His Grace Magazine

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April 2022

His Grace Magazine!


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aron MacDonald like most Canadian’s, has watched as the nation, and world, have fallen deeper into moral decay, especially at the political level. Every policy and action taken seem to be done for power and control vs serving and protecting the people as it was meant to be. Aaron would periodically engage people on political and societal issues, but had not gotten involved where it could actually make a difference, speaking to people of differing opinions is a slow and arduous process that takes years. Taking on the challenge of the establishment is only something that can be done with supernatural support. Our biggest challenge is bringing God back into our public institutions, our moral fabric which was dictated by Him, has been systematically destroyed, removing God, and replacing Him with idols to keep people distracted and appeased. In 2019 he was inspired to write a political version of the 95 Theses famously written by Martin Luther in 1517, it was to challenge the political ideas of the day and share thoughts with potential solutions, ultimately to create a dialogue. Enter the Ontario Party. People may not know this, but they have been around since 2018 and began in order to challenge the current political system. Its Christian foundation is the basis from which its moral and policy initiatives come from. The first line of the Mandate in it’s Charter, which was ratified in Oct 2021 states, “Acknowledging the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law”. This above all else defines what this party is all about. It is not specifically a Christian party as it serves all people, but the moral fiber is based on a Christian belief system which is rooted in the majority of its candidates. In December 2021 Derek Sloan, a deep believer in Christ and freedom fighter, became the Leader of the Ontario Party because of his belief in what the party stood for. In January 2022 Aaron again felt prompted to get involved, he looked up the details of the Ontario Party and was immediately caught by its charter and what the party stood for. Prayerfully, him and his wife Julie considered each step from the submission of the initial application, to the acceptance of the offer to run. Each time, praying that if it is not within God’s will, that doors be closed. They felt that if God was not in this, that they did not want to get involved, but if He was, they needed to proceed. Although the process has just begun, every time situations arise that seem to appear defeating, a door has opened in the most unexpected ways, the secular world would call it coincidence or luck, Aaron and Julie believe it to be divine appointments. Regardless of the outcome in June. The opportunity to talk about God to a broader audience, to show His love and kindness through day to day interactions, and the blessing that comes from meeting new people from all walks of life will be well worth all the effort required to complete such a task. It will take a supernatural effort to achieve the goals we have set out, but by putting God first, all things are possible!

Authorized by the CFO of the Ontario Party

Simcoe North Riding

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