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here are days when I struggle with real pain. And it doesn't feel light or momentary. It feels heavy, as though I'm never going to get through it. If anything, it feels hopeless. Have you ever struggled to hold on to hope? Unfortunately, we live in a culture where you have to 'see it to believe it.' Our focus is on money, appearance, fame, and pleasures that life brings. The Bible tells us to focus on things that are unseen... faith, friendships, our relationship with God, things that matter most in life that bring us the most joy and fulfillment. Where our treasures are, there will our heart be also (Matthew 6:21). In Colossians 3:14, Paul commands believers to exercise this focus: "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died,
His Grace Magazine!
Look Up! and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." When we read Bible
we will be resurrected, as Christ was. Then we will spend eternity with Him in a glory that will far outweigh and outlast the lightweight and momentary suffering
verses such as this, we're reminded that in times of suffering, no matter how unbearable they may be, they can't even be compared to the far weightier glory of eternity. So what is this weigh of glory that God is preparing for us? The word 'glory' in this verse refers to fame and light. However, it's not referring to fame with men; it's referring to fame, or approval, with God. Little do we realize it, but we crave that approval of our Creator. God is also preparing us to be extraordinary. We know that, after we die,
of this life. We will be perfected in our new glorified bodies made for the new heaven. Things that are visible to us in this life are here for just a moment and then gone. Try focusing on the spiritual world. Because God is eternal, whatever exists with Him in the spiritual world will never end. Keeping our focus on the eternal glory of fellowshipping with God helps us to endure suffering in this life. Paul, the writer of Corinthians, knew real pain very well. Not only physical pain from beatings and illness, but
August 2021
emotional pain such as rejection, abandonment, and false accusations. Yet he loved and cared for the believers. He carried an emotional burden for them. Paul is not making light of sufferings in this verse. He is basically saying that our suffering will change based on where we are looking. When we fix our sights on the unseen future reality that Christ has promised us, our current pain fades from view. This encourages us to suffer for the cause of the gospel. It is easier not to speak up, it's easier not to share the gospel with a friend, family member or neighbor, but we must... We must take up our cross and follow Jesus. Followers of Christ look at more than just what can be seen; they hear more than just what can be heard; they look at what is unseen and unheard. This material world will come and pass, but God's word is eternal, and He is everlasting. There is nothing in all the world that can compare to the day