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Secrets from the Prophecies of Daniel...
from His Grace Magazine
by His Grace
Book by: Dr. David Jeremiah
Written by: Lynne Wood
TheHandwriting on the Wall is the latest book written by Dr. David Jeremiah. I couldn't wait to read this book and it certainly did not disappoint. This book is all about the prophecies of Daniel; it is very fascinating that, what was written thousands of years ago pertains to things happening now, and what is still to come. This book takes you through Daniel's life and his absolute unwavering love for God.
Whatever Daniel's circumstances in life were, he had a strong faith, trust and love for God that it didn't matter to him. Oh sure, he missed Jerusalem and his way of life very much, but he did whatever God asked of him and never questioned it.
Daniel and his three friends were just teenagers when they were taken into captivity from their home in Jerusalem to Babylon, where they would serve for seventy years. When they arrived in Babylon, their names were changed in an attempt to erase their Hebrew heritage. The name, Daniel, means 'God is my judge'; it was changed to Belteshazzar; Hananiah means 'Jehovah is gracious'; Mishael means 'Who is like God'; Azariah means 'Jehovah is my helper.' Their names were changed to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. Their new names refer to false gods worshipped by the Babylonians.
They went through a very intense program for three years to re-educate them to learn their language and culture. They made every effort to make them forget their God and embrace the pagan culture of the Babylonians.
As everybody knows with the story of Daniel in the Bible, Daniel was given a great gift from God to be able to interpret dreams. Daniel interpreted many dreams for kings while in Babylon; however, Daniel was greatly afraid of the dreams he saw of the future for Israel.
I know most people know about Daniel from the Bible, but this book takes you on Daniel's journey and beyond.
Dr. David Jeremiah does a wonderful job of explaining how Daniel's dreams pertain to the present day and what they mean.
"Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding."
Daniel 2:20-21