specials throughout the weekend, including sticky Guinness wings, Irish nachos, Guinness beer, Paddy Irish whiskey and Ryan’s Irish cream. • Murphy’s Taproom (494 Elm St., Man-
chester, 644-3535, will serve corned beef and cabbage all weekend in addition to its full breakfast and lunch menus, and will have music, Irish dancing and more throughout the day, beginning at 9:30 a.m. • Murphy’s Taproom & Carriage House (393 Route 101, Bedford, 488-5975, will be serving a full Irish breakfast from 9 a.m. to noon, followed by an all-you-can-eat Irish buffet with corned beef and cabbage, shepherd’s pie, colcannon (mashed potatoes), beef stew, soda bread and other items from 1 to 9 p.m. Live entertainment will also be featured throughout the day, and a corned beef and cabbage dinner is available all weekend. • New England’s Tap House Grille (1292 Hooksett Road, Hooksett, 782-5137, will be running several St. Patrick’s Day specials now through Sunday, March 17, including Guinness beef stew and a boiled dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. • North Side Grille (323 Derry Road, Hudson, 886-3663, will have corned beef dinners all throughout the weekend, beginning on Friday, March 15, at 11 a.m., followed by breakfast specials on Saturday, March 16, and Sunday, March 17. In addition to corned beef, featured items will include boiled red potatoes, cabbage and carrots. • O’Shea’s Irish Tavern & Cigar Bar (449 Amherst St., Nashua, 943-7089, osheastavern. will open its doors at noon and will feature door prizes, drink promos, raffles and live music throughout the day. A food truck is also planned from 2 to 8 p.m., featuring items like Irish nachos, shamrock shepherd’s pie, bangers and mash and more. • Pasta Loft Restaurant (241 Union Square, No. 4, Milford, 672-2270, will have several St. Patrick’s Day specials available all day on Saturday, March 16, and Sunday, March 17, including appetizers like fried calamari and beer-battered macaroni and cheese bites; and entrees like corned beef and cabbage, corned beef pizza and fish and chips with a house-made coleslaw. • Patrick’s Pub & Eatery (18 Weirs Road, Gilford, 293-0841, will be offering several specials for St. Patrick’s Day, including a boiled dinner of corned beef, cabbage and carrots, plus desserts like an authentic sticky Irish toffee pudding, and a Guinness chocolate cake with Baileys Irish Cream frosting. • The Peddler’s Daughter (48 Main St., Nashua, 821-7535, will serve kegs and eggs starting at 8 a.m. on St. Patrick’s Day. Corned beef and cabbage will also be served. • The Pint Publik House (1111 Elm St., Manchester, 206-5463, will serve up several specials for St. Patrick’s Day, including corned beef and cabbage, colcannon (mashed potatoes) and bangers and mash. • Pipe Dream Brewing (49 Harvey Road, Londonderry, 404-0751, will serve a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m., which will feature eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice and beer available sold separately. The cost is $8 per person for a breakfast
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plate and free for kids ages 8 and under. • Sea Dog Brewing Co. (5 Water St., Exeter, 793-5116, will serve a St. Patrick’s Day brunch at 10:30 a.m., and will also have Irish food and drink specials. • The Shaskeen Pub and Restaurant (909 Elm St., Manchester, 625-0246, will kick off its St. Patrick’s Day celebration with a home-cooked Baileys coffee bar at 5:30 a.m., first pints and drink promotions at 6 a.m. • Strange Brew Tavern (88 Market St., Manchester, 666-4292, is opening at 9 a.m. on St. Patrick’s Day and will serve corned beef and cabbage, $3 drafts all day and night. • T-Bones Great American Eatery (25 S. River Road, Bedford, 641-6100; 39 Crystal Ave., Derry, 434-3200; 77 Lowell Road, Hudson, 882-6677; 1182 Union Ave., Laconia, 528-7800; 311 S. Broadway, Salem, 893-3444; will be serving a corned beef dinner on its specials menu, with brine-cooked cabbage, carrot, onion, potato and made-fromscratch soda bread. • The Town Cabin Deli & Pub (285 Old Candia Road, Candia, 483-4888, will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day from Friday, March 15, through Sunday, March 17, with traditional corned beef and cabbage, Irish-themed drinks and Guinness stout mocha cheesecake for dessert. • The Tuckaway Tavern & Butchery (58 Route 27, Raymond, 244-2431, thetuckaway. com) will serve house-cured all-natural Angus corned beef dinners all weekend with cabbage, potatoes and carrots. • Village Trestle (25 Main St., Goffstown, 497-8230, will serve corned beef and cabbage and Reubens throughout St. Patrick’s Day weekend. A lineup of Irish music acts is also expected. • Whiskey’s 20 (20 Old Granite St., Manchester, 836-5251, will be open from noon to 5 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day and will be offering 25-cent wings, $3 Guinness drafts and $5 Jameson drafts. • Wild Rover Pub (21 Kosciuszko St., Manchester, 669-7722, will open its doors at 5:30 a.m. on St. Patrick’s Day, serving its first Guinness beers at 6 a.m., followed by a breakfast buffet from 7 to 11 a.m.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 29
Going gourmet
Mr. Baker Cheesecake
Gourmet food festival returns to Nashua By Matt Ingersoll
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With a casual cocktail party atmosphere and samples of local beverages and foods — from crab cakes and sushi dishes to pork sliders and pastas — The Front Door Agency’s Gourmet Festival & Auction returns for the 31st year on Sunday, March 24, at the Nashua Country Club. The event features more than 20 local restaurant, beverage and dessert vendors, plus a silent auction and a live auction. According to Sheree Sevigny, corporate relations and special events manager for The Front Door Agency, each restaurant chef and beverage producer will have tables set up for attendees to visit and sample food and drinks from. “People like it because they can actually talk face to face with a chef about the food,” she said, “and then for the restaurants, it’s a way for them to gain exposure and have new people discover them.” Vendors include a combination of longtime participants — like chef Michael Buckley of Michael Timothy’s Dining Group, which owns MT’s Local Kitchen & Wine Bar in Nashua, Buckley’s Great Steaks in Merrimack and Surf in Nashua and Portsmouth — and a few newcomers, like Bite Me Kupcakez out of Merrimack, which specializes in gluten-free baked goods, and Pho Thai Loc, an authentic Vietnamese restaurant that opened in Nashua in November. Sevigny said dishes that have been featured in past events have included different varieties of sushis, risottos, pork sliders, tuna and steak tartare and even lamb meatballs. But you never know what types of foods you’ll come across, as each year’s event proves to be very different in its offerings. This year’s drink vendors include Djinn Spirits of Nashua and the Mainebased Pine State Beverage Co. “For a lot of restaurants, it’s a way for them to experiment with new items,” she said, “so sometimes they do tell us what they bring, and sometimes they don’t.”
Photo credit David Heath of Studio Mark Emile.
In addition to the food sampling, there will be several certificates, prizes and other items available to bid on during both a silent and a live auction. The live auction, which begins at 6 p.m., will feature tickets to see Hamilton on Broadway in New York City, tickets to see Elton John perform at the TD Garden in Boston in November as part of his farewell tour, and a six-night stay in South Africa for a guided photo safari. All proceeds from the event benefit programs at The Front Door Agency, a nonprofit that assists single moms and children in crisis in finding housing and with financial literacy. At the end of the night, a client speaker tells her story about how the organization has helped her. 31st annual Gourmet Festival & Auction When: Sunday, March 24, 4 to 8 p.m. Where: Nashua Country Club, 25 Fairway St., Nashua Cost: $85 per person (buying tickets in advance is recommended, though tickets will be sold at the door if they are still available on the day of the event). Purchase tickets at Visit:
March 15th, 16th & 17th Also, other traditional Irish Fare Sat., March 16th
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 30
N. Main St., Boscawen
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Party with us and “Those Guys” Lots of Giveaways & Fun!
Sean Benson of Fremont opened Benson’s Cafe (665 Main St., Fremont, 244-1331, in November 2017 after stints as a chef at several Granite State restaurants, including CR’s The Restaurant in Hampton and the Water Street Cafe in Laconia. Homemade breakfast and lunch options are served fresh six days a week, like corned beef hash made from scratch, brioche cinnamon rolls on the weekend, sourdough English muffins, oatmeals, omelets, burgers, sandwiches, soups and salads. Different specials are always offered and usually are listed on the cafe’s Facebook page. Beginning in April and through the summer and early fall, the cafe also has outdoor patio seating and a take-out window. What is your must-have kitchen item? played the lead character in Goodfellas. I would have to say a rubber spatula that I use for my omelets. What is your favorite thing on your menu? What would you have for your last meal? My corned beef hash, hands-down. I enjoy a nice grilled rib-eye, cooked medium to medium-rare, with baked potaWhat is the biggest food trend in New toes and asparagus. Hampshire right now? People are definitely more health-conWhat is your favorite local restaurant? scious these days and they like to explore CR’s [The Restaurant] in Hampton. I love more farm-to-table types of restaurants. that all of their food is made from scratch. I love their pastas. What is your favorite thing to cook at home? What celebrity would you like to see eatAnything seafood. I love making things ing in your restaurant? like salmon and pan-seared sea scallops. I would probably say Ray Liotta, who — Matt Ingersoll
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Lump crab cakes Courtesy of Sean Benson of Benson’s Cafe in Fremont 1 pound can lump crab meat ¼ cup small diced red onion 1 cup mayonnaise 1 lemon, zested and juiced ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 sleeve crushed Ritz crackers or equivalent 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Chipotle mayonnaise 1 tablespoon pureed chipotle peppers 1 cup mayonnaise 1 teaspoon lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste ¼ teaspoon white sugar Mix white sugar and lemon juice together until sugar is dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients until well-blended. Mix all ingredients in a medium mixing bowl until incorporated. Portion into two-ounce pieces and form into cakes. Pan-sear on medium-high heat, lightly coated with oil, until golden brown on both sides. Serve on a bed of microgreens and top with chipotle mayonnaise.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 31
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Roast chicken with wine sauce
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website did her one better with a chart that shows reds and whites go bad sometime within 3 to 6 days. Look for changes in color, smell and, of course, taste. While you can cook with just about any kind of wine if you want to, I was on a mission to finish my pinot noir from Josh Cellars. Pinot noir is a versatile, dry red wine that is quite a crowd-pleaser. White wine drinkers like my husband enjoy it and those who love a deep, full-bodied red like me still love it, too. Since pinot noir is appealing to many, it felt pretty safe as a choice in my cooking. I was very pleased. — Allison Willson Dudas
Roast Chicken with Pinot Noir Sauce Adapted from 3/4 teaspoons dried thyme 1/4 teaspoon salt, divided 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided (the original recipe called for 1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary; I didn’t have any fresh or dried so left it out) 4 (6-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1/8 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided 3 tablespoons finely chopped shallots 1 cup pinot noir 3/4 cups lower-sodium chicken broth 1/2 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons chilled butter, cut into small pieces
Heat half the oil in a nonstick pan on medium-high. Add half the chicken, browning each side, about 1½ minutes each side. Repeat the process with the remaining chicken. Place chicken on a pan lined with parchment paper and cook about 12 minutes in the oven. Let sit for 10 minutes. Coat a medium saucepan with cooking spray or a little olive oil. Sauté the shallots for about 30 seconds, stirring the entire time. Add the wine and be sure to scrape the sides to loosen anything stuck on. Bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes; wine will reduce about half. Add broth and cook until it’s all reduced to about 1/3 cup, about 15 minutes (watch carefully and set a timer). Take off heat and stir in the rest of the salt and pepper and add the sugar (I went a little sweet, to be honest). Slowly add butter and stir until it all smoothes out, using a whisk. Pour sauce over chicken and serve.
Weekly Dish
March 14th
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 32
Photo by Allison Willson Dudas.
Continued from page 28
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I found myself in quite a pickle this week. I bought an awesome bottle of pinot noir and then realized I wouldn’t drink it all before we left for a trip. I love to have a glass or two while I’m cooking but don’t drink much on a regular basis. I was feeling really sad about wasting this good bottle of wine when a thought occurred to me: I could cook with it! The old thought process used to be that you could cook with any wine and that the quality didn’t matter. But because whatever you cook with absorbs the flavor of the wine, the new rule is “if you won’t drink it, don’t cook with it.” Bon Appétit online has a great post written by Marissa Ross that examines how long wine will last unopened. She recommends refrigerating wine once opened and re-corking religiously, even between glasses. The more the top is sealed off, the less oxidation will happen. La Crema’s
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Sprinkle half the salt and pepper and all the thyme over the chicken breast. Pour flour into shallow dish and roll chicken in it, coating it.
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during the week of March 15. “We are excited for everyone to try it,” A&E Coffee & Tea owner Emeran Langmaid said in a statement. “We take pride in establishing partnerships with other like-minded organizations around the world.” Visit for more details. • LaBelle Winery and 603 Brewery introduce new beer: Amy LaBelle, co-owner and winemaker at LaBelle Winery in Amherst, and Tim Clapper, head brewer at 603 Brewery in Londonderry, have joined forces to create a new sour beer called the 603 Sangria Sour Ale, according to a press release. The ale is a
type of beer known as a kettle sour, which is fermented at a lower pH than most other beer types, giving it a distinct slightly fruity sour flavor. It was officially launched in late January at a craft wine and beer dinner co-hosted by LaBelle and Clapper and is currently available in 603 Brewery’s taproom. “Sangria Sour is a brewery and winery experience in one complete beverage,” Clapper said in the release. “I am very happy with how the beer turned out and [I’m] looking forward to experimenting with different beer and wine collaborations in the future.” Visit
Beyond Guinness
You actually do have choices on St. Patrick’s Day to me, with some subtle dark fruity sweetness, espresso notes and dark chocolate. But this is still very much a classic dry Irish stout. Like a GuinThere is absolutely nothing wrong with ness or a Beamish, this is decidedly drinkable drinking Guinness on St. Patrick’s Day. In fact, and won’t overwhelm you at 4.3 percent ABV. most years, this wonderful Irish holiday serves as my personal reminder that, “Oh yeah, I real- Curim Gold by Carlow’s Brewly like Guinness.” And that’s great. We should ing Co. all go out and drink some Guinness on St. PatA Celtic wheat beer? Yes. This is a nice rick’s Day. change of pace on St. Paddy’s Day. This is But there is more to Ireland than Guinness. hoppier than your typical wheat beer, which is For one thing, there are a number of other won- pleasing, and really does a nice job of balancing derful dry Irish stouts worth exploring. For that the soft fruity sweetness. This brew is distinct. matter, there are a few different versions of Guiness you should consider beyond the stan- Smithwicks Irish Pale Ale OK, this certainly isn’t off the beaten path, dard bearer. There is also a world beyond the but when was the last time you just had a SmithIrish stout, although I’m not ready to get too wicks, as opposed to a “Half and Half?” This carried away. Right here in New Hampshire, you can dive has light hop flavor and aroma, a nice clean fininto Throwback Brewery’s Irish Red Ale, or the ish and a little extra malt character than you Shire Stout, a dry Irish stout, by Candia Road might expect. Go ahead and layer this with Brewing Co. I don’t think you can go wrong Guinness, but don’t be afraid to order one on by just planting yourself at an Irish brewery, so its own. go ahead and immerse yourself in Beara Irish Guinness Special Export Stout Brewing Co., an Irish brewery in Portsmouth. This is a very different animal compared to In terms of the authentic Irish imports, I think your traditional Guinness stout. This has big, most people have come across brew names like bold roasty flavors of coffee, smoky dark fruit Smithwicks, Harp, Murphy’s and Kilkenny — and chocolate. At 8-percent ABV, this isn’t quite all are wonderful in their various iterations and a big beer, but you can feel the alcohol. If you you should explore as many as you can. haven’t tried this before, seek it out on St. PatHere are a few Irish brews to seek out on St. rick’s Day. It’s more “special” than you might Patrick’s Day as you’ll obviously be needing think. something to wash down your corned beef and cabbage. Jeff Mucciarone is an account manager with
By Jeff Mucciarone
Montagne Communications, where he provides This is my favorite Irish stout, though I’m communications support to the New Hampshire having a bit more trouble tracking it down wine and spirits industry these days. Breathtakingly smooth. This is a What’s in My Fridge welcoming stout that slides down easy despite Sam ‘76 by Samuel Adams Brewing Co.: its richness and creaminess. It’s got plenty of Crisp, clean and bright — this is a perroasty flavors of chocolate and maybe a little fect choice for, well, anyone at any 4.69”wide x 2.6”time. high coffee, and just a little bit of sweetness.
Beamish Irish Stout
O’Hara’s Irish Stout
This is wonderful stuff. To me, this is a little more bitter than some other Irish stouts but that’s not a bad thing. This feels a bit more complex
It’s exceptionally HIPPO drinkable but with1/8plenHorizontal page ty of hoppy flavor and minimal bitterness. There isn’t a beer drinker in the world who wouldn’t enjoy this if they are being honest with me and themselves. Cheers!
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 33
Index CDs
PLAYLIST A seriously abridged compendium of recent and future CD releases
MUSIC, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS, MOVIES, DVDS, TV AND MORE Young Girl, A Marshmallow Called Moon (RED Records)
and other literary events.
Not sure how this ended up here, but I like it, that is, if “It’s fine, but I wish it were a bit more like Squarepusher” counts as “like.” Records like this may help toward proving conclusively that “drill ‘n’ bass” music did indeed peak 20 years ago with Thomas Russell Jenkinson’s little project, which added distinct melody to its noisy electronic spazziness, but I can’t say for sure; Burial is still around (as far as we know), and it’s not like similar artists could care less about publicity; you really have to look, and who has time for that when there’s Netflix and Discord to eat up every second of your life? Suffice to say that this British person, who goes by the name “Strong,” has totally abandoned his past, during which he made indie records, alt-rock records and even folk records, and gone the way of glitch, his array of Korg circuits spewing forth a dizzying array of android sounds, food-processor-speed breakbeats, and all that stuff. Unlike Jenkinson, however, he can’t seem to settle on a theme, just weirdness for the sake of it. Maybe you have to live with this record for a few months in order to “get it,” but a Twilight Zone binge is on my plate this week, sorry. B- — Eric W. Saeger
To let us know about
The Boy From Space, I Was Cured Alright (Nub Music)
• Young Girl, A Marshmallow Called Moon B• The Boy From Space, I was Cured Alright ABOOKS
• The Elephant in the Room A • Book Report Includes listings for lectures, author events, book clubs, writers’ workshops
your book or event, email asykeny@hippopress. com. To get author events, library events and more listed, send information to FILM
• Captain Marvel B+ Looking for more book, film and pop culture events? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play or
If you actually plug yourself into what’s going on in indie Brit-rock — and no one would blame you if you didn’t — you’re probably aware of these two brothers, who “wanted to make music no one else was making,” which, if you think about it, is the best reason not to make it. Apparently inspired by faux-bossa-nova trash-music from 1970s game shows, they released their first album, London, Paris, Tokyo, Space in 2010, which didn’t get much attention until 2015, when their I Don’t Want to Go to Work EP got some international airplay, and they landed a track on the Guiness Book Of Records record-breaking 100X30 Album by The Pocket Gods and Friends (the record broken had to do with song length). Basically if you imagine Flight of the Conchords trying to make the Clash into an elevator music band, that’s these guys; there are smarmy, disgusting horn sections; carefree, jokey lyrics and this time there’s even an industrial intro song. Hey, if you can’t make the Hall of Fame, you can always shoot for the What the Hell was That. I don’t blame ‘em. A- — Eric W. Saeger
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 34
• On March 15, many albums will be released, like the new one from The Brian Jonestown Massacre, titled The Brian Jonestown Massacre (in other words it’s a self-titled album released after the band has already released 90-whatever albums). We already made fun of Patty Griffin for doing that last week, so there’s no need to discuss the idiocy of bands releasing self-titled albums so many years after their first ones; we can just write it off as A Thing Bands Do These Days and see what these mental-cases are up to. We know how their counterparts are doing these days over at the band The Dandy Warhols, who were also put under a microscope for the 2004 Dig! documentary (they’re OK overall, in short, and everyone’s forgotten about the whole thing), so we can focus on these guys and see what new psychedelic-shoegaze-noise they have to offer on this album, which will be available on vinyl and, if you have an extra $20, cassette tape. So here we have a track I’m assuming you haven’t heard of yet, called “Cannot Be Saved,” which comprises a scary sounding 1960s-Monkees sound except they sound stoned and dangerous. Maybe bandleader Anton Newcombe should just put together a Traffic cover band and live out his wildest dreams. Yay, let’s get out of here. • Pretty sure some PR person was babbling about some krautrock band in my email, and I’ll bet you anything this is them. It’s The Faint, from Omaha, Nebraska, the “city” which, as everyone knows, is the seat of power for all things throwback-electro; the soundsystem contributed the song “Teach Me Teacher” to the children’s show Yo Gabba Gabba back when — you know, when people knew what Yo Gabba Gabba was. Their new full-length is titled Egowerk (see what they did there? It’s like a portmanteau that combines famous krautrock band Kraftwerk with whatever’s on their minds about their egos), and I guess I’m supposed to riff from this point, because Wiki has basically no info about them except they’re from Nebraska. Since I don’t want to riff about krautrock being that I don’t like it, we’ll give the available samples a listen. There’s three, and they all sound like a mixture of Kraftwerk and mostly unknown goth bands like Cesium 137. In other words we can proceed to the next whatever without feeling as though we missed out on anything. • This caught my eye, an album from Karen O and Danger Mouse, called Lux Prima, whatever that’s supposed to mean in Latin-whatever. I mean, Karen O is awesome, a well-established fact, so maybe this will be a step up from his collab with one-tone rapper Jemini, much less the pair-up with Norah Jones, which literally had one good song on it. So, the title track is nine minutes of downbeat boredom, and Karen O doesn’t sing much, and when she does it sounds like she’s trying to be Amy Winehouse. Barf barf barf. • Our last hope this week is nu-jazz sextet The Cinematic Orchestra’s new To Believe album! Ohwait, they do a lot of improv live, except to make things worse, they add “electronic,” which means “a guy with a synth” (has anyone used that label in 15 years?). The single, “To Believe” features Moses Sumney doing a Simon & Garfunkel imitation; it’s music to bury your hamster to. What a hopeless week. — Eric W. Saeger
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The Elephant in the Room: One Fat Man’s Quest to Get Smaller in a Growing America, by Tommy Tomlinson (Simon and Schuster) The Elephant in the Room, written by journalist Tommy Tomlinson, is a gut-punching account of an overweight American man trying to come to grips with his obesity in a society that both hates overweight people and, at the same time, offers opportunities to get fatter at every corner. Tomlinson is a smart guy but can’t really understand why he is so overweight. When his health becomes jeopardized he realizes that he has to do something about it or he is going to die. Thus begins a year-long quest to lose weight while analyzing his behavior and beliefs. He also takes a good hard look at America’s obsession with food. What makes this memoir so powerful is that Tomlinson does not play the victim. He owns his behavior and his weight while at the same time despising everything about them. He recounts growing up with two parents who had longed for a child, and when he arrived, they never said no and gave him anything he wanted. He points to that as the beginning of his inability to self-regulate. Tomlinson talks about not fitting into clothes, about having to scout rooms to find the sturdiest chairs, and about his addiction to food (especially fast food, which just makes him feel soooo good.) He also writes about the impact of being an outcast because of his weight and the loneliness that obesity sentences him to, about being confined to a dorm room while his friends were out socializing, about the insults hurled at him simply for being who he is — a deeply flawed person. A human being with a problem. With healthy doses of introspection and humor (yes, Tomlinson is a very funny guy) the author strips his weight struggle bare. He talks about the health consequences of being overweight (each burger is an arrow pointed at his heart), the challenges in trying to address it (people don’t want to feel sorry for overweight people; they want to blame them, he says), and finally Tomlinson figures out in a bit of a psychological breakthrough that this is his journey and one that he and he alone will need to both unravel and travel. It takes courage to write a memoir like this. Although Tomlinson has a good sense of humor, there are some stories about his morbid obesity that will make you cringe and ask, how can peo-
ple be that cruel? And you will also ask, if he knew he was in trouble at an early age, why couldn’t he have modified his behavior? But then that’s addiction in a nutshell, isn’t it? Whether it’s food or drugs, addiction grabs you and simply doesn’t let you go. Addiction doesn’t make sense; it just destroys. Tomlinson takes us through his marriage (writing many times that he is the luckiest person on earth to have someone marry him) and the problems that being obese bring to that arena. “I cheat on my wife with a redhead named Wendy. Her place is just a couple of miles from our house. She’s always smiling when I pull up. She gives me exactly what I want. Every time I leave, I swear I won’t some back. I keep coming back. Wendy is my favorite, but she’s not my only one. Sometimes I go across town for a quickie with a guy in a clown suit named Ronald.” If you are looking for one of those magazine stories where there’s a before photo of an obese person and an after photo with an incredibly fit person, you’re not going to find it here. Instead you will find an insightful reflection on obesity and its role in society. After the year of trying to lose weight, Tomlinson does have moderate success but he by no means becomes magazine svelte. You get the impression that he is a work in progress and that his addiction is something he will have to focus on for the rest of his life. However, by the end of the story, you will be inspired because even some success is a success. You realize that Tomlinson has, in the telling of this story, unlocked some barriers and you will cheer him on. Because if there’s a start, then there can be a finish. The Elephant in the Room is an insightful, painful, humorous and inspiring story of a fat man being brutally honest with himself. It’s a true eye-opener into a growing and persistent problem in our society. After reading this account, I’m not sure you will look at a morbidly obese person ever again without considering the struggle they have just trying to function in a world that almost universally hates them. A — Wendy E. N. Thomas
Meet Diane Les Becquets Local author, professor of English at SNHU, author of previous bestseller 2016’s Breaking Wild Presents her new thriller Last Woman in the Woods (Berkley Books)
Thursday March 14 at 6:30pm
On a conservation study in northern Alberta, field technician Marian Engstrèom found her true calling: training rescue dogs to help track endangered or threatened wildlife. Under the tutelage of experienced handler, Tate Mathias, Marian felt her future opening up before her... But after Tate is killed in a bear attack, Marian finds herself questioning the man she thought she loved. Growing inconsistencies start to surface, linking Tate to the murders of four women over six years. Working with a retired forensic profiler who was never able to close the cases, Marian relives her every moment with Tate, desperately hoping to clear Availab le his name. And as she circles ever closer to the truth, evil stalks for her every move... From the breathtaking Rocky Mountains to the vast deserts of Utah $26.00 to the lush rainforests of the northwest, The Last Woman in the Forest chronicles the experiences of a woman whose faith in the nature of man is about to be tested.
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Book Report
• Family memoir: Eleanor Dunfey visits Gibson’s Bookstore (45 S. Main St., Concord) on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m., presenting her book Counter Culture: Clams, Convents and a Circle of Global Citizens. The book tells the inspirational story of her family, mill workers with 12 children to feed, who started a hospitality empire from a luncheonette and fried clam stand, which would eventually become the Omni International Hotels. Visit or call 224-0562. • Poetry recitation championship: High school students from across the state will compete in the New Hampshire Poetry Out Loud Championship at the New Hampshire Statehouse (107 N. Main St., Concord) on Friday, March 15, at 5 p.m. Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation program open to all high school and homeschool students in grades 9 through 12. Students must recite at least one poem written before the 20th century and one poem that is 25 lines or fewer from an anthology curated by the Poetry Foundation. Students competing in the state championship have won their high school group competitions and performed at the top levels of the four regional semifinals and will now compete to represent New Hampshire at the national finals in Washington, D.C. The program is free and open to the public. Additionally, New Hampshire poet Kristen Ringman will perform several of her original works at the event. Visit • Writers series begins: The Portsmouth Athenaeum (9 Market Square, Portsmouth) kicks off its 2019 program series on Wednesday, March 20, at 5:30 p.m., with award-winning mystery and suspense writer Brendan Dubois. Dubois is best known for his 11-book Lewis Cole mystery series, which is loosely set on the New Hampshire seacoast. The program series will continue to feature writers of various genres every month through May, and September through November. The cost is $10 per program, or $25 for the whole series. Call 431-2538. — Angie Sykeny Books Author Events • CHRISTOPHER KLEIN Author presents When the Irish Invaded Canada: The Incredible True Story of the Civil War Veterans Who Fought for Ireland’s Freedom. Thurs., March 14, 6 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. Visit • ANDY GRIFFITHS Author presents The 104-Story Tree-
March 16th & 17th Corned Beef & Cabbage served all day. Guinness Irish Stew, Corned Beef Reuben, Pot o’ gold tater tots, Bailey’s Irish Cream Pie... and more!
6 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. Visit • JULIE BERRY Author presents Lovely War. Tues., April 2, 6 p.m. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. Visit
Other • SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR 13TH NEW HAMPSHIRE LITERARY AWARDS To be eligible, a work must be written by a New Hampshire native or resident and published between April 1 and Dec. 31 of 2018. Nominations will be accepted for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children’s picture books and middle grade/young adult. The entries will be read and evaluated by a panel of judges assembled by the New Hampshire Writers’ Project. Nominations must include three print copies of the work, $50 for the nomination fee and a completed nomination form, mailed to the New Hampshire Writers’ Project. Additionally, the Readers’ Choice Awards begin in August and invite readers to vote for their favorite nominees in each category. Winners will be announced at a reception at the New Hampshire Institute of Art on Oct. 5. Nomination deadline is March 31. Visit • QUEEN CITY KAMIKAZE A one-day gaming and anime convention that appeals to all ages and features local artisan and craft vendors, pick up and play video games, tournaments, food and drinks for sale and more. Sat., March 23, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Manchester Memorial High School, 1 Crusader Way, Manchester. $10. house. Wed., March 20, 6 p.m. Visit Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. Visit • DANA BISCOTTI MYSKOWSKI Author presents I Cannot Play With You. Thurs., March 28, 6 p.m. Gibson’s BookLooking for more book, store, 45 S. Main St. , Concord. film and pop culture Visit events? Check out • DAVID ELLIOTT Author Hippo Scout, available presents Voices: The Final Hours via of Joan of Arc. Fri., March 29,
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17 Depot St., Concord, NH 228-0180 HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 36
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Captain Marvel (PG-13)
An awesome bad-ass Air Force pilot becomes an awesome bad-ass warrior hero on an alien planet in Captain Marvel, a new entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Reviewlets * Indicates a movie to seek out. Find reviews for most films on Opening this week: Aliens have invaded, how do the humans (including Vera Farmiga and John Goodman) react in Captive State; a girl finds a lost amusement park in the animated Won-
Captain Marvel
lands into a Blockbuster in 1995. Earth is not a particularly well-regarded planet, with its pay phones and its internet cafes. Vers sends a message back to Yon-Rogg, but he tells her she’ll have to fend for herself for about a day before the squad can catch up. She tracks the Skrulls, meeting up with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents — specifically a very young Coulson (Clark Gregg) and his boss, the two-eyed Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) — and searching for information on Lawson. Though initially skeptical about the whole “Spaceforce” and “shape-shifting aliens” situation, Fury has close encounters with two Skrulls, and he decides to help Vers on her search, which leads her to photos of Lawson and a familiar-looking pilot. To get even more answers she heads to Louisiana to meet Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch), a fellow pilot who was the last to see Lawson and the pilot Carol Danvers, as
der Park; a pair of teens are now-chief Hiccup and his sick but in like in Five Feet dragon Night Fury, who are trying to lead the village to Apart. the dragon ancestral home In theaters now: known as the Hidden World How to Train Your Dragon: before dragon trappers and The Hidden World (PG) hunters catch the many dragVoices of Jay Baruchel, ons who make their home America Ferrera. with Hiccup’s Viking village. The series comes, probably, The story and characters are, to a close with the story of as these have all been for me,
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in a movie-world romantic-comedy where all the streets are filled with flowers and all the sex scenes pan to fluttering curtains before the fade to black. A lot of this territory has been mined before, specifically by Mindy Kaling in her The Mindy Project, but it is still light, cute fun. B
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“meh” but the visuals are disaster known as “ourmombeautiful. Bageddon.” I loved the music, loved the characters old and *The Lego Movie 2: The new and loved the way the Second Part (PG) movie touches on change (in Voices of Elizabeth Banks, interests, in sibling relationChris Pratt. ships, in friendships). A Set some five years after the first movie, the Legos are now Isn’t It Romantic (PG-13) living in a “heck-ish” apoca- Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine. lyptic wasteland and fearing a A real-world woman is stuck
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OD and a real N FO GO ICA OD X E TI M M l a E Re
Vers eventually learns was her name on Earth. Captain Marvel can be quite unsubtle — a scene toward the end of the movie has shades of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer finale and a No Doubt song is used in a way that is pretty on-the-nose. But it works. I got a little choked up during the Buffy-ish scene and let out an involuntary “yay!” during the No Doubt song. Captain Marvel is more text than subtext but the text, emotional and direct though it may be, works with the story and the characters. Captain Marvel is no Black Panther in terms of what it achieves, but it does remind me of Black Panther with the way it posits a kind of “what if” that it uses to examine real-world issues. (In this case, I think one of the “what if”s is something like: “what if a woman’s default setting was total confidence in her abilities and her heroism, a stance reinforced by her society.”)
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Vers (Brie Larson) is on a Starforce squad, the military arm of the Kree Empire, which Wikipedia confirms was a thing in Guardians of the Galaxy, which is the extent of my very vague memory of them and of Korath (Djimon Hounsou), who serves with Vers, and Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace), who also shows up later in the movie. Vers is under the command of Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), who appears to be both a mentor and a friend. Vers had some kind of accident six years ago and has no memory of her life before, only wisps of images in dreams. But Yon-Rogg nonetheless encourages her to be the “best version” of herself and she is clearly a solid member of the squad. And she has these nifty glow-hands that can shoot explodey light beams, which is super useful during a fight. The squad is sent to search for an intelligence agent held hostage by the Skrulls, a shape-shifting people labeled by the Kree as terrorists. Vers nearly makes the rescue, but then she is trapped by the Skrulls, who hook her to a machine that allows them to root around in her memories, showing her things — moments of her childhood, military training, time spent flying fighter jets — she doesn’t remember. Most notably, these things take place on Earth, a planet she didn’t realize she was from, and the woman, Dr. Lawson (Annette Bening), that Vers has been seeing in her dreams is significant to the Skrulls as well. They go in search of Lawson and Vers follows them — right down to Earth, where she crash-
The movie also does a bunch of things with how it constructed the story and characters that I really liked: It does not feel the need to wedge in a love story. It gives us a core duo in Larson and Jackson with strong buddy-cop-movie chemistry. It deftly mixes humor and earnestness. It riffs on the ideas of what makes a hero, giving us moments when Vers almost reminded me of Thor and others when the character tapped into a Captain America/Steve Rogers vibe. And this movie has an excellent soundtrack — so much 1990s! You could argue that I am not being objective with this movie, that I was in the tank for it from the beginning and it would have had to be a real stinker for me to dislike it. And you would be totally correct. I am predisposed to like this movie, I went in hoping to have a good time, with general excitement both about this specific character and Marvel films (which have had a really strong run for the last two years, with maybe as many as four years of films that are mostly better than average). But I don’t think that diminishes my opinion that Captain Marvel is a really solid entry in the MCU and it is a really fun movie — not transcendent, like Black Panther, not gleefully perfect in its execution, like Thor: Ragnarok. But really fun, quite good, well worth your theater-going dollars. B+ Rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive language, according to the MPAA. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck with a screenplay by Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck & Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Captain Marvel is two hours and four minutes long and is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 37
NITE Seeing double green Local music news & events
By Michael Witthaus
• Mellow fellow: Starting with the Michael McDonald-aided hit “Ride Like the Wind,” Christopher Cross was a fixture on laidback radio in the late ’70s and early ’80s. His song “Sailing” is Patient Zero for what’s now known as yacht rock, and “Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)” was the best thing about that movie. MTV slowed his ascent, but the man can still sing. Thursday, March 14, 8 p.m., Tupelo Music Hall, 10 A St. Derry. Tickets $45 and up at • Roots stalwarts: The Side Door Series continues at The Currier with The Mammals, folk rockers connected to the genre’s earliest days. Last year, the band, led by the husbandand-wife team of Ruth Ungar and Mike Merenda, released the infectiously upbeat Sunshiner, their first new album in a dozen years. Folk Alley called the effort “an energetic burst of light.” Friday, March 15, 6 p.m., Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Tickets $25 ($30 at the door). See • Story songs: Celebrating his new solo album Lost City, Andrew North & the Rangers perform in Concord. The singer-songwriter describes the record as a personal retrospective “covering 15 years of creativity, change, loss and wanderlust” — and nine-year hiatus from music — boiled down to 30 minutes and six songs. Think of it as Grade A maple syrup music from the piano man. Saturday, March 16, 8 p.m., Penuche’s Ale House, Concord. Stream the record at • New digs: After months of maddening delays, Lenny Clarke helps launch a downtown comedy showroom that seats 160 and promises some big names in the coming months. Now there’s a dedicated home for hilarity, with shows shuttled from room to room no more. Clarke is well known for his Uncle Teddy role in Rescue Me and an eponymous early ’90s series. Friday, March 15, 8 p.m., Headliners Comedy Club, 700 Elm St., Manchester. Tickets are $30 at • Woman’s day: After working in bands around Boston for a while, Wyn Doran began playing solo. See her at a Nashua listening room that served as an open-mike incubator for her back in the day, as she shares the stage with Gentle Temper and Fruity. Doran, who worked with indie musician Ben Folds during a recent California retreat, just released “Places Unknown,” a rousing tale of empowerment. Wednesday, March 20, 7 p.m., Riverwalk Cafe, 35 Railroad Square, Nashua. See Want more ideas for a fun night out? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store, Google Play and online at HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 38
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day all weekend long By Michael Witthaus
St. Patrick’s Day is on a Sunday this year, so there’s a clearer line between green bandwagon riders and real-deal “locals” like The Wild Rover in Manchester, Peddler’s Daughter in Nashua and the Barley House in Concord. “We’re an Irish pub every day of the year,” says Tom O’Dowd, owner of Cara in Dover. Over a dozen authentic pubs promising start pouring pints at sunrise. • Alan’s (133 N. Main St., Boscawen, 7536631) The party begins on Friday and lasts through Sunday, with returning favorites Those Guys on March 16. • American Legion Post 51 (232 Calef Highway, Epping, 679-8320) presents the Road Salt Trio band playing classic rock ’n’ roll and country music from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $8 per person, and a cash bar will be open. • Anchorage (77 Main St., Sunapee, 7633334) Live music Saturday from Second Wind, and a renovations reveal along with drink specials and prizes. Chris Powers plays Sunday. • Area 23 (State Street, Concord, 881-9060) St. Patrick’s day jam with special guests RosesfromRuins, Harrison & Lily, Ethyric & B. Snair. • Auburn Pitts (167 Rockingham Road, Auburn, 622-6564) Music and feasting on Saturday and Sunday, with band Veggie Burger with Bacon, and Crazy Steve performing both days. Traditional and non-traditional Irish music. • Backyard Brewery (1211 S. Mammoth Road, Manchester, 623-3545) Jordan-Tirrell Wysocki Duo playing Irish music from 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. • Barley House (132 N. Main, Concord, 228-6363) offers fiddle, guitar, and mandolin from Audrey Budington & David Surette. The McGonagle School of Irish Dance returns, following many years of tradition. • Barley House Seacoast (43 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, 379-9161) Doors open at 11 a.m. Sunday with Irish dancers and music from Glen Gibbs followed by The Morris Family Band. • Buckey’s (240 Governor Wentworth Highway, Moultonborough, 476-5485) Singing Postmaster Rick Clogston performs solo for a Sunday matinee from 4 to 7 p.m. • Capitol Center (44 S. Main St., Concord, 225-1111) gets an early start on March 14 with Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy, Canada’s reigning couple of Celtic music, whose dazzling career achievements underpin an incomparable off-stage life. $29.50 and up at • Cara (11 Fourth St., Dover, 343-4390) Jubilly brings real County Cork to the day. Murray Irish Dancers are in rotation throughout the day and a DJ spins tunes. Both floors
are open all day, with bagpipers Frank Lampert and Friends, Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki Trio from 7 p.m. to close. • Chunky’s Cinema Pub (151 Coliseum Ave, Nashua, 880-8055) has Dueling Pianos entertaining on March 15 at the annual St. Patrick’s Day party starting at 9 p.m., with players at the center of the theater viewable from all angles. Laugh, dance, sing and enjoy a few cocktails and pub food. Also March 16, 9 p.m. in Manchester (707 Huse Road) and Pelham (150 Bridge St.). • Club Manchvegas (50 Old Granite St., Manchester, 222-1677) Rock 101 and Greg and the Morning Buzz from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with games and giveaways. Live music starts with Cody James Gang from 6 to 9 a.m.,Wizecrackaz at 2 p.m. and Reckless at 6 p.m. DJ Thomas Dimitri closes the night out at 9 p.m. • Copper Door (15 Leavy Drive, Bedford, 488-2677; 41 S. Broadway, Salem, 455-2033) Music by Chuck Alaimo and Marc Apostolides in Bedford and Steve Aubert and Mark Lapointe in Salem. • Dana Center for the Humanities (100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester, 641-7700) celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day on March 15 with Dervish, one of today’s top Irish bands, bending the traditions of Celtic music with a muscular rhythm section that meets delicate yet earthy vocals. Whirling reels and gentle jigs are played with a peerless musicianship and a pure, lively soul born of the Irish. $40 at • Derryfield (625 Mammoth Road, Manchester, 623-2880) D-Comp starts at 3:30 p.m. and plays until close. • Dos Amigos (26 N Main St., Concord, 4704161) celebrates on March 15 with a real-deal band, The Rebel Collective, local beers on tap, plus Guinness and Jameson for the show. • Dover Brickhouse (2 Orchard St., Dover, 749-3838) St. Paddy’s Punk Rock Bash happens Saturday with Not30, Cool Parents, Ray’s Occult & The Keeper Class. • First Congregational Church (177 N. Main St., Concord, 225-5491) offers inventive jazz arrangements of Irish songs and hymn tunes by Jazz Sanctuary bassist Jock Irvine performed by vocalist and pastor Emilia Halstead, along with guest musicians Bob Maccini on trumpet, Joey Placenti on saxes and flute and The Wild Vine Jazz Sanctuary House Band. A discussion of Celtic spirituality will also occur, all happening on St. Patrick’s Day. • Fury’s Publick House (1 Washington St., Dover, 617-3633) Erin’s Guild plays traditional Irish music at 6 p.m., along with “the usual shenanigans.” • Halligan Tavern (32 W. Broadway, Derry, 965-3490) Long weekend at this authentic “local”: on March 15 at 2 p.m., New Hampshire Pipe & Drums activate the musical portion, with multiple Irish spirits and beer promos also on offer. For the big day, McGonagle
School Of Irish Dancing entertains at 11 a.m., with New Hampshire Pipe & Drums returning at 1 p.m. • Harlow’s (3 School St., Peterborough, 9246365) The monthly February jam is jammed into March’s for an ultimate St. Patrick’s Day Jam. • Holy Grail (64 Main St., Epping, 6799559) Town Like This gets its Irish on for a Friday set, and there’s a “pre-game party” Saturday. On St. Patrick’s Day, the pub housed in a former church opens at 6 a.m. with an Irish breakfast. There is live music throughout the day, raffles and prizes. • Kathleen’s Pub (91 Lake Street, Bristol 744-6336) The O’Brien Clan play on March 15 at 6 p.m., accompanied by the Feileacan Irish Dancers, who appear again March 16 at 2 p.m. Also on March 16 at 7 p.m. it’s Anthony Santoro on uillean pipes, Roger Burridge playing fiddle and Nick Edwards on fiddle and whistle. Doors open at 6 a.m. on March 17 with live music beginning at noon on the stage and continuing throughout the day with more dancing courtesy of the Feileacan Irish Dance School. • Kelley’s Row (417 Route 108, Somersworth, 692-2200) continues it tradition, opening at 6 a.m. for breakfast, with lunch and dinner served from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Traditional Irish band Bradigan starts at noon and plays through the evening, with breaks for bagpipers, drums and step dancing. • Killarney’s (9 Northeastern Boulevard, Nashua, 888-1551) Kieran McNally performs with an Irish dinner on Saturday night, followed by the traditional Tappin O’ the Keg ceremony. McNally returns for the big day, $10 cover. • Makris (354 Sheep Davis Road, Concord, 225-7665) Featured bagpiper at noon and 5 p.m., with Irish music sing-along with DJ fun, prizes and giveaways all day. • Mama McDonough’s (5 Depot St., Hillsborough, 680-4148) Open at 8 a.m. All kinds of specials and giveaways going on, with music featuring four bands, including Speed Trap at noon.
• Master McGrath’s (8 Batchelder Road, Seabrook, 474-6540) On Sunday, there’s live entertainment all day and bagpipers probably passing through at this very Irish pub. • McGarvey’s (1097 Elm St., Manchester, 627-2721) On March 17 it’s a 10 a.m open for this Irish saloon; call for more details. Expect Guinness draft and with music. • Merrill’s Tavern (85 Country Club Drive, Atkinson, 382-8700) On March 17 it’s Stephen Will at 1 p.m., Amanda Cote at 6 p.m. Wear something green and come with Irish spirit. • Millyard Brewery (25 E Otterson St,, Nashua, 505-5079) Crescendo’s Gate plays Saturday to help celebrate a day early. • Moe Joe’s (2175 Candia Road, Candia, 769-4093) Once again it’s Black Pudding Rovers from 4 to 8 p.m. with a full Irish menu. In their 19th year, BPR plays reels, hornpipes, polkas and Irish ballads with audience participation and features Irish fiddler Patrick Hornig, Mike Becker and Ken Wyman on guitar, and Gary Hunter on woodwinds. • Murphy’s Carriage House (393 Route 101, Bedford, 488-5875) On March 17, Town This Small with Cam MacMaster on guitar, and bodhran, Steven DeLong on guitar, mandolin and percussion, and Ryan Green playing guitar, banjo and accordion for a real Irish sound (everyone sings). Justin Cohn also performs. • Murphy’s Taproom (494 Elm St., Manchester, 644-3535) Cam MacMaster’s Irish Trio kicks it off at 9:30, followed by Jonny Friday Duo (1 p.m.), more Irish music from Sean Dennerly at 5 p.m., then Amanda McCarthy Band wrapping up at 9 p.m. • Music Hall (28 Chestnut St, Portsmouth, 436-2400) On March 16. celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day weekend with three of the funniest comedians of Irish descent Boston has to offer – Jim McCue, Joey Carroll and Kristin O’Brien. Hosted by Will Smalley, with Murray Dance Academy and McDonough-Grimes Irish Dance (led by John Grimes, Riverdance cast member from 2009 to 2012. Tickets are $32 to $37 at • O’Shea’s Tavern (449 Amherst St., Nashua, 943-7089) This tavern/cigar bar celebrates March 16 with live music all day and tastings, raffles, door prizes and discounts. • Pasta Loft (241 Union Square, Milford, 672-2270) On Saturday night, DeadBeat performs a Grateful Dead themed show (“Oh, well, a touch of green/will probably suit this day’s scene...”) • Patrick’s Pub (18 Weirs Road, Gilford, 293-0841) On St. Patrick’s Day, starting at 1 p.m. it’s O’Brien Clan, and from 6 to 9 p.m. enjoy Tim Theriault. • Peddler’s Daughter (48 Main St., Nashua, 821-7535) The real deal, spread across four days. Thursday welcome Bill McElaney direct from Donegal, Ireland. Friday the Pop Farmers entertain, and Saturday it’s the Molly McGuires Band. The big day starts at 8 a.m. with Kegs & Eggs, with music at 10 a.m. from Irish Whispa, followed at 2 p.m. by Bill McElaney direct from Ireland. Bagpipers will appear and party favorites Pop Farmers will close the night.
• Penuche’s Music Hall (1087 Elm St., Manchester, 206-5599) On the 17th, go all day with jam bands and beats starring Exodus, Symbiosa, Joshe Teed, Dadum, Flowttiglo, Dadbod, Chris Drake, Gingerlo, Sinfone, Glass Arrowhead, No Beats, Silas and Illicit Movement. • Polish American Club (15 School St., Nashua, 889-9819) March 17, St. Paddy’s goes international with complimentary traditional boiled dinner, music and karaoke by Perfect Entertainment from 1 to 5 p.m. • Portsmouth Book & Bar (40 Pleasant St., Portsmouth, 427-9197) On St. Patrick’s Day, it’s Irish roots with New England branches as Liz and Dan Faiella bring to life the traditional music of their roots. • Press Room (77 Daniel St., Portsmouth, 431-5186) Great Bay Sailor sing the songs and play the tunes found in the great treasure trove of traditional and contemporary Irish music on Sunday. Their Celtic performance features traditional and contemporary dance tunes, marches and slow airs, pub songs, songs of the rebellion, maritime songs, and ballads. • Ri Ra (22 Market Square, Portsmouth, 319-1680) On the big day, music starts with Erin’s Guild, who love sharing a passion for their culture and music, both traditional and contemporary. At 10 p.m. it’s Rebel Collective, a New England-based Irish/American pub-rock Celtic folk punk band pulling songs from both popular and lesser-known traditional Irish songs, contemporary covers, and original compositions. • Salt hill Pub Lebanon (2 W. Park St., Lebanon, 448-4532) This true Irish “local” begins with a ceremonial first pint at 9 a.m. and offers four great bands, Irish dancing, photo booth, the drive-by-bagpiper, Guinness Girls, cash and other prizes at each ShP, with an Ireland trip for two grand prize awarded pub-wide. Music from Bel Clare at 9 a.m., followed at Rebel Collective at 1 p.m., Atlantic Crossing at 5 p.m., and at 9 p.m. O’hAnleigh takes it to closing. • Salt hill Pub Hanover (7 Lebanon St., Hanover, 676-7855) Same deal as the flagship Lebanon location, with the following musical schedule: 9 a.m. it’s Eire Flare, at 12:30 p.m. The Frogz, 4 p.m. it’s The Salt hill Ceili Band and Atlantic Crossing plays at 9 p.m. • Salt hill Pub Newport (58 Main St., Newport, 863-7774) Same deal as the flagship Lebanon location, with the following musical schedule: 9 a.m. it’s Atlantic Crossing, 12:30 p.m. O’hAnleigh, 4:30 p.m. The Shaskeen Trio and 9 p.m. it’s the Grimm Brothers, an Irish band from the Seacoast. • Salt hill Pub Sunapee (1407 Rt 103, Newbury, 763-2667) At the “Shanty,” named after the Sunapee pub formerly in the same location owned by ShP founders Josh and Joe Tuohy’s parents, it’s the same deal as the flagship Lebanon location, with the following musical schedule: 9 a.m. O’hAnleigh, noon Salt hill Ceili Band, 4 p.m. Bel Clare and 9 p.m. the Skip Gorman Duo. • Salt hill Pub West Lebanon (5 Airport Road, West Lebanon, 298-5566) The newest ShP location in the old 7 Barrel Brewery spot –
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just like the flagship Lebanon location, there’s all-day on March 17, with the following schedule: 9 a.m. Rebel Collective, 1 p.m. the Grimm Brothers, 4:30 p.m. O’hAnleigh and 8:30 p.m. Salt hill Ceili Band. • Shaskeen (909 Elm St., Manchester, 625-0246) Kicking off with St. Patrick’s Day breakfast at 5:30 a.m. and first pints at 6 a.m., with food, drink promotions and live music all afternoon and night, with an occasional bagpiper thrown in. Teddy and Laura from 96.5 The Mill will be broadcasting from the pub from 7 to 10 a.m., and will be giving away limited-edition Guinness glassware and tickets to see Lynyrd Skynyrd. Baileys Coffee Bar for breakfast, and Jameson Irish Whiskey giveaways. Live music lineup: 11 a.m. The Gobshites; 3 p.m. Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki Trio; 6 p.m. Rockspring Music; 8 p.m. The Rebel Collective. • Strange Brew (88 Market St., Manchester, 666-4292) All-day music on Sunday starting with bagpipers at 8 a.m. $3 Guinness promo all day long, with prizes and giveaways. Music includes Andy Happell at 9 a.m., David Rousseau at 1 p.m. and Scharff Brothers from 6:30 to 9 p.m. • Sunapee Coffeehouse (9 Lower Main St., Sunapee, 446-3426, ext. 11) On March 15, the annual Irish “seisiun” happens. It’s a gathering of accomplished musicians who not only know many of the traditional Irish tunes and songs but often know a lot about Ireland’s history and culture.
• Tandy’s (1 Eagle Square, Concord, 8567614) On March 14, comedy with Dave Rattigan and some of New England’s funniest comics: Scott MacNeil, Colleen McCauley, Mark Moccia and John Tousignant The evening is hosted by local comedian Rick Gauthier. • Thirsty Moose (21 Congress St, Portsmouth, 427-8645) On March 17, The Mockingbirds return for another year – it’s the second annual St. Paddy’s Day party at The Moose. • Throwback Brewery (7 Hobbs Road, North Hampton, 379-2317) On March 17 there’s live Irish music with Penhallow from 1 to 3 p.m. • Tupelo Music Hall (10 A St., Derry, A tradition continues on St. Patrick’s Day with the Glengarry Bhoys performing with Yoke Shire opening. Tickets $33 at • Village Trestle (25 Main St., Goffstown, 497-8230) Sunday, there’s live Irish music by The O’Gills from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The weekly Blues Jam happens later at its regular 3 p.m. time. • Whiskey Barrel (546 Main St., Laconia, 884-9536) On March 16, not exactly St. Patrick’s Day, enjoy a not exactly Irish, but fun, party with rocking cover band Funbox. • Wild Rover (21 Kosciuszko St., Manchester, 669-7722) The realest of Irish pubs opens at 6 a.m., serving Irish breakfast buffet until 11 a.m. Live music happens all day, with firefighters and bagpipers making an appearance.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 40
1. Adds music into a film scene 5. Tom Petty wrote ‘Peace in LA’ for the LA these 10. Lip-sync 14. Continent-inspired prog-rockers? 15. What clap-alonger next to you will
do, perhaps 16. Goldfinger ‘King For __ __’ (1,3) 17. When The Beatles go underwater they all live in one (6,9) 20. ‘12 Fiona Apple album ‘The __ Wheel’ 21. These little rocks might get in the
way of Phish’s ‘Marbles’ 22. What wardrobe does to torn garment 25. Beartooth “__ __ the voice of God” (2,2) 26. ‘How Deep Is Your Love?’ __ Gees 29. ‘Rub You The Right Way’ Johnny 31. U2 producer Daniel 35. Elton John ‘Club At The __ Of The Street’ 36. Boom Crash Opera might peel the layers of ‘__ Skin’ 38. ‘Breathe (2 AM)’ Nalick 39. Compilation album: ‘__ Bob Marley And The Wailers’ (6,3,4,2) 43. ‘10 Soulfly album that foreshadows? 44. Duran Duran “__ __ prayer ‘til the morning after” (4,1) 45. Spinners ‘__ Of A Kind (Love Affair)’ 46. ‘97 Black Lab hit ‘__ __ Away’ (4,2) 49. Wuthering Heights singer Patrik
Johansson 50. Josh Groban ‘__ Te’ 51. Cornershop’s “Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow” song ‘Brimful Of __’ 53. Vandals ‘We’ll All Get __’ 55. Musical gurus for beginners 58. Jimmy Jam & Terry __ 62. ‘04 Simple Plan hit about an invitation to someone’s world? (7,2,2,4) 65. Consumer Rapport ‘__ On Down The Road’ 66. Counting Crows ‘Across __ __: Live In New York City’ (1,4) 67. Brother Cane ‘__ __ In The Bed I Make’ (1,3) 68. Static-X ‘__ For Days’ 69. Bob Seger’s unoriginally titled 7th album 70. Gains an producer
1. ‘03 Pete Yorn album ‘__ __ Forgot’ (3,1) 2. Madonna ‘This __ To Be My Playground’ 3. Former President Clinton that played sax 4. Record companies need these or they go belly-up 5. Like some early recordings 6. Doorman contacts 7. Curtis Mayfield soul classic ‘Move __ __’ (2,2) 8. Bob Dylan “If I have __ __, steal or borrow” (2,3) 9. Prince had no name and was this for a while 10. Wallflowers “One, two, three __” 11. “I wanna hold you till __ __, till we both break down and cry” (1,3)
12. Cher’s ‘World’ in ‘95 was a this one 13. Goo Goo Dolls blink w/a ‘Lazy’ one 18. Everclear northwest home state 19. 70s Agnetha Fältskog band 23. What ‘She’s Like’, to Patrick Swayze 24. British punk band that released ‘Cut’ in ‘79 26. ‘03 Chevelle hit ‘Send The Pain __’ 27. ‘99 Blink-182 album ‘__ Of The State’ 28. Meredith Brooks was ‘Blurring’ these 30. ‘Speak’ actress/singer Lindsay 32. Jake Owen ‘Cherry __ __’ (2,3) 33. Cage The Elephant ‘__ __ Ear’ (2,3) 34. Like seats instead of mosh pit 37. ‘C’est La Vie’ singer Robbie 40. What light show did 41. __ Fleck And The Flecktones 42. How an expert plays 47. Howard Jones ‘No One __ __ Blame’ (2,2) 48. ‘She Blinded Me With Science’ Dolby 52. The Fixx ‘__ __ Ourselves?’ (3,2) 54. Dylan song about novelist Ephron? 55. Stars might eat one in dressing room 56. Jane’s Addiction “She just don’t know what __ to do about it” 57. Dead Boys frontman Bators 59. Aerosmith ‘Deuces Are __’ 60. ‘__ __ Found The Right Words To Say’ Snow Patrol (2,2) 61. Cake ‘Ruby __ All’ 62. You upload songs and post them on the world wide this 63. Japanese femmes __ Ska Band 64. Camper Van Beethoven took ‘Pictures Of Matchstick’ ones © 2019 Todd Santos Written
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 41
Want more music, comedy or big-name concerts? Check out Hippo Scout, available via the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Alton JP China 403 Main St. 875-8899 Rusty Moose 16 Homestead Place 855-2012
Boscawen Alan’s 133 N. Main St. 753-6631 Bow Chen Yang Li 520 South St. 228-8508
Amherst LaBelle Winery 345 Route 101 672-9898 Bridgewater Bridgewater Inn Ashland 367 Mayhew Turnpike Common Man 744-3518 60 Main St. 968-7030 Bristol Atkinson Back Room at the Mill Merrill’s Tavern 2 Central St. 744-0405 85 Country Club Drive Kathleen’s Cottage 382-8700 91 Lake Street 744-6336 Purple Pit Auburn 28 Central Square Auburn Pitts 744-7800 167 Rockingham Rd 622-6564 Concord Auburn Tavern Area 23 346 Hooksett Rd State Street 881-9060 587-2057 Barley House 132 N. Main 228-6363 Barrington Cheers Nippo Lake Restaurant 17 Depot St. 228-0180 88 Stagecoach Road Common Man 644-2030 1 Gulf Street 228-3463 Onset Pub Granite Crotched Mtn. Ski 96 Pleasant St. 227-9000 Resort 588-3688 Hermanos 11 Hills Ave. 224-5669 Bedford Litherman’s Brewery Bedford Village Inn 126 Hall St. Unit B 2 Olde Bedford Way 219-0784 472-2001 Makris Copper Door 354 Sheep Davis Rd 15 Leavy Drive 225-7665 488-2677 Penuche’s Ale House Murphy’s Carriage 6 Pleasant St. 228-9833 House Pit Road Lounge 393 Route 101 488-5875 388 Loudon Rd 226-0533 T-Bones Tandy’s 169 South River Road 1 Eagle Square 856-7614 623-7699 True Brew 3 Bicentennial Square Belmont 225-2776 Lakes Region Casino 1265 Laconia Road Contoocook 267-7778 Covered Bridge Cedar St. 746-5191
British Beer Company Kingston 1071 S. Willow St. Saddle Up Saloon 92 New Hampshire 125 232-0677 Bungalow Bar & Grille 369-6962 333 Valley St. 792-1110 Cafe la Reine Laconia 915 Elm St 232-0332 405 Pub Central Ale House 405 Union Ave Farmer’s Market 23 Central St. 660-2241 524-8405 Town Center 369-1790 City Sports Grille Broken Spoke Saloon 216 Maple St. 625-9656 1072 Watson Rd Deerfield Club ManchVegas 866-754-2526 Nine Lions Tavern 50 Old Granite St. Naswa 4 North Road 463-7374 222-1677 1086 Weirs Blvd. Derryfield Country 366-4341 Derry Club Paradise Beach Club Coffee Factory 625 Mammoth Road 322 Lakeside Ave. 55 Crystal Ave 432-6006 623-2880 366-2665 Drae Element Lounge Patio Garden 14 E Broadway Lakeside Ave. No Phone 1055 Elm St. 627-2922 216-2713 Pitman’s Freight Room Foundry 50 Commercial St. 94 New Salem St. Dover 836-1925 527-0043 603 Bar & Lounge Fratello’s Tower Hill Tavern 368 Central Ave. 155 Dow St. 624-2022 264 Lakeside Ave. 742-9283 Great North Ale Works 366-9100 Cara Hillsboro 1050 Holt Ave. Unit #14 Whiskey Barrel 11 Fourth St. 343-4390 Farmington Brick House 546 Main St. 884-9536 858-5789 Dover Brickhouse Hawg’s Pen 125 West Main St. Ignite Bar & Grille 2 Orchard St. 749-3838 1114 NH Route 11 680-4146 100 Hanover St. Londonderry Falls Grill & Tavern 755-3301 494-6225 Coach Stop 421 Central Ave. Hillsborough Jewel 176 Mammoth Rd 749-0995 Francestown Mama McDonough’s 61 Canal St. 836-1152 437-2022 Flight Coffee Toll Booth Tavern 5 Depot St. 680-4148 KC’s Rib Shack Harold Square 478 Central Ave. 740 2nd NH Tpke N Turismo 837 Second St. 226 Rockingham Road 842-5325 588-1800 55 Henniker St. 680-4440 432-7144 627-RIBS Fury’s Publick House Long Blue Cat Brewing Murphy’s Taproom 1 Washington St. Gilford Hooksett 298 Rockingham Road 494 Elm St. 644-3535 617-3633 Patrick’s Penuche’s Music Hall 816-8068 Garrison City Beerworks 18 Weirs Road 293-0841 Asian Breeze 1328 Hooksett Rd 1087 Elm St. 206-5599 Pipe Dream Brewing 455 Central Ave. Schuster’s Salona 40 Harvey Road 343-4231 680 Cherry Valley Road 621-9298 128 Maple St. 624-4020 Chantilly’s 404-0751 Sonny’s 293-2600 Shaskeen 1112 Hooksett Road Stumble Inn 328 Central Ave. 625-0012 20 Rockingham Road 909 Elm St. 625-0246 343-4332 Goffstown Shorty’s Granite Tapas 432-3210 Thirsty Moose Village Trestle 1050 Bicentennial Drive 1461 Hooksett Rd Twins Smoke Shop 83 Washington St. 25 Main St. 497-8230 625-1730 232-1421 128 Rockingham Rd 842-5229 Stark Brewing Co. No Phone Top of the Chop Hampton 500 N. Commercial St. Hudson 1 Orchard St. 740-0006 Bernie’s Beach Bar 625-4444 Backstreet Bar Loudon 73 Ocean Blvd 926-5050 Strange Brew Tavern Hungry Buffalo Dublin Boardwalk Inn & Cafe 76 Derry St. 578-1811 Nan King 58 New Hampshire 129 88 Market St. 666-4292 DelRossi’s Trattoria 139 Ocean Blvd. Sweeney Post 222 Central St. 798-3737 73 Brush Brook Rd (Rt 929-7400 251 Maple St. 623-9145 882-1911 137) 563-7195 Cloud 9 Whiskey’s 20 River’s Pub Manchester 225 Ocean Blvd. 20 Old Granite St. 76 Derry St. 943-7832 Backyard Brewery East Hampstead 601-6102 The Bar 1211 S. Mammoth Road 641-2583 Pasta Loft CR’s Wild Rover 2B Burnham Rd 623-3545 220 E. Main St. 378-0092 287 Exeter Road 21 Kosciuszko St. 943-5250 Bonfire 929-7972 669-7722 Town Tavern 950 Elm St. 663-7678 Epping Logan’s Run 142 Lowell Road 889- Bookery Holy Grail 816 Lafayette Road 9900 844 Elm St. 836-6600 64 Main St. 679-9559 926-4343
Thursday, March 14 Dover 603 Bar & Lounge: DJ Pez Auburn Auburn Pitts: Open Jam w/ Cara: Open Bluegrass, Steve Roy Gordy and Diane Pettipas Dover Brickhouse: Gang of One/ Acoustic Night w/Frank McDaniel Bedford Epping Copper Door: Chad Lamarsh Telly’s: Tim Theriault Boscawen Alan’s: John Pratte Exeter Sea Dog Brewing: Rich Amortim Station 19: Thursday Night Live Concord Cheers: April Cushman Common Man: Joel Begin Gilford Granite: CJ Poole Duo Patrick’s: Don Bartenstein Hermanos: Mike Morris Makris: Key Element Hampton CR’s: Mica-Sev Project HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 42
Millie’s Tavern 17 L St. 967-4777 North Beach Bar & Grill 931 Ocean Blvd. 967-4884 Old Salt Tavern 409 Lafayette Rd. Popovers 11 Brickyard Square 734- 926-8322 Shane’s Texas Pit 4724 61 High St. 601-7091 Telly’s 235 Calef Hwy 679-8225 The Goat 20 L St. 601-6928 Tinos Greek Kitchen Epsom 325 Lafayette Rd Hilltop Pizzeria 1724 Dover Rd. 736-0027 926-5489 Wally’s Pub 144 Ashworth Ave. Exeter Neighborhood Beer Co. 926-6954 156 Epping Road 418- Henniker Country Spirit 7124 262 Maple St. 428-7007 Sea Dog Brewing Pat’s Peak Sled Pub 9 Water St. 793-5116 24 Flander’s Road Station 19 428-3245 37 Water St. 778-3923
Bungalow: Second Death/Shame Spiral/Hivemind/Burning Hammer/Marble Mouth Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Laconia Blues Whiskey Barrel: Djdirectdrive City Sports Grille: DJ Dave Club Manchvegas: Adam Fithian Londonderry Foundry: Alex Cohen Coach Stop: Ryan Williamson Fratello’s: Jazz Night Pipe Dream: Kevin Horan Penuche’s Music Hall: Bass Stumble Inn: Eric Grant Weekly Shaskeen: Scott H. Biram Loudon Hungry Buffalo: Jennifer Mitchell Shorty’s: Jonny Friday Strange Brew: A Living Wage Whiskey’s 20: DJs Shawn White/ Manchester Ryan Nichols/Mike Mazz Bookery: Paul Nelson British Beer: Jonny Friday Meredith Giuseppe’s: Jim Tyrrell Hillsborough Turismo: Line Dancing
Merrimack Homestead: Amanda McCarthy Nashua CodeX B.A.R.: Piano Phil DeVille Country Tavern: Peter Pappas Fody’s: Girls Night Out Fratello’s Italian Grille: Sean Coleman O’Shea’s: Mando & The Goat Riverwalk Cafe: Penni Layne and the Wonder Boys w. Kuf Knotz & Christine Elise Shorty’s: Chris Lester
Mason Marty’s Driving Range 96 Old Turnpike Road 878-1324 Meredith Camp 300 DW Highway 279-3003 Giuseppe’s 312 DW Hwy 279-3313 Merrimack Able Ebenezer 31 Columbia Circle 223-2253 Big Kahuna’s Cafe 380 DW Highway 494-4975 Homestead 641 DW Highway 429-2022 Jade Dragon 515 DW Highway 424-2280 Merrimack Biergarten 221 DW Hwy 595-1282 Paradise North 583 DW Hwy 262-5866 Milford J’s Tavern 63 Union Sq. 554-1433 Pasta Loft 241 Union Sq. 672-2270 Rivermill Tavern 11 Wilton Road 554-1224 Tiebreakers at Hampshire Hills 50 Emerson Road 673-7123 Union Coffee Co. 42 South St. 554-8879 Moultonborough Buckey’s 240 Governor Wentworth Hwy 476-5485 Castle in the Clouds 455 Old Mountain Road 478-5900 Nashua 110 Grill 27 Trafalgar Square 943-7443 Agave Azul 94-96 Main St. 943-7240
Peterborough Harlow’s: Bluegrass Night w/ John Meehan La Mia Casa: Soul Repair Portsmouth Beara Irish Brewing: Weekly Irish Music Clipper Tavern: Pete Peterson Dolphin Striker: River Sister Press Room: Cofresi and Plantrae The Goat POR: Isaiah Bennett Rochester Lilac City Grille: Tom Boisse
Newmarket Stone Church: Irish Music w/ Salem Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki & Jim Copper Door: Marc Apostolides Prendergast
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 43
Boston Billiard Club 55 Northeastern Blvd. 943-5630 Country Tavern 452 Amherst St. 889-5871 Dolly Shakers 38 East Hollis St. 577-1718 Fody’s Tavern 9 Clinton St. 577-9015 Fratello’s Italian Grille 194 Main St. 889-2022 Haluwa Lounge Nashua Mall 883-6662 Killarney’s Irish Pub 9 Northeastern Blvd. 888-1551 Margaritas 1 Nashua Dr. 883-0996 Millyard Brewery 25 E Otterson St, 505-5079 O’Shea’s 449 Amherst St. 943-7089 Peddler’s Daughter 48 Main St. 821-7535 Penuche’s Ale House 4 Canal St. 595-9381 Pig Tale 449 Amherst St. 864-8740 R’evolution Sports Bar 8 Temple St. 244-3022 Riverside Barbecue 53 Main St. 204-5110 Riverwalk Cafe 35 Railroad Sq. 578-0200 Shorty’s 48 Gusabel Ave 882-4070 Stella Blu 70 E. Pearl St. 578-5557 White Birch Brewing 460 Amherst St. 402-4444 New Boston Molly’s Tavern 35 Mont Vernon Rd 487-2011
New London Flying Goose 40 Andover Road 5266899 Newmarket Stone Church 5 Granite St. 659-7700 North Hampton Barley House Seacoast 43 Lafayette Rd 3799161 Throwback Brewery 7 Hobbs Road 379-2317 Northwood Umami 284 1st NH Turnpike 942-6427 Peterborough Harlow’s Pub 3 School St. 924-6365 La Mia Casa Pizzeria 1 Jaffrey Road 924-6262 Pittsfield Main Street Grill & Bar 32 Main Street 436-0005 Plaistow Crow’s Nest 181 Plaistow Rd 974-1686 Racks Bar & Grill 20 Plaistow Road 974-2406 Portsmouth 3S Artspace 319 Vaughan St. 766-3330 Beara Irish Brewing 2800 Lafayette Road 342-3272 British Beer Company 103 Hanover St. at Portwalk Place 501-0515 Cafe Nostimo 72 Mirona Road 436-3100 Cisco Brewers 1 Redhook Way 430-8600
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Weare Stark House: Clint LaPointe Windham Common Man: Jenny Lynn Duo Friday, March 15 Auburn Auburn Pitts: Randy & Brad Duo Auburn Tavern: Another Shot
Clipper Tavern 75 Pleasant St. 501-0109 Dolphin Striker 15 Bow St. 431-5222 Earth Eagle Brewings 165 High S. 502-2244 Grill 28 200 Grafton Road (Pease Golf Course) 433-1331 Latchkey 41 Vaughan Mall 766-3333 Martingale Wharf 99 Bow St. 431-0901 Portsmouth Book & Bar 40 Pleasant St. 427-9197 Portsmouth Gas Light 64 Market St. 430-9122 Press Room 77 Daniel St. 431-5186 Ri Ra Irish Pub 22 Market Square 319-1680 Rudi’s 20 High St. 430-7834 Thirsty Moose 21 Congress St 427-8645 White Heron Tea 601 Islington St 501-6266 Raymond Cork n’ Keg 4 Essex Drive 244-1573 Rochester Governor’s Inn 78 Wakefield St. 332-0107 Lilac City Grille 103 N. Main St 332-3984 Magrilla’s 19 Hanson Road 3301964 Radloff’s 38 North Main St. 948-1073 ReFresh Lounge 45 North Main St. 402-4136 Revolution Tap Room 61 N Main St. 244-3022 Smokey’s Tavern 11 Farmington Rd 3303100
Derry Coffee Factory: Dave LaCroix Drae: Brad Bosse Dover 603 Bar & Lounge: DJ Music / Frisky Friday Cara: Jubilly Dover Brickhouse: Barishi/ Moon Tooth/Razorburn City Fury’s Publick House: Nemes Thirsty Moose: Jennifer Tefft Thompson’s: Andy Kiniry
Bedford Murphy’s: Chris Cavanaugh
Epping Holy Grail: Town This Small Telly’s: Jim Hollis
Belmont Lakes Region Casino: DJ Mark
Exeter Sea Dog Brewing: Dan Walker
Concord Area 23: DRA/Mark Huzar Makris: Brickyard Blues Pit Road Lounge: DJ Music Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz True Brew: Heist / Homeschool Prom Queen
Gilford Patrick’s: Dueling Pianos ft: Jon Lorentz vs Jim Tyrrell Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man Goffstown Village Trestle: Karen Grenier
Salem Black Water Grill 43 Pelham Road 328-9013 Colloseum 264 North Broadway 898-1190 Jocelyn’s Lounge 355 South Broadway 870-0045 Sayde’s Restaurant 136 Cluff Crossing 890-1032 Seabrook Castaways 209 Ocean Blvd 760-7500 Chop Shop 920 Lafayette Rd. 760-7706 Somersworth Iron Horse Pub 2 Main St. 841-7415 Old Rail Pizza 400 High St. 841-7152 Suncook Olympus Pizza 42 Allenstown Rd. 4855288 Warner Schoodacs Cafe 1 East Main St. 456-3400 The Local 2 East Main St. 456-6066 Weare Stark House Tavern 487 South Stark Highway 529-0901 Wilton Local’s Café 65 Main St. 782-7819 Windham Common Man 88 Range Road 898-0088 Old School Bar & Grill 49 Range Road 458-6051
Hampton CR’s: Steve Sibulkin Logan’s Run: Rob & Jody The Goat: Norman Bishop Wally’s Pub: Bailout Henniker Sled Pub: Will Hatch Hooksett Asian Breeze: DJ Albin Hudson The Bar: Mitch Pelkey Town Tavern: JAM Duo Londonderry Coach Stop: Chris Cavanaugh Long Blue Cat: Casey Roop Duo Pipe Dream: Young Folk Manchester Backyard Brewery: Alex Cohen Bonfire: Isaiah Bennett British Beer: Matt The Sax Club ManchVegas: Diezel Derryfield: Last Kid Picked Foundry: Chad Verbeck
Fratello’s: Chris Gardner Penuche’s: Launch Pad: DJ Myth Shaskeen: Tim Winchester Trio Strange Brew: Gravel Project Whiskey’s 20: DJs Jason Spivak & Sammy Smoove Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois Merrimack Homestead: Marc Apostolides Jade Dragon: DJ John Paul Milford J’s Tavern: Acoustic BS Pasta Loft: Bush League Tiebreakers: Brian Weeks Moultonborough Buckey’s: Carolyn Ramsay Nashua CodeX B.A.R.: Piano Phil DeVille Country Tavern: Hugh McQueen Fody’s: Cabin Culture Fratello’s: Rick Watson Peddler’s Daughter: Pop Farmers Riverwalk Cafe: Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles w. Liz Frame and the Kickers Stella Blu: Mark Lapointe
Rochester Lilac City: Yamica Peterson Radloff’s: Dancing Madly Backwards Duo ReFresh Lounge: Free Flow Fridays w/ Gypsy Owls Revolution: Gabby Martin Seabrook Chop Shop: Blackheart
Exeter Sea Dog Brewing: Irish Music w/ Town This Small Gilford Patrick’s: Justin Jaymes Schuster’s: Dan The Muzak Man
Somersworth Iron Horse Pub: Pete Peterson w/ Rhythm Method Goffstown Village Trestle: Bob Pratte Band Weare Stark House: April Cushman Hampton Old Salt: Two Days From MonSaturday, March 16 day Acoustic Alton The Goat: Rob Benton JP China: Pub Pirates Band Wally’s Pub: John 5 Auburn Auburn Tavern: Randy Arrant
Henniker Sled Pub: Dave Chaisson
Bedford Murphy’s: Grace Rapetti
Hudson The Bar: MF Law Town Tavern: Justin Cohn
Bow Chen Yang Li: Chad Verbeck Bristol Purple Pit: The Honey Bees
New Boston Concord Molly’s: 21st and 1st Dan Murphy Area 23: Jam w/Chelsea Paolini/ Brad Bosse/Winterland Newmarket Hermanos: The Brothers Dann Stone Church: Psychedelic Per- Blues Band forming music of Grateful Dead Penuche’s Ale House: Andrew North & the Rangers / Senie Hunt Northwood Pit Road Lounge: Crave Umami: David Lane w/ Chris Tandy’s: DJ Iceman Streetz O’Neill True Brew: Sensitive Men/Felix Holt/Hometown Eulogy/These Peterborough Trees Harlow’s: Radio Star Contoocook Plaistow Covered Bridge: Joe Leary Crow’s Nest: Maiden New England Farmer’s Market: Dean Harlem Portsmouth 3S Artspace: The Ballroom Thieves w/ Julie Rhodes British Beer: Justin Demers Clipper Tavern: Michael Troy Portsmouth Book & Bar: Greta DiGiorgio Portsmouth Gaslight: Phil Jacques/Ryan Williamson Press Room: Portland DJs Daze Inn w/Glass Arrowhead/ Electrya/ Slaythoven Ri Ra: Jon Hollywood Rudi’s: Duke Thirsty Moose: Beneath the Sheets
Epsom Circle 9: Country Dancing Hilltop Pizzeria: Day Janeiro Live St Patty’s Party
Kingston Saddle Up: Houston Bernard Band Laconia Whiskey Barrel: St. Patrick’s Day Party Londonderry Coach Stop: Sean Coleman Long Blue Cat: Jam Duo Stumble Inn: Conniption Fits
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Loudon Hungry Buffalo: Bend The Ride
Manchester Backyard Brewery: Paul Gormley Bonfire: Haywire Band Bungalow: Fame / DJ Sunny City Sports Grille: Granite Road Club ManchVegas: DJ J. Porter Derryfield: The Hip Movers Dover Foundry: Eric Lindberg 603: DJ Music / Sexy Saturday Fratello’s: Ryan Williamson Cara: DJ SKD Jewel: Roots of Creation/Joe Dover Brickhouse: Rays Occult/ Sambo/Buddahfly The Keeper Class/Not 30 Murphy’s: Max Sullivan Duo Flight Coffee: Swing Dance w/ Penuche’s: Jack Rabbit Slims Clyde Bisbee and the Wheelhouse Shaskeen: Ready Relief Revelers Strange Brew: Amorphous Band Fury’s Publick House: Amulus Whiskey’s 20: DJ Hizzy/Shawn Thirsty Moose: Jillian Jensen White Thompson’s: Freddy Dame Jr. Meredith Epping Giuseppe’s: Putnam Pirozzoli Holy Grail: St. Patrick’s PreGame w/ Jubilee Merrimack Telly’s: Rick Watson Big Kahuna’s: Quincy Lord
COMEDY THIS WEEK AND BEYOND Wed., March 13 Friday, March 15 Manchester Concord Shaskeen: Kyron Cap Center: Tape Face Hobdy/Kindra Lansburg Manchester Thurs., March 14 Headliners: Lenny Clarke Strange Brew Tavern: Laugh Attic Open Mic Londonderry Tupelo: Frank Santorelli, Marty Caproni, Dave Decker
Sat., March 16 Thurs., March 21 Manchester Strange Brew Tavern: Headliners: Paul Gil- Laugh Attic Open Mic ligan Sat., March 23 Wed., March 20 Manchester Manchester Headliners: Dan Crohn Shaskeen: Nick Matthews/Jay Chanoine Murphy’s: Laugh Free Or Die Open Mic HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 45
Homestead: Marc Apostolides Jade Dragon: DJ Laura
Milford J’s Tavern: Three Old Guys with Tom Harlan Pasta Loft: Deadbeat Union Coffee: Dirty Double Crossers Nashua Boston Billiard Club: DJ Anthem Throwback CodeX B.A.R.: Piano Phil DeVille Country Tavern: Hugh McQueen Dolly Shakers: Kim Riley/Tom Davis/Ron Stuart Trio Fody’s: The Humans Being Fratello’s: Ted Solovicos Millyard Brewery: Crescendo’s Gate O’Shea’s: St. Patrick’s Day Party Peddler’s Daughter: Irish Whispa/Billy McElaney/Pop Farmers R’evolution: Savage Night w/ Jay Samurai Riverside Barbecue: Down on Farragut Riverwalk Cafe: Willie J Laws Band Stella Blu: Chris Gardner New Boston Molly’s: Yesterday (trio) Pete Smith
Local’s Café: St. Pat’s Day Pass Hampton Strange Brew: St. Patrick’s Day Northwood Umami: Tony DePalma/Liz and Out w/ Kdaver/Killer Intellect/ CR’s: Jazz Brunch w/ Wendy Not- Jam/Music All Day Livid /Crazy J Wild Rover: St. Patrick’s Day Dan Faiella tonson Duo party Sunday, March 17 Peterborough Henniker Barrington Harlow’s: Kyle Webber Country Spirit: Reid and The Meredith Nippo Lake: The Bluegrass Complete Unknowns Giuseppe’s: Open Stage with Lou Bureaux Cats Porrazzo Pittsfield Main Street Grill: Jackie Lee Hillsborough Bedford Mama McDonough’s: St. Pat’s Moultonborough Copper Door: Chuck Alaimo Buckey’s: Rick Clogston Plaistow Party w/ 4 Bands Crow’s Nest: Bite the Bullet Concord Nashua Hudson Hermanos: Eric Chase O’Shea’s: St. Patrick’s Day Party Portsmouth River’s Pub: Acoustic Jam Makris: St. Patrick’s Day w/DJ Pig Tale: Soulful Sunday 3S Artspace: The Last Waltz Laura Riverside Barbecue: Dark Roots British Beer: Jodee Frawlee Laconia Clipper Tavern: Jon Hollywood Penuche’s: Open w/ Steve Naylor Broken Spoke Saloon: Acoustic (Johnny Straws) Portsmouth Book & Bar: JazzDetour Dover Northwood putin Jubilly/Jordan Tir- Londonderry Umami: Bluegrass Brunch w/ Portsmouth Gaslight: Mark Cara: rell-Wysocki/DJ SKD Lapointe/Triana Wilson Pipe Dream Brewing: St. Pat- Cecil Abels Press Room: GA20 & Hayley Fury’s: Erin’s Guild/ AOH Piper’s rick’s Day Beer & Eggs and Drummers Portsmouth Thompson-King Beara Irish Brewing: Irish Music Ri Ra: The Rebel Collective/ Sonny’s: Sonny’s Jazz Manchester Erin’s Guild Backyard Brewery: Jordan Tir- Press Room: St. Patrick’s Day Exeter Celebration w/Great Bay Sailor Rudi’s: Sal Hughes rell-Wysocki Sea Dog Brewing: St. Pat’s British Beer: Big Red Rudi’s: Jazz Brunch w/Ms. ShaThe Goat: Rob Pagnano Brunch w/ David Surette & Jim Bungalow: Good Intentions, His ron Jones Thirsty Moose: Fighting Friday Prendergast & Rockspring Duo Dream of Lions, JumpShip, Shal- The Goat: Rob Pagnano Seabrook low Pools, Polydrive & Tiny the Gilford Chop Shop: Inner Child Bear Patrick’s: St. Patrick’s Day - Shaskeen: Rap, Industry night O’Brien Clan (Benjamin O’Brien) Somersworth 1p & Tim Theriault 6p Iron Horse Pub: High & Dry
Goffstown Weare Newmarket Stark House Tavern: Chris Les- Village Trestle: St. Patrick’s Day with The O’Gils 11:30 Blues Jam Stone Church: St Patrick’s Party ter 3p with The Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki Trio Wilton
Rochester Lilac City: Brunch Music w/ Mica’s Groove Train Salem Copper Door: Steve Aubert Seabrook Chop Shop: Acoustic Afternoon Warner Schoodacs: Molly Pinto Madigan Monday, March 18 Concord Hermanos: Ken Clark Hampton Sea Ketch: Ray Zerkle/Triana Wilson -N Manchester Central Ale House: Jonny Friday Duo Fratello’s: Rob Wolfe or Phil Jacques Meredith Giuseppe’s: Lou Porrazzo Merrimack Able Ebenezer: Ale Room Music
Get the crowds at your gig Want to get your show listed in the Music This Week? Let us know all about your upcoming show, comedy show, open mike night or multi-band event by sending all the information to Send information by 9 a.m. on Friday to have the event considered for the next Thursday’s paper.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 46
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Nashua Fratello’s: Ryan Williamson Portsmouth Dolphin Striker: Old School Earth Eagle: Holly Furlone Ri Ra: Oran Mor Tuesday, March 19 Concord Hermanos: Kid Pinky Dover Fury’s Publick House: Tim Theriault and Friends Sonny’s: Soggy Po’ Boys Gilford Patrick’s: Paul Luff hosts Manchester Fratello’s: Clint Lapointe Penuche’s: Battle in the Basement Strange Brew: Ken Clark Whiskey’s 20: Sammy Smoove & DJ Gera Meredith Giuseppe’s: Michael Bourgeois Merrimack Homestead: Justin Cohn
North Hampton Barley House: Traditional Irish Session Peterborough Harlow’s: Celtic Music Jam Portsmouth Press Room: Hoot Night w/ Carol Coronis + Larry Garland Jazz Jam w/Kris Klaxton Quartet The Goat: Isaiah Bennett Seabrook Chop Shop: Two Roads Tuesday - Lil’Heaven Wednesday, March 20 Concord Hermanos: Andrew Merzi Dover 603 Bar & Lounge: Rock the Mic w/ DJ Coach Cara: Will Kindler Fury’s Publick House: Victim Of Circumstance Dublin DelRossi’s Trattoria: Celtic and Old Timey Jam Session Hillsborough Turismo: Blues Jam w Jerry Paquette & the Runaway Bluesmen
Nashua Fratello’s: Chris Gardner Newmarket Stone Church: Acoustic Jam hosted by Eli Elkus
Londonderry Coach Stop: Brad Bosse Harold Square: Houdana the Magician (Tableside Magic)
Manchester Bungalow: Souly Had & Entreband/D3V/B Chaps/LPLG/Street Religion Fratello’s: Amanda McCarthy Penuche’s Music Hall: Bill Connors: The Elton Experience Strange Brew: Jesse’s Open Extravaganza Meredith Giuseppe’s: Justin Jaymes Merrimack Homestead: Ted Solovicos Nashua Fratello’s Italian Grille: Phil Jacques Riverwalk Cafe: Wyn Dornan w/ Gentle Temper and Fruity Portsmouth Clipper Tavern: Freddy Dame Jr. Dolphin Striker: Pete Peterson, Ben B. & Brian P. Open Press Room: Viking Moses w/ Jim Rioux Ri Ra: Erin’s Guild The Goat: Beneath The Sheets Rochester Lilac City Grille: Tim Theriault - Ladies Night Revolution Taproom: Hump Day Blues w/ Jeff Hayford Seabrook Chop Shop: Guitar-a-oke & Cocktails
Homestead: Chris Cavanaugh
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 47
“Revolutionaries” — what goes around Across 1 Kiefer, to Donald 4 Agcy. concerned with ergonomics 8 Upside-down V 13 It shares a key with @ 14 “... like ___ of bricks”
15 Language family of Czech and Polish 17 Like some bazookas or missiles 19 2001 A.L. MVP ___ Suzuki 20 Org. with a bunch of particle accelerators
21 Quit at cards 23 Hall’s singing partner 24 “Beware the ___ of March” 25 “I Have a Dream” speech refrain 27 Took in 29 S.F. setting 30 Flower’s protective leaves 32 Comics explosion sound 34 AC measurements 38 Advice based on feelings 41 Terrier type 42 “And others” 43 UCLA player 44 Ebenezer’s epithet 45 Mel of baseball 46 Got ready to kiss 53 ___ Report (upscale magazine)
56 Absolutely ridiculous 57 Opportunity creator 58 Skin softener 59 Movie house 61 Explanation for weird things going on, or what each theme answer has in common 63 A whole bunch 64 “It’s either him ___!” 65 Understand 66 University of ___ Dame 67 Sword used in the Olympics 68 PGA distances Down 1 Actress Keanan of “Step By Step” 2 Had stock in 3 “Just kidding” 4 Muffin grain 5 Group of workers 6 High esteem 7 Bracelet spot 8 “___: Miami” 9 “Little Women” author 10 1986 Indianapolis 500 winner Bobby 11 “Oh, What a Circus” musical 12 Four for the road 16 Went for 18 Fashionable 22 The Blue Demons of the NCAA
26 [whispers] YouTube video genre presented like this 28 Prefix with skeleton 30 Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle, e.g. (abbr.) 31 “Everything’s fine!” 32 When the time comes 33 Mauna ___ (Hawaiian volcano) 34 Stewie’s half-brother on “Family Guy” 35 Redundant statement, in literature 36 Geller who claims paranormal ability 37 Railroad stop (abbr.) 39 Abrade 40 “Ballers” network 44 Yuppie’s ride, slangily 46 ___ de gallo 47 SAG-AFTRA, for one 48 “No problem!” 49 Honored a king, maybe 50 “Finding Dory” actor Willem 51 Assume by force 52 ___ d’Or (award at Cannes) 54 Showed disapproval 55 Predispositions 60 NASDAQ rival 62 “The Ice Storm” director Ang ©2019 Jonesin’ Crosswords
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All quotes are from Blowing the Bloody the right business for you, it will be more Doors Off, by Michael Caine, born March fun than Candy Crush, and it will pay bet14, 1933. ter, too. Mind your business. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) In movie actPisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) My first ing, as in life, you don’t have to be saying crucial break came from a little old man a lot to be effective. Just say a little. in a butter factory. … One day I was heavVirgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) The best way ing crates of butter into the vat, thinking to keep doing enough of the right things this wasn’t much improvement on heav- is to keep doing a lot of things. But don’t ing crates of cold fish … and the old man overdo it. working alongside me said, ‘What the hell Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) In life, as in are you doing here? A young lad like you. front of a camera, your audience will know What is it you want to be?’ Well? when your attention strays. When you’re Aries (March 21 – April 19) Until the only half concentrating on the meeting. 1960s, movie stars had to be superior, dis- When you’re only three-quarters listening tant and unreachable. In the 1960s, we to your partner. I’m sorry, what’d you say? had to be the opposite: the audience had to Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) If the script believe that if they happened to meet Rog- was terrible, maybe the location was fun. er, Sean or me in the pub, we would buy If the location was a steaming jungle or a them a pint and we’d have a good laugh. frozen wasteland, maybe the director was Sean Connery is not buying you a pint. a genius. If the director was dialling it in, Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Could maybe my co-stars made it interesting. you say your lines while half your brain If all else fails, I can always learn from is doing something else, like cooking an whatever mistake got me there in the first omelette or packing a suitcase, or chasing place. So much to learn! someone down the street? If not, you’re Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Unforunlikely to be able to get them out at your tunately, when I started to make the move audition, when half your mind will be fro- from theatre to film acting, it became clear zen with nerves and the other half trying that I had to start my education almost to register the names of the people who from scratch. Different project, different have just introduced themselves to you. skills. Practice. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) These Gemini (May 21 – June 20) In 1990 days, I love small parts. They can be much I made a movie called Bullseye with my more interesting and I don’t have to get up great friend Michael Winner directing and at six thirty in the morning to learn pages my great friend Roger Moore co-starring. of dialogue. Think small. We had a lot of fun making it but nobody Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Winner had any fun watching it, if indeed anybody or loser, my favourite bit was always the actually did. The making and the watching after-show party where, however famous are two different things. I might get, I could still get starstruck by Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Stay in the my fellow guests. There’s always someone moment of this role, this task. If you’re in more famous than you.
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HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 49
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Legal shenanigans
San Juan County (Washington) Sheriff Ron Krebs is on the hot seat after Superior Court Judge Kathryn Loring accidentally discovered a disturbing video. On Jan. 31, Loring was sitting at the desk of the court administrator when she noticed video from a courthouse camera on the computer screen. As she watched, the camera panned and zoomed in on the jury box and counsel tables — settling on Juror No. 3’s notes and a legal pad belonging to Public Defender Colleen Kenimond — right in the middle of a misdemeanor assault and trespassing trial for Lopez Island resident Dustin Schible. According to the Seattle Times, Loring alerted Superior Court Judge Donald Eaton to the video, and Eaton dismissed the charges against Schible, citing government misconduct. Krebs, who controls the cameras, said he was concerned about the defendant, who had threatened to stab a Lopez Island grocer. He claimed he didn’t pass on anything he saw with the camera, and County Prosecutor Randall Gaylord said no one in his office received any information from Krebs. “We are independently elected officials,” Gaylord said, distancing himself from Krebs.
361 Elm Street, Manchester 622-7296 116306
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 50
• The long, harsh winter must be getting to folks in Muskego, Wisconsin, to wit: Police were called to a home on Feb. 22 after “a big teddy bear” was reported to be at a neighbor’s front door. As it turned out, the human-sized panda — not native to the Badger State — was a 48-year-old man who had been asked to check on the dogs and thought it would be funny to prank his neighbors through their security system. “I knew my neighbors had cameras, and I thought I was going to make the ordinary extraordinary and dress up in the panda suit,”
the unnamed man told CBS 58. Apparently he has also picked his daughter up at school and met her at the bus stop in the suit (pandas are her favorite animal). • Neighbors of Michal Prasek, 33, of Zdechov, Czech Republic, were rightly concerned about the animals living on his property. In 2016, Prasek bought a full-grown lion, and two years later added a lioness, for breeding purposes. He built enclosures for them, defying government regulations, and would not allow authorities onto his property to investigate. BBC News reported on March 5 that Prasek’s project had met a tragic end: He was discovered by his father in the lion’s cage, mauled to death. The father said the cage had been locked from the inside. Police who were called to the scene killed the two lions in order to reach Prasek’s body. Presumably grasping for a silver lining, Zdechov Mayor Tomas Kocourek commented: “Today’s incident will perhaps finally help to resolve this long-term problem.” Cold, dude. • Judith Streng and her son, Rod, traveled to Iceland in February, where they visited Diamond Beach, in Jokulsarlon. The tourist attraction features huge chunks of ice that have broken off a nearby glacier. The Texas grandma saw other visitors having their pictures taken on a beached iceberg that was shaped like a throne, so she climbed aboard for her turn. That’s when a “sneaker wave” swept in and took Streng out into the lagoon. “A very large wave came in and kind of made the throne kind of rock,” she told ABC News. Streng was rescued by a boater, Randy Lacount of Florida, who happened to be nearby when she drifted away from shore. “You know I always wanted to be queen,” Streng said. “That was my chance.” Visit
HIPPO | MARCH 14 - 20, 2019 | PAGE 51